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Guia Examen Inglés

Guia de examen de ingles para certificación


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    June 2018
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“2012, Año del Bicentenario de el Ilustrador Nacional” Guía de examen de inglés NOMBRE DEL ALUMNO(A)______________________________________________________________  I. Circula la palabra junto con la letra que complete el enunciado correctamente. 1. _________ your name? a) What’s b) Where c) I am d) Who’s 2. __________ your address? a)Where are b) What are c) Who is d) What is 3. I ______ from Tlaxcala. a) Are b) is c) am d) have 4. How old are you? a) I have 21 years old b) I am 21 years old c) no, I’m not d) I have 21 years 5.________ Mexican a) My b) Me c) I’m d) You 6.We ______ hungry. a) am b) are c) is d) have 7. How’s the weather today? ______ windy and cloudy. a) I’m b)She’s c) It’s d) we’re 8. How are you? I’m _______. a) tired b) 16 years old. c) I’m a doctor  d)She’s fine. 9. Where ________ you from? I’m from Mexico. a) are b) is c) am d) she 10. What do you do? I’m _________. a) cold b) a student c) happy d) a study II. Observa el árbol genealógico y completa los enunciados. 1. Sara is Luis an Ana’s ________. a) son b)daughter c) niece 6. Mario is Claudia’s _________. a) niece b) nephew 2. Arturo is Sara’s ___________. a) sister b) brother c) sister-in-law 7. Arturo is Sonia’s __________. a) nephew b) niece c) uncle __________. __. 3. Mario is Betty and  Arturo’s ________ a) son b) daughter c) nephew 8. Sonia and Lety are Mario’s _________. a) cousin b) cousins c) nieces 4. Sara and Arturo are Claudia’s _________. a) siblings b)brother c) sisters 9. Luis is Sonia’s __________. a) parent b) father c) grandfather 5. Luis and Ana are Claudia’s __________. a) fathers b)parents c) grandparents 10. Betty is Sara’s _______. a) Sister b) brother c) sister-in-law c) uncle III. Decide que artículo indefinido necesitan los siguientes sustantivos o si no necesitan artículo. 11. _____ chair 16. _____ mice a) a b) an c)no article a) a b) an c)no article 12. _____ board a) a b) an c)no article 17. _____ honest man a) a b) an c)no article 13. _____ jacket a) a b) an c)no article 18. _____ intelligent student a) a b) an c)no article 14. _____ nurse a) a b) an c)no article 19. _____ house a) a b) an c)no article 15. _____ doctors a) a b) an c)no article 20. _____ children a) a b) an c)no article IV. Completa la lectura con el verbo indicado. Subraya tu respuesta. Jack __(21)___ in a dormitory. He ___(22)__ at seven in the morning. He ___(23)___ a shower and then he  ____(24)____  ____(24)____ breakfast breakfast at seven thirty. He ____(25)_____ ____(25)_____ in the library in the afternoon. afternoon. Then he  ___(26)___ soccer, soccer, ____(27)____ ____(27)____ TV or ____(28)_____ ____(28)_____ homework in the evening. evening. He ____(29) ____ to go to watch a movie on Saturday. He ___(30)___ to church on Sundays.21. a) is b)lives c) watches 22. a) does b)get up 23. a) plays b)takes 24. a) is b)have 25. a) does b)studies 26. a) love b)plays c) gets up 27. a) watches b)goes c) watch c) watch 28. a) is b)does c) watches c)has 29. a) loves b) lives c) watch 30 a) likes b)go c) goes c) study c) watch V. Completa los enunciados con la opción correcta. Circula tu respuesta. 1) I ____________ tired last night. I had a very long day.  A) wasn’t B) weren’t C) was D) were 2) The exams ____________ difficult, but I passed them.  A) wasn’t B) weren’t C) was D) were 3) That woman ____________Spanish, she was Mexican. Mexican. A) wasn’t B) weren’t C) was D) were C) was D) were 4) He ____________ my boyfriend, only a friend.  A) wasn’t B) weren’t 5) The people in the party __________ American, they were from New York.  A) wasn’t B) weren’t C) was D) were 6) When I __________ 7 year old I watched cartoons. I liked them very much.  A) wasn’t B) weren’t C) was D) were 7. In secondary school basketball and volleyball__________my favorite sports. It was soccer.  A) wasn’t B) weren’t C) was D) were 8. Mathematics ______my favorite subject. It was Chemistry.  A) wasn’t B) weren’t C) was D) were 9. My favorite teacher _________ Mr. Garcia, he was a very good teacher.  A) wasn’t B) weren’t C) was D) were 10. My best friends _______ Lucia and Sebastian. I miss them so much.  A) wasn’t B) weren’t C) was D) were VI. Lee la descripción de Tucancun Beach y completa con las palabras There was / There were. Tucancun Beach We like to travel and always to know more of our country…Mexico, where we have so many and beautiful places. Last May we went to Tucancun beach. It’s a small island very close to Cancun. In the hotel (11) _____________ ________ a big lobby and (12) _____________ ________ rooms decorated in Mexican style. (13)_____________ ________ a colorful colorf ul dining room and (14) _____________   ________  ________ green gardens with with tropical plants plants and flowers. (15)_____________ ________ a terrace in our bedroom, where we we could see a wonderful view of the Caribbean Sea. (16)_____________ ________ tourists from many countries. (17)_____________ ________ a swimming pool where I met people from Andorra, Brazil and Canada. I liked to chat with people from Brazil. (18)_____________ ________ a beautiful sun, (19) _____________ ________beaches with soft sand, (20) _____________ ________ a delicious food and a nice warm warm night. VII. Lee el siguiente texto y elije la respuesta correcta para cada pregunta. VALOR 4 PTOS “Multiple Intelligences” Human abilities vary greatly. Some people can remember faces but no names. Some people can always remember phone numbers. Some can write very well; others can’t. Educators and scientists now know that this is because humans have what they call “multiple intelligences”. Some of the principal intelligences are kinesthetic (involving movement), verbal (involving words and speech), mathematical (involving number relationships), musical and visual/spatial. 1. Different people are intelligent in different ways True 2. People who can’t remember names have bad memories false True 3. Understanding music is one kind of intelligence True 4. People who can’t write well are not very intelligent false false True VIII. Completa la tabla con las inteligencias del texto anterior Abilities and interests Intelligence I can write stories or poetry. I love to read 5. I usually understand complicated diagrams. I can draw and paint. 6. I’m very athletic. I can dance very well. 7. I can play a musical instrument. I can sing very well. 8. I’m very good at mathematics. I can always remember  phone numbers. 9. false IX. Numera la conversación en el orden correcto. 10. _________Tonight? Uh, why, Jim? 11. ____ 1 ____ Hey, Hey, Judy, Judy, are you busy busy tonight? tonight? 12. ____ 9 ____ Oh, Oh, really? That’s That’s too bad! bad! 13. _________  _________ You’re studying. studying. OK. Well, how about about a movie movie tomor row night? 14. _________  _________ Tomorrow night I’m taking taking my little little brother brother to a concert. concert. 15. _________ Do you want to have dinner with me? 16. _________ A concert, huh? Well, then, what about Friday night? 17. __________ No, Joe, sorry. Not tonight, or tomorrow night or Friday night. I have a boyfriend. 18. __________  __________ Dinner? Dinner? Tonight? Tonight? Oh, I can’t, can’t, Jim. I have to study. X. Responde a las preguntas de acuerdo a la conversación anterior. 19. Can Judy have dinner with Jim tonight? _________________. 20. What does Jim want to do tomorrow night? _________________. 21. Can Judy go out with him tomorrow night? _______________. 22. What excuse does she give? ___________________. 23. Does Judy want to go out with Jim? _________________. 24. What reason does she finally give? ______________. XI. Lee la historia de Superman y elije el verbo correcto para completar la historia. In 1934, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster (1) _________ Superman. He (2) ________ the first comic book hero. Superman was from another planet. The planet’s name was Krypton. Superman (3)__________ to planet earth on a rocket ship. He was just a baby. Mr. and Mrs. Kent (4) __________ the baby and they named him Clark. Their boy was very special. He (5) _________ very fast, he was very strong, and he (6) _________. After high school, Clark (7) __________ to live in the city. He (8) __________ for a newspaper, called “The Daily Planet”. People didn’t (9) _________ about his special powers. He saved people in danger, he put criminals in prison, and he helped people. At the newspaper, Clark always wore a suit and a tie, and glasses. But when people needed his help, he went into a telephone booth, changed his clothes, and (10) _________ Superman. 1. a) create b) created c) invent 2. a) were b) invented c) was 3. a) come b) came c) camed 4. a) find b) founded c) found 5. a) run b) runned c) ran 6. a) flew b) fly c) flied 7. a) went b) goed c) go 8. a) work b) worked c) worked 9. a) know b) knew c) known 10. a) become b) becomed c) became XII. Completa las comparaciones en base al cuadro y al adjetivo dado en cada enunciado. Mexico City Monterrey Summer temperatura 20.1 ºC 26.7ªC Winter temperatura 15.4ªC 13.1ªC People (millions) Museums Pollution Crime Ejemplo: 1) Mexico City is _______bigger________ than Monterrey (big) 2) Monterrey is _____________________ than Mexico city (small) 3) Monterrey is _____________________ than Mexico City. (warm) 4) Mexico City is _____________________ than Monterrey. (polluted) 5) Mexico City is _____________________ than Monterrey. (dangerous) 6) Mexico City is _____________________ than Monterrey. (interesting) 7. Monterrey is _____________________ than Mexico City. (cold). Superlatives XIII. Completa los enunciados con los adjetivos en paréntesis. Fauna 8) A. What is the _________________________land animal? (large) 9) B. What is the ___________________________ bird? (small) 10) C. What is the __________________________ fish? (poisonous) 11) D. What is the _____________________ bear? (big) 12) E. Mexico City is _____________________ fish? (fast) 13) F. Mexico City is _____________________ land animal? (noisy) 14) G.. Monterrey is _____________________ insect? (dangerous). 15) H. What is the ___________________ snake? (long) XIV. Elige la opción que complete el enunciado correctamente y escríbelo en la hoja de respuestas. 1. _____ you ever _____ arrested before? a) has -- been b) have -- been c) have -- be d) has -- be c) had d) have visited 2. I __________ many countries for several years. a) have visit b) have visiting 3. Mr. Lopez __________ to Los Angeles several times? a) have go b) has go c) has gone d) have gone c) has talk d) has talked 4. I __________ for more than an hour. a) have talk b) have talked 5. Miss Hernandez __________ in Australia since 1999. a) have live b) have lived c) has live d) has lived c) haven’t do d) has done 6. My little brother __________ his homework yet. a) haven’t done b) hasn’t done 7. Alicia and Hector __________ Prep school for more than two years. a) have study b) has study c) have studied d) has studied 8. My uncle __________ working for this company for two years. a) have been b) has be c) has been d) have be 9. My cat “Roman” __________ since last night. a) have eat b) has eat d) has ate c) hasn’t eaten 10. I have worked here __________ 1996. a) since b) for c) ago. d) to XV. Completa los enunciados . 21. Pedro ____________ cold, ____________ he? a) have – haven’t b) isn’t – is c) has – hasn’t 22. The English exam ____________ very easy, ____________ ? a) was – wasn’t he b) were – weren’t he c) was – wasn’t it 23. You ____________ a pair of jeans, ____________ you? a) need – don’t b) needs – don’t 24. The party ____________ at eight o’clock, ____________ ? a) is – isn’t he b) is – isn’t it c) need – doesn’t c) are – aren’t it 25. Alejandra ____________ TV at this moment, ____________ she? Yes , in her house. a) watches – doesn’t b) watch – don’t c) is watching  – isn’t 26. It ____________ rain tomorrow, ____________ it? a) will – won’t b) is – isn’t c) are – aren’t 27) My father ____________ to Cuernavaca last weekend, ____________ he? a) goes – doesn’t b) was – wasn’t c) went – didn’t 28) Luisa ____________ the best student in the class last semester, ____________ he? a) is – isn’t b) was – wasn’t c) were – weren’t 29. You ____________ in Texcoco, ____________ you? a) lives – don’t b) live – don’t c) live – doesn’t 30. You ____________ a black car, ____________ you? a) has – hasn’t b) have – haven’t c) have – don’t