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Gb921-u User Guidelines R12-5 V1-8




Business Process

Framework (eTOM)

Addendum U: User Guidelines for the Business Process

GB921 Addendum U
TM Forum Approved Version 1.8

July, 2013

© TM Forum 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U

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GB921 Addendum U, Version 1.8

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Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U

Table of Contents
Notice.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Table of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Audience .............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Plan of document................................................................................................................................. 8
1.3 Principles and Guidelines.................................................................................................................... 9
2. Principles and positions of the Business Process Framework model .............................................. 10
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 10
2.2 A note on the status of the Business Process Framework documentation.................................... 10
2.3 Nature of the Business Process Framework model ........................................................................ 10
2.4 Process model types ......................................................................................................................... 11
Activity-based process modeling ....................................................................................................... 11
Communication-based Process Modeling ........................................................................................ 12
Artifact-based Process Modeling ....................................................................................................... 12
Hybrid approach to Process Modeling............................................................................................... 12
2.5 Characteristics of a Business Process ............................................................................................. 12
2.6 Decomposition ................................................................................................................................... 13
2.7 Traceability......................................................................................................................................... 14
2.8 Process dependency through information ....................................................................................... 14
2.9 Grouping / organization within the Business Process Framework ................................................. 15
2.10 Flows ................................................................................................................................................ 15
2.11Dynamic aspects of Process Modeling ........................................................................................... 16
2.12 Naming conventions........................................................................................................................ 17
2.13 Layer References and Responsibilities .......................................................................................... 17
2.14 Data Responsibility.......................................................................................................................... 18
3. Process Patterns......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 19
3.2 Level 3 patterns ................................................................................................................................. 19
Example 1 – Problem Reports and their resolution .......................................................................... 19
Example 2 – Strategic view and Business Plan ................................................................................ 20
Example 3 – Order Lifecycle .............................................................................................................. 20
Example 4 – Product Lifecycle ........................................................................................................... 20
3.3 Level 4 Patterns ................................................................................................................................. 21
4. Organizational Context for the Business Process Framework........................................................... 22
4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 22
4.2 Use of the Business Process Framework within an organization................................................... 22
Level 0 – Business Activities .............................................................................................................. 23
Level 1 – Process Groupings ............................................................................................................. 23
Level 2 –Core Processes ................................................................................................................... 24
Level 3 – Business Process Flows .................................................................................................... 24
Level 4 – Operational Process Flows ................................................................................................ 24

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Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U

Level 5 – Detailed Process Flows ......................................................................................................25
4.3 The Business Process Framework and the Process Hierarchy ......................................................25
5. Guidance for extending and using the Business Process Framework..............................................26
5.1 Process Hierarchy: Decomposition Principles ..................................................................................26
5.2 Process Hierarchy: Implementation Principles .................................................................................27
5.3 Process Hierarchy: Hierarchies ........................................................................................................28
5.4 Process Hierarchy: Process View .....................................................................................................29
6. Decomposition Guidelines.........................................................................................................................30
6.1 Consistency of Inputs and Outputs ...................................................................................................31
6.2 Additional Decomposition Guidelines ...............................................................................................32
6.3 Information Framework Related Guidelines .....................................................................................34
6.4 Semantic Analysis ..............................................................................................................................35
7. Audit Checklist .............................................................................................................................................46
8. Outstanding issues .....................................................................................................................................48
9. Administrative Appendix ............................................................................................................................49
8.1 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................49
8.2 Document History...............................................................................................................................49
8.2.1 Version History ...........................................................................................................................49
8.2.2 Release History ..........................................................................................................................50

GB921 Addendum U, Version 1.8

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3 Process Hierarchy Implementation 27 Fig.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Table of Figures Fig. Version 1. 9 Manage Workforce Staff Decomposition 39 Fig. 5 Process Hierarchy: Processes and Resources 29 Fig. 6 Consistency of Inputs and Outputs 32 Fig. 7 Isolate Customer Problem Decomposition 37 Fig. 13 Resource Trouble Management L4 Processes 45 GB921 Addendum U. 8 Manage Workforce Decomposition 38 Fig. 4 Process Hierarchy hierarchies 28 Fig. 10 Manage Workforce Process Decomposition 39 Fig.8 TM Forum 2013. 12 Resource Provisioning L4 Processes 44 Fig. Page 6 of 50 . 2 Process Hierarchy and analysis focus for Levels 26 Fig. All Rights Reserved. 11 Problem Handling L4 Processes 43 Fig. 1 Process Hierarchy 23 Fig.

that concerned with Practitioners and Process Architects using the Business Process Framework. GB921 Addendum U. and to attract interest and support for the ongoing work on adding to the content. At this stage. guidelines. It is intended to provide users of the Business Process Framework (eTOM) with guidelines and information to assist them in applying the Business Process Framework within their businesses.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Executive Summary This document is an Application Note attached to The Business Process Framework (GB921). This release addresses one area of. to invite comments and suggestions for further development. but is being released as is to provide information where available.8 TM Forum 2013. It is hoped that other aspects and audiences will also be addressed in future releases. Version 1. and audience for. Page 7 of 50 . this document is a work in progress. All Rights Reserved.

The intent is to converge the practice here with the Business Process Framework as it is developed further. for the practitioner or process architect who wants to apply the Business Process Framework in a consistent way to specific situations.1 Audience The intended audience for the Guidelines is practitioners. Note that the concepts in this document have emerged throughout the development lifecycle of the Business Process Framework itself. 1.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 1.2 Plan of document The document is set out as follows:  The principles and positions of the Business Process Framework model  Process patterns  Relationship of the Business Process Framework to Frameworx and the Frameworx elements GB921 Addendum U. historical design decisions that are embedded within the Business Process Framework may deviate from the recommended practice herein that is intended to guide ongoing users of the Framework. and process auditors. It is intended that the guidance in this document will be augmented through user experience and is not introductory (as that information is available elsewhere in the Business Process Framework set). and as a consequence. These Guidelines are of use in two particular cases. It also provides a basis for contributors to the Business Process Framework and the evaluation of contributions by the Business Process Framework team. Introduction This document explains the design decisions of the Business Process Framework and sets out the principles for its application and extension in the form of Guidelines. The material here is advanced material . process architects. for assurance of auditing and traceability. Second. All Rights Reserved. Page 8 of 50 . Version 1. in order to produce repeatable application of the Business Process Framework within an organization and to demonstrate this externally for audit purposes. 1. but users should recognize that this will be an evolving situation.8 TM Forum 2013. First. A list of outstanding issues is included.

Principle Business Process Framework. GB921 Addendum U. Version 1.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U  Business Process Framework and an organization’s own processes  Guidance for extending and using the Business Process Framework  Audit checklist 1. Optionally.. Page 9 of 50 .3 Principles and Guidelines The Principles are shown in the following format.8 TM Forum 2013. All Rights Reserved.nn Business Process Framework is . a Best Practice Guideline is indicated where a recommendation is made about the way in which the Business Process Framework should be applied. Requirements for auditing purposes are also shown in this format..

Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 2. such as GB939 (Business Services Examples). and public B2B processes in Addendum B are all part of the Standard. presented in Addendum D.3 Nature of the Business Process Framework model The Business Process Framework is a set of Process Elements. and the Process Flows. Other TMF documents. In general. The Process Elements are activity-based and the Business Process Framework is thus an activity-based process decomposition model. however. Both are normative. Thus.2 A note on the status of the Business Process Framework documentation The Business Process Framework consists of both normative and non-normative material.8 TM Forum 2013. which are organized into a hierarchical framework. The normative material is the Standard. with its Annexes and Addenda is normative material. but the Process Elements are comprehensive in scope while the Process Flows are examples.1 Introduction This section sets out to position the Business Process Framework as a process framework and to make explicit the modeling and design choices which have been followed in its development. All Rights Reserved. part of the Standard. Application Note C on the Public B2B Business Operations Map is nonnormative. an important distinction between the Process Elements (PEs). Principles and positions of the Business Process Framework model 2. Version 1. i. Process Flow Examples in Addendum F.e. are non-normative. 2. There is. which include Business Process Framework material. presented in Addendum F. Page 10 of 50 . the non-normative material is included for information and guidance. Appendices and Application Notes are nonnormative. GB921. the Process Descriptions in Addendum D. 2. GB921 Addendum U.

