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Faisal Basri: Subsidi Bbm Sudah Menjadi Kanker Ganas

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Sumber:  APBN 2014 dan khusus untuk tahun 2013 dari Paparan Menteri ESDM pada Rapat Kerja dengan Komisi VII DPR tanggal 29 Januari 2014. Konsumsi BBM bersubsidi naik terus: mengapa  justru solar yang dibatasi?   7.7 4.6 2.4 1.7 1.2  1.1 11.5  11.8 12.8 14.1  14.8 15.9 19.0 20.9 23.0 24.5 27.3 29.3 0 10 20 30 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Minyak Tanah Solar Premium  Juta Kiloliter Konsumsi BBM meroket, produksi minyak melorot, impor kian menganga, siap menerkam perekonomian Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy. 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600      1      9      8      0      1      9      8      1      1      9      8      2      1      9      8      3      1      9      8      4      1      9      8      5      1      9      8      6      1      9      8      7      1      9      8      8      1      9      8      9      1      9      9      0      1      9      9      1      1      9      9      2      1      9      9      3      1      9      9      4      1      9      9      5      1      9      9      6      1      9      9      7      1      9      9      8      1      9      9      9      2      0      0      0      2      0      0      1      2      0      0      2      2      0      0      3      2      0      0      4      2      0      0      5      2      0      0      6      2      0      0      7      2      0      0      8      2      0      0      9      2      0      1      0      2      0      1      1      2      0      1      2      2      0      1      3 Thousand barrel/day    Oil production:  Includes crude oil, tight oil, oil sands and NGLs (the liquid content of natural gas where this is recovered separately). Excludes liquid fuels from other sources such as biomass and derivatives of coal and natural gas. Oil consumption: inland demand plus aviation and marine bunkers and refinery fuel and loss. Consumption of biogasoline (such as ethanol), biodiesel and derivatives of coal and natural gas are also included. Imports 741.000 barrel/day Consumption Production * January-June Sources:  BPS-Statistics Indonesia. Trade account of oil -3.8 -8.4 -27.7 -13.7 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014*    U    S    $      B    i    l    l    i   o   n   s Crude oil Oil products Total Lebih parah lagi, minyak mentah pun sudah defisit mulai tahun 2013 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* Crude Oil   Exports 6,090 5,715 5,228 5,621 6,241 8,146 8,169 9,226 12,419 7,820 10,403 13,829 12,293 10,205 4,629.4 Imports -2,525 -2,888 -3,217 -3,928 -5,831 -6,797 -7,853 -9,057 -10,062 -7,362 -8,531 -11,154 -10,803 -13,586 -6,912.6 (X - M) 3,565 2,827 2,011 1,694 410 1,349 316 169 2,357 458 1,872 2,675 1,490 -3,381 -2,283.2 Oil Products   Exports 1,652 1,189 1,308 1,548 1,654 1,932 2,844 2,879 3,547 2,262 3,967 4,777 4,163 4,299 1,938.6 Imports -3,491 -2,574 -3,309 -3,583 -5,892 -10,646 -11,080 -12,787 -20,231 -11,129 -18,018 -28,134 -28,679 -28,568 -13,330.6 (X - M) -1,840 -1,385 -2,001 -2,035 -4,238 -8,714 -8,236 -9,908 -16,684 -8,876 -14,051 -23,357 -24,516 -24,269 -11,392 Total   Exports 7,742 6,904 6,535 7,169 7,896 10,078 11,013 12,105 15,966 10,082 14,370 18,606 16,456 14,504 6,568.0 Imports -6,016 --5,462 -6,526 -7,510 -11,724 -17,443 -18,933 -21,844 -30,293 -18,491 -26,549 -39,288 -39,482 -42,154 -20,243.2 (X - M) 1,726 1,442 10 342 -3,828 -7,365 -7,920 -9,739 -14,327 -8,409 -12,179 -20,682 -23,026 -27,650 -13,675.2 * January-June. Source:  BPS-Statistics Indonesia. (Oil trade account, US$ billions) Trade deficit: oil and gas * January-June Source:  BPS-Statistic Indonesia. 