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Heroes Unlimited- Armageddon Unlimited | Demons | Parallel ...

Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, and Phase World® with mentions of Nightbane®, Beyond the Supernatural™ and other Palladium RPG lines and settings. With very little effort, you can easily adapt this material to any Palladium Books® game world. Note: The unique characters, names, ...


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Warning! Violence, War, Magic & the Supernatural The fictional worlds of Heroes Unlimited™, Nightbane®, The Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Rifts®, Phase World® and other settings are violent, deadly and filled with aliens, war, magic and supernatural monsters. Other-dimensional beings often referred to as "demons" and "Oee­ viis" torment, stalk and prey upon humans . Hell, demons, monsters, vampires, ghosts, and an­ cient gods, as well as magic, insanity, psychic powers and combat are all elements in this book. All of it is fiction. The Minion War™ series goes beyond the norm and actually depicts the planes of two hell­ ish dimensions, and the terrible monsters that inhabit them and plague human beings. These monstrous beings are despicable and cruel . They have little regard for life, steal souls, engage in depravity, war, and disgusting acts, and are vile in the extreme. Some parents may find the violence, magic, supernatural elements and demonic representa­ tions in this series of fictional game supplements inappropriate for young readers/players. WE STRONGLY SUGGEST PARENTAL DISCRETION. Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the prac­ tice of magic, demon worship, the use of drugs, or violence. The Minion War™ series is a special crossover series that stretches across the endless Megaverse® and into other Palladium game lines and settings. Crossover material includes the Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, and Phase World® with mentions of Nightbane®, Beyond the Supernatural™ and other Palladium RPG lines and settings. With very little effort, you can easily adapt this material to any Palladium Books® game world. Note: The unique characters, names, settings and intellectual properties of these other world settings remain the exclusive property of those RPG lines. An epic crossover sourcebook for Rifts®, Phase Wor/~, Heroes Un lim ite c:fM, The Palladium Fantasy RPG® and the entire Megaverse® Your next step into the Minion WarTM Dedication This book is dedicated to our modern day heroes. Far too often we take our liberty and safety for granted and not recog­ nize that there are dedicated men and women out there every day who ensure that our way of life continues. To the police officers who keep our streets safe, the paramedics who rush to our aid, and the firefighters who keep our homes safe. Thank you for always being a phone call away. To the men and women of the United States military. You defend our borders and travel the world defending America and liberty. You volunteered to be away from your friends and family and it's not just the politicians and press who recognize your sacrifice, but regular Americans too. Always remember you're already heroes, just come home safe. I would also like to recognize a few heroes I know. My dad, Joseph Gleba, served in the Navy during the Vietnam War. Both my grandfathers, Seymour Brown, who served in both the Army and Air Force, and Joseph Gleba Sr., who served in the Navy. And my friend Patrick Dodge, who served in the Army after high school, and is now a police officer in our com­ munity. - Carl Gleba, 2011 Dedication To the faithful who have stood at Palladium's side through thick and thin in heroic fashion. And to my personal hero, my Dad, Henry Siembieda - 1930-2010. - Kevin Siembieda, 2011 The cover, by John Zeleznik, depicts a hero battling a Deevil from the dimensional plane of Hell known as Oyva/. Around them, a city burns. If the hero fails, the world will be consumed by Armageddon and evil wins. He and countless other heroes don't intend to let that happen. First Printing - February 2011 No part of this publication may be scanned, OCRed, reproduced or distributed in any way for electronic publication on the web/internet or any other medium. Copyright 2011 Palladium Books Inc. & Kevin Siembieda All rights reserved, worldwide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is strictly coincidental. Rifts®, The Rifter®, Phase World®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Splicers®, Coalition Wars®, After the Bomb®, RECON®, Nightbane®, and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda. Alien Intelligence, Alu, Anarchy Teams, Bio-Wizard, Blood Magic, Book of Heroes, 'Bot, 'Borg, Brek-Shall, Center, Cen­ tury Station, Chaos Earth, Chaos Generator, Chrysteel, City Rat, Coalition States, CS, Combat Cyborg, Consortium of Civilized Worlds, Coming of the Rifts, Cosmic Forge, Cosmo-Knight, Couril, Death Demon, Deevil, Deevils, Devilkin, Demon Locust, Demon Magic, Demon Planet, Demon Star, Demonic Mortals, Diabolist, Doctor Vilde, Doctor Mech, Dyval, E-Clip, Fire Cat, Forge War, Free World Council, FWC, Gallu, Great Cataclysm, Heroes of the Megaverse®, Heroic Hellion, Juicer, Klynncryth, Kreeghor, Labassu, Lasae, Lazlo, Ley Line Walker, Minions of Dyval, Minion War, Night Prince, Rifts Earth, Rift­ er, Rifts Earth, Savage Cane, Shifter, Techno-Wizard, Techno-Wizardry, Three Galaxies, Transgalactic Empire, TGE, True Atlantean, Tattooed Man, Undead Slayer, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Dark Conversions, Mega-Damage, M.D.C., S.D.C., I.S.P., P.P.E., and other names, titles, initials, charac­ ters, character likenesses and slogans are trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. Palladium Online: Armageddon Unlimited™ - A Heroes Unlimited™ Sourcebook. Published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI48185-7606. Printed in the USA. 2 Palladium Books® Presents: Armageddon Unlimited lM For Heroes Unlimited™ and other world settings. A Minion War™ Crossover Book Written by: Carl Gleba Additional Text and Ideas: Kevin Siembieda Editors: Alex Marciniszyn Kevin Siembieda Wayne Smith Proofreader: Julius Rosenstein Cover: John Zeleznik Interior Artists: Nicholas Bradshaw Kent Buries Mark Dudley Allen Manning Brian Manning Maps: Carl Gleba Art Direction: Kevin Siembieda Typography and Layout: Wayne Smith Based on the RPG rules, text, characters, settings, concepts and Megaverse® created by Kevin Siembieda. Special Thanks to Carl Gleba for another epic book of adventure and ideas, Matthew Clements for being there when we need him, Mark, Kent, Nick, Allen, Brian and Johnny Zwho helped bring this book to life with their artistry, and especially to the heroic Palladium staff: Alex, Wayne, Julius, and Kathy. - Kevin Siembieda, 2011 3 Contents How it has been on Earth . . . . . . . . . . . Superhuman vs Supernatural . . . . . . . . . . Game Master tips for playing Demons & Deevils The Minion War. . . . . . . The Deevils' Plan for Earth Part One: Army for Anarchy Church of Unity . . The Milk of Power . . The Super Abilities The Army of Unity . . The Deevils' Plan, Part Two: Armageddon Chaos Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doomsday Device & Bringer of Armageddon Armageddon . . . . . Chaos Generator Stats . . Side Effects Table. . . . . Chaos Generator Placement Doctor Wilhelm Vilde . Vilde's Henchmen . . . . Dark Omega . . . . . . . . Sub-Regent Bone Crusher Doctor Mech . . . . . . . Lightning Strike Robot . Anarchy Teams . . . . . . Black Eagles, Anarchy Team America The Black Falcon Mobile Base . . . . Savage Cane, Leader of the Black Eagles Black Eagle Deevils Azaron the Beast Canus. Dirge . Minotaur. Roach Kid Silver Condor War Raptor Power Armor . Tiger Beasts, Anarchy Team Europe World Dominator Flying Fortress Reich, Leader of the Tiger Beasts . Fire Cat . . . . General Death . Mist . . . . . . Salus . . . . . . Stealth Fighter . Devil Dragons, Anarchy Team Asia Death Bringer Submarine . Shogun . . . . Demon Strike . Roaring Dragon Spoiled Yolk . . Stone Samurai . Doctor Vilde's Island Fortress . Kraken Quick Stats . Gorgon Quick Stats. . . . Volcano Entrances. . . . . . Vilde's Secret Volcano Lair Level One: Flight Deck . . , Level Two: Island Defense Guns Something Unique . . . . . . . . . . 6 New Minor Super Abilities . . . . . 6 Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy. 7 Summon and Command Small Animals 9 New Major Super Abilities . . . .11 Alter Dimensional Fabric . . . . . .11 Energy Expulsion: Soul Blast . . . .18 New & Alternate Power Categories .23 Demon Hunter . . . . .23 Demon Hunter Creation . . . . . . .24 Circle Magic . . . . . . . . . . .25 Years of Training and Contacts . .27 Saving Throws and Other Bonuses .29 The Heroic Hellion . . . . . • .30 Creating a Heroic Hellion . . . . . .32 Inhuman Appearance Table .. .33 .35 Source of Enlightenment Table . Demonic Features Table . . . . .36 Vulnerabilities Table . . . . . . .39 Power from Servitude (Mystically Bestowed) .41 Hell-Spawned Power .41 Pacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Forces of Evil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Mystically Bestowed by a Deevil Lord ..45 Deevil Bestowed Super Abilities . . . .46 . . . .47 Mystically Bestowed by a Demon Lord . Demon Bestowed Super Abilities . . . . .48 Corrupted Good (Mystically Bestowed) .48 Crusader of Light (Mystically Bestowed) . .50 Bestowed Crusader Super Abilities. . . .52 Enchanted Weapons of the Minion War .54 Weapons of Chaos . . . . .54 Deevil Weapons of Chaos . .55 .55 Hades Bane Soul Slayer . . .56 .58 Hell Fury . . . .59 Deevil Blades . Demon Weapons of Chaos .61 Chaos Caller .61 Baal's Whip . .62 .64 Skull Splitter Soul Eater . .66 Enchanted Weapons of Order . .67 .67 Hell Slayer . . . . . . .67 Warriors of Valhalla Soul Saver .. . . 68 Sun Shaft . . . . .69 Enchanted Objects .70 Mask of Mendo . .70 .71 Hide of Armus. . Bands of Mortis . .72 .72 Hell Unleashed .. .72 Demons and Deevils .72 A history of darkness .74 The chess game to win Earth 4 .75 .76 .76 .78 · .78 .78 .79 .80 .81 .81 .82 .83 .83 .85 .85 .86 .87 .89 .93 .93 .95 .97 .98 .100 · 101 · 102 · 103 · 106 · 106 · 107 · 108 · 108 · 110 · 112 · 114 · 115 · 116 · 118 · 120 .122 · 125 · 127 · 129 .130 · 131 .132 · 133 · 135 · 136 · 137 · 139 .140 · 142 · 143 .144 · 144 · 145 Mystically Bestowed by Demon Lord . Mystically Bestowed Corrupted Good . Mystically Bestowed Crusader of Light Pact for Super Abilities . . . . . . . Pact Escape Clause . . . . . . . . . . Warriors of Valhalla (see Herr Slayer) . Weapons: Chaos Generator, The (Armageddon) Weapons: Of Chaos: Deevil . Weapons: Of Chaos: Demon . Weapons: Of Order . . . . . . Weapons: Enchanted Objects . Zombies . . . . . . . . . . . . Level Three: Communications & Command Center . . 145 External Satellite Dishes .146 .146 Level Four: Crew Quarters . 146 Level Five: Engineering . . Gorgons' Lair . . . . . . .148 Level Six: Bunkers & Lower Hangar. · 149 .150 Level Seven: Base Reactor Level . . 150 Base Sub-Level . . . . . . . Vilde's Personal Sanctuary . · 151 .153 Underground Submarine Bay .154 Stats for Personnel . . . . . Zombies . . . . . . . . . . 154 On the Brink of Armageddon · 155 .155 Demon Events Saving the World · 156 .157 Help From NPCs .157 Night Prince. . Demon Slayer · 158 .160 Demon Thorn . .47 .48 .50 .41 .43 .67 .83 .55 .61 .67 .70 .154 Magic Circles Circle to Banish Deevils Circle to Banish Demons Circle of Empowerment . Protection Circle, Simple Protection Circle of Supernatural Concealment . Protection from Deevils . Protection from Demons. . . . . Quick Find Anarchy Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Anarchy Team America (Black Eagles) . . . 101 Army of Anarchy (Deevils' Plan for Earth) . .78 Chaos Generator .. . . . . . . . . .83 Chaos Generator Side Effects. . . . .86 Chaos Generator Locations of Note . .87 Corrupted Good . .48 Crusader of Light . . . . . . . . .50 Church of Unity . . . . . . . . . .79 Deevils: Army of Unity (Mutants) .81 Deevils: Bestowed Powers to Humans .45 Deevils: Church of Unity . . . . . . . . .79 Deevils: Enchanted Object, Bands of Mortis .72 Deevils: Milk of Power . . . . . . . . . .80 Deevils: Mutants and Church of Unity . . . .78 Deevils: Plan for Earth. . . . . . . . . . . .78 Demons and Deevils G.M. Tips for Playing .76 Demons and Deevils History on Earth. . . .72 Demons and Deevils vs Superhumans .. . 76 & 155 Demons and Deevils, Weapons (Weapons of Chaos) .. 54 Demon Bestowed . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Demon Enchanted Object: Hide of Armus . .71 Demon Enchanted Object: Mask of Mendo .70 Demon Events . . . . . . . 155 Demon Hunter. . . . . . .23 Demon Hunter Contacts. .28 Demon Hunter Skills. . . .24 Demon, Reformed (see Heroic Hellion) .30 Doctor Vilde . . . . . .89 Doctor Vilde's Island . . 139 Hero NPCs (start) . . . 157 Heroic Hellion . . . . .30 Immortal Variant (see Heroic Hellion) .30 Mystically Bestowed. . . . . . . . . .41 Mystically Bestowed by Deevil Lord . .45 .26 .26 .27 .26 .25 .26 .26 New Minor Super Abilities Energy Expulsion: Explosive Fire Balls Energy Expulsion: Demonic Fury Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy Limb Possession . . . . . . . Sense the Supernatural . . . . . Summon Lesser Demon/Deevil . Summon and Command Small Animals . 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 New Major Super Abilities Alter Dimensional Fabric . . . . Alter Physical Structure: Silver . Command the Lieutenants of Hell . Complete Possession Demon Fists . . . . . . . . . . . . Drought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy Drain & Expulsion: Life Source Energy Expulsion: Dimensional Energy . Energy Expulsion: Petrification Blast Energy Expulsion: Soul Blast Matter Expulsion: Silver . . Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . Possession: Super Abilities . Summon & Command Large Animals . Summon & Command Demon Netherbeasts .11 .12 .13 .13 .14 .15 .15 .16 .17 .18 .18 .19 .20 .20 .21 New Power Categories Demon Hunter . . . Heroic Hellion . . . Mystically Bestowed Mystically Bestowed Mystically Bestowed Mystically Bestowed 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by a Deevil Lord . by a Demon Lord Corrupted Good . Crusader of Light .23 .30 .45 .47 .48 .50 Something Unique Armageddon Unlimited™ is unique, even for Palladi­ um Books. It is part sourcebook, with new super abilities, new Power Categories, old Power Categories expanded, new magic weapons and lots of new ideas for your Heroes Un­ Iimited™ campaigns. It is also part adventure. Epic adventure in which Ar­ mageddon - the end of the world - looms and, in grand comic book tradition, only your heroes can prevent it. It is also part of a series of books in an epic adventure series that crosses over into several different Palladium Books settings. The crossover begins with the Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game® whose rival Hells of Hades and Dyval and their evil denizens inspired the entire idea. The Hades and Dyval sourcebooks, though presented as Rifts® Dimension Books contain stats for both S.D.C. and Mega-Damage (M.D.C.) settings, and make mention the Palladium Fantasy RPG® setting. The Minion War™ saga starts with these two books. The Minion War continues in Phase World® and the Three Galaxies TM, where the demon forces of Hades in­ tend to conquer the civilized worlds of the Three Galax­ ies™. Heroes of the Megaverse® is a sourcebook that primes what comes next in Armageddon Unlimited™ and pres­ ents a logical method for introducing super beings into the Rifts®/Phase World® setting. Armageddon Unlimited™ carries the madness of the Minion War to the Heroes Unlimited™ world setting. The premise is simple: Uncover the danger, fight the villains be­ hind it, battle both Deevils and demons in the secret Minion War, and save the world before it's too late. Epic. Are you up to the challenge? New Source Material for Heroes Unlimited™ Much of the source material contained in Armageddon Unlimited™ deals with battling the supernatural. The inclu­ sion of supernatural menaces and dark magic should add a new edge and dimension to your heroic campaigns. Keep an open mind, use what you like, ignore the rest if you want, but have fun with whatever you use. We recommend you consider using all of it. The question you'll be faced with after your characters (hopefully) save the world is, do they go off to explore alien worlds and dimensions or visit Rifts Earth to battle evil and stop the Minion War on battlefields elsewhere in the Mega­ verse? New Minor Super Abilities Energy Expulsion: Explosive Fire Balls Energy Expulsion: Demonic Fury Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy Limb Possession Sense the Supernatural Summon Lesser Demon/Deevii Summon and Command Small Animals Energy Expulsion: Explosive Fire Balls Similar to Energy Expulsion: Fire, except the character unleashes concentrated balls of fire the size of a soccer ball that explode upon impact. At the impact point there is an explosion that can knock people off their feet. Damage can be controlled by increments of 1D1 0 should the character desire to limit the damage or let loose with a warning shot. Range: 50 feet (15.2 m) per level of experience. Duration: Instant. Damage: 1010 per level of experience. The explosion has a blast radius of 3 feet (0.9 m) +1 foot (0.3 m) per additional level of experience. Saving Throw vs Knockdown: This attack is applicable only to people and animals. The victim at the impact point must roll a 19 or higher on a D20 or be knocked down. Oth­ ers within the blast radius (but not the direct target of the attack) must roll a 14 or higher to stay on their feet. Only P.P. attribute bonuses reduced by half apply to this save. Victims of a Knockdown Attack are knocked off their feet, sent flying backward 1D20 feet (0.3 to 6.1 m), and lose two - Kevin Siembieda, Publisher Welcome to the fifth book of the Minion War™ series. When I first came up with this multi-genre spanning idea I debated on whether or not to include Heroes Unlimited™ as one of the books. I thought demons vs superheroes would make for an interesting pairing, but how could you make a whole book out of it? Well, that's where most books start, by asking a series of questions. One question usually leads to another, and then another, and before I knew it, I had my plot; a world spanning plan to "destroy the world" at least as our heroes know it. I even had some input by Palla­ dium's power man himself, Carmen Bellaire, not to mention Kevin Siembieda. You hold the end result in your hands. So let's continue with this installment of the Minion War™ series and save the world from Armageddon! - Carl J. Gleba, Author 6 damage and counts as one attack. A simultaneous attack firing at two different opponents counts as one melee at­ tack, but is considered shooting wild. Bonuses: +3 to strike if an aimed shot, +1 to strike if shoot­ ing wild; neither bonus is applicable to divided attacks. Note: This power is most popular among evil characters. Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy The hero fires a bolt of white energy that does consider­ able damage to supernatural evil and selfish alignments, as well as mortals of selfish and evil alignments, but minimal damage to characters of a good alignment. The beam may be fired from the hands or the eyes. Damage can be con­ trolled by increments of 106 or 108 should the character desire to limit the damage or let loose with a warning shot. Range: 700 feet (213 m) maximum . Damage: 308 damage , and an additional +108 per level of experience to supernatural beings of evil and selfish align­ ments; increase by 50% when used against dark gods, Alien Intelligences and Demon and Oeevil Lords. 206 damage, and an additional +106 per level of experi­ ence to mortal beings of evil and selfish alignments. +104 damage per level of experience to supernatural and mortal beings of good alignment. Duration: Instant. Attacks per Melee: Each energy blast counts as one me­ lee attack, twin simultaneous blasts at the same target (i.e. both hands point and fire at the same target) does double damage and counts as one attack. A simultaneous attack firing at two different opponents counts as one melee at­ tack, but is considered shooting wild. Bonuses: +3 to strike if an aimed shot, +1 to strike if shoot­ ing wild; neither bonus is applicable to divided attacks . Note: This power is most popular among good characters. melee attacks . The damage, above, includes the damage from being knocked down or into a wall. Attacks per Melee: Each blast counts as one melee at­ tack. Bonuses: The explosive fire balls are a bit unwieldy. With more experience comes control and the character gains a +1 to strike at levels 3, 7, 11 and 15 when shooting fire balls. Limb Possession Energy Expulsion: Demonic Fury This strange super ability enables the super being to seize control of a single appendage of another person , such as a hand and arm , leg and foot , tentacle , tail , wing, etc. The victim of this possession gets to make a saving throw vs possession . If successful, the victim loses 104 melee at­ tacks that round (or the next), but is otherwise okay and immune from additional Limb Possession attacks by that super being for the next 12 hours. If the character fails to save vs possession (special, see below) , he'll suddenly have control of one limb taken from him. The super being controls that one limb for the mo­ ment, not the person it actually belongs to. This means the enemy in control of that limb can make it do what he wants. If it is a wing, he can make it stop flapping to make his victim tumble out of the sky, to swat at somebody, or make an unexpected turn. If it's a hand and arm, he can make the victim pull the trigger of a gun , drop his weapon in that hand, punch somebody, throw an object, grab and hold on to something, goose an innocent bystander, and so on. Note: The enemy in control of the limb can NOT access the victim's super powers such as Energy Expulsion. The character unleashes a black energy that feeds off the character's own rage (or in the case of villains, his rage, hate and evil intent). All good and selfish aligned opponents take considerable damage , while evil aligned opponents take less damage from Demonic Fury. The black energy can be fired from the eyes or the hands. Damage can be controlled by increments of 106 or 108 should the charac­ ter desire to limit the damage or let loose with a warning shot. Range: 700 feet (213 m) maximum. Damage: 308, and an additional +108 per level of experi­ ence to supernatural beings of good alignment. 206 , and an additional +106 per level of experience to mortal beings of good and selfish alignments. +106 per level of experience to supernatural and mortal beings of evil alignments . Duration: Instant. Attacks per Melee: Each energy blast counts as one me­ lee attack, twin simultaneous blasts at the same target (i.e. both hands point and fire at the same target) does double 7 several or many. Unfortunately, the ability only gives the su­ per being an impression about the supernatural creature(s) and does not reveal the monster's alignment, power level, exact numbers, what it is or exactly where it is located . If the creature is disguised to look like a mortal person or ani­ mal and the hero comes face to face with it, he is able to sense that it is a supernatural being in disguise and wheth­ er it is good, selfish or evil , and if the supernatural crea­ ture is weak (Lesser), strong (Greater) , powerful (Lord), or mega-powerful (a deity or Alien Intelligence). Whenever a supernatural being is using any of its abilities such as spells or psionics, the sensing range is double. Range: Varies depending on circumstances; 500 feet +100 feet (152 +30 m) per level of experience, double the range when the supernatural creature is using magic, psionics or a special or super ability. Duration: This is a constant ability that does not require activation to use it. If supernatural beings are within the sensing radius, the character knows it. This ability is auto­ matic and "on" all the time, even when the character is in his normal , non-super state or asleep . Bonuses: +2 on Perception Rolls, +1 on initiative , +1 to dodge, and +1 to save vs possession by supernatural be­ ings. Limitation: Only one limb of one person can be possessed and under the influence of the super being at a time. Range: 20 feet (6.1 m) plus 5 feet (1 .5 m) per level of expe­ rience and must have full line of sight. Duration: One melee per level of experience. Attacks per Melee: While a limb is under possession the defender has no use or control over it for the duration. The attacker is limited to their own attacks per melee as to the number of times they can attack with the possessed limb. Saving Throw: Taking possession of someone is an instant battle of wills. Both attacker and defender roll 1020 with the high roll winning and defender winning ties. Those with a high M.E . attribute can add M.E. bonuses (use the save vs psionics bonus) or any bonuses to save vs mind control or possession , but at HALF the usual bonus. The attacker uses his MA and adds any bonuses for high MA, but use the bonuses under M.E. For example , if the attacker has an M.A. of 23 he would be +4 on his attacks . Note: Physical contact adds +2 to the attacker's posses­ sion role. Clothing or super outfits don 't offer any protec­ tion, but suits of armor do, so does being bionic, a robot or inside a vehicle (+3 to save) . If the victim can 't be touched, he must at least be clearly visible through a window, or some kind of opening to try Limb Possession at a distance . Summon Lesser Demon/Deevil A character with this ability can summon a Sub-Demon , Lesser Demon or Deevil Host or Lesser Deevil to do his bidding . Through sheer force of will, a Lesser Demon or Deevil is plucked out of its native dimension of Hell and brought before the super being. This is usually in a dramat­ ic fashion, like a small dimensional Rift tears open or the ground splits open oozing smoke, fire and brimstone just before the demon steps out. The moment the supernatural being appears , there is an instant battle of the wills. The hero must impose his will over this being. A battle of wills is fought , with the demonlDeevil required to roll higher than the summoner 's MA attribute number. The summoned being can use any M.E. bonuses or bonus­ es to save vs mind control to resist. If the creature fails to save it is compelled to obey the character who summoned it. The only things the supernatural being are not compelled to do are reveal its true name (although it can be tricked) , kill itself nor kill its Demon/Deevil Lord/master; these are automatic saves for the summoned creature. If the Lesser Demon or Deevil wins the battle of wills , the creature can do whatever it pleases. In some cases, it may attack the person who summoned it or flee into the world to cause all kinds of mischief and mayhem. On rare occasions the creature will agree to a pact. In the case of a pact, there has to be a mutual agreement or deal between the demon/Deevil and the person who summoned it, but the monster will always try to negotiate to get the upper hand . Furthermore , even a willing demonic or infernal ser­ vant is NEVER truly loyal to its mortal master or partner, and the thing will twist and warp the letter of any deal to its favor, no matter how well crafted a pact may seem. Sense the Supernatural This power enables the character to sense the presence of the supernatural , enabling him to tell if one or more su­ pernatural beings are far or nearby, as well as a rough idea of which direction they lie and whether there is one, a few, Optional Reaction Table when the monster wins the battle of wills: The Game Master may roll on the following 8 table to determine the reaction of the evil supernatural be­ ing the character has summoned. 01-50% Outraged! Attacks the person who summoned it and those around him. The demon/Deevil fights to slay all those around it, but the one who summoned it is the primary target If the creature is reduced to less than half its Hit Points, it is very likely to dimensionally teleport home (01-66%) or run for it into the world of mortals (67-00%). 51-80% Flees the area. The demon or Deevil has no interest in the mortal who summoned it nor in making any deal. However, it is happy to be brought to the mortal plane and flees the area with the intention of escaping the one who called it forth. Once in the world, the monster causes all kinds of trouble and mayhem. 81-90% The being is amenable to working together, but NO pact. This is a dangerous proposition because the demon or Deevil is under no obligation to do anything the person who summoned it says. It may claim to be willing to work alongside the mortal (and his teammates) for any number of reasons (money, power, revenge, the oppor­ tunity to torture or kill, etc.), but ultimately this free-willed demon/Deevii can do whatever it pleases, with or without the character's knowledge. It may also attack the one who summoned it. 91-95% Amenable to a pact. The creature is curious about this world and sees opportunities. It is used to having a master tell it what to do and is willing to agree to a pact with the character who summoned it, but only him. Although the evil being may cause all sorts of trouble and hurt others, once a pact is made it cannot directly attack, harm or kill the mortal with whom it made the pact. 96-100% Returns to Hell. No combat, no debate, the creature has other plans and teleports home after a brief exchange of threats. Note: Summoning a demon or Deevil is a random pro­ cess, delivering any type of the Lesser Demons or Dee­ viis (or Sub-Demons or Deevil Host), never the same type every time. The exception is if the character has the skill Lore: Demons and Monsters, he can summon the specific "type" of demon or a Deevil he desires, but not the same individual unless he knows the creature's true name. Sum­ moning a Lesser Demon or Deevil takes 15 seconds and uses up all of the character's attacks for a full melee round. If the character doing the summoning happens to know the true name of a Lesser Demon or Deevil, he can summon that specifiC being and he automatically wins the battle of the wills (the creature does not get to save). demon is smashing things and causing all kinds of chaos along the way, it finally corners the villain, who decides to put up a fight. The demon as powerful as it is could eas­ ily subdue the villain, but instead decides to cast a wall of flame which engulfs the villain and the crowded restaurant he ran into. After the villain is a crispy critter and the res­ taurant is ablaze, the demon returns to its master with the dead villain and having done untold amounts of damage in the process. If the hero complains, the demon smiles and says, "you didn't tell me to bring him back alive." Likewise, the collateral damage to people and property - is a/l in a day's work for a demon. Hey, he complied with the order and "got him," next time his master should be more specific as to it's done. Limitations: The super being can summon as many as one Lesser Demon/Deevii for every 5 ME attribute points; trying to summon more than he is capable of doing has no result. The super being is unable to summon Greater De­ mons and Deevils, only Lesser ones. Range: The summoned creature is often in another dimen­ sion and uses dimensional teleport to get to the location of the one who summons it. Duration: The character who summoned the creature can maintain his control over it for a number of hours equal to the summoning character's M.E. attribute plus two hours per level of experience. If a pact is reached between the two, the duration depends on the pact. The character who summoned the demon automatically knows when the dura­ tion ends a few minutes before time, at which point he can send the demon back to where it came from. If allowed to remain past the duration, the supernatural menace is free to do as it pleases (roll on previous table or G.M. make a determination). Bonuses: +1 to M.E. and MA attributes. The character is also +1 to save vs mind control, possession and Horror Factor. Summon & Command Small Animals The hero or villain is able to summon animals that un­ derstand and obey him. These creatures are summoned via sheer will and appear out of nowhere as if teleported to his side. The super being must possess knowledge about the creature(s) desired and must have at least seen some kind of drawing or image of the animal to summon it. One or several small animals may be summoned (see Number of Animals), but all are the same species. Animals summoned by the character are under his com­ plete control and obey his every command. The creatures remain at his disposal for 8 hours per level of experience, but can be sent back (they vanish) at will. Until all the crea­ tures in a batch are sent back (vanish) or slain, the hero cannot summon more or new ones. Most heroes (and even some bad guys) are not likely to sacrifice the lives of ani­ mals unless absolutely necessary, and will feed and care for them as long as they are in their company. Thus, most dismiss the animals when they are no longer necessary. A note about dealing with Lesser Demons and Dee­ viis: These creatures despise mortals, especially if the character trying to control it is of a good alignment. As a consequence, the monster does everything in its power to twist orders and commands around and make things as difficult as possible for the one who summoned it. There are always ways to twist orders and demons and Deevils delight in being able to "interpret" what most people would consider even the most precise of instructions into some­ thing that causes trouble, harm or death. As an example: A hero's demon is ordered to "get him," as in capture or stop a fleeing villain. After a mad chase through the mall where the 9 The summoned animals may be used to attack. frighten people, create a distraction, cause a diversion, create cha­ os, or send a warning. You want to clear a restaurant or lob­ by? Send in a swarm of mice, rats, bats or snakes. Likewise, the animals can be used to make a dramatic entrance, e.g. the super being appears with a burst of screeching birds or bats flying in out of nowhere at the same time he steps through a door or smashes through a window. This power is much more effective than it might seem at first blush, as most people are afraid of, and repulsed by, a wide range of animals from mice and rats to snakes and dogs. Even if the animals represent a minimal danger or inflict minimal damage, most ordinary people are squeamish about them or outright scared of them. Even seasoned fighters and su­ perhumans will try to swat away animals flying or leaping at them, crawling on their bodies, or running toward them. It is human nature. NEVER underestimate the power of fear and superstition. Mice, even cute little field mice, have an H.F. of 12. Rats, even white rats, have an H.F. of 13. Snakes of small to medium-size have an H.F. of 12. Snakes of large size (5 feet/1.5 m or longer) have an H.F. of 13. Note: If you are uncertain of an animal's H.F. use a base of 8 for an individual animal, H.F. 10 for a group of ten or more. Distraction Penalties on Swarm Attacks: -1 D6 on Per­ ception Rolls, -1 D4 on initiative, -1 D4 to strike, parry, dodge and disarm, and each attempt to remove or bat an animal away uses up one of the character's attacks/melee actions. Penalties last for as long as the character is confronted and attacked by an animal swarm. Note: If a character suc­ cumbs to Horror Factor (even heroes and super-villains), he loses two melee attacks for that first melee round and increase the penalties listed above by an additional -2. Double the penalties if the character has a phobia/fear of such animals. A "swarm attack" is typically 10-20 animals per individual. Restrictions and Limitations: The creature summoned cannot possess human-level sentience, it must have an animal intelligence. It must be a simple, small animal like a snake, frog, toad, mouse, rat, bat, bird, squirrel, ferret, wea­ sel, house cat, small to medium-sized dog (7-20 pounds/3 to 9 kg), and similar. Cannot summon insects, large ani­ mals or magical or supernatural animals, nor fictional/myth­ ical animals; the creature must really exist on some planet, and it must be known to the character summoning it. The animal is always an adult. If the super being is rendered unconscious, the animals rush to his fallen body and fight to protect it. However, they'll vanish if he does not wake up within 10 minutes per level of experience. A large animal such as a wolf, lion or horse is not pos­ sible; no one animal can weigh more than 20 pounds (9 kg) and all of the animals summoned must be the same variety. Number of Animals: The smaller and more lightweight the animal, the more the character can summon. The super be­ ing can summon creatures that have a combined weight of 30 pounds (13.5 kg), +5 pounds (2.25 kg) per level of expe­ rience. For example: A character with a limit of 40 pounds (18 kg) could summon 40-80 mice (depending on the type and size of the mouse species) or small bats or small birds like sparrows, as they are likely to weigh 8 to 16 ounces each. Rats are larger and typically weigh one or two pounds (0.45 to 0.9 kg), so only 20-40 rats, medium-sized bats or robin-sized birds could be summoned. Larger animals like ferrets, weasels, squirrels, rabbits, crows or hawks would be limited to 4-8 animals, 2-4 small dogs or house cats, and so on. With experience, the number of small animals that can be summoned increases. Range: The creatures appear next to the super being or up to 10 feet (3 m) away per level of experience. Commanding range is limited to the sound of the summoning character's voice. That's typically 100-300 feet (30.5 to 91.5 m), but could be half that depending on the level of ambient noise. Duration: The time it takes for the initial summoning is as follows: Uses up one melee attack if the creatures are on the same continent; appears in 3 seconds. Uses up two Horror Factor of Animals: Remember, certain animals such as mice, rats and snakes are frightening or disgusting to many people. Thus, even one of them is likely to cause people to jump, scream, scatter and move out of the way. Okay, maybe not a super being and certainly not a demon, but definitely most ordinary people. This is especially ef­ fective in a crowd. Furthermore, get one or a few people screaming in terror and panic, and probably jumping or run­ ning out of the way, and most people will look in their direc­ tion and scream and run away as well even if they don't know what they are running from. Panic and chaos grows quickly when people are screaming and running away. Add a genuinely repugnant or scary little creature, let alone a swarm of them, and you've captured everyone's atten­ tion. It is likely to take 1D6+2 minutes before the situation calms down, much longer if there are a lot of the creatures (20+) and/or they are jumping on people or on the attack. The overall Horror Factor and level of distraction for such a situation is that of the animal, +1 for every 20 animals in the swarm. Adding to the confusion and chaos of animal swarms is their squealing, shrieking, howling, growling or barking. Similarly, a cute and friendly animal such as a rabbit, squirrel, ferret, or small dog is likely to attract attention and concern for its well being. The overall Awe Factor/Cuteness and level of distraction of such an animal situation is 11 +1 for every 10 animals on the loose. Of course, any animal on the attack, no matter how cute, has a Horror Factor as above. Horror Factor for some common animals: +1 to H.F. for children and (noncombatant) women. +3 to H.F. for char­ acters who have a phobia about the animal. +2 when the animal(s) is on the attack. All penalties are accumulative. Bats of any type or size have an H.F. of 13. Bird, small to medium, has an H.F. of 5. Bird, predatory, such as a Hawk has an H.F. of 9. Crows and Ravens have an H.F. of 8. Canines, small, have an H.F. of 8. Felines, small domesticated, have an H.F. of 7. Frogs, Toads and other amphibians have an H.F. of 10. Lizards of small to medium-size have an H.F. of 10. 10 New Major Super Abilities melee attacks if the creatures are on a different continent, and four melee attacks if they are somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy. Uses two full melee rounds (30 seconds) if the animals must come from another dimension. The creatures remain until dismissed, killed or duration runs out, which­ ever comes first. Damage: Damage listed is per single animal or per groups of 10 animals for swarming attacks(Le. double damage for 20 animals, triple for 30, and so on). Small Toothless Animals: The bite of many small animals such as frogs and toads may nip and sting but not usually break skin or inflict real damage (does half an S.D.C. point of damage). Still they have a Horror Factor and cause fear, panic, and distraction. Note, this does not include poison­ ous frogs and toads. Very Small Animals: Small animals like mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, moles, tiny lizards, garter snakes, the peck of a sparrow and similar small birds and animal bites do only one point of damage. Damage from a group of 10 such animals is 106 points per melee round. However, they will also climb up pant legs, crawl into clothing, get into hair and so on, causing most people besieged by a group of 10 or more to brush or pull them off, bat them away, and oth­ erwise try to avoid contact. Even professional fighters and superhumans will be bothered and distracted by a swarm or flock of 10 or more. Small Animals and Rodents: Rats, bats, squirrels, rab­ bits, ferrets, weasels, and similar small, aggressive animals do 104 damage from a bite. A group of 10 such animals does 306 points of damage per melee round (not all are biting through clothing, armor, or even at the same time). Same applies for pecking and clawing attacks from small and medium-sized birds. Flying animals tend to go for the face and eyes. Large Bird: 104 damage from bite/peck from a large bird like a raven/crow. Tend to go for the face and eyes. Has three attacks per melee round. Hawk & Other Small Birds of Prey: 104+1 from bite, 106 from claw attack. Tend to go for the face and eyes. Has four attacks per melee round. House Cats: 104 damage from bite or claw attack. Has four attacks per melee round. Small Dogs: 106 damage from a bite, one point of dam­ age from a (probably inadvertent) claw attack. Has three attacks per melee round. Note: Also see distraction penalties under Horror Factor. Attacks per Melee: Each command or instruction (attack, stop, run, etc.) given to the animal or group/swarm of ani­ mals counts as one of the character's own melee attacks. To command them, the animals must be within earshot of the super being. Remember, the super being can summon and dismiss the animals at will. This means he can call forth one type of animal one melee round, dismiss them as soon as the next melee round, and summon a new batch or different type of animals by the third melee round. Note: The character who summons the animals cannot see what the animals see or know what they know, they just fol­ low his commands like a trained dog. Alter Dimensional Fabric Alter PhYSical Structure: Silver Command the Lieutenants of Hell Complete Possession Demon Fists Drought Energy Drain & Expulsion: Life Source Energy Expulsion: Dimensional Energy Energy Expulsion: Petrification Blast Energy Expulsion: Soul Blast Matter Expulsion: Silver Portal Possession: Super Abilities Summon & Command Large Animals Summon & Command Demon Netherbeasts Alter Dimensional Fabric The super being has the ability to temporarily change the dimensional fabric in a given area. While this may sound in­ consequential, it allows him to enhance or counter several other superpowers and dimensional abilities such as the ability to Teleport, Dimensional Teleport, and create Portals, whether via a super ability, magic or supematural ability. Weak Fabric: By making the dimensional fabric weak, those with Teleportation abilities find that their range is in­ creased plus they get a bonus of +10% to succeed and be on target. Low level characters, levels 1-4, increase Tele­ portation range by 25%. Levels 5-9 see range increased by 50%, levels 10-13 by 75% and levels 14 and higher enjoy double the range. Furthermore, the PPE. cost to perform Teleportation, Rifts, Temporal and Dimensional Magic is re­ duced by 30% within the area of the weakened dimensional fabric. However if things go wrong, side effects (like a Ley Line Storm) last 50% longer and dimensional portals re­ main open 50% longer whether the character who opened/ created them wants them closed or not. Strong Fabric: Making the dimensional fabric stronger hinders all Teleportation, Rifts, Portal powers and Dimen­ sional Magic within the area of effect. Those trying to Tele­ port need to make a saving throw vs the dimensional fabric of 15 or higher using their M.E. attribute bonuses (if any). On a failed saving throw, the Teleportation does not occur, but any P.P.E. used to make the attempt is gone. If a suc­ cessful save is made, the Teleport range and the duration that a Portal, Rift or Dimensional Magic spell lasts is re­ duced by half, even if the one creating the effect wants it to last longer. All ley line, temporal and dimension based abilities or magic is half as powerful and half the duration. Sense Changes in Dimensional Fabric: Super beings with this power are attuned to the dimensional fabric and sense when fluctuations and anomalies occur. Thus, the character can locate, see and follow ley lines and ley line nexus points, feels when the dimensional fabric is altered or 11 breached , knows when a dimensional portal opens or closes, and knows when any type of dimensional anomaly occurs. He also knows if the "event" was big or small , if it is currently going on , when it ends, and a general idea of the direction and location where it happened. Knowledge of ley lines and/ or the occult should help pinpoint the most likely location . The super being also senses the use of Temporal , Rift, Ley Line and Dimensional Magic or dimensional abilities within a 2,500 foot (762 m) radius of him . Furthermore, the character is keenly aware of the dangers of weakening the dimensional fabric , and characters of good and Unprincipled alignment would feel compelled to repair any damage if they can. RangelArea Effect of Altering the Dimensional Fabric: 500 foot (152 m) radius , plus 100 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience. Sense changes in Dimensional Fabric 10 mi le (16 km) radius per level of experience Duration of Weakening or Strengthening: Five minutes per level of experience. Sensing the Dimensional Fabric is constant. Attacks per Melee: This power takes time as the su­ per being needs to concentrate, using up two full melee rounds (30 seconds; no attacks) to initiate the weakening or strengthening process . Bonuses: + 1 to save vs magic (all) and dangerous dimen­ sional energy when on ley lines and during the Summer and Winter Solstice , and the Fall and Spring Equinox ; +2 to save vs magic (all) and double sensing range at places of power such as Stonehenge , the Great Pyram ids, the Ber­ muda Triangle , Indian Mounds and ley line nexus points . + 10% to the success rolls for Teleportation and all dimen­ sional spells and abilities. All bonuses are cumulative. However, Supernatural Strength, on a successful strike (unless parried), does half damage even if the attack hits but is below the A.R. 16. Full damage is done only when the roll to strike is 17 or higher. Alter Physical Structure: Silver 2. Abilities of APS: Silver. Silver has several unique properties. First , it is an excellent conductor of electricity, so the character suffers no damage from electrical attacks, be it from a super ability, magic, technology or natural. Silver also has an extremely high melting point of 1,762 degrees Fahrenheit (961 degrees Celsius) . As a result , normal fire and heat does no damage unless they exceed this tem­ perature. Magic fire and fire from super abilities inflict half damage. The character is also impervious to cold and cold based attacks , and can survive water pressure at a depth of 2,000 feet (610 km), but the character still needs to breathe. The character is able to transform into living silver similar to the ability APS.· Metal. Nothing can be bolted on or added to the character's metallic body, however silver has unusual properties when it comes to dealing with the supernatural and many beings are vulnerable to it. 1. Natural Armor Rating and Immense S.D.C. of Sil­ ver. When transformed , the super being is nearly indestruc­ tible. Natural A.R. 16 and 550 S.D.C. An attacker must roll above the A .R. in order to inflict damage. In this case, 17 or higher inflicts damage , with all damage going to the S.D.C . first, and then to Hit Points only after all S.D.C. is gone . Normal strength attacks with punches or melee weap­ ons do no damage even when the strike is 17 or higher. Only a Natural Twenty does damage . High caliber bullets, explosive or armor piercing rounds inflict full damage on a roll to strike of 17 or higher; rolls of below 16 or lower do half damage. Bullets that do less than 506 damage bounce off without harm to the silver charac­ ter; no damage . Only Extraordinary (Bionic) , Superhuman (Robotic) and Supernatural P S. are strong enough to inflict damage from punches , kicks and melee weapons. In the first two instanc­ es the attacker needs to roll above the A. R. of 16 to inflict damage. Any attack under the A .R. does no damage at all. 3. Increased Mass and Strength . The character's weight is increased by five times. Physical Strength is also increased by 18+ 104 (roll once to determine the charac­ ter's strength whenever he turns into silver) and strength is considered to be Superhuman (same as the Minor Su­ per Power Ability or Robot P.S . in Rifts®) whenever trans­ formed into the metallic form , and can carry 200 times his P.S. in pounds and lift 300 times his P.S. attribute number. Fatigues at half the rate of normal humans. 4. Other Abilities and Things of Note. A. The S.D.C. of the metal recovers at three times the normal rate for humans. The metallic body is typically cool to the touch and helps the character avoid detection by heat sensors and infrared optics. 12 B. Silver reflects light very easily and, as a result, the character takes half damage from lasers and similar light based attacks. C. Horror Factor (optional): 12 when in metal form to most people, but 16 to supernatural beings vulnerable to silver. Against monsters that are hurt by silver, the charac­ ter's physical hand to hand blows (fists, elbows, bare feet, head butt, etc.) inflict double damage. D. Speed is reduced by half while in metallic form. E. The character still has to breathe and is susceptible to gases, drowning, suffocation and diseases in the same situations as normal humans, however, he can hold his breath twice as long. F. Armor piercing bullets, explosive rounds, grenades and explosives inflict full damage when the roll to strike is above the character's Natural A.R., and do half damage if the roll is below it. Command the Lieutenants of Hell This super ability works just like Summon Lesser De­ monsiDeevils, except it summons a Greater Demon or Deevil. Greater Demons and Deevils are several times more powerful than the Lesser ones, but also less predict­ able and more difficult to control. Roll for a battle of wills same as the lesser ability. If the creature fails to save, it is the character's to command. If the Greater Demon or Deevil wins the battle of wills, roll on the Optional Reaction Table or have the creature respond in a way appropriate to the situation. Note: Summoning a demon or Deevil is a random pro­ cess, delivering any type of the Greater Demon or Dee­ vii, never the same type every time. The exception is if the character has the skill Lore: Demons and Monsters, in which case he can summon the specific ''type'' of Greater Demon or a Deevil he desires, but not the same individual unless he knows the creature's true name. Summoning a Greater Demon or Deevil takes 30 seconds and uses up all of the character's attacks for two full melee rounds. If the character doing the summoning happens to know the true name of a Greater Demon or Deevil (a rarity), he can summon that specific being in 15 seconds and he automati­ cally wins the battle of the wills (the creature does not get to save). A note about dealing with Greater Demons and Deevils: Greater Demons and Deevils are smarter, more cunning, more powerful and much more dangerous than lesser supernatural beings. They see mortals as pawns and playthings to be corrupted, tricked and used for their own amusement and to the detriment of the human race. If the person who summoned it is selfish or evil, and the Greater Demon/Deevil takes a liking to him or finds the human's diabolical scheme to be of interest (for whatever reason from amusement to personal gain), the monster may choose to back and support the villain. Other times, the horrid monster may pretend to be the obedient servant of a good aligned character as it waits for the right mo­ ment to strike or twist things to cause chaos, suffering and death. Greater Demons and Deevils delight in bringing he­ roes down, shaming them, and killing them. These powerful supernatural beings are also much more skilled at twisting orders and commands to create trouble and havoc. Limitations: The super being can summon one Greater Demon/Deevil for every 7 M.E. attribute points; trying to summon more has no result. The super being is unable to summon Lesser Demons and Deevils with this power, only Greater ones. Range: The summoned creature is often in another dimen­ sion and uses dimensional teleport to the location of the one who summons him. Duration: The character who summoned the Greater De­ mon or Deevil can maintain his control over it for a number of hours equal to the summoning character's M.E. attribute plus one hour per level of experience. If a pact is reached between the two, the duration depends on the pact. The character who summoned the demon automatically knows when the duration ends a few minutes before time, at which point he can send the demon back to. where it came from. If allowed to remain past the duration, the supernatural men­ ace is free to do as it pleases (roll on previous table or G.M. make a determination). Bonuses: +2 to M.E. and MA attributes. The character is also +1 to save vs mind control, and +2 to save vs posses­ sion and Horror Factor. Complete Possession The super being is able to temporarily transfer his con­ sciousness into another being for a short duration and take complete control of its body. While in possession of another person's body, the super being has complete physical con­ trol. That means if the being who is possessed is another super human or Lesser Demon or Deevil, the character now in control can also access their natural powers or su­ per abilities. Only abilities physical in nature can be used such as Supernatural Strength, Winged Flight, Energy Ex­ plusion, Adhesion and so on. Powers that require a specific knowledge like how to pilot a robot, cast spells, and other specific skills not known to the character who has taken possession of another person's body are not known or available for use. This includes any special training as well as psionic/mind powers, unless the possessor is a psychic himself and knows how to use mind powers. Saving Throw/Battle of Wills: Taking possession of some­ one is an instant battle of wills. Both attacker and defender roll a 020 with the high roll winning and defender winning ties. A character defending against possession gets to ap­ ply bonuses from having a high M.E. as well as any bo­ nuses to save vs mind control and/or possession. The pos­ sessor gets to use a high M.A. attribute to improve his roll to take possession of another being. In this case, the pos­ sessor should use the save vs psionics bonuses as listed under M.E., only based on his M.A. number. For example, if the possessor has an M.A. of 21, the bonus would be +3 on his attack roll to possess. Range: Direct eye contact within six feet (1.8 m) or touch only. Clothing or super outfits don't offer any protection, but suits of armor, robots and being inside vehicles do. Super powers that turn a character into an inorganic material, such as the Alter Physical Structure (APS) powers, also block possession via touch, but not via direct eye contact. Direct eye contact means looking directly into the person's eyes. Avoid eye contact and touch, and you cannot be pos­ sessed via this super ability. If an APS hero is possessed while in his altered state, he will remain in that state until released from possession. The possessor can also "leap" from body to body by touching or making eye contact with another potential victim and winning the battle of wills. Duration: Animal: The animal must be warm blooded and larger than a hamster. 10 minutes per level of experience. Ordinary Mortal (humans and other S.D.C. beings): Five minutes per level of experience. Super Beings (mortals with super abilities or Magically Bestowed): One minute per level of experience. Lesser Supernatural Beings: One melee round (15 sec­ onds) per level of experience. The possessor can leap from one body to another or re­ turn to his own without penalty, provided he does so before the duration period ends. If the duration time is exceeded, the possessing super being is torn out of the other person's body and sent back into his own, regardless of distance. Being ripped out of one body and sent elsewhere is disorienting, leaving the possessor dazed for 104 melee rounds (reduce number of attacks by half and he has no combat bonuses until he regains his wits). lateral/accidental injury or destruction. The empty shell is, in effect, a coma victim and completely defenseless. Care­ ful planning and protective teammates are often needed to protect the possessor body, especially in combat. In other cases, the possessor must remain close by in the body he is currently in possession of to protect his real body. Leaving the original, true body for more than an hour at a time also has its dangers. For each hour the body remains without the character's consciousness, it takes 406 points of damage (start with S.D.C.). The possessor's body suf­ fers this amount of damage until it reaches zero Hit Points. At zero Hit POints, the body is near death and will lapse into a coma unless the possessor returns. The possessor senses this, regardless of the distance between his physi­ cal body and consciousness, and an internal countdown starts as soon as Hit Points are reduced to 10. If he returns before reaching zero Hit Points or within five minutes after reaching zero Hit Points, his consciousness returning to his physical body instantly brings the body back to strength, restores 10 Hit Points and he is awake and alert back inside his true body. If the super being does not return to his body, it lapses into a coma and death may follow. The body stays in a coma a number of days equal to the character's P.E. attribute. At the end of this time the body dies and the consciousness, with no place to go, dies too. If the possessor returns his body before the end of the coma's duration, he is restored to one Hit Point and wakes up, but feels terrible, requires three times the normal recovery period to recover Hit Points and S.D.C., and cannot use his Complete Possession abil­ ity for 406+24 hours. 6. A successful Exorcism forces the possessor back to his own body and inflicts 606 damage to him in the process via psychic attack, prevents him from using the Complete Possession ability for 24 hours. Attacks per Melee: Each attempt at possession of another being uses up one melee attack/action. While in posses­ sion of another person's body, the character has that per­ son's physical abilities, including attacks per melee round and phYSical attribute bonuses, which may be greater or less than his own. Mental powers and skill knowledge of the possessed victim are not available to the possessor. Note: The possessor can release control over the body of the person he has possessed at any time. Releasing con­ trol sends him back to his own body, unless he is jumping from one body to the next. In the latter case, he must make contact with the next intended victim and engage in a battle of wills with him. If he loses the battle of wills, the possessor can either remain in the body he currently possesses or return to his own body. Limitations and Dangers of Possession: While this pow­ er may sound incredible, it does have its limits and danger. 1. Cannot possess insects, greater supernatural beings or creatures of magic (dragons, gods, etc.); only warm­ blooded mortal beings. 2. Can only possess one animal or being at a time. 3. The being who is possessed remembers being pos­ sessed and remembers what the possessor did in his body as if the event were a vivid dream; won't remember every detail, but has a strong idea and remembers the most im­ portant and traumatic parts. This may make the victim (es­ pecially if a super being) a lasting or vengeful enemy. 4. While the possessor may be in control of another per­ son's body, he must rely on his own knowledge, skills, and memories (has no access to the mind, memories, thoughts, or skills of the body he is possessing). Furthermore, he only has the powers of that body available to him. If the pos­ sessor is psychic and has psionic powers of his own, they and his I.S.P. are left behind in his own body, along with his own P.P.E. and super abilities. The only super abilities he can use are physical powers of the body he is controlling and his power of Complete Possession. In the case of spell casting and PPE., the character retains the knowledge to cast spells, but only has the P.PE. of the body he's control­ ling. Furthermore, in the likely event that the body is not conditioned for magic (Le. is not a spell caster), all spells cost double P.P.E. 5. A defenseless body is the greatest danger. Taking possession of someone else's body means the possessor leaving his own body behind. The empty body drops to the ground like a rag doll and is vulnerable to attack and col­ Demon Fists A character with this ability has considerable power when fighting demons and other supernatural forces of darkness. His punches do massive amounts of damage to demons. plus he can use his bare hands to parry or catch fire and energy blasts unleashed at him by demons as well as use his bare hands to parry magic weapons made of fire 14 2D4x10% of crops, and cause 1D6x1 0% of other vegeta­ tion to dry up. Likewise, water reserves are not replen­ ished and water levels drop 10% per day. Only rivers and large bodies of water are immune, so this power works best in areas where there are few natural sources of wa­ ter. When the Drol1ght ends, healing and growth resumes at the normal rate. Attacks on people. In addition, the super being can draw moisture out of a person's body with a touch. This causes 206 paints of damage and dehydration, which in turn causes stiff muscles and mental disorientation: reduce skill performance by 30% plus it takes twice as long to per­ form the skill, and reduce the number of attacks per melee, Spd and combat bonuses by one third. The Drought Touch is even more debilitating to super beings and other creatures made of, or with power over, water. In all cases, the Drought Touch reduces all aspects of water powers - reduce damage, range, duration, area of effect, etc. by half for 106+3 melee rounds per touch. Against super beings with the APS: Water ability, also re­ duce S.D.C. by 20% and A.R. by one point per touch. Water Elementals see their water based attacks (including mag­ ic spells) reduced by half, as described above, and take 1D4x1 0 damage per Drought Touch. Range: Drought influence over an area of land: 1,000 foot (305 m) radius, +500 feet (152 m) per level of experience. The Drought Touch attack is by physical contact. Damage: As described above. Duration: Land Areas: 104 days, +1 additional day per level of experience. Damage caused by the drought heals at the normal rate. Attacks per Melee: Causing widespread drought takes 1 minute per 1000 feet (305 m). The drought attack is equal to the number of attacks per melee. or which contain the essence of an evil supernatural being, including all Rune Weapons. Damage: 506 damage to evil and selfish Lesser Demons, 1D6x1 0 damage to Greater Demons, Demon Lords and evil gods and Alien Intelligences. If the character already has Supernatural P.S., the damage is doubled against de­ mons. Note: This damage is specific to the demons and sub-demons of Hades, as well as other evil supernatural beings that qualify as "demons," such as vampires/undead, Chaos Demons, Russian Demons, etc. If the character al­ ready has Supernatural P.S., add the punch damage to the damage above. 306 damage to evil and selfish Deevils, 606 damage to Greater Deevils. If the character already has Supernatural P.S., add the punch damage to the damage above. 206 damage against mortal beings of evil and selfish alignments. If the character already has Supernatural P.S., add the 206 to his usual damage. No additional damage against mortal or supernatural be­ ings of good alignment. Also see Bonuses. Catch and Return Demon-Fire: The super ability en­ ables the character to catch any fire or heat based attack leveled at him, in his hands (roll to parry), and throw/fire it back with his very next melee attack. Return fire must al­ ways be his next attack, but can be directed at the one who sent the fire at him, or a different target. Maximum Range to Seturn Fire: 60 feet (18.3 m) per level of experience; line of sight. Damage: The amount of damage leveled at him can be returned in kind. Duration: Constant. Range: Fists: Melee combaUpunches. Return Demon Fire: As noted above. Bonuses: The character is impervious to heat, fire, smoke and brimstone. He can try to parry any heat or fire based attack with his bare hands, can hold/use burning objects as a weapon, parry fire and energy attacks unleashed by de­ mons without penalty (all parry bonuses apply), as well as parry evil magic weapons with his bare hands (all parry bo­ nuses apply). Note that normal weapons and magic weap­ ons that are possessed by an evil life essence can NOT be parried with bare hands and inflict full damage. Demon Magic does half damage and the penalties, ef­ fects and duration of magic cast by demons, their dark priests, worshipers and servants are half when leveled against a character with Demon Fists. Deevil and non-de­ mon magic does full damage and has full effect. Energy Drain & Expulsion: Life Source Every living creature contains a certain amount of life en­ ergy (Hit Points and S.D.C.). This ability enables the super being to drain that life source from one living victim (people or animals) by touch, and re-channel the stolen Life Source energy into an energy blast that can be fired at will. There are two catches: 1. The energy must be redirected during the super being's very next attack or the energy is lost; and 2. The bio-energy unleashed does damage that is only half the amount taken from the victim. Thus, if 19 S.D.C'/Hit Points were drained from one person, the damage inflicted by the energy blast powered by the stolen energy does 9 points of damage (round down). Range: Drain: By touch. Energy Blast: 500 feet (152 m) maximum. Damage: Life Source Drain: 106 S.D.C. or Hit Points (al­ ways start with S.D.C.) drained per level of experience. Life Source Energy Blast: The damage of the energy blast is half the S.D.C'/Hit Points drained. However, since this is "life" energy that is being stolen and released as an energy blast a moment later, the blast does double damage Drought This super ability can be used to bring drought to a specified land area. The affected area is hot, dry, and even ambient moisture is dried up. Any precipitation (rain) that might come to the surrounding region, does not fall in the Drought affected area. Plant life, especially delicate crops, suffer after just one day, stop growing and begin to wilt. Watering them by artificial or magical means has the minimal benefit of keeping vegetation barely alive, little more, and the Drought will still impair growth and destroy 15 Note: In order to drain Life Source energy, the super being must touch his victim. Those wearing body armor or pro­ tected by force fields cannot be drained unless their outer protection is breached. Energy Expulsion: Dimensional Energy to animated dead, zombies and all forms of undead, as well as death gods and soul stealers. Healing Power: Rather than inflict damage as an energy blast, the character can steal S.D.C'/Hit Points (Life Source energy) and infuse it into another being . Again, the amount of energy infused is half the amount stolen (the other half is burned up in the process of absorption and re-channeling the bio-energy). Thus, if 19 S.D.C./Hit Points were drained from one person, 9 points can be restored/given to another individual. This Life Source (Hit Points/S.D .C.) can be in­ fused/delivered by touch or a narrow beam of energy (500 feeU152 m is maximum range ; line of sight required). Limitation/Restriction: A character with this power cannot drain a victim to his death. The theft of life energy stops when a victim's S.D.C. are all gone and Hit Points are re­ duced to 13. At that point the super being will have to find a new source of life energy to drain in order to fire more bio­ energy blasts. Lost Hit Points and S.D.C. recover as normal for that individual. Those drained down to 13 Hit Points also feel weak: -1 attack per melee round, reduce Spd by 10% and all combat bonuses are -2; penalties remain for 104 hours. Note: The super being cannot drain himself of Life Source energy, not even one S.D.C. point. Duration: Instant. Attacks per Melee: Each draining attack counts as one melee attack , and the firing of the bio-energy blast counts as another. Bonuses: +3 to strike if an aimed shot, +1 to strike if shoot­ ing wild. 16 The super being is able to channel and direct dimen­ sional energy into a deadly attack. Whenever this power is activated, the character seems to glow with bluish white energy with miniature bolts of lightning crackling across his body. This enables the superhuman to fire a bolt of Dimen­ sional Energy that inflicts damage plus there is a chance of a Random Dimensional Event (see Table below). The results are always unknown and random even to the super being with the Dimensional Energy ability. Roll once every time a Dimensional Energy blast is fired. Range: 100 feet (30.5 m), plus 50 feet (15.2 m) per level of experience. Double damage and double the range of the blast, as well as double the duration of the Random Dimen­ sional Event, whenever at a ley line nexus, place of power or Rift. Damage: Regardless of the side effect, damage from the blast is 106 per level of experience. Roll once for every blast on the Random Dimensional Event Table until the character is up to level 4 at which point he begins to learn to control the effects. At level 7 and 10 he gains additional mastery over this power (see Bonuses). Duration: Instant. Attacks per Melee: Each blast uses one melee attack or action. Bonuses: There are no additional bonuses for this power. However, the super being can try at any point to exert a measure of control over the power. Initially at the lower lev­ els he needs to roll a 020 and on a 15 or better he can se­ lect one of the random results and this will last for the entire melee. The only bonuses that apply to this control roll are those from M.E. (save vs psionics). Add any M.E. bonuses to the 020 roll, and any result that exceeds the control roll means that one of the random results can be chosen. At level 4 the control roll drops to 12, at level 7 it drops to 9, and at level 10 it's 6. Regardless of bonuses, a natural one always means a random result. Random Dimensional Event Table 01-10% Nothing. What a relief, there is no dimensional side effect. 11-20% Nexus Energy: As if there is a ley line nexus present, the energy blast does double damage and has double the range (if applicable). Duration: Instant. 21-30% Teleportation. Instead of inflicting damage, whoever is struck by the Dimensional Energy blast is ran­ domly teleported 1D4x1 00 yards/meters away. The teleport is never into a solid object or straight up into the air, but could be down the street, onto a rooftop, to a room inside a building, and so on. Duration: Instant. 31-40% Time Warp Fast Forward! Whoever is struck by the Dimensional Energy blast takes half damage and is types of dimensional energy and powers of transforma­ tion. Likewise, all Temporal Magic and Dimensional Magic is temporarily negated and no such spells or powers can be used. Area of Effect: 200 yard/meter radius. Duration of Event: 1D4 minutes! 91-95% Small Rift Opens. No other Dimensional En­ ergy blasts are possible as this Rift consumes all the Di­ mensional Energy within a 30 yard/meter radius. The Rift is random and could lead anywhere, but conSidering the circumstances of the Minion War, G.M.s can opt to roll on this table for likely locations: 01-25% Rifts Earth, 26-50% Phase World (or other locale in the Three Galaxies as G.M. deems fit), 51-75% Hades, 76-00% Dyval. Characters are taken to a different world/dimension ONLY if they enter the Rift. Duration of Event: One melee round (15 seconds) be­ fore the Rift closes. 96-00% Large Rift Appears. No other Dimensional En­ ergy blasts are possible as this Rift consumes all the Di­ mensional Energy within a 100 yard/meter radius. The Rift is random and could lead anywhere, but considering the circumstances of the Minion War, G.M.s can opt to roll on this table for likely locations: 01-25% Rifts Earth, 26-50% Phase World (or other locale in the Three Galaxies as G.M. deems fit), 51-75% Hades, 76-00% Dyval. Characters are taken to a different world/dimension ONLY if they enter the Rift. Duration of Event: 1D4+1 melee rounds (30-75 sec­ onds) before the Rift closes. In the alternative, the G.M. could have a monster, a vil­ lain or a squad (6-12) or platoon (20-60 troops) of demons, Deevils, aliens/D-Bees, bad guys, soldiers, dimensional raiders, etc. come out of the Rift and onto Earth where they are likely to attack or cause more problems. teleported 2D4 minutes into the future! They seem to sim­ ply vanish only to reappear at the same location several minutes later. Duration: As noted. 