Activities transform inputs into outputs and are associated with triggers and outcomes (pre and post conditions).03 GB921 Addendum U. not a state model. Each Process Element has a detailed description that can include the purpose. Principle Business Process Framework. or units of work. high level information requirements and business rules. outputs. Version 1.8 TM Forum 2013. The general approaches are:  activity-based process modeling  communication-based process modeling  artifact-based process modeling Activity-based process modeling Here the overall process is decomposed into tasks that are ordered based on the dependencies among them. The fundamental entity of a business process for the Activity-based approach is the unit of work and a business process is considered to be a succession of activities. Definition: Activity An activity represents a unit of work performed by a party or system.4 Process model types In general. For example. there are 3 approaches to the modeling of business processes.01 Business Process Framework is an activity-based process decomposition model.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Principle Business Process Framework. Page 11 of 50 . Principle Business Process Framework. it contains processes for the processes of Order Handling but does not model the different states of an Order. Note: The Business Process Framework is a process model. It is the intent that all business activities in the Enterprise can be supported by (i. following a specific control flow.02 Business Process Framework Process Elements are comprehensive for a Service Provider. they are comprehensive in scope. 2. not states. inputs. All Rights Reserved. are able to fit within) the Business Process Framework Process Elements. interfaces. It contains processes.e. The Process Elements in the Business Process Framework are intended as an exhaustive list. It is also possible to use a hybrid of these approaches.

So a business process can be expressed as an exchange of messages.8 TM Forum 2013.5 Characteristics of a Business Process In general.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U A Business Process Framework Process Element is a succession of activities with a control flow. In the communication-based approach the communication is the message. or transaction. 2. Hybrid approach to Process Modeling The hybrid approach uses a combination of these general approaches to produce a set of models for an organization’s processes. Page 12 of 50 . Communication-based Process Modeling In this approach. between two or more roles and every state change within a company can be associated with the processing of a message. The customer may be internal or external. or artifacts. In addition: GB921 Addendum U. a Business Process will have the following characteristics:  It has a goal  It has specific inputs  It has specific outputs  It transforms inputs into outputs  It uses resources  It has a number of activities that are performed in some order  It creates value of some kind for the customer. a capabilities model (from the artifact-based approach) and a process-model (activity-based approach). modified and used during the process and thus the model is based on work products and their paths through a series of workflow activities. Version 1. All Rights Reserved. are created. an action in a process flow is represented by the communication between a consumer and a provider). Artifact-based Process Modeling In the artifact-based approach objects. Typical models might be based on an information flow model (from the communication-based approach).

the more difficult it is to prove the uniqueness of lower level processes. However. Version 1.“Horizontal organizational impact”  Its effects on information entities can be analyzed via CRUD (Create / Read / Update / Delete)  It may have a responsibility model for the roles associated with the process. In order to keep the Business Process Framework to a level which is generally useful it is not intended to decompose the Business Process Framework (i.  Activities may be specified within description  Value should be stated.  Inputs may be defined. inputs.e.04 (Best Practice): a Business Process Framework Process Element has a goal.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U  It may affect more than one organizational unit . All Rights Reserved. Additionally. and beyond (some Level 4 process elements are now defined and are being incorporated). It consists of activities and uses resources.8 TM Forum 2013.6 Decomposition Definition: Decomposition Decomposition is the breaking-down of a process into simpler activities. outputs.  Resources consumed may be defined. It is asserted that the further a decomposition is taken. It has a CRUD and RACI model. Page 13 of 50 . expressable as RACI Characteristics (Responsible / Accountable / Consulted / Informed) For a Business Process Framework Process Element:  Goal is stated. The Business Process Framework is a decomposition model from a notional Level 0 through to Level 3. as managed through the TM Forum) indefinitely. many individual users are developing lowerlevel decompositions that extend the Business Process Framework beyond the industry-agreed level (and in due course these may feedback to extend the level of industry agreement). the level at which it becomes unproductive to extend GB921 Addendum U.  Affect on organizational use may be stated  CRUD analysis may be available  RACI analysis may be available Principle Business Process Framework. 2.  Outputs may be defined. value proposition.

7 Traceability Because the Business Process Framework is a decomposition model. Dependencies (or associations) between processes occur when an activity requires information from another activity.8 Process dependency through information Business processes do not exist in isolation. and so decomposition continues to proceed in line with the industry’s priorities and available effort. Version 1. Principle Business Process Framework.e. All Rights Reserved. 2 and 3 (and some of level 4) are addressed so far.08 The goals. the lower levels of the decomposition can be traced back to the higher levels. outputs. 2. a level below which decomposition does not proceed) is not yet defined.8 TM Forum 2013. Principle Business Process Framework.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U further is not yet clear. Principle Business Process Framework.07 Enterprise Management is generally decomposed to Level 2 only (but specific areas that represent particular priorities have been decomposed further). Principle Business Process Framework. the input of the first lower level Process Element is the same as the input of the higher level PE. and activities of decomposed Process Elements at a lower level are consistent with the higher level Process Element. An agreed endpoint (i. Process dependencies are related to the entities and attributes required by the business area.05 The Business Process Framework is decomposed from notional Level 0 to more granular levels – Levels 1. inputs.06 It is not the purpose of the Business Process Framework to address the detailed processes and procedures of an enterprise. the output from the last lower level PE is the same as the output of the higher level PE. and they in turn provide information to other processes. The importance of analyzing and GB921 Addendum U. 2. the detailed goals of the lower level Process Elements taken together should match the goal of the higher level PE. Page 14 of 50 . Processes require information from other processes. In particular. the activities of the lower level Process Elements taken together should match the activity of the higher level PE. Note: The relationship and mapping of these Business Process Framework Levels to an organization’s own processes and procedures is addressed in a later section “Organizational Context for the Business Process Framework”.

SIP and Enterprise Management.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U modeling dependencies is to provide further understanding of the interaction between processes and data. namely the information flow.  The information flow concerns the flow of data or information e. All Rights Reserved.g.  The control flow (or workflow) defines the logic of business processes i. 2.e. these can also be message flows. Lower Levels are formed by decomposition with each Process Element occurring once only. the items which constitute the order.  The material flow concerns the actual physical items e. the enterprise behavior in terms of a sequence or order in which enterprise activities must be performed to achieve business objectives.9 Grouping / organization within the Business Process Framework The Business Process Framework is a classification or taxonomy of Process Elements. there is no replication. Principle Business Process Framework.g.09 (Best Practice): each Business Process Framework Process Element should identify its associated Information Framework ABEs. Principle Business Process Framework. These are examples of control flow. The definition of the Business Process Framework Process Elements themselves does not address these types of flow. Version 1. GB921 Addendum U. Page 15 of 50 . the material flow and the control flow.10 A particular Process Element will occur only once in the Business Process Framework. However the Business Process Framework does include in Addendum F sample process flows and depictions of process interaction in swimlanes. 2. the information on an order as it is progressed.8 TM Forum 2013. At Level 0 the elements are classified into Operations. Note: An exercise is underway to identify the Information Framework (SID) ABEs (Aggregate Business Entities) which are associated with Business Process Framework Process Elements.10 Flows There are three fundamental flows which exist in any company.

11Dynamic aspects of Process Modeling The Business Process Framework Process Elements and example process flows are a process view of the enterprise behavior. Methods include message passing and patterns.8 TM Forum 2013. (2) synchronization by messages and (3) synchronization by object flows. maximum. Version 1. The previous mechanisms for co-operative activities can be used.  Temporal aspects  There may be time-based requirements in the triggering of processes. this means that some activities of one process must interact with activities of other processes.  Exception handling mechanisms  Process models often only model the ideal structure of a business process.11 Process flow examples in Business Process Framework are control flows. Page 16 of 50 .Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Principle Business Process Framework. Exceptions can either be predictable or unpredictable. e. triggering frequencies and possible delays between process steps. to exchange messages or objects. average durations) can also be indicated  Co-operative activities  In practice.12 The swimlanes in a process flow are consistent within themselves and with respect to lower level decompositions. Note: Traceability also applies to swimlanes in Business Process Framework process flows.  Process communication  In the case where processes must communicate.g. (See Principle Business Process Framework. 2.08) Principle Business Process Framework. All Rights Reserved. Real-world situations mostly consist of dealing with exceptions. there are also dynamic aspects pertaining to the processes and their interaction.  Process synchronization  Process synchronization can happen in three different forms: (1) synchronization by events. defining the sequence in which activities are performed. These are considered below. it is common that two or more activities of two different processes must work co-operatively. Process step durations (minimum. GB921 Addendum U. based on sequences of activity. However.

Responsibility for association / translation between layers is generally positioned at the lower layer. “Work Orders Executed”.12 Naming conventions The preferred convention for naming Level 3 Process Elements is <Verb Noun> e. Renaming existing Level 1 and Level 2 process elements is seen as unnecessarily disruptive and so the existing form (typicallly. “Determine pre-order feasibility”.14 Dynamic aspects of process modeling are outside the scope of the Business Process Framework. 2. This is also the preferred convention for naming Process Elements at lower levels of decomposition (i.13 Business Process Framework models success scenarios. <Noun Verb> for events . Error conditions are not in scope. <Noun> e. Page 17 of 50 . 2. Principle Business Process Framework.g.8 TM Forum 2013. All Rights Reserved. “Order Handling”) has been retained.e.15 Terminology and naming conventions are <Noun> for Level 1 & 2 Process Names.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Principle Business Process Framework. For example. which must then associate the one (or more) Service Problems that derive from this Customer Problem.g. so that there is consistency in the naming within a Level Principle Business Process Framework. <Verb Noun> for Level 3 Process Names. “Supplier / Partner Relationship Management”. “Resource Allocation & Configuration Done”. Any ongoing interaction between Customer and GB921 Addendum U. New or modified process elements at Level 1 and/or Level 2 should continue to use this existing convention. “Close Problem”.13 Layer References and Responsibilities A layered approach to the handling of responsibilities and information is taken in the Business Process Framework. the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) layer manages Customer Problems and the Service Management & Operations (SM&O) layer manages the Service Problems that may be associated.g. but it is the responsibility of the SM&O processes to map between these Service Problems. Level 4 and below) The preferred convention for naming events is <Noun Verb> e. “Configure & Activate Resource”. Version 1. Thus CRM provides the Customer Problem (or some appropriate information from this) to SM&O. Note: Level 1 and Level 2 Process Names have not in the past used the convention above.

GB921 Addendum U. In the inventory processes there are processes associated with discovery i.17 A process has prime responsibility for ensuring that the results of data manipulation are stored appropriately. which are managed wholly within the Service layer. Page 18 of 50 .14 Data Responsibility The process which is managing data creation. Principle Business Process Framework. Principle Business Process Framework. The results of any inventory differences found would be in the form of some form of report. Consequently. The only exception to this Principle is the aspect associated with data quality. All Rights Reserved. has a prime responsibility for ensuring that the results of data which it is manipulating via the process are appropriately stored. the Manage Resource Inventory processes have no processes to create or update the data elements maintained in the repository. Principle Business Process Framework. 2. which could be used by process quality processes to review and fix any processes which are leading to bad data in the inventory.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Service layers is therefore in terms of Customer Problems (or information based on these) and not Service Problems.16 Responsibility for association / translation between layers is generally positioned at the lower layer. update etc. looking at comparing what is maintained in the inventory with what actually exists on the ground.8 TM Forum 2013. Note: there is no need for any “informing” of the original process as to data change.e.18 The Manage Resource Inventory processes have no processes to create or update the data elements maintained in the repository. Version 1.

Version 1. E. These patterns serve as templates for process modeling in the particular process area.g. With 2 proceses running continuously:  “Track & Manage recovery activities” GB921 Addendum U.  “Close”. Resource Trouble. The process steps are:  “Create”. Trouble Report.8 TM Forum 2013. Page 19 of 50 . Patterns are identified at Level 3 for:  Problem Reports and their resolution  Strategic view and Business Plan  Order Lifecycle  Product Lifecycle Note: All Patterns should have associated Use Cases. Correct & Recover through recovery activities.1 Introduction In this section are presented examples of decomposition patterns in the Business Process Framework.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 3. This pattern consists of 4 process steps and 2 continuous processes. Process Patterns 3. Diagnose root cause. All Rights Reserved.  “Fix”. Use Cases will be added in a later version of the document. 3. Problem Report.2 Level 3 patterns Example 1 – Problem Reports and their resolution Applicable to ASSURANCE: Problem Handling / Service Problem Management / Resource Trouble Management.  “Analyze”. close report. Problem resolved.

All Rights Reserved.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U  “Report” Pre-condition / Inputs to this pattern are: a reported problem or an alarm or event at resource or service level. “Track and Manage” and “Reporting” run continuously.”  “Partnership.  “Research”. Associated Use Case: Example 3 – Order Lifecycle Customer Orders. Formulate strategy and business goals  “Business Plans”  “Operational support.8 TM Forum 2013. forecasts Post-condition / Output are committed business plans and strategy.  “Strategy”. Page 20 of 50 . Service Orders and Resource Orders through to Closure. restoration of normal operation. including management of research gathering. Associated Use Case: GB921 Addendum U. Research & analyses.” Gain Enterprise commitment. Associated Use Case: Example 2 – Strategic view and Business Plan Applicable to STRATEGY & COMMIT: Service Strategy & Planning / Resource Strategy & Planning / Supply Chain Strategy & Planning This pattern consists of 6 processes. Version 1.” (Null step for Supply Chain)  “Commit. Associated Use Case: Example 4 – Product Lifecycle From Research and New Product Development through In Service to Retirement. Pre-condition / Inputs to this pattern are research. Post-condition / Output is: resolved problem.

Page 21 of 50 . GB921 Addendum U. Note that these are guidelines.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 3.8 TM Forum 2013. they do not prescribe or mandate Level 4. All Rights Reserved.3 Level 4 Patterns Later issues of the document will show how the Pattern approach can be extended to Level 4. Version 1.

2 Use of the Business Process Framework within an organization The use of the Business Process Framework by organizations involves the extension and refinement of the Business Process Framework to meet the specific business. 4. Version 1. This section is not a guide on how to do process modeling in an organization.8 TM Forum 2013. system and deployment needs of the organization. GB921 Addendum U.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 4. rather it sets out a generic framework for the various types of process (including manual human procedures) within a typical enterprise and shows how the Business Process Framework can be related to those organizational processes. Page 22 of 50 . Organizational Context for the Business Process Framework 4. operational. All Rights Reserved. and the ways in which the Business Process Framework is applied. and the relationship of the process models to organization structures and systems developments. This section is based on the following view of how processes are developed and modeled within organizations.1 Introduction This section sets out the enterprise context for process modeling.

value streams. enterpriselevel data model. TM Forum 2013. Enterprise Value Domains). Identify business knowledge. All Rights Reserved.8 A functional perspective (e. Processes may be structured from:  A process execution perspective showing standard end-to-end processes (e. Page 23 of 50 . environmental and fiscal constraints. These are the business goals that process and systems solutions must deliver. Service Fulfillment)  GB921 Addendum U.g. Level 1 – Process Groupings Design: product structure. This is the functional structure that delivers your business. develop balanced scorecard and product lines.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U What Who (role) How Level 0 Business Activities Enterprise Activities Scorecard Objectives Level 1 Process Groupings Process Groupings Ownership Services Level 2 Core Processes Core Processes Delivery Units Level 3 Products is predecessor of CS/R3 I/F Contracts S ystem is predecessor of R/3 SD subsumes subsumes Business Process Flows CS/R3-1 CS/R3-2 CS/R3-3 subsumes Create Contract Processes Delivery Teams SD Inquiries Maintain Contract SD Quotations Close Contract SD S ales Orders Systems Level 4 Operational Process Flows Sub Processes Roles System Functions Level 5 Detailed Process Flows Detailed Processes Detailed Roles Transactions Fig. 1 Process Hierarchy Level 0 – Business Activities Identify and model: business objectives. product delivery and support process chains.g. organizational structure. Defines different views of how processes are structured to deliver the Business Activities at Level 0. Version 1.

e.  Normally modeled as Value Chains Comprised of Tasks that are defined in detail in the Business Process Flows at Level 3. Normally specific to an operational environment and will be characterized by the Application Systems and Organizational Units or Positions that support and execute them. process hierarchy. queues and bottlenecks.  Comprised of Tasks  Normally defined generically (i. develop: generic processes. As distinct from supporting processes. Level 4 – Operational Process Flows Develop detailed sub-process design. Defines in more detail the Business Process Flows defined at Level 3.). Processes are the key to delivering business objectives.8 TM Forum 2013. etc. Version 1. Tasks can be decomposed into more detail if required in Level 4 Operational Process Flows. Defines the process flows of the Core Processes defined at Level 2. The detail is essential to ensure every action adds value to the business (which means to the customer) or is an essential requirement. identify supporting systems. customer. Apply Lean Engineering techniques. define operational roles.   Comprised of Steps Normally will include the 'Rainy Day' scenario showing the detail of alternative actions. All Rights Reserved. GB921 Addendum U. Level 3 – Business Process Flows Design detailed processes. system structure. identify detailed systems. identify and model business data definitions. define business roles.  Often will only show the 'Sunny Day' scenario and exclude the detail of alternative actions. equipment and resource usage. not specific to a particular product. Map business data models to systems data models. data flows. Consider failure paths. assign business roles. Page 24 of 50 . Recognizable sub-process of End-to-End Processes:   Normally carried out within a Business Unit or Line of Business Defines those activities that deliver competitive advantage to business. geographical operation. failures and error recovery. failures and error recovery. link processes to written procedures.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Level 2 –Core Processes Identify industry standard reference models.

All Rights Reserved. e-business solutions and systems development. 4. However the concerns for lower levels than are documented in the Business Process Framework need to be addressed by an enterprise itself in implementing concrete detailed processes.3 The Business Process Framework and the Process Hierarchy The TMF Business Process Framework in its analysis has addressed the concerns shown in Level 0 through to Level 3. the following section provides guidance on how an enterprise should execute these analysis steps. May be used to generate Workflows or be used a detailed requirements for systems development.  Should include the 'Rainy Day' scenario showing the detail of alternative actions. For such extensions to the Framework by an enterprise.8 TM Forum 2013.  Any further detail required of an Operation will be described in a Procedure document or Work Instruction. and now is moving to address Level 4 in selected areas.  Comprised of Operations. Page 25 of 50 . Level 5 – Detailed Process Flows Deliver the process flow automatically through workflow systems. roles and transactions. GB921 Addendum U. The benefit of these guidelines is that different enterprises will use a similar analysis approach to applying the Business Process Framework to their own organization.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Steps can be decomposed into more detail if required in Level F Detailed Process Flows.  Specific to an operational environment and will be characterized by the Application Systems and Organizational Units or Positions that support and execute them. failures and error recovery. Link process and data models to systems and software development environments. Version 1. Defines in more detail the Operational Process Flows defined at Level 4.

Note that in practice each level may have several layers of decomposition to deal with practical issues of handling complexity and scale. GB921 Addendum U. Service Streams) Core processes that combine together to deliver Service Streams and other end-to-end processes Decomposition of core processes into detailed ‘success model’ business process flows Detailed operational process flows with error conditions and product and geographical variants (where required). The test of what is in a Level is the focus of the analysis. Page 26 of 50 . Further decomposition of detailed operational where required Fig. Guidance for extending and using the Business Process Framework 5. All Rights Reserved.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 5. methodology and modelling standards Defines business activities Distinguishes operational customer oriented processes from management and strategic process Logical Levels Physical Levels Shows groups of related business functions and standard end-to-end processes (e.1 Process Hierarchy: Decomposition Principles Business Activities Level 1 Process Groupings Level 2 Core Processes Level 3 Business Process Flows Level 4 Operational Process Flows Level 5 Detailed Process Flows Process Levels Business Levels Level 0 Operations Levels Six-Level Process Hierarchy Meta Meta Level Model structure. 2 Process Hierarchy and analysis focus for Levels This diagram provides a more extended description of the 6 level decomposition model.8 TM Forum 2013.g. Version 1. It shows the focus of analysis for each of the levels.

2 Process Hierarchy: Implementation Principles Implementation Processes vary in complexity. importance and their requirement for detailed modelling. 3 Process Hierarchy Implementation GB921 Addendum U.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U The Business Process Framework has effectively produced an industry analysis of the process decompositions down to level 3 that provides both core processes and example process flows in the form of success models. All Rights Reserved. Version 1. Page 27 of 50 .8 TM Forum 2013. 5. Level 0 Business Activities Level 1 Process Groupings Procedural documentation that describes manual implementation of a process may be applicable at any appropriate level from Level D downwards Level 2 Enactment of a process through an IT or Workflow System requires more detailed modelling including error conditions and must be applied at Level E or Level F Core Processes Level 3 Business Process Flows Level 4 Operational Process Flows Level 5 Detailed Process Flows Procedural Definitions (manual) System Specific Implementation Definitions Fig.

3 Process Hierarchy: Hierarchies Hierarchies Level 0 Process-related information visualised in a hierarchical manner Business Activities Level 4 Operational Process Flows Level 5 Detailed Process Flows Operational Support Systems Business Process Flows Business Information and Data Level 3 Product Lines Core Processes Business Interfaces Level 2 Measurement and KPIs Process Groupings Roles & Responsibilities Level 1 Fig.8 TM Forum 2013. Version 1. GB921 Addendum U. Page 28 of 50 . 4 Process Hierarchy hierarchies This diagram shows those attributes and characteristics that have to be in lock step throughout the decomposition steps. All Rights Reserved.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 5.

Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 5. Version 1. 5 Process Hierarchy: Processes and Resources This figure shows a view of how processes are developed through the decomposition steps.4 Process Hierarchy: Process View Business Activities Business Activities Level 1 Value Domains Process Groupings Business Functions End-to-End Processes Service Streams Enabling Streams Process Service Lines Level 2 Core processes Core Processes Level 3 Tasks Business Process Flows Processes Level 4 Steps Operational Process Flows Level 5 Sub Processes Resources Operations Detailed Process Flows Detailed Processes Detailed Resources Operations Levels Level 0 Process Levels Business Levels Process View Fig.8 TM Forum 2013. All Rights Reserved. GB921 Addendum U. Page 29 of 50 .