6.3 -1.4 -5.6 -12.6 -6.1 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* Oil & oil products Gas Oil & gas    U    S     $     b    i     l     l    i    o    n    s Jangan lagi berharap harga minyak murah Crude Oil Light Sweet Pit (Nymex) October 2014 Source:     Adjusted by producer-  price index = US$118   Adjusted by annual income within G-7 countries = US$134   Adjusted by disposable income of US = US$145  Spending on oil as a share of global output = US$150 •   Source: Economist  , April 17, 2008. 5:14 p.m EDT $93.45 = Source:  World Bank, Indonesia Economic Quarterly, October 2013.   Selain menekan rupiah, juga menekan APBN, lalu menyebar ke berbagai arah Subsidi BBM IDR = Rp 11,900/US$ Auto growth = 5% Oil subsidy = Rp 4,800/ltr ICP = US$105/barrel Total subsidy = Rp 291 Tn (16.5% penerimaan negara atau 14,4% pengel. negara) Subsidi BBM, defisit APBN  Subsidi BBM telah merongrong APBN.  Dalam 11 tahun terakhir, hampir selalu (10 tahun) subsidi BBM lebih besar dari nilai defisit APBN. Hanya tahun 2009 saja subsidi BBM lebih kecil dari defisit APBN.  Defisit APBN ditutup dengan utang, yakni menerbitkan Surat Utang Negara (SUN).  Berarti, secara tak langsung, subsidi BBM dibiayai oleh utang pemerintah. Budget deficit and primary balance Year Total Revenues (IDR trillion) Total Expenditures (IDR trillion) Deficit (% of GDP)) Primary balance (IDR trillion) 2005 495 510 15 (0.5) 51 2006 638 667 29 (0.9) 50 2007 708 758 50 (1.3) 30 2008 982 986 4 (0.1) 84 2009 849 937 88 ( 1.6) 5 2010 995 1,042 47 (0.7) 42 2011 1,211 1,295 84 (1.1) 9 2012 1,336 1,482 146 (1.8) -46 2013 1,430 1,639 209 (2.3) -97 2014* 1,540 1,821 281 (2.8) -145 2015** 1,762 2,020 258 (2.3) -104 Primary balance: central government revenues minus central government expenditure except for interest payments on the central government debt. * Prediction ** RAPBN Source:  Ministry of Finance. Nilai tukar rupiah melemah sejak Septeber 2011 dan berlangsung paling lama dalam sejarah 8.000 8.500 9.000 9.500 10.000 10.500 11.000 11.500 12.000 12.500        0        8    -        A      p      r        1        9    -        A      g      u        1       5    -        D      e      s        0        8    -        A      p      r        2        9    -        J      u        l        2        4    -        N      o      v        1       5    -        M      a      r        0       7    -        J      u        l        0        3    -        N      o      v        2        6    -        F      e        b        2        0    -        J      u      n        0        8    -        O        k       t        1        4    -        F      e        b        0        9    -        J      u      n        2        6    -        S      e      p        J      a      n    -        2        9        M      a      y    -        2       5        1        4    -        S      e      p        1        2    -        J      a      n        0        4    -        M      e        i        2        4    -        A      g      u        1        6    -        D      e      s        0       7    -        A      p      r        2        9    -        J      u        l        2        3    -        N      o      v        1        