41-50% Target is Temporarily Phased! Damage is 3D6 points, but the character (or object) struck becomes an intangible ghost. Depending on the situation this could be good or bad. While phased the victim is like a ghost and cannot touch or be touched, nor use or move any physical weapon, object or power, but can use pSionics or magic. While phased, the victim takes no damage from physical at­ tacks, they pass right through him, but psionics and magic have full effect on the spectral character. Duration of Event: 1D4 melee rounds. 51-60% Energy Split: When the beam of Dimensional Energy hits its intended target, it arcs to strike 1D4 other targets within 30 feet (9.1 m) of the initial target. These "targets" may be other people, buildings, automobiles or objects (street lamps, mailboxes, etc.). Damage is half for each person/target struck, including the initial, intended tar­ get. 61-70% Loss of Gravity. A split second after the Dimen­ sional Energy hits something (inflicts full damage), every­ one within a 100 yard/meter radius of the impact point goes weightless, as if there were no gravity. Everyone floats into the air 2D6 feet (0.6 to 3.6 m) above the ground. Unless a character has the power of flight, Gravity Manipulation or training for Zero Gravity Combat, reduce melee attacks by half, -10 on all combat maneuvers, and he cannot con­ trol the speed or direction he floats. Firing a gun or energy blast, or trying to kick or punch, causes the character to spin in slow motion and move away from his opponent. Du­ ration of Event: 1D6 melee rounds. 71-75% No Damage, but Random Event. The target of the blast takes no damage, but a split second later, magic is negated within a 100 yard/meter radius and no longer works. Anyone using magic is suddenly without it. Even magic weapons do half damage, cannot cast a spell or per­ form a magical power, nor fire energy blasts. Duration of Event: 1 D6 melee rounds, double for the character initially struck by the blast if he is a creature of magic or magic user. 76-80% No Damage, but Random Event. The target of the blast takes no damage, but a split second later all super abilities are dampened and reduced by 90%. Every­ one within a 100 yard/meter radius is affected and remains impaired for the duration of the event even if they leave the initial event radius. Duration of Event: 1D6 melee rounds, double for the character initially struck by the blast if he has super abilities. 81-90% Dimensional Anchor. The target of the blast takes full damage, but an additional dimensional event pre­ vents anyone from using magic or a super ability (or natu­ ral ability) to teleport, dimensional teleport, open or close Rifts or any sort of dimensional portal, or change shape or appearance. The latter includes the super abilities of Alter Physical Structure, Growth, Shrink, Invisibility, become In­ tangibility and similar powers. Whatever state a character was in at the moment the dimensional event occurred, is the state he remains in until the duration ends. From a di­ mensional travel point of view, this event negates any other Energy Expulsion: Petrification Blast The hero or villain is able to fire a blast of energy that turns whatever it hits, from people to objects, to stone! The effects of Petrification are temporary, and the super being can turn those petrified back from stone to normal at will, sooner than the default duration. Likewise, those who re­ turn to normal may be turned back to stone with another Petrification Blast. By turning people or objects to stone they are temporar­ ily stopped and frozen (not killed) in their tracks. Further­ more, as statues they are immobilized and helpless, but at the same time, difficult to damage or destroy due to a Natu­ ral A.R. 19 and S.D.C. equal to their P.E. attribute number x20. However, this is far from indestructible and with some effort, the stone statues can be smashed or broken, killing, injuring or maiming the individual. At the end of the duration if the statue is broken into pieces the victim is killed, and remains shattered stone. Range: By touch or via an energy blast with a range of 60 feet (18.3 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience. Damage: Petrification: No damage at all, the victim is just turned to stone for a limited duration. Effective against mor­ tals and most supernatural beings, except Demon and Dee­ 17 vii Lords, deities and Alien Intelligences. All true Elementals are impervious to this power and all forms of Petrification. Reverse Living Stone: The Petrification Blast does not petrify or immobilize super beings with Alter Physical Struc­ ture (APS) Stone, Crystal, Metal or Wood; instead it tem­ porarily negates their super ability, turning them back into ordinary flesh and blood people for the same duration as petrification. Until that time period wears off, they cannot re­ activate their APS power. Ordinary stone cannot be turned to flesh or other inorganic material. All true Elementals are impervious to this power and all forms of Petrification. Stone on Stone: The super being can temporarily dou­ ble the S.D.C. of stone, brick and concrete structures via touch or Petrification Blast. Duration of the S.D.C. boost is 10 minutes per level of experience or until destroyed by outside attacks. Duration: One melee round (15 seconds) per level of ex­ perience, the effect is not permanent. Attacks per Melee: This blast seems to tap into the char­ acter's energy reserves somehow, limiting the number of Petrification Blasts possible in a 24 hour period. Total num­ ber of blasts is equal to the character's P.E. attribute num­ ber. So a P.E. of 12 means 12 blasts per day, a P.E. of 29 means 29 blasts per day. So while he can fire the beam a number of times per melee round equal to his full attacks per melee, he is limited to the number of shots fired per day. If the character fires all of his Petrification blasts they do not recharge until 24 hours has passed. This means he may recover one or a few at different times throughout the day. Saving Throw: The beam does not immediately turn peo­ ple to stone. Those struck can make a saving throw of 14 or higher to resist. P.E. bonuses only apply to this saving throw. Bonuses: Petrification Blast: Point and shoot; +3 to strike on an Aimed or Called Shot, +1 when shooting wild. In addition, the super being himself is impervious to pet­ rification, and Earth Magic does half damage and has half its usual duration when used against this character. This includes the punches from Alter Physical Structure (APS) Stone, Crystal, Metal and Wood characters. he is +1. If the save is successful, the soul is spared eternal torment and the character lapses into a coma. Whether he survives the coma and lives is an entirely different matter but any such save gets a bonus of + 10% on top of any other applicable bonuses to save vs coma and death. If the roll to save vs Soul Drink fails, the character's soul is ripped from his body and taken to the pits of Hell. This is interesting, because while his body seems to lapse into a coma and seems brain dead, it will survive one day per P.E. attribute point before the body finally dies. During this time, friends and allies can (if they so decide) go into the pits of Hell and try to rescue their friend's soul. In Hell, the individual's soul seems to be a flesh and blood person. If he can be rescued and removed from Hell. he vanishes only to awaken back inside his own body, coma automatically over, and 3D6 Hit Points restored. He recovers as normal from this point forward, but roll for one Random Insanity. Range: Soul Blast: 200 feet (61 m) maximum. Damage: 6D6 points direct to Hit Points per blast. If the damage is enough to kill the character he needs to make a saving throw of 14 vs Soul Drink. See the previous para­ graph for details. Duration: Instant. Attacks per Melee: The villain can only fire this blast once per melee and then it takes two of his attacks, so it is used sparingly as it often leaves him exposed for a few seconds. Bonuses: +2 to strike on an Aimed or Called Shot. Special Prerequisites: In order to have this power, the character must have been demonic at some point in his existence (see Heroic Hellion Power Category) or have his powers Bestowed upon him by a supernatural power. This ability is most common among evil villains, but may also be applicable to Heroic Hellions and the Mystically Bestowed who serve as avengers and punishers of evil. If the char­ acter is a hero or bestowed by a force for good, the Soul Blast will only be used against evil villains and evil inhuman monsters. Matter Expulsion: Silver This power is exactly like Matter Expulsion: Metal, ex­ cept the metal has all the properties of silver. 1. Metal Armor: Silver can be made to ooze out of the character's flesh, encasing him in a thin layer of silver ar­ mor. This power only works on the character and no one else. Metal Armor Natural A.R.: 16 and any attack equal to or less than the A.R. does no damage. Bonuses and S.D.C.: Provides its creator/wearer with en­ hanced abilities as follows: +8 to P.S., +3 to P.E., +15 Hit Points, +180 S.D.C., +8 to damage, +1 to parry and disarm, and can parry metal blades and other weapons with his silver coated hands and arms. 2. Shoot Silver Shards: The character can fire shards of silver from his open palm, each the size of a small dag­ ger. They seem to appear out of the air and rocket towards their target as projectiles. The silver shards disintegrate af­ ter only a few seconds and they can not be salvaged or sold. Energy Expulsion: Soul Blast This devastating power is typically reserved for villains whose abilities are Mystically Bestowed by the powers of darkness; e.g. any Demon or Deevil Lord or similar evil god. The attack comes in the form of energy drawn from the deepest pits of Hell. When it is fired, a black nimbus of energy dances around the character. The beam is black with wisps of purple energy dancing around it. Upon striking an opponent. a person's very aura seems to come under attack as the black energy tries to permeate it and consume it. Should the blast kill that person, the individual's very soul is at risk. If the damage is enough to kill the character (Hit Points reduced to zero or below), he needs to make a saving throw of 14 vs Soul Drink. No usual bonuses to save apply. how­ ever, if the character under attack is Principled alignment he is +4 to save, if Scrupulous he is +3 and if Unprincipled 18 an A.R. of 15 and 100 S.D.C., +10 additional S.D.C. per level of experience. The wall disappears at the end of the duration. Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience. Range: 40 feet (12 m) +10 feet (3 m) per level of experi­ ence. Damage: 1D6 per level of experience. The damage can be regulated in increments of 1D6. Of course the silver inflicts extra damage to those beings vulnerable to silver. Duration: Instant. and diSintegrates after 30 seconds. 3. Create Silver Hand-Held Weapon: The character can recreate any handheld ancient weapon, only it is made entirely of silver. The weapon forms in the character's hand of choice in a matter of seconds (uses up one melee at­ tack). Range: Close combat or usual throwing range for that weapon. Damage: +3 in addition to normal weapon damage. Duration: Remains as long as the character wants it and keeps it on his person (ideally in hand), otherwise it fades into thin air 30 seconds after it is thrown, dropped or put aside. 4. Encase in Silver: The character can encase objects or people in silver. A small target up to the size of a typical microwave can be completely covered in 1-2 seconds and counts as one attack. Small targets like a gun or isolated parts on a humanoid such as the hands or feet to bind an opponent take 2-5 seconds and count as two melee attacks (essentially a Called Shot). The metal encasement has an AR. of 15 and 25 S.D.C., +10 S.D.C. pOints per level of experience. Large targets up to the size of a love seat, 50 gallon drum or half the body take 4-6 seconds to encase, but still count as two melee attacks. The encasement has an AR. of 14 and 15 S.D.C. +10 per level of experience. Beings vulnerable to silver take 3D6 S.D.C. per melee round from being partially encased in silver, and any form of healing or Bio-Regeneration takes twice as long to heal. Encasing the entire body up to 10 feet (3 m) tall or an object the size of a king-size bed or small car takes 7-10 seconds, counts as four melee attacks and the encasement has an AR. of 12 and 10 S.D.C. +10 per level of experi­ ence. Encasing those vulnerable to silver negates any kind of bio-regeneration or enhanced healing, and inflicts 6D6 S.D.C. per melee. The metal weighs as much as a corresponding amount of steel (about 250 pounds/113 kg for a typical humanoid body). Range: Touch or 4 feet (1.2 m) per level of experience. Damage: None unless they have a vulnerability to silver and then the damage is as noted above. For those without any vulnerability to silver there is no damage unless the head is covered and no oxygen can get through. Anyone needing air will suffocate in 1D6+3 minutes after their air supply is cut off. Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience, but can be cancelled and made to disappear upon command of the su­ per being who made the silver or by a different, but higher level being with the same power. S. Wall of Silver: The super being can erect a solid wall of silver 5 feet (1.5 m) high by 5 feet (1.5 m) wide by 2 feet (0.6 m) thick per level of experience. It takes one melee attack to erect each 5 foot (1.5 m) section. The wall has Portal The super being is able to create a small tear (or portal) in space-time and can slip through it at will. This provides for instantaneous teleportation over short distances. The Portal appears both in front of the super being as well as some distance away at the desired destination. This type of transportation is very useful, but has its limitations. The entrance and exit Portals both appear at the same time, one where the portal-maker is standing and one at the des­ tination point. The second Portal, which is his destination, must be within Ifne of sight, so not only can the character who made it see where the exit Portal is located, but so might an observant opponent. The entrance Portal always appears in front of the Portal-maker, and while it can be kept open to transport others from one location to another, it cannot be opened up under an opponent to cause him to appear elsewhere, nor can the Portal be used to transport someone into a solid object. Otherwise the Portal can be kept open as long as desired until the Portal-maker enters it. Thus, the Portal-maker must always be the last to go through the Portal. A split second after he steps through it, he appears outside the second Portal and the Portal closes at both ends. If the Portal-maker is rendered unconscious, the Portal disappears instantly. As far as the end destina­ tion, if the Portal-maker can see it, he can create a Portal to it. It takes only one second to step through one Portal and exit from the other. The instant the Portal-maker steps through the Portal at the other end, the Portal closes behind him as if it were never there. The Portal can be made as large as 10 feet (3 m) in diameter per level of experience. As the super being gains more experience he can do more with the Portal. Starting at level three, the Portal can be used to go through walls. The Portal creates an open­ ing on one side of a wall, with the exit portal directly on the other side of the wall. The Portal maker steps in one and exits on the opposite side of the wall. This can be a little dangerous as the character cannot see what's on the other side and could literally step into trouble. At level six, the Portal-maker can create a Portal to his home or base of operation/lair even if he can't see it and it is hundreds of miles away; up to 100 miles (160 km) per level of experience. This can be done twice per day at level 6, and increases to four times per day at level ten, and six times per day at level thirteen. At level nine, the Portal-maker can create a Portal that is not a straight-line visible location. He can create a Portal from where he is to a location he sees on a camera, televi­ sion, computer monitor, or even cell phone. It must be a live feed and an actual place, not a drawing or virtual world. The location can be up to 500 miles (800 km) away per level of experience. This can be done three times per day at level nine, and increases to six times per day at level twelve. Range: Line of sight, except as noted. If the Portal-maker can see it from where he stands, he can make a teleporta­ 19 but suits of armor do, so does being bionic, a robot, or in­ side a vehicle (+3 to save). Ifthe victim can't be touched, he must at least be clearly visible through a window, or some kind of opening to try the possession at a distance. tion Portal to it. The size of the Portal can be manipulated as desired with a maximum 10 foot (3 m) diameter per level of experience. Duration: The Portal remains open until the Portal-maker goes through it, until he chooses to close it (after others have gone through without him) or until he is rendered un­ conscious or killed. Attacks per Melee: Opening the dual Portal counts as one melee attack/action. Summon & Command Large Animals The super being can summon one or more large animals that obey his every command. These creatures are sum­ moned via sheer will and appear out of nowhere as if they had been teleported to his side. The super being must pos­ sess knowledge about the desired animal and must have at least seen a correct, full figure image of the animal to summon it. One or more large animals may be summoned at a time. Animals summoned by the character are under his com­ plete control and obey his every command. The creatures remain at his disposal for 24 hours per level of experience, but can be sent back (vanish) any time the hero wants to do so. Until all the creatures are sent back (vanish) or slain, the character can not summon more or new ones. Most heroes (and some bad guys) are not likely to sacrifice the life of animals unless absolutely necessary and will feed and care for them as long as they are in his company. Thus, most dismiss the animals when they are no longer neces­ sary and before they are killed. The summoning of a large animal is usually for the pur­ pose of attack, guarding, riding or companionship. Possession: Super Abilities This form of possession enables the super being to seize temporary control over another person's super ability. This can be a very devastating power as it can be used to turn a super ability on or off, and in the case of Energy or Matter Expulsion, cause a blast to fire from the possessed per­ son's hands or eyes against the possessed character's will. Likewise, area effect powers can have a devastating effect to all around the super being who is no longer in control of his super abilities. The possessor can seize control of one power at a time. The victim ofthis possession gets to make a saving throw vs possession. If successful, the victim loses 1D4 melee at­ tacks that round (or the next), but is otherwise okay and immune from additional Super Ability Possession attacks by that super being for the next 12 hours. If the character fails to save vs possession (special, see below), he'll suddenly lose control over one of his super abilities. The possessing super being controls that one abil­ ity for the moment, not the person it actually belongs to. This means the enemy in control of that power can make it do what he wants within the parameters of that ability. Note: This ability can be combined with Possession: Limb. Horror Factor of Animals: Whether or not the 1-3 animals have a Horror Factor depends on the animal. A Timber Wolf, African Lion, tiger, bear and other large, predatory animals are menacing and have a Horror Factor of 13. An animal that can be ridden, such as a horse, camel, buffalo, antelope, etc. has a Horror Factor of 9. Since this power gives the super being control over the animal{s) he sum­ mons, he can command it like a well-trained dog and ride any wild animal that can support his weight, from a horse to a bull or a moose. This can be effective at making a quick getaway or blocking a door or traffic, to making a statement and strong impression. Horror Factor for some common animals: +1 to H.F. for children and noncombatant women. +3 to H.F. for charac­ ters who have a phobia about the animal. Bovine (cows, bulls, buffalo, cattle) have an H.F. of 9. Canine: Large domesticated dogs have an H.F. of 11. Feline: Large wild cats, including cougars, lions and ti­ gers, have an H.F. of 13. Moose has an H.F. 12. Wolf has an H.F. of 13. Note: If you are uncertain of a large animal's H.F., use a base of 10. Limitation: Only applies to Minor and Major Super Abili­ ties, not psionics, special training, skills or spell casting. Only one ability can be possessed and under the influence of the super being at a time. Range: 20 feet (6.1 m) plus 5 feet (1.5 m) per level of expe­ rience and must have full line of sight. Duration: One melee round per level of experience. Attacks per Melee: Each use of the super ability (or ma­ nipulation of a limb if used in conjunction with that posses­ sion ability as well) counts as one of the possessor's melee attacks. Saving Throw: Taking possession of someone is an in­ stant battle of wills. Both attacker and defender roll 1D20 with the high roll winning and defender winning ties. Those with a high M.E. attribute can add M.E. bonuses (use the save vs pSionics bonus) or any bonuses to save vs mind control or possession, but at HALF the usual bonus. The attacker uses his MA and adds any bonuses for high M.A., but use the bonuses listed under M.E. For example, if the attacker has an MA of 23 he would be +4 on his attacks. Number of Animals: The super being can summon as many as three creatures with a combined weight of 300 pounds (135 kg), +100 pounds (45 kg) per level of experi­ ence. Note: PhYSical contact adds +1 to the attacker's posses­ sion roll. Clothing or super outfits don't offer any protection, 20 Summon & Command Demon Netherbeast (or Deevil War Steed) Thus, a character with a limit of 300 pounds (135 kg) could summon three large dogs (70-100 pounds/31.5 to 45 kg each), 2-3 Timber Wolves or hyenas (100-130 tbs/45 to 58.5 kg), 1-2 mountain lions, jaguars, leopards or cheetahs (140-200 Ibs/63 to 90 kg each), three bobcats or lynxes (70-90 Ibs/31.5 to 40.5 kg each), one wild boar or White Tailed Deer (200-300 Ibs/90 to 135 kg), and so on. A Few Large Animals & Their Typical Weights: African Lion: 300-400 pounds (135 to 180 kg). Bison, Bull, Musk Ox, Water Buffalo,: 800-1,200 pounds (360 to 540 kg). Black Bear: 300-400 pounds (135 to 180 kg). Brown Bear: 500-800 pounds (225 to 360 kg). Grizzly Bear: 900-1,200 pounds (405 to 540 kg). Moose: 800-1,400 pounds (360 to 630 kg). Ponies and Small Horses: 800-1,200 pounds (360 to 540 kg). Sharks (Mako, Hammer Head, Tiger, Great White): 1,000 to 2,000 pounds (450 to 900 kg). Riding and Race Horses: 1,100 to 1 ,400 pounds (495 to 630 kg). Tiger: 500-700 pounds (225 to 315 kg). Work Horse: 1,200 to 2,000 pounds (540 to 900 kg). The power enables the super being to summon a beast of Hell commonly used as a riding animal. The demons of Hades call such animals Netherbeasts and the infernals of Dyval call them War Steeds. As with the other animal sum­ moning abilities, the monstrous creature of Hell obeys his every command and will allow the one who summoned it to ride it like a horse and order it around like a guard and attack dog. These creatures are huge - the size of a horse to the size of an elephant, sometimes larger. The creature appears out of nowhere as if it has been teleported to his side. The super being calling forth the Netherbeast or War Steed must possess knowledge of the creature and must have at least seen a correct, full figure image of the animal to summon it. Only one of these creatures can be sum­ moned and commanded at a time. A new one cannot be called forth until the first one has been slain or sent back to the pits of Hell. A Netherbeast of War Steed summoned by the char­ acter is under his complete control and obeys his every command. It remains at his side for 24 hours per level of experience, but can be sent back (vanishes) any time the character so desires. Most heroes (and some bad guys) are not likely to sacrifice the life of animals, not even a mon­ strous one, unless absolutely necessary and will feed and care for it as long as the steed is in his company. Thus, most dismiss the animal when it is no longer necessary and before it is killed. The summoning of a Demon Netherbeast or Deevil War Steed is always for the purpose of riding and fighting. Think of the animal as a monstrous war horse. Horror Factor of the Animal: As per the specific type of Netherbeast or War Steed. Number of Animals: One. Restrictions and Limitations: Limited entirely to crea­ tures of Hell used as Netherbeasts and War Steeds, with five exceptions: The character can also summon and ride a Dragondayctl, Gryphon, Pegasus, Silonar, or Tusker, each a creature from the Palladium World (see the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Sourcebook: Monsters &Animals for com­ plete stats). Range: The steed appears next to the super being or up to 10 feet (3 m) away, nothing farther. Duration: Uses up three melee attacks and the creature appears in 104+7 seconds. It remains until dismissed or killed. Attacks per Melee: Each command or instruction (attack, stop, run, etc.) given to the animal counts as one of the character's own melee attacks. To command it, the animal must be within earshot of the super being. Note: The character who summons the animal cannot see what the animal sees nor know what it knows, it just follows commands like a trained dog. Restrictions and Limitations: The creature summoned can not possess human-level sentience, it must have an animal intelligence. It must be a large animal weighing no less than 70 pounds (31.5 kg). Cannot summon giant insects or small to medium-sized animals, or magical or supernatural animals, nor fictional/mythical animals. The creature must really exist on some planet and it must be known to the character summoning it. The animal is always an adult. If the super being is rendered unconscious the animals rush to his fallen body and fight to protect it. How­ ever, they'll vanish if he does not wake up within one hour per level of experience. Range: The creatures appear next to the super being or up to 10 feet (3 m) away per level of experience. Duration: The time it takes for the initial summoning is as follows: Uses up one melee attack if the creature is on the same continent, it/they appear in 3 seconds. Uses up two melee attacks if the creature is on a different continent, and four melee attacks if somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy. The creatures remain until dismissed or killed. Attacks per Melee: Each command or instruction (attack, stop, run, etc.) given to the animal(s) counts as one of the character's own melee attacks. To command them, the ani­ mals must be within earshot of the super being. Making all the animals vanish at once uses up one attack/action. If only one of several animals is dismissed, then each of the remaining animals must be sent back one at a time, each using up one of the character's melee attacks. Note: The character who summons the animals cannot see what the animals see or know what they know, they just fol­ low his commands like a trained dog or horse. 21 22 New & Alternate Power Categories Demon Hunter Not all heroes are endowed with super abilities. Some use magic, others technology, and others receive special­ ized training. The Demon Hunter falls into all three catego­ ries using a little magic, modern weapons and technology, ancient knowledge and special training. Most Demon Hunters can trace their roots back hun­ dreds of years to a time before the Dark Ages. Back when the belief in demons and the world of the supernatural was a daily part of life. It was the Demon Hunter's job to seek and destroy monsters and protect his fellow man from su­ pernatural horrors lurking in the shadows. It was a time in which everyone believed in demons and devils, but the Demon Hunter understood the monsters better than any­ one. He knew how the horrid fiends behaved, hunted and survived. and used that knowledge to exterminate them. Back in days past, being a Demon Hunter was to be the Hand of God sent to smite demonic forces of evil. It was a tradition passed down in secret from father to son, or mother to daughter. During the Renaissance, superstition and belief in the supernatural had already begun to give way to science. By the time the Industrial Revolution start­ ed, it seemed Demon Hunters and wizards were relics of the past and no longer needed. Not true. Demon Hunters were among the enlightened who knew the supernatural to be real, and that their unique services were needed more than ever. They simply became more secretive and care­ ful about their work. They shunned publicity and worked in complete anonymity. During the two World Wars, many more hell-spawned abominations entered the world than ever before. The con­ flict and bloodshed functioned as a beacon, attracting vile supernatural beings of all kinds. There were even rumors that the Axis nations had made a pact with demonic forces. After all, how else were they able to roll into countries and conquer them unchallenged? Indeed, there were stories told in hushed whispers about Nazi activities involving the occult, dark magic and evil supernatural forces. Accord­ ing to one rumor, there was one Nazi General said to have made a pact with the Devil in exchange for inhuman pow­ ers. Another rumor suggested the man was not human at all, but a devil of some kind that had taken human form. As the story goes, he was a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes, a cold heart and a penchant for torture and mass de­ struction. Worse, it was said that this General established a cabal of evil supporters around the world with the sole purpose of causing suffering and ultimately the end of the world. Though the stories of this man-devil are known in some circles, his name has been erased from history - or perhaps people are too afraid to speak it aloud. In the modern age where demons and supernatural be­ ings are relegated to superstition, Demon Hunters have gone underground to fight a secret shadow war the world at large knows nothing about. A war against the forces of dark­ ness spawned in the pits of Hell and brought to the world of men by demonic monstrosities that relish in the suffering and death of humans. These Demon Hunters were able to banish, chase away and slay many wicked supernatural beings during World War II, and foiled a conspiracy of hate that threatened global Armageddon. The heirs of these secret warriors carry on the tradition to fight the forces of darkness, for the secret war between men and monsters continues. The heroic clans of Demon Hunters have vowed to never falter in their duties to stop the unspeakable evil these demonic beings try to unleash upon the unsuspecting and innocent people in the world. Indeed, their numbers to­ day are the greatest in their history, but so are the numbers of the enemy they battle. Never have the secret societies of Demon Hunters seen so many evil supernatural beings walking among humankind so freely and openly. Perhaps it is because there are so many other beings super-pow­ ered heroes and villains - that the monsters don't think they have to hide in the shadows like they once did. In the world of heroes, if a demon or Deevil is discovered, people as­ sume it is a mutant, alien or monstrous villain with super abilities. Perhaps, but most Demon Hunters fear something else is afoot. Something bad. Demon Hunters are among the few humans of Earth who know about the Minion War, but fear there is something more sinister happening on Earth. Until they can figure it out, Demon Hunters continue to fight, in secret, on behalf of the human race. A few even work for government agen­ cies or belong to teams of superhumans. Thanks to modern technology, today's Demon Hunters are able to coordinate strikes, share information and be a more effective fighting force than ever. But is it enough? Demon Hunter characters might be thought of as super-paranormal investigators and demon slayers. They know about, study and research paranormal phenomena with an emphasis on evil supernatural beings such as de­ mons and Deevils. They know about other evil, supernatural beings and dark gods, as well as their worshipers, evil cults and dark magic. As a result, a Demon Hunter can identify supernatural monsters, recognize the signs of a supernatu­ ral presence, and the handiwork of demons, and is trained in tracking, hunting and destroying them. Though Demon Hunters specialize in fighting the supernatural, they oppose injustice and evil in all its forms and are often members of larger groups of heroes who are not fellow Demon Hunters. Detect Concealment (+ 10%) Gymnastics, Wrestling or Boxing (select one). Hand to Hand: Martial Arts Prowl (+10%) Surveillance Systems (+15%, +25% to tail supernatural beings). Tracking (+10%, +15% when it's the Supernatural). Select four additional skills from the following categories: Espionage, Military, Physical, Rogue or Wilderness. Each gets a +5% bonus. Demon Hunter Creation Step One: The Usual Attributes: Determine the eight attributes as normal, however make note of the following modifications. You may want to write these in pencil as they are likely to be modified even further with Physical skills. +1 D6 to P.S. and Spd. +1 D4 to M.E. and P.E. Hit Points: P.E. attribute +1D6 per level of experience. The character also gets a one time bonuses of +3D6 Hit Points. S.D.C.: In addition to any S.D.C. bonuses from Physical skills, the character starts out with 50 S.D.C. Base P.P.E. While not magic users, Demon Hunters learn some minor rituals to help in their task of fighting the supernatural. They unconsciously use their P.P.E. when performing these rituals. Base P.P.E. is 1D4x10 +P.E. at­ tribute number, plus 1D6 per level of experience starting with level one. Special Demon Hunter Skills This particular hero has a range of special skills and powers (see Circle Magic and Bonuses) acquired via years of mental and physical training for the job of Demon Hunter. 1. Lore: Demons and Monsters: 20%/50% +5% per level of experience: This is a very specialized skill that is taught to all Demon Hunters to enable them to identify and understand the capabilities of their supernatural prey. On a successful roll, the first percentage number en­ ables the Demon Hunter to surmise who or what he's deal­ ing with by examining evidence and listening to eyewitness accounts. Specific demons, Deevils and other supernatural creatures can be identified by the magic they use, the pow­ ers or behavior they exhibit, and from the physical evidence they leave behind. (Note: This does not include super he­ roes/villains with supernatural abilities, but actual demons, Deevifs and other supernatural beings.) Of course, seeing the creature himself leaves no doubt and requires no fur­ ther investigation, nor a roll on the first percentile number; go directly to the second number. Once the evil supernatural being has been identified, roll on the second percentage. A successful roll (under the per­ centage number) enables the hero to remember the crea­ ture's specific natural abilities, behavior, how to kill it, and other relevant details about the thing. This may require the character to do some research, or make use of his con­ tacts. Every Demon Hunter possesses a vast wealth of information and knowledge about demons and infernals passed down to him through the ages by his demon hunt­ ing ancestors and/or predecessors. Most Demon Hunter families, groups and organizations possess expansive libraries of secret knowledge about demonic and evil su­ pernatural monsters. (+20% to knowledge when the library is consulted.) In addition to specific knowledge about the evil creatures themselves, the Demon Hunter also knows about their associates, worshipers, affiliated cults, hench­ men, methods of operation, habitats, common tactics, strengths and weaknesses, as well as their general motiva­ tion and how to destroy them. For example: vampires crave blood and need it to survive; a Gremlin is out to cause mis­ chief and mayhem; while the presence of a Lesser Demon means that there is a Greater Demon around giving orders, or other evil force at work. 2. Demon Hunter Lore: Magic: 25% +5% per level of experience. Demon Hunters have a rudimentary under­ standing of magic, particularly as it relates to their sworn, supernatural enemies. They use this skill more to identify the presence and activities of demons and infernals, and Step Two: Education & Skills Do not roll for education as the Demon Hunter has not received any formal schooling. Rather they become an ap­ prentice to a more experienced Demon Hunter who teach­ es them the trade. All Demon Hunters generally start at a young age and are taught all the basics they need to know by the time they are first level. Note that this unusual voca­ tion is often passed down family lines, so Mom, Dad, Uncle Alex or Cousin Fred may be the Master teaching his young apprentice. There are also brotherhoods and sects of De­ mon Hunters that, again. tend to recruit from the families and friends of their members. Common and General Skills Computer Operation (+20%) Domestic Skill: One of choice (+10%). Mathematics Basic: (+20%) Pilot Automobile (+10%) Speak and Read Native Language at 98%. Speaks and Reads two additional languages (+20%). Select one Pilot Basic skill (+10%). Select 6 Secondary Skills. Weapon Proficiency Program Select Two Ancient of choice. Select Two Modern of choice. Demon Hunter Program Basic Electronics (+5%) Detect Ambush (+15%) 24 Master's discretion, on a failed roll, the Demon Hunter can make a few quick adjustments (takes one melee round) and roll a second time. If successful the second time, the Demon Hunter is able to salvage the components and did not expend any P.P.E. in his first, misfired attempt. Two fail­ ures in a row means the circle does not work and the P.P.E. necessary to activate it has been expended in the failed attempt. This also means certain materials are wasted (use common sense, the candles and incense are likely to be salvaged) and cannot be used again. Even at first level, the Demon Hunter knows all of the cir­ cles listed below. However, the character may not be able to use all of them due to P.P.E. constraints. It should be noted that Demon Hunters can not learn any other magic circles, but may be able to identify them and assist in ritual magic. If the Demon Hunter has allies present, they can partici­ pate in the ritual of making and activating a magic circle. Each willing participant can donate 20% of their p'P.E. (if they have any) towards the activation of the circle. their worshipers and minions, as well as recognizing at­ tempts to summon or control such horrible creatures. The hero recognizes the rituals, components, symbols and circles used by evil supernatural beings and their mortal henchmen (witches, priests, cultists, etc.), for dark magic and summoning demons, as well as those used for protec­ tion against supernatural evil. Demon Hunters know dark magic or demon-based magic when they see it or hear it, and can often identify those under some sort of demonic enchantment or influence (roll under this skill). The skill enables Demon Hunters to identify and tell the difference between the power categories Mystic Study (true Wizards), Mystically Bestowed, and those possessing an Enchanted Weapon to give them their powers. The Demon Hunter can also distinguish Weapons of Orderfrom Weap­ ons of Chaos, can sense when a weapon is cursed or is a Rune Weapon powered by an evil force, and can use most magic weapons themselves (including Techno-Wizard de­ vices). Furthermore, a successful roll on the Demon Hunter Lore: Magic skill means the hero knows the effects, pen­ alties, and applications/intention of certain common magic spells as well as magic used by the denizens of Hell and their wicked mortal servants, such as Demon Magic, Nec­ romancy and other dark magicks. There is no penalty to identify Magic Circles, however the character is -20% to identify Wards and Runes, as well as alien forms of magic such as Temporal Magic or Ele­ mental Magic. 3. Modern and Ancient Weapons Armorer: 40% +5% per level of experience: The character is an expert in crafting specialized weapons for battling the supernatural. He can maintain, modify, and repair any type of ancient weapon such as swords, knives, crossbows, and bows. He knows how to make silver coated weapons, silver bullets, and specialized ammunition for any kind of slug thrower, as well as the use of special herbs/plants, stones, crystals and other components that can be used to battle, slay or hold evil supernatural beings at bay. The character can main­ tain, repair and modify most modern weapons, though not to the degree of the Hardware: Weapons Expert. 4. Circles of Trapping and Protection: 60% +3% per level of experience: Passed down from medieval times are a few old tricks used to trap supernatural creatures or to provide protection to the Demon Hunter. If the Demon Hunter has time, or has prepared ahead, these magic cir­ cles can greatly aid the Demon Hunter in his task. Scholars would recognize these as some type of magic circles, but their origins would be lost and considered alien or forgotten magic from ages past. The circles are a well kept secret among Demon Hunters, and used as a last resort as they tend to take time to create and may require expensive or rare components. Unless otherwise indicated below, creating any circle is a ritual that takes 1D6x1 0+15 minutes to complete. The cir­ cles are permanent until a component is used up or one or more key portions of the circle is obscured/removed/rubbed out. While creating the circle, the Demon Hunter needs to roll under his skill percentage, above. A failed roll means the circle does not work/does not activate. At the Game Step Three: Circle Magic All Demon Hunters are taught a handful of Magic Circles of Trapping & Protection. The skill to make a select handful of magiC circles to fight supernatural evil and protect the in­ nocent is among the character's most important and secret abilities. Protection Circle of Supernatural Concealment This circle allows the Demon Hunter to be concealed from supernatural beings hunting or searching for him. If created in an open area, the Demon Hunter and any allies inside the circle are completely undetectable and invisible (even if the supernatural creature can normally see the in­ visible). The circle hides scent, sight, and all other senses that a supernatural creature would otherwise use to find prey, including psionic Presence Sense and Psychic-Omni­ Sight. Whenever a supernatural enemy is within earshot, the people inside the circle must remain quiet. Any sound equal to speaking in a normal voice or louder breaks the magical concealment. A brief word, laugh or sound (e.g. dropping something that makes a thud or clank) might draw the monster toward the circle's location, but unless the noise is loud and maintained for more than 10 seconds, the Concealment remains in place and those in the circle are undetectable. Note: Supernatural creatures seemingly avoid the Circle of Supernatural Concealment and the area around it. Should imprudent noise reveal its location, those inside the circle become visible, but the demonic or infernal beings can not cross the line of the circle to enter it nor do anything to hurt or attack those within it (Le. can not throw a spear, fire a gun or unleash a spell at someone inside the circle). However, the monsters can gather and wait outside the circle, and attack the moment the circle magic ends. The forces of evil can also attack anyone who steps out­ side the circle's protection. Duration: Two hours per level of experience. 25 P.P.E.: Twenty Components: Rose petals and lilacs ground into a powder and mixed with holy oil with which to draw the circle. Placement: The components are drawn into a circle, or they can be laid out to cover the perimeter of a small room. Cost: The mixture can be found in the occasional apothe­ cary shop for $50 a bottle. One bottle has three applications for a circle 10 feet (3 m) in diameter. to $25 at any apothecary store and stores that sell a wide range of candles. Protection from Deevils Protection Circle, Simple As the name suggests, this circle offers simple protec­ tion from supernatural evil and is one of the most common of circles among practitioners of magic. Anyone in the circle is +1 to save vs magic, Horror Factor, psionic attacks and any special attacks from supernatural creatures that have saving throws. It is a simple circle to create, and only takes a minute to do so. Anyone, including supernatural crea­ tures, can step into the circle to reap its benefits. However, if the Demon Hunter spells out the names of certain indi­ viduals, only they will be protected while inside the circle, and no one else. Note: The names must be inscribed when the circle is created. Duration: Five minutes per level of experience. P.P.E.: Five Components: All that's needed is a piece of chalk. A circle is drawn, along with a few select magic symbols and acti­ vated via a spoken incantation and the expenditure of the necessary p.P.E. Cost: You can get about a dozen pieces of chalk for $1 at the Dollar Store, or for a buck or two at any store that sells crayons or stationary supplies. This circle offers protection against the denizens of Dyval. That includes all Deevils/infernals, their minions and Host from Dyval. Deevi/s can not cross the circle without making a saving throw vs Ritual Magic of 17 or higher, and even then those who enter suffer 1D4x10 Hit Point/S.D.C. damage. On a failed saving throw the monsters can not come within 10 feet (3 m) of the circle, but can still use ranged attacks from weapons, spells or psionics to attack from a distance. However those in the circle are +4 to save against these attacks. It should be noted that the demons of Hades and other supernatural beings have no trouble entering this circle, and suffer no damage. Duration: Fifteen minutes per level of experience. P.P.E.: Thirty Components: Powdered iron. or iron filings, mixed with holy oil. A candle made of beeswax mixed with apple peel­ ings. Placement: The iron is mixed with the holy oil and from that the circle and symbols are drawn. The candle is lit at the completion of the spell. The candle will burn down after 6 hours of use, or at the end of the duration of the circle. Cost: The cost of holy oil is $20-$40 per quart (liter). The iron filings can often be found in any machine shop or steel mill. The iron must be at least 90% pure. Iron may be found from other sources. On average expect to pay $15 to $20 for enough iron to create a single circle. The candles can be purchased for $20-$25. Circle to Banish Demons Protection from Demons Banishment Circles are tricky to use, and many Demon Hunters may not be able to use them until they are more experienced. This circle offers protection from the denizens of Hades, specifically the Hades Demons. Demons can not cross the circle or enter it without making a saving throw vs Ritual Magic of 17 or higher. Though a successful save vs Ritual Magic allows the monster to enter the circle, it still takes 1D4x10 Hit Point/S.D.C. damage. On a failed saving throw, demons can not come within 10 feet (3 m) of the circle. It should be noted that the demons can still use projectile weapons, spells or pSionics to strike at anyone inside the circle, but those within the circle are +4 to save against any such attacks. It should also be noted that the infernals of Dyval (Deevils) and other supernatural beings have no trouble entering this circle, and suffer no damage. Duration: Fifteen minutes per level of experience. P.P.E.: Thirty Components: Powdered lavender and chamomile mixed with holy oil. A candle made from beeswax mixed with pow­ dered basil and mint must be lit. Placement: The circle is drawn with the oil mixture of pow­ dered lavender and chamomile, and the candle is placed in the middle and lit at the completion of the ritual. Cost: Lavender, chamomile, mint and basil can be grown or purchased. If bought. $5 worth (total) is enough to create one circle. The candle can be made or purchased for $20 Banishment back to Hell. First the demon(s) must be lured or brought into the circle where the final part of the ritual is performed. Getting a demon into the circle is the tricky part, and is likely to require magic, trickery, threats, a deal, or brute force and to hold it there until the circle ritual is completed, sending it back to Hades. Once the demon(s) is brought inside the circle, the Demon Hunter has to finish the incantation which takes the equivalent of two melee at­ tacks/actions (6 seconds). The demon gets a saving throw vs ritual magic, but must roll an 18 or higher to save. A failed saving throw means the demon is immediately sent back to Hades. If more than one demon is in the circle, each gets a saving throw. However, if the demon that leads/commands them (typically a Greater Demon) is banished to Hades, ALL the Lesser and Sub-Demons that served him, even those outside the circle, get no saving throw and are ban­ ished to Hell with himl On a successful saving throw, the demon is unaffected and unless restrained, can leave the confines of the circle without attacking the heroes inside. The circle lasts long enough for the Demon Hunter to at­ tempt one more banishment, but he'll need one full melee round to do so and after that, the components in the circle 26 Circle of Empowerment are used up. Note: P.P.E. is used up whether the attempt at banishment is successful or not. Demons banished via this magic circle can not return to the world from which they were banished for one year +1 month per level of the De­ mon Hunter. When that time period ends, most demons have moved on to other places and other wicked deeds, and do not return to the world they were banished from un­ less specifically summoned by a powerful sorcerer, priest of darkness, Greater Demon, or other sinister force. This circle may be used to empower the Demon Hunter, temporarily doubling his S.D.C. and providing a bonus of +2 on Perception Rolls, +1 attack, +6 damage to all of his at­ tacks, and +1 to save vs dark magic (including magic cast by demons or Deevils), but only against foes who are demons, Deevils or other evil supernatural beings. These temporary bonuses are added to those the character may already pos­ sess. The bonuses last for 30 minutes per level of experience. Applicable only to the Demon Hunter, not to other people. Or the circle may be used to empower an ordinary weap­ on to make it a Demonllnfernal Slayer. In this case, the weapon does its normal damage +6 additional points per at­ tack when used against demons and Deevils. Furthermore, the monster's Natural Armor Rating (A.R.) is circumvented by the weapon, meaning any attack of 8 or higher will hit and do damage unless the creature parries or dodges it. Similarly, if the demon or Deevil is normally impervious to such a weapon, the magic counters that, turning it into a deadly weapon to all hell-spawned creatures. Duration (of Empowerment): 30 minutes per level of the Demon Hunter. Limitations: The Demon Hunter can only empower himself or one weapon into a Demon Slayer, though that weapon may be used by someone other than himself should he choose to allow it. Weapon Limitations: Melee weapons or projectile weapons only (Le. guns that fire bullets/physi­ cal rounds or arrows). Not applicable to energy weapons, weapons that are already magical, or other types of magic. Maximum number of bullets/arrows/projectiles that can be enchanted is 66 and they must be fired by the one em­ powered weapon/gun/bow. A thrown weapon counts as one weapon, not multiple projectiles (Le. cannot enchant 66 throwing knives, spears, javelins, etc.). P.P.E.: 40 Components: The circle is drawn in silver powder or scratched into the earth, stone or floor with a silver dag­ ger, and a drop of blood from the Demon Hunter is used to close the circle (takes one point of S.D.C. damage). Af­ ter the circle is closed, the weapon must be covered with ground sulfur or sulfur dust. If a projectile weapon, each bullet must also be covered with sulfur (66 bullets maxi­ mum). At the end of the ritual (15 minutes) the sulfur seems to be absorbed by the weapon and vanish. The weapon and bullets have a slight yellow tint to them. Cost: The cost of holy water can be free if the character knows a priest; otherwise the cost is a donation of $10-$20 per quart (liter) of holy water (sometimes more depending on the seller). Sulfur costs $1 per ounce, half that as a solid stone, but the latter requires 104 hours to scrape a and crush the sulfur in preparation for the ritual. Banishment to a different Earthly location. Another use of the circle is to banish the demon(s) from the area for several days. In this case, the demon(s) can be located outside the circle. Any demons within a 10 foot (3 m) +10 foot (3 m) radius per experience level ofthe Demon Hunter may be affected by the magic. Sub-Demons and Lesser Demons need to roll an 18 or higher to save, Greater De­ mons only need a 14 or higher to save, and Demon Lords and Dark Gods need only an 8 or higher to save. On a failed saving throw, the demons flee and hide, usually going miles (kilometers) away. They cannot return for 1D4 days +12 hours per level of the Demon Hunter. Demons who make their saving throw are not forced to leave and may continue to do as they please without impediment. However, they can not cross inside the circle while the incense still burns, and those inside the circle are protected from any sort of attack from the demons and the priests, worshipers or henchmen who serve them. Like­ wise, the heroes or innocent people inside the circle can not attack any demons or their servants outside the circle. If they do, the protection of the circle is immediately negated and the enemy can attack them. When the incense burns out (1 D6+6 minutes), the protection of the circle vanishes and those inside are vulnerable to all attacks. This type of banishment is performed to stop or minimize an immedi­ ate demonic threat, and/or to buy Demon Hunters the time to hunt down the demons that have fled or the being who commands them during the intervening time period to com­ pletely eradicate the threat. Note: Sub-Demons, Lesser Demons, and even most (70%) Greater Demons without a masterlleader and purpose leave the plane of mortals and either return to Hades or go to some other world or plane of existence to cause trouble. Duration: Instant results that can last months or days. P.P.E.: 60 Components: The circle is drawn in holy water, and a drop of blood from the Demon Hunter is used to close the circle (he takes one point of S.D.C. damage). After the circle is closed, four pieces of clove and mint incense are lit. They normally burn for an hour, however the magic of the circle ritual causes them to burn out within 1D6+6 minutes. Cost: The cost of holy water can be free if the character knows a priest; otherwise the cost is a donation of $10-$20 per quart (liter) of holy water (sometimes more depending on the seller). The incense costs $5 for 20 pieces. Step Four: Years of Training and Contacts Circle to Banish Deevils While most player characters are likely to start out at level one, it takes years of training to become a full-fledged Demon Hunter. It's very likely that the character started out as a young child, having spent years training, studying and This circle works in the same way as the Banish Demons circle only it affects the infernals/Deevils of Dyval and their Host. 27 traveling with an older Demon Hunter as they battle the su­ pernatural. The more years oftraining a Demon Hunter has under his belt, the greater the number of contacts he has in the world. Roll on the table below to determine the number of years spent in training and the types of contacts the char­ acter made during that time. i.e. Demon Hunting. That makes them scholars, archivists, collectors, investigators, researchers and support people who know a thing or two about the occult, demons, infer­ nals, psychics and the supernatural, but are .!1Q! Demon Hunters, themselves, and have never personally battled the supernatural and will not go into direct battle against the supernatural or super beings, but will offer support. Resource§ the contact can provide: Same as the Ordinary People, above, plus the following: Access to a family library and ancient books about the supernatural, demons, infer­ nals and dark magic. The books in these libraries can be used for reference, but cannot be removed from the library for any reason. In addition, a family member is likely to al­ low the Demon Hunter (and his friends) to stay at a safe location for 1D4+4 weeks if necessary, provide medical treatment equal to a paramedic, and is able to point the hero to little known, non-public locations that may have ad­ ditional books on the paranormal for research, as well as places to acquire herbs, holy water, holy oil, silver, silver bullets, and other components used in magic and fighting the supernatural. Money that can be lent to the hero by this contact: 1D6 thousand dollars. Starting number of Family Bw;ines§ CQntacts: 1D4+1, +1 for every three years the character was in training. Note that not every family member is "in the business" nor will every family member know or like the player character and be willing to become a support "contact." Thus, Uncle "Hell Slayer" Fred, might very well slam the door in his nephew's face, grumbling, uOh no, not you again. I don't want to hear about it. Go away." Trade Option: If the player desires to do so, he can trade three Family Business Contacts for one Demon Hunter contact, but can never trade away more than half the con­ tacts in this category. Years of Training 01-40% 41-60% 61·80% 81-90% 91-00% 6 Years. 8 Years. 10 Years. 12 Years. 15 Years. Contacts by Type, Resources & Starting Number Ordinary People: These people may include trusted friends and associates or people the hero has met or res­ cued while battling evil supernatural forces. These "ordinary people" have no super abilities, powers, or magic abilities whatsoever, but know about demons and the supernatural, know the player character is a Demon Hunter and willingly keep his secret. Whether they are friends or people who feel they owe the Demon Hunter a debt (for saving them or a loved one from evil forces), they can be counted on for basic assistance. ResQurces the contact can provide: These contacts can provide a safe sanctuary for the character with a safe place to rest, eat, sleep and spend the night, give him (and friends) a ride to someplace or lend him a car to use, pro­ vide access to a computer and the Internet, lend him a cell phone, provide a place where he can leave a vehicle or per­ form simple repairs to a vehicle, store some gear, or lay low for a day or two, maybe even a week. Such a contact may be someone who can offer advice or a friendly shoulder to lean on. An ordinary person may also be able to serve as a native guide and point the Demon Hunter to locations such as the local libraries, museums, hospitals, police stations, restaurants, stores, a reliable mechanic, and other known, public places and common resources. These ordinary peo­ ple contacts are non-combatants and will not go into battle against anybody, especially the supernatural or super be­ ings, and the hero would never ask them to put themselves in such grave danger. Money that can be lent to the hero by this contact: 1D4 hundred dollars. Starting number of Ordinary People as contacts: 2D4, +2 for every year the character was in training. Note that not everyone the hero meets, protects or rescues is willing to become a support "contact." Trade QptiQn: If the player desires to do so, he can trade four Ordinary People Contacts for one Family Business Contact, but can never trade away more than half the con­ tacts in this category. Fellow Demon Hunters: These contacts are fellow De­ mon Hunters operating in the field hunting and slaying evil supernatural beings. They may have met the player char­ acter during their years of training, they might be fellow family members (i.e. cousins), Demon Slayers from rival but friendly clans or organizations, or heroes they've met and worked with or assisted in their battle against evil. In a few cases, the fellow Demon Hunter may be the character's old mentor or a retired Demon Hunter in the family. Resources the contact can provide: Same as the Ordinary People and Family Business contacts, above, plus the fol­ lowing: Access to secret safe houses unknown to the su­ pernatural for as long as necessary, access to a garage or machine shop where one can work on a vehicle himself or get a damaged vehicle repaired or customized by some­ one off the books and who knows how to keep his mouth shut (cost is fair), medical treatment equal to a full clinic or small hospital by someone off the books and kept secret (cost is half that of a public hospital), and is able to point the hero to little known, non-public locations that may have additional books on the paranormal for research, as well as places to acquire herbs, holy water, holy oil, silver, silver bullets, and other components used in magic and fighting the supernatural. Note: At the Game Master's discretion, Family Business Contact: In this case, "family" gener­ ally means occultists, paranormal investigators, research­ ers and other family members and long-time friends who operate along the peripheral edges of the family business, 28 thermore, even a friend might help only on a quid pro quo basis, meaning: "I'll help you if you help me." That's okay. because it could be an avenue to the player group's next adventure. Money that can be lent to the hero by this contact: 1D6 thousand dollars (triple if the Super-Friend is successful and has money or is a family member; x10 if the NPC is wealthy and the danger is great). Starting number of Super-Friend contacts: One, +1 for ev­ ery five years the character was in training. Note that not every hero the Demon Hunter meets or helps is willing to become a friend or contact. Some may become unfriendly and competitive rivals, especially if the player character has deliberately or accidentally harmed him, his loved ones, the hero's reputation or endangered or hurt a great number of innocent people. Trade Option: None. the NPC Demon Hunter may elect to join forces with the player Demon Hunter or player group to fight supernatural evil or any villain. G.M.s, be fair and reasonable about the NPC's willingness to help, and remember, this NPC could be played as a friend, rival, gloryhound, opportunist and even a disruptive force depending on the circumstances and NPC's personality and goals. Demon Hunters rarely gather in large numbers for fear of being wiped out, so they work and travel solo or in small groups seldom larger than four, but may work with a much larger group of heroes who are not Demon Hunters. Money that can be lent to the hero by this contact: 1D4 thousand dollars (double if the hero's mentor or a family member; G.M:s option). Starting number of Demon Hunter contacts: 1D4, +1 for ev­ ery five years the character was in training. Note that not every Demon Hunter the hero meets or helps is willing to become a contact. In fact, some may become unfriendly and competitive rivals or even enemies, especially if the player character has deliberately or accidentally harmed him or his loved ones, or caused him to lose a valuable resource (money, safe house, etc.). Trade Option: If the player desires to do so, he can trade two Fellow Demon Hunter contacts for one Super-Friend contact, but can never trade away more than half the con­ tacts in this category. Step Five: Saving Throws and Other Bonuses Demon Hunters are typically raised from a young age and learn early on how to fight their fear and resist the dark powers. They know what these creatures are capable of and how fear is often one of their allies. The Demon Hunt­ ers' minds are trained to resist this fear as well as the mind powers that many of these creatures possess. Also after years of training they are also able to better resist the magic of these creatures. The following bonuses are in addition to any attribute bonuses: +1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 1,2,3,5,7,9, 11 and 13. +2 to save vs mind control and psionics, +4 when the attacker is an evil supernatural being. +1 to save vs magic at levels 1,3,5,7,9 and 13. +1 on Perceptions Rolls at levels 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 15. +1 on initiative when battling supernatural evil. +1 attack per melee round when battling against super­ natural evil or on the side of supernatural good. Resistant to supernatural evil. The Demon Hunter takes half damage from the attacks of demons, Deevils and simi­ lar evil or Anarchist supernatural beings. This includes half damage and penalties from the magic cast by such mon­ sters as well as the witches, priests, host and minions that serve demonic or infernal masters (Le. Demons, Deevils, dark gods, and evil Alien Intelligences). Resistant to Hellfire. Fire based attacks from demons and Deevils as well as the heat, flames and boiling lava of any Hell do half damage to the Demon Hunter. The environ­ ment of Hell is uncomfortable but does not inflict the usual penalties or heat exhaustion most other mortals suffer. Impervious to the bite and mind control of vampires. Impervious to supernatural possession. See ghosts and supernatural spirits and entities. Super-Friend: Fighting demons, Deevils and the witch­ es, sorcerers and villains who worship and serve these evil beings takes Demon Hunters to unusual places where they meet some unusual and unique individuals, including hero­ ic practitioners of magic, mutants, super-soldiers and other super beings or so-called "superheroes." These meetings, especially if the Demon Hunter and superhero(s) teamed up to fight a common enemy or diabolical super-villain, may result in a lasting friendship and a pal the Hunter can count on for a helping hand. Note: This "Super-Friend" is typically a Non-Player Character (NPC) who is not one of the De­ mon Hunter's teammates (Le. the player group), but rather an acquaintance or old teammate. Resources the contact can provide: Same as the Ordinary People and Family Business Contacts, above, plus the Super-Friend may allow his Demon Hunter buddy to have access to his secret hideout/headquarters and access to any resources and facilities the hero has at his disposal (which could equal or surpass the resources of a Fellow Demon Hunter contact, depending on the hero). Further­ more, the Super-Friend may be willing to join the Demon Hunter in fighting evil, be it mortal or supernatural, and may have other superhuman friends who can join the fight or help in other ways. Note: The range of resources made available by a superhero buddy is completely at the discre­ tion of the Game Master. Remember, just because the NPC super being may have a wide range of resources. it does not mean he is willing to share it all or any of it. Other fac­ tors may also limit what the NPC super being is willing or able to do for the Demon Hunter, including the threat level represented by the supernatural evil, the NPC hero's own resources (which could be great or small), the NPC hero's own current problems and responsibilities, and so on. Fur­ 29 Destroy supernatural evil. The Power Punch of a Demon Hunter (counts as two melee attacks) can be delivered by the character with his bare hands or a melee weapon (club, knife, sword, etc.). When used against any type of evil su­ pernatural being, the attack inflicts double damage (as per punch or weapon) even if the creature is normally imper­ vious to such attacks. Damage is inflicted by the Demon Hunter's positive energy and force of will as much as any­ thing else. Each Power Punch leveled against an evil su­ pernatural being temporarily uses up one point ofthe hero's P.P.E. If no P.P.E. is available, the damage inflicted is half. Note: A Power Punch used against a mortal character does its usual damage and does not expend P.P.E. Other Stuff Alignment: Any alignment can be selected, however heroes should be Principled, Scrupulous or Unprincipled alignment. Some Demon Hunters can become quite driven and ruthless in their battle against supernatural evil, but remain compassionate about other people and all have a keen sense of right and wrong, good and evil. The rare, An­ archist or evil aligned Demon Hunter suffers the following penalty for his less than good alignment: Reduce bonuses and the number of contacts by half; the character's harsh, cold, and extreme attitude will not endear him to good De­ mon Hunters, heroes and good people in general. Anar­ chist and evil Demon Hunters do, however, enjoy a bonus of +1 on initiative, and +1 to save vs Horror Factor. Other Skills: No additional skills are available; see the skill info at the beginning of the character description. Hand to Hand Combat: Physical combat training is part of the Demon Hunter's skills and is listed in Step Two sec­ tion of this description. Attacks per Melee (Hand to Hand): As with all super beings and heroes, the Demon Hunter automatically gets two attacks per melee round, plus additional attacks and bonuses from the Hand to Hand Combat skill, and other skills like Boxing, as well as the bonuses listed in this de­ scription. Weapons and Armor: Equipment is to be purchased based on what the character can afford (see Step Six: Equipment and Finances, above). The player should pur­ chase the tools, weapons, and things he thinks are needed. Finances: See Step Six: Equipment and Finances. Structural Damage Capacity (S.D.C.): As noted under Step One. Experience: Use the Hardware: Electrical experience table in the Heroes Unlimited RPG. Step Six: Equipment and Finances Equipment: Starts with a simple, basic wardrobe, cell phone, laptop computer, and high end personal computer. Additional gear must be purchased. Vehicle: Demon Hunters are typically nomadic, wander the streets in search of supernatural activity and go wher­ ever they are needed. As a result, they may not have a permanent apartment or house, but always have a reliable vehicle. Thus, the character starts with a recent model year van, mini-van, pickup truck, SUV, even an RV, or other mid­ sized to large vehicle able to carry more than one passen­ ger and a fair amount of gear. The vehicle is likely to have a half dozen secret compartments and/or other secret en­ hancements. (Game Master's discretion as to whether or not the Demon Hunter has a souped up vehicle.) Whatever the means of transportation, it will be kept in good running condition even if it's an older model. Starting Finances: The range of equipment is limited by the character's budget. Roll on the following table to de­ termine the amount of money available for gear and crime fighting. Equipment can be purchased from the equipment section on page 340 of the Heroes Unlimited RPG, 2nd Edition. 01-15% $20,000 16-29% $25,000 30-4so,-b $30,000 46-60% $35,000 61-75% $40,000 76-89% $50,000 90-00% $60,000 Additional Income: Additional income may come from a full- or part-time job with flexible work hours, donations, a private investor/backer, pay for his services/consulta­ tion, stealing from the bad guys/monsters, selling magic artifacts and ancient books or artifacts taken from the bad guys/cultists/demon worshipers, and so on. Work related to the Power Category of Demon Hunter might indude pri­ vate investigation, paranormal investigation, ghost hunter/ exorcist/monster slayer, protector/guard against the super­ natural, writing (about the paranormal), consultant to super­ heroes or the authorities or even private industry, etc. The Heroic Hellion Demonic Immortal Variant The Heroic Hellion was once a terrible evil being who, for some reason or another, has changed his ways. Most of these beings seclude themselves and become hermits, but a percentage rededicate their lives to doing good, protect­ ing the innocent and aspiring to be heroes to make up for their past wrongs. The thought of injustice and wickedness bothers Heroic Hellions so much, they feel they have no other choice but to stop the evil supernatural forces they once served. The typical Heroic Hellion is born from de­ cades of cheerful servitude (and abuse) at the hands of a Demon or Deevil Lord, dark god or other powerful, evil supernatural being. Then, one day his evil master says or does something that changes the servant's mind about what's right, wrong and tolerable, and the Hellion turns from an evil henchman into a force for good. Also known as Enlightened Demons, these strangest of heroes will have started life and spent eons as an ordinary 30 demon, sub-demon, Deevil or other infernal or evil super­ natural being. Yet somehow they find their way to the light and become forces of good. No one knows how or why a demon or infernal born in the very pits of Hell can find his inner humanity or fuel a spark of goodness. How a creature of instinct and primordial desire can separate from the evil that is his nature, or break free of the influence of his mas­ ter, remains a mystery, but it does happen. Choice One: Playing an eXisting Palladium Demon, Deevil or other demonic monster. Players who elect to use an existing Palladium demon or Deevil can create a character quick and easy. Once a demon or Deevil is selected, roll him up as described in the creature's description with all the powers and abilities of that known demon of Hades or infernal of Dyval. The hard­ est part will be picking a particular demon of Hades, like an Alu, Shedim, Gallu Bull, Baal-Rog, etc., sub-demon (like a Gargoyle), or Deevil, such as a Deevil. Devilkin, Beast, Serpent, etc. Demons and Deevils (a.k.a. infernals) are common denizens of twin Hells that first appeared in the Palladium Fantasy RPG®, but continued into the pages of Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, Phase World® and the Three Galax­ ies TM. Their descriptions can be found in the Palladium Fantasy RPG® and Rifts® Conversion Book Two: Dark Conversions TM, but the most comprehensive descriptions appear in Rifts® Dimension Book 10: Hades and Rifts® Dimension Book 11: Dyval, where the two planes of Hell and the Minion War are presented in detail. Other intelli­ gent, evil supernatural beings classified as "demons" may also be found in books for Beyond the SupernaturaPM, Nightbane® (use the actual demon-like creatures from the Nightlands TM like Hounds, Hunters, Night Princes, etc., not the Nightbane), and Creatures of Chaos™ for RiftS® Chaos Earth ™, as well as various other sourcebooks. Con­ versions from Mega-Damage or M.D.C. to Hit Points and S.D.C. are easy, and many of the titles noted above have stats for both settings. In all cases, the evil supernatural creatures turned "good guy" must be approved by the Game Master, but most es­ tablished demons and infernals should be okay. Demon Lords, the Jinn, and beings that are ghostly spirits should NOT be candidates for a Heroic Hellion, but most Lesser and Greater Demons and Deevils should work fine, pro­ vided they have a physical body. The Heroic Hellion has the same overall appearance and all the same powers, magic abilities and vulnerabilities he had as an evil supernatural being; no modifications or adjustments needed. The only difference is the character's alignment, which must be Principled or Scrupulous. Fur­ thermore, this Enlightened Demon strives to be as honest, forthright and good as possible. Finish rolling up the character using the stats provid­ ed by the chosen and G.M. approved demon or infernal R.C.C. Then go to the following steps only (ignoring the rest): Steps 2-6. The price of humanity. The "traditional" demon or infer­ nal undergoes a few minor, mostly cosmetic changes. Be­ coming a force for good and one of humanity's protectors changes the hero's demonic nature and appearance, soft­ ening his looks and making the Heroic Hellion more human. Clawed hands become human-looking fingers/hands (no claw strike attack or claw damage) and hooves or clawed feet become human-like feet with toes (reduce Spd attri­ bute by 10%). The life of a Heroic Hellion is a difficult one, full of sus­ picion, fear and conflict. The reborn hero is despised as a turncoat and fool by his demonic kin, and feared and dis­ trusted by the very mortals he now tried to serve and pro­ tect. Both situations are understandable. Evil beings cannot fathom why their fellow immortal has forsaken the path of power and chaos for one of kindness and service to oth­ ers. Since Deevils and demons are known for their lies and treachery, mortals are reluctant to trust them since it seems unfathomable that a "demon" would give up his evil ways. It must be a trick. Don't fall for it! Thus, Heroic Hellions often live under a shadow of suspicion even among their friends and teammates. When treachery or betrayal is suspected, the Hellion is often the prime suspect. It doesn't help that most are ferocious in battle and, despite some humanistic changes to their appearance, still look demonic. As one might imagine, Heroic Hellions are very rare throughout the Megaverse. They tend to gather and join forces with other heroes wherever the forces of darkness seem to gather with threatening force. It's almost as if the heroes are drawn to the cosmic imbalance of the growing darkness. As a result, there are a handful on Heroes Unlim­ ited Earth, as well as Phase World and in the Three Galax­ ies. (One rumor suggests there are a few Heroic Hellions working with one or more factions of Cosmo-Knights.) Creating a Heroic Hellion Step One: The Choice Choice One is playing an established Palladium demon or Deevil, rather than rolling up a completely new and ran­ dom demonic being using the tables under Choice Two. In either case, the character began life as an evil, de­ monic supernatural creature, with Supernatural Strength and Endurance. However, do not increase the character's strength as per the super power, Supernatural Strength. Whatever is rolled for P.S. is considered Supernatural and may be modified by the powers below or through Physical skills. All are exceptionally long lived and heal three times faster than normal humans and recover lost S.D.C'/Hit Points (or M.D.C.) at a rate of 206 per hour. Furthermore, in terms of height and weight, the character is assumed to be 1020% larger than the average human, unless modified by the tables below. 32 Monstrous facial features take on a more human and attractive appearance (attractive by human standards re­ duce Horror Factor by 1 D4 points and increase P.B. attri­ bute 1D4+ 1 points). The Heroic Hellion also gets hair on his/her head, even if the demonic being is normally bald or hairless. Loss of immortality. A Heroic Hellion may live for hun­ dreds, even thousands of years, but is no longer immortal. Such is the gift of humanity. The loss of immortality is a "gift" that only those who have been immortal can probably truly understand and appreciate. All of this makes the Heroic Hellion more relatable to hu­ mans and different from a true demon. To evil supernatural beings, however, the changes are a mark of their treachery and a curse that identifies the hero as a traitor of Hell to be pitied, despised, and tortured before killing him. The price of an evil past. See Step Four: Vulnerabili­ ties. Choice Two: Creating an entirely new Demonic Heroic Hellion To create an entirely new type of demon/Deevil/super­ natural being, roll on the following tables: Alignment for a Heroic Hellion 01-50% Principled. 51-00% Scrupulous. Power Level 01·50% Lesser Supernatural Being. 51-00% Greater Supernatural Being. See the specific description, stats and tables for Lesser and Greater Supernatural Beings that follow to finish your character. Lesser Supernatural Being: Age: See Supernatural Abilities Common to All. Armor Rating (Natural): 104+6 Attacks per Melee Round: Six, and +1 on initiative and +1 to strike, parry and dodge. Eight8ttributes: I.Q. 206+6, M.E. 206+6, MA 1D6+4, P.S. 206+14 (Supernatural), P.P. 206+8, P.E. 206+9 (Super­ natural), P.B. 204+6, Spd 4D6+20. Experience Table: Same as the Mega-Hero; starts at level one. Hit Points & S.O.C.: Base Hit Points is P.E. attribute number x6 +306 per level of experience, and S.O.C. is P.E. attribute number x3. I.S.P.: Applicable only if the character has Psionics. P.P.E.: As supernatural beings, all Heroic Hellions have a reserve of P.P.E. - Lesser ones have a P.P.E. base of PE attribute number x5. . . Inhu~an Appearance: A Heroic Hellion will have one of the follOWing general appearances. Skill bonuses may not ap­ ply to all characters. actual pair of large, bat-like wings. (Unless the character has the separate power of flight, the wings are vestigial; they don't work and he cannot fly.) Modifiers due to ap­ pearance: +1 to Horror Factor, and the Minor Super Ability: Heightened Sense of Hearing, but loud noise is painful and uncomfortable, and -20% to Disguise and all undercover related skills. 11·20% Canine: The hero has a wolfman or humanoid wolf-like appearance, including the muzzle, teeth, large eyes and ears, shaggy tail, and body covered in shaggy fur. Modifiers due to appearance: +206+4 to Spd attribute, +10% to Tracking and Tailing skills, has an excellent sense of smell (but not superhuman), and +1 to dodge, but -20% to Disguise and all undercover related skills. 21-30% Dead: The hero's body resembles a walking corpse or zombie or ghoul with sunken eyes and cheeks, pale skin color with a grey cast or white pallor to it, and is cold to the touch. Modifiers due to appearance: +3D6 to Hit Points and +306 to S.D.C., +2 to Horror Factor, resistant to cold and fire (half damage), but -5% to all skills requiring manual dexterity (that's most, from Computer Operation to Climbing), and reduce Spd attribute by 20%. 31-40% Devil: The hero's body resembles that of the traditional devil (or Oevilkin of Oyval) with red or bronze skin, a pair of small to medium-sized horns protruding from the forehead, a devil's tail, cloven hooves for feet and the legs of a goat, like a satyr. Modifiers due to appearance: +1 to Horror Factor, +6 to running speed and can leap an addi­ tional five feet (1.5 m) high or across, but -20% to Disguise, Prowl and all undercover related skills. 41·50% Feline: The hero's face has a distinctly catlike appearance, including the almond-shaped eyes, fangs and pOinted teeth, cat's ears, mountain lion's tail, and body cov­ ered in short, tan colored silky fur. Modifiers due to appear­ ance: +1 on initiative, bite attack does 1D6 damage, +2 to roll ~ith impact or fall, can leap an additional eight feet (2.4 m) high or across, and +10% to the skills Acrobatics Climb­ ing, Gymnastics, Prowl, and Tailing (as applicabie) but -10% to Disguise and all undercover related skills. Note: If the character gets claws as a special ability, they are re­ tractable. 51-60% Fish: The hero's body resembles that of a fish with large scales, wide toothless mouth, large dark eyes: no body h~ir, webbed fingers and toes, and a set of gills along the Side of the neck. Modifiers due to appearance: +1 to ~orror Factor, +406+6 to S.O.C., and the Minor Super Ability: Underwater Abilities, but reduce the P.B. attribute by 20%, running Spd by half, and -20% to Disguise and all undercover related skills. 61-70% ~umanlike Beauty: Despite any other inhu­ man(demomc features, the character is strangely attractive. Modifiers due to appearance: +1 D4+2 to M.A., +1 D4+4 to P. B. attribute, and enjoys a bonus of + 10% to Barter and Seduction skills but -10% to Disguise, Intimidation and all undercover related skills. 71-80% Humanlike Brute: The character has broad shoulders, a barrel chest, a wild mane of dark hair, and a muscular physique. Modifiers due to appearance: +306+14 . 01.10% Bat: The hero's body resembles that of a bat with fangs, short fur covered body, large ears, webbed fin­ gers, and either a bat-like membrane under the arms or an 33 to S.D.C., +1 D4+1 to P.S., but -1 D4 to P.B. or M.A. (pick one) and -10% to Disguise and all undercover related skills. 81-90% Insect: The hero's body resembles that of an insect, with large round eyes, a pair of antennae, an exo­ skeleton (any color). large mouth or mandibles, no ears, and two pairs of arms! Modifiers due to appearance: +1 at­ tack per melee round, +2 to Horror Factor, +20% to Climb­ ing skill, +10% to Acrobatics, and the Minor Super Ability: Adhesion. On the downside, -1 D4 to P.B., -30% to Disguise and all undercover related skills. 01-05% Breathe Without Air: The character can breathe indefinitely without air and in a vacuum. 06-10% Body Weapons: See the Minor Super Ability description. 11-15% Claws: 4D6 damage from a claw strike and +10% to Climbing skill. 16-20% Darkness Control: See the Major Super Ability description. 21-25% Energy Expulsion, Electricity: See the Minor Super Ability description. 26-30% Energy Expulsion, Energy: See the Minor Su­ per Ability description. 31-35% Extraordinary Speed: See the Minor Super Ability description. 36-40% Flight, Winged: See the Minor Super Ability de­ scription. When the character assumes his Heroic Hellion form he has some sort of wings; player's choice and may be bat-like, bird-like or insect. 41-45% Flight, Wingless: See the Minor Super Ability description. 46-50% Impervious to Cold: No damage, not even from cold-based magic. 51-55% Impervious to Fire: No damage, not even from fire and heat-based magic. 56-60% Impervious to Poison and Drugs. No damage from poison, but also resistant to all drugs whether helpful or hurtful (half effect and duration). 61-65% Invisibility: See the Major Super Ability de­ scription. 66-70% Psionics: Healing: Select 1D6+4 psionic pow­ ers from the Healing category. I.S.P. is M.E. attribute x10 +2D6 I.S.P. per level of experience. 71-75% Psionics: Physical: Select 1D6+5 psionic pow­ ers from the Physical category. I.S.P. is M.E. attribute x10 +2D6 LS.P. per level of experience. 76-80% Psionics: Sensitive: Select 1D6+4 pSionic powers from the Physical category. LS.P. is M.E. attribute x10 +2D6 LS.P. per level of experience. 81-85% Psionics: Super: Select 1D4+3 pSionic powers from the Super Psionics category. I.S.P. is M.E. attribute x20 +1D6+1 I.S.P. per level of experience. 86-90% See the Invisible: The character can see the in­ visible, including invisible force field energy, invisible super­ natural beings, Astral Travelers, spirits/ghosts, and those turned invisible by magic or super ability. 91-95% Supervision, Nightvision: See the Minor Su­ per Ability description. 96-00% Super-Tough: Double Hit Points and +1 D6x1 00 to S.D.C. 91-00% Reptilian: The hero's body resembles that of a lizard, with a reptilian head or face, forked tongue, small pointed teeth, tiny scales, unusual body color (01-40% Green, 41-60% Tan or bronze, 61-80% Red or purple, or 81-00% Black with red markings), and a long, partially pre­ hensile tail to whip and use for balance. Modifiers due to appearance: +1 to Horror Factor, +1D6 to Spd attribute, can use tail as one of his melee attacks (does kick dam­ age +1D6), +10% to the skills Acrobatics, Climbing and Gymnastics, and the Minor Super Ability: Healing Factor. On the down side, -1 D4 to P.B., -20% to Disguise and all undercover related skills, and -5% to all skills that require patience and intellect (Le. all Science, Medical, Computer and many other skills). Skills of the Heroic Hellion: Demons and Deevils tend to be fighters, spies and tempters, and their skills reflect this. Se­ lect 1D4+2 skills from each of the following skill categories: Espionage Physical (do not pick a Hand to Hand Combat skill). Rogue Weapon Proficiency (W.P.; may include ancient and modern). Skill Bonus: Add a +15% skill bonus to all skills under one category (not applicable to w.P.s); this is the character's area of speCialty. Supernatural Abilities Common to All Heroic Hellions: Auto­ matically gets Supernatural P.S. and P.E., magically under­ stands and speaks all languages, aura appears to be that of a supernatural being similar to those of demons and in­ fernals, heals three times faster than a human, once per 24 hours can bio-regenerate 1D6x10+20 Hit Points or S.D.C., and though no longer immortal, the Heroic Hellion lives 100 years for every P.E. attribute point, unless killed sooner in the line of duty. Plus limited Humanoid Metamorphosis - the ability to transform into one mortal alter-ego. On Earth that would typically be human. In other settings it could be any Hit Point/S.D.C. based race (Elf, Dwarf, D-Bee, mutant ani­ mal, etc.). The alter-ego is always the same person, always looks the same and reflects the Hellion's actual gender (male or female). In "human" or "mortal" form, the Enlight­ ened Demon is only half as powerful as he is in demon form; reduce all physical attributes, bonuses, attacks per melee round, LS.P, P.P.E., Spell Strength, etc. all by half. Special Supernatural & Super Abilities: Roll three times for a random determination of three abilities, below, or pick any three. Specified super abilities are described in the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG. Magic Option: Instead of three super abilities as noted above, the Lesser Heroic Hellion may elect to be a spell caster, in which case he gets ONE super ability and the power to cast spells. Double P.P.E. base +12 P.P.E. per lev­ el of experience, possesses the Wizard Abilities numbers 3, 4, and 5 with a +10% bonus, and selects a total of 2D6+10 spells. Selections can be made from spell levels 1-8. 34 Greater Supernatural Being: Age: See Supernatural Abilities Common to All. Armor Rating (Natural): 204+7 (not applicable in Mega­ Damage settings). Attacks per Melee Round: Seven, and +1 on Perception Rolls and +1 to save vs magic and mind control. EightAttributes: I.Q. 206+13, M.E. 206+13, MA 206+11, P.S. 406+22 (Supernatural) P.P. 206+13, P.E. 306+13 (Su­ pernatural), P.B. 206+9, Spd 406+13. Experience Table: Same as the Mega-Hero; starts at level one. Hit Points & S.O.C.: Hit Points: P.E. attribute number x10 +506 per level of experience, and S.O.C. is P.E. attribute number x6. In a Mega-Damage setting, add H.P. and S.O.C. points together and make them M.O.C. Inhuman Appearance: Roll on the same table as Lesser Supernatural Being. I.S.P.: Applicable only if the character has Psionics. P.P.E.: As supernatural beings, all Heroic Hellions have a reserve of P.P.E. - Greater ones have a P.P.E. base that is P.E. attribute number x10. Skills of the Heroic Hellion: Same as Lesser Heroic Hellion. Skill Bonus: Same as Lesser Heroic Hellion. Supernatural Abilities Common to all Heroic Hellions: Same as the Lesser Hellion. Special Super Abilities: Same as the Lesser Hellion; roll twice for random determination or pick any two. Magic Option (Automatic): Greater Demons who become Heroic Hellions possess two Special Super Abilities and spell casting abilities - double base P.P.E. +20 P.P.E. per level of experience, possesses the Wizard Abilities num­ bers 3, 4, and 5 with a +15% bonus, and selects a total of 206+13 spells. Selections can be made from spell levels 1-8. Step Two: Source of Enlightenment Determine the source of the character's transition from a creature of darkness to Champion of Light. Most demons and infernals are completely evil. More than that, they thrive on hurting others and bringing about suffering, chaos and destruction. As a result, enlightenment and the choice to abandon evil to not only become good, but to become a hero, is not made lightly and has lasting consequences. Players should weave their character's transition from de­ monic evil to good into their character's back story. like­ wise, Game Masters can work it in as part of a long running campaign and haunt the Heroic Hellion with his past and old allies who now despise him. To determine the source of enlightenment, roll on the following table, pick one, or come up with something com­ pletely on your own. In the latter case, the reason for the Heroic Hellion's "enlightenment" must make sense and be approved by the Game Master. Players should keep in mind that the reason for the demon's becoming a heroic cham­ pion of the weak and innocent is profound and a big part of who the character is, so play it up. The source or reason for 35 enlightment, as described below, is kept deliberately vague so players can embellish as they deem fit. 01-10% Raised or influenced to be good. The char­ acter was essentially raised by a caring and loving family. The character never knew an evil existence, and with the influence of family life and values the character has turned out to be good. With this option the character still has family out there that he loves and cares about. It could be a single parent, or a large family. The point is they are a potential liability to the character should anyone find out about them. 11-20% Inspired by a hero. All this monster has known is pain and suffering. That's life in Hell a constant struggle. Constant pain and disappointment. Constant brutality and treachery. Never anyone you can ever really trust. Never a moment of true peace or happiness. The hell spawned be­ ing hated his life. Then one day he saw a hero in action and was impressed by his power and measured strength. The monster took assignments that enabled him to watch this hero from afar where he marveled at his courage and ability to show mercy. One day they clashed, and the hero showed the demonic character mercy and compassion. It confused the villain, but he wanted to understand and worked hard at figuring this hero out. The monster surprised himself when he approached the hero to talk of such things. They talked often. When the hero sacrificed his own life to protect the weak and innocent, something changed inside the monster, and he vowed to try to live up to the standards of the fallen hero. 21-30% Filling an empty soul. For a long time, the su­ pernatural spawn of Hell was a conniving, evil villain who enjoyed the life of a marauding monster. Being immortal, however, means you see and do a lot over the eons, and over time, something changed in the creature. The plea­ sure of torturing and tormenting others slowly lost its luster. The pain, suffering and constant strife seemed pointless, cruel and wrong. No matter how many people were cor­ rupted, or tortured, or killed, it was never enough to fill the void inside of him. The demonic villain's life felt empty and without purpose. Though he went through the motions of wickedness, he came to hate it. And he felt like a freak and an outcast for feeling that way. Try as he might to sink him­ self into the work of treachery and malevolence, he could not find pleasure in it. Then one day, he helped someone in need and something stirred inside of him. It felt good. The hell spawn continued to do acts of kindness again and again, always in secret, and each action felt better than the last. Talking to mortals, the demon began to question his purpose and ponder the age-old questions of purpose in life, joy, right and wrong, good and evil. One day, the evil being switched sides and hasn't looked back. He has felt content and fulfilled ever since. He can still be savage and ruthless, and fights to control his rage and base instincts, but now he opposes evil and injustice. 31-40% Finding a path to joy and peace. Our hero started life as a denizen of Hell as a demonic shocktrooper for the forces of darkness. For a long time he accepted his place in an ugly and brutal world, but after a while he began to long for something more. There had to be more than ugliness and pain. There had to be a better way than killing and destroying. He marveled at humans and other mortals who seemed to know love and laughter, and find joy and beauty in so many things. The demon sought to find these things too. It may have seemed like a fool's errand, but you know what? He found it. He discovered beauty and joy. He found friendship, love, and with it, enlightenment. The hero gave up his evil ways and now battles the forces of evil to preserve and protect all that's good. He's yet to find peace, but he loves his life and fights to make the universe a better place. 41-50% The winding road to a better way. The demon was always an outcast and the brunt of jokes and cruelty. He is no stranger to emotional and physical abuse nor the pain of subjugation. Such is life among the denizens of Hell. In time, the suffering creature's hatred made him seek re­ venge against his tormentors. He sought a way to strike back and hurt them like they had hurt him. At least that was his goal in the beginning. However, somewhere along the road to revenge, the monster found redemption. Part of it came from aSSOciating with mortals and some true heroes. Part it came from understanding pain and humiliation which made the monster more empathetic toward others. Along the road to vengeance, hate gave way to kindness, toler­ ance and compassion toward others. With it came enlight­ enment and true heroics. Now, the Heroic Hellion dreams not of vengeance but of enriching lives, helping others in need and being a force for good not evil. 51-60% The only real choice. The once evil character has made a conscious decision to forsake evil and become a hero. For many eons, he was told what to do and punished horribly if he did not. It was his job not to ask questions, but to do as he was told. To find release in lashing out and hurting others. To find reward in championing the causes of his wicked and insane masters, and in the destruction of all that was good or beautiful. One day the demon chose to stop taking orders and start making his own decisions. It started with betraying his master and the pawns that served him. It continued with the Hellion choosing the path of order and light. Today he's a hero who stands against the forces of evil and smites them with a smile on his face. He knows there will be consequences for his choice and subsequent actions. He knows his old master (a Demon or Deevil Lord) cannot let this betrayal go unpunished. He knows he is like­ ly to suffer a most inglorious demise at the hands of sinis­ ter forces. Yet he has never felt more alive, empowered or right. He is a hero and has no regrets. 61-70% Slow transition. Just as the wind will, over time, erode the tallest mountain, so does life have a way of changing some beings in the most inexplicable and subtle ways. This character served the master of Hell fervently for eons. He never questioned his orders or duty, and never felt an aching emptiness or longing for something more or dif­ ferent. He enjoyed the power struggles, hard fought battles, and the torment of mortals. It was the only life he knew, and life was good. Consequently, the demon surprised himself when he just walked away from it all. He expected someone to hunt him down and kill him, but they never did. For mil­ lennia he wandered the Megaverse lost in his thoughts and wondering what fate had in store for him. Then one day, the answer seemed obvious and a Heroic Hellion was born. 71-80% Captured and reformed. This tortured vil­ lain was a prisoner for a very long time. Whoever impris­ oned him tormented him with daily rituals of compassion, kindness, and long hours of discussion. Though he didn't know what it was, he knew he was being brainwashed for some diabolical purpose. Then, one day, he was set free. Let loose to do as he pleased. The monster thought about destroying his foolish captors, but decided to go back to Hell and his old life. The choice seemed right, but some­ how things were different. His old life seemed shallow and cruel. His comrades heartless, self-serving misanthropes who fought over the most petty of insults and relished in­ "flicting pain and suffering. One day, on an assignment in the world of mortals, just as his teammates were about to commit a most heinous act, he heard a strong voice com­ mand them to stop. It took him a long moment to realize the voice was his. They attacked. He slew them. Innocent lives were saved that day and a hero was born. The character has a new outlook on the Megaverse and has taken an en­ lightened path to self-improvement and the mantle of hero. It is a path the monster turned Heroic Hellion finds easier and friendlier to travel every day. 81-90% Accident or injury caused the change. A mas­ sive injury or trauma instantly turned a demon into a saint. The supernatural creature mayor may not remember his past life, or perhaps he'd rather forget it and seeks to make amends for it. While the injury or trauma may be a convenient excuse (or maybe it really did knock or shock the character into a different mindset), the reality is, the servant of evil has given up his evil ways and has become a Heroic Hellion and champion of the people (mortal, innocent people that is). This character seems to take a special pleasure in protecting mor­ tals from supernatural evil and the forces of Hell. 91-00% Free will experiment who escaped. The char­ acter is the product of a Demon or Deevil Lord who has given him free will. Unlike all the others described in Step Two, this character has never known a life of evil or suf­ fered greatly in the planes of Hell. Instead, the character was created for reasons unknown, and allowed to decide his own path. The experiment chose the greater good and rejected the darkness. Since escaping, he has found the world of humans and become a Heroic Hellion and symbol of good. What haunts this hero is, why was he created? Did he escape or was he allowed to escape, and if so, why? Is he truly a force for good or is he a pawn in some evil machi­ nation of a Lord or Lady of Hell? Worse, is he a ticking time bomb that can be detonated at any time by the evil deity that created him, or is he truly free to make his own des­ tiny? While this hero prefers to believe the latter, he worries that he's a pawn in a bigger game. Step Three: Additional Demonic Features All Heroic Hellions have a demonic appearance, which can be further modified by the steps below. Most of these Enlightened Demons do not look human, and stand out in a crowd. All have some odd color of skin, horns on the head, or similar demonic features. Roll on the table below which 36 (the dodge bonus is the applied to the "tail" moving out of harm's way). 46-65% A large, alligator-like tail that provides +5% to balance, +10% to Swimming skills, and a tail strike does the equivalent of punch damage. Each tail strike counts as one of the character's melee attacks, it does not pro­ vide an additional attack. 66-75% A large, long weapon tail: +1 attack per melee round, does the same damage as a punch +10 damage, and the tail is +3 to strike and +2 to parry and dodge. 76-90% A long, monkey-like prehensile tail that has the same strength as the character's arms and hands. It can be used to swing from tree branches and hang from the rafters, as well as wield tools and melee weapons. Oamage is per weapon; -5 to strike when the tail is used to try to fire a gun or energy weapon. Furthermore, the prehensile tail can be used to open doors, pull switches, pick pockets, and provides +1 attack per melee round, +10% to Climbing skill, and the tail is +1 to strike, +1 to parry and +3 to dodge. 91-00% A prehensile weapon tail that has a barb or pointy tail tip. In addition to the abilities and bonuses to climb, swing from trees, etc. it provides +2 attacks per melee round (both attacks must be by tail), damage from the tail is 306+4, and the tail is +2 to strike, parry and dodge. 56-70% Unusual Limbs. Roll on the following sub-table to determine the exact type. 01-10% One arm is different from the other. It's either larger, smaller, or made from a different material such as stone or steel. A larger arm/hand makes manipulating items made for smaller hands very difficult and the char­ acter is -20% on skills that require fine manipulation and detail work. He is also -3 to strike with guns, unless the weapon is custom made for the character. This arm does an additional 106+1 damage, can parry melee weapons without being hurt, and is resistant to cold and fire (half damage). 11-30% Large claws. A claw attack does Supernatural Punch damage +306 additional damage. 31-50% Cloven feet, furry legs and a supernatural nimbleness. The lower body of the character is like a goat, with cloven feet and furry legs. Add +206 to speed, +106 damage from kick attacks, +1 to dodge, and +6 feet (1.8 m) to the height and length of leaps. If the He­ roic Hellion already looked like a devil and had cloven hooves and goat legs, these bonuses are accumUlative. 51-70% One of the character's arms is a tentacle that can extend 10 feet (3 m) farther than a human arm, is +1 to strike and parry, +3 to entangle and dodge, and +5% to Climbing skill. 71-90% One extra limb. The character has an extra arm, or leg; +3 to strike, parry and entangle, and +5% to Climbing and SWimming skills. 91-00% Lower body is actually part animal, similar to a Centaur. Roll on the following sub-table. 01-30% Horse. Add 606 to speed and 204x10 S.O.C. 31-60% Goat. Add 206 to speed and +10% to climbing or gets climbing at a base of 30%.61-75% Reptilian. No change can be modified with Step Four. It is assumed that the He­ roic Hellion is a humanoid and the table below applies to this. Players can skip this step if they have already selected a pre-existing demon or Oeevil. Roll to determine two demonic features. Ignore duplica­ tion and roll again. 01-20% Odd skin color. Roll on the following sub-table to determine the exact color. 01-10% Red. 11-20% Orange. 21-30% Yellow. 31-40% Blue. 41-50% Green. 51-60% White. 61-70% Black. 71-80% Gray or silver. 81-90% Bronze or gold. 91-100% Brown or purple. 21·35% Character has horns, spikes, or armor plat. ing. Roll on the following sub-table to determine the exact nature. 01-15% Small, pointy hams, adds +106 S.O.C. dam­ age to head butts. 16-30% Small, curled horns like a billy goat, adds +204 S.O.C. damage to head butts. 31-40% Large bull hams adds +206 to head butt damage. 41-50% Large, curled ram horns, adds +306 to head butt damage. 51-65% Spikes run down the character's back and along a tail if he has one. Grappling from behind is dif­ ficult and anyone trying to jump on his back, or try a bear hug, hold or wrestle the Heroic Hellion takes 204 points of damage each melee attack. If the spikes are on a tail, they add an additional +106 to tail strike damage. 66-75% Elbow spikes protrude from the character's elbows. When used in combat they do damage equal to a normal punch +106 S.O.C. 76-85% Shoulder spikes add +206 to damage from body blocks and tackles. 86-93% Partial Bony Armor. Primarily the character's torso is covered in a bony hide adding +1 to the charac­ ter's A.R. and +104x10+10 S.O.C., but P.B. is -1. 94-00% Full Bony Armor. The character is covered from head to toe in a bony armor. Add +3 to the charac­ ter's A.R. and +206x10+20 S.O.C., but the character's P.B. is -2. 36-55% Tail. Roll on the following sub-table to determine the exact type of tail. 01-15% Small vestigial. and of no use. 16-35% Long tail like a eat's. The movement of the tail may suggest the character's mood or level of anxiety. 36-45% A long dexterous tail that has a sharp, bony point, or barbs. It is not prehensile enough to wield, carry or use weapons or objects, but can be used to attack, like a whip, and provides one extra attack per melee round. Each tail strike does 206+6 damage on a tail at­ tack, and the tail is +1 to strike and +2 parry and dodge 37 to speed, but add +1D6x10 S.D.C., and there are claws on the feet that add 206 damage to kicks. 76-00% Insect or Spider. Character either has six or eight legs and the lower body of an insect or an arachnid. Add +1 to A.R. and 1D4x10 S.D.C., and +20% to Climbing, or has it at a base skill of 50%. 71·75% Wings: This does not mean the character can fly, unless the Flight super ability has been selected. They could just be vestigial and useless. Roll on the following sub-table to determine the type. 01-20% A set of large butterfly wings, giving the hero a fanciful and attractive quality; +104 to MA and +2 to P.B. However, they make disguise impossible and may get in the way, knocking things over, etc. Note: Large butterfly wings can be used to glide from heights starting at 20 feet (6.1 m) above the ground. The hero stays airborne only for a brief period of time; +1 to roll with impact. 21-30% A set of large insect wings like those of a fly or wasp. The wings buzz when they are moved rapidly. 31-50% Small feathered wings. These wings are small, pretty and may give the character the appearance of being an angel (or fallen angel). 51-60% Large feathered wings may give the charac­ ter the appearance of being an angel (or fallen angel), +2 to M.A. and P.B. Large wings can be used to strike equal to the character's normal punch damage. Note: Large wings can be used to glide from heights starting at 20 feet (6.1 m) above the ground. The hero stays airborne only for a brief period of time. 61-80% Bone wings. The Heroic Hellion has the skel­ etal armature of wings, with a tattered, thin, translucent membrane reminiscent of a bat. These wings give the hero an even more frightening appearance; +1 to Hor­ ror Factor. Bone wings can be used to strike equal to the character's normal punch damage +5. They can also parry weapons but without benefit of a bonus (unmodi­ fied roll only). Note: Without the ability to fly, the large bone wings can be used to glide from heights starting at 50 feet (15.2 m) above the ground. The hero stays airborne only for a brief period of time. 81-90% Large reptilian wings like those of a dragon. These wings give the hero an even more demonic ap­ pearance; +2 to Horror Factor, +1 to MA Large wings can be used to strike equal to the character's normal punch damage. Note: Without the ability to fly, large wings can be used to glide from heights starting at 20 feet (6.1 m) above the ground. The hero stays airborne only for a brief period of time. 91-00% Flame or energy wings. The character still can't fly unless the Flight super ability has been select­ ed, but the wings do radiate energy and inflict 106 points of damage when touched, make the Heroic Hellion re­ sistant to fire or energy (depends on the nature of his wings) and can be used to strike equal to the character's normal punch damage +8. Note: Without the ability to fly, energy wings cannot even glide. 76·84% Enhanced Attributes: Roll on the following sub-table to determine the nature and bonus(es) of the en­ hanced attribute(s). 01-30% One attribute of choice is increased by 104, or roll 108 for random determination of an attribute. 31-60% Two attributes of choice are increased by 104, or roll 108 for random determination of an attribute. 61-80% One attribute of choice is increased by 106 points. 81-94% One attribute of choice is increased by 104+4 points. 95-97% All mental attributes are increased by 106 points. 98-00% All physical attributes are increased by 106 points. 85·93% Unusual characteristic: Roll on the following sub-table to determine the type. 01-15% Always smells of sulfur. 16-29% Always smells like blood. 30-44% Eyes glow when angry or excited. 45-60% Skin is always hot to the touch; people take 104 damage when they touch his body, punches to an additional 106 damage. 61-75% Fire appears in the character's mouth and/or eyes when he speaks, especially when angry or threat­ ening; +1 to Horror Factor. 76-90% Skin is not flesh, but covered with scales, or seems made of stone, steel, bone, or other unusual sub­ stance. Add +1 to the A. R., + 10 to Hit Points and 1D6x1 0 to S.D.C. 91-00% Smoke is released from the mouth and nos­ trils whenever the character talks or exhales; reminis­ cent of when someone is smoking a cigarette and ex­ hales the smoke. 94·00% Transformative Power: Roll on the following sub-table to determine the type. 01-20% In his supernatural Heroic Hellion form, the hero is larger. Add 104 feet (0.3 to 1.2 m) to height and 1D6x10 pounds (4.5 to 27 kg) to weight; +10 S.D.C. per every additional foot (0.3 m). 21-40%% In his supernatural Heroic Hellion form, the hero is much larger. Add 204 feet (0.6 to 2.4 m) to height and 3D6x10 pounds (13.5 to 81 kg) to weight; +1 D4x1 0 S.D.C. per every two additional feet (0.6 m). 41-60% Metamorphosis Humanoid. The character can magically transform into any humanoid form. He cannot make himself look exactly like a specific person, but can look like a member of any human or humanoid race. The duration is two hours per level of experience. 61-80% Metamorphosis Anima/. The character can take on the form of one of the following: Black cat, rat, raven, bat, snake, frog, toad, wolf, bull, or other animal typically associated with witches and evil supernatural beings. Ultimately it's the player's choice with the Game Master's approval. In animal form, the Heroic Hellion has all the abilities of that particular animal, as well as retaining his own memories, skills, and ability to speak. However, magic, psionics, and special and super abili­ ties cannot be used in animal form, he must take human form where powers are at half, or his demonic Hellion form with powers at full strength. The duration of animal transformation is three hours per level of experience. 38 21-30% Wood of the peach tree as well as peach pits and peach blossoms. Weapons made of this wood inflict double damage. 31-40% Wood of the Oak or Hawthorne. Weapons made of this wood inflict double damage. 41-50% Silver. Weapons made of, or coated in, silver do double damage. 51-60% Stone (does not include concrete or brick, nor layers of pebble or earth). For circles and lines, the stone must be white, clear or rosy quartz. Weapons made from any type of stone typically inflict 1D6, 2D4 or 2D6 dam­ age to humans depending on the size of the weapon, but do double damage to demons and Heroic Hellions with a vulnerability to stone. 61-70% Bone of an animal or human. Must be bone crushed into a powder to use in a circle. 71-80% Mandrake Root. 81-90% Salt. 91-00% Garlic. A Heroic Hellion with this vulnerability cannot enter a cir­ cle or step over a line of the substance; it is considered to have a Horror Factor of 15. Also being within ten feet (3 m) of the substance makes the character queasy and uneasy, inflicting a penalty of -1 to all combat bonuses and saving throws. The vulnerable character can be trapped within a circle ofthis substance and he cannot leave it (not even with super powers or magic) until someone clears an opening. In these instances, and when the substance is within one foot (0.3 m) of the Heroic Hellion, reduce his number of me­ lee attacks and combat bonuses by half. Unless something like fire or cold, the substance does not physically damage the character unless ingested or coated on a weapon, or made into a weapon (if possible). The substance can, how­ ever, be used to trap the character, and if the Heroic Hellion is buried (covered from head to toe) with it, the character is paralyzed, trapped and in a coma until someone frees him by removing it or pulling him out from under the substance. If the character is forced to ingest the substance it inflicts damage and could kill him. Damage is 2D6 points direct to Hit Points per melee round for 2D4 minutes. (If used in a Mega-Damage setting, double the damage.) Powers of Bio-Regeneration are reduced to a meager 10% when needed to heal the supernatural being from a substance that is one of his vulnerabilities. If the character is able to make a saving throw of 15 or higher (only use P.E. attribute for bonuses to save), the damage, penalties and duration of effects are reduced by half, and damage is inflicted for only two melee rounds. However, even after saving, the char­ acter is injured and nauseous for 1D4 hours and is -1 on all combat abilities including the number of attacks during that time. 11-20% Metal: A particular type of metal (nothing very common like steel or aluminum) is the hero's vulnerability. When attacked with a weapon made of the metal, it inflicts twice the usual damage for that type of weapon. We sug­ gest selecting from the following list: Iron, silver, gold, lead, palladium, copper, bronze or nickel. Blessed or Holy Weap­ ons made of this material do triple the usual damage for that weapon. 81-90% Bio-Armor. See the description of the Major Super Ability in the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG. 91-95% Alter Physical Structure: Fire. See the de­ scription of the Major Super Ability in the Heroes Unlim­ ited™ RPG. 96-00% Alter Physical Structure: Stone. See descrip­ tion of the Major Super Ability in the Heroes Unlimit­ ed™ RPG. Step Four: Vulnerabilities Generally, most demons and supernatural creatures have some kind of Achilles Heel or vulnerability. Presum­ ably these strange vulnerabilities are part of the nature of who and what supernatural beings are. Select or roll once on the table below. In the alternative, Game Masters can use the Vulnerabilities Table presented in Heroes Unlimited™ under the Mega-Hero, on page 183. Players should also select an affiliation with one Hell or the other, meaning their character was once a member or ally of the demons of Hades or the Deevils of Oyval. The reason for this is the Heroic Hellion is automatically vul­ nerable to weapons made specifically for slaying demons or Deevils. So if the character is affiliated with the Deevils he is vulnerable to weapons that are "Deevil Slayers." If associated with demons, the hero is vulnerable to "demon slaying" weapons. Likewise, weapons that are designated as "Holy" also do full damage to the Heroic Hellion. Such vulnerabilities to certain types of magic weapons, as noted above, are in addition to the specific vulnerability deter­ mined under Step Four. Many times simple substances such as salt, pepper, rosemary, garlic, sage, wood, silver and other common substances cause harm to demonic supernatural beings. Mundane substances may include herbs, roots, certain spices, flowers, types of wood, minerals or stone as well as other things such as fire, water or cold (elemental based weaknesses are a common theme in mythology). Not only can this substance not be ingested or handled by the su­ pernatural being, but it usually holds the inhuman creature at bay, makes him sick and/or can be used to slay him! He­ roic Hellions, though reformed demons and champions of good, remain vulnerable to these substances or elemental forces. Note: If the Heroic Hellion is a known demon or infernal of Hades or Dyval, that being's vulnerabilities are described under the stats for that type of evil being. This means the player can skip this table unless he or the Game Master wants to give the character an additional vulnerability. A G.M. can justify this as part of the Gift of Humanity to keep the reformed monster humble. 01-10% Mundane Substance: Roll again on the sub­ table that follows to determine the specific mundane/com­ mon substance to which the character is vulnerable. Others may be substituted. 01-10% Wolf's BaylWolfbane. 11-20% Rose Petals and Rosemary. 39 21-30% Wood: Select a specific kind of wood such as Elm, Oak, Ash, Yew, Cedar, Birch, Hawthorne, Cherry or Peach tree. Arrows, bolts, staves, and other weapons made of this particular wood inflicts double damage on the char­ acter. Millennium Tree weapons inflict quadruple damage. Step Five: 31-40% Night Demon: The character's powers are only at full strength in the dark or at night. During the day the Heroic Hellion's S.D.C., Hit Points, attacks per melee round and any powers are at half strength (range, damage, and duration are all half). 01·20% Awareness: +1 on M.E., +1 on Perception Rolls at levels 1, 4, 8 and 12. The character also has automatic dodge, meaning the act of dodging does not use up a me­ lee attack/action. Bonuses and Saving Throws Roll once to determine a set of special bonuses. 21-40% Combat: + 1D4 on initiative, + 1 to strike, parry, and dodge, +2 to disarm, pull punch and entangle. 41·50% Day Demon: The Hellion's powers are at their peak during the daylight hours. During the night or in dark­ ness, the S.D.C., Hit Points, number of attacks and any powers are half; this includes the range, damage and dura­ tion of powers and spells. 41-60% Magic: The hero can use most magic weapons and knows how to use Techno-Wizard devices. +1 to save vs magic at levels 3, 5, 7, 10 and 13. Do not include this saving throw bonus if the character is vulnerable to magic; only the P.E. bonus applies and even then the character is -4 to save. 51-60% Moonlight: The light of the moon stings the eyes and burns the flesh, doing 3D6 S.D.C. per melee round of exposure. The character is only vulnerable during a full to three-quarters moon and is safe if there is thick cloud cover, or he wears some form of protection (hooded robe, trench coat and wide brim hat, containment suit, etc.). In moon­ light, the character's powers are also reduced by 30%. If a spell caster, the character is +1 to Spell Strength at levels 2, 5, 9 and 13. 61-80% Mind: +3 to save vs Horror Factor at level one, +1 at levels 2, 4,8, 12 and 15. +1 to save vs possession at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. +1 to save vs psionic attacks at levels 2, 5, 10 and 15. Do not include the bonus to save vs pSionics if the character is vulnerable to pSionics. Only the M.E. bonus applies and even then the character is -4 to save. 61·70% Sunlight: The light of the sun blinds the char­ acter and burns the flesh, for 6D6 S.D.C. per melee. The character needs to remain hidden while the sun is out, or needs to resort to heavy-duty sunglasses or goggles, and layers of protective clothing to cover his head, face, hands and body. In sunlight, the character's powers are also re­ duced by 10%. 81·00% Strength of Body: +1D6x10 to Hit Points and +4D6x10 to S.D.C., resistant to disease (half damage, half penalties and duration), and Bio-Regenerates 1D6 Hit Points/S.D.C. per melee round. 71-80% Water: Water in any form does double dam­ age to the character. A splash of water from a regular size bottle of water does 2D6 S.D.C. damage, while a gallon or water or burst from a garden hose inflicts 1D4x10 S.D.C., and a high-powered burst from a fire hose 2D6x1 0 damage per attack. Game Masters may want to consult the Rifts® Book of Magic and refer to the vampire fighting weapons and magic items for ideas on the kinds of damage water can do and apply it accordingly. Step Six: Equipment and Money 01-20% 2D4 x $1,000 21-40% 3D4 x $1,000 41-55% 3D6 x $1,000 56-70% 4D6 x $1,000 71-80% 5D6 x $1,000 81·90% 6D6 x $1,000 91-96% 1D6 x $10,000 97-00% 2D6 x $10,000 81-90% Magic: The character is vulnerable to magic and takes double damage from magic spells and enchant­ ed weapons used against them. The Heroic Hellion is also -4 to save vs magic attack, and does not get the magic saving throw bonuses listed earlier in this Power Category and in Step 5, below, only the bonus for a high P.E. attribute applies. In addition to the cash, the character has 1D4 weapons of choice as well as a few personal items, a vehicle and a hidden loft or secret sanctuary where he can retreat to for meditation, rest, and research. 91·00% Psionics: The character is vulnerable to psion­ ics and takes double damage from all mental attacks, in­ cluding Psi-Sword. The Heroic Hellion is also -4 to save vs psionic attack, and does not get the psionics saving throw bonus listed earlier in this Power Category and in Step 5, below, only the bonus for a high M.E. attribute applies. 40 Power from Servitude Mystically Bestowed Power Category mons, and espeCially Deevils, are insidious monsters who delight in tempting, corrupting and destroying goodness. The more heroic, good, kind and, supposedly, incorruptible the target, the better they like it. By Carl Gleba & Kevin Siembieda In Heroes Unlimited™ the Mystically Bestowed sub­ category is found under the Magic Power Category. It offers players and Game Masters a chance to create some unique and dynamic characters to play. These new categories ex­ pand the Mystically Bestowed to allow for a larger range of super beings, villains, tragic heroes and champions of light. Some are tied to the supernatural forces of darkness, oth­ ers to Gods of Light. All of which are perfect for the Minion War™ crossover series event. They also give Game Mas­ ters ideas on how they can modify this Power Category and expand on it further. The variations listed below should not be combined with the Mega-Hero option as the characters could become unbalanced, plus some aspects of the Me­ ga-Hero have already been incorporated into these specific Mystically Bestowed characters. Note: Do not use any of the stats, powers and bonuses of the Mystically Bestowed found in the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG. Only use those listed in this section of this book. The Pact for Super Abilities The Lords of Hell are reluctant to bestow any kind of power to mortals unless there is a "deal" to be made and a commitment on the part of the mortal to serve the forces of darkness. In many dimenSions, this comes in the form of a pact - as in a pact with the devil - the end result being a Witch (see Rifts® Dark Conversions for details on the Witch). While this is the most common "deal" it is not the only arrangement possible. Demons and Deevils always want to attract followers, worshipers, and servants, as well as recruit lieutenants and generals to lead their armies. That is where the Mystically Bestowed comes into play. The dark forces look for mortals they can corrupt and use as one of their playing pieces in their endless cosmic chess games of good vs evil and demon vs Deevil. Ordinary mortals serve as pawns. Witches, sorcerers and dark priests serve as the bishops, and the Mystically Bestowed (and other super be­ ings) serve as the knights and rooks. Hell-Spawned Power Pacts can only be made by Demon Lords, Deevil Lords, dark gods, and Alien Intelligences. For the pact to be offi­ cial, the pact Signer must agree to the terms of his own free will, sign in his own blood, and reveal his True Name to the evil being with whom the pact is being made. Most of these supernatural fiends are surprisingly up front about the con­ ditions, powers, and price of the pact, and will not try to trick or cheat the potential pact signer (although they may not explain certain details until the agreement is signed). Mortals who try to trick, cheat, or deceive such beings are likely to be caught in the act, but their trickery ignored if the Lord of Hell thinks it will ultimately play out in his favor. Dis­ respect and threats, however, are never tolerated and the perpetrator will be punished, beaten, and tortured or killed. These creatures don't take any nonsense, especially from inSignificant mortals. Evil begets evil. Inevitably, supernatural evil attracts wicked and selfish mortals. Such people may turn to the forces of darkness for inspiration, or accept them as their lord and master - a deity or power to worship and serve. Being evil or even a loyal fan or worshiper, however, is not enough to win the attention or favor of a Lord of Hell. These evil beings seek that rare mortal who either appeals to the monster in some way or offers the promise of terrible things. In short, an individual who, if given power, will prove to be a useful tool or a powerful weapon in the monster's arsenal, or at least provide satisfying amusement. And for an evil god, suffering, chaos and destruction spells amusement. Thus, a Lord of Hell or other evil deity may find it worthwhile to bestow power upon a suitably interesting mortal and un­ leash him into the world like a ticking time bomb. Evil and cunning monsters, Demons and Deevil Lords often choose clever and aggressive people who are already evildoers, as well as those lost to hatred, vengeance and other dark emotions who can be easily exploited with the promise of power, respect or revenge. Before granting the power, a Greater Demon or Deevil, or Lord, observes the individual, studying him and sometimes testing the individ­ ual to see if he has the desired qualities. While demons and Deevils tend to recruit wicked and cruel beings for positions of leadership and the role of elite servants, being a hard­ ened criminal is not enough. The monsters want servants who are resourceful, dangerous, and highly motivated as well as possessing an aptitude for causing great suffering. To this end the forces of evil are happy to recruit charac­ ters of good or selfish alignments. Surprised? Don't be. De­ Common Types of Pacts for Super Abilities: Pick the one that is most appropriate for the character: Life Long Servitude Pact. The pact maker must agree to serve the supernatural being with complete loyalty and allegiance, be obedient, accept no other as his master (but may pretend to do so if necessary), not interfere with the plans and minions of his master, and to further the goals of his master whenever possible, for life. Under these condi­ tions, the pact maker is an elite henchman. If his master asks the character to betray the player group or kill a friend, he must do so without question. The pact maker may also be obligated to defend or join an established cult or church, or be obligated to establish one. Such an organization may be secret or public. This pact may appeal to mortal beings who have a long life expectancy and who can expect many 41 42 ment. This is the classic, "One day I may call upon you to perform a favor for me. When that day comes, you'll do as I ask." This is a part of the pact. The "favor" is almost always something that has dire consequences. It might involve murder or assassination of a fellow super-hero (perhaps someone the character even knows), killing a beloved or powerful leader whose death will create strife and chaos or result in war; or making a false accusation, framing an innocent person, or causing a scandal that topples a leader whose fall from grace causes strife and chaos or results in war; and a host of similar things. Sometimes the "favor" may appear innocent, like steal X and give it to Y, or steal X and destroy it. However, the theft will have a domino effect that can only result in turmoil and upheaval or lead to something terrible. In other cases, the favor may pit the pact maker against an old en­ emy or bad guys who deserve to die, but he will have to face impossible odds - a suicide mission. When the time comes, if the character refuses his task, his soul belongs to his evil benefactor. If he complies, the nature of the favor is usually so egregious that living up to the promise makes him a bad guy and condemns his soul anyway. Either way it's a win, win for the evil benefactor. decades of power. When the pact maker dies, his soul be­ longs to his evil, supernatural benefactor. Selling of Body and Soul Pact. This pact is a done deal, binding the pact maker one hundred percent to an evil supernatural being. The rest of his life is dedicated to evil and furthering the goals of his wicked benefactor. This is another elite henchman whose strong commitment puts him in line to be a lieutenant, captain or special operative to a Lord of Hell. During the course of his existence, the pact maker may be called upon to engage in all manner of un­ speakable acts, and may steal, embezzle, seduce, black­ mail, rape, pillage, terrorize, harass, intimidate, torture, kill and engage in mass murder. He may also be called upon to protect or establish a church or cult of his master, destroy any foe the master identifies, and avenge the master and his minions. Opposing the forces of good and engendering suffering and cruelty become a way of life. One Favor Pact. The character is in the service of his evil benefactor until he performs one favor. That favor is never revealed until the pact is signed and the character is bestowed with power. Immediately after the deal is made and signed, and power granted, the Demon or Deevil Lord tells the pact maker the favor. The favor is always some­ thing difficult and with dire consequences for others, if not for the pact maker himself (see paragraph two under Delayed Favor for examples). However, under this agree­ ment, the pact maker has 2D6 years to perform the favor. Of course, until he does so, he cannot do anything to op­ pose his Demon or Deevil Lord nor interfere with his mas­ ter's plans or his minions. In fact. he can be asked to help in any number of matters and is obligated to do as he is told. Failure to comply with these other requests until the favor is made, strips the character of his powers and places him in limbo until he agrees or until time runs out on the pact. at which point he belongs to his demonic master. Should the character fail to perform the "one favor" by the end of the deadline, his soul belongs to his evil benefac­ tor and he must continue to serve his evil master till the day he dies. When this happens, the indentured character can NOT refuse the commands of his demonic master and must do as he is told. The first order of business being the fulfill­ ment of the favor. At this point. the tormented mortal must do as commanded, but may try to subtly twist his master's commands and/or do little things his master won't notice to save the occasional life or do a little good whenever he can. If the pact maker complies and does the favor before his deadline expires, he satisfies the commitment of the pact, and gets to do as he pleases with his Mystically Bestowed abilities till the day he dies. However, the nature of the favor is usually so terrible that living up to the promise turns him into a bad guy and condemns his soul anyway. Future Favor Pact. This is one of the most alluring and seemingly benign of the evil pacts. The good guy is be­ stowed with power provided he promises to perform a favor for his dark benefactor. As usual, the demonic being will not reveal what that favor might be, but it is never good and almost always runs counter to the character's good align­ Pact Escape Clause No Deevil or Demon Lord ever deliberately includes an escape clause unless there is some incredible (and we mean incredible) incentive for him to do so. Even then, the Escape Clause will be one-sided and lean heavily in the Demon or Deevil Lord's favor; i.e. nigh impossible for the mortal pact maker to accomplish. It is truly rare for the pact maker to find a loophole or to perform the dark deed demanded of him without compro­ mising his alignment. goodness and soul. Worst, most pact makers become corrupt and evil long before the favor is asked of them or the duration of their pact comes to an end. If by some miracle the pact maker has managed to re­ main of a good or Unprincipled alignment, and finds a way out of the pact without losing his soul, roll percentile dice to see how the Lord of Hell responds: 01-33% The monster is impressed and lets the hero out of his contract without further incident. 34-80% The monster feels cheated and humiliated, earning the hero his lasting animosity. The two are mortal enemies, and the Lord of Hell makes it his mission to hurt the hero over and over again until the day he dies. This includes inspiring and perhaps bestowing power upon vil­ lains to go after the hero and make him miserable or slay him in combat. 81-00% The monster laughs and moves on to a new plan to tempt and corrupt the character over and over again in the future without the hero knowing his old, evil benefactor is secretly behind it all. 43 any life savings (see optional rules to rounding one's char­ acter in Heroes Unlimited™). There is a 70% chance that the character has a beat up clunker of a car that is 2D4 years old. Presumably the character is down on his luck or someone who doesn't have much at the moment, which helped the Deevils tempt the character into joining them. Experience: Use the Mega-Hero Experience table. Forces of Evil When a character of evil or selfish alignment is deemed worthy for the rare privilege of being Mystically Bestowed with super abilities by a Lord of Hell, create the charac­ ter using the instructions and tables under Mystically Be­ stowed by a Deevil or Demon Lord. If empowered by a different type of deific supernatural being, the Game Master can use either the Deevil or Demon information, or come up with something of his own design. Note that the bestowment of such power is, indeed, a rare privilege. Under normal conditions there might be as many as 13 such super beings on an entire planet. Under extraordinary circumstances such as the Minion War, that number might double for each of the warring factions, but that's the maximum. Of course, such elite servants of evil may become the leaders of groups of super-villains, secret cults, and criminal organizations, making the actual forces of evil much greater than the chosen 13 or 26. Such is the nature of evil. Special Deevil Bonuses Once the pact is signed, those Mystically Bestowed by a Deevil Lord or Lady of Dyval get the following bonuses. These bonuses only apply when the character activates his powers and transforms into his "super" form of being. The character takes on a devilish appearance that in­ cludes a pair of small, medium or large horns on the head (player's choice), cloven feet, and skin that has a black, blue, reddish brown or gold coloration. The costume usu­ ally reflects the character's personality, but sometimes de­ picts the colors or symbol of the Deevil Lord the character serves. +1 to save vs magic at levels 2,6 and 13. +1 to save vs possession at levels 1,3,6,9 and 12. +1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 2, 4, 8 and 15. +1 to save vs pSionic attacks. +1 on initiative. +2 on Perception Rolls. Base Horror Factor of 11, +1 at levels 5, 10 and 15. MA +2D4 (minimum of 18). P.S. +2D4 (minimum of 18). P.P. +1D4 (minimum of 16), Double Spd attribute. Hand to Hand Combat: Unless upgraded through skills, or as part of a bestowed ability, the character knows Hand to Hand: Basic. Attacks per Melee (Hand to Hand): Starts with two attacks per melee in addition to the number of attacks provided by the character's Hand to Hand skill and certain powers. Mystically Bestowed by a Deevil Lord Variant Mystically Bestowed Power Category best used for NPC villains The character appears normal in every way until he calls upon the power bestowed upon him by this evil, supernatu­ ral benefactor. This can be done by force of will or by calling the name of the being who has given him his powers, or via a trigger word. Upon activation of his powers, the Mystically Bestowed character transforms into a mighty, costumed visage of power. If a child, old, or physically infirm, he is transformed into a youthful, powerful figure. Activation of the power always transforms the character into his super­ human alter-ego. Deevil Lords tend to choose servants who, by nature, are cunning, resourceful and skilled in the arts of treachery, or willing to learn. These elite super beings are often the leaders of other villainous groups or the movers and shak­ ers pulling strings behind the scenes. Game Master Note: This evil character is best used as a Non-Player Character (NPC) villain rather than allowed as a player character. Evil player characters tend to have their own agenda and disrupt, betray and destroy their team­ mates, which is never a wise group dynamic. Alignment: May start as good, selfish or evil, but most quickly engage in acts of cruelty and villainy that make them of evil alignment. Level of Education and Skill Selection: Standard; see creating a character. However the character is familiar with the Demon and Monster Lore skill at +10%. Weapons and Armor: None to start. The character must acquire and build his arsenal. Available Financial Resources: The character starts with 1D6x1 ,000 dollars in ready cash. This is in addition to Hit Points: +5D6 in addition to the usual amount. Structural Damage Capacity (S.D.C.): Base S.D.C. is 1D6x10+20 S.D.C. plus whatever may be provided by su­ per abilities. Physical Limitations (Optional): If appropriate, the Game Master may use the table in the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG on page 156. Achilles' Heel: The character takes on the common vul­ nerabilities of Deevils: Pure iron always does double dam­ age, weapons made of silver or bone inflict their normal damage, and any Deevil slaying weapons that inflict extra damage to Deevils also does extra damage to the charac­ ter Mystically Bestowed by Deevils. The character's powers are granted at the behest of a Deevil Lord, so once empow­ ered it leaves a distinct mark someplace on the body as a tattooed symbol of his Deevil Lord; typically on the neck, chest or shoulder. Furthermore, the character must reveal his True Name to be bestowed with power, thus he can be 45 instantly summoned to appear before his Deevil Lord in the pits of Hell or wherever the monster may be located. Deevil Bestowed Super Abilities We suggest rolling percentile dice once for random de­ termination, but if the Game Master allows it, a player may pick one of the following. In the alternative, the Game Mas­ ter, at his sole discretion, may assign specific super abilities (don't go crazy) or even allow the player to request specific powers for his character. In all cases, including the table below, the G.M. may mOdify the number and type of super abilities bestowed upon a character. 01-10% Super Abilities: Select two Minor Super Abili­ ties and one Major. 11-20% Super or Psionic Abilities: Select four Minor Super Abilities of choice or a total of 1DB+4 pSionic pow­ ers selected from the Physical or Sensitive category, plus one Super Psionic ability. I.S.P. is M.E. attribute number x2 +1 DB per level of experience. 21-30% Darkness: Select three Minor Darkness/Shad­ ow-based super abilities, plus one Major ability of similar orientation. 31-40% Deception: Select two Minor and two Major Su­ per Abilities that involve deception, disguise, concealment or illusion. 41-50% Domination & Influence: Select two Minor and two Major super abilities that involve manipulating, tricking and/or controlling others; may include mind control abilities, possession, and so forth. 51-60% Shape Shifter: Select two Minor and two Major Super Abilities that involve physical transformation (may in­ clude Alter Physical Structure/APS abilities). 61-70% The Mark of the Deevil: Scaly hide provides a Natural AR. 13, +4DB to Hit Points, +4DBx10 to S.D.C., a pair of large, curled horns (inflict 2DB pOints of damage plus usual P.S. damage on head butts and ram attacks), and either a prehensile "devil's tail" (+1 attack per melee round and does damage equal to punch damage as per P.S.; if destroyed, tail reg rows in 24 hours) or goat's legs and hindquarters that add +1 D4x1 0+22 to running speed, increase leaping distance and height 50%, and +1 bonus to dodge and roll with impact. Also select two Minor Super Abilities or one Major. 71-80% Arcane Knowledge: The super being selects a total of 12 spells from levels 1-8, +1 additional spell to be selected from this range of magic each time a new level of experience is reached. This knowledge is mystically im­ parted, so the character cannot learn any additional spells nor teach what he knows; the magic is drawn from his evil supernatural benefactor. The character gains a +1 to Spell Strength at levels 3, 7 and 12. The character's base P.P.E. is 2DBx10 +P.E. attribute number, +2DB P.P.E. additional per level of experience starting at level two. 81-90% Super Abilities and Magic: Select one Major and one Minor Super Ability and a total of six spells from levels 1-5. P.P.E. is P.E. attribute number x2, +1DB addi­ tional per level of experience starting at level two. 91-00% Super Abilities and Magic: Select two Minor Super Abilities and a total of 10 spells from levels 1-5. P.P.E. is P.E. attribute number x3, +2D4 per additional level of experience starting at level two. Bestowed Deevil Abilities Roll percentile dice for random determination of two Be­ stowed Deevil Abilities, or at the Game Master's discretion, the player may select two powers at level one. 01-10% Fire Resistant: The character takes half dam­ age from all fire attacks including super abilities and magic/ pSionics. 11-20% Cold Resistant: The character takes half dam­ age from all cold based attacks including super abilities and magic. 21-30% Bio-Regeneration: The character has improved powers of regeneration and can regenerate 1DB S.D.C. or Hit Points every melee round. 31-40% Magically Knows All Languages: The charac­ ter can understand and speak all languages, but can not read all languages. 41-50% Deevil Subordinate: Upon reaching third level, the Mystically Bestowed character is assigned a deevil sub­ ordinate. Any Lesser Deevil will do, and it will always obey the character unless ordered to do something against its alignment. The Deevil subordinate is used to represent the character's connection to Dyval and that he does indeed wield the power of the Deevil Lords. This subordinate al­ ways plays a supporting role, and can be assigned to take on various missions, lead troops, or even to protect the character. For every three additional levels (B, 9, 12 and 15), one additional subordinate is assigned. Subordinates that are killed are not replaced and this is not looked on favorably by the Deevil Lords. The Deevil subordinate is a typical Lesser Deevil of av­ erage level. While ordered to obey the Mystically Bestowed character, such beings are not stupid slaves or obedient servants. If they are given an order that contradicts what their true master (the Deevil Lord empowering the mortal) hopes to achieve, the order will be questioned or reinter­ preted, and something done about it. The Deevil Lord im­ parting these powers expects results in his favor, and the Deevil Subordinate may end up functioning as a "handler" of the Mystcally Bestowed mortal, rather than as his ser­ vant, manipulating him as necessary, and often without him ever realizing it. 51-60% Skill Ability: Seduction +20%. 61-65% Skill Ability: Pick Locks +20%. 66-70% Skill Ability: Prowl +15%. 71-80% See the Invisible: The character can see be­ ings who are invisible be it their nature or via magic, psion­ ics or super ability. 81-90% Deevil Tough: +1D4x10+12 S.D.C. and has a Natural Armor Rating of 10 (attacks of 10 or less do no damage). 91-00% Dimensional Teleport: Can teleport to and from Dyval Prime with a skill of 18% +3% per level of ex­ perience. 46 M.A. +106 (minimum of 16). P.S. +206+2 (minimum of 22). P.P. +106 (minimum of 18). Spd +206 Hand to Hand Combat: Unless upgraded through skills, or as part of a bestowed ability, the character knows Hand to Hand: Basic. Attacks per Melee (Hand to Hand): Starts with two attacks per melee in addition to the number of attacks provided by the character's Hand to Hand skill and certain powers. Hit Points: +1 D4x1 0 in addition to the usual Hit Points. Structural Damage Capacity (S.D.C.): Base S.D.C. is 1D6x10+25 S.D.C. plus whatever may be provided by su­ per abilities. Physical Limitations (Optional): If appropriate, the Game Master may use the table in the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG on page 156. Achilles' Heel: The character takes on the common vul­ nerabilities of Demons: Holy weapons and weapons made of, or coated in, silver always inflict double damage, and any demon slaying weapons that inflict extra damage to demons also do extra damage to the character Mystically Bestowed by them. The character's powers are granted at the behest of a Demon Lord, so once empowered it leaves a distinct mark someplace on the body that is red or black and looks to have been branded on him; typically on the neck, chest, shoulder or inner area of the forearm. Further­ more, the character must reveal his True Name to be be­ stowed with power, thus he can be instantly summoned to appear before his Demon Lord in the pits of Hell or wher­ ever the monster may be located. Demon Rank: As part of the Minion War, the demons con­ sider anyone Mystically Bestowed as a Task Master and able to command Sub-Demons and Lesser Demons as well as mortal minions. If the character continues to prove himself (and no sooner than after attaining 6th level experi­ ence), he may be elevated to a Master and assigned 104 Lesser Demons or one Greater Demon. These minions are to obey the character's every command. Lesser Demons are not automatically replaced if killed and it may be con­ sidered a failure by the character's Demon Lord if they are killed, especially if lost foolishly. Circumstances and favor dictate if any more demons are sent to serve under the character. The character can select the type(s) of demon. Mystically Bestowed by a Demon Lord Variant Mystically Bestowed Power Category best used for NPC villains The character appears normal in every way until he calls upon the powers bestowed upon him by his evil, supernatu­ ral benefactor. This can be done by force of will or by calling the name of the being who has given him his powers, or via a trigger word. Upon activation of his powers, the Mystically Bestowed character transforms into a mighty, costumed visage of power. If a child, old, or physically infirm, he is transformed into a youthful, powerful figure. Demons tend to be combat oriented and confrontational, and seek to empower bold mortals with a head for strate­ gies and tactics, and/or a taste for combat and murder. Game Master Note: This evil character is best used as a Non-Player Character (NPC) villain rather than allowed as a player character. Evil player characters tend to have their own agenda and disrupt, betray and destroy their team­ mates, which is never a wise group dynamic for an ongoing campaign. Alignment: May start as good, selfish or evil, but most quickly engage in acts of cruelty and villainy that make them of evil alignment. Level of Education and Skill Selection: Standard; see creating a character. However the character is familiar with the Demon and Monster Lore skill at +10%. Weapons and Armor: None to start. The character must acquire and build his arsenal. Available Financial Resources: The character starts with 1D6x1 ,000 dollars in ready cash. This is in addition to any life savings (see optional rules to rounding one's char­ acter in Heroes Unlimited™). There is a 70% chance that the character has a beat up clunker of a car that is 106+1 years old. Presumably, the character is a down on his luck or someone who doesn't have much at the moment which helped the Demons tempt the character to join them. Experience: Use the Mega-Hero Experience table. Special Demon Bonuses Once the pact is signed, those Mystically Bestowed by Demon Lords of Hades get the following bonuses. The bo­ nuses apply only when the character activates his powers and is in his "super" form. The character takes on a demonic appearance that in­ cludes a pair of large canine teeth, a muscular body, clawed hands and skin that has a red, reddish brown or bronze col­ oration. The costume usually reflects the character's per­ sonality, but sometimes depicts the colors or symbol of the Demon Lord the character serves. +1 to save vs magic at levels 3, 7 and 14. +1 to save vs possession at levels, 1,4, 8 and 12. +4 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12. +1 on initiative, and +1 to strike, parry, and dodge. Base Horror Factor of 12 plus 1 at levels 5, 10 and 15. Bestowed Demonic Abilities Roll percentile dice for random determination of two Be­ stowed Demonic Abilities, or at the Game Master's discre­ tion, the player may select two powers at level one. 01-10% Fire Resistant: The character takes half dam­ age from all fire attacks including super abilities and magic! psionics. 