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Heavygearblitz Tabletop Wargaming Living Rulebook Beta Ebook September30th2015update

Heavy Gear Blitz living rule book - september 2105




Stephen Belz (order #8710802) PB WELCOME TO THE NEW EDITION HEAVY gEAR BLITZ LIVINg RULEBOOk BETA SECTION These rules are in Beta - Currently under review as the Living Rulebook Beta, following the release of the early beta rules at Gencon Indy in 2014. Due to the success of the v1 Beta rules and thanks to the dedicated work of many beta players and readers this Living Rulebook Beta is significantly updated, has shed many extraneous rules, and become a sleeker rules set overall. The rules section and the Model Lists section both remain in beta until the next major Rules review in 2015 when a lockdown on the rules will occur. At that time the lists that describe the models in the game will also enter a lockdown period, though the duration of both periods will be determined independently. During a lockdown period the next rules or attributes review date will be set and posted and only Errata and FAQs will be published on the forums. This kind of living rulebook format will allow a flexibility in the rules but will also give a level of stability to the rules. The exact lockdown period length will be an evolving thing as the new rules are fully shaken out. A shorter length with minor updates will be required as we begin this process. As the wrinkles are ironed out of the system and the model point values become more established the lockdown periods between reviews will be extended to a year between reviews and updates. The reason for the living rulebook is so that as new content and models are added to the game the players will have an up to date set of rules and all the information required as new variants, models, and even factions can be added to the game. This is an exciting time for miniature games as never before has such a close relationship between players and the company that produces the game been possible using social media, digital downloads, in game photographs, and video. Links to content can be found at our website. Choose your side, get your Gear, and join up! Thanks! Dave McLeod Line Developer Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 1 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CREDITS _______________________________ HEAVY gEAR BLITZ: LIVINg RUELBOOk BETA Project Manager/Senior Editor Robert Dubois _______________________________ Line Developer David McLeod _______________________________ Assistant Line Developers gerrit kitts _______________________________ Art Director greg Perkins _______________________________ Marketing Director Robert Dubois _______________________________ Writing David McLeod _______________________________ Additional Writing Robert Dubois _______________________________ Copy Editing Robert Dubois David McLeod Saleem Rasul Abdul Aziz Philippe Lefault joesph johnson _______________________________ Illustrations jason geyer Robert Dubois Avelardo Paredes john Bell javier Charro Matt Moylan Alex Perkins greg Perkins Mariko Shimamoto jake Staines john Nguyen _______________________________ Additional Illustrations ghislain Barbe Normand Bilodeau julian Fong jean-François Fortier Charles-E. Ouellette Marc Ouellette Pierre Ouellette _______________________________ 3D Modelling jason geyer jeremy Ortiz Thomas Schossleitner David Tauzia Andrew Isaacs _______________________________ Design jason geyer Robert Dubois Avelardo Paredes greg Perkins Thomas Schossleitner Mariko Shimamoto David Tauzia _______________________________ Miniatures Sculpting Philippe F. LeClerc Alain gadbois Luca Zampriolo jeremy Ortiz WELCOME TO THE NEW EDITION ......................... 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................ 2 8.0 RANgE ATTACk ACTIONS, RANgE ATTACk MODIFIERS...34 WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF HEAVY gEAR .......... 4 THE WEAPONS OF WAR ..................................... 5 HEAVY gEAR TIMELINE ..................................... 6 TERRA NOVA & HEAVY gEAR UNIVERSE POWERS .. 7 THE COMPETE MAP OF TERRA NOVA.................... 8 TERRA NOVA: THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE ....... 10 TERRA NOVA: THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ....... 11 1.0 HEAVY gEAR BLITZ INTRODUCTION ................. 12 1.1 gOALS AND INTENTIONS .............................. 12 2.0 gENERAL CONCEPTS ................................... 13 9.0 DAMAgE .................................................. 36 _____________________________ Miniature & Terrain Painting jean-Denis Rondeau Angel giràldez Philippe Ferrier LeClerc Alain gadbois Martin jones Noa Artzy 7.0 COVER, SILHOUETTES, & LOCk ...................... 31 2 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Dedications and Special Thanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1 Terms and conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.2 Dice Mechanics, Unopposed and Opposed Rolls. . .14 2.3 Timing and Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.4 Rounding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.5 Rule Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.6 Rerolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.7 Measuring Distances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.10 Measuring Area Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.11 Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.12 Model Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.13 Infantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.0: PLAYINg THE gAME ................................... 21 3.1 Round Sequence Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.2 Initiative roll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.4 Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.0 VICTORY POINTS AND WINNINg THE gAME ........ 24 5.0 COMMANDERS, COMMAND, CHAIN OF COMMAND, & ORDERS. .25 5.1 Attached models or units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.2 Chain of command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.3 Formation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.4 Command Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.5 Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.6 Skill Points: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 6.0 MOVEMENT AND TERRAIN EFFECTS ................. 27 6.1 Turning During Movement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.2 Movement Through Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6.3 Movement Types (MT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6.6 Dangerous Terrain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.8 Instance terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6.9 Area Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6.10 Roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6.11 Destructible Structure models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 7.1 Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 7.2 Setting up the Battlefield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 7.3 Active Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 7.4 Hiding (action). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 7.5 Environmental Concealment Effects . . . . . . . . . 33 7.6 Detailed Scan (action) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 7.7 Sensor Boost (reaction). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 8.1 Weapon Attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 8.2 Detailed Attack Action Summary and Timing . . . . 34 8.3 Weapon Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 9.1 Standard Damage Modifiers and Resolution . . . . . .36 9.2 Damage Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 9.4 Overkill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 9.5 Standard Hull and Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 9.6 Special Weapon effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 10.0 ADDITIONAL WEAPON ACTIONS & ATTACk OPTIONS . 38 10.1 Weapon attack types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 10.2 Area Effect [AE:X”] Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 10.3 Stand By (action). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 10.4 Snap Fire (reaction). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 10.5 Split Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 11.0 MELEE COMBAT ....................................... 40 11.1 Melee Attack modifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 11.2 Reach trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 12.0 SPECIAL MELEE ATTACkS .......................... 41 12.1 Brute Force [Action] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 12.2 Ram [Action] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 12.3 Crush [Action]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 13.0 IMPACTS AND FALLINg .............................. 42 13.1 Falling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 13.2 Impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 14.0 ELECTRONIC WARFARE .............................. 43 14.1: Comms (action) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 14.2 Passive ECM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 14.3 Forward Observation (action) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 15.0 ADVANCED SCENARIO gENERATION ............... 46 15.1 Selecting Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 15.2 Roll scenario parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 15.3 Selecting Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 15.4 Special Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 16.0 MISCELLANEOUS RULES ............................ 50 16.1 generic Support Purchases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 16.2 Drones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 16.3 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 16.4 Multi-Component Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 16.5 Recovery Vehicles and Combat Medics . . . . . . . 51 17.0 FLYINg MODELS & VTOLS .......................... 52 17.1 Flying Model Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 17.2 Air Strike. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 17.3 Attack actions while Circling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 17.4 Landing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 17.5 Damage to Air units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 17.6 Air Support Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 17.7 Vertical TakeOff and Landing (VTOL) . . . . . . . . . 53 18.0 CONSTRUCTINg A FORCE ............................ 54 18.1 Force Construction Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 18.2 Model Selection limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 18.3 Stock Models and variants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 18.4 Attached Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 18.5 Veterans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 18.6 Elite Army Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 TABLE OF CONTENTS A1.0 FORCE RECORD SHEET ............................... 57 A2.0 ARMY CONSTRUCTION ................................ 58 A2.1 Diagram of Force Selection (detailed) . . . . . . . 58 A2.2 generic Primary Unit Upgrades. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 A2.3 generic Veteran Upgrades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 A2.4 Duelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 A2.5 sample Force Record Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 A2.6 Choosing a Force. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 A2.7 Forces available & sub-list with allies options. .63 A3.0 THE NORTH - HAMMERS OF FAITH ................ 64 North Background and History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 North Forces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 North Models List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 A3.1 SOUTH - SWORDS OF PRIDE........................ 92 South Background and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 South Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 South Models List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 A3.2 PEACE RIVER - SHIELDS OF FREEDOM ........ 122 Peace River Background and History . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Peace River Forces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Peace River Models List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 A3.6 CEF - LANCES OF DESTINY ....................... 176 CEF Background and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 CEF Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 CEF Models List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 A3.7 CAPRICE - DAggERS OF DECEPTION ........... 190 Caprice Background and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Caprice Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Caprice Models List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 A3.8 UTOPIA - DRONES OF DESOLATION ............. 200 Utopia Background and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Utopia Forces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Utopia Models List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 A3.9 EDEN - CUTLASSES OF UNCERTAINTY ......... 208 Eden Background and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Eden Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Eden Models List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 A3.10 gENERIC SUPPORT (AIR, ETC.) MODELS LIST .......214 A4.0 MODEL AND WEAPON TRAITS..................... 216 A3.2 NUCOAL - UNIFIED IN ARMS ..................... 140 Model Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Weapon traits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Weapon Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Weapon identification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 A3.4 LEAgUELESS - ARROWS OF REBELLION ...... 160 A.5 REFERENCE TABLES ................................. 222 A.6 gLOSSARY ............................................. 225 A.7 gAME TOkENS ......................................... 226 NuCoal Background and History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 NuCoal Forces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 NuCoal Models List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Leagueless Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 A3.5 BLACk TALON - SPEARS OF CHANgE .......... 162 Black Talon Background and History . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Black Talon Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Black Talon Models List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CREDITS _______________________________ Layout Robert Dubois David McLeod _______________________________ Photos and Photo Editing Robert Dubois _______________________________ Blitz! Concept Philippe F. LeClerc _______________________________ Silhouette Blitz! Designers john Buckmaster Nick Pilon _______________________________ Silhouette System Designers Marc-Alexandre Vézina gene Marcil Stephane I. Matis _______________________________ gear garage Software Samuli Aura _______________________________ Playtesting The Alpha Forum Contributors The Pod Squad gerrit kitts Nara Cormier Fracis Charland Louis Tetrault Samuli Aura Brett Dixon Austin Wang Noa Artzy Craig Engel Saleem Rasul Abdul Aziz joe johnson Ashley Pollard jordan Louis Brian Robert Carl Tchoryk Brian Harris _______________________________ Produced and Published by Dream Pod 9 5000 Iberville, Suite 329 Montréal, québec, H2H 2S6 CANADA Legal Deposit: February 2015 BIBLIOTHÈqUE NATIONALE DU qUÉBEC NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA STOCk NUMBER DP9-9337 ISBN 978-1-927334-99-7 PRINTED IN USA Art & Designs copyright 2015 DREAM POD 9, INC. DREAM POD 9, HEAVY gEAR BLITZ! & other names, specific game terms, & logos are copyright 2015, DREAM POD 9, INC. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, except for vehicle stats, datacards, & gaming resource sheets for game play & short excerpts for review purposes. Any similarities to actual characters, situations, institutions, corporations, etc. (without satirical intent) are strictly coincidental. DEDICATIONS Robert: To my Mom, Rosie L. Dubois, who passed away at the start of 2014, for all her love and support over the years, I will always love you, rest in peace. David: I dedicate this work to my wife Alice whose patience and support has made this possible and my son Callum to whom I shall show how far imagination can take a dreamer. SPECIAL THANkS To gerrit kitts [Iceraptor] for dedication and development ideas. Thanks to the many Playtesters and readers who are helping grind away the rough edges through their passion, especially Francis Charland, Louis Tetrault, Samuli Aura, Brian Robert, jordan Louis, Carl Tchoryk, and Brian Harris. 3 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF HEAVY GEAR WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF HEAVY GEAR Heavy Gear is set on the distant human colony world of Terra Nova. Settled by colonists from Earth in the 52nd century, it had been occupied by humans for five hundred years when Earth abruptly withdrew support, casting Terra Nova and the other nine colonies into chaos. Thanks to its long history, Terra Nova’s settlers had good prospects for the future, even without Earth’s support. While still a young world, it had cities, settlements and all the infrastructure needed to sustain a modern human society. When Earth abandoned Terra Nova, the existing political order collapsed and anarchy reigned. Charismatic leaders gradually restored order and each of Terra Nova’s cities, isolated from each other by hundreds of miles of untamed wilderness, became an independent city-state. Before long, city-states were banding together for mutual protection against raiders and to dominate their neighbors. Over the next two local centuries, the Wars of Unification led to the formation of seven great Leagues, aligned into two confederations – the Confederated Northern City-States (CNCS) and the Allied Southern Territories (AST). 4 Each confederation expanded to occupy the hospitable land around one of the planetary poles. The vast Badlands, a thousand-kilometer-wide band of desert running around Terra Nova’s equator, became the focus of many confrontations between the two powers. These skirmishes were brought to an abrupt end by The St. Vincent’s War. A battle for the remains of a colonial-era Gateship called the St. Vincent released a biologically-engineered plague on an unsuspecting planet, killing millions of children. Their will to fight broken, the two confederations settled into a wary peace, then, as friction built between them once more, a tense Cold War. This was the era of the Judas Syndrome, with power brokers and spies across the planet trading information and manipulating entire nations for their own gain. Another Interpolar war seemed imminent. All this changed in TN 1913, when Earth again made contact with her daughter colony. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Earth’s ambassadors to Terra Nova were the Colonial Expeditionary Force (CEF), a high-tech army bent on bringing the independent colonies under Earth’s thumb. Faced with an army of more than 400,000 highly-trained men and vatgrown supersoldiers called GRELs (Genetically Recombined Experimental Legionnaires) equipped with technology the likes of which the Terra Novan colonists had never seen, the polar confederations were forced to work together. The spies and power brokers that had been ready to sell their nations into war abruptly changed course and brought them into a hasty alliance against their common foe. The CEF, expecting an easy conquest of a fractured and crumbling colony, found instead a strong planet on the brink of war. This invasion created a united force determined to protect its independence at any cost. Even so, the CEF assault drove deep into the heartlands of both polar confederations. The war of attrition between the colonial defenders and the CEF invaders suddenly shifted in TN 1916, when the Northern and Southern armies worked together in the Battle of Baja to achieve their first decisive victory against the invaders. This was also the incentive needed for Paxton Arms, a massive weapons manufacturer based in the Badlands city of Peace River, to officially enter the war on the side of the Alliance. They had originally declared their neutrality, but had in reality been sneaking arms and supplies to the rovers, badlands militias and freedom fighters that came together to fight as the Peace River Army. Paxton’s intervention provided the exhausted Alliance with fresh troops and a plentiful source of supplies. In TN 1917, faced with a hopeless war on three fronts, the CEF retreated, abandoning over a hundred thousand troops – mostly GRELs – on the planet’s surface. At first it seemed that the peace might last. But as cycles passed without another CEF invasion, tensions again built up between the CNCS and the AST. Alliances have frayed, old grudges are not easily forgotten and all hell is about to break loose. THE WEAPONS OF WAR Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE WEAPONS OF WAR The face of war on Terra Nova was changed forever by the invention of the Heavy Gear. Combat walkers had been used in the past, as far back as the early third millennium, but they were either clumsy, vulnerable all-terrain tanks or relegated to engineering duties. The one exception was the terrifying Paladin walking tanks used by the genetically-engineered Prime Knights, but their technology has never been duplicated. The Heavy Gear (called a Gear for short), developed from the construction walkers used in the colonial era, placed the combat walker in a totally new role. The Gear is a compromise between an infantryman’s flexibility and an armored vehicle’s resilience and firepower. They have excellent all-terrain mobility and can operate (albeit in different roles) in warfare in open, mountainous, forested or urban terrain. Each is effectively a one-man Infantry Fighting Vehicle, which protects the pilot and allows him to carry a far larger payload and move far faster than an ordinary trooper. Their design makes Gears extraordinarily flexible – they can swap handheld weapons on the battlefield and completely change their load-out in a matter of hours. Massproduced Gears are cheap enough to form a major part of any modern Terra Novan army. Gears were instrumental in defeating the CEF invasion, but military tacticians are quick to point out that Gears still depend heavily on support from infantry, heavy armor, artillery and aircraft. HEAVY GEARS POWERPLANTS Gears are used by armies on Terra Nova as all-purpose support vehicles and highmobility combat units. Each is controlled by a single pilot located in the torso, with the pilot’s head extending into the Gear’s head. Gear cockpits are always cramped, with little spare space. A pair of joysticks, each sporting several thumb switches and finger-activated triggers, as well as two foot pedals are used for control. The pilot receives information about the outside world by way of a sophisticated VR helmet. With this helmet, the trooper can see as if the cockpit were open to the outside, with relevant readouts superimposed over the landscape. The primary power source for vehicles on Terra Nova is the V-engine. Originally developed at the University of Colorado in the late 20th Century, the high efficiency twin drive, air cooled powerplant has a minimum of moving parts and can run on almost any combustible fuel. The unique V-shape is present on many Gear “backpacks” and even the Mammoth Strider houses 2 fully enclosed monster versions of this engine. In order to operate well in multiple terrain types, Gears are usually equipped with two movement systems. The primary is the standard bipedal walker movement system, used for rough terrain or precise maneuvering. The Secondary Movement System (SMS) is most often a conventional powered wheel or tread system, which allows the Gear to move like a high-tech rollerskater. It cannot handle rough terrain well, but provides considerably more speed. The marvel of technology that makes the Gear work is the sophisticated neural network CPU located under the pilot’s seat. This CPU takes the pilot’s input and translates it to actual movement. Each must be trained painstakingly and individually and is almost as valuable as the human pilot. All pilots are trained to remove the CPU and take it with them when evacuating the Gear, if at all possible. Gear CPUs are not sentient, but many pilots treat them like they are. Particularly experienced CPUs are about the equal of a smart dog. Thanks to these CPUs, Gears are capable of near-human motion and can perform very complicated manoeuvres. Specialized vehicles run on other power sources such as superconductive battery packs of stealth gears or even gas turbines for hover vehicles, but the cost and increased maintenance schedules mean these are relatively rare, even for military applications. 5 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 HEAVY GEAR TIMELINE AD 1950 -2217 The Information Age. AD 2218-2421 The Space Age. AD 2422-4475 The Ice Age. AD 3136 The Argo Project. AD 3244 The Prime Knights. AD 4318 Tannhauser Theory. AD 4476-4587 The 2nd Renaissance. AD 4582 First Tannhauser Gatedrive. AD 4588-5103 The Interstellar Age. AD 4752 (TN 1) Terra Nova Discovered. AD 5104-5237 Colonization. AD 5104 (TN 493) Colonization of Terra Nova begins. AD 5238 Colonization of Caprice begins. AD 5373-5798 The Outer Colonies. AD 5790 (TN 1454) Political and Economic Crisis on Earth causes an end to support of the colonies and the mothballing of the Gateship fleet effectively cutting off all the colonies from Earth and one another. AD 5798-5846 The Colonial Wars. TN 1455-1913 The Age of Isolation: Rise of the City-States and Leagues on Terra Nova (Northern Lights Confederacy, United Mercantile Federation, Western Frontier Protectorate, Southern Republic, Humaist Alliance, Eastern Suns Emirates and Mekong Dominion). Construction robots are armed for combat and the Heavy Gear is born. TN 1723-1729 St. Vincent’s War. AD 6115-6118 Earth Invasion: Caprice AD 6118-6120 Earth Invasion: Terra Nova Later to known as The War of The Alliance TN 1913-1917). Where the Northern and Southern Leagues unite with the help of the Peace River CityState to defeat the Earth’s Colonial Expeditionary Force (CEF). AD 6132 (TN 1933) The Starting Point of our story for players. 16 Terra Novan cycles after the War of the Alliance and old conflicts are brewing again between the Terra Novans and remnants of the abandoned Earth forces now known as the PAK, based at Port Arthur in the Badlands. Port Arthur will later team up with local city-state to form the coalition known as NuCoal. TN 1935 Northern Religious Leader Thor Hutchinson is assassinated by Colonel Neel Garner Fulan. TN 1936 The Interpolar War between the Northern and Southern leagues begins. TN 1937 The war ends abruptly when Peace River is destroyed by an anti-matter bomb, just before peace talks were to take place there, in hopes of ending the conflict. TN 1939 The Black Talon special forces is formed to find out what Earth is up to and counter any CEF plans for Terra Nova. TN 1941 The first Black Talon Teams are deployed to Caprice and to other colonies to collect intel. TN 1949 A large CEF Fleet is observed in Caprice Orbit. 6 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) TN 1950 The CEF Fleet gates to the Terra Novan system and the War for Terra Nova has begun. TERRA NOVAN & HEAVY GEAR UNIVERSE POWERS TERRA NOVA Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 The world of Terra Nova, home of the Gear and starting point of the Heavy Gear Universe. A former colony of Earth, abandoned for hundreds of years, its peoples learned to fend for themselves. Forming various alliances between the many different city-states for protection and control of needed resources. Terra Nova’s major factions include the Confederated Northern City States (CNCS or The North), Allied Southern Territories (AST or The South), Peace River Defense Force (PRDF or Peace River), The New Coalition (NuCoal), Terra Nova’s Elite Black Talon Forces, and the Leagueless. CNCS AST Peace River NuCoal Black Talon Leagueless EARTH After abandoning its colonies for several hundred year, the Earth is back. The Colonial Expeditionary Force (CEF) has been dispatched with GREL Infantry, Hovertanks, and new FLAIL Battleframes. Their orders are to bring the colonies back under control and severely punish those that don’t. The CEF failed on their first attempt to reclaim Terra Nova, but orders must be carried out. CAPRICE The corporate controlled world with its low atmosphere and mega city located in a massive canyon is often referred to as Cat’s Eye, because of how it looks from space. When the Earth returned to the gate world its corporate masters saw profit in working again with their old masters. Caprian Combat Mounts and soldiers now march to war side by side with the CEF. UTOPIA The high-tech world of Utopia, saw an immediate benefit when the Earth returned and formed an alliance with them. It now supplies equipment to the CEF and accompanies them to test out their advanced N-KIDU drones in the battlefield. The Utopians with their drone swam armies now follow the CEF on all the conquests. EDEN The feudal paradise world of Eden is no longer the jewel it use to be. Their Golem power armors were no real match for the might of the CEF. Now a part of the auxiliary of the CEF forces the heads of the Feudal households are questionable in their loyalty to the Earth cause. OTHER COLONY WORLDS OF THE HEAVY GEAR UNIVERSE FOR FUTURE FACTION EXPANSION ATLANTIS With 97% of its surface covered by water, Atlantis could only be described as a water world. Not much is known about the colony since the Earth cut all gate travel. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) BOTANY BAY The Earth established Botany Bay as a prison planet. Where prisoners were forced to mine radioactive ores and plant experiment crops. Little is know of their fate. HOME Home was Purchased by Sandrakar-Xia Interworld. SXI, moved its headquarters and facilities to the planet and the colony was prosperous and thriving at the time gate travel was cut. JOTENHEIM The only colony purchased by a consortium of private citizens. They were never very friendly to outsiders and little is known of their condition at the time of the gateships withdrawal. NEW JERUSALEM A colony world controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. Not much is know since gate travel ended. But, there are rumors of a CEF Fleet sent there that never returned. 7 THE COMPLETE MAP OF TERRA NOVA 150° W N A O r R c t 120° W T i H c B E a R s i n B O C l e a r w a t e r nklin C N G H T S Q Exeter Fra Franklin Harbor I F G E a m D m a H E R A M a g l e v 30° W il Y sta i Tr s t P 0° g M a n l e v a i Z i h l Q uu i i nn n S a l t M Marathon t h B s i o S o n a Canterbury i I T E E n g a B a s i gg A N T e R C A T P r n n M a r a D N R aa n F l a t s Mt. Alban Mt. Mulhacén U n F o s s e n w o o d Rapid City R a n g e a p h A l l Lyonnesse Fort William R a n g e r n i n u Lake C e w d g e W e s t r i y ls 60° N 60° W N L L a k e 90° W er 180° Exet Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 terriza a A t W e P s t a m e p r n a P l a i n s P R O T E C T O R A T E Fort James n Pas C a ju Wounded Knee B A S I N R a Erech C OFort Neil A L G a m m a e Lo N t a E.S.E. L. Shuswap L. n Yu n g A g A n T L. H uneke H E Ankara R Siwa Oasis p A l s Marabou Port Oasis Ashanti E L a k e Lake Heliosphora a s i n R E r s p e n a c e P Lake Moustache U B L I C L a k e Ya n g t z e 180° Founding Date: TN 1932 Method of Government: Trade Alliance Head of State: Chairman Royz Malkom Members: Port Arthur, Prince Gable, Lance Point, Temple Heights, Fort Neil, Erech & Ninerveh, Khayr Ad-Din, and Humanist Alliance (post-annexation). Capital: Prince Gable Population: 5 Million Founding Date: TN 1595 Method of Government: Corporation Head of State: HEO Milani DuBeau-Slovenski Capital: Peace River Population: 300,000 T t en d en p de S l oa uC 5000 km In Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 4000 C 3000 LEGEND: AS 2000 30° W PEACE RIVER VITAL STATISTICS N 1000 60° W N 500 90° W NUCOAL VITAL STATISTICS SCALE ALONG MERIDIANS: 0 120° W C 8 150° W POPULATION: 0 - 50,000 50,000 - 500,000 B (AST Capital) Newton B N Mt. Émile-Zola Ngorongoro Mekong n Mt. Bukûtu Mt. Kandrasar Yung An Y u U Hsi Tsang Atsi a g l e v r n t h e S o u O é ion Réunion on ni L. Ch a n tilly a P l a t e e O R u c I un n i Innsmouth Ré n N n a e r I P a l r p M Bethany Mt. Gérard o Timbuktu S Mt. Kulin P l a i n S t e h t u s O Mt. Ida r E a s t e r n M e k o n g e 60° S (HQ, Westphalia Cabinet) E D B M Westphalia wa G D E S E R T Si N B a s i n Timmins Equator M a g l e v O ng P l a i n G a m m a Loyang K ya G a e Olduvai R a n g e E c M Z a g r e b A s h i n g t o n P l a i n s aser o M e k o n g P l a i n N Zagreb Aquitaine Saragossa Lake Van Ness O Fr g M e k o n g I Khayr ad-Din tle L it g N W e s t e r n R v M a g l e a Mirat 30° S E a n g e W E S T E R N W ts . es t ridge M Mt. François-Albert Chung Tang DR Ashington NEW HUMAN REPUBLIC D E S E R T Lance Point g Peace River Defense Force Security Zone Godwell Valley Prince Gable Temple Heights nn rr rr W H I T E White Mts. I T I O N s s o e g S a r a g n R a n Nineveh Port Arthur Security Zone G R E A T W N E W rench ge T 0° Port Arthur e Azov B A R R I N G T O N n E Mt. Mosvari C a j u n P l a i n s Mainz ee NBC Hazard Zone Red Sands We s t r i d S e r p e n t i n s F Lake Providence Baton Rouge e e s t r i d g Fort Henry n P a c a Gu iv i r a d alqu a u G r e Jasper L. Toro F R O N T I E R Ronda S o u S pth u 30° N in W E S T E R N R a n g e ol C Ruined cities M a g l e v l i n e s 500,000 - 1,000,000 1,000,000+ Mountain peaks capitals Volcanoes 0° a s i TN 1950 / AD 6144 0° 30° E 60° E 90° E 120° E 150° E Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 180° Pioneer o T H E R r l Sit L E Djakarta Point Innsbruck T Mt. Pekyns e r s h a w R a n g Se s Fo shit e re st C e t h e l e v a dr Tho D E R Livingstone n A Petropolis n R a s t r i d g e E a a C gstone Livin P n l a i orre n n p V e n e Sorrento t i n 30° N e R Yele M a Y Pass r Skadi g i E i rz Ko Ye l a F r e l a i n l N r l e v a g P O I S Kossuth La k e Peterso n Zagazig Sesshu Smolensk A Kenema n A l p h a a g e n g R a e E A S T E R N Peace River Defense Force Security Zone Massada Peace River D E S E R T (Destroyed TN 1939) a Timmins Jan Mayen (Destroyed TN 1937) c P a c i f i Mt. Pacific Dead Man’s Fall K A R A Q 0° Equator W A S T E S New Baja E yy ee ll iill ll ss T B e l t Mt. Seldon o ne xe d by 36 c e Tron d h Gropius R n Nube Muerte N Javari Basal Lake Isaborah P l a i n Skavara Bangweuleu n g l a M i A N I n Oxford S ye U T Ra A M M aa kk a j oo r ar u m A L L I A N C E P a c i S U N S e n r p e n t i Mt. Perdido e Smyrna Cimmaro e I n t e r i o 30° S M.D. B e t a M a g l e v r 60° S eim E L. Waymar Perth C 0° a H A l p h a a 19 R n i n (Joined Free Emirates, TN 1936) E r s c N ,T a e r SR i p s n e R an s a a T f A wa P M a g l e v P a c i f H Si B i Gardena White Rock T Capital) b Raleigh t o a n g a v Okavango O k s a m p S w R a n g r a l d i c a L. H unek e e E e S eros Th HH Marigold m rt Oasis A s m m u a r Ak A L oo nn L E a M i nn oo rr M Elayu a n g e River e Force y Zone n 60° N M a g r e b n s i S t a Swanscombe Mt. Lowen Zagreb r T e N r ce ren Ter O o H B a c k a (CNCS Capital) B N G B a s i n I e L r o r a I n R i i rn e T a as M g N l i H d Ke ne ma P e y l l V a B i g t Valeria - Port Aurora u Lake Windermere A r c Lake Aurora N ik d R en u O S N e R a n g l T W h i t e t o p Whitetop Spire D s E T s i n w k H a L a k e M Strathclyde Thebes I R A T S o u t h e r n E Masao’s Heights S Yathan’s Crown D i v i s i o n M.D. HA annex ed by S R, TN 1936 30° E 60° E 90° E 120° E 150° E 180° CYLINDRICAL EQUIDISTANT PROJECTION SCALE ALONG PARALLELS: 0° N/S latitude 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 km Terra Nova is much warmer than Earth. Open bodies of water are virtually unheard of and are limited to a few lakes and small seas near the poles. Most of the planet’s water is found in the vast series of underground tunnels called the MacAllen Network and sites where these tunnels are near the surface are of great value. The northern hemisphere is mountainous and temperate, while the south is covered by tropical jungles and swamps. In between is the inhospitable but resourcerich Badlands desert, used both as a battlefield and a source of mineral wealth by the polar confederations. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 9 TERRA NOVA MAP: THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 180° Azov a n g . C i R aa nn gg ee R tt o o p p E S I O Mt. Lowen Pl a in R T e l g M B e t a R n r h e E T N Timmins E s P T Massada Peace River Defense Force Security Zone CNCS VITAL STATISTICS A K Peace River R A Q (Destroyed TN 1939) °E 30 a °W a l P 30 r S A o A R Kossuth t N E r T e Swanscombe N D T N E °E A L I 60 C Djakarta Point S R e P l a i n M a g l e v R ee w E a s i n d o r W B Win L . d er m er u n r D s a M T h a t s e g R a n e g hi ss est Se or F a p h A l E a t A r c E n a Peace River Defense Force Security Zone ence e Te r r g n Sesshu te i W L P W Cajun Pas s Korz e e g d C E T O P R a l a a i c i f c i s Guad al iza te A s F e p a E e R a t N a m W T r G S E g O R t R R A rr T G N I 12 0° W B T F D Mt. Pekyns Innsbruck n Z agreb T Whitetop Spire Fossenwood i n Zagreb S 90° E Zagazig B le y Va l n in t ii t Kenema Kenema H i l l s ig to W E la g hh W W ee n g aa ng °W n Pioneer Pl a i n RR E F R hi 60 P S S a R e d Y l T As Ashington NEW HUMAN REPUBLIC l t R T 80°N C ih D Mt. Mosvari u a Canterbury o w n i n g S o u t h S p u e r n r Q Q Z Marathon NBC Hazard Zone st RR L . P e te r s o n A uror a B as Valeria - Port Aurora L. in (CNCS Capital) Aurora Rapid City I D E S E R T r n A y Mt. Alban L. Providence e an N Baton Rouge st i t rr ii dd gg aa ss ee EE or n Th M adras R B Godwell Valley U B a s i n W H I T E ri T P l a i n s White Mt s. Lyonnesse L. C a j u n G R E A T a a g e n i M a r a t h o n l E tk D Red Sands 90° W n a c a Smolensk S Exeter ll s B E i E H Mainz F i n a s Si O e r e Tr e n c h P G H N r Petropolis T C I w a t e r a r l e te We s t r i d g L 60°N Franklin Harbor in r S n kl Fort William R a n g e E E 0° 12 rr tt ss Mt. Mulhacén i d g e t r W ee s I E ee Ex H D Wounded Knee ii v N le T Pass R g gstone Livingstone nn R R aa Sorrento E a O E T A R R Livin T M i qu vr Skadi O S a L. Toro Ronda N na li Co N m l P E Venik Sorre n R a m E a A R Yele Jasper n i Fr a G v e Fort James Jan Mayen (Destroyed TN 1937) 30°N I T n N r e E R Port Arthur Security Zone 0° e Fort Henry N O 15 N I S A B Port Arthur W Yele 0° 15 S e r p e n t i n S.R. 0° Founding Date: TN 1692 Method of Government: Alliance of Independent Leagues Head of State: Chief Justice Winston Stark Members: Northern Lights Confederacy, United Mercantile Federation, Western Frontier Protectorate, Various Badlands Protectorates (Massada, Red Sands, Timmins, Wounded Knee). Capital: Valeria Population: 105 Million AZIMUTHAL EQUIDISTANT PROJECTION LEGEND: T t en nd pe l de oa In S C AS uC N N C POPULATION: 0 - 50,000 50,000 - 500,000 10 Ruined cities M a g l e v l i n e s 500,000 - 1,000,000 1,000,000+ Mountain peaks capitals Volcanoes Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SCALE ALONG MERIDIANS: 0 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 km TERRA NOVA MAP: THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 180° 15 E 0° Min oo rr S a rr aa g o o l e v L. H une ke Innsmouth G a c i f i c a a n g R e Dead Man’s Fall I i Li tt l e We st r id g l P U P T R n E E S r e °W 60 t o N u Réunion Réunion R E Khayr ad-Din S E H T Westphalia (HQ, Westphalia Cabinet) T g Q l t B e a U Mt. Bukûtu R Ré un i Ch L o n an . til ly Pl ate au Si w a v l e a g l d M O Timbuktu ts. M e D M a a a S n s i B a r h a N Aquitaine F ra se E m a r h c e L B A l p s S o u t h e r n R L Ankara m G a r E s p e R e l p A °E Siwa Oasis n e New Baja 30 k a 19 Tr ,T N SR by d xe ne i E A R S Marabou Port Oasis an a C A °E g n 90° W a r a n c e e p s Ashanti E (AST Capital) White Rock P E e 36 m i A ly o ne e ond h H Hi l l I L N P a c i f i c aa p A n Lance Point C e t n I c m M E A I O k a v a n S w a m g o p s S E E Lo e E t a T s N R E T S E A s N I Gropius L. Waymar Mt. Seldon O N T I L I Newton L. Moustache A n L K 60 T A a m O Mt. Kulin Mt. Émile-Zola a w k i n s M L E C i T Mt. François-Albert Bethany Perth S W U b A H Fort Neil Prince Gable e gg . e n g e R R aa s aa ss s L. Heliosphora nn H o L n Marigold S N B a s i n Thebes Oxford Gardena A P l a i n Mt. Gérard L W Saragossa M e k o n g Mt. Kandrasar Hsi Tsang Elayu Peace River Defense Force Security Zone Mirat Olduvai E a s t e r n T 90° E W a (Joined Free Emirates, TN 1936) Temple Heights L. Van Ness o Ngorongoro A n I n g L. Yangtze R Raleigh g N L. Shuswap Mekong 80°S E Strathclyde a Mt. Ida N Y u N Atsi L. Yung An Yung An Crown o nn s ii o D ii vv ii s rr nn D hh ee Masao’s Heights S uu tt B a s i n I 60°S Yathan’s SS oo M Loyang O c i f i c ng O N i T O M e k o n g N I es a r ya Port Arthur Security Zone G A T h e r os Ray Bangweuleu Smyrna r o K P l a i n D Cimmaro Mt. Perdido E M e k o n g r uu A kk aa r RMajor A Okavango N G T M W e s t e r n S E A L. Isaborah P S e r p e n t i T R E S E R Basal I 30°S 0° 12 D Skavara (Heavily damaged, TN 1941) N R B E S R Chung Tang N 12 0° U A O r N Nineveh R a n g e e n m l P n a Javari n i ru e v M a g l B e t a B a kk a A Nube Muerte W Erech R a n g e 0° 15 r a e t W E S °W 30 Peace River Defense Force Security Zone Mt. Pacific AST VITAL STATISTICS 0° Founding Date: TN 1681 Method of Government: Alliance of Satellite Leagues Head of State: Lord Protector Jacques Molay Members: Southern Republic, Mekong Dominion, Eastern Sun Emirates, Humanist Alliance (Annexed by the SR), Various Badlands Protectorates (Azov, New Baja, Westphalia). Capital: Port Oasis Population: 195 Million AZIMUTHAL EQUIDISTANT PROJECTION LEGEND: T t en nd pe l de oa In S C AS uC N N C POPULATION: 0 - 50,000 50,000 - 500,000 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Ruined cities M a g l e v l i n e s 500,000 - 1,000,000 1,000,000+ Mountain peaks capitals Volcanoes SCALE ALONG MERIDIANS: 0 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 km 11 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: INTRODUCTION 1.0 HEAVY GEAR BLITZ INTRODUCTION Heavy Gear Blitz is a fast paced tabletop miniatures mecha game. Heavy Gear is about deploying your army of Gears, Tanks, Infantry, and Striders, and using that army to defeat your friends in a game of skill and tactics. Your tabletop becomes the battlefield. You see and feel the ebb and flow of the game in a visceral way as your decisions, and the dice, control the outcome. Your choices and how you use your forces will determine your fate, and your reputation as a winning commander. WHY PLAY HEAVY GEAR BLITZ? Players play Heavy Gear for the fun and for the challenge of it. The enjoyment of personalizing the look of your forces when collecting, building, and painting them is one part. The other is the time spent enjoying the game with friends. The diverse tactical options of Heavy Gear ensures that no two games will play exactly the same way. Rise to the challenge and lead your troops to victory! You will need to use your models capabilities to the fullest to achieve your objectives. 1.1 GOALS AND INTENTIONS Heavy Gear simulates high intensity encounters between combat forces on the Battlefield of the 52nd Century. These rules allow players to construct their own military force, represented by models of Infantry, Tanks, Aircraft, and the near-future technology of mechanized walkers called Heavy Gears. Heavy Gear is not supposed to re-enact a full scale war or invasion, but a small encounter between two forces within the context of a larger conflict. The models represent dynamic combat vehicles and soldiers which enact the players strategy. The game is organized into a number of game Rounds. Each Round, players take turns Activating groups of models, one model at a time. Heavy Gear provides a rule set that enables two or more players, with a force of 100 points each (approximately 10 models), to play a game in two hours or less. These rules are intended to allow a fast paced, yet involved, play experience. The Beta rules provide the framework by which players can construct their forces in ways unique to the factions they represent. An example of a Standard Force constructed entirely of Gears is provided at the end of these rules in the Appendix section both as an example of a Force and as a benchmark for players wishing to test the rules using a Force of their own composition (See A.5). 12 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Northern Gear Detachment is ambushed by CEF hovertanks and GREL infantry. RULES: GENERAL CONCEPTS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 2.0 GENERAL CONCEPTS Heavy Gear is a game played between two or more players using a table surface defined as a Battlefield, and models selected to create a unique Force, or army, for each player. The player is you, the person controlling the models and deciding what they will do, and how they will function as a Force together. The game is divided into Rounds where players alternate activating combat groups of models one by one, until every combat group has activated once (See 3.0, 3.1). Distances and ranges in the game are measured in inches and written as a number followed by a double apostrophe. Example: 2” = two inches. Each game revolves around Objectives that your army must complete to earn Victory Points. The side with the most Victory Points at the end of the game is the winner. In the case of a tie in Victory points the winner will be the side to inflict the most damage on their opponent (See 15.0). Heavy Gear is designed to be a fast paced but detailed game that allows many options for innovative strategies and gutsy tactics. The core model of the game is the Heavy Gear, a 15 foot tall single pilot machine that is highly versatile, mobile, and effective in a range of roles. A models Attributes organize the common values and codes that represent the strengths and weaknesses of the model. Each model also has an arsenal of Weapons listed. Uncommon abilities, or abilities that are worth noting, are added in the Attribute line under the heading Traits. Example of Hunter Attributes (See 2.12 for details): Model TV Hunter 6 UA MR GP(0+), W:5" FS, ST, HT G:6" AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LPZ, LVB (Arm) Arms Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Example Weapon stat line (See 8.0 for details): Weapon Type Anti-Vehicle Rocket Pack Code *RP Range 6-18 / 36” Light* 7 Medium* 8 Heavy* 9 Traits AE:4” Weapon Categories Ballistic, Indirect *Penetration Rating Descriptive reading of Example model by section: Note: Attribute headings and rating from the example above have been picked out here in bold: The Gear example Model above is a Hunter Gear that cost six Threat Value points (TV) and has a Unit Availability (UA) for General Purpose units (0+ limit per unit), Fire Support units (0-2*), Strider units (0-2*), and Heavy Tank units (0-2*). This Gear has a Movement Rating (MR) for its Walker Movement Type of 5 inches, and 6 inches for its Ground Movement Type. The Hunter has an Armor Rating (AR) of 6, and a Hull/Structure (H/S) rating of 4 hull and 2 structure. Like all Gears, the Hunter has 1 Action (A). It has a Gunnery Skill (GU) of 4 or better, Piloting Skill (PI) of 4 or better, and an Electronic Warfare and Communications Skill (EW) of 6. The Hunter has an Arm mounted Light Auto-Cannon (LAC) that can Split an attack between 2 targets, a Light anti-vehicle Rocket Pack (LRP), Anti-Personnel Grenade Launcher (APGL), Light Panzerfausts (LPZ) and a Light Vibro Blade (LVB). Note: The Hunter is a standard model and has an unlisted standard Sensors attribute of 12” (See 7.0). * If not noted otherwise a standard limit of zero to two (0-2) models of each variant may be chosen for each unit. Rules Disputes: If there is a question that cannot be resolved easily, the players should roll a dice to randomize between interpretations. Once an interpretation is chosen, play it that way for the rest of the game. Avoid game-slowing disputes during the game and seek resolution by careful rereading of the rules, or through official support afterwards in the DP9 forums ( via FAQs and rules threads. You can also contact Rules Support at [email protected]. 13 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: TERMS AND CONVENTIONS / DICE MECHANICS 2.1 TERMS AND CONVENTIONS Heavy Gear uses many special game terms and rule conventions that allow players to communicate effectively when playing the game. A Glossary is provided (Appendix 6) to give a quick reference to terms that are used. If you have this document as a PDF download you will also be able to use the Search function to find rules quickly How to read these rules: Titles of sections are Bolded and numbered by Section and Subsection to allow for easy referencing of rules. Bold: The first time a rule keyword is defined in the rules. Capitalized: Rule names . Examples: Action, Stand By, Snap Fire. Italicized: A non-rule description. Text bubble: Designers notes. Square Brackets [X]: The actual result of a dice. A set of numbers in square brackets indicates a number of dice rolled. Example: [6] means a 6 was rolled on one. [6, 4, 3] means the dice show a [6], a [4], and a [3]. 2.1A ACTIONS AND THE ACTIVE AND PASSIVE STATES Each models Action attribute defines how many action(s) that model may use in each game round. For most models, this attribute rating is 1. Unless a model has a trait that allows a free action, it may never make more actions than its rating in each round. Actions will refresh in the Cleanup Phase. Each model in the game has two states: Active and Passive. A model is Active only when it is that models Activation - the time when that model can move and spend action(s). A Passive model may respond to an Active models action(s) with a Reaction - an action that may respond to an other models action. A Reaction may not be reacted to by another Reaction. Models are activated once a round. A model that has used a Reaction prior to its Activation can still choose a posture and move but cannot take any further actions that Round unless it still has Actions remaining (See 3.1, 3.4). 2.2 DICE MECHANICS, UNOPPOSED AND OPPOSED ROLLS: There are two methods of determining results with dice in the Heavy Gear Blitz Beta rules. An Unopposed roll and an Opposed roll. An Unopposed roll requires one player to roll dice only against the skill of their own model. An opposed roll requires both players to roll dice using the skill of their models to get the best result and then compare their rolls. Heavy Gear uses this single opposed roll to resolve both the accuracy and the damage of an attack. Standard Modifiers are the modifiers that apply to all rolls unless specified otherwise. Standard Modifiers Table 2.2: Standard Modifier Dice Modifier for Actions or Reactions Dice Modifier for Defense Rolls Critical Damage (no Hull rating remaining) -1D6 -1D6 Posture*: Combat +0D6 +0D6 Posture*: Braced +1D6 -1D6 Posture*: Top Speed -1D6 +1D6 *See 6.0. 2.2a Dice: Heavy Gear Blitz uses six-sided dice, noted as D6 in the rules. Multiple dice are noted in the rules as XD6. You will need at least six D6 for regular play. 2.2b Roll: A Roll is a roll of the dice to determine the success of an action, whether it is an Unopposed or Opposed roll. 2.2c Base Dice X (BD:X): Base Dice X, or BD:X, is the number of dice to roll before modifiers are added. If not indicated otherwise, the default number of Base Dice for all game rolls are two six-sided dice, also noted in the rules as BD:2. 2.2d Dice Modifiers: Many game effects add or subtract dice from the roll. These effects are called Dice Modifiers. If a rule indicates a dice modifier it will be represented as +XD6 or -XD6. Add or subtract dice from the number of Base Dice before a roll. 14 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RULES: DICE MECHANICS - UNOPPOSED ROLLS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 2.2e Skill ratings: Each model has three standard Skills; Gunnery (GU), Piloting (PI), and Electronic Warfare and Communications (EW) (See 2.12). Each Skill has a rating which indicate the models ability with that skill. A Skill Rating of 6+ has a low chance of success while a Skill rating of 3+ or 2+ has a high chance of success. Skills use the notation of Skill:Rating. Example: GU:4+ is a Gunnery skill of four or greater. Skills are used in Unopposed rolls to measure success and in Opposed rolls to add value to the high value rolled (See 2.2i and 2.2j). Blank Skill ratings: It is possible for a model to have a dash (-), indicating a blank rating for that skill. Blank Skills are never added to an Opposed roll, and a model with a - (blank) rating always fail Unopposed rolls requiring that Skill (See 2.2j, 2.2i). Note: Upgrades with a - do not replace the Attribute with a blank, it is simply an Attribute that the upgrade does not adjust. 2.2f Skill Modifiers: Game effects that Improve or Degrade the skill rating of a model are called Skill Modifiers. If a rule indicates a Skill Modifier, it will be noted as having Improved or Degraded the Skill by X, the rating of the effect. Lower Skills are superior because it allows a larger range of dice values to add towards the success of a roll. A Skill rating that is degraded from a 6+ will count as a - (blank skill) (See 2.2e). A Skill rating cannot be improved to a rating better than 1+. Example: Firing a Beam category weapon at optimum range improves a Gunnery (GU) skill by 1. If a Gunnery skill 4+ model fires the weapon it will use a Gunnery skill of 3+. 2.2g Rolling with zero dice: When a player is reduced to zero or less D6 during an opposed check roll, the result is an automatic 1. An Unopposed roll that is reduced to zero dice will automatically fail with no successes. 2.2h Unopposed rolls: An Unopposed roll represents a model relying on its own skill to complete an action. Rolling to avoid damage from a fall is an example of an Unopposed roll. To make an Unopposed roll, take the Base Dice and add or subtract any Dice Modifiers, then roll all the dice together. Each die that equals or exceeds the tested skill rating (including modifiers) adds one success to the Total. Some Unopposed rolls use a Skill rating as the Target Number, others will have a set target number defined by a rule. A generic Target Number (TN) is written in the rules as TN:X+. Example: A player makes an unopposed piloting roll with a skill of 3+. The player rolls 3D6 and gets [2, 3, 6]. The roll is successful, with two successes, the [3] and the [6]. Unopposed roll Diagram 2.2h: Unopposed roll: Step 1: Base dice Step 2: Add dice Modifiers: Step 3: Roll dice: Step 4: Compare each dice to skill BD + BD BD BD Example with Skill:4+ 5 [5]>Skill: +1 1 [1]1” 1” terrain Partial Cover Full Cover (requires Sensor Lock) Partial Cover No Cover Partial Cover No Cover: not within 1” of adjacent cover Example: A Grizzly has Adjacent Light Partial Terrain and one non-adjacent Full Cover intervening piece of light terrain. The Grizzly adds +1D6 for the adjacent light terrain and +1D6 for the Full cover light terrain. Cover may be gained from terrain or other models (See 7.1a). 31 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: COVER Cover Diagram 7.1: B C A 0.5”” Adjacent Light Cover 2” Adjacent Heavy Cover Target (T): Height 1.5” Legend Full Cover - Requires Sensor Lock No Cover - Has Lock Partial Cover: Has Lock Cover Modifiers Table 7.1: Cover Rating Full Cover Modifier Partial Cover Modifier Light Cover +1D6 + Sensor Lock* +1D6 + Lock** Heavy Cover +2D6 + Sensor Lock* +2D6 + Lock** Solid Cover No Lock or Sensor Lock +2D6 + Lock** *Add in addition to Adjacent Cover. **Only Adjacent Partial Cover applies. 7.1a Intervening models as Cover: Models Adjacent to a targeted model can be used as cover if they are between the attacker and the target. If the attack misses the target model there is a chance that the Adjacent model may be hit instead. The Adjacent model must roll Defense against the Attack roll, which may not be Rerolled. Infantry cannot provide cover to other models. Models with AR:7 or less provide a +1D6 Light Cover modifier to defense. Models with AR:8 or greater provide a +2D6 Heavy Cover modifier to defense. A Destroyed model can still be used as cover (See 9.3). 7.1b Area terrain as Cover: Models within 1” of a model attacking them, or that have less than 1” of Area terrain between them and a model that is attacking them do not add the Area terrain modifier to their defence rolls. A model that is within area terrain always adds the Area terrain Modifier to their defense rolls regardless of the quantity of intervening Area terrain. If the Height of the Area terrain is equal or greater than a model within the terrain then the Area terrain provides Full Cover and attacks require Sensor Lock unless the target of the attack is within 1” of the edge of the terrain and there is less than 1” of terrain intervening. Area Terrain Cover Diagram 7.1b: Full cover area terrain =1”, > 1” Requires Sensor Lock < 1” Does not requires Sensor Lock 7.2 SETTING UP THE BATTLEFIELD: When setting up, players should attempt to cover 40-50% of the Battlefield with cover of varying heights, types and ratings. Each 24” square of the battlefield should have at least two pieces of terrain that are 3” or taller. Identify each terrain piece by its cover rating when placing it and specify, if required, the terrains height. Wooden, brick, or sheet metal and glass construction plus small trees should be considered Light Cover. Concrete, steel, rock, and large trees should be considered Heavy Cover. 32 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RULES: ACTIVE SENSORS / HIDDING / DETAILED SCAN / SENSOR BOOST Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 7.3 ACTIVE SENSORS: When a model Selects its Posture for its activation it may choose to use Active Sensors and will add 12” to its Sensor range until the end of the activation. Using Active Sensors can trigger Snap Fire (See 10.4). 7.3a Sensor Range Modifiers: The average Sensor Range is based on detecting Gear sized models. Models larger or smaller than Gears will modify the Sensor range according to the Sensor Range table below. Sensor Range Modifiers Table 7.3a: Target Model Type/Height Sensor Range modifier Infantry, Vehicle, or Gear: 1” or less -6” Gears, Vehicles, and Striders: 1.5” to 2.0” +0” Vehicle or Strider: 2.5”” Height or more +6” Target Model has the Stealth Trait -6” 7.4 HIDING (ACTION): A Braced or Combat Speed model may spend an action to Hide. Hiding requires Adjacent Cover that is intervening between the models. Mark the model with a Hidden Token to indicate its status. A model with a Hidden Token gains a Reroll on Defense rolls. A Hiding model loses the Hidden Token if it:  Uses an Electronic Warfare or Communications action.  Gives an Order.  Makes a Move greater than 2”.  Make an attack action or reaction. 7.5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEALMENT EFFECTS: Concealment:X is any environmental effect that prevents or limits the ability of models to Lock or Sensor Lock targets. The Rating of the Concealment effect is the range at which Sensor Lock is required, even if a target is not behind any Full Cover. The different types of Concealment are listed in the Scenario Generation section (See 15.0). 7.6 DETAILED SCAN (ACTION): Scenarios may require a model to Detail Scan a target model, building or terrain piece to obtain valuable intelligence. To Detail Scan, a target must be within half the models Sensor Range and not have Full Cover. The scanning model must use either the Braced or Combat Speed Posture, spend an action and pass a Comms roll (See 14.1). A Detailed Scan may not use the Active Sensors range bonus. An Detailed Scan counts as an Electronic Warfare action and can be reacted to with Snap Fire attacks (See 10.4). A Model destroyed by Snap fire while performing a Detailed Scan will automatically fail the Detailed Scan action. 7.7 SENSOR BOOST (REACTION): A model with the Sensors:X trait can, as a free reaction, allow friendly models in formation with it to share its Sensor Lock to enemy models. This only allows Sensor Lock; cover is still determined between the attacker and the defender and Solid Cover will still prevent Direct attacks (See 10.1a). A model using a Sensor Boost may be attacked with a Snap Fire reactio, resolved simultaneously with the Active models action (See 10.4). 33 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: RANGE ATTACK ACTIONS, RANGE ATTACK MODIFIERS 8.0 RANGE ATTACK ACTIONS, RANGE ATTACK MODIFIERS, AND RESOLVING ATTACKS: This section details the procedures to conduct Ranged, Direct fire attacks. Further special weapon attack cases can be found in section 10.0. Unless otherwise noted a weapon system may only be used to attack with once in each round regardless of weapon traits or a model having multiple actions. 8.1 WEAPON ATTRIBUTES: See the full list of weapon in appendix 4. Standard Weapon Attribute Table 8.1 (See full list in appendix 4): Weapon Type Anti-Vehicle Rocket Pack Code *RP Range 6-18 / 36” Light* 7 Medium* 8 Heavy* 9 Traits AE:4” Weapon Categories Ballistic, Indirect *Penetration Rating: Note: all weapons use one of these rating depending on their size as noted by the Code Prefix L, M, or H.  Weapon Type: The full name of the weapon type.  Code: This is a code that allows the weapon to be referred to, and referenced quickly. The Prefix for the Code refers to the Penetration rating as either L for Light, M for Medium, or H for Heavy. Example: An LRP is a Light Anti-Vehicle Rocket Pack.  Range: The Range of the Weapon type indicates the Optimum range and the Maximum range.  Light: This is the Penetration rating of the standard Light type of this weapon.  Medium: This is the Penetration rating of the standard Medium type of this weapon.  Heavy: This is the Penetration rating of the standard Heavy type of this weapon.  Traits: Lists any traits that affect the weapon.  Weapon Category: This give the weapon firing options which changes how range affects the weapon (See Table 8.2a) and certain advantages such as indirect fire (See 10.1b). Suboptimal Ranges: Targets either closer than Optimum range and between Optimum and Maximum ranges are at Suboptimal range. There are some modifiers that are applied only to attacks against models at Sub-Optimal range. Multiple Weapon Categories: A Weapon with more than one Weapon Type may select which type it will use for that action. Weapon Codes without a Prefix: A weapon without a prefix indicates that the weapon does not conform to the normal Light/Medium/Heavy paradigms because it is either a smaller, man portable version of the weapon or a weapon so large that there are very few vehicles or weapon platforms that can use it effectively. These weapons will always have the PEN:X trait, indicating the Penetration rating the weapon will resolve damage with. 8.2 DETAILED ATTACK ACTION SUMMARY AND TIMING: A. Declare Attack (use action) B. Select Target C. Determine Lock  Target chooses to Snap Fire, or not (See 10.4)  Other models in Formation with target choose to Snap Fire, or not. D. Measure Range to target E. Select one Weapon  Select one weapon category F. Verify attacker modifiers (posture, range, category, traits), BD:2+Modifiers Verify defender modifiers (cover, traits, special conditions), BD:2+Modifiers G. H. I. J. Attacker and Defender roll dice (see 2.2). Determine Margin (MOS). Attacker chooses whether to use any available Reroll. Defender chooses whether to use any available Reroll.  Attacker and Defender Reroll all dice if chosen to. K. Determine final Margin: Attacker result - Defender result  (MOS:0+ is a hit). 34 Calculate Damage (MOS+PEN-AR = DMG) (See 9.0):  If DMG <0 (less than zero) the attack does no damage.  If DMG >0 (greater than zero) then subtract the DMG from the remaining H/S of the defending model.  If DMG =0 roll a Marginal Hit (See 9.1: BD:1, TN:4+, if successful the target suffers one damage). Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RULES: ATTACK AND DEFENSE MODIFIERS / WEAPON TRAITS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Range Modifiers by Weapon Category Table 8.2a: Weapon Category Ballistic Optimal Range Sub-Optimal range - -1D6 Advanced Gunnery Improves by 1 - Indirect* -1D6 -2D6 Missile - -2D6** Melee - -1D6 *Note: Indirect category weapon may not attack if there is terrain that completely overhangs them. **Unless Forward Observed with a Target Designator (TD:X) Attack and Defense Modifiers Table 8.2b: Attack Roll Modifiers + Standard modifiers (See 2.2) + Range modifier (See table 8.2a) Attacking Gear or Strider from Back Arc: +1D6 Attack Vehicle from Back Arc: +2D6 Elevation: +1D6 Defense Roll Modifiers + Standard modifiers (See 2.2) Adjacent Terrain Cover: +1D6 or +2D6 Any additional Full Cover Terrain: +1D6 or +2D6 ECM:X Defense: +XD6 Model Trait modifier: +XD6 Weapon Trait: +XD6 Target or attacker is off board: Degrade Skill by 1 Model Trait modifier: +XD6 *If target is not using an attack or EW action. 8.3 WEAPON TRAITS: Weapon Traits: Weapon Traits are abilities that define the way weapons function beyond simply range and damage and are recorded as standard in the Weapon table. These traits are part of the weapon and do not need to be noted with a models Weapons Attribute for them to be present. Associated Traits: Associated Traits are traits that are added to a Weapons in addition to the standard list of traits for that Weapon Type. These traits are noted in brackets next to the Weapon code and include any Arcs required if the Weapon has an Arc other than Front. Example: The Hunter in 2.12 has a Light Auto Cannon with the Weapon trait of Burst:1 and Associated traits of Arm and Split:2. The weapons full code is: LAC (Arm, Split:2). Duplicate Associated Traits: If a weapon has an Associated trait with a different rating than the standard Weapon Trait, the Associated Trait rating replaces the Weapon Trait rating. Example: A model has a LAC (Burst:2). An Autocannon normally has a Weapon Trait of Burst:1. The Associated Trait rating replaces the Weapon Trait rating and the LAC has a Burst:2 trait. 35 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: DAMAGE 9.0 DAMAGE: Damage represents the effect of powerful weapons defeating the high tech armor of the Heavy Gear battlefield. 9.1 STANDARD DAMAGE MODIFIERS AND RESOLUTION: The following Attributes interact to determine the damage caused.  Margin: The Margin of the attack.  Penetration: The Penetration Rating of the Weapon.  Armor: The Armor Rating of the target.  Traits: Some Weapon Traits affect, augment, or change the way damage is caused. Damage Resolution: The Margin of the attack plus the Penetration of the weapon minus the Armor of the Target will give the total damage caused. MOS+PEN-AR=DMG. 9.1a Marginal Hits: There is always a chance that sheer quantity of ammunition or a lucky hit against exposed equipment will cause damage by chance, even on a marginal hit. When the Margin plus the Penetration rating of a weapon is equal to the Armor Rating of the target, it is considered a Marginal hit. Marginal Hits require the attacker to roll 1D6 with no modifiers against a TN:4+. A Marginal hit will cause one damage if successful. (Roll 1D6. If the result is a 4, 5, or 6 the target takes one damage). Some special weapon effects can cause multiple marginal hits, in which case roll a number of dice equal to the number required and each dice that rolls of a 4+ will do one damage. 9.2 DAMAGE EFFECTS: Most attacks that hit a model will result in some amount of damage. A models Hull & Structure (H/S) Attribute rating represents how ruggedly a model is built, and is given two values, separated by a slash. Damage is applied to a models Hull rating first, then the the Structure rating. Example: A model with a H/S:4/2 has 4 Hull points and 2 Structure Points. A model that loses all of its Hull Damage points is Crippled. A model that loses all of its Structure Damage points is Destroyed. 9.2a Crippled Models: A Crippled model is marked with a Crippled token. A model with a Crippled token:  Suffers the standard -1D6 modifier to all rolls (See 2.2).  May not choose the Top Speed posture when activating.  Halves its Sensor Range Attribute and cannot use Active Sensors (See 7.4).  May not attack with, or use, any weapons or traits with the attached Auxiliary (Aux) trait.  A Model may only suffer the effects of a being crippled once - multiple effects that cause a model to be Crippled do not stack negative modifiers. 9.2b Destroyed Models: When a model loses all of its Hull and Structure rating it is Destroyed and turned into a Wreck. The Model remains on the Battlefield at the position it last occupied, with a Height half the models normal Height rating. Immediately remove all damage, status, ECM defense, Standby, and Order tokens. Mark the model with a destroyed token. It is treated as Light cover if it has AR:7 or less, and Heavy Cover if it has AR:8 or more. This Destroyed model may be targeted and will be removed if further attacks cause an Overkill result (See 9.4). 9.4 OVERKILL: If a model suffers a number of damage points from a single attack greater than or equal to the sum of the models starting hull and structure point ratings then it has been Overkilled. An Overkilled model is still destroyed but is removed from the Battlefield instead of generating terrain. Destroyed wrecks may be attacked in the hope of Overkilling them to remove cover. Wrecks always have a defense check of 1D6 with no modifiers. Example: A Hunter Gear with a Hull and Structure rating of 4/2 has been reduced to 2/2 and is hit by a powerful attack that does 4 damage. The Hunter will be Destroyed but not Overkilled. A hit that did 6 damage would overkill the Hunter and remove it from the table. 36 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RULES: STANDARD HULL AND STRUCTURE / SPECIAL WEAPON EFFECTS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 9.5 STANDARD HULL AND STRUCTURE: The following Table indicates the range of standard Hull and Structure values that represent the ability of models to suffer damage and remain functioning. Note that the toughness rating is used to compare models with the same armor attribute rating and to provide a standard term to describe the models attributes. Standard Hull and Structure Table 9.5: Toughness Rating Name Infantry Hull/Structure: 4 Gears Hull/Structure: 6 Tank and Strider Hull/Structure: 8 Multi-Component Vehicles Core* Hull/Structure:10 *See 16.6 1: Flimsy - 1/5 2/6 3/7 2: Fragile 1/3 2/4 3/5 4/6 3: Standard 2/2 3/3 4/4 5/5 4: Tough 3/1 4/2 5/3 6/4 - 5/1 6/2 7/3 5: Rugged *See 16.6 9.6 SPECIAL WEAPON EFFECTS: Some Weapon effects attack a target differently than a normal weapon attack. These attacks are called Special Weapon Effects. 9.6a Special Weapon ratings and tokens: Attacks with a Special Weapon Effect are noted with a trait name with a rating that gives the intensity of the Special Weapon Effect. Always calculate damage normally and then resolve the effect of the attack. A model can only have one persistent damage token of each type at any time. 9.6b Damage Control (reaction): Use one action for a model to perform a Damage Control reaction on itself or another friendly model within 3” before rolling any Special Weapon Effects. For each action spent, reduce the Intensity, or the Margin, of the attack by one. If the MOS+Intensity is reduced to a total of zero there will be no Special Effect. Models with the Recovery Vehicle trait may remove 2 intensity per action spent instead, and may target models within 6” 9.6c Special damage types and effects Haywire [Haywire]: A model that hits a Target with a weapon with the Haywire trait resolves normal damage then rolls 1D6, a roll of 4+ causes one additional damage. Place a Haywire token on the target model. A model with a haywire token counts as a Crippled model. Remove the haywire token in the cleanup phase. Haywire may not be removed by a damage control reaction. Note: The Crippled modifier is only applied once per roll, regardless of number of sources. Fire [Fire:X]: A target hit with a Fire effect resolves normal damage, then rolls a number of D6 equal to the Margin of Success of the attack plus the rating of the effect. For each dice that equals or exceed a target number of 4+, one damage will be caused. After this roll there is no further effect, the fire suppression systems control the fire. Example: A light flamer attack with MOS:3 hits a target. After resolving normal damage the fire effect is resolved. The light flamer has an intensity rating of 1, so a fire damage resolution with a total of 4D6 will be rolled. Corrosion [Corrosion:X]: A target hit with a Corrosion effect resolves normal damage then rolls a number of D6 equal to the Margin of Success of the attack plus the rating of the effect. For each dice that equals or exceeds a target number of 4+, 1 damage will be caused. In addition a Corrosion token will be placed on the model. A model without the Recovery or Medic traits must use a damage control action and succeed a roll with BD:1 and a target number of 6+ to successfully use a damage control action on itself, or another friendly model to remove a corrosion token. Standard modifiers apply to this roll (See 2.2). Due to specialized equipment, a model with the Recovery Vehicle trait can remove a corrosion token with an action without requiring a roll. In each Cleanup phase, any model with a Corrosion token rolls 1D6 and suffers 1 damage on a roll of 4+. If not removed by a Damage Control action, a Corrosion token will persist on the model until the game ends or the model is destroyed. A model with a Corrosion token that is hit by another attack with Corrosion will roll the immediate special damage roll for the attack but will not place another Corrosion token. A model can only have one Corrosion token at a time. Infantry and Corrosion: After applying Corrosion special effects on Infantry models do not place a token. 37 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: ADDITIONAL WEAPON ACTIONS & ATTACK OPTIONS 10.0 ADDITIONAL WEAPON ACTIONS & ATTACK OPTIONS: This section describes weapon attack options and weapon traits in detail. 10.1 WEAPON ATTACK TYPES: There are three kinds of attacks a model can make; Direct, Indirect, and Melee. 10.1a Direct Attack (action): Direct Attacks are the most basic type of ranged attack action and may be made by any weapon from the Ballistic, Advanced, or Missile categories. All attacks are Direct attacks unless noted otherwise. 10.1b Indirect Attack (action): Indirect attacks are a special attack that can be chained to a Forward Observation action (See 14.3), or fired at a target that the attacker has Sensor Lock to (see 7.0). Indirect attacks are high trajectory attacks and are less accurate than most weapons. Indirect category weapons have a -1D6 modifier at optimum range and a -2D6 modifier at Sub-Optimal range and do not benefit from the elevated modifier. Targets of Indirect attacks do receive a cover modifier unless the target of a Forward Observation is in the open when viewed from the Observer. Instance terrain and Area terrain that overlaps a model will provide cover against all Indirect attacks. 10.1c Melee Attack (action): Melee or close combat attacks are detailed in the Melee Attack section (See 11.0). 10.2 AREA EFFECT [AE:X”] ATTACKS: Weapons with the AE:X” trait have the potential to damage multiple targets. The initial Target of an Area Effect attack is the Primary Target; all other models with any part of their base within the AE are Secondary Targets. Area Effect (AE) Attacks:  Primary target: Attack as normal to a minimum of 1D6 for the attack roll.  Secondary targets: Attack with an additional -1D6 modifier to a minimum of 1D6 for the attack roll. Example: A Grizzly Fires its mortar at a Cobra (Primary Target) and a Jager (Secondary Target) with an attack roll of 2D6. The Grizzly rolls [6, 3] for a total result of 6 against the Cobra. The Cobra rolls and is hit. Then the Active player rolls 1D6 for the attack roll against the Jager and rolls a [4]. The Jager has to defend against the 4. Then the Grizzly player will resolve any other effects such as the Blast trait. Area Effects targeting non-model target points: A model may target a point on the battlefield in an attempt to maximize the number of enemy models attacked by an AE.  A Target Point may be Forward Observed as normal. The Observer must have a Sensor Lock to the Target Point (See 7.0b).  All models in the Area Effect are treated as Secondary targets. Flanking Modifiers from Area Effect attacks: Area Effect Attacks targeting Primary and affecting Secondary Targets do not benefit from the Flanking modifier (See Table 8.2b) unless the attacker:  Is in the Rear arc of the model being attacked.  Attacks with a weapon in the Missile category and the Observer model has both the Target Designator (TD:X) trait and is in the rear arc of the Primary Target. Secondary Targets do not have the Flanked modifier applied to attacks targeting them unless the attack is a from a weapon category other than Indirect. 10.2a Friendly Fire and Area Effects: Area Effect attacks do not discriminate between friend and foe, making them very dangerous to use in tight groups of troops. Unless Specifically allowed by Special Rules in the Sub-Lists section (See A.2), players may not attack a target with an Area Effect attack if one or more friendly models are in the area. The exception to this is if the friendly model has an Armor Rating at least two higher than the Penetration Rating of the weapon. A model may never be the target of an attack by friendly models. 10.3 STAND BY (ACTION): A Stand By action is a deferred action. To use Stand By, a model must use an action and be at Combat or Braced postures. The models activation immediately ends and it receives one Stand By or Stand By (Braced) token for the action, plus one additional token for each remaining action, and one additional token if the model has the autopilot trait. A Stand By token can be removed to:  Chain an Indirect attack to a FO (See 14.3).  Snap Fire reaction (See 10.4).  Active ECM EW reaction (See 14.2a).  Use a Comms Boosting reaction (See 14.1d)  Use a Damage Control reaction (See 9.6b) 38 A model that chooses the Braced posture and uses Stand By will remain Braced and use all modifiers associated with the Braced posture until all the Stand By tokens are removed. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RULES: SNAP FIRE / SPLIT ATTACKS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 10.4 SNAP FIRE (REACTION): A Snap Fire reaction is an attack action a Passive model may choose to make in response to being the target of an action. A Snap Fire reaction may only be declared with a weapon that has either the Arm, or Fast Turret weapon Arcs. A Snap Fire reaction can be declared against an Active model if the Passive model is:  The target of a ranged or melee attack action.  Within Sensor range and has Lock to an Origin model of an EW action or reaction.  Within 6” of, or in Formation with, a the target of an attack action (See 15.3).  A model with a Stand By token, and the Active model has ended its activation in Sensor range without using an action. Resolve this Snap Fire before the next model activates. A Snap Fire attack can also be declared against any model that has Lock to an active model that used Active Sensors (See 7.3). Declare Snap Fire after an active model declares a target, or after an action is declared if there is no target model. All Snap Fire attacks resolve simultaneously with the action that triggered them. Resolve all actions and reactions before applying any damage effects. Place a Action Used Token on the unit that did the Snap Fire to remind you that the unit has already used its action when it comes time to move it in the Action Phase. 10.4a Shooting at models entering base to base contact: Ranged or Melee Snap Fire may be declared in response to any melee attack. Resolve Ranged Snap fire before any melee attacks by the active model. This Snap fire may be declared if the active model began its activation in the arc of a weapon that can Snap Fire, even if the model has moved out of that weapon arc. The Range used to resolve the Snap fire is 0”. 10.5 SPLIT ATTACKS: Split Attacks allow an active model to use one action to attack two or more targets with a weapon with the Split:X trait. The maximum number of targets may not exceed the rating of the Split trait. All targets:  Must be in Lock or Sensor Lock.  Must be within 6” of each other. Make one attack roll per target. Split Attacks have a -1D6 modifier.  Declare all targets and Snap Fire responses before making any attack rolls.  Resolve all attacks and reactions before applying any damage effects.  Each target can only be attacked once by a Split Fire attack. A Northern Gear Attack. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 39 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: MELEE COMBAT 11.0 MELEE COMBAT: Melee combat in Heavy Gear Blitz is similar to Direct and Indirect attacks with the exception that weapons in the melee category may be used to make a number of melee attack actions up to the Action Attribute of the model using them. All models except Infantry can also make Special Melee attacks (See 12.0). Engaged in Melee: Models that are in range of an enemy model and have Lock to them are Engaged with the target. Being Engaged in melee does not prevent a model from moving away when they activate, it only affects targeting and cover (See 11.0c) A Model using Flying Movement may not use, or be the target of, a Melee attack. 11.0a Defenseless models: Models without a melee category weapon are at a disadvantage when defending in melee. These models are Defenseless and have a modifier of -1D6 to melee defense rolls. 11.0b Melee Attack Action: A Melee attack action is required to attack with a Melee category weapon. Melee attack actions use the Pilot skill to make attack rolls instead of the Gunnery skill. 11.0c Firing at an Engaged model: An engaged target model may use an engaged, adjacent, intervening enemy model as cover against ranged attacks. The attacker must have Lock to the engaged enemy model. 11.0d Attacks While Engaged: A model that makes a ranged attack while engaged has an additional -1D6 modifier to the attack roll if the attack does not target the model it is engaged with. 11.1 MELEE ATTACK MODIFIERS: Add both Melee and Standard modifiers to Melee attack rolls. Melee Modifiers Table 11.1: Modifier Name Effect Flanked Gear or Strider Attacker is completely in the targets Back (B) Arc. A model must begin their activation in the back arc to gain this modifier +1D6 Flanked Vehicle Attacker is completely in the targets Back (B) Arc. A model must begin their activation in the back arc to gain this modifier +2D6 Brawler (Trait) The Attacker/Defender has the Brawler trait. Multiple instances of the Brawler trait add together. +XD6 Defenseless A model without a weapon in the melee category. Standard modifiers See 2.2 for standard posture and critical damage modifiers. 11.2 REACH TRAIT: Modifier -1D6 +/-XD6 The reach trait allows a Melee weapon a maximum range greater than zero. Targets that are not in base contact but are still engaged in melee combat may use terrain as a defense modifier. 40 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) A Southern Spitting Cobra with longer reach melee weapons. RULES: SPECIAL MELEE ATTACKS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 12.0 SPECIAL MELEE ATTACKS: Sometimes destroying a target is not enough. Sometimes a target needs to be moved instead. This is where special melee attacks are used. The most common use of a special melee attack is to clear a space around an objective, something that Gears excel in. 12.1 BRUTE FORCE [ACTION]: A Brute force action is a melee attack action where one model forces another model to move by physically pushing on it. Brute force requires a normal Melee attack roll, but both the attacker and the defender count as defenseless. If the attacker wins, they may move directly forwards a distance equal to the Margin and the defender is forced to move in the same direction. The distance moved may not be more than the Movement Rating remaining in the active models current move. Modify the distance moved by the difference between the Armor Ratings (AR) of the models. A model forced into terrain or another model will suffer an Impact (See 13.2). If a model is forced off of an elevation it will suffer a Fall (See 13.1). Infantry models may not use, or be targets of, a Brute Force melee attack. Example: A Grizzly with 5” remaining in a move uses a Brute Force Action against a Jager. The attack roll results in a Margin of 2. The Grizzly forces the Jager 2” (Margin) + 2” (AR8 - AR6) = 4”. There is a solid terrain wall 1” behind the Jager that it will hit for Impact damage (See 13.2). 12.1a Multiple targets of a brute force action: If more than one target is in front of a model using brute force then both potential targets must test to defend against the attack. The active model may only move both defending models up to the distance of the lowest Margin. If another model is contacted during the brute force move the move will stop at the point of contact, but the model making the brute force move may resolve a free Ram attack (See 10.11) against the newly contacted model. 12.1b Multiple actions and brute force: If a model has multiple actions it may attempt to use brute force more than once when activating and may choose new targets for each Brute Force action or target the same model multiple times. 12.2 RAM [ACTION]: A model may use acceleration and mass to attempt to inflict damage. To Ram, a model must move into base to base contact. Both the attacker and defender count as defenseless, even if they have a melee weapon. If the attack hits, resolve the damage as an impact (See 13.2). Unlike the Brute force action, a Ram action does not move the target. Infantry may not use a Ram action. Apply Melee modifiers (See 11.1). 12.3 CRUSH [ACTION]: A Crush action is a melee attack that may only be used against infantry in base contact. A Crush action:  Requires an Armor rating that is higher than the target model.  Requires either the Walker or Ground Movement Type.  Has the Anti-infantry trait.  Does not require a Melee category weapon. Make a Melee attack roll. The attack has a Penetration rating of 3. After a Crush action the attacking model may continue to move. The infantry model that was attacked may move the minimum distance required to ensure that it is not under the attacking model after its movement (the infantry give way). Infantry models may not make crush attacks. Injured Southern Infantry man. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 41 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: IMPACTS AND FALLING 13.0 IMPACTS AND FALLING: Intentional or unintentional situations may cause a model to suffer a fall or an impact. 13.1 FALLING: A model that moves off of vertical, elevated terrain (slope greater than 45 degrees) without using the climbing trait (or dedicated MR to conduct climbing) suffers a fall. Models forced off of vertical terrain automatically suffer a fall. Make a Pilot roll with BD:1 for each full inch the model fell. The model takes one damage point for each dice that fails the PILOT roll. Count only the distance from the bottom of the models base to the surface to resolve the distance fallen (See 6.5f). 13.2 IMPACTS: If a model is forced into terrain, or another model, it suffers an Impact. Impacts tend to be messy affairs due to the physics of high speed collisions, and are resolved as a Pilot Roll with a BD:2. If two models Impact each, other compare AR v AR and add the difference, just like a normal damage roll modifier (See 9.0).  Make a Pilot roll for each model being impacted with the following modifiers:  +XD6 where X is the terrains cover rating. or  +XD6 where X is the difference between AR of impacting models (AR other model - AR testing model )  Apply only the critical damage standard modifier (See 2.2).  An impact test always rolls a minimum of 1D6 for the PILOT test; there is always a chance for damage! Impact Damage:  Each Roll that fails the PILOT test causes the model to take one damage.  If an active, impacting Model is using the top speed posture then both impacted models will suffer two damage points for each [1] rolled for the PILOT test.  If a passive, Impacted model is overkilled by impact damage then the active model may continue to move.  If a target, Impacted model is not overkilled the active model may not move any further this activation. Example1: A Jager (AR:6) is pushed with a brute force action into a Cobra (AR:8). The Jager had been forced 4” but stopped when it impacted the Cobra at 2”. Both models have BD:2. Since AR:8 -AR:6 = 2, the Jager will add 2D6 to its test and the Cobra will reduce its test by 2D6. The Jager (PILOT:4+) must roll 4D6 in total, the Cobra (PILOT:5+) rolls 1D6 total. Each dice that fails to equal or beat their Pilot skill will cause 1 damage. Example 2: An Aller Tank chooses to make a melee attack by ramming a Hunter at Top speed. The Tank moves 4” and hits the Hunter with an attack check Margin of 0. The Hunter (AR:6) is impacted by the Aller (AR:12). The Hunter Rolls 2D6 (BD) + 6D6 (ARvAR) = 8D6 PILOT Roll to avoid damage. Because the Aller is at top speed all test rolls of [1] for either model will cause 2 damage. The Aller suffers a 2D6 (BD) - 6D6 (ARvAR) = 0D6 roll. The Aller must still Roll a 1D6 PILOT Roll to avoid damage (minimum chance for damage). 42 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) A Northern Aller tank clips a Southern Naga Strider at top speed. RULES: ELECTRONIC WARFARE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 14.0 ELECTRONIC WARFARE: ELECTRONIC WARFARE INTRODUCTION: Electronic Warfare can be used defensively or offensively. Electronic Warfare actions and reactions, except for Forward Observations and Comms Boosting, require special traits detailed with each action/reaction. All electronic Warfare actions or reactions are resolved with the Electronic Warfare (EW) skill. EW Actions/Reactions Table 14.0: Section EW action/ reaction Trait Required Range 14.1d Comms Boosting None / Comms:X Formation Add +1D6 to a Comms roll or Comms:X rating None to target. Effect Counter 14.2 Passive ECM ECM:X Sensors:X” Reduce enemy Comms:X traits by the ECM:X rating. 14.2a Active ECM:X ECM:X Sensors:X” Roll opposed EW. If target fails their Coms action ECCM will be cancelled. 14.2b ECM Sensor Jamming ECM:X Sensors:X Roll opposed EW. If target fails place a Haywire ECCM token on target (See 9.6) 14.2c ECM Defense ECM:X 6” Models within 6” gain a +XD6 modifier to defense rolls. None 14.3 Forward Observation None Sensors:X” Chain Indirect attacks to attack the target. 14.3b Satellite Forward Observation SatUp:X+ Off-Board Chain indirect attacks to attack a non-flying None offboard model. None Active ECM 14.0a Origin and Receiver: The Model using an Electronic Warfare action or making an Electronic Warfare roll is an Origin model. A model that receives the effect of the Electronic Warfare action or roll action is a Receiver model. 14.0b Electronic Warfare Actions: An Electronic Warfare (EW) action is any action that uses the ECM:X trait, Comms:X trait, Sensors:X” trait, or rolls using the EW skill. 14.0c Origin models and Snap Fire: Any model that has Sensor Lock to an Origin model may Snap Fire. The Snap Fire attack resolves simultaneously with the effect of the Electronic Warfare action or roll (See 10.4). 14.1: COMMS (ACTION): A Comms action is any Electronic Warfare action that uses a Comms:X trait, or requires a Comms roll. 14.1a Comms Roll: An unopposed Comms roll has a BD:2 with Standard Modifiers (See 2.2). If successful, the Origin model may communicate with one Receiver model. A Receiver model does not require a roll to receive the Comms. A Comms roll is used to transmit targeting information to other ready model or to a Commander model that can direct a response. Receivers of Comms rolls that are in Formation with the origin model still require a successful Comms roll by the Origin model to be Receivers. 14.1b Comms:X Trait and Comms Rolls: A model with the Comms:X trait may use the rating of the Comms trait as X automatic successes instead of making a Comms roll. Passive or active ECM may reduce the rating of the Comms trait (See 14.2). Passive ECM shares the same range as the ECM models sensors. Multiple, overlapping ECM effects are cumulative. If a models Comms:X trait is reduced by Passive ECM interference, it may attempt a Comms roll (See 14.1a). A Comms roll with one or more successes will allow one successful Comms event per success, up to the rating of the Comms:X trait. Example: A Comms:2 model is in range of two model with passive ECM:1 which reduces the Comms rating of the active model to zero. The model rolls a Comms roll an rolls one success allowing one Receiver model. 14.1c Commanders as Receivers: All models in Formation with a Commander Receiver, including the Commander model itself, may benefit from an action, or chain an action to the Comms roll of the Origin model. Example: A Commander receives a Comms for a Forward Observation. The Commander and all models in Formation within 6” of the commander may chain actions to the FO as if they were the Receiver. 14.1d Comms Boost (reaction): Friendly, non-infantry models in Formation with a model using a Comms Action may provide a Comms Boost. Declare Comms Boost reactions before resolving an EW action. The boosting model(s) must spend an action and may either add their Comms:X rating to the rating of the boosted model or may add +1D6 to any Comms Test. Infantry models may not use Comms Boost reactions but may benefit from Comms Boosting. 14.1e Comms Relay: Models with the Comms:X trait may act as Relays for other models in a Combat Group, extending the reach of the Commanders Formation. The Relaying model must be in Formation with (6” from) the commander or another Relay model. All other models in Formation with the Relay model are then considered in Formation with the Commander, regardless of their distance from the Commander model. Multiple models may Relay, allowing the potential for a Commander to be in Formation with a model one or more Relays away. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 43 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: PASSIVE ECM 14.1f Satellite Comms: A model with the Satellite Uplink:X (SatUp:X) trait cannot be jammed by an Active ECM reaction (See 14.2a) if communicating with a Receiver that also has the SatUp:X trait. Comms actions between models with Satellite Uplinks always succeed with one success. 14.1g Satellite Comms Relay: Models with the Satellite Uplink:X trait may act as Relays for other models in a Combat Group, extending the reach of a Commanders Formation. Models in the same Combat Group within 6” of a model with the Satellite Uplink trait are in Formation with their Commander if the Commander has a Satellite Uplink trait or is within 6” of another Satellite Uplink model. 14.2 PASSIVE ECM: A model with the ECM:X trait will reduce the Comm:X trait(s) of all enemy models it has Sensor Lock to by the rating of the ECM:X trait, without using an action. This effect is cumulative and cannot reduce a Comms:X trait below 0. Check the Passive ECM models’ Sensor range when the Comms Action is declared before resolving the effects of that Comms Action. Note that a model may measure its own Sensor range at any time during its Activation to identify models that can cause passive or active ECM. Do not measure enemy Passive ECM Sensor range until an action that requires a Comms roll is declared. 14.2a Active ECM (ECM reaction): A model with the ECM:X trait may use an action to actively contest the results of an Enemy Comms roll as a reaction if it has Sensor Lock to the active model. Declare the Active ECM reaction after the Comms Action is declared but before any Comms roll is made. Each model makes an EW roll with standard modifiers (See 2.2). If the reacting model wins the roll with a Margin of zero or greater (MOS:0+), the Comms roll automatically fails. If the active model wins the roll, resolve the Comms Action as normal. If the active models Comms roll is blocked, that model loses that action until it refreshes. Countering Active ECM: A model with the ECCM trait within 6” of a friendly model targeted by an Active ECM action may react, as a free action, and take the EW roll for the target model as if it was is the target. A model with ECCM may Reroll opposed EW rolls. 14.2b ECM Sensor Jamming (ECM action): A model with the Electronic Counter-Measures trait may attempt to actively scramble the targeting sensors and other electronic systems of a target model. The Jamming model must have Sensor Lock. A Sensor Jamming action requires an EW roll, and each model makes an EW roll with standard modifiers (See 2.2). The target model may use terrain cover and ECM Defense modifiers (See 14.2c). If the Active model wins the check with a Margin of 0 or greater, the Jamming automatically succeeds and a Haywire token is placed on the target model (See 9.6). Otherwise, the Jamming Action fails and the action used for Jamming is spent. Unlike a normal Haywire Special Weapon Effect, a Jamming action cannot cause Marginal hit damage. The Haywire token only applies the “Crippled” modifier to the target model. Countering Sensor Jamming with ECCM: A model with the ECCM trait within 6” of a friendly model targeted by a Sensor Jamming ECM action may react, as a free action, and take the EW roll in place of the targeted model. A model with ECCM may Reroll opposed EW rolls. Note that though the Counter Sensor Jamming model makes the roll only the target is affected if the roll fails. 14.2c ECM Defense (ECM action): ECM Defense is a localized EW effect that gives all models nearby a modifier to their defense rolls. A model with the ECM:X trait may use an action to activate ECM Defense. Place an ECM Defense token on the model with a rating equal to the rating of the trait. ECM Defense adds a +XD6 modifier to the defense tests of any model within 6” of the origin model. A model within the Area Effect of multiple ECM defense origins only uses the highest rating of modifier; the effects of multiple ECM Defense actions are not cumulative. ECM Defense does not provide a modifier against attacks from weapons using the Spray or Area Effect trait. Remove all ECM Defense tokens during the Cleanup phase. ECM Defense Diagram 14.2c: +1D6 defense modifier + Cover +1D6 defense modifier + Cover B C 6” ECM:1 = +1D6 defense modifier A D +1D6 defense modifier 44 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) L L E no ECM defense modifier RULES: FORWARD OBSERVATION Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 14.3 FORWARD OBSERVATION (ACTION): To Forward Observe, the model must be either Braced or at Combat speed. The target of the Forward Observation action must be within the Sensor Range of the Observer. A Forward Observation is an action that allows an Active model to observe a target and then communicate targeting information to other models in the Force with a Comms roll or use of its Comms:X rating (See 14.1a). Receivers of the Forward Observation Comms can chain actions to the Forward Observation and attack the observed model with an Indirect or Missile category weapon Attacks chained to a Forward Observation use:  The Posture/ Critical status attack modifier of the Receiving model.  The Back attack modifier determined by either the Observer or the firing model if either are in the back arc of the target model.  A Forward Observation using a Target Designator (TD:X, see A4.1) and a Weapon with the Guided trait (See A4.2) ignores all range modifiers for both primary and secondary targets, and gain the TD:X rating as a modifier to the Primary target. A model that Forward Observes may communicate to a number of models equal to its Comms:X trait rating. A Receiver for a Forward Observation may be any model in a Force, not just models in the same Combat Group. If the Observing model does not have a Comms:X trait, or if Passive ECM has reduced the Comms:X trait to zero, then the model must pass a Comms roll. A successful Comms roll will allow one model to chain actions to the Forward Observation. 14.3a Forward Observation for multiple action models: A Forward Observing model with more than one action may automatically chain any remaining actions to the Forward Observation without counting towards the number of models that may chain attacks in response to the Forward Observation. A model may not be prevented from Forward Observing for themselves by ECM. 14.3b Satellite Forward Observation: Requires an Electronic Warfare (EW) roll using SatUp:X+ rating as skill. If successful, one off-board, non-flying model may be Forward Observed as if it was in Sensor Lock. The Comms:X trait may not be used for a Satellite Forward Observation. Satellite Forward Observations may be affected, or prevented by weather effects. Satellite FO and Air Strikes: Satellite FO actions may direct a flying model to conduct an Air Strike against a single off-board model, or a model on the Battlefield the Observer has Sensor Lock to (See 17.2a). Forward observing immediately proceeding the bombardment of a Southern column. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 45 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: ADVANCED SCENARIO GENERATION 15.0 ADVANCED SCENARIO GENERATION There are four steps to creating a standard scenario in Heavy Gear Blitz: 1. Selecting Forces (See 15.1). 2. Rolling Scenario Parameters (See 15.2). 3. Roll Commander initiative to determine initiative for any priority during deployment, choosing sides, and placing objectives. 4. Selecting Objectives (See 15.3). 15.1 SELECTING FORCES: Each player chooses their units up to the agreed upon point value of the game (See 18.0). Most games are matched points (both sides have the same number of points to spend) unless the players are playing a campaign of linked scenarios. 15.2 ROLL SCENARIO PARAMETERS: One player rolls 1D6 for each of the scenario parameters. The three parameters are:  Deployment zones  Number of Rounds  Special Environmental Conditions. 15.2a Deployment Zones (roll 1D6): If the Battlefield is square determine which edge is the long side and which edge will be considered the width before rolling. 1-2 Narrow Edge: Players may deploy up to one third of the way onto the Battlefield, measured from the narrow (width) edge on opposite sides of the Battlefield. 3-4 Wide Edge: Players may deploy up to one third of the way onto the Battlefield, measured from the wide (length) edge on opposite sides of the Battlefield. 5 Corner: Divide the Battlefield into nine equal zones (three lengthwise and three widthwise). one player may deploy in one corner ninth plus one adjoining ninth. The opponent deploys in a mirrored deployment zone on the other side of the Battlefield (opposite corner and adjacent ninth). 6 Divided Forces: Divide the Battlefield into ninths (as diagonal deployment). One player chooses two diagonally opposite corner ninths to deploy in. The opponent deploys in the remaining corner ninths. Deployment zone examples A A B B Narrow Deployment Wide Deployment X Y B B A A B Y A X Corner Deployment (both players deploy in X or Y. Divided Deployment 15.2b Number of Rounds (roll 1D6): Roll 1D6 to determine the number of Rounds that the game will be played. 1-3 Blitz! Play five Rounds. 4-5 Endurance! Play six Rounds. 6 Grind! Play seven Rounds. 46 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RULES: ADVANCED SCENARIO GENERATION Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 15.2b Last Round (Alternate): [Optional Rule] Starting in the 4th Round a player may choose to declare Last Round before activating any units. In the cleanup phase of the turn that Last Round is declared, the player who called Last Round will win if they have the most victory points (Check the casualties objective at the end of each Round instead of using them as a tiebreaker.) 15.2c Special Conditions (roll 1D6) 1 Heavy Fog/Smoke: Concealment of 18” (See 7.5). Satellite observation is not possible. All models have light cover from non-Melee attacks. 2 EM Storm: All Comms events are automatically reacted to with an Active Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) Roll of with an EW skill of 5+ if not reacted to by a model using Active ECM (See 14.2a). 3 White Sand: Before the first Round Initiative, roll a BD:2 Piloting roll for each model with no modifiers. If the Pilot roll has no successes, the model has been coated with Corrosive White Sand. Place a Corrosion token on the model and the opponent rolls a Marginal damage roll: BD:1 with TN:4+. If the roll succeeds, the model has taken one damage. Resolve the Corrosion token as normal in the Cleanup phase. 4 Extreme Temperatures: Make a TN:4+ roll with BD:1 for each model. If the roll fails (1-3) then the model receives a crippled token. Remove all Critical tokens caused by Extreme temperature at the end of the first Cleanup phase. 5 Normal Battlefield Conditions: There is nothing remarkable about this battlefield. Roll a D6 for each piece of area terrain. On a 6 it counts as dangerous terrain as well. 6 Shiney: Place an Objective marker in the center of the Battlefield. Do not roll for Objectives. This objective counts as a Hold objective and is the only game objective (See 15.3). Roll again on this table Rerolling any further result of a 6. 15.3 SELECTING OBJECTIVES There are three methods of selecting objectives: Random Mirrored objectives, Random Individual objectives, and Selected objectives. The default method for selecting objectives should be Random Individual objectives. Each objective is worth 1 VP. Small or beginner games, in the 50 threat value range, are best played with only two objectives. To Control or Contest an Objective, a model must be within 6” of it and have Lock or Sensor Lock to it.  Random Mirrored: Roll randomly on the list for three objectives; each player has the same three objectives. Each player secretly chooses one objective to be their primary objective. That objective is worth double victory points if successful.  Random Individual: Each player rolls randomly on the list of objectives for three objectives in total. Each player secretly chooses one objective to be their primary objective. That objective is worth double victory points if successful.  Selected: Each player secretly chooses three objectives from the list. Each player secretly chooses one objective to be their primary objective. That objective is worth double victory points if successful. Note that for all randomly selected objectives re-roll the result if it would cause you to have two objectives the same. If after the re-roll the result still stands then use the objectives as rolled except that no terrain or unit may be selected twice for being the target of an objective. Objectives (roll 1D6): Check the achievement of objectives in the Cleanup phase. 1 Assassinate: Destroy the highest ranked enemy Commander model to complete this objective. If the enemy Commanding Officer is not deployed on the Battlefield during deployment, randomly select a Commander who has been deployed as the target. If no Commanders are deployed in the first Round randomly choose one in the earliest Cleanup phase possible. 2 Recon: Succeed in using a Detailed Scan action to target any two enemy models (See 7.6). These models must be from different units unless facing a Force with only one unit. Note: Enemy models includes destroyed enemy models. 3 Break the Line: Have one Combat Group with 50% or more of its starting number of actions in an enemy deployment zone in the C leanup phase of the last Round. 4 Hold: Before deployment, place two 40mm Hold objective markers outside your deployment zone. These objectives must not be within 12” of each other, or a board edge, and must be placed at ground level. Select one objective secretly to be the real Hold objective. The objective is achieved if you Control this objective at the end of the game. 5 Capture: Before deployment your opponent must place two 40mm objective markers outside their deployment zone. These objectives must not be within 12” of each other, or a board edge, and must be placed at ground level. Secretly select one of these objectives to to be your capture objective. Control this objective for two consecutive Cleanup phases to complete the objective. 6 Wipe Them Out: Randomly select one deployed enemy combat group in the cleanup phase of the first round. The objective is successful if the combat group is reduced to 50% or less of its starting number of actions. If no Combat Groups are deployed in the first Round randomly choose one in the earliest Cleanup phase possible.  Casualties: At the end of the game, determine which player has the most TV of models remaining on the Battlefield, not counting models with Critical damage, Fortifications, Flying, or Off-Board Support models. This player adds one VP to their total. Casualties may not be chosen as a primary objective and does not count towards the three objectives chosen for the game. Casualties are always an objective when determining the results of a game. If the VP totals are equal, then the player who wins the Casualties objective wins the tiebreaker. Note that for all randomly selected objectives re-roll the result if it would cause you to have two objectives the same. If after the re-roll the result still stands then use the objectives as rolled except that no terrain or unit may be selected twice for being the target of an objective. Different objective types may overlap each other. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 47 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: SPECIAL DEPLOYMENT 15.4 SPECIAL DEPLOYMENT: Units or Models may use Special Deployment if it is:  A Recon unit: The unit has a Unit Availability of Recon (RC).  A Stealth unit: Every model in the unit, including attached models, has the Stealth trait (See A.4).  An Airdrop unit: Every model in the unit, including attached models, has the Airdrop trait (See A.4).  An Amphibious model: A model has the Amphibious trait (See A.4).  A Fortification model: A model is a Fortification (See 16.1). Before deployment declare which units and models will be using Special Deployment. Each type of unit or model that may use a special deployment type is listed after the Special Deployment types section title. A unit that has a choice of more than one Special deployment is free to choose which one to use, but all unit members must use the same option. Note that each unit in a Combat Group may use a different Reserve deployment method. Always deploy fortifications before other special deployments. If both players have a special deployment to resolve roll Initiative (See 5.0) to determine which player has the choice to Deploy first or second and then alternate deployments until complete. Reroll ties. 15.4a Flank (Stealth and Recon Units): Stealth and Recon units are adept at flanking maneuvers allowed by their lower sensor profile. A unit entirely comprised of models with the Stealth Trait (See A4.1), or a Unit chosen using the RC unit availability, may Flank. A Flanking unit can deploy In the first Round Clean-up phase in initiative order. A Flanking unit may not activate the Round it is deployed. Deploy all models in the unit within 4” of a table edge. All models must be in Formation (See 5.3) and may not deploy in an opponent’s deployment zone or within 6” of an enemy model. 15.4b Airdrop (Airdrop units): A unit composed entirely of models with the Airdrop trait may deploy with an Airdrop. In the first Cleanup phase an Airdrop unit will:  Place all models of an Airdropping unit anywhere on the board in open terrain not within 6” of enemy models or 1” of instance terrain. The unit must be in Formation when placed (See 5.3), or nominate one model to be the temporary Drop Commander with a skill of 6+ for the duration of the Airdrop in the case of a Support unit.  Roll an unopposed Initiative roll with the units Commander (regular or drop) to Land.  If successful, the unit will Land and activate in the Second Round.  If the roll fails, the Unit will Land in the second Round Cleanup phase. The unit may not activate in the second Round. Hard Landing When the unit Lands roll one Marginal hit on each model (BD:1, TN:6 +) (See 9.1a). This represents the ever present danger of a crash landing. Increase the Target Number to 4+ if the model lands in area terrain or dangerous terrain.  Models with the Jump Jets or Jetpacks traits may Reroll the Marginal hit roll if they are damaged. Landing and Activating Airdrop units: Until the Airdrop unit Lands (activates) it will count as using flying movement and may not use any actions or reactions.  The airdropping unit only counts cover if the cover is caused by a weather concealment effect until it activates.  All models with a weapon in arc will have Lock to them. If there is a Concealment effect, subtract 12” from the Range for Sensor Lock.  The models may be moved through without penalty, may not provide cover, or be attacked with melee weapons.  If an airdropping model is Destroyed, it is Overkilled (See 9.4). 15.4c Recon (Recon units): A Recon (UA: RC) unit has two choices for deployment:  Pathfinders: The unit may deploy as a regular unit in the deployment zone after all normal deployment is completed. The unit may make one free Move before the first Round Initiative roll. This move is at combat speed and the unit may not use any actions.  Flank: This unit may deploy as a Flanking unit (See 15.4a). 15.4d Amphibious Deployment (Amphibious models): An Amphibious model that deploys in water may choose to start the game with a Hidden token (See 16.1). Alternately, a model with the Amphibious trait may deploy as a Pathfinder if it is deployed in a water feature (see 15.1c). 15.4e Fortifications (Fortification Models): Fortifications provide full heavy cover to any model within them or using them as cover. Deploy all fortification models together before any other models are deployed by either player and before any objectives are placed. Any model that is deployed in a fortification purchased from the support section (See 16.1) can choose to begin the game Hiding (See 7.4) or on Standby (See 10.3). 48 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RULES: SPECIAL DEPLOYMENT Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 15.4f Off-Board Support Unit Deployment: Any Unit may be deployed as Off-Board Support Unit (OBSU) (See 14.3, 14.3a, 14.3b). Units that use OBSU Deployment are deployed after Generic Support purchases and before all other deployment (See 16.1). Place each model in the unit in base contact with any friendly deployment zone Battlefield edge, then nominate and record a distance/range; this is the off-board distance from the Battlefield edge to the actual position of the Unit. A Unit may deploy as an OBSU while their Support Unit deploys on the Battlefield and vice versa. Models deployed as OBSU do not activate normally. In the Setup phase of each turn OBSU models exchange all their actions for standby tokens (See 10.3). Measure range from the support model to the target point as normal adding the marked off-board distance as well. Example: The combat model is 20” away from the target (measured from the model). The off-board distance is 40”. Resolve each attack as if each model was 60” away from the target point. Models deployed as Off-Board Support:  May be attacked normally, using the total range to the Battlefield edge plus their off-board distance.  Are always considered to be on Standby (See 10.3) and in Light Cover (+1D6 defense modifier).  Due to the inaccuracy of such long range fire, all Direct or Indirect attacks made by or targeting off-board support models degrade their GUN Skill rating by 1 (GU:4+ becomes GU:5+). OBSU Lock Lock is determined from the position of the model, but any range or Sensor Lock adds the additional distance. Models in support may be activated to fire normally using the standby rules (See 10.3), or chain attacks to forward observations Re-position: If an off board model does not use any actions to fire it may, instead spend all actions and re-position. A model that re-positions may move laterally along the Battlefield edge up to its Movement Rate and may increase or decrease the off-board distance by the equivalent of up to two Moves. If the Off Board distance is reduced to zero or less the model has entered the play area,, it no longer counts as off-board and may use any remaining Movement Rate or Moves immediately. A comms tower is the focus for a conflict in the badlands. Deep in the Mekong Jungle two forces come to grips over a research station. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 49 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: MISCELLANEOUS RULES / GENERIC SUPPORT PURCHASES 16.0 MISCELLANEOUS RULES: All rules that do not fit in another section go here. 16.1 GENERIC SUPPORT PURCHASES: Any Force may choose to purchase the following Support choices. These Support choices may only be purchased as a Regimental Support choice for a GP, FS, or IN unit. (see A.2): CEF, Caprician, Utopian or other colony Forces may, regardless of their UA, select 0-1 Generic support unit per Force to represent their position as an invader army. Generic support choices count as Structures for damage and weapons without the Anti-Structure trait resolve attack checks against them with a Gunnery skill of 6+. Fortifications and Cover: Fortifications count as heavy cover. Models that are transported within fortifications may be attacked as normal. A fortification must make a defense check against any attack that misses a transported model. Fortifications and actions: Fortifications may spend their actions as if they were standby tokens. Fortifications may use any actions that their equipment allows and always count as being Braced. Firing weapons while transported in a fortification: It is assumed that there are ports and venting for firing any kind of weapon that a transported model may have. There are no special restrictions on the kind of weapons that a model transported by a fortification can fire. NOTE: Generic Support Purchases (aircraft, turrets, drones, etc.) may not select any generic or veteran upgrades. 16.1a Deploying Support: All support options are deployed after deployment zones have been selected but before any other units are deployed. 16.1b Support Type Attributes See the Aircraft and Support Models List in A2. 16.1c Support Special Rules: Outposts: Any units transported within the Outpost must be deployed with it. Mine fields: For each 1” a model moves while within a minefield, it must roll an unopposed 1D6 Pilot roll. Each failure will cause one damage. Each minefield counts as 1 action for purchasing. Hover vehicles are affected by minefields as normal. Models using the Flying Movement Type are not affected. A model that moves 2” or less per Move in a minefield may Re Roll the Pilot roll for each inch Moved in the Minefield. Obstacles Place five 1” cube obstacles in a straight line with 1” between each obstacle. Any model using ground or hover movement treat obstacles as impassable terrain. If destroyed obstacles will count as difficult terrain but not cover. Trenches: Trenches are fortifications only for Infantry models. 16.2 DRONES: The list of Drones and their Attributes is now in the Aircraft and Support Model List section in the Appendixes. Drones are a type of remote devices that provide useful abilities to the controlling model. All drones have an attribute line that identifies their type and are attached to the model they are purchased for. A Drone has one action that may be used when the controlling model activates. To prevent them from being hacked drones are programmed to go inert if they are separated from their controlling model by more than 6” at the end of the drones activation. A Drone does not have to use the same posture, type of action or select the same target for its action. A Drone and the model it is attached to share an activation with all movement and actions occurring in an order chosen by the player. Drones:  Move as their Movement Type but may Turn any number of times.  Automatically fail any dangerous terrain tests they have to make and will be destroyed if entering dangerous terrain.  Are destroyed if the model they are attached to is destroyed.  Never provide cover or prevent Lock.  May be moved through by other models  Models that end their movement in the same space as a drone will force the drone to move until the space is not shared.  May not make special melee attacks (See 13.0).  May not Capture or Contest objectives (See 18.0).  Drones take the space of a Team in a transport.  Any non-infantry model that purchases a drone gains the model trait: Transport: 1 Drone. Drones may be targeted by any attack that has one of the following traits:  Anti-Infantry (AI)  Spray  Area Effect (AE)  Precise or  is from the melee category melee attack. 50 All other weapon attacks will miss automatically. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RULES: TRANSPORT Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Drone Variants:  Recon Drones (Recon): Recon drones are popular when the recon speciality units have been eliminated or are unavailable.  Demolition Drones (Demo): Demo drones are designed to be powerful one use attacks. There are two varieties; one with a short range one use Grenade and one with a shaped explosive.  Hunter-Killer Drones (H-K): These are light weapon carrying drones that are popular as self-mobile backup weapons. There are three kinds of Hunter-Killer drone; Anti-infantry drones, Defender drones with anti-missile systems, and Anti-Air Drones. Utopian N-KIDU Drones: Though Utopian N-KIDU Drones do not have pilots they are sufficiently advanced to be treated as normal models, not Generic Drones. These drone rules do not apply to N-KIDU models. 16.3 TRANSPORT: Any model with the HGC (Heavy Gear Carrier), APC (Armored Personnel Carrier), or Transport: X/Y traits may transport the types of models indicated by the trait. A model may Embark on a transport vehicle by completing a move at combat or top speed within 1” of a door on the model. Remove the transported model(s) from the Battlefield and place them to one side, they are contained within the transport. A model may be Disembarked from a transport at any point during the transports move by chaining an action to be placed on the table within 1” of the transports door. Models may be disembarked into terrain that they could normally enter. Note that disembarking a model does not require an action during its own activation.  A model Disembarking from a Transport may not move further this Round.  If moving at Combat Speed any number of models may disembark at any point of the movement, they may not move further this Round.  If the transport is braced then any transported models may be disembarked without using an action and may choose posture and move normally when they activate.  A model may not disembark and embark or vice versa in the same activation. Destroyed Transports: All models in a transport that is destroyed must disembark immediately, and must make an unopposed Piloting roll to avoid damage. The model will suffer one damage for each failure of the roll. If a transport is Overkilled the roll is made with a Piloting skill of 6+. Models that are forced to disembark from a destroyed transport lose all their actions and receive a used counter. 16.4 MULTI-COMPONENT VEHICLES: From the Heavy Hovertanks of the CEF to the new generation destroyers of the Terra Novan Landship fleets and the N-KIDU Gilgamesh command tanks of Utopia there are some very large vehicles in the Heavy Gear game and Universe. These vehicles have the MCV trait and are composed of several models that are attached together, usually a body/drive section as one model and turrets or tractor drawn sections are attached as additional models. Multi-component vehicles:  Sensor Locks targeting a Multi-component vehicle add 12” to their range  Always use one posture for all sections.  Each component is targeted and damaged independently.  Components cannot receive more damage than their DC and additional damage never carries over to other components.  Components cannot benefit from traits on other components except through the use of actions (Example: Sensor Boosting).  Count as Heavy Full cover to other models  Have a silhouette (from attackers perspective) of the width of the model and a height of 4” unless indicated otherwise..  If a Core component is destroyed all other components count as Immobilized, but are not destroyed. 16.5 RECOVERY VEHICLES AND COMBAT MEDICS: Every army requires units dedicated to supporting the medical and rescue need of their troops. It is a universally accepted standard that medical vehicles are not military targets. Accidental or deliberate targeting of medical units can send any nearby friendly units into an outrage frenzy. Combat Medics: Medics: A model with the Medic trait may use the Damage Control reaction on target friendly Infantry type models (See 9.6b). A Medic model may only use Damage Control actions. A model with Medic may not capture objectives, be an objective, or be a Commander. Medic models may not be used as cover. Friendly Infantry models destroyed while in Formation with a Medic model are set aside together. These models count for 1TV towards the Casualties objective. If a model with combat medic is destroyed by an enemy attack immediately add 1 skill point to every model that was in Formation with the Medic model. This represents the outrage that deliberate attacks against non-combatants generate. Recovery vehicles are Gears or vehicles tasked with rescuing stuck combat vehicles and using retardant foams and gels to fight fires and corrosive effects (See Damage Control 9.6b). Recovery vehicles are not Medics and are legitimate military targets. Many engineering Gears are well equipped for their tasks but are also ridden by Pilots who favor a melee combat approach where they can get their hands dirty. 51 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: FLYING MODELS & VTOLS [ALPHA] 17.0 FLYING MODELS & VTOLS: (NOTE: THESE RULES ARE ALPHA) Any model with a Movement Type of Flying (F) must be deployed as a Circling model (See 17.1). A Model with Flying as one of several Movement Types may deploy as a Circling model, or with normal deployment on the Battlefield using a Non-Flying Movement Type. 17.0a Flying Model Deployment: Flying Models Deploy in their Deployment Zone(s) as Support Models. They must be placed within 4” of the edge of the Battlefield but are marked as Circling and must be given a direction parallel to the Battlefield edge. 17.0b Flying models and Posture: Models that are Flying may not use the Braced Posture. 17.0c Flying Model Objectives and Commanders: Flying models may not be the targets of Scenario Objectives. A Flying model may not be a Commanding Officer (CO) or Executive Officer (XO). 17.1 FLYING MODEL MOVEMENT: Flying models move by either Circling, Crossing the Battlefield, or performing an Air Strike attack (see 17.2a). Flying models can make one 180 degree turn per Circling Move. A Flying model may only Move forwards and must use the entirety of their Movement Rating per Move. 17.1a Circling the Battlefield: Circling Flying models must remain within 4” of, and move parallel to, the edge of the battlefield. Flying models may make one Move at Combat Speed and two Moves at Top Speed. 17.1b Crossing the Battlefield: A Flying model may use one Move to Cross the Battlefield to a point anywhere on a different edge of the Board and then continue to Circle in either direction. A model Crossing the Battlefield may not interrupt its movement to attack. A model that is crossing the battlefield may be snap fired at by any model with a weapon with the AA trait. Mark the line of movement of the flying model then measure the range of weapons to the line of movement. The Flying model may not snap fire in response. 17.2 AIR STRIKE: A Flying model may Receive a Forward Observation from a Origin model with:  Unit Availability Attribute of Recon (RC).  A model with the attached limit of Command (CMD).  A Commander model (See 5.0). Calling an airstrike requires a successful comms roll. Models with the SatUp:X trait may use the rating of the trait to make the comms rolls. All other models must use roll against a TN:6+ instead of their normal EW skill. Any weapon that attacks during an Air Strike may benefit from the Target Designator:X (TD:X) trait modifier, even if they do not have the Guided trait, as the aircraft uses the Target Designation to assist their own targeting. An aircraft must have at least 1 action available to conduct an air strike. Note that the Observing model does not need to be in a Recon squad, simply have the UA:RC attribute. An Air Strike combines both the movement and the attack of the Receiving Flying model. Move the Flying model so it is 3” in front of the target model. Any Model may make a Snap Fire action at the Flying model, resolved normally except that weapons without the Anti-Air (AA) trait resolve their attacks with a GU:6+. A Flying model conducting an Air Strike must use all of its remaining actions and use each action to attack the target. All air strike attacks are considered in optimal range for the aircraft. Once the airstrike is complete, the model continues moving to the opposite edge of the board and resumes circling, choosing either direction facing. Mark the aircraft has having used all of its actions and as having been activated for the remainder of the round. 17.3 ATTACK ACTIONS WHILE CIRCLING: Attacks against targets on the battlefield from a Circling model are resolved as a normal attack except that:  The Aircraft Gunnery skill is diminished by 1. Example a GU:4+ becomes a GU:5+.  The Aircraft always gains the Elevation modifier (+1D6).  The Target will only count Adjacent Terrain for Cover. Flying Models may conduct Snap Fire attacks using weapons with the “Arm” or “Fast Turret” Trait. 52 17.3a Shooting at Flying models: When Attacking a circling model, attacks from the Battlefield or models deployed as Off-Board Support add 12” to the measured range. Attacks without the Anti-Air (AA) trait resolve attacks against the Flying models with a GU:6+. Due to their speed, a Flying model has a BD:3 for defense rolls. Snap Fire attacks against flying models during an Air Strike add 12” to range if they do not have the Anti-Air trait. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RULES: FLYING MODELS & VTOLS [ALPHA] Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 17.4 LANDING: A flying model may Land as part of a Crossing Movement action. Declare a Landing when the choice of posture is made. Landing movement is identical to Crossing movement except that the model will stop. A flying model without a Hover Movement Type (MR:H:X”) requires a line of open terrain as wide as the model and as long as two moves to land. A Flying Model with a Hover Movement Type may land at any point of its Crossing movement in open terrain. Any landing that is on non-dangerous road terrain may land without a dangerous terrain roll (See 6.6a). Any landing not on a road, or on a road with any quantity of dangerous terrain must make a dangerous terrain roll. A landing model that is immobilized is destroyed. A landed model uses the braced posture and gains a Standby token for each unused action when landed. A landed model may move again by declaring it is taking off, requiring same distance as landing or a Hover Movement Type (MR:H:X”), and will move the model directly forward off board to a circling position again. A landed Flying model without a Hover Movement Type that enters area terrain, or crosses instance terrain when moving on the ground is destroyed. 17.5 DAMAGE TO AIR UNITS: Models using the Flying Movement Type that are destroyed are always Overkilled (See 9.4). 17.5a Specialized Air Weapons: Weapons with the Range: “Drop” may only be used by Flying Movement Type Models during an Airstrike. 17.6 AIR SUPPORT COSTS: Up to one Aircraft Combat Group may be purchased for any Force. Any number of Support units may be chosen from the Generic Aircraft Models List (See A.2). See the Aircraft and Miscellaneous section in Appendix 2 for the costs of Generic Air Support models. 17.7 VERTICAL TAKEOFF AND LANDING (VTOL): The Vertical Take Off and Landing model rules represent the abilities of Attack Helicopters and vehicles known as Hoppers. When choosing a posture, a VTOL model must choose to be either Flying, Elevated, or Nap-of-the-Earth (NOE) in addition to their posture. 17.7a Flying VTOL VTOL Models that are Elevated or NOE that choose Flying must immediately make one Turn and then move off the board into a Circling position with any other Flying Models. VTOLs that are Flying and Circling the Battlefield are not required to Move, and may not choose the Braced posture. 17.7b Elevated VTOL: A VTOL at an Elevated height may not use Cover other than concealment from weather effects and counts as if it is using Flying movement. All non AA weapons add +12” to the range to the VTOL and use a GU:6+ to attack it unless they have a weapon with the AA trait. An Elevated VTOL may not be attacked by melee weapons and troops transported may not disembark. If the VTOL is destroyed while elevated any transported models are destroyed. An Elevated VTOL counts as being on the Battlefield and not off-board. 17.7c Nap of the Earth (NOE) VTOL: A VTOL model may declare it is using Nap of the Earth when it activates. If Flying a NOE VTOL must make one Move onto the Battlefield. A VTOL using Nap Of the Earth movement counts as a regular Hover Movement type vehicle until its next activation. A NOE model may cross over any terrain regardless of height. Dragonfly VTOL (left) and Varis VTOL (right) miniatures. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 53 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: CONSTRUCTING A FORCE 18.0 CONSTRUCTING A FORCE Major Game factions: There are many different Factions for players to choose from, though they fall under two major categories; the Leagues of the Terra Novan Factions, and Earth and her Subjugated Colonies. Many of these Factions have alliances and can ally with each other in pursuit of their goals. See Appendix 2 for details about the different Sub-Lists that describe individual City States and how to select a Force based on them. Terra Novan Factions:  North  South  Peace River  New Coalition (NuCoal)  Leagueless  Black Talons Earth and Subjugated Colonies:  Colonial Expeditionary Forces (CEF)  Caprice  Utopia  Eden 18.0a Combat Groups/Primary Units/Support Units: A Combat Group consists of one Primary unit and up to one Support unit. A Primary Unit is a group of models that share a Unit Availability Attribute and has four to six actions in total. A Primary unit must select one model to be the Combat Group Leader (CGL). The Combat Group Leader is a Commander model (See 5.0). A Support Unit is a group of models that share a Unit Availability Attribute and has one to three actions in total. A support unit may only contain three actions if the Primary unit it is attached to has five or six actions. One Combat Group Leader in a Force must be upgraded to a high level Commander, called a Commanding Officer (See 5.0). This is a generic term for the highest ranking Commander in a Game of Heavy Gear. This Commander rolls Initiative, has improved command Attributes, (See 5.0) and is the target model of the “Assassinate” objective (See 15.0). Force construction is outlined in detail in Appendix 2 with a list of all the models, and their Attributes (See A.2). 18.1 FORCE CONSTRUCTION ATTRIBUTES: Each model has some attributes that are used when constructing a Force of models for a game: Threat point Value (TV): Each model has a Threat point Value which gives a relative value for how capable it is compared to other models. The Threat point Value limit of the game determines how many points each player may spend on models in their Force. Normally this is the same for both players, but a scenario can indicate a player faces an advantage or disadvantage in the scenario. Unit Availability (UA): The Unit Availability ratings are two letter codes used to match models to the units they can form into. When constructing a Primary or Support unit, select one Unit Availability code for the Unit. Any model with a matching Unit Availability may be selected to be added to the unit. If a model has more than one Unit Availability, it indicates that the model may be selected for more than one type of unit. Example: A player wants to construct a Fire Support unit. A Fire Support unit has a Unit Availability code of FS. Any model with a Unit Availability Attribute that includes the code FS may be selected to join the unit. Common Unit Availability Codes: AL - Alpha AR - Anti-Rover BT - Beta CO - Commando CV - Cavalry DG - Dragoon EG - Engineering EK - En Koreshi FS - Fire Support FL - FLAIL GP - General Purpose HA - Heavy Assault HB - Hoverbike HF - Heavy Frame 54 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) HG - Honor Guard HM - Heavy Mount HT - Heavy Tank HV - Hover Vehicle IF - Interdiction Frame IN - Infantry LS - Light Strider LT - Light Tank MI - Milicia MN - Mountaineering MT - Medium Tank MP - Military Police MO - Mobile Ordinance OA - Operational Assistance PI - Primary Insertion PM - Pilium Infantry PT - Paratrooper RC - Recon SF - Special Forces SK - Strike SR - Sandrider ST - Strider SU - Support Unit only TI - Tactical Intervention TR - Tactical Response VL - VTOL RULES: STOCK MODELS AND VARIANTS / ATTACHED MODELS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 18.2 MODEL SELECTION LIMITS:  Standard Limits: Unless otherwise noted, all Unit Availabilities have a rated limit of 0-2. Each model or variant may only be included in each unit up to two times for a Primary Unit (0-2 limit) and up to one time each for a Support Unit (0-1 limit).  Marked Limits: If a Unit Availability has a limit other than the Standard limit it will follow the Unit Availability as an attached rating. The limit ranges connected with each UA determine the number of each model that may be selected for a unit. Common Marked Limits are:  0+: the model is not required but may be selected any number of times for a unit.  X+: the model must be selected at least X times for a unit and has no upper limit.  0-X: the model is not required but may be selected up to X times in a unit.  X-Y: a model with a X to Y limit must select at least X of that model when choosing a UA and may not choose more than Y.  SU: A model with a limit of SU may only be selected for a Support Unit (See 18.0) and has a limit of 0+. Command (CMD): A model with a limit of CMD may only be selected as a Commander model (See 5.0). A Command limit may have a nested limit (CMD:0-1), CMD:1+) etc) which applies further limits or requires a specific model in a unit. 18.3 STOCK MODELS AND VARIANTS: A Stock model variant is always the First model in any table of a model and its variants. Stock models and Variants are listed together in Faction Model Lists according to the basic model type unless they are a variant with only a single UA such as Paratrooper (UA:PT) which are listed with models that share the UA. Variants: Some models have modified weapon or trait configurations that are still based on the stock model. These models are referred to as a Variant, each of which has its own Name, TV cost, UA, and an attribute line derived from the stock model it is based on. Upgrade Variants: The name of a variant that includes the term upgrade in brackets is a special upgrade that can be applied to any stock or variant model of that type. The number of upgrades must still respect any limits listed. The most common variant upgrade types are command model variants and weapon upgrade variants. If an upgrade option is selected add the cost of the upgrade to the TV of the upgraded model. Example: Headhunter (Hunter Upgrade) may be added to any model with a model name that includes of Hunter. 18.4 ATTACHED MODELS: There are a number of ways one model can be attached to another. To add a model to a unit, simply reduce the total TV available for the Force by the TV rating of the model and assign it to the unit. Example 1: A Drone may be attached to a controller model (See 16.2). Example 2: A unit of models may be attached to to another unit as a Support unit (See 18.0). The rules will indicate when the status of the attached models to the attachments will be significant. Example: when a recon drone is removed from play when the model it is attached to is destroyed is detailed in the rules section for drones (See 16.2). Force Organization Diagram 18.4 Force with 5 units organized into three Combat Groups. Combat Group 1 Primary unit A: UA: X Support unit A: UA: X Combat Group 2 Primary unit B UA:X Means support unit is attached to the primary unit Combat Group 3 Primary unit C: UA:X Support unit C: UA: X X is whatever UA is chosen for unit, all models must use the same UA to be placed in the unit together. 55 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RULES: VETERANS / ELITE ARMY OPTION 18.4 Attached Models (Continued): Each unit has an assigned Unit Availability (UA) chosen by the player. Each unit must entirely consist of models that share the unit Unit Availability. To add a model to a unit, simply reduce the total TV available for the game by the TV rating of the model, and assign it to the unit.  A unit and its attached Support Unit (SU) do not have to share the same UA.  Units are organized by Actions. All Primary Units consist of four, five, or six actions. A Primary Unit may purchase some or none of the primary unit generic upgrades for the cost indicated (See A.2.1).  Each Primary unit must select one model to be the Combat Group Leader for +0TV. Only a Combat Group Leader, or another commander model, may select an upgrade or variant model with the CMD limit. Example: A Primary Unit may consist of four, five or six single action Gear models or two to three models with two actions each, or two models with three actions each. A Support Unit (SU), if the option is taken, may have between one action to half of the number of actions of the squad it is attached to (rounding up). Support units:  May not have a commander,  May not select generic unit upgrades or CMD variants. Up to one SU may be attached to each Primary Unit. The Support unit activates at the same time as the Primary unit they are attached to, and may be included in orders and use the command points of their Combat Group Leader (See 5.4). Support units may have the number of models of each listed type at limit minus one. Example: A model has a limit of GP (0-2), so a GP support unit may have 0-1 of that model in in. If a Force consists of 100TV points or greater, a Primary Unit Combat Group Leader (CGL) may be upgraded to the Commanding Officer (CO) at no additional cost.(See 18.0, A.2). 18.5 VETERANS: One Primary unit in a Force may be designated a Veteran Unit. This unit may purchase the Veteran upgrade and add the Veteran (Vet) trait to the upgraded model. At least one model in the unit must be upgraded to a Veteran or have the Veteran trait. Veteran models gain a Skill point (See 5.6) and may purchase additional upgrades from the Veteran upgrade list (See A.2). Some models purchased from the Faction Models List have the Veteran (Vet) trait as standard. These models are only piloted by Veterans and may always select upgrades from either the Generic or Veteran upgrade list. 18.6 ELITE ARMY OPTION: All Primary and Support unit models in an Elite Force require the Veteran Trait. Support units may purchase Generic Upgrades. An Elite army may not purchase any Support Options other than Air Support (See 16.1). Note that the Black Talon Force is an Elite Army. 56 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Members of Talon:1, the premier off-world fighting team of the Black Talons. APPENDIX 1: FORCE RECORD SHEET Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Force Name: _____________________________________ Faction / Sub-List: ________________________________ Combat Group 1 - Primary Unit UA Type: ______________________________ Model Name TV Notes: CGL, MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Veteran, etc. Damage / Weapons Traits Type/ Height / / / / / Primary Unit 1 Total TV: ______ Total Actions: ______ Notes: ______________________________________________________ Combat Group 1 - Support Unit UA Type: ______________________________ Model Name TV Notes: CGL, MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Veteran, etc. Damage / Weapons Traits Type/ Height / / Support Unit 1 Total TV: ______ Total Actions: ______ Notes: ______________________________________________________ Combat Group 2 - Primary Unit UA Type: ______________________________ Model Name TV Notes: CGL, MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Veteran, etc. Damage / Weapons Traits Type/ Height / / / / / Primary Unit 2 Total TV: ______ Total Actions: ______ Notes: ______________________________________________________ Combat Group 2 - Support Unit UA Type: ______________________________ Model Name TV Notes: CGL, MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Veteran, etc. Damage / Weapons Traits Type/ Height / / Support Unit 2 Total TV: ______ Total Actions: ______ Force Total TV: _______ Force Total Actions: _____ Notes: ______________________________________________________ Objective VP(s): _____ + Casualties VP(s): _____ Total Victory Point(s): _____ Permission granted to photocopy or printout for personal use. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 57 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 APPENDIX 2: ARMY CONTRUCTION SUMMARY A.2.0 ARMY CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY: All forces are constructed in a similar format by purchasing models to construct squads with.  Forces are composed of Combat Groups. Combat Groups are composed of Units. Units are composed of models.  Each Combat Group must have a single Primary unit.  Each Primary Unit may have up to one Support Unit (SU) attached to it.  All models in a unit must share the same Unit Availability Type (UA). To construct a force follow this procedure: Note: Models are rated on a points scale with points called Threat points Value or TV. 1. Select Force size (50-500 TV total): 2. Construct a Primary Unit: A. Choose one Unit Availability (UA) type for the Primary Unit. B. Select a total action rating (ACT) of 4, 5, or 6 actions. C. Choose models with a UA that matches the UA type of the unit up to the number of actions selected in step “b” and the limits listed per model/variants (See 5.2). Unless otherwise noted all models have a selection limit per unit of 0-2. D. Variant limitations are applied per unit. E. Models with the CMD limit in the UA section may only be selected if they will be command models (CGL, 2iC, XO, or CO (See 5.0)). 3. Select 1 model in the unit to be the Combat Group Leader (CGL). 4. Select 0+ Generic Unit Upgrades for the Primary unit (See A.2.2). 5. Select 0-1 Support Unit (SU) to attach to the Primary Unit (A combat group does not require a SU): A. Choose one Unit Availability (UA) type for your SU B. Choose 0-X actions (ACT) of models up to half the number of actions the primary unit it is attached to has (round up). C. choose models with a UA that matches the UA of the support unit up to the number of actions selected in step “b”. D. A SU may include one less of each variant than the listed limit unless noted otherwise (0-1 variants may not be selected). E. The Support Unit UA type is not limited by the UA of the unit is it attached to. F. SUs may not use Generic upgrades. G. SUs may not have commanders 7. Return to step 2: Continue to choose Combat Groups (primary units and attached SUs) until the force TV maximum has been reached 8. Choose 0-1 Combat Group Leader model to be upgraded to a Commanding Officer. A. If the Force is 100TV or greater this upgrade costs +0TV. B. If the Force is 99TV or less this Upgrade costs +4TV. Note that a primary unit does not have to select a model with the limit of CMD as the commander but cannot choose a model with a limit of CMD variant for a model that is not a commander. Combat Group 1 A2.1 DIAGRAM OF FORCE SELECTION (DETAILED): Combat Group 1 Combat Group 2 Primary Unit ‘A’ (4-6 actions of models with chosen UA:X type) 1 action model (CO upgrade) 1 action model 1 action model 1 action model 1 action model 1 action model 1 action model (CGL) 1 action model open slot 1 action model open slot Continue adding Combat Groups and (optional) attached Support Units until all TV is spent. Note one CGL has been upgrade to the Commanding Officer in Unit A. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 1 action model + 1 action model (CO upgrade) 1 action model 1 action model 1 action model 1 action model 1 action model +0-1 Support Unit ‘B’, to ½ actions of Prima Unit) 1 ac mod + 1 action model 1 ac mod 1 action model + Primary Unit ‘C’ (4-6 actions of models with chosen UA:X type) 1 action model 58 +0-1 Support Unit ‘B’, (up to ½ actions of Primary Unit) Primary Unit ‘A’ (4-6 actions of models with chosen UA:X type) 1 action model +0-1 Support Unit ‘D’, (up to ½ actions of Primary Unit): 2 action model Combat Group 2 Primary Unit ‘C’ (4-6 actions of models with chosen UA:X type) 1 action model (CGL) 1 action model 1 action model open slot 1 action model open slot Continue adding Combat Groups and (optional) attached Support Units until all TV is spent. Note one CGL has been upgrade to the Commanding Officer in Unit A. + +0-1 Support Unit ‘D’ to ½ actions of Prima Unit): 2 action model APPENDIX 2: GENERIC PRIMARY UNIT UPGRADES / GENERIC VETERAN UPGRADES Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 A2.2 GENERIC PRIMARY UNIT UPGRADES: Any model in a Primary unit may purchase one or more of the following upgrades by paying the cost of them. Each upgrade may be purchased once per model:  0-1 Executive Officer (See 18.0):  0-1 Non-commander model per Force of 100TV or greater may be upgraded to an Executive Officer (XO) for +3 TV (See 5.0).  0-1 Second in Command (See 18.0):  0-1 Non-commander model per Primary unit may be upgraded to a Second in Command (2iC) for +2TV. (See 5.0)  0-1 Supreme Commanding Officer (See 18.0):  0-1 Commanding Officer may be upgraded to a Supreme Commanding Officer for +3TV.  The Supreme Commanding Officer may improve the X of their Init:X trait by 1, or will gain the Init:1 trait if they do not have it  0-1/X Veterans (Trait):  0-1 Primary unit in a Force may be a Veteran unit.  Any model in a Veteran unit without the Vet trait may gain the Vet trait for 2TV.  If the Elite Force option is used then all models in the army must upgrade to Veteran if they do not already have the Vet trait (See A.2).  0-2 Drones (See 16.2):  0-2 models per unit may Attach one Drone (Recon, Demo (Grenade), Demo (Charge), or Hunter-Killer, Defender, or Air Defence) for +1 TV per drone.  A Gear or Vehicle model with a Drone gains the Drone Bay:1 trait.  0-3 Grenades (Weapon):  0-2 models per unit may purchase Light Hand Grenades (HG) for +1TV,  0-1 model per unit may purchase Medium Hand Grenades for +3TV.  Only models with the Arms trait or only the Infantry movement type (MR: I:X”) can purchase Grenades.  0-3 Shaped Explosives (Weapon):  0-2 models per unit may purchase Light Shaped Explosives (LSE) for +1TV.  0-1 model per unit may purchase Medium Shaped Explosives (MSE) for +3TV.  Only models with the Arms trait or only the Infantry movement type (MR: I:X”) can purchase Shaped Explosives.  0-3 Panzerfausts (Weapon):  0-2 models per unit may purchase Light Panzerfausts (LPZ) for +1TV  0-1 model per unit may purchase Medium Panzerfausts (MPZ) for +3TV.  Only models with the Arms trait or only the Infantry movement type (MR: I:X”) can purchase Panzerfausts.  0-2 Anti-Air (Weapon trait):  0-2 models per unit may attach the Anti-Air (AA) trait to one Autocannon (*AC), Rotary Autocannon (*RC), Anti-Tank Missile (*ATM), or Laser Cannon (LC) weapon for +1TV.  An upgraded Missile category weapon becomes a SAM Missile of the same rating. Example: MATM is upgraded to MSAM.  0-2 Smoke (trait):  0-2 models per unit may purchase the Smoke:2 (Aux) trait for +2TV. A2.3 GENERIC VETERAN UPGRADES: Any Veteran model may purchase one or more of the following upgrades. Each upgrade may be purchased once per Veteran model:  Precautions: Add the Field Armor and Resist:Fire traits for +2TV.  Ace Gunner: This model may Snap Fire with any weapon that is in an Arc facing the target for +2TV.  Electronic Warfare Specialist: Add +2D6 to any EW rolls made by this model for +2TV.  Melee Specialist: Add the Brawler:2 trait or increase an existing Brawler trait by 2 for +2TV. Terra Novan drones miniatures and Gen Con exclusive Razorfang Black Mamba. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 59 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 APPENDIX 2: DUELIST A2.4 DUELIST: Any Force may have 0-1 Duelist model. Duelists:  Must have the model type: Gear.  Gain the Duelist trait.  May not be a Commander and may not select CMD upgrade Gears.  Do not count towards the normal limit on Veteran units.  Must be purchased as a Support Unit and must be the only model in the unit.  Must purchase the Veteran upgrade if the model does not already have the Vet trait.  Loaded: May purchase Generic Upgrades and Veteran Upgrades by paying the TV cost. Duelist Upgrades: A Duelist may choose each upgrade once:  Advanced Control Systems: +1 Action for +4TV.  Sabre: Add the Reach:1” trait to any Vibro Blade or Combat Weapon for +0TV.  Shield/Paired Weapon: Add a Shield:1 trait for +1TV, or add the Link trait to a melee weapon for +1TV.  Gunslinger: Add the Link and Range: 3-9/18” traits to one Autocannon, Frag Cannon, or Grenade Launcher for +1TV.  Dancer: Add the Agile trait for +2TV. Requires a PI:4+ or better.  Defender: Add the AMS trait for +2TV. Requires a weapon with the Burst trait.  Quickdraw: Add the Auto trait to one weapon with the Arm Arc for +2TV. Lead by Example: Whenever a Duelist damages an enemy model immediately add one Skill Point to any other friendly model (See 5.6) with Sensor Lock to the damaged model. This Skill Point does not refresh in the Cleanup phase. If another opposing Duelist is present, the Lead by Example bonus can only be gained from damage done to the opposing Duelist until that model is destroyed. These bonus Skill Points represent the inspiring influence that a Duelist can have on friendly models. Lone Wolf: Duelists may not use Rerolls from Command Points, or Orders. Note: This rule does not affect duelist models from the KADA Sub-list. A2.4a Example Duelist Support Unit: As the Duelist takes up the entire Support Unit all 3 model lines can be used to list selected Duelist Upgrades, Veteran Upgrades, and Generic Upgrades which are normally only available to a Primary Unit. Combat Group 1 - Support Unit UA Type: _Duelist________________________ Model Name TV Notes: CGL, MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Veteran, etc. Damage Jaguar 10 Add Veteran W:6" 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, Agile, Arms, (+2TV) G:7" LVB (Arm) Airdrop Add Advance Control / +1 Saber: Add Reach:1” to LVB (+0TV) Systems & Saber (+4TV) Add Anti-Air to Autocannon / Anti-Air: Add AA to MAC (+1TV) Brawler:2 (+2TV) & Melee Specialist Support Unit 1 Total TV: __19__ 60 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Total Actions: __2___ Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Notes: ______________________________________________________ Jaguar Duelist / Black Mamba Duelist. APPENDIX 2: SAMPLE FORCE RECORD SHEET Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Force Name: _North Sample Force____________________ Faction / Sub-List: _North___________________________ Combat Group 1 - Primary Unit UA Type: __Strike________________________ Model Name TV Notes: CGL, MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Veteran, etc. Damage 10 +(CMD) W:6" 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ Jaguar with Thunder Upgrade CGL G:7" Jaguar 9 W:6" 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ G:7" Hunter 6 W:5" 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ G:6" Hunter Gunner 7 W:5” 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ G:6” / Weapons MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LPZ, LVB (Arm) MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) Traits Type/ Height Agile, +Init:1, Gear SatUp:6+ (Aux) 1.5" Agile Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" / Primary Unit 1 Total TV: __32__ Total Actions: __4___ Notes: ______________________________________________________ Combat Group 1 - Support Unit UA Type: __Dragoon______________________ Model Name TV Notes: CGL, MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Veteran, etc. Damage Chaingun 12 W:4" 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ HRC (Arm), LAR, LPG (Arm), Razorback G:5" LMG, APGL, LCW (Arm) / Traits Type/ Height Gear 1.5" / Support Unit 1 Total TV: __12__ Total Actions: __1___ Notes: ______________________________________________________ Combat Group 2 - Primary Unit UA Type: __Fire Support___________________ Model Name TV Notes: CGL, MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Damage Veteran, etc. Hunter Gunner 7 CGL W:5” 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, G:6” LVB (Arm) Hunter 6 W:5" 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, G:6" LPZ, LVB (Arm) 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), MRP (Link), MGM, LPG Grizzly 14 W:4" 8 (Arm), HMG, LVB (Arm) G:5" Grizzly 14 W:4" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), MRP (Link), MGM, LPG (Arm), HMG, LVB (Arm) G:5" / Traits Autopilot Autopilot Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 2" Gear 2" / Primary Unit 2 Total TV: __41__ Total Actions: __4___ Notes: ______________________________________________________ Combat Group 2 - Support Unit UA Type: __Recon________________________ Model Name TV Notes: CGL, MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Veteran, etc. Damage Ferret Mk. 2 6 W:5" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ LAC (Arm), LRP (PEN:6), Brawler:-1, Comms:1, Gunner G:9" LVB (Arm) Sensors:24" (Aux),TD:1 Cheetah 9 W:7" 4 3/3 1 5+ 2+ 4+ LPG (Arm), LRP (PEN:6), Agile, Comms:1, ECM:2, G:9" LVB (Arm) TD:1, Sensors:24" (Aux) / Support Unit 2 Total TV: __15__ Force Total TV: __100___ Total Actions: __2___ Force Total Actions: _11__ Notes: ______________________________________________________ Objective VP(s): _____ + Casualties VP(s): _____ Total Victory Point(s): _____ Permission granted to photocopy or printout for personal use. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Gear 1" Gear 1.5" 61 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 APPENDIX 2: CHOOSING A FORCE A2.6 CHOOSING A FORCE: Choosing a Force: To choose a Force, or Army, simply select one Faction Model List in Appendix 3 (Either North, South, Peace River, NuCoal, Leagueless, Black Talon, Colonial Expeditionary Force (CEF), Caprice, Utopia, or Eden) and begin selecting units and models (see 18.0 and A.2 for details). Alternately you can choose a Sub-List which will focus on a particular theme for a Force. Sub-Lists (Beta): Sub-Lists are more nuanced lists than simply choosing units from the Force Model Lists in Appendix 3. A Sub-List will indicate all the modifications to normal army selection required or any upgrades or options that only that Sub-List has access to. Note: The Sub-Lists section is in an Beta development phase pending more play testing for balance. Players are welcome to use and comment on the lists but event organizers can feel free to decline to use them in any events they are running. Sub-List Allies: Allies are a heading that allows certain sub-lists to access more than one Faction Models List to select models for the Force. Units that may be included as allies are identified by their Unit Availability code. Specific models that are allowed are specified by name. 62 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Northern Gears ready for battle. APPENDIX 2: FORCES AVAILABLE & SUB-LIST WITH ALLIES OPTIONS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 A2.7 FORCES AVAILABLE & SUB-LIST WITH ALLIES OPTIONS: North Force (Generic) NG - Northern Guard (North Sub-LIst Force) WFP - Western Frontier Protectorate (North Sub-List) UMF - United Mercantile Federation (North Sub-List) NLC - Northern Lights Confederacy (North Sub-List) South Force (Generic) SRA - Southern Republican Army (South Sub-List Force) MILICIA - MILitary Intervention Counter Insurgency Army (South Sub-List) MK - Mekong Dominion (South Sub-List + Allies: North/Peace River/NuCoal) ESE - Eastern Sun Emirates (South Sub-List + Allies:North/South/NuCoal) HAPF - Humanist Alliance Protection Force (Historical) Peace River Force (Generic) PRDF - Peace River Defense Force (Peace River Sub-List) POC - Peace Officer Corps (Peace River Sub-List + Allies:North/South) HGSF - Home Guard Security Forces (Peace River Sub-List) CTF - Combined Task Force (Peace River Sub-List) PSBM - Protectorate Sponsored Badlands Militia (Peace River Sub-List + Allies: North/South) NuCoal Force (Generic) NSDF - NuCoal Self Defense Force Regiments (NuCoal Sub-List) HAPF - Humanist Alliance Peace Force (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies:South) PAK - Port Arthur Korps (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies:North/South/CEF) LP - Lance Point (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies:South) FN - Fort Neil (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies: South) PG - Prince Gable (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies: North) EN - Erech & Ninerveh* (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies: North/South): KADA - Khayr Ad-Din (NuCoal Sub-List +Allies: North, South, Peace River) TH - Temple Heights (NuCoal Sub-List) Leagueless Force (Generic) LDM - Leagueless Defense Milicia (North + South + Peace River + NuCoal Sub-List Force) LH - Leagueless Homesteaders (North/South + Peace River/NuCoal Sub-List Force) Black Talon Force (Generic) BTIT - Black Talon Insertion Team (Black Talon Sub-List + Allies:Caprice/Utopia/Eden) BTRT - Black Talon Recon Team (Black Talon Sub-List Force) Colonial Expeditionary Force (CEF) (Generic) CEFLF - CEF Line Formation (CEF Sub-List + Allies: Caprice/Utopia/Eden) CEFTB - Hover Tank Battalion (CEF Sub-List Force) CEFIB - GREL/FLAIL Infantry Battalion (CEF Sub-List Force) Caprice Force (Generic) CID - Caprice Invasion Detachment (Caprice Sub-List + Allies: CEF/Black Talon/Utopia/Eden) CCSD - Caprice Corporate Security Detachment (Caprice Sub-List + Allies: CEF/Utopia/Eden) CLRC - Caprice Liberati Resistance Cell (Caprice Sub-List + Allies:Black Talon/Utopia/Eden) Utopia Force (Generic) UCFT - Utopian Combined Forces Troupe (Utopian Sub-List + Allies:CEF/Black Talon/Caprice/Eden) UCT - Utopian Commando Troupe (Utopian Sub-list): URT - Utopian Recon Troupe (Utopian Sub-List) UST - Utopian Support Troupe (Utopian Sub-List) Eden Force (Generic) EIM - Eden Invasion Milicia (Eden + CEF/Black talons/Utopia/Caprice Sub-list Force) ENH - Eden Noble Household (Eden Sub-List Force) 63 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) THE NORTH FORCES - HAMMERS OF FAITH HAMMERS OF FAITH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE CONFEDERATED NORTHERN CITY-STATES [CNCS] The majestic mountains, fertile valleys, and windy plains of the northern hemisphere are ruled by the Confederated Northern City-States (CNCS). The CNCS is ruled by a council, whose members are appointed by the city-states and Leagues that form the confederation. The NLC and UMF have much influence on the council, but neither has a majority of seats, and so they must often turn to the smaller WFP and the independent city-states to pass legislation. The CNCS mainly concerns itself with establishing common trade and foreign policy for its member states. The Northern Leagues have found that by speaking and acting as a whole, their power and influence is considerably increased. Although the CNCS strives to project an outward appearance of unity, there remain deep divisions within the North. Unlike the Allied Southern Territories, the CNCS member-states are self-governed, and the CNCS has no authority over their internal affairs. This frequently results in a behind-the-scenes tug of war, as each member-state attempts to shape CNCS policy to suit its ambitions. 64 Since the War of the Alliance, agitation over Southern atrocities, imperialism and hedonism has spread throughout the North. Despite once fighting side-by-side with the people of the South, the general Northern public once again sees the AST as a threat, one they are obligated to deal with for the good of the planet. Prominent political and religious leaders in the North have been encouraging this sentiment for their own ends, including Second Follower Thor Hutchinson, the leader of the Sorrento Revisionist Church and Grand Marshall Victoria Edden-Smythe, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Guard. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) THE NORTH - HAMMERS OF FAITH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH THE NORTHERN LIGHTS CONFEDERACY The largest of the Northern Leagues, both in terms of territory and population. Despite a bloody history of crusades and civil wars, the NLC has developed into a strong, unified state and national pride is high. The Confederacy is the birthplace of Mamoud, the founder of Revisionism, and the League has always been a stronghold of the religion. The NLC has embraced Sorrento Revisionism, a more militant strain that calls for the righteous use of force to better the world. Prompted by Southern atrocities in the Badlands and within the AST throughout the TN1920s, public opinion in the NLC has turned against the Southern Republic. Second Follower Hutchinson has been leading the charge, and his calls for all Northerners to rally against the imperialism, immorality, and cruelty of the South have been well-received. Although the Southern political situation makes it unlikely, fears that the AST might try to invade the North are again common. NLC President Kadjë Adjanni has done her best to calm the situation, but several NAF regiments have been deployed into the Badlands in response to popular demand to protect large settlements, especially Revisionist communities. The effect of the Revisionist faith on life in the NLC is not always a positive one. While there is no official state religion, non-Revisionists are often treated as second-class citizens. They are rarely elected to political office and must struggle for promotion in the military. Most non-Revisionists live in sequestered communities, but some are willing to brave this prejudice out of love for their League. THE UNITED MERCANTILE FEDERATION The second-largest of the Northern Leagues, the UMF is the industrial heartland of the North. Corporations and free enterprise are central to the UMF way of life. The League has no taxes. Government operations are funded through the sale of electoral vouchers, which grant a single vote in a single election to the owner. Most UMF corporations purchase hundreds of electoral vouchers every cycle, in addition to their more direct contributions to the overall welfare of the League. Its concentration of heavy industry makes the acquisition of raw materials particularly important to the UMF. The North is rich in forests and mineral wealth, but the untapped mineral and petrochemical resources of the Badlands are a gold mine for anyone that can lay claim to them. Losing access to these treasures would be devastating for most UMF corporations, so the UMFA is frequently called on to prevent Southern or local monopolies or protectionist governments from claiming exclusive access or plundering a region’s resources without fair compensation. The UMF’s most bitter rival is the Mekong Dominion, and the two Leagues have been locked in a trade war for most of their history. This war has only come to open conflict a handful of times, most notably during the Merchant War in the late 17th century TN and the Sandstorm Strikes of the early 20th century TN. Treasurer Yves Banderas, ex-film star and current leader of the UMF, has been trying to find common ground with the Dominion since his election. He believes that they can be pried away from the AST, a move that would weaken the South’s industry tremendously. Other Northern leaders are more skeptical. THE WESTERN FRONTIER PROTECTORATE The smallest of the Northern Leagues and the most vulnerable, the plains of the WFP border directly on the Badlands, without the mountain ranges that help protect the heartlands of the other Northern Leagues from their enemies. In the inter-League wars prior to the formation of the CNCS, the WFP often came out on the losing side, and they were on the front lines of the war with the CEF. These hardships have made the people of the WFP strong and self-reliant. Much of the WFP is rural, and there are only three city-states, all of which are military bases. Only those with military service are considered citizens - all others are merely residents. Only citizens can vote, and only actively serving military officers can hold office. The WFP places great value in the concept of family. It’s common for Protectorate residents to put their family name before their given name, and the clans old, extended families - have built up an impressive amount of influence over the Protectorate’s affairs. To Westerners, the South is a major threat to their way of life, as the Southern Republic, Mekong Dominion, and Humanist Alliance do away with the concept of family. If the South ever decided to invade the North, they would no doubt do so through the WFP. Westerners feel that they have a better understanding of the Southern threat than other Northerners, and while their military is limited, they use it to thwart the South however they can. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 65 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE NORTH - HAMMERS OF FAITH NORTH MILITARY HISTORY OF THE NORTH THE CONFEDERATED NORTHERN CITY-STATES The formation of the Confederated Northern City-States (CNCS) in TN1692 united Terra Nova’s northern hemisphere for the first time since the Concordat abandoned its colonies. Prior to that, the Northern Lights Confederacy (NLC), the United Mercantile Federation (UMF), and the Western Frontier Protectorate (WFP) had warred fiercely over arctic land, resources, and city-states. The UMF had gained a substantial upper hand by TN1660, and its economic and military power advantage made it a serious threat to its neighbors. By TN1665, the NLC and WFP had formed the Northern Alliance Defense Organization (NADO) to curtail the UMF’s expansionist tendencies. Several cycles of saber-rattling and skirmishes lead to a NADO invasion of the UMF through the city-state of Pioneer in TN1669. Among the city’s UMF defenders was a unit of combat-converted Hardhat construction walkers borrowed from local militia units. The UMF’s conventional forces were badly outmatched, but the Hardhats managed to use the rough terrain around Pioneer to conduct hit-and-run attacks on NADO units. Their constant harassment allowed the other UMF defenders to halt the attack. The UMF’s superiority over the rest of the northern hemisphere seemed assured when its BOT research program lead to the mass production of the first Heavy Gear, the Hunter, in TN1678. No one could have predicted that agents of the Southern Republic would steal the design, or that Territorial Arms would be able to reverse-engineer it and begin production of the Jäger within a cycle. Armed with this new weapon, the Southern Republic quickly conquered its poorly-armed neighbors, uniting the entire southern hemisphere under the banner of the Allied Southern Territories (AST) in a mere cycle. The AST and the UMF came to loggerheads in the Merchant War of TN1686. Both the UMF and the Mekong Dominion were attempting to assert exclusive control over the lucrative resource deposits and trade routes of the Westridge trench in the Badlands. With the resources of the entire AST behind it, the Dominion beat back the Federation army, and the UMF renounced its claim to the Westridge trench in TN1688. The Merchant War made it obvious that none of the Northern Leagues could stand against the might of the AST on their own. In TN1692, after several cycles of negotiations initiated by the NLC, the three Northern Leagues founded the CNCS. THE NORTHERN GUARD Unlike the Allied Southern Territories, where the Southern Republic forcibly dominated its client-states, the Confederation of Northern City-States has always been a partnership between relative equals. This presented unique challenges when devising some kind of unified military command to defend the North against the aggressive AST. Each League had its own military, with its own structures and traditions, and was loathe to abandon this heritage in favor of some uniform, efficient central command. Cycles of bitter warfare between the three Leagues didn’t help matters. The Northern Guard (NG) was a compromise. Instead of establishing a new military or completely amalgamating their existing militaries, the CNCS created a small, multinational force dedicated to border patrols, anti-Rover operations in the Badlands, and other small duties outside the borders of the CNCS. Each League’s army would operate independently and, when the CNCS faced a threat that one of its three armies could not handle on its own, the Northern Guard would provide a unified command structure. 66 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) THE NORTH - HAMMERS OF FAITH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH THE ST. VINCENT’S WAR The expected Southern invasion of the North failed to materialize, and by the early TN1700s, the “unnecessary” Northern Guard had become a hot political issue. Many politicians, especially in the UMF, proposed disbanding it entirely and reallocating the funds to League militaries. In TN1723, a desert tempest uncovered the nearly-intact cargo section of a Concordat cargo ship, the HCS St. Vincent, that had crashed during the early colonization period. Hoping to salvage the ship’s cargo of potentially-valuable Concordat-era medical supplies, both the CNCS and AST dispatched military forces to secure the crash site. The NG detachment arrived soon after the Southern MILICIA force, and fighting soon broke out between the two groups. One of the St. Vincent’s cargo modules was ruptured during the battle, and a mutated virus was released. The virus had virtually no effect on adults, but it had killed 5 percent of Terra Nova’s children and crippled another 5 percent for life by the time a cure was found a season later. The CNCS and AST both accused each other of releasing the virus either through carelessness or on purpose. A full-scale war broke out between the two superpowers and ran for four years, killing more than two hundred thousand Terra Novans before it ground to a halt. Neither side achieved victory. Both confederations were drained and demoralized, and their economies were in shambles. While the St. Vincent’s War was an unmitigated disaster, it did prove that the Northern Guard could be an effective fighting force, one that was necessary for the defense of the North. During the post-war period, the Northern armies began overhauling their policies based on experience gained during the war. Units donated to the Guard during the war had often adopted an ad-hoc common structure. To help smooth future combined operations, all of the Northern militaries adopted standardized vehicle designs, weapons systems, ranks, unit structure, and paperwork. Each army still maintained their own unique traditions and variations, but the greater uniformity made cooperation much easier. THE COLD WAR It didn’t take long for the CNCS and the AST to come to odds once more, but it would be more than two hundred cycles before the two confederations again engaged in large-scale warfare. The period from the late TN1700s to the later TN1800s was a time of cold war. Both confederations sought to demonstrate their military superiority by building larger armies, more powerful war machines, and more sophisticated technology. This period saw the introduction of many of the vehicle designs that form the core of the modern Northern Guard, including the Hunter MkII, the Bear, the Mammoth, and the Grizzly. Small skirmishes and brushfire wars were common, but the memory of the St. Vincent’s War ensured that they were resolved quickly. THE SANDSTORM STRIKES The simmering hostilities of the TN1800s finally reached the boiling point in TN1896 in a series of fierce inter-League conflicts in the Badlands that came to be known as the Sandstorm Strikes. While devastating, the rapid assaults and raids combined with proxy warfare conducted through Rovers and homesteaders never quite reached the point of open Interpolar warfare, and the conflict fizzled out in TN1905. The Strikes did put enough strain on the Northern armies that the UMF and NLC had to institute a draft for the first time since they were founded. While the Northern Guard did not play a large role in the Strikes, the seasoned combat troops and new war machines from the Strikes would prove invaluable in the cycles to come. 67 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE NORTH - HAMMERS OF FAITH NORTH THE WAR OF THE ALLIANCE Terra Nova was in the grip of a web of intrigue and double-dealing when Earth’s Colonial Expeditionary Force (CEF) arrived on the planet in TN1913, 450 cycles after the last Concordat ship vanished from Terra Nova’s skies. The CEF invasion force landed in the Badlands and split into two groups, the Northern and Southern Expeditionary Forces. The Northern Expeditionary Force deployed into the Western Desert and advanced on Ashington, the UMF’s central power production site, to attempt to cripple the UMF’s industry. Smaller units were detached to assault other key CNCS city-states. With little time to mobilize or organize, the Northern Guard was forced to defend its homeland against a direct assault by a superior foe. Poor initial intelligence prevented the CEF from using their space superiority effectively during their initial troop deployment, and their fleet was driven out of orbit soon after by a massive counterattack launched jointly by both superpowers using killer satellites and hunter-killer drones. Through heavy losses and improvised last-ditch measures, the Northern Guard (NG) managed to stall the CEF advance into the CNCS by the end of TN1914. Heavy fighting continued, but neither side was able to make headway. In Winter TN1916, the CEF Fleet returned to Terra Nova and attempted to open a new front by landing another assault force at Baja. The city fell within hours, and the CEF Fleet managed to land 80,000 troops there before being driven from orbit again. The Baja force accomplished little, and a combined offensive by the CNCS-AST alliance quickly drove this force back and then, after a Season-long siege, destroyed the CEF’s Baja Base by mid-Summer. In Autumn TN1916, after Seasons of diplomatic overtures, Paxton Arms agreed to join the alliance against the invaders. Now fighting a war on three fronts, the CEF’s main force was unable to prevent the Allied armies from pushing it back to its main base in the Barrington Basin, and surrendered by Spring TN1917. The CEF might have managed to win if not for the actions of Northern Guard Grand Marshall Anders von Breslau. von Breslau had long opposed a conflict with the South, and quickly determined that the CNCS could not defeat the CEF on its own. He forged an alliance with his Southern counterparts, allowing the two forces to share intelligence and technology and coordinate operations against the invaders. von Breslau was appointed to lead the allied forces, and he worked closely with his senior advisor and good friend, MILICIA Prefect Arland Longchamps. The battle plans the two devised were instrumental in containing and quickly defeating the CEF’s Baja detachment and achieving victory in the war. He became a legendary hero in the eyes of the soldiers he commanded and the civilians he protected, a symbol of Terra Nova’s defiance and honor. Longchamps’ death protecting von Breslau from a CEF assassin’s bullet inspired the Northern general to personally lead the final assault on the CEF’s Barrington Basin stronghold, a feat that only served to bolster his legend. The War of the Alliance was hard on the Northern Guard. The death toll of the Battle of Baja alone was well over 100,000 people, and countless combat vehicles were destroyed and personnel lost in the seemingly-endless fighting in the Badlands. von Breslau’s massive following allowed him to win the presidency of the NLC after the war, and he ensured that the men and women of the Guard were not forgotten by the politicians and people they had protected. The funding he secured during his short tenure allowed the Guard and the other Northern armies to return to their prewar size and upgrade their equipment, making them ready to face the CEF, should they return, or the AST, should they again turn their gaze Northward. THE INTERPOLAR WAR Some say that the eruption of the Interpolar War in TN1936 was long in the making. For those who lived in the holy city of Sorrento however it started with a single bullet from a hero turned traitor when Norlight Colonel Neel Garner Fulan killed religious leader Thor Hutchinson. None who live today know why he chose that moment to betray his oath’s but the result was the same none the less. War! In the cycles to come the Polar forces led an all out war against the South. No quarter was offered and not even the innocent were spared the giant’s wrath. Vicious battles tore through across Terra Nova engulfing the equator in flames. Where the mighty armies of the North and South clashed, only ruin and desolation remained. The Northerners led by their Revisionist priests bayed for blood and vengeance. Their protestations served only to fan the population’s anger and blood lust, against the Southern “heathen’s” Eventually though after countless battles, with their fires spent and losses mounting both sides finally agreed to mediation. While this was not the outcome that Church had so desired it was one that the people demanded. Reluctantly the North sent forth their delegation; they would meet their bitter nemeses in the city-state of Peace River. This time the battlefield would not be won by martial prowess but rather by diplomacy. Many were sceptical at the chances of the meeting’s success, most merely took advantage of the lull to reform their lines in preparation for the “inevitable”. But the “inevitable” did not to occur, instead on the very day of the peace summit the heat of a thousand suns were unleashed upon Peace River, obliterating it. It is ironic that this act, one measured to further plunge Terra Nova into bitter war would be the catalyst for peace. One by one the culprits were exposed and much to the horror of the Polar powers their worst fears were made real. 68 Evidence pointed to the CEF as being the mastermind behind this act of madness. They knew that if both Polar powers continued to fight, their exhausted forces would not be able to repel a second invasion. Seeing that they played straight into the hands of wolves, an uneasy peace was once again declared. It would take time, effort and considerable cost to repair the damage from the war. A greater war loomed on the horizon, one that threatened to engulf them all. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) THE NORTH - HAMMERS OF FAITH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH THE WAR FOR TERRA NOVA While the war between the CNCS and the AST had come to an abrupt end, hostilities between both Polar powers never really subsided. While border skirmishers were still common place the threat of escalation was kept in check by the pall cast by an imminent CEF invasion. CNCS leadership had shrewdly eschewed a confrontational policy when dealing with the belligerent Southerners and their incursions; losses were instead attributed to “training accidents” or rover attacks. Despite the CNCS actively avoiding a full scale confrontation no slight went unanswered. It can be said that no other military on Terra Nova perfected the art of stealth warfare better than the North. The “secret” war waged by elite Ranger outfits kept the Hammers of the North in a perpetual state of readiness. By the time CEF ships transited in system the armies of the CNCS were ready for a war 10 cycles in the making. As the first drop ships made planet fall around Sorrento in TN1950 the CNCS drew up in anticipation mobilizing the three border divisions stationed there. However as the divisions moved to encircle and destroy the invading Earthers disaster struck. From out of nowhere President Xing issued orders to stand down, her instructions left the armies of the CNCS reeling in confusion. With the NG & NAF’s momentum now stalled the CEF invaders proceeded to press the advantage cutting a swath through Terra Nova’s stoutest defenders. Confused and frustrated by the sudden turn of events, officers began to issue contradictory orders. These actions served to only play directly into the hands of the invaders leading to further losses along the Irian front as whole units were left unsupported. Further to the north in the heartland of the UMF, CEF forces made planet fall with the intent of capturing the capitol Lyonnesse. Running battles along the Downing front fared significantly better as corporate forces not directly under the Northern Guard were able to mount an organized resistance unimpeded by the President Xing’s illogical orders. The CEF I, II, III & IV Korps as a result were contained and severely weakened by UMF defenders. Despite being battered by the invaders UMF combat units stood defiant and victorious. The Barrington front in contrast was home to some of the bloodiest fighting on Terra Nova. Poor deployment plans literally left the gates to Fort William unguarded and vulnerable to attack. While WFPA forces scrambled to redeploy and intercept the invaders, CEF drop ships disgorged division after division and spear headed deep into the heart of the Protectorate. Trying to stem the advance of the enemy WFPA high command played a desperate gambit by reactivating many of their decommissioned landships. These reserve landships were manned only by aging skeleton crews who drove their ramshackle hulks deep into the heart of the enemy. Though many were lost to the swarm tactics favoured by CEF GREL’s, many more pierced deep into the enemy ranks where they detonated their reactors bringing death by nuclear fire to the massed invaders. The War for Terra Nova still rages across the Northern territories as the heroic sacrifices of the CNCS armies continue to either pushed back or contain the CEF forces. 69 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE NORTH - HAMMERS OF FAITH NORTH RANKS Each League has always had its own names for its military ranks. Since the St. Vincent’s War, all ranks have been standardized throughout the League armies to correspond with Northern Guard ranks. NORTHERN GUARD Private Corporal Senior Corporal Ranger Senior Ranger Sergeant Senior Sergeant Sergeant Major Lieutenant Captain Major Colonel Brigadier General Grand Marshall EQUIVALENT RANK Infantryman Specialist/Pilot Squad Commander Section Commander Platoon NCO Company NCO Battalion NCO Regimental NCO Platoon Commander Company Commander Battalion Commander Regimental Commander Brigade Commander Division Commander Commander in-chief NORTHERN DOCTRINE Compared to the other armies of Terra Nova, the Northern militaries employ a very conventional doctrine. Their ranks are filled with specialized units that perform one role very well. While they can fill other roles if needed, their abilities will be best used when applied to their intended function. Northern armies must field mixed forces that complement each others’ strengths and cover each others’ weaknesses to obtain victory on the battlefield. Slow-moving and vulnerable to enemy fire, Northern infantry units can pack a surprising punch. They can traverse extremely difficult terrain, are harder to detect than combat vehicles and are best able to take advantage of cover, both natural and man-made. The purpose of infantry units in the Northern militaries is to hold terrain where they can take advantage of cover. This allows them to make good use of their firepower, forcing the enemy to either commit a large force to driving them out or avoid moving into their reach. They can also fill recon or spotter roles, allowing fire-support vehicles to supplement their firepower. All Northern militaries depend heavily on Gears and Striders. Gears are well-balanced combat vehicles and can be adapted to fill practically any battlefield role, providing a Northern force with flexibility. The bulk of most Northern Gear forces is made up of general-purpose trooper Gears. These Gears provide highly mobile firepower, and can fill skirmish, defensive, and light assault roles. Scout Gears sacrifice combat ability for speed and electronics, allowing them to move ahead of a force, discover enemy units, and communicate their positions to combat units. Finally, fire-support Gears and Striders provide heavy firepower. While the North has historically relied on close-range fire support, more modern fire support units like the Grizzly and Mammoth are designed around long-range guided weapons, with close support weapons as backup. Tanks and cavalry units provide Northern forces with fast, hard-hitting firepower. While lightly armored, cavalry units can transport infantry. Their weapons are frequently used to support the infantry squads they transport. Northern light tanks are well-armored, and are best suited for use in flanking actions, rough terrain, and engagements with lighter vehicles. Main battle tanks have the heaviest armor, and are designed for direct battles in open terrain. Northern main battle tanks are typically built around direct-fire weapons. 70 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Northern commanders must make full use of each type of Squad available to them and must take advantage of the individual strengths and weaknesses within any particular squad. Each squad is designed for one or two purposes, and while they can perform others in duress, a wise commander takes a variety of squad types and uses each in their designed role as much as possible. Simply put, you don’t send a Recon squad to hold ground and you don’t use a Heavy Tank squad for stealthy approaches and spotting. Each squad works as a cog in the machine of war and placing the wrong one in the wrong spot can damage the machine. THE NORTH - HAMMERS OF FAITH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Ebon Stone Kill Markers Service Ribbon P r o p h e t ’s Blessing NORTH AWARDS & HONORS Like most militaries, the armies of the North have their own set of official and unofficial awards and honors. Official honors are worn only with the dress uniform, while unofficial markers, such as the “Ebon Stone” kill markers are generally frowned upon at formal events. The most common honors are service ribbons, awarded to each soldier who has served at least five cycles and to those who participated in a significant battle or campaign. A four-pointed star is awarded for every 5 cycles of service, and individual campaign ribbons are unique to each campaign. For example, a soldier who served in the battle of Baja would have a red lightning bolt on a white background, while a veteran of the Barrington Basin Campaign could wear a blue ribbon with a silver fist. All veterans of the War of the Alliance wear a blue and red ribbon marked by a lightning bolt pip. Soldiers injured in combat are awarded either the Prophet’s Blessing, or if not of the Revisionist faith, the Crimson Brand. Both carry the same “value,” although the Crimson Brand has no religious connotations. Soldiers bearing the Crimson Brand are likely to receive a cold shoulder in the NLC. Some regiments celebrate each time a soldier is awarded one of these, and others celebrate if the soldier has survived a certain amount of time without receiving one. Order of the Griffon Northern Star Medals of Valor are, for the most part, unique to each League and none are commonly awarded outside of wartime. There are two recognized throughout the North. The Order of the Griffon is awarded to those who have “displayed the utmost courage,” meaning it is often awarded posthumously. The last time it was awarded to a living person was to General Victoria EddenSmythe for her contributions in the War of the Alliance. It has only once been awarded to a Southerner: Prefect Arland Longchamps, who sacrificed his life to save the life of Grand Marshal von Breslau. The second of these medals is the Northern Star. The Northern Star is more frequently awarded than the Order of the Griffon, and is a reward for courage in the face of the enemy. SPECIAL FORCES BADGES Lion Head Badge A special kind of honor is granted to those willing and able to undertake special training. This carries with it high prestige, but also the duty to abide by a code of honor, even after a soldier has left the military. The Lion Head Badge is a stylized lion’s head and is granted to those soldiers who have completed the Northern Guard’s special forces training. Over 90% of applicants fail the test and Gear pilots must not only undergo Gear-based special forces training, but must pass the infantry course as well. Those that manage such a feat gain a special version of the badge with the lion’s head surrounded by the outline of a toothed gear. The Duelist’s emblem is awarded to the soldier chosen to be the Regimental Duelist. This is a heavy burden as the Duelist must be the exemplar of the regiment. Their behavior on and off the field of battle must be above reproach, and they are frequently called on to counsel and guide their fellow soldiers. For all purposes the Duelist is the regiment’s honor and very few have what it takes to wear the crossed swords emblem. 71 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH FORCES NORTH NORTH FORCES: A Generic North Force may be constructed using only the North Models List. This is the default option and should be used when learning the game rules. All the models in the North Models List can be used in any of the sub-lists below. These Sub-Lists allow players to add additional specialized upgrades to their models as they collect their Force. SUB LISTS: NG - Northern Guard (North Sub-LIst Force): The Northern Guard is the tasked with the overall defense of the Northern City-States and forms the command and front lines against invading forces. Never very numerous the Northern Guard has excellent equipment and training, and are the undisputed masters of combined warfare.  Well Supported: Each Primary Unit in this Force may have two Support units. The number of actions in the Support units may not exceed the standard number of actions for a Support unit: Example: A Primary unit of 5 actions may have up to two Support units of up to 3 actions total.  Combined Arms Specialists: Support units must be of a model type other than the model types of the Primary Unit they are attached to. Models with a UA of only SU are exempt from the Combined Arms Specialists rule.  Well Equipped: Support units may purchase Generic Upgrades. WFP - Western Frontier Protectorate (North Sub-List): Self reliance and a true pioneer spirit motivate the under equipped armies of of the WFP. Their commanders have an almost innate understanding of how to marshal their forces and the aged Gears of the WFP armies are known for their skill and responsiveness to their pilots. WFP commanders often downgrade the armor on their formations to increase speed and reduce fuel consumption.  Family Ties: All Commanders must choose the same veteran benefit for -1TV. Commanders may choose the Vet upgrade without being in a Veteran unit.  Stripped Down (upgrade): Any model with a Unit Availability of GP or RC may upgraded with the Stripped Down trait for 0TV. Any model with this trait adds 2” to its Movement Rating but has -1 Hull Rating and +1 Structure rating. Example a Stripped Down Hunter would have H/S:3/3 instead of 4/2.  Older Equipment: Primary units may not include Jaguars, Cheetahs, Grizzlies, Kodiaks, or Scimitars.  Tested in Battle: Any Gear or Strider model in a primary unit may choose the veteran upgrade for +1TV. This does not require the Elite army option or remove the option for one unit to be upgraded to Veterans normally.” UMF - United Mercantile Federation (North Sub-List): Well known as being the richest League on Terra Nova the merchants of the UMF know that to defend their prosperity they must have a strong armed forces, and spend lavishly for the best soldiers and equipment. To maintain their edge commercially the UMF is not against leveraging its considerable skill in electronic warfare to gain business advantages.  The Best Money Can Buy: The Force Commanding Officer gains the Init:1 trait, or adds 1 to an existing Init:X trait, and a single free upgrade from the Generic Veteran Upgrades. Models with the Unit Availability code of CMD cost -1TV.  Prospectors: Any walker model may add the Climber trait for +1TV.  Local Production: Primary units may not include Cheetah, Cheetah Paratroopers, or Black Cat models. Tiger, Assault Tigers, and Destroyer Tiger gain the Unit Availability of FS. Weasels gain the Unit Availability of SK.  Hackers: A model in this Force using an ECM Sensor Jamming action or reaction improves its Electronic Warfare (EW) skill rating by 1. NLC - Northern Lights Confederacy (North Sub-List): The home of the Revisionist church, the most powerful religious organization on Terra Nova, many of the members of the Norlight armed forces see their role as a calling instead of just a job or a mission. Foremost among these are the Chaplains and Warrior Monks who leverage the power of Gears and formidable martial skills with their chosen weapon, the fighting staff. Their skill and courage is a powerful inspiration to all soldiers.  Fighting Staff Upgrade: A Fighting Staff is a vibro blade upgrade that gives the models vibro blade weapon the Reach 2” and Brawler:1 traits.  Prestige Weapon: Add a Fighting Staff weapon for 0TV to each Executive Officer and Second in Command model, or to any other Commander for +1TV.  Inspirational: Commanders that damage an enemy model with a Fighting Staff melee attack may give a Skill point to any other friendly model within 6”.  Warrior Monks: Upgrade any model with a Unit Availability of GP, SK, or FS to have fighting staffs for +1TV. A Duelist may purchase the Fighting Staff Upgrade regardless of Unit Availability. 72 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH NORTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Hunter Northco Trooper Gear 4.3 meters 6,627 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Hunter Gear was the first exclusively military walker machine on Terra Nova, the forerunner of all subsequent Northern League designs, and remains among the most produced Gears still in active service. Refitted several times to keep it competitive its greatest strength has always been the simplicity and ruggedness of the chassis. Hunter XMG Northco Strike Gear 4.3 meters 7,122 kg Success is a good place to start when building the future’s most successful Gear. It is for this reason that the Hunter XMG was developed. The XMG represents a leap in capabilities with improvements in fire control and maneuverability. The high fuel consumption rates of the XMG don’t worry the commanders, only the supply officers. Hunter with Headhunter upgrade. Model TV Hunter 6 AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits GP(0+), W:5" FS, ST, HT G:6" 7 GP, SK, FS W:5” G:6” 6 GP, DG W:5” (0-1) G:6” 7 GP, FS W:5” G:6” 8 FS W:5” G:6” +1 +(CMD) - 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Arms 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ - - - - - 5+ LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LPZ, LVB (Arm) MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MFC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LSC (Arm), APGL, LVB (Arm) MBZ (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) - Comms:1 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Hunter XMG Gunner 11 SK, DG W:6" G:7" 6 4/2 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MAC (Arm), MRP, MCW (Arm, Reach:1") Hunter XMG Grenadier 11 SK, DG W:6" G:7" 6 4/2 1 3+ 3+ 5+ LGL (Arm), MRP, MCW (Arm, Reach:1") - - - - - - - - -MCW, +MVB (Arm, Reach:1") Arms, Brawler:1, Shield:1 Arms, Brawler:1, Shield:1 - Hunter Gunner MP Hunter Assault Hunter Destroyer Hunter Headhunter (Hunter upgrade) Melee Specialist +1 (Hunter XMG upgrade) UA MR Arms Arms Arms Arms Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 73 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) NORTH MODELS LIST NORTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Jaguar Northco Strike Gear 4.6 meters 7,123 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The most advanced Gear in the Northern armed forces, the Jaguar was developed by Northco in the early 1900s as a possible successor of the Hunter. Only the high credit cost of the machine prevented this from happening. The Jaguar features an exceptional balance of speed, firepower, and agility. Sniper Jaguar with Thunder Jaguar upgrade. An advanced design with more armor and better fire control than the Hunter. The Tiger was developed by Northco with the support of the UMF as a response to the AST developing the Jager. Used by the armies of the Northern hemisphere as a shock trooper and line breaker the design neither uses nor requires the many technological advances that have occurred after their entry into military service. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Jaguar 10 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 12 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ Sniper Jaguar 11 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ Assault Jaguar 11 SK, PT 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ Arrow Jaguar 12 SK, PT 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ Fire Jaguar 11 SK, PT 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ Thunder Jaguar (Jaguar upgrade) +1 +(CMD) W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" - 6 Destroyer Jaguar Flash Jaguar SK (0+), FS, RC, PT SK, FS, DG, PT SK, DG, PT SK, FS, PT - - - - - 4+ Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Tiger 10 GP, SK 7 3/3 1 3+ 4+ 6+ Assault Tiger 11 GP, SK 7 3/3 1 3+ 4+ 6+ Destroyer Tiger 11 SK 7 3/3 1 3+ 4+ 6+ Sabertooth (Tiger upgrade) +1 +(CMD) W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" - - - - - - 5+ MAC (Arm), MRP, APGL, LCW (Arm) LSC (Arm), MRP, APGL, LCW (Arm) MBZ (Arm), MRP, APGL, LCW (Arm) - 74 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 11 Tiger Northco Heavy Trooper 4.6 meters 7,320 kg Weapons Traits MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, Agile, Arms, LVB (Arm) Airdrop MBZ (Arm), LRP, APGL, Agile, Arms , LVB (Arm) Airdrop LLC (Arm), LRP, APGL, Agile, Arms , LVB (Arm) Airdrop HRF (Arm), LRP, APGL, Agile, Arms , LVB (Arm) Airdrop LSC Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB Agile, Arms , (Arm) Airdrop MAC (Arm), LATM, APGL, Agile, Arms , LVB (Arm) Airdrop MAC (Arm), MRP (Link), Agile, Arms , LVB (Arm) Airdrop SatUp:6+ (Aux) Traits Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Arms Gear 1.5" Arms Gear 1.5" Arms Gear 1.5" +Comms:1, Gear SatUp:6+ (Aux) 1.5" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH NORTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Cheetah Shaian Mechanics Recon Gear 4.1 meters 5,230 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Highly specialized and jam packed with the best electronics available, the Cheetah is the CNCS’s gear of choice for reconnaissance and electronic warfare. Popular with pilots the Cheetahs agility allow avoid many attacks. Commanders are use its cheaper cousin the Metal Cat for patrolling and the Strike variant for extra firepower. Leopard Shaian Mechanics Mountaineering Gear 4.2 meters 5,425 kg Originally conceived as a rally/arena gear, the Leopard has found its home within the ranks of the CNCS. The Leopards light-weight and airdropable design along with the later addition of climbing equipment has created a great mountaineering gear able to traverse any terrain with ease. Deployable by land or air the Leopard can deal with any threat. White Cat Cheetah Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Cheetah 9 RC (0+), DG W:7" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 2+ 4+ PG (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Strike Cheetah 11 DG W:7" G:9" 5 3/3 1 4+ 2+ 4+ LBZ (Arm), PG (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) White Cat Cheetah 10 RC W:7" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 2+ 4+ LAC (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Metal Cat Cheetah 8 RC, DG W:7" G:9" 5 3/3 1 4+ 2+ 6+ LBZ (Arm), PG (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, TD:1, Sensors:24" (Aux) Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:1, Sensors: 24" (Aux) Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, ECCM, Sensors:30" (Aux), SatUp:5+ (Aux) Agile, Arms, Comms:1 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Leopard (unreleased) Leopard Flash 9 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ 10 PT, MN 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ 9 DG, MN W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" 6 10 DG (0+), MN DG, MN 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ MAC (Arm), LFC (Arm), LRP, MHG, MCW (Arm) LRL (Arm), LRP, MHG, MCW (Arm) MAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), LRP, MHG, MCW (Arm) MAC (Arm), LFL (Arm), LRP, MHG, MCW (Arm) Airdrop, Arms, Agile, Climber Airdrop, Arms, Agile, Climber Airdrop, Arms, Agile, Climber Airdrop, Arms, Agile, Climber Leopard Grenadier Leopard Wildfire Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 75 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) NORTH MODELS LIST NORTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Ferret Keimuri Gear Recon Gear 3.2 meters 4,210 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Ferret serves the Northern armies as an effective recon gear. It’s low cost matched with a good track record has allowed this aging design to endure. Ferret pilots tend to avoid high intensity combat and concentrate on recon duties, operating the gear in its SMS mode, racing across the landscape as it scans for trouble. This Electronic Warfare specialist Gear is an upgrade of the venerable Ferret design. It retains the basic torso of the Ferret, but employs a more standard leg and drive assembly. The Weasel’s electronic systems are the most powerful of any Northern Gear design. Pilots are encouraged to avoid combat and support from the rear. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Ferret 5 RC, DG W:5" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ Sniper Ferret 5 RC, DG W:5" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ Ferret Mk. 2 Gunner 6 RC, DG W:5" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ Wild Ferret 7 RC W:5" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI Weasel 12 RC W:5" G:8" 4 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 76 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Weasel Keimuri Gear EW Gear 3.4 meters 6,457 kg Weapons Traits Type/ Height PG (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LVB Arms, Brawler:-1, Gear (Arm) Comms:1, 1" Sensors:24" (Aux), TD:1 LRF (Arm), RP (PEN:6), Arms, Brawler:-1, Gear LVB (Arm) Comms:1, 1" Sensors:24" (Aux), TD:1 LAC (Arm), RP (PEN:6), Arms, Brawler:-1, Gear LVB (Arm) Comms:1, 1" Sensors:24" (Aux), TD:1 PG (Arm), LVB (Arm) Arms, Brawler:-1, Gear Comms;1, 1" ECM:1, ECCM, SatUp:5+ (Aux), Sensors 24" (Aux), Vuln:H EW Weapons Traits 3+ PG (Arm), LVB (Arm) Type/ Height Arms, Comms:2, Gear ECM:2, ECCM 1" (G), SatUp:4+, Sensors: 24", Vet Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH NORTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Black Cat Shaian/Hyperion/Racetech Stealth Gear 4.1 meters 4,930 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Black Cat is built from the ground up for stealth making it an excellent commando and covert operations machine. The existence of the Black Cat is such a well guarded secret that most intelligence officers from rival powers consider its existence to be a myth. Black Cats are usually deployed in a supporting role to Panthers. Panther Northco Commando Gear 4.6 meters 7,123 kg The Panther stealth gear is only available in very small numbers. It’s advanced systems include a Racetech rubberized absorbent coating, an electric battery/turbine silent-running power, and a silenced 40mm Heavy Rifle. The Panther brings death to enemies of the CNCS, striking in utter silence. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Black Cat 14 SF (0+) W:7" G:9" 4 3/3 1 4+ 2+ 4+ PG (Arm, Silent), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Black Cat Sniper 15 SF W:7" G:9" 4 3/3 1 4+ 2+ 4+ HRF (Arm, Stabilizer, Silent), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet, ECM:2, TD:1, Sensors:24” Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet, Sensors:24” Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Panther 15 SF (0+) W:6" G:7" 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MAC (Arm, Precise, Silent), LRP, LVB (Arm) Panther Sniper 16 SF W:6" G:7" 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ HRF (Arm, Silent), LRP, LVB (Arm) Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet, TD:1, Sensors:18” Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet, Sensors:18” Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 77 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) NORTH MODELS LIST NORTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Wildcat Manufacturer: Keimuri Gear / Neil Motorworks Unit Type: Strike Gear Height: 4.3 meters Weight: 6,580 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Bobcat Northco Recon Gear 4.3 meters 5,689 kg Originally a companion gear to the Hunter, it quickly fell out of favour as pilots preferred the Hunters better armor and fire control systems. Keimuri Gears would find a new market in the WFP where the cheaper and more rugged design was appreciated. Today the Wildcat can often be seen defending Badlands communities against Rovers. An early recon gear, the Bobcats unique SMS design requires the Gear to kneel down to engage its wheels. This configuration improves handling but also prevents its legs from being armored properly. Bob Cats are often paired with Wild Cats in the WFP and despite their perceived obsolescence they perform admirably. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Wildcat 7 RC, SK W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LRP, MVB (Arm) Riotmaster Wildcat 7 RC, SK W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LFC (Arm), LRP, MVB (Arm) Gunner Wildcat 8 SK W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ MAC (Arm), LRP, MVB (Arm) Assault Wildcat 8 SK W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LSC (Arm), MVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1 Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1 Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1 Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Bobcat 6 RC W:5" G:9" 5 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ PG (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) 78 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Traits Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Arms, Brawler:-1, Gear Comms:1, 1.5" Sensors:18", TD:1 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH NORTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Hunter Paratrooper Northco Paratooper Gear 4.3 meters 6,520 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Originally Northern Guard high command ordered that a Hunter variant be developed exclusively for paratrooper duties since the base chassis was readily available and easy to modify. As it is still basically a Hunter, the paratrooper variant is cheap enough to field in quantities sufficient to be an effective threat. Cheetah Paratrooper Shaian Mechanics Paratrooper Gear 4.1 meters 5,010 kg Given the vast distances to cover and the importance of a speedy reaction force, it was inevitable that a specialized Cheetah Paratrooper version would see the light of day. Despite its petite size this cat packs a loadout heavy enough to take down much heavier targets and has the speed to escape retaliation. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Para Hunter 7 PT (0+) 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Airdrop, Arms - - - - - 5+ LAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), APGL, LSG (Arm) LBZ (Arm), APGL, LSG (Arm) - Airdrop, Arms +(CMD) W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" - Traits Para Strike 8 Hunter Headhunter (Para +1 Hunter upgrade) PT Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Para Cheetah 10 PT W:7" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 2+ 4+ PG (Arm), LSG (Arm) Strike Para Cheetah 12 PT W:7" G:9" 5 3/3 1 4+ 2+ 4+ LBZ (Arm), LSG (Arm) Grenadier Para Cheetah 12 PT W:7" G:9" 5 3/3 1 4+ 2+ 4+ LAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), LSG (Arm) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" +Comms:1 Type/ Height Agile, Airdrop, Gear Arms, Comms:1, 1.5" ECM:2, TD:1, Sensors:18" (Aux) Agile, Airdrop, Gear Arms, Comms:1, 1.5" ECM:1, Sensors: 18" (Aux) Agile, Airdrop, Gear Arms, Comms:1, 1.5" ECM:1, Sensors: 18" (Aux) 79 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) NORTH MODELS LIST NORTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Koala Manufacturer: Northco/Riley Weapons Systems Unit Type: Paratrooper Gear Height: 4.8 meters Weight: 8,020 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Dingo Western Armories Paratrooper Gear 5.1 meters 8,390 kg The Koala started as a design to upgrade the aging Bear support gear. The Koala, or “Drop Bear” as pilots like to call it, provides paratrooper squads with access to heavier firepower allowing them to undertake a wider range of missions. Not wanting to incur the cost of buying more Paratrooper Hunters when they had a surplus of Mad Dogs the WFP commissioned the Dingo. The Dingo packs an impressive amount of firepower for its size. That said, deployment of this gear outside of the WFP is almost nonexistent - something the WFP is actually quite proud of. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Koala 11 PT W:4" G:6" 7 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Airdrop, Arms, Brawler:1 Sniper Koala 11 PT 7 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Grenadier Koala 11 PT W:4" G:6" W:4" G:6" 7 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), MFC (Arm), MRP (Link), HMG, MSG (Arm) HAC (Arm, Precise), MRP (Link), MSG (Arm) HAC (Arm), MGL (Arm), MRP (Link), MSG (Arm) Type/ Height Gear 2" Airdrop, Arms, Brawler:1 Airdrop, Arms, Brawler:1 Gear 2" Gear 2" Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Dingo 11 PT W:4" G:6" 7 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Airdrop, Arms, Brawler:1 Chaingun Dingo 11 PT W:4" G:6" 7 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), MRP (Link), MGM, PG (Arm), MMG, MSG (Arm) HRC (Arm), HRP, HMG (Link), MSG (Arm) Type/ Height Gear 2" Airdrop, Arms, Brawler:1 Gear 2" 80 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH NORTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Grizzly Northco / Shaian Fire Support Gear 5.1 meters 9,210 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Grizzly has been the most common Northern fire-support Gear since the War of the Alliance. A big, brutal, and obnoxious creature like its namesake, the Grizzly is capable of both long range fire support and heavy assault. It can also be a devastating anti-Gear weapon if screened by lighter units. Rabid Grizzly Northco / Shaian Assault Gear 5.1 meters 9,450 kg One of the most common Grizzly variants available to date. The already formidable gear is further bolstered with a high explosive grenade launcher and additional armor plating. As a close assault gear the Rabid Grizzly is highly effective and very popular amongst front line troops for its firepower and protection. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Grizzly 14 FS, DG W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Rabid Grizzly 14 FS, DG W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Grizzly Destroyer 14 FS W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Crossbow Grizzly 15 FS 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Thunder Grizzly (Grizzly upgrade) +1 +(CMD) W:4" G:5" - - - - - - 5+ HAC (Arm), MRP (Link), MGM, PG (Arm), HMG, LVB (Arm) MGL (Arm), MRP (Link), MFM, PG (Arm), HMG, LVB (Arm) HBZ (Arm), MRP (Link), MGM, PG (Arm), HMG, LVB (Arm) HAC (Arm), MATM, PG (Arm), HMG, LVB (Arm) - Traits Type/ Height Arms, Autopilot Gear 2" Arms, Autopilot, Field Armor Gear 2" Arms, Autopilot Gear 2" Arms, Autopilot Gear 2" SatUp:6+ (Aux) 81 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) NORTH MODELS LIST NORTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Kodiak Northco / Shaian Heavy Assault Gear 5.2 meters 10,485 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Kodiak was developed during the War of the Alliance as a counter to CEF light hovertanks. It sports considerably tougher armor and more powerful direct-fire weapons than the Grizzly it is based on. It is a badge of honor for any CNCS Gear pilot to be assigned to a Kodiak. Razorback Northco Assault Gear 4.7 meters 8,134 kg The Razorback was built for short-range anti-tank work. Rugged construction and the massive firepower of its Snub Cannon can make short work of any tank that ventures into range. Despite being almost as old as the Hunter, the Razorback is still used in UMF and WFP regiments for anti-armor missions. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Kodiak 19 SK, FS 9 4/2 2 3+ 5+ 6+ 19 SK, FS 9 4/2 2 3+ 5+ 6+ 20 SK, FS 9 4/2 2 3+ 5+ 6+ MPA (Arm), HRP, LATM, HMG, APGL, MVB (arm) HRC (Arm), HRP, LATM, HMG, APGL, MVB (Arm) HBZ (Arm), HRP, LATM, HMG, APGL, MVB (Arm) Arms, Vet Chaingun Kodiak Destroyer Kodiak W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Razorback 11 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LSC (Arm), MRP, PG (Arm), LMG, APGL, LCW (Arm) HRC (Arm), LAR, PG (Arm), LMG, APGL, LCW (Arm) Arms 12 W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" 7 Chaingun Razorback SK, FS, DG SK, FS, DG 82 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Arms, Vet Arms, Vet Arms Type/ Height Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH NORTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Bear Northco Fire Support Gear 4.8 meters 8,456 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Bear was the CNCS’s first fire support gear designed for long range engagements, its guided mortar had a long reach and deadly punch and the twin medium rocket packs mounted on its shoulders also allowed it to be used in an assault role. The Bear was so successful that it went on to inspire the design of the heavier Grizzly. The Mad Dog R uses a similar drive system to the Bear. While still inferior in some ways to the Hunter, the Mad Dog R is a common trooper gear in the WFP where cost is a major concern. Many famous pilots have rode a Mad Dog to arena championships simply because opponents underestimated it. Den Mother Command Gear. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Bear 10 FS, DG 8 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Mauler Bear 10 DG W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" 8 3/3 1 4+ 5+ Mad Dog R 10 DG 7 3/3 1 4+ 5+ Den Mother 11 8 3/3 1 4+ 5+ W:5" G:6" FS (CMD), W:5" DG (CMD) G:6" Mad Dog R Western Armories Heavy Trooper Gear 4.8 meters 8,690 kg Weapons Traits HAC (Arm), MRP (Link), LMG, Arms LGM, LVB (Arm) 6+ MGL (Arm), MRP (Link), Arms LMG (Link), APGL (Auto), LVB (Arm) 6+ HAC (Arm), HRP, LMG (Link), Arms LVB (Arm) 5+ HAC (Arm), MRP (Link), LMG, Arms, LGM, LVB (Arm) SatUp:6+ (Aux) Type/ Height Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" 83 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) NORTH MODELS LIST NORTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Lion Northco Heavy Strike Gear 4.8 meters 8,500 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: A heavy strike Gear designed by Northco, the Lion is a cross between a Jaguar and a Kodiak and is superior to both. It is a fast for a machine for its size and the use of the latest in gyro design have led to unprecedented agility for a large Gear. Access to the Lion has been somewhat limited, Northco hopes to meet the growing demand soon. 84 Scimitar Northco Gear Strider 9.2 meters 49,450 kg Sponsored by the Revisionist Church, the Scimitar is the CNCS’s first Gear Strider. Designed with the mountainous terrain of the North in mind it is equipped with climbing gear that also functions in close combat. Powerful short range weaponry and heavy armor that allows it to close to short range make this a fearsome Strider. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Lion 12 SK, MN 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Lion Lightning 13 SK, MN 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Lion Initiate 12 SK, MN 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Strike Lion 12 SK, MN, DG W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ HAC (Arm), MAR, APGL, HCW (Arm) MPA (Arm), MAR, APGL, HCW (Arm) HRC (Arm), MAR, APGL, HCW (Arm) MBZ (Arm), MAR, APGL, HCW (Arm) Arms, Climber, Brawler:1 Arms, Climber, Brawler:1 Arms, Climber, Brawler:1 Arms, Climber, Brawler:1 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Scimitar 26 SK, FS W:5" G:6" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Scimitar Feral 24 SK, FS W:5" G:6" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ Scimitar Assault 28 SK, FS W:5" G:6" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ Scimitar Lightning 27 SK, FS W:5" G:6" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ Rotary Laser (Scimatar Upgrade) Command (Scimitar upgrade) +1 - - - - - - - +2 +(CMD) - - - - - - Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SC (Arm, PEN:11,AP:5), LATM (T), MAC (T,AA),APGL, MSG (Arm, Link), HVB (Arm, Reach:2") 5+ HGL (Arm, PEN:10, AE:4), LATM (T), MAC (T, AA), APGL, MSG (Arm, Link), HVB (Arm, Reach:2") 5+ SC (Arm, PEN:11,AP:5), MATM (T), MAC (T,AA),APGL, MSG (Arm, Link), HVB (Arm, Reach:2") 5+ HPL (Arm), LATM (T), MAC (T, AA), APGL, MSG (Arm, Link), HVB (Arm, Reach:2") -ATM, +MRL (FT, Link) - - Arms, Brawler:1, Climber Arms, Brawler:1, Climber Arms, Brawler:1, Climber Arms, Brawler:1, Climber ECCM, SatUp:6+ (Aux) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Strider 3" Strider 3" Strider 3" Strider 3" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH NORTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Mammoth Hartmore Motor Company Assault Strider 7.2 meters 36,550 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The basic Strider design used by the CNCS forces, the Mammoth has been in service for almost 100 cycles. All Mammoth variants are armed with a battery of heavy weapons and if the situation calls for ground control the auto targeting machine guns can also be replaced with area saturation rockets. Lynx Western Armories Infantry Support Gear 4.1 meters 4,510 kg Though officially designated as a Gear, many would consider the Lynx to be more akin to a transformable power armor system. Originally for urban patrol duties, the Lynx began to see increased use by the Northern Guard acting in the role of an infantry support gear. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Mammoth 28 ST W:4" G:5" 11 6/2 2 4+ 6+ 5+ Assault Mammoth 25 ST W:4" G:5" 11 6/2 2 4+ 6+ 5+ Brawler Mammoth 24 ST W:4" G:5" 11 6/2 2 4+ 6+ 5+ Gunner Mammoth 24 ST W:4" G:5" 11 6/2 2 4+ 6+ 5+ Command Mammoth 26 ST (CMD) W:4" G:5" 11 6/2 2 4+ 6+ 4+ Anti-Infantry (Mammoth upgrade) +0 - - - - - - - - Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Lynx 4 3/3 1 5+ 4+ - 5 - - - - - HIS (Arm, Burst:1), LHG, LCW (Arm) +LPZ Arms, Agile +1 W:6" G:8" - 4 Armored (Lynx upgrade) IN (0+), ST, HT - Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Weapons Traits HSC (Arm, Precise), Autopilot, MATM (Arm), MRC (FT), Lumbering, MMG (FT+F, Split:2, Auto, TD:0 (Aux) Aux) 2xHSC (Arm, Precise), Autopilot, HRC (FT), MMG (FT+F, Lumbering Split:2, Auto, Aux) 2x HGL (Arm, Precise), Autopilot, HRC (FT), MMG (FT+F, Lumbering Split:2, Auto, Aux) MAC (Arm, Link), HFC Autopilot, (Arm, Link, Split:2), HRC Lumbering (FT), MMG (FT+F, Split:2, Auto, Aux) HSC (Arm, Precise), MRC Arms, Autopilot, (FT), MMG (FT+F, Split:2, AMS, Brawler:2, Auto, Aux), HCW (Arm) Comms:1, ECCM, Init:1, SatUp:5+, Lumbering -MMG, +MAPR Type/ Height Strider 2.5" Strider 2.5" Strider 2.5" Strider 2.5" Strider 2.5" Type/ Height Gear 1" - 85 NORTH MODELS LIST NORTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Thunderhammer Northco / Various Strider 7.8 meters 53,550 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: A four-legged field artillery strider used by Northern forces for close support. Its long legs and large feet allow it to traverse the mountainous regions that are totally impassable by conventional vehicles. Thunderhammers support other Northern forces with their tremendous raw firepower. Klemm Norlight Industries Light Tank 2.5 meters 25,650 kg The Klemm is a light fast tank whose bank of six anti-tank missiles allows it to directly engage heavier enemy armor or provide fire-support for spotter units equipped with target designators. The chassis is very modular for a tank, and has been used as a basis for many variants. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Thunderhammer 28 ST W:4" 11 4/4 2 4+ 6+ 5+ Thunderhammer Lightning Thunderhammer Storm Thunderhammer Flak Thunderhammer Support Bastion (Thunderhammer upgrade) 30 ST W:4" 11 4/4 2 4+ 6+ 5+ 28 ST W:4" 11 4/4 2 4+ 6+ 5+ 20 ST W:4" 11 4/4 2 4+ 6+ 5+ 30 ST W:4" 11 4/4 2 4+ 6+ 5+ +1 IN (0-1) - - - - - - - HAG (T), HAC (T), MRP (FT), APGL HRG (T), HAC (T), MRP (FT), APGL HGM (T, Link), HAC (T), MRP (FT), APGL HAC (FT, AA, Link), MRP (FT), APGL HATM (T), HAC (T), MRP (FT), APGL - Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Klemm 18 LT (0+) G:6" 10 4/4 2 '4+ 6+ 6+ Bandit Hunter Klemm 16 LT (0+) G:6" 10 5/3 2 '4+ 6+ 6+ LAC (FT), MATM (T, Aux), MMG, APGL HRF (T), MRP (T), MMG, APGL Offroad:1, Smoke:3 (Aux) Offroad:1, Smoke:3 (Aux) 86 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Traits Type/ Height Lumbering, Strider Stable 3" Lumbering, Strider Stable 3" Lumbering, Strider Stable 3" Lumbering, Strider Stable 3" AMS, Lumbering, Strider Stable 3" +APC:2 Type/ Height Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH NORTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Tyburr Norlight Industries Light Self-Propelled Gun 2.7 meters 28,900 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Tyburr’s Tank Gun is capable of precisely delivering the armor piercing warhead where it need to go. Currently the Tyburr serves in the Northern Guard’s artillery regiments and support companies and are tasked to defend defensive positions on the outskirts of the various CNCS city-states. Jaxon Northern Motors Light Support Tank 3.4 meters 26,870 kg The Jaxon rocket artillery carrier delivers a firestorm of death over an expanded area. Due to its role as a long ranged support platform, the Jaxon is more lightly armoured than its progenitor. Its fire control system has also been simplified as the wide area saturation effect precludes the need for accuracy. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Tyburr 17 LT (SU) G:6" 10 5/3 2 4+ 6+ 6+ LTG (T), MMG, APGL Jaxon 16 LT (SU) G:6" 9 3/5 2 5+ 6+ 6+ 2x HAR (T), MMG, APGL Stormhammer 16 LT (SU) G:6" 9 3/5 2 5+ 6+ 6+ HFM (T), MMG, APGL Offroad:1, Smoke:3 (Aux) Offroad:1, Smoke:3 (Aux) Offroad:1, Smoke:3 (Aux) Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Stormhammer Norlight Industries Light Support Tank 2.5 meters 24,530 kg The Stormhammer shares many similarities with the Jaxon in terms of durability and accuracy. Unlike the Jaxon however, it is a long range siege platform. Armed with a single heavy field mortar, the high intensity blast generated by this weapon is effective at reducing enemy fortifications. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1.5" Vehicle 1.5" 87 NORTH MODELS LIST NORTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Aller Brok Enterprises Heavy Tank 3.8 meters 67,880 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Aller is an advanced main battle tank design, intended to excel at combat with other armored units. All variants of the Aller carry heavy weaponry and are used to dominate open battlefields. The Naval Support Aller adds a battery of Heavy Anti-Tank missiles and the Hardy Aller with its Heavy Tank Gun threatens a variety of targets. Verder Brok Enterprises Heavy Self-Propelled Gun 3.8 meters 69,200 kg The Verder is a heavy self-propelled gun based on the hull and drive train of the Aller main battle tank. The upper hull of the MBT accommodates the characteristic 200 mm artillery gun and its associated machinery. The Verder is the pride of several Northern artillery units, and the terror of its foes. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Aller 32 HT G:4" 12 5/3 3 4+ 6+ 6+ Naval Support Aller 36 HT (SU) G:4" 12 5/3 3 4+ 6+ 6+ Hardy Aller 32 HT G:4" 12 5/3 3 4+ 6+ 6+ Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Verder 26 HT (SU) G:4" 11 4/4 2 4+ 6+ 6+ HAG (AE:5), MLC (AA) Offroad:1 88 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Weapons Traits HRG (T, Precise), LPL (FT, AA), Offroad:1, HAC (FT), MMG (T, Auto, Aux) Smoke:3 (Aux) HRG (T, Precise), HATM (T, Offroad:1, Aux), LPL (FT, AA), HAC Field Armor (FT), MMG (T, Auto, Aux) HTG (T), HRC (FT, AA), HAC Offroad:1, (FT), MMG (T, Auto, Aux) Smoke:3 (Aux) Type/ Height Vehicle 1.5" Vehicle 1.5" Vehicle 1.5" Type/ Height Vehicle 2" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH NORTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Length: Weight: Dragonfly Paxton VTOL 12.6 meters 8,500 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Widely used throughout the CNCS, the Dragonfly’s actually originated in Peace River. Built to withstand the very worst of Badlands weather, multiple redundant systems keep the hopper in the air making it an excellent choice for combat sorties. The Dragonfly is armed with an autocannon and has anti tank missiles for anti-armor missions. Badger Shaian Mechanics APC Vehicle 2.4 meters 12,627 kg The Badger Armored Personnel Carrier is ubiquitous in the armies of the Confederated Northern City-states. Good speed, armor, and reliable armament have made it a staple of all northern infantry regiments. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Dragonfly VTOL (North) 16 VL (0+) F:12" H:12" 6 4/4 2 4+ 3+ 6+ MAC (FT+F, AA), LATM (Aux), LSAM (Aux) Agile, TD:1 Model Alpha Testing Scorpion VTOL (Alpha Testing) TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 26 VL (0+) F:10" H:10" 9 3/5 2 4+ 4+ 5+ MAC (FT+F, AA), 2x MATM (Aux), MAR (Link) Agile, TD:1 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Badger 6 CV, IN, GP G:7" 6 4/4 1 5+ 6+ 6+ LAC (FT, Link) APC:2 Cavalry Badger 8 CV, FS G:7" 6 4/4 1 5+ 6+ 6+ MRP (T, Link) APC:2 Rabid Badger 8 CV G:7" 6 4/4 1 5+ 6+ 6+ LATM (T) APC:2 Medical Badger 3 IN G:7" 6 4/4 1 5+ 6+ 6+ - APC:1, Medic Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Length: Weight: Type/ Height Vehicle 4" Type/ Height Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Scorpion Northco-Applefish VTOL 12.5 meters 10,000 kg Gear pilots that survive an encounter with a Scorpion gunship often have traumatic responses to the characteristic sounds of it’s counter-rotating blades. The only weak spot on the Scorpion is the blades though even the propulsion system is highly resistant to damage and Scorpions have been recorded returning to base with over 40% damage to lift surfaces. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Vehicle 3" 89 NORTH MODELS LIST NORTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Stinger Davender Industries Missile Platform Vehicle 2.9 meters 5,120 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Wallaby ATV The Stinger is based on the popular Camel transport truck that has been retrofitted with a large air burst missile launcher. The truck’s sturdy frame has six large wheels attached to a heavy-duty suspension. Antelope Various Jeep Vehicle 2.1 meters 1,025 kg There are a wide range of infantry vehicles that see use across the battlefields of Terra Nova. The Antelope and Wallaby are some of the more common varieties found within the borders of the CNCS and their associated territories. These vehicles are not fancy or durable but they do get the job done, and in the infantry that’s really all that counts. Field Gun Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Stinger 4 IN (SU) G:7" 4 2/4 1 5+ 6+ 6+ LABM (T), LMG Antelope 3 G:9" 4 2/4 1 5+ 4+ 5+ MMG Comms:1 Wallaby 2 CV (0+), IN (0+) IN (0+) G:11" 2 3/0 1 5+ 4+ 6+ MIW Agile Field Gun 4 IN (SU) G:2" 4 3/0 1 5+ 6+ - LFG (Stabilizer) Towed Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits IN (0+), GP, FS IN, FS I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ HIW (AE:2") I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIW, MAVM IN, FS I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIW, HIM IN, GP I:3" 2 2/0 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Stealth IN, GP I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 4+ LIW, MIS (AP:1, Precise, Silent, Stabilizer) LIW - - - - - - - - - +Airdrop Grenadier 2 Infantry Squad Anti-tank Infantry 4 Squad Mortar Infantry 4 Squad Sniper Infantry 3 Team Recon Infantry 3 Squad +1 Paratroopers (Infantry Squad & Team upgrade) 90 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Traits TD:1 Type/ Height Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Infantry 0.5" Vehicle 1” Type/ Height Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" - Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NORTH NORTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Bricklayer Northco Engineering Gear 5.0 meters 6,246 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Bricklayer engineering gear is based off the popular Hunter chassis. It has no canopy, head assembly, and has a reduced sensor system. The pilot sits slightly higher than in the Hunter, and is protected only by a sturdy steel roll cage. When needed Bricklayers can be used as a light trooper Gears in combat engineering squads. Engineering Grizzly Northco / Shaian Mechanics Engineering Gear 5.1 meters 8,940 kg The Engineering Grizzly is a field engineering vehicle based on the basic frame and chassis of the Grizzly fire support vehicle. While it suffers from a similar set of issues as the Bricklayer, it is a sturdy recovery vehicle that can be armed for military operations. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Bricklayer 5 EG (0+), IN (0-1) W:5" G:6" 4 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LCW (Reach: 1"), LHG (Arm), LSE (Arm) Arms, Recovery, Smoke, Vuln:F Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Engineering Grizzly 8 EG (0+), IN (0-1) W:4" G:6" 6 3/3 1 5+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), HCW (Reach: 1"), MHG (Arm), MSE (Arm) Arms, Brawler:2, Recovery, Vuln:F Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 2" 91 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) THE SOUTH - SWORDS OF PRIDE SWORDS OF PRIDE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.0 THE ALLIED SOUTHERN TERRITORIES [AST] The Southern hemisphere of Terra Nova is dominated by the Allied Southern Territories. Far from a confederation of equals, the AST is a puppet used by the Southern Republic to maintain control of its conquered vassal-states. The AST is nominally governed by the Curia, but since all twentyfive members of the Curia are appointed by the Estates-General of the Southern Republic, it is far from independent. The most important members of the Curia are the three Lord Chancellors, each assigned to supervise one of the three vassal Leagues and the Lord Protector, who supposedly controls the entire AST. The Curia’s influence over day-to-day life is minimal. Most affairs are handled by the AST’s massive bureaucracy, which advises and assists the governments of the vassal Leagues. The bureaucracy is widely regarded as corrupt and useless, but the political climate of the South makes change difficult. 92 Jacques Molay, the current Lord Protector, has broken with tradition by ruling largely independently of the EstatesGeneral. Under Molay, the Curia has become increasingly authoritarian and the MILICIA has frequently been deployed into Southern cities to maintain order, quell rebellions and suppress dissent. Those who publicly oppose Molay frequently disappear and he has gone as far as to have members of the Curia who vote against him executed for treason. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) THE SOUTH - SWORDS OF PRIDE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE SOUTHERN REPUBLIC SOUTH The most populous League on Terra Nova, the Southern Republic is the true master of the Allied Southern Territories. The Republic was built through violent conquest, with a handful of city-states on the border of Lake Esperance (Terra Nova’s largest body of water) taking control of their neighbors. Most Republicans celebrate their superior culture, which embraces diversity and personal freedom. From the shores of Ashanti, where clothing is not just optional but unusual, to the sophisticated arts and entertainment of Port Oasis, to the simple rural farmers that feed the Republic’s 100 million mouths, a multitude of diverse peoples live in harmony. The Republic’s relations with the rest of Terra Nova have never been quite as harmonious and the Southern Republic has many enemies. The Northern Lights Confederacy’s evangelistic Sorrento Revisionism and antagonism towards Southern culture particularly worries most Republicans. Despite a short period of fellowship after the War of the Alliance, fears of the North have again become widespread. The EstatesGeneral has responded to popular demand and ordered the MILICIA to operate more aggressively in the Badlands to defend against the Northern threat and help Badlands communities rebuff Northern attempts to manipulate their affairs. While the Republic’s culture may be free, its government is not. Dissent and criticism are not tolerated. The Republic’s secret police, Les Témoins, are ever-vigilant and those who challenge the powerful have a way of disappearing. Many political parties exist, but all have largely identical platforms and those that break the mold rarely capture more than a handful of seats. Most Republicans accept these things without question as aspects of the Republic’s cultural superiority. THE MEKONG DOMINION The Mekong Dominion is the economic stronghold of the South. While many of the AST’s factories are located in the Emirates or the Republic, most are owned wholly or partly by Mekong corporations and are dependent on raw materials from Mekong’s rich Yung An basin and lowlands. Mekong itself is ruled by the CEOs of those same corporations, called Taipans and only those who own stock in a Taipan’s corporation are considered citizens. Regular stock gifts to loyal employees keep most of the population in line, but the Dominion’s large underclass has few rights. The Dominion is minimally armed. The Mekongese prefer canny economical and social manipulation to gross force and people who exercise good business sense, especially at the expense of the less clever, are widely well-regarded. This attitude has given the Dominion considerable behind-the-scenes influence over the AST. Taipan Aaron Logan has been using this power to push for a more aggressive foreign policy, demanding more direct authority over the MILICIA to protect Dominion business interests. Speaker Miyako Sogabe, his chief opponent, has taken a less confrontational route, advocating greater justice in internal policies and benevolence in foreign relations. She seeks to use the MILICIA and the Peacekeepers – the Dominion’s dual-purpose law enforcement and security organization – to protect others from their enemies without directly controlling them, placing them in the Dominion’s debt. THE EASTERN SUN EMIRATES The once-proud Eastern Sun Emirates have become more of an ongoing civil war than a functioning League. The Emirates are governed by a feudal aristocracy. Each city-state is ruled by one or more Emirs, descendants of the officers of the HCS Eastern Sun. The Emirs have traditionally been bound together by their loyalty to each other and to the Patriarch or Matriarch, a descendant of the Eastern Sun’s captain. Since the Southern Republic conquered the Emirates, they have installed a succession of weak, disinterested, abusive or hedonistic Emirs, Patriarchs and Matriarchs, who have strained these bonds to the breaking point. The current Patriarch, Oliver Masao, is widely seen as the worst of the lot. Several Emirs, led by Nigel Shirow of Basal, are in open rebellion and the MILICIA has been deployed to help the Patriarch’s Guard keep the revolt from spreading further. The Emirates’ aristocratic government is coupled with a strict caste system. Like the bonds between Emirs, the bonds between the lower classes and their Emirs have deteriorated under the Southern Republic’s rule. While the Emirates’ culture is still splendid, it leans more towards decadence than elegance and the lives of the lower classes are frequently squalid, miserable and short. The Emirs have kept the population in line with ready access to blood sports and other visceral entertainment. Popular uprisings have still been frequent, but before Shirow, none had the support of any Emir. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 93 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE SOUTH - SWORDS OF PRIDE THE HUMANIST ALLIANCE Occupying the wide expanses of the Tobian Plains, the Humanist Alliance is the oldest and most technologically advanced league on the planet. For centuries, the league was ruled by a three-tiered caste system with the preceptor caste, or scientist caste, overseeing the league’s government. SOUTH In the postwar cycles, the Humanist Alliance secretly opened negotiations with the marooned CEF forces. In exchange for technology, the Humanist Alliance would provide material resources to Port Arthur and their Badland’s allies, which later became NuCoal. By TN1934 the full effect of the Humanist Alliance subversion had been discovered by the Southern Republic, and in retaliation Prime Minister DeRouen ordered the release of the Twin Falcon Contingent, a biological weapon designed to kill the preceptor caste. In TN1936 the virus had erupted in Thebes and quickly spread throughout the Alliance and beyond. By the time the virus was under control, the Humanist Alliance saw its preceptor caste virtually annihilated by the Theban Blight. As a humanitarian gesture, the Southern Republic attempted the complete annexation of the Humanist Alliance, sparking the exodus of the HAPF, who actively fought against the Southern Republic and MILICIA forces during the Interpolar War. In the years following the war what remained of Humanist Alliance was annexed by the Southern Republic. MILITARY HISTORY OF THE SOUTH Yuri Gropius STABILITY AND CHAOS The concept of a League of city-states was born TN 1479 in the Southern city-state of Tanalom. Inspired by the history of Greater Samarkand during Earth’s Ice Age and pre-historic philosophers like Plato, Yuri Gropius developed the philosophy of Humanism. During an era when city-states eyed their neighbors with distrust, Rover bands terrorized rural communities and wars between city-states were commonplace, Gropius’ vision of peace, prosperity and cooperation was novel and revolutionary. Over the next 30 cycles, seven city-states joined into a single League under the banner of the Humanist Alliance, united by Gropius’ ideals. Countless others across the planet were inspired by his vision and began creating alliances of their own. The Eastern Sun Emirates were founded near the fledgling Alliance in TN1492. This collection of city-states was welded together not by a shared vision, but by the power of the officers of a crashed Concordat gateship and their monopoly over advanced technology. The rest of the South took much longer to achieve stability and wars between city-states were fierce and frequent. One such extended war of conflict, instigated by Marabou, united all the city-stated on the shores of Lake Esperance into the Southern Republic in TN1545. The Republic continued to expand through wars of conquest until its borders butted up against the Mekong Dominion and Humanist Alliance, when it found itself unable to overpower the armed forces of either League. 94 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) THE SOUTH - SWORDS OF PRIDE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 ALLIANCE OF THE SEPARATE AND UNEQUAL SOUTH The balance of power between the four Leagues of the South remained relatively even for much of the TN1600s. The difficult terrain and frequent internal troubles, such as civil wars, revolts and banditry, precluded the widespread inter-League warfare that characterized the Northern hemisphere. The Southern Leagues were far from friendly and a palpable atmosphere of hostility remained, but none had the power to do anything about it. This changed in TN1679, when Southern Republic spies obtained a prototype of the Hunter from the WFP. The Republic’s own walker combat vehicle program scientists were given the prototype to reverse-engineer and copy and the Jäger was quickly put into mass production. Armed with this new weapon, the Southern Republican Army (SRA) was able to quickly and easily traverse terrain that had formerly posed an impassible barrier to invasion. The stable, advanced Humanist Alliance and the rich Mekong Dominion were the Republic’s first targets. After a few tentative battles, the Mekong Dominion’s Taipans decided that a war with the Republic would be unprofitable and willingly submitted to the invaders. This freed up SRA resources for assaults on the Humanist Alliance and Eastern Sun Emirates. By TN1681, the entire Southern hemisphere had – one way or another – acknowledged the superiority of the Republic and formed the Allied Southern Territories. THE MILICIA Initially, each of the Leagues of the Allied Southern Territories was responsible for maintaining a standing army for self-defense. The Republic, being larger and more prosperous than its neighbors, voluntarily chose to maintain its larger, better-trained Republican Army to keep order in the AST and help the other Leagues defend themselves against foreign threats. This worked well enough before the formation of the Confederated Northern CityStates (CNCS) and the Dominion Peacekeepers, with some help from the SRA, were able to solidly defeat the United Mercantile Federation Army in the Merchant War of TN1688. The formation of the CNCS changed this and concern over the defensive readiness of the South abounded. It was clearly unfair to expect the Southern Republic to shoulder the burden of building an army big enough to protect the South against the CNCS alone. At one of the regular summits held to allow the local rulers of the South’s member-cities and Leagues to consult with the Curia, a solution for this inequality was proposed. Rather than requiring the individual Leagues to increase the size of their armies to match the Republican Army – an impossible task – a subordinate force would be created to support the Republican Army. The MILitary Intervention and Counter-Insurgency Army (MILICIA) would protect Southern interests in the Badlands and help keep order in the AST itself. Rather than requiring any one League to support it, the MILICIA would be funded by tax money and made up of conscripts from throughout the AST. The distinctly Anglic name was a compromise, as the other Leagues of the South had not yet adopted the Republic’s Universal French. THE ST. VINCENT’S WAR The first real test of the newly-formed MILICIA was the St. Vincent’s War. In TN1723, a sandstorm uncovered the remains of a cargo ship that had crashed and been lost in the Badlands during the Concordat era. MILICIA units in the region quickly responded and claimed the wreck for the AST, only to be challenged for possession by a Northern Guard unit that arrived mere hours later. Dishonorable conduct on the part of both commanders lead to a battle and the release of an airborne plague. All but a tiny minority of adults were immune to the disease, but it had killed five percent of Terra Nova’s children and crippled another five percent by the time it was cured. The CNCS and AST were outraged at the release of the virus and, seeking a way to restore their honor, accused each other of culpability in the release of the virus. When both proved unwilling to admit wrongdoing, a full-scale war broke out between the two superpowers. The devastating, six-cycle war was mostly fought on the part of the South by the MILICIA. Since they had been involved in the incident which caused the conflict, they were honor-bound to resolve it. The Southern League armies aided the MILICIA when they could, but were mostly occupied with keeping order in the wake of the plague and, as the war dragged on, economic and political disruption. Even though it should never have happened, the St. Vincent’s War demonstrated the value of the MILICIA and the power of the AST. The St. Vincent’s War also proved the viability of the Gear concept, but highlighted the flaws in relying on the Jäger alone. Heavy Gears were used more frequently and in new ways over the course of the war and Southern military planners began designing additional Gears to fill more specialized roles. The “Serpent Series” (composed of the Rattlesnake light trooper/ recon Gear, the Copperhead heavy trooper and the Anaconda fire-support Gear) was a great success and served the South with distinction through the mid TN1800s. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 95 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE SOUTH - SWORDS OF PRIDE THE BARRINGTON CAMPAIGN SOUTH The South lost many of its most experienced soldiers in the St. Vincent’s War and the period of economic depression and civil unrest that followed had left the Southern armed forces in a very sad state indeed. Fortunately, a series of skirmishes with the North over trade routes and natural resources in the Barrington Basin gave the South, particularly the MILICIA, the conflict it needed to retrain and rebuild its armed forces. Although the Barrington Campaign cost many lives, it re-asserted Southern supremacy and proved invaluable as a combat trial for the new Gear designs developed after the St. Vincent’s War. THE VEHICLE MODERNIZATION PROGRAM By the middle of the 19th century TN, the Serpent Series and the venerable Jäger were showing their age. While still superior to most Northern Gears, Southern intelligence analysts predicted that Northern technological developments would soon completely overshadow their capabilities. In TN1843, the Republican Army initiated the Vehicle Modernization Program (VModProg). Many of the Gear designs created by VModProg or their modern descendants are still in service with the armies of the South, including the Basilisk, Sidewinder, Desert Viper and the “Alpha” revision of the Jäger. THE WAR OF THE ALLIANCE The arrival of the New Earth Commonwealth’s Colonial Expeditionary Force in TN1913 caused a great deal of disruption in the South. Across the hemisphere, long-laid plans were forcibly set aside as dozens of heavily-armed spaceships appeared in Terra Nova’s skies and frightening, powerful weapons of war were disgorged onto the planet’s surface. Using rivers and railway clearings to travel quickly through the jungle, the CEF’s Southern Expeditionary Force cut deep into the Mekong Dominion before the Mekong Peacekeepers or the MILICIA could organize an effective response. Only at the gates of Mekong City itself were the invaders turned back. The initial Southern victories were marred by the loss of much of the South’s powerful industrial machine. Orbital bombardment and the CEF’s advance through the Dominion destroyed the mass-production infrastructure the Southern armies relied on to feed their demands for war machines. The lines dedicated to the new Black Mamba and Spitting Cobra designs were particularly hard-hit, depriving the South of the advanced Gears its military planners had come to rely on. The CEF fleet was quickly driven out of orbit by a combined drone assault launched by both confederations, preventing further devastation and a hastily-formed alliance with the CNCS allowed the AST to purchase Jaguars to fill their need for advanced Gears. This allowed the South’s remaining production lines to be dedicated to the mass-production of Jägers and Iguanas, which could be used to drive back the CEF with sheer weight of numbers. The CEF advance into the Dominion and the neighboring Emirates had stalled completely by the end of TN1914. Heavy fighting continued in the deep jungles, but neither side made much headway. The thick vegetation prevented the CEF from making good offensive use of their hovertanks, but greatly increased the power of their GREL infantry. Likewise, the South could not use their heavy landships or armor to dislodge the CEF, but found their Gears incredibly effective. Many Southern Gear designs acquitted themselves well in the intense jungle fighting, but casualties were high. In Winter TN1916, the CEF Fleet returned to Terra Nova and landed 80,000 troops on the Badlands city-state of Baja before being driven from orbit once more. The city’s defenders were quickly overwhelmed and the new CEF force attempted to open a new front in the war. They were quickly defeated by a combined offensive by the Terra Nova Alliance composed of fresh troops from the both sides, notable due to the direct leadership of Lang Regina and Kenichi Tanaka, who became good friends during this time. A Season-long siege lead to the destruction of the CEF Baja detachment by mid-Summer. This was the incentive needed for Paxton Arms to enter the conflict on the side of the Terra Novan Alliance in Autumn TN1916. Paxton’s participation proved the last straw for the CEF invaders and the main CEF base in the Barrington Basin surrendered in Spring TN1917. 96 Despite the valiant efforts of the soldiers that formed an unyielding wall between the South and its enemies, the War of the Alliance left the AST in a sorry state. Its industries and armed forces had been crippled by the intense, prolonged warfare. Even as reconstruction efforts caused the Southern economy to enter a post-war boom period, the inability of the MILICIA and SRA to effectively maintain order prompted another boom – this one in terrorist activity, uprisings and civil unrest. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) THE SOUTH - SWORDS OF PRIDE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE INTERPOLAR WAR SOUTH In the esteemed past of the AST the needs of the people often balanced the needs of the state through the ever present political power play between the office of the Lord Protector and the Curia. By the time of the Interpolar War however, that balance had tipped considerably in the favour of the then Lord Protector Jacques Molay. A politically aggressive man Molay had amassed enough power and influence in as much that he often bypassed the Curia without even a second thought. As with any civilization led by a tyrant, the AST slowly began to eye what their neighbors had with hungry eyes. While the AST’s coveting of the CNCS’s Badlands holdings did not start the war it was a major contributing factor to its occurrence. Often the brazenness and audacity of their incursions brought the blood of their Northern neighbors to boil. This was especially so whenever they encroached upon the Revisionists holy city of Massada. While there was no concrete evidence to ever link the AST to the assassination of Thor Hutchison it none the less led to an all out open war between both Polar powers. As MILICIA and Northern Guard regiments danced their deadly ballet of war, they often encroached upon other sovereign powers in the Badlands. Often these third parties would be drawn into the fray in a desperate attempt to protect their own lands from the bickering giants. Eventually this led to Terra Novan’s as a whole rising up in protest to call an end to the war. Peace would come however, but at a price. The destruction of Peace River forced Molay to set aside his “Swords of Pride” and for the first time in his career, listen to what his people wanted. THE WAR FOR TERRA NOVA For the AST the war against the invading forces of the CEF began much earlier. As a prelude to invasion the Southern Republic city of Marabou was destroyed by orbital bombardment. The attack dealt a major blow to morale as the loss of both the civilian population and a key defensive position had been total and absolute. This effectively opened up the Esperance front in which 4 CEF Korps descended upon the city of Port Oasis. Despite this however a tenacious defence saw as much of a full third on the landing forces destroyed in their drop pods. Learning from their failures of the past, the CEF had been making planet fall near or directly on densely populated zones. On the Mekong front, Loyang came under a withering assault. Despite the unconventional CEF tactics Peacekeeper regiments held their ground and protected the city by using their familiarity with the dense jungle terrain to their advantage. Despite this victory however the armies of the South had to taste bitter defeat when they city of Yung An and by extension control of the Gamma Maglev in the region fell to the combined might of 3 CEF Korps . In the Pacifica front 4 CEF Korps were deployed between the cities of Thebes and Strathclyde. Not willing to risk being caught from the rear the Korps were split to capture both cities simultaneously. While Thebes was heavily defended by a score of HAPF regiments and the 10th MILICIA Infantry legion the defence of Strathclyde was left to the various Emirate retinues and 3 MILICIA legions. The Emirate retinues led by Nigel Shirow waged a masterful guerrilla war against the Earthly invaders and once again the CEF is discovering just how venomous the warriors of the South are. 97 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE SOUTH - SWORDS OF PRIDE SOUTH MEDALS OF VALOR Order of the Eagle Eagle with Laurels Legion d’Honneur Crimson Sun Blood Crest Ruby Tear The SRA, MILCIA, and MDPK all use medals of valor in their forces as a means to promote ideals of heroism and sacrifice. In the SRA, the most prestigious medal is the Order of the Eagle with Laurels. This award is rarely given, and when it is dispensed, it is usually posthumously. The Order of the Eagle without the laurel device is more common and given regularly for acts of valor. The equivalent to the Order of the Eagle with Laurels for the MILICIA is the Legion d’Honneur, while the Crimson Sun is given as a standard recognition of valor, but many soldiers in the MILICIA note that the Crimson Sun has less to do with valor and more to do with political connections. The Mekong Dominion Peacekeepers generally disdain worldly comforts and practice Zentai Buddhism, but they do have one award that is allowed to them for valor: the Mark of Station. The Mark of Station is a individually crafted daisho (paired swords) given to the constable in recognition of martial prowess. While the constable is allowed to wear their katana and wakazashi in public, most constables only wear them during times of war. Gear pilots who have been given the honor also receive a vibro katana for their Gear. WOUND BADGES War inevitably leads to combat injuries and the SRA and MILICIA recognize the sacrifices of their soldiers with wound badges. The SRA gives out the Blood Crest, a shield-shaped medal with the Southern Republic’s Falcon. The award is unofficially called the “grunt’s crest” due to the disproportionate number of infantrymen that receive the award. In the MILICIA, the Ruby Tear is the standard award, but most soldiers choose not to display it, as it only serves as a reminder of their injuries. An unofficial variation of this award called the “crocodile tear” is given to Southern officers transferred into the MILICIA in recognition of their wounded pride and the death of their careers. KILL MARKERS SRA Pelts Order of Charon A long standing tradition among pilots for thousands of years, kill markers represent the unofficial method of tabulating the number enemies destroyed by the pilot. During times of war, most southern forces encourage the use of kill markers to breed competition among pilots. In the Southern Republic Army, the practice is officially frowned upon, but the practice is unofficially encouraged. SRA kill markers are called pelts and feature a small disk with a mammal emblazoned on it. As the pilot earns more kills, the plain animal is upgraded to a spotted one at five and stripes at twenty. Within the MILICIA, joining the ranks of the Order of Charon is considered the most important recognition to the pilots. Upon the pilot’s first kill, the regiment’s Order issues a black colored skull. In both militaries, the first kill is invariably followed by a raucous celebratory party. In the Peacekeepers kill markers are not worn on the uniform, but are painted onto their vehicles or Gears. Peacekeepers maintain kill markers as tallies in remembrance of the lives they have taken in conducting their duties. The Humanist Alliance only records kills for official record purposes and as a determiner for performance evaluations. Within the ESE, kill markers vary as wildly as the different types of retinues. High performing pilots are usually given cash rewards rather than medals. CAMPAIGN RIBBONS Campaign and service ribbons mark the cycles spent in the military and the different zones or battles the soldier has been involved in during the course of his or her career. Every league and the MILICIA make use of some sort of means to note this on their uniforms. For most soldiers, the service and campaign ribbons indicate the level of competence at a quick glance. MILICIA SRA BLACK ARMBAND 98 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) The Legion Noire in the SRA occasionally recruits individuals, or in some cases whole units, to act as auxiliaries for its missions. The chosen are always elite and receive additional training by the Legion Noire before entering the Allied Auxiliaries. These members are allowed to wear a special black armband to denote their affiliation with the elite special forces unit. THE SOUTH - SWORDS OF PRIDE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 ALLIED SOUTHERN TERRITORIES MILICIA RANKING STRUCTURE AST MILICIA OFFICERS Sous-Lieutenant Lieutenant Sous-Commandant Commandant Sous-Prefect Prefect Consul SOUTH AST MILICIA NCO’s & ENLISTED MEN Soldat Sous-Caporal Caporal Sous-Sergent Sergent Sous-Adjutant Adjutant Adjutant-Chef Major SOUTHERN DOCTRINE Southern armies are highly varied in doctrine and style. Most of the League armies are very limited in scope and function, while the MILICIA and SRA follow similar, although divergent, philosophies regarding tactics and deployment. One thing does remain constant throughout the Southern forces. In stark contrast to the North, Southern units are not just capable of performing multiple roles, but have been expressly designed to do so. Even when outfitted for a specific task, each cadre can fill in where it is needed and can operate fairly well on its own, although working in concert always produces the best results. In fact, a cadre may be used for different roles within a campaign and sometimes within the a single battle. The largest single outside factor affecting doctrine in all Southern forces is social stratification. The HAPF is affected by their caste system, the Emirate forces by their feudal oath and the SRA by their internal patronage. Indeed, the Mekong Peacekeepers stand out simply because social rank has no correspondence with military rank. Unfortunately, the MILICIA is very much affected by social interweaving. A force of conscripts from four Leagues, League military rejects and the occasional volunteer, disciplinary problems abound throughout the MILICIA. Ordinary soldiers are generally treated as being “underlings” and the resulting gap between officers and the ranks is very reminiscent of the French army of the Napoleonic era. While this gap is present in the SRA and other League armies, the MILICIA takes it to the extreme. On base, soldiers are given lighter meals early in the day and a larger meal at night. While in the field, they are given only one (poor) meal and the unit is expected to forage, steal or otherwise find its own food. This has a very profound impact on strategies and tactics for the South. When in the field in friendly territory, an extra “meal tax” is levied on nearby urban areas. In hostile territory, standard operating procedure is very much “pillage and steal” if only so the common soldier can steal enough food and water to survive. On mission, soldiers also sleep in or beneath their vehicles for warmth and base accommodation is very spartan. Denial of meals and the accompanying soft drug rations (similar to rum or cigarette rations in older armies) is used as a primary discipline measure. Officers always at least have a tent or trailer to sleep in and often have their own accompanying mess tent with chefs. 99 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH FORCES SOUTH FORCES: A Generic South Force may be constructed using only the South Models List. This is the default option and should be used when learning the game rules. All the models in the South Models List can be used in any of the sub-lists below. These Sub-Lists allow players to add additional specialized upgrades to their models as they collect their Force. SOUTH SUB LISTS: MILICIA - MILitary Intervention Counter Insurgency Army (South Sub-List): If the SRA is the elite of the South militaries then the MILICIA is the opposite. Except for some elite units their forces are conscripts and criminals, dregs of other armed forces whose commanders looked for ways to conveniently reassign them. Despite this they are fierce fighters who know that the only ones they can count on is each other. Often at the forefront of combat operations in the South the MILICIA has a reputation as a dangerous opponent.  Combined Arms Specialists: Support units must be of a model type other than the model types of the primary unit they are attached to. Models with a UA of only SU are exempt from the Combined Arms Specialists rule.  Conscripts (Upgrade): Add the Conscript trait to all non-commander and non-duelist models in the Force. Reduce the Threat point Value of all models with the conscript trait by -1TV per action. Conscripts may not be veterans.  Stripped Down (Upgrade): Any model with a Unit Availability of GP or RC may upgraded with the Stripped Down trait for 0TV. Any model with this trait adds 2” to its Movement Rating but has -1 Hull Rating and +1 Structure rating. Example a Stripped Down Jager would have H/S:3/3 instead of 4/2.  Second Line: This army may not use the Elite force option. SRA - Southern Republican Army (South Sub-List Force): The SRA is a multifaceted professional army of the highest caliber and know themselves to be superior in all ways, culturally and militarily. Hierarchy is very important to the SRA and success on the battlefield leads to many more opportunities both socially, and economically. To be a member of the SRA is to know that you are the best, the envy and bogeyman of of other forces everywhere.  Well Supported: Each Primary Unit in this Force may have two Support units. The number of actions in the Support units may not exceed the standard number of actions for a Support unit: Example: A Primary unit of 5 actions may have up to two Support units of up to 3 actions total.  Leaders: All southern commanders gain the Init:1 trait or improve their Initiative trait rating by 1. All commanders gain the Reach:1” trait on their VB melee weapon if they have one.  Specialized Training: Any combat group that contains only one model type (Gear, Infantry, vehicle, etc) gains 1 additional Command Point for the unit Commander. MK - Mekong Dominion (South Sub-List + Allies: North/Peace River/NuCoal): Powerful economically the Mekong are known to prefer targeted actions or subterfuge instead of face to face confrontations. Corporate influence is total and the harsh working conditions lead to many worker revolts. The elite Military Police are often seconded to mercenary and regular army units to provide additional brawn, and motivation. Once their missions are complete the officers reinforce their corporate backers interests with gusto.  Family Connections: The Commanding Officers (CO) unit must be upgraded to a Veteran unit and all models must purchase the Veteran Upgrade if they do not already have it.  Allies: Choose North, Peace River, or NuCoal. The army may include Support units with a Unit Availability of GP, SK, FS, and RC chosen from that Faction Model List.  Police State: One Military Police (MP) unit may be upgraded to veteran for 1TV per model, this is in addition to the normal single Veteran unit choice.  Armories: Reduce the cost of grenades and shaped explosives by half. ESE - Eastern Sun Emirates (South Sub-List + Allies:North/South/NuCoal): Perpetually in turmoil, the various Emirates maintain armed forces more to continue the bid for overall power than to protect against outside invaders. War in the Emirates is an extension of politics and allies one week will turn on each other the next. With their need for replacements far outstripping their local supply the Emirs must make deals and purchases from any arms manufacturer who will see them. Failure in the Emirates is met with harsh repercussion but success leads to a life of luxury and renown.  Political Appointees: Add an Executive Officer (XO) or a Second in Command (2iC) to each unit for 1TV (See 18.0).  Allies: Choose North, Peace River, or NuCoal. The army may include Support Units with a Unit Availability of GP, SK, FS, and RC chosen from that Faction Model List.  Basilisk Upgrade: Any model from the South Model List with a Unit Availability of GP, SK, or FS may be upgraded with the Basilisk trait for +1TV. Models with the Basilisk trait have +1” Movement Rating, and have the Sensors:18” trait when braced. HAPF - Humanist Alliance Protection Force (Historical): The Humanist Alliance was the target of a violent coup by the Southern Republic and a portion of its population and most of its military immigrated and joined the New Coalition (NuCoal). What remained was production facilities and cities of what could have been a utopian society. The Southern Republic is now busy populating the abandoned Humanist facilities but are vainly searching for the greatest prizes that the research center of White Mountain was fabled to hold. Where these treasures have been moved to is now a mystery. 100  A HAPF army can be played as a standard Southern force with an emphasis on Strider and Hovertank units. For the current HAPF list please see the listing with the NuCoal forces. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Jager Territorial Arms Trooper Gear 4.3 meters 6,637 kg Code Name: Sidewinder Manufacturer: Territorial Arms / Dynamic Systems Unit Type: Heavy Trooper Gear Height: 4.4 meters Weight: 6,950 kg The oldest and most basic of the Gears fielded by Southern forces, the Jager started its existence as a shameless copy of the North’s Hunter. Indeed, Republican commandos stole a Hunter prototype and engineers created a near-exact copy for operations at the end of the Southern War which created the Allied Southern Territories. Model TV Jager 6 Striking Jager 7 Jager Gunner 7 Brawler Jager 7 Blitz Jager 8 Flamm Jager 7 Command (Jager upgrade) +1 Model TV UA Sidewinder 10 GP, SK Sidewinder Sniper Sidewinder Striker Sidewinder Riotmaster Command (Sidewinder upgrade) 10 GP, SK 11 SK 10 GP +1 +(CMD) Stephen Belz (order #8710802) UA MR The Sidewinder and its variants may be represented by a Copperhead model, shown above. The Sidewinder was designed when the survival of carefully trained Gear pilots was deemed a priority to an understaffed Republican military force. The torso and head armor was thicker around the cockpit, forming a heavily protected “box” that surrounded the pilot making this Gear popular with pilots. AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LHG, LVB (Arm) Arms 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Arms 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ - - - - - 5+ LBZ (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LAC (Arm), LATM (LA:2), LVB (Arm) MFL (Arm), LRP (Fire:0), LVB (Arm) - Arms, Resist Fire +Comms:1 MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" - 7 3/3 1 3+ 4+ 6+ Arms 7 3/3 1 3+ 4+ 6+ 7 3/3 1 3+ 4+ 6+ 7 3/3 1 3+ 4+ 6+ - - - - - 5+ MAC (Arm), MRP, APGL, LCW (Arm) MRF (Arm), LPG (Arm), LGM, APGL, LCW (Arm) MBZ (Arm), LPG (Arm), LGM, APGL, LCW (Arm) MFC (Arm), MRP, APGL, LCW (Arm) - GP (0+), W:5" SK, FS, G:6" ST, HT GP, SK, FS W:5" G:6" GP, SK, FS W:5" G:6" GP, SK W:5" G:6" SK W:5" G:6" GP, SK W:5" G:6" +(CMD) - Arms Arms Arms Arms Arms Arms +Comms:1. SatUp:6+ (Aux) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 101 SOUTH MODELS LIST SOUTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Black Mamba Territorial Arms Strike Gear 4.6 meters 6,500 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The current cutting edge in Southern Gear design, the Black Mamba is a relatively recent Gear that has had a serious impact on the Terra Novan military scene. The Mamba is the result of the modernization program that swept the Southern military just before the War of the Alliance. Diamondback Mandeers Heavy Industry / Dynamic Systems Strike Gear 4.6 meters 6,575 kg The latest design to be produced by Mandeers Heavy Industry and engineering experts out of Dynamic Systems, the Diamondback Gear is a culmination of two decades of development. The result is a heavy trooper Gear that can outlast any other gear in its class without compromising on weapons. Black Mamba with Razorfang upgrade. Model TV Black Mamba 11 UA MR SK (0+), FS, W:6" RC (CMD), G:7" PT (CMD) Strike Black 11 SK, FS W:6" Mamba G:7" Brawler Black 11 SK W:6" Mamba G:7" Longfang Black 12 SK W:6" Mamba G:7" Blazing Black 12 SK W:6" Mamba G:7" Blitz Black Mamba 12 SK, FS W:6" G:7" Razorfang (Black +1 +(CMD) Mamba upgrade) AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Airdrop 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ - - - - - 4+ LBZ (Arm), LRP, APGL, Agile, Arms, LVB (Arm) Airdrop MGL (Arm), LAPR, APGL, Agile, Arms, LVB (Arm) Airdrop MAC (Arm), MRP (Link), Agile, Arms, LVB (Arm) Airdrop MRL (Arm), LRP, APGL, Agile, Arms, LVB (Arm) Airdrop MAC (Arm), LATM (LA:2), Agile, Arms, APGL, LVB (Arm) Airdrop SatUp:6+ (Aux) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Diamondback 9 SK 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Strike 10 Diamondback Gunner 10 Diamondback Support(Diamondback +1 upgrade) SK W:5" G:7" W:5" G:7" W:5" G:7" - 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ - - - - - - MAC (Arm), MAPR, APGL, LVB (Arm) MBZ (Arm), MAPR, APGL, LVB (Arm) HAC (Arm), MAPR, APGL, LVB (Arm) -MAPR, +MAR Arms, Brawler:1, Field Armor Arms, Brawler:1, Field Armor Arms, Brawler:1, Field Armor - 102 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SK - Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Asp Territorial Arms Light Trooper Gear 4.4 meters 5,440 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Asp was specifically developed to be a low cost garrison Gear and in this role it excels. As a result, the Asp is well protected against infantry heavy weapons and even versus some Gear-mounted weaponry when not flanked. The phrase “Smells like an Asp” is pilot slang for a Gear that has outlived most of its pilots. Salamander Mandeers Heavy Industry Light Trooper Gear 4.4 meters 5,095 kg As an urban police Gear, the Salamader is extensively used in city-states across the South. For its military duties Salamanders usually come armed with a standard autocannon with an under slung secondary weapon. A popular rally gear the Salamander has a reputation for speed with firepower. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Type/ Height Arms, Conscript Gear 1.5" Arms, Conscript Gear 1.5" Arms, Conscript Gear 1.5" Asp 3 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 6+ HMG (Arm), LHG 4 6 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LHG Brawler Asp 4 MI , IN W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" 6 Gunner Asp MI (0+), IN MI , IN 6 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 6+ HMG (Arm), MPZ Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Salamander 5 MI, IN 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ 6 MI 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ 6 MI 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ 7 MI 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ MAC (Arm), LFL (Arm), MCW (Reach: 1") MAC (Arm), LFC (Arm), MCW (Reach: 1") MAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), MCW (Reach: 1") HRF (Arm), MCW (Reach: 1”) Agile, Arms Salamander Riotmaster Salamander Brawler SalamanderHunter W:6" G:8" W:6" G:8" W:6" G:8" W:6" G:8" Agile, Arms Agile, Arms Agile, Arms Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 103 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SOUTH MODELS LIST SOUTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Street Viper Mandeers Heavy Industry / Dynamic Systems Light Tropper Gear 4.4 meters 5,100 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Badlands Python Mandeers Heavy Industry Fire Support Gear 4.8 meters 8,345 kg The South’s “biggest black market export”, a good number of the Pythons replaced by Spitting Cobras simply went missing. Though an older model the Python is still one of the more powerful Gears available on the Black market and is frequently seen in rover bands as a heavy support element. This low-cost Gear has options for police equipment, and the cockpit was redesigned by Dynamic Systems to be ergonomic, making the Gear extremely comfortable for extended operations. The Street Viper is found in city militias and is popular with police forces as a traffic interception unit. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Street Viper 5 MI 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LRF (Arm), LPZ, LVB (Arm) Anti-Air Street Viper Riotmaster Street Viper 6 MI 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ MAC (Arm, AA), LVB (Arm) 6 MI W:6" G:8" W:6" G:8" W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ MFC (Arm), MPZ, LVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Brawler:1 Agile, Arms, Brawler:1 Agile, Arms, Brawler:1 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Badlands Python 10 MI W:4" G:5" 8 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), MRP, MFM, LVB (Arm) Arms 104 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 2" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Desert Viper Mandeers Heavy Industry Trooper Gear 4.7 meters 7,120 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Desert Viper was built as a no-nonsense machine, using a general configuration similar to that of the Northern Razorback. This aging Gear finds a niche wherever a cheap and easily replaceable rough terrain Gear is needed. Easily modified the Viper Chassis has been a test bed vehicle for the south since its inception. Black Adder Dynamic Systems Assault Gear 4.5 meters 7,600 kg Designed with pilot safety at the forefront the Black Adder is one of the most highly cherished support Gears in the South. Rugged construction coupled with a devastating weapon options allow the Black Adder to it threaten any enemy heavy elements. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Desert Viper 9 SK , FS W:5" 7 5/1 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Arms Pit Viper 10 SK , FS W:5" 7 5/1 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Swamp (Viper upgrade) +1 - - - - - - - - MGL (Arm), MRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MSC (Arm), MRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) - +Amphib Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Black Adder 10 SK , FS 6 5/1 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Long Fang Black Adder 10 SK , FS W:4" G:6" W:4" G:6" 6 5/1 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LSC (Arm), MRP, APGL, MVB (Arm) LAC (Arm), MRP (Link), APGL, MVB (Arm) Arms Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Arms, Field Armor Gear 1.5" Arms, Field Armor Gear 1.5" 105 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SOUTH MODELS LIST SOUTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Iguana Territorial Arms / Skavara Heavy Industries Recon Gear 4.1 meters 5,100 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Since its introduction the Iguana has proven itself to be an extremely successful design. The Iguana saw extensive action in the War of the Alliance, where it was deployed as as a recon and light trooper and as a commando. The flexibility of this Gears design was so apparent that it has even served as a command platform. The Iguana and its variants may be represented by an Anolis model, shown above. Silverscale Territorial Arms Recon Gear 4.2 meters 4,890 kg Based on the now redundant Basilisk trooper gear, the Silverscale comes equipped with a communications and electronic warfare suite and a target designator to assist in the deployment of guided munitions. Territorial Arms claims the Silverscale is the finest heavy recon Gear on Terra Nova today. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Iguana 9 RC (0+) W:6" G:8" 5 3/ 3 1 4+ 3+ 3+ LPG (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) Iguana Gunner 10 RC W:6" G:8" 5 3/ 3 1 4+ 3+ 3+ LAC (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) Hunting Iguana 8 RC W:6" G:8" 5 3/ 3 1 4+ 3+ 3+ LRF (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) Striking Iguana 11 RC 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 3+ Chatterbox Iguana 10 RC W:6" G:8" W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 3+ LBZ (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) PG (Arm), LVB (Arm) Black Box Iguana 11 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 3+ LAC (Arm), LPZ, LVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, Sensors:18" (Aux), TD:1 Agile, Arms, Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, Sensors:18" (Aux), TD:1 Agile, Arms, Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, Sensors: 24" (Aux) Agile, Arms, Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, TD:1 Agile, Arms, Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, SatUp:5+ (Aux), Sensors:18" (Aux), TD:2 Agile, Arms, Init:1, Comms:2 (Aux), ECCM, ECM:2, Sensors:18" (Aux), TD:1 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Silverscale 10 RC W:5" G:7" 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 4+ LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, TD:2, Sensors:18" (Aux), Sensor Boom (Aux) 106 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RC (CMD) W:6" G:8" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Jager Paratrooper Territorial Arms Airdrop Gear 4.3 meters 6,700 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Normally air deployment precludes the availability of heavier weapons but the inexpensive Jager Paratrooper can be equipped with a selection of effective weapons without adversely affecting its aerodynamics. This extra punch has allowed the Gear to help turn the tide in many engagements. Iguana Paratrooper Territorial Arms Airdrop Recon Gear 4.1 meters 5,310 kg The Iguana Paratrooper has been in service since TN 1894 and has proven its worth in the toughest commando and extraction missions, demonstrating that even a small machine can do the most dangerous jobs. Armed with the standard autocannon/grenade launcher the Iguana is ready for to attack or observe for supporting units. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Para Jager 7 PT (0+) 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Arms, Airdrop 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), LSG (Arm) LBZ (Arm), LSG (Arm) +(CMD) W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" - - - - - - 5+ - +Comms:1 Para Striking 8 Jager Command (Para +1 Jager upgrade) PT Arms, Airdrop Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Para Iguana 10 PT (0+) W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ LAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), LSG (Arm) Para Gunner Iguana 10 PT W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ MAC (Arm), LSG (Arm) Para Striking Iguana 11 PT W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ LBZ (Arm), LSG (Arm) Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, TD:1 Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, TD:1 Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, TD:1 Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear, 1.5" Gear, 1.5" Gear, 1.5" 107 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SOUTH MODELS LIST SOUTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Spitting Cobra Territorial Arms Fire Support Gear 5.0 meters 8,990 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Armed to the teeth with armor to match, the Spitting Cobra is the AST’s main fire support Gear. Highly modular, the Spitting Cobra can be fitted with a variety of loadouts each capable of filling a variety of roles. Its ferocious reputation means that many Northern Gear pilots treat sighting of Cobras as a prelude to an assault. Python Mandeers Heavy Industry Fire Support Gear 4.8 meters 8,356 kg Unlike its black market cousin the stock Python used by the Armies of the AST comes with a loadout almost identical to the Spitting Cobra. Considering the designs age this is an impressive feat indeed and a testament to its quality. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Spitting Cobra 13 FS 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Arms, Autopilot Striking Cobra 13 FS 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Junglemower Cobra Support Cobra 14 FS 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 14 FS 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 14 FS W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Junglemower Support Cobra Artillery Cobra (Unreleased) Slashing Cobra 14 FS 15 FS Flamm Cobra 15 FS, SK Razorfang +1 (Cobra upgrade) +(CMD) - - - - - - 5+ HAC (Arm), MRP, MAR, LGM, MMG, LVB (Arm) MBZ (Arm), MRP, MMG, LVB (Arm) HRC (Arm), MAR, LGM, MMG, LVB (Arm) HAC (Arm), MRP, LFG, LVB (Arm) HRC (Arm), LFG, LVB (Arm) HAC (Arm), MFM, LVB (Arm) HAC (Arm), MATM, LGM, MMG, LVB (Arm) HFL (Arm), MRP (Fire:1), HAR (Fire:2), LGM, MMG, LVB (Arm) - Arms, Autopilot Arms, Autopilot Arms, Autopilot Arms, Autopilot Arms, Autopilot, CBS Arms, Autopilot Arms, Autopilot, Resist:F SatUp:6+ (Aux) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Python 12 FS W:4" G:5" 8 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), MAR, MRP, LGM, LVB (Arm) Arms, Autopilot 108 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" Type/ Height Gear 2" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: King Cobra Territorial Arms Skunk Works Heavy Assault Gear 5.2 meters 10,120 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The King Cobra is often considered one of the most powerful Gears ever commissioned and has repeatedly proven itself to be one of the most devastating weapons in the Southern arsenal. Heavy armor and a powerful and flexible armament allows it to function equally well as an assault or fire support unit. Chameleon Territorial Arms Skunk Works Stealth Gear 3.9 meters 5,010 kg Due to the nature of the missions that the Chameleon typically undertakes, the overwhelming majority of its service history remains highly classified. Armed with only a packgun or light autocannon the Chameleons highly specialized electronics, stealth system and comms array give it absolute mastery over the electronic battlefield. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits King Cobra 18 4/2 2 3+ 5+ 6+ 18 9 4/2 2 3+ 5+ 6+ 18 FS , HG W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" 9 King Cobra Gunner King Cobra Hooded SK, FS, HG SK, HG 9 4/2 2 3+ 5+ 6+ MPA (Arm), MRP, LAR, HMG, LGM, APGL, MVB (Arm) HRC (Arm), MRP, LAR, HMG, LGM, APGL, MVB (Arm) MLC (Arm), MRP, LAR, HMG, LGM, APGL, MVB (Arm) Arms, Brawler:1, Vet Arms, Brawler:1, Vet Arms, Brawler:1, Vet Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Chameleon 15 SF (0+) W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 3+ PG (Arm, Silent), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Chameleon Hunter 15 SF W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 3+ LAC (Arm, Silent), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, TD:2, Sensors:18" (Aux), Stealth, Vet Agile, Arms, Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, TD:2, Sensors:18" (Aux), Stealth, Vet Type/ Height Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 109 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SOUTH MODELS LIST SOUTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Snakeye Black Mamba Territorial Arms Skunk Works Stealth Gear 4.6 meters 6,170 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Developed alongside the Chameleon during the TN1920s, the Snake Eye Black Mamba fills the role of a high performance stealth commando Gear. Featuring a host of advanced components to allow it to better accomplish its prescribed duties the Snake-eyes main armament is the terrifyingly accurate TU-16 laser rifle. Green Mamba Territorial Arms Skunk Works Stealth Gear 4.6 meters 5,960 kg The Green Mamba is a potent stealth and commando Gear that strikes a happy medium between performance and cost by foregoing the use of energy based weaponry in favour of more conventional systems such as autocannons and bazooka’s. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Snakeye (Black Mamba) 16 SF (0+) W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ LLC (Arm, Silent), LVB (Arm) Snakeye Firestorm 16 SF W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MRL (Arm), LVB (Arm) Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Green Mamba 15 SF (0+) W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MAC (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) Green Mamba Gunner 16 SF W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ HAC (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) Green Mamba Strike 15 SF W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet 110 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) LBZ (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Fer De Lance SRWI / Dynamic Systems Close Assault Gear 4.8 meters 7,220 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Based on the Sidewinder chassis, Fer de Lance made a number of internal changes by borrowing the actuator and combat computer from the Diamondback. Sporting a wide array of lethal precision weapons, the current model of the Fer de Lance is an elegant fighting machine. Gila Territorial Arms Close Assault Gear 3.9 meters 6,125 kg Developed as an upgraded variant of the highly successful Iguana, the Gila design focused on the light trooper capabilities of the Iguana and how it could be upgraded to be used in an assault role. The Gila comes armed with a heavy autocannon and an internal under slung frag cannon. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Fer De Lance 12 HG (0+) 7 4/2 1 3+ 4+ 5+ Fer De Lance Slashing 14 HG W:5" G:6" W:5" G:6" 7 4/2 1 3+ 4+ 5+ Arms, Brawler:1, Vet Arms, Brawler:1, Vet Fer De Lance Force Command Fer De Lance 12 HG W:5" G:6" HG (CMD) W:5" G:6" 7 4/2 1 3+ 4+ 5+ 7 4/2 1 3+ 4+ 4+ MRF (Arm), LATM, APGL, LVB (Arm) (Reach: 1") MRF (Arm), MATM (LA:2), APGL, LVB (Arm) (Reach: 1") LPL (Arm), APGL, LVB (Arm) (Reach: 1") MRF (Arm), LGM, APGL, LVB (Arm) (Reach: 1") Arms, Brawler:1, Vet Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1, ECCM, SatUp: 6+ (Aux), Vet Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" 12 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Gila 12 HG (0+) W:6" G:7" 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 5+ HAC (Arm), LFC (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm, Reach: 1") Gila Hunter 12 HG W:6" G:7" 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 5+ HRF (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm, Reach: 1") Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Field Armor, Vet Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Field Armor, Vet Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 111 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SOUTH MODELS LIST SOUTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Black Mamba MP Territorial Arms Military Police Gear 4.6 meters 7,430 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Military Police Gears are typically geared towards dealing with human targets, lightly armored vehicles, and Gears. Their primary weapon of choice tends to be a frag cannon capable of being loaded with non-lethal projectiles or deadly explosive flechette rounds. In addition to Gear sized shotguns, MPs often carry panzerfausts to deal with heavier targets. Cobra MP Territorial Arms Military Police Gear 5.0 meters 8,750 kg MP gears are most commonly found in the Mekong Dominion or in areas where MILICIA regiments are active. For the Mekonese these Gears fit in thematically with the peace keeper mythos that they have fashioned for themselves. MP Gears are fielded both for riot control and anti-rover duties and excel at both. Iguana MP Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Black Mamba MP 10 MP (0+) W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ HFC (Arm), MPZ, APGL, MCW (Arm) Iguana MP 8 MP (0+) W:6" G:7" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ HFC (Arm), APGL, LCW (Arm) Cobra MP 10 MP (0+) W:6" G:7" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ LAC (Arm), HPZ, MAPR, LMG, MCW (Arm) Commander (MP +1 Cobra or MP Black Mamba upgrade) +(CMD) - - - - - - - - Airdrop, Arms, Brawler:1, Shield:2, Arms, Brawler:1, Shield:2 Arms, Brawler:1, Shield:2 +Comms:1, ECCM 112 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 2" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Drake Avesta Group Gear Strider 9.7 meters 57,500 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Carrying a virtual arsenal this behemoth is capable of destroying any target. Like many of the AST’s designs the Drake is considered to be a marvel of technology and design. Used for support, or assault, this Striders offensive capabilities are only matched by its frightening array of defensive measures. Model TV Drake 26 Hooded Drake MR The Hydra is a specialized Strider capable of operating in the swampy regions prevalent in the South. Deployed by the Humanist Alliance, Eastern Sun Emirates, and in the jungles of the Mekong Dominion, Hydras often tasked for ambush attacks. A Hydra, rising without warning from the swamp is the last sight many pilots see. AR H/S A GU PI EW SK, FS, ST W:4" G:5" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ 5+ 27 SK, FS, ST W:4" G:5" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ Blazing Drake 28 SK, FS, ST W:4" G:5" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ Command Drake 26 SK (CMD), W:4" FS (CMD), G:5" ST (CMD) 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ Anti-Gear +2 (Drake upgrade) UA Hydra Republic Heavy Industries Wetlands Fire Support Strider 7.2 meters 46,250 kg Weapons Traits Type/ Height Strider 3" - - - - - - - BZ (Arm, AP:5, PEN:10), Arms, HRP (Link), MABM, HFL Brawler:2, (Arm), HFC (FT, Auto), HSG Resist:F, (Arm, Reach 1") Shield:1 Strider 5+ MLC (Arm, Link), HRP Arms, 3" (Link), MABM, HFL (Arm), Brawler:2, HFC (FT, Auto), HSG (Arm, Resist:F, Reach: 1") Shield:1 5+ HRL (Arm, Link), HRP Arms, Strider (Fire:2, Link), HGL (Arm), Brawler:2, 3" Resist:F, HFL (Arm), HFC (FT, Auto), HSG (Arm, Reach: 1") Shield:1 Strider 4+ HRC (Arm), HRP (Link), AMS, Arms, MABM, HFL (Arm), HFC Brawler:2, 3" (FT, Auto), HSG (Arm, ECCM, Resist:F, SatUp:6+ (Aux), Reach: 1") Shield:1 -MABM, +MRP (Link) - Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Hydra 25 ST (0+) W:4" G:6" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ 5+ HGL (T), MGM (T), LFM (T), HAC (FT+F), HMG (FT+F, Link) Amphib, ECM:1, Low Profile, Sensor Booms (Aux) Type/ Height Strider 2" 113 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SOUTH MODELS LIST SOUTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Naga Republican Heavy Industries Assault Strider 7.2 meters 15,340 kg Code Name: Long Fang Naga in Ground Mode Manufacturer: Republican Heavy Industries Unit Type: Fire Support Strider Height: 5.8 meters Weight: 15,340 kg The Naga is currently the premier Strider of the Southern military and is a common sight guarding nearly every military installation. Serving with distinction since its introduction, it proved its worth during the War of the Alliance, where its powerful guided missiles were used with great effect against the hovertanks of the CEF. The Naga’s armor is relatively light and, like most Striders, it is highly vulnerable to attack at close range. The Naga is so ubiquitous that a wide of variants are available to suit any mission. The Naga is so versatile that it even the Black Talons have taken to utilizing it in their off world battles, as the Dark Naga variant. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Naga 28 ST (0+) W:5" G:7" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ 2x MATM, MRC (FT+F) Long Fang Naga 24 ST W:5" G:7" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Sniper Naga 24 ST W:5" G:7" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Double Nash Naga 26 ST W:5" G:7" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Tusked Naga 24 ST W:5" G:7" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Brawler Naga 22 ST W:5" G:7" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Command Naga 24 ST (CMD) W:5" G:7" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 4+ 114 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Traits Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) 2x LFG (Stabilizer), MRC Low Profile, (FT+F) Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) 2x MLC, LPL (FT+F) Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) 2x LATM, MRC (FT+F) Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) HATM, MRC (FT+F) Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) 2x HGL, MFL (FT+F) Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) MATM, MRC (FT+F) Init:1, ECCM (Aux), ECM:1, Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), SatUp:5+ (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) Type/ Height Strider 2" Strider 2" Strider 2" Strider 2" Strider 2" Strider 2" Strider 2" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Sagittarius Allied Defense Works Fire Support Strider 8.9 meters 24,790 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Sagittarius is a heavily armored mobile artillery platform that is capable of providing Gear formations with close support. The Sagittarius comes in a variety of loadouts including anti-personnel, anti-armor, anti-gear, and artillery. Some variants eschew rocket or missile weapons all together and instead operate as advanced weapon platforms. Fire Dragon HA Armor Werks Fire Support Strider 4.8 meters 38,900 kg The Dragon represents one of the most successful strider designs on Terra Nova. It is heavily armored and packs a fearsome array of weapons that is more than capable of reducing its targets to scrap. Developed by the Humanist Alliance, the success of the design saw it quickly adopted by all the armies of the AST. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Sagittarius 21 ST (0+) W:4" 11 5/3 2 4+ 6+ 5+ Amphib, ECM:1 Venomous Sagittarius Long Fang Sagittarius Spark Sagittarius Force Sagittarius 20 ST W:4" 11 5/3 2 4+ 6+ 5+ 22 ST W:4" 11 5/3 2 4+ 6+ 5+ HABM , LAC (FT), HMG (FT) HAPR (Link), LAC (FT), HMG (FT) HAR, LAC (FT), HMG (FT) 26 ST W:4" 11 5/3 2 4+ 6+ 5+ 24 ST W:4" 11 5/3 2 4+ 6+ 5+ Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Fire Dragon 26 ST (0+) W:4" G:6" 10 5/3 2 3+ 6+ 5+ Water Dragon 27 ST 10 5/3 2 3+ 6+ 5+ Force Dragon 28 ST W:4" G:6" W:4" G:6" 10 5/3 2 3+ 6+ 5+ Amphib, ECM:1 Amphib, ECM:1 MPA (Link), MRP (Link), LAC (FT), HMG (FT) MPL (Link), LAC (FT), HMG (FT) Amphib, ECM:1 Weapons Traits Amphib, ECM:1 Type/ Height Strider 3" Strider 3" Strider 3" Strider 3" Strider 3" Type/ Height AMS (Aux), Strider Lumbering, Stable 1.5" HRP (T, Precise, Range:6-18/48"), MFL, LRC (FT, Auto) MFM (T, Link), LSC, LRC Amphib, Strider (FT, Auto) Lumbering, Stable 1.5" MPL (FT, Split:2) LPL, LRC Lumbering, Stable Strider (FT, Auto) 1.5" 115 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SOUTH MODELS LIST SOUTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Hun Various Light Tank 2.6 meters 24,500 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The main light battle tank employed by the South, the Hun is dependable and effective design. Chosen in part due to its versatility, the Hun has been a part of the AST’s arsenal for over a century. Its flexible design allows it to be adapted to a variety of roles ranging from a front line fighting unit to a heavy APC. The Hun can also be fielded as an artillery unit with the Ballista variant serving as a close support option for Gear squads and the Ostrogoth for a long ranged bombardment capability. Tank units comprising exclusively of Hun tank variants are popular for garrison duty as their maintenance costs are much lower than a unit of Gears. Ballista Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Hun 16 LT (0+) G:6" 10 5/3 2 4+ 6+ 6+ Recon Hun (+3 Recon Drones) 16 LT , CV G:6" 10 4/4 2 4+ 6+ 4+ HRF (T), LLC (FT, AA), MRP (T, Range: 6-18/48") HRF (T), LLC (FT, AA) Ballista Hun 12 LT (SU) G:6" 9 4/4 2 4+ 6+ Hittite 16 IN G:6" 10 5/3 2 4+ 6+ Ostrogoth 18 LT (SU) G:4" 9 4/4 2 4+ 6+ Recon Hun 116 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Ostrogoth Various Self-Propelled Artillery 3.2 meters 24,600 kg Traits Type/ Height Amphib, Offroad:1, Vehicle Smoke:2 1" Amphibious, Drone Bay:3 Recon, ECCM, Offroad:1, Smoke:2 6+ MAR (T) Amphibious, Offroad:1, Smoke:2 6+ HFL (T), HMG (L, Link), Amphibious, APC:2, HMG (R, Link) Offroad:1, Smoke:2 6+ MAG (T, stabilizer) Amphibious, Offroad:1, Smoke:2 Hittite Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Hetairoi Various in Humanist Alliance Hovertank 3.4 meters 35,170 kg Code Name: Hetairoi Spark Manufacturer: Various in Humanist Alliance Unit Type: Advanced Weapons Hovertank Height: 3.4 meters Weight: 35,280 kg Another Humanist design to be adopted by the AST, the Hetairoi represents the pinnacle of Terra Novan efforts at building their own combat hover vehicle. As a combat platform the Hetairoi offers an unparalleled degree of maneuverability, agility, and firepower. The Spark variant compares favorably to the CEF Prowler and Predator tanks and shares a common role of hunter-killer unit. Hetairoi have seen constant combat in the current invasion and have been instrumental in countering hostile CEF forces. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Hetairoi 24 HV (0+) H:9" 10 4/4 2 4+ 4+ Hetairoi Spark 26 HV H:9" 10 4/4 2 4+ 4+ Longfang Hetairoi Hetairoi Force 26 HV H:9" 10 4/4 2 4+ 4+ 26 HV H:9" 10 4/4 2 4+ 4+ +2 +(CMD) - - - - - - 5+ HRC (T), MRP (T), LLC (FT) Airdrop, Jump Jets:2" (Aux) 5+ MPA (T), MRP (T), LLC Airdrop, Jump (FT) Jets:2" (Aux) 5+ MFG (T), MRP (T), LLC Airdrop, Jump (FT) Jets:2" (Aux) 5+ MPL (T), MRP (T), LLC Airdrop, Jump (FT) Jets:2" (Aux) 4+ +SatUp:6+ (Aux), ECCM Command (Hetairoi upgrade) Weapons Traits Type/ Height Vehicle 2" Vehicle 2" Vehicle 2" Vehicle 2" 117 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SOUTH MODELS LIST SOUTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Visigoth Republican Tank Arsenal Main Battle Tank 3.4 meters 58,300 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: For over a century and a half, the South’s main battle tank has been the reliable, powerful Visigoth. A 140mm tank gun is the centerpiece of the Visigoth’s armament, with a range of smaller weapons to provide close defense and anti-aircraft support. Visigoth Khan Republican Tank Arsenal Command Battle Tank 3.4 meters 59,300 kg The Visigoth Khan command tank has additional targeting and electronic warfare equipment making it an even deadlier opponent. Blitz Visigoths with their twin linked snub cannons make fast work of enemy tanks and fortifications and the Artemis anti-aircraft variant defends against aerial attacks. Blitz Visigoth Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Visigoth 34 HT G:4" 12 6/2 3 4+ 6+ 6+ Blitz Visigoth 30 HT G:4" 12 6/2 3 4+ 6+ 6+ Offroad:1, Smoke:3 Offroad:1, Smoke:3 Visigoth Khan 36 HT (CMD) G:4" 12 6/2 3 4+ 6+ 5+ HTG (T), HAC (T), LLC (FT, AA), 2xMRP (FT, Aux) HSC (T, Link), HAC (T), LLC (FT, AA), 2xMRP (FT, Aux), APGL (Auto) HTG (T, Precise), HAC (T), LLC (FT, AA), 2xMRP (FT, Aux) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Artemis 26 HT (SU) G:4" 11 4/4 3 4+ 6+ Force Artemis 28 HT (SU) G:4" 11 4/4 3 4+ 6+ 118 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Artemis Type/ Height Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" ECCM (Aux), ECM:1, Offroad:1, Smoke:3 Vehicle 1" Weapons Traits 6+ 2xHAC (AA, FT, Link) 6+ 2xLPL (AA, T, Link) Offroad:1, Smoke:3 Offroad:1, Smoke:3 Type/ Height Vehicle, 1.5" Vehicle, 1.5" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Length: Weight: Varis Tsi Heavy Industries VTOL 8 meters 8,200 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Varis is the AST’s ubiquitous VTOL Hopper. The hopper uses series of directed jet thrust nozzles to allow for VTOL maneuvers. The smaller intakes allow the Varis to operate in terrain where larger debris might get sucked up into the engines. Caiman Brok Enterprises Armored Personnel Carrier 2.7 meters 14,210 kg The Caiman is a low, sturdy, tracked vehicle equipped with a turret-mounted autocannon and good overall armor protection. The Caiman was designed for reliability and durability. It sports thicker armor and better armament than other light Armored Personnel Carriers and is cheap enough to be fielded in large numbers. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Varis VTOL (South) 16 VL (0+) F:14" H:14" 5 4/4 2 4+ 3+ 5+ LLC (FT+F, AA), LAM (Aux) Model Alpha Testing Titan VTOL (Alpha Testing) TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 22 VL (0+), IN F:9" H:9" 8 3/5 2 4+ 4+ 5+ LRC (FT+F, AA), 2x MATM (Aux), MAR (Link) Agile, TD:1, APC:2 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Caiman 5 G:7" 6 4/2 1 5+ 6+ 6+ MAC (FT), LMG (T) Crocodile 6 G:7" 6 4/2 1 5+ 6+ 6+ MAR (T) Medical Caiman 3 CV (0+), IN CV (0+), IN IN (0-1) G:7" 6 4/2 1 5+ 6+ 6+ - Command (Caiman or Crocodile upgrade) +2 `+(CMD) - - - - - - 5+ - Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Length: Weight: Traits Agile, TD:1 Type/ Height Vehicle 3" Type/ Height Vehicle 3" Type/ Height Amphib, APC:1 Vehicle 1" Amphib, APC:1 Vehicle 1" Amphib, APC:1, Vehicle Medic 1" +ECCM, ECM:1, Vehicle SatUp:6+ (Aux) 1" Titan Marshall Avionics VTOL 15.6 meters 17,000 kg Classified as an attack helicopter the Titan is often used to airlift elite infantry strike teams into position to capture objectives. Once its cargo is safely delivered the Titan will either duel with rival air elements or interdict enemy ground forces to give the assault teams time to secure or destroy the objective. Titans in the air always signals a ground offensive to other leagues. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Weapons 119 SOUTH MODELS LIST SOUTH Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Elan Various Infantry Transport 2.1 meters 1,630 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: There are a wide range of infantry vehicles that see use across the battlefields of Terra Nova. The Elan is a common example of the type of light vehicle found within the borders of the South. These vehicles are neither heavily armored nor are they durable but they do get the job done. Jackrabbit Various Motorized Infantry Bike 1 meter 275 kg Infantry are not the only ones to benefit from common transportation solutions. The flat prairies and marsh lands that comprise most of the AST allow for the active use of the Barnaby heavy transport which is used to transport entire Gear cadres to combat zones. Field Gun Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Barnaby Gear Transport Elan 8 GT (SU) G:7" 8 3/5 3 5+ 5+ 6+ - HGC: 5 3 G:9" 4 2/4 1 5+ 4+ 5+ MMG TD:0 Jackrabbit 2 CV (0+), IN IN (0+) G:11" 2 3/0 1 5+ 4+ 6+ MIW Agile Field Gun 4 IN (SU) G:2" 4 3/0 1 5+ 6+ - LFG (Stabilizer) Towed Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Machine Gun Infantry Squad Anti-Tank Infantry Squad Sniper Infantry Team Observation Infantry Team Mortar Infantry Squad Paratroop (Infantry Squad and Infantry Team upgrade) 2 IN (0+) I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LMG, LIW 4 IN I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIW, MAVM 3 IN I:3" 2 2/0 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 3 IN I:3" 2 2/0 1 4+ 4+ 4+ LIW, MIS (AP:1, Precise, Silent, Stabilizer) LIW 4 IN I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIW, MIM +1 - - - - - - - - - 120 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Stealth Comms:1 +Airdrop Type/ Height Vehicle 3" Vehicle 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Type/ Height Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SOUTH SOUTH MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Stonemason Territorial Arms Engineering Gear 4.3 meters 7,160 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Stone Mason shares the same basic frame as the Jager, considerable modifications have been made to improve its capabilities in the engineering role. A set of tool arms on the Gear’s back are equipped with a simple set of grasping claws that are often used in melee combat to great effect. Engineering Cobra Territorial Arms Engineering Gear 5.0 meters 8,760 kg The Engineering Cobra has already proven its worth as a military engineering and maintenance unit. A large and powerful frame allows it to lift and bear extremely heavy loads. Pilots often use the Gear to batter enemy Gears in melee if they close to short range. Lizard Rider Infantry Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Stonemason 5 EG (0+), IN W:5" G:6" 4 3/3 1 5+ 5+ 6+ LAC (Arm), MCW (Reach: 1"), LHG (Arm), LSE (Arm) Arms, Brawler:1, Recovery, Vuln:F Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Engineering Cobra 8 EG , IN W:4" G:6" 6 3/3 1 5+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), HCW (Reach: 1"), MHG (Arm), MSE (Arm) Arms, Brawler:2, Recovery, Vuln:F Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Lizard Rider Infantry Lizard Rider Anti-Tank Infantry Lizard Rider Infantry Observer Team 4 IN (0+) I:7" 3 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIW, MIS Agile 5 IN I:7" 3 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIW, LAVM Agile 4 IN I:7" 3 2/0 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LIW Agile, Comms:1 Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 2" Type/ Height Infantry 1" Infantry 1" Infantry 1" 121 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) PEACE RIVER - SHIELDS OF FREEDOM SHIELDS OF FREEDOM Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.0 PEACE RIVER 122 Nowhere else on Terra Nova will you find a city-state quite like Peace River, a symbol of pride for the whole of the Badlands. The city was built into the side of a large mesa and protected by 350 meter tall defense shutters that can close in a matter of minutes to repelling even the worst Badlands Tempests and, incidentally, bombardment from anything short of an orbital nuclear strike. To further this image of strength and power, the city was topped by a mighty airfield whose runways form a peace sign. Towering over the airfield and the rest of the city were the executive offices, the original oasis tower purchased by the city’s founder, Ebert Paxton. The whole city was a massive symbol of Paxton’s military, monetary and emotional power. The city itself was run as a branch of Paxton Arms and the CEO of Paxton Arms was also the ruler of the city. Residents were divided into one of three castes - Executive, Management and Worker - based on their role in the company. This system has been widely criticized, and while reforms are being made to bring things closer to the original vision of Ebert Paxton, riots over worker’s rights were a regular occurrence. The Peace Officers Corps (POC) and Paxton Security (PaxSec) have been known to use extreme methods to control riots, motivated at least partly by fears of terrorists using these riots as cover for more malicious, destructive activity against Peace River or Paxton Arms. In stark contrast, the military arm of Paxton, the Peace River Defense Force, stood as the guardians of freedom for all those within Paxton’s voluntarily-established Protectorate. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) PEACE RIVER - SHIELDS OF FREEDOM Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 THE HISTORY OF THE PEACE RIVER DEFENSE FORCE The Paxton Mining conglomerate was founded by a young Mekongese man by the name of Ebert Paxton. Unable to compete in the ruthless Mekong marketplace, Paxton moved to the Badlands to discover new opportunities. In TN 1595, after his surveys discovered iron and bauxite ore in the mesas east of the Pacifica mountain range, Paxton used his life savings to purchase an oasis tower near on of these mesas and reamed it Peace River. The proximity of this oasis tower to the Alpha maglev line and the ore made Paxton Mining profitable relatively quickly PEACE RIVER In the early TN 1700s Paxton Mining began a process of diversification, beginning with the manufacture of mining equipment and light desert vehicles. While this was not very successful at first, the focus on diversification continued, and in the wake of the St. Vincent’s War proved to be a huge boon for the company. When the war ended in TN 1729, Paxton was in a unique position to supply goods and services to the Polar Leagues who had lost a great deal of their manufacturing capabilities. Both sides were afraid the other would rebuild first and were intent on purchasing weaponry with which to defend themselves. Paxton complied and while it was criticized heavily for focusing on arms production in the wake of a war that had devastated all of Terra Nova, Paxton products were of high quality and became planet-wide standards as of TN 1750, when Paxton Mining officially became Paxton Arms. While Paxton Arms was the de facto arms supplier for the planet, their entry into Gear production was delayed enormously. Primary historical sources from the era suggest that while the Hunter and Jäger were featured prominently in the St Vincent’s War, Paxton’s Research and Development division had a very difficult time reproducing the Optical Neural Net technology required for the vehicle to operate. Furthermore, Paxton documents indicate that both the CNCS and the AST pressured Paxton Arms to delay production, either due to fears the always-neutral company would sell to militias and criminals, or simply to cement their own hold on Gear manufacturing. By the time the first Warrior rolled off the production line in 1802, Territorial Arms and Northco had all but cornered the Gear market. WAR APPROACHES By TN 1850, communities surrounding Peace River had become integral to the survival of the city and of Paxton Arms. As Rover raids and hostilities between the polar factions increased, it was clear to Paxton Arms that their supply and workforce needed protection. The Paxton Protectorate came into being that very cycle and communities, caravans and other necessary interests were soon being defended by Peace Officers in Paxton Gears. This was not only to secure and protect the land and people Paxton depended on, but to serve as a working advertisement for the Gears Paxton produced. Unfortunately, not all Badlanders were pleased with this. Those outside the protected area often complained of being left out, while others within the protected zone felt stifled by protection they did not ask for. Paxton Arms responded by stating simply that it was to protect supplies and those who produced said supplies, but the statement did little to assuage these complaints. As the turn of the Century grew closer and the Judas Syndrome became widespread, Paxton’s position as protector of nearby communities and as arms supplier to superpowers who were preparing to go to war in the very area Paxton Arms protected began to clash. While low level conflict between the Poles was subtly encouraged as it improved sales, all-out warfare would be disastrous for all involved. Not only would the company suffer, but many residents had families outside the city or even outside the Protectorate and even if the city could house them all, it could not withstand any real warfare. The defensive capabilities of the city itself were rapidly improved and by 1913, Paxton was ready to send envoys to both Polar Superpowers to try and negotiate a diplomatic solution. However, before Paxton could put this plan into action, Earth’s Colonial Expeditionary Force (CEF) had begun their assault. 123 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER - SHIELDS OF FREEDOM WAR OF THE ALLIANCE When the intentions of the CEF became apparent, Paxton Arms and Peace River almost immediately declared themselves neutral. The majority of the Terra Novan Governments expressed their outrage at such an act, calling the Company and even the inhabitants of the city traitors. Unbeknownst to the rest of Terra Nova and especially the invading CEF, Paxton was not neutral, but simply buying time. Secretly funneling arms to Badlands resistance fighters, Paxton built up a network of cells of people willing to fight to protect their homelands. PEACE RIVER After three cycles of war, Paxton had built up a large enough network and enough weapons and Gears to outfit a full-fledged fighting force. Dubbed the Peace River Army, this motley collection of civilian Badlanders, Rovers, freedom fighters, mercenaries and even children entered the war in TN 1916, creating a third front for the already-embattled CEF. While they did not have the strength of any Polar army, the PRA managed to disrupt the CEF’s operations using guerilla tactics and local knowledge, thus allowing the Polar Nations to regroup for a joint offensive. The Peace River Army’s contribution to the war is often cited as the point of no return for the CEF, leading to their defeat in TN 1918. Thus began a new era for Paxton. A NEW DIRECTION Gerald Simosa was elected as CEO of Paxton Arms in late TN 1918, as the war was dying down and terms of surrender were being hashed out. As a manager during the war, he was a major player in both setting up and outfitting the PRA, and he held a great respect for the average citizen and Badlander. Simosa felt very badly about Paxton Arms’ role on Terra Nova and he started working towards social changes within Peace River immediately upon assuming the position of CEO. Under Simosa, the Paxton Protectorate was expanded and those PRA soldiers who wished to stay were forged into the core of the Peace River Defense Force (PRDF). The PRDF was charged with the protection of all those within the expanded boundaries of the Protectorate, as well as helping rebuild communities hurt by the war. While Peace River and Paxton Arms made no claims regarding the land, resources or people within the Protectorate, Paxton Arms openly stated that all Badlanders deserve to live freely, safe from Rovers or polar imperialism. Many of the complaints regarding the old Protectorate remained true for the new Protectorate, and the enlarged area proved very difficult to patrol effectively. That said, the PRDF’s roster of volunteers from throughout the Protectorate helped assuage the concerns of many Badlanders, who remained grateful for any help they received and remembered Paxton Arms’ actions during the War. This has not silenced their detractors, however, and the Protectorate and Paxton Arms’ policies remain a topic of fierce debate even in the most civil circles. Not all of Paxton Arms’ enemies are willing to be civil. The Peace River branch of the Badlands Revolutionary Front (BRF) is a group of terrorists who believe that Paxton’s caste system is absolutely wrong and that Paxton oppresses and exploits the worker caste. Simosa’s efforts to correct these injustices are mere platitudes in the eyes of the Paxton BRF, and they make their discontent known through a campaign of bombing, assassination, and urban terrorism. THE PROTECTORATE DEFENSE PLAN While Paxton had always manufactured many products with peaceful applications, the conflict between their development into a miniature League and their primary business as independent arms supplier proved increasingly troubling in the wake of the War. A large part of the Badlands had become vital to Paxton’s business, and their customers were bent on carving off vast chunks of it for their own use. 124 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) In TN 1925, Paxton started implementing the Protectorate Defense Plan. The plan was ostensibly a way to increase the effectiveness and capabilities of the PRDF to better combat polar forces, but there continues to be much speculation of a hidden agenda. Badlanders living in or near the Protectorate have always been suspicious of anything that gives Paxton more control over their lives. The Protectorate Defense Plan called for drastic changes to the PRDF, and under its broad umbrella, the PRDF’s ranks grew and new equipment and technologies were developed. The Defense Plan also took steps to protect Paxton’s Achilles heel, its complete reliance on the city-state of Peace River, by spreading manufacturing, research and development, and command/executive assets throughout the Protectorate. PEACE RIVER - SHIELDS OF FREEDOM Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PROJECT TALON PEACE RIVER The significance of the CEF’s superior technology was not lost on Paxton Arms. Even before they abandoned their neutrality, Paxton operatives across the planet were working to acquire samples of CEF technology. By the end of the War of the Alliance, Paxton’s ongoing secret effort to retrieve, reverse-engineer, and duplicate the capabilities of CEF technology had acquired a name: Project Talon. Much of the technology developed by Project Talon was ultimately put into production in vehicles developed for the PDP. But Project Talon and Paxton Arms Skunkworks have developed two full vehicles themselves, the Black Wind stealth hopper and the Shinobi stealth Gear, as well as numerous prototypes. To preserve secrecy, official documents refer to Project Talon only as “The Elite Program.” THE INTERPOLAR WAR In TN 1936 open war on Terra Nova became a reality. Always ready to seize an opportunity the leadership of Peace River embarked on a bold plan to make the most out of a bad situation. Aware that selling arms to either party would place Peace River in harm’s way, Paxton Arms was careful to only supply their wares via proxy. Any accusations of impartiality were easily deflected by claiming munitions used were either “old” stock, from third party resellers or originated from stolen shipments. As the war raged on, the board realized that a spent CNCS or AST would lead to global instability, a rise in violent crimes and ultimately an adverse impact on their core business. Worse still if either party were to emerge victorious then the political climate would become very tenuous at best. Seeing the growing unrest in both the CNCS and AST that demanded an end to the war the CEO decided it was time to switch gears. Positioning themselves as a “shield of freedom” and by sponsoring a peace summit to end the war, Paxton Arms hoped to become a major supplier of reconstruction materials for the two battered nations. Unfortunately disaster would strike just as this cunning plan could bear fruit as a CEF sponsored terror attack destroyed much of the city. RECONSTRUCTION The destruction of Peace River in TN1939 was a terrible blow to Paxton Arms. While the antimatter attack killed most of the civilian population of the city. Peace River’s vast manufacturing capabilities were safely located underground and survived along with much of the work force. Peace River Defense Force personnel, equipment, and bases located safely outside of the blast area were among the first to respond to the disaster. Reconstruction was started in earnest with aid from both the North and South. To this day many observers marvel at how quickly the New Peace River oasis tower was constructed and opened for habitation in TN1942. THE WAR FOR TERRA NOVA During the second CEF invasion, the underground factories would become critical to Peace River’s war effort, allowing them to continuously supply their divisions and Black Talon teams. While the Badlands were spared the worst of the fighting, PRDF regiments found themselves fending off constant raids from CEF Kommando squads targeting the Alpha Maglev. Though their defence was highly successful this brought the entire region into scrutiny from CEF high command. As a result two entire Korp’s were dispatched to pacify the area. Planet fall occurred several hundred miles south-east of ruins of Peace River and CEF spearheads split up to capture the cities of Masada, Marigold and New Baja. The skies above the Karak Wastes bore witness to intensive aerial dogfights as CEF Stratofighters squared off against Peace River Blackwind and Dragonfly hoppers. The battle would be perilous for both sides as vicious winds smashed combatants into the ground as they tried to engage. Eventually the ingrained experience of Badlands pilots would beat out GREL hypno-training allowing Peace River to rule the skies. Now the PRDF is ready to collect on their Blood Debt, and claim their vengeance on the CEF. 125 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER FORCES PEACE RIVER FORCES: A Generic Peace River Force may be constructed using only the Peace River Models List. This is the default option and should be used when learning the game rules. All the models in the Peace River Models List can be used in any of the sub-lists below. These Sub-Lists allow players to add additional specialized upgrades to their models as they collect their Force. SUB LISTS: PEACE RIVER PRDF - Peace River Defense Force (Peace River Sub-List): To be a soldier in the PRDF is to know a deep abiding hatred of the government of Earth. Agents responsible for the destruction of the first Peace River city state now know that they have awakened the sleeping beast and the soldiers of the PRDF and their advanced Gear designs willingly lead the charge against the invading forces. With the full might of the giant armaments corporation of Paxton Arms behind them the PRDF is a powerful force to face on the battlefield.  Well Supported: Each Primary Unit in this Force may have two Support units. The number of actions in the Support units may not exceed the standard number of actions for a Support unit: Example: A Primary unit of 5 actions may have up to two Support units of up to 3 actions total. POC - Peace Officer Corps (Peace River Sub-List + Allies:North/South): The POC keeps order and security for all Paxton installations. When in dire need the POC can call out local militias and defence levies to defend strategic locations. All workers know that they may be called up on to defend the valuable factories and assembly plants that are the economic lifeblood of Peace River.  Special Issue: Any unit Commander (even Allied units) may have 0-1 Greyhound.  Allies: Choose North or South. The Force may include Support units with a Unit Availability of GP, MP, SK, and FS Support units chosen from the chosen Factions Model List.  Police State: One Peace River GP, SK, or FS unit may be upgraded to Military Police for +0TV. Models lose all RP weapons and gain the Shield:1 trait.  Armories: Reduce the cost of Grenades and Shaped Explosive generic upgrades by 1TV. HGSF - Home Guard Security Forces (Peace River Sub-List): Constantly under threat due to the sensitivity of the arms manufacturing the HGSF is ever vigilant for attacks seeking to cripple the factories of the giant corporation, Paxton Arms. Unlike many garrison forces the HGSF is a highly motivated group of professionals who know that a good defense is only as good as its weakest link.  High Tech: Each unit must include at least two actions of models with at least one Advanced or Missile category weapon.  Secure Zone: Gain 5% of the Force Threat point Value as free points that may only be used towards purchasing Generic Support Options (See 16.1).  Second Line: This Force may not use the Elite force option. CTF - Combined Task Force (Peace River Sub-List): Operating in the shadows the CTF fights a constant war to ensure that threats are neutralized before many ordinary military commanders even know they are at risk. Given huge autonomy in their actions the CFT recruits only the best and is beholden to the Chairperson only. Constantly training, the CTF is the creme de la creme of Peace River.  Best of the Best: Add 1 additional Command Point to the Commanding Officer.  Elite Force: The CTF must use the Elite army option. The CTF may not select units with a Unit Availability of GP or AR.  Air Mobile: All models in the Force are upgraded with the Airdrop trait for +0TV. PSBM - Protectorate Sponsored Badlands Militia (Peace River Sub-List + Allies: North/South): Always looking to expand their influence in the Badlands area Peace River has taken to offering military equipment to Badlands milicias. These militias rarely meet the standards of military decorum that the PRDF requires but their pilots often grow up in the pilot seat of a Labor Gear and have a natural ability that is hard to teach to the average pilot.  Family Ties: All Commanders must choose the same Veteran benefit for -1TV. Commanders may choose the Veteran upgrade without being in a Veteran unit.  Allies: Choose North or South. The army may include Support units with a Unit Availability of GP, MI, SK, FS, and RC chosen from that Factions Model List.  Stripped Down (Upgrade): Any model with a Unit Availability of GP or RC may upgraded with the Stripped Down trait for 0TV. Any model with this trait adds 2” to its Movement Rating but has -1 Hull Rating and +1 Structure rating. Example a Stripped Warrior would have H/S:3/3 instead of 4/2. 126 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Warrior Paxton Trooper Gear 4.3 meters 6,642 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Warrior is Peace River’s main trooper Gear; it is deployed throughout the Badlands and is often used to deal with Rover threats. Though similar to the Hunter or Jager in many ways, the Warrior includes a standard ECM suite sufficient to disrupt Rover communications as a prelude to an assault. Jackal Paxton Trooper Gear 4.2 meters 5,930 kg Possessing no outstanding features in comparison to the Warrior, Warrior IV, or Skirmisher, the Jackal is a reliable and, most importantly, cheap design. The Jackal has proved to be an economic boon for Paxton Arms allowing them to maintain their market share during the reconstruction period. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Warrior 7 W:4" G:6" 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) Arms, ECM:1 Sweeper Warrior Vanguard Warrior Scourge Warrior 7 GP (0+), SK , FS, ST, HT GP , SK W:4" G:6" W:4" G:6" W:4" G:6" - 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ Arms, ECM:1 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ - - - - - 4+ MFC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LBZ (Arm, Split:2), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) - Weapons 8 Chieftain (Warrior Upgrade) +1 GP , SK , FS GP , SK , FS +(CMD) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Jackal (Unreleased) Vanguard Jackal Kestros Jackal 6 GP , AR 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 7 GP , AR 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6 GP , AR 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ Fusillade Jackal 8 GP , AR W:5" G:7" W:5" G:7" W:5" G:7" W:5" G:7" 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 8 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST LAC (Arm), LRP, LMG, LVB (Arm) 6+ MAC (Arm), LRP, LMG, LVB (Arm) 6+ LAC (Arm), LGL, LMG, LVB (Arm) 6+ LRL (Arm), LMG, MVB (Arm, Reach 1") Arms, ECM:1 Arms, ECM:1 Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" +Comms:1 Traits Arms, Airdrop Arms, Airdrop Arms, Airdrop Arms, Airdrop Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 127 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) PEACE RIVER Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Warrior IV Paxton Assault Gear 4.4 meters 6,761 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Warrior IV has seen wide scale deployment throughout the Badlands. Tasked primarily with defending the Alpha Maglev line, they have mounted an effective campaign against CEF saboteurs. The heavier rocket payload makes it an effective deterrent against the invaders armor columns even in its standard configuration. Spartan Paxton Heavy Trooper 4.7 meters 7,330 kg Like the Jackal, the Spartan is part of the Paxton Arms “A Gear for everyone” initiative. In order maintain a market presence after 1939, Paxton Arms revealed a range of budget Gears which would be more affordable than their existing line of high end military Gears. The Spartan fills the role of an affordable heavy trooper. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Warrior IV 12 SK (0+), FS SK 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ +(CMD) W:5" G:7" W:5" G:7" W:5" G:7" W:5" G:7" - - - - - - 4+ LAC (Arm), MRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MAC (Arm), MRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MFC (Arm), MRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LBZ (Arm, Split:2), MRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) - Arms, ECM:1, Airdrop, Sensors:18" (Aux) Arms, ECM:1, Airdrop, Sensors:18” (Aux) Arms, ECM:1, Airdrop, Sensors:18” (Aux) Arms, ECM:1, Airdrop, Sensors:18” (Aux) SatUp:6+ (Aux) Weapons Traits Vanguard 13 Warrior IV Sweeper 12 Warrior IV Scourge Warrior 13 IV Chieftain +1 (Warrior IV upgrade) SK SK Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Spartan (Unreleased) Incendiary Spartan Assassin Spartan KestrosSpartan 10 SK , SF 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 10 SK , SF 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 10 SF 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 10 SK , FS W:4" G:6" W:4" G:6" W:4" G:6" W:4" G:6" 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 128 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height HAC (Arm), MFC Airdrop, Arms, ECM:1, Gear (Arm), LCW (Arm) Sensors:18" (Aux) 2" MFL (Arm), LGM, LHG Airdrop, Arms, ECM:1, Gear (Arm), LCW (Arm) Sensors:18" (Aux) 2" HRF (Arm), MFC (Arm), Airdrop, Arms, ECM:1, Gear LCW (Arm) Sensors:18" (Aux) 2" MGL (Arm), MFC Airdrop, Gear (Arm), LCW (Arm) Arms, ECM:1, 2" Sensors:18" (Aux) Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Gladiator Paxton Close Assault Gear 4.5 meters 6,853 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Gladiator has excelled in Special Ops or SWAT operations. Designed with “breach & clear” operations in mind, the Gear is devastating at close ranges able to cleave its way through targets with its vibro axe. A range the Gladiator is no slouch either and comes with a range of hard hitting variant weapons. Pitbull Paxton Assault Gear 4.3 meters 5,908 kg Sporting a great service record and an even better price, the Pitbull can be found in Police forces throughout Terra Nova. Many Badlanders that fought in the War of the Alliance remember being saved from advancing GRELs by the timely arrival of a unit of Pit Bulls. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Gladiator 12 SK , TR W:6" G:7" 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ Scourge Gladiator 12 SK , TR W:6" G:7" 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ MAC (Arm, Link, Range:3-9"/18"), APGL, LSG (Arm) LBZ (Arm, Split:2), APGL, LSG (Arm) Shamshir Gladiator 13 SK , TR W:6" G:7" 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ MBZ (Arm), APGL, LSG (Arm) Vanguard Gladiator 13 SK , TR W:6" G:7" 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ HAC, APGL, LSG (Arm) - - - - - - - - +MVB (Arm, Reach:1") Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Shield:1 Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Shield:1 Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Shield:1 Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Shield:1 - UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ Agile, Arms 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ LAC (Arm), LMG, APGL, LVB (Arm) LBZ ( Arm, Split:2), LMG, APGL, LVB (Arm) LFC (Arm), LMG, APGL, LVB (Arm) Melee Specialist +1 (Gladiator upgrade) Model TV Pitbull 6 Scourge Pitbull 7 Sweeper Pitbull 6 AR (0+), W:6" TR, ST, HT G:8" AR , TR W:6" G:8" AR , TR W:6" G:8" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Agile, Arms Agile, Arms Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 129 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) PEACE RIVER Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Mustang Paxton Fire Support Gear 5.1 meters 8,910 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The POC has little use or need for the heavy firepower of Paxton Arm’s military range of gears. However they do need gears that are capable of traversing the region quickly and storming a Rover base. Fast and brutish, the design could not be less subtle if it tried. Greyhound Paxton Recon/Command Gear 4.1 meters 5,525 kg Communications, command and control have always been central tenets to the structure of Peace River’s armed forces. The Greyhound incorporates advanced computational systems allowing field commanders to conduct battlefield with unimpeded comms. The Greyhound is mostly found in POC regiments. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Mustang 10 AR , TR W:4" G:6" 8 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Arms Vanguard Mustang 11 AR , TR W:4" G:6" 8 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Demolisher Mustang 10 AR , TR W:4" G:6" 8 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Shamshir Mustang 11 AR , TR W:4" G:6" 8 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ MAC (Arm), MAPR (Link), LFM, APGL, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") HAC (Arm), MAPR (Link), LFM, APGL, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") LSC (Arm), MAPR (Link), LFM, APGL, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") MBZ (Arm), MAPR (Link), LFM, APGL, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Greyhound 10 4 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ LRF (Arm), LVB (Arm) Chieftain (Greyhound upgrade) +2 - - - - - 3+ - 130 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) RC, AR, TR W:7" G:9" +(CMD) - Type/ Height Gear 2" Arms Gear 2" Arms Gear 2" Arms Gear 2" Traits Type/ Height Airdrop, Agile, Gear Arms, Comms:2, 1.5" ECM:2 (Aux), SatUp:5+, Sensors:18" (Aux) +Init:1, ECCM Gear 1.5" Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Skirmisher Paxton Recon Gear 4.2 meters 5,780 kg Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Code Name: Vanguard Skirmisher +Tag upgrade Manufacturer: Paxton Unit Type: Command Gear Height: 4.2 meters Weight: 5,780 kg The Skirmisher is a long-range patrol and harassment Gear, the result of the Protectorate Defense Plan to field exclusively Paxtonproduced models. An ambitious design, sporting heavier armor than a Cheetah and nearly capable of matching it for speed. Standard airdrop capability and a variety of equipment options further its role. The Skirmishers flexible design allows it to be outfitted for either recon or combat roles, duties that it carries out quite admirably. When not interdicting communications, coordinating the battlefield via satellite uplink or breaking through enemy ECM, the Skirmisher is often found taking the fight to the enemy. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Skirmisher 8 RC, AR W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ LRF (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Vanguard Skirmisher 8 RC, AR W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ LAC (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Sweeper Skirmisher 8 RC, AR W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ Scourge Skirmisher 9 RC, AR W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ Chieftain (Skirmisher upgrade) Tag (Skirmisher upgrade) Special Forces (Skirmisher upgrade) Assassin Skirmisher +1 +(CMD), +TR (CMD), +HA (CMD) +1 +(CMD) - - - - - - 3+ LFC (Arm), RP (PEN:6), MHG, LVB (Arm) LBZ (Arm, Split:2), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) - Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, Sensors:24" (Aux) Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Comms:1 ECM:2, Sensors:24" (Aux) Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, Sensors:24" (Aux) Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, Sensors:24" (Aux) +ECCM - - - - - - 4+ - +1 SF - - - - - - - - 10 SF W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ MRF (Arm, Silent), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" +ECCM, SatUp:5+ (Aux), TD:1 +Stealth Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, Sensors:24" (Aux), Stealth Gear 1.5" 131 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) PEACE RIVER Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Shinobi Paxton Stealth Gear 4 meters 5,100 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: A stealth Gear based of the ever popular Skirmisher the Shinobi retains all of its progenitor’s strong points. Foremost amongst these benefits is a high end targeting matrix that allows the application highly accurate weapons fire regardless of weapon type. This gives the Shinobi a powerful attack profile for a lighter Gear. While it does not occupy the same class as the Polar stealth Gears, the Shinobi is more than adequate for the tasks that it is designed for. Shinobi’s are often utilised where the mission brief requires someone, or something, to disappear without the risk of bad press to Peace River’s governing body. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Shinobi 14 SF W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 3+ LAC (Arm, Precise, Silent), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Vanguard Shinobi 15 SF W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 3+ MAC (Arm, Precise, Silent), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Lookout Shinobi 16 SF W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 3+ LRF (Arm, Silent), LRP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Sweeper Shinobi 14 SF W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 3+ MFC (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Scourge Shinobi 15 SF W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 3+ LBZ (Arm, Split:2), RP (PEN:6), LVB (Arm) Assassin Shinobi 16 SF W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 3+ HRF (Arm, Silent, Stabilizer), LVB (Arm) Chieftain (Shinobi upgrade) +1 +(CMD) - - - - - - - - 132 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Weapons Traits Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1, ECM:2, Sensors:18" (Aux), Stealth (Aux), Vet Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1, ECM:2, Sensors:18" (Aux), Stealth (Aux), Vet Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1, ECM:3, Sensors:18" (Aux), Stealth (Aux), Vet Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1, ECM:2, Sensors:18" (Aux), Stealth (Aux), Vet Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1, ECM:2, Sensors:18" (Aux), Stealth (Aux), Vet Airdrop, Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, ECM:3, Sensors:18" (Aux), Stealth (Aux), Vet +ECCM, SatUp:4+ (Aux) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Crusader IV Paxton Fire Support Gear 5 meters 8,760 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Cheap to maintain and arm, the Crusader also has a particular flaw. All models in this series up to the current iteration possessed a critical vulnerability to particle cannons. The Mark 5, the last in the series, resolved this problem at the cost of reducing its firepower. This is mitigated by a powerful melee weapon. TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI Crusader IV 13 FS W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ Demolisher Crusader IV 13 FS, HA W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ Scourge Crusader IV 13 FS W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ Crusader V (Crusader IV upgrade) +1 - - - - - - - Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU Argos 18 9 5/1 2 9 5/1 9 5/1 Demolisher Argos Shamshir Argos Argos Paxton Heavy Assault Gear 5.8 meters 10,300 kg The successor to aging Crusader, the Argos was borne out of necessity. Desperately needing to put doubts to rest, skunkwork engineers attempted to re-assert Paxton Arm’s presence in the global market place. Despite its massive bulk the Argos is very easy to operate and carried a fearsome payload of weapons. Model FS, HA, SK W:4" G:5" 19 FS, HA, SK W:4" G:5" 19 FS, HA W:4" G:5" Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST EW Weapons Traits Type/ Height 5+ HAC (Arm), MRP (Link), Arms, Autopilot, Gear LFM, APGL, MVB (Arm, Brawler:1, 2" Reach: 1") Vuln:H 5+ MSC (Arm), MRP (Link), Arms, Autopilot, Gear LFM, APGL, MVB (Arm, Brawler:1, 2" Reach: 1") Vuln:H 5+ MBZ (Arm), MRP (Link), Arms, Autopilot, Gear 2" LFM, APGL, MVB (Arm, Brawler:1, Reach: 1") Vuln:H - -MRP (Link), -LFM, +MRP, -Vuln:H +MFM PI EW Weapons Traits 3+ 5+ 5+ 2 3+ 5+ 5+ 2 3+ 5+ 5+ HRC (Arm), MAR, APGL, Arms, Brawler:1, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") Vet MSC (Arm), LABM, APGL, Arms, Brawler:1, MSE, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") Vet HBZ (Arm), LATM, APGL, Arms, Brawler:1, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") Vet Type/ Height Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" 133 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) PEACE RIVER Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Cataphract Paxton Gear Strider 7.9 meters 45,430 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The original Gear-Strider, the Cataphract filled a need for a multi-role assault vehicle capable of dealing with CEF hovertanks. Unlike the Kodiak or King Cobra, the Cataphract is better suited to fulfil a wide array of battlefield roles. It is equally adept at giving supporting fire, armor busting, or simply smashing opponents with its heavy vibrosword. Uhlan Paxton Gear Strider 8.4 meters 51,220 kg The Uhlan has been called the walking “pillbox”, bristling with anti-gear weaponry. A single Uhlan is capable of laying down a withering stream of fire that can tear any Gear to pieces. Defensively it couples very heavy armor with an efficient anti missile system allowing it to withstand even the fiercest enemy assaults. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Cataphract 26 SK , FS , HA W:4" G:5" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Scourge Cataphract 25 SK , FS , HA W:4" G:5" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Tank hunter Cataphract 27 FS , ST W:4" G:5" 10 5/3 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Lord (Cataphract upgrade) +2 +(CMD) - - - - - - 4+ MRG (Arm), MFM, MMG (T, Link), HVB (Arm, Reach: 2") HBZ (Arm), LATM, MMG (T, Link), HVB (Arm, Reach: 2") MTG (Arm), MATM, MMG (T, Link), HVB (Arm, Reach: 2") - Arms, Brawler:2, ECM:1, Arms, Brawler:2, ECM:1, Arms, Brawler:2, ECM:1, +Init:1, ECCM Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Uhlan (unreleased) 28 HA W:4" G:5" 11 5/3 2 3+ 5+ 5+ Kestros Uhlan 28 HA W:4" G:5" 11 5/3 2 3+ 5+ Fusillade Uhlan 30 FS , ST W:4" G:5" 11 5/3 2 3+ 5+ Lord (Ulhan upgrade) +2 +(CMD) - - - - - - 134 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Strider 2.5" Strider 2.5" Strider 2.5" Type/ Height Strider 3" HAC (Arm, Burst: 2), MAC Arms, AMS, (FT+F, Auto, Link), HRP (Link), Brawler:1, HHG, APGL (Auto), HSG (ARM) 5+ HGL (Arm, IF), MAC (FT+F, Arms, AMS, Strider Auto, Link), HRP (Link), HHG, Brawler:1, 3" APGL (Auto), HSG (ARM) 5+ HPL (Arm), MAC (FT+F, Auto, Arms, AMS, Strider Link), HRP (Fire:3, Link), HHG, Brawler:1, 3" APGL (Auto), HSG (ARM) 4+ +Init:1, ECCM, ECM:1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Coyote Paxton Light Strider 6.0 meters 29,500 kg Code Name: Alpha Dog Coyote in Ground Mode Manufacturer: Paxton Unit Type: Light Strider Height: 4.5 meters Weight: 29,500 kg The Coyote is a daring exploration of the middle ground between Striders and Tanks. Not as efficient as either a light tank or a small Strider in their preferred roles, the Coyote is more flexible than either. Due to its deployable walker mode, the Coyote can easily move through terrain that would bog down a standard Tank. Across open ground the Coyote is a fast and smooth ride. Where the Coyote may be found lacking however is in its arsenal. Instead of a more traditional tank gun the Coyote mounts the same medium railgun wielded by the Cataphract. Wise Coyote commanders choose their battles carefully. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Coyote 24 LS W:4" G:6" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Vanguard Coyote 21 LS W:4" G:6" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Pilum Coyote 24 LS W:4" G:6" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Fusillade Coyote 22 LS W:4" G:6" 9 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ +(CMD) - - - - - - 4+ Alpha Dog +3 (Coyote upgrade) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Weapons Traits Type/ Height MRG (T), MRC (AA), ECM:1, Low Profile, Strider APGL, LCW Sensors:18", 2" Mount, Stable HRC (T), MRC (AA), ECM:1, Low Profile, Strider APGL, LCW Sensors:18", 2" Mount, Stable MATM (T), MRC (AA), ECM:1, Low Profile, Strider APGL, LCW Sensors:18", 2" Mount, Stable MLC (T), MRC (AA), ECM:1, Low Profile, Strider LCW Sensors:18", 2" Mount, Stable +Init:1, ECCM, ECM:2, SatUp:4+ (Aux) 135 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) PEACE RIVER Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Red Bull Mk2 Paxton Artillery Strider 6.6 meters 47,500 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Length: Weight: The Red Bull MkII was Terra Nova’s first Tankstrider. The MkII’s performance has proven the concept’s viability by presenting a platform with heavy Tank like armor and Strideresque flexibility. These lumbering titans come providing the armies of Peace River with much needed artillery, missile, and direct heavy support. Dragonfly Paxton VTOL 12.6 meters 8,500 kg The Dragonfly is a ubiquitous piece of machinery designed to withstand the very worst of Badlands weather. This popular Peace River offering can be found in use throughout Terra Nova’s various leagues. Multiple redundant systems keep the hopper in the air making it an excellent choice for combat sorties. Xyston Red Bull Mk2 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Red Bull Mk2 28 ST (0+) W:4" G:5" 12 4/4 2 4+ 6+ 5+ MFG (T, Link), MRC (FT, AA), APGL (Auto), MCW Sarisa Red Bull Mk2 30 ST (0+) W:4" G:5" 12 4/4 2 4+ 6+ 5+ HATM (T), MRC (FT, AA), APGL (Auto), MCW Xyston Red Bull Mk2 28 ST (0+) W:4" G:5" 12 4/4 2 4+ 6+ 5+ HFG (T), MRC (FT, AA), APGL (Auto), MCW Arbalest (Red Bull Mk2 upgrade) +2 - - - - - - - - -MRC (FT, AA), +HAPR (T, AA, Link) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Dragonfly VTOL (Peace River) 17 VL (0+) F:12" H:12" 6 4/4 2 4+ 3+ 5+ MAC (FT+F, AA), LATM (Aux), LSAM (Aux) Agile, ECM:1, TD:1 136 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Traits Type/ Height AMS, Lumbering, Strider Sensors: 18" 2" (Aux), Stable AMS, Lumbering, Strider Sensors: 18” 2" (Aux), Stable AMS, Lumbering, Strider Sensors: 18" 2" (Aux), Stable Type/ Height Vehicle 3" Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Hoplite Paxton Armored Personnel Carrier 3 meters 20,560 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Hoplite APC is the workhorse of Peace River’s military regiments carrying two squads of infantry. Other variants are used in support roles mounting heavy weapons in place of the transport capacity weapons. Some critics have jokingly referred to its silhouette as brick like to which Peace River Citizens respond with “It’s built like one too!”. Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Mastiff Paxton Armored Personnel Carrier 2.3 meters 10,240 kg The Peace Officer Corps fields a number of modified armored personnel carriers for crowd control and emergency situations. These transports are often deployed versus rovers in SWAT style operations. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Hoplite 7 G:7" 7 4/4 1 4+ 6+ 5+ LAC (FT) APC:2 Hippeis Hoplite 8 CV (0+), IN CV G:7" 7 4/4 1 4+ 6+ 5+ MFM APC:2 Arbalest Hoplite 8 CV G:7" 7 4/4 1 4+ 6+ 5+ MRP APC:2 Xyston Hoplite 9 CV G:7" 7 4/4 1 4+ 6+ 5+ LFG APC:1 Herd Lord (Hoplite upgrade) +1 +(CMD) - - - - - - 4+ - +Init:1, SatUp:5+ (Aux), Smoke:2 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Mastiff 4 G:7" 5 3/3 1 5+ 6+ 5+ LRF (FT), APGL APC:1 Pacifier Mastiff (Unreleased) Medic Mastiff 5 CV (0+), IN (0-3) CV G:7" 5 3/3 1 5+ 6+ 5+ MFL (T), APGL 2 IN (0-1) G:7" 5 3/3 1 5+ 6+ 5+ - APC:1, Medic HippeisMastiff 5 CV (0+) G:7" 5 3/3 1 5+ 6+ 5+ LFM (T), APGL APC:1 Type/ Height Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" Type/ Height Vehicle 0.5" Vehicle 0.5" Vehicle 0.5" Vehicle 0.5" 137 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) PEACE RIVER Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Spitz Paxton Motorized Infantry Bike 1 meter 500 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Spitz monocycle has recently been developed to bolster Peace River’s professional infantry ranks. The unique mono-wheel design has endeared it to the typical Badlander as its single wheel allows for its rider to perform impressive maneuvers and non-linear attack runs. Mameluk Paxton Infantry Fighting Vehicle 2.3 meters 3,230 kg The Mameluk Infantry Fighting Vehicle was developed as a fast light tank. Armed with either a light autocannon or rocket pod, the Mameluk is able to closely support infantry squads with Gear grade weaponry at a fraction of the price of a Gear and with a lower profile. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Antelope 3 G:9" 4 2/4 1 5+ 4+ 5+ MMG Comms:1 Elan 3 G:9" 4 2/4 1 5+ 4+ 5+ MMG TD:0 Spitz Monowheel Mameluk (Unreleased) Arbalest Mameluk 3 CV (0+), IN (0+) CV (0+), IN (0+) IN (0+) G:11" 3 3/0 1 5+ 3+ 6+ MIW Agile CV (0+), IN CV (0+), IN G:8" 5 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ LAC (FT, AA), HMG (FT) Airdrop G:8" 5 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ LRP (T), HMG (FT) Airdrop Traits 5 5 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Riflemen Infantry Squad Anti-Tank Infantry Squad Sniper Team 3 IN I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 3 IN I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LIS (AI), LIW, HIS (Stabilizer) LIS (AI), LAVM 3 IN I:3" 2 2/0 1 4+ 4+ 5+ Mortar Infantry Squad Observer Team 3 IN I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 3 IN I:3" 2 2/0 1 4+ Paratroopers (Infantry Squad or Team upgrade) +1 - - - - - - 138 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Stealth 5+ LIS (AI), HIS (AP:1, Precise, Silent, Stabilizer) LIS (AI), LIM 4+ 5+ LIS (AI) - - - Comms:1, TD:1 +Airdrop Type/ Height Vehicle 0.5" Vehicle 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Vehicle 0.5" Vehicle 0.5" Type/ Height Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Valence Paxton Engineering Gear 4.4 meters 6,235 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Peace River’s Engineer Corps and mainly comprised of three Gears. Foremost among these is the Valence. Though unremarkable as a combat vehicle the Valence is very good at being cheap. Popular choice throughout Terra Nova, the Valance has a reputation for being one of the most comfortable vehicles of its class allowing engineers to stay cool under fire – literally. Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 PEACE RIVER PEACE RIVER MODELS LIST Engineering Grizzly Northco / Shaian Mechanics Engineering Gear 5.1 meters 8,940 kg For heavy lifting, Peace River has adopted both the engineering Grizzly and Cobra. Most of these Gears were originally combat units used prior to the Protectorate Defence Plan. Once they became too badly damaged for continued use in military actions they were decommissioned or repurposed for logistics duties. Engineering Cobra Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Type/ Height Arms, Recovery, Gear Sensors: 6", 1.5" Vuln:F Arms, Recovery, Gear Sensors: 6", 1.5" Vuln:F Arms, Recovery, Gear 1.5" Sensors: 6", Vuln:F Arms, Recovery, Gear Sensors: 6", 1.5" Vuln:F Valence 3 EG (0+), AR, IN W:4" 3 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 6+ Demolisher Valence 4 EG , AR , IN W:4" 3 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 6+ Sweeper Valence 3 EG , AR , IN W:4" 3 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 6+ Foreman Valence 4 EG (CMD) W:4" 3 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 5+ LAC (Arm), APGL, LHG (Arm), LSE (Arm), LVB (Arm) LSC (Arm), APGL, LHG (Arm), LSE (Arm), LVB (Arm) LFC (Arm), APGL, HHG (Arm), LSE (Arm), LVB (Arm) LAC, (Arm), APGL, LHG (Arm), LSE (Arm), HCW (Arm, Reach: 1") Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Engineering Grizzly 8 EG W:4" G:6" 6 3/3 1 5+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), HCW (Reach: 1"), MHG (Arm), MSE (Arm) Arms, Brawler:2, Recovery, Vuln:F Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Engineering Cobra 8 EG W:4" G:6" 6 3/3 1 5+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), HCW (Reach: 1"), MHG (Arm), MSE (Arm) Arms, Brawler:2, Recovery, Vuln:F Type/ Height Gear 2" Type/ Height Gear 2" 139 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SOUTH MODELS NUCOAL - UNIFIED LISTIN ARMS UNIFIED IN ARMS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.0 1.1 THE NEW COALITION 140 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) The New Coalition (NuCoal) was born in TN 1932 as a trade alliance between several city states in the Westridge Range and Barrington Basin areas of Terra Nova. With the Interpolar War it became a security and protection alliance out of necessity and fear of the two raging super powers. Its seven sword logo represents the seven city states that make up the league. The large central sword for Port Arthur and its military might and the 6 smaller swords for Fort Neil, Prince Gable, Lance Point, Temple Heights, Erech & Ninerveh, and Khayr Ad-Din. NUCOAL - UNIFIED IN ARMS in the neighboring settlements, the Barrington Basin was brought under Earth’s strict control. The measures utilized by the CEF to maintain control in the populated area were excessively cruel and lasted longer than any other occupation during the war. Thousands of Badlanders caught during partisan operations throughout the war were rounded up and interned at concentration camps outside of present day Port Arthur. After the war, many Badlanders in the region continued to hold grudges against PAK because of their former affiliation with the hated CEF. If the indignities of occupation were not enough, most of the conflicts in the Badlands occurred in the Barrington Basin. As the CEF poured through the region, thousands of 90° W 60° W 30° W people were displaced from their homes, and often in the wake of the invaders coming through the region, homesteads, towns, and oasis towers were stripped of their resources. Often these displaced communities simply disappeared, but a number individuals overcame the odds and joined with polar forces to fight against the invaders. generations, many of their ancestors  left the polar leagues for one reason or another. Antipathy to the polar factions has carried through the generations, and has only been reinforced by the numerous wars and skirmishes fought in the region. Honeyed words and empty promises mean little to the typical Badlander, and one of the greatest challenges when establishing NuCoal was overcoming resentment of the CEF’s harsh occupation during the War of the Alliance. Few Badlanders were eager to be leashed to another master so soon after regaining their independence. 180° 120° W a p h A l ls 60° N 150° W While Port Arthur is the senior partner in the NuCoal alliance, the stranded population of former CEF soldiers and officers did not always enjoy the prestige they currently command. In TN1913, elements of the 8th CEF Fleet landed in the north N O R what T is now H Port E Arthur. R This N large of the Barrington Basin in r c the t largest i c CEF encampment B a s i onn Terra Nova, beachheadAbecame B y e r s t P l a i n and was designed to be the staging point of a drive deep into the F o s s e n w o o d Rapid City L strategic I G HThe lives T S and the bitterness Mekong Dominion. If successful, this plan would seize lost subjugated by Earth Q uu i R a of n n gbeing e i nn i n u Q Exeter Z i hwhile l S a lPort t oil fields and crippleL Southern production capabilities. left a mark on the people of the region, and Arthur a k e n C l e a r ta F l a t s is w a t e r il Tr has repeatedly proven Franklin Harbor Fra L a k e itself to the NuCoal population there is H M E Before the C CEF O forces N could F advance E Dinto the E southern R Ajungles C Ystill some underlying Lyonnesse resentment held by a significant minority Mt. Alban and Mekong city-states, they had to first subjugate the region within the city-states and townships. S a n g a r Marathon D d little g e to no organized Fort around their West Base site. With military o r i W William B a s i n R l e v n nklin a m m a gg ee R C A T Exet G N R aa nn er g M a U NUCOAL THE WAR OF THE ALLIANCE While most modern Badlanders have lived in the region for Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 M a g l e v a n g e Mt. Mulhacén t h B s i o n Canterbury i n M a r a w e s t a t W e P a s t m Gu iv i r a d alqu e p r n a P l a i n P R O T E C T O R A T E Fort James Wounded Knee B A S I N R a Erech G a m m a e c Lo t a a g l e v Y u n g A n (HQ, Westphalia Cabinet) r e a t S o Timbuktu t u h e r n Innsmouth Ré un a s i n ion Réunion on ni L. u é Cha ntilly R a P l a t e n i As a result of their passive and early conquest, the a resistance P l region was ableSto recover a few cycles. The Hquick turn O within U T E Mt. Bukûtu around of the Barrington Basin and WestridgeAnkara settlements Mt. Kulin put them in a unique position of being able to aid in the Bethany Mt. Émile-Zola Mt. reconstruction Gérard of the s polar leagues. Raw construction materials, p l A n heavy and oil was in heavy demand from both north h e requipment, t u Ashanti Tsang andHsisouth. The Southern Republic in particular relies on oil supplies from Lance Point to this day. E L a k e s p e Newton B R L a k e Ya n g t z e Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Khayr ad-Din Lake Heliosphora Mekong Equator E P U r R N M a g l e v R a n g e e 60° S o D E S E R T G a m m a o B M A s h i n g t o n P l a i n s Ashington aser G g I Fr N W e s t e r n R Aquitaine Saragossa Lake The Barrington Van Ness left in an M e k o n g Basin and Westridge settlements were Olduvai M e the k opost n gwar cycles. Unlike l a i n unusualP situation during their polar E a s t e r n cousins, the infrastructure of these communities were relatively M e k o n g M E K O N G P l a that i n untouched. Surrendering quickly to the CEF forces meant ng B a s i n ya veryLoyang little fighting occurred within theMt. Idacity-states, and most D O M I N I O N homesteads that capitulated were left intact. After a few towns S harbored rebels and were burntAtsito the ground by the invaders, Mt. Kandrasar E.S.E. L. most Badlanders realized that there was veryShuswap little they could do L. Ngorongoro n Yu n g A openlyYung against such overwhelming odds. An E a n g e Westphalia a Mirat 30° S DR v M a g l e W ts . es t ridge M Mt. François-Albert Chung Tang nn rr rr NEW HUMAN REPUBLIC D E S E R T Lance Point Temple Heights g W E S T E R N W H I T E Godwell Valley tle L it g Port Arthur Security Zone White Mts . C O A L I T I O N s s o e g S a r a g n R a n Nineveh G R E A T Prince Gable Fort Neil ee n E Mt. Mosvari C a j u n P l a i n s W N E W rench ge T Port Arthur e Azov 0° B A R R I N G T O N F NBC Hazard Zone Red Sands Mainz We s t r i d S e r p e n t i n s e e s t r i d g n Pas C a ju n Lake Providence Baton Rouge s Fort Henry a u G r e Jasper L. Toro F R O N T I E R Ronda S o u S t h p u W E S T E R N R a n g e NEW BEGINNINGS ol C 30° N i Aterriza na Siwa Oa Marabou a n c e 141 B Lake Moustache L Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NUCOAL - UNIFIED IN ARMS RISE OF AN UNLIKELY TITAN During the reconstruction following the War of the Alliance, many of the Westridge and Barrington settlements found their raw materials and services in higher demand than normal. Polar communities were devastated by the heavy fighting and orbital bombardments inflicted by the invading Earth forces, and large swathes of basic infrastructure was crippled in the process. Demands for construction materials such as steel and concrete spiked, while necessities like fuel and food were in scare supply. The relatively untouched city-states and counties of the Badlands were happy to meet the needs. NUCOAL While most communities only concerned themselves with the short term benefits of the boom, Royz Malkolm (then mayor of Fort Neil) saw a potential problem with the sudden demand. As the polar governments began to rely on the natural resources and manufactured goods from the region, there would be very little to keep the desperate leagues from subjugating the population and simply taking what they wanted. Royz began his tour of the region in TN1925, ostensibly to establish a free trade coalition, but with the ultimate goal of establishing a permanent mutual defense pact to defend the region’s economic growth and population. The first step required convincing widely disparate groups across the region to agree to the trade pact. Some city-states scoffed at the idea that they were vulnerable to the fears that Malkolm masterfully wove into a story of subjugation and woe. Other more cynical settlements had no interest in joining a group, regardless of any assurances that the alliance would be loose at best. Yet the single largest concern was the worry that by joining together, the polar leagues would be provoked into acting against the members.   Even pooled together the military might of the combined city-states would be sorely pressed to defend against a single polar league’s armies, and as a result all of them refused Royz’s overtures. Malkolm was finally able to address the security concerns in TN1931, when he convinced Colonel Arthur to enter into the alliance as a senior partner. Temple Heights, Prince Gable, and Lance Point promptly signed onto the trade alliance on 16 Summer, TN1931, with a number of counties along the Gamma Maglev line and the Westridge Mountains joining shortly thereafter. In most of these communities, there was tremendous apprehension about working with Port Arthur; all had been occupied during the War of the Alliance and those wounds had hardly healed by the time NuCoal was established, but the security and economic benefits of the alliance outweighed those concerns. The NuCoal Badlander’s viewpoint was a pragmatic one. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The members of the fledgling trade group saw an immediate upsurge in their local economies practically as soon as the ink was dry on the treaty documents. The free trade zone and law enforcement partnerships created a great deal of stability within the Barrington Basin and Westridge settlements. NuCoal’s member states now had less to fear from any economic sanctions placed by polar competitors; the threat of being able to reserve any sanctions allowed them to mitigate the worst tariffs on its exported goods. While their new-found might did nothing to lessen the threat of corporate espionage, for the first time commerce between the Badlands and the poles would flow freely, unimpeded by political barriers. NuCoal’s fiercest economic competitor proved not to be any of the polar leagues, but an icon in the Badlands - Paxton Arms. Fearing Port Arthur’s growing influence in both military and economic spheres, Paxton waged a covert war to suppress the economic development of all NuCoal members. The vast majority of espionage attempts were aimed directly at Port Arthur, and for a number of cycles these actions were successful at curtailing the city-state from building a significant manufacturing base. Other NuCoal city-states were mostly untouched by Paxton’s intrigues, allowing them to benefit from Port Arthur’s falling output and difficulties in opening new markets. While this allowed NuCoal as a whole to flourish, these smaller communities did wind up facing political and economic pressures from Peace River, ever the proxy for Paxton Arms’ corporate aims. 142 The smaller county towns and homesteading communities thrived from the economic and physical security provided by NuCoal. By Stephen Belz (order #8710802) late TN1936 more than eighty five percent of the rural counties in the region made the decision to join NuCoal. As members, these rural counties enjoyed subsidized infrastructure funding in addition to a measure of security against polar aggression. Port Arthur’s association with the Humanist Alliance aided considerably in NuCoal’s regional development. While this aid came covertly at first, the Humanists aimed to improve the infrastructure of the region in order to support a larger population. During Spring of TN1931, key members of the White Rock and Thebes preceptor and commoner caste were relocated to Port Arthur. The initial wave of a few thousand individuals turned into a flood after the siege of White Rock left the Humanist citystate in dire straights. When Southern Republic forces entered White Rock on 33 Spring TN1936, they found the city empty except for forty thousand armed commoners whose nonviolent programming had been weakened or even removed. The Southern Republic speculated that the city-state’s occupants had fled to the east, but Archon Navar had assigned a portion of his escaping army to move the refugees east into the Badlands. The unprecedented exodus of nearly three million Humanist refugees during the Inter-Polar War was a little known secret, lost amidst the many tragedies of that period. Prepared routes along the Emerald Belt and the Pacifica Range that had been created as an exit corridor for HAPF, ended up serving the general Humanist population as a path to a new future. Defying both Northern and Southern forces in the Badlands, the vital Gamma Maglev line from Khayr ad-Din to the Westridge was kept open by NSDF and KADA forces largely to ferry supplies, refugees, and HAPF personnel into NuCoal. NUCOAL - UNIFIED IN ARMS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 TROUBLED TIMES AND HIGH HOPES These early cycles of growth did not come without incident, however. Labor riots orchestrated by the Badland’s Revolutionary Front in TN1934 at Lance Point, threatened the foundation of the fragile alliance. Under the leadership of Ernesto Jaxon, the Badland’s Revolutionary Front engaged in open warfare with Lance Point corporate security over horrendous working conditions. With vital oil supplies cut off, the Southern Republic deployed the 2nd Legion Noire Regiment and 11th MILICIA Regiment, to crack down on the uprising and open the pipelines. This fighting lead to Lance Point being permanently occupied by southern forces, and threatened to drive a wedge  in the NuCoal alliance. Due to the distance and concerns over dragging the entire region into a war, PAK was unable to respond to the southern intervention, when even though one of the member city-states was directly under military occupation, seemingly making a mockery of the security guarantees that NuCoal was founded on. Rising tensions between the polar governments became a major concern for the member cities and counties. Due to Port Arthur’s military incapability to intervene in the Lance Point incident, Malkolm approached the leaders of the coalition at Prince Gable in Spring of TN1935 to address the need of an organized military force to repel any invasion. At first the leaders balked at his suggestion, but Prince Gable’s governor, Andrea Sinclair, cleared the way by offering her support for the venture. By Summer of TN1935 the foundations for the NuCoal Self Defense Force were in place, and the city-states began contributing, modernizing and standardizing equipment between each other. Older equipment was given to the rural counties for local defense in exchange for participation in the defense pact. Malkolm and Sinclair also negotiated for a common Marshall Service to provide impartial regional law enforcement. The service has jurisdiction only in areas that participate in the program, and initially only a handful of counties signed up. However, in the post Inter-Polar War period the necessity of having a strong law enforcement element increased the demand for marshals throughout the region. With a plan for mutual defense and stunning economic growth, the Barrington Basin and Westridge settlements had good reason to hope they could weather the upcoming storm. NUCOAL During the five cycles between the founding of NuCoal and the start of the Inter-Polar War, the member states of the trade alliance enjoyed a considerable growth in their economies. The security offered by Port Arthur created a stable environment for trade through the region, and as the communities prospered the citizens of the city-states and counties saw their association with the former Earth invaders with less apprehension. Port Arthur grew to prominence as both a protector and profitable senior partner. THE INTER-POLAR WAR After the battle of Rahnguard Oasis in TN1936, the whole of Terra Nova was plunged into a devastating war. Forces from both polar governments poured through the Barrington Basin and cut off the Gamma Maglev’s service. NuCoal SDF regiments, which were in the middle of organizing, scrambled to defend their territories from invading forces and the member states looked to the PAK to mobilize in defense of the region.   In response Colonel Arthur activated reserves and sent battle groups to protect vital rail lines and the perimeters of the citystates. NuCoal cities and communities declared neutrality in the conflict as part of the defense plan. While settlements were allowed to supply non-military goods to the forces, most chose not to offer any form of support  to polar forces as a show of solidarity. Lance Point’s occupation exempted it from the policy, and as the war’s pace increased the city-state found itself a deployment zone for MILICIA forces. In general the policy of neutrality served the members of the coalition well. Cut off from polar markets, the cities and communities struggled but the foundations established five cycles earlier helped NuCoal members to weather the worst effects of the turmoil. Substantial changes in the nature of NuCoal’s alliance occurred during the Inter-Polar War. The Battle of Two Towers on 22 Summer TN1936 resulted in the destruction of an oasis tower located in the Barrington Basin named Bianca. While not a member of NuCoal, the fact that a Badlands community was destroyed in the fighting between polar forces resonated strongly within all segments of the alliance. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) During the war, Malkolm and his diplomatic corps saw an opportunity to draw formerly reluctant communities into NuCoal, principally the twin city-states of Erech and Nineveh. Early in Autumn of TN1936 NuCoal diplomats attempted to recruit one of either city to the coalition. In what would be known as the Monday Blues incident, Malkolm entered a grueling week long negotiation with the leaders of both cites but only managed to convince them to join the coalition when polar forces threatened to occupy both cities and turn the region into a battleground. On 15th Autumn TN1936, Colonel Arthur’s 17th Guards regiment arrived in the area and joined forces with the militaries of Erech and Nineveh in an attempt to repel the polar forces near the two cities.  Over the course of the next eight days, the combined PAK and NuCoal forces successfully defended Erech and Nineveh from various polar incursions, and on 23 Autumn TN1936 the polar regiments began withdrawing from NuCoal territory. Unlike the debacle at Lance Point, Port Arthur had finally proven it could defend NuCoal’s interests from polar aggression. For the first time the coalition’s members believed they could prevent polar forces from occupying their territory. 143 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NUCOAL - UNIFIED IN ARMS POST WAR REFLECTIONS AND NEW ALLIANCES After Peace River’s destruction in TN1939, the exhausted polar forces sued for peace. While the devastation inflicted during the Inter-Polar War was not as great as that during the War of the Alliance, the polar leagues faced social and political upheavals during the post war cycles. NuCoal emerged from the Inter-Polar War unified in its purpose, with Badlanders living in NuCoal beginning to identify themselves primarily as being citizens of the coalition. Part of the success of NuCoal’s design was how the alliance allowed self-governance and relative autonomy within the original borders, which played well to the Badlander’s sense of independence. At the same time, the economic and military successes of the prior decade gave the population a unifying pride in their accomplishments.   NUCOAL The NSDF, PAK and KADA were successful in their defense of the region, which weathered the war with little damage to its infrastructure or peoples. Once again the region was able to provide construction materials,  heavy equipment and necessities for the polar factions, and the political turmoil throughout the poles made migration to NuCoal an attractive option.  Refugees poured into the region from all corners of the globe, but especially from the Humanist Alliance as the Southern Republic absorbed half of their home country. Jobs were plentiful in the booming economies of the Barrington Basin for these refugees, and the rapid growth of both population and manufacturing base surprised even the most optimistic members of NuCoal’s leadership. THE WAR FOR TERRA NOVA Every war has its traitors and the War for Terra Nova was no different. The arrival of the CEF invasion fleet marked a trial by fire for the newly emerged power bloc of Nucoal. Betrayed from within, Port Arthur fell to the CEF with nary a shot fired, so complete and thorough were the traitors actions that Col. Arthur himself barely escaped the hangman’s noose. As disaster struck old loyalties re-emerged and the various powers that formed the coalition fell back upon what was familiar. In Prince Gable entire regiments allied themselves with the Northern Guard where as in Lance Point they looked to the MILICIA for guidance. Of the Grels that made up the might of PAK however many who had for so long cast off their Terran masters now took advantage of their deployments to find succour in the company of their Terra Novan allies. They may have, long ago arrived as invaders but this dusty little world was now their home and they would die defending it. Eventually Col. Arthur was able to wrest control of PAK back from the traitors who occupied his city. The streets of Port Arthur ran red with blood as Minerva commando teams executed Earth sympathizers with extreme prejudice. The arch traitor Major Bukharin, was decapitated in her own command centre in front of all to witness. Determined to ensure that his legacy would not be sullied by the taint of betrayal Col. Arthur now throws his entire might behind the armies of Terra Nova. The invaders have sown the storm and now they must reap the whirlwind. 144 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) NuCoal’s secret relationship with the Humanist Alliance was revealed in TN1942, when NSDF, PAK, and HAPF forces conducted joint exercises near Lance Point. Shocked MILICIA units had been informed they would be undertaking joint exercises with PAK and NSDF regiments, but were completely unprepared for the inclusion of HAPF forces. The implications of HAPF units actively opposing AST forces sent shockwaves throughout the Southern Republic, resulting in a concerted propaganda war against both Port Arthur and the Humanist Alliance. Once the close alliance between NuCoal and the Humanist Alliance was revealed, NuCoal was able to make economic inroads into the Eastern Sun Emirates. While Paxton Arms had secured exclusive military contracts with the Regent Shirow, infrastructure and military contracts for rural emirate retinues were wide open for NuCoal corporations. Shirow invested large sums of money to repair the infrastructure damage suffered during the civil war. Neil Motor Works capitalized on the expenditures by selling construction Gears, vehicles, and heavy equipment, while supplying the emerging market of the Shajhalin caste with civilian vehicles. Port Arthur’s numerous construction firms undercut polar competitors by providing inexpensive materials and demonstrating proven quick construction techniques developed during NuCoal’s rapid growth cycles. NUCOAL - UNIFIED IN ARMS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NSDF HISTORY The development of the Gallic series such as the Chasseur, Jerboa and Voltigeur provided a path to standardize the rag tag NuCoal garrisons while simultaneously modernizing them with updated equipment. The city-states phased out their entire stock of polar and Paxton produced equipment in favor of NuCoal material, while more rural counties accepted most of the obsolete equipment on loan. The new equipment would only be as good as the person wielding it, and training programs were instituted at the local base of every city-state for their regular soldiers. Volunteer citizens from the city-states and the counties undergo standardized reserves training throughout the cycle at either Port Arthur’s Sigma Encampment or Torrence Station, an oasis tower located forty kilometer north of Lance Point. Only the occupied city-state of Lance Point differs from this policy, sending all both regular and reserve trainees to the Sigma Encampment or Torrence Station. Finally, the militarization of the region included the construction of firebases similar to the bases used by the PAK. These small underground facilities support one company comfortably, but are designed to house full regiments on the move for short periods of time. These outposts are typically found near county seats and concentrated homestead areas, with garrison forces recruited primarily from the local community. NUCOAL The most substantial changes to NuCoal’s defensive capabilities during the post Inter-Polar War period was the rapid growth and modernization of the NuCoal Self Defense Force. The war proved how vulnerable the city-states and counties were to polar predations. Though there were notable successes in fending off polar forces during the war, those skirmishes and battles exposed serious issues in coordination and training between the various militaries of the member states. Riding the wave of popular support for the newly formed NSDF, the members of NuCoal chose to aggressively standardize and modernize their equipment, personnel and facilities. RANK INSIGNIA The NSDF utilizes the same ranking system as the Port Arthur Korps. In times of war, PAK High Command will integrate the NSDF into a single fighting force. Noticeably absent from the ranks is Soldier, the CEF classification given to all GREL. GRELs that are enlisted with the NSDF are given ranks equivalent to their human counterparts, to the disgust of some traditionalists in PAK. Force Commander General Brigadier General Chief of Operations Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Senior Sergeant Major Senior Lieutenant Sergeant Major Senior Corporal Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Lieutenant Junior Sergeant Major Corporal Trooper Junior Lieutenant Senior Sergeant Sergeant 145 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NUCOAL FORCES NUCOAL FORCES: A Generic NuCoal Force may be constructed using only the NuCoal Models List. This is the default option and should be used when learning the game rules. All the models in the NuCoal Models List can be used in any of the sub-lists below. These Sub-Lists allow players to add additional specialized upgrades to their models as they collect their Force. NuCoal Special Rules:  Port Arthur GREL Allies: Any NuCoal Sub-List can include Support units with the Unit Availability of IN from the CEF Model List. Any NuCoal unit with a Unit availability of HV may select LHT-67 and LHT-71 models from the CEF Model List. LHT-67 and LHT-71 models selected this way may replace their LC, PA, or RL weapon with a MRC for +0TV.  South Allies: Any NuCoal unit with a Unit Availability of HV may select Hetaroi models from the South Models List. SUB LISTS: NUCOAL NSDF - NuCoal Self Defense Force Regiments (NuCoal Sub-List): The NSDF is newly constituted force but benefits from being well funded and motivated. The main strength of the NSDF are its advanced Gears and the unparalleled mobility of these hover Gears and vehicles when exploited with their signature hit and run tactics. The huge resource wealth of the Barrington Basin attracts much attention from the North and the South and now for the first time the inhabitants of the region have a means to defend themselves from being trapped between the two superpowers.  Well Supported: Each Primary Unit in this Force may have two Support units. The number of actions in the Support units may not exceed the standard number of actions for a Support unit: Example: A Primary unit of 5 actions may have up to two Support units of up to 3 actions total. HAPF - Humanist Alliance Protection Force (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies:South): Refugees from the old Humanist Alliance territories in the Southern hemisphere, the castes of the Humanist Alliance boast a powerful and highly advanced armed forces. Though their original manufacturing is now lost to the Southern Republic, the Humanist Alliance has rebuilt itself within NuCoal and now uses its highly skilled citizens to create a force strong enough that never again will the Alliance be at risk of destruction.  Team Play: Primary units may only consist of models with two or more actions.  Walk or Fly: Primary units may not include vehicles with only the ground movement type.  Allies: South: The army may include Support units with a Unit Availability of GP, SK, FS, LT, and CV chosen from the South Models List. Sagittarius, Fire Dragon, and Naga models from the South Models List may be selected for HAPF Primary units with the Unit Availability of ST  Advanced Weapons: Reduce the Threat point Value of Models with a Unit Availability of ST or HV that are equipped with an Advanced Category weapon by 1TV.  Transition Forces: HAPF units may mix models from the South and NuCoal Force lists if their Unit Availability Attribute matches the Unit Availability of the unit. PAK - Port Arthur Korps (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies:North/South/CEF): The remnants of the first failed invasion of Terra Nova, now led by Col. Arthur himself the free GREL army of PAK is the largest military contributor to the Defense of NuCoal. Their equipment is not the top of the line but the GREL infantry and hover vehicles form a very strong core that few are willing to test. It is the presence of Port Arthur that makes the polar leagues think twice about expanding more into NuCoal territory.  Hovertank Commander: The commanding officer of a PAK force must select a Vehicle type model.  Allies: North and South: The army may include Gears with a Unit Availability of GP, SK, FS, and RC as Support units chosen from the North and South Model Lists.  Allies: CEF: The army may include LT, MT, IN, and CV units from the CEF force list. The Force may include 0-1 RC unit that only includes HC-3 models. LT-71 and MT-72 models may only be chosen for Veteran units. LP - Lance Point (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies:South): A fast growing city state, Lance Point is an oil boom town currently occupied by Southern forces. Time will tell if the presence of these ‘Observers’ will be come a permanent feature of the situation in Lance Point.  Allies: South: This Force may include Support units with a Unit Availability of GP, MI, SK, FS, RC, LT and HT Support units from the South Models List.  Pathfinders: Any Gear unit may use the Pathfinders Reserve deployment option.  Observers: Allied support units may not use Command points from NuCoal models. South Support units may be given any General upgrades except CMD model upgrades and may be veterans without counting towards the total number of veteran units in the force. 146 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) NUCOAL MODELS LIST Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 SUB LISTS (CONTINUED): NFN - Fort Neil (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies: South): Fort Neil is an industrial hub that has spearheaded many of the new developments of the Gallic series of Gears. In addition the Sampson hover APC was developed by Fort Neil engineers and formations of the APC are common in the Fort Neil regiments and the local Rally courses.  Licensed Fabrication: The army may include Sidewinders, and Ferrets from the North and South Model Lists in any NuCoal unit with a matching Unit Availability.  Test Pilots: In addition to normal Veteran upgrade options, each unit, including Support units, may upgrade one model with the Veteran upgrade. These models may select upgrades from the Generic and Veteran Upgrades list.  Fast Cavalry: Sampson models gain the Agile trait for 0TV. PG - Prince Gable (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies: North): Unable to muster a professional standing army the security forces of Prince Gable must instead harness the vast communications power of the Hermes 72 network and the skills of their electronic warfare pilots to be an effective deterrent.  Allies: North: The army may include Support units with a Unit Availability of GP, SK, FS, CV, IN, and RC units from the North Models List. NUCOAL  Satellite Network: Improve the SatUp Skill of any model with a SatUp:X+ trait by 1 for 0TV. Any commander without a SatUp:X+ trait may add a SatUp:5+ trait for 1TV.  Hackers: A model in this Force using an ECM Sensor Jamming action or reaction improves its Electronic Warfare (EW) skill rating by 1. EN - Erech & Ninerveh (NuCoal Sub-List + Allies: North/South): The Twin cities have vast wealth, enough to host several private military contractors each. This tends to give their militaries a slightly incoherent feel but the mercenaries are highly professional and well equipped. When not on active duty the citizens and soldiers spend a lot of their time participating in races, wagering their fuel allowances and even their lives on the outcomes.  Allies: Choose North or South: The army may include Combat groups with units with a Unit Availability of GP, SK, FS, and RC as Primary or Support units from the chosen Faction Model List. Allied units may not be combined in the same Combat Groups as NuCoal units.  High Octane: Add +1” MR to all non-infantry models when moving in Open terrain or on Road terrain.  Personal Equipment: Allied Primary or Support units may choose upgrades from the Veterans upgrade list without selecting the veteran upgrade or counting toward the limit on veteran units. KADA - Khayr Ad-Din (NuCoal Sub-List +Allies: North, South, Peace River): The Arena city is a contradiction in terms, a place where anyone is welcome if they either have enough coin, or if their skill will win a fortune. Gear pilots who would be the bitterest enemies in any other circumstances will fight to defend the city together against all comers. Nominally a military force, the regiments of Khayr ad-Din fight with a lethal flair that can only be learned in the arena.  Commander: All KADA Commander models gain the Duelist trait for 0TV and may select Duelist options.  Heroes of the Arena: A KADA force may include any number of Duelists. Non-commander duelists may choose their Gears from the North, South, Peace River, or NuCoal force lists.  The Brute: One non-commander Duelist may select a Strider type model from the North, South, Peace River, or NuCoal force lists.  Pack Hunters: Duelists in a KADA force do not use the Lone Wolf rule (See A2.4).  Gear Regiments: KADA Forces may not select Units with a Unit Availability of HT, IN, or HV as Primary units. TH - Temple Heights (NuCoal Sub-List): An enigma, the temple city of Temple heights has gone from an obscure city in the badlands to a thriving refugee center and destination. From liberated GREL soldiers to the mysterious Sandriders all types now call the crescent mesa city home. The Sandriders have changed the nature of combat in the region and even units that only recently joined them in training are reported to have made leaps in skill and now fight with an intensity that shocks their opponents. Reports about the Sandriders themselves are inconsistent because every recon mission to observe the Sandrider camps mysteriously disappears and rumor is that the desert itself rises up to defend its own.  Jannite Pilots: Any Gear model in the Force may upgrade to 2 Actions for +3TV.  Local Militia: Every Combat Group must contain at least one unit with a Unit Availability of SR or EK. A Veteran Sandrider infantry unit may have 0+ En Koreshi.  One with the Desert: Temple Heights forces are unaffected by weather effects. 147 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NUCOAL MODELS LIST NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Chasseur Various Trooper Gear 4.3 meters 6,600 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Chasseur is the primary trooper Gear in production for NuCoal, the HAPF and PAK. The ability of the Gear to maintain speed with hover vehicles makes the Chasseur a versatile unit. The interchangeability of parts with shared with the Jager Gear and the ability to match the mobility of the CEF invaders is an additional plus for all three armies. 148 Chasseur Mk2 Neil Motorworks StrikeTrooper Gear 4.4 meters 7,000 kg Released a cycle after the MkI, The MkII has seen limited distribution due to the complexities of manufacturing and maintenance. Gear cadres using the MK II have shown amazing results against CEF forces. Their high speed and agility has allowed them to perform aggressive flanking maneuvers successfully. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Chasseur 6 W:5" H:9" 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) Arms Chasseur Gunner Chasseur Grenadier Chasseur Flechette Chasseur Hellfire CV Chasseur upgrade) 7 GP (0+), FS , HV , ST, HT GP , FS 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ GP , FS 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 6 GP , FS 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 7 GP , FS 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ +1 +(CMD) - - - - - 5+ MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LGL (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MFC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LBZ (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) - Arms 7 W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" - ECCM Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Chasseur Mk2 8 GP , SK 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ Chasseur Mk2 Gunner Chasseur Mk2 Grenadier Chasseur Mk2 Flechette Chasseur Mk2 Hellfire CV (Chasseur Mk2 upgrade) 9 GP , SK 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ 9 GP , SK 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ 8 GP , SK 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ 9 GP , SK 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 6+ +1 +(CMD) W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" - - - - - - 5+ LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LGL (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MFC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LBZ (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) - Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Arms Arms Arms Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Agile, Arms, Gear Jetpack: 6" (Aux) 1.5" Agile, Arms, Gear Jetpack: 6" (Aux) 1.5" Agile, Arms, Gear Jetpack: 6" (Aux) 1.5" Agile, Arms, Gear Jetpack: 6" (Aux) 1.5" Agile, Arms, Gear Jetpack: 6" (Aux) 1.5" ECCM NUCOAL MODELS LIST Cuirassier Various Strike Gear 4.6 meters 7,120 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: A heavy trooper that has served the HAPF since the Interpolar War, the Cuirassier is well loved by the league’s elite units. In NuCoal SDF regiments, the Gear is a popular alternative to the Chasseur Mk2. Pilots with difficulties handling the complexities of a hover enabled Gear enjoy the more standard movement systems of the Cuirassier. Model TV Cuirassier 10 Cuirassier Hellfire Cuirassier Long Gunner Cuirassier Grenadier Cuirassier Lance CV (Cuirassier upgrade) 12 11 11 11 +1 UA MR SK (0+), W:6" RC (CMD) G:7" SK W:6" G:7" SK W:6" G:7" SK W:6" G:7" SK W:6" G:7" +(CMD) - Wildcat Keimuri Gear / Neil Motorworks Strike Gear 4.3 meters 6,580 kg NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Command Cuirassier AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 6 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ - - - - - 4+ MAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MBZ (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) HRF (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) MGL (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) LAC (AA, Arm, Burst:2) LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) - Agile, Airdrop, Arms Agile, Airdrop, Arms Agile, Airdrop, Arms Agile, Airdrop, Arms Agile, Airdrop, Arms +ECCM, SatUp:5+ (Aux) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Wildcat 7 RC , SK W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LRP, MVB (Arm) Riotmaster Wildcat 7 RC , SK W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LFC (Arm), LRP, MVB (Arm) Gunner Wildcat 8 SK W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ MAC (Arm), LRP, MVB (Arm) Assault Wildcat 8 SK W:6" G:8" 5 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LSC (Arm), MVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1, Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1, Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1, Agile, Arms, Brawler:1, Comms:1, Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 149 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NUCOAL MODELS LIST NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Jerboa Verton Tech Recon Gear 3.6 meters 4,915 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Jerboa is a popular recon Gear within the NSDF. Currently the Jerboa has seen wide deployment throughout the league replacing the Northern Ferret. The Jerboa is a superior unit to the Ferret due to the increased level of comfort that it offers the pilot and the ability to employ jet assisted movements. Boa Neil Motorworks Fire Support Gear 4.8 meters 9,100 kg When designed, the Boa was meant to be the heaviest armored Gear on the market but ended up under gunned. NuCoal and Humanist engineers found a solution for the Boa’s problems by increasing the unit’s power via a revolutionary quad engine design. The Boa’s reputation for toughness has been a boon for sales of this massive Gear. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Jerboa 6 FS , RC (0+), HT W:5" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ Jerboa Fist 6 RC W:5" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ Jerboa Flash 6 RC W:5" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ Jerboa Sentry 7 RC W:5" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Boa 14 FS 9 5/1 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 14 FS 9 5/1 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Firestorm Boa 14 FS 9 5/1 1 4+ 5+ 6+ HAC (Arm), MRP, MFM, MMG, MVB (Arm, Reach 1") MBZ (Arm), MRP, MGM, MMG, MVB (Arm, Reach 1") MRL (Arm) MRP, MGM, MMG, MVB (Arm, Reach 1") Arms, Brawler:2 Strike Boa W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" 150 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Weapons Traits LRF (Arm), RP (PEN:6), Arms, Brawler:-1, APGL, LVB (Arm) Comms:1, ECM:2, Jetpack:6" (Aux), Sensors:18" LRF (Arm), RP (Pen:6), Arms, Brawler:-1, LPZ, APGL, LVB (Arm) Comms:1, ECM:2, Jetpack:6" (Aux), Sensors:18" LRF (Arm), RP (PEN:6), Arms, Brawler:-1, APGL, LVB (Arm) Comms:1, Jetpack:6" (Aux), Sensors: 18", TD:1 LRF (Arm), APGL, LVB Arms, Comms:1, (Arm, PEN:6) Jetpack:6", SatUp:5+ (Aux), Sensors:18" Arms, Brawler:2 Arms, Brawler:2 Type/ Height Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" Type/ Height Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" NUCOAL MODELS LIST Chevalier Neil Motorworks Fire Support Gear 5.0 meters 8,900 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Chevalier has a good variety of support and assault weapons, making the support Gear versatile on the field. The Gear shines in its role with a combination of light guided mortar and heavy incendiary rockets. Chevalier pilots represent a small subset of the NuCoal population who prefer firepower over speed. Arbalestier Neil Motorworks Fire Support Gear 5.0 meters 9,050 kg NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 As the NSDF utilises a high number of ground effect vehicles and Gears, traditional support elements often found themselves struggling to keep up with the high speed maneuvers that have become the coalition’s trademark. The Arbalestier is the hover capable support Gear they required to effectively duel with targets like King Cobras. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Chevalier 14 FS (0+) W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Chevalier Hellfire 14 FS W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Chevalier Hammer 14 FS W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Chevalier Spear 14 FS 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ Chevalier Javelin CV (Chevalier upgrade) 15 FS 8 4/2 1 4+ 5+ 6+ +1 +(CMD) W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" - - - - - - 5+ HAC (Arm), MAR (Fire:1), LGM, HMG (Link), LVB (Arm) MBZ (Arm), MRP (Fire:1, Link), LGM, HMG (Link), LVB (Arm) HRF (Arm), MAR (Fire:1), LAG (Stabilizier), HMG (Link), LVB (Arm) HAC (Arm), HRP (Link), HMG (Link), LVB (Arm) HAC (Arm), MATM , HMG (Link), LVB (Arm) - Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Arbalestier (unreleased) Arbalestier Grenadier Arbalestier Demolisher 19 FS, HV 9 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 6+ 19 FS, HV 9 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 6+ 19 FS, HV W:4" H:7" W:4" H:7" W:4" H:7" 9 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 6+ HRP (Arm), MFC, HPZ, HMG, APGL, MVB (Arm) HRP (Arm), MGL, HPZ, HMG, APGL, MVB (Arm) HRP (Arm), HPZ, HMG, APGL, HSE, MVB (Arm) Traits Type/ Height Arms, Autopilot Gear 2" Arms, Autopilot Gear 2" Arms, Autopilot Gear 2" Arms, Autopilot Gear 2" Gear 2" Arms, Autopilot +ECCM, SatUp:6+ (Aux) Traits Type/ Height Arms, Vet, Airdrop Gear 2" Arms, Vet, Airdrop Gear 2" Arms, Vet, Airdrop Gear 2" 151 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NUCOAL MODELS LIST NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Chasseur Paratrooper Various Paratrooper Gear 4.3 meters 6,435 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Jerboa and Chasseur paratrooper gears fielded by the NSDF have retained many of the features found on their standard variants. In addition to the standard reinforced frame and shock absorbers that allow them to survive the impact of a landing, the addition of ground effect gear or jetpacks give these Gears an additional degree of descent control. Jerboa Paratrooper Verton Tech Paratrooper Gear 3.6 meters 4,750 kg The main difference in these gears armaments is the shedding of the shoulder mounted rocket pack for both weight and safety purposes. On the Chasseur this is offset by the use of a standard paratrooper rifle that combines an autocannon and light grenade launcher into a single package. The Jerboa keeps its rifle and its role is as a recon unit. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Chasseur Paratrooper Chasseur Paratrooper Gunner Chasseur Paratrooper Hellfire CV (Chasseur Paratrooper upgrade) 7 PT (0+) 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ PT 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), APGL, LSG (Arm) MAC (Arm), APGL, LSG (Arm) Airdrop, Arms 8 W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" 8 PT W:5" H:9" 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LBZ (Arm), APGL, LSB (Arm) Airdrop, Arms +1 +(CMD) - - - - - - 5+ - ECCM Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Jerboa Paratrooper 7 PT W:5" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ LRF (Arm), APGL, LVB (Arm) Jerboa Flash Paratrooper 7 PT W:5" G:9" 4 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 4+ LRF (Arm), APGL, LVB (Arm) Airdrop, Arms, Brawler:-1, Comms:1, ECM:2, Jetpack:6" (Aux), Sensors:18" Airdrop, Arms, Brawler:-1, Comms:1, Jetpack:6" (Aux), Sensors:18", TD:1 152 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Airdrop, Arms Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1" Gear 1" NUCOAL MODELS LIST Lancier Neil Motor Works Mountainereeing Gear 4.6 meters 7,235 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: While originally designed for mountaineering, Lanciers have met with considerable combat success since their adoption by the NSDF. They are excellent melee specialist as the shoulder mounted grappling hooks have more than enough punch to pierce the armor of a typical Gear. Espion Javelin Systems Stealth Gear 4.3 meters 6,520 kg NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 The Espion is a stealth gear with primary focus in espionage and harassment. As a combat gear it has remarkable agility despite carrying none of the advanced equipment found on most stealth platforms. The Espion is an obvious choice for lightning raids and excels in tying up numerically superior forces. Lancier Spear Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Lancier 8 MN (0+) 6 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ Lancier Torch 9 MN 6 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ Lancier Flechette Lancier Spear 8 MN 6 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ 10 MN 6 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ Lancier Dart 8 MN 6 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ CV (Lancier upgrade) +0 +(CMD) W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" - - - - - - 5+ LAC (Arm), HPZ, APGL, MSG (Link) MFL (Arm), HPZ, APGL, MSG (Link) MFC (Arm), HPZ, APGL, MSG (Link) MRP (Arm), HPZ, APGL, MSG (Link) LAPR (Arm), HPZ, APGL, MSG (Link) - Arms, Brawler:1, Climber Arms, Brawler:1, Climber Arms, Brawler:1, Climber Arms, Brawler:1, Climber Arms, Brawler:1, Climber +ECCM Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Espion 14 SF (0+) 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 5+ Espion Firestorm Espion Grenadier Espion Flechette CV (Espion upgrade) 14 SF 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 5+ 14 SF 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 5+ 14 SF 6 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 5+ +1 +(CMD) W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" - - - - - - 4+ MRF (Arm, Silent), LRP, LVB (Arm) MRL (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) MGL (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) MFC (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) - Agile, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet Agile, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet Agile, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet Agile, Arms, Stealth (Aux), Vet +Satup: 5+ (Aux) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 153 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NUCOAL MODELS LIST NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Hussar Javelin Strategic Industries Gear Strider 10 meters 65,025 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Designed by the HAPF the Hussar is a variation of the Gear Strider concept. Initially fraught with difficulties at the time of its conception, PAK and NuCoal engineers worked together to allow the design to see the light of day. Though popular, the Hussar is considered to be one of the most complex combat machines ever built. Hussar Lance Javelin Strategic Industries Gear Strider 10 meters 65,025 kg Generally fielded as mobile light artillery batteries or Strider columns, Hussars are effective at delivering a withering torrent of firepower. In combat the Hussar excels in ground control as most of its variants are equipped with wide area saturation weaponry or precision heavy weapons. Hussar Hammer Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Hussar 25 ST (0+) W:5" G:6" 10 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 6+ LTG (T, Link), HRC (Arm), HMG (FT+F), HVB (Arm) Hussar Spear 22 ST (0+) W:5" G:6" 10 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 6+ HRP (T, Link), HRC (Arm), HMG (FT+F), HVB (Arm) Hussar Skyhammer 24 ST (0+) W:5" G:6" 10 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 6+ Hussar Lance 23 ST (0+) W:5" G:6" 10 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 6+ Hussar Hammer 27 ST (0+) W:5" G:6" 10 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 6+ HABM (T, Link), HRC (Arm), HMG (FT+F), HVB (Arm) HRC (T, AA, Link, Split:3), HRC, (Arm), HMG (FT+F), HVB (Arm) HTG (T), HRC (Arm), HMG (FT+F), HVB (Arm) 154 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Traits Type/ Height Arms, Strider Brawler:1, Low 3" Profile Arms, Strider Brawler:1, Low 3" Profile Strider Arms, 3" Brawler:1, Low Profile Arms, Strider Brawler:1, Low 3" Profile Arms, Strider Brawler:1, Low 3" Profile NUCOAL MODELS LIST Fusilier Neil Motorworks Hovertank 2.6 meters 25,205 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Initially developed as a replacement for PAK’s Prowler LHT’s, unforeseen complications caused by GREL hypno-conditioning led to the Korps to reject it. Fusiliers are found mainly in HAPF and NSDF regiments where the commonly seen in support of Hetaroi’s. With a focus on simplicity of function the Fusilier is a fast and efficient weapon of war. Voltigeur Neil Motorworks Heavy Tank 3.8 meters 60,145 kg NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 The Voltigeur sports a uniquely configured main turret. Featuring two slaved light tank guns instead of a single heavy cannon, this armoured behemoth is able to unleash a steady stream of fire with a minimal delay between shots. The Voltigeur has already proven its worth in the defence of Tanis Towers against CEF armoured infantry and hovertank formations. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Fusilier 18 HV (0+) H:10" 8 4/4 2 4+ 4+ 6+ HAC (T), LRP (T), LLC (FT, AA), APGL Fusilier Javelin 20 HV H:10" 8 4/4 2 4+ 4+ 6+ HAC (T), LATM (T), LLC (FT, AA), APGL Fusilier Anvil 18 HV H:10" 8 4/4 2 4+ 4+ 6+ HAC (T), LGM (T), LLC (FT, AA), APGL Airdrop, Agile, Jump Jets:3" (Aux) Airdrop, Agile, Jump Jets:3" (Aux) Airdrop, Agile, Jump Jets:3" (Aux) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Voltigeur 28 HT (0+) G:5" 11 5/3 3 4+ 6+ 6+ Voltigeur Hammer CV (Voltigeur upgrade) 30 HT (0+) G:5" 11 5/3 3 4+ 6+ 6+ +2 +(CMD) - - - - - - 5+ LTG (T, Link), MLC (FT), HABM, HMG HTG (T), MLC (FT), HABM, HMG -HABM, +LATM Offroad:1, Smoke:3 Offroad:1, Smoke:3 +ECCM, SatUp:5+ (Aux) Type/ Height Vehicle 2" Vehicle 2" Vehicle 2" Type/ Height Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" 155 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NUCOAL MODELS LIST NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Varis Tsi Heavy Industries VTOL 8 meters 8,200 kg Code Name: Sampson Manufacturer: Neil Motorworks / Javelin Systems Unit Type: Armored Personnel Carrier Height: 3.3 meters Weight: 31,560 kg The Varis is NuCoal’s most commonly used VTOL Hopper. The Varis uses series of directed jet thrust nozzles to allow for VTOL maneuvers. The multiple smaller intakes allow the Varis to operate in terrain where larger debris might get sucked up into the intakes. Inspired by the CEF Prowler, the Sampson does everything the HPC-64 can do and then some. Though primarily an APC, its heavier armor allows the Sampson to be pressed into service as a light tank or scouting vehicle should the need arise. It is one of the most widely used coalition vehicles with a reputation for being a sturdy and reliable platform. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Varis VTOL (NuCoal) 17 VL (0+) F:14" H:14" 5 5/3 2 4+ 3+ 5+ MAC (FT+F, AA), MABM (Aux) Agile, ECCM, TD:1 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Sampson 8 7 4/4 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LAC (T, Link), APGL APC:2, Jump Jets: 2" (Aux) Sampson Spear 9 CV (0+), IN, H:9" GP (0-1), SK (0-1), FS (0-1) CV H:9" 7 4/4 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LRP (T, Link), APGL Sampson Javelin Medical Sampson 11 CV H:9" 7 4/4 1 5+ 4+ 6+ LATM (T), APGL 4 IN (0-1) H:9" 7 4/4 1 5+ 4+ 6+ - CV (Sampson upgrade) +1 CV (CMD) - - - - - - 5+ - APC:2, Jump Vehicle Jets: 2" (Aux) 2" APC:2, Jump Vehicle Jets: 2" (Aux) 2" APC:1, Medic, Vehicle Jump Jets: 2" 2" (Aux) +ECCM 156 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Vehicle 3" Type/ Height Vehicle 2" NUCOAL MODELS LIST Chargeur Neil Motorworks Engineering Gear 4.8 meters 6,340 kg Code Name: Sapeur Manufacturer: NeilMotortworks/KlingmenHeavyIndustires Unit Type: Engineering Gear Height: 5.2 meters Weight: 9,050 kg Sharing the same chassis as the Lancier, the Chargeur has seen active use in both a civil and a peacekeeping capacity. In civilian operations the Gear is used primarily as a hauler/loader or used in general construction. The NuCoal Marshal Service however, uses it in anti rover operations. NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Based off of the Chevalier, the Sapeur is a common sight in and around the ever expanding townships of the coalition. Often assigned to engineering squads with ratio of 1 Sapeur for every 4 Chargeur’s, this Gear is used as an earth mover or recovery vehicle. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Chargeur 5 3/3 1 5+ 5+ 6+ 8 7 4/2 1 5+ 5+ 6+ Bricklayer 5 4 3/3 1 5+ 4+ 6+ Engineering Grizzly 8 EG W:5" G:6" W:4" G:6" W:5" G:6" W:4" G:6" 5 Sapeur EG (0+), IN (0-1) EG (0+), IN (0-1) EG (0+) 6 3/3 1 5+ 5+ 6+ Arms, Brawler:2, Recovery Arms, Brawler:2, Recovery Arms, Recovery, Smoke, Vuln:F Arms, Brawler:2, Recovery, Vuln:F Stonemason 5 EG (0+) W:5" G:6" 4 3/3 1 5+ 5+ 6+ Arms, Brawler:1, Recovery, Vuln:F Gear 1.5" Engineering Cobra 8 EG W:4" G:6" 6 3/3 1 5+ 5+ 6+ Arms, Brawler:2, Recovery, Vuln:F Gear 2" Valence 3 EG (0+) W:4" 3 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 6+ 4 EG W:4" 3 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 6+ Sweeper Valence 3 EG W:4" 3 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 6+ Foreman Valence 4 EG (CMD) W:4" 3 2/4 1 5+ 5+ 5+ Arms, Recovery, Sensors: 6", Vuln:F Arms, Recovery, Sensors: 6", Vuln:F Arms, Recovery, Sensors: 6", Vuln:F Arms, Recovery, Sensors: 6", Vuln:F Gear 1.5" Demolisher Valence LAC (Arm), MCW (Reach: 1") HAC (Arm), HCW (Reach: 1") LAC (Arm), LCW (Reach: 1"), LHG (Arm), LSE (Arm) HAC (Arm), HCW (Reach: 1"), MHG (Arm), MSE (Arm) LAC (Arm), MCW (Reach: 1"), LHG (Arm), LSE (Arm) HAC (Arm), HCW (Reach: 1"), MHG (Arm), MSE (Arm) LAC (Arm), APGL, LHG (Arm), LSE (Arm), LVB (Arm) LSC (Arm), APGL, LHG (Arm), LSE (Arm), LVB (Arm) LFC (Arm), APGL, HHG (Arm), LSE (Arm), LVB (Arm) LAC, (Arm), APGL, LHG (Arm), LSE (Arm), HCW (Arm, Reach: 1") Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 2" Gear 1.5" Gear 2" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 157 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NUCOAL MODELS LIST NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Armadilo Beast N/A Infantry 4 meters 3,000 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: NuCoal relies on extensive stables of riding beasts. It is not an uncommon sight to see desert patrols being conducted on the backs of riding beasts. These beast units are used by scouts ranging ahead of the main force to literally sniff out the enemy, and then engage them. Barnaby Rider N/A Infantry 3.4 meters 1.500 kg The typically docile Barnaby is often used in light caravans or on long range sweeps of the sand dunes. The Armadillo Beast on the other hand is capricious creature. Highly territorial it is quick to strike out at anything that crosses its path despite its conditioning as a mount. NuCoal Infantry Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Rifle Infantry Squad Anti-Tank Infantry Squad Sniper Team 2 I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIW, MIS I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIW, MAVM I:3" 2 2/0 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Mortar Infantry Squad EW Jammer Team Paratroopers (Infantry Squad andTeam upgrade) 3 I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIW, MIS (AP:1, Precise, Silent, Stabilizer) LIW, MIM 3 IN, GP (0-1), FS (0-1) IN, SK, FS (0-1) IN, SK , FS (0-1) IN, GP (0-1), FS (0-1) IN I:3" 2 2/0 1 4+ 4+ 4+ LIW +1 - - - - - - - - - Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Armadillo Beast (1)* Barnaby Rider (1)* 4 CV , IN (0+) IN (0+) W:5" 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ MIW, MSG (Reach: 1") Brawler:1 W:7" 4 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ MIW Agile, Climber 4 3 4 Traits Type/ Height Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Stealth Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" ECCM, ECM:1 Infantry 0.5" +Airdrop Type/ Height Vehicle 1" Vehicle 1" * Use one figure per model. 158 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Barnaby Sandrider (1)* 6 SR (0+) W:7" 3 3/0 1 4+ 3+ 6+ LIW (AI, Corrosion:0), LPZ (Corrosion:0) Agile, Climber * Use one figure per model. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Vehicle 1" NUCOAL MODELS LIST Sandrider Infantry N/A Infantry 2 meters 75 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Out within the deep deserts of Terra Nova there exist small tribes that eschew the trappings of modern civilisation. Dubbed Sandriders by the most homesteaders, these hardy tribesmen are known to be fearsome warriors. En Koreshi N/A Infantry 2 meters 75 kg NUCOAL Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Rumours persist of a warrior cast within the clans known as the En Koreshi fuelled by reports of lone sword masters carving their way through GREL ranks during the defence of Temple Heights. Even if such reports are exaggerations, the normal Sandriders are highly skilled warriors and their elite would be the most impressive infantry on Terra Nova. Lizard Sandrider Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Sandriders Squad Support Sandriders Squad Mortar Sandriders Squad Koreshi(Sandrider upgrade) 5 SR (0+) I:4" 4 2/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ Agile, Stealth 5 SR I:4" 4 2/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ LIW (Corrosion:0, AI), LIS (Corrosion:1) LIS (AI, Corrosion:0), MAVM (Corrosion:0) 5 SR I:4" 4 2/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ LIS (AI, Corrosion:0), MIM (Corrosion:0) Agile, Stealth +1 +(CMD) - - - - - - - - +Init:1, Comms:1 Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits En Koreshi* 8 SR (0-1), EK (0+ SU) I:5" 5 3/1 2 3+ 3+ 5+ Agile, Stealth Type/ Height Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Type/ Height MIS (Corrosion:0, AI, Burst:1), Agile, Brawler:1, Infantry VB (Arm, PEN:6, AP:1) Stealth, Vet 0.5" * Use one figure per model. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Lizard Sandrider Infantry squad Lizard Sandrider Anti-Tank Infantry Squad Lizard Sandrider Infantry Observer Team 5 SR (0+) I:7" 3 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIW (AI, Corrosion:0) Agile 6 SR I:7" 3 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LIS (Corrosion:0), LAVM (Corrosion:0) Agile 5 SR I:7" 3 2/0 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LIS (AI, Corrosion:0) Agile, Comms:1, TD:1 Note: Lizard Sandriders use the Southern Pack Lizards model (or a conversion thereof). Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Infantry 1" Infantry 1" Infantry 1" 159 SOUTHLEAGUELESS THE MODELS LIST - ARROWS OF REBELLION ARROWS OF REBELLION Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.0 1.1 THE LEAGUELESS 160 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Not everyone on Terra Nova lives in a Polar League, City-State, or Protectorate. Some become Rovers, preying upon those who live and travel in the lawless lands. Some even live as Mercenaries, shutting themselves away from their homes and living the lives of warriors for hire. Most Leagueless live in the vast stretch of unforgiving terrain around the equator of the planet known as the Badlands. Eking a living from farming in a dry, harsh land or simply wandering in caravans from small town to small town selling necessities, the life of the Leagueless is a harsh and unforgiving one. Like the Wild West of Earth’s ancient past, the law of the gun is paramount, and those that don’t have a Lawman handy quickly learn that freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. LEAGUELESS FORCES Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 LEAGUELESS FORCES: A Leagueless Force must be constructed using one of the Sub-List Forces below. This is the default option. Players should learn the game rules before building a Leagueless Force as there is no single Faction Models list for Leagueless Forces. SUB LISTS: LDM - Leagueless Defense Milicia (North + South + Peace River + NuCoal Sub-List Force): No two defense milicia are the same but they all share one thing in common, a familiarity with their weapons that borders on the psychopathic. Each milicia has their own nuances and fighting style and are led into a fight by their family leaders rather than a military commander. Many polar forces have underestimated the skill of these small groups and the rusted hulks of scavenged Gears litter the badlands as a result.  Well Supported: Each Primary Unit in this Force may have two Support units. The number of actions in the Support units may not exceed the standard number of actions for a Support unit: Example: A Primary unit of 5 actions may have up to two Support units of up to 3 actions total.  Limited Options: This Force may only select Units with a Unit Availability of GP, MI, FS, SK, RC, MT, LT, CV, IN, or ST. No model with the Vet trait may be chosen. Only Striders with the Lumbering trait may be selected. Models from different Faction Model Lists may be mixed in units. No model with an Advanced Category weapon may be selected.  Family Alliances: Models in this Force may be selected from the North, South, Peace River, and NuCoal Model Lists and may be mixed within units if their UA matches.  Family Favorites: All Unit Availability Attributes have a limit of 0-1 unless they are normally a 0+ limit. Models chosen using the UA of GP or MI are exempt from this limit.. LEAGUELESS LH - Leagueless Homesteaders (North/South + Peace River/NuCoal Sub-List Force): Homesteaders live far out in the remotest zones of the Badlands, each oasis tower a small island in the vast landscape. The typically have little contact with outsiders, and they like it that way. Their equipment is often considered antique by the city states but the Homesteaders know that reliability wins every time and some of their Gears have survived for decades or longer and are as much a part of the desert now as the rock formations.  Commander Upgrade: Family ties: All commanders must choose the same veteran upgrade for -1TV. Commanders may upgrade to a Vet without being in a Veteran unit.  Local Manufacturing: Choose North or South: That will be the Faction Models List that the Force will be selected from.  Limited Options: This Force may only select Units with a Unit Availability of GP, MI, FS, SK, RC, MT, LT, CV, IN, or ST. No model with the Vet trait may be chosen. Only Striders with the Lumbering trait may be selected. Models from different Faction Model Lists may be mixed in units. No model with an Advanced Category weapon may be selected.  Allies: Choose Peace River or NuCoal: The army may include Support units with models from the chosen Faction. Select units from the following list of Unit Availabilities: GP, FS, LT.  Family Favorites: All Unit Availability Attributes have a limit of 0-1 unless they are normally a 0+ limit.  Local Knowledge: Any gear unit may use the Pathfinder reserve deployment option.  Old Rusty: Before the game randomly select one non-commander Gear or Strider model per unit. Roll 1D6 and add the rolled traits to the model: 1-2: 3-4: 5: 6: Vuln:F, Vet Sensors:12”, Vet Lumbering, Vet Brawler:-1, Vet 161 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) SPEARS OF CHANGE BLACK TALON - SPEARS OF CHANGE BLACK TALON 162 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) The Talon Program is quite possibly the most important endeavor in the history of both Terra Nova and the colonial age. Since its inception, the Talon program has been Terra Nova’s only real line of knowledge about the vast enemy. As the CEF prepares for war once again, the Talon Program has become Terra Nova’s first line of defense and, hopefully, the colony’s chance to strike back. Like many great things in history, the Talons started off as an idea by a few people who acted against the established norm and did something wholly unexpected. BLACK TALON - SPEARS OF CHANGE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 INTERPLANETARY OPERATIVES In the period following the destruction of Peace River in TN 1939, both Polar Confederacies engaged in rather vehement finger-pointing. Both sides blamed each other, but within a few weeks, third-party investigators, tipped off by an unknown person, identified a suspect who was not on record as being from any known League or Badlands settlement. Through tracing of caravan routes and interviewing those who had met the suspect, it was revealed that he was working with or for Earth in some manner. When this was revealed, Terra Nova was in shock. Over twenty cycles had gone without word from the CEF, and the enemy that most of the populace had forgotten had struck at a time almost guaranteed to throw the planet into chaos. Questions were raised regarding how the CEF had managed to not only infiltrate operatives since the War of the Alliance, but also make underworld connections and keep up to date on Terranovan politics, and the answers that came back were not pleasant. As it turned out, the CEF infiltrators had been operating on the planet for cycles, and had enough resources to hire various smuggling cartels to ship items for them. They also took advantage of various Badlands caravans to ensure less notice of their wanderings and dealings. This allowed the prime suspect now known as the “Scruffy Man” to not only procure antimatter, most likely from a test facility in the WFP, but ship it through the NLC into Kenema and down into the Badlands via the Forzi Cartel. From there, the device was assembled and easily sneaked into Peace River prior to the Day of Peace proceedings. This much was uncovered by Terranovan investigators, and was enough to rock Northern politics for cycles to come. Further details were brought to light only by the startling admission of an off-worlder. BLACK TALON In Winter of TN 1938, a Liberati operative named Helene del Pulciano had infiltrated the planet in much the same way as CEF operatives. Using a “gate coffin,” she was placed in near cryo-stasis and covertly inserted through a micro gate into the Helios system. Her mission was to determine how the Terranovans defeated the CEF and how best to use this information to aid Caprice in doing the same. The world she arrived at was not the idyllic one she was led to imagine, but a world embroiled in war. It was only after the destruction of Peace River and the resulting investigation led to the formation of the Westphalia Cabinet that she stepped forward. WESTPHALIA CABINET Named after the city in which the original peace treaty with Earth was signed, the Cabinet was a loose affiliation of people from various Leagues and city-states. Most were veterans of the War of the Alliance and sought to end fighting on Terra Nova and to take the fight to the CEF. It was founded shortly after Lang Regina and Kenichi Tanaka re-kindled their friendship and mused about the formation of an elite unit to scout the CEF as they had done to Terra Nova. The idea soon spread amongst those close to the pair and Interim Paxton CEO Milani Debeau-Slovenski along with other high-ranking officials from around the globe soon joined. Officially, however, talks were only regarding peace on Terra Nova and cooperation between all nations, but it was enough for the people of the planet. The formation of the Cabinet was enough to formally end the Interpolar War, and the Cabinet was instrumental in negotiating the peace treaties as well as starting the rebuilding process. When Helene del Pulciano revealed herself to the Cabinet, plans for top secret off-world reconnaissance and strike teams were already being drawn up. Her revelations, once confirmed, added a great deal of urgency to the situation. Terra Nova needed operatives in place as soon as possible. Plans for an off-world force were ratified with frightening speed and requisitions for manpower and technology were sent out. Taking a cue from Paxton’s original upgrade program, Project Talon, the new force was to be named the Black Talons, and the program itself simply the Talon Program. Taking advantage of Paxton’s secreted Skunkworks locations as well as the Cabinet Members’ positions within their respective armies allowed the Talon Program to very quickly create limited production models from existing stock. These were the first of the Dark Series Gears and were used to determine which models would be made into full Dark Series production. While the newly dubbed Black Talon Werks was busy with the new vehicles, the program heads were working on recruitment. This Talon Program could only accept the very best for membership, which meant that between the need for secrecy and the League armies wanting to retain their best officers, getting personnel proved difficult. This was eased with Tanaka personally approaching SIU members, Lang going directly to CNCS headquarters with her requests and with the Skunkworks’s own test personnel volunteering. Personnel shortages were still common, but the Talon Project was moving forward. 163 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 BLACK TALON - SPEARS OF CHANGE TALON ONE The First Black Talon Strike Force, codenamed Talon One, was a very much a prototype force. When formed, the two Gear teams and company of infantry had no idea what they were going to be outfitted with as contracts had yet to be finalized with suppliers. They also did not fully know of what their tasks would entail. Notable members of the teams included SIU member and Gear Section Commander Lussian Salban, Paxton test pilot Captain Keiji Kage, former NGIS and Cat’s Paws member Lt. Juno Vesping, and infantry commander Lt. Sevil Alvi. Caprice native Helene del Pulciano rounded out the team to provide information on Caprice and liaise with the Liberati once the First Black Talons deployed to the Loki System. The role of overall commander was left unclaimed for the member who showed most promise or a new inductee to fill. Training began on 1 Spring, TN 1940. By the 4th, rumors surfaced of a prisoner being brought to see the mysterious chairperson of the Cabinet, with scuttlebutt saying the head of the Badlands Revolutionary Front had been captured. On 10 Spring, Talon One was introduced to its new overall Commander, Ernesto Jaxon. This was very much a shock to the Team, who had a great deal of preconceptions about their new commander. These were assuaged as implications regarding his involvement in Peace River’s destruction were disproved, and Jaxon personally supervised training of Talon One. Jaxon’s experience as head of the (true) Badlands Revolutionary Front, professional attitude, and strong work ethic pushed the members of the Strike Force to new levels. Talon One’s equipment was finalized near the end of Spring. Uniforms, badges, rank insignia, weaponry and similar were handed out to all personnel, although personal weaponry was allowed. All Gear pilots received Dark versions of their personal Gears. While this led to one or two prototype vehicles, such as the Dark Iguana and Dark Warrior, Talon Command believed that due to the shortened training regimen, familiarity with a design would save time and effort. Additionally, the Gears upgraded provided a great deal of information that Werks personnel could use when producing the next series of vehicles. BLACK TALON Talon One’s command elements were called before the shadowy chairperson in the second week of Summer, telling them that the New Human Republic had launched an assault on NuCoal and Port Arthur in particular. As the NHR leader, Colonel Proust, was wanted in connection with the bombing of Peace River, and was assumed to be going after the second half-GREL hybrid Derek, Talon One was deployed via PRDF Combined Task Force air wings to the area within hours. Indeed, Proust himself led the attack on Port Arthur, but was held off by Soldier Sebastapol. How Sebastapol, famous for his teaching of the Perfect Form Movement martial arts, managed this remains a mystery. Proust himself managed to escape, leaving most of the NHR troops behind for the Talons to Deal with. PAK forces seem to have been in complete disarray at the time, and neighboring KADA forces joined in the fray. Actions taken by some PAK officers and the general disarray of the troops lead to suspicions of NHR or even CEF collaboration. TALON ONE ON CAPRICE Talon One continued training for almost an entire cycle after the NuCoal incident and launched in the first completed Fury long-range assault shuttle in early Spring TN 1941. The force contained two Gear Teams, one platoon of infantry, auxiliary support staff, analysts and enough equipment and supplies to last for approximately three cycles. Entering the Loki system on 1 Summer TN 1941, the Talons quickly ran afoul of a monitoring satellite and engaged it to prevent detection. While this was not fully successful, they were able to quickly hide in the asteroid fields and spent the better part of the next 12 weeks slowly sneaking toward Caprice itself, finally splitting into separate infiltration teams and hiding the Fury amongst space debris, ready for emergency calls. By 10 Winter TN 1941, the infiltration teams had made landfall on Caprice and were meeting with their Liberati contacts. 164 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) While cultural differences made integration difficult, by the Summer of TN 1942 the Talons had been training with the Liberati in drills and local infiltration. Jaxon was introduced to a CEF insider, vouched for by the Liberati who provided a great deal of information regarding the CEF. The identity of the stranger was not revealed, but the information was independently verified. Starting in Autumn of TN 1942, the Talon forces were able to use this information to aid the Liberati in daring raids on CEF supply lines and storehouses. Jaxon put special priority on anything related to Project Grail, a high priority top-secret project hatched by the CEF that the Liberati had no real knowledge of. By Winter TN 1942, however, the CEF had realized the threat of the Talons. Patrols were sent to watch and harass Liberati miners, attempting to flush out operatives. Orbital stations were re-configured to look for signs of planned raids and the CEF supply chain was once again restored. This resulted in fewer Talon raids, leading to many of the Gear pilots becoming restless. In particular, Lt. Kage, who had lost his wife and child in the bombing of Peace River, was anxious to keep striking at the CEF and came into conflict with both Commander Salban and Field Commander Jaxon. BLACK TALON - SPEARS OF CHANGE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 RAID ON BASTILLE ALPHA By Spring TN 1943, CEF surveillance of Talon operations had led to the Talons being restricted to lightning raids on CEF assets, but even these were extremely risky. One raid near the end of Spring led to the discovery of a disused service entrance to Bastille Alpha, Caprice’s only prison. Jaxon set up a meet with his informant to discuss what could be done with such information, but CEF agents stormed the meeting place. Jaxon barely escaped, but the informant was captured and revealed to be Sergeant Carlie Pinter, a CEF tactical logistician. She was summarily sentenced to a life sentence in Bastille Alpha. Conditions in “The Alpha” were notoriously poor and Pinter’s contacts within the CEF’s “Fifth Column” were worried about what the CEF torture experts within the prison would be able to extract. While the Fifth Column members set about covering their tracks, Commander Jaxon felt a great deal of loyalty to Pinter and with the full cooperation of his team, set about planning an escape from the most secure prison in known space. It would mean possibly losing any chance of uncovering Project Grail, but the alternative would be far worse. With limited time and using as much information as possible from Liberati sources and their previous raids, Talon One planned and organized the break within two weeks. The assault was launched on what would be midnight 1 Summer TN 1943. Both Gear teams and a section of Talon Infantry, backed up by nearly a hundred Liberati freedom fighters stormed the secret entrance to the prison and liberated vast numbers of GREL prisoners as well as CEF political prisoners, including the extremely haggard Sgt. Pinter. Escape was made possible by use of the Talon’s Fury Shuttle which secretly rendezvoused with Liberati mining ships in the first asteroid belt. While the Talon fighting forces and the escapees hid amongst the various mining ships and Liberati traders, the Fury itself drew the CEF pursuers away, engaging in a long game of cat-and mouse. While the attack on the Alpha was a success, the aftermath was less so. Records of GRELs incarcerated at Bastille Alpha showed a large discrepancy between the original numbers and those remaining. By Winter TN 1943, CEF pursuit craft had managed to locate the Fury Shuttle, forcing the crew to scuttle the craft, leaving the Talons without a long distance communications relay to Terra Nova. While they did send a brief message before the craft was destroyed, the Talons were for the first time operating alone. The CEF was cracking down on Liberati patrols and mining convoys harder than ever. The only good news was that he Fifth Column had begun inserting escaped GRELs into the CEF fleet as sleeper agents and Sgt. Pinter had joined Talon One as a provisional member. BLACK TALON ESCAPE FROM LOKI After a season of laying low, Talon One’s senior officers met to discuss their next move. With the CEF’s blitz against the Talons and their allies, Kage was in favour of “going native” and taking the fight to the CEF, while Jaxon and Salban preferred attempting to return home and taking the heat off their allies. The commanders won out and Talon One focussed on attempting to escape back home. With the help of the Liberati, a daring plan involving a strike on Vega Spaceport was drawn up and many weeks of preparations were undertaken.. In the dark hours of the night on 22 Autumn TN 1944, Talon One and some of the escapees from Bastille Alpha infiltrated the spaceport, seizing several Tarantula landers. Before the CEF could effectively respond, these Tarantulas, most of them unmanned, were within the minimum range of Monolith Shipyard’s weapon systems. As the station’s crew scrambled to prevent the uncontrolled, unmanned landers from damaging its structure, the Talons assaulted one of the refit bays of the shipyard complex. As the Tarantulas wreaked havoc in the structure, Salban and his small team of Gear pilots formed a defensive shield, enabling the remainder of the force to seize a small CEF destroyer, the Lysithea. The Lysithea, undermanned, took longer than anticipated to start up and CEF forces overwhelmed Salban’s team. The Arclight weapons platforms were primarily turned toward the planet, allowing the Lysithea to escape its moorings and head outward. A single CEF destroyer, the Ganymede, was able to launch in time to pursue, but not before Lt. Kage from Salban’s Gear team broke free of his attackers and flung his Dark Warrior onto the hull of the Ganymede. Kage clamped onto the hull and proceeded to fire upon the Ganymede’s bridge until his ammunition ran out. He then charged down the length of the ship and launched himself at the engines, attacking them viciously with his signature vibrorapier, earned as the regimental Duelist for the PRDF’s Combined Task Force 2. Kage was heard screaming the names of his wife and child over the comms seconds before the Ganymede exploded, taking out an entire wing of the Monolith Shipyards and severely damaging many other ships in dock. While the Talons were hit hard by the loss or capture of many of their own, they did not have time to rest. CEF pursuers were on their trail quickly and they spent the next few weeks playing a deadly game of hide and seek with their pursuers. The Lysithea finally reached one of the Talon Comm relays near the Greater Blessed Asteroid belt and activated it. The Lysithea started moving again quickly, but the time lost activating the relay allowed their pursuers to catch up. Tense hours passed as the Lysithea dodged in and out of cover trying in vain to avoid the pursuing CEF vessels. Just as the Talons were about to be overrun by CEF fighters, a nearby microgate opened and a small force of Terranovan vessels poured through. While not enough to stop the pursuers completely, surprise and tenacity were enough to rebuff the CEF long enough to allow the Lysithea to escape to Terranovan space. 165 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 BLACK TALON - SPEARS OF CHANGE RETURN TO CAT’S EYE Based on information gathered by Talon One, the Westphalia Cabinet and the governments of Terra Nova prepared more Talon teams for off-world missions. The new Claw Series Gears had been fully tested by the time the teams where assembled. By Spring of TN 1946, Talons made made landfall on Caprice. In the Wake of Talon One’s dramatic escape, the CEF upgraded its security measures in an attempt to prevent further insurgency, but the Talons’ success increased covert corporate support of the Liberati resistance, leading to more and more Liberati successes. The Talons were welcomed heartily among the Liberati, who saw the return of Talon forces as a good omen and inform the Talons that not all of the Talon One members left behind were dead. Commander Salban, for one, was being held prisoner in a secret location as Bastille Alpha was no longer considered secure. Later that Spring, the Black Talons successfully infiltrated Utopian space, but found the planet firmly in the CEF’s grip, with the planet’s major superpower willingly collaborating. The force quickly went into hiding, looking for signs of rebellion. The Talons slipped into Atlantis space in Summer TN 1946. They found the outer reaches of the system heavily patrolled by CEF ships, while the inner system was mostly free of CEF influence. Soon after making contact with the locals, it became clear that the “Lanteans,” as they called themselves, were very advanced in naval technology, allowing them to easily outmaneuver any CEF vessels, yet they had no real space technology, allowing the CEF to easily dominate the system and the planet’s few landmasses without needing to fight the Lanteans. In the Autumn of TN 1946, further Talon Forces were dispatched to the nearest colonies based on preliminary reports and intelligence. Resources sent to Utopia concentrated on reconnaissance and sabotage, but the bulk of the forces were sent to Caprice and Atlantis. Indeed, Field Commander Petite was placed in charge of all activities within the Loki system, and was accompanied by her personal Spitting Cobra, Julius, which had been upgraded to Dark Cobra status. Back on Terra Nova, CNCS Grand Marshal Edden-Smythe’s increased support for the Talon program allowed for increased enrollment in the forces as well as additiuonal funds for technology and training. BLACK TALON After two full seasons of dedicated searching, the Black Talons found an unwatched microgate into Eden space. While the CEF was clearly dominant, local militias and privateers were waging a guerilla war. The Talons were welcomed with open arms by the freedom fighters, the Talon expertise and technology being seen as a way to even the odds between the CEF and the resistance. However, the Talons were quickly made aware of political schisms making any unified resistance nearly impossible. Even helping individual groups became mired in petty squabbles. On 12 Summer, TN 1947, Talons on Eden made a terrifying discovery. When the CEF entered the Eden system during the initial invasion, their arrival wreaked havoc on a test of a new gatedrive by Edenite Scientists. The resulting catastrophe had started cooling the planet rapidly. Snow lines were rapidly moving toward the equator and glaciers were building up at a frightening pace. While this did provide the rebels with more places to hide, the climate changes could be disastrous for the planet. Later on in the Summer, the CEF’s Caprician Fifth Column discovered the location where Commander Salban was being held. Information was quickly relayed to the Talon forces on Caprice. Within days, a rescue operation was enacted, the rescue forces being led by none other than Field Commander Petite in Julius. While none too subtle, the breakout rescued not only Salban, but the other Talons and sympathizers being held in the same location. By late Autumn TN 1947, Talon engineers on Terra Nova had successfully tested and started production of a gate drive small enough to be mounted on a Fury Shuttle. The “jumpdrive” as it was known, allowed for opening of microgates. While it only stored enough energy for two to three gate openings and it was unstable, the technology allowed for farther reaching deployments. Speculation as to where the technology was developed ran rampant within Talon circles, but all that was known was that some was reverse engineered from captured technologies and that the CEO of Paxton Arms was very involved in the process. Talons on Utopia realized that while they were operating in secret, their exploits were having a large impact on local culture, with strange darkened figures fighting oppressive invaders being incorporated into the giant murals in the great cities. Cabinet officials were torn on what should be done in light of these revelations. Some wanted to make more visible strikes on CEF assets on Utopia, while others thinking that activities on the planet needed to be curtailed and kept quiet. In late Spring TN 1948, the first Talon forces were deployed with the new jumpdrive systems. While New Jerusalem was deemed too distant for any CEF forces stationed there to be a threat, teams were sent to Botany Bay, Home and Jotenheim. The Talon Force assigned to Home found the situation in the system eerily similar to the initial situation on Atlantis. While none of the planets had ships in orbit and the CEF had a solid grip on Home’s economy through their connections in Shandrakar-Xia Interworld, the local inhabitants were quite resentful of CEF interference. Botany Bay proved to be wholly blockaded, with the planet’s surface being impossible to make landfall on. Despite this, the Talons persisted in their surveillance and were eventually contacted by natives who had evacuated the planet in exchange for living within the asteroid fields. These natives had been running a guerrilla war on the CEF using converted asteroid mining equipment and had hopes that their brethren on the planet were safe and fighting back. While the Talons were still unable to make landfall, the maneuverability and secrecy of the asteroid miners allowed for surveillance of the CEF’s most protected holding. 166 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) BLACK TALON FORCES Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 BLACK TALON FORCES: A Generic Black Talon Force may be constructed using only the Black Talon Models List. This is the default option and should be used when learning the game rules. The Black Talons are an Elite Force and follow the all the rules for elite armies except that Allied models that are chosen for the Force do not have to purchase the Veteran trait. All the models in the Black Talon Models List can be used in any of the sub-lists below. These Sub-Lists allow players to add additional specialized upgrades to their models as they collect their Force. Black Talons Special Rules:  All Black Talon models have the following unlisted traits: Airdrop, Stealth (Aux), Vet.  Any model may add the Reach:1” trait to one Vibro Blade or Combat Weapon for 0TV.  Armories: Reduce the cost of Grenades and Shaped Explosive generic upgrades by 1TV. SUB LISTS: BTIT - Black Talon Insertion Team (Black Talon Sub-List + Allies:Caprice/Utopia/Eden): The typical Black Talon Operation is normally over before the defenders know that they’re fighting. Masters of asymmetrical warfare, each operative has the skill and firepower to dare to fight against superior odds, and win  Well Supported: Each Primary Unit in this Force may have two Support units. The number of actions in the Support units may not exceed the standard number of actions for a Support unit: Example: A Primary unit of 5 actions may have up to two Support units of up to 3 actions total.  Allies: Choose one Caprice, Utopia, or Eden: This Force may select Support units from the chosen Faction Force list to attach to Black Talon Primary units.  Stand Alone: This Force may not select Support options (See 18.1). BLACK TALON BTRT - Black Talon Recon Team (Black Talon Sub-List Force): Feared above all others, the Recon teams use more than their weapons to fight, they use the environment itself. Sent out ahead of other Black talon teams the Recon Teams are expected to find the enemy and eliminate their command structure before reporting back.  Stand Alone: This Force may not select Generic Support options (See 16.1).  Headhunters: This Force counts all Wipe Them Out objectives as Assassinate objectives.  Survivalists: Before the game the Black Talon player may roll two dice for Special Conditions and choose the dice to be used. 167 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 BLACK TALON MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Dark Jaguar Black Talon Werks Elite Gear 4.6 meters 7,100 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: BLACK TALON A retrofit of the Northern Jaguar, this Gear is used by Black Talon combat units in their “standard” operations. Despite an active stealth system, advanced actuators and improved power plant the Gear is relatively unchanged. This Gear is used in Talon squads that operate in-system and are often Terra Nova’s first responders to the CEF threat. Model Dark Series Dark Jaguar Dark Jaguar: Assault Pack Dark Jaguar: Urban Pack Dark Jaguar: Suppression Pack Model Dark Series Dark Mamba Dark Mamba: Assault Pack Dark Mamba: Suppression Pack 168 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Dark Mamba Black Talon Werks Elite Gear 4.6 meters 6,200 kg While the Black Mamba is the South’s primary heavy trooper, the Dark Mamba’s role within the ranks of the Black Talons is as a close support Gear usually matching assault oriented Black Mambas. The Dark Mamba is a fearsome combat unit harmoniously marrying the deadly trinity of performance, firepower and survivability in a single package. TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 15 PI , TI , TA , OA PI , TI , TA , OA PI , TI , TA , OA PI , TI , TA , OA W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" 6 4/2 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 6 4/2 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 6 4/2 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 6 4/2 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MRF (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) MBZ (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) MAC (Arm), LFC (Arm), MPZ, LVB (Arm) MAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Autopilot, Agile, Arms, Autopilot, Agile, Arms, Autopilot, Agile, Arms, Autopilot, TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 17 TI , OA 7 4/2 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 18 TI , OA 7 4/2 1 3+ 3+ 5+ 18 TI , OA W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" 7 4/2 1 3+ 3+ 5+ LLC (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm) MRL (Arm, Precise), MRP, MPZ, LVB (Arm) MGL (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Autopilot, Agile, Arms, Autopilot, Agile, Arms, Autopilot, 16 15 16 Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" BLACK TALON MODELS LIST Dark Cheetah Black Talon Werks Recon Gear 4.1 meter 5,200 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Dark Cheetah occupies a role similar to that of its CNCS variant. It is an excellent recon Gear with powerful sensors and communications gear. Though initially competing with the Dark Iguana, it was chosen due to the better maneuvering capabilities, smaller size and lower tonnage that are the Gears hallmarks. Model Dark Series Dark Cheetah Dark Skirmisher Black Talon Werks Recon Gear 4.2 meters 5,500 kg The Dark Skirmisher is used as a light combat Gear. It was chosen for deployment by the Black Talons for to its sterling record of reliability in the field, low maintenance requirements and its ability to easily fill multiple mission profiles. While stripped of it’s sensors, it retains its ECM suite allowing it to wreak havoc with enemy comms. TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 14 RC W:7" G:9" 4 3/3 1 4+ 2+ 4+ MRF (Arm), LPZ, LVB (Arm) Dark Cheetah: Assault Pack 15 RC W:7" G:9" 4 3/3 1 4+ 2+ 4+ LBZ (Arm, Split:2), LPZ, LVB (Arm) Dark Cheetah: Urban Pack 15 RC W:7" G:9" 4 3/3 1 4+ 2+ 4+ MAC (Arm), LFC (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LPZ, LVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Comms:2, ECM:1, Sensors:24" (Aux), TD:2 Agile, Arms, Comms:2, ECM:1, Sensors:24" (Aux), TD:2 Agile, Arms. Comms:2, ECM:1, Sensors:24" (Aux), TD:2 Model Dark Series Dark Skirmisher TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 15 RC , PI W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ HRF (Arm, Silent), LPZ, LVB (Arm) 15 RC , PI W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ LBZ (Arm, Split:2), LPZ, LVB (Arm) 16 RC , PI W:7" G:8" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 4+ MAC (Arm), LFC (Arm), RP (PEN:6), LPZ, LVB (Arm) Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, TD:1 Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, TD:1 Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, TD:1 Dark Skirmisher: Assault Pack Dark Skirmisher: Urban Pack BLACK TALON Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" 169 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 BLACK TALON MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Dark Kodiak Black Talon Werks Heavy Assault Gear 5.2 meters 10,200 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: BLACK TALON The mission profile of the Dark Kodiak remains unchanged from its CNCS forbearer. Armed with a variety of Tank busting weaponry the Gear is often used in an assault capacity. Due to its reliance on CNCS manufacturing facilities for components and replacement parts, the Dark Kodiak is gradually being phased out in favour of its Claw counterparts. Model Dark Series Dark Kodiak The Dark Cobra has earned a reputation amongst CEF GRELs as a fearsome support Gear. Armed with a wide array of long ranged weapons the Gear is capable of delivering highly accurate saturation bombardments to a target area. The Gear is also utilized as a mobile AntiAir asset which can also mow down advancing GREL spearheads. TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW 24 TA W:4" G:5" 9 4/2 2 3+ 5+ 6+ Dark Kodiak: Assault Pack Dark Kodiak: Support Pack 22 TA 9 4/2 2 3+ 5+ 22 TA W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" 9 4/2 2 3+ 5+ Model Dark Series Dark Cobra TV UA MR AR H/S A GU 20 TA , OT 8 4/2 2 22 TA, OT 8 4/2 24 TA, OT W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" W:4" G:5" 8 4/2 Dark Cobra: Assault Pack Dark Cobra: Support Pack 170 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Dark Cobra Black Talon Werks Support Gear 5.0 meters 8,900 kg Weapons Traits MPA (Arm, Precise), MRP, MATM, HMG (Link), MVB (Arm) 6+ HBZ (Arm, Precise), MRP, LATM, HMG (Link), MVB (Arm) 6+ MPA (Arm, Precise), MRP, MAR, HMG (Link), MVB (Arm) Arms PI EW Weapons Traits 3+ 4+ 6+ Arms 2 3+ 4+ 6+ 2 3+ 4+ 6+ HRC (AA, Arm, Precise), MAR, MRP, MVB (Arm) MPA (Arm, Precise), MAR, MRP, MVB (Arm) HRC (AA, Arm, Precise), MAG (Stabilizer), MRP, MVB (Arm) Arms Arms Arms Arms Type/ Height Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" Type/ Height Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" BLACK TALON MODELS LIST Dark Naga Black Talon Werks Assault Strider 6.4 meters 15,340 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Dark Naga is used as a heavy ordnance platform. It is usually armed with paired weapons allowing it to deliver both direct and indirect support across the battlefield. Sensor booms paired with indirect weapons make the Dark Naga perfect for ambushes. Model Dark Series Dark Naga The nature of Black Talon operations tends to preclude the use of heavy Striders or Tanks within their units. It is for that reason that both the Southern Naga and Peace River Coyote were chosen for the role. The Dark variants of both these variable Striders allow them to participate in the running battles that the strike force often finds itself engaged in. Dark Coyote Black Talon Werks Light Strider 6.5 meters 29,000 kg The Dark coyote is normally deployed in close support with advancing Gears. While able to provide support the Dark Coyote excels in Electronic Warfare reducing the need to rely on dedicated recon Gears. TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 26 MO W:5" G:7" 10 4/4 2 3+ 5+ 6+ 2x HAR, MRC (FT+F) Dark Naga: Anti-Tank Pack 32 MO W:5" G:7" 10 4/4 2 3+ 5+ 6+ 2x MATM, MRC (FT+F) Dark Naga: Suppression Pack Dark Naga: Sniper Pack 26 MO W:5" G:7" 10 4/4 2 3+ 5+ 6+ 2x HGL, MRC (FT+F) 27 MO W:5" G:7" 10 4/4 2 3+ 5+ 6+ 2x MLC, LPA (FT+F) Dark Naga: Assault Pack 28 MO W:5" G:7" 10 4/4 2 3+ 5+ 6+ 2x HRL, LPA (FT+F) Autopilot, Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) Autopilot, Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) Autopilot, Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) Autopilot, Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) Autopilot, Low Profile, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:0 (Aux) Model Dark Series Dark Coyote TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 30 MO W:4" G:6" 10 4/4 3 3+ 5+ 5+ ECM:1, Low Profile, Stable, Mount 27 MO W:4" G:6" 10 4/4 3 3+ 5+ 5+ MRG (T, Precise), MRC (AA, FT), APGL MPA (FT), LLC (AA, FT), APGL Type/ Height Strider 2" ECM:1, Low Profile, Stable, Mount Strider 2" +4 +(CMD) - - - - - - 4+ - +Init:1, ECM:2, ECCM Dark Coyote: Suppression Pack Dark Alpha Dog (Coyote upgrade) BLACK TALON Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Type/ Height Strider 2" Strider 2" Strider 2" Strider 2" Strider 2" 171 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 BLACK TALON MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Eagle Black Talon Werks Trooper Gear 4.6 meters 6,900 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: BLACK TALON The primary trooper Gear used by the Black Talons, the Eagle Trooper was also the first of the Claw series to roll off the assembly line. Based off Paxton’s Warrior Elite program, the Eagle incorporated numerous technological advancements developed for the high risk missions undertaken by Talon operatives. Model Claw Series Eagle Eagle: Suppression Pack Eagle: Assault Pack Anti-Infantry (Eagle upgrade) Model Claw Series Owl Owl: Assault Pack Owl: Suppression Pack Alpha Owl: Suppression Pack Beta 172 Anti-Infantry (Owl upgrade) Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Owl Black Talon Werks Command Gear 4.8 meters 7,500 kg Designed as a command Gear from the ground up, the Owl incorporates features from both the Southern Gila and Northern Cheetah MkII. Exclusively used by commanders, the Owl features a networked logic engine that assists in decision making by analysing sensor and targeting data from all gears in the squad. TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 17 PI , TI 7 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 4+ 18 PI , TI W:6" G:7" W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 4+ MRL (Arm), MRP, MPZ, LVB (Arm) HAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm) Arms, Jetpack:6" Arms, Jetpack:6" 17 PI , TI W:6" G:7" PI (0+), TI (0+) 7 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 4+ - - - - - Arms, Jetpack:6" - Gear 1.5" - MBZ (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm) -MRP, +LAPR UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 2 4+ 3+ 4+ MRF (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm) W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 2 4+ 3+ 4+ LRL (Arm), MRP, LPZ, LVB (Arm) W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 2 4+ 3+ 4+ MAC (Arm), LGL (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm) W:6" G:7" 7 3/3 2 4+ 3+ 4+ MAC (Arm), MFC (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm) - - - - - - - -MRP, +LAPR Arms, Comms:1, Init:1, ECM:1, ECCM, Jetpack:6", SatUp:4+ Arms, Comms:1, Init:2, ECM:1, ECCM, Jetpack:6", SatUp:4+ Arms, Comms:1, Init:2, ECM:1, ECCM, Jetpack:6", SatUp:4+ Arms, Comms:1, Init:2, ECM:1, ECCM, Jetpack:6", SatUp:4+ - Type/ Height Gear 1.5" +0 TV 18 PI (CMD), TI (CMD), OA (CMD), MO (CMD 0-1) TA (CMD), RC (CMD) 18 PI (CMD), TI (CMD), OA (CMD), MO (CMD 0-1), TA (CMD), RC (CMD) 18 PI (CMD), TI (CMD), OA (CMD), MO (CMD 0-1), TA (CMD), RC (CMD) 18 PI (CMD), TI (CMD), OA (CMD), MO (CMD 0-1), TA (CMD), RC (CMD) +0 - Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" BLACK TALON MODELS LIST Raven Black Talon Werks Recon Gear 4.2 meters 5,550 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: When deployed behind enemy lines Black Talon teams rely on the Raven for espionage and recon duties. To ensure maximum survivability the Raven is more heavily armoured than is normal for your typical light Gear chassis. This allows the Raven to act as a light trooper in addition to recon duties. Model Claw Series Raven The Raptor is used when the Black Talons are tasked with assaulting fortified enemy positions. Like its namesake the Raptor is a merciless predator and is equipped with a wide array of tools for quickly dismantling its prey. An unusually high number of Raptor pilots have duelling experience. TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons 15 RC W:7" G:9" 5 3/3 2 4+ 2+ 3+ LRF (Arm), LPZ, LVB (Arm) Raven: Assault Pack 16 RC W:7" G:9" 5 3/3 2 4+ 2+ 3+ Raven: Suppression Pack 16 RC W:7" G:9" 5 3/3 2 4+ 2+ 3+ Model Claw Series Raptor TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Raptor: Interdiction Pack Raptor: Assault Pack 22 OA , TA, TI W:5" G:7" 8 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 5+ 22 OA , TA, W:5" TI G:7" OA , TA, TI W:5" G:7" 8 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 5+ 8 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 5+ 23 Raptor Black Talon Werks Support Gear 5.0 meters 9,015 kg Traits Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, Jetpack:6", Sensors: 18" (Aux), TD:2 LBZ (Arm, Split:2), Agile, Arms, Comms:1, LPZ, LVB (Arm) ECM:2, Jetpack:6", Sensors: 18" (Aux), TD:2 MAC (Arm), LGL Agile, Arms, Comms:1, ECM:2, Jetpack:6", (Arm), LPZ, LVB (Arm) Sensors: 18" (Aux), TD:2 Weapons Traits HRC (Arm), MAPR, MRP, Arms, MMG, HPZ, MVB (Arm, Brawler:1, Reach 1") Jetpack:6" LPL (Arm), MAPR, MRP, Arms, Brawler:1, MMG, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") Jetpack:6" HBZ (Arm, Precise), Arms, MAPR, MRP, MMG, MVB Brawler:1, Jetpack:6" (Arm, Reach: 1") BLACK TALON Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 2" Gear 2" Gear 2" 173 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 BLACK TALON MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Vulture Black Talon Werks Support Gear 5.2 meters 10,240 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: BLACK TALON The Vulture shares similar loadouts to the Peace River Cataphract but has been miniaturized to fit into the frame of a standard fire support Gear allowing it to provide Talon Squads with deadly long range fire support. Model Claw Series Vulture The Dark Mastiff is the same APC used by Peace River’s Combined Task Force regiments. They are very similar in role to the Mastiff’s themselves, but upgraded with reinforced shocks to allow airdropping, as well as stealth systems. TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW 24 OA , TA 9 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 5+ Vulture: 24 Interdiction Pack Vulture: Assault 24 Pack Anti-tank +2 (Vulture upgrade) OA , TA W:4" G:6" W:4" G:6" W:4" G:6" 9 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 5+ 9 3/3 2 3+ 4+ 5+ OA , TA OA, TA Weapons Traits Type/ Height LTG (Arm, Precise), MGM, Arms, Jetpack:4" Gear MFC, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") (Aux) 2" LRG (Arm, Precise), MGM, Arms, Jetpack:4" Gear MFC, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") (Aux) 2" HBZ (Arm, Precise), MGM, Arms, Jetpack:4" Gear MFC, MVB (Arm, Reach: 1") (Aux) 2" -MGM, +MATM - Traits Model Dark Series Dark Mastiff TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons 6 G:8" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ MRF (FT), APGL Mastiff: Support Pack Mastiff: Suppression Pack 7 IF (0+), CV (0+) IF (0+), CV (0+) IF (0+), CV (0+) G:8" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ MGM (T) G:8" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ MRP (T, Link) 174 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 7 Dark Mastiff Black Talon Werks Armored Personnel Carrier 2.3 meters 10,240 kg Type/ Height APC:1, Autopilot, Vehicle 0.5" APC:1, Autopilot, Vehicle 0.5" APC:1, Autopilot, Vehicle 0.5" BLACK TALON MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Infiltrator Infantry N/A Infantry 2 meters 75 kg Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Infiltrator Infantry Squad Sniper Team 6 IN (0+) I:3" 3 3/1 1 3+ 3+ 4+ MIW, MAVM Agile, Jetpack:4" 6 IN (0+) I:3" 3 2/0 1 3+ 3+ 4+ Agile, Jetpack:4" Observer Team 6 IN (0+) I:3" 3 2/0 1 3+ 3+ 3+ MIW, HIS (AP:1, Precise, Silent, Stabilizer) LIW Agile, Comms:1, Jetpack:4", TD:1 BLACK TALON Often while enemy forces are being engaged by Talon Gear units, Infantry teams or lone operatives will take the opportunity to infiltrate, secure or sabotage the true target of the operation. Occasionally Infantry teams will also lend their direct support to an assault by designating targets for guided munitions or taking down key targets amidst the confusion of battle. Type/ Height Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" 175 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) LANCES OF DESTINY COLONIAL EXPEDITIONARY FORCE - LANCES OF DESTINY COLONIAL EXPEDITIONARY FORCE (CEF) When finally Earth returned to its wayward colonies it was not as a friend, but as a conqueror. The New Earth Commonwealth (NEC) government knew the colonies would not welcome them back with open arms after being abandoned for hundreds of years. The Gateships were refurbished and warships were built as quickly as possible, based around modular design elements. The Colonial Expeditionary Force was created with legions of hovertanks, trans-orbital fighters, and their genetically engineered clone super soldiers the GRELs. Then the eight fleets carrying the largest fighting force in human history was sent to bring the colonies back under Earths control. . 176 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) COLONIAL EXPEDITIONARY FORCE - LANCES OF DESTINY Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NEW EARTH COMMONWEALTH The New Eurasian Commonwealth was formed as a nation from city states in the Siberian region of Asia, quickly expanding outward to include areas near the Black Sea and even further west. The capital of the New Eurasian Commonwealth, and eventually the New Earth Commonwealth, was originally a small settlement built in eastern Europe, but which went through almost unheard of growth and advancement. Indeed, the advanced technology of the NEC came as a surprise to many of their opponents, who fell before legions of Hovertanks and GRELs. Even more surprising was that the NEC was the one nation on Earth to completely avoid the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction during WWIII, instead relying on their radiation-hardened vehicles, trans-orbital fighters, and genetic supermen. This avoidance was later attributed to an organization at the core of the NEC’s political structure — the Knights of the Crescent — which requires its members to abide by a strict moral code. As WWIII screeched to a fiery halt, the NEC was in a clear position of power with the highest remaining population levels and largest standing army. Most nations surrendered and accepted NEC rule, and the broken few that did not quickly fell to GREL assaults. Soon, the New Eurasian Commonwealth was the New Earth Commonwealth, united under a single banner for the first time in nearly four hundred years. New city domes were built to house the population, allowing the citizens, or at least the wealthy citizens, a chance to live without exposure to the harsh conditions precipitated by the war. To further ensure the domed cities were capable of sustained existence, a large scale effort was devoted to creating an interconnecting high-speed rail system between the domes. Even so, life on Earth is not pleasant. Those fortunate enough to live in the domes live a life of containment. Disease and health problems are abnormally high in the domes. Those living in areas unserved by domes or the railways often live in squalor and experience much worse, as they lack even the most basic health care services. The cost of the infrastructure rebuilding also took its toll, leaving the NEC government no choice but to seek out resources elsewhere. To obtain those resources, Earth looked toward the stars once again. Either through lack of faith or a desire to rule, the NEC government did not expect the Colonies to willingly accept and aid the planet that left them to fend for themselves. Plans to conquer the Colonies were made, using the most advanced predictive technologies and with a large amount of help from the Sagan Institute on Mars. Gateships were refurbished and warships were built as quickly as possible, based around modular design elements. GRELs left over from WWIII were hypnotrained for space duties and the cloning tanks placed at full production for the upcoming invasion. Initial plans were based on the assumption that Caprice was vital, and securing it and the next set of colonies would be paramount, planning for a second wave assault on the outlying colonies as soon as the initial wave had successfully pacified their targets. Within three years, the Colonial Expeditionary Force was on its way toward the colonies; eight fleets carrying the largest fighting force in the history of mankind. CEF COLONIAL EXPEDITIONARY FORCE The fleets first formed around the station at the Portal System, launching forth toward the Loki System and Caprice once all fleets had taken place in formation. Caprice proved very easily taken. With most of the population contained within the Cat’s Eye Trench, threatening attack with directed massdrivers, prompted the ruling corporations to capitulate quickly. Once Caprice was in hand, work turned toward retrofitting the massive shipyards above the planet into a staging base for the first wave of colonial repatriation. The CEF was ahead of schedule and had taken no casualties. 177 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 COLONIAL EXPEDITIONARY FORCE - LANCES OF DESTINY LIFE ON EARTH Life in the domed cities of Earth is not peaceful. As more and more resources are devoted to retaking the colonies, the domes become more overcrowded, and sickness is running rampant. The average person has seen no benefit from the colonial retaking, and the NEC, no stranger to propaganda, has started using “Terror Warning Levels” and mass news slanting to keep the populace in check. While this is working currently, the government knows it is only a matter of time before the populace is no longer able to be placated. While dissenters are arrested and often disappear, rumors and dissent are rising. Some are beginning to wonder how the NEC is able to get the resources for such massive armies and why many higher ups in Government are so often on the conquered colonies. The reality is that while the NEC would like to start sending people to new colonies and easing the load on the Earth’s fragile biosphere, most colonies are still too newly conquered or in flux to mount expeditions. Some in government have whispered of taking only a select few to the colonies, leaving the rest behind, but even this is impossible unless the colonies are pacified quickly. The NEC needs the colonies and needs them soon. Particularly high on the list is Terra Nova, as it has the most landmass available for colonizing, although some within government have begun to wonder if that is the whole reason behind members of the Knights of the Crescent wanting the planet so badly. THE FIRST WAVE As the Fleets set forth from the Loki System, CEF command was in high spirits, and they had every reason to be. Utopia was quickly taken through subterfuge, the Fleet allying with a single planetary faction and quickly taking the planet over. The planet was ravaged by war, leaving most of the inhabitants to live in underground cities, but the inhabitants had been working on terraforming technologies that looked promising in helping not only Utopia, but Earth as well. The Utopian fleet yards and existing ships have been pressed into service to provide more ships for the CEF. With Utopia easily taken, Botany Bay was chosen as the next colony, as the planet was thought to be easily conquered and the prison planet was regarded as a possible necessity given the likelihood of political dissidents on conquered planets. While the CEF were surprised to see a warrior culture fully developed on the planet, with limited local asteroid mining performed, the planet was taken as the inhabitants had few resources with which to fight the oncoming conquerors. The CEF did, however underestimate the tenacity of the inhabitants, who began a guerilla war on CEF ground troops and have begun attempting strikes on ships using asteroid mining equipment to breach hulls. As the fleet required ships in station above both Utopia and Botany Bay, as well as additional ground troops to fight the Botany Bay rebels, the invasion of Jotenheim would be put off until the second wave. CEF Atlantis, valued for colony space and medical research, was less of a rousing success. While the planet was secured and the limited landmass was easily taken, the inhabitants of the vast oceans have been hard to pacify. While the CEF did bring submarines capable of traversing even the deepest waters, the ‘Atlanteans had much more expertise in oceanic technologies. CEF submarines were outclassed in speed and maneuverability, leaving the CEF submarine fleets sitting in shallower areas and docks as CEF command tried to work out ways to take the planet without ruining the planet’s biosphere, thus negating the whole point of taking it in the first place. With Atlantis “secured” and advancement on the planet deadlocked, CEF command sent two additional fleets out through the Atlantis system toward Home and Eden. Home was still run by a single corporation and had both a vibrant economy and culture. Sandrakar-Xia Interworld (SXI) initially resisted the CEF invasion, but after three months of resistance, internal politics led to a bloody coup within the hierarchy of the corporation. Jules Sandrakar-Xia, a descendent of the original company president, overthrew the board of directors and ordered SXI’s troops to stand down. Jules has since made himself something of a favorite amongst the NEC and CEF higher ups, in no small part due to SXI’s expertise in genetics, biomechanical interfaces and botany being freely offered to the NEC and the CEF. Indeed, an SXI facility has been recently opened on Botany Bay Terra Nova proved the most troublesome of the first wave of assaults. While the CEF was surprised at how well the colonies managed on their own, none of them had been quite so prepared for war as Terra Nova. Preliminary intelligence during the landing indicated the polar confederacies were more likely to continue fighting each other than worry about the new threat, but this intelligence proved very wrong. With both poles joining up to fight the CEF, their supply lines cut off by space drones and the last-minute arrival of the Peace River Army, the CEFs Eighth Fleet was forced to withdraw, marking the first time a colony had successfully repelled the CEF. Questions regarding where the CEF’s initial intelligence on Terra Nova and other planets had come from have been raised internally and on the colonies themselves. While the CEF commanders rarely had an abundance of information, there were far too many coincidences in regards to having the right equipment at the right time or being in the right place at the right time. The loss on Terra Nova sparked a large, if hushed, debate over whether the intelligence was reliable or if the Fleet Commanders ignored the intelligence that had so far granted the CEF easy victories. 178 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) COLONIAL EXPEDITIONARY FORCE - LANCES OF DESTINY THE SECOND WAVE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 The second wave of invasions was delayed by the loss on Terra Nova. With the Eighth Fleet returning with major losses in personnel and equipment, and having left a large contingent on the planet because they simply could not carry them back, plans for the remaining colonies were rethought and more active reconnaissance was ordered. The times involved in stellar travel and communication left a good five-year gap in between the Eighth Fleet’s return and the other fleets heading out for the second wave of assaults. During the nearly 400 years of isolation, Eden had become something of a modern feudal society with multiple kingdoms covering the planet. The CEF’s assault coincided with an attempt by scientists on the planet to implement a new gatedrive technology, one that backfired horribly, wiping out half the invading fleet and approximately one third of the planets surface. This accident was initially assumed to be planetary resistance and the Fleet Commanders authorised orbital bombardments of major cities during the rushed retreat to save the fleet. CEF The next months were a confusing muddle of meetings, betrayals and skirmishes as the kingdoms fell into disarray and the CEF capitalized on the confusion, allowing the now crippled fleet to take the planet with little resistance. The planet is currently occupied, but is not deemed conquered just yet, as some of the planetary forces formed guerilla militias who continue to make strikes against the overstretched occupying forces. The CEF is reluctant to do any major offensives against these militias as the guerillas have support from local villages and the planetary biosphere is undergoing exceedingly rapid cooling after the gate accident. Scientists from Utopia are being brought in to determine if their terraforming technology can rescue the planet. Jotenheim’s resistance to outsiders even during the Concordat made any intelligence from before the invasion very suspect and initial recon showed only small settlements in the mountain valleys, combined with a relatively high-tech herding culture. CEF command opted for a tactic similar to the one they used on Utopia, hoping to avoid a major invasion, or at the very least obtain some indication of planetary politics and military strength. Initial contact was exceedingly curt and while the Jotenheimers were willing to meet with CEF officers, they appeared very wary, and the questions they asked of the officers were very pointed. CEF officers were barred from any major settlements and the Jotenheim, and proceedings seemed more an attempt to delay the CEF than anything else. After five weeks of getting nowhere, and all intelligence pointing to minimal military capacity on the planet, the CEF launched an assault. What met them was wholly unexpected. The Settlements on the surface were simply openings to the vast underground complexes built inside the mountains. Jotenheim fighting vehicles poured forth from hidden entrances, surrounded CEF troops and with surprising efficiency, destroyed most invaders. Energy weapon batteries from the planet were able to take down many capital ships and those able to retreat to a safe distance were assaulted by ships seemingly appearing from nowhere. No ships escaped, although a single encoded message was able to be sent back to Utopian space, warning the rest of the fleet. Soon after, an unencoded message was sent. It read “Tell your masters we will have nothing of their ways.” All reports indicated that New Jerusalem was an intentionally non-technological theocratic planet, devoted to pastoral work and religious worship. The CEF was wary of religion, knowing it could be a potent tool and a potent enemy. So they sent the Seventh Fleet with a great number of diplomats with instructions to broach a peaceful arrangement if at all possible. Initial reports indicated things were going well, but it would take time. Then things went quiet, the Fleet missing several check-ins. This is not unusual, but after the fourth missed check-in, the fleet was listed as officially out of communication and missing in action. Twenty scouts were sent to find the fleet, but only one returned, and it did not bring good news. The transmission it was able to receive indicated that the planet was much more dangerous than initially indicated. The Fleet had been destroyed, mutinied, or both, and the remaining loyalists were conducting guerilla attacks on the planet to keep supplied. The contents of the transmission have been kept top secret to prevent word from reaching the already antsy troops on Caprice. 179 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 COLONIAL EXPEDITIONARY FORCE - LANCES OF DESTINY DOCTRINE Even with the advent of Battleframes, CEF doctrine is very reliant on a modified Blitzkrieg model. While the Blitzkrieg was regarded as only able to work once, the advent of hover technology and very heavy weaponry has given it new life in the 62nd century. Simply put, the original doctrine revolves around a entirely mechanized force concentrating on a small section of the enemy lines and pushing through without regard to its flanks. When backed up properly by air and artillery, this provided a way to divide enemy lines, strike deep into enemy territory, and encircle enemy formations. All of which is very useful for a conquering army. However, with modern advances in technology, leaving your flanks open is far more dangerous, as enemies can outmaneuver a force very easily, leading to a need to protect flanks while advancing. The CEF solved this by doing multiple shorter advances, doing the Blitzkrieg on a small scale throughout an advance, the Hovertanks would push deep and loop around, pinning the enemy between themselves and the advancing GRELs. While effective, particularly with the speed of the Hovertanks, it was possible to halt the progress and without the momentum of the push, the front would stagnate, much as had happened on the first assault on Terra Nova. Battleframes were introduced to help combat enemy walkers and to introduce a mobile element capable of protecting flanks while keeping up with the main push. This has led to the hammer and anvil tactic formerly used with GRELs and Hovertanks to be able to be expanded with different units, keep momentum going forward and allow GRELs and FLAILs to secure objectives. Modern CEF tactics seen from above seem very much like a swarm of sparrows taking on crows, while simultaneously moving toward objectives. GRELs CEF Genetically Recombined Experimental Legionnaires are the CEFs frontline troops and primary technical corps. The CEF views GRELs as equipment. They lack rank, and are given only the title of Soldier and an ID name so the commanders may single one out when giving orders. GRELs are “property,” and are thus unpaid and are not allowed any personal effects. When focused on their designed role and/or kept hypnotrained, they operate per spec, and while their inflexibility is sometimes a liability in battle, the CEF deems it more acceptable than unpredictably. The desire for individuality or possessions is a sign the GREL has a “personality imprinting” defect and needs to be retrained immediately. Indeed, the problems with GRELs as the CEF see them is their annoying tendency to grow personalities and for human CEF members to start believing the GRELs might be human as well. Unfortunately, “personality imprinting” will arise when the GRELs are unable to be retrained on a regular basis. Humans in contact with GRELs are rotated out of regiments every six months and GRELs are given “retraining” as often as is practical in the field. As the pressure on the Eighth Fleet’s ground and space forces was so high during the War of the Alliance, it was unable to “retrain” its GRELs on any kind of regular schedule. This is how the CEF learned that personalities are often unable to be removed if left alone for long enough. If not given enough mental stimulation after the personality takes root, GRELs often develop extreme mental illnesses related to their original training. Of the GRELs brought back to Caprice with the fleet, most were deemed unsalvageable and imprisoned in Bastille Alpha on Caprice to allow CEF bioscientists to further investigate the phenomenon. The CEF has taken this experience into account and have implemented exercises officers can implement to slow the personality development in the field when proper maintenance cycles are unable to be adhered to. Unfortunately, even when handled properly, JanClass GRELs are particularly vulnerable to megalomania and the number inside Bastille Alpha is disproportionately high. FLAILs Front-Line Augmented Infantry Legionnaires are the CEF’s “upgraded” GRELs. In a distinctly uncharacteristic move, the CEF started offering veteran GRELs a chance to receive “upgrades” that let them utilize new equipment. Many accepted, some were forced, and even new GRELs who had not yet been woken up were sent to the Sandrakar-Xia Interworld facility on Botany Bay. Those that came back had a new designation and were wearing very sophisticated powered armor. After a few trials, the CEF has implemented mass upgrades, with the goal to have as many FLAILs as possible for the second assault on the colonies. 180 Scuttlebutt in the fleet is that these new units are far more obedient, able to react quicker, and are unnaturally aware of their surroundings. Only the scientists placed in charge of the FLAILs have seen them outside of the armored suits. Officers have been assured the upgrades have dealt with the personality “problem” and that FLAILs will respond much better on the field of battle than GRELs. FLAIL tanks are being outfitted and only FLAILs are able to pilot the main line Battleframes. Another very strange thing about the FLAILs is every unit seems equipped with a self-destruct mechanism that activates in case of severe damage or capture. While not enough to cause damage to a large area, it will turn the entire powered armor suit to slag, along with the user. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) CEF FORCES Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CEF FORCES: A Generic CEF Force may be constructed using only the CEF Models List. This is the default option and should be used when learning the game rules. All the models in the CEF Models List can be used in any of the sub-lists below. These Sub-Lists allow players to add additional specialized upgrades to their models as they collect their Force. SUB LISTS: CEFLF - CEF Line Formation (CEF Sub-List + Allies: Caprice/Utopia/Eden): A battle formation of GRELs and Hovertanks is a fearsome sight, they form the unbeatable Hammer and Anvil of the Earth Forces. Those few humans who live their lives as the commanders of Earths armies know that casualties are acceptable, failure is not.  Well Supported: Each Primary Unit in this Force may have two Support units. The number of actions in the Support units may not exceed the standard number of actions for a Support unit: Example: A Primary unit of 5 actions may have up to two Support units of up to 3 actions total.  Allies: Choose one Caprice, Utopia, or Eden. This Force may select Support units from the chosen Faction Force list to attach to CEF Primary units. CEFTB - Hover Tank Battalion (CEF Sub-List Force): When the mobile elements of the CEF begin their blitzing attacks it is the Hover Tank battalions that lead the way. Powerful enough to destroy most targets but fast enough to escape fights they cannot win the battalions are a terror force of considerable might.  Commander: The Tank Battalion CO commander model must be a vehicle with the UA of LT, MT, or HT.  Hammer: This Force may only have Primary units that have the Unit Availability of LT, MT, CV, HB, or HT.  Eyes on the Skies: One model per primary unit may choose the Generic Upgrade: Anti-Air for 0TV.  Outriders: Any unit with a Unit Availability of LT or HB may deploy using the Rangers Reserve Deployment (See 15.1c). CEFIB - GREL/FLAIL Infantry Battalion (CEF Sub-List Force): The CEF Infantry Battalions swarm across the landscape, each genetically engineered soldier hypnotrained from birth to fight to their last breath and to follow orders to the letter. No more disciplined army has ever been seen in history and no army survives being engaged by the relentless attacks of the CEF Infantry Battalions.  Commander: The GREL/FLAIL Battalion Commanding Officer model must be a HC-3 or a HPC-64 model.  Anvil: This Force may only have Primary units that have the Unit Availability of HT, IN, FL, HB, IF, RC, HF, or CV. CEF  Built to be the Best: Non-CO commanders in GREL and FLAIL units with 6 actions gain 1 additional Command Point (CP). Heavy Hover Tank (HHT-90) breaches the defensive line with GREL support. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 181 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CEF MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: F6-16 Frame Colonial Expeditionary Force Trooper Frame 4.6 meters 6,200 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: CEF Reverse engineered from Heavy Gear technology recovered from the first invasion of Terra Nova the F6-16 frame is unique because it is the only frame that is piloted by human CEF commanders. Using powerful hover technology the Frame can easily keep pace with the hover tanks that it is designed to support. 182 A dedicated command variant the CF616 includes a powerful electronic counter countermeasures suite and a satellite uplink allowing for real time observation of enemy positions using orbiting assets. The CEF dedicates significant resources to ensuring that human pilots return alive. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons F6-16: No Pack F6-16: Anti-Tank Pack F6-16: Assault Pack F6-16: Recon Pack 8 IF , HF 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 10 HF 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 9 IF , HF 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 10 IF W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LLC (Arm), LCW (Arm) LPA (Arm), LATM (LA:2), LCW (Arm) LRL (Arm), LCW (Arm) LLC (Arm), LCW (Arm) 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ +(CMD) W:5" H:9" - - - - - - 4+ LLC (Arm), LGM, LCW (Arm) - - - - - - - - - - UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LLC (Arm), LCW (Arm) LRL (Arm), LCW (Arm) LLC (Arm), LCW (Arm) - - - - - - F6-16: 9 Support Pack CF6-16 +1 (F6-16 upgrade) Mobility Pack +2 (F6-16 or CF616 upgrade) Model TV CF6-16-S: No Pack F6-16-S: Assault Pack F6-16-S: Recon Pack 10 11 11 Mobility Pack ( +2 CF6-16-S and F616-S upgrade) Stephen Belz (order #8710802) IF , HF RC (CMD) W:5" H:9" RC W:5" H:9" RC W:5" H:9" - - CF6-16 Frame Colonial Expeditionary Force Command Frame 4.8 meters 6,400 kg - Traits Type/ Height Arms Gear 1.5" Arms Gear 1.5" Arms, Shield:1 Gear 1.5" Arms, Comms:1 (Aux), Gear ECM:1, Sensor Boom 1.5" (Aux), TD:1 (Aux) Arms Gear 1.5" +ECCM, SatUp:6+ (Aux) +Airdrop, Jetpack:6" (Aux) Traits Type/ Height Arms, ECCM, SatUp:5+, Gear Stealth (*Aux) 1.5" Arms, Shield:1, Stealth Gear (Aux) 1.5" Arms, Comms:1 (Aux), Gear ECM:1,Sensor Boom (Aux), 1.5" TD:1 (Aux), Stealth (Aux) +Airdrop, Jetpack:6" (Aux) CEF MODELS LIST BF2-21 Frame Colonial Expeditionary Force Trooper Frame 4.6 meters 5,950 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: A clearly heavier design the BF2-21 is piloted or crewed by a GREL, or at least everyone is told that it’s a GREL. No one has ever seen a GREL leave the cockpit of such a machine and the BF2-21s are rigged with self destruct devices to prevent them from falling into enemy hands. BF2-25 Frame Colonial Expeditionary Force Recon Frame 5.4 meters 6,200 kg First observed on Atlantis by Black Talon teams the BF2-25 was suspected of being a dedicated black ops vehicle but it is now widely known that the 25 was designed for recon missions and only incidentally used for headhunter or espionage missions. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits BF2-21: No Pack BF2-21: Anti-Tank Pack BF2-21: Assault Pack BF2-21: Recon Pack 10 IF 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ IF 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 11 IF 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 12 IF 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LLC (Arm), LCW (Arm) LPA (Arm), LATM (LA:2), LCW (Arm) MRL (Arm), LCW (Arm) LLC (Arm), LCW (Arm) ANN, Arms 12 W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" W:5" H:9" BF2-21: Support Pack Mobility Pack (BF2-21 upgrade) 11 IF 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ +2 - W:5" H:9" - - - - - - - Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons BF2-25: No Pack 14 RC W:6" H:10" 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LLC (Arm), LSG (Arm) BF2-2: Anti-Tank Pack 16 RC W:6" H:10" 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LLC (Arm), LATM (LA:2), LSG (Arm) BF2-25: Assault Pack 15 RC W:6" H:10" 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LLC (Arm), LCW (Arm) BF2-25: Recon Pack 15 RC W:6" H:10" 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LLC (Arm), LCW Rotary Laser (BF2-25 upgrade) +0 - - - - - - - - -LLC, +MRL Stephen Belz (order #8710802) LLC (Arm), LGM, LCW (Arm) - ANN, Arms ANN, Arms, Shield:1 ANN, Arms, Comms:1 (Aux), ECM:1, Sensor Boom (Aux), TD:1 (Aux) ANN, Arms Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" CEF Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Gear 1.5" +Airdrop, Jetpack:6" (Aux) Traits Type/ Height Airdrop, Agile, ANN, Arms, Gear Comms:1, Jetpack:6" (Aux), 1.5" Stealth (Aux) Airdrop, Agile, ANN, Arms, Gear Comms:1, Jetpack:6" (Aux), 1.5" Stealth (Aux) Airdrop,Agile,ANN,Arms, Gear Comms:1, Jetpack:6" (Aux), 1.5" Shield:1, Stealth (Aux) Airdrop,ANN,Agile,Arms, Gear Comms:2 (Aux), ECM:1, 1.5" Jetpack:6" (Aux), Sensor Boom (Aux), Stealth (Aux),TD:1 183 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CEF MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: BF2-19 Frame Colonial Expeditionary Force Support Frame 6.1 meters 10,100 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: CEF A heavier Frame than the 16 or the 21, the BF2-19 carries the heaviest weapon load of all known frame designs. The BF2-19 is also rigged with self destruct devices leading Terra Novan engineers to speculate that the BF2-19 is related to the BF2-21. LHT-67 Colonial Expeditionary Force Light Hovertank 2.6 meters 25,000 kg The first hovertanks that Polar forces met during the first invasion of Terra Nova by the CEF were the LHT-67. Fast and nimble the HT67 can strike quickly from a flanking position and then dart away before a response can be coordinated. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW BF2-19: No Pack BF2-19: Anti-Tank Pack BF2-19: Assault Pack BF2-19: Support Pack BF2-19: Recon Pack 13 HF 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 15 HF 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 14 HF 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 14 HF 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 15 HF W:4" H:7" W:4" H:7" W:4" H:7" W:4" H:7" W:4" H:7" 7 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ MLC (Arm), MRP, LATM, MCW (Arm) 5+ MPA (Arm), MRP, MATM (LA: 2), MCW (Arm) 5+ MRL (Arm), MRP, LATM, MCW (Arm) 5+ MLC (Arm), LATM, MGM, MCW (Arm) 5+ MRL (Arm), MRP, LATM, MCW (Arm) Mobility Pack (BF2-19 upgrade) +2 - - - - - - - - - Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons LHT-67: No Pack 18 LT H:10" 8 4/4 2 4+ 4+ 5+ MPA (T), LABM (T) LHT-67: AA Pack 18 LT H:10" 8 4/4 2 4+ 4+ 5+ MLC (AA, T), LATM (T) LHT-67: Assault Pack 18 LT H:10" 8 4/4 2 4+ 4+ 5+ MRL (T), MFC (FT, Link) GREL/FLAIL Crew (LHT-67 upgrade) +2 - - - - - - - - - 184 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Weapons Traits Type/ Height ANN, Arms Gear 2" ANN, Arms Gear 2" ANN, Arms, Gear Shield:1 2" ANN, Arms Gear 2" ANN,Arms, Comms:1 Gear (Aux), ECM:1, Sensor 2" Boom (Aux),TD:1 (Aux) +Airdrop, Jetpack:5" (Aux) Traits Type/ Height Airdrop, Agile. Vehicle Jump Jets:3" (Aux), 2" Sensors:18", TD:0 Airdrop, Agile, Vehicle Jump Jets:3" (Aux), 2" Sensors:18", TD:0 Airdrop, Agile, Vehicle Jump Jets:3" (Aux), 2" Sensors:18", TD:0 +ANN CEF MODELS LIST LHT-71 Colonial Expeditionary Force Light Hovertank 2.8 meters 26,000 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Heavier than the LHT-67 the LHT-71 is slower but can survive more punishment. Carrying a range of weapons to suit different tactical situations the light hovertank is more than capable of dueling at range with any Gear that Terra Novan armies can field. The MHT-95 is a change from the other fast hover tanks. It steadily advances and pins the enemy in pace with its heavy weaponry while other elements flank and close in for the kill. Previously only available to CEF forces several examples of the MHT-95 were appropriated by the Port Arthur Korps and reverse engineered. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI LHT-71: No Pack 18 LT H:9" 8 5/3 2 4+ 4+ LHT-71: AA Pack 18 LT H:9" 8 5/3 2 4+ 4+ LHT-71: Assault Pack 18 LT H:9" 8 5/3 2 4+ 4+ GREL/FLAIL Crew (LHT-71 upgrade) +2 - - - - - - Model TV UA MR AR H/S A MHT-95: No Pack 24 MT, LT H:6" 9 5/3 MHT-95: Assault Pack 24 MT, LT H:6" 9 MHT-95: Support Pack 24 MT, LT H:6" - - GREL/FLAIL Crew +2 (MHT-95 upgrade) MHT-95 Colonial Expeditionary Force Medium Hovertank 3.1 meters 33,000 kg EW Weapons Traits - Type/ Height 5+ MPA (T), LABM (T) Airdrop, Agile, Vehicle Jump Jets:3" (Aux), 2" Sensors:18", TD:0 5+ MLC (AA, T), LATM (T) Airdrop, Agile, Vehicle Jump Jets:3" (Aux), 2" Sensors:18", TD:0 5+ MRL (T), MFC (FT, Airdrop, Agile, Vehicle Link) Jump Jets:3" (Aux), 2" Sensors:18", TD:0 +ANN GU PI EW Weapons Traits 2 4+ 4+ 6+ 5/3 2 4+ 4+ 6+ 9 5/3 2 4+ 4+ 6+ - - - - - - MRG (T), MRP (T, Link), MLC (FT, AA), HMG (FT, Auto) HGL (T), MFC (FT), MRP (T, Link), MLC (FT, AA), HMG (FT, Auto) MAG (T), MRP (T, Link), MLC (FT, AA), HMG (FT, Auto) +ANN CEF Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Type/ Height Airdrop, Jump Jets:3", Vehicle Sensors:18" 2" Airdrop, Jump Jets:3", Vehicle Sensors:18" 2" Airdrop, Jump Jets:3", Vehicle Sensors:18" 2" 185 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CEF MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: MHT-68 Colonial Expeditionary Force Medium Hovertank 3.6 meters 45,000 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: CEF Fast enough to escape from anything it cannot kill, the MHT-68 provides a heavy punch to the forces of the CEF. Hovertank units of 68s continuously circle around enemy forces waiting for them to make a mistake and punishing them heavily with their weapons. Slower but more heavily armored, the MHT-72 is used in shock assaults when heavy tanks break the enemy line and fan out to exploit weak positions. Though not as agile as the MHT-68 the 72 is still fast enough to take advantage of wide flanking maneuvers. The MHT-72 dominates any battlefield it fight on. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons MHT-68: No Pack 28 MT H:8" 10 4/4 3 4+ 5+ 5+ HPA (T), MATM (T), MABM (T) MHT-68: AA Pack 28 MT H:8" 10 4/4 3 4+ 5+ 5+ MHT-68: Assault Pack 28 MT H:8" 10 4/4 3 4+ 5+ 5+ - - - - - - - - GREL/FLAIL Crew +2 (MHT-68 upgrade) TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons MHT-72: No Pack 28 MT H:7" 10 5/3 3 4+ 5+ 5+ HPA (T), MATM (T), MABM (T) MHT-72: AA Pack 28 MT H:7" 10 5/3 3 4+ 5+ 5+ HLC (AA, T), MATM (T), MSAM (T) MHT-72: Assault Pack 28 MT H:7" 10 5/3 3 4+ 5+ 5+ HRL (T), MATM (T), MFC (FT, Link) - - - - - - - - - 186 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Traits Type/ Height Vehicle 2" Airdrop, Jump Jets:3" (Aux), Sensors:18", TD:0 HLC (AA, T), MATM (T), Airdrop, Jump Vehicle MSAM (T) Jets:3" (Aux), 2" Sensors:18", TD:0 HRL (T), MFC (FT, Airdrop. Jump Vehicle Link), MATM (T) Jets:3" (Aux), 2" Sensors:18", TD:0 +ANN Model GREL/FLAIL Crew +2 (MHT-72 upgrade) MHT-72 Colonial Expeditionary Force Medium Hovertank 3.7 meters 47,000 kg Traits Type/ Height Airdrop, Jump Jets:2" Vehicle (Aux), Sensors:18", 2" TD:0 Airdrop, Jump Jets:2" Vehicle (Aux), Sensors:18", 2" TD:0 Airdrop, Jump Jets:2" Vehicle (Aux), Sensors:18", 2" TD:0 +ANN CEF MODELS LIST HPC-64 Colonial Expeditionary Force Armored Personnel Carrier 3.4 meters 15,000 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: A Pacifier-class Hover APC can carry two fullyarmed squads of GREL infantry in support of a Hovertank advance. Mounting a small antivehicle laser or artillery rockets allows the humble Pacifier to play a more active role on the battlefield. HC-3A Kadellie Weapon Systems Recon Hovercar 2.4 meters 7,850 kg An old but reliable design, the HC-3A first saw action on the battlefields of Earth as a spotter for CEF hover artillery. The HC-3A in its current iteration has been designated as a high priority target by Terra Novan forces so much so that bounties have been placed for its destruction or capture. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits HPC-64 7 CV (0+), IN CV (0+) H:9" 7 4/4 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LLC (FT) H:9" 7 4/4 1 4+ 4+ 5+ MAR (T) IN (0-1) H:9" 7 4/4 1 4+ 4+ 5+ - +(CMD) - - - - - - 4+ - Airdrop, APC:2, Jump Jets:2" (Aux) Airdrop, APC:1, Jump Jets:2" (Aux) Airdrop, APC:1, Jump Jets:2" (Aux), Medic +ECM:1, SatUp:6+ (Aux) HPC-64: 9 Support HPC-64: 4 Medic Command +1 (HPC-64 upgrade) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons HC-3A 9 RC (0+), CV H:10" 5 3/3 1 4+ 3+ 3+ LLC Command (HC-3A upgrade) +2 +(CMD) - - - - - - - +LATM (LA:1) Type/ Height Vehicle 2" Vehicle 2" Vehicle 2" CEF Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Traits Type/ Height Airdrop, Agile, Comms:2, Vehicle ECM:3, Jump Jets:2" 2" (Aux), Sensors:24" (Aux), TD:1 +ECCM, SatUp:4+ (Aux) 187 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CEF MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: GREL Infantry Colonial Expeditionary Force Infantry 2.3 meters 100 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: CEF Genetically Recombined Experimental Legionnaires are the CEFs frontline troops and primary technical corps. The CEF views GRELs as equipment and but they are neither mistreated, nor abused. They are weapons of war and just like any other weapon require careful maintenance in the form of hypnotraining or subconscious indoctrination. GREL Hoverbike Colonial Expeditionary Force Infantry 1 meter 500 kg While GRELs are often transported via APC, it is now common to see them hurtling across the battlefield mounted on hover-bikes strike hard and fast at the enemies of Earth. Morgana GREL Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons GREL Squad 4 I:4" 4 3/1 1 3+ 3+ 6+ HIW, LIS GREL Mortar Squad GREL Anti-Tank Squad GREL Support Squad Jan (GREL Squad upgrade) Morgana Assault GREL Team Morgana Sniper GREL Team 5 I:4" 4 3/1 1 3+ 3+ 6+ HIW, HIM I:4" 4 3/1 1 3+ 3+ 6+ HIW, MAVM I:4" 4 3/1 1 3+ 3+ 6+ HIW, HIS +1 CV , IN (0+), HT CV (0-1), IN, HT CV (0-1), IN, HT CV (0-1), IN, HT +(CMD) - - - - - - - - +Comms:1 6 IN, HT I:5" 3 3/0 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MIW, VB (AI, AP:1, PEN:4) Agile, Brawler:1, Stealth Infantry 0.5" 7 IN, HT I:5" 3 3/0 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MIW, HIS (AP:1, Precise, Silent) Agile, Brawler:1, Stealth Infantry 0.5" Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Hoverbike GREL Squad Hoverbike AntiTank Squad Jan (Hoverbike upgrade) 6 H:12" 3 3/0 1 4+ 3+ 6+ HIW 8 CV , HB (0+) HB H:12" 3 3/0 1 4+ 3+ 6+ HIW, LPZ +1 +(CMD) - - - - - - - - 188 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 6 5 Traits Type/ Height Infantry 1" Infantry 1" Infantry 1" Infantry 1" Type/ Height Agile, Jump Jets:2" Infantry 1" Agile, Jump Jets:2" Infantry 1" +Comms:1 CEF MODELS LIST FLAIL Infantry Colonial Expeditionary Force Infantry 2.7 meters 550 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Front-Line Augmented Infantry Legionnaires are the CEF’s “upgraded” GRELs. A seamless melding of man and machine, these powered infantry are a terror on and off the battlefield. They feel no pain, nor fear and can easily weather a storm of anti infantry fire. So fearsome are they that Terra Novan forces have resorted to using Gear squads to deal with them. The HHT-90 Overlord represents the pinnacle of CEF hover technology. Purpose built to engage and destroy Terra Novan landships, it is the king of the battlefield. Its Macro Accelerator Cannon is for all intensive purposes a scaled down Naval gun and its chassis can withstand severe punishment while transporting a full unit of GRELs in safety. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons FLAIL Squad 6 3/1 1 3+ 3+ 5+ HMG, LIS 7 5 3/1 1 3+ 3+ 5+ HMG, HIM 8 FL, HT 5 3/1 1 3+ 3+ 5+ HMG, HAVM 7 FL, HT 5 3/1 1 3+ 3+ 5+ HMG, HIS 7 FL, HT 4 3/0 1 3+ 3+ 4+ HMG, LVB (AI) +1 - I:4", H:6" I:4", H:6" I:4", H:6" I:4", H:6" I:4", H:7" - 5 Support FLAIL Squad Anti-Tank FLAIL Squad Interdiction FLAIL Squad Morgana FLAIL Team Close Support (FLAIL upgrade) FL (0+), HT FL, HT - - - - - - +LPZ Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons HHT-90 70 HT (0-1) - - - - - - - Turret - 11 5/3 3 4+ 6+ 5+ Body H:6" 12 5/5 3 5+ 6+ 6+ Note:The HHT-90 may not be taken in a Support unit. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) HHT-90 Colonial Expeditionary Force Heavy Hovertank 8.6 meters 155,000 kg Traits Type/ Height Jetpack:4" Infantry 1" Jetpack:4" Infantry 1" Jetpack:4" Infantry 1" Jetpack:4" Infantry 1" Agile, Brawler:1, Infantry Jetpack:4", Stealth 1" - CEF Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Traits Type/ Height Vehicle, 3" TG (T, AP:5, PEN:12), Attached: HHT Body, HAM (T), HATM (T), AMS (Aux), ECCM, HRL (FT, AA) Comms:1 (Aux), Resist:H, SatUp:4+ (Aux), Sensors: 18", Vet, TD:1 MRL (FT+R, Auto), APC:4, CBS (Aux), MRL (FT+L, Auto), Init:1, Jump Jets:2", HRP (L, Aux), HRP (R, Resist:H, Stable, Aux), HPA (FT+F) Sensors:18", Vet 189 DAGGERS OF DECEPTION CAPRICE - DAGGERS OF DECEPTION CAPRICE Caprice lacks most requirements for a settlement world. The planet is mostly barren, with what little atmosphere there is being very thin, except within the large Cat’s Eye Trench. Indeed, it took years for humans to adapt to the harsher surface of the planet, and they still require rebreathers and oxygen tanks to support themselves outside of the Trench. Caprice was thus a corporate world first and foremost, with settlement limited to corporate workers and scientists sent to exploit the planet and explore the myriad of gates within the Loki system. From these beginnings as Earth’s first colony, Caprice grew into an economic powerhouse and center for interstellar trade with Earth’s other colonies, as all ships bound to Earth from these colonies or to the colonies from Earth had to go through the Loki System. 190 Despite the surface being inhospitable, the planet itself is geologically wealthy. The surface is scarred by centuries of careless strip mining and the endless cycle of building and abandoning mining camps. It is this lonely and isolated landscape the Liberati of the world inhabit. Wandering from camp to camp, sometimes as workers, sometimes squatting in abandoned facilities, the Liberati spend most of their short lives on the surface. There is little doubt that the Liberati are the hardiest people on the planet. They survive not out of hope, but stubbornness and persistence. Many people convicted of crimes not severe enough for imprisonment are sent to work in the mines and many of them are taken in by the Liberati, giving them friends and family after they were exiled from their own. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) CAPRICE - DAGGERS OF DECEPTION Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 GOMORRAH Gomorrah was the first non-corporate community on Caprice. Originally a small pleasure resort specializing in legalized gambling and prostitution, it remained neutral, even to the point of authorizing its security forces to use lethal force on anyone breaking the rules of the resort. The corporations, in turn respected the authority of Gomorrah, as it was the only place on the planet their workers could go to relax. Soon after, Gomorrah started the nearly forgotten practice of mail-order “brides,” as a way to ensure continued monetary income. As the corporate housing settlements were designed mostly as barracks, Gomorrah built temporary family housing, and soon found itself in the real estate business, as the corporations were slow to adopt family housing. Even after family housing was built by the corporations, Gomorrah remained the preferred living area, as more families lived there than any other area. Gambling remained a primary business of the resort, though prostitution became much less common as corporations brought in their own “entertainers” for the workers without families. Eventually, Gomorrah became the name for all habitation districts within the trench, and it increased from a town to the size of a moderate city within three centuries. LIBERATI REVOLTS As corporations exploited more and more of the surface of the planet, they also exploited their workers. Safeguards found on other planets were nonexistent. Miners were force-adapted to the harsh surface. Education was neglected, public services all but nonexistent and the nearest hospitals were on neighboring colonies. Indentured servitude became a norm, and the corporations felt that as the center of all trade in the galaxy, they were free to set their own laws, while corrupt Concordat officials looked on, uncaring. Yet surprisingly, it was those who were free of such shackles who sparked the seeds of revolt. The nomadic squatters known as the Liberati wandered the surface, taking over abandoned facilities until corporate security removed them, and then wandered again. They were viewed by the corporations as a nuisance, and like the reverence of ancient Earth birds that had built up in the Liberati culture only added to outsiders viewing the Liberati as “flighty.” Unlike the corporations’ own workers, however, these men and women were already adapted to the surface and trained in the most dangerous aspects of mining on Caprice. As such, they were often hired to do the work deemed too dangerous even for indentured workers. In the decades before the situation exploded, miners joined the Liberati in droves. Many were those laid off by the corporations without the money to return to Earth, while others escaped indentured servitude. Tensions between the Liberati and the corporations grew into animosity and then to near violence. The only thing needed for a revolt was a catalyst. And in the late summer of 5370 AD, the Trent Sector Incident proved to be the spark for that revolt. The Trent Sector, located near the planet’s north pole, had many valuable mineral deposits, but was habitable only during summer. A group of Liberati known as the Aurora Miners were the lone group who bothered working the area, returning to the middle climes of the planet before the dangerous winters hit. In 5370, these miners were trapped in the sector during an unanticipated early storm. They were forced to break into an abandoned Slayke Industries facility. Alerted to the makeshift camp inside the facility by security systems, the company authorized the use of deadly force to deal with the squatters, turning the automated mining drones against the Liberati. Less than a dozen of over one hundred people survived, but they brought word of the horror to other Liberati. CAPRICE Throughout Caprice, the Liberati mounted guerilla-style raids against the corporations. The corporations tried handling the matter, but it soon became clear that the population was supporting the Liberati, and the corporations turned to the Concordat for help. 191 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CAPRICE - DAGGERS OF DECEPTION PROSPERITY The Concordat declared military rule immediately and dismissed the corporations’ desires for backup in favor of doing an investigation. Soon, it was discovered that the bureaucracy was corrupt and the investigators became extremely outraged at the obvious human rights violations. The Trent Sector Accord, named after the fatal incident that sparked the revolts, was ratified by the Concordat in short order. It formed a pseudo government known as the Caprician Corporate Executive, removed the draconian practices allowed under previous rule, enacted universal programs for services and formalized Gomorrah as the official name of the trench-city. For the first time, all Capricians had education, waste management and health care programs, along with law enforcement that was no longer tied to individual corporations. While animosity between the Liberati and the corporations lasted for several generations, the CCE managed to balance commercial and private sectors. While Caprice is a dedicated industrial world, the CCE wished to ensure that living conditions were as high as on Mars or on Earth. From this wish came the ideas of Responsible Bureaucracy, wherein the corporations were responsible for the well-being of their employees, and Responsible Loyalty, wherein the employees were responsible for the well being of the Corporation. Many outsiders viewed this as nearly socialist, and the corporations as condoning corporate slavery but the corporations were indeed very capitalistic, and the rules of Responsible Bureaucracy and Responsible Loyalty were codes of conduct rather than governing laws. In the minds of the Capricians, healthy and satisfied workers meant profitable businesses and vice versa. In the centuries that followed, Gomorrah grew to a megalopolis and Caprice was the hub for all of the Concordat’s trade. Gomorrah was ranked amongst the best cities in the Concordat to live, yet the people of Caprice remained isolated in their chaotic city, with outsiders unable to fully grasp the mindset of the people there. ISOLATION The collapse of the Human Concordat was a very hard time for Caprice. Officials, including Gomorrah’s political executives, abandoned their responsibilities and fled to Earth amongst the last ships. It was also during this time that Gomorrah underwent a massive influx of people as many fleeing to Earth were trapped on the planet, due to lack of finances or ships. Anarchy reigned and the Arclight weapons platform had to be used against three unfinished ships stolen from the Monolith Shipyards by refugees, lest they crash into the planet. Gomorrah’s economic stability teetered as corporations were without their main customer and the city was bursting with new people. Riots swept the city and at their apex, a riot near an oil field became horribly violent. Rioters broke into the control station and the damage done overloaded the pipes, sending multiple geysers into the air which were quickly lit by the fires caused by the riots. Fire rained from the sky and over three quarters of the city burned to the ground. The corporations were forced to unify their security forces and take over the positions of the officials who abandoned their posts. CAPRICE Gomorrah was rebuilt from the ashes, but it was a long process, even with the vast mineral wealth of the planet. Where once the economy was built around mass production for other colonies, it was reworked to function for the inhabitants. The pro-tem government worked hard to stabilize the world, and even worked on interplanetary trade, but in the wake of the disaster on the planet, many of the twelve serviceable gateships had to be turned into water-haulers to bring ice from the nearby asteroid field for the parched planet. What trade did occur was limited. Attempts to reach Earth were met with military resistance as the remains of the Concordat were overly paranoid and fighting amongst themselves. Limited trade with Utopia occurred until the planet underwent a nuclear holocaust, and Atlantis proved somewhat xenophobic. Trade with Terra Nova continued until 5988, when the gateship crew inadvertently brought the St. Vincent’s plague to the Loki System. Luckily, it was contained within the Liberty Space station near Loki gate XII. This led to the Station being quarantined for two years as the population had no defenses against “alien” illnesses. Soon after, the pro-tem government authorized the formation of the Magellan Genome Project to make a comprehensive exploration of all alien life-forms to help develop vaccines against non-native viruses. The project did well particularly after trade with Terra Nova was re-enabled, with ships traveling every decade or so until the CEF invaded Caprice. 192 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) CAPRICE - DAGGERS OF DECEPTION Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 INVASION The CEF returned to Caprice to find it a much different world than it left. Gomorrah now encompassed the entirety of the Cat’s Eye Trench and had blossomed upwards, with food and water processing plants lining the edge of the canyon. Having the populace in a single area made the conquest of Caprice very quick, with planetary leaders capitulating to the CEF rather than see their city destroyed by mass drivers in the blink of an eye. There were, however, complications. While the Capricians supposedly cooperated, they were in reality enacting the hastily formed Operation Feint. A handful of “freedom fighters” escaped into the outlands to fight the CEF. They knew it would likely cost their lives, but these decoys were the first line of reconnaissance against an enemy that no-one understood. The freedom fighters fought the CEF in a series of rebellious engagements, during which human and electronic spotters observed the CEFs abilities. If the rebels won, any equipment able to be salvaged from the CEF was smuggled to corporate research facilities for study. A few months later, a few volunteers staged a last stand versus the CEF in an abandoned facility. The CEF won handily and found the facility littered with the dead rebels they had been hunting down. While they died, most of the bodies found were actually from other engagements or accidents. The CEF believed it had won, and the Capricians had enough information to start fighting back for real. Once the surface was believed to be secured, the CEF landed its main force, consisting of mostly human troops for public relations reasons. Unfortunately, the thousands of GRELs prepped for the invasion and accounted in the “acceptable losses” category were not killed in battles and the CEF had no contingency plans for this. Those still in cold storage were shipped to other fleets for their invasion forces. Some of the GRELs already woken up were placed in garrisons or in fleet tending duties, while the remainder were shipped to Bastille Alpha for storage and eventual euthanization. After Caprice, the CEF sent forces to Atlantis, Terra Nova and Utopia, assuming things would go quickly, based on what intelligence they had, but within three years, the Eighth Fleet came limping back from Terra Nova. The Caprician resistance knew that if it wanted to remove the CEF presence from Caprice, it needed to know how Terra Nova succeeded. While the Capricians kept secret watch over the CEF, who still have the bulk of their fleets above the planet, they were also working on ways of contacting Terra Nova. CAPRICIAN OVERVIEW Currently, Caprician society is in a state of uneasy coexistence with the invaders. The Coalition resistance is laying low, letting the CEF operate as it wishes, while the Corporate council manages the surface much as before. While a portion of the manufacturing on the planet has been turned over to supplying the CEF, progress is slow, ostensibly due to Capricians’ unfamiliarity with CEF equipment. The real reason is the resistance wishes to hinder the CEF as much as possible. CEF officials are beginning to suspect as much, but there is very little they can do, particularly with the CEF’s Commonwealth Intelligence Directorate (CID) being overworked manning Bastille Alpha. Many things fall through the cracks in the system, and the resistance knows exactly how to make that happen. CAPRICE Originally, the CID looked at ways to control the population’s activities, but standard curfews do not work when Gomorrah never sleeps and the Liberati miners need to check equipment at odd hours. Soon, they discovered the data-rigs almost all Capricians had could be tracked through the network grid, thus eliminating the need for extra manpower and work. The Corporations and Liberati were quite amenable to this as almost every member of the resistance already knew how to bypass the tracking systems. CAPRICIAN INSTALLATIONS Bastille Alpha is the only prison on Caprice. The huge structure is located in the far northern tundra of the planet and all criminals sentenced to time in prison are sent here. When the CEF sent their excess GRELs here for storage, it became crowded. After the Eighth Fleet returned, many of the GRELs sent to Terra Nova were sent to the Alpha, and now, the prison is severely overcrowded. There is barely enough room for the GRELs added into the population, let alone the humans originally incarcerated. Even with regular shipments of GRELs from the prison to Botany Bay, conditions are deplorable, and the CEF is only willing to put in enough effort to prevent mass rioting, as GRELs are not regarded as people. As the population grows more and more restless, the CEF has begun offering gladiatorial death-fights, promising freedom or a return to active service to winners. In reality, this is done as a method to give the prisoners an outlet for their emotions, as well as test GRELs in physical combat for research. Winners are almost always examined in Elite Genome Labs’ facilities and none have ever survived these examinations. Prisoners who show excessive enthusiasm during these fights are often chosen for shipment to Botany Bay. The Liberati have operatives inside the prison, attempting to discern what the reason is behind GRELs being shipped to Botany Bay. They do, however know what happens to GRELs who win the arena combats and have begun spreading the word. Plans are in place for a massive jailbreak, but the timing and resources are not yet finalized. The Liberati wish to place GRELs who have escaped into the Fleets to serve as spies, and many have already agreed. Vega Spaceport was built about a hundred kilometers from Gomorrah after the original spaceport was destroyed in the fires following the Concordat’s withdrawal. The spaceport was rather small by planetary standards, but it was used only to ferry water back and forth from the fleet ships. Since the arrival of the CEF, however, it has been expanded greatly to handle the larger flow of military traffic. Separate civilian and military launch areas have been set up, and while the CEF monitors all Caprician water fleet activity, the port is overly busy and the resistance has been noting methods to bypass security. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 193 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CAPRICE - DAGGERS OF DECEPTION MODERN GOMORRAH Gomorrah is known as the Infinite City. No matter where you travel within the city, there is always more city, above, below and around you. The Cat’s Eye Trench is eleven kilometers deep on average and every inch of the trench, from north to south, is crammed with the city, and the city is growing upward. Three hundred and eleven million people fill the trench and its offshoots. Sunlight rarely reaches the depths, instead the city itself is lit constantly by artificial means. From space, it is like staring down at a miniature galaxy within the iris of a giant cat. Originally, no zoning or planning went into the city, with structures being built at the whims of corporations. While the city was given proper zoning and planning after the massive fires sparked when the Concordat pulled out, the city is still confusing. Many of the lower levels were built over top of previous structures during the nearly three centuries of confusing riots and violence. Within a few blocks, it is quite possible to pass well-maintained business towers, dilapidated tenements, corporate arcologies and remnants from the Concordat days. While the city itself is varied, there are a few design elements that are common enough to note. It is quite possible that Gomorrah itself will become a single building at some point in the future as all space vertically and horizontally is used up, and city engineers have taken this into account with new buildings and those undergoing renovations. These are constructed with an exoskeletal framework, to enable “stacking.” This has given the city a bit of a “hive” feel about it. Streets are designated in levels Alpha through Epsilon. Alpha level streets are narrow, winding affairs along the lowest levels of the trench, and most are not maintained. Very few people use Alpha Level streets anymore, as the area is almost maze-like and has been built over repeatedly. Of particular interest to the rebellion are forgotten streets and mine shafts in Alpha Level that lead underneath important structure such as Juniper Street which runs beneath the CEF’s Paladin’s Lots encampment for nearly three kilometers. Beta and Gamma level streets are main thoroughfares. Again, these are rather chaotic, but unlike Alpha Level, they are maintained and are sometimes routed through buildings. While most of the time the roadways through buildings are sealed, many shopping arcades and plazas are left open for passenger disembarking, although safety measures are in place to filter pollution and prevent pedestrians from accidentally entering roadways. Delta and Epsilon Level streets are reserved for traffic to buildings at or above one kilometer above the trench floor. As of yet, these are rare, and most of these roads are reserved for civilian traffic only. Commercial heavy duty roads have yet to be built. All roads, regardless of level have service platforms for vehicles and there are inter-level ramps, but these are less common between the higher levels. Heavy vehicles are often required to use elevators to prevent slowing traffic on ramps. Most buildings are joined with enclosed walkways. Indeed, it is to the point where many jokingly call any open space in the city a “park.” That said, parks hold a particular importance to those in the city, for they form places of tranquillity in the sea of chaos that is the city. From simple concrete enclosures with sculptures to the massive sundecks of the largest arcologies, every Gommoran has at least one park that is “their” place. The Tachyon Monorail system connects major hubs in the city and allows rapid transit for those who do not feel like walking the hundreds of kilometers of walkways or driving in the chaotic streets. CAPRICE Gomorrah also has thirty-eight mesas within the city. Twenty-six are hidden beneath the sprawl, riddled with tunnels and installations. Four have been turned into parks, complete with sunlight routing equipment, cobblestones and trees. Two are helipad stations, one serves as a massive amusement arcology and two are on the last legs of being mined out. The remaining three were off-limits due to unstable foundations. The original plan was for these mesas to be filled with concrete in an effort to stabilize and prevent collapse, as they form the structural supports of buildings above, but the NEC mysteriously vetoed the plan and took control of the mesas. The purpose is unknown, but troop carriers have been seen entering and leaving during the least active times of the day. Indications are that construction is being done, but there is no indication of what is being built. The Liberati are understandably very curious as to what is being built, but so far all attempts at infiltration have failed. CORPORATIONS While the Liberati prepare for open conflict with the CEF, the corporations have been waging a shadow war between themselves. The battle lines, are not cut clearly across planetary divides, however. Many Caprician corporations work willingly with the CEF, while others pay only lip service and are a major force in the resistance. Regardless of their intentions, all corporations must survive and that means fighting for CEF work and “riding the tiger” to maintain influence. But for some, it doesn’t matter who wins the war, but who gets the contracts and technology from the war and survives afterward. This places the corporations who are helping the resistance in a very tight spot, as any resources spent helping the Liberati are resources that will not be spent remaining competitive. 194 The Corporate Regulatory Authority (CRA) is officially in charge of adjudicating disputes between corporations and enforcing regulatory measures on Caprice. Unfortunately, many of the corporations that came to Caprice with the CEF fall outside of the CRA’s jurisdiction and work without the restrictions put in place to ensure a stable Gomorrah. While come on the corporate council wish to disband the CRA, seeing it as a hindrance, others still support the CRA and the CRA has opened up the Caprician Mercantile Exchange (CME). The CME is designed as a mechanism to trade goods and services to the Terran corporations. While this does seem to be legitimizing the interlopers, it forces Terran companies to follow market forces in Gomorrah which are able to be manipulated by Caprician Corporations who still outnumber the Terran corporations. The New Earth Commonwealth representatives with the CEF have actually encouraged the CME, as they think it will foster good will and eventually sway the corporations into accepting CEF rule. Unfortunately for the NEC and the CEF, they have once again underestimated the resolve and resourcefulness of the Capricians. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) CAPRICE FORCES Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CAPRICE FORCES: A Generic Caprice Force may be constructed using only the Caprice Models List. This is the default option and should be used when learning the game rules. All the models in the Caprice Models List can be used in any of the sub-lists below. These Sub-Lists allow players to add additional specialized upgrades to their models as they collect their Force. SUB-LISTS: CID - Caprice Invasion Detachment (Caprice Sub-List + Allies: CEF/Black Talon/Utopia/Eden): Seconded to the invasion fleets of Earth a Caprice Invasion Detachment is a chance for the corporate security forces to gain a reputation as a military force too. Equipped with the advanced quadwalkers called Mounts the forces of Caprice specialize in combat in built up environments. Though never a traditional part of the mount training the soldiers of Caprice have learned to use the climbing pitons on the mounts feet as devastating close combat weapons.  Well Supported: Each Primary Unit in this Force may have two Support units. The number of actions in the Support units may not exceed the standard number of actions for a Support unit: Example: A Primary unit of 5 actions may have up to two Support units of up to 3 actions total.  Allies: Choose one CEF, Black Talons, Utopia, or Eden. This Force may select Support units from the chosen Faction Force list to attach to Caprice Primary units. CCSD - Caprice Corporate Security Detachment (Caprice Sub-List + Allies: CEF/Utopia/Eden): The Security Detachments loyalty to their corporation is absolute, as long as the money keeps flowing. Tasked with security for the most secret of all research installations and other deniable actions, the Corporate Security Detachments are the first pick of a young officer looking to make connections and move up the social ladder of Caprice.  The Best Money Can Buy: This Force is an Elite force and must upgrade all models to Veterans for +2TV per model.  Justifiable Expenses: Commander models may select one Veteran Upgrade at -1TV.  Acquisitions: This Force always has the Capture objective as one of their Objectives. Select other objectives as normal.  Allies: Choose one CEF, Utopia, or Eden. This Force may select Support units from the chosen Faction Force list to attach to Caprice Primary units. CLRC - Caprice Liberati Resistance Cell (Caprice Sub-List + Allies:Black Talon/Utopia/Eden): Quietly supported by the very corporations that they purport to oppose the Liberati are a pawns in a larger power game. Forced to use hit and run tactics to survive the Liberati know that theirs is a desperate fight against tyranny. Never the less they continue their struggle to oppose the invaders of Earth, knowing that if they die their ideals will live on.  Heroes of the Resistance: This Force may select models with the Mount trait as Duelists. This Force may ignore the normal limit of one Duelist and include any number of models upgraded to Duelists. Each Duelist must be a different Support unit as normal.  Leaders of the Resistance: This Force always has the Assassinate objective as one of their Objectives. Select other objectives as normal.  Ambush: This Force adds +2D6 to the Initiative roll for the first Round. CAPRICE  Allies: Choose one Black Talons, Utopia, or Eden. This Force may select Support units from the chosen Faction Force list to attach to Caprice Primary units. 195 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CAPRICE MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Acco Various Corporations 3.0 Trooper Mount 3.4 meters 5,000 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Caprician Acco is a common sight both on the battlefield and off. It is considered to be the workhorse of the Caprician people and is used in a civil, police and military capacity. It comes armed with either standard projectile weapons, or a flamethrower which is equally as useful in the tight confines of the Cat’s Eye trench. Bashan Various Corporations Recon Mount 4.0 meters 7,500 kg The Bashan is often used in support of either Accos or Apheks. The Bashans main role is as a communications platform. Unlike its larger cousin the Kadesh, the Bashan is equipped with a smaller leg arrangement allowing it to quickly scurry from cover to cover while effectively providing targeting data and comms support. CAPRICE Jammer Bashan Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Acco 6 W:6" 6 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 6+ Stalker Acco 6 W:6" 6 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 6+ Pyro Acco 6 GP (0+), FS, HM GP (0+), RC, SK GP (0+), SK W:6" 6 3/3 1 5+ 3+ 6+ LAC, LRP, MMG, CW (AP:1, PEN:5) LFC, LRP, MMG, CW (AP:1, PEN:5) LFL, LRP, MMG, CW (AP:1, PEN:5) Agile, Climber, Mount Agile, Climber, Mount Agile, Climber, Mount Type/ Height Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Bashan 10 RC (0+) W:8" 7 3/5 1 5+ 3+ 4+ MAC, MMG, LSG Jammer Bashan 12 RC, SK W:8" 7 3/5 1 5+ 3+ 4+ MAC, LSG Autopilot, Brawler:1, Climber, Comms:2, ECM:1, Low Profile, Mount, TD:1 Autopilot, Brawler:1, Climber, Comms:1, ECM:2, ECCM (Aux), Low Profile, Mount, SatUp:6+, TD:1 196 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Strider, 2" Strider, 2" CAPRICE MODELS LIST Aphek Various Corporations Recon Mount 5.7 meters 10,500 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: A light support Mount, the Aphek’s main role on the battlefield is to provide support fire in the tight confines of the Cat’s Eye Trench. Its scorpion-esque configuration allows it to engage opponents from the safety of cover without ever exposing itself. It can also further enhance these defensive capabilities with its ECM systems. Kadesh Various Corporations Support Mount 5.0 meters 10,000 kg While designated a fire support Mount, the Kadesh often finds itself deployed in support of the Meggido assault Mount. Equipped with a powerful jetpack, the Kadesh marries the benefits of heavy armour with high speed. Terra Novan’s have named the Kadesh the “Flea” in reference to the high speed low altitude jump maneuvers its pilots are so fond of. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Type/ Height Autopilot, Brawler:1, Strider, Climber, ECM:1, Low 2" Profile, Mount, TD:1 Autopilot, Brawler:1, Strider, Climber, ECM:1, Low 2" Profile, Mount, TD:1 Autopilot, Brawler:1, Strider, Climber, ECM:1, Low 2" Profile, Mount, TD:1 - Aphek 12 RC (0+) W:7" 7 4/4 1 4+ 4+ 5+ MRC, LRP, HMG, LSG (Link) Close Support Aphek 12 RC, SK W:7" 7 4/4 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LRP (Link), HMG, LSG (Link) Support Aphek 14 RC W:7" 7 4/4 1 4+ 4+ 5+ MRC, LATM, HMG, LSG (Link) Mortar (Aphek upgrade) +1 - - - - - - - - +LGM (T) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Kadesh 15 FS (0+) W:6" 8 4/4 1 4+ 4+ 6+ MRC, MMG, MSG (Link) Close Support Kadesh 15 FS, SK W:6" 8 4/4 1 4+ 4+ 6+ MRP, MMG, MSG (Link) Support Kadesh 15 FS W:6" 8 4/4 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LPA, MMG, MSG (Link) Autopilot, Brawler:1, Climber, Jetpack: 4", Low Profile, Mount Autopilot, Brawler:1, Climber, Jetpack: 4", Low Profile, Mount Autopilot, Brawler:1, Climber, Jetpack: 4", Low Profile, Mount CAPRICE Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Type/ Height Strider, 2" Strider, 2" Strider, 2" 197 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 CAPRICE MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Meggido Various Corporations Support Mount 5.9 meters 13,500 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: CAPRICE A brutal war machine that marries the trinity of speed, armour and firepower, the Megiddo is the Caprician answer to the assault Gears of Terra Nova. Meggido’s come in a variety of loadouts ranging from line, close support or anti-armour. Ammon Various Corporations Heavy Mount 6.9 meters 23,000 kg A walking Tank, the Ammon brings very heavy firepower to the battlefield. The Ammon can be outfitted with either area saturation, long range engagement, or anti-tank. Either configuration more than capable of tearing enemy formations to shreds with its twin weapons pods. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Meggido 18 FS (0+) W:6" 9 4/4 1 3+ 4+ 6+ HRC, MGL, HMG, MSG (Link) Support Meggido 20 FS W:6" 9 4/4 1 3+ 4+ 6+ HRC, LATM, HMG, MSG (Link) Close Suport Meggido 18 FS, SK W:6" 9 4/4 1 3+ 4+ 6+ MGL, MRL, HMG, MSG (Link) Rocket Support Meggido 20 FS W:6" 9 4/4 1 3+ 4+ 6+ MRP, LATM, HMG, MSG (Link) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Ammon 26 HM (0+) W:5" 11 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Support Ammon 28 HM W:5" 11 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ 2x HRP (Range 6-18/96"), HMG, MSG (Link) 2x MRG, HMG, MSG (Link) Missile Support Ammon 30 HM W:5" 11 4/4 2 4+ 5+ 5+ Autopilot, Climber, Low Profile, Mount, Stable, TD:0 Autopilot, Climber, Low Profile, Mount, Stable, TD:0 Autopilot, Climber, Low Profile, Mount, Stable, TD:0 198 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 2x MATM, HMG, MSG (Link) Traits Type/ Height Autopilot, Brawler:1, Strider, Climber, Jetpack: 4", 2" Low Profile, Mount Autopilot, Brawler:1, Strider, Climber, Jetpack: 4", 2" Low Profile, Mount Autopilot, Brawler:1, Strider, Climber, Jetpack: 4", 2" Low Profile, Mount Autopilot, Brawler:1, Strider, Climber, Jetpack: 4", 2" Low Profile, Mount Type/ Height Strider, 2" Strider, 2" Strider, 2" CAPRICE MODELS LIST Moab Various Corporations Heavy Mount 6.9 meters 25,000 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The Moabs massive frame allows it to carry some of the devastating weapons known to man. Armed with either rotary lasers, particle accelerators or anti-tank missiles the Moab rains death upon the enemies of Caprice. Moabs are favoured over Ammons by non corporate forces on Caprice due to its availability. When the need arises to deploy armed personnel within the labyrinth of mines on Caprice, there is no better transport than the Hammath. This six legged walker is able to traverse the rough Caprician terrain by either hanging from the ceilings or scurrying along the walls and mine floors. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Moab 22 HM (0+) W:6" 10 4/4 2 5+ 5+ 6+ Close Support Moab 24 HM W:6" 10 4/4 2 5+ 5+ 6+ Support Moab 26 HM W:6" 10 4/4 2 5+ 5+ 6+ Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI Hamath 8 IN W:7" 7 4/4 1 5+ Hamath Medic 4 IN (0-1) W:7" 7 4/4 1 Command (Hamath upgrade) +2 +CMD - - - Model TV UA MR AR Corporate Troops Support Troops 3 IN (0+) I:3" 4 IN (0+) Missile Support Troops 4 IN (0+) Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Hamath Various Corporations Armored Personnel Carrier 5.5 meters 12,500 kg Weapons Traits Type/ Height 2x HRL, HCW (Link) Autopilot, Climber, Strider Low Profile, Mount, 3" Stable, TD:0 2x MPA (Split:2), HCW Autopilot, Climber, Strider (Link) ECM:1, Low 3" Profile, Mount, Stable, TD:0 2x MATM, HCW (Link) Autopilot, Climber, Strider Low Profile, Mount, 3" Stable, TD:0 EW Weapons Traits 4+ 6+ LRC, LCW (Link) 5+ 4+ 6+ LCW (Link) - - - - - H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LIS (AI), HIS (Stabilizer) TD:1, Climber I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LIS (AI), MIM TD:1, Climber I:3" 2 2/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LIS (AI), MAVM TD:1, Climber CAPRICE Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Type/ Height APC:2, Climber, Low Strider Profile, Mount 2" APC:1, Climber, Low Strider Profile, Medic, Mount 2" +Init:1, Comms:1 Type/ Height Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" Infantry 0.5" 199 DRONES OF DESOLATION UTOPIA - DRONES OF DESOLATION UTOPIA Utopia no more, the years following Earth’s withdrawal were a cruel time for the Utopians. Conflict arose and lead to total war with with all the horrors of nuclear and biological weaponry being used indescriminately, laying utter waste to a previously verdant planet. The world’s population huddled in their bunkers and waited for the madness to end, but as the war ended the surface had become unlivable. The survivors chose to expand their massive bunkers and the development of the Deep Cities resulted. Due to the necessity for preserving life, warfare in the post-Great War years was largely fought by automated drones, which increasingly became more and more sophisticated. When the CEF returned to Utopia, they encountered a devastated planet with superior technology compared to their own. Faced with the prospect of a force armed with superior technology, the CEF chose to ally themselves with the Utopians. 200 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) UTOPIA - DRONES OF DESOLATION Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 COLONIZATION Discovered in 5435 A.D., the planet was initially considered not worth colonizing as the surface was simply barren rock that lacked any flora or fauna even though it resided in the solar system's life zone. After a number of years, the interest was renewed when a few mega-corporations on Earth looked at the possibility of terra-forming the planet for habitation. One of these companies was Wilder-Grosz, who purchased the planet eight years after its discovery. The corporation invested a tremendous amount of capital into terra-forming the planet using the latest techniques, and less than a century later the planet was ready for habitation by colonists. In 5509 A.D., the planet was opened for colonization, and massive waves of colonists traveled to Utopia to start a new life. Wilder-Grosz moved their entire corporation to the planet shortly after opening, and began the process of exploiting the planet to increase their profits. POST-CONCORDAT ERA After centuries of prosperity, Utopia faced a daunting future with the withdrawal of the Human Concordat. The unified government that had existed under Wilder-Grosz splintered into five major countries spread throughout the continents. The most aggressive of these nations, the Magnate City States, declared war on their neighbors, the Vanguard of Donovan. The resultant short war included the use of anti-matter bombs used to annihilate three of the Vanguard's largest cities. The panic that ensued from the bombings lead to the realignment of the five nations into three superpower nations and a bunker building mentality throughout the world. Decades later, a single terrorist act at an economic summit sent the relative peace of the world into a spiral of destruction the Utopians would call the Great War. Nuclear and biological weaponry were used indiscriminately, laying utter waste to the once verdant planet. The world's population huddled in their bunkers and waited for the madness to end, but as the war ended the surface had become unlivable. The survivors chose to expand their massive bunkers and the development of the Deep Cities resulted. In the centuries after the Great War, four major states developed to unify shattered countries. On the continent of Etrusca, the United Republic of Steelgate grew out of the Magnate City States to emerge as a resource-rich power under military control. In the southern part of the Etruscan continent, the Greenway Alliance came together from the surviving Wilder-Grosz city states, and benefited from their expertise in biological fields. On the continent of Sumer, the Industrial States of Kogland and the Independent States contested each other for superiority of the lands. Due to the necessity for preserving life, warfare in the post-Great War years was largely fought by automated drones, which increasingly became more and more sophisticated. When the CEF returned to Utopia, they encountered a devastated planet with superior technology compared to their own. Faced with the prospect of a force armed with superior technology, the CEF 2nd Fleet chose to ally themselves with the Steelgate Republic rather than facing a unified planet as the 8th Fleet did on Terra Nova. The tactic worked exceedingly well; within nine months, the planet was totally subjugated by the CEF. After the conquest, the CEF continued their tactic of collaboration and brought Kogland, Greenway, and the Independent States under a single Colonial State with representatives from each faction. The resulting participation from all of the planet's governments was a marked increase in productivity and technological advancements. Within a few decades, Utopia became a principal source for rearming and equipping the second stages of the CEF. The efforts of Utopia were recognized by the CEF, and the Utopian Colonial Corps were created to offer the planet's powers access to off-planet resources. UTOPIAN COLONIAL CORPS Developed after the Utopian Colonial Senate passed a motion to centralize and standardize the planet's military, the Colonial Corps was key in bringing the modernization of Utopian forces. The War of the Alliance on Terra Nova had taught hard lessons to the CEF, and as plans developed for the second invasion, Steelgate and Kogland competed heavily to influence their CEF masters by developing and producing new weapons systems and armaments. Commonwealth Integrity Directorate, the political control mechanism of the CEF and the main force of control exerted on Utopia, saw an opportunity to exploit the competing factions into a joint development venture and eventual armament of the two countries' armies for the coming attacks on Terra Nova, Jotunheim, and New Jerusalem. Three Terran years prior to the second invasion of Terra Nova, the two largest factions of Utopia ceded nearly a third of their military to aid in the colonial expansion of the various systems. CID promised increased funding into the rebuilding and decontamination processes utilizing captured colonial material in exchange for the added troops and material. Armed with the new Armiger Automaton Controller units and advanced weapons systems, the new Utopian forces contributed significantly to the three planned invasion theaters. 201 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 UTOPIA - DRONES OF DESOLATION ARMIGER AUTOMATION CONTROLLER SUIT DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Utopia's military industrial capacity is more advanced than other colonies as the people were forced to adapt to the severe conditions resulting from the nuclear devastation that killed much of the population and irradiated the surface of the once verdant planet. To compensate for the loss of life, early Utopian scientists constructed drones and sealed environmental suits called APES (Augmented Power Environmental Suits) for soldiers to operate on the harsh surface. Decades of constant warfare honed the craft of the surviving states' military technology and would eventually lead to the development of NAI (Near Artificial Intelligence) Matrices and their superior drone controller abilities. The current leader of NAI technology is the Industrial States of Kogland, a collectivist high-technology nation located on the continent of Sumer. The heavily industrialized state received many of the CEF's contracts in the years following Earth's successful conquest of Utopia, and most of Earth's frames and hovertanks for the current push into Jotunheim, Terra Nova, and New Jerusalem were manufactured in the non-stop factory complexes found in the deep cities of the state. Access to this new technology and combat footage from the first invasion of Terra Nova aided engineers and scientists in designing a heavier, more versatile platform to control the next generation NAI Automaton Drones. When the NIC discovered the secret design process Kogland had begun, they chose to leak the information collected from their spies to the United Republic of Steelgate's industries. The CEF approached the Viceroys of Steelgate's deep cities with a proposal to award the lucrative contracts for refitting and arming the newly founded Utopian Colonial Corps. A fierce competitive atmosphere emerged with corporate espionage rife in both factions' development. The stolen information resulted in identical modular component points and NAI technology being integrated into the two chassis systems developed by both factions. The recce (RE-101) and commando (CO-101) variants emerged from the first few years of development. CEF 2nd Fleet command saw the potential in both units and ordered the addition of a fire support variant capable of greater automaton control. The contract was awarded to both factions in order to spur on the competitive design process. The final variant (FS-101) of what would be called the Armiger project, rolled out of the Kogland factories in the fall of the following year and the industrial state was awarded the bulk of the armament contracts for the Utopian Colonial Corps. OPERATIONS HISTORY UTOPIA The three variants have seen little field service since their introduction; however, testing in the wastes of Utopia have shown a significant improvement over the aging APES systems. Armiger pilots in the Colonial Corps have complained about the stifling cockpit design, and jokingly refer to the interior as crypts or coffins. The advanced NAI Matrices have received high praise from all of the pilots in the field on Terra Nova. Nearly 600 Armiger Automaton Controller Suits are in operation throughout the desert planet acting as the eyes of the many CEF Korps campaigning across Terra Nova. Assisting these pilots are thousands of NAI enabled N-KIDU (Neural Kinetic Interceptor Drone Unit) Automatons, a next generation modular drone developed specifically for the invasions. 202 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) UTOPIA FORCES Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 UTOPIA FORCES: A Generic Utopia Force may be constructed using only the Utopia Models List. This is the default option and should be used when learning the game rules. All the models in the Utopia Models List can be used in any of the sub-lists below. These Sub-Lists allow players to add additional specialized upgrades to their models as they collect their Force. Utopia Special Rules: These rules apply to any Utopia Force or Unit even if selected as Allies for another Force.  Armiger Rarity: Utopia units are limited to a maximum of 2 Armigers per unit, regardless of variant.  Drone Matrix: Utopia Primary units comprised only of N-KIDU models may have up to 8 actions. These units may have a Support unit that has up to ½ the number of actions of the Primary unit.  Limited Design: N-KIDU: N-KIDU models are limited to only the Anti-Aircraft upgrade from the Generic Upgrade List. N-KIDU models may not be Duelists.  Companions: N-KIDU: Armiger models with the Drone Bay trait may select N-KIDU models instead of Drones from the Generic Upgrade list. These N-KIDU models must match the Unit Availability requirements of the unit as normal, may not be docked, and do not count towards the maximum number of Actions in the unit. Companion models are not removed when the model they are attached to are destroyed  Decoy: N-KIDU: Any Armiger, or N-KIDU commander, targeted by a Non-melee attack action may choose to redirect the attack to a friendly N-KIDU model within 3” of the target model. The attacker must have Lock to the Decoy model. Redirect the attack before measuring range for weapons. All the models in the Utopia Models List can be used in any of the sub-lists below by allowing players to add additional specialized upgrades to their models as they collect their Force. SUB-LISTS: UCFT - Utopian Combined Forces Troupe (Utopian Sub-List + Allies:CEF/Black Talon/Caprice/Eden): The industrial powerhouse of the Colonies, Utopia uses advanced artificial intelligences to operate most of their manufacturing and fight using the robotic vehicles called N-KIDUs. Though highly advanced, these drones still require the support of Human pilots in their Armiger suits to function effectively.  Well Supported: Each Primary Unit in this Force may have two Support units. The number of actions in the Support units may not exceed the standard number of actions for a Support unit: Example: A Primary unit of 5 actions may have up to two Support units of up to 3 actions total.  Allies: Choose one CEF, Black Talons, Caprice, or Eden. This Force may select Support units from the chosen Faction Force list to attach to Utopian Primary units. UCT - Utopian Commando Troupe (Utopian Sub-list): Utopian Commando Troupes excel in attacking using many threat vectors at once to surround and overwhelm their targets. The Drones that are chosen to join them are those that have developed stealthy personalities and a practical attitude to war.  Going Commando: The only Armiger models this Force may select are Commando Armigers.  Commander: All Commander models in this force must be upgraded to Veterans for +0TV.  Who Dares: Units with Commando Armigers may use the Pathfinder Reserve deployment option (See 15.1c) UTOPIA URT - Utopian Recon Troupe (Utopian Sub-List): Utopian Recce Troupes are filled with humans and drones that have a natural rapport with the wilderness. Liberated from their normal underground environments these units can maintain long missions and adapt well to a variety of environments and excel in stealth and assassination missions.  Going Native: The only Armiger models this Force may select are Recce Armigers.  Commander: All Commander models in this force must be upgraded to Veterans for +0TV.  Quiet Death: Recce Armigers gain the Silent Trait on any Arm mounted weapons. UST - Utopian Support Troupe: The Utopians who choose the Support Troupes have a healthy respect for firepower and its use. Often found with drones that also have a penchant for excessive force the Support Troupes believe that firepower is everything.  Going Boom: The only Armiger models this Force may select are Support Armigers.  Commander: All Commander models in this force must be upgraded to Veterans for +0TV.  Big Guns: Support Armigers may upgrade their MRP to MABM for +0TV or LATM for +1TV. 203 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 UTOPIA MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Recce Armiger Kogland Recon Armiger 4.4 meters 5,900 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: UTOPIA One of the most advanced battle platforms ever to be built, the RE-101 Recce Armiger was designed specifically to support CEF efforts on Terra Nova by acting as an autonomous reconnaissance unit. It is armed with advanced laser weaponry and a vast assortment of auxiliary system allowing it to operate with virtually no support on the battle field. Recon N-KIDU Steelgate Central Foundries Recon Drone 3.2 meters 2,400 kg The Recon variant of the Neural Kinetic Interceptor Drone Unit is one of the most common in the Utopian Colonial Corps. Primarily deployed in support of the RE-101 these drones also see use in Commando squads. N-KIDU [R]’s can be equipped with either comms gear or electronic warfare suites allowing them to effectively contribute to any engagement. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Recce Armiger 12 RC , GP (0-1) W:5" H:8" 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 3+ LLC (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm), MHG Close Support Recce Armiger 12 RC W:5" H:8" 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 3+ MRL (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm), MHG Missile Support Recce Armiger 14 RC W:5" H:8" 6 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 3+ LLC (Arm), LATM, LVB (Arm), MHG Agile, Arms, ECM:2, Drone Bay:2, ECCM, NCM:6", Sensors:18", Stealth (Aux) Agile, Arms, Drone Bay:2, ECM:2, ECCM, NCM:6", Sensors:18", Stealth (Aux) Agile, Arms, Drone Bay:2, ECM:2, ECCM, NCM:6", Sensors: 18", Stealth (Aux) Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Recon N-KIDU 4 W:6" 3 4/2 1 5+ 4+ 5+ HIW Hunter Recon N-KIDU MP Recon N-KIDU Recon-ECMN-KIDU 4 W:6" 3 4/2 1 5+ 4+ 5+ MIS 4 RC (0+), CO RC (0+), CO RC (0+) W:6" 3 4/2 1 5+ 4+ 5+ MIW (Frag, AI) 4 RC W:6" 3 4/2 1 5+ 4+ 5+ MIL 2 RC W:6" 3 4/2 1 5+ 4+ 5+ HIW Conscript, Comms:1, Stealth, TD:1 Conscript, Comms:1, Stealth, TD:2 Conscript, Comms:1, Stealth, TD:3 Conscript, ECM:1, Stealth Comms:1, NCM:6", SatUp:6+, Stealth CommsRecon N-KIDU(unreleased) 204 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Type/ Height Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" UTOPIA MODELS LIST Support Armiger Kogland Support Armiger 4.1 meters 7,100 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: While sharing the base chassis of all Armiger units, the FE-101 swaps the mobility of bipedal motive units for a pair of caterpillar tracks. This allows the unit to utilise weaponry that far surpasses its weight class. Due to it’s low profile the Armiger can be used aggressively as it uses cover to positioning itself until ready to bring heavy weapons to bear. Support N-KIDU Steelgate Central Foundries Support Drone 2.9 meters 2,500 kg Much like its recon variant the Fire Support N-KIDU is used in support of its Armiger equivalent. The N-KIDU [F] can deliver a deadly rocket barrage or be armed with guided missiles for light anti armour work. Like the FS-101, the N-KIDU [F] is mounted on a set of caterpillar tracks for increased stability and carrying capacity. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Support Armiger 13 FS , GP (0-1) G:5" 8 5/1 1 4+ 5+ Missile Support Armiger 15 FS G:5" 8 5/1 1 4+ 5+ Sniper (Support Armiger upgrade) +1 - - - - - - - Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU Support N-KIDU 5 FS (0+) G:5" 4 4/2 1 Battery Support N-KIDU Comms Support N-KIDU (unreleased) 8 FS (0+) G:5" 4 4/2 2 FS G:5" 4 4/2 Type/ Height 5+ HRC (Arm), MGM, Arms, Autopilot, Vehicle MRP, LVB (Arm) Drone Bay:2, NCM:6", 1" Offroad:2 5+ HRC (Arm), MATM, Arms, Autopilot, Vehicle MRP, LVB (Arm) Drone Bay:2, NCM:6", 1" Offroad:2 -HRC, +MLC (Arm) PI EW Weapons Traits 4+ 5+ 5+ MRP Conscript, Offroad:1 1 4+ 5+ 5+ LATM Conscript, Offroad:1 1 4+ 5+ 5+ - NCM:6", Offroad:1, SatUp:6+ Type/ Height Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" UTOPIA Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 205 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 UTOPIA MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Commando Armiger Kogland Commando Armiger 5 meters 6,200 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: UTOPIA The most aggressive of the Armigers, the CO101 is used for headhunting missions and performs well when paired with the N-KIDU (c) variant Similarly armed as it’s Recce cousin the CO-101 however sports better armour and is able to utilise a jump pack making it a very difficult target to track amid the chaos of battle. 206 Commando N-KIDU Steelgate Central Foundries Commnado Drone 2.3 meters 2,100 kg Armed with a bazooka for anti gear operations the Commando variant N-KIDU has been the bane of gear squads across Terra Nova. Fast, agile and incredibly maneuverable the N-KIDU [C] variant NAI cores tend to display predatory behaviour and have been known to stalk their targets. Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Commando Armiger 14 CO , GP (0-1) W:5" H:8" 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MRL (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm), LHG Grenadier Commando Armiger Sniper Commando Armiger Anti-Tank (Commando Armiger upgrade) 14 CO W:5" H:8" 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MGL (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm). LHG 14 CO W:5" H:8" 7 3/3 1 3+ 3+ 5+ MLC (Arm), MRP, LVB (Arm) +1 CO - - - - - - - -MRP, +LATM Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Commando N-KIDU CommandoECM N-KIDU (unreleased) Comms Commando N-KIDU (unreleased) EMT Commando Drone (unreleased) 5 H:8" 3 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 5+ BZ (AP:1, PEN:6) 7 FS , CO (0+) FS, CO H:8" 3 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 5+ BZ (AP:1, PEN:6) 3 FS, CO H:8" 3 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 5+ - Conscript, Airdrop, Agile, Jetpack: 6", Stealth Conscript, Airdrop, Agile, ECM:1, Jetpack: 6", Stealth Airdrop, Agile, Jetpack: 6", NCM:6", SatUp:6+, Stealth 2 FS (0-1), CO (0-1), RC (0-1), GP (0-1) H:8" 3 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 5+ - Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Traits Type/ Height Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Gear Drone Bay:2, Jump Pack: 1.5" 6", NCM:6", Stealth (Aux) Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Gear Drone Bay:2, Jump Pack: 1.5" 6", NCM:6", Stealth (Aux) Gear Agile, Airdrop, Arms, Drone Bay:2, Jump Pack: 1.5" 6", NCM:6", Stealth (Aux) - Conscript, Airdrop, Agile, Jetpack: 6", Recovery, Stealth Type/ Height Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" Gear 1.5" UTOPIA MODELS LIST Constable APE Various Augmented Infantry 3.4 meters 800 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: The APE is a form of hardened exoskeleton originally designed for harsh environment work but now adapted to military tasks. Their small size and low weight mean they can execute dynamic maneuvers with their backpack jet packs. Used for scouting missions and commando operations the APE is a versatile weapon platform. Model TV UA Marshal APE 7 Constable APE 7 AL (0+) Ignus Constable APE 7 Suppressor Constable APE MR Man at Arms APE Various Augmented Infantry 3.9 meters 2,100 kg When firepower is more important that speed the Man at Arms APE is deployed to support the Constables. Mounting large caliber weapon for such a small suit the Man at Arms also has impressive mobility for a support platform, able to relocate to high ground or to a flank easier than any other support unit. Marshal APE AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons 5 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) W:6" 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ AL W:6" 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 7 AL W:6" 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Man at Arms APE Sniper Man at Arms APE Suppressor Man at Arms APE Ignus Man at Arms APE 7 BT (0+) W:6" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 8 BT W:6" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 8 BT W:6" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 7 BT W:6" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) MRF (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) LGL (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) MFL (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) Airdrop, Arms, Jetpack:8", Stealth Airdrop, Arms, Jetpack:8", Stealth Airdrop, Arms, Jetpack:8", Stealth Airdrop, Arms, Jetpack:8", Stealth AL (CMD), W:6" BT (CMD) Traits Airdrop, Arms, ECM:1, ECCM, Jetpack:8", Stealth LAC (Arm), APGL, LVB Airdrop, Arms, (Arm) Jetpack:8", ECM:1, Stealth LFL (Arm), APGL, LVB Airdrop, Arms, (Arm) Jetpack:8", ECM:1, Stealth LGL (Arm), APGL, LVB Airdrop, Arms, (Arm) Jetpack:8", ECM:1, Stealth Type/ Height Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" Type/ Height Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" UTOPIA Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 207 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) EDEN - CUTLASSES OF UNCERTAINTY CUTLASSES OF UNCERTAINTY Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.0 EDEN Eden’s society is built on a feudal structure with kingdoms ruled by nobles. Warfare itself is limited to organized battles broadcast to the entire planet where Nobles would lead powerarmored troops, in Golems, against each other like ancient knights. Meanwhile, on the seas, privateer kings made their living doing dirty work for other kingdoms. Disaster struck involving Tannhouser gate just as the Earth’s Colonial Expeditionary Forced arrived. The resulting chaos left scars across the surface of multiple planets in the system, including Eden. Many kingdoms surrendered immediately to the CEF and those that fought back were quickly subjugated. 208 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) EDEN - CUTLASSES OF UNCERTAINTY Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 EDEN First surveyed in 5428 AD, initial surveys reported Eden was in the first stages of developing Earth-like life. The planet was bought by Udunar Corporation, which quickly set about terraforming the planet. Due to the “ripe” nature of the planet, the process was achieved quickly and exceeded expectations, turning Eden into a lush paradise. COLONIZATION Terraforming the planet, however, came at great expense and Udunar Corporation collapsed before it could see profit. Local employees used a technicality within the legal contracts involved to buy the planet for a fraction of its worth and quickly set about turning the planet into the ultimate tourist destination. Each of the planet’s “shareholders” was given their own section of the planet to run and citizens quickly began to identify these resort “kingdoms” as “nations.” While anyone on the planet could live a rich life without the need for work, and the resorts provided luxuries unimaginable to those from Earth or her other colonies, interstellar travel remained expensive, limiting both tourism and incoming settlers. Due in part to this and having very little else to do, the various “kingdoms” participated in friendly one-upmanship in a variety of areas from colorful constabulary uniforms to scientific research. For anyone visiting, Eden was indeed a paradise and a sight to behold and marvel at. RISE OF KINGDOMS EDEN When the concordat fell, life of Eden changed very little. It was not until much later that the “resort kingdoms” started having disputes and slowly morphed into real kingdoms ruled by descendants of the original owners. “Warfare” was waged between the kingdoms in reality and in competitive rituals. Land disputes were resolved by seeing which kingdom could build an arcology habitat the fastest, who could make a monument with the most opulence, and so on. Warfare itself was often limited to organized battles broadcast to the entire planet where Nobles would lead power-armored troops against each other like modern knights. Meanwhile, on the seas, privateer kings made their living doing dirty work for other kingdoms. MILITARY EQUIPMENT Edenite Military equipment reflects their feudal structure mixed with the tendency toward urban and underground fighting. Since most of the planet’s population is in arcologies, larger machines of war have been dropped in favor of smaller, more infantry-based weapons of war. While each kingdom on the planet has its own makes and models, stagnation of technology and political climates have led to most models being very similar in abilities. The most unique feature of the Edenite’s overgrown power armors is the parasail used for long range patrols and aerial insertion. When combined with the vectored thrust of the Golem jump jets, the parasails allow Golems to remain aloft for hours, much to the displeasure of the pilots inside. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) 209 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 EDEN - CUTLASSES OF UNCERTAINTY INVASION It was during a ritualized scientific contest involving Tannhouser anomalies that the CEF arrived. The contest was involving who could open the smallest anomaly, and while the equipment was active, the largest gate in the system unexpectedly opened. The resulting gravitational shifts threw the Edenite ship off course, resulting in a massive explosion aboard the vessels in the area and an immediate closing of both gates with an enormous amount of radiation being released. The resulting chaos left scars across the surface of multiple planets in the system, including Eden. The CEF lost the gateship used to open their end of the gate and the force that had made it through quickly determined that the Edenite forces were not responsible and were in disarray as the planet had taken severe impact and radiation damage. Many kingdoms surrendered immediately and those that fought back were quickly subjugated. Even in the lush valleys where the Golem power armors technically had the advantage, the Edenite forces were no match for the CEF as confusion reigned and militias used for parade went up against genetic supersoldiers. The seas, however, remained free. Privateer Kings, who held the courts on luxury liner s and held the loyatly of hundreds of smaller vessels, took to fighting the CEF in raids wherever they could. While their decentralized nature helped them avoid notice, their lack of focused organization or true military resources, the privateers were of little consequence to the CEF. Many kingdoms turned to simply avoiding the notice of the CEF. PRESENT While the impacts of the remains of the research ships threw great amounts of dust and ash into Eden’s atmosphere, the real damage was from the radiation resulting from the gate explosions. Vegetation across the planet began dying relatively quickly and the combination of airborne particles and lack of carbon dioxide production led to a very rapid cooling trend on the planet that scientists are still at a loss to reverse. The CEF, meanwhile, has secured the planet and brought in their own scientists, most of them from Shandrakar-Xia Interworld, to examine the problem. Edenite forces have been forcibly conscripted to work with the CEF for future invasions. Some enterprising Nobles (or those who claim to be) have managed to form militias to fight back against the CEF, but their success has been limited. Talon teams on Eden have contacted the militias and provided aid, but until recently, very little progress has been made. The privateer kingdoms proved to be a great resource in allowing the Talons to stay hidden, but their lack of a solid base or foothold has hampered large scale actions. Only once the Talon teams discovered that the CEF was in fact aiding the rapid global cooling and made this known to the populace were militias able to gain enough support to start fighting back on any appreciable level. EDEN Progress on this front has been hampered by the Talon recall to Terra Nova. While a few teams have remained behind, they are keeping their heads down. The last known communiqué to talon command was that almost all the scientists behind the aiding of the global cooling were from ShandrakarXia Interworld and that SXI have set up biological research facilities near the poles. 210 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) EDEN FORCES Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 EDEN FORCES: A Generic Eden Force may be constructed using only the Eden Models List. This is the default option and should be used when learning the game rules. All the models in the Eden Models List can be used in any of the sub-lists below. These Sub-Lists allow players to add additional specialized upgrades to their models as they collect their Force. SUB-LISTS: EIM - Eden Invasion Milicia (Eden + CEF/Black talons/Utopia/Caprice Sub-list Force): The milicias of Eden are a mix of ancient feudal households and pirate bands and modern military units. Though some Edenites resist the Earth invasion most of them believe that aligning with the homeworld is the only way to save their world from the rapid environmental catastrophe engulfing it. Seldom well equipped enough to fight on their own the Edenite militias have grown apt at combined arms actions using their golems to great effect with their speed and firepower.  Well Supported: Each Primary Unit in this Force may have two Support units. The number of actions in the Support units may not exceed the standard number of actions for a Support unit: Example: A Primary unit of 5 actions may have up to two Support units of up to 3 actions total.  Allies: Choose one CEF, Black Talons, Utopia, or Caprice. This Force may select Support units from the chosen Faction Force list to attach to Eden Primary units. ENH - Eden Noble Household (Eden Sub-List Force): Some of the most hidebound of the nobility of Eden even believe that the great forms of ancient combat will be resurgent, and maybe they are correct. The combined charge of an Edenite Household with their distinctive heraldry and lowered vibro-lances has won many engagements through surprise as much as force of arms.  Lancers: Any Golem model may be upgraded to a Lancer for +1TV. Lancers gain the Brawler:1 trait, and add the Reach:2” trait to one melee Weapon.  Champions: This Force may ignore the normal limit of one Duelist and include any number of models upgraded to Duelists. Each Duelist must be a different Support unit as normal. EDEN  Proud: This Force may not select the Utopian APES upgrade. 211 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 EDEN MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Constable Golem Various Augmented Infantry 3.4 meters 800 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Outwardly indistinguishable from the Utopian version, the Golem represents Edens main combat unit. Combat on Eden was, until the CEF invasion, highly ritualised and had more in common with the Terra Novan gladiatorial arenas then the chaos of a battle field and the Constable is the used as a pawn in these war games. TV Marshal Golem 5 Constable Golem Ignus Constable Golem Suppressor Constable Golem Utopia APES (Constable and Marshal upgrade) 5 AL (0+) 5 EDEN Model 212 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) UA MR Piloted exclusively by nobility, a Marshal is either the leader of a household of troops sworn to him or her, or a direct relative given the important task of representing the family on the battlefield to win renown and elevate the family name. Some of the more backward lords even insist that the troops paint their armor with heraldry. AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons 5 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 5+ LAC (Arm), LRP, APGL, LVB (Arm) W:6" 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ AL W:6" 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ 5 AL W:6" 5 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ +2 AL(SU) - - - - - - - Al (CMD), W:6" BT (CMD) Marshal Golem Various Augmented Infantry 3.4 meters 1,000 kg Traits Airdrop, Arms, ECM:1, ECCM, Jetpack:8" LAC (Arm), APGL, LVB Airdrop, Arms, (Arm) Jetpack:8", ECM:1 LFL (Arm), APGL, LVB Airdrop, Arms, (Arm) Jetpack:8", ECM:1 LGL (Arm), APGL, LVB Airdrop, Arms, (Arm) Jetpack:8", ECM:1 - +Stealth Type/ Height Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" EDEN MODELS LIST Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Man at Arms Golem Various Augmented Infantry 3.9 meters 2,100 kg Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: When the situation demands that use of heavier weapons then the Man-at-Arms is called to action. Typically armed with a medium rifle and light rocket pack, this powered infantry man is capable of engaging targets at range or laying down a barrage of rocket fire. Like the Constable, Man-at-Arms can easily swap weapon loadouts as the situation demands. TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Man at Arms Golem Sniper Man at Arms Golem Suppressor Man at Arms Golem Ignus Man at Arms Golem Utopia APES (Man at Arms and Constable upgrade) 5 BT (0+) W:6" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 6 BT W:6" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 6 BT W:6" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ LAC (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) MRF (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) LGL (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) Airdrop, Arms, Jetpack:8" Airdrop, Arms, Jetpack:8" Airdrop, Arms, Jetpack:8" 5 BT W:6" 6 3/3 1 4+ 5+ 6+ +2 BT(SU) - - - - - - - MFL (Arm), LRP, LVB (Arm) - Airdrop, Arms, Jetpack:8" +Stealth Type/ Height Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" Gear 1" EDEN Model 213 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 GENERIC SUPPORT - AIRCRAFT & MISC. MODELS LIST NOTE: GENERIC SUPPORT (AIRCRAFT, TURRETS, DRONES, ETC.) MAY NOT SELECT ANY GENERIC OR VETERAN UPGRADES. Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Aircraft Various Airstrike Counter N/A N/A Rocket Turret Air superiority on Terra Nova is difficult to achieve for any length of time. Wild storms and corrosive sand that can reach the upper atmosphere and ground aircraft for weeks only delay the inevitable struggle for the sky that any armed conflict demands. The control of Terra Novan airspace is hotly contested between CEF transatmospheric craft and League states. MISC. Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Outpost Various Building 11.5 meters N/A Defensive turrets erected by league militaries or local militias dot the landscape of Terra Nova and vary from high tech composite construction to poured concrete. Who built what is never as important as who currently occupies the structures and many conflicts hinge around the strong point that a fortification can provide. Auto Cannon Turret Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Generic Fighter 8 GF (0-3) 6 2/4 2 5+ 3+ 6+ 2x MAC, LSAM (LA:2) Agile, TD:0 Generic FIghter/ bomber Generic Bomber 15 FB (0-3) 6 3/3 2 5+ 3+ 6+ Flyer GB 7 4/4 3 4+ 4+ 5+ Recon UAV 12 UV 4 2/2 1 5+ 5+ 4+ 2x HAC, LSAM (LA:2), HRP LRC (FT), MSAM (LA:2), 2x MBB (LA:2) LATM (LA:2) Agile, TD:0 20 F:14" G:2" F:12" G:2" F:10" G:2" F:12" G:2" Type/ Height Flyer Model AutoCannon Turret (1) Rocket Turret (1) Anti-Air Turret (1) Outpost TV 15 UA SU MR 0" AR 10 H/S 4/2 A 1 GU 4+ PI - EW 6+ Weapons HAC (FT, Link) 15 SU 0" 10 4/2 1 4+ - 6+ HRP (Link) 15 SU 0" 10 4/2 1 4+ - 6+ HAC (FT, AA, Flak) 20 SU 0" 10 5/3 3 4+ - 5+ 3x MAC (T, Auto) Flyer TD:1, Sensors:24" Traits Type/Height Sensors 18" (Aux) Fortification 1" Sensors 18" (Aux) Fortification 1" Sensors 18" (Aux) Fortification 1" HGC:2, APC:6, Fortification Sensors:18” 3" (Aux) Hazard 0" Minefields (6"x3") Obstacles (5) Bunker (1) 5 SU 0" - - 0 - - - - 5 5 SU SU 0" 0" 8 12 6/0 6/0 0 0 - - - - APC:2 Trench (6"x1") 5 SU 0" 10 6/0 0 - - - - APC:3 214 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Flyer Hazard 1" Fortification 1" Fortification 0.5" GENERIC SUPPORT - AIRCRAFT & MISC. MODELS LIST Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 NOTE: GENERIC SUPPORT (AIRCRAFT, TURRETS, DRONES, ETC.) MAY NOT SELECT ANY GENERIC OR VETERAN UPGRADES. Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Recon Drone Obelisk Electronics Drone 0.3 meters 80 kg Code Name: Manufacturer: Unit Type: Height: Weight: Recon drones are used by all militaries to provide backup recon capability to their forces. Typically attached to advancing units recon drones provide a means to designate high value targets for elements behind the lines. Often referred to as Gear pets by pilots, some drones sport the colors of a particular Gear dueling stable or rally team. Demo Drone Paxton Drone 0.6 meters 120 kg Often fatalistic in their personality programming Demolition drones are often recognized too late for an inattentive Gear pilot to combat and many grizzled pilots bear the scars caused by the massive explosions. Hunter Killer Drones are viewed with a particular hatred by ground pounding infantry and Gear pilots with an attached drone can expect a lot of negative attention. Hunter Killer Drone Model TV UA MR AR H/S A GU PI EW Weapons Traits Recon Drone 1 H:8" 1 2/0 1 - 5+ 5+ - TD:0 Demo Drone Grenade Demo Drone Charge Hunter Killer 1 G:5" 2 2/0 1 5+ 6+ - MHG (LA:1)* Offroad:1 G:5" 2 2/0 1 - 6+ - MSE (LA:1)* Offroad:1 H:6" 1 2/0 1 5+ 4+ - MIW (FT, Auto) Jump Jets:2 Hunter Killer Defender Hunter Killer Air Defence 2 Attached upgrade Attached upgrade Attached upgrade Attached upgrade Attached upgrade Attached upgrade H:6" 1 2/0 1 5+ 4+ - LIW (FT) H:6" 1 2/0 1 5+ 4+ - MIW (FT, AA) AMS, Jump Jets:2 Jump Jets:2 1 1 MISC. 1 Type/ Height Drone, 0.5" Drone, 0.5" Drone, 0.5" Drone, 0.5" Drone 0.5" Drone 0.5" 215 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 APPENDIX 4: MODEL TRAITS A4.1 MODEL TRAITS: Trait Ratings: Traits that have ratings use a colon (:) to separate the trait name from the rating. A trait rating may be a number rating, a dice rating, a dice modifier, or a word(s) used to reference another trait. [Agile] Agile: Attacks targeting this model will miss on a Margin of Success of zero (MOS:0) or less. A Braced model loses the benefit of Agile (See 10.2). [Airdrop] Airdrop: This model may deploy using the Reserve rules (See 15.1b) [Amphib] Amphibious: This model is not destroyed by entering water terrain that is greater than half its height. This model may move in water at its slowest speed movement type and does not count water as Difficult terrain. While in water terrain that is greater than half its height an Amphibious model has Light Cover. Hover vehicles may not claim cover from water terrain. [AMS] Anti-Missile System: This model gains a free Reroll when attacked by weapons using the Indirect or Missile categories. Friendly Models within 6” of this model also gain this Reroll. [ANN] Advanced Neural Net: When choosing a posture, select one Skill rating. Improve that Skill rating by 1 for the duration of the models activation. [APC:X] Armored Personnel Carrier:X: This model may transport up to X Infantry Squad Models. Two Teams or Drones may be Transported in place of one Infantry Squad (Se 16.3). [Arms] Arms: This model can use a weapon with the Arm Arc to Snap Fire. This model may purchase Grenades, Shaped Charges, and Panzerfausts upgrades. This model may climb vertical terrain without requiring the Climbing trait (See 6.5f). [Attached:X] Attached:X: The model name X is attached to this model. Do not count the Actions of any attached models when creating units. [Autocom:X”] Autocom:X”: The range for models to be in Formation with this model is X” (See 5.3). [Autopilot] Autopilot: When this model uses the Standby action it gains one additional standby token. [Climber] Climbing Equipment: Allows a model to scale vertical terrain easily (See 6.5f). Note that climbing equipment can take the forms of grappling hooks, climbing claws, spike guns, etc and is not specific to a particular kind of equipment [Conscript] Conscript: This model may not be purchased for a unit as a commander. If out of formation, this model degrades all its skills by 1 (GUN:4+ becomes GUN:5+) (See 5.3) [CBS] Counter-Battery Sensors: This model, and any friendly models in Formation with it, may Snap Fire in response to an enemy Indirect attack. A Snap Fire reaction using CBS may select an Indirect Category weapon to Snap Fire with and counts as having Forward Observed the target (See 14.3). Only terrain that overlaps the target model will provide a cover modifier against CBS Snap Fire attacks. [Comms:X] This model may use the Comms:X trait to count as X Comms rolls successes (See 14.1a). If passive ECM reduces the Comms:X trait to zero, this model must roll Comms as normal but may only count successes up to the rating of the trait (See 14.1, 14.2). This model may Relay (See 14.1e). [Drone Bay:X] Drone Bay: X: This model may Purchase X Drones from the Generic Upgrades list without counting towards the maximum, or minimum, number of actions in a unit. This model may transport any attached Drones (not N-KIDU drones). [ECM:X] Electronic Counter Measures system: A model with this trait reduces the Comms:X rating of enemy models within Sensor range by the ECM Trait rating. A model with ECM may use any Electronic Warfare actions noted as ECM actions (See 14.2, 14.2a, 14.2b, 14.2c). [ECCM] Electronic Counter-Counter Measures system: Models with ECCM may Reroll Comms rolls and EW rolls. A model with ECCM may take passive EW rolls for any friendly models within 6” that are targeted by an enemy EW action. Requires Lock to active model (See 14.2, 14.2b). [Field Armor] Field Armor: This model suffers one less damage from each damaging attack to a minimum of one damage. [HGC:X] Heavy Gear Carrier:X: This model may transport X models with the Type: Gear or Type: Infantry Squad. Two Infantry Teams or Drones may be transported instead of one Squad. [Init:X] Initiative:X : Add XD6 to any initiative test that this model makes (See 3.1, 5.0). [Jetpack:X”] Jetpack:X”: This model may use its Jetpack to make a Powered Boost move instead of a normal Move. A Powered Boost move may only turn once at the start of the move and does not use any movement type advantages or disadvantages. The model may move forwards or backwards in a straight line with both a horizontal and vertical distance equal to the Jetpack trait rating and may not interrupt this move to use an action. Any terrain less than the vertical maximum of the jump rating is ignored and no dangerous terrain tests are made for terrain that the model power boosts over. [Jump Jets:X] Jump Jets:X: When this model Moves it may displace vertically up to the rating of the trait each time it encounters terrain up X Height or less. This model may not end its movement on terrain that is too narrow to contain its base. 216 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) APPENDIX 4: MODEL TRAITS Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 A4.1 MODEL TRAITS (CONTINUED): [Low Profile] Low Profile: This models silhouette is always ½ the Height indicated. When Activating, this model may choose to use its regular Height when choosing posture. [Lumbering] Lumbering: This model may only turn once per Move. [Medic] Combat Medic: This model removes two intensity from Fire or Corrosion tokens when it uses a Damage Control Action (See 9.6b) targeting a model with the Infantry type. Medics may not be commanders. For details See 16.5. [NCM:X”] N-KIDU Command Matrix:X”: Conscript N-KIDU models within X” of this model count as In Formation with a commander. [MCV] Multi-Component Vehicle: This model has one or more additional components attached to it. Each component is a separate target (See 16.6) [Mount] Mount: This model does not have a rear arc. Its front arc extends 360 degrees around the model. Unless noted otherwise, all weapons on a model with Mount have the Fast Turret arc (FT). [Offroad:X] Offroad:X: This model adds +X” to the distance it may move in difficult terrain. This does not apply to water features. [Recon] Recon: This model may deploy using the Recon Special Deployment options. [Recovery] Recovery Vehicle: This model removes two intensity from Fire or Corrosion tokens when it uses a Damage Control Action (See 9.6b) targeting a non-infantry model. Recovery Vehicles may not be Commanders (See 16.5). [Resist:C] Corrosion Resistance: This model degrades the Target Number of Corrosion Marginal hit rolls to 5+ (See 9.6). [Resist:F] Fire Resistance: This model degrades the Target Number of Fire Marginal hit rolls to 5+ (See 9.6). [Resist:H] Haywire Resistance: This model is not affected by Haywire and does not suffer any marginal damage rolls from a Haywire weapon attack, though it does take normal damage (See 9.6). [SatUp:X+] Satellite Uplink:X+: This model may use actions and abilities noted as requiring a SatUp:X trait (See 14.0). This model may Relay (See 14.1f). [Sensor Boom] Sensor Boom: This model may extend its silhouette by 1” in any direction when making an attack action for purposes of Lock and Sensor Lock. [Sensors:X] Sensors:X: This models Sensor range is X. This model may use the Sensor Boost action (See 7.7). [Shield:X] Shield:X: This model gains a +XD6 modifier to defense from attacks from the front. Attacks that ignore cover ignore this bonus. AE attacks with the primary target in this models front arc do allow the modifier. [Smoke:X] Smoke:X: Combat or Braced posture models with Smoke:X may use an Action to fire Smoke. Firing Smoke places a AE:3” centered on the location of the Active model. Smoke is Light Area Cover and has a height of 4”. Each Smoke trait can be used X times per game. Remove Smoke Area Effects in the Cleanup Phase [Stable] Stable Weapons Platform: This model adds a +1D6 modifier to all Gunnery rolls [Stealth] Stealth: This model improves its Piloting Skill by 1 for Defense Rolls against Direct and Indirect attacks targeting the model if the model has adjacent and intervening cover. This modifier does not apply when the model is using an attack action or reaction, active sensors, an EW action, or making a Comms roll. This modifier does not apply if the model is attacked with a melee attack, or has no cover from the Observer of a Forward Observation (See 14.3). Sensor Lock against a model with the Stealth trait has a -6” modifier to the range of the Sensors. [TD:X] Target Designator: A TD may only be used at Combat or Braced speeds and only if the target model does not have Full Cover. A Forward Observation by a model using a Target Designator trait may use the TD trait to activate the Guided trait on weapons chained to the Forward Observation. The TD trait adds a +XD6 modifier to a Guided attack. A Target Designator allows the target the terrain Cover modifier it would have against a direct attack from the observing model. [Towed] Towed: One model with this trait may be transported by a vehicle with the APC trait without using the transport capacity of the towing vehicle. After movement is completed this model is placed within 1” of the rear of the vehicle and may be attacked as a separate target. A Towed model must still disembark from the transport in order to fire. A towed model may not change elevation in a building and must be deployed on the lowest floor. [Transport:X/Y] Transport:X/Y: This model may transport X models of the Y model type (See 16.3). [Vet] Veteran: This model is a veteran and has one skill point. This model may purchase upgrades from the Veteran upgrade list (See A.2, 18.6) [Vuln:C] Vulnerable to Corrosion: This model suffers Corrosion Marginal damage on a target number of 3+ (see 9.6). [Vuln:F] Vulnerable to Fire: This model suffers Fire Marginal damage on a target number of 3+ (See 9.6). [Vuln:H] Vulnerable to Haywire: This model suffers one additional Marginal hit when hit by a weapon with Haywire (See 9.6). 217 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 APPENDIX 4: WEAPON TRAITS A4.2 WEAPON TRAITS: [AA] Anti-Air: This weapon resolves attack rolls against Flying models using their normal Gunnery skill instead of a 6+. Do not add the additional 12” of range when firing at a model using an Air Strike action. This model may Snap Fire at models using the Flying movement type to cross the battlefield (See 17.3c). [AI] Anti-Infantry: This weapon may do more than one damage per attack against models with the Infantry type. [AE:X”] Area Effect X”: Models within X inches of a target Primary model or point are Secondary targets. (See 10.2). AE attacks ignore ECM Defence (See 14.2c). [AP:X] Armor Piercing:X: A Target with an Armor Rating higher than the Penetration Rating of the attack will suffer damage equal to the Margin of Success up to the rating of the trait, or normal damage, whichever is greater. Area Effect attacks with the AP trait only resolve the AP trait against primary targets. AP attacks can damage infantry, the AP trait itself has no effect on infantry models. [AS] Anti-Structure: Attack rolls targeting structures (buildings and fortifications) are resolved using normal Gunnery Skill instead of GU:6+ (See 6.9a). [Auto] Automatic Fire System: The weapon system this trait is attached to may snap fire without spending an action. The attack resolves with its Gunnery skill degraded by 1. [Blast] Blast: Attacks with Blast ignore the effect of the Agile trait and ECM Defense modifiers. Cover against blast attacks is determined from the target model or point. [Brawler:X] Brawler:X: Add the rating as a modifier to any Melee attack or Melee defense rolls this model makes with a target in an Arc with a melee category weapon. A model with multiple instances of the Brawler trait adds them all together for the total modifier. [Burst:X] Burst:X: Add a +XD6 modifier to any attack roll made with this weapon. [Corrosion:X] Corrosion:X: This weapon uses the Corrosion Special Weapon rules (See 9.6). [Fire:X] Fire:X: This weapon uses the Fire Special Weapon rules (See 9.6). [Flak] Flak: Weapons with Flak add a +2D6 modifier to attacks targeting Flying models. [Frag] Fragmentation: Weapon with Frag add a +2D6 modifier to attack rolls targeting Infantry. [Guided] Guided: A Guided weapon that attacks a target that has been Forward Observed with a Target Designator may benefit from the Target Designator:X (TD:X) rating modifier, and does not suffer the range modifiers for attacking using the Indirect Category (See 8.2). [Haywire] Haywire: This weapon uses the Haywire Special Weapon rules (See 9.6). [LA:X] Limited Ammunition:X: This weapon may Attack a number of times equal to the X rating. Mark this model with a token to indicate ammunition remaining. [Open] Open Topped: Transported models may fire their weapons while transported by this model. The transported model must use the same posture as the transporting model. If the Open trait has an attached arc indicated then the models may only fire in that arc. [PEN:X] Penetration:X: This weapon has a Penetration rating of X instead of the normal listed Penetration rating. [Link] Linked Weapon: Attacks with this weapon improve the attack skill rating of the active model by 1. [PEN:X/Y] Penetration:X with Persistent Damage rating:Y: This weapon has a Penetration rating of X instead of the normal listed Penetration rating (L = Light, M = Medium, or H = Heavy), and a Special Weapon Effect rating of Y (See 9.6). [Pintle] Pintle Mounted Weapon: This weapon may only be fired if the vehicle has transported models. The weapon is fired using the transported models GU skill and uses their action. A pintle weapon may be used for snap fire if the weapon has the Fast Turret (FT) arc. [Precise] Precise: Hits with a margin of zero (MOS:0) ignore the Agile trait. Note: This weapon may be used to target very small models like Demo or Recon drones. [Proximity:X] Proximity:X: Weapons with this trait have an Area Effect that is centered on the attacking model. Do not resolve the attack against the firing model. All targets of an Area Effect attack with Proximity are Primary Targets. [Range:X-Y/Z”] Range X-Y/Z”: Replace the normal range of this weapon type with the range indicated in the rating of the trait. [Reach:X] Reach:X: This melee weapon has a range of 0-X / X”. [Split:X] Split Fire:X: This weapon may split attacks between X targets (See 10.5). [Spray] Spray: Attacks with this weapon ignore cover modifiers for partial and area terrain and the Agile trait. Attacks with Spray ignore ECM Defence (See 14.2c). [Silent] Silenced: Attack actions with this weapon do not remove a Hiding token (See 7.6), or cause a model to lose their Stealth trait bonus to defense. [Stabilizer] Stabilizer: This weapon may only be fired if the model is Braced (See 6.0). 218 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) APPENDIX 4: WEAPON TABLE Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 A4.3 WEAPON TABLE: Weapon Type Code Range L M H Traits Category Air Burst Missile *ABM 18-48 / 96” 5 6 7 AI, AE:3”, Blast, Guided Missile, Indirect Anti-Personnel Rockets *APR 6-18 / 36” 3 5 7 AI, AE:5” Ballistic, Indirect Anti-Personnel Grenade Launchers APGL 0” 3 - - Proximity: 3”, AI, Frag Ballistic, Indirect Anti-Tank Missile** *ATM 12-36 / 72” 8 9 10 AP:2/4/6, Guided Missile, Indirect Anti-Vehicle Missile *AVM 6-18 / 36” 5 6 7 AP:1, Guided Missile, Indirect *RP 6-18 / 36” 7 8 9 AE:4” Ballistic, Indirect Anti-Vehicle Rocket Pack Artillery Gun *AG 24-48 / 96” 8 10 12 AE:4”, AP:1, AS, Blast Indirect Artillery Missile *AM 18-48 / 96” 7 9 11 AE:4”, AS, Blast, Guided Missile, Indirect Artillery Rockets *AR 18-36 / 72” 7 8 9 AE: 5” Indirect Auto-Cannon *AC 6-18 / 36” 6 7 8 Burst:1, Split:2 Ballistic Bazooka** *BZ 6-12 / 24” 7 8 9 AP:2/3/4 Ballistic Bomb *BB 0-3 / 3” 8 10 12 AE:5”, Blast Indirect Combat Weapon *CW 0-0 / 0” *** 5 7 9 - Melee Field Gun* *FG 12-24 / 48” 8 9 10 AE:3”, Ammo: AS, Ammo:AP:1/2/3 Ballistic, Indirect Field Mortar *FM 18-36 / 72” 8 9 10 AE:4”, Blast Indirect Flamer** *FL 0-6 / 9” 3 4 5 AE:3”, AI, Fire:1/2/3, Spray Ballistic, Melee Frag Cannon *FC 3-9 / 18” 5 6 7 Ammo: AP:1, Ammo: Frag (AI) Ballistic Grenade Launcher *GL 6-12 / 24” 7 8 9 AE:3”, Blast, AP:1 Ballistic, Indirect Grenades *HG 3-6 / 9” 8 9 10 AE:3”, Blast, AP:1 Indirect Guided Mortar *GM 18-36 / 72” 7 8 9 AE:3”, Blast, Guided Indirect Infantry Laser *IL 6-18 / 36” 3 4 5 AI, Burst:1 Advanced Infantry Mortars *IM 18-36 / 72” 4 5 6 AE:2”, Blast, AI, Stabilizer Indirect Infantry Support Weapons *IS 6-18 / 36” 3 4 5 - Ballistic Infantry Weapons *IW 3-9 / 18” 2 3 4 AI, Burst:1 Ballistic Laser Cannon *LC 12-36 / 72” 8 9 10 Precise Advanced Machine Gun *MG 3-9 / 18” 2 3 4 AI, Burst:2 Ballistic Pack Gun PG 0-6 / 9” 6 Burst:2, Split:2 Ballistic, Melee Panzerfaust** *PZ 3-6 / 9” 6 7 8 AP:2/3/4 Ballistic Particle Accelerator *PA 6-18 / 36” 7 8 9 Haywire Advanced Pulse Laser *PL 12-24/ 48” 9 10 11 AS, AE:2”, Blast Advanced Railgun** *RG 12-36 / 72” 8 9 10 AP:2/4/6 Advanced Rifle *RF 12-24 / 48” 7 8 9 Precise Ballistic Rotary Cannon *RC 6-12 / 24” 6 7 8 Burst:2, Split:2 Ballistic Rotary Laser *RL 6-12 / 24” 7 8 9 Burst:1, Split:2 Advanced Shaped Explosives** *SE 0-0 / 0” *** 8 9 10 AP:2/3/4, AS, Brawler:-1D6 Melee Snub Cannon** *SC 3-9 / 18” 8 9 10 AP:2/3/4, AS Ballistic Spike Gun** *SG 0-0 / 0” *** 6 7 8 AP:2/4/6 Melee *SAM 12-36 / 72” 5 7 9 AA, Flak, Guided Missile Tank Gun** *TG 18-36 / 72” 9 10 11 Ammo:AP:2/3/4, Ammo:AS (AP:1) Ballistic Vibro Blade *VB 0-0 / 0” *** 7 8 9 AP:1/3/5 Surface to Air Missile Melee *Letter Prefix indicated which Penetration rating column to use for the weapon Penetration rating, L = Light, M = Medium, or H = Heavy. **Weapons listings with trait ratings listed as Trait:X/Y/Z use X for the Light rating, Y for the Medium rating, and Z for the Heavy rating weapon. *** Range may vary based on Reach trait. 219 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 APPENDIX 4: WEAPON IDENTIFICATION BALLISTIC WEAPONS [*RP] Anti-Vehicle Rocket Pack [*AC] Auto-Cannon [*FL] Flamer [*RC] Rotary-Cannon [*FC] Frag Cannon [*BZ] Bazooka [*MG] Heavy Machine Gun [*GL] Grenade Launcher [*RF] Rifle [*PG] Pack Gun [*PZ] Panzerfaust [*SC] Snub Cannon Hybrid Weapon [*AC] / [*FC] Hybrid Weapon [*AC] / [*GL] 220 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) APPENDIX 4: WEAPON IDENTIFICATION Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 ADVANCED WEAPONS [*RG] Rail Gun [*RL] Rotary Laser [*LC] Laser Cannon [*PL] Pulse Laser [*PA] Particle Accelerator MISSILE WEAPONS [*ATM] Anti-Tank Missile [*ABM] Air Burst Missile INDIRECT FIRE WEAPONS [*GM] Guided Mortar [*AR] Artillery Rockets [*FM] Field Mortar [*FG] Field Gun [*HG] Grenade MELEE WEAPONS [*CW] Combat Weapon Stephen Belz (order #8710802) [*VB] Vibro Blade [*VB] Vibro Blade with Reach [*VB] Vibro Blade (Fighting Staff) [*SG] Spike Gun [*SG] Spike Gun with Reach 221 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 APPENDIX 5: REFERENCE TABLES Standard Modifiers Table 2.2: Standard Modifier Dice Modifier for Actions or Reactions Critical Damage (no Hull rating remaining) Dice Modifier for Defense Rolls -1D6 -1D6 +0D6 Posture*: Combat *See 6.0 +0D6 Posture*: Braced *See 6.0 +1D6 -1D6 Posture*: Top Speed *See 6.0 -1D6 +1D6 Standard Base Size Table 2.8: Model Type Max Base Size** Examples Heavy Gear, ORV, or Beast 0.5”-1.5” Height Range Standard Base Size** 1”/25mm Hex base or 30mm Round 40mm round Hunter, Barnaby Riding Beast, Antelope ORV Heavy Gear (Large AR:8+) 2” - 2.5” 40mm round 50mm round Kodiak, Grizzly, Spitting Cobra Infantry Squad, ATV 0.5”-1” 40mm round or 3x/25mm Hex base 50mm round or Infantry Squads, Wallaby ATVs, South Lizard Riders 3x1”/25mm Hex base Vehicle 0.5”-2” 40mm round* 75mm round* Badger, Caiman, Mastiff APC Vehicle (Large AR:11+) 1”-3” 75mm round* 120x95mm oval* Visigoth, Aller, Voltigeur Strider (Standard AR:1-9) 1”-3” 40mm round* 60mm round* Naga, Cataphract Strider (Large AR:10+) 1”-4” 40mm round* 120x95mm oval* Hussar, Red Bull Mk2, Fire Dragon, Drake, Scimitar Mount 1”-3” 50mm* 75mm round* Caprice Mounts *These models do not require bases but may be used for aesthetic purposes and to protect paint from chipping. **Note that base sizes are given in millimeters because that is the industry standard for standard base sizes. Initiative Roll Modifiers Table 3.1b: Modifier Effect Testing model is critically damaged -1D6 Command trait rating +/- XD6 (varies) Common Actions Table 3.4: Action Effect Skill/Trait used Direct Attack Use a weapon to attack another model (See 10.1a). Gunnery Indirect Attack Use an Indirect category weapon to attack another model (See 10.1b) Gunnery Melee attack Attack another model in base to base with a melee category weapon (11.0). Pilot ECM Defense Create an area of sensor interference to improve defense Pilot rolls (14.2c). ECM:X trait Order A Commander model directs and improves a unit’s performance with an order (5.5). None Stand By A model prepares to fire a weapon or support other models or to chain an Indirect Varies attack to a Forward observation (See 10.3). Snap Fire (reaction) A model can return fire in response to being targeted by an action (10.4). Forward Observation A model transmits targeting information to waiting units with a Comms roll (14.2). Electronic Warfare Active ECM (reaction) A model with ECM:X tries to prevent a Comms roll (14.6b). Electronic Warfare, ECM:X trait Hide Gives a model a Reroll to defense (see 7.4) No Test required Gunnery Commander Attributes Table 5.0: Rank Initiative Skill (Init:X+) Rating Command Points Commanding Officer (CO) 4+ 2 Executive Officer (XO) 4+ 1* Combat Group Leader (CGL) 5+ 1 Second in Command (2iC) 6+ 1* Non-Commander model NA 0 *These Command Points count as skill points until the XO or 2iC replaces a destroyed CO or CGL. 222 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) APPENDIX 5: REFERENCE TABLES Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Posture Effects Table 6.0*: Posture Combat Action roll modifier None Defense roll modifier None Number of Moves allowed 1 Number of turns allowed per move** X Braced +1D6 -1D6 0 1 Top Speed -1D6 +1D6 2 X * Whenever Pilot skill is not being used for a defense check, such as a dangerous terrain roll, it uses the normal Action roll modifiers. ** X depends on the movement type used (See 6.3) Movement Type Effects Table 6.3: Movement Type* Turns per Move Difficult Terrain Move Maximum Road Terrain Movement Rating Walker (W) unlimited ** MR MR:+1” Ground (G) one 2” *** MR:+2” Hover (H) one 2” MR:+3” Infantry (I) unlimited MR MR:+1” Flying (F) none NA NA *A model that has more than one Movement Type may choose which to use for each Move. **Walker Models with the Lumbering trait may only make one turn per move. ***Add the rating of the Offroad:X trait to the distance that can be moved in Difficult Terrain. Climbing Table 6.5f: Movement Type Walker with Arms No Climbing Trait With Climbing Trait Model Height Movement Rate Walker No Movement Rate Ground No 2” Hover No 2” Infantry 1” Movement Rate Dangerous Terrain Roll Modifiers Table 6.6a: Modifier Effect Crippled -1D6 Using Top Speed -1D6 Using Walker Movement +1D6 A model that rolls one or more Successes has passed the roll for that Move and suffers no effects. A model that rolls no Successes will move 2”, take one damage, and be Immobilized. Cover modifiers Table 7.1: Cover Rating Full Cover Modifier Partial Cover Modifier Light Cover +1D6 + Sensor Lock* +1D6 + Lock** Heavy Cover +2D6 + Sensor Lock* +2D6 + Lock** Solid Cover No Lock or Sensor Lock +2D6 + Lock** *Add in addition to Adjacent Cover. **Only Adjacent Partial Cover applies. Sensor Range Modifiers Table 7.3a: Target Model Type/Height Sensor Range modifier Infantry, Vehicle, or Gear: 1” or less -6” Gears, Vehicles, and Striders: 1.5” to 2.0” +0” Vehicle or Strider: 2.5”” Height or more +6” Target Model has the Stealth Trait -6” 223 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 APPENDIX 5: REFERENCE TABLES Range Modifiers by Weapon Category Table 8.2a: Weapon Category Ballistic Optimal Range Sub-Optimal range - -1D6 Advanced Gunnery Improves by 1 - Indirect* -1D6 -2D6 Missile - -2D6** Melee - -1D6 *Note: Indirect category weapon may not attack if there is terrain that completely overhangs them. **Unless Forward Observed with a Target Designator (TD:X) Attack and Defense Modifiers Table 8.2b: Attack Roll Modifiers Defense Roll Modifiers + Standard modifiers (See 2.2) + Standard modifiers (See 2.2) + Range modifier (See table 8.2a) Adjacent Terrain Cover: +1D6 or +2D6 Attacking Gear or Strider from Back Arc: +1D6 Any additional Full Cover Terrain: +1D6 or +2D6 Attack Vehicle from Back Arc: +2D6 ECM:X Defense: +XD6 Elevation: +1D6 Model Trait modifier: +XD6 Weapon Trait: +XD6 Target or attacker is off board: Degrade Skill by 1 Model Trait modifier: +XD6 Standard Hull and Structure Table 9.5: Toughness Rating Name Infantry Hull/Structure: 4 Gears Hull/Structure: 6 Tank and Strider Hull/Structure: 8 Multi-Component Vehicles Core* Hull/Structure:10 *See 16.6 1: Flimsy - 1/5 2/6 3/7 2: Fragile 1/3 2/4 3/5 4/6 3: Standard 2/2 3/3 4/4 5/5 4: Tough 3/1 4/2 5/3 6/4 - 5/1 6/2 7/3 5: Rugged Melee Modifiers Table 11.1: Modifier Name Effect Modifier Flanked Gear or Strider Attacker is completely in the targets Back (B) Arc. A model must begin their activation in the back arc to gain this modifier +1D6 Flanked Vehicle Attacker is completely in the targets Back (B) Arc. A model must begin their activation in the back arc to gain this modifier +2D6 Brawler (Trait) The Attacker/Defender has the Brawler trait. Multiple instances of the Brawler trait add together. +XD6 Defenseless A model without a weapon in the melee category. Standard modifiers See 2.2 for standard posture and critical damage modifiers. -1D6 +/-XD6 EW Actions/Reactions Table 14.0: 224 Section EW action/ reaction Trait Required Range 14.1d Comms Boosting None / Comms:X Formation Add +1D6 to a Comms roll or Comms:X rating None to target. 14.2 Passive ECM ECM:X Sensors:X” Reduce enemy Comms:X traits by the ECM:X rating. 14.2a Active ECM:X ECM:X Sensors:X” Roll opposed EW. If target fails their Coms action ECCM will be cancelled. 14.2b ECM Sensor Jamming ECM:X Sensors:X Roll opposed EW. If target fails place a Haywire ECCM token on target (See 9.6) 14.2c ECM Defense ECM:X 6” Models within 6” gain a +XD6 modifier to defense rolls. None 14.3 Forward Observation None Sensors:X” Chain Indirect attacks to attack the target. 14.3b Satellite Forward Observation SatUp:X+ Off-Board Chain indirect attacks to attack a non-flying None offboard model. Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Effect Counter None Active ECM APPENDIX 6: GLOSSARY Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 Action Phase: The second game phase when all actions and movement occur. Active: The descriptive term for a model that is activating Activating: A state of game play when a model may move and use actions. Arc: A direction determined by a models orientation. Attack: An action that can cause damage to a target model. Attribute: A number or letter that defines a capability of a model. Braced: A posture of preparedness for accurate attacking but implies a vulnerability to defense. Chain: An action that is used when triggered by another action. Cleanup Phase: The third phase when any persistent damage effects are resolved, victory conditions are verified and the board is prepared for the following round. Combat Speed: A posture of preparation for combat, the normal default resting state of all models. Elevation: A position where the Active model is entirely higher than a target passive model.. Heavy Gear (Gear): A humanoid walking machine with a single pilot and interchangeable weapons. Height: A measure from the bottom of a models base to the effective top of the models Silhouette. Infantry: Regular squads of infantry, usually mounted multiple figures per base. Lock: The ability of one model to see and target another model with actions. Model: Any playing piece used to represent a Gear, a Vehicle,Strider, Infantry, or terrain. Opposed Roll: A roll of dice that decide the result of an action between two models. Passive: The term for a model that is not activating. Phase: Divided part of a Round. Posture: A state of motion that defines the modifiers for a model when taking tests. Reaction: An action that can be taken in response to another action. Refresh: Returning an attribute to it’s original rating. Re-Roll: The ability to roll all the test dice of a single test again. Roll: A game effect that requires that dice are rolled to determine a result. Setup Phase: The first game phase when the initiative test is determined. Sensor Lock: The distance a model can Lock a target model through full cover. Silhouette: A shape defined by a models base and its Height to help determine Lock. Strider: A Large model with a Walker movement type. Target: A model that must defend against an attack, EW action, or effect. Top Speed: A posture of accelerated speed or awareness to danger. Turn: A rotation of a model of up to ninety degrees. Unopposed Roll: A roll against a skill or Target number. Use: To spend or reduce a rating or activation to a Used state. Used: A state of play where a model has used all of it’s actions. Vehicle: Any tracked, wheeled, or hover movement type of machine. Common Unit Availability Codes: AL - Alpha HA - Heavy Assault AR - Anti-Rover HB - Hoverbike BT - Beta HF - Heavy Frame CO - Commando HG - Honor Guard CV - Cavalry HM - Heavy Mount DG - Dragoon HT - Heavy Tank EG - Engineering HV - Hover Vehicle EK - En Koreshi IF - Interdiction Frame FS - Fire Support IN - Infantry FL - FLAIL LS - Light Strider GP - General Purpose LT - Light Tank Stephen Belz (order #8710802) MI - Milicia MN - Mountaineering MT - Medium Tank MP - Military Police MO - Mobile Ordinance OA - Operational Assistance PI - Primary Insertion PM - Pilium Infantry PT - Paratrooper RC - Recon SF - Special Forces SK - Strike SR - Sandrider ST - Strider SU - Support Unit only TI - Tactical Intervention TR - Tactical Response VL - VTOL 225 Living Rulebook Beta Ver. 1.1 APPENDIX 7: GAME TOKENS (1:1 SCALE) 226 Stephen Belz (order #8710802) Permission granted to photocopy or printout for personal use. Stephen Belz (order #8710802)