3    -        M      a      r        0       5    -        J      u        l        2        9    -        O        k       t        2        2    -        F      e        b        1       7    -        J      u      n        0        8    -        O        k       t        0        4    -        F      e        b        0        2    -        J      u      n Source:  Bank Indonesia (Rupiah per US$) 24-26 Nov 2008 = 12,400 Terkuat 2/8/11 = Rp 8.460 Getting to the root of the problem: balance of payments (US$ million) * First semester (January-June) Source:  Bank Indonesia. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 Q1-14 Q2-14 I. CURRENT ACCOUNT 5,144 1,685 -24,418 -29,129 -13,264 -6,009 -10,133 -8,634 -4,345 -4,151 -9,113  A. Goods, net (Trade account) 31,003 33,825 8,680 5,833 2,876 1,602 -556 85 4,703 3,350 -474 1. Exports, f.o.b. 149,966 191,109 187,346 182,089 88,132 44,945 45,244 43,824 48,076 43,937 44,195 2. Imports, f.o.b. -118,963 -157,284 -178,667 -176,256 -85,258 -43,603 -46,071 -44,003 -43,651 -40,588 -44,670 B. Services, net -9,791 -9,803 -10,564 -12,072 -5,153 -2,633 -3,552 -2,781 -3,106 -2,231 -2,922 C. Primary Income, net -20,698 -26,547 -26,628 -26,850 -13,608 -6,054 -7,027 -6,808 -6,961 -6,354 -7,254 D. Secondary Income, net 4,630 4,211 4,094 3,959 2,623 1,076 1,003 862 1,019 1,085 1,538 II. CAPITAL ACCOUNT 50 33 51 21 2 1 7 5 8 1 1 III. FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 26,476 13,603 24,858 21,942 22,158 -653 8,620 4,987 8,987 7,646 14,512 1. Direct investment 11,106 11,528 13,716 13,669 8,291 3,633 3,657 5,851 527 3,467 4,824 2. Portfolio investment 13,202 3,806 9,206 9,531 16,829 2,760 3,389 1,592 1,790 9,125 7,704 3. Financial derivatives -94 69 13 -334 -86 -101 20 -235 -19 -140 54 4. Other investment 2,262 -1,801 1,922 -924 -2,875 -6,945 1,553 -2,221 6,689 -4,805 1,930 IV. NET ERRORS & OMISSIONS -1,327 -3,465 -275 -158 -2,533 45 -971 1,006 -238 -1,430 -1,103 V. RESERVES & RELATED ITEMS -30,343 -11,857 -215 7,325 -6,363 6,615 2,477 2,645 -4,412 -2,066 -4,297 Transaksi perdagangan (ekspor-impor) minyak dan non-migas jadi biang keladi * In parentheses is percent of GDP. Source:  Bank Indonesia Akun lancar (current account) dan komponennya, miliar US$ Current Non-oil Oil Gas Services Income Current Account* and gas transfer 2008 0.1 (0.0%) 15.1 -8.4 16.1 -13 -15.2 5.4 2009 10.6 (2.0%) 25.6 -4.0 9.4 -9.7 -15.1 4.6 2010 5.1 (0.7%) 27.8 -8.7 11.9 -9.8 -20.8 4.6 2011 1.7 (0.2%) 34.5 -17.5 16.9 -10.6 -26.7 4.2 Q1 2.9 (1.5) 8.9 -3.2 3.6 -1.8 -5.5 1.0 Q2 0.3 (0.1) 10.6 -5.8 4.4 -3.1 -6.8 1.0 Q3 0.8 (0.3) 9.3 -4.3 4.7 -2.6 -7.4 1.0 Q4 -2.3 (-1.1) 6.6 -4.2 4.2 -3.1 -7 1.2 2012 -24.4 (-2.8%) 13.9 -20.4 15.2 -10.3 -26.8 4.1 Q1 -3.2 (-1.5%) 4.7 -5.3 4.4 -2.0 -6.0 1.0 Q2 -8.1 (-3.7%) 2.0 -5.3 4.2 -2.8 -7.1 0.9 Q3 -5.3 (-2.4%) 4.0 -4.2 3.4 -2.4 -7.0 0.9 Q4 -7.8 (-3.6%) 3.2 -5.6 3.2 -3.2 -6.7 1.3 2013 -29.1 (-3.3%) 15.5 -22.5 12.8 -12.1 -27.0 4.0 Q1 -6.0 (-2.7%) 4.4 -6.4 3.5 -2.6 -6.1 1.1 Q2 -10.1 (-4.5%) 1.5 -5.1 3.0 -3.5 -7.1 1.0 Q3 -8.6 (-3.9%) 2.7 -5.7 3.0 -2.8 -6.8 0.9 Q4 -4.3 (-2.1%) 6.8 -5.4 3.2 -3.1 -7.0 1.0 2014 -13.3 (3.2%) 8.8 -12.2 6.3 -5.1 -13.6 2.6 Q1 -4.2 (-2.0%) 6.1 -6.1 3.3 -2.2 -6.4 1.1 Q2 -9.1 (-4.3%) 2.7 -6.1 3.0 -2.9 -7.2 1.5 Sources:  BPS-Statistics Indonesia. Trade account: dalam 25 bulan terakhir, 15 bulan alami defisit; nonmigas 7 bulan -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4      J     a     n      '      1      0      F     e      b      M     a     r      A     p     