All Rights Reserved. Version 1. Consulted. resources may be defined through linkages with the Information Framework  Activities into which the process decomposes that may be defined These may be embedded in the process description  A stated or implied value/benefit within the business May be related to how the process is used within a particular enterprise  Create.8 TM Forum 2013. Page 30 of 50 . Informed (RACI) analysis that may be available Typically. Decomposition Guidelines Before providing a set of decomposition guidelines the properties of a process are provided. A process specification consists of  A stated goal that the process achieves in terms of a purpose or result from applying the process  Inputs that may be defined  Outputs that may be defined Note that inputs transform to outputs through the process functionality/behavior  Resources consumed that may be defined Note for the Business Process Framework. this is related to how processes are mapped into organizations  Key Performance / Quality Indicators (KPIs/KQIs) These characteristics apply to all levels including extensions and should be included in the definition/description of the process. Accountable. these properties should become part of the overall specification of the added processes.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 6. Each framework process may have one or more of these properties. As enterprise specific extensions are made to the framework. GB921 Addendum U. Update. Read. Delete (CRUD) analysis that may be available This can link with the Information Framework  Responsible.

inputs. into which Isolate Customer Problem decomposes. 6. It is also output from Isolate Customer Problem. Customer Problem is input to the L3 process Isolate Customer Problem. Provide Problem Analysis Completion Notification. “First” and “last” mean the first and last in a sequence of process execution.8 TM Forum 2013. Page 31 of 50 . Note that this does not imply that these are the only inputs and outputs of the Isolate Customer Problem process or the processes into which it decomposes. The value is created for the customer. such as L2 processes. Version 1. GB921 Addendum U. The customer may be internal or external. The Problem Handling example previously described illustrates this. It is also input to the first L4 process. and activities of a decomposed process at a lower level are consistent and should match those of the higher level process. scope and content of the lower level processes taken together should match those of the higher level process  Each input of the higher level process is the same as an input of a lower level process  Each output of the higher level process is the same as an output of a lower level process  The activities/behavior of the lower level processes taken together should match that of the higher level process This ensures the consistency between process extensions to the framework and its further decomposition. All Rights Reserved. Verify Proper Product Use. This is particularly true when dealing with higher level processes. outputs.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U A process transforms inputs into outputs. The activities into which it decomposes are performed in some order.1 Consistency of Inputs and Outputs The goals. The Root Cause of the Customer Problem is output from the last L4 process. specifically:  The goals.

This in part helps ensure that the lifecycle of the entity is managed by a single L2 process and is not split among more than one L2 process. For example. not Problem Handling. L5 refer to the levels within a process hierarchy and that there may be multiple levels of Business Process Framework process that represent a given process hierarchy level. therefore. steps (L4). is the responsibility of the lower layer. Billing. but the focus of the Business Process Framework process must be considered when classifying a Business Process Framework process within the levels of a process hierarchy. Version 1. Page 32 of 50 . GB921 Addendum U. Fulfilment.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Customer Problem Problem Handling Isolate Customer Problem Customer Problem Root Cause Notification Verify IsolateProper Customer Product ProblemUse PerformCustomer Report Product ProblemDiagnostics Related Root Cause Notification Provide Close Customer Problem Problem Report Analysis Completion Notification Track Manage Identify&Customer Customer Problem Problem Root Cause Fig. L4. A bit confusing. Association/translation between process layers. often nouns and/or gerunds (a noun form of a verb). to create the Service Problem Report(s) and associate the Report(s) to the Customer Problem Report. 6 Consistency of Inputs and Outputs 6. Problem Handling are used for L1 and L2 processes. All Rights Reserved. The <verb noun> convention are used for processes that represent more discrete processes. such as tasks (L3). It is the responsibility of Service Problem Management. Two different conventions are used for naming Business Process Framework processes. horizontal Business Process Framework processes. This convention indicates a higher level process that is a combination of tasks (L3). Note that L3. Nouns. a process is not duplicated within the framework. and operations (L5). the interaction from Problem Handling to Service Problem Management is expressed in terms a Customer Problem Report. such as Service Management and Operations.8 TM Forum 2013.2 Additional Decomposition Guidelines The Business Process Framework represents a non-redundant decomposition.

8 TM Forum 2013. each of which represents the task level within the process decomposition. Intangible oriented entities. Acquire. and sometimes below L4. “Acquire”. Plan. Tangible oriented entities. such as products. Version 1. Note that life cycle decomposition is just one of the many techniques described here which may be used to identify lower level process elements. which acquires an object/entity. update.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U The process which manages data creation. The lifecycle often depends on the category of entity. Shown below are some examples of the names associated with different categories of entities. Dispose processes may take on names specific to the type of entities/objects upon which they act. and resources may have the following life cycle related processes:  Gather/analyze  Develop  Deploy  Assess  Retire. naturally focus on a single state in the life cycle of an object/entity. such as strategies and plans may have the following life cycle related processes:  Research/analyze  Formulate/prepare  Approve/commit  Assess  Retire. services. When decomposing a process to L3 or to L4. “Dispose” tasks. Activity oriented entities. Use. “Use”. L3/L4 processes. All Rights Reserved. Life cycle decomposition is a technique to use when identifying processes that move an object/entity through its life of interest to the business. such as orders and problems may have the following life cycle related processes:  Issue/Create GB921 Addendum U. and so forth has a prime responsibility for ensuring that the results of data which it is manipulating via the process are appropriately stored. The set of tasks is typically made up of those that plan to uses an object/entity. which uses an object/entity. and which disposes of an entity. Page 33 of 50 . Typical processes in the decomposition perform “Plan”. it is helpful to think of the next level of decomposition in terms which represents “life cycle” decomposition.

the second set represents processes that appear in the Strategy & Commit vertical process grouping. Problem Handling manages the life of a Customer Problem Report. All Rights Reserved. and Close Customer Problem Report (Dispose) represents processes that appear in the Assurance L1 vertical process grouping. such as Customer Problem Report and Service Order.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U  Analyze/diagnose  Fix. Configure. The L3 processes focus on states within the life cycle of an ABE. Correct & Recover Customer Problem (Use). 6. processes whose names imply more than one process. Below L2. Although the Business Process Framework does not always follow the last guideline. The first set of sample process names represents processes that appear in the Product Lifecycle Management L1 vertical process grouping. Service Configuration & Activation manages the life of the Service Order and Service ABEs as defined by the published Business Process Framework/Information Framework L2 to ABE mappings. Note that the actual decomposition may only consist of a subset of these types of activities. Issue Service Order focuses on the creation state.3 Information Framework Related Guidelines These guidelines were developed as the Business Process Framework/Information Framework mapping team defined actions taken by processes on SID entities and as the team began to identify L4 processes. The third set represents processes associated with activity-oriented entities that span Fulfilment and Assurance.8 TM Forum 2013. monitor. beware “/”. “&”. Version 1. they are typically realized by in part some type of physical (tangible) resource. Lower level processes deal with managing the states of the entities associated with the L3 processes and no others. There are many examples of this type of decomposition in the framework. the decomposition of the L2 Problem Handling includes Create Customer Problem Report (Acquire). which typically means process should be split. A L2 process manages the life of a small number of ABEs. such as Implement. and their variants in process names. Close Service Order focuses on the completion state. In this example there is no equivalent for the Plan process. Note also that while products and services are intangible entities. For example. An Aggregate Business Entity (ABE) is a group of closely related (cohesive) entities. For example. For example. correct  Close. Processes such as these are often combined at a given level of decomposition to manage the number of processes that appear at that level. and Activate Service could be split into three processes at the next level of decomposition. Page 34 of 50 . GB921 Addendum U. A similar relationship exists for the L3 processes that define Problem Handling.

sentences and paragraphs to the level of the writing as a whole. Semantic Analysis is carried out iteratively with other techniques and may result in updating the description of a process to which Semantic Analysis was originally applied.4 Semantic Analysis In linguistics. removing features specific to particular linguistic and cultural contexts. from the levels of phrases. The elements of idiom (a fixed distinctive expression whose meaning cannot be deduced from the combined meanings of its actual words) and figurative speech. Page 35 of 50 .Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U A process in one domain. Similarly. Semantic analysis is much like sentence diagramming that we all learned at an early age. Service. For example. semantic analysis is the process of relating syntactic structures. GB921 Addendum U. All Rights Reserved. while Service Problem Report and Service Order are Service domain entities. being cultural. The techniques can be viewed as supplemental to the techniques currently in use within an organization. This is accomplished by performing semantic analysis on the description of a process:  Look for nouns (entities) upon which actions are performed  Look for verbs that act on nouns (entities)  Look for phrases that imply actions on nouns (entities). must also be converted into relatively invariant meanings. to their language-independent meanings. does not create instances of entities in another domain. Version 1. 6. Often. Problem Handling does not create instances of Service Problem Report. clauses. such as Customer. to the extent that such a project is possible.8 TM Forum 2013. Semantic Analysis should be considered as just another of the many techniques described in this section that can be used to decompose processes. The descriptions of L3 processes can be used and analyzed to begin identifying L4 processes. Customer and Product domains. Product. The two L2 processes reside within the CRM L1 horizontal process and focus on Market/Sales. Caution: Verbs and phrases may represent processes in other areas of the framework that interact with the processes being identified. The goal would be that the final decomposition(s) are consistent with the parent process description(s) from a Semantic Analysis viewpoint. Order Handling does not create instances of Service Orders. This guideline follows on from the layers guideline.

Page 36 of 50 .8 TM Forum 2013. updating the open Customer Problem Report is also accomplished by initiating a flow to Track & Manage Customer Problem. The Isolate Customer Problem processes will update open customer problem report. GB921 Addendum U. The purpose of the Isolate Customer Problem processes is to identify the root cause of the customer problem. processing and distribution steps. Their descriptions are included here to illustrate this point. For example.The objective of the Close Service Performance Degradation Report processes is to close a service performance degradation report when the service performance has been resolved.The Audit Data Collection & Distribution processes are responsible for auditing the management information & data collection activities in order to identify possible anomalies such as loss of management information and/or data in the different collection. Version 1. These processes monitor the status of all open service performance degradation reports. The responsibilities of these processes include. The Isolate Customer Problem processes will notify the Track & Manage Customer Problem processes when the analysis is complete. Decomposing From L3 Description Example 1 – Isolate Customer Problem Isolate Customer Problem is the L3 process being decomposed. but are not limited to: · Verifying whether the customer is using the purchased product offering correctly. The highlighted text represents the candidate L4 processes using the semantic analysis guidelines described previously in this section. the notification to Track & Manage Customer Problem is defined using a flow to that process. and recognize that a service performance degradation report is ready to be closed when the status is changed to clear. decomposition to L4 may not be possible. Note that all the nouns (entities) deal with the Customer Problem ABE and its entities. and when the root cause has been identified. Close Service Performance Degradation Report . The Isolate Customer Problem processes will make the results of the root cause analysis available to other processes. All Rights Reserved. Not all of the description resulted in candidate L4 processes. Some were used as part of the description of the L4s or represent the initiation of flows to other processes. such as Root Cause.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U For simple L3 processes whose description is brief. Audit Data Collection & Distribution . such as Close Service Performance Degradation Report and Audit Data Collection & Distribution. as required during the assessment. and · Performing diagnostics based on the customer provided information to determine whether the root cause of the customer problem is linked to the underlying services.

Version 1. Update open customer problem report.  Provide Problem Analysis Completion Notification GB921 Addendum U.  Verify Proper Product Use Verify that the customer is properly using the product.5 . All of the L4 processes deal with the “isolate” state of the Customer Problem. All Rights Reserved. These L4 process represent the lowest level to which the current Isolate Customer Problem can be decomposed.  Perform Product-Related Diagnostics Perform diagnostics based on the customer provided information to determine whether the root cause of the customer problem is linked to the underlying services. and when the root cause has been identified. such as Track & Manage Customer Problem L3 or an L4 process within the Track & Manage decomposition. Some of the processes names represent interpretations that were made based on the analysis of the Isolate Customer Problem description. Later in this chapter we will discuss how processes can be extended using this same technique of starting with an extended description of a process. Page 37 of 50 . 7 Isolate Customer Problem Decomposition Below are examples of L4 process descriptions. Problem Handling Isolate Customer Problem Verify IsolateProper Customer Product ProblemUse PerformCustomer Report Product ProblemDiagnostics Related Track & Customer Manage Identify CustomerRoot Problem Problem Cause Provide Close Customer Problem Problem Completion Report Analysis Notification Fig. The descriptions of the L4 processes were based on the description of the L3 process. as required during the assessment.8 TM Forum 2013.  Identify Customer Problem Root Cause Identify the root cause of the customer problem.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Figure 3. Make the results of the root cause analysis available to other processes. Other guidelines for extending the framework will also be provided. The Provide Problem Analysis Completion Notification implies a flow to another process.Isolate Customer Problem Decomposition shows the resulting decomposition diagram for Isolate Customer Problem.

followed by examples of L4 and L5 process descriptions. The candidate decompositions are shown on the next figures. and monitoring. or operating as part of. contractors and who are paid by the enterprise. managing and reporting on the capability of the Manage Workforce processes. The L4 processes were based on the statement that the “processes are twofold” in the first line of the description above. managers. The Manage Workforce processes also enable reporting and monitoring of assigned activities.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U  Provide notification of the completion of problem analysis Decomposing From L3 Description Example 2 – Manage Workforce Manage Workforce is the L3 process being decomposed. etc.). clerks. In the cases where the third parties own and manage the service and/or resource infrastructure the Manage Workforce processes are responsible for requesting activities to be performed rather than directly assigning specific staff. consultants and contractors paid by third parties who have commercial arrangements with the enterprise. This first part of the description and can be used to identify two L4 processes and a number of L5 processes before moving on to the remainder of the description. Page 38 of 50 . Manage Workforce Staff and Manage Workforce Process. Version 1. The responsibilities of the Manage Workforce processes are twofold .8 TM Forum 2013. Problem Handling Isolate Customer Manage Workforce Problem PerformCustomer Report Product Manage Workforce Problem Related Diagnostics Staff Track Manage Identify& Customer Manage Problem Workforce Customer Problem Root Cause Process Fig. Manage Workforce.e.plan. dispatch and manage the activities of staff (directly or indirectly) employed by. Note that this description is from the 7. the enterprise (i. The analysis was used to develop the next level of decomposition and update the descriptions in release 7. All Rights Reserved. along with its two L4 processes. technicians. The L5 processes were based on the other highlighted text. one group of processes that deals with workforce staff and another group of processes that deal with the workforce processes.0 release of the Process Framework.5. 8 Manage Workforce Decomposition GB921 Addendum U. assign. The staff directly managed by these processes include all employees. The staff indirectly managed by these processes includes all employees. Manage Workforce Decomposition Shown here is the L3 process.

The descriptions of the L5 processes can be based on this part of the description. Manage Workforce Problem Handling Process MonitorCustomer Isolate Workforce Process Problem Capability ManageCustomer Report Workforce Process Problem Capability Report&Workforce Track Manage Process CustomerCapability Problem Fig. derived from the first part of the Manage Workforce L3 process description. 9 Manage Workforce Staff Decomposition Manage Workforce Process Decomposition Shown here is the Manage Workforce Process L4. Page 39 of 50 .Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Manage Workforce Decomposition Shown here is the Manage Workforce Staff L4. All Rights Reserved. with its three L5 processes. Descriptions for these processes will be derived from the remainder of the Manage Workforce process. Descriptions for these processes will be derived from the remainder of the Manage Workforce process.8 TM Forum 2013. with its six L5 processes. Version 1. Manage Workforce Problem Handling Staff Plan Workforce Isolate CustomerStaff Activity Problem Assign Workforce Report Customer Staff Activity Problem Dispatch Track & Manage Workforce Staff Customer Problem MonitorCustomer Create Workforce Assigned Activity Problem Report Manage Close Customer Workforce Staff Activity Problem Report CorrectWorkforce Report & RecoverStaff Activity Problem Customer Fig. 10 Manage Workforce Process Decomposition Decomposing From L3 Description This section contains the remainder of the Manage Workforce L3 process description. The fragment of the description below can be used to derive descriptions for Manage GB921 Addendum U. derived from the first part of the Manage Workforce L3 process description.

· Determining work activity time estimates for all known work activities. availability for assignment etc. For example. to be used as a parameter for scheduling work rosters. All Rights Reserved. based on actual historic results or on forward estimates.8 TM Forum 2013. or other time breadth. and the fourth and fifth will be used to describe the Monitor Workforce Process Capability L5. Page 40 of 50 . GB921 Addendum U. and the third.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Workforce Staff L4 processes. For example. · Establishing and managing fast-track and jeopardy re-assignment capabilities to allow for modification of work assignments as required to meet jeopardy or other high priority conditions. Establish & Distribute Workforce Assignment. second. and Forecast Assignable Staffing Requirement are L6 processes for Plan Workforce Staff Activity. Brief descriptions can also be derived for these L6 processes from the text. weekly and longer period basis. but are not limited to: · Establishing and managing work assignment queues through which requests for work activities are received from Business Process Framework processes. Note that descriptions may not be derivable for all L4 or L5 processes. · Establishing and managing recall capabilities to allow for out-of-hours staff recall in the event of unforeseen circumstances. and sixth will be used to describe the Assign Workforce Staff Activity L5. Version 1. and forecast activity volumes. second. skills. · Forecasting assignable staffing requirements on a daily. fourth. In fact. For example.. managing and distributing individuals work assignments to staff outlining the daily. For example. these descriptions can be used to develop L6 processes. and Determine Work Activity Estimate are L6 process for Assign Workforce Staff Activity. and third bullets above will be used to describe the Manage Workforce Process Capability L5. based on historic work volume records. Establish Staff List. the first. The descriptions of the L5 processes will be based this part of the description. This description can be used to derive descriptions for Manage Workforce Process L4 processes. work assignments. · Establishing. containing details about assignable staff such as location. · Establishing and managing staff lists. the first. no description could be found for Dispatch Workforce Staff. Continuation of description… Responsibilities of these processes include. Establish Work Assignment Queue. and fifth bullets above will be used to describe the Plan Workforce Staff Activity L5. Establish Re-Assignment Capability. The description would have to be developed. The remainder of the Manage Workforce L3 process description follows.

Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U The descriptions can be also used to develop L6 processes. as mentioned earlier. Page 41 of 50 . L4 Process Description Examples The descriptions of the L4 processes were based on the description of the L3 process. Version 1. Establish Workforce Information Transfer. and providing input to Resource Development & Management processes to rectify these issues. and access to. For example. Identifying any technical driven shortcomings of the workforce management system(s). delete and/or download scheduling and work assignment data to and from the workforce management system(s). Brief descriptions can also be derived for these L6 processes from the text. GB921 Addendum U. through use of automated or manual audits. Continuation of description… -. Track & Monitor Workforce Management System Usage and Identify Workforce Management System Shortfall are L6 process for Monitor Workforce Process Capability.Managing the registration and access control processes that enable processes to create. · Tracking and monitoring of the usage of. and reporting on the findings. Note that descriptions may not be derivable for all L4 or L5 processes. · Establishing and managing information transfer between the enterprise workforce management system(s) and those of external third parties (when the infrastructure is owned and operated by third parties).8 TM Forum 2013. and Ensure Accuracy of Workforce Management Systems are L6 processes for Manage Workforce Process Capability. For example. no description could be found for Report Workforce Process Capability. Manage Registration & Access Control Process. -. modify. Later in this chapter. The description would have to be developed. Other guidelines for extending the framework will also be provided. the workforce management system(s) and associated costs of the Manage Workforce processes. update. All Rights Reserved. we will discuss how processes can be extended using this same technique of starting with an extended description of a process.Ensuring workforce management system(s) accurately captures and records all assignment and work scheduling details. These L4 and L5 (and possibly L6 as described in the previously) processes represent the lowest level to which the current Manage Workforce can be decomposed.

e. or operating as part of. All Rights Reserved. The example illustrates the work accomplished for the L3 processes for the L2 Problem Handling process. These. Inputs and outputs were derived from the descriptions and implied actions on entities contained in the descriptions of the L3 processes. managers. Page 42 of 50 . discussed earlier in this chapter. skills. The staff directly managed by these processes include all employees. based on historic work volume records. The staff indirectly managed by these processes includes all employees. Other L3/L4 Decomposition Examples This example illustrates the current L3/L4 process decomposition work being undertaken by the Business Process Framework/Information Framework mapping team. Establishing and managing staff lists. GB921 Addendum U. the enterprise (i. The Inputs and outputs can be used to construct/confirm L3 and L4 process flow diagrams. and forecast activity volumes. clerks. contractors and who are paid by the enterprise.8 TM Forum 2013. containing details about assignable staff such as location. were used to deduce the candidate L4 processes that will make their way into the framework. etc. availability for assignment etc. Forecasting assignable staffing requirements on a daily. technicians. This process shows the work done that resulted in the Problem Handling decompositions. Version 1. weekly and longer period basis.). In the cases where the third parties own and manage the service and/or resource infrastructure the Manage Workforce processes are responsible for requesting  Plan Workforce Staff Activity (L5) Establishing and managing work assignment queues through which requests for work activities are received from Business Process Framework processes. along with semantic analysis. dispatch and manage the activities of staff (directly or indirectly) employed by.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U  Manage Workforce Staff (L4) Plan. consultants and contractors paid by third parties who have commercial arrangements with the enterprise. assign.

11 Problem Handling L4ofProcesses efficiency and effectiveness of the overall Problem Handling process I-2) Problem. Page 43 of 50 . All Rights Reserved.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U L3 Process Name Input Information Output Information Candidate L4 Processes Create Customer Problem Report I-1) Customer Information I-2) Customer/ Process Request O-1) Customer Problem Report O-2) Customer Problem Report Isolate Customer Problem I-1) Customer Problem O-1) Product Use Verification Verify Proper Product Use I-2) Customer Problem O-2) Product-Related Diagnostic Results Perform ProductRelated Diagnostics I-3) Customer Problem O-3) Customer Problem Identify Customer I-4) Problem Related Root Cause Problem Root Cause Diagnostic Results I-5) Customer Problem O-4) Customer Problem Provide Customer I-6) Customer Problem Analysis Completion Problem Analysis Root Cause Notification Completion Notification Report Customer Problem GB921 Addendum U.8 I-1) status of O-1) notifications of any CustomerProblemRep changes and ort management reports O-2) Specialized summaries the Fig. root O-3) Reports on this cause and activities for information recovery of normal operation TM Forum 2013. Version 1.

Page 44 of 50 .Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Fig. Version 1. 12 Resource Provisioning L4 Processes GB921 Addendum U. L3 Process Name Input Information Allocate & Install I-1) Service Order I-2) LogicalResource Resource Output Information O-1) ResourceSpecification Candidate L4 Processes CheckResourceFeasibility I-3) Resource Order O-2) ResourceSpecification O-3) ResourceConfig AllocateResource I-4) ResourceSepcification Nil InstallResource I-5) Supplier/Partner O-4) ResourceSpecification CheckResourceAvailability O-1) ResourceOrder PlanResourceConfigurationAn dActivation ConfigureResource I-1) Resource Order Configure & Activate Resource I-2) ResourceConfig I-3) Resource O-2) ResourceSpecification I-4) ResourceSpecification I-5) ResourceConfig O-3) ResourceAlarm NotifyPotencialResourceTrou ble I-6) ResourceSpecification I-7) ResourceUsage I-8) ResourceConfig O-4) AdministorResourceData O-5) Resource UpdateResourceInventory Fig.8 TM Forum 2013. All Rights Reserved. 12 Resource Provisioning L4 Processes shows similar work accomplished for Resource Provisioning L3 processes.

Version 1. All Rights Reserved. Page 45 of 50 .Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U Fig. L3 Process Name Input Information Output Information I-1) Resource Alarm Event O-1) Resource Trouble Record Create Resource Trouble 1-2) Service Trouble I-2) Resource Order O-2) Resource Trouble I-3) Resource Trouble I-4) ResourceRestoration Time O-2) Resource Trouble Localize Resource I-1)Resource Trouble I-2) Current Resource Trouble Configuration I-3) ResourceFacingService Configuration Candidate L4 Processes Generate Resource Trouble ConvertReportTo ResourceTrouble Format EstimateTimeFor RestoringResource O-1) Resource Trouble O-2) Resource Configuration Verification Verify Resource Configuration I-4) Resource Trouble I-5) Resource Configuration Verification I-6)Resource Trouble Diagnostics Specifications I-7) Resource Trouble Diagnostics Methodology Template(New) O-3) Resource Trouble O-4) Resource Trouble Root Cause Analysis PerformSpecific Resource Trouble Diagnostics I-8) Resource Trouble I-9) Resource Trouble Test Specifications I-10)Resource Trouble Root Cause Analysis O-5) Resource Trouble O-6) Resource Trouble Test Results (Created) O-7) Resource Trouble Root Cause Analysis Perform Specific Resource Trouble Tests Fig. 13 Resource Trouble Management L4 Processes GB921 Addendum U.8 TM Forum 2013. 13 Resource Trouble Management L4 Processes shows the decomposition for Resource Trouble Management L3 processes.

It consists of activities and uses resources. The Business Process Framework is decomposed from notional Level 0 to more granular levels – Levels 1. the activities of the lower level Process Elements taken together GB921 Addendum U. Version 1. In particular. the output from the last lower level PE is the same as the output of the higher level PE.08 The goals.01 Business Process Framework . All Rights Reserved.05 The Business Process Framework is an activity-based process decomposition model The Business Process Framework Process Elements are comprehensive for a Service Provider A Business Process Framework Process Element is a succession of activities with a control flow (Best Practice): a Business Process Framework Process Element has a goal. TM Forum 2013. outputs. outputs.02 Business Process Framework . the input of the first lower level Process Element is the same as the input of the higher level PE. and activities of decomposed Process Elements at a lower level are consistent with the higher level Process Element. value proposition.e. a level below which decomposition does not proceed) is not yet defined. inputs.06 Business Process Framework . Business Process Framework .04 Business Process Framework . inputs.03 Business Process Framework . Principle Business Process Framework . Page 46 of 50 . It has a CRUD and RACI model. An agreed end-point (i. the goals of the lower level Process Elements taken together should match the goal of the higher level PE.07 It is not the purpose of the Business Process Framework to address the detailed processes and procedures of an enterprise Business Process Framework .8 Enterprise Management is generally decomposed to Level 2 only (but specific areas that represent particular priorities have been decomposed further).Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 7. 2 and 3 (and some of level 4) are addressed so far. Audit Checklist This section contains a checklist of the Business Process Framework principles for its use and application within an organization.

Dynamic aspects of process modeling are outside the scope of the Business Process Framework. Business Process Framework .12 Business Process Framework .11 Business Process Framework . The Business Process Framework models success scenarios. 17 Business Process Framework. The swimlanes in a process flow are consistent within themselves and with respect to lower level decompositions.13 Business Process Framework . <Verb Noun> for Level 3 Process Names. The Manage Resource Inventory processes have no processes to create or update the data elements maintained in the repository. Error conditions are not in scope.10 Business Process Framework .8 A particular Process Element will occur only once in the Business Process Framework. there is no replication Process flows in the Business Process Framework are control flows. Page 47 of 50 . 18 Terminology and naming conventions are <Noun> for Level 1 & 2 Process Names. A process has prime responsibility for ensuring that the results of data manipulation are stored appropriately. TM Forum 2013. 15 Business Process Framework.09 Business Process Framework . Version 1.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U should match the activity of the higher level PE. All Rights Reserved. <Noun Verb> for events.14 (Best Practice): each Business Process Framework Process Element should identify its associated Information Framework ABEs Business Process Framework. 16 Business Process Framework. defining the sequence or order in which activities are performed. GB921 Addendum U. Responsibility for association / translation between layers is generally positioned at the lower layer.

g.  Detail on the relationship of the Business Process Framework to Frameworx.  Process dependencies and Process associations. Say more about decomposition and uniqueness.  Traceability at lower levels. E.g.  Section on status of the Business Process Framework documentation.  Use Cases for Patterns.  Section on Flows. Is it of benefit to discuss these distinctions when some not relevant to the Business Process Framework?  Section on Decomposition. More explanation required for consistency of swimlanes. Principles arising. GB921 Addendum U. All Rights Reserved. Version 1. The ABE and contract work.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 8.8 TM Forum 2013. Page 48 of 50 . Check that flow examples are normative. E. For a Level 6 it should also be clear which of the Level 6 go back to which Level 3 (because they could go to several). Outstanding issues  Implications of the Horizontals and Verticals structure. Can examples be normative?  Section on Hybrid approach to Process Modeling.

Description of changes Document launch Formatting for first issue of document Updates from AC Minor updates to reflect TM Forum Approved status Minor updates to reflect TM Forum Approved status Small terminology changes to use “Business Process Framework” and to update diagrams.2 Document History 8.21 1. Version 1. The knowledge and commitment in providing contributions and participating in discussions are greatly appreciated.1 Acknowledgements This release of the Business Process Framework is the result of the combined efforts of a large group of individuals from companies all over the world. Thank you for making this the acknowledged. 8.8 TM Forum 2013. Administrative Appendix 8. 1.1 Version History Version Number Date Modified Modified by: 0. All Rights Reserved.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 9. Contributors over the program leading to previous Business Process Framework/eTOM releases were acknowledged in those documents The team looks forward to continued input and involvement for ongoing work on the Business Process Framework. Most noteworthy is the participation of numerous service providers. best framework for Telecom and Information Services business processes. small textual Page 49 of 50 .0 November 2006 December 2006 Philip Willliams Mike Kelly February 2007 June 2009 Tina O’Sullivan Alicja Kawecki 1. Also. See main document (GB921 Concepts and Principles) for other acknowledgements.3 Jan 2010 Mike Kelly (with some updates by Ken Dilbeck) GB921 Addendum U.2 June 2009 Alicja Kawecki 1.

incorporation of member review comments Minor cosmetic updates for web posting Updated to reflect TM Forum Approved status Added decomposition guidelines chapter Corrected notice.Business Process Framework (eTOM) – Addendum U 1.5 April 2011 Alicja Kawecki 1.0 Date Modified December 2006 Modified by: Mike Kelly 8.0 September 2012 John Reilly GB921 Addendum U.6 September 2012 John Reilly 1. Description of changes Formatting for first issue of document Small terminology changes to use “Business Process Framework” and to update diagrams.1 Jan 2010 Mike Kelly (with some updates by Ken Dilbeck) 12.8 July 2013 Alicja Kawecki clarifications. minor cosmetic corrections prior to web posting and Member Evaluation Updated to reflect TM Forum Approved status 8. small textual clarifications. Also. Version 1.8 TM Forum 2013.4 March 2010 Alicja Kawecki 1.7 October 2012 Alicja Kawecki 1. All Rights Reserved.2 Release History Release Number Release 7.2. incorporation of member review comments Added decomposition guidelines chapter Page 50 of 50 .