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Digital Clock

The design of digital clock using Verilog HDL on FPGA board cyclone II




TIANJIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION (天津职业技术师范大学) Advanced Digital Design Final Exam: Digital Clock Design Using Verilog Dhl Name: Isack Bulugu Submission date: 2012-05-18 Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.1.1 General Objective: ............................................................................................................ 4 1.1.2 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................................ 4 1.2 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Verilog HDL .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.4 Counter .................................................................................................................................... 5 1.5 LED .......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.6 KEY /PUSH BUTTONS ................................................................................................................ 5 2.0 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Compilation ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Pins assignment ....................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Block diagram .......................................................................................................................... 9 3.0 IMPLEMENTATION ..................................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Verilog HDL codes .................................................................................................................. 11 3.2 Loading verilog HDL codes into Cyclone II FPGA Experiment board. ........................................ 14 4.0 RESULTS ..................................................................................................................................... 15 5.0 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 16 6.0 References ................................................................................................................................. 17 2 Table of figures Figure 1: Full compilation........................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 2: Pins assignment. ....................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 3: Schematic diagram for digital clock. .......................................................................................... 9 Figure 4 : Cyclone II FPGA Experiment Board ......................................................................................... 10 Figure 5 : USB-Blaster .......................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 6 : Cyclone II FPGA board display the results. ............................................................................ 15 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION Digital clock means clock is using ciphers to display time digitally which is completely different from Analog Clock, where the time is displayed by mechanical hands. Digital clocks are often made up by electronic drives; the word "digital" refer only to the display and not the drive mechanism. All type of Clock that is analog and digital clocks both can be driven either mechanically or electronically. 1.1 OBJECTIVES 1.1.1 General Objective: The main objective of this project was to design and implementation of digital clock using Verilog HDL. 1.1.2 Specific Objectives The following were specific objectives 1. The designed program must count hours from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 using eight seven segment displays. 2. The digital clock design using Magic SOPC experiment box. That means the pins assignment must be finished. 1.2 OVERVIEW A digital clock has been designed and implemented as presented in this report. It displays the time on seven segment led displays and time from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 .Which means it display hours, minutes, and seconds .It made up by 7 segment LED patterns with two bits key enable signal, 25 bits Counters, Registers. 1.3 Verilog HDL To make this digital clock to work properly we used Verilog language to program each and every device. All enable signal are active low (enabled when a signal is 0) and if enable signal is fast enough the human eyes cannot distinguish the between ON/OFF interval of the LEDs and perceives that all displays are lit simultaneously. To supply a 1Hz signal to the concurrent always blocks, one can make use of a counter that receives a 50MHz clock from the onboard clock source. 4 1.4 Counter Apart from the clock there is counter which plays a major role in this project. It was used to count and increment the output before next state to occur during display of seven segment display and normally works on positive edge clock. Counters in the tens place resent on achieving a value of 5, 5 and 2 (with the units counter on 3) for seconds, minutes and hours respectively. This is because the LED accepts only one character at a time, and converting a binary number into a two decimal digit number. The three counters are updated using the same method of concurrent always blocks and a counter generating a 1Hz signal. 1.5 LED To display data on the LED, one needs to first initialize the LED on power-on. The LED connects to the FPGA through a 4-bit data bus and three control bits. Since the data bus is also shared with the onboard Magic SOPC, it is necessary to write a logical high bit at all times while using the LED. A schematic diagram is given in the user manual, which has been reproduced here for convenience. The three most significant bits are decoded to generate the enable signal and are used as the selection signal for multiplexing .As it shown on program codes in section 2.0 we use timing of 0.5second for 50Hz to count up by increment of 1 bit and when it reaches maximum bit value {25 bits} it clear the counter to zero and start again to count. The three most significant bits are decoded to generate the enable signal and are used as the selection signal for multiplexing. 1.6 KEY /PUSH BUTTONS Using the push button switches SET or KEY, we set the desired time and the set time could be seen on the seven-segment LED displays. Every time a push button is pressed, the corresponding display advances by one. By pressing the button continuously for more than 2 s, the displays advance fast. The figure 1 below show the six seven segment display and three push button named SET. In this system, hours, minutes, and seconds can be set by push buttons. We need three independent push button switches to set them. 5 Six seven segment display and three push button (SET) 2.0 METHODOLOGY This section presents the methods used to implement the design of a digital clock. Hardware Descriptive Language used in the design of digital clock and implemented using the Magic SOPC experiment box. Typical digital clocks applied were of the 50 or 60 hertz oscillation of AC power or a 32,768 hertz crystal oscillator as in a quartz clock to keep time, a frequency of 1 Hertz was used in this particular experiment. Most digital clocks display the hour of the day in 24 hour format. A more commonly used hour sequence option is 12 hour format (with some indication of AM or PM). Emulations of analog-style faces often use an LCD screen, and these are also sometimes described as digital. 6 2.1 Compilation Here is where .v file named as clock (clock.v) is simulated to see whether the written Verilog codes had some errors or not. The figure below presents the full compilation of the Verilog codes for the digital clock which was successful compiled as it shown below. Figure 1: Full compilation. 7 2.2 Pins assignment The diagram below shows how pins where assigned ready for download into SOPC board for implementation. Figure 2: Pins assignment. 8 2.3 Block diagram The below diagram represents schematic diagram for the digital clock after pins assignment was successful. Figure 3: Schematic diagram for digital clock. 9 3.0 IMPLEMENTATION The implementation of the digital clock design was done using Cyclone II Altera FPGA experiment board as shown below. This part involves Verilog HDL codes used to design digital clock. Figure 4 : Cyclone II FPGA Experiment Board 10 3.1 Verilog HDL codes Below are Verilog codes designed for the implementation of the digital clock. module clock(clk,key,dig,seg); input clk; input[1:0] key; output[7:0] dig; output[7:0] seg; reg[7:0] seg_r; reg[7:0] dig_r; reg[3:0] disp_dat; reg[24:0]count; reg[23:0]hour; reg sec,keyen; reg[1:0]dout1,dout2,dout3; wire[1:0]key_done; assign dig = dig_r; assign seg = seg_r; // signal generation section always @(posedge clk) begin count = count + 1'b1; if(count == 25'd25000000) begin count = 25'd0; sec = ~sec; end end // Button debounce processing section assign key_done = (dout1 | dout2 | dout3); always @(posedge count[17]) begin dout1 <= key; dout2 <= dout1; dout3 <= dout2; end always @(negedge key_done[0]) begin keyen = ~keyen; end //Dynamic scanning of the digital tube display section always @(posedge clk) begin case(count[17:15]) 3'd0:disp_dat = hour[3:0]; 3'd1:disp_dat = hour[7:4]; 11 3'd2:disp_dat = 4'ha; 3'd3:disp_dat = hour[11:8]; 3'd4:disp_dat = hour[15:12]; 3'd5:disp_dat = 4'ha; 3'd6:disp_dat = hour[19:16]; 3'd7:disp_dat = hour[23:20]; endcase case(count[17:15]) 3'd0:dig_r = 8'b11111110; 3'd1:dig_r = 8'b11111101; 3'd2:dig_r = 8'b11111011; 3'd3:dig_r = 8'b11110111; 3'd4:dig_r = 8'b11101111; 3'd5:dig_r = 8'b11011111; 3'd6:dig_r = 8'b10111111; 3'd7:dig_r = 8'b01111111; endcase end always @(posedge clk) begin case(disp_dat) 4'h0:seg_r = 8'hc0; 4'h1:seg_r = 8'hf9; 4'h2:seg_r = 8'ha4; 4'h3:seg_r = 8'hb0; 4'h4:seg_r = 8'h99; 4'h5:seg_r = 8'h92; 4'h6:seg_r = 8'h82; 4'h7:seg_r = 8'hf8; 4'h8:seg_r = 8'h80; 4'h9:seg_r = 8'h90; 4'ha:seg_r = 8'hbf; default:seg_r = 8'hff; endcase if((count[17:15]== 3'd2)&sec) seg_r = 8'hff; end //Timing processing section always @(negedge sec or negedge key_done[1]) begin if(!key_done[1]) begin hour = 24'h0; end else if(!keyen) 12 begin hour[3:0] = hour[3:0] + 1'b1; if(hour[3:0] == 4'ha) begin hour[3:0] = 4'h0; hour[7:4] = hour[7:4] + 1'b1; if(hour[7:4] == 4'h6) begin hour[7:4] = 4'h0; hour[11:8] = hour[11:8] + 1'b1; if(hour[11:8] == 4'ha) begin hour[11:8] = 4'h0; hour[15:12] = hour[15:12] + 1'b1; if(hour[15:12] == 4'h6) begin hour[15:12] = 4'h0; hour[19:16] = hour[19:16] + 1'b1; if(hour[19:16] == 4'ha) begin hour[19:16] = 4'h0; hour[23:20] = hour[23:20] + 1'b1; end if(hour[23:16] == 8'h24) hour[23:16] = 8'h0; end end end end end end endmodule 13 3.2 Loading verilog HDL codes into Cyclone II FPGA Experiment board. The processing of loading was done using USB-Blaster via JTAG and AS pins. Figure below shows the USB-Blaster. Figure 5 : USB-Blaster 14 4.0 RESULTS The below photo shows the results after loading Verilog HDL codes into experiment board. It was able to display hours, minutes and seconds then counts from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59. Figure 6 : Cyclone II FPGA board display the results. 15 5.0 CONCLUSION The objectives of this project were met and a digital clock has been designed and implemented as presented in this report. The Verilog HDL codes for program counts hours from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 was successful implemented and also pins assignment was done successful .It displays the time on seven segment led displays and time from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 which means it display hours, minutes, and seconds . 16 6.0 References 1. Digital vlsi system design by Seetharaman Ramachandran 2. Prototyping by verilog examples by Pong P.Chu 3. L.pdf 4. D. Michael Miller; Mitchell A. Thornton (2008). Multiple valued logic: concepts and representations. Synthesis lectures on digital circuits and systems. 5. 17