r      M     a     y      J     u     n      J     u      l      A     u     g      S     e     p      O     c     t      N     o     v      D     e     c      J     a     n      '      1      1      F     e      b      M     a     r      A     p     r      M     a     y      J     u     n      J     u      l      A     u     g      S     e     p      O     c     t      N     o     v      D     e     c      J     a     n      '      1      2      F     e      b      M     a     r      A     p     r      M     a     y      J     u     n      J     u      l      A     u     g      S     e     p      O     c     t      N     o     v      D     e     c      J     a     n      '      1      3      F     e      b      M     a     r      A     p     r      M     a     y      J     u     n      J     u      l      A     u     g      S     e     p      O     c     t      N     o     v      D     e     c      J     a     n      '      1      4      F     e      b      M     a     r      A     p     r      M     a     y      J     u     n    U    S     $    B    i    l    l    i    o    n    s Non-oil and gasOil and gasTotal Akhirnya jebol: transaksi perdagangan defisit sejak 2012 2011 2012 2013   2014* 2011 2012 2013   2014* Total export   203.5 190.0 182.6 88.8 29.0 -6.6 -3.9 -2.5 Non-oil and gas   162.0 153.1 149.9 73.1 24.9 -5.5 -2.0 -2.1 Oil and gas   41.5 37.0 32.6 15.7 48.3 -10.9 -11.8 -3.9 Total import   177.4 191.7 186.6 90.0 30.7 8.0 -2.6 -1.4 Non-oil and gas   136.7 149.1 141.4 68.2 26.2 9.0 -5.2 -5.7 Oil and gas   40.7 42.6 45.3 21.8 48.4 4.6 6.4 -1.4 Surplus (Deficit)   26.1 (-1.6) (-4.1) -1.2 Non-oil and gas   25.3 4.0 8.6 4.9 Oil and gas   0.8 (-5.6)   (-12.6) -6.1 Billion US$ Growth (yoy) Description * January-June Source:  BPS-Statistics Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, harus ada upaya nyata:  Meningkatkan produksi dalam jangka pendek    cost recovery naik.  Mempercepat eksplorasi untuk menemukan sumur baru agar  proven reserves naik  Jangka menengah panjang: meningkatkan  proven reserves setidaknya setara dengan tingkat kenaikan konsumsi.  Dan/atau diversifikasi energi: gas untuk transportasi publik, biofuel untuk kendaraan pribadi dan pembangkit listrik. Without subsidy, oil trade deficit is still high Subsidy (Rp/liter) Scenario I (Rp trillion) Scenario II (Rp trillion) 4,800 24.8 25.3 4,600 24.3 24.9 4,000 23.4 23.9 3,000 20.5 21.0 2,000 18.2 18.7 1,000 15.8 16.3 0 13.4 13.9 Scenario I: ICP = US$106.5/barrel; IDR = Rp 11,600/US$; Auto growth = 5% Scenario II: ICP = US$110.0/barrel; IDR = Rp 12.000/US$; Auto growth = 7% Kapan sebaiknya harga BBM bersubsidi naik?  Sebaiknya sekali di era pemerintahan SBY   pada bulan September, setidaknya Rp 1.800.  Sekali lagi pada Februari 2015.  Lalu besarnya subsidi ditetapkan (  fixed  ). Jika melewati harga naik otomatis. Source:  BPS-Statistics Indonesia   Besaran garis kemiskinan Memerangi mitos BBM memiskinkan Source:  BPS-Statistics Indonesia   Source:  CEIC. History of gasoline 88 (premium) price Jul-1981 Jul-1984 Jul-1987 Jul-1990 Jul-1993 Jul-1996 Jul-1999 Jul-2002 Jul-2005 Jul-2008 Jul-2011 Jul-2014 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 ID: Retail Price: Fuel: Subsidized: Gasoline 88 (Premium) IDR/Litre Source:  CEIC   Perkembangan harga bensin, beras, dan padi Nov. 2008 Rp Jul. 2014 Rp Kenaikan (%) Bensin 6.000 6.500 8,3 Beras 6.441 11.321 75,8 Padi kadar air < 14% 2.909 4.597 58,0 Terima asih Email: [email protected]   Twitter: @faisalbasri Blog:   Blog: