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Dušan Bogdanović 6 Balkan Miniatures

Dušan Bogdanović - 6 Balkan Miniatures




6 Balkan MinLatures ':,Wa, ]i:EE ;'t:;)::rl for soio guitar 6BalhanMiniatures are recordedby William Kanengiser onEchoesofThe OId\Morld(GSP t006CD) - The CD is availablefrom GSP photoby DonOai & La Minh - graphicsby GSP/dk GUITARSOLOPUBLICATIONS/ascapSanFrancisco USA w gspguitar.come [email protected] ABOUT THE MUSIC Thesedays of political turmoil in EasternEuropefind their focus especiallyin Yugoslavia, the heart of the Balkans,and my homeland. It is both tragic and ironic to seethe further disintegration of the land and the people,while being awareof the unique cultural stamp of the whole area.So, it might be that the art among other universal human endeavors, still shows us a \ /ay of harmonizing and synthesizing the most diverseelements coming from the same source. It is in this spirit that I dedicate this music to World Peace. Atl the six miniatures share characteristicsof modally based harmony and flexible oddmeter. Overall, the forms are simple, based on repetition of phrases,often in different harmonic contexts.The Morning, Macedonian, and Tiny-knit Dances are all interrelated thematically and harmonically. The two songs present contrast in feeling and mood. Of all the miniatures, Vranjanka is the only one based on an actual traditional dance, whereasall the others are composed in a variety of synthesis.The Tiny-knit Dance alludes to the nimble fingers of "obligatory" accordeon or frula (flute)players, one often hears in village weddings or other festivities. Dušan BogdanoviČ GLOSSARY 1o volta poco sostenuto - Start in slower tempo (sostenuto),then proceed in tempo indicated () = 152) (1" volta only). In the third movement hold back at the end of every measure.It is crucial to understand the fermata as part of the general rhythmic flow (Vranjanka Dance). Golpe* 1 - Unlike the common Golpe which uses the thuffib, this Golpe employs the index finger to hit the strings over the fingerboard. Perc.*- Hit the side of the guitar just above the neck with the palm of the right hand. In the sixth movement the tempo increasesgradually from Meno mosso subito (l = 80) to Presto (J = I52). THE, RE,CORDING SixBalkanMiniatures is recordedby William Kanengiseron his CD: "Echoes of The Old World" (GSP Recordings/SanFrancisco). The CD is available from Guitar Solo Publications/SanFrancisco. Six Balkan Miniatures Peace for \,\rofld I. JutarnjeKolo (Morning Dance) Allegreto () = 152) 1' volta poco sostenuto 3 4 in tempo CII 8 4 4 3 tl tt/ )y- "n? Qur ---..------.--.. 'cIv @ (D | '. 4 ? cil ---- I 3 ! o2o r3t ,i. -í vfl tt l 1/ z/ l' volta poco - Á7 SOSIENUTO 427 Ín? tneno (r rr JB CIV [ _-_-_____-------] Hl' Y nÍ- f ? Q\r ___=_____242 'á\ á-'f-i )!,,r_ fiJ - - SanFrancrsco, USA(ASCAP) SoloPublications , I993Guitar Printed inUSA Reserved SecuredAllRights Copyright rternatronal GSP -79 sua I|. Ža|opojka(Lament) L ur go1 J = 4 8 ) ^ poco ruDato t t 4 2t t ? il ,n? ťr ? 1' -- GSP -79 -o- + III.Vranjanka = y'1z) Pesante () (UolPr:*) Ó t h = D (3+2+ 2 ) tgn @l'' x I \9/ "J2 I r Jne I I o= tra t ?I Ť ,J2 r Oril \!/ 1t^2 t I I L- ^Í3 \!/ r\e f I (molto pesante) 848 rit, rnoltrl GSP -79 .t l /a Ť IV. Makedonsko Kolo (Macedonian Dance) Presto (J = 2oo) 6th=E r|rrr r.-, r --{ 1 i t8 0u L8 ť 7** ---'l L3 I 31. N C\ III = )l'\r | 8^Í Nl\ ( )'= Í-t to 42 242 ,w g,^4- 020 8--) lW r-.--tr 8t e--\ T l\--ll t- tu:. -l ilr'- t_ - ,n? Í, Qvrr ---------------- a _ Srr GSP -79 )l C\ III I 34 t^4 -t4 3 ft| T )rb41 (()olpe) ---- \---'l po co cresc 34 nl ))+ Qvru [J -Ť- 0rr { ) 1n*xr !------t-t J ta 0rr 0r-----_ ť7Ě* cvIII---r hN (d'= )' ) I GSP -79 V. Široko(Wide Song) Rubato espressivo i p mant 000 (bend*) P z -2-z = I o /;\ 1 poco rall. - accel. poco a 3 3 t Ín? poco a poco a poco sÍ.uJ - at'cel. Poco rit. 1 accel. 3 vI I 121 2t0018, rt V,,;::,, 3 cresc. rall. molto 3 vII o nf lra @g t/ @ (molto) accel. J' r 2 3 e s t r )re s s {rpprtsionato) Piň Lento (molto) I t t4 00 O 00 2 800 \9 Ťn? Lento tranquillo cresc. ) G ra z4z poco nf a poco \!/ rit. \\--4- \--'l ,+ p GSP -79 \!/ ac cel. r v o \9 41 "f poco 3 a X" -r- \9 Í.v '- tÚÝ I- \9/ --'* VI. SitniYez (Tinv-knit Dance) A l l e g r og i o c o s o t J = l 1 6 ) (2+2+3+2+2) 2/-9 | 3 r?-, 2l e( J' sempre 34 'Ír @ 4 |2í (2+2+2+3+2+2) t t t4 Í8|2 48 sx @rn, tŤ 3 ii Ir t_ (Golpe*) b:8 (Golpr:") r8 t2 4 ď-r i8 tJ r4 t .- 21 8r--l (I voltasulpont.) (2 voltasul tasto) (2+2+3+3) 0 4 l-?Ý =ši 4 @ AJ 11. i J (Golpe*) l-?T =šr ZB GSP -79 t0 QI\ 42 f\ í?-r ((Jolpr:) ?r x V = o 4 H Í,/ (2 volta tt? ) 6-2 aáIT----.--.-_] 21 (Golpe) .í a/ @ (Oolpc) oÍ, CII 4 Menomossosubito f J (Golpc) =8O) o s/|2 Í, poco l)o('o a a Poco po(:o accel' accel' (Golpe) GSP -79 l)()(() AL((!. l)()(O + r r r + 11' p()co a poco a(cel It - 1x t{tl { - V i E , t \ r t) acct'1. *t Ý ll't + r { Presto ,tJ =152) 11. t I ((iolPr:) ll2' GSP -79 r+ t+ r+ t{ t rit I