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Final Year Mini-main Projects For Civil Students ,dreamweb Techno Solutions@trichy_4_2_2 | Construction Aggregate | Concrete

Dreamweb Techno solutions is one of the Hardware Training and Software Development centre available in Trichy. Pioneer in corporate training, Dreamweb Techno solution provides training in all software development and IT-related courses, such as Embedded Systems, VLSI, MATLAB, JAVA, J2EE, Power Electronics, and Power Systems. Civil, Mechanical . It’s certified and experienced faculty members have the competence to train students, provide consultancy to organizations, and develop strategic solutions for clients by integrating existing and emerging technologies.




   PROJECT CAPTION -CIVIL Sl.No CIVIL PROJECT CAPTION DTSCL1Strength Analysis Of Concrete By Using Iron Slag With A PartialRelace!ent Of ine AggregateDTSCL#Strength Analysis Of Concrete By Using $yosl%&ge With A PartialRelace!ent Of Ce!ent.DTSCL'()eri!ental Beha*io%r On +%arry D%st In Con*entional Concret.DTSCL,Co!arati*e St%&y Of Alternate o%n&ation or i*estoreye& B%il&ing.DTSCL-In%ence Of /ong% Tree Sa0 D%st On Re!o*al Of l%ori&e In A%eo%sSol%tion 2ro%n& Water Analysis In Coo*a! Ri*er S%rro%n&ingsDTSCL3An ()eri!ental St%&y Of Beha*ior Of Concrete By A&&ition Of Ba!4oo As i4er An& Co!aring It With As Con*entional Concrete.DTSCL5Design Of 6%lti Store& B%il&ing Resting On Single Col%!n.DTSCL7An ()eri!ental In*estigation On Cost (8ecti*e Pa*er Bloc9s.DTSCL:Recycling Of In&%strial Waste As Constr%ction 6aterial.DTSCL1;Partial Relace!ent Of Ce!ent By 6ar4le Po0&er.DTSCL11Beha*io%r Of Reinforce& Concrete Bea!s With Cocon%t Shell AsCoarse Aggregates.DTSCL1#St%&y on self<c%re& concrete !i)esrelacing %arry &%st for =neaggregateDTSCL1'$igh<strength str%ct%ral concrete relacing coarse aggregate 4y %sing&e4ris coarse aggregateDTSCL1,I!ro*e!ent The Proerties Of Concrete By A&&ing i4er Pro>ectDTSCL1-Alternate An& Lo0 Costconstr%ction 6aterials An& Techni%esDTSCL13Design An& De*elo!ent Of Sha9e Ta4le DTSCL15Alication Of o%n&ry Waste San& In 6an%fact%re Of ConcreteDTSCL17St%&y Of 6anage!ent An& Control Of Waste Constr%ction 6aterials InCi*il Constr%ction Pro>ectDTSCL1:Concrete Shrin9age Pre&iction Using 6at%rity An& Acti*ation (nergyDTSCL#;Design Of R.C.C. O*er $ea& Tan9 S.NEPPOLIYAN.+91-8190989558. 73/5,3rd FLOOR,SRI KAATC!I COPLE OPP.CITY !OSPITAL #NEAR LAKS!I COPLE $Tr%&'(- )*0018   PROJECT CAPTION -CIVIL DTSCL#1Beha*ior An& Perfor!ance Of $igh Perfor!ance ConcreteforPa*e!entsDTSCL##A St%&y On o%n&ry San&? Oort%nities or S%staina4le An&(cono!ical ConcreteDTSCL#'N%!erical (*al%ation Of Str%ct%ral Beha*ior Of The Si!ly S%orte& r<Rc Bea!s.DTSCL#,Beha*io%r An& Str%ct%ral Design Of Concrete Str%ct%res ()ose& ToDTSCL#-I!acts Of Using Cr%she& Roc9s In ConcreteDTSCL#3Shear Caacity Of Steel i4re Reinforce& Concrete Bea!s Witho%tCon*entional Shear Reinforce!entDTSCL#5 ly Ash Bric9s 6asonry? An ()eri!ental St%&yDTSCL#7Corrosion Resistance Of Weathering SteelsDTSCL#:Reha4ilitation An& 6aintenance Of Roa& Pa*e!ents Using $igh (arlyStrength Concrete.DTSCL';Co!arati*e St%&y Of Co!ressi*e Strength Of Bric9s 6a&e With@ario%s 6aterials To Clay Bric9sDTSCL'1Utiliation Of Waste Tyre R%44er As Concrete Aggregates In ThePro&%ction Of Non Str%ct%ral Portlan& Ce!ent ConcreteDTSCL'#St%&y oc%ses On The Str%ct%ral Beha*ior Of Reinforce& ConcreteC%4e Or Bea! With 2ro%n& 2ran%late& Blast %rnace Slag 2g4sDTSCL''Beha*io%ral St%&ies Of $igh @ol%!e lyash ConcreteDTSCL',St%&y On 2eooly!er Bric9s S.NEPPOLIYAN.+91-8190989558. 73/5,3rd FLOOR,SRI KAATC!I COPLE OPP.CITY !OSPITAL #NEAR LAKS!I COPLE $Tr%&'(- )*0018