11-20% Cold Resistant: The character takes half dam­ age from all cold based attacks including super abilities and magic. 21-30% Bio-Regeneration: The character has improved powers of regeneration and can regenerate 106 S.D.C. or Hit Points every melee round. 47 31-40% Magically Knows All Languages: The charac­ ter can understand and speak all languages, but can not read all languages. 41-50% Demon Physicality: +106 to P.S., +1 to P.P., and P.E., +1D6x10 S.D.C., and add 104 feet (0.3 to 1.2 m) to height and 50 pounds (22.5 kg) per foot of extra height. 51-60% Skill Ability: Boxing or Wrestling (pick one). 61·65% Skill Ability: Tracking (humanoids) +20%. 66·70% Skill Ability: Two Ancient W.P.s of choice. 71-80% See the Invisible: The character can see be­ ings who are invisible be it their nature or via magic, psion­ ics or super ability. 81·90% Demon Tough: +1D6x10+20 S.D.C. and has a Natural Armor Rating of 10 (attacks 10 or less do no dam­ age). 91-00% Dimensional Teleport: Can teleport to and from Hades with a skill of 18% +3% per level of experience. gains a +1 to Spell Strength at levels 3,7 and 11. The char­ acter's base P.P.E. is 2D6x10 +P.E. attribute number, plus an additional 206 P.P.E. per level of experience starting at level two. 51-60% Super Abilities: Select two Minor Super Abili­ ties and One Major. 61-70% Super Abilities: Select two Major and one Mi­ nor Super Abilities of choice. 71-80% Super Abilities: Select three Major Super Abili­ ties of choice. 81-90% Diversity of Power: Select 104+2 Minor Super Abilities. 91-00% Supreme Power: Select 104+1 Major Super Abilities. Demon Bestowed Super Abilities Mystically Bestowed by Evil and suitable as an anti-hero, tragic or flawed hero or Non-Player Character Corrupted Good We suggest rolling percentile dice once for random de­ termination, but if the Game Master allows it, a player may pick one of the following. In the alternative, the Game Mas­ ter, at his sole discretion, may assign specific super abilities (don't go crazy) or even allow the player to request specific powers for his character. In all cases, including the table below, the G.M. may modify the number and type of super abilities bestowed upon a character. Just because a char­ acter "asks" for a specific power(s), it doesn't mean he'll be granted it. 01-10% Fighter: Select three combat-based Minor Su­ per Abilities, one Major ability of similar orientation, and the character gets a bonus of +1 attack per melee round. 11·20% Brute Strength: +606 Hit Points, 1D6x1 0 S.D.C., the super ability: Supernatural Strength, and two additional Major Super Abilities that involve physical power or physical attributes (may include APS, elemental forces, enhanced senses, etc.). 21-30% Fire: Select three heat/fire-based or Energy Expulsion Minor Super Abilities, plus one Major heat/fire­ based ability. 31·40% Demon Winged Flight: The character has a pair of large bat-like wings and can fly at a speed of 180 miles per hour (288 km) +5 mph (8 km) per additional level of experience. While in flight, the character has the follow­ ing bonuses: +2 to Horror Factor, +1 attack per melee, +2 to strike, +1 to parry, +6 to dodge while in flight, +4 to dam­ age for every 20 mph (32 km) of flying speed. Each wing has 1D4x10+70 S.D.C. and they appear whenever desired. When flight is not necessary, the wings can be willed to disappear; counts as one melee attack to make wings ap­ pear or disappear. Also select three Minor Super Abilities or two Major. 41·50% Arcane Knowledge: The super being can se­ lect a total of 13 spells from levels 1-7, +1 additional spell can be selected from this range of magic each time a new level of experience is reached. This knowledge is mysti­ cally imparted, so the character cannot learn any additional spells on his own nor teach what he knows; the magic is drawn from his evil supernatural benefactor. The character What better way to strike a dagger into the heart of good­ ness than to tempt a hero or good person into becoming a servant of evil? The vile tempters love to fuel the flames of fear, doubt, and anger as well as other emotions and good intentions to corrupt and influence others. They are skilled at plumbing the depths of dark emotions, distorting truth and reason, providing destructive and self-serving rationales for foul or extreme courses of action, and encouraging ven­ geance and hatred. In short, they make cruel revenge and wickedness sound (at least for the moment) like justice and righteousness. When they think they have the individual primed just right, the tempters dangle the promise of power in front of the distraught and riled up person, like a juicy red apple, and say with a sincere tone, "Here's the means to your revenge or (hurtful, hateful, wicked) goals. All you have to do is take it." There is, of course, a catch. There is always a catch. In exchange for power and the means to one's desires or the things associated with it, the recipient must agree to terms. Terms that always involve a lengthy period of servi­ tude and a favor or two outlined in a blood pact. Servitude on the behalf of an evil benefactor, starting with the first assignment, is almost always designed to test the mettle of the pact maker and set him or her spiraling faster down the rabbit hole of evil. We say faster, because the very act of making a pact with the devil is the first step to losing oneself to wickedness and one's soul to the evil force that empowers the hero. Considering the deal is one thing ­ temptation happens, but taking the deal and signing the pact is another. Everyone loses their way from time to time. Everyone considers rash action or doing something delib­ erately cruel or wrong. For most of us, it is little things like saying or doing something in the heat of the moment that we know is hurtful. It happens. If we have a conscience, we feel bad about it and try to make amends. However, making a pact with the forces of evil is a whole order of magnitude beyond that, and has horrible consequences for 99.9% of the people who make the pact. 48 31-40% Damned. This character felt the only way to save the life of a loved one or the lives of many was to make a pact with a dark god or Lord of Hell. Lives were saved, but his soul was lost. Though his intentions were good, and though he strives not to be pure evil, this charac­ ter tends to be increasingly ruthless and cold-hearted, and holds himself above the law. He has no sympathy for the villains and evil beings he battles and has no qualms about brutalizing or killing them. After all, they deserve their fate. 41-50% Jaded. This individual is bitter and disgruntled with life, hungry for power, or angry about his place in soci­ ety. The character may have at one time been good or self­ ish, but over time has become cynical perhaps because of a life changing event, or some kind of traumatic experience. Time, tragedy and the relentless pursuits of evil men have slowly worn him down to the paint where he have given up. It's a dog eat dog world. If you can't beat them, join them. And that's what he did. Now he's a villain serving the forces of darkness. If he has a reputation as a hero, he's an anti-hero who is in it for the fame, money and rewards he can get his hands on or he's a mercenary "hero for hire." This self-serving and jad­ ed individual has a cold heart that can no longer empathize with others. He watches out for Number One - himself. He may not be overtly evil, but he'll hurt and betray anyone who gets in his way or jeopardizes his position. Is there any goodness hidden away deep inside? If so, how does one reach it? 51-60% Idealistic Fool or Risk Taker. The character thinks he can beat the devil at his own game, get power, help people and find a loophole in the pact to escape his inevitable corruption and doom. 61-70% The Lost or Last Chance for Glory. Before he was bestowed with power, this character felt inadequate or a failure. Or perhaps injury or age had put his better days behind him. At any rate, he convinced himself things would be very different if he had more power. The means by which he acquired his great power was a pact with a demonic or infernal Lord of Hell. How soon he realizes power does not equate with success or happiness depends on circum­ stance and how quickly his evil master wants to torment him. In the end, this character may decide it is better to find glory for a brief time than extend it as a servant of evil and losing his soul. 71-80% The Misguided or Supreme Arrogance. Be­ fore he was bestowed with power, this poor fool believed he was incorruptible, and could use the powers provided to him to fight evil and do good. Then, when the time comes, he plans to figure out a way to break the pact and cheat the devil out of his due. The Lords of Hell love to teach such arrogant fools a hard lesson and slowly destroy them. So far, the character remains one of the good guys and continues to fight crime and do good. Only, he hasn't no­ ticed he finds it increasingly easy to bend or skirt the law and increaSingly difficult to hold his anger and emotions in check. Nor has he noticed that his idea of justice and pun­ ishment is brutal, merciless and frightening. Worse, he en­ joys intimidating and hurting people, dishing out justice and punishment as he deems fit before turning evildoers over to the authorities. He justifies his actions by telling himself, As a result, even good people may be tempted to take the deal, but it is the act of taking it that marks their fall. It may be a rash decision made in haste or the heat of the moment, or with misguided good intentions or the mistak­ en belief that somehow they can beat the devil at his own game. Those who make a pact with a dark god, Demon Lord or other force of darkness may try to rationalize and justify the decision in many ways. They may even try to convince themselves they sacrificed their own soul to save lives, or made the pact for all the right reasons. Regrettably, this rationale almost always rings false and they are prob­ ably doomed. There is never a good reason to embrace evil and accept it into your life. Never. And that's what making a pact for the bestowment of special abilities from a Demon or Deevil Lord or dark god is all about - drawing upon and serving evil. Regardless of the reason or rationale, it is a decision that, in the long run, is likely to lead to misery, sor­ row and destruction for the pact maker and those around him. Reason for Making a Pact with Evil The player may pick one or roll percentile dice to make a random determination. 01-10% Anti-Hero. This character tries to hold onto high ideals and do the right thing, but somehow fails miserably at dOing so. Judge, jury and executioner, this character does whatever he feels is necessary to punish the wicked and protect the innocent. While his heart may be in the right place, his methods are brutal, merciless and violent. His motto is "the system's broke and don't work," so he's taken matters into his own hands and fights fire with fire in his own twisted mission of justice. As an Anti-Hero, this character is a bundle of contradictions: He'll risk his life to save one innocent person and has a soft spot for women, children and puppy dogs. He lives by his own code, cannot be bribed and never betrays a friend even under torture or the threat of death. On the other hand, he breaks the law with impunity (it doesn't apply to him), he won't hesitate to threaten and torture a "scum bag" for information, lies to and cheats criminals, beats a thug within an inch of his life when angry, has no qualms about gutting any villain or low life who gets in his way or lies to him, and kills any bad guy who deserves dying. 11-20% Angry. This character may have been a good guy, but he is so frustrated, angry and full of rage that he made a deal with a Lord of Hell to be able to strike back at the bad guys. This troubled soul is another individual lost to vengeance and rage. His heart is walled off by hate, burns with a desire for vengeance, and is given to using violent force to punish evil. 21-25% Corrupted. This character came to see the world as dog eat dog, and good guys as chumps and los­ ers. He takes what he wants, takes down whoever gets in his way, and makes people respect him, or else. 26-30% Cursed. Nothing has ever gone right for this character, so it's no surprise that his pact with supernatural evil turned out to be another raw deal. That's okay. At least now he has the power to take his frustration and rage out on the bad guys or anyone who tries to mess with him. 49 and others, that the evildoers he savages deserve what they get and serve as a warning to others of their ilk. 81-90% Power Hungry. This individual made the pact to acquire power. He believes that if he has great power he can change the world for the better, even if that power comes from an evil source. Of course, he's blinded by his own ambition and own nihilistic idea of what a better world should be. As a result, he doesn't care about the opinions of other people (especially the ideas that are better than his own), nor does he realize he's consumed with the acquisi­ tion of ever greater power, including reputation, authority over others, absolute trust, and similar. He has an inflated sense of self and an insatiable need for fame and glory. To this lost soul, fame and accolades are all part of being powerful, for one must be respected and praised to be pow­ erful and influential. Thus, this character becomes enraged and violent when someone criticizes him in front of others, impugns his reputation or humiliates or outshines him in public. Whenever that happens, he craves revenge and will consider doing almost anything to be held in high es­ teem or gain more authority and power over others - even if it means discrediting someone else, stealing credit, lying about his accomplishments, or doing whatever it takes to be top dog. This also means he can be reckless and takes risks that put innocent people in danger. Sooner or later, a mistake on his part could cost people dearly. A lot of people. The Power Hungry character is always under a consider­ able amount of stress at all times, which makes him irritable and dismissive toward others. 91-95% Tricked/Deceived. This character was tricked into making the pact. Either he was offered the power to save one or many lives, or he made the deal without know­ ing who he was really making the pact with and what it would cost him. Once made, he's stuck, so he tries to make the best of it, remaining as true to himself and his morals as best he can, while looking for a way to thwart and destroy his evil benefactor every chance he gets. This is different from trying to break his pact. He wants murderous revenge on the Lord of Hell, which means even if he succeeds, he has lost his soul to hatred and wickedness. 96-00% Vengeful. This character is so filled with hate and a desire for revenge that nothing else matters. This creature of vengeance may focus on taking down the bad guys, but he does whatever it takes to do so without regard for the law. Furthermore, he is likely to use other people, including heroes, to further his goals for revenge. Anything to get the job done. The end justifies the means. If innocent people, law enforcement or heroes get hurt or killed in the crossfire in his private war of vengeance, it's a tragedy the Vengeful shrugs off. This is war. People get hurt. There is collateral damage in any war. In short, this character is ev­ ery bit as heartless, ruthless and brutal as the villains and monsters he battles. Level of Education and Skill Selection: Standard; see creating a character. However the character is familiar with the Demon and Monster Lore skill at +10%. Weapons and Armor: None to start. The character must acquire and build his arsenal. Available Financial Resources: The character starts with 1D4x1,OOO dollars in ready cash. This is in addition to any life savings (see optional rules to rounding one's char­ acter in Heroes Unlimited™). Presumably the character is down on his luck or someone who doesn't have much at the moment, which helped him be tempted to make a deal with a Lord of Hell. 01-50% The character has a beat up clUnker of a car that is 2D4+1 years old, or 51-00% a newer vehicle that's only 1D4 years old. Experience: Use the Mega-Hero Experience table. Powers Bestowed Depends on Which Lord of Hell Is Called Upon: Decide whether the evil supernatural bene­ factor is a Deevi/ Lord or Demon Lord. This determines the range of super abilities, bonuses and appearance when he takes his super form, as the abilities are slightly different for those Mystically Bestowed by a Deevil Lord than those bestowed by a Demon Lord. Special Bonuses: As per Deevil or Demon bestowing the bonuses. Bestowed Super Abilities: As per Deevi/ or Demon be­ stowing powers. Make selections and roll on the appropri­ ate tables depending on which is the character's evil, su­ pernatural benefactor described in the previous pages of this section. Crusader of Light Variant Mystically Bestowed Power Category, ideal for heroic player characters and NPCs Not all supernatural beings are malevolent. Some are forces for good and Champions of Light. These deific be­ ings sometimes choose to bestow super abilities or magic upon mortals willing to fight evil and champion true justice and goodness. When events like the Minion War occur, and chaos and evil threaten to spread throughout the Megaverse at a stag­ gering pace, Gods of Light, who don't ordinarily interfere with mortals or bestow power upon them, step up to do so in a bid to maintain the balance between good and evil. While some remain unwilling to get involved in the affairs of mortals, others are more than willing to take that chance. The Crusader of Light represents the counterbalance to the forces of evil. They stand for order where demons, Deevils and their minions represent chaos. Mortals be­ stowed with magic or super abilities by the supernatural forces for good are known as Crusaders of Light. As with the Lords of Hell, such power is a rare gift and not given to just anyone. The recipients of bestowed powers from a God of Light must have the heart and mettle of a true hero, and are often tested without even knowing they are being considered for greatness by a higher power. Such tests include the ability to resist temptation, exhibit mercy and tolerance and avoid Alignment of the Corrupted Good: May start as good, but it will be a battle to prevent it from slipping to selfish and eventually, an evil alignment. The slide to evil may be slow or quick depending on how the player wants to run with it. 50 51 vices such as greed, lust, and envy. Once a person has demonstrated his heroic and noble spirit, he is contacted in a dream. Rarely do deific beings make their presence known directly, but the dream visitation is vivid and effec­ tive. Should the mortal accept the offer of bestowed power, it is made very clear that he is to be a Crusader of Light dedicated to confronting and battling evil in general, and the demons of Hades and infernals of Dyval, specifically. The newly anointed hero is made aware of the Minion War via a series of vivid dreams. He knows the stakes are high and the fate of his world, and others, may rest in his hands. The demons and Deevils must be stopped at all cost and the Minion War brought to an end. The heroic character is given a glimpse of the bigger picture and his place in it. If he still accepts the offer of power after seeing all of this, he wakes up the next morning with a range of magical or superhuman abilities as a new Crusader of Light. There is no pact to be signed. The hero is accepted at his word and the powers are bestowed freely and in good faith. P.S. +2D4 (Minimum of 17). P.E. +106 (Minimum of 17). P.B. +2D6 (Minimum of 18). Spd +306 Base P.P.E. is 1D6x10 +P.E. attribute number. Hand to Hand Combat Unless upgraded through skills, or as part of a bestowed ability, the character knows Hand to Hand: Expert. Attacks per Melee (Hand to Hand): Starts with two attacks per melee in addition to the number of attacks provided by the character's Hand to Hand skill and certain powers. Hit Points: +1D6x10 in addition to the usual amount. Structural Damage Capacity (S.D.C.): Base S.D.C. is 1D6x10+15 S.D.C. plus whatever may be provided by Physical skills and super abilities. Physical Limitations (Optional): If appropriate, the Game Master may use the table in the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG on page 156. Achilles' Heel: Crusaders of Light are considered super­ natural creatures and are vulnerable to weapons that do extra damage to angels, deities and supernatural Champi­ ons of Light. In addition, these characters tend to be over­ protective of the innocent and have a soft spot for humanity. Most do their best to minimize collateral damage in battle and protect innocent bystanders. In instances where there are more than 60 innocent bystanders in danger, the Cru­ sader of Light is -1 on all combat bonuses and loses one melee attack as he is distracted and trying to fight the ene­ my while at the same time worrying about or trying to insure that innocent bystanders don't get hurt. Along these lines, a character of Principled or Scrupulous alignment will put the welfare of a single innocent person before capturing or defeating an enemy. A weakness the hero's evil enemies, especially demons and Deevils, will exploit. Divine Favor: The Crusader of Light has a connection to the godlike being that empowered him. In time of need, the character may call upon his benefactor, in the form of prayers, meditation, or a mantra. There is a 01-33% chance the deific being hears the call (or as desired by the G.M.) and responds by providing the character with a vision that inspires or encourages a particular course of action, or pro­ vides a clue or a direction to investigate in the manner of a hunch, gut-feeling or flash of intuition. These visions and feelings don't happen all the time and are provided at the convenience of the deity (that's you Game Masters). Fur­ thermore, once in a great while, in times of greatest need, the deific benefactor may provide the hero with a burst of physical strength (increase P.S. or P.E. 50% for one melee round) or instantly restore 1D6x1 0% of the hero's Hit Points or S.D.C. Alignment: Must be Principled or Scrupulous. An Un­ principled individual may be considered, but only if he has real potential to become a better person and a true hero (i.e., eventually become Scrupulous or Principled). Level of Education and Skill Selection: Standard; see creating a character. However the character is familiar with the Demon and Monster Lore skill at +20%. Weapons and Armor: None to start. The character must acquire and build his arsenal. Available Financial Resources: The character starts with 2D4x1,OOO dollars in ready cash. This is in addition to any life savings (see optional rules to rounding one's char­ acter in Heroes Unlimited). 01-50% The character has a used car that is 2D4 years old, or 51-00% a new vehicle that's only a year old. This heroic figure may have lived modestly, been down on his luck type, or been highly suc­ cessful and on top of the world. A hero may come from any station in life. Experience: Use the Mega-Hero Experience table. Special Crusader of Light Bonuses These bonuses only apply when the character activates his powers and transforms into his "super" form of being. When not a crusading hero, the individual appears com­ pletelyordinary. The character appears strong, confident and muscu­ lar, including a radiant aura (for those who can see such things), warm eyes, handsome features and personal re­ solve. The costume usually reflects the character's person­ ality, but sometimes depicts the colors or symbol of the God of Light who empowered the hero. +1 to save vs magic at levels 1,4,8 and 12. +1 to save vs possession at levels 2,4,8 and 12. +1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. +2 on initiative or on Perception Rolls, pick one. Base Awe/Horror Factor of 11. 1.0. +1D4 MA +1 D6 (Minimum of 17). Bestowed Crusader Super Abilities Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy. All Crusaders of Light are given this super ability. Granted immediately at level one. Other Abilities: We suggest rolling percentile dice once for random determination, but if the Game Master allows it, a player may pick one of the following. 52 As the hero gains experience and proves his mettle as a Crusader of Light he gains additional powers, roll again on this table at levels 3, 6, 8 and 11. If the same result is rolied, the player can opt for increasing that ability by 50% or re-roll until a new result is determined. 01-08% Healing Touch: The character can heal those who are injured. To do this he must draw upon his inner re­ serve of P.P.E. Each Healing Touch the character restores 2D6+3 Hit Points/S.D.C., but each touch counts as one melee attack/action and costs 8 PP.E. points. Those unwill­ ing to receive the healing can save vs magic, 12 or higher means no healing, but the hero's P.P.E. is still spent. P.P.E. Bonus: +6D6+6 to the character's base PP.E. 09-16% Sense Supernatural Evil. This power works like the Minor Super Ability Sense the Supernatural with double the bonuses, except it ONLY applies to evil super­ natural beings. It does not include mortal villains with su­ per abilities nor evil people, or even demon worshipers, cultists or other ordinary servants of evil, nor good angels, deities or Creatures of Light. However, mortals who have been Mystically Bestowed by demons or Deevils as well as Weapons of Chaos, can be sensed, but at half the range. This ability is automatic and "on" all the time even when the hero is in his normal, non-super state or asleep. Also Select: One Minor Super Ability that involves the senses or sensing. 17-21% Light of the Sun Blade: The hero is able to summon one blade of pure light energy at will. The Light Blade appears in whichever hand the character desires. It takes a single melee action/attack to summon the blade, and it lasts as long as the character desires it. The blade cannot be handed off and it disappears if the character is rendered unconscious. Damage: 5D6, +3 points per level of experience. The light is the equivalent of sunlight so it does 50% greater damage to the undead, zombies and other beings vulnerable to the light of day/sunlight. For be­ ings impervious to energy or light, the blade still inflicts half damage. Bonus Skill: The hero also gets w.p Sword equal to his current level of experience. Bonus: +1 melee attack and +1 on initiative when using the Light of the Sun Blade. 22-29% Supernatural Strength: Add an additional 2D6+5 to P.S. and all damage is equal to Supernatural Strength, +1 to P.E., and +5D6 to Hit Points. 30-37% Select One Minor Super Ability. 38-45% Select One Major Super Ability. 46-53% Banish the Supernatural: The character can order Lesser and Greater evil supernatural creatures to temporarily leave the area. In order for the character to do this, the evil supernatural being must be visible to the hero and he must issue a verbal command such as, "I banish you! Leave now!" In order to banish these beings the char­ acter must spend 30 PPE. for Lesser evil supernatural be­ ings and 60 PP.E. to banish Greater ones. He can banish as many as two Lesser beings per level of experience, or one Greater being per level of his experience within a 50 foot (15.2 m) radius. Lesser evil beings can roll to save vs banishment and need an 18 or higher to save, but Greater evil supernatural beings only need a 14 or higher. Those beings that fail the saving throw flee the area, must go at least one mile (1.6 km) away per level of the hero, and can­ not return for 204 days. Those that make their saving throw can remain in the area without any ill effect. The character can also turn 1D4 animated dead, like skeletons and zom­ bies, per level of experience, at a cost 15 P.PE. and they get no saving throw. Does not work on Demon and Deevil Lords or deific beings. 54-61% Arcane Knowledge: The character mystically knows a total of 16 spells that can be selected from lev­ els 1-8. Starting at second level, the hero gets to select one additional spell for each new level of experience. The knowledge is mystically bestowed so the character cannot learn any additional spells or teach the ones he has. The character gains +1 to Spell Strength at levels 2, 6, 10 and 14. Add 2D4x10 P.P.E. to the character's base, +2D6 P.P.E. per level of experience starting at level two. 62-69% Angel Fury. The character is infused with com­ bat knowledge to better confront the forces of evil. Bonus Skills: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, two Ancient w.P.s of choice. Combat Bonuses: +1 on Perception Rolls, +2 at­ tack per melee, +1 to disarm, +2 to pull punch, +1 to save vs possession or mind control, and +1 D6 to damage with punches, kicks, or ancient weapon attacks. This is in addi­ tion to the standard attacks per melee for heroes. 70-77% Angel Prowess. The character is fast and light on his feet. Bonus Skills: Acrobatics, Climb and Prowl skills each with a +20% skill bonus. Furthermore, when the char­ acter is consciously trying to do so, he leaves no tracks/ footprints, but maximum Spd is half the usual. Combat Bo­ nuses: +1 attack per melee, +1 D4 to PP. attribute (mini­ mum is 18), +3D6+6 to Spd, and the character is +1D4+1 to automatic dodge (the act of dodging does not use up a melee attaCk). 78-85% Angel Wings: The character has a pair of an­ gel-like wings and he can fly at a speed of 160 miles per hour (256 km) plus 10 mph (16 km) per additional level of experience. While in flight the character has the following bonuses: +2 to base Horror Factor/Awe Factor, +1 attack per melee, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge while in flight, +6 to damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flying speed. S.D.C. Bonus: +1D4x10 S.D.C., and each wing has 75 S.D.C., plus destroyed wings regenerate within 24 hours. Furthermore, the wings are completely concealed until the character needs them, appearing as if by magic. Once per level of the hero's experience, day, the charac­ ter can pluck 'I D4 feathers and hurl them at falling targets such as people. Any person or target struck with a feath­ er takes one point of damage but stops falling and gently floats to earth, landing without harmed from the fall. There is a weight limitation of 500 pounds (225 kg) per feather. The feathers are magic in nature and can be thrown 1,000 feet (305 m), +100 feet (30 m) per level of experience; +2 to strike with an angel wing feather. 86-93% Divine Regeneration: The character heals wounds at a rate of 1D6 Hit Points or S.D.C. per melee round. However, should he be knocked down to less than half his Hit POints, at any pOint the hero can call upon Divine Regeneration and, once per day, have aI/ his S.D.C. and Hit Points instantly restored. The total restoration of Hit Points 53 and S.D.C. costs 50 P.P.E. In the alternative he can perform a super healing on someone else for the same P.P.E. cost to restore 2D6x10 S.D.C. and/or Hit Points. This healing instantly mends broken bones, stops internal bleeding and awakens the unconscious. 94-00% Crusader's Armor: Whenever the hero acti­ vates his bestowed powers to become a Crusader of Light, his costume includes a full suit of noiseless and weight­ less armor, which offers full environmental protection with an endless supply of breathable air (good in outer space or under water up to a depth of 4 miles/6.4 km). It may resemble any style of ancient armor, like a knight of old (or Cosmo-Knight). It provides the character with an A.R. of 16 and has 220 S.D.C. The armor does not regenerate per se, but if damaged or destroyed, 18 hours later it is back to normal as if no damage ever happened. At levels 4,8 and 12 add +1 to the Armor Rating and 100 S.D.C. speaks to him, hints at the power it can impart upon him, and he is able to acquire the weapon that the character acquires magical and/or super abilities. Character Notes and Bonuses: Alignment: Any evil. To link with and be empowered by a Weapon of Chaos, the character must be, himself, evil. These weapons seek out individuals whose ethics and alignment match their own. Thus, a weapon with a Miscre­ ant alignment seeks an owner who is also Miscreant. Level of Education and Skill Selection: Standard; see creating a character in Heroes Unlimited™. Hand to Hand Combat: Unless otherwise indicated, Hand to Hand skills are not automatic and must be selected as a learned skill. Weapons and Armor: Other than the weapon itself (and unless otherwise indicated), all the character has is a battledress of his or her own choosing. The battledress ap­ pears when the character transforms from an Ordinary Joe into a costumed super being. Structural Damage Capacity (S.D.C.): 4D6 S.D.C. bonus added to those gained through magic and physical skills. Available Financial Resources: 2D4x100 dollars is available in ready cash. This is in addition to any life sav­ ings (see optional rules to rounding one's character in He­ roes Unlimited™). Depending on the success of the char­ acter, he may have his own car and place to live or share a place with a friend or live in his parents house. 01-50% The character has a clunker of a car that is 2D4+1 years old, or 51-00% a newer vehicle that's only 1D4 years old. Two are One: The character possesses magical or su­ per abilities only by possessing the Enchanted Weapon, and without it he is an ordinary person. Thus, most any bad guy will do anything to keep his hands on his weapon. If separated for more than 72 hours, the bond is broken, the character turns back into his ordinary self, and the En­ chanted Weapon becomes inert and quiet until the two are reunited or a new person whose morals and alignment matches the weapon comes across it. Experience: This character uses the Mega-Hero Expe­ rience Table. Enchanted Weapons of the Minion War The following weapons pertain directly to the Minion War. As the battle unfolds on Earth, and elsewhere, these weapons have awakened. They could be anywhere await­ ing discovery or have already been uncovered and in the hands of heroes or villains. Those weapons yet to be discovered may be hidden in the ruins of an archeological site or ancient tome, on dis­ play in a museum, held by a cult of demon or Deevil wor­ shipers, owned in a private collection, or gathering dust in a pawnshop. When the right person comes by he'll suddenly notice the Enchanted Weapon, sense its magical signifi­ cance and feel an urge to wield it. It is in that moment that the intelligent life essence inside the weapon offers the per­ son the opportunity to take it, wield it, and be imbued with the power it holds to bring about a new world order or to take what he wants. The trick may be actually getting hold of the weapon. Game Masters, this could be the seed for an adventure, e.g. a rash of museum robberies or thefts from private collections, murder and madness at an archeologi­ cal dig, reports of monsters (demons and/or Deevils) at an archeological dig (or church or museum), and so on. The following Enchanted Weapons are completely de­ scribed. Each provides specific powers and abilities. Do NOT combine them with the abilities described in the En­ chanted Weapon Power Category or the Mega-Hero found in the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG. Weapons of Chaos An Enchanted Weapon, be it a Weapon of Chaos or Weapon of Order, imbues whoever owns it with superhu­ man abilities. A common range of abilities is presented in the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG. However, the weapons described in the pages that follow are unique and each imbues a unique range of abilities to its matched wielder. Note: As a result, other than the fact that all Enchanted Weapons are indestructible, do NOT add/apply any of the "Common Properties" or Bonuses or Abilities presented in Heroes Unlimited™ to the weapons in this sourcebook. Each weapon in this book has its own specific and special set of stats for itself and abilities that it imparts upon its matched owner. Actually, the Enchanted Weapon sees the mortal not as its "owner" but as its "partner." The Owner of a Weapon of Chaos In most cases, the owner of an Enchanted Weapon starts out as an ordinary person. It is only after the weapon 54 Deevil Weapons of Chaos Deevil Weapons of Chaos were forged long ago, prob­ ably in some quest for power or even a bid to become a Deevil Lord . Thus, Deevil Weapons of Chaos have specific purposes . There may be more than one of each type of weapon described in the pages that follow, but all have a similar appearance and the same purpose and powers. How these weapons ended up on Earth is anyone's guess . Earth has been a favori te stomp ing ground for Deevils (and demons) , so they could have been lost in a past battle , sto­ len and forgotten, or hidden until the right moment to strike. The weapons are scattered across the globe waiting to be acquired and brought to troubling life. With careful research , clues can be found to direct people to the hiding places of these weapons . All the weapons need is a wielder, willing or not! Note: In Mega-Damage settings , the Hit Point/S.D.C . damage of Chaos Weapons becomes M.D, point for point. a Deevil weapon maker. The answer is simple : Betrayal. Treachery and betrayal is commonplace in Deevil society and it is common for Deevil weapon makers to place a fel ­ low Deevil who has betrayed or challenged his Deevil Lord (or other authority figure ) into Enchanted Weapons to im­ bue it with power. With the Minion War spilling out all over the Megaverse, Hades Bane swords (always large blades like a Flamberge or Executioner 's Sword) have sensed the conflict and eagerly wait to get into the right hands so they may slaughter demons. At least one Hades Bane Flam­ berge is on Earth. A Hades Bane Executioner's Sword is also rumored to exist in China. Alignment : Diabolic. Powers Bestowed to the Wielder by the Weapon of Chaos: The wielder of the weapon gets the following: • Add 2D4x10 S.D .C. • +4D6 points to the character's PP.E. base. • The character is +6 to save vs Horror Factor when deal­ ing with demons ; only +2 against other supernatural and mortal threats . • +2 on all saving throws against all forms of non-physical attacks by demons (psionics , possession, magic, etc. ). • The character is impervious to fire and smoke - no dam­ age - including magic fire and the fire from super abili­ ties. Explosives and energy blasts such as plasma inflict 10% of their normal damage. Hades Bane - Flamberge or Other Large Sword The Hades Banes were probably forged before the Cru ­ sades on Earth . It was a period of time when the demons had a stronger influence over Earth than the Deevils Some say that the life force of Deevils inhabit the Hades Bane swords because the weapons absolutely hate demons and want to slay them above all others . Some would ask why a Deevil would be placed inside an enchanted blade by 55 • The character knows a total of five spells from levels 1-4, and a total of four spells selected from levels 5-8. At each new level of experience the character can se­ lect one spell equal to his experience level. The char­ acter has a base PPE. of the character 's P.E. attribute number x4 plus 106 PPE. per level of experience. The character gains a +1 to Spell Strength at levels 5 and 10 . • Battle Dress: The character is garbed in a devilish style, plate and chain battle armor. The armor provides an A.R. of 15 and has 200 S.D.C. If the armor is destroyed it will appear fully intact after 1D4 days. Color and design are left to the chara cter. Special Powers of Hades Bane: The following abilities can be called upon by the character linked to the weapon . Weapon Damage : 606 points of damage against most foes, but against Hades Demons or any of their minions (including any of their Mystically Bestowed), the weapon inflicts 1D6x10 damage . Weapon Bonu ses: +1 to strike and + 1 to parry ; double against demons . Indestructible : The weapon itself is indestructible. P.P.E . Base : Hades Bane has 100 P.P.E. and recovers spent P.P.E at a rate of 5 P.P.E. per hour; double on ley lines and triple on a nexus . The weapon wielder can also use his own P.P.E . base to power and cast the spells/abili­ ties that follow. Energy Expulsion : Explosive Fire Balls : As per the super power described in this book . Level is equal to the sword wielder. P.P.E. Cost: 10 per blast. Nightvision: Three times per day the character can ac­ tivate this power to see in absolute darkness. Range is 90 feet (27 m). Duration is one hour per activation. P.P.E. Cost: slaying heroes almost as much as it delights in the slaugh­ ter of the innocent. It revels when its owner commits atroci­ ties, mass murder and serial killings . A Soul Slayer weapon can rip the soul from a person leaving him an empty shell. It is a Soul Drinker and when it tastes blood its next strike is always for the soul. Alignment: Diabolic. Powers Bestowed to the Wielder by the Weapon of Chaos: • +3D6x10 S.D .G. and gives the mortal a Natural Armor Rating of 13 (in Mega-Damage settings add another +1 D6x1 0 M.D.C .). • The mortal linked to Soul Slayer also gets the follow­ ing bonuses: +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to save vs magic, and +1 on all other saving throws . • Horror Factor: 13 for the human character linked to the power of the Soul Slayer. • Battle Dress & Monstrous Appearance : When the mortal takes on his "super" persona , he has devilish features such as red or golden skin , claw-like black fingernails , cloven hooves for feet, a shaggy mane of long dark hair, and horns on the forehead (small, medium or large) and similar. Furthermore, when invoked , the Soul Slayer uses magic to replace the character 's clothing with an ominous or scary costume of his design. • Winged Flight: The character grows a pair of large de­ monic or bat wings as needed . Flying speed is 180 mph (288 km) plus 5 mph (8 km) per additional level of ex­ perience. While in flight the character has the following bonuses: +3 to Horror Factor, +1 attack per melee, +1 to strike , +1 to parry, +4 to dodge while in flight, +4 to dam­ age for every 20 mph (32 km) of flying speed. Each wing has 75 S.D.C. 6. Chameleon: Three times per day the character can call upon the power of Chameleon as per the spell. Duration is equal to one hour per activation . P.P.E. Cost: 6. Circle of Concealment: As per the spell, the character can call upon this power two times per day. Level is equal to a sixth level caster. PPE Cost: 15 or 100. Call Lightning : As per the spell. the character can call down lightning against his foes. Damage and range are equal to the wielder 's level. This ability draws upon the sword's P.P.E. reserve and is limited by that amount. P.P.E. Cost: 15. Present Location on Earth : A Hades Bane Flamberge is in the possession of a private collector in London England. The owner is a collector of antiquities and believes the sword was once held by a king of England. Soul Slayer - Bastard Sword or Battle Axe Soul Slayers are the kings of the Deevils' enchanted weapons. The blades were forged in the deepest pits of Dyval, probably in Grim Mortis, and cooled in one of the many Soul Pools that surround the great citadel of Lord Sahtalus . The blades are evil through and through . A Soul Slayer loves being an instrument of destruction and enjoys 56 sess the soulless body, the possession is an automatic success. Similarly, the M.E. attribute is reduced by half; adjust bonuses accordingly. If the soul is not recovered in 2D6 years, the body dies, turning to dust. Should the body be killed in the meantime, nothing short of a miracle could bring the soulless character back to life. Note: The power of Soul Drink is limited to six times per day. Store Souls: No one really knows what happens to a soul when it is consumed by a Soul Drinker. It is said the soul is lost in a limbo-like environment with no sense of the passage of time. The Soul Slayer can store souls within the infernal weapon indefinitely, where they provide the Soul Slayer with the mystic energy that powers the weapon and the mortal who wields it. Any soul taken by a Soul Slayer can be released back into the original body or into one of the many demonic/devilish war machines (or Techno-Wiz­ ard devices) used by demons and Deevils in the Minion War as fuel. Souls may also be placed into a gemstone and traded like currency among evil supernatural beings. So many souls are often taken and transported. While this may not bode well, this does however mean that a soul can be released. Getting a Soul Slayer to release a soul in its captivity requires a "trade" or "favor" of some kind. As with any dealings with demonic beings, the trade or favor will be unfair, uneven (always in the weapon's or his wielder's benefit) and distasteful. There is no limit to the number of souls that can be stored. Animate and Control Dead: As per the seventh level spell. This can be done three times per day. It is equal to an 8th level sorcerer. Energy Expulsion: Soul Blast: As per the Major Super Ability described in this book. The weapon can fire once per melee round. • Curse of Insanity: Megalomaniac and Sociopath. If the mortal to wield a Soul Slayer wasn't a bloodthirsty Kill­ er given to acts of torture and cruelty to begin with, he quickly becomes one. He has no empathy for others or the human condition. People might as well be bugs to this character, and he a god. The characters enjoy the power of a Soul Slayer and cares about no one other than himself. He is not a team player unless he is team leader, and even then he may betray the team or put them in life and death situations with little regard for their survival. The only thing that keeps this psychotic killer in line is the Soul Slayer, who communicates with him via Telepathy, Empathy and in nightmarish dreams, all of which encourage treachery, vengeance, murder and worse. The character can only satiate their lust for power (the weapon's and his own) by engaging in acts of vio­ lence, terrorizing and killing. < Special Powers of the Soul Slayer Weapon of Chaos: Weapon Damage: 1D6x10. (This is Hit Point/S.D.C. damage in most mortal settings and M.D. in Mega-Damage settings.) Weapon Bonuses: +2 to strike and parry. Indestructible: The weapon itself is indestructible. Communication: The Soul Slayer and its wielder com­ municate via Telepathy, the mortal hearing the voice of his Soul Slayer talking to him in his head. This isn't constant nor idle chatter, but suggestions, warnings and encourage­ ment to act upon dark emotions and wicked deeds, includ­ ing rape, torture, killing for pleasure, etc. The Soul Slayer can also feel its wielder's emotions and enjoys all the nasty ones. This, by the way, contributes to the Curse of Insanity. Requirement: This weapon must always be a large sword (Bastard or larger) or large battle axe; typically a two­ handed weapon. Soul Drinker: This ability is all but unheard of on Earth. Should the weapon draw blood, then one's life essence or soul can be ripped from the body. Only the wielder of the Soul Slayer can command when this is done, blood must be drawn and the blade must drink deeply of its victim's blood - meaning it needs to do Hit Point damage, before it can drink a soul. To save vs soul attack the victim must roll to save vs magic of 14 or higher. On a successful save, the victim only takes double damage (supernatural beings and creatures of magic suffer triple damage). On a failed roll to save vs soul attack, his soul is torn from his body. What surprises people is that losing one's soul doesn't hurt, the victim is not dead, and he takes only half damage from the Soul Slayer. However, there is an odd feeling of emptiness and all super abilities or spell cast­ ing abilities are reduced by 30% (range, duration, damage, etc.). Spell casters who lose their soul see their P.P.E. re­ duced by 30%. psychics see LS.P' reduced by 30%. Fur­ thermore, the soulless character can not advance in lev­ els until the soul is recovered (which could be impossible). What may not be evident at first is that the body is an empty shell, which means the character has no ability to save vs possession; don't even bother to roll. If a being tries to pos­ Present Known Location on Earth: Only a character with the right mind set can find, recognize and use a Soul Slayer, which means a psychopath, SOCiopath or blood­ thirsty mortal dedicated to evil or who is a willing servant of the Deevils. There is a trail of clues that will lead a person around the globe until finally ending up in a pyramid (ap­ pears as Aztec in design) hidden deep in the Amazon rain forest. Along the trail, a series of small metal tablets will be found, leading from one clue to the next. When all six metal tablets are found, they can be assembled to form an oddly shaped tablet that provides a direction to the pyramid. The pieces also serve as keys to get past various doors and traps inside the stone pyramid. Once at the heart of the pyramid, one finds an altar that has a series of grooves that lead to holes in the floor that lead to a small pit. As may be obvious, a human blood sacrifice must be offered and then judgment is passed. An effigy of Sahtalus himself rises from the blood pool to stand in judgement of the one who has come to claim the Soul Slayer. Those found unworthy are brought back to Dyval to suffer eternal torment. If someone does prove worthy, Sahtalus demands his loyalty and a promise to bring chaos and bloodshed wherever he goes. If the indi­ vidual agrees, the Lord of Dyval hands a Soul Slayer (axe or sword, G.M:s chOice) to the character and bids him to go forth to wreak havoc. 57 Hell Fury - Energy Rifle character a + 10% bonus to Prowl and hide in darkness . If the chara cter doesn 't have the Prowl skill to start, he gets it with a base of 36% , +4% per level of experience. Hell Fury is an unusual weapon in that it looks like some kind of primitive rifle . It has a stock , trigger and barrel like a normal rifle , but all carved from ivory, dragon bone or jade. The end of the barrel is made in the likeness of a Deevil's head, and all blasts come from its mouth . Etched all along the barrel are gold and silver Runes and whenever the weapon is fired, the eyes of the Deevil glow red . Some of the script on the barrel of the weapon is Chi­ nese , suggesting that the gun may have been designed by one of the Yama Kings (except they are the Lords of another rival Hell ) or an ancient Chinese Alchemist. There is little known about this rarest of the rare Deevil Weapons of Chaos , but the existence of the weapon has only come to light in the last few years , suggesting it may be a recent addition to the Deevil arsenal, reserved for thier most elite henchmen. Special Powers of Hell Fury Weapon of Chaos: Weapon Damage : Varies as per the type of Energy Ex­ pulsion power possessed by the weapon (see below ) or 306 damage as a blunt object. (This is Hit Point/S.D .C. damage in most mortal settings and M.D. in Mega-Damage settings.) Weapon Range: As a mystic rifle that fires bolts of magic energy, the range is 1,200 feet (366 m). Weapon Bonuses +2 to strike on an Aimed or Called Shot, no bonus for shooting wild . This is in addition to possible WP. Energy Rifle skill bonus or other applicable bonuses . Indestructible: The weapon itself is indestructible. Communication : The two are linked on an empathic lev­ el , with the gun sending positive vibes to kill and engage in other wicked acts. Chameleon: Three times per day the character can call upon the power of Chameleon as per the spell. Duration is equal to one hour per activation. Types of Blast Attacks Available: In all cases, the weapon recharges two blasts total , per hour. They recharge in the order they were used unless the weapon's wielder concen­ trates on recharging in a specific order. Each blast counts as one of the shooter's melee attacks . Energy Expulsion: Electricity. Maximum nNumber of shots is 30 . Energy Expulsion: Fire. Maximum number of shots is 45 . Energy Expulsion Light. Ma ximum number of shots is 45 . Energy Expulsion : Particle Beam. Maximum number of shots is 15. Energy Expulsion: Cold. Maximum number of shots is 30. Alignment: Miscreant. Powers Bestowed to the Mortal Who Wields It: • +2D4x10 to the character's S.D.C. • Supervision: Infrared and Ultraviolet. • Supervision : Nightvision. • Supervision : Advanced Sight. • Supervision: X-Ray. • Energy Expulsion : Energy. Unlike the Energy Expulsion powers listed below, Energy can be used an unlimited amount of times per day. Damage is equal to the level of the wielder and the maximum range is doubled. • Battle Dress & Prowl Bonus: When the character calls upon the power of the Hell Fury, he transforms into his super-persona, his ordinary clothing turning into a costume. The costume is always black and may have a modern appearance with leather gloves and straps (cape or cloak optional), jumpsuit and hooded grey or black cloak , or a cross between a ninja 's costume and a sniper's ghillie suit. The dark , magical costume gives the 58 some time later in the possession of a new master eager to taste their power. Each blade has a distinct personality that guides and of­ fers advice to their wielder. The dominant personality of the two blades is Venom , a dagger with ornate decorations , gold trim and numerous jewels. Its blade is always covered in a wet substance as it oozes a variety of poisons from its blade. The second blade in the pair is Shadow Heart. This blade appears to be made entirely of metal as if carved from a single piece . It is always cool to the touch and it hungers for the taste of blood. Deevil Blades work best when the wielder has both and should they be separated , the two blades always try to be reunited under one owner. If only one of the blades is avail­ able, only half of the bonuses and powers are available, and those available are at half strength . Energy Expulsion: Force Blast. Maximum number of shots is 15. Present Location: One Hell Fury rifle is rumored to be in the possession of an aging Vietnamese merchant in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The merchant has the weapon dis­ played on the wall of his office and has no idea of what he has. Due to the merchant's ethics (Anarchist), he and the rifle are not compatible and Hell Fury is too impatient to try and subvert him . The gun is waiting for a compatible user. Alignment: Each weapon is Miscreant. Powers Bestowed to the Mortal Who Wields Them: • +1 D6x10 S .D.C. bonus to the wielder if he has only one dagger, 2D6x10 when he is in possession of both . • Cloaking, a Major Super Ability. Only available when he has both daggers. • Supervision : Nightvision, a Minor Super Ability. Available with either dagger. • +2 to save vs all poisons and toxins , but even if the sav­ ing throw fails , the damage , penalties/effects and dura­ tion are half. • +104 to P.P. attribute (Minimum P.P. 20) , +2 when both daggers are in the possession of one owner. • Battle Dress: When the character calls upon the power of his Chaos Weapons, he transforms into his super-perso­ na, and his ordinary clothing turns into a costume. If only one dagger is owned , just the upper portion of the body and head are costumed, complete with mask; no cape or cloak is possible . If both daggers are in the charac­ ter's possession, the costume can be whatever he likes, transforming him for head to toe, and may include cape or cloak. Being an assassin , the costume is usually dark and may have leather components with metal studs and spikes The mask or helmet often has devilish features that include curled horns, red eyepieces or goggles, and so on . Deevil Blades - A Pair of Daggers Powers Held by Both Daggers: Weapon Damage: Each blade does 206+2 damage. In­ crease damage to 306+4 for each blade when the pair is used in tandem by the same wielder; one dagger in each hand. (This is Hit PoinVS.D.C . damage in most mortal set­ tings and M.D . in Mega-Damage settings.) Weapon Bonuses: +3 to pull punch , +1 to strike , parry, disarm and strike when thrown. Double these bonuses when the pair of daggers are in the possession of one own­ er and user. Indestructible: The weapons themselves are indestruc­ tible . Communication : The link between the weapon and its mortal wielder is via Telepathy Range 5 miles (8 km); dou­ ble if the character has both blades. Deevil Blades appear to be among the earliest Chaos Weapons to be constructed by the infernals of Dyval, as they have a long history across the Megaverse for being involved in assassination and murder. On Earth, records suggest at least three pairs of Deevil Blades have been passed down through the ages, making appearances in ancient Babylon, Egypt, Greece, England, France, and even in the American Revolution and Civil War. The blades always seem to show up where there is a major conflict and/or chaos, and they are often used in the assassination of military and political leaders. According to legend, the wielders of Deevil Blades eventually suffer misfortune and/ or a violent fate, which suggests the blades are cursed. In all cases, Deevil Blades seem to vanish, only to reappear 59 Powers Held by the Dagger Called Venom: Save ys Poison: Any character cut by the venomous blade gets to save vs poison. Non-lethal venom requires a save of 16 or better. Lethal poison requires a save of 14 or higher. A successful save means the character takes 10% damage and suffers no penalties or side-effects from the venom. A failed roll means the victim takes full damage and penalties. Roll for each attack that draws blood (hits and does damage). Throwing Range: Double the usual range. If both blades are in the character's possession, the daggers return when thrown. Venomous Attack: Only one kind of poison can be se­ lected at a time and remains on the blade for two melee rounds, after which a new poison may be selected. Dam­ age and/or penalties from poison are in addition to the dam­ age inflicted by the blade itself. Damage by the blades can be reduced to as little as 1D6 with a successful roll to pull punch. Only "Venom" secretes poison. as -10% on skill performance. Itching and penalties last for 1D4 hours! Blinding Venom: Victims must save vs non-lethal poison (a roll of 16 or higher). A failed roll means the victim's vision immediately begins to blur as the poison strikes the neural center of the eyes. For the next melee round all combat bo­ nuses are -2. At the start of the next melee, everything goes black, and the character is blind. -10 to strike, parry, dodge and all other combat moves (disarm, etc.). The blindness passes after 106+2 melee rounds. Powers Held by the Dagger Called Shadow Heart: Armor Piercing Power (Special & limited): This deadly power only applies to Shadow Heart when used against an armored opponent or one with Natural AR. When ac­ tivated, the dagger has an enhanced ability to bypass any Armor Rating (AR.). As a result, the A.R. of an opponent is reduced by half against this dagger. Thus, an AR. of 13 is 6 (round down) to Shadow Heart, and a roll of 7 or higher to strike hits and does damage to the character beneath the armor; damage to the armor itself is one point. (In Mega­ Damage Settings: Shadow Heart is able to stab through even M.D.C. material to strike the person inside armor (in­ flicts S.D.C'/Hit Points or M.D. as appropriate). When up against a robot, cyborg, or Mega-Damage being, such as dragons and demons, the damage inflicted by the blade is double.) Note: The Armor Piercing ability can only be ac­ tivated four times per hour, and lasts for one melee round (15 seconds) per activation. For the rest of the time, treat it like a superior quality dagger that never dulls or breaks and can cut through just about anything, provided one uses a stabbing or chopping attack. Double Damage: Shadow Heart does double damage to Shadow Beasts and similar creatures, as well as vampires and other supernatural beings that feed on blood. Shadow Stepping: Six times per 24 hours, as per the Minor Super Ability of the same name, the character in possession of Shadow· Heart can jump between shadows. Range is equal to the user's experience level. The following is the description from Powers Unlimited One, page 40: This power enables the character to step into a shadow and "jump" to any other shadow within range. This power does not grant the user the ability to Shadow Meld, just the ability to leap in and out of shadows as a sort of limited range, line of sight form of teleportation with various shadows being the final destination. The shadow must be at least four feet (1.2 m) long and in line of sight. The shadow stepper can "jump" from one unconnected shadow to another as long as each shadow is within range of the other, large enough, and clearly visible. Range: 30 feet (9.1 m) per level of experience. Duration: Instant, with each "Shadow Step" or "jump" counting as one melee action. Note: If the character also has Shadow Meld or Shadow Shaping, the powers may be used together or in any combination. Throwing Range: 400 feet (122 m). If both blades are in the character's possession, double the range and each of the daggers return when thrown. Types of Poisonous Venoms: Toxin: Victims must save vs non-lethal poison (a roll of 16 or higher). A failed roll means the victim suddenly feels nauseous, feverish and stricken with stomach cramps and vomiting. Penalties: -2 melee attacks per melee round, no initiative, -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -25% to perform skills, and reduce Spd by 30%. Duration is a thankfully short 2D4 melee rounds. Deadly Poison: The victim must save vs lethal poison (a roll of 14 or higher is needed). A failed roll means 1D4x10+8 points of damage direct to Hit Points. A successful save means only 1D6 damage to S.D.C. and the victim feels a burning sensation that may cause mild nausea or may break into a sweat, but nothing more. Poison: The victim must save vs lethal poison (a roll of 14 or higher is needed). A failed roll means 4D6 points of damage direct to Hit Points. A successful save means only 1D4 damage to S.D.C. Paralytic Poison: Victims must save vs non-lethal poison (a roll of 16 or higher). A failed roll means 1D4 damage and the part of the body that was struck becomes para­ lyzed within seconds. If an arm or leg, the character func­ tions without its use. One melee round later, the entire body is paralyzed by the neural toxin for 1D6+2 melee rounds; cannot attack, use powers (except mind powers) or even speak. Knockout Venom: Victims must save vs non-lethal poi­ son (a roll of 16 or higher). A failed ro/l means the victim is groggy and has trouble focusing for 1D4 melee rounds (-2 on initiative and -ion all combat moves, -10% to perform skills, and reduce Spd by 20%), before passing out. Re­ mains unconscious for 1D6+1 minutes. Itching Venom: Victims must save vs non-lethal poison (a roll of 16 or higher). A failed roll means the victim imme­ diately breaks out in an itchy rash. Distracted and unable to concentrate because of the itching. -3 on initiative, -1 to strike, parry and dodge and all combat bonuses, -1 to save vs magic mind control/domination or illusions, or psionic attacks (can't focus to summon the will to resist) as well 60 Present Location : One set of Deevil Blades is on display at the Smithsonian in Washington , D.C ., acquired when an anonymous person donated a colle ction of ancient weap­ ons. However, they may not be there for long. One of the night watchmen stops by the exhibit every night to take in the exotic beauty of the weapons. Sometimes he swears he hears them calling to him . They promise power and riches the watchman finds very appealing. Another are pair is rumored to be in the hands of a Deevil cult leader in Mexico . A third pair is said to have been part of the collection of occult artifacts gathered on the behest of Adolf Hitler, but vanished after World War", whereabouts unknown. Demon Weapons of Chaos Demon Weapons of Chaos are the equivalent of Deevil Weapons of Chaos , only made by demons and dark forces associated with them. These weapons are also scattered around the globe and elsewhere in the Megaverse waiting to be discovered. Some are even a part of history and many have given despots and villains the power they needed to sow chaos and destruction. Note: In Mega-Damage set­ tings, the Hit PoinUS .D.C . damage of Chaos Weapons be­ comes M.D, point for point. Chaos Caller - Battle Axe The Chaos Caller is a single-bladed battle axe with a long handle. It is typically used as a two-handed weapon, though beings with Superhuman or Supernatural Strength can wield it with one. It may also be used to cut down oppo­ nents from horseback. In certain circles, it is rumored that Genghis Khan possessed a Chaos Caller, but his axe van­ ished hundreds of years ago. Special Powers of the Chaos Caller Weapon of Chaos: WeaRon Damage 606 to mortal foes , but 2D4x1 0 dam­ age to supernatural enemies and creatures of magic such as dragons , sphinx, and similar, as well as beings vulner­ able to fire or heat. (This is Hit PoinUS.D.C . damage in most mortal settings and M.D. in Mega-Damage settings) Note: The axe blade burns with magical fire whenever it is drawn for combat. WeaRon Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry, +2 to strike from horseback, +1 to strike when throvvn. Indestructible: The weapon itself is indestructible and al­ ways feels warm to the touch. Communication : Wielder and weapon are linked on an empathic level , sharing their feelings. The axe likes to send positive vibes and an adrenaline rush to encourage acts of murder, violence and wi ckedness. It loves combat and killing Fire Bolts: On command , the Chaos Caller can unleash a bolt of fire. Range is 1,000 feet (305 m) and damage is 406 . Each Fire Bolt counts as one melee atta ck. Bolts of Hades : On command , once per hour, the weap­ on can unleash a barrage of fiery bolts . The bolts are made of blazing lava (i .e. molten rock) and inflict 108 S.D.C . each . Ten bolts are released at a time. All 10 may be fired at a single target or split up to hit five or ten different targets. Alignment : Aberrant. Powers Bestowed to the Mortal Who Wields It: • Add 1D4x10 to Hit Points and +1 D6x10 to SD.C. • Superhuman Strength as per the Minor Super Ability. • W.P. Battle Axe skill and bonuses as per level of experi­ ence. • +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to save vs magic, and +1 on all other saving throws. • +1 attack per melee round at levels 2 and 8, and +2 to pull punch at levels 3 and 9. • Battle Dress: The character is garbed in armor that has a distinctly "oriental" look and feel, though it may mix Mongolian with Chinese or even Japanese or Korean , and may include some modern styling as well. Typically It comes with a long fur or leather cape , and an ominous , horned mask reminiscent of the Mongols from the time of Genghis Khan. The battle dress provides an A .R. of 15 and has 175 S.D.C. (M.D.C . in M.D . settings) If the ar­ mor is destroyed it reappears restored and at full SD .C. (MD .C . in Mega-Damage settings) within 24 hours. 61 gets its domineering personality. All Baal's Whips love to be used to threaten, punish and torture others, especially Deevils. Each bolt is +4 to strike and is magically guided. Do not add any other bonuses to strike. Tears of Hades: Three times per 24 hour period, the wielder can call forth mini-fireballs to rain down from the heavens. When activated, black and yellow clouds appear out of nowhere, and seconds latter they unleash a barrage of mini-fireballs that pepper a 200 foot (61 m) radius. Dam­ age is 5D6 S.D.C. to every person and object per melee round, double damage to beings who are superhuman or more than mortal (i.e. creatures of magic and supernatural beings), as the tears seem to be attracted to them. The as­ sault lasts one melee round (15 seconds). Each melee of tears there is a 1-60% chance of combustibles (wood, dry grass, clothes, exposed gasoline, etc.) being set on fire. The attack can be centered up to 500 feet (152 m) away, within line of sight. River of Lava: Twice per day the wielder can strike the axe into the ground. From the point of impact a River of Lava appears, devouring all who are in its path. The river is 30 feet (9.1 m) wide and 2,000 feet (610 m) long. The river does not appear instantly, but it gushes out of the ground heading in the desired direction at a rate of 100 feet (30 m) per melee round. Damage from the lava is 1D6x10 S.D.C. per melee round to whatever falls into it. Heroes caught in the lava have their speed reduced to half due to the thick consistency of the liquified rock. The River of Lava lasts for one minute per level of the weapon's wielder, though he can make it vanish at any time he desires. Super Fire Blast: Once per 24 hours, a Chaos Caller can unleash a fiery blast that inflicts tremendous damage upon one, single target: 1D4x100 S.D.C. damage, 500 foot (152 m) range. Alignment: Diabolic. Powers Bestowed to the Mortal Who Wields It: • +1 D6x10+20 S.D.C. • +1D4 to MA and P.P. attributes, and 1D6+10 to Spd attribute. • Can leap 20 feet (6.1 m) high or lengthwise, double with a running start. • WP. Whip skill and bonuses as per level of experience. • The character is +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 on all other saving throws, +2 to initiative and +10% to Climb! Rappel. He is also resistant to pain and Interrogation skill rolls leveled against him are half. • Battle Dress: When transformed into his "super" per­ sona, the character appears as a muscular individual with bronze skin and clad in a black costume (often skin tight, sometimes leather) with red and!or bronze trim, accents, and insignia or design patterns. Leather boots and gloves, and a red or black cape or cloak is often part of the costume. Hats also seem to be associ­ ated with this costume and may range from a Mayan or Aztec-style bronze or feathered headdress to a fedora or a wide brimmed hat reminiscent of Zorro. When the character becomes enraged or engages in combat, the red trim turns into wisps of flame, but they are for show and intimidation, and do no damage. When the charac­ ter calls upon Baal, the suit splits and tears as the Baal­ Rog takes possession of the wielder's body. Special Powers of the Baal's Whip Weapon of Chaos: Weapon Damage: 4D6+4 (+2D6 when ablaze). Weapon Bonuses: +2 to strike, disarm and entangle when wielded by a mortal. When used against Deevils their A.R. is not applicable and unless parried or dodged, the whip does damage every time it strikes. This includes all minions and hosts of Dyval, Witches, Dark Priests and all of the power categories listed in this book who get their power from Deevils. Animate Whip: Three times per 24 hours, the whip can come alive as if it was wielded by an invisible person. When animated, Baal's Whip hangs in the air and lashes out with four attacks per melee round, and is +4 to strike and +3 to disarm, entangle, parry and dodge. To move from one loca­ tion to another, it moves like a snake, but rises into the airto attack. The main forms of attack are whipping or entangle­ ment. When animated, the whip has the equivalent Super­ natural P.S. of 20. Damage from its whip attack is 4D6+4. Baal-Rog Transformation: Once per 24 hours, the whip wielder may temporarily transform into a Baal-Rog Greater Demon. However, in this case, he only possesses all the physical power of the Baal-Rog, not his psionic or spell casting abilities. The transformation lasts 10 minutes per level of experience. See quick stats below. Crack the Whip: Sonic Blast: When the whip is made to snap loudly in the direction of an opponent, the snap is intimidating to everyone within a 40 foot (12.2 m) radius. All within the radius must roll to save vs Horror Factor of 13. Present Location on Earth: Word on the street is that the Genghis Khan Chaos Caller has resurfaced in the hands of a Russian mobster who calls himself the Demon Cossack (he is also a member of a demon cult). The weapon has enabled him to rise to power within a particular mob family, but he is also reputed to hunt down and destroy Deevils. Another Chaos Caller is rumored to be owned by a pri­ vate collector of Viking artifacts in Denmark, and a third by a collector of the occult in Prescott, Arizona. There are a se­ ries of clues left across Russia and Europe that could lead to one or two other Chaos Caller axes, and one is rumored to be resting in the bowels of Mount Vesuvius in Italy. Note: If the blade is removed from the volcano, all volcanic activ­ ity stops and any risk of the volcano erupting is eliminated. Baal's Whip - Bull Whip Baal's Whip is believed to have its origin with the ancient Aztecs of Mexico or possibly the even older Mayans. Oth­ ers insist it was the creation of a forgotten civilization in South America, and some suggest links to ancient Atlan­ tis or the people who built Stonehenge. What is known is that the Chaos Weapon was crafted and used by demon worshipers who sought power over their people. To make Baal's Whip, the life essence of a wounded Greater Demon known as a Baal-Rog must be bonded with the weapon. It is from the Baal-Rog that the weapon draws its power and 62 dodges, leaving the victim vulnerable to additional attacks from the whip wielder and others around him). On a roll of a Natural (unmodified) 19 or 20, the whip entangles and binds either both hands at the wrist or both legs at the ankle. When hands are bound , the victim drops whatever he was holding and loses the use of his hands for combat, attacks are reduced by half and combat bo­ nuses are all reduced to zero. When the ankles are bound, the victim falls and loses two melee attacks and initiative, he cannot stand , run or escape the clutches of the whip wielder, and all combat bonuses are reduced by half. Until he can free his legs from entanglement, the above penal ­ ties apply and the character cannot stand and fight. Every time he manages to get to his feet (counts as two melee attacks) , the whip wielder can knock him down with a quick tug of the whip , causing the victim to lose two more melee attacks and to take 106 damage from the fall. The victim of bound ankles may also be pulled and dragged against his will. Note: An entangle attack does no damage, but binds and holds, limits movement , reduces attacks and inflicts the penalties noted above. Those who fail to save are hesitant to attack the wielder of Baal's Whip (they lose initiative and one melee attack for that melee round) . The deliberate crack of the whip also sends a sonic pulse at one specific targeUopponent. The sonic blast has a range of 80 feet (24.4 m) , does 306 damage and is likely (01-66% chance) to knock the person down (reduce that percentage to 01-33% if the character has Supernatural PS ., the ability to fly or weighs more than one ton). Knockdown penalty: Loses initiative and two me­ lee attacks for that round. The whip can be cracked and the sonic blast fired as many times as equal to the character's number of attacks per melee ; each "crack" counts as one melee attack. Entangle : On a successful roll to entangle, the whip wraps around an arm, leg or the neck to hold its victim in place. An entangled limb cannot be used to strike or parry. If entangled around the neck, arm or leg the victim loses half his attacks per melee round , and all combat bonuses are reduced by half. The victim of entanglement by Baal's Whip must use the rest of his attacks to pull himself free of the entangling whip if he wants to escape his attacker. Otherwise, he is held shackled by his attacker like a dog on a leash and the penalties remain in place until he can pull free (uses up all attacks for an entire melee round , including parries and Fire Whip At will , Baal's Whip ignites to turn into a Fire Whip; add 206 to the damage inflicted and combustible materials are at risk of catching fire (01-50%). The whip is 63 covered in flame only when the wielder so desires it and has hostile intent, wants to intimidate or engages in battle. Tentacle Limb: The wielder is able to control the whip with his mind as if it were a tentacle. The whip must either be on his person or within 20 feet (6.1 m) and in line of sight. This tentacle-like control means Baal's Whip can be used to untie bonds, snag a key or weapon, flip a switch, turn a doorknob or hold it firm so it cannot be turned, grab an item off a person or out of a bag, trip an opponent or captor, and similar simple tasks. The use of the whip as tentacle does not include combat attacks, only nonviolent actions. As above, the whip has a Supernatural P.S. of 20. Skull Splitter - Horseman's Hammer Skull Splitters have seen countless battles and wars throughout history. On Earth, it is believed one was used in the Crusades by a Turkish leader and later in the Na­ poleoniC Wars. It or another one also appeared in World War I and " and is said to have fallen into the hands of the Russians. Skull Splitter is always wielded by a power­ ful warrior or general, however this "great leader" and his forces ultimately meet a tragic death on the battlefield - of­ ten against overwhelming odds. Yet there is always another foolish mortal happy ot lay claim to one. Those who have held the war hammer, even for a few minutes, claim it urges its wielder to seize the moment and reach for power. a Present Location on Earth: Two Baal's Whips are ru­ mored to exist in Argentina, one held by a violent vigilante who calls himself The Whip, and one by the head of a un­ derworld drug cartel. Legend has it that such a "demon fire whip" is concealed in an ancient tomb or pyramid some­ place in the Yucatan, and another is rumored to be in the possession of an archeologist notorious for shady deals and smuggling. He is currently operating somewhere on the continent of Africa, last seen in Somalia. Alignment: Diabolic. Powers Bestowed to the Mortal Who Wields It: • +2D6x10 S.D.C. and +1D4x10 Hit Points. • The character is impervious to Horror Factor and is +2 to save vs magic and +1 on all other saving throws. • +1 D6 to P.P. (minimum 20). • +2D4 to M.A. (minimum 20). • Danger Sense: As per the Minor Super Ability in Powers Unlimited™ One, page 19. • The ability to ride a horse with the skill of a knight (80% +1 % per level of the wielder's experience). • Insanity: Superman Syndrome. The character believes he is indestructible. As a result, he takes needless risks and rarely thinks things through. This insanity always manifests during combat so while the character may be a brilliant leader or tactician, once on the battlefield he loses self-control and the broad perspective. • Battle Dress: The character appears in a suit of armor that may look entirely like a medieval knight in plate armor. However, it may also appear as modern armor with design elements reminiscent of the knights of old, or some other type of armor appropriate to the times. The styling of the armor may also reflect the wearer's .nationality and culture (e.g. European, Japanese, etc.). The armor provides an A.R. of 17 and has 210 S.D.C. Baal-Rog Quick Stats Attributes (average): La. 18, M.E. 16, M.A. 17, P.S. 38, P.P. 23 (Supernatural), P.E. 23 (Supernatural), PB. 10, Spd 50, 110 Flying. Hit Points: 225. S.D.C.: 180. Armor Rating (A.R.): 14. P.P.E.: 480. Applicable Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength and Endurance, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), see the invisi­ ble, turn invisible at will, track by smell 45%, dimensional teleport 72%, Bio-Regeneration 1D6 S.D.C'/Hit Points per melee, impervious to fire and toxic gases, including magic fire, plasma, and from super powers, magically knows all languages, can leap SO feet (15.2 m) without assistance from wings, and can also hover or glide with a Prowl of 60%. Horror Factor: 14 Magic Abilities: Not applicable in this form. Attacks per Melee: Nine. Combat Bonuses in Baal-Rog Form (do not include oth­ ers): +3 to initiative and Perception Rolls, +7 to strike, parry, and dodge, +3 to disarm and entangle, +4 to pull punch and roll with impact, +8 to save vs magic, and +12 to save vs Horror Factor. Skills of Note: As per usual for the character, plus Paired Weapons. All skills suffer a penalty of -10% due to the violent and primal emotions brought on by the transfor­ mation. Disposition: Basically that of the character, but in Baal­ Rog form he is more aggressive and wants nothing more than to inflict pain and suffering on all who oppose him. He is filled with an unparalleled anger that never seems to be satiated. Note: For a complete description of this Greater Demon of Hades, see Rifts® Dark Conversions, Rifts® Di­ mension Book 10: Hades, or the Palladium Fantasy RPG®. Special Powers of a Skull Splitter War Hammer: Weapon Damage: 6D6 Weapon Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry. Hell Horse: Four times per 24 hours, Skull Splitter can create a jet black war horse clad in skeletal or demonic­ looking barding to function as a riding animal for the wielder of the war hammer. The size of the magical horse is appro­ priate for its rider, it has 166 S.D.C. (Hit Points not applica­ ble as it is not truly alive) regardless of size, maximum run­ ning speed is 80 mph (128 km), and can leap 15 feet (4.6 m) high and 40 feet (12.2 m) across. The magical horse remains until it is destroyed or one hour of time has passed, or the wielder of the war hammer wills it to vanish. This is strictly a riding animal and it has no attacks of its own, but it can take evasive action and dodge attacks leveled at it (+4 to dodge). When the rider dismounts, the horse remains within 100 feet (30.S m) of him. 64 Knock Back Attack As per the power in Powers Unlimit­ ed TM 3, page 15. Every time Skull Splitter strikes someone, that person is sent flying from a discharge of kinetic en­ ergy. While the character does not have to be super strong for this ability to function, the stronger the super being is , the more damage he does and the farther his opponent is flung. Damage is 606 from Skull Splitter plus any appli­ cable PS , Hand to Hand combat skill damage bonus and/ or Critical Strikes. Note: Calculate the damage that would have been done, even if the opponent is resistant or im­ mune to it , in order to determine the distance he is knocked back. If an opponent is knocked down, he loses initiative and one melee attack. 01-20 points of damage - knocked back 106 feet (03 to 1.8 m). 21-40 points of damage - knocked back 206 feet (0.6 to 3.6 m) . 41-80 points of damage - target is knocked back 406 feet (1.2 to 7.3 m), and there is a 01-60% likelihood of being knocked down . 81-120 points of damage - target is knocked back 606 feet (1.8 to 11 m) and is knocked down. +12 feet (3.6 m) for any greater amount of damage. Power Strike: The attacker puts all of his strength behind the swing of his hammer. This attack uses up half of the character 's melee attacks but inflicts 206x1 0 damage in a single blow from the hammer. Return when Thrown: Skull Splitter can be hurled at an enemy inflicting its normal (606) damage +6, plus the ham­ mer magically returns to its owner on the next attack. Shock Wave Hammer Strike: Once per melee round, Skull Splitter can unleash a shock wave by striking the ground with it. This generates a shock wave that ripples along the ground in a straight line toward a specific target. Range is up to 200 feet (61 m) . Damage: Everything on the ground along the straight line path of the shock wave takes 206 damage and people are likely to be knocked off their feet (01-80% on percentile dice means knock down) and lose initiative and one melee attack The main target of the shock wave takes 606+6 points of damage, is knocked off 65 forces of good, if they are actively engaged in the slaughter of Deevils. Whenever the flail speaks to its wielder it is always via mental telepathy, but there are two voices and personali­ ties, both evil. One hungers for bloodletting, the other for revenge - and even the slightest insult or embarrassment is worthy of vengeance. Both desire the destruction of the Host and infernals of Dyval and all who worship and serve them. his feet and back 206+6 feet, and loses initiative and one melee attack. Each victim along the path of the shock wave takes damage unless they make a successful dodge or are hovering more than 20 feet (6.1 m) above the ground. Driv­ ers of vehicles must roll on their Piloting skill with a -40% penalty to maintain control to avoid driving off the road or crashing. Duration: Four seconds; counts as one melee at­ tack. Present Location on Earth: There is a Skull Splitter in the United States National Archives where it is known to pos­ sess "unexplained" powers and is kept under lock and key Another is on display at the British Museum of History. A third Skull Splitter was reported a few years ago in Kosovo, but has since vanished. During World War II a Japanese commander in the pacific had the weapon, but today its whereabouts are unknown. Likewise, a German field com­ mander is said to have died at the hands of the Russians at the end of World War II and his weapon taken by a Russian commander and given to Stalin. Alignment: Miscreant. Powers Bestowed to the Mortal Who Wields It: • +3D6x10 to S.D.G., and +1 D6x1 0 Hit Points when in his super persona. • The character is +8 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to save vs magic, and +1 on all other saving throws. • Horror Factor radiates from the wielder of the flail; H.F. 13. Furthermore, the character develops demonic fea­ tures within one year that include bronze skin, pointed teeth, pointed ears, and serpentine eyes. • The Minor Super Ability of Energy Expulsion: Energy or Energy Expulsion: Explosive Fire Balls (pick one). • The weapon imparts the following spell knowledge: Cloud of Smoke, See the Invisible, Armor of Ithan, Fire Bolt, Call Lightning, Animate and Control Dead, Life Drain, plus select a total of 204 additional spells. Selections may be made from levels 1-10. The character's base P.P.E. is P.E. attribute number x10 plus 206 P.P.E. per level of experience. The character gains a +1 to Spell Strength at levels 5, 9 and 13. • Insanities: Obsession: Destruction of Dyval, its minions, Host, worshipers and servants. The wielder of Soul Eat­ er immediately becomes obsessed with the destruction of Deevils. Even on a world where it is not very evident Deevils exist, the owner starts to see conspiracies and signs of the Deevil presence. • Multiple Personalities: By fourth level the wielder comes to believe that parts of Soul Eater reside within him and speaks and acts as if Soul Eater was a living part of him. Thus, he refers to it as "we" and "us" and there will be times when the wielder's voice changes to a demonic, guttural voice. • Battle Dress: When the powers of the Soul Eater are activated and the character transforms into his superhu­ man persona, he is 104 feet (0.3 to 1.2 m) larger with a powerful build. The costume is usually made of leath­ er (any color or combination of colors), accented with spikes and/or chains and leather pants. A cape or cloak is optional, as is a horned helmet. Soul Eater - Goupillon Flail Soul Eaters are among the rarest of Chaos Weapons. One is currently in the possession of a powerful demon known as General Mardok who is carving out a name for himself the Minion War far from Earth. Another is rumored to be in the hands of a warlord in the jungles of Burma. All Soul Eaters hunger for blood and vengeance, and are only truly content in battle. Thus, the evil life force inside the hor­ rid weapon is always encouraging conflict, bloodshed and genocide. As Demon Weapons of Chaos, Soul Eaters seek to hunt down and destroy every last Deevil in the Mega­ verse, thus they may allow themselves to be used by the Special Powers of the Soul Eater Flail: Damage: 1D6x1 0 Bonuses: +1 on initiative and +2 to strike; bonuses dou­ ble when pitted against the minions of Dyval. Soul Drinker: Same as Soul Slayer described earlier un­ der Deevil Chaos Weapons. Alter Dimensional Fabric: As per the Major Super Ability described in this book, except it can only be performed four times per day. 66 Summon Demons: Twice per day, 204 Lesser or 104 Greater Demons can be summoned and commanded by the wielder. Chance of success is 55% , however if the di­ mensional fabric is first weakened, the chances jump to 85%. Roll percentile to determine success. Deevil Slayer: Soul Eater does double damage to Dee­ vIis . Teleport Wielder: As per the spell Teleport: Superior, but equal to the wielder's level. This can be done twice per day. Foebane: Three times per day the wielder is able to de­ termine who is the most powerful foe on the battlefield. Ex­ perience level/Hit Points/S.D .C., brute strength and similar data. Present Location on Earth: Soul Eater Goupillon Flails are extremely rare and coveted. One is said to have land­ ed somewhere in Century Station on the Winter Solstice in 2006. It's only a matter of time before someone comes along and finds the weapon. Only when a Soul Eater finds the right wielder will its powers be released. Enchanted Weapons of Order • Energy Expulsion: Holy (Divine) Energy • Supernatural Strength: As per the super power the hero's strength becomes supernatural. Add 206+10 to PS at­ tribute and all damage done is supernatural damage • +106 to P.E. and P.P attributes. • Battle Dress: When the character invokes the power of Hell Slayer he transforms into a powerful and beefed up version of himself. The costume looks like something that a Norse god might wear. The character has a suit of Asgardian chain mail with 100 S.D .C. and an AR . of 14. Never before has there been such a need for Weapons of Order. Such weapons are given out with great reluctance and people are chosen very carefully, but the Minion War has tipped the scales and drastic actions are being called for. Specific weapons are being crafted for the fight to stop the Minion War at all costs. Wielders of the weapons below may be asked to carry the fight beyond Earth, so this is not a commitment to be taken lightly. Powers Held by the Weapon: Weapon Damage: 506 , but to Demons, Deevils, and their supernatural minions it does 1D6x 10. Weapon Bonuses: +1 to strike , parry and disarm. Sunlight Glow: Six times per day the sword can glow with the power of the sun and the effects are equal to a Globe of Daylight. Th is is true daylight so any creatures vulnerable will suffer damage as if they were exposed to the sun. Duration is 15 minutes per level of the wielder. Mystic Shield : As per the super ability under the Weap­ ons of Order (good) on page 147 of Heroes Unlimited™, 2nd Edition. The Mystic Shield can be invoked three times per day. Sense Evil: Hell Slayer is able to detect the presence of evil within 500 feet (152 m). This power is automatic and can not be deactivated. When in the presence of evil super beings, the blade turns a dark gray and the Nordic sym­ bols glow. When in the presence of supernatural evil , the blade turns black and the symbols along the blade glow even more fiercely. Summon the Warriors of Valhalla: Once per week and under dire circumstances, the wielder can call for help di­ rectly from Odin. 106 warriors of Valhalla will be sent to help the character. They appear instantly and will follow the orders of the wielder to the best of their ability. They will either stay for the duration of the battle or can be asked to help out on a quest in which case only 104 will help. The quest should be short and not last longer than six months, Hell Slayer - Bastard Sword Hell Slayer seems to have signs of the Norse gods writ­ ten all over it and it would seem that even they fear what might happen if the fight between demon and Deevil goes unchallenged. Many call it Ragnarok and fear that it has already come. The Norse gods are no fools and know that if the demons and Deevils go unchallenged then Ragnarok will truly come. So at the behest of Odin, a powerful weap­ on was sent to Earth and it awaits a champion to wield it. Hell Slayer appears to be an aged bastard sword with Nordic script written along the length of the blade. When­ ever the weapon is used , the script glows blue and energy dances along its length. Alignment: Principled Powers Bestowed to the Mortal Who Wields It: • +2D6x10 SOC., +1D4x10 Hit Points. • +6 to save vs Horror Factor, and +2 on all other saving throws . • Automatically knows the following skills, but only when in his super persona: • Boxing • Hand to Hand Martial Arts • W.P. Sword 67 at which point Odin will summon back his warriors. Also, while on a quest, no other warriors can be summoned. Battle Rage: As per the super ability in Powers Unlim­ ited™ One, the character can call upon a Battle Rage up to three times per day, but is limited to the duration/penalties of the power. Quickstats for the Warriors of Valhalla Alignment: Scrupulous. Attributes: I.Q. 13 , M.E. 14, M.A. 10, P.S. 30, P.P. 18, P.E. 20, P.B. 12, Spd 20. Hit Points: 50. S.D.C.: 100. Effective Level: 6th. Attacks: Five. Combat Bonuses (all): +3 to initiative, +6 to strike , parry, and dodge, +3 to pull punch and roll with impacUfall, +8 to save vs Horror Factor, +5 to save vs magic, and have a Critical Strike on a Natural 19 or 20. Disposition : Most are gruff and to the point, knowing that they are serving Odin they will be respectful to whomev­ er summoned them , but rude and boisterous to others, especially those who are not fighters , but mere academ­ ics like magic users and scientists . Description: All will be dressed in armor and Will have weapon and shield ready. Skills of Note: Detect Ambush 60%, Detect Concealment 50% , W.P Sword or Hammer. Weapons and Equipment: All will have a magic sword or hammer that does 3D6+2 S.D.C. damage, a shield and Asgardian chain mail that has 100 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 14. sessed by demonic or infernal beings . Soul Saver can safe­ ly hold rescued souls for as long as necessary, but can hold no more than seven souls maximum. If released in front of the original body from which the soul was taken , the char­ acter is restored, provided the body has not been devoid of a soul for more than two years. Otherwise, a released soul journeys to the hereafter and is never seen again. It is important to note that while Soul Saver can capture souls that have been placed inside Weapons of Chaos and other magic weapons powered by a living soul , evil Soul Drinking/Stealing weapons can steal a soul back in what can become a deadly tug-o-war between the forces of good and evil. Present Location: Hell Slayer is currently located in a cu­ rio shop in Century Station. It's mounted on a wall collect­ ing dust. When the right person comes by, the sword will contact him or her and identify itself. At that time the shop owner will be glad to get rid of the weapon for only $100. Soul Saver - Battle Axe Soul Saver is clearly a weapon not crafted on Earth nor by any of the gods of light that claim Earth as part of their domain. The weapon originates from another group of deities and angelic beings fighting the demons and infer­ nals on other planes of existence . It's not known how the weapon ended up on Earth , but Soul Saver recognizes the demon and Deevil threat on Earth can be ended with quick and decisive action . It continues to search for the right per­ son willing to sacrifice his or her mortal life for one of eternal servitude in the name of goodness and order. One of its missions: To save souls stolen and taken captive by the demons and Deevils. Soul Saver is a large bipennis battle axe with unusual markings along the blades that extend down the weapon's metal shaft. In the center of the blade is a large black pearl containing souls. These souls can be seen floating within the pearl, but unlike most soul stealing weapons, Soul Sav­ er rips the souls from Weapons of Chaos and magic items of dark and evil nature. Likewise, a Soul Saver can also rip an evil supernatural force from the body of any mortal pos­ Alignment: Principled. Powers Bestowed to the Wielder by the Weapon of Or­ der: • +1D6x10 to S.D.C. • Impervious to demonic possession and +1 to save vs mind control in all forms , magical , psionic or super ability. • Recognize possession at a base skill of 60% +2% per level of experience. • Sense Free Souls: Essentially the wielder can tell if a person has lost his soul, or if a magic weapon or demon/ Deevil is in possession of souls . The character will know how many souls and the approximate location and dis­ tance. This power is constant and automatic. Effective range is 500 feet (152.4 m). • +4 to save vs Soul Drink, in addition to any P.E . bonuses. +4 to save vs magic and Horror Factor, and +1 on all 68 other saving throws. Strength is equal to Superhuman as per the super power. • Battle Dress: As part of the power, the character appears in a full suit of armor (character's choice on type). The armor has 200 S.D.C., regenerates 106 S.D.C. every two melees and has an A.R. of 16. If the armor is de­ stroyed it completely regenerates in 24 hours. in the area need to make a saving throw of 13 or else they are turned . Present Location: Soul Savers are rare, but seem to sur­ face during times of need when demonic evil seems to be on the rise. One such weapon is making its way around the United States in a traveling carnival. It is being shown among other exotic weapons as a part of the wandering museum display. This has given the battle axe the opportu­ nity to find the right person to wield it. Powers of a Soul Saver Weapon of Order: Weapon Damage: 1D4x1 0 to ordinary mortal foes, 1D6x1 0 damage to superhumans, creatures of magic and non-evil supernatural beings, and 2D4x10 to evil supernat­ ural beings including demons, infernals, zombies and vam­ pires. 4D4x10 to Alien Intelligences and evil deific beings. Weapon Bonuses: +1 to strike, parry, disarm and strike when thrown. Banishment: As per the spell, the wielder can call on this power to banish all demons and Deevils. Lesser Demonsl Deevils need to make a saving throw of 15 or higher, while Greater Demons/Deeviis only need a 12. Add + 1 to the sav­ ing throw at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12. This can be done five times per day. It should be noted that the supernatural evil beings are only banished from the area and not from Earth. Dispel Illusions and Invisibility: Three times per day if the character believes there are illusions being used or there is an invisible foe, Soul Saver can try to dispel them. All illu­ sions or invisible foes within a 100 foot (30 m) radius need to make a saving throw vs magic of 15 or higher. On a failed saving throw illusions and invisible foes are revealed. Noth­ ing happens if the saving throw is successful. Healing Touch: Eight times per day, Soul Saver can heal 606 S.D.C. or Hit Points. Range is touch. Negate Magic: As per the spell, 6 times per day magic spells and their effects can be negated. Or twice per day the character can call upon an Anti-Magic Cloud (uses up three of the negate magic spells, if used). Lightning Strike: Twice per melee, Soul Saver can hurl a bolt of electricity at foes. Damage is 606+6 S.D.C. per bolt with a range of 1,000 feet (305 m). Negate Possession: Striking a possessed character with the flat of the blade or its handle/butt of the hilt has a 01­ 80% chance of forcing the possessing entity or being from the body, instantly freeing the individual from possession. Retrieve Souls: Just like a soul drinker, Soul Saver can retrieve captured souls from any magic weapon, magic device, or even from the Soul Pools in the lowest level of Dyval. Only seven souls can be retrieved and held at a time. This power can also be used to place a soul back in a body, but the body must be living, or at the very least, healed to at least one Hit Point. This can be a very traumatic experience for the person and the Game Master may want to roll on the Random Insanity table in Heroes Unlimited™, 2nd Ed. on page 28. If there is no body, the soul can be released so that the person can find eternal peace. As the soul is re­ leased there is a ghostly apparition of the person and it can communicate for up to ten minutes before it must leave, so any last good byes could be said. Turn Dead: Same as the spell, by holding the battle axe in the air the wielder can invoke this power and all undead Sun Shaft - War Staff The Sun Shaft, also known as a Rod of Light, is a metal staff made of indestructible gold. This Weapon of Order ap­ pears as a 5-7 foot (1.5 to 2.1 m) shaft or rod with an ornate vine curled along its length with small decorative leaves and blossoms. At the top of the staff is a globe the size of an orange - it represents the sun. The staff's design sug­ gests Roman origin, though some Rods of Light seem to have a more modern, art nouveau styling. It possesses the power of light and life, and has the ability to repel, banish and battle the forces of darkness. Alignment: Principled. Powers Bestowed to the Wielder by the Weapon of Or­ der: • +406 to Hit Points and +1 D4x1 0 to S.D.C. • Wielder is impervious to deadly radiation, +4 to save vs possession, is +2 on Perception Rolls and +2 to pull punch. +2 attacks per melee round when battling vam­ pires, the undead, demons, Deevils and other supernat­ ural forces of darkness. • The Minor Super Ability of Energy Expulsion: Light. • The Minor Super Ability of Energy Resistance. • The Minor Super Ability of Flight: Wingless. • Battle Dress: Resembles a Roman Centurion complete with golden chest plate, vambraces on the forearms, wide metal bracelets or leather bands at the wrists, red cape and red skirt. The Roman warrior skirt and armor plating is usually overlaid on a skintight jumpsuit of any color or styling, modern boots adorn the feet, and the hands are protected by a pair of gauntlets or gloves. The face may be covered in a mask, faceplate or helmet. The helmet may look Roman, modern or space worthy. The armor has 200 S.D.C., regenerates 106 S.D.C. every melee round and has an A.R. of 16. If the armor is de­ stroyed it regenerates in 24 hours. Powers of a Sun Shaft Weapon of Order: Weapon Damage: 406 to ordinary mortal foes, 606 damage to superhumans, creatures of magic and non-evil supernatural beings, but 1D6x1 0 to evil supernatural be­ ings including demons and Deevils, and 2D6x10 damage to animated dead, zombies, vampires, Shadow Beasts, Alien Intelligences and evil deific beings. Weapon Bonuses: +1 to strike, parry, disarm and strike when thrown. Banishment: As per the spell, the wielder can call on this power to banish all demons and Deevils. Lesser Demonsl Deevils need to make a saving throw of 15 or higher, while 69 Greater Demons/Deevils only need a 12. Add + 1 to the sav­ ing throw at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12. This can be done seven times per day. It should be noted that the supernatural evil beings are only banished from the area and not from Earth. Breathe Without Air: As per spell, can be cast 12 times a day; equivalent to being cast by an 8th level wizard. Constrain Being: As per spell, can be cast four times per day; equivalent to being cast by an 8th level wizard. Exorcism: As per spell, can be cast seven times a day; equivalent to being cast by an 8th level wizard. Globe of Daylight: As per spell, can be cast 24 times a day; equivalent to being cast by an 8th level wizard. Healing Touch: Ten times per day Sun Shaft can heal 6D6 S.D.C. or Hit Points. Range is touch. Sanctum: As per spell, can be cast only once per 24 hours; equivalent to being cast by an 8th level wizard. Turn Dead/Heaven's Light: Same as the Turn Dead spell, except 1D6x10 dead can be turned each melee round. This is done by pointing the rod at a group of animated dead and commanding them to turn away or leave. Heaven's Light occurs by raising the staff above the head and either telling the undead to leave, stay back or feel the Light of Heaven. A soft light radiates from the staff, bathing a 100 foot (30.5 m) radius in soft, warm sunlight. It keeps animated dead, undead, Shadow Beasts and other beings vulnerable to sunlight at a distance, unable to enter the area of magic light (100 footJ30.5 m radius). Powerful evil beings vulnerable to sunlight may roll to save, requiring a roll of 15 or higher. A successful save means the creature can enter the area of light, but its number of attacks per melee, combat bonuses, skills and abilities are all reduced by halfwhile bathed in the light. The effect lasts as long as the staff is raised above the head for all to see. Super beings empowered by Enchanted Objects: Alignment: Any alignment to start. However, demonic and devilish items will corrupt their users over time, and by the time the characters are fifth level, they are evil and must select an evil alignment. Level of Education and Skill Selection: Standard; see creating a character. Attacks per Melee (Hand to Hand): As with all heroes/ villains, characters empowered by Enchanted Objects start out with two attacks per melee round. Additional attacks must be developed through combat skill; see Hand to Hand combat and Boxing. Weapons and Armor: Unless the character is bestowed with weapons and armor via the Enchanted Object, the character has none, and he'll have to purchase or "acquire" conventional weapons and armor on his own. Structural Damage Capacity {S.D.C.}: 1D6x5+ 15 S.D.C. plus any gains through magic or physical training. Available Financial Resources: 1D6x1 ,000 dollars are available in ready cash. This is in addition to a possible life savings (see optional rules for Rounding Out One's Char­ acter). There is a 01-95% likelihood the character owns a conventional car that is 1D4 years old. Presumably, the character has a job, apartment and a reasonable array of personal posseSSions common to most people in his or her economic bracket and location. Experience: Use the Magic experience table in Heroes Unlimited™, 2nd Edition. Note: Some specific Enchanted Objects are described in the pages that follow. Mask of Mendo - Demon Object Present Location: A Rod of Light known as "Mercury's Scepter" is on permanent display in a museum in Greece. Another is held in the vault of the Vatican's secret and most precious archives in Rome (the church knows the power this weapon contains). A third is wielded by a superhero in Peru who calls himself the Sun Avatar. The Mask of Mendo is actually a piece of a demon skull. A powerful Demon Prince known as Mendoalice was one of the Demon Lords' top commanders. Prince Mendoalice fought in hundreds of campaigns against the minions of Dyval, and was even instrumental in the initial Minion War assault on Dyval. He had caused such havoc and chaos among the Deevils that he was well known and despised in the Deevil court. Of course, this also put him on the top of their assassination list, but it was Prince Mendoalice's own arrogance that got him killed. The Deevils had responded to the demons' attack on Dyvalian Hell by launching their own raids on Hades. Overconfident, Mendoalice never ex­ pected to be attacked in the city of Gamora, even though it was a dimensional weak point from which invaders had at­ tacked Hades in the past. Gamora is at the center of the de­ mons' war machine and the location where the Demon War Council meets. Thus, Prince Mendoalice never expected an attack at his residence in the fabled city. No one really knows who led the attack or how Prince Mendoalice died. According to one rumor, he fell to the twin assassins that serve Sahtalus, was whisked away to a prison on Dyval and eventually slain and his life essence splintered and placed into 13 Masks of Mendo. Each mask is said to con­ tain a piece of the actual Demon Prince's skull. Enchanted Objects In addition to magic weapons or mystical empowerment, there are Enchanted Objects. Many are benign and have a set amount of power. It is up to the wielder to decide how to use that power. On the other hand, some items, regardless of their owner's best intentions, are simply objects of pure evil, or are the end result of some evil experiment. These evil objects are to be feared because they often contain a fragment of an evil essence that can influence and corrupt the owner of the object. The items listed below are unique enchanted items created for use in the Minion War. 70 The idea was to create Enchanted Objects empowered by a Demon Prince to use against his very own kind. How­ ever, that plan backfired and the Masks of Mendo now seek to find worthy subjects to bring slaughter and destruction to all of Deevilkind - such is the power of Prince Mendoalice's hatred and lust for vengeance. At least one such Mask of Mendo has found its way to the Earth (of Heroes Unlim­ ited™), where the vengeful essence of Prince Mendoalice is eager to bring down the Deevils' plot to annihilate the planet. Due to the masks' recent creation, the essence of Mendoalice knows about the Deevils' plans to bring Arma­ geddon to Earth. The masks also know a few ofthe Deevils' key agents responsible for initiating the plan, including the sinister Doctor Vilde. The Mask of Mendo looks like the left half of a polished demon skull with a tusk coming out near the jaw. When the skull is put over the face it bonds with the owner, the two become one, and the mortal is transformed, at will, into a demonic figure ready to wreak havoc on the forces of Dyval. Note: Though the Masks of Mendo hate Deevils with a passion, and work to undermine their plans and to de­ stroy the monsters wherever they are found, do not mistake this murderous hatred for heroics or concern for humans. Prince Mendoalice has no concern for the welfare of hu­ manity or any mortals, except to use them as pawns in the war with the Deevils. The Hide of Armus is a hooded duster, or long coat that hangs just below the knees, made of thin leather. The in­ side of the coat has dozens of mystic symbols that glow in various sequences whenever a spell is cast or any of its other abilities are called upon. On closer inspection of the duster, the leather material appears bloody and raw, like a hide that has not yet been cured and tanned. The spirit of Armus locked into the demonic apparel feels hatred and loathing for mortals and Deevils. An emotion that is slowly transferred into the owner of the hide. Those who end up wielding this mystical artifact end up commit­ ting horrific atrocities against their fellow mortals and enjoy torture and murder with a penchant for rending foes into pieces. There are rumored to be nine such hides scattered across the Megaverse, with one on Earth. Powers Bestowed to the Wearer of the Mask of Mendo: Demonic Transformation: When the wearer of the mask calls upon the power of the mask, he transforms into a 10 foot (3 m) tall demon with bronze skin, chiseled muscles and the powers and abilities described as follows: • Add 1D6x10 to Hit Points and +400 to S.D.C. (half in hu­ man form). Natural A.R. 14. • Alter Physical Body as per the Minor Super Ability. • Battle Rage: Three times per day the wielder can call upon the demon's Berserker Rage, as per the Minor Su­ per Ability in Powers Unlimited™ One. • Body Weapons as per the Minor Super Ability. • Breathe Fire (special): 20 foot (6.1 m) maximum range. Each breath attack counts as one melee attack. Damage is 4D6 +1 per level of experience. • Energy Expulsion: Explosive Fire Balls: As per the super ability described earlier in this sourcebook. • Impervious to Fire, Heat and Smoke: The wielder takes no damage from normal fire, heat or smoke, including magic fire. Smoke still obscures vision but breathing it in does no damage. • Language: Magically understands and speaks all lan­ guages including the demon language of Demongogian. • See the Invisible: While wearing the mask the user can automatically see invisible foes and spirits. • Nightvision: As per the Minor Super Ability. • Supernatural Strength of 2D6+20 in demon form. • Battle DresslTransformation: In human guise, the indi­ vidual looks just as he always has. The Mask of Mendo that covers the one side of his face is invisible to all ex­ cept those who can See Aura or Sense the Supernatu­ ral. The mask wearer can transform into his demon form at will, becoming a 10 foot tall, crimson demon with fire Abilities Bestowed to the Wearer of the Hide of Armus: • Add 1D6x10+120 points to S.D.C. and 1D4x10 to Hit Points. Natural A.R. of 15. Applicable only when the character transforms into his demonic, super persona. • Enlarged claws, hands and forearms that are twice the size of normal. Damage is 4D6 plus P.S. damage bonus, +1 to strike and +2 to parry and disarm. Applicable only when the character transforms into his demonic/super persona. • Feral Power: Applicable only when the character trans­ forms into his demonic, super persona. Vision becomes twice as good as a normal human, add five feet (1.5 m) to horizontal leaping distance and three feet (0.9 m) to vertical leaps, +4D4 points to Spd attribute, +1 attack per melee round and +1 on initiative and +10% skill bo­ nus to any Wilderness, Climbing, Swimming and Track­ ing skills. Note: The character can't stand being cooped up indoors, in vehicles or in confined areas. Hates cities and civilization, but loves the wilderness, hunting and stalking. -10% on all Mechanical and modern skills other than Domestic, Physical, Rogue, and Wilderness. Tends to be savage and ruthless in all matters. • Healing Factor as per the Minor Super Ability. • Superhuman Strength as per the Minor Super Ability. • Supernatural Bite: The character has enormous strength when it comes to biting, and it is one of his primary at­ tacks. Damage is as per P.S. but as if it were Supernatu­ ral Strength equal to punch damage. • Battle Dress/Transformation: When transformed into a superhuman form, the cowl of the duster enlarges to cover and protect the neck and back of the head. The wearer's head and face takes on the brutish and fright­ ful appearance of a wolf or ape whose skin has been for eyes, large tusks coming out of the mouth, and black hair. Crude plates and chains cover the demon, forming a sort of battle dress. Note: All powers and abilities are equal to the charac­ ter's level of experience. After 5th level, the mask can only be forcibly removed, revealing the covered side of the face to be mutilated and scarred beyond repair by plastic sur­ gery. Hide of Armus - Demon Object 71 However, he is likely to wear store bought clothing or a costume of his own design. Furthermore, the character has the Minor Super Abil­ ity Unnoteworthy (describe in Powers Unlimited One). This power makes him forgettable to everyone who sees him, allowing the character to walk by inconspicuously in even the strangest or most congested situations without being noticed. The super being has an aura that makes him seem unimportant and clouds people's minds. All those who encounter or see the character in passing for­ get all the details about him or what he did a minute after he passes by or leaves. No one retains any concrete details about the character or his actions, and unless he did something that stuck out, like stepping out from the crowd to examine a dead body, grab something, use a super ability or did something heinous (wanton mur­ der, rape or slaughtering innocent people), no one re­ members him having been there at all. The exception is Deevils, who will remember it was someone wearing the Bands of Mortis, and characters with the power to Sense the Supernatural, though they see and remember only the marble visage, not his true features. Such an indi­ vidual also knows he was empowered by an Enchanted Object. flayed - making the character unrecognizable from his "human" form. Blood drips from the edges of the skinned face, slobber drops from the lips and the eyes look like hollowed out sockets with a small dot of yellow or orange light where the eyes should be. The rest of the duster seems to flow and move as if blown by a strong wind even when there is none. If destroyed (i.e., loses all the bonus H.P. and S.D.C. noted above), the Hide of Armus falls into a heap of shredded rawhide. However, it magi­ cally reappears before its owner, as good as new, 24 hours later, ready to empower him and do more damage. Bands of Mortis - Deevil Object In the depths of Dyval, the supreme ruler of Hell, Sahta­ Ius, commands his minions from his infernal citadel, the Tower Grim in the realm of Grim Mortis. Bands of Mortis are said to be made from a piece of this citadel - a metal or stone bracelet with a small, stone skull dangling from it. Those who wear the bands claim they can hear whispers encouraging them to snatch up power for themselves and destroy their enemies. They also here the whispers of peo­ ple who claim to be held captive in the Citadel of Sahtalus and who are dying or wish to be set free. Some of these voices say their very souls are at stake. Abilities Bestowed to the Wearer of the Band of Mortis: • Add 3D6x10 to S.D.C. and +1 D6x1 0 to Hit Points. • +1 on Perception Rolls involving magic, Earth Elemen­ tals, illusions and the supernatural. • Energy Expulsion: Dimensional Energy as per the Major Super Ability described in this book. The wielder can hurl bolts of dimensional energy twice per melee at no P.P.E. cost. • Dimensional Teleport to home once per day - only in this case, "home" is the Tower Grim in the realm of Grim Mortis, the citadel of Lord Sahtalus. .500 p'P.E. is available to cast spells. Spent P.P.E. recov­ ers at a rate of 10 points per hour. • Spell Casting Abilities: The following spells are imparted through the Mortis Band. The level is equal to 9th level. Spell Strength is +2. All level one spells, plus Animate & Control Dead (20), Anti-Magic Cloud (140). Armor of Ithan (10), Befuddle (6), Blind (8), Call Lightning (15), Chameleon (6), Charm (12), Charismatic Aura (10), Cir­ cle of Concealment (15 or 100), Circle of Flame (10), Energy Field (10), Escape (8), Fear/Horror Factor (5), Finger of Lictalon (150), Fingers of the Wind (5), Fire Ball (10), Fire Bolt (10), Fly as the Eagle (25), Havoc (50), Horrific Illusion (10), Impervious to Cold (6), Impervious to Fire (6), Invisibility: Simple (6),lnvisibility: Superior (20), Life Drain (25), Love Charm (40), Mask of Deceit (15), Multiple Image (7), Mystic Portal (60). Negate Mag­ ic (30), Swords to Snakes (50) and Teleport: Lesser (15). • Battle Dress/Transformation: When taking his "super" form, the character's facial features seem to vanish as he takes on the appearance of an unfinished gray, marble statue without any notable human features. He is still flesh and blood, not stone. but has that appearance. Hell Unleashed Welcome to Armageddon. Location: Earth. Our Earth. Okay, an alternate Earth where superhumans serve as the protectors of humanity. Hook: Demons & Deevils are at war. Earth, like count­ less other worlds, is caught in the middle of this so-called Minion War. Line: The Deevils are secretly putting events and villains in place to bring about the end of the world. Most leaders and heroes have no clue this is transpiring. Sinker: The Armageddon scheme is the brainchild of Doctor Vilde and is much more insidious than something as mundane as nuclear holocaust. Can your heroes uncover the plot and stop Armageddon? The fate of the entire world hangs in the balance. Demons and Deevils A history of darkness As long as man has walked the Earth, there have always been stories about "demons." Monsters that tempt and tor­ ment mortals. Creatures born in misery, given to chaos and bringing about suffering and destruction. Many are the myths and legends that speak of monsters that prey upon humans, drink the blood of the living, steal souls and feed 72 and Deevils have usually played out as a sort of chess match between two nearly equally matched chess masters. In these games, mortals and other beings are the playing pieces who do the monsters' dirty work. Ordinary mortals are the pawns, while super beings and other "powerful" people (Demon Hunters, wizards, heroes, etc.) as well as their own infernal minions serve as the knights and rooks. Sorcerers, dark priests and other powerful, but evil powers are the bishops, and the most powerful Demon and Deevil Lords and Ladies, the king and queen. All of these forces of Hell enfiame, manipulate and manage groups of mor­ tal people to do their bidding. Such worshipers, servants and pawns give the monsters their power base. Thousands of these chess matches take place every day across the Megaverse, with the balance of power between the Lords of Hades and Lords of Dyval shifting back and forth. Inevi­ tably, it is humans and other mortals who suffer from these games, often without ever realizing they were part of the demonic power struggle. It is only when the two rival de­ monic forces clash in direct conflict that things become truly heated and frightening. This is when the mortal and super­ natural minions of the demons and Deevils fight out in the open and all Hell breaks loose in the realm of mortals. This is a rarity, but it happens. The current clash - the so-called Minion War - how­ ever, is something the likes of which has not been seen in millennia, possibly ever. On many worlds, demons and Deevils battle out in the open. Both factions trying to subvert, win over and out­ right conquer and enslave the other. In their wake, entire worlds - entire galaxies - are being drawn into the conflict. Battles and carnage are spilling across the infinite Mega­ verse. These battles may be epic and explosive in scale or quietly played out behind the scenes. In the latter case, the fate of an entire world or solar system may hang in the balance without the population ever realiZing it. Under this set of circumstances, the Deevils or the demon forces pull the strings of mortals and battle in the shadows, but the outcome may spell disaster for the people of that world nonetheless. If there is a silver lining behind this shadow scenario, it's that a small group of aware heroes - people who recognize what's going on, and attack the leaders of the rival forces pulling the strings toward Armageddon ­ may have a very real chance at destroying the true source of evil and stopping the destruction of their civilization. On other worlds, galaxies and dimensions, the battle is completely out in the open, with worlds under siege and mortals choosing to fight on the side of a demonic or in­ fernal master. Those worlds that try to stay unallied to the forces of darkness are often attacked or pulled apart by both forces of Hell. Others serve as a sanctuary to heroes or playa strategic role in preventing either demon or Deevil from reigning over their world, galaxy or dimension. It is, indeed, a time of chaos. upon the dead. These tend to be the predatory demons, vile creatures and bogey men that lurk in the shadows and stalk the living like hungry mountain lions. Others are se­ ducers who take human form to tempt and corrupt men and women to commit acts of evil or summon and unleash dark forces into an unsuspecting world. Despite these stories, there are people who secretly dare to embrace the forces of darkness. Some do so to tame the beasts and control evil supernatural beings for purposes both good and ill. The consequences of such association are almost always dire. Even humans who try to use and bend the forces of evil for the benefit of others often end up losing their own lives (and souls) to the monsters they consort with. Others choose to serve the forces of evil in a bid for power, or in the name of vengeance, or because their own black souls admire the monsters. The evil humans who serve supernatural evil are the worst of the worst, for they are willing hench­ men, worshipers and servants of evil who conspire to bring about suffering and destruction. These individuals, be they witless fools, misguided do-gooders or evil misanthropes, usually meet a violent end. The demons of Hades and tempters of Dyval have plagued mortals since the beginning of time. Yet, in the modern world of science and superhumans, demons and Deevils are thought of as myth and legend or works of fiction. In a world where super beings are commonplace, even if a demon is caught on the 5 o'clock news, or his photo appears in the Century Station Times, people don't believe he's a demon. They don't see a supernatural mon­ ster, because demons aren't real to most people. Instead, they rationalize the being as just another mutant, alien or "super-freak." Nobody thinks he is really a demon or Deevil from the pits of Hell. That's crazy, right? Wrong. Evil supernatural beings are real. The thing is, few people in the modern world don't believe they exist. Nor are they able to identify a true demon or infernal when they see one. Many denizens of Dyval resemble beings from Greek mythology, like the god Pan and the monster Medusa - beings not typically thought of as "demonic" or hell-spawned monsters, except that they are just that! Only religious scholars and those who study the occult believe in the supernatural and are able to identify a true demon or Deevil. These scholars are also among the few aware that demons and Deevils are two distinct and different groups of evil supernatural beings from too different and competing planes of Hell. For most other people, there is no distinction and all these monsters are lumped together as "demons" or "devils." This disbelief in the supernatural gives the de­ mons of Hades and infernals of Dyval (also known as Dee­ viis) power. Power because, a) most people don't believe in them so they are blind to their presence and activities; b) without knowing one's enemy you are at his mercy; and c) nobody recognizes the increasing danger of the Minion War on Earth or that it could spell the destruction of every­ one on the planet. Demons and Deevils are arch-rivals and deadly enemies who have despised each other for untold millennia. Locked in an eternal battle for power and dominion over each other and the mortal plane of existence, these two have skir­ mished many, many times. These battles between demons The chess game to win Earth Demons and Deevils have been engaged in a shadow war on Earth for tens of thousands of years. Victory has swung back and forth to one side or the other many, many 74 times. Each skirmish has caused plenty of atrocities, suffer­ ing and strife for the mortals caught in the middle or used as pawns. Deevils, of course, are quick to sacrifice their more mor­ tal playing pieces, for they have no regard for human life. Furthermore, both demon and Deevil would rather prevent their rival Hell spawn from gaining the upper hand, even if it costs them their own bid for power or strategiC success. Their hatred for each other runs so deep that no sacrifice is too great, and they'll cut off their nose to spite their face. Demons tend to rely on brute strength, viciousness, tor­ ture and superior numbers to overwhelm their foes. Their strategies and tactics may involve duplicity and treachery at times, but when demons attack, the battle is usually straightforward. Demons are ruled by dark emotions and a lust for power. Most are aggressive and violent beings filled with hate and rage, and given to violence. They tend to be impulsive, quick to attack and merciless in combat. They take what they want and crush anyone who dares to op­ pose them. Their displays of brute force should not be con­ fused with stupidity, for while demons may bask in the joy of violence, brawling and physical domination, they are intel­ ligent creatures not easily duped. As immortal supernatu­ ral beings they are ageless, have acquired vast amounts of experience, have seen many different worlds, and have caused much misery and suffering across the Megaverse. Demons love to fight and possess vast armies. As the Min­ ion War progresses, their demonic forces integrate many legions of lesser minions and mortal worshipers. What de­ mons may lack in subtlety, they make up for in ferocity, bru­ tality and sheer numbers. This is how it has been on Earth for at least the last eight thousand years. The demons of Hades have not been able to firmly establish themselves on Earth, because the infernals of Dyval (Deevils) continually undermine their ev­ ery move. Meanwhile, the infernals have made little head­ way in global domination themselves, because the demons thwart their every move as well. Stalemate. The Deevils' very nature as shrewd tempters and patient manipulators has enabled them to avoid detection and persecution by mortals better than the demons, and they have enjoyed great success at pulling humanity's strings to inspire one war, uprising, or despicable act after another. At the mo­ ment, the infernal minions of Dyval are locked in an esca­ lating campaign to bring the people of Earth to the brink of global annihilation. Why bring about Armageddon? Be­ cause if they can't win the chess game with Earth as the prize, they might as well destroy it to frustrate their demon rivals. Deevils, on the other hand, tend to be subtle, seduc­ tive and corrupting influences on those around them. They are treacherous, cunning back stabbers who put their own self-indulgent lusts and desires first. Though Deevils are capable and ruthless in battle, they get much more satisfac­ tion from tricking and undermining their foes, and watching them fumble around like idiots. They are masters of lies, deception, misdirection and illusions. Whenever possible, they prefer to avoid direct confrontation in favor of manipu­ lating and corrupting others to destroy their enemies, or to trick the enemy into making tactical mistakes that give the Deevils the advantage. The Deevils' philosophy is, "Why get your hands dirty when you can get someone else to do your dirty work for you?" Thus, Deevils prefer to work behind the scenes inspiring and tricking mortals into engag­ ing in horrific acts of genocide, brutality and torment. This means Deevils like to send heroic dupes against their loath­ some demon enemies. Thus, a tip that exposes a demons' cult, or trips up the latest scheme of the demons, is likely to have come from a Deevil or one of their human hench­ men. Deevils also like to send their mortal followers to in­ filtrate, gather information and undermine their enemies. An example includes the local authorities or super-heroes being drawn into the conflict, or evidence of wrongdoing leaks out to undo their enemy or ruin their plans. Deevils love to trick and manipulate super beings to destroy their rivals and enemies, take down secret cults and sorcerous cabals of rivals, and generally mess with everybody. The manipulation of superhumans is especially fun and makes the monsters of Dyval feel superior and powerful. After all, they are manipulating, influencing or corrupting some of the most powerful beings on the planet. Deevils delight in tricks and acts of corruption that bring down the high and mighty, which puts superheroes at the top of their list. Crazy? Kind of, but remember, the minions of Hell are vile, selfish, vindictive and violent monsters. As supernatu­ ral beings, they don't think or function the same way as humans. They are more like spoiled children with incredible power and cruel instincts. And like a spoiled brat tired of not winning, they've decided to smash the playing board and crush all the playing pieces. Unfortunately for humanity, those "playing pieces" are the people of Earth! At least, that was the plan until Doctor Vilde entered the picture. The ex­ Nazi has big plans to use Armageddon to further the Dee­ viis efforts to claim Earth for themselves and bring Dyvalian Hell to Earth. (Details on this later.) As noted earlier, since most people on Earth refuse to believe they exist, even the most diabolical schemes of de­ mons and Deevils go unnoticed. The monsters get away with all sorts of foul deeds and atrocities, with cultists, madmen, terrorists and super villains usually catching the blame. Even when demons and Deevils are recognized for the inhuman monsters they are, people, even super beings, tend to lump them all together as "supernatural creatures of pure evil." While this is generally true, the heroes of Earth (and many other worlds where science reigns) often fail to make the distinction between the Demons of Hades and the Deevil of Dyval. This lumping them together into one general category fails to recognize the rivalry between the two, which means humans don't understand there is a war going on between them or that the souls of humanity are one of the prizes they both seek. It's like trying to stop street violence without recognizing you battle two or more rival gangs trying to take over your neighborhood. Without un­ derstanding the forces against you, you can not wage an effective counter-offensive. And that could be fatal for hu­ mankind. 75 Superhuman vs Supernatural as we understand them. Many wield magical and shape­ changing powers, and live to inflict pain, suffering and havoc upon mortals just for the fun of it. Evil supernatural beings are , by nature, predators and tormentors who thrive on chaos. 5. Demons and Deevils have many natural abilities that make them the equal of any super-villain. This is especially true of Greater Demons and Deevils, and Lords of Hell. Whether a Lesser or Greater supernatural being , ALL have a Natural A.R. (rolls to strike that fall under that A.R. do no damage), Supernatural Strength and Endurance, heal at an enhanced rate and often Bio-Regenerate, as well as pos­ sess claws and fangs to rip their opponents to shreds, and fight without mercy. Many also have one or more special powers common to that breed of hell-spawned monster. Such abilities may include any or all of the following: psion­ ics, shape-changing, turn invisible at will, see the invisible, see in total darkness, fly, impervious to fire/heat, enhanced speed or senses, and some may have magic at their dis­ posal. 6. Demons and Deevils are not afraid to die on the mor­ tal plane of existence, because they are reborn in the pits of Hell from which they originate. 7. Deevils, even more so than demons , are cunning tricksters and manipulators. They are less likely to par­ tiCipate in a straight up super brawl and are quick to use mortal minions , henchmen and pawns to do their bidding, lay traps, use hostages, put innocent bystanders in harm's Game Master tips for playing Demons and Deevils At first glance, a cocky superhero might think demons and Deevils, especially the Lesser ones , do not stack up to the power of many superheroes; at least not on a one on one basis. Super beings often have tons of S.D.C. and Hit Points, and two or more super abilities that are more than a match for any Lesser Demon or Deevil. Ah , but that's only at first glance. Here are several things for heroes (and G.M.s) to keep in mind when facing the minions of Hell. 1. Lesser Demons and Deevils often gather in packs, swarms, and armies. They are like rats, for every one you see there are 3-10 you don 't see, but they are lurking in the shadows or waiting in the dimension of Hell for the signal to attack. 2. These Lesser supernatural beings are usually led by Greater ones who wield considerable power. Lesser De­ mons and Deevils may also serve a powerful evil sorcerer, witch, cult leader or super being. 3. Lesser and Greater Demons and Deevils serve evil deities, Alien Intelligences and/or the Lords of Hell - su­ premely powerful beings in their own right. 4. Demons and Deevils are probably a new type of en­ emy that mortal superheroes have not encountered before. This means the heroes won 't know their powers or unpre­ dictable behavior. Along those lines, these are supernatural beings whose existence does not follow the laws of nature 76 way, cheat and use every dirty trick in the book to defeat their opponent or make good their escape. While neither demon or Deevil shy away from combat, most prefer a bat­ tle where the odds are in their favor, and the fiends have no problem with stacking the deck to ensure victory. That may entail working secretly behind the scenes and selecting a battleground where the demon or Deevil forces have the advantage. Game Masters, play the minions of Hell smart and use their natural abilities to maximum effect. These are wicked, cunning, immortal beings whose instincts are to lie, cheat, steal and murder. They are nasty and treacherous, but also clever and duplicitous. I, Carl Gleba, have found it easier when I G.M. if I've considered the nature and power of a vil­ lain like demons and Deevils, and have outlined their typi­ cal battle strategies and tactics, including dirty tricks and a getaway plan. If the monsters are planning an ambush, they'll usually have a few spells ready to fire off quickly, as well as placing pawns, henchmen, minions or evil allies at strategic locations. They love setting traps and catching their enemies in a crossfire.or volley of magic. If the mon­ sters are on the defensive, as G.M., I'll write down ahead of time the strategies and spells the villains are likely to use to make good their escape. In many cases, these diabolical supernatural beings are ruled by their emotions. Powerful emotions such as hate, anger and revenge may compel some demons and Deevils to fight to the death (especially if they can slay a hated enemy in the process), or wait until they are overwhelmed before using their natural Teleport ability to get to a safe location. Others may attack from a distance or cause as much carnage as they can as they make a run for it. Remember, these are vindictive, petty, malicious monsters who despise beauty and goodness, and revel in their destruction. These dark creatures lie, cheat and rarely fight fair. Back­ stabbing and betrayal are second nature to these wicked supernatural beings, and they love to torment, use and abuse humans. Some are fierce warriors and wild killing machines, but even they are clever and dangerous. Many are masters of lies and deception, and others are skilled at the arts of temptation and manipulation. Unless their dark emotions and base instincts get the better of them, many demons and Deevils are cunning and resourceful crea­ tures. This means they will have a well laid plan in mind before they take action. One favorite strategy is using mortal henchmen, wor­ shipers or allies to soften up a target or enemy before the demon or Deevil makes his presence known. Evil super­ natural beings love to trick and manipulate humans/mortals to do their bidding and to create strife and mayhem. Rather than try to corrupt noble heroes, these evil manipulators may try to use the heroes' virtues and goodness against them. A common tactic is to put people in harm's way, mak­ ing the hero choose between stopping them or saving inno­ cent lives. Other times, the malicious villains may appeal to the hero's sense of honor or fair play only to twist it against him or strike without warning. Another ploy is to surrender to heroes knowing full well that a "hero" is unlikely to slay or torture his prisoner, even a demonic one. And on and on. Of course, supernatural evil will also try to tempt, seduce, trick, confuse, or create division within a team, and do just about anything to get at a hero. It's just as rewarding to ruin a hero's reputation as to slay him. It is also delicious to get a hero to say or do something that turns the public against him, or to cause them to fear him. Game Masters should find demons and Deevils are worthy foes played with a bit of cunning, intelligence and wickedness. Best of all, such deplorable villains make a wonderful arch-nemesis and re­ occurring adversary. Demon and Deevil Stats A note from the author Palladium does its best to make sure you can use one book without requiring you to own another. However, there are times, like this, when that is not possible. To pack as much new material, adventure and excitement into Arma­ geddon Unlimited™ as possible, we could not reprint the complete stats for demons and Deevils. To do so would have filled two thirds of this book. Besides, depending on the scope of your campaign, the adventures and material in this sourcebook could be just the beginning of a bigger adventure that carries your heroes across the Megaverse and into the very pits of Hell. Consequently, you'll need two other books to play the Armageddon scenario to its full po­ tential. For the most current information on the demons, see Rifts® Dimension Book 10: Hades, Pits of HeIi™. Deevils, also known as "infernals" are found in Rifts® Di­ mension Book 11: DyvaI™, Hell Unleashed. Both books also include descriptions and maps of each respective di­ mension of Hell. S.D.C. stats are provided for all characters in these two books for easy use in Heroes Unlimited™. Throughout Armageddon Unlimited™ I've tried to include a small blurb to the effect that, "So and So can be consid­ ered an average Deevil, or Alu, or Baal-Rog, etc.," again for ease of use. And hey, if you find this book interesting, chances are you'll love the books above which can add a whole new avenue of adventure to your heroic campaigns. Heck, why not send your heroes to the Pits of Hell in Ha­ des, or see what mysteries lay in the depths of Dyval? Or perhaps have the heroes travel through space or dimen­ sional Rift to Phase World or the Three Galaxies, where the Minion War is at its height and demons command fleets of Demon Stars and armadas of spaceships in a bid to con­ quer all of the Three Galaxies! (See Rifts® Dimension Book 12: Dimensional Outbreak™.) In the alternative, you can find stats for the most common Deevils and demons in Rifts Dark Conversions ™ which not only has stats for demons and Deevils, but a variety of other supernatural creatures you can drop into your games. However, it does not include all the new information about the denizens of Hades and Dyval, nor the races that serve them, their War Steeds, new types of magic, weaponry, their Hellish home dimensions, demonic societies, nor the details behind the Minion War sweeping the Megaverse. Whichever books you use, have a blast battling the forc­ es of evil and game on! - Carl Gleba 77 mortals are willing allies, slaves forced to fight or dupes tricked into the conflict. Deevils retaliate by conquering or controlling other stra­ tegic positions, building their own army of supernatural monsters, mortal allies and pawns . Since the Deevils are playing catch-up, rather than engage in all-out war, they work to foil , undermine and frustrate the plans of the de­ mons. One way they do this is to manipulate mortals to bat­ tle demons or ruin their plans. In this regard, entire worlds and planetary solar systems are often unwittingly drawn into the Minion War. For Deevils , the Earth of Heroes Unlimited™ is one such "pawn" to be sacrificed in the Minion War. Since Dee­ viis have not been able to gain domination of the planet, and because its population of superhumans makes the planet a breeding ground for a potential army of supermen, the Deevils responsible for control of the planet have de­ cided to kill two birds with one stone: Bring about Armaged­ don , destroy the humans and the super beings they spawn , and take the Earth out of the equation when it comes to the Minion War. What does that mean, exactly? It means if the people of Earth are wiped out and the planet devastated, the Minions of Dyval don't have to worry about the demons acquiring an army of super beings, nor seeing these so­ called "superheroes" rise up as Champions of Light to op­ pose the Minion War. Game Note: The latter is the likely scenario . As superheroes learn about the Minion War and the number of innocent people caught in the middle who face potential annihilation, enslavement or endless suffer­ ing , the heroes are likely to join the growing number of cos­ mic heroes gathering as an independent force to bring the Minion War to an end. The Minion War The war between the Demons of Hades and the Deevils of Dyval is known as the Minion War. As in the minions of Hell , but also includes the mortal followers who serve them , such as cultists , worshipers , dark priests , sorcerers , henchmen and evil beings of every type who either support one side or the other or see opportunity in the war. Though the Minion War has only recently erupted, it has been brewing for an eternity. In some ways that makes matters worse , because countless eons of hate and loathing has made both sides unforgiving and ruthless when it comes to dealing with each other. The supreme ruler of Hades , a Demon Lord known as Modeus , is obsessed with conquering or obliterating his rivals from a dimension of Hell known as Oyval. Either out­ come is a pleasing one, and he and his warlords have been working on a strategy and building an army of demons and mortals the size of which staggers the mind . After centuries of plotting and planning , the demons jumped the gun and struck without being completely prepared for overwhelm­ ing the hated Deevils. As a result, the infernals of Dyval not only survived the initial onslaught but are mad as Hell and seek bloody revenge . Undeterred , the demons have launched attacks upon Deevil operations across the Mega­ verse . Furthermore , the demon forces have invaded many locations in the world of mortals where they seek to secure strategic locations, bases of power and allies to make their armies even bigger. To the demons , it matters not if the The Deevils' Plan for Earth Part One: Army for Anarchy Exploit the Mutant and Experiment Sub-Culture Not all Mutants or products of government and corpo­ rate Experiments receive extraordinary powers. While it would seem logical that they should have special powers, many have none , some have only one or two Minor Super Abilities that functions at half the usual power level (half the listed damage, range , duration, bonuses , etc.), while oth­ ers have 1D4 psionic powers (no Super Psionics), nothing more. In some cases , the Mutant or Experiment is trauma­ tized by the transformation into something many consider to be "less than human" and has little aptitude, skill or heart for fighting or heroics , and either washes out of the program that empowered them or goes AWOL and takes it on the lam. It is only those Mutants and Experiments who have truly extraordinary powers and either work for the authori­ ties or become heroic vigilantes that earn fame as a super­ 78 hero. The rest are forgotten and ignored. Let's face it, a Mu­ tant with no powers or paltry abilities is not much of a story. On the streets, they are too strange to pass for an ordi­ nary human, and tend to be feared and treated as freaks and losers. Even the media is complicit in spinning stories that make these beings appear to be "rejects," losers and disreputable people not to be trusted. This rejection and fear makes these people outcasts with few options for work and a decent life. Many are homeless, living on the street, or left with no option but to tum to crime. In the latter case, an individual with even a Minor Super Ability or one or two psionic powers can find his or her place working for gang bangers, crime organizations and as a henchman and as­ sistant to super villains. This has been a growing problem for the last thirty years, yet it is mostly ignored, creating a massive sub-culture all over the world. There are more weakly empowered, rejected and runaway Mutants and Ex­ periments out on the streets than anyone imagines. And they are ripe for the picking by evildoers - including de­ mons and Deevils. The Mutant and Minor Super Ability sub-culture often inhabit undesirable locations shunned by most other peo­ ple. Many live in the slums and inhabit abandoned build­ ings or massive networks of underground sewers found in most the larger cities. Others live in abandoned factories, old and forgotten tunnel systems, under bridges, along rail­ road tracks, in abandoned apartment buildings and similar places found in most modern cities. Others travel trying to find a place where they can be accepted. Many use the vast railroads and have become known as "Boxcar Muties." Some of the larger cities even have shanty towns made up of tents, cardboard boxes, and old freight containers. This sub-culture is growing at an alarming rate and the treat­ ment they are receiving is appalling to say the least. Soci­ ety has yet to recognize these people with civil rights. Some corporations even insist they are their property. Numerous charities, religious organizations, and private foundations have tried to help these people, but none have had any stellar success. Many dry up after a few months due to lack of interest or funding, while others are run out of town or forced to shut their doors as a result of anonymous harass­ ment. In the last few years, one organization has stood out above the rest, and Mutants and Experiments seem to fi­ nally have a place to turn to: the Church of Unity. Rarely has any religious organization grown as fast as this group. Sixty-three percent of its members are outcast Mutants and Experiments, the rest are ordinary humans, though they to tend to be the disenfranchised and have reason to feel like outcasts themselves. The inner workings and organization­ al structure of the Church of Unity is a deeply held secret and even the media has not been able to pierce its veil. You guessed it, the Church of Unity is a front for Dee­ vii operations on Earth. Deevils have always had a strong presence on Earth. Scattered all around the world were nu­ merous cults devoted to on of the Deevil Lords or Ladies. However, the Church of Unity is the largest and best at at­ tracting people with an ax to grind. The ever cunning and duplicitous Deevils saw opportunity among the persecuted Mutants and outcasts of humanity. The church welcomed them with open arms, provided them with basic necessities, such as food, water and a roof over their heads, and most im­ portantly, acceptance. The church never asked for anything in return; a meager donation here and there was enough. Word spread quickly that all were welcomed and mutants were treated with respect and equality. Soon, Mutants were accepted into the church organization where they were al­ lowed to hold meaningful positions within the church, and others were helped to find real work. The downtrodden Mu­ tant population flocked to the church. Some just looked for a roof over their head, others sought a place of acceptance, and some sought a pulpit from which they could vent their anger. The church encouraged the members of its congre­ gation to vent and speak out about the injustice they had suffered. Hate and anger and a sense of community made them strong, motivated and committed to the Church of Unity. The leaders of the church were outspoken about the injustice and the changes the world needed to embrace. Only the rhetoric smacks more of revolution than religion or peaceful change. The numbers have swelled and the church has unified its congregation under the cause of lib­ eration, justice and some would say revenge for Mu­ tants and other outcasts. Some people other than Mutants have started to take notice of the Church of Unity and are concerned at the range of misanthropes and anarchists it seems to attract and provide sanctuary. Mutants, illegal im­ migrants, petty criminals, social degenerates, anarchists and extremists of every stripe are embraced and protected - anyone, it seems, outside the social norm or who has an axe to grind. The most favored and exalted, however, are beings with super abilities great and small. And talk of hate and retribution is everywhere. Somehow, the Church of Unity had managed to grow yet kept a low profile, spreading mainly through word of mouth. In 2004, a faction within the organization began their own Internet campaign and quickly went viral. This attracted many more followers and money started to pour in. By the end of 2008, the Church of Unity had grown to epic propor­ tions. Every major city had a branch of Unity and one or more places of worship. The Church got an even bigger boost when a few well-known celebrities and a renowned group of superheroes made it known they were church members. Behind the scenes, the Deevils pulling the strings ap­ plauded their clever plan. By opening their doors to the downtrodden, Mutants and rejected of Earth, they had es­ tablished one of the fastest growing movements in the Unit­ ed States and Canada, with branches starting to appear around the globe. This sub-class of humanity was eating out of their hands. For years, the Deevils had been able to draw upon the life energy {P. P. E.) of its church members for their own dark magic and insidious purposes. Furthermore, they were able to place numerous shape-changing Deevils and Devilkins in positions of leadership among hundreds of gangs, groups of criminals, domestic Mutant terrorists, and Mutant extremists waiting for the right moment to exact revenge. The infernals of Dyval had even established sev­ eral Deevil cults and gotten Deevil and Devilkin spies and 79 periments. Lord Diabolus' specialty: tampering with other beings and altering them into power wielding mutatations. This is accomplished through the use of very powerful magicks and a tool of his own creation. Deep within his Dyval Citadel on the plane of Dyzonia is something Lord Diabolus calls his Bio-Vats. Swimming pool-like vats of mu­ tagenic and magical compounds that mutate and empower those submerged into their depths. The subjects of Lord Diabolus' experiments are usually victims snatched up by his minions, but thanks to the Church of Unity, he'd have willing subjects mutated as pawns in a larger game. So it is that the mutagentic compound has been shipped to Earth in vast quantities through a dimensional portal under the Church of Unity located in Florida. The solution provided by Diabolus, dubbed the Milk of Power, is a special variant of his experiments on Dyval designed to provide super power on a temporary basis. The reCipients of this "blessing" don't know this until they have tasted power. The euphoric effect of being granted super abilities, even temporarily, makes the Mutant recipients bold, aggressive and quite beholden and loyal to the Church of Unity. The final result from the Milk of Power is, in effect, a drug (or treatment) that imbues the subject with super abilities that make the individual drunk on his newfound power and quickly addicted to it. When the super abilities fade away, they want it back so badly they are willing to swear allegiance to the Church and consider doing almost anything that is asked of them. Bathing in the Milk of Power and drinking one, six ounce magical concoction provides the subject super abilities for 18+2D6 days. When the mutagen has run its course, those who have taken it feel weak, vulnerable and exposed. Like any drug addict, they want to feel the rush of power and the high that comes with it. After one taste of power, most are willing to do anything to get it back. The Deevil Priests of the Church of Unity are more than happy to restore their power, but only if they agree to perform a service for the church. This agreement is always a secret and the "ser­ vice" is usually only one specific request, though other fa­ vors and tests of loyalty may be asked (and expected to be granted). After that, the individual can supposedly do as he pleases, as long as he never reveals the source of his power, nor implicates the Church of Unity in any wrongdo­ ing. So far, this has worked like a dream as the junkies don't want the authorities to find out about, or stop, their source of power/super abilities. As for the one request or condition to earn the Mutant super abilities, it can be anything from tailing and watching an enemy, stealing a particular item or framing someone for a crime, to acts of intimidation, brutality, torture and mur­ der. Of course, the target may be another super being or a member of law enforcement, not that most of these power hungry miscreants care. Besides, the Deevils are skilled at knowing who to ask what, and how far they can push their pawns. Of course, for those members with delusions of her­ oism, honor and justice, the heads of the church are expert liars and wrap everything in the context of self-defense, jus­ tice and protecting the church or the downtrodden people it protects. As a rule, the first few requests are simple and easy. However, once the Deevils running the church are loyal Mutant supporters within other groups of outcasts and criminal organizations. Unbeknownst to anyone, money and manpower were being funneled to several evil super villain groups and anti-government organizations. Best of all, the Deevils behind the Unity movement were able to use their public and secret influence to thwart and under­ mine demon operations and cults. With hundreds of thousands of followers, the Deevils could begin to go forward with their boldest plan. High Priest Vikta roared onto the scene promising he could give the Mutants who had been short-changed in the area of super abilities, the power they had always coveted. All they had to do was swear undying servitude and loyalty to the Church of Unity and the (dark) god (Modeus) it served. High Priest Vikta's first edict was to connect all of the churches via the Internet so he could address all of his fol­ lowers at once around the world via web casting. His sec­ ond decree was to reward those who had suffered and to show them there was tangible reward for the worshiping faithful. Ten people from the Church of Unity in Century Sta­ tion were each given a taste of the Milk of Power, a cer­ emony broadcast to each of the churches around the world for all of the Church of Unity's followers to see. No longer would they be outcasts from society. The Milk of Power of­ fered by the Church of Unity would give them the might to be heard and the power be reckoned with. A handful of those who had been with the Church of Unity the longest would receive the first gifts of power and serve as an ex­ ample to powerless Mutants who were shunned by society, that there time had come. The empowered members of the Church of Unity would be granted super abilities to serve a greater cause and calling than those who had come before them. It would be their work to bring a new order to the world. The church had often preached that the so-called "su­ perheroes" who held power were not heroes at all, but pawns of governments, powerful corporations and fat cats, or arrogant elitists and glory hounds who put themselves first and the real needs of the people last. Why else was the plight of the Mutants ignored? Why else would their fel­ low super-Mutants leave them to live in the streets like rats while they reveled in fame and fortune? The priests of Unity further encouraged their followers to hate these "heroes," because they weren't heroes at all, but lone wolves seeking their own glory and dispensing their own brand of justice without regard for the law or the people. The Milk of Power Granting super abilities is no easy taSk, and the Deevil Lords are reluctant to grant any powers to those who are not willing to accept some sort of pact. Thus, only Mutants who are loyal Deevil cultists and servants are given Mysti­ cally Bestowed powers. However, the Deevils controlling the Church of Unity have a bigger plan. They want to raise an army of super beings to support Deevil efforts to make Earth theirs, and in the process trash their demonic ene­ mies. The Unity leaders turned to Deevil Lord Diabolus, an insane genius famous for his transformative magical ex­ 80 convinced the Mutant is addicted'to having power, the re­ quests become more dangerous, complex and evil. For those mutants and misanthropes who want to serve the Deevils of Dyval and never be without power, they can join the Church of Unity's Enforcer League and never be deprived of the Milk of Power. Those who drink the Milk of Power quickly become addicted to it and are easily ma­ nipulated into doing what needs to be done. Already their numbers are swelling and each church has what is called its own Enforcer League. Officially, they are the Church of Unity's honor guards and protectors from evildoers and rac­ ists who would do them harm. They also serve the church in other capacities, but function very much like the "enforc­ ers" of a crime syndicate, taking care of problems, mak­ ing problems (and people) vanish, and carrying out hits, and enforcing the wishes of their Deevil masters and dark priests. Each subsequent treatment restores the same super abili­ ties. Permanent Power: The third and most powerful ap­ plication of the Milk of Power is typically reserved for the League of Enforcers and other trusted servants and friends of the Church. It is known as the Milk of Sahta/us and grants permanent powers, but at a cost. Those who receive this "gift" must swear eternal allegiance to Lord Sahtalus, Ruler of Dyval. The character loses any previous super abilities and/or psionic powers he may have already had and must roll on a number of tables for additional conditions and side effects. First roll on Table C under Experiments, page 116 of Heroes Unlimited™ 2nd Ed., to determine the number of powers he gains. Then roll once on Table D: Side Effects, on page 116 of Heroes Unlimited™ and apply all side ef­ fects and penalties. These are permanent. After that, roll once under Step Three of Mutants for Unusual Physical Characteristics, starting on page 159 of Heroes Unlimit­ ed™. Lastly, the Mutant is an "official" minion of Oyval and must obey his infernal masters or be destroyed. Any priest or leader of the Church of Unity as well as Greater Deevil or Oeevil Lord can give the Mutant orders and the Mutant character is expected to obey. In fact, most people who un­ dergo the Milk of Sahtalus feel compel/ed to obey, and do not even think about defying their evil masters. If they don't obey they can be punished with pain as if an Agony spell were cast on them (no saving throw). It is a built-in safe­ guard for controlling those who drink the Milk of Sahtalus. The Super Abilities The Milk of Power works only on Mutants, not ordinary human beings nor most other mortal beings. What it is about Mutants that enables the magic solution to empower them is unknown to anyone but Diabolus, and it's questionable if even he knows or remembers why. The typical dose is just strong enough to grant temporary powers, and taking more than one Milk of Power treatment has no additional effects and does not increase the individual's power. Anticipating that a power-crazed mutant would try to increase his pow­ ers with multiple doses of the compound, Lord Diabolus has engineered it with a few fail-safes. It is a two-part ap­ plication and does not work without both parts. First, the subject must bathe in the Milk of Power. Then, while still in the bath or within five minutes of exiting it, the Mutant must drink one vial of the mutagenic component. Drinking two vials has no adverse effects and does nothing to increase the duration or number of powers. Drinking three or more, however, causes an immediate and painful death. Lord Diabolus has muttered something about how the Milk of Power enhances latent potential already within the altered body of the Mutant, but nobody knows exactly what that means or how it works. Analysis of the Milk of Power by scientists always leaves them scratching their heads and without a clue as to how or why it works or how to replicate it. Likewise, the mystic knowledge of the mad Diabolus is too advanced and alien to be understood or replicated by any practitioners of magic, even Alchemists. The Army of Unity So why go through all this trouble to grant powers and abilities to mutants? The answer is quite simple: The Deevils need minions on Earth and those treated as second-class citizens are perfect. They have a reduced sense of loyalty to their fellow man who treats them as outcasts, their emo­ tions are clouded with hatred and a desire for retribution, and they seek a place where they feel respected, wanted and where they belong. The Oeevils, under the auspices of the Church of Unity, provide them with all of that, plus super abilities to boot. This gives the Oeevils henchmen who no­ body suspects are working for the Lords of Hell. Heck, even most of the Mutants empowered by the Church of Unity don't realize they are pawns in a much larger game or the playthings of wicked supernatural beings from the pits of Hell. With this army of willing henchmen, they can strike out at their demonic enemies, cause havoc and suffering among mortals, and mess with the superhero community. Though the Oeevils' forces are vast, they are spread thin across the Megaverse, and their numbers are very few on Earth. Add these Mutant misanthropes to the mix and sud­ denly, they have many times more foot soldiers, assassins and agents. Of course, not all of these empowered Mutants are un­ leashed at once. Most are quietly held in reserve until the "day of reckoning," which is soon. Meanwhile, only select groups and individuals are allowed to go forth into the world. Some are superheroes openly sponsored by the Church of Unity. Others are allowed to slip into the world as super­ Abilities and Duration periods: Unbeknownst to anyone but the Oeevil Priests in charge of the Milk of Power, there are three different variations of it, each more powerful than the last. Common: The most common is the weakest, providing two Minor Super Abilities for 18+206 days at a time. 70% of the Mutants empowered by the Church of Unity get this treatment. Each subsequent treatment restores the same two Minor Super Abilities. Extended Strength: 20% get an enhanced dose that provides two Minor and one Major Super Ability or two Ma­ jor Abilities for approximately eight weeks; 50+206 days. 81 villains, madmen and maniacs with any ties to the church of Unity carefully removed to do as they please. Some others serve the Church as their covert protectors known as the Enforcer League and still others are even more secretive and covert, working directly with the Minions of Dyval to bring about whatever evil deed they ask of them. And when the reckoning comes - the army of super­ powered Mutants will be necessary to fight the demons and the heroes who will try to stop them. You see, the Deevils have a plan to bring a portion of Dyval into the mortal plane and transform Earth into an extension of Hell in the mortal plane of existence. If this can be accomplished, the Deevils will have an open portal from Hell to the realm of mortals, and a miniature Dyval to serve as a base for Deevil op­ erations in the Minion War, and the conquest of the known universe. demons. Currently, while both Deevil and demonic forces are spreading across the Megaverse, neither has a dimen­ sional nexus with an unlimited amount of Rifts and magic energy under their control. The Deevils want that and Doc­ tor Vilde claims he can give it to them. If his plan doesn't work out as planned, the Deevils lose nothing, probably kill a few thousand demons in the process and they ex­ tinguish human life from the planet, eliminating the threat superhumans represent to them in the ongoing Minion War. Besides, they stand a real chance of succeeding! Wheth­ er Doctor Vilde fails or succeeds in turning this Earth into a dimensional nexus, unless he's stopped before he can launch Armageddon, billions of humans will die. Of course to initiate such a plan requires considerable resources, in both money and manpower, which is where the Church of Unity and its army of mutants comes into play. The creation of the church was just the first step. In the United States as well as numerous other countries, it is the perfect tax shelter and tool for money laundering. Normal donations only make up one fifth of the church's income. Another portion comes from criminals who use the church to launder their money through and pay a percent­ age for the privilege. Due to the growing anti-money laun­ dering laws it has grown far more difficult for your typical drug dealer to deposit his money into the bank. However, for a cut, the same drug dealer simply makes a "donation" to the church. The church, after taking its cut, credits the drug dealer's or crime syndicate's various "legitimate" ac­ counts. The credits are to various business fronts and the church creates a set of false records typically for services rendered, or the purchase of non-existent product. It's the perfect money-laundering scheme and governments are oblivious to it. Of course the church also does the same thing for any of its criminal enterprises. So long as the crimi­ nals are not traced back to the church (something that the church takes great pains to cover up) the church is safe from any kind of prosecution. Another portion comes from Mutants given super abilities and unleashed to commit crimes as super-villains. The church offers these villains a host of secret services such as fencing goods, transporting stolen goods, providing sanctuary for fugitives, bankrolling secret lairs and criminal operations, and so on, for half of the villain's ill-gotten gains. Money and super beings alone can not cause Armaged­ don, nor give the Earth to the Deevils. No, Doctor Vilde, a wicked and powerful infernal from Dyval himself, has been working on this plan since the end of World War II. With the many advances in technology over the last several decades, he is finally able to put his plan into place. With magic energy at their current low levels, the Doctor has had to resort to a combination of technology and magic to gain control of the various ley lines - streams of mystic energy. To this end, he has created a device that allows him to ma­ nipulate ley line energy and open and close a dimensional portal at that location. The device can also (in theory) store vast amounts of magic energy (P.P.E.) and release it on command. He calls the device a Chaos Generator, a crude com­ bination of technology and magic. In some dimensions this would be seen and recognized as a unique form of mystic The Deevils' Plan, Part Two: Strategy for Armageddon At first, the Deevil Lords had planned to simply recruit a few thousand super beings and then destroy the rest of humanity, but Deevil Regent Vilde, better known as Doc­ tor Wilhelm Vilde, offered a more insidious plan worthy of infernals. Doctor Vilde learned of an Earth in a parallel di­ mension where the lines of mystic energy were energized by the life essence released by the death of a few billion hu­ mans within a few short minutes. This mass extinguishing of human life caused the lines of energy to swell and erupt with magic, which in turn opened Rifts - dimensional por­ tals to a thousand other worlds. The ensuing chaos killed billions more and transformed this "Rifts Earth" into an alien landscape of magiC and power. He has big plans for Earth. Doctor Vilde plans to repeat the Cataclysm of Rifts Earth on the Earth of Heroes Unlimited, only this time, he'll control the magiC energies and dimensional tears to prevent ran­ dom Rifts from occurring. Instead, the Rifts will all connect to Dyval and bring Hell on Earth. While the dimensional fabric of Earth is strong, there are many weak spots around the globe, namely the places of power such as Stone­ henge, the pyramid of Giza, the Bermuda Triangle and oth­ ers. If these locations could be overloaded with a sudden and massive release of Potential Psychic Energy (P.P.E.) that results when millions of people die at once, there is a good chance that a sudden and devastating chain of events takes place to change the dimensional fabric, while at the same time raising the ambient P.P.E. level along ley lines. Doctor Vilde is confident he can replicate the cataclysm of this other Earth dimension under a set of controlled condi­ tions that, while wiping out 80-90% of the human population and devastating the planet - Armageddon - will leave the majority of the Rifts under his control to connect with Dyval and transform Earth into a little Dyval. At least that's the plan. If all goes well, Deevils will have a base of operation on an Earth that is rich in magic and which they alone control. Plus, if this (Heroes Unlimited) Earth erupts with dimen­ sional Rifts to hundreds or thousands of worlds across the Megaverse, it would give them a huge advantage over the 82 art, but Doctor Vilde is no Techno-Wizard. The magic el­ ement of the Chaos Generator allows him to store P.PE while the technology can open and hold a Rift open. In or­ der for it all to work, the devices must be networked across the globe using the Internet. This enables him to test and run the Chaos Generators remotely from his secret base in the Pacific Ocean, or from anyone of the Church of Unity sanctuaries. There have already been a few snags here and there. For instance, when the first device was activated in St. Louis, it temporarily opened a dimensional portal. These devices are meant to be turned on and gather P.P.E. and open a Rift on command, but this one went a little haywire. It was enough of a Signal to alert the demons of Hades op­ erating on Earth, and a demon strike force has been sent to investigate and stop whatever the Deevils are up to (the de­ mons have their suspicions, but don't yet know about Vilde or the plan for Armageddon). There was a battle with the local heroes and the device at St. Louis was subsequently destroyed. A new device needed to be placed back in St. Louis at a proper ley line junction. The St. Louis Arch is the location where the device is hidden and sits just waiting to be activated. It is slowly building up and storing P.P.E. However, there has been an unusual side effect in that the Arch itself is also storing and holding the P.P.E. At this time no one knows about this side effect and only the future will tell what could happen if Vilde were to activate the Chaos Generator global network. One Chaos Genertor would hardly matter, but a few dozen devices deployed around the globe is another mat­ ter entirely, and that's exactly what Vilde and his hench­ men are doing. Once in place, the devices, over a period of time, slowly weaken the Dimensional Fabric, which makes breaching it that much easier. Furthermore, the Doctor has a theory: If there were a sudden infusion of energy at sev­ eral of the world's key nexus points as a result of mass death, he believes he can all but shatter the Dimensional Fabric and supercharge the planet's ley lines. In trying to "super charge" the planet's ley lines there are likely to be cataclysmic events that cascade out of his control, killing millions to billions of people. That's okay in Doctor Vilde's mind, because their deaths will feed the lines of magic en­ ergy and fuel the Armageddon process. To this end he believes if only three or four of the key nexus points were to receive a sudden infusion of life en­ ergy (P.P.E.), it would be enough to jumpstart Armageddon and the process by which Rifts to Dyval would tear open and unleash Dyvalian Hell on Earth. Vilde is somewhat fa­ miliar with the cataclysm on Rifts Earth and he hopes to du­ plicate that cataclysm under conditions he can control and manipulate. With Earth under his control, Doctor Vilde's power would grow a thousand-fold, making him as powerful as a Deevil Lord. He envisions Earth under his control and the people who survive and the members of the Church of Unity worshiping him as a god, giving him much more pow­ er than he already has. He could then take his rightful place among the other Lords of Hell and work to eradicate their hated enemies, the demons of Hades. His ambition could blind him and it has already caused Doctor Vilde to make some minor mistakes, such as the premature activation of the Chaos Generator in S1. Louis. There, he was impatient and too eager to see his work in action. He has had to step back, cover his trail, and take a more cautious approach to implement his entire plan. The Chaos Generator Doomsday Device & Bringer of Armageddon The Chaos Generator is a "Rift Enhancement and Aug­ mentation Generator" (REAG) - its technical name. Each device is roughly the size and weight of a modern SUV and requires a tractor-trailer to move it from one location to an­ other. The machine looks very much like an electrical gen­ erator (part of its deliberate disguise) and is easy to hide among the conventional generators many businesses use for backup. In the world of Heroes Unlimited™, loss of power due to a battle between super beings is a common occurrence, so many businesses and municipal buildings have backup power generators. Such generators are just part of the urban landscape in this setting. Building Chaos Generators is no easy task, with key components acquired from across the globe. One is the Phase Inducer manufactured by a private firm in Century Station. The inducer is very expensive and the usual client is military and government agencies around the world. Its primary use is experiments involving quantum mechanics and particle physics, such as super colliders. Unknown to them, Doctor Vilde has become a major client, purchasing them through a dozen different shell companies. Several rare metals that are either only mined in remote locations, or are so rare that they have to be manufactured by artificial means, are also required. The outside shell is composed of titanium, cobalt and barium, and these also make up many of the fasteners that keep parts in place when the device is running, and at the top of the Chaos Generator is a strange assembly of gems and crystals called the Apex Array, worth millions. Emeralds and rubies form an infinity symbol and a star sapphire is located in the center of the symbol. When the generator is powered, the array spins rapidly and bluish energy arcs from the array and skims over the generator. The Apex Array is vital for collecting and holding P.P.E., preventing the magic energy from reaching the dimensional fabric. This is accomplished by placing the Chaos Genera­ tor at a nexus point and activating it. Four copper and gold plated fins deploy to channel ley line energy into the de­ vice's storage compartment. Since the overall presence of magic energy in modern day Earth is low, the P.P.E. accu­ mulates in the device over a period of 1D4+1 months. Once filled with sufficient energy (1,000 P.P.E. minimum, 10,000 PP.E. maximum), the Chaos Generator is capable of open­ ing a dimensional portal or "Rift" with the flip of a switch or the press of a button on a remote control. 83 A sophisticated computer housed within the Chaos Gen­ erator controls the device. It requires platinum to shield it from the interference created by the flow of magic energy (P.P.E.). The computer is connected to a communication array via gold and copper wires. The communications are via satellite relay. This allows Doctor Vilde and his minions to control the generators remotely. The last of the major components is an onyx the size of a baseball. While onyx is not very rare, a stone the size of a baseball is, and it must be one solid piece. The onyx is crafted using a combination of the Amulet and Talisman spells. Doctor Vilde (though not a Techno-Wizard) has found a way to link technology and magic. In a secret ritual that he has devised, the magic spells Dimensional Porlal and Close Rift are imbued in the onyx, which is carved into a medallion of great power. Alone the medallion can open and close dimensional portals or "Rifts," but for only a limited time and duration (equal to a first level spell caster in power). However, Chaos Generators are able to keep drawing upon ley line energy and the energy they have captured over the months, and keep the portal open for hours, perhaps days (1 D4). As soon as this medallion has 1,000 points of P.P.E. (or more) available to it, it is capable of opening a random Rift. To open a Rift, the Chaos Gen­ erator opens a shielded container to expose the medallion to the stored P.P.E. and then routes it to the apex array. The only catch is that to use the Close Rift ability someone must manually open the generator and reposition the medallion. Vilde's people are trained and can do this in less than a minute. Someone else would take at least an hour trying to figure it out; possibly longer if no one with a mystic/magic background was present. Chaos Generators are built to withstand severe punish­ ment. If all goes according to Vilde's plans, he can control the cascading effect around the globe with the generators by controlling the amount of energy being pumped into the world's ley lines, preventing random Rifts from opening, and opening portals to Dyval when desired. around the world. This influx of energy feeds the surging energy and causing more great disasters and deaths. The chain reaction and mounting death count should, in theory, create chaos, cause the level of magic energy to rise and more Rifts to open. When chaos has gripped the Earth, Doctor Vilde can then use the dimensional portals opened and controlled by his Chaos Generators to prevent random Rifts from oc­ curring and to open dimensional doorways to Dyval. Mil­ lions of infernal troops from Dyvalian Hell will then swarm through the dimensional Rifts, to invade and conquer the Earth for themselves. In the midst of disaster, death and chaos sweeping the globe, the Earth governments would be unable to oppose the invading Deevils and be forced to surrender to the invaders to save what was left of hu­ manity. (Doctor Vilde estimates half the people on Earth would be slaughtered by the disasters before the minions of Dyval even came to our planet.) Chaos would reign and the Deevils WOUld, in effect, conquer the Earth in short or­ der. Armies of Deevils around the world would have little trouble asserting control over the globe, even with a world full of superhumans. Besides, Doctor Vilde plans to have an army of super beings devoted to Dyval already waiting in the wings, thanks to the efforts of the Church of Unity. Once the major Earth governments have surrendered to the Deevil hordes, the Chaos Generators would be turned off, the natural disasters would stop, and the Deevil forces could begin to help rescue human survivors and force them into servitUde. Chaos Generator Stats Each Chaos Generator costs approximately 15 million dollars, plus there are hundreds of man-hours involved in creating the device as well as the ritual to enchant the onyx. It has taken Doctor Vilde decades to get to the point where he is finally is ready to start executing his plans. S.D.C.: 2,500 S.D.C., but each Apex Array is more delicate and only has 250 S.D.C. Armor Rating (A.R.): 15 Range: Must be within 500 feet (152 m) of a ley line nexus. Operation: Manual or 6 miles (9.6 km) via microwave re­ mote control. Can also be controlled via satellite from Doc­ tor Vilde's secret island fortress. Size: 18 feet long (5.5 m), by 6 feet wide (1.8 m), by 6 feet (1.8 m) tall, and weighs 5.3 tons. Construction: Each is handmade. Note: Activating a Chaos Generator to open a dimensional portal weakens the dimensional fabric in the area and tears an opening in the fabric of space and time. This creates a portal or Rift to another world or dimension. It also sends a ripple through the fabric ofthe Megaverse. Beings sensitive to dimensional disturbances can easily detect such a rip­ ple and follow it back to its source. Telltale signs like these are what demon and Deevil look for to find each other, as well as new opportunities to exploit. Likewise, other dimen­ sion traveling beings, creatures of magic, and magic users tapped into the forces of magic also sense the disturbance and can, eventually, trace it to its source. Even when the Armaggedon When activated to open a dimensional Rift, the genera­ tor sprouts four legs which raise it to a height of 20 feet (6.1 m). Panels open to reveal a dozen copper and gold plated fins from all sides, and a second Apex Array slides into place from the bottom of the Chaos Generator. A mo­ ment later, as energy crackles and arcs all around the de­ vice, two dimensional portals open simultaneously. 1D4 minutes later, energy is channeled through each of the Apex Arrays and at the Rifts. If the device works as de­ signed, repeated bursts of magic energy are directed at the Rift, breaking down the dimensional fabric and causing a cascading feedback effect through the planet's network of ley lines. Nothing serious happens if one or even a dozen Chaos Generators are activated, but when several dozen are in place and activated, natural disasters will begin to take place across the globe - earthquakes, volcanic erup­ tions. tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes. This should start a domino effect of death and disaster sending the P.P.E. of the millions of people killed by the disasters into ley lines 85 Chaos Generators are set to absorb and store magic ener­ gy, doing so creates a small disturbance that sometimes at­ tracts Entities, supernatural beings and creatures of magic. 36-45% Strange Weather. Thunderstorms and/or hail storms pop up out of nowhere on a sunny day, snowstorms (or hailstorms) happen in the middle of Summer and in trop­ ical or desert locations, wind storms and tornadoes may occur, or a hurricane or squall if located along an ocean coastline. The surrounding 5 miles (8 km) around the Cha­ os Generator are affected, while the area right over the generator is not! This would seem like the eye of the storm if one were to notice it from the air or orbit. Storms remain as long as the generator is activated. 46-55% Dimensional Visitors appear within one mile (1.6 km) of the Chaos Generator. It could be anyone from friendly and benevolent beings to Splugorth raiders, drag­ ons, or even other kinds of super heroes from an alternate dimension! Might altered or evil versions of the player char­ acters appear? Game Masters, this is your chance to have some fun and make new enemies, or friends for the player characters. 56-65% Dimensional Anomalies are occur at random within a five mile (8 km) radius of the Chaos Generator. It could be as radical as one minute you're in a city and the next you're in a hell spawned dimension like Hades, or an alien jungle, or a dinosaur filled swamp, or aboard a space station, etc. People do not disappear, just the surrounding terrain is affected/transformed. Buildings fade in and out, or appear as carved stone monoliths, and so on. Game Mas­ ters should feel free to create their own dimensional anom­ alies, or consult Rifts® Dimension Book 7: Megaverse® Builder, which has dozens of dimensional anomalies, as well as rules on creating your own dimensions. It should be noted that while the area around the generator changes, the generator is unharmed and is the anchor to Earth. Shut the machine down and everything returns to normal. 66-75% Dimensional Displacement. People in the area start disappearing at random. They are all being teleported to some other dimension and will be trapped there unless the Chaos Generator is turned off or destroyed. All those who have gone missing reappear the moment the machine is shut off. The dimension where people are disappearing to can be anywhere. 206 disappear every 10 minutes. 76-85% Monsters or Animals. Instead of intelligent be­ ings appearing, strange and monstrous animals pour out of the Rift. 3D6x10 of them appear every minute the portal remains open. The Rift will remain active for 406 minutes. When it finally closes, 1D4x1 0+40% of the creatures that came through disappear and go back to where they came from. The rest continue to wreak havoc. 86-95% Dimensional Void. The area around the Chaos Generator disappears! From the outside it looks like a large black and blue sphere that continues to grow by 10% ev­ ery hour. The Chaos Generator is at the center of the void, which is actually a Pocket Dimension that is being drawn into Heroes Unlimited Earth. Those who touch the sphere are transported inside the void with no hope of being able to retum unless the generator can be turned off or destroyed. However, any Deevils or their super-powered henchmen present will fight to prevent that. What is inside the void is up to the Game Master, but if the void continues to grow, more and more people and places will be drawn into it. Chaos Generator Side Effects Table Testing of the Chaos Generators has been minimal because to do so would attract attention. Each activation to open a Rift catches the attention of the Mystically Be­ stowed, Mystics, psychics and those linked to magic and the occult as well as demons on Earth. All seem to sense the disturbance within the Dimensional Fabric and the flow of magic. While most mortals won't understand what this means exactly, they'll know it spells trouble. Demons, who might come upon the device, on the other hand, will have a good idea what's going on and send spies, scouts and even a force of demons to "investigate" and destroy the Chaos Generators and any Deevils they encounter. Neither Doctor Vilde nor his Deevil masters can afford tipping their hand. The inability to properly test each Chaos Generator means Doctor Vilde has not worked out all the bugs in the general design, and individual units may have additional problems. Roll on the following table once for each gen­ erator the moment it is activated. Roll again for every five hours the generator is in use. The desired and unwanted effects of a Chaos Generator stop the instant it is shut down or destroyed. Game Master may add their own side effects. 01-05% None! The generator works fine. No problem. 06-25% A Mega-Sized Rift Opens! It is 1D4x1 ,000 feet (305 to 1,219 m) high and is connected to one of the dozen or so dimensions/worlds where demons and Deevils are clashing in the Minion War. Seconds after the Rift opens, hundreds of demons or Deevils begin to spill outl Roll per­ centile dice to determine who or what. 01-30% Lesser Demons. 31-60% Lesser Deevils. 61­ 80% Lesser Minions of both in equal numbers. The de­ mons and Deevils were locked in battle and both forces tumble through the Rift and continue their battle. 81-85% Greater Demons. 86-90% Greater Deevils. 91-00% Oth­ er monsters! This could be anything from a horde of oth­ er types of demons or evil supernatural beings, vampires or zombies, to magical creatures (Faerie Folk, dragons, etc.), to Xiticix bug men from Rifts Earth, to Tarlok from Skraypers, to aliens from the Three Galaxies, to Ogres and Orcs from the Palladium Fantasy world, to dino­ saurs, or stranded dimensional travelers and beyond. Note: Regardless of what comes through the Rift, there are 1D4x1 00 of them every minute the portal re­ mains open. The Rift will remain active for 2D6 minutes. When the Rift finally closes, 1D4x1 0+50% of those who came through disappear and go back to where they came from. See Rifts® Dark Conversions for a host of supernatural monsters from other dimensions. 26-35% Ghost/Entities. Entities are energy beings that are ghost-like or evil spirits. Some Entities, like Poltergeist, are just pranksters, others like the Tectonic or Possessing Entities are hostile and dangerous. As long as the Chaos Generator is active, 4D6 Entities of various types linger around it, attacking all who come within 1,000 feet (305 m) of the generator. 86 96·100% Random Effects. It's either Game Master's choice from this list. or his or her own creation. Deevil squad (204 Lesser Devils and two Greater Deevils) that can arrive via magic within 206 minutes. Africa: Giza, Egypt - This generator has only recently been placed and activated, however it has produced some unusual side effects by waking the dead! From mummies and skeletons to animated dead, Cairo is being bombard­ ed. Local heroes and United Nations forces are fighting the undead at least twice a week, sometimes more often. They have yet to identify the cause of the disturbance, as no vil­ lain or super-terrorists have taken credit for the attacks. Given the size of the Giza complex, Doctor Vilde has been able to conceal 20 human protectors and eight Mutants with super abilities on the site. They guard the generator and answer to the Deevil team assigned to that part of the world - the Tiger Beasts. Doctor Vilde's forces are being spread thin around the globe and they are taking a gamble using mortals rather than Deevils as guardians. Canada: Calgary. A half dozen Deevils disguised as hu­ mans, led by a Nexus Deevil, protect the Chaos Genera­ tor in Calgary. It is hidden in plain sight at an old factory complex. Canada: Windsor. A Chaos Generator has been placed near a Native American burial mound not far from the uni­ versity. It is tied to a generator located across the river in Detroit, Michigan, at a similar historical burial mound loca­ tion and site of an old river fort. A trio of infamous super­ villains have been hired to protect the one in Detroit (they are pawns who don't know what they are protecting), and a pair of Canadian superhumans (also villains) have been hired to protect the one in Windsor. A Deevil Dragon keeps a watchful eye on the situation in both cities. Central America: Uxmal, Yucatan Mexico. The ancient Mayan ruins in Uxmal have long been a place of power and mystery. There is a Chaos Generator hidden in one of the many ruins. It is only half charged (5,000 P.P.E.) and cannot hold more energy. Still, it is suitable for activation with the desired effects. However, a dimensional side effect around the generator has caused any who enter the temple to be­ come trapped inside a pocket dimension. The dimension itself is larger than the stone temple and it appears to be a mirror of the Yucatan on Earth, complete with a copy of the various stone ruins. Only these stone structures are not in ruin and there are strange creatures, Were-Jaguars and other beings in the jungle. At least four people have gone missing, one being a prominent scientist and archeologist. Deevils have placed their agents near the ruins posing as guards and locals. They are keeping people away from specific ruins, including the one with the Chaos Generator. An Arch-Fiend is in charge of the dozen human minions, four Deevils disguised as humans, two Tiger Beasts and three Gorgons that defend this site. Europe: Stonehenge, United Kingdom. Stonehenge is one of the most famous and powerful mystical sites in the world. Doctor Vilde has had members of his Europe­ an Team known as the Tiger Beasts secure a location for the Chaos Generator as close to Stonehenge as possible without being obvious. It is concealed inside a box-truck. This unit has had trouble, and new components to make repairs on the Chaos Generator are being shipped to its Chaos Generator Placement Just as important as the generators design is their placement around the world. A Chaos Generator cannot be placed just anywhere, they must be put at "places of power" where lines of mystic energy cross and create an energy nexus. To bring about Armageddon and cause enough death and destruction to open dimensional portals to the Deevil plane of Hell known as Dyval, Chaos Generators must be placed around the world. Vilde's plans hinge on the Chaos Generators being able to control the cascading effect that happens when ley lines ripple with increased energy and Rifts erupt. For maximum effect, the Chaos Generators must be placed at specific locations around the globe. Each location corresponds to a dimensional weak point where two or more ley lines cross. Ideally, Vilde wants them wherever there would be a super nexus, such as the Bermuda Triangle, and he believes he has located enough such places to make his mad scheme a reality. Locations of Chaos Generators The following are many of the locations of Chaos Gen­ erators around the world. At the moment, they are gather­ ing magic energy so Rifts can be opened and hell brought to Earth. All have been installed in secret and most have enough energy (1,000 to 10,000 P.PE.) to open Rifts across the globe, creating disaster and bringing about Armageddon. Most are monitored by Deevil worshiping henchmen of Doctor Vilde, super-powered mutants from the Church of Unity, hired villains, and/or a variety of different types of Deevils and their Host. While the Chaos Generators are in place, Vilde is not quite ready to execute his plan, and the activation codes for each device are not yet in place. If at least 40% of the Chaos Generators are destroyed before they can be activated by Vilde's agents, there will be disas­ ters and loss of life, but it is enough to prevent Armageddon and stop the Deevils from invading the Earth and making it their. Game Masters should feel free to ad-lib their own place­ ment and stories around Chaos Generators in the player characters base of operation or home town. Atlantic: Bermuda Triangle. Chaos Generators have been placed in Puerto Rico, Haiti, Bermuda and Cuba (as well as Miami, Florida), and are charged up with maximum P.PE In the last six weeks, reports of strange storms and sea monsters have been coming out of "the triangle" - an unexpected consequence of the Chaos Generators in a re­ gion with such a weak Dimensional Fabric and source of magic to begin with. Doctor Vilde has assigned a group of six Mutant super beings from the Church of Unity to watch over each site. In case of an emergency, they can call in a 87 location. Furthermore, Doctor Vilde will be flying in to make the repairs himself, presenting an opportunity for his pos­ sible capture. Though he is far from helpless, his European Team will be present to protect him and the generator from troublesome heroes. The Stonehenge Chaos Generator will be one of the last to be brought online. Europe: Freiburg in Breisgau, Black Forest, Ger­ many. This was one of the first generators to go online in Europe. It is placed deep within the forest at a privately held estate and is charged to full capacity. Odd creatures roam­ ing the forest nearby have been reported by tourists and lo­ cals. The area is isolated and the authorities have decided the incidents are kids playing pranks. The two Deevils and two Devilkins disguised as humans at the estate are confi­ dent no one knows about this location, but have increased security by adding six wolf-like Fenry to patrol the grounds and surrounding forest. Though he has yet to take action on his own, a local hero with magic abilities has sensed a disturbance, tracked it to the estate and senses the pres­ ence of supernatural evil. Pacific: Easter Island (Rapa Nui). Deevils have man­ aged to place a Chaos Generator inside the caldera of the volcano Cerro Terevaka. The generator is hidden using the volcanic rock to form a shell around it. It cannot store more than 1,100 P.P.E. and seems to be gathering but then leak­ ing P.P.E. into the area around it. This is attracting Tectonic Entities to the island, where the Entities possess the Moai - the giant stone heads - that have made the island so popular. With the abundance of volcanic rock, the Entities have been forming stone bodies, each with a Moai for its head. This is made possible from the leaking P.P.E. which the Tectonic Entities are inexplicably drawing upon to in­ crease their power (otherwise they COUldn't animate that much stone or large heads). They often go on a rampage for hours at a time until either the military or a group of su­ per beings show up to put an end to the trouble. The Deevil presence is at a minimum here, with a half dozen Bonelings and a Naga inside the volcano. Scientists and heroes are at a loss as to the cause of this strange supernatural activity. Pacific: The Island of Doctor Vilde has a few ley lines and a small nexus point where the Doctor has been able to run a few small scale experiments while developing the prototype for the Chaos Generator. He has a generator at the location of the nexus which is well inside his island fortress. It has been at full power for some time now. His island stronghold is secure and he is able to work with im­ punity from this secret hideout, described later. USA: Century Station & The Church of Unity. This Chaos Generator is scheduled to go online last. It was turned on yesterday and has begun to gather and store magic energy. The generator is hidden in plan sight, right in the church's parking lot along with several other pieces of equipment. The church is currently undergoing renovations and expanding in size, having bought the adjacent lots. When it is activated, its dimensional portal will be directed to Dyval to allow in a huge wave of Deevil warriors to take over the city. USA: Miami, Florida. A Chaos Generator in Miami is one of several intended to control the famous area known as the Bermuda Triangle. It is located inside the garage of a beach house somewhere along the coast. It is charged to maximum power level, but has disappeared all by itself. Doctor Vilde suspects it has partially "phased" into another dimension and straddles both it and our own, making it in­ visible. His speculation is based on the fact that the Chaos Generator remains online and Vilde is able to control it. Due to the interference of the Chaos Generators along the Ber­ muda Triangle, as well as the higher than usual magic en­ ergy and weakness of the Dimensional Fabric throughout the Triangle, the dimensional reality in and around Miami is breaking down. There have been reports of dinosaurs (206 per day are unleashed) in the Miami area, there have been reports of Imps and other demonic monsters, water levels have risen to cause flooding, and there have been isolated areas of violence and destruction of property (by monsters and humans alike). The situation with flooding and rampaging dinosaurs has been enough for the Gover­ nor of Florida to quarantine Miami (residents cannot leave) and declare a state of emergency in the region. A number of superheroes are working to maintain law and order, protect the innocent and find the cause. A dozen Naga prowl the waterways around Miami, a squad of eight Fenry patrol the streets supported by six Dire Harpies, plus two Fiends have infiltrated the local police force, and a Pandemonium coor­ dinates them all. They report directly to Doctor Vilde and his Black Eagles. Meanwhile, a team of demons undercover have come to Miami to investigate as well. USA: Seattle, Washington. A Chaos Generator is wait­ ing for final set up in the Pacific Science Center. It is under the watchful eyes of a skeleton crew of a half dozen mortals and two Devilkins. They are protecting the generator and waiting for Deevil or mutant reinforcements to arrive. USA: Saint Louis, Missouri - St. Louis Arch. There are two Chaos Generators on this site, one near each end of the arch. Both have collected the maximum amount of P.P.E. and are waiting to be activated to open a Rift. Since reaching full energy there has been odd weather patterns over the city and once or twice a week, a light shower of ash rains down on parts of the city for 306 minutes. The ash shower is presumed to be pollution though the source has yet to be identified. There are 30 workers on site doing repairs to the St. Louis Arch. Half are human Deevil worshipers. Two are Greater Deevils known as Beasts, in charge and reporting to the Black Eagles (described later). The rest are Devilkins in disguise. They really are repairing the arch and reinforc­ ing it with magic! So far, several magic rituals have been conducted and characters versed in magic may notice the Arch appears to have been enchanted. The purpose? To become a dimensional gateway to the Dyvalian Hell. Pacific: Angkor Wat, Angkor, Cambodia. One of the first sites selected in Southeast Asia was Angkor Wat. This ancient temple complex sits on a very large network of ley lines that may very well connect with Giza in Egypt. Doctor Vilde's Asian Team is assigned to its protection. The gen­ erator is located in one of the smaller buildings undergoing a "restoration project." The generator is providing electrical power to various pieces of equipment used by the workmen 88 and archeologists while it gathers and stores magic energy. Everyone assumes it is a portable generator and few go near it. In just the last two weeks, this Chaos Generator has begun to produce an unusual temporal side effect. at ran­ dom intervals, in which the entire complex and the area around the temple reverts back to its original state and ap­ pearance just after it was built. This makes the building ap­ pear in pristine condition. A handful of people have claimed to have been transported through time and into the past for 1D6 hours before returning to their normal existence in the present. Some others have simply gone missing. All of this is attracting more attention than Doctor Viide and his team would like. He's considering moving the generator or shutting it down, but fears doing so could cause worse dimensional anomalies. The Deevils know about the time displacement and are keeping an eye on the ancient tem­ ple. The Deevil Dragon in charge of this Chaos Generator has reached out to loca! contacts to keep him informed of any nosy meddlers asking questions or going where they don't belong. The Deevil Dragon is the site's only protector, though the Asian Team can arrive in 1D4 hours. Pacific: Prambanan Temple Complex, Java, Indone­ sia. The Prambanan Temple Complex is the largest Hindu shrine in Indonesia. The main complex is composed of three large temples called Trisakti, and each is dedicated to one of the Hindu gods, Shiva, the Destroyer, Vishnu, the Keeper, and Brahma, the Creator. Surrounding them are 250 smaller shrines called Candis. The Deevils were able to easily slip a Chaos Generator in after an earthquake a few years ago. The earthquake did damage to several of the shrines, closing the complex off to the public. Vilde's Asian Team, a few local mutants, and 200 henchmen/work­ men have been using the complex as their headquarters under the guise of an international team come to assess the earthquake damage and restore several of the temples. The government has given them free rein to do whatever is necessary to restore the temples so tourism can resume. The Chaos Generator seems to have attracted numer­ ous types of Entities and unidentified "spirits" which have attacked the Deevils, their super villains and henchmen. They are a mix of technicians, mercenaries, Lesser Dee­ viis and Greater Deevils. The human lesser minions are the majority, with only twenty odd Lesser Deevils. There are three Fiends, two Gorgons, four Deevils, six Fenry, four Devilkins, and two Imps. To command the Lesser Deevils and add strength to their numbers, there are one Arch Fiend, three Horrors, and two Beasts. Some members of the Deevil forces suspect that be­ cause they have defiled the shrine, the Hindu gods are trying to destroy them and/or hinder their plans. Every so often a Tectonic Entity possesses a pile of stone or one of the numerous statues and attacks the Chaos Generator, as well as the Deevils and their henchmen. PosseSSing Enti­ ties have subverted several of Doctor Vilde's technicians on site, causing them to do damage to equipment and each other. Other spirits are also said to be active in the area. These particular "spirits" do not attack people of good align­ ment, and any heroes who travel to Prambanan may find they have some unlikely allies. Only recently have the Dee­ viis started to use magic to keep the "spirits" away, but they return every few days. Pacific: Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Ma­ laysian Borneo. The National Park includes a series of underground caverns. Vii de's team has confirmed the pres­ ence of ley lines and they suspect a nexus is located at Sarawak Chamber, which is the largest cave in the park. It is 2,300 feet (701 m) long, 1,300 feet (396 m) wide and 230 feet (70 m) tall; several jumbo jets could easily rest in the chamber. It is here that the team wants to place a Chaos Generator, but such machines are not allowed in the cave, so Viide's Asian Team is working on plans to sneak it in and conceal it. The Deevils are also trying to map the under­ ground cave complex, as it could prove useful as another hidden base with access to lines of magic energy. There are currently 10 people on site familiar with the geology of the park and loyal to the Deevils. There are only two Deevil Fiends on site. Other Locations Around the World, Game Masters should feel free to add a few of their own locations, perhaps something local to inspire their players. Doctor Vilde is not taking any chancesl Any time he locates a place of magical power, he tries to control it with his own forces and place a Chaos Generator on the site. Have fun with this plot device. You may also want to consider allowing the player char­ acters to share information and even team up with other hero groups. Perhaps working together they can save the world, or maybe this other group of heroes is trying to use what Vilde has built to their own ends and they are not the heroes people think they are. It might be fun to team up with villains, too. Many villains will fight to save their world from Dyvalian occupation. Of course, if the player characters trust the wrong people, they might get backstabbed when their guard is down. There are many possibilities, and this is a great chance to take the player characters on a world tour to save the Earth and other worlds. Doctor Wilhelm Vilde Doctor Vilde has lived for several centuries, but it wasn't until World War II that he became a genuine threat to the en­ tire world. The rise of the Nazi party and the re-emergence of Germany came at a fast pace. With a charismatic leader like Adolph Hitler, Germany once again became a world power and an armed force to be feared. What few people realized, then or now, is that one of the Nazis' Top Secret weapons was the occult and connections with supernatural beings. The secret occult branch searched for ancient rel­ ics and religious artifacts believed to contain magical pow­ ers, engaged in secret magical rituals, and the use of life energy (P.P.E.) of people, murdered en masse, to power forbidden magic. They also called upon the forces of Hell, making a deal with the Deevils of Dyval who became the 89 Nazis' secret supernatural allies. One secret revealed after the war was that German scientists were also developing a nuclear device. What nobody knows is that the technology was actually being reverse engineered from a bomb that came from another dimension or time. At the center of these occult Nazi secret operations in­ volving magic and the supernatural was Doctor Wilhelm Vilde, the only person in the German government ever to have held the title Extra-Dimensional Specialist and Gate Guardian. During the rise of the Third Reich, Doctor Vilde was an advisor to Adolph Hitler and worked closely with him on a number of special projects. According to some rumors, it was Doctor Vilde who convinced the Fuhrer to attack near­ by nations as well as launch a campaign of genocide. The Doctor's advice was given great weight when it turned out he seemed to consistently know the most opportune times to attack a foe and where to do the most damage to get a win. Under Doctor Vilde's guidance, the Nazi army seemed as if it couldn't lose. When the war finally took a turn against Nazi Germany, Doctor Vilde had gone missing and was nowhere to be found within the borders of the country. To many it seemed the mad genius had all but abandoned his country at the time of its greatest need. However, there are rumors that Doctor Vilde used his connections to the supernatural realm to summon dopplegangers of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in order to fake their deaths and sneak them out of the country before Germany fell. Of all the secrets of World War II, the operations of Doc­ tor Wilhelm Vilde are the least known, as documents detail­ ing his activities were destroyed before they could fall into the hands of the Allies. The little that is known about him is steeped in rumor and innuendo with few facts or docu­ ments to back up the unbelievable claims of human sac­ rifice, magic and consorting with supernatural monsters. Most historians dismiss such claims as nonsense and question whether Doctor Vilde ever existed at all. In fact, many have come to believe he was nothing more than a bogeyman dreamed up as part of the German propaganda machine to keep Germany's enemies off guard. The sad truth is that Doctor Wilhelm Vi/de was very real, and more dangerous than the rumors and legends suggest. In addition to his many other duties, Doctor Vilde headed a Top Secret organization that created superhumans who fought a shadow war and caused much suffering and de­ struction during World War II. Secret battles conducted by Doctor Vilde's "uber men" were fought all over the globe. Doctor Vilde led several of these teams of super beings personally, and worked very hard to help keep Hitler's war machine going. Many military sieges were spearheaded or supported by Doctor Vilde's uber men. Some of these super-soldiers served as a symbol of power meant to boost the troops' morale, but most were assassins, special forces and killers who liked to get their hands bloody. When many of the superhumans of the world joined forces to bring World War" to an end, they were surprised to be confront­ ed by an army of Nazi uber men. There had been stories about Nazi supermen, but nobody realized how far Doctor Vilde had taken his Uber Man program. By the latter part of World War II, the Nazi supermen had been defeated and jailed, or slain in battle. Though some fled, most seemed to opt for a glorious death on the field of battle. A fate deemed more inviting than facing public humiliation and imprison­ ment or execution. According to some rumors, however, it is said that some engaged in suicide so there would be no proof of their existence. While other rumors claim at least one third used magic and dimensional travel to escape to alien worlds. It is also said that some of these "super sol­ diers" were not human at all, but devil-like beings and mon­ sters that returned to whatever pit of Hell from which they had come. Of course, the latter is laughed off by men of science and historians. Still, hidden away in secret files of the Pentagon and MI-5 are reports from thousands of allied soldiers who reported the Nazis' had devils and monsters fighting in the trenches. By the end of World War II, Doctor Vilde had vanished, along with most of the secret records detailing his projects to create superhumans, summon the supernatural and use magic. However, the group of superheroes then known as Team American Eagle was on to him, managed to track his escape and confronted him on a ship in the Pacific Ocean. The battle took place during a raging storm. The fighting was horrific and several members of Team Ameri­ can Eagle lost their lives that day. The team had crippled the vessel and as it sank it suddenly exploded. All hands were presumed killed, Doctor Vilde and some members of Team American Eagle among them. Always the master of deception and cunning, Doctor Vilde managed to escape, though just barely, using the last of his magic to teleport himself to his secret island lair. It was a gamble, because the American Navy was sweeping every island they came across, but he managed to ellude their detection. By the time the war was over, the name of Doctor Wilhelm Vilde was all but erased from the annals of history and quickly forgotten. Locked away on his remote island in the Pacific, Doctor Vilde reflected on his efforts in the War. The direct approach at manipulating a world leader was quite successful. How­ ever, it was dangerous and controlling such a prominent figure was akin to standing in the spotlight oneself. Never again. Doctor Vilde would try another approach at world domination. Many speculated that World War \I would be the last of the great wars, but not if Doctor Vilde had any­ thing to do with it. He intended to rule the globe even if it meant seizing control through the cleansing flames of nu­ clear fire and striking a deal with the forces of Hell. Fast-forward to today. Decades later, Doctor Vilde continues with his plans of world domination. However, the Minion War - a battle on a cosmic scale between the de­ monic and infernal forces of two rival dimensions of Hell - now threatens his plans, forcing him to adjust and accel­ erate them. Doctor Vilde had calculated a date when Arma­ geddon should be wrought on the world. According to his estimates, December 22, 2098 would be the moment when the planets would be aligned, and mystic energy would be at its peak. Being an immortal and patient creature, he was content to wait till the right moment. However, now he is in a rush to meet his deadline by June 21 st this year. Magic levels will not be nearly as high, but if he has calculated 91 why he was attracted to the Nazis and joined the party in the 1930s. Like his old Nazi allies (whom he actually admired), Vilde believes the Minions of Dyval to be the master race and true lords of Hell, and that mortals are to be enslaved, and the Demons of Hades to be extermi­ nated at all costs. Vi/de eliminates problems in the most expedient way possible, which usually means he leaves few enemies behind. Problems are dealt with promptly and with deadly force. Failure is punishable by death and his minions know this. If he has a weakness, it's that he likes to toy with and torment his opponents before dispatching them, since he is obsessively curious and vastly underestimates humans. Super Power Category: Immortal Deevil. Experience Level: 13th. Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength and Endurance, nightvision 200 feet (61 m), see the invisible, Metamor­ phosis Superior, Teleport 85%, Dimensional Teleport 55%, resistant to cold and fire (takes half damage), Bio­ Regeneration 4D6 S.D.C.lHit Points per melee round, magically understands and speaks all languages, plus the super abilities and magic listed below. Major Power: Energy Expulsion: Petrification Blast. Minor Power: Energy Expulsion: Deevil Fury. Skills of Note: Doctor Vii de effectively has an alien educa­ tion. He has, however, managed to pick up numerous Earth skills. Common and General Skills: Mathematics: Basic 98%, speaks and reads German and English at 98%, and De­ mongogian at 98%. Demonic Skills: Lore: Demons and Monsters 98%, Lore: Magic 98% and Dance 98%. Science Program: Anthropology 98%, Archaeology 98%, Computer Operation 98%, Chemistry 98%, Chemistry: Analytical 98%, and Mathematics: Advanced 98%. Electrical Program: Basic Mechanics 98% and Comput­ er Repair 98%. Secondary Skills: Business and Finance 98%, Law (General) 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, Research 98% and Streetwise 83%. Vulnerabilities: Pure Iron (not steel) inflicts double dam­ age and automatically penetrates Vilde's A.R. on a suc­ cessful strike. His underestimation of humans, particu­ larly super beings, often works against him. Combat Skills: None, other than his own natural abilities. Attacks per Melee: Eight. Bonuses (all): +4 on initiative, +7 on Perception Rolls, +8 to strike, +8 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, +4 to pull punch, +22 to damage, +8 to save vs magic, +7 to save vs psionics and mind control, +9 to save vs possession, +10 to save vs Horror Factor, +28% to save vs coma/death, and 97% trusUintimidate. Magic: Doctor Vilde is an experienced spell caster and has some rudimentary knowledge about magic circles. Spell Knowledge: 674 P.P.E. points. Level One through Five: Knows all spells. correctly, he should be able to induce a cataclysmic event by causing a massive human sacrifice on one of the su­ per-magical nexus points found around the world. He also would have liked to work out all the bugs in his ingenious Chaos Generators, but for now, as long as they work, he could care less about any side effects or collateral damage they cause. In fact, the chaos they cause should work to his advantage and allow him to take out groups of super he­ roes as they struggle to protect the innocent and save lives. In human form, Doctor Vilde appears as a man of Ger­ man descent in his late 50s or early 60s. He has a short black mustache and thinning black hair. He wears glasses for some reason and prefers to wear clothing in the style of the 1940s era. Vilde can transform from his human appear­ ance to true infernal form at will. In his natural infernal form he can appear from 10-20 feet (3 to 6.1 m) tall, and has coal black skin with red mark­ ings all over like body tattoos that glow, especially when he is angry or casting a spell. In this monstrous form, Vilde has long red hair with streaks of silver on the side and two bronze colored, curled horns on the top of his head and a single, long, snaking horn in the center of his forehead. The horns each seem to point in their own direction, adding to Doctor Vilde's twisted and frightening appearance as a monster. His lower body and legs are those of a goat, cov­ ered in coarse red fur, with a spindly tail, and feet that are cloven hooves. His eyes look like two burning embers and he has a set of wicked fangs that protrude from his mouth like that of an ogre. True Name: Regent Dying Ash of Earth. As the Regent of Earth, he oversees and commands all the infernals/Dee­ viis on the planet. A number that has increased since the Minion War began. Aliases: He was known as Doctor Devil in Europe during the 1600s, Doctor Snake in the 1700s, Doctor Vicious in Asia during the 1800s and as Doctor Vi/de in the 1900s before dropping off the radar and presumed dead. Race: Deevil of Dyval, but augmented via the power of transmutation by his Deevil Lord to serve as a Regent, and further mutated and empowered by his own weird experiments on himself. Alignment: Diabolic. Attributes: I.Q. 29, M.E. 25, MA 30, P.S. 37, P.P. 18, P.E. 24, P.B. 23, Spd 18. Age: Unknown, probably several thousand years old; im­ morta/. Human Size: 5 feet, 2 inches (1.5 m), 120 Ibs (54.5 kg). Monster Size: 10-20 feet (3 to 6.1) as he can adjust his size, and weighs 6 tons. Hit Points: 590. S.D.C.: 1,780. Natural A.R.: 18. (In Mega­ Damage settings he has 1,666 M.D. C.) P.P.E.: 674. I.S.P.: 175. Disposition: Methodical, calculating and patient, he is a master planner and criminal. Even under high stress situations the monster remains cold, calm and collected. He is supremely arrogant and confident, believing he is superior to any mortal, including super beings, which is 92 Level Six: Call Lightning (15), Fire Ball (10), Reduce Self (20), Time Slip (20) and Words of Truth (15). Level Seven: Agony (20), Animate and Control Dead (20), Globe of Silence (20), Invisibility: Superior (20), Metamorphosis: Animal (25), Wind Rush (20) and Wink Out (20+). Level Eight: Eyes of the Wolf (25), Firestorm (30), Ne­ gate Magic (30), Stone to Flesh (30), and Shockwave (45). Level Nine: Mute (50), Speed of the Snail (50) and Swords to Snakes (50). Level Ten: Deathword (70), Summon Shadow Beast (140) and Teleport (120). Level Eleven: Anti-Magic Cloud (140), Finger of Lictalon (150), Firequake (160) and Remove Curse (140). Level Twelve: Create Zombie (250), Summon and Con­ trol Entity (250) and Time Hole (210). Level Thirteen: Sanctum (390), Summon and Control Storm (260). Level Fourteen: Restoration (750) and Resurrection (650). Level Fifteen: Dimensional Portal (1,000), Sanctuary (1,500), Summon Greater Familiar (580) and Teleport Superior (600). Spells of Legend: Crimson Wall of Lictalon (6,000). Magic Circle Knowledge: Summon Deevils and Summon Greater Deevils. He also has a rudimentary understand­ ing of protection circles and other summoning circles, however he has not actively studied circle magic in sev­ eral years. Psionics: Mind Block (4), Object Read (6), Speed Reading (2), and Total Recall (2). Has 175 I.S.P. Armor: Wears none! He is confident in his abilities and in his subordinates, who will obey his every whim. Weapons: He has several minor magical weapons and trinkets in his treasure trove, but he only uses them as necessary. He is far too confident in his own powers and abilities and the fact that he commands all Deevils on Earth. In human form he does use a magic cane that is indestructible, tipped in silver, and does 2D6 damage to mortal opponents, 4D6 damage to supernatural oppo­ nents and those vulnerable to silver, and 5D6 damage to demons. Vehicle and Other Equipment: He has access to a fleet of cars, trucks, helicopters, and private jets; however, he needs a driver or pilot to get around. As for other technol­ ogy. he is not shy about using it and often carries a cell phone and other minor electronic devices. Money: The mad doctor is worth billions and has access to 2D6x100 million at any given time. In addition to money coming in from the Church of Unity and other business fronts and criminal operations he or his Deevil minions have their hands in, Doctor Vilde has roughly 300 million dollars worth of Nazi gold he stole at the end of the war; it is kept on his island. Vilde's Henchmen Dark Omega For a brief time, Doctor Vilde dabbled in the field of ge­ netic engineering. With the aid of several captured and evil scientists, he has tried to produce an army of gene-manipu­ lated and enhanced soldiers. By his estimation, there were only two successes, a pair of augmented super soldiers specifically designed to fight the Hades Demons. Their lab names were Alpha 14 and Alpha 15, and they were genetic brothers. They were both grown in a test tube in a process that was intended to create a single being, but the process yielded two offspring. Vilde was fine with this, and both war­ riors showed promise in the lab. They would have paved the way for an army of gene-altered Demon Slayers, but a team of superheroes found Vilde's lab hidden in the Cana­ dian Rockies and smashed it to smithereens. To make matters worse, the captured scientists were able to turn one of the Demon Slayers against Vilde and his brother, Dark Omega. The eugenic warriors fought tooth and nail, but before long, the lab's defenses were crushed and Vilde had to make good his escape and brought Dark Omega along with him so he could (or so he thought) du­ plicate him and create an army of super soldiers. It was not to be. It seems Dark Omega and his brother Demon Slayer (see Demon Slayer later on), are connected on a genetic level, and in order to recreate either of them, samples from both warriors are needed. Each is, in effect, one half of the other. For years Doctor Vilde tried in vain to recreate the process lost when the lab was destroyed, but without suc­ cess. Today Dark Omega stands as Vilde's most loyal and trusted bodyguard. As for Dark Omega, he yearns for the day when he can once again confront his traitorous brother. As children (well, for the few weeks they were together) they were inseparable until one of the scientists got in be­ tween the brothers. This made Dark Omega angry, and over time, resentment built to a boiling point. The last straw came when "Father" (Dark Omega refers to Doctor Vilde as his father), ordered both brothers to kill that particular scientist. Dark Omega was all too happy to comply when, of all people, his brother stood in his way and dared to defy Father. Moments later, the lab fell under siege by a swarm of super beings. The scientist had managed to sneak out a call for help, bringing the full force of the heroes against Fa­ ther and their secret lair. Dark Omega would have no more and tried to kill his traitorous brother. He may have suc­ ceeded had Doctor Vilde not teleported himself and Dark Omega to another hidden lair a thousand miles away. Now, Dark Omega is obsessed with destroying his brother. From time to time he has been allowed to try and hunt him down, but to date has had no luck in finding him. He has to be con­ tent with dOing his Father's bidding and protecting him from his many enemies and those who would usurp his power. 93 Dark Omega, personal bodyguard to Doctor Vilde Real Name: Alpha 15 - clone. Alignment: Miscreant , but completely loyal to Doctor Vilde. Attributes: 1.0 10, ME 13, MA 11 , P.S. 62 , PP 17, PE. 13, P.B. 9, Spd 11 . Age: 12 years old and has the mental ity of a teenager. Sex: Male . Height: 18 feet (5.5 m). Weight: 1,800 pounds (810 kg). Hit Points: 90 S.D.C .: 490. Natural A .R.: 17. Disposition: Cruel and brutal in the extreme , he is the type to hurt puppies or kittens just for the fun of it. His re­ sponse to just about everything is threats and violence. He enjoys combat and loves to torture and kill. Power Category: Eugenic Hero, as described in Powers Unlimited™ 2. Genetic Modifications : Brain : Psi-Blocker, Calcifier/Bone Strengthener, Gland : Pituitary, Heart, Ambidextrous , Bio-Regeneration (Chimera) , Massive Build, S.D.C. Augmentation , Spiny Defense, Re inforced Skeleton, Mega-Super Armor (Natura Armor Rating ), Strength Augmentat ion : Supernatural , Supervision: Nightvision, Supervision: Thermal Vision, Heightened Hearing , Heightened Smell, Spike Launcher and Omega Blaster. InsanityNulnerabilities: Mindless Aggression . For the most part, Dark Omega can handle himself in a fight, however when he is severely wounded (loses half his Hit Points ) or sees his brother, he flies into a mindless rage and atta cks the object of his anger to the point of being homicidal and suicidal. In cases such as these, Vilde has to Teleport Omega away and give him 104+1 hours to calm down which usually involves him running around the tropical island pummeling the many stone statues on the beach . Horror Factor : 14 Experience Level: Seventh . Education Level and Skills : His education started in the lab and has continued under Doctor Vilde 's tutelage . It is the equivalent of on the Job training . Common and General Skills: Computer Operation 80% , Mathematics : Basic 80% , speaks and reads English at 98%, speaks Demongogian 80%. Note: He has never learned how to drive or operate any kind of vehicle. Physical /Athletic Program Hand to Hand : Expert, Box­ ing , Wrestling and Acrobatics Sense of Balance 72 % , Walk TightropelWire 78 %, Climb Rope 82% and Back Flip 80%. Weapon Proficiency Ancient Weapons Program: W.P Battle Axe, WP. Paired Weapons , w.p Pole Arm and WP. Sword . Secondarv Skills : Land Navigation 60%, Lore : Demons and Monsters 55% , Prowl 60 %, Radio : Basic 75%, Wil­ derness Survival 60%, W.P. Automati c & Semi-Automat­ ic Rifles , W.P. Revolver, WP Heavy Weapons . Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert. Number of Attacks: Seven. Bonuses : +3 to strike with body spikes. +2 to initiative , +4 to strike , +7 to parry, +6 to dodge , +2 to disarm, +6 to roll punch/fall, +3 to save vs mind control/possess ion , +1 to save vs disease, +4 to save vs heart and blood disease, 94 +14% to save vs coma/death and fatigues at one third the usual rate of normal people. Other Combat Info: Karate Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Axe Kick, critical strike on a natural 18, 19 or 20, and Body Throw/Flip, w.P. Paired Weapons, Bio-Regeneration 106 H.P. per melee or 106+3 S.D.C. per melee, +106 to hand to hand damage from Massive Build and +2 to damage from Reinforced Skeleton. Special: Mind Block. Can block Telepathic and Empathic Transmission , as well as go into a meditative trance to block mind probes and possession. Special: Attribute Boost. Increase P.S. by 12 and P.E. by three for up to nine minutes, six times per day. Special: Spike Protection and Attacks. Dark Omega's body is covered with spikes that he can launch at will. He can fire one at a time or unleash them in a volley of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 20. Each spike does 204 damage. Each sin­ gle spike or volley of spikes counts as one melee attack (multiply 204 damage by 80% of the number of spikes in the volley for volley damage). Range 100 feet (30.5 m). It takes 24 hours per spike to grow back, and he has a total of one hundred. The spikes also protect the villain from body block attacks, wrestling holds, pinning attacks and entanglement as trying to grab him inflicts 506 dam­ age to his attacker. Special: The Omega Blaster: Blast does 2D6x10+14 damage but can only be fired once every 15 minutes. Range is 200 feet (61 m). Magic: None. Psionics: None. Money: He gets whatever he wants from Doctor Vilde and has access to 104 million dollars at any given time for personal use. Weapons: While Dark Omega prefers to use his own natu­ ral abilities, Doctor Vilde insisted he learn how to use a variety of weapons with a focus on ancient weapons. This has led to him finding his favorite weapon, an over­ sized Chrysteel Claymore that magic has made eternally sharp. It does 406+3 damage to mortal foes and 606+6 to demons and supernatural beings of good alignment, plus supernatural creatures, including heroes who fall into this category, will find their healing of damage from this weapon to be hampered. Any wounds inflicted by the Chrysteel Claymore take much longer to heal: re­ duce the normal points healed by half and it takes three times longer for the healing to happen/take effect. This applies to magical and psionic healing as well as super abilities that heal. For modern weapons , Dark Omega loves heavy weapons that inflict considerable damage, including machine-guns, mini-guns, rail guns , grenade launchers and similar. It should be noted he always has the sword on him at all times, and only has modern or additional weapons when he is expecting to go into battle. Vehicles and Other Equipment: Anything he needs is pro­ vided by Doctor Vilde. This includes any special equip­ ment needed for missions. Otherwise, Dark Omega keeps it pretty simple and just dons a pair of camouflage pants, boots, forearm bands and a belt for his sword. Sub-Regent Bone Crusher Bone Crusher is an Arch Fiend, Greater Deevil who has served Doctor Vilde's as bodyguard and trusted companion for more than two centuries. Now that Dark Omega has tak­ en the role of bodyguard , Bone Crusher has been elevated to Doctor Vilde 's second-in-command, and takes care of all matters on Vilde's secret island lair in the Pacific, as well as supervises many of his other operations. He is , in effect, majordomo of the island, makes sure all of Vilde's orders are delivered and carried out, and oversees all aspects of the base's operation and defenses. He is respected and feared by all subordinates and is, arguably, the second most powerful Deevil on the planet. In terms of power and aspiration, Bone Crusher has achieved what he wanted and is happy with his station un­ der Doctor Vilde . While he could see himself in Vilde's posi­ tion, he just doesn't want it. He likes being able to manipu­ late pawns and watch his well laid plans come to fruition. If he has any regret it's that he hasn't seen battle in some years and he yearns to take on some super beings to test 95 his mettle. He looks forward to the Chaos Generators be­ ing activated to open dimensional portals and bring about Armageddon, and can't wait to be second-in-command of Hell on Earth. After all, if Vilde's plan succeeds, and the Earth becomes enriched with magic energy and becomes a dimensional nexus, Bone Crusher will become one of the most influential and powerful leaders in the Minion War. Sub-Regent Bone Crusher True Name: Crushed Bones of Shadows. Alignment: Miscreant, but loyal to Doctor Vilde. Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 20, MA 22, PS. 24, PP. 20, PE. 24, PB. 13, Spd 26. Age: Unknown, but he has been with Doctor Vilde since they first arrived on Earth. Height: 15 feet (4.6 m). Weight: 1,000 Ibs (450 kg). Hit Points: 64. S.D.C.: 53. Natural A.R.: 14. Horror Factor: 15 P.P.E.: 660. I.S.P.: None. Disposition: Master manipulator. Loves to pull the strings behind the scenes even if he does like to see some ac­ tion from time to time. He'll even go as far as using his abilities to start trouble or manipulate events directly. While obedient to the Deevil Lords of Hell, he sees the Armageddon Project as his and Vilde's bid for power to become two of the top lieutenants of Hell. He has been waiting for this moment all his life and will not brook in­ terference from heroes or demons, nor double-crossing from his fellow Deevils. Experience Level: 10th level Arch Fiend. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), see the in­ visible, metamorphosis at will (human and anima!), di­ mensional teleport 94%, resistant to fire and cold (takes half damage), Bio-Regeneration 4D6 S.D.C.lHit Points per melee and magically knows all languages. Skills of Note: Climb 98%/91 %, Concealment 72%, Es­ cape Artist 96%, Palming 81 %, Pick Locks 91 %, Prowl 81%, Intelligence 89%, Interrogation Techniques 91%, Land Navigation 93%, Literacy: German, English and Japanese 98%, Locate Secret Compartments and Doors 71%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 98%, Lore: Magic 86%, Math: Basic 98%, Streetwise 78%, Track Humans 91%, and W.P. Pole Arms. Psionic Powers: None. Magic Knowledge: Level One through Three: Knows all spells. Level Four: Blind (6), Magic Net (7), Multiple Image (7), Repel Animals (7), and Shadow Meld (10). Level Five: Armor Bizarre (15), Aura of Death (12), Circle of Flame (10), Death Curse (Special), Domination (10), Escape (8), and Heal Wounds (10). Level Six: Fire Ball (10), Impervious to Energy (20), and Words of Truth (15). Level Seven: Agony (20), Animate and Control Dead (20), Fire Gout (20), and Wind Rush (20). Level Eight: Exorcism (30), Ley Line Tendril Bolts (26), and Shockwave (45). Level Nine: Mute (50). 96 Level Ten: Banishment (65), Desiccate the Supernatural (50), Mystic Portal (60), and Warped Space (90). Level Eleven: Anti-Magic Cloud (110), Energy Sphere (120), Firequake (160). Le)[el Fifteen: Teleport Superior (600). Spells of Legend: Doppleganger (Superior; 1,000) and MystiC Quake (420). Attacks per Melee: Six. Bonuses (includes attribute bonuses): +3 on initiative, +7 to strike, +5 parry, +5 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch or fall, +5 to pull punch, +9 to damage, +7 to save vs magic and +10 to save vs Horror Factor. Armor: When expecting battle, Bone Crusher dons a coat of armor made of chain, that appears to be constructed of actual heavy gauge chains rather than traditional chain "mail." This armor provides 250 S.D.C., has an A.R. of 15 and, upon command, is completely silent. Otherwise, you can hear him coming a mile away, a tactic he artfully uses to create tension and psychological warfare among his enemies. When you hear the clinking you know he's out there someplace. When he goes silent, his oppo­ nents must ask themselves, did he leave, is he waiting, or is he nearby and about to attack at any moment? A long, flowing cape that more resembles a cape cut into long tattered strips moves about him as if it were alive. It has no combat capabilities, but one wouldn't know it to look at him, and it adds a +2 bonus to Bone Crusher's Horror Factor when the armor and cape are worn. Weapons: He has a magic scythe that makes the wielder impervious to fire. The weapon has 1,000 S.D.C. and regenerates any damage inflicted to it at a rate of 100 S.D.C. per hour, however if it is completely destroyed (zero S.D.C.) it cannot reform. The scythe is eternally sharp, does 5D6+5 damage and the blade causes infectious wounds. These wounds never completely heal: reduce the victim's Hit Points by 1% for each wound from the scythe (with accumulative effect). Infection also means the wound looks opened and ugly, oozes ominous looking fluids and pus, and the victim suffers from a constant low fever and the following penalties: -1 attack per melee round, -2 on initiative, -2 on Perception Rolls, -1 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, entangle and pull punch, -10% on skill performance, and reduce all saving throws by half. Whenever the victim ex­ erts himself, such as engaging in combat or rescue oper­ ations, double the penalties above for all combat related moves (initiative, strike, parry, etc.; saving throws remain at half) and reduce P.S., P.P and Spd by 20%. The infec­ tion and penalties last 1D6 days per each scythe inflicted wound. Even magic potions and healings can not kill the infection. Note: Psychic Surgery or Remove Curse kills the infection and healing resumes as usual. Vehicles and Other Equipment: He doesn't use any ve­ hicles, but doesn't mind being chauffeured around or hitching a ride when needed. He does use a number of modern devices, including a cell phone and basic ra­ dio communication systems. He also has a few magic grenades that mimic various spells like Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke and Carpet of Adhesion. their productivity. His expertise was so sought after that by the end of World War II , he had his own retinue of men and bodyguards to protect him. From the Americans to the Russians , everyone wanted to get Konrad Meyer in their advanced technologies projects. As the Allies advanced on Germany, a special unit of soldiers were sent to kid­ nap Konrad while he was home on leave . A firefight at the home set off an explosion, killing everyone and destroying the house . What the attackers didn't know was that Kon­ rad had his own private workshop not far from the family home, and he was there working on a project of his own. When he rushed to investigate the commotion, he found the remains of his home in flames, his family dead , a few of his bodyguards barely hanging on to life, and two wounded American soldiers making a hasty retreat into the woods . In a fit of rage , Konrad used an experimental armored vehicle to track down and kill the Americans. Their deaths did not satisfy his rage , but he vowed he'd make them all pay with blood. Six decades later, the vengeance of Konrad Meyer, better known as the bloodthirsty Doctor Mech , has not been quenched. After the loss of his family, Konrad managed to elude other attackers and find his way to Doctor Vilde. The two had met several times in the past, and Konrad had heard the rumors that the Nazi's Occult Spe cialist consorted with the Lords of Hell. If anyone could help him inflict revenge upon the world, it was him. Indeed , Doctor Vilde was in­ trigued that Konrad had sought him out and found wonder­ ful potential in the obsessive hatred and rage that filled the man's soul. As a result, the Deevil made a deal with Kon­ rad. In exchange for his soul and a life of servitude, Vilde would grant him an extended life and ample opportunities to bathe the Americans and their allies in blood . Konrad ac­ cepted and has faithfully served Regent Vilde ever since. As the new age of the Cold War set in , Konrad Meyer took the name and persona of genius super-villain, Doctor Mech, a master of technology, energy weapons and ter­ rorism . In the early days of Vllde 's isolation , Doctor Mech served as a member of an early Anarchy Team in America. His inventions and super vehicles helped Vilde immensely, and today Doctor Mech is the head mechanic and vision­ ary in charge of all of Vilde's vehicles, weapons and war machines. He is no longer a part of the Anarchy Teams , because he is slowing down from advanced age . For the last decade, the madman has spent all of his time creating new death dealing robots and power armor, and dreaming up new ways to kill people. In fact , it was Doctor Mech who helped make Vilde's scheme about Armageddon a reality by hammering out the worst bugs plaguing the Chaos Gen­ erators . Doctor Vilde has given Konrad a special vial of the Milk of Power. Konrad was older, however, and the magic con­ coction has only slowed down his aging. Today he looks like a sixty-something-year-old man. Doctor Mech still holds a grudge against America and her allies from World War II. The only peace he finds is in his work. These days he is found in his workshop working on various special projects. His handiworks include building a wide range of robots and weapon systems over the years and restoring the USN Alaska and modifying it for Vilde's plans. He has also con­ Money: Bone Crusher does like to have his baubles and has accumulated 100 million in gems , 540 million in jew­ elry and artwork, 290 million in magic items, and 300 million in magic scrolls and other odds and ends over the years. He keeps important magic items on his per­ son and has the rest of his treasure in a hidden cavern somewhere on the island . Doctor Mech Doctor Mech was born Konrad Meyer in 1901 . He lived in Germany and fought in World War I. After the First World War he married and had a family. Life was good until the Nazis offered him an opportunity to put his engineering skills and inventive mind to work . For years, he worked at the navy shipyards and it was his expertise that the Ger­ mans relied on to refine their building techniques for their submarines and other warships. Konrad had such a me­ chanical aptitude that he became a troubleshooter and was sent to numerous German manufacturing sites to increase 97 tributed to the Black Falcon and the Chaos Generators, but his pride and joy is the World Dominator. He put in many years to get it flying, and when he is not on the base he is usually on the World Dominator installing a new weapon system or trying out a new enhancement. Doctor Mech Also known as: Doctor Mechanic and Doctor Roboto. Real Name: Konrad Meyer. Alignment: Aberrant. Attributes: LQ. 24, M.E. 10, MA 11, P.S. 20, P.P. 12, P.E. 18, P.B. 11, Spd 13. Age: He stopped counting after 100, but could live another 2D6x10 years. Height: 6 feet (1.8 m). Weight: 170 Ibs (76.5 kg). Sex: Male. Hit Points: 70. S.D.C.: 35. Disposition: Cold and distant. He mostly keeps to himself when he can, however many of the technicians on Doc­ tor Vilde's island lair look to him for advice, direction and inspiration. Doctor Mech has even taken a few of them under his wing and treats them more like his sons than students or tradesmen. Konrad secretly yearns to have an apprentice to pass on his knowledge and legacy. He remains hate-filled and obsessed with making America and its allies pay for killing his family. Power Category: Hardware: Mechanical Genius. Education Level and Skills: Trade School/On the Job Training. Special Mechanical Skills: Hot Wire Automobiles 105%, Build Super Vehicles 116% and Recognize Vehicle Qual­ ity 98%. Common and General Skills: Mathematics: Basic & Ad­ vanced 98%, Speak Native Language (German) 98%, Read and Write Native Language (German) 98% and Pilot Automobile 92%. Mechanical Genius Scholastic Skills: Aircraft Mechan­ ics 120%, Robot Mechanics 125%, Weapons Engineer 120%, Mechanical Engineer 120%, Automotive Mechan­ ics 115%, Locksmith 110%, Read Sensory Equipment 98%, Basic Electronics 105%, Mathematics: Advanced 98%, Pilot Race Cars 98%, and Pilot Submersibles 98%. Pilot Advanced Program: Navigation (Air, Land, Water) 98%, Weapon Systems 98%, Pilot Jet Aircraft 98%, Pi­ lot Warships & Patrol Boats 98%, Motorcycles 98%, and Trucks 98%. Electrical Program: Electrical Engineer 120%, Computer Operation 98%, and Robot Electronics 120%. Secondary Skills: Radio: Basic 98%, T.V.Nideo 90%, Fishing 98%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Wop. Blunt, Comput­ er Programming 95%, Swimming 98% and Cardsharp 78%. Experience Level: 12th. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic. Number of Attacks: Six. Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to roll with punch or fall, +4 to pull punch, +1 to disarm, +2 to damage and +2 to save vs magic. 98 Other Combat Info: Kick Attack 2D4, Critical Strike on a Natural 19 or 20, Body Flip/Throw, Weapons: He doesn't carry any as he usually has plenty of guards or robots around him, or is manning a new weapon system on some vehicle. Vehicles and Other Equipment: Doctor Mech has ac­ cess to dozens of combat vehicles he has built over the years. While on Doctor Vilde's island he uses a modi­ fied SUV built with off-road capabilities and non-lethal weapon systems. It has a foam cannon that can subdue any heroes with a Supernatural P.S. of 30 or less. The other turret fires a larger version of a stun gun or Tazer. Thousands of volts of electricity travel along a wire and victims of a stun attack need a save of 15 or higher (add p. E. bonus) or else are rendered unconscious for 1D4 minutes. If they save they are only stunned for 1D4 me­ lees (they have half their attacks and bonuses for the duration). He also has a special escape mini-sub that has no weapons and was built from spare parts over the years; it can only accommodate a single passen­ ger and was built with speed in mind. Maximum Depth: 8,000 feet (2,438 m). When Doctor Mech is expecting combat he has a special battle suit that he construct­ ed. He calls it Der Blitzstreik - translated the Lightning Strike. Money: Has little need for money of his own as Vilde pro­ vides all that he needs. He did, however, set up sev­ eral accounts during World War \I in several prominent banks. Over the years he has maintained them if only as a diversion and has 56.5 million dollars in cash. Lightning Strike Robot It is important to note that while the Lightning Strike and other Doctor Mech robots have an old style, boxy, art deco or "retro" look, they are deceptively fast, powerful and ad­ vanced. The Lightning Strike was first designed as a robot ve­ hicle requiring a pilot. The dozen units at the Island of Doc­ tor Vilde are such manned robot vehicles. However, Doctor Mech's personal Lightning Strike-X is designed with an aux­ iliary artificial intelligence that the mad doctor can activate with the flip of a switch or a voice command. Thus, he can pilot the robot himself or activate the AI and have the robot operate independent of him as a bodyguard or assistant. Model Type: EBA-107 Class: Type 69 Multipurpose Combat Robot Vehicle. Armor Rating (A.R.): 17 S.D.C. by location: Head (optics and sensor array) - 230 Hands (2) - 90 each Arms (2) - 280 each Legs (2) - 400 each Tentacles (4) -170 each Rotary Machine-Guns (2, forearms) - 100 Rotary Grenade Launcher (right shoulder) - 200 Chest Lasers (2) - 50 each Upper Torso Pilot Compartment & Escape Pod - 330 Main Body - 2,175 Body Frame: Large Humanoid with Reinforced Frame. Size: 14 feet (4.3 m) tall and 7 feet (2.1 m) wide. Power Systems: Fusion Power System. Legs/Propulsion System: Robot: Bipedal locomotion; running speed is 100 mph (160 km) and can leap 20 feet (6.1 m) high or 30 feet (9.1 m) across. Escape Pod/Concealed HelicopterNTOL: The robot can­ not fly, but the rotors are stored in a folded position along the back. If the robot suffers too much damage the whole pilot compartment can eject, the blades pop into place and he can flyaway. Speed for the helicopter escape pod is 150 mph (240 km). It has no weapon systems. Arms and Hands: Robot P.S. 40 (equal to Superhuman Strength) for the two humanoid arm, while the four tenta­ cles have a P.S. of 20 (equal to Superhuman Strength). Number of attacks are equal to those of the pilot +1 attack per melee round (also see Tentacle Arm bonus attacks). Each punch counts as one melee attack. Damage is per Superhuman/Robotic P.S. of 40 for arms. Audio: Basic Listening System, Bug Detector, Wide band Receiver and Transmitter, and Loudspeaker. Optics: Basic Robot Optic Systems, Night Sight, Targeting Sight, and Searchlight. Sensors: Maxi-Radar, Radar Detector and Combat Com­ puter. 4. Tentacle Weapon Arms (4): Each tentacle has a differ­ ent tool at the end, which can double as a weapon. The doctor's tactic is to snare a super being in one or two of the tentacles and use the remaining weapons on them. Range: Each tentacle has a 20 foot (6.1 m) reach. Damage: Entanglement requires a combined Superhuman P.S. of 45 (or Supernatural P.S. of 30) to break free. Claw Strike: 2D6+12 when it clamps down, 2D6+25 from punches ( +25 is the P.S. damage bonus for a Superhu­ man/Robotic Strength of 40; a clamp attack does half the usual damage bonus, or +12). Diamond Bit Chain Saw: 6D6+3 per attack. Drill: 5D6 damage per attack. Fusion Torch: 1D4x10 per attack. Rate of Fire: Each attack counts as one of the robot's or pilot's attacks per melee round. Bonus: +2 attacks per melee round. One extra attack per pair of tentacles. Destroy a pair and attacks per melee are reduced by one. Weapons: 1. Rotary Machine-Guns (2): Housed on each arm is a rotary .50 caliber machine-gun. Doctor Mech has been able to acquire some DUC rounds and he uses those first before switching to standard rounds. Range: 6,000 feet (1,828 m). This increased range (the standard robot has a range of 4,000 feetl1,219 m) is one of Doctor Mech's personal modifications. Damage: 2D6x10 per 12 round burst, or 4D6x10 per DUC 12 round bUrst. Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one melee attack. Payload: 4,800 standard rounds, but Doctor Mech's robot is loaded only with 2,400 DUC rounds (200 bursts). 2. Rotary Grenade Launcher: Mounted on the right shoul­ der is a modified cannon that resembles an oversized 40mm, Mark 19, Mod 3 Automatic Grenade Launcher. ~: 2,000 feet (610 m). Damage: 1D6x1 0 per grenade to everything in a five foot (1.5 m) radius or 3D6x10 per three grenade volley to a 10 foot (3 m) radius. Rate of Fire: Single grenade or three grenade volley. Payload: A drum in the rear holds a belt with 100 rounds. 5. Hand to Hand Combat: The punches and kicks of the Lightning Strike Robot are as follows: Punch: 3D6+25 Power Punch: 6D6+50 (counts as two melee attacks). Kick: 4D6+25 (a Power Kick is not possible). Stomp Attack: 2D6+25 damage. Running Body Block: 3D6+25 damage, plus 01-65% likelihood of knocking an opponent of equal size or small off his feet. The victim of a knockdown loses initiative and one melee attack. Counts as two melee attacks. Attacks per Melee Round: As per pilot +1 and tentacles provide +2 more attacks for a total of +3 attacks to the pi­ lot's own. However, the loss of two tentacles reduces the number of attacks by one and losing all four reduces the number of attacks by two, negating the tentacle bonus. Note: Only Doctor Mech's personal Lightning Strike­ X robots are equipped with an independent AI, mean­ ing Doctor Mech may pilot the robot himself or set it to function under the control of the artificial intelligence. When the AI is in control it has five attacks per melee round +2 from the tentacles (7 total), less if the tentacles are destroyed. Doctor Mech can send the AI orders and instructions via voice command or silent mental com­ mands via the Telemental Helmet. Doctor Mech has two spare robots also equipped with an AI that can be turned on and off at will in storage. It would require him going into storage to activate them. 6. Pilot Operated Systems: Telemental Helmet, Rein­ forced Pilot CompartmentlEscape Capsule and 360 de­ gree rotating waist. 3. Chest Lasers (2): A pair of lasers are built into the chest. Range: 2,000 feet (610 m). Damage: 5D6 per single blast, 1D6x1 0 per simultaneous dual blast at the same target. Rate of Fire: Each single or double blast counts as one melee attack. Payload: Effectively unlimited. 99 Anarchy Teams The Black Eagles (North America) The Tiger Beasts (Europe) The Devil Dragons (Asia) Over the years, Doctor Vilde has recruited numerous gifted individuals to head what he calls his "Anarchy Teams" to carry out his plans. Anarchy Teams are more like small armies of loyal henchmen, Mutants, super beings, hired guns and pawns. Only those believed to be the most obedi­ ent and powerful may become a member of the elite squad that leads one of his Anarchy Teams. Note that "obedient" is different from loyal. While loyalty is desirable, ultimately Doctor Vilde wants minions he can control, and that means obience. sire and to indulge themselves, provided it furthered Vilde's agenda. Now with the Minion War coming to Earth, these elite forces are needed more than ever to protect Doctor Vi/de's interests and make sure his plan for Armageddon reaches fruition. This means their role of diverting atten­ tion away from Vilde's activities remains, but they must now also battle invading demons and lead teams, even small armies, of Mutants and villains empowered with super abili­ ties to keep Vilde and his Chaos Generators safe, and his mad scheme a success. They must make certain their hat­ ed demonic enemies and pesky mortal heroes don't ruin all their hard work to bring about the end of life as humans know it. The Anarchy Teams are front and center in the role of fulfilling Vilde's plans and are responsible for protecting the Chaos Generators at any cost. The members of Doctor Vilde's latest Anarchy Teams are performing beyond his expectations. This may be be­ cause each team has a Deevil "consultant" (read: handler) on the team to keep them in line through passive manipu­ lation. Or perhaps it's because everyone feels Vilde's plan for conquering the Earth, transforming it into a dimensional gateway junction and becoming one of the most power­ ful Deevils in the Minion War is about to succeed. And if Vilde succeeds and becomes a 'player,' they all rise in sta­ tion with him. Thus, excitement is high and everyone can practically taste success in the air. The people who might stand in their way are brutish demons who have no idea what's really about to happen in a few weeks, and a bunch of lowly humans with super powers and delusions of gran­ deur. And they expect to be able to handle a few upstart super beings. The pages that follow describe Doctor Vilde's most elite, handpicked Anarchy Teams. As each team grows in pow­ er and influence, they may have several smaller groups or teams of super beings, villains and henchmen under their command. This means it may take a great deal of effort to get to the heart of Doctor Vilde's plans and track down and destroy enough of the Chaos Generators to stop the coming Armageddon. While each Anarchy Team is aware of the others, they seldom interact or even know what the others are doing. So while one team may be brought to justice, they do not know where or what the other Anar­ chy Teams are up to, or even who is a member of another team. For this reason, each Anarchy Team has been as­ signed a geographic region of the Earth as its territory. Fur­ thermore, none of the teams are completely aware of all the Doctor's plans or how it all works. And the underlings that serve the Anarchy Teams know even less. They are just cogs in the doomsday machine. All they know is that he plans to bring magic back to Earth. None know that the cost is global Armageddon and the transformation of Earth into a hellish dimensional gateway to other worlds. Should this information come to light, some of the lesser members of the Anarchy Teams might turn against their elite lead­ ers. Likewise, villainous super beings might actually join forces with heroes to help to bring Vilde to justice and stop Armageddon. Rather than have a Deevil leader for each team, Doctor Vilde has chosen specific mortals to serve as team leader and let one of the Deevil teammates in each group func­ tion in the role of consultant. It gives the mortals, be they mutant or human, a greater sense of autonomy and power, and keeps them happy. Meanwhile, the Deevil "consultant" keeps the team focused, subtly playing them off each oth­ er and manipulating them and situations to ensure Doctor Vilde's plans are executed as instructed. Any other Deevils on the team may playa similar role, but are there to provide muscle or function as specialists in infiltration and decep­ tion. The leader and elite members of these Anarchy Teams and might be thought of as super-powered and supernatu­ ral "Special Forces." Prior to the Minion War, their jobs were to enforce Doctor Vilde's will on an unsuspecting world and to protect him and his schemes. This involved all kinds of chaos around the globe to keep the so-called "superhe­ roes" off balance and off Doctor Vilde's trail. In some cases, this has included manipulating or antagonizing government leaders, political parties, underworld figures, terrorists and super-villains into acts of aggression, conflict and war. Many of Vilde's Deevils and human minions have excelled at this, and they have had free rein to do whatever they de­ Ah, but all of this is what might happen. Right now, no­ body - not superheroes or villains - knows what Doctor Vi/de or the Deevils are up to. Nobody (or few) have any inkling they are rocketing toward Armageddon, who's to blame, or how to stop it. That's where our heroes come in. Will they figure things out before it's too late? They might not, except things are about to heat up when the Minion War escalates and spills into the streets of every nation on Earth. But more on that later. 100 Eagles can keep it that way and hold everything together for another 8-10 weeks, Vilde can unleash Armageddon, swoop in and conquer the world, bring Hell to Earth, and turn our planet into a dimensional nexus that could help the Deevils win the Minion War. So that's where the heroes and people of Earth stand - on the brink of destruction, and they don't even know it. Yet. There are a few super groups and individuals who have started to hear some disturbing rumors on a number of fronts. One is about a cosmic war between the minions of two rival domains of Hell and how that war is being fought in secret on Earth. A variety of rumors are starting to surface about the Church of Unity. Some tell of a secretive and dark side to the church. Another claims church leaders dabble in dark magic, engage in secret rites that involve human sacrifices, and may even be affiliated with evil supernatural forces. Another warns the church is assembling an army of angry mutants for purposes unknown. Psychics and practitioners of magic report a disturbing increase in supernatural occurrences and encounters with evil supernatural forces, particularly Deevils and demons, worldwide. And in some circles, there is talk about a new world or­ der and a coming apocalypse. It is interesting to note that none of the rumors mention Doctor Vi/de by name, as few even know he has ever ex­ isted. However, there is talk of an "evil mastermind" pulling strings and hatching a plan for global domination. Few gov­ ernments or heroes, however, believe it. In North America, it is the responsibility of the Black Eagles to make sure nobody interferes with Doctor Vilde's plan for Armageddon, especially when they are so close to making it a reality. Thus, if Vilde or the Black Eagles catch word about heroes (the player characters?) sniffing around or getting too close to the truth, they'll take immediate and extreme measures to undermine or eliminate them. The likelihood of a hero's investigation being found out is better than one might imagine. Doctor Vilde has a vast global net­ work of shape shifting Deevils, Devilkins and other Minions of Dyval, a growing army of loyal mutant supermen, fanati­ cal church members, snitches, spies, hired guns and con­ nections in the government and criminal underworld that keep him and his people informed about everything. Black Eagles Anarchy Team America The Black Eagles are Doctor Vilde's newest Anarchy Team. While some members have had prior combat experi­ ence, others, even some of the Deevils, are rather inexpe­ rienced. The elite members of the team have been working together for 18 months, and are only now starting to gel as a team. Their small army of underlings are even greener, with many being recent recruits from the Church of Unity; at least half are only first and second level. The reason for this inexperience is twofold: One, the Black Eagles team has recently been expanded in preparation of leading Doctor Vilde's forces when Armageddon occurs. Two, a previous American Anarchy Team was decimated 20 months ago in an onslaught by a heroic band of super beings. Shortly afterward, Doctor Vilde discovered that the attack was se­ cretly instigated by Hades Demons who used the mortal heroes as pawns to do their dirty work. Vilde has since had his revenge on the demons responsible, and neither the heroes nor the demons' superiors realize he (Doctor Vilde) was the benefactor behind the Black Eagles or that the American team was part of a much, much bigger plot to bring about Armageddon. Still, damage was done and Doctor Vilde has had to rebuild his elite American Anarchy Team. All in all, Doctor Vilde is very pleased with the new Black Eagles team. The team leader is a charismatic ex-military man known as Savage Cane. He had a good reputation as a capable warrior, leader and villain before being recruited for the Anarchy Team. The human has proven to be an ex­ ceptional leader with a good head for strategy and tactics, seeing the big picture and managing the logicists of a large, secret military force. In time, he could become a general in the empire Doctor Vilde imagines himself building very soon. The Black Eagles Anarchy Team was originally de­ signed to be a thorn in the side of the authorities and super­ heroes in North America. They, like all Anarchy Teams, are assigned the task of keeping the authorities, governments, political groups, and pesky vigilante heroes engaged with all sorts of domestic issues involving corruption, crime, drugs, murder and mayhem. Thus, while the Black Eagles are themselves known as a super-villain group, they also pull the strings of several other groups and criminal orga­ nizations, as well as instigate criminal and terrorist activity, and encourage extremists and madmen to create trouble and strife. This includes attacks on government officials and politicians, undermining authority, creating civil unrest, and a host of other problems. All of it is a massive campaign of misdirection to create obvious problems to keep everyone looking in the wrong direction and away from the Church of Unity and, most importantly, Doctor Vilde's operations to bring about Armageddon. It is a plan that has worked like a charm. Nobody has yet uncovered the Armageddon plot nor discovered the pur­ pose or placement of the Chaos Generators. If the Black Resources Elite Members of the Team Savage Cane - Mega-Mystically Bestowed - Com­ mander of the Black Eagles. Azaron - Deevil Beast, Second in Command of the Black Eagles. Canus Fenry Subordinate of Cane, security and de­ fense. Dirge - Devilkin Subordinate of Cane, security & intel­ ligence. 101 Minotaur - Mutant Animal and weapons expert. Roach Kid - Mutant Experiment, computer hacker, en­ forcer, intelligence and espionage. Silver Condor - Hardware Analytical Genius, robotics expert and combat. has yet to find a permanent base to their liking. For now, the Black Falcon functions as a mobile base. Whenever it lands, the aircraft is covered with camouflage netting or concealed via magic and a field base established around it. The Black Eagle squad is currently operating 20 miles (32 km) outside of Century Station in an old, abandoned fac­ tory. In addition to the elite members of the team there are 96 support members and lesser operatives. Overall Troops/Minions The lists below are the troops available to the Black Ea­ gles at any given moment. Savage Cane is assessing his team member's strengths and weakness and trying to as­ semble groups where people's skills, powers and various abilities complement each other. His typical strategy is to assign members based on their areas of expertise and the mission requirements. Savage Cane and his elite squad are described later in this section. Modes of Transportation: The team has a fleet of ground vehicles from motorcycles and cars to trucks, to combat vehicles, including several souped up semi-trucks. They also have a little bit of military hardware such as a few mini-tanks that can be transported in the semis. Aircraft are fewer, but available. Helicopters are used a lot and the Black Falcon flying fortress is the team's mobile base. Non-Oeevil Minions The Black Falcon Mortals without super abilities; typically common thugs -1,200 Mutants empowered via the Milk of Power - 220 Mortals with Minor Super Abilities - 22 Mortals with Major Super Abilities - 13 Mega-Villains - 2 The Black Falcon is a mega-sized cargo jet that has been seriously modified with advanced and alien technolo­ gy that includes a fusion based power supply, radar cloak­ ing device, VTOL capabilities and super alloy construction. The jet is the brainchild of Doctor Vilde brought to life by Silver Condor, Doctor Mech and a manufacturer in another dimension. The original aircraft was built and deployed by the U.S. military as a stealth cargo plane with supersonic capabilities. The need for a stealth cargo jet arose dur­ ing the first Gulf War, where many cargo planes where being shot down and vital supplies and troops could not be delivered. The prototype ended up costing more than anticipated, plagued with bugs and eventually, the proj­ ect was scrapped and the plane sent to mothballs. It was later stolen from a bone yard in the Arizona desert. While technically the plane was in for storage, it was due to be scrapped. Host (Oeevil Minion Race) Cryxon -10 Shock Dragons - 6 Stalkers -4 Tiger Beasts - 6 Lesser Oeevils Bonelings - None Deevils -12 Devilkins - 6 Dire Harpies 10 Fenry, Demon Wolves - 8 Fiends - 4 Gorgons - 2 Ice Wraiths - 2 Imps-6 Naga Deevils - 12 Nexus Deevils - None The plane was modeled after the Antonov AN-225 Mriya Cossack built in the Ukraine. However, the U.S. used car­ bon fiber to construct the skin of the hull, making the aircraft much lighter and at the same time fitting it with the most advanced and powerful engines at the time. The volume of cargo the aircraft could hold was the largest of its time, and it could haul over 500,000 pounds (225,000 kg). With the added stealth capabilities, the aircraft would have been perfect, but it was not completed until after the first Gulf War and when military spending cuts came, the aircraft was retired. At least until Doctor Vilde "acquired" it. Greater Oeevils Arch Fiends - 2 Beasts - 4 Deevil Dragons - None Deevil Wraiths - 1 Horrors - 3 Pandemoniums - None Serpents - 3 The first things that were added to the Black Falcon were additional engines to give it Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) capabilities. Each swept wing contains three pow­ erful jet engines. The wings have been modified to fold up, enabling the aircraft to take off and land in a smaller zone, and a range of weapons were added. As for a power source, the Deevil Doctor Vilde used his otherworldly con­ nections to acquire a power supply from another dimen­ sion that was the equivalent of a mini-nuclear reactor. Alien cloaking technology from yet another world, in another di­ mension, made the massive, yet sleek aircraft capable of hopping around the world invisible to detection from even the most advanced Earth radar and sensors. Range of Operation. The Black Eagle team is charged with handling operations throughout North America (Cana­ da, Mexico and the USA). Permanent Lair/Base. Savage Cane has tried a vari­ ety of different locations without satisfaction. He is currently based in a network of warehouses near Century Station that he uses as staging and massing areas, but the team 102 Model Type: BF-400 Class: Modified Combat Support Aircraft modified to func­ tion as a mobile command center and base, with housing for 36. Crew: 6, which includes the pilot, co-pilot, navigator, two engineers and a load master for cargo. Note: Passenger capabilities for 36. Includes six private bedrooms, two bar­ rack style quarters, a war room, small private conference room (for 10), kitchen, communications, and cargo bay. A.R.: 15, but the aircraft relies on stealth, not armor for pro­ tection. S.D.C. by Location: Flight Crew Cabin 400 Nose/Front Loading Door - 600 Rear Cargo Door - 400 Wings (2) - 800 each Tail Section - 1,000 Flight Engines (6) - 300 each VTOL Engines (8) 200 each Main Body - 3,000 Speed: The maximum speed is Mach 1.2, with cruising speed around 500 mph (800 km). Range: Effectively unlimited thanks to the alien power sys­ tem; 20 year life. (8,000 miles/12,800 km with conventional fuel system.) Statistical Data: Height: 59 feet (18 m). Wingspan: Wings fully extended 290 feet (88.4 m). Length: 275 feet (84 m). Weight (Empty): 314 tons. Cargo Payload: Can carry up to 250 tons of cargo and pas­ sengers. Power System: Nuclear with a 20 year life. Market Cost: One of a kind. Weapon Systems & Features: 1. Concealed Laser Turrets (4): The Black Falcon is not meant as a front-line fighter, but it can defend itself in a pinch. The ship is built for stealth, so weapon turrets are sleek and low profile as to not compromise the aircraft's stealth capabilities. There are two turrets located on the top and bottom of the aircraft's body. Each can rotate 360 degrees and has a 90 degree arc of fire. Range: 4,000 feet (1,219 m). Damage: 1D6x1 0 per blast. Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one of the gunner's at­ tacks per melee round. Payload: Effectively unlimited; tied to the power supply. 2. Radar Pulse Scrambler: Designed by Doctor Mech and Iron Condor, the radar pulse weapon renders all radar units in a two-mile (3.2 km) area temporarily inoperable. The pulse is an intensified radar wave that scrambles other radar waves. While the Black Falcon radar scram­ bling unit is active, the plane's own radar is also ren­ dered useless and pilots must rely on their own sight to fly and engage in combat reduce all combat bonuses to zero and impose a Piloting skill penalty of -30% for all special maneuvers. Since the Black Falcon is stealth capable to begin with, it is mainly designed to scramble 103 the flight and combat capabilities of other aircraft, guided missiles (no bonus to strike), vehicles, and ground sta­ tions, and cause confusion. 3. Cargo Hold: The Black Falcon has an immense hold capable of holding four semi-trucks and trailers or any combination of vehicles or cargo. There is also a pas­ senger area that is able to hold 36 people comfortably, 50 under cramped conditions. Note that power armor, supernatural troops and super beings who can survive cold and harsh conditions can be transported in place of cargo. Can hold as many as 120 human-sized troops. Savage Cane Leader of the Black Eagles Born in upstate New York, Roger Baron was your AII­ American boy. He graduated with honors from his high school, considered college, but enlisted right away in the military to serve his country. He served his country with dis­ tinction and advanced up the chain of command. At the end of his tour, instead of going to college as he had planned, he decided to reenlist. He liked the Marines and what they stood for, and there was a strong sense of fellowship in his platoon. Roger excelled at everything the Marines threw at him and finally, during a conflict overseas, he and a select few were chosen for a secret mission far behind enemy lines. He and his men were to obtain proof of genocide and other war crimes. Unfortunately, due to poor intelligence Roger and his team were ambushed and became prison­ ers of war. To make matters worse, he was wounded. Cut off from the United States military, they were tortured for months before being rescued. Captain Roger Baron and a few other survivors suffered from both physical injuries and posttraumatic stress syndrome. While most of his men recovered, Captain Baron would not be joining them; the torture he had endured rendered his legs useless. Despite the best therapy the military could provide, Captain Baron would never walk again. He was discharged with honors and sent back to the States. What nobody realized was Captain Baron was waging an even greater battle in his own heart and mind. In addi­ tion to the trauma you would expect from such torture and captivity, one of his torturers was a super being with in­ credible mind powers. This villain tore down the delicate psyches of the captured Marines and tried to rebuild them to an evil and twisted way of thinking. Several of Baron's men could not handle the strain and became catatonic or suffered a brain hemorrhage and died. Not Captain Baron. He fought the brainwashing survived, only the battle contin­ ued as frustration and anger raged inside of him. He was a changed man. The patriotic hero was gone, and looked upon the world governments and political systems with dis­ dain. Back home in the United States, his views and out­ look were so completely different that he estranged himself from his friends and family, and hated his own body for his disability. Then the dreams started. They involved a massive figure made of shadows. Behind the figure the sky was red and seemed to burn . Somehow he knew this being was a de­ ity of some kind. The being encouraged Roger to unleash his feelings and express his rage . After several screaming sessions, he and the shadow just talked. They talked about everything, but mostly about the unfairness of life, injustice and revenge . The dreams continued for months , but quickly became welcomed, not frightening. Finally, the shadow of­ fered him a deal: If he was willing to give himself over to the comforting darkness, he would become one of "the favored " and be granted the power and means to not only change his life, but to change the United States, and perhaps, the fate of the entire world l Roger wasn't sure what it all meant, but he knew it was what he wanted. That night the dreams stopped, he was Mystically Bestowed by the Lord of Hades, and Savage Cane was born . The extent and use of his new found magical and super abilities came as easy to Savage Cane as breathing air. He loved that he could transform into a completely whole and powerful super being. The next few years were spent in criminal campaigns, personal gain and acts of vengeance . The first to feel his righteous wrath were his torturers, each and every one of them hunted down and slain . Then he overturned the tin-plated regime they served. It didn't mat­ ter that more innocent people suffered at the expense of his revenge and the instability it brought to the region. Roughly two years ago , he had another dream , his first in a long time. In it, the shadow told him to expect a visita­ tion from someone who would offer him the opportunity to change the world, and that it was an offer he should take. When Doctor Vilde showed up on his doorstep the next day, Savage Cane didn't question it and accepted his offer to become leader of the Black Eagles. The man was further rewarded by full disclosure of Vilde's plan for world domi­ nation in the aftermath of Armageddon , and becoming a powerful player in the realm of Dyvalian Hell. The revelation made sense: Wipe away the old , transform the Earth into something new and become a General in the Army of Hell. It felt right. Over the next several months , Roger Baron joined the Church of Unity, moved to Century Station, and his alter ego, Savage Cane, began running missions for Doctor Vilde in between making preparations to organize and lead Anarchy Team America: The Black Eagles . Roger Baron was chosen by Doctor Vilde from a small list of potential candidates to lead his North American forc­ es. It is a decision that has proven to be a wise one. Savage Cane is dedicated to the cause (if not Doctor Vilde specifi­ cally) and is a brilliant leader. So far, he has rebuilt the team and handled the job as if born to it. He has every intention of leading the Black Eagles in fulfilling Doctor Vilde's plans and taking the necessary steps to create a new world order. Savage Cane Also known as: The Savage Avenger and Savage Fury Real Name: Roger Baron. Alignment: Aberrant (was Scrupulous). Attributes: 1.0. 17, M.E. 10, M.A. 15 (25), P.S. 25 (35), P.P. 10 (22), P.E. 20, PB. 12, Spd 12 in a wheelchair, 4 pulling himself along or using crutches and 66 as a super being. Note: The numbers in parentheses are the 104 stats that apply when he is mystically transformed into Savage Cane. Hit Points: 58 (98 when transformed). S.D.C.: 46 (166 when transformed). Height: 6 feet (1.8 m). Weight: 200 Ibs (90 kg); mostly muscle. Age: 35. Sex: Male. P.P.E.: 190 Disposition: When in his normal, human form Roger is a moody, bitter and resentful man with no hopes or dreams, given to loud, angry outbursts. He is an outspoken, no nonsense person who complains about the system and injustice, and how it needs to be fixed. In his superhuman persona of Savage Cane, he is much more reserved, self-controlled and avoids pontifi­ cating. He is a confident and decisive leader who gets to the point, never gives in to pettiness or favoritism when dealing with his troops, and is highly regarded by those under his command. Smart and resourceful, Savage Cane adapts quickly to changing circumstances and is good at strategies and tactics. However, he has earned the "Savage" part of his name by being brutal and merci­ less in battle. He has little regard for life, and is quick to make an example or point by killing a hostage or one of his men for a mistake or carelessness. Unless instructed otherwise, he'd rather not take prisoners, which has led to savage slaughters. The fact that he thinks the Earth needs to be wiped clean through Armageddon and a new order established by the Lords of Hell speaks vol­ umes about this man of action. Experience Level: 8th level Mega-Mystically Bestowed. Education Level and Skills: Military Specialist. Basic Military Program: Climbing 98%/88%, Military Eti­ quette 93%, Radio: Basic 98%, Running, w.P. Rifle at 8th level proficiency. Basic Skills: Mathematics: Basic 83%, Speak Native Language (English) 98%, and Read and Write Native Language (English) 88%. Endowed Knowledge: Lore: Demons and Monsters 73%. Espionage Program (Basic): Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 83%, Intelligence 78%, Sniper, Tracking 78% and Wilderness Survival 83%. Military Program: Camouflage 78%, Demolitions 98%, Parachuting 98% and Trap/Mine Detection 78%. Pilot Advanced Program: Navigation (Land, Sea, Air) 88%, Pilot Automobile 87%, Pilot Helicopter 83%, Pilot Tanks and APCs 77%, Pilot Truck 81%, Read Sensory Equipment 78% and Weapon Systems 88%. w.P. Modern Program: W.P. Automatic Pistol, w.P. Auto­ matic and Semi-Automatic Rifles, and w.P. Bolt-Action Rifle. Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Body Building and Weightlifting, Fishing 78%, Prowl 63%, Swimming 88%. Power Category: Mystically Bestowed on a Mega level. It should be noted that the attributes above in parenthesis are when Roger is mystically transformed into Savage Cane. 105 Super Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Deevil Fury, Energy Expulsion: Soul Blast, and Teleport (as per the Major Super Ability). Vulnerabilities/Physical Limitations: When Savage Cane is his alter ego, Roger Baron, he is confined to a wheelchair, has limited mobility and lacks super powers or spell casting abilities. This is when he is at his most vulnerable, and why Doctor Vilde has the three Deevils in the group guard and protect him, especially in human form. Another vulnerability is his zealous belief that Ar­ mageddon and Deevil rule is good for the world. If Ar­ mageddon is stopped, and especially if Doctor Vilde is slain, Savage Cane will lose purpose and may become emotionally unstable and more vicious. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts and Boxing. Attacks per Melee: Seven. Bonuses: +5 on initiative, +6 to strike, +8 to parry and dodge, +4 to roll with punch or fall, +3 to pull punch, +4 to disarm, +20 to damage, +6 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs possession, +5 to save vs Horror Factor, +3 to save vs psionics, 84% trust/intimidate and +10% save vs coma/death. Other Combat Info: Backward Sweep, Karate Kick, Leap attack (Critical Strike), Paired Weapons, Tripping Leg Hook, Roundhouse Kick, Wheel Kick, and Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20. Magic: Savage Cane knows the following spells and has 190 P.P.E. and +2 to Spell Strength. Level One: Blinding Flash (1), Cloud of Smoke (2), See the Invisible (4) and Sense Magic (4). Level Two: Chameleon (6), Darkness (6), Fear/Horror Factor (5) and Weightlessness (6). Level Three: Armor of Ithan (10), Invisibility: Simple (10), Impervious to Fire (6), Paralysis: Lesser (5), and Teleki­ nesis (8). Level Four: Blind (8), Multiple Image (7), Shadow Meld (10), Magic Net (7) and Trance (7). Level Five: Domination (10) and Horrific Illusion (10). Level Six: CompulSion (20) and Time Slip (20). Level Seven: Agony (20), Fly as the Eagle (25) and Life Drain (25). Level Eight: Wisps of Confusion (40). Psionics: None. Weapons: Out of habit he still carries a Glock 17, 9mm Service pistol, with two extra clips (one with silver bul­ lets), but rarely uses it. Roger revels in being the Mysti­ cally Bestowed superhuman Savage Cane, and relies heavily on his powers and resourceful mind. He is a nat­ ural leader who has earned the respect of his elite team members and the subordinates he commands. As any good leader would do, Savage Cane sees his troops, even those without special abilities, as weapons in his arsenal, and uses them well, but it also means they are expendable. Vehicles and Other Equipment: As one of Doctor Vilde's elite Anarchy Teams, the Black Eagles can acquire just about any weapon, piece of equipment or vehicle they need to carry off a mission or take down demons. Sav­ age Cane has immediate access to all of the vehicles as­ signed to his team as well as any reasonable equipment he might need. Money: Has access to a vast resource network and can get pretty much anything he needs. He has access to an offshore account that has eight million dollars to cover various operating expenses. His personal wealth is at 1.7 million dollars. The money is in various offshore and Swiss accounts under different identities. trusting and working with Savage Cane gets good results and earns him reward and opportunities to indulge in the darker pleasures. Azaron had initially challenged Savage Cane for control of the Black Eagles and resented having to answer to a mere human. Azaron figured he could intimidate the man into submission, but had a rude awakening when Cane didn't hesitate to put him in his place and threatened to take him down. Savage Cane could have beaten the Beast into submission or embarrassed him in front of the troops as is typical among the denizens of Dyval. Instead, he kept their squabbles and skirmishes private, and has publicaly sung Azaron's praises for his successes. Furthermore, it was Savage Cane who chose Azaron as his second-in-com­ mand. All these actions have won him the Beast's grudging respect and cooperation. As a result, the two have been getting along increaSingly well and Azaron obeys Savage Cane's orders without question. More importantly, the Beast watches his leader's back. That's not to say things might not change in the future, but for now, the human leader of the Black Eagles has won the support of a powerful ally. Among other things, Azaron is a glutton who loves to indulge in eating. His tastes range from fine food, elegant dining, fine wine and alcohol to fast food, junk food, sweets and snacks. As if the barrel-chested Beast wasn't bulky enough to begin with, his gluttony makes him appear fat and flabby. That has worked to his advantage, as a number of opponents have underestimated the Beasts because of his soft appearance. Despite his mass and girth, Azaron is fast, strong and deadly much faster and powerful than most people realize. Furthermore, Azazon is a skilled war­ riorwho loves fighting and killing. He is a merciless brute on the battlefield and terror in any confrontation. Black Eagle Deevils Savage Cane has three Deevils on his elite team. They serve as bodyguards, consultants and active team mem­ bers. As is the nature of Deevils, they tend to lurk in the shadows where they watch their leader's back, look for po­ tential opportunities and problems, and watch out for am­ bushes and treachery that could hurt the team and Doctor Vilde's plans. Savage Cane is especially vulnerable in his human form when he is confined to his wheelchair, and is likely to be guarded by all three of them during that period. When the infernals are not by their leader's side, they are out gathering intelligence and performing various missions to help protect the Black Eagles or the Church of Unity, and plans to bring about Armageddon. Azaron the Beast, Quick Stats Second-in-Command of the Black Eagles Azaron is a Greater Deevil known as a Beast. He has always had great aspirations, but never the willingness to go the extra mile to make them a reality. Instead he makes a half-hearted effort and complains when things don't work out. He always feels he is due something more, be it praise, glory or tangible reward, and complains about being un­ appreciated, treated unfairly or a victim. He has not been rewarded with the rank of Regent that he believes he de­ serves, nor has he ever been praised by any of the Deevil Lords whom he claims to serve so faithfully. It is probably because effort and hard work are something he detests and tries to avoid. All he is truly good at is fighting, debauchery and complaining. Azaron believes he is indirectly responsible for the de­ mise of the previous incarnation of the Black Eagles due to his failure to gather the necessary intelligence that would have warned the team of a likely trap. It is a secret he keeps to himself and has managed to hide from Doctor Vilde and his teammates. Though he feels shame and responsibility for the unfortunate incident, it is still not enough to get him to up his game and be more diligent. If Azaron has learned anything from his past failures, it is to sweep them under the rug and delegate responsibility so there is someone else to take the fall. He is extremely good at finding scape­ goats, but he has also become rather good at delegating responsibility to those who will do a better job than he. It is a management talent that surprises even him. Azaron's posi­ tion as Second-in-Command allows him to assign the best Deevils for any given problem or situation and, as of late, he has had positive results doing so. He has also found that Deevil Race: Beast, a Greater Deevil. Also known as: Azaron the Destroyer and Azaron the Ter­ rible. Alignment: Miscreant. Attributes: La. 19, M.E. 18, M.A. 18, P.S. 40 (Supernatu­ ral), P.P. 22, P.E. 20 (Supernatural), P.B. 12, Spd 28 on the ground, 80 flying. Hit Points: 100. S.D.C.: 58. A.R.: 15. P.P.E.: 180 Experience Level: 5th level Beast. Disposition: Azaron may be a fierce warrior, but tends to be a whiner when he doesn't get his way and is always complaining about something. Azaron seldom backs down from a fight, and is merciless in combat. He just hates to deal with what he considers mundane tasks that could be handled by other, lesser beings. He'd much rather indulge himself than put forth real effort. Skills of Note: Detect Ambush 60%, Detect Concealment 55%, Interrogation Techniques 70%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 65%, Streetwise 42%, Tracking 55%, w.P. Sword, w.P. Chain, and w.P. Heavy. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 120 feet (36.6 m), see the in­ visible, metamorphosis at will into any humanoid, or bull, dimensional teleport 78%, resistant to fire and cold (half 106 damage), Bio-Regeneration 406 S.o.C./Hit Points per melee , magically knows all languages, and Supernatural Strength and Endurance . Attacks per Melee: Five. Magic Abilities: 180 P.P.E. Level One Through Three: All spells from levels 1-3. Level Four: Magic Net (7) and Multiple Image (7) . Level Five : Circle of Flame (10), Domination (10) , En­ ergy Disruption (15), and Heal Wounds (10). Level Si x: Call Lightning (15) and Fire Ball (10). Level Seven : Animate and Control Dead (20) and Light­ blade (20) Level Eight: Exorcism (30) . Level Nine: Desiccate the Supernatural (50). Level Ten : Banishment (65) . Psionics: None. Weapons and Equipment: Azaron has a Flaming Chrys­ teel Flamberge that does 406 damage, and hinders Bio­ Regeneration (half the usual amount) . When flaming it does 606 damage , double damage to beings vulnerable to fi re or heat. Money: Azaron likes to live large and has amassed small fortunes many times, only to spend them all. He has managed to sock away a million dollars and is expecting a position of wealth and power if Doctor Vilde's plans work out. Canus, Fenry Quick Stats Canus is a Fenry, a giant wolf with black fur and, in her case, red all around her muzzle and chest, stained with the blood of her many victims . Canus has seen little action in the Minion War and this is her first assignment outside of Dyval. She is eager to tear out the throats of every demon she comes across , and was initially disappointed to be as­ signed to a mere human. However, Savage Cane has let the Fenry indulge herself on several occasions, slaughter­ ing and devouring enemies , as well as henchmen who have disappointed or are suspected of disloyalty. Canus has also been allowed to feast on innocent people who have seen or learned too much. As long as the Fenry is able to satiate her bloodlust, she is Savage Cane's obedient servant. The main duties of Can us are security and to serve as Savage Cane's personal bodyguard, thus the two are rarely apart . Whenever possible , Canus watches from the shadows, showing herself only to attack, to hold a potential threat at bay, or when the team leader calls for her. When not protecting Savage Cane, the Fenry prowls the perim­ eter, vigilant for intruders and hungry for demon blood. Deevil Race : Fenry, a Lesser Deevil. Alignment: Diabolic. Attributes: 1.0. 9, M.E . 15, MA 11, PS . 30 (Supernatu­ ral), P.P. 20, PE 25 (Supernatural) , PB. 10 , Spd 100 (70 mph/112 km). Hit Points: 65. S.D.C.: 27. A.R.: 10. Disposition: Bloodthirsty, cruel and vindictive. Given the choice, Canus will play with her prey like a cat with a mouse. Otherwise, if she has to fight, she goes right for the throat or the quickest way to cripple and kill an op­ ponent. Experience Level: 2nd level Fenry. Skills of Note: Lore: Demons and Monsters 50%, Prowl 35%, Streetwise 54%, Swim 55%, and Track Humanoids 50%. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), impervious to fire (takes no damage from fire based attacks), magi­ cally knows all languages, can leap 30 feet (9 m) high or 50 feet (15.2 m) lengthwise (double with a running start), dimensional teleport 31%, Bio-Regeneration 3D6 S.D.C.lHit Points per melee, track blood by scent 72%, and recognize scents of others 56%. Magic Abilities: None. Psionic Abilities: Has all Healing, PhYSical, and Sensitive psionic powers and 60 I.S.P. Attacks per Melee: Five. Bonuses (All): +3 on initiative, +4 on Perception Rolls, +7 to strike, +5 to parry and dodge, +1 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impacUfall, +7 to save vs magic, and +8 to save vs Horror Factor. Weapons and Equipment: Uses none. Money: A few thousand dollars as she is a creature of sim­ ple tastes and the team tends to provide her with all she needs. Dirge, Devilkin Quick Stats Dirge was the first to be assigned to Savage Cane's elite squad. The two hit it off immediately and get along reason­ ably well as they both seem to have similar outlooks on all things. While Dirge was not thrilled about being assigned to a human, especially one he was to answer to, he has come to respect Savage Cane, recognizes him as a ca­ pable leader, and believes the man fits in well among the Minions of Dyval. At times, Savage Cane even acts like a Devilkin: cunning and ruthless. One of Dirge's main jobs is to gather intelligence on enemies and potential targets. This usually involves the Devilkin taking a human form to infiltrate and spy upon the enemy. Dirge may also be asked to steal, plant false evidence, kidnap and perform other nefarious acts of es­ pionage. sabotage and blackmail. The Devilkin's natural abilities and skills make him the perfect spy. and Savage Cane has come to rely on his intelligence gathering and treacherous abilities. In Devilkin form. Dirge has the upper torso of a man with silver hair and a pair of small horns protruding from his fore­ head. His lower body is that of a goat with cloven hooves and silver fur. When in disguise, he seldom uses the same appearance twice, unless it is to establish an undercover identity for spying or infiltration. Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 15, M.A. 20, P.S. 24 (Supernatu­ ral), P.P. 20, P.E. 18 (Supernatural), P.B. 20, Spd 18. Hit Points: 48. S.D.C.: 38. A.R.: 12. Disposition: Dirge tends to be quiet and reserved. but al­ ways alert and aware of his surroundings. which makes him an excellent spy. He speaks only when necessary and keeps his thoughts and desires to himself. Dirge prefers to lurk in the shadows and ambush opponents and targets when they least expect it. Experience Level: 5th level Devilkin. Skills of Note: Computer Operation 70%, Escape Artist 64%, Forgery 54%, Intelligence 62%, Interrogation 74%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 70%, Surveillance 59%, W.P. Blunt. WP. Knife, WP. Pistol and W.P. Whip. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), see the in­ visible. turn to mist, metamorphosis: human or animal, dimensional teleport 66%, fire and cold resistant (takes half damage from these kinds of attacks), Bio-Regener­ ation 3D6 S.D.C.lHit Points per melee round, magically knows and speaks all languages, can leap 30 feet (9.1 m), and has Supernatural Strength and Endurance. Attacks per Melee: Five. Bonuses (All): +1 on initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls, +5 strike, parry, and dodge, +3 to pull punch, +3 to roll with impacUfall, +4 to save vs magic, and +6 to save vs Hor­ ror Factor. Magic Abilities: Dirge knows all levels 1-3 Fire Elemen­ tal magic, plus Calling (8), Compulsion (20), Cure Minor Disorders (10), Domination (10), Energy Disruption (15), Heal Wounds (10), Luck Curse (40), Phobia Curse (40), Remove Curse (140), Trance (7) and Turn Dead (6). He has 160 P.P.E. Weapons and Equipment: Dirge has come to value some modern conveniences and always has the latest in por­ table computers, cameras, spy gear, electronics and cell phones. He carries a silver dagger, 9mm pistol (5D6 damage per bullet) with a 15 shot clip, two spare clips and a third clip loaded with silver bullets. Minotaur Weapons Expert Minotaur is one of the newest members of the Black Ea­ gles. He has only been with the team for six months. and in that time he has never felt more alive. He has been shuttled around the U.S. and has seen sights he has never seen before. He doesn't really know much about what Doctor Vilde or the Black Eagles are planning, other than they are very anxious of it to happen something about a new world order and ruling over the world. As long as it includes him, Minotaur doesn't really care. That's one of his weaknesses, a desperate need to feel wanted and part for a group or family. Prior to joining the Black Eagles he was a bodyguard at a genetics engineering company for the corporate ex­ ecutive who helped design him. They called him Bo v2.7 or Buffalo Bill back then, and he was often teased, mocked and picked on by his boss and other executives. The man Deevil Race: Devilkin, a Lesser Deevil. Alignment: Aberrant. 108 become a member of the elite Black Eagles Anarchy Team. The other teammates were skeptical at first , but Minotaur (the name Azaron gave him) has proven himself a worthy and reliable teammate. If anything, the childlike brute is overprotective of his teammates and fiercely loyal to them. Savage Cane and Doctor Mech enjoy Minotaur's childlike innocence and naivete, Silver Condor treats him like a big puppy dog, Roach Kid likes to tease him but stands up for him in a fight, and the Deevils like to boss him around, but not too much since the team leader and the notorious Doc­ tor Mech are fond of the big lug . For Minotaur, life with the Black Eagles is the closest thing he's ever had to a family, and he loves it. Minotaur isn't stupid, but hasn't lived. He knows little about the outside world and marvels at everything he sees. He likes to fight and is very good at it, but he's not blood­ thirsty or vengeful. Fighting is simply all he has ever known. The mutant is not evil either, he's just never been taught the difference between right and wrong , good or evil. Mino­ taur is happy to follow along and do as his adopted "family" tells him. At least for now. Under the right circumstances, that could change. In fact , Minotaur doesn't know what "Ar­ mageddon " means . He finds the world as it is to be amazing and wouldn't want to see it destroyed or millions of people killed. He has no idea what the Black Eagles and Doctor Vilde have planned for the fate of the planet. Right now, he has found a place where he is accepted and he likes be­ ing a team member. All this means that if someone played his cards right and could convince Minotaur of Vilde's evil scheme , the mutant could become a valuable ally. Minotaur has seen a lot of what's going on, and while he may not be able to put it all together, he could provide some valuable intelligence , such as the locations of weapon caches, safe houses, current bases of operation , the knowledge that the Church of Unity is all part of the mad scheme , as well as the names Doctor Vilde, Doctor Mech and other key op­ eratives in Vilde 's doomsday scheme. Minotaur also knows Vilde's secret base is someplace in the Pacific (but not the exact location) and that the Anarchy Teams are supposed to protect something called Chaos Generators. Minotaur even knows the locations of 104+1 Chaos Generators in North America. Minotaur Real Name: Bo v2.7. Alignment: Anarchist . Attributes: I.Q. 9, ME 14, MA 14, P.S . 24, P.P. 12, PE . 18, PB 10, Spd 24 Age: 4. Sex: Male. Height: 9 feet, 5 inches (2.8 m). Weight: 450 Ibs (203 kg) . Hit Points: 34. S.D.C .: 80. Natural A.R.: 7, but wears body armor for additional protection. Disposition: Minotaur is not the brightest bulb in the pack, but his curiosity and personality are those of a child. Most of the world is new to him and he gets excited over the things most people take for granted. He is generally a jovial, playful character who gets along well with the rest of the team. In combat , Minotaur is a capable fighter and enjoys all physical challenges . Of course , he likes to was a cruel master who treated Buffalo Bill like a dog, and when he was angry or drunk, the man used Bo v2.7 for a punching bag . That was until Bo finally had enough one day and tossed the man through a plate glass window on the 45th floor. The poor mutant animal had to make a mad dash down the stairs and fight his way out of the building. He barely escaped with his life intact. On the run , he had to learn to survive on the streets . Not an easy task for a mutant buffalo nearly 10 feet (3 m) tall and a mutant who had never set foot in the outside world before . If it weren't for the Mutant Underground stepping in , he would almost certainly have been captured and put down like a mad dog. After a short while , he was taken to the Church of Unity and eventually recruited by Azaron to 109 win and gets irritable when he loses, thus he does what­ ever it takes to win even if it's underhanded. Education Level and Skills of Note: Mutant Experiment. Physical: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Body Building, Boxing, Wrestling, Athletics, Swimming 60%. Secondary Skills: Climbing 50%/40%, Land Navigation 44%, Literacy: English 40%, Identify Plants and Fruits 35%, Play Musical Instrument (Drums) 45%, Prowl 35%, Track Animals 30%, Wilderness Survival 40%, WP. Blunt, WP. Chain, W.P. Semi-Automatic Pistol, WP. Heavy Weapons, and WP. Submachine-Gun. Experience Level: Three. Power Category: Mutant Animal (Buffalo). Size Level: 12. Build: Medium. Hands: Full. Biped: Full. Speech: Partial. Looks: None. Weapons: Large Horns 206 S.D.C. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. Attacks per Melee: Five. Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +6 parry and dodge, +6 to roll with punch or fall, +3 to pull punch, +2 to dis­ arm, +9 to damage, +2 to save vs magic, +6% to save vs coma/death. Other Combat Info: Karate style Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Wheel Kick, Axe Kick, Tripping/Leg Hook, Body Block Tackle, Pin/Incapacitate on a roll of 18-20. Magic: None. Psionics: None. Weapons and Armor: Minotaur has a suit of Hard Armor (A.R. 15) with 260 S.D.C. modified to fit his barrel chest frame (part of his spending spree). His favorite weapons include a billy club, flail, grenade launcher, and his own fists and horns. Fiberglass shock baton: 108 blunt S.D.C. damage or 206 electrical shock damage. It has 30 charges before needing to recharge the battery. Flail made out of steel: 206 damage. 10mm auto pistol: 406 per shot, 13 shot ammo clip, plus three extra clips. Pair of 9mm mini-Uzis: 606 damage per four round burst, 20 round magazine (four clips for each Uzi), range is 500 feet (152 m). 40mm M-1 Multiple Grenade Launcher: This is his all time favorite. Explosive grenades do 2D4x10 damage per grenade to everything in a six foot (1.8 m) radius, 10 grenade payload, range is 1,100 feet (335 m). In the alternative, the weapon can fire smoke, knockout gas or tear gas grenades. He often wears an bandoleer of grenades to reload when needed. He also has access to a RPG-7, but only carries it when he is expecting some heavy fighting. Vehicles and Other Equipment: He has a handheld com­ municator, a cell phone, a laser range finder, and a good pair of binoculars. Money: Of the money he has earned he only has $1,200 left. He's gone on a spending spree every time he comes into money. Roach Kid Espionage, Security and Enforcer Roach Kid was born Randal McDonnell. His parents were mutants who passed their worthless genes on to him. His small size and obvious inhuman appearance branded him a freak all of his life, making him the target of fear and loathing that led to bigotry, name calling and mistreatment. Worst, he didn't possess a single super ability, he just looked different. Being a little guy, Randal was always kicked around and bullied his entire youth. Not just by humans, but even by mutants who possessed super abilities. One day, he stum­ bled across the Church of Unity by accident when he was looking for a place to hide. He was surprised when he was welcomed by the church community with open arms. He was even more surprised to see so many Mutants and Ex­ periments at the church. Like him, they were people who didn't look like normal humans and couldn't fit into main­ stream society, but were welcomed and accepted at the Church of Unity. Better yet, powerless mutants like him could earn the chance to get super abilities. All this seemed to be Heaven sent, indeed. Roach Kid wasn't looking for salvation or a purpose. He was too busy just surviving. However, he was embraced by the Church of Unity and they by him. After only a short time, Randal was running errands for the church leaders. His knowledge of the streets and both the human underworld and Mutant Underground enabled him to gather intelligence and bring in new recruits. Before long, he was a rising star in the community. The church leaders couldn't help but no­ tice how Randal was willing to do anything for the church. Nor did the kid have ties with, or concern for, the people of the outside world. This made him a perfect recruit as an underling. Given a small degree of power and respon­ sibility, Randal showed an increased aptitude for cunning, guile and treachery. Soon, he had proven himself a class-A spy, snitch and backstabber in the service of the church. All traits his new masters admired and CUltivated. As a reward, he was one of the first to be given the Milk of Power, which bestowed him with the abilities of Growth and Shrink. Now calling himself Roach Kid, the empowered lad turned into a ruthless scoundrel with a true talent for skullduggery and brutality. His talents new even enabled him to uncover the truth about the Church of Unity and its connections with the Deevils of Dyval. Rather than be appalled or scared, Roach Kid thought it hilarious and ironic: His Heaven turned out to be Hell on Earth. He didn't care. This was the only place he ever felt at home and happy, and if that made him a Minion of Hell, so be it. When Doctor Vilde found out about Roach Kid's discov­ ery, and the fact that he kept it to himself and continued to serve the church well, he rewarded the boy's incredible loyalty and service. Vilde met with the teen to personal­ 110 engaged in bullying or torture, or he crushes an enemy. If there was ever a guy who loved his job , it is Roach Kid. Roach Kid Real Name: Randal McDonnell. Also known as: Bug Boy. Alignment: Miscreant (started out as Anarchist). Attributes: I.Q. 13, ME 10, MA 5, P.S. 12 (52 when full size), P.P. 14, PE . 20, P.B . 15, Spd 19 (38 when full size). Hit Points: 34. S.D.C.: 30 (800 S.D.C. when full size, and 15 S.DC. when shrunk down to 1/8 of an inch/3 mm). Age: 17. Sex: Male. Height: 4 feet, 6 inches (1.4 m), but 40 feet (12.2 m) when full size! Weight: 80 Ibs (36 kg), but five tons when giant. Disposition: The name Roach Kid rather says it all: Ran­ dal is a disgusting, creepy bug who snoops and goes wherever he pleases to spy and inform on people in and outside the Church of Unity. Using his ability to Shrink enables him to access the most unlikely of places and observe unseen, making him a wonderful spy. His power to grow into a giant enables him to surprise the unsus­ pecting and to give vent to the hate and anger locked up inside of him . With power, Roach Kid has become more vicious, vindictive, cruel and petty than any of the bullies who used to beat and torment him . Now that he has the power to hurt others, he's become the worst of the lot, delivering pain via words of treachery (i.e. turn­ ing people in to his superiors, uncovering and revealing secrets, etc.) or by physical violence. Roach Kid is arro­ gant , irreverent, rude and cruel. He is also a glory hound who enjoys being the darling of Doctor Vilde and an elite member of the Black Eagles. He loves that many people in and outside the Church of Unity fear and loathe him. Experience Level: Third. Education Level and Skills: On the Job Training with the Black Eagles. Professional Thief Program: Climbing 65%/55%, Lock­ smith 50% , Prowl 50% (90% when shrunk down to 1/8 of an inch/3 mm), and Surveillance Systems 55%. Professional Thief Program (taken twice): Computer Hacking 55%, Find Contraband and Illegal Weapons 49%, Pick Locks 55%, Pick Pockets 50% and Street­ wise 43% . Secondary Skills: Art 45%, Basic Electronics 40%, Basic Mechanics 40%, Computer Operation 50%, Computer Programming 40% , Hand to Hand: Basic, Radio: Basic 55%, and T.V.Nideo 33%. Basic Skills: Mathematics: Basic 55%, Pilot Automobile 64%, Speak Native Language (English) 98%, Read and Write Native Language (English) 60%. Power Category: Mutant Experiment. Major Super Powers: Growth and Shrink. Roach Kid can grow as large as 40 feet (12.2 m) tall and shrink down to as small as 1/8 of an inch (3 mm). Mass is reduced or increased accordingly. This gives him a range of power that goes from size and brute strength to spying and treachery. Iy express his appreciation and to invite him to the Black Eagle Anarchy Team. Of course, Randal accepted . With even greater power and respect, Roach Kid has become something of a malicious bully who enjoys intimidating and terrorizing enemies of the church and humans in general. He often wears a malevolent grin, as if a warning to others, and smiles whenever he thinks he has the upper hand, is 111 Combat Training: Hand to Hand : Basic. Attacks per Melee: Four. Bonuses: The number in parentheses is the bonus or pen­ alty that applies at giant size . (+2 ) to strike , +2 (+4) to parry, +2 (-2 ) to dodge, +2 to roll with punch or fall, +2 to pull punch , (+37) to damage, and +3 to save vs magic. Other Combat Info: Snap Kick , and when at full , giant­ size, strength is considered Superhuman and the kid has a Horror Factor of 14. Unusual Characteristics & Side Effects: Roach Kid has green skin , no body hair, bug eyes , and a pair of long , prehensile antennae. In his natural human form he is small in size . Vulnerabilities: Overestimates his abilities and vastly un­ derestimates others. He also likes to grandstand, which has gotten him in trouble a few times. Magic: None. Psionics: None. Weapons: He uses his own powers. Vehicles and Other Equipment: He pretty much gets around on his skateboard or rides with someone when on a mission . Money: He spends money as fast as he gets it and always has a fast car the latest high-tech gizmos like laptops , digital players , cameras, cell phones and video game consoles. Of course , he likes having money and wants as much as he can get. Silver Condor Black Eagle Lieutenant Silvia Nguyen came from an Asian family who saw fe­ males to be second-class family members and subordinate to the will of their family. She saw her brothers go off to colleg e and become successful professionals. While still in high school she was taking college level courses and even won a scholarship to R.I.T Her dream was to become a NASA engineer and desp ite her parents ' objections, she left to go to college. She attended school for two years, keeping her location a secret from her family. Silvia would make the occasional phone call, or even send a letter, but she never told her parents where she was and always took care to conceal her true whereabouts . At the beginning of her third year at school, her parents found her. Her older brothers had paid a private detective to track her down, and she was forcibly removed from school. Upon coming home, Silvia discovered her parents had arranged a marriage and expected her to become a good wife. As it turned out, her husband was an abusive drunk who mistreated Silvia on a daily basis. Fed up with the life her parents had chosen for her, she cobbled together a weapon out of kitchen appliances . When the police came to investi­ gate the "bad smell" neighbors had been complaining about , they found the electrified remains of Silvia's husband. The dutiful wife Silvia and the bank account were both gone Rather than go back to school , Silvia spent years wander­ ing the United States in search of meaning for her life. She was a bad daughter, a murderer and a fugitive from justice (a "person of interest," the pol ice called her). Yet she didn 't feel remorse for her deeds. Instead , she fe lt relief and a sense of freedom - and as she watched her husband twitch as his last breath of life fled his body on the kitchen floor, she felt happy. For a long time Silv ia Nguyen wandered, taking odd jobs that paid cash to survive . She happened to fall in with a group of criminals with a taste for tech , and Silvia soon found herself making a fortune designing tech weapons and gear for super-villains. She rose through the ranks quickly and earned herself a reputation for being a natural at elec­ tronics and robotics , but still her life felt as if there was a hole in it. It was upon coming to Century Station to take a position among a weapons smuggler 's crew, that she came in contact with the Church of Unity. One of the church's clergy, an expert at recognizing potential recruits for Doctor Vilde's secret army, sized-up Silvia's abilities and nature in 112 Special Skills: Analyze and Operate Devices 106%, Build/ Modify Armor 106%, and Communications: Electronic Countermeasures (jamming) 96%. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. Attacks per Melee: Six. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +3 to pull punch, +4 to disarm, Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 190r20. Other Combat Info: Karate Kick (204), Snap Kick (106), Wheel Kick (206), Backward Sweep, Crescent Kick (204+2), Jump Kick (606), Flying Jump Kick (406), Paired Weapons, Leap Attack (Critical Strike), and Body FliplThrow. Magic: None. Psionics: None. Vehicles and Other Equipment: Silver Condor affection­ ately refers to her custom battle armors as Stinger and Raptor. Stinger is a modified suit of armor designed for stealth and surveillance, while Raptor is a larger unit built for combat. These armors are unique in that Con­ dor built them to be integrated into a single unit. Stinger, the smaller suit of armor, locks into Raptor and Condor is ready to fight. Should Raptor be destroyed, the torso surrounding Stinger unleashes numerous bolts and the smaller, sleek armor can make a quick getaway. The only drawback is that Condor must be in Stinger in order to pilot Raptor, as the two merge to become a single unit. Without Stinger, Raptor is a giant paperweight. Weapons: Silver Condor prefers to use her exoskeleton, or her larger armor when in battle. If caught outside her armor, she will fight with whatever is handy and try to make for one of her vehicles. Money: Silvia has amassed a small fortune working for the church and in her career as a criminal where she would take a cut of whatever was stolen. She also holds a few patents under an alias, adding to her fortune. a heartbeat. The Deevils associated with the organization investigated and discovered Silvia's questionable past and offered her a job. Not just working on robots, power armor and weapons, but a position as a field operator. After one mission, Silvia knew she was meant to be a super-villain. It didn't matter to her what the church was up to or that it was secretly run by creatures from Hell known as Deevils. She loved it all. Especially being an elite mem­ ber in a new order that would soon dominate the world. Doctor Vilde has taken a personal interest in "the child," as he calls her, and often speaks of her potential for destruc­ tion. She helped him design his Chaos Generators, making her one of the few who understand how the machines work, and exactly what the mad Doctor intends to do. In return, Doctor Vilde let her design and build her own power armor suits and has unleashed her into the world as the Silver Condor, a member of the new Black Eagles Anarchy Team. Savage Cane also sees the potential in Silvia and is happy to have her on his team as one of his leading lieutenants. Silvia dreams of Armageddon and a day when she may rule a continent or lead an army of Deevils into combat. She is completely comfortable with the Minions of Dyval, handles herself well in combat and fights hard to destroy demons and bring about the end of the world as we know it. Silver Condor Real Name: Silvia Nguyen, though she prefers Silver Con­ dor. Alignment: Miscreant with leanings toward Diabolic. Attributes: 1.0. 23, M.E. 14, MA 9, P.S. 10, P.P. 22, P.E. 11, P.B. 13, Spd 11. Age: 28. Sex: Female. Height: Five feet, two inches (1.5 m). Weight: 130 Ibs (58.5 kg). Hit Points: 57. S.D.C.: 35. Disposition: Independent, cocky, impetuous and ruthless. She dislikes men, hates chivalry, and sees all women as weak and pathetiC. Silver Condor is a sociopath who lacks empathy with her fellow humans. Consequently, she feels much more at home with Deevils than people. The abuse from her husband and treatment by her fami­ ly has made her cruel and unable to love or trust anyone. Experience Level: 10th. Education Level and Skills: Special. Analytical Genius Scholastic Skills: Astrophysics 93%, Art 98%, Anthropology 83%, Biology 93%, Chemistry 98%, Chemistry: Analytical 98%, Computer Operation 98%, Computer Programming 93%, Computer Repair 88%, Electrical Engineer 98%, Intelligence 86%, Math­ ematics: Advanced 98%, Mechanical Engineer 93%, Paramedic 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, Read Sensory Equipment 98%, Research 98%, Robot Electronics 93%, Robot Mechanics 98%, and Weapons Engineer 88%. Professional Thief Skill Program: Locksmith 88%, Prowl 88%, Climbing 98% and Surveillance Systems 93%. Secondary Skills: Martial Arts, Photography 88%, Swim­ ming and w.P. Knife. Power Category: Hardware: Analytical Genius. Stinger Espionage Power Armor The Stinger is Silver Condor's suit of power armor meant for stealth and light combat. She didn't intend it to be a front line combat unit. The suit is black in color and the only distinguishing features are the female form. Other than the curves, the face and rest of the armor have no features, or any identifying marks. The mechanical suit is skintight and form fitting. Model Type: S-MX1 Class: Type 3 Exoskeleton. Body Frame: Basic Humanoid, Light Frame. Pilot Operated Systems: Robotic Integration System. This feature allows the Stinger to integrate its systems with its larger cousin, the Raptor. Armor Rating (A.R.): 15 S.D.C. by Location: Head -40 Hands (2) 12 each Arms (2) 32 each 113 Legs (2) - 70 each Ion Rod (right forearm) - 20 Retractable Blade (left forearm) 30 Main Body - 225 Dimensions: 6 feet (1.8 m) tall, 150 Ibs (67.5 kg). Power System: Battery! The armor is too light to accom­ modate a larger power source. This is a special micro-bat­ tery that was stolen from an automobile plant that makes hybrid automobiles. The battery is located in the back of the armor and protected by many of the armor's jump jets. It provides six hours of continuous use or half if the Ion Rod's capacitor is charged from the armor. Recharges fully in 20 minutes when connected to the War Raptor. Propulsion System/Legs: Bipedal locomotion only, with a speed of 40 mph (64 km), plus Jump Jets that allow the armor to leap 300 feet (91.4 m) high or lengthwise. Arms and Hands: Adds +10 to the wearer's own P.S. Audio: Basic Listening Device, Radio Scrambler. Optics: Basic Night Sight and Target Sight. Sensors: Combat Computer. Weapons: 1. Hidden Ion Rod: Mounted on the right arm is an Ion Rod. Range: 660 feet (201 m). Damage: 506 per single blast. Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack. Payload: When fully charged the weapon's capacitor has 36 shots. Energy can be shunted from the armor to the weapon, but at a cost of one hour of running time per 36 shots. 2. Retractable Blade: Concealed in the left arm is a blade that can extend on command. The weapon is a carbon composite blade making it light, but very sharp. Range: Hand to hand only. Damage: 204 +P.S. damage bonus. 3: Hand to Hand Combat: The power armor adds to the bonuses of the pilot as follows: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike and parry, +2 to dodge. These bonuses do NOT apply when the Stinger armor is worn inside the Raptor Power Armor. Punch: 106+5 (P.S. damage bonus). Power Punch: 206+10 (counts as two melee attacks). Kick: 206+5 Power Kick or Leap Kick: 406+10 (counts as two melee attacks). Stomp Attack: 106+2 Running Body Block: 106+5 damage, plus 01-36% chance of knocking an opponent of equal size or smaller off his feet. The victim of a knockdown loses initiative and one melee attack. Counts as two melee attacks. War Raptor Power Armor The War Raptor is the Silver Condor's suit of battle ar­ mor built for speed and combat. Equipped with heavy ar­ mor and weapons, this power armor means business when it comes to confrontations with super beings or demons. For additional armor and protection, Silvia wears her Sting­ 114 er powered-suit inside the War Raptor. This way, Stinger makes for an automatic escape mechanism should the War Raptor be destroyed or disabled. This gives her the ben­ efits of both suits as built-in jacks allow her to link both the light power armor and the heavy war armor together, mak­ ing them one. However, the weapon systems of the Stinger are only available when she exits the War Raptor. Model Type: SR-MX2 Class: Type 1 Robot Vehicle. Body Frame: Large Humanoid, Reinforced Frame. Armor Rating (A.R.): 18 S.D.C. by Location: Head -200 Arms (2) -145 each Legs (2) - 360 each .50 Caliber Machine-Gun (1, right forearm) - 180 Laser (1, left forearm) - 180 Flip-Down Mini-Missile Launchers (one in each upper leg) - 25 each. Main Body - 1,450 Dimensions: 14 feet (4.3 m) tall, 6 feet (1.8 m) wide, 3,000 Ibs (1,350 kg). Power System: Micro-Fusion. Pilot Operated Systems: Calling Feature - This feature has a range of 5 miles (8 km) and the robot body will move at full speed, homing in on Silver Condor'S Signal. Ground Propulsion System: Bipedal legs with a running speed of 86 mph (137.6 m). Flight Propulsion System: Jet pack on the back plus boosters and control jets in the back, lower legs and feet. Flying Speed: Hover, VTOL capable and a maximum speed of 450 mph (720 km). Maximum Altitude is 25,000 feet (7,620 km). Strength: Robot P.S. of 30 (equal to Superhuman Strength). Audio: Basic Listening and Radio Scrambler. Optics: R,obot Optics and Laser Targeting. Sensors: Micro Radar and Radar Detector. Weapons: 1. Right Arm .50 Caliber Machine-Gun. B.a.o.ruz: 3,000 feet (914 m). Damage: 2D6x10 per 10 round burst. Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one melee attack. Payload: 1,200 rounds or 120 bursts. 2. Left Arm Laser (1). This weapon provide versatility and has an unlimited payload as its energy supply automati­ cally recharges. Range: 3,000 feet (914 m). Damage: 506 damage per blast. Payload: Effectively unlimited. 3. Hip Mounted Mini-Missile Launchers (2). A mini-mis­ sile launcher is built into each upper leg of the armored suit. To fire, the hatch pops open. ~: One mile (1.6 km). Damage: 506+3 damage per missile. Rate of Fire: Fired one at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4. Each single missile or volley, regardless of number of missiles, counts as one melee attack. Payload: Nine per launcher 18 total 4. Hand to Hand Combat: The power armor adds two at­ tacks to the pilot's usual number and is +1 to strike and dodge. Punch: 2D6+15 Power Punch: 4D6+30 (counts as two melee attacks). Kick: 3D6+ 15 Power Kick or Leap Kick: 4D6+30 (counts as two melee attacks). Stomp Attack: 1D6+ 15 Running Body Block: 2D6+15 damage, plus 01-50% like­ lihood of knocking an opponent of equal size or smaller off his feet. The victim of a knockdown loses initiative and one melee attack. Counts as two melee attacks. Fire Cat Mutant Mist - Deevil Fiend empowered by the Milk of Power Salus - Deevil Serpent and Senior Deevil Consultant Stealth Fighter Second-in-Command, Mega-Mutant Overall Troops/Minions The lists below are the troops available to the Tiger Beasts at any given moment. Non-Deevil Minions Mortals (without super powers, most are simple hench­ men) 3,700 Mortals with Minor Super Abilities - 300 Mortals with Major Super Abilities - 125 Mega-Heroes (Villains) - 8 Note: These numbers are in addition to the 1500+ crew of the World Dominator flying fortress. Tiger Beasts Host (Deevil Minion Race) Anarchy Team Europe Cryxon - None Shock Dragons - 12 Stalkers None Tiger Beasts - 48 The Tiger Beasts team has the same job as all of the An­ archy Teams: Keep the governments, militaries, authorities, corporate giants and people of the world preoccupied with conflicts, crime and problems to keep them away from Doc­ tor Vilde's operations and scheme to bring about Armaged­ don. If everyone is busy dealing with all sorts of domestic issues involving corruption, crime, politics, drugs, murder and mayhem, they can't interfere with Doctor Vilde's plans. Thus, while the Tiger Beasts are themselves known as a super-villain group, they also pull the strings of several oth­ er groups and criminal organizations, as well as instigate criminal and terrorist activity throughout Europe and Africa. Their efforts to encourage extremists and madmen to cre­ ate trouble and strife are arguably the most efficient and successful of the Anarchy Teams. The Tiger Beasts have been responsible for instigating economic collapse, riots and other acts of violence, as well as straining political ties between the European Union and countries outside of Eu­ rope. With many countries experiencing economic uncer­ tainty, it has been easy for the Tiger Beasts to sow dissent and distrust between Europe and countries such as Russia, India, China, Korea and the Middle East. Of course, the team is also responsible for the place­ ment and protection of the Chaos Generators in Europe and Africa. If super beings learn about the Chaos Genera­ tors and locate and destroy enough of the devices, they can prevent Armageddon. Likewise, taking down the elite leaders and members of each Anarchy Team would send the remaining minions into a state of ineffective confusion and disarray. It's the Tiger Beasts' job to make sure that doesn't happen. Lesser Deevils Bonelings - None Deevils -18 Devilkins - 36 Dire Harpies - 96 (half onboard the World Dominator) Fenry, Demon Wolves - 10 Fiends 4 Gorgons -4 Ice Wraiths 12 Imps-4 Naga Deevils - 16 Nexus Deevils - 2 Greater Deevils Arch Fiends 4 Beasts 6 Deevil Dragons - 1 Deevil Wraiths - 2 Horrors - 3 Pandemoniums - 1 Serpents - 2 Range of Operation. The Tiger Beasts Anarchy Team is charged with handling operations throughout Europe, in­ cluding the British Isles and Iceland, as well as Africa and the Middle East. Permanent Lair/Base. The Tiger Beasts have been in operation for nearly two decades. As a result, they have safe houses and satellite bases all across Europe, the Mid­ dle East and Africa. One large, permanent base is located in Po/and disguised as an old factory complex. Another is located in the Ukraine in an old warehouse district. The Ti­ ger Beasts occupy two blocks of warehouses and a large, fenced-in stockyard area. The rim around the stockyard is lined with trucks and boxcars which can be seen around its Resources Elite Members of the Team Reich Team Leader, a unique mystical mutation General Death - Mega-Super Solider 115 perimeter, but the interior is left open so the World Domi­ nator has a place to land using its VTOL capabilities. A full airstrip and small militarized base is located in the war torn African nation of Somalia. This Somali location is a fully equipped, modern military base suitable for the World Dominator and the aircraft it carries to be serviced with­ out any questions asked. The country can be approached by air or by sea, and nobody is going to question military hardware, mercenaries from the outside world or incidents with Deevils or super beings. Grease the right palms and all is forgotten or buried under a mountain of red tape and denial. Modes of Transportation: The team has a fleet of ground and air vehicles as well as some water vessels. They also have a considerable amount of military hardware and can purchase or lease more from "associates" and pawns in a number of militant nations where money can buy you almost anything. Add the influence and persua­ siveness of the Deevils themselves, and the Tiger Beasts team can acquire just about anything it needs, including aircraft, helicopters, ocean vessels and armored combat vehicles. Also see the World Dominator flying fortress, the team's mobile base. lies bombed the manufacturing site, killing most everyone involved with the secret project. Though the World War II designs for the flying fortress were destroyed, along with most of the mortals on the proj­ ect, its chief architects, Doctor Vilde and Doctor Mech, survived. Years later, they took the idea out of mothballs, improved upon the design, and put it into production. To avoid detection and take advantage of superior technology, they farmed much of the construction work out to beings in other dimensions, incorporating advances in technology from alien worlds (one of the advantages of Deevils be­ ing dimensional travelers). Doctor Vilde was able to have a prototype World Dominator built to his new design speci­ fications. It has radical, new hover technology, a nuclear based power supply and technological and magical en­ chantments to keep it hidden from radar, sensor scans and even the naked eye (via illusory magic). Today, it is the Ti­ ger Beasts' primary means of transportation and a mobile base of operations. Crew: The World Dominator has a large crew of 1,560 peo­ ple. 210 are officers for the ship, an additional 60 are pilots for the fighter jets and the remaining are the equivalent of enlisted personnel. There is also a deck just for Deevils avoided by most mortal crew members. Combat Troops/Passengers: As a troop and aircraft car­ rier, it can accommodate an additional 960 human-sized troops/mutants/super beings or soldiers, and 72 Deevils or flying power armor troops. A.R.: 15 S.D.C. by Location: Laser Turrets (6) - 150 each Cannons (4) - 350 each Medium-Range Missile Launchers (2) 200 each Long-Range Missile Launchers (2) - 300 each Cargo Bay Doors (2) - 200 each Hull per 40 foot (12.2 m) area - 120 Engines (4) 850 each Flight Deck - 3,000 *Bridge Structure/Command Center - 4,200 ""Main Body 12,000 " Destroying the Island/Bridge eliminates all naviga­ tion, sensors and long-range communications, as well as GPS targeting relay to missiles. The airship can still fly, but at half its normal speed. ** Depleting all the S.D.C. of the main body means the World Dominator is in tatters and will begin to fall to the ground or sink if in the water. If another 2,000 S.D.C. is inflicted, the whole ship explodes, doing 2D4x1,000 damage to everything in a 1,000 foot (305 m) radius. Speed: The ship's maximum air speed is 300 mph (480 km) and no one can be on deck when the ship is traveling at those speeds. Any speed more than 150 mph (240 km) and the crew must be below deck. Range: Unlimited, but the engines will overheat if pushed at full speed for more than 12 hours. Maximum altitude is 50,000 feet (15,240 m). World Dominator Flying Fortress "Der Weltdominator," or World Dominator, is the com­ mand vessel and mobile base of the TIger Beasts Anarchy Team. It is a one of a kind flying aircraft carrier designed to function as a flying fortress. It has VTOL functionality, de­ cent weapon systems, and the capability to launch combat aircraft while in the air, and fills the role of mobile command center. The World Dominator has even been modified to land and float on the water. When in the air, it has four mas­ sive struts that jut out diagonally from the aircraft, each strut housing a powerful hover engine from an alien dimension. When in the water, the struts fold underneath the carrier and act as the ship's propulSion system and rudder. The TI­ ger Beasts use the vessel to fly all over Europe, Africa, and wherever else they need to go. Thanks to some innovative thinking, the aircraft can be disguised and concealed in the air, in the water or on dry land. Its camouflage and cloaking systems utilize magic and technology to provide superior stealth and concealment. The aircraft is armed with a vari­ ety of weapons, but its most impressive feature is its fleet of fighter jets that can be launched from its deck while the fortress, itself, is in flight. They are complemented and sup­ ported with heavy cannons and a battery of missiles, mak­ ing it truly a flying fortress. The World Dominator is based on an experimental de­ sign Doctor Vilde and Doctor Mech conceived during their days in Nazi Germany in the latter part of World War II. At the time, the revolutionary design was riddled with flaws and beyond the technology of that era. The original concept was to have a flying fortress that housed dozens of fighter planes, much like a naval aircraft carrier. In addition to its complement of fighters, the flying fortress was to be armed and capable of defending itself. Der Fuehrer loved the idea and had the construction of a prototype put into develop­ ment. The project barely got off the ground before the al­ 116 Statistical Data: Width: The deck is 150 feet (46 m), but with the engines and their pylons the ship's overall width is 350 feet (107 m) across. Length: 890 feet (271 m). Weight (Empty): 104,000 tons. Cargo Payload: Can carry up to 190 tons of cargo in ad­ dition its crew, a complement of jet fighters and combat troops/passengers. Power System: Effectively unlimited thanks to the alien power system of six fusion generators; 25 year life. Market Cost: One of a kind. Weapon Systems: 1. Anti·Aircraft & Anti·Missile Laser Turrets (6): The World Dominator has six turrets with laser weapons im­ ported from another dimension to engage any aircraft, missile volleys or flying super beings or demons who might attack the flying fortress. There is one turret on each engine strut, and two mounted on the bridge tower. These are manned turrets with each laser blast counting as one of the gunner's melee attacks. Range: 4,000 feet (1,219 m). Damage: 1D4x1 0 damage per single blast or 2D4x1 0 dam­ age from a rapid-fire pulse at the same target. Rate of Fire: Each Single blast or pulse counts as one me­ lee attack for the gunner. Payload: Effectively unlimited. 2. Cannons (4): These weapon turrets were salvaged from old battleships and are meant for bombardment of hard­ ened targets like bunkers and fortifications. They are not accurate enough to hit small or moving targets going faster than 5 mph (8 km) and can only hit large, station­ ary, land based targets or a specified land area. Range: Six miles (9.6 km) and damage is to everything in a 30 foot (9.1 m) radius. Damage: 1D4x1 00 per cannon blast. Rate of Fire: They can be fired twice per melee round. Payload: 50 shells per cannon. 3. Medium-Range Missile Launchers (2): The launcher fires medium-range missiles and uses various GPS sat­ ellites in orbit to help guide them to their target. +3 to strike without GPS, +5 to strike with GPS guidance. Both launchers are located on the top of the super-aircraft. Range: 60 miles (96 km). Damage: 4D6x10 damage to a everything in a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius. Rate of Fire: Two per melee round. Payload: 24 per each launcher with one reload for a total of 48 missiles. 4. Long-Range Missile Launchers (2): Mounted at the front and rear of the giant aircraft carrier are its long­ range missile launchers. These are the World Domina­ tor's primary weapon system to soften up targets. They are not accurate enough to hit small or fast moving tar­ gets, but are ideal against large, slow moving (under 60 mph/96 km) targets, such as tanks and ships, as well as bunkers, fortifications and buildings. Range: 1,000 miles (1,600 km). 117 Damage: 3D6x100 damage to a 50 foot (15.2 m) radius. Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2,4 or 6. Payload: 12 per launcher, 24 total missiles. 5. Fighter Aircraft Onboard: The World Dominator holds up to 36 jet fighter aircraft. This is in addition to flying Deevils or Deevils on flying War Steeds, super beings with flight capabilities and flying power armor units among the troops. Doctor Vilde and the Tiger Beasts have managed to "acquire" a number of older jet fight­ ers, including four Super Hornets (USA), four F-16 fight­ ers (USA), six Harrier Jump Jets (Britain), six Dassault Mirage 2000 fighters (France), and four F-21 Kfir fighters (Israel), as well as three EC665 Tiger assault helicopters (France/Germany), three T-129 attack helicopters, four small reconnaissance/observation helicopters and two medium-sized transport helicopters. 6. Special Cloaking: The design, shape and size of the World Dominator made it unable to use conventional Earth stealth technology, so the Deevil Doctor Vilde used his trans-dimensional contacts to incorporate alien tech­ nology from another dimension as well as magic to cloak the monstrous aircraft. Built-in radar jamming system for desperate situations to jam all radar systems in a 5 mile (8 km) radius, mak­ ing a large blind spot on radar. Again, this is a last ditch defense. Radar absorbent paint that diminishes and disguises the aircraft's radar signature, reducing it to resemble that of a modern jumbo jet. Alien cloaking device makes the World Dominator in­ visible to radar and all modern sensor systems. A severe loss of power or the loss of the Bridge knocks out this cloaking system, hence the paint described above as a backup system. Visual cloaking. Magic is used to envelop the mas­ sive aircraft in a cloud, making line of sight observation impossible further than 200 feet (61 m) away. This cre­ ates the potential risk of collision from enemy jets that might fly through the cloud, but odds are against it. Of course, any aircraft or flyer (demon, super being, etc.) who comes too close can be shot out of the sky by one of the onboard weapons, fighters, flying super beings or Deevils. However, firing weapons or releasing aircraft will indicate the general location of the World Dominator to other aircraft and flyers in the immediate area. Though they can't see it or detect it with sensors, they'll know something is firing at them from a particular cloud bank. Shooting into the cloud is the same as shooting blind, but the World Dominator is so large that the usual penal­ ty is adjusted to -5 to strike. Note: There are always one or two mages or demons aboard who know the Cloud Magic spell needed to conceal the vessel. In a similar vein, Air Elemental Magic such as Call Lightning, Summon Storm, and so on, as well as Air El­ emental super abilities can be valuable for discouraging enemy aircraft and flyers from coming too close or for blasting an enemy out of the sky. However, most magic spells and super abilities require close range (under 500 feet/152 m) to be effective. Illusory Magic. There are always one or two mages or demons who know Illusion Magic that can also be used to cloak and conceal the aircraft. Furthermore, there is a magical device onboard the vessel that automatically creates a magical illusion that makes the giant aircraft blend into to its surroundings, be it forest , desert or city (e.g ., is made to look like an empty parking lot or aban­ doned building, cluster of trees, etc.). All of these cloak­ ing systems work whether the World Dominator is in the air, on land or at sea. When the ship is at sea, she com­ monly takes on the illusion of a cruise liner or freighter. Reich Leader of the Tiger Beasts Reich is the product of one of Doctor Vilde's experiments in genetic engineering combined with magic . He was an attempt at creating a human mutant that was on par with a supernatural Deevil. The idea being that if successful , Doc­ tor Vilde could create an army of Deevil-like super beings from humans to function as front-line troops . Doctor Vilde combined several arcane rituals with gene -splicing and ge­ netic manipulation on hundreds of victims . Most died ago­ nizing deaths throughout World War II without successful results. Finally, with a human he had successfully mutated to resemble a Deevil and possessing some super abili ­ ties , the mad doctor decided to try infusing the subject with some of his own infernal power and supernatural essence . The result was a success, but not as he had expected. The subject seemed to possess many of the characteristics and natural abilities of a Deevil , all of which was excellent. How­ ever, other aspects of the subject were huge disappoint­ ments . Doctor Vilde had expected a ready-made warrior that was a version of a Deevil without the tailor the lower body of a goat. A powerful, humanoid warrior immediately ready to carry out his orders and do his bidding. Instead, this "thing " had jet black skin, predominantly human fea­ tures and shape, and was mindless . Somehow the process had completely wiped the man's mind. No memories. No skills . No education . No life experiences. It was as if he had been reborn in adult form . But like a newborn child, his mind was a clean slate Useless! Doctor Vilde handed the test subject over to some min­ ions to play with and would have forgotten about the mu­ tant abomination, except that reports quickly came back to him revealing the subject possessed immense power. Further testing showed the test subject learned at an ac­ celerated pace and, though childlike, was eager to please. Within a six month time period, the test subject, renamed Reich Vildeson by the doctor, was learning at a fourth grade school level. Moreover, he began to exhibit super abilities and psychic powers . Doctor Vilde was ecstatic. Despite his raw intelligence and the diverse range of powers possessed by Reich, he developed into a study in contrast. On one hand, he is a natural leader - smart, bold, and charismatic. He is resourceful, good with strate­ gies and tactics, and demands loyalty from his troops Be­ 118 ing human, he understands and welcomes technology, but does not rely too much on technology, magic or his super abilities. He is such a vibrant, powerful and commanding presence that he was the obvious choice to lead the Tiger Beasts Anarchy Team. On the other hand, having been reeducated and, in ef­ fect, "raised" by a Deevil (Doctor Vilde is a Deevil Regent, don't forget), has given Reich the outlook of a Deevil. That means he's a bully and tyrant who rules by intimidation and keeps his troops in line with fear and brutality. The Deevil side of Reich makes him arrogant, selfish and conniving. He is impulsive, wicked and often behaves like a spoiled child, especially when he doesn't get what he wants. He is quick to anger and vents it in violent outbursts. He has impulsively killed several members of the Tiger Beasts over the years, and hundreds of his foot soldiers. He's smart enough to stop short of slaughtering the most capable team members (those described here), but he sees them, and all who serve under him, as a means to an end. Furthermore, since Reich sees himself as a Greater Deevil, he gave up on higher learning in favor of brute force and terrorism. When not scheming or fighting, he can be as slothful as any infernal, which has slowed his reaching a higher level of actual experience. Reich craves power even more than his creator, Doctor Vilde. He sees genius in Doctor Vilde's plan to bring about Armageddon and turn Earth into a dimensional nexus for Dyval, and is an avid supporter of the plan. Any who talk against Vilde in Reich's presence are beaten, punished or slain. However, once the "Old Man" achieves his goal and becomes Lord of Earth, Reich plans to take it from him. Reich plans to do everything in his power to make Vilde's dreams come true. He wants him to succeed with all his heart, because once he has, and the moment is right, Reich plans to slay him and take the power and title for himself. The only person who knows Reich's plan is his secret ally, the Deevil Lord, Mephisto. After Reich has success­ fully seized control of apocalyptiC Earth, the Deevil Lord has promised to grant him immorlality on the condition that Reich swear allegiance to him in public, proclaiming Mephisto as his Deevil Lord and Master. In exchange, Me­ phisto shall grant Reich true immortality and allowed him to remain Lord of Earth and Master of the Rifts. Again, there is a catch: Mephisto and his armies must be given complete and total access to the dimensional portals above all oth­ ers. Furthermore, once it is revealed that Reich is a lieuten­ ant of Lord Mephisto, it is Mephisto who holds sway over the Rifts of Earth, and the Deevil Lord owns the planet and everyone it as one of his holdings. That also means Me­ phisto can defend Earth against any Deevil Lord who might covet it for himself. All of this gives Mephisto tremendous power and political and military clout in Hell, which advanc­ es his own secret plot to usurp the throne of Dyval from the current Supreme Lord of Hell, Sahtalus. For now, Reich waits for Armageddon to unfold as Vilde plans. He will fight like a thousand Deevils and crush any­ one who threatens that plan or Doctor Vilde, for without him, the plan does not work. Doctor Vilde and those who follow him, see Reich's fervor as steadfast dedication and loyalty. For Reich, this is his bid for ultimate power, and he's not going to let anyone jeopardize it, especially not any mortals superhuman or not. Commander Reich Real Name: Unknown. Names didn't matter to Doctor ViI­ de. His test subjects were little more than lab rats. Named: Reich Vildeson. Alignment: Miscreant. Attributes: I,Q. 20, M.E. 19, M.A. 23, P.S. 24, P.P. 13, P.E. 28, P.B. 12, Spd 21. Age: Seventy-something, but looks and acts like he's in his early twenties. The experiment has given Reich a youth­ ful appearance and long life. Doctor Vilde estimated he could live to be 1,000 years old, but for Reich that is not long enough. He wants immortality and someday to be­ come a Lord of Dyval. Height: 11 feet (3.3 m). Weight: 680 Ibs (306 kg). Sex: Male. Hit Points: 246. S.D.C.: 380. Natural A.R.: 12. Horror Factor: 13 P.P.E.: 199 Disposition: Reich is bold and supremely confident most of the time. In combat he is resourceful, tricky and ruth­ less. His troops will follow him anywhere, though they do so out of fear more than respect. At times, however, he can behave like a spoiled brat, and he has severe impulse control and anger management issues. While he hates the demons, as all good Deevils should, they are a secondary concern for him, and he doesn't even consider the Minion War "his." He is more concerned about being the next ruler of planet Earth and having all his whims and desires fulfilled. He lusts for power and dreams of usurping the empire being built by his creator (and tormentor), Doctor Vilde. Power Category: A strange combination of Mutant and Mystically Bestowed: Corrupted Good (involves magic and a life essence fragment from Doctor Vilde). Unusual Characteristics: Reich has dark crimson hair, a set of large, gold colored, curled ram's horns, obsidian black skin, and is much taller than a typical Deevil. Supernatural Powers of the Deevil: Supernatural Strength and Endurance, nightvision 200 feet (61 m), see the invisible, resistant to cold and fire (takes half damage), Bio-Regeneration 106 S.D.C.lHit Points per melee round, and magically understands and speaks all languages, plus the super abilities, psionics and magic listed below. He does not possess all the abilities of a Deevil and cannot shape shift/perform metamorphosis, Teleport or Dimensional Teleport. While he has a much great­ er amount of Hit Points and S.D.C. than a Deevil, he Bio-Regenerates fewer (106 per melee round). Note: Though he cannot perform metamorphosis, he can adjust his physical size from 7-11 feet (2.1 to 3.3 m), however, he prefers his 11 foot (3.3 m) stature and only shrinks to accommodate an environment or access an enemy or valuables. 119 Experience Level: 7th. Education Level and Skills of Note: Special. Dance 75%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 75%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Speak and Read German at 98%, and Speak De­ mongogian 98%, plus Gymnastics which includes Sense of Balance 83%, Work Parallel Bars and Rings 93%, Climb Rope 87%, Back Flip 97%, Climb 40% and Prowl 45%. Combat Skills: Hand to Hand: Assassin, w.P. Chain, W.P. Rifle and W.P. Sword. Demon Hunting Skills: DetectAmbush 80%, Detect Con­ cealment 75%, Intelligence 76%, Land Navigation 80%, Pick Locks 80%, Pick Pockets 75%, Surveillance Sys­ tems 80%, Sniper, Track Animals 70%, Tracking 75%, and Wilderness Survival 75%. Secondary Skills: Athletics, Basic Electronics 65%, Ra­ dio: Basic 80%, Streetwise 49%, Swimming 85% and Research 85%. Minor Super Abilities: Adhesion and Resistant to Cold (takes half damage from all cold based attacks including magic). Major Super Abilities: Master psioniC abilities and the magic abilities of a Wizard. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Assassin. Attacks per Melee: Seven. Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls, +2 to strike, +3 parry, +3 to dodge, +5 to roll with punch or fall, +5 to pull punch, +3 to disarm, +13 to damage, +12 to save vs magic, +2 to spell strength, +4 to save vs psion­ ics and mind control, +3 to save vs possession, +9 to save vs Horror Factor, and +26% to save vs coma/death. Other Combat Info: Body FliplThrow and Death Blow. Vulnerabilities: Reich has inherited the Deevils' vulnerabil­ ity to iron: Cold iron does double damage. His arrogance and lack of impulse control has gotten him into trouble on many occasions. So far, he's been able to fight or bluff his way out of trouble, but sooner or later, his anger and lack of self-control is going to get the best of him. MagiC Powers: 199 P.P.E. and +1 to Spell Strength. Level One: Blinding Flash (1) and Cloud of Smoke (2). Level Two: Befuddle (6), Darkness (6), Fear/Horror Fac­ tor (5), Mystic Alarm (5), and Heavy Breathing (5). Level Three: Energy Bolt (5), Fingers of the Wind (5), Impervious to Fire (6), Invisibility: Simple (6), and Paraly­ sis: Lesser (5). Level Four: Blind (8), Energy Field (10), Fire Bolt (10), Magic Net (7), Multiple Image (7) and Shadow Meld (10). Level Five: Circle of Flame (10) and Horrific Illusion (10). Level Six: Impervious to Energy (20) and Words of Truth (15). Level Seven: Life Drain (25) and Wind Rush (20). Level Eight: Negate Magic (30). Level Nine: Havoc (50) and Mute (50). Psionic Powers: Astral Projection (8), Bio-Manipulation (10), Deaden Senses (4), Death Trance (1), Detect Psionics (6), Mind Bolt (varies), Mind Block (4), Mind Wipe (special), Object Read (6), Psi-Sword (30), Psi­ Shield (30), Resist Fatigue (4), See Aura (6), See the Invisible (4), Sense Magic (3), Sixth Sense (2), Spon­ 120 taneous Combustion (6), Summon Inner Strength (4), Telepathy (4), Telekinetic Punch (6), Telekinesis (Super) (10+) and Total Recall (2).I.S.P.: 231. Weapons: Reich uses a magic Rune Flail given to him by Doctor Vilde. It does 3D6 damage to mortal foes, 4D6 damage to Deevils and other supernatural beings, and 6D6 damage to demons and Creatures of Light (includ­ ing Heroic Hellions, Crusaders of Light and deities). The weapon has a Diabolic alignment, an La. of 15 and is called Chained Hell. It has several powers, the first of which is the head of the flail can be launched once per melee and when it strikes it causes an explosion, like a grenade, doing 5D6 S.D.C. damage to everything in a five foot (1.5 m) radius. The head of the flail re-material­ izes immediately, but can't be used in any capacity for a full melee round (15 seconds). The flail can also Teleport its wielder three times per day up to 5 miles (8 km) away, but the location must be known. Vehicles and Other Equipment: Reich wears a red hood­ ed robe with gold trim with black Runes and arcane symbols. On the inside of the robe are two Dimensional Pockets that can each hold up to 200 pounds (90 kg). The space inside is bigger than outside and the weight is not felt because it is in a different dimension. The robe also has some built-in spells. The following can each be used three times per day before needing a full 24 hours to recharge: Cloud of Smoke, Shadow Meld, and Cha­ meleon. The robe is magical and has an A.R. of 15 with 100 S.D.C., but Reich seldom uses it for armored protec­ tion, and typically removes it before a battle. Money: As the leader of the Tiger Beasts Anarchy Team Europe, Reich has access to a vast network of resourc­ es and money. He can usually get anything he needs, from electronics and vehicles to military grade hardware. He has access to an offshore account that has 20 million dollars to cover various operating expenses. Reich has a thing for "treasure." Over the years he has amassed a small fortune in gold, jewels, artwork and other tangible assets from around the world. Estimated value is 78 million dollars. He keeps his "treasure" hid­ den at a few locations known only to him. His personal wealth is at 3.5 million dollars in various offshore and Swiss accounts under different identities. Fire Cat Fire Cat is one of the team's newest members. She is Monique d'Esternau of France. Monique was born a mu­ tant with no powers. All her life Monique felt hated, belittled and despised, just because she looked different, her feline features and fur branding her as an obvious mutant. For years she sought to be accepted, but even when she let men have their way with her, she could feel their disdain. Each inevitable rejection tore through her like a bullet. Her college years were no different, and even her private tu­ tors seemed uncomfortable being alone with her. Her life was miserable, causing her to drift from place to place and job to job, never staying anywhere long, and always feeling rejected and ridiculed. Things finally had gotten so bad that she was on the brink of suicide. Monique put her affairs in order and planned to take her own life. Before making the final escape, she decided to go on one last jaunt around Paris to visit all the beautiful places she loved . It was during this personal journey that Monique saw similar inhuman­ looking mutants congregating in front of a church . Curious, she went to check it out and was surprised to be welcomed with open arms . They welcomed her into the fold, invited her to services , discussed the sting of hate and prejudice, and when they learned she had no place to go and was planning to kill herself, they offered Monique a job, and a place to live on the Church of Unity campus. She had been given a new lease on life, found people willing to accept her, and a steady job working for the church 's finance de­ partment. After a year at the Church of Unity, the organiza­ tion made its startling offer to reward mutants with super abilities. Monique was more surprised when she was se­ lected to be among the first church members of the Paris congregation to receive the Milk of Power. Not just the low dose stuff, either. She had so impressed her superiors that she was granted the Milk of Sahtalus. Once again , Monique's life underwent a dramatic and profound changed. With power came a newfound confi­ dence. Moreover, all the hate and anger she had kept bot­ tled seem to boil up from somewhere deep inside, and she wanted to hurt someone She wanted to make people pay for their cruelty. Of course , the church leaders encouraged these dark , hot emotions. The next thing Monique knew, she was on the fast track to the Tiger Beasts Anarchy Team Europe. Fire Cat has been with the team for two years now, and while her life is better and she has found people who are willing to accept her, she has started to have serious doubts about the team's intentions. At first she liked making people pay for the indignities she had suffered, but now, somehow it seems cruel and wrong. Reich is a brutal monster, no better than the men who had used her for sex. Fire Cat has recently learned that Reich is part Deevil, and that several of the team members as well as members of the Church of Unity are creatures known as Deevils, hellbent on world domination. The domination of "her" world , the planet Earth . Fire Cat is starting to rethink her place on the team , but feels trapped and doesn't know how to escape. Th is time suicide is not the answer. The problem is, she has no answers . She doesn't know what to do . She fears what would happen to her if she told anyone what she knows, and hates the prospect of being alone in the world again. At the same, time she can't stand the idea of the world falling into the clutches of monsters who plan to enslave and rule it with an iron fist. Monsters who she's just starting to realize aren 't human , mutants or even aliens , but some kind of evil supernatural nightmares from a Hell-like dimension . For now she plays the role of dutiful soldier and comput­ er specialist on Anarchy Team Tiger Beasts . All the while, however, she prays for a way to warn the world about these creatures and their plan of global conquest and domination. A plan she now realizes involves the destruction of human civilization. As Armageddon draws nearer, Rei ch and her other teammates in the know have been sloppy about talk­ ing about the coming Armageddon and the purpose of the 121 Chaos Generators. Fire Cat has even dared to hack into data files to find the location of every single Chaos Genera­ tor on the planet. Now if she could only get this information into the right hands. Too bad she hasn't a clue where to start. She'd never trust a government or military organiza­ tion. Who does that leave? (The player characters, per­ haps?) Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic. Other Combat Info: Snap Kick. Attacks per Melee: Four. Bonuses: +1 on Perception Rolls, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch or fall, +2 to pull punch, but -2 to save vs possession and mind control and -1 to save vs Horror Factor. Weapons: None! Fire Cat was not trained in the use of any weapons and relies on her formidable super abilities. Though she once thought she hungered for revenge, she has never directly killed anyone. She uses her pow­ ers to disarm, hinder, incapacitate and chase her foes away, not kill them. Vehicles and Other Equipment: She owns a nice lUXUry car, but relies on the team for transportation and the equipment she needs. Money: Monique has done well financially. With her initial job at the church she was able to save and invest some of her cash. In addition, she has been given big pay and cash bonuses for jobs done as a member of the Tiger Beasts and has 1.5 million Euros stashed away in a stu­ dio apartment in Paris that has a view of the Eiffel Tower, and that doesn't come cheap. Fire Cat Real Name: Monique d'Esternau Also known as: The name Monique carne up for herself was Fire-Ice, but Reich insisted on changing her code­ narne to Fire Cat. Ice Kitty is the nickname her other teamrnates call her, which she doesn't like one bit. Alignment: Anarchist with strong leanings toward Unprin­ cipled. Not so very long ago, she was Scrupulous. Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 11, MA 13, P.S. 12, P.P. 13, P.E. 15, P.B. 12, Spd 13. Height: 5 feet, 8 inches (1.7 m). Weight: 140 Ibs (63 kg). Age: 27. Sex: Female. Experience Level: Third. Hit Points: 25. S.D. C.: 36. Disposition: Quiet, self-effacing and eager to please which, ironically, works against her on this team of evil hardcases and Deevils. Monique is used to people walk­ ing all over her and taking advantage of her kind nature, so she doesn't think much about her teammates' lack of respect. For a while it was good enough that they trusted and accepted her at all. Fire Cat is a nice person caught up with very bad people. Yet, in a further twist of irony, her situation is helping her to find an inner strength and courage she never knew she had, as she tries to figure out how to save the world all by herself. Note: The rest of the team greatly underestimates Fire Cat and blindly trusts her. Even the manipulative Salus, who is suspi­ cious of everyone, doesn't have a clue about Fire Cat's state of rnind or consider her a potential threat. Education Level and Skills: Four years of college (+20%). Business Program: Basic Mathematics 75%, Business & Finance 65%, Computer Operation 70%, Law (general) 55% and Research 80%. Computer Program: Basic Electronics 60%, Computer Programming 60% and Computer Repair 55%. Domestic Program: Cook (Professional Quality) 75% and Play Musical Instrument 65%. Basic Skills: Speak Native Language (French) 98%, Read and Write Native Language (French) 88% and Pi­ lot Automobile 64%. Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Radio: Basic 55%, TVNideo 33%, First Aid 55%, Athletics, Climbing 50%/40%, Swimming 60%, Running, Pilot Truck 48% and Prowl 35%. Power Category: Mutant/Experiment. Major Super Powers: Alter Physical Structure: Fire and Alter Physical Structure: Ice. Side Effects: Mutant: Catlike ears and a body covered in short, soft fur. As a result of the Milk of Sahtalus, she has become bolder and more self-confident. General Death General Death started life as a patriotiC young man named Gotthard Weissman living in Nazi Germany. Got­ thard eagerly joined the German Army at the age of 18 and distinguished himself in several campaigns that won the at­ tention of his superiors. Throughout World War II, Germany engaged in secret experiments in human augmentation to create the German ideal - a super solider. When this was brought to Gotthard's attention he demanded that he be placed in the program. This was the kind of dedication that his commanders desired. Gotthard was one of 200 German soldiers to receive the same treatment. Of that group, only 10% survived. Of the survivors, Gotthard seemed to be one of the few to not have any ill effects, and passed his field trials with flying colors. His new super abilities and previous skills and abilities as a solider enabled Gotthard to rise quickly through the ranks. Toward the end of the war, Colonel Weissman met Doc­ tor Vilde. The Doctor had seen reports of the experiment and heard how well the young soldier had performed. Natu­ rally, the doctor wanted to have him transferred to his de­ tachment where he could study Gotthard further, but the German commanders had other plans. Gotthard was mak­ ing a name for himself and was starting to become a sym­ bol to boost morale. He traveled to the many battle fronts where he would raise morale by just making an appear­ ance, but would often lead the charge and make certain his troops won the day. When promoted to general he was one of the youngest to ever earn the rank. He was there when Berlin fell, with a squad of the last 10 remaining super-soldiers of the Third Reich. All were pre­ pared to sacrifice their lives in the battle. The ten held off an entire brigade of Allied soldiers, but as they fell, one by one, 122 rificing their lives was not in the best interests of Germany. What finally convinced the team to join Doctor Vilde in stra­ tegic retreat was learning their Fuhrer had taken his own life a few hours earlier. Vilde promised them a place in a new world order that would be modeled after the Nazis and said that Gotthard 's team would help make that happen. For the next several years Vilde had to lay low, but he kept the super-soldiers busy training and performing vari­ ous tasks in South America. It would be some years later, but suddenly the super-soldiers started to drop like flies. Their bodies were burning themselves out from their con­ stant hyper-elevated state. Not one to waste a good re­ source , Vilde tried to help the remaining soldiers using various magic rituals and healing magic, but the end results were always the same, death. General Weissman had led his men bravely, but ultimately to their deaths. So it was that he began calling himself General Death. Vilde had tried to save Gotthard's three remaining super soldiers without success. General Death had resigned himself to be next and wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, inflicting as much damage on his enemies as he could. Vilde wouldn't have it. In a desperate bid to save the German war hero , Vilde convinced General Death to agree to one final experiment. It worked , but it seems unlikely General Death realized what Doctor Vlide had in mind for him. The end result was to turn the General into something more (or less) than hu­ man: one of the undead. Not a vampire per se, but some­ thing similar. Now General Death really earned his name. As an undead, he had no heat signature, no longer required food or drink to survive, was stronger than before (Super­ natural P.S .), and somehow retained his super abilities. It was General Death who came up with the idea for the Anarchy Teams and led the original Tiger Beasts team for decades . For years, he was very successful at inflaming tensions between the former Soviet Union and the United States. He caused many incidents that would prolong the Cold War. Whenever relations would improve, the General would leak information that always made one of the coun­ tries cry foul. Over time, Doctor Vilde had other ideas for General Death and had him train Reich and Stealth Fighter to take over his position on the team. General Death is still an of­ ficial team member, and with the Armageddon initiative so close to fruition , has recently rejoined the team full time. However, the General has been absent in recent years tak­ ing care of other secret business for Doctor Vilde. Some ru­ mors suggest he has been sent to other dimensions on mis­ sions known only to him and Doctor Vilde . General Death is confident in Reich's abilities as leader, and is willing to take a back seat as a team advisor and special operative. It should be noted that General Death was once a hand­ some young man who fit the description of the master race. Today the flesh has peeled away from most of his body, revealing a tough, grey hide that appears to be muscle and bone. His face has a pale, skeletal appearance resembling a zombie, his blond hair is close-cropped and his eyes are red orbs the color of blood. the end loomed near. Just as his position was about to be overrun, Doctor Vilde's people managed to get in and whisk General Weissman and his last surviving five uber men to Vilde's stronghold. It took some convincing that them sac­ 123 General Death Real Name: Gotthard Weissman. Other Aliases: Death Soldier, Undead General and the Unkillable. Alignment: Diabolic. Attributes: 1.0.21, M.E. 13, M.A. 14, P.S. 24 (Supernatu­ ral), P.P. 25, P.E. 20 (Supernatural), P.B. 10 (was 17), Spd 63. Hit Points: 83. S.D.C.: 399. Height: 5 feet, 11 inches (1.8 m). Weight: 200 Ibs (90 kg). Age: 87. Sex: Male. Horror Factor: 11 just based on his appearance and aura; 14 when an opponent knows who he's facing. General Death has a fearsome reputation. Disposition: Over the years he has become hard and cold. He no longer feels any joy, or anything else for that mat­ ter. The only satisfaction he gets is from ripping a per­ son's throat out and drinking his blood. Experience level: 12th. Education level and Skills: Military Specialist. Basic Military Skill Program: Running, Climbing 98%, Military Etiquette 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, and w.P. Rifle. Espionage Program (Basic): Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 98%, Intelligence 98%, Wilderness Sur­ vivaI98%, Interrogation 98% and Tracking 98%. Military Demolitions Program: Basic Electronics 98%, Basic Mechanics 98%, Demolitions 98%, Demolitions Disposal 98% and Underwater Demolitions 98%. Weapon Proficiency: Modern Weapons Program: W.P. Semi-Automatic Pistols, w.P. Submachine-Gun and w.P. Heavy. Pilot: Advanced Program: Navigation (Air, Land, Water) 98%, Read Sensory Equipment 98%, Weapon Systems 98%, Pilot Race Car 98%, Pilot Airplane 98%, Pilot Sub­ mersibles 98% and Pilot Jet Packs 98%. Secondary Skills: Body Building, Prowl 86%, Language: English 98%, Literacy English 91 % and W.P. Knife. Basic Skills: Speak Native Language (German) 98%, Read and Write Native Language (German) 88%, Pilot Automobile 88% and Mathematics: Basic 98%. Power Category (special): Mega-Super Soldier/Undead Warrior. Nature of the Procedure: Chemical and unknown magic. Nature of the Test Subject: Normal Healthy Soldier who volunteered for the procedure. Sponsoring Organization: Military. Motives for the Procedure: Military/Combat. Current Status with the Sponsoring Organization: The Sponsoring Organization no longer exists in its original form. likelihood of a Successful Replication: While Doctor Vilde knows the process that the Nazis used to create General Death, he has failed to replicate it himself. He thinks they may have given him incomplete information on purpose to keep the process a secret. Vilde can and did replicate the magic process that kept General Death from dying. However, all of his test subjects became Me­ ga-Zombies. While not a complete failure, the zombies 124 are the usual mindless walking dead. General Death is something much more dangerous. While not a true zombie (he retains all his faculties) nor a true vampire (he has some vampire abilities but not others, and has retained his super abilities), the General is some sort of undead creature that defies even Doctor Vilde's under­ standing. A fact Vilde keeps to himself. Super Soldier Enhancements: Chemical Enhancement Option. Can last ten times longer than a normal person before feeling the effects of exhaustion. Remains alert and operates at full efficiency for up to five days (120 hours) without sleep, and has Superior Reflexes and Re­ action Time. Due to his undead condition, General Death doesn't need any sleep at all, but does so out of old habits. Strength is Supernatural, he can leap 30 feet (9.1 m) across after a short run and 20 feet (6 m) high, all half if at a dead stop. Enhanced Healing/Bio-Regeneration restores 2D6 S.D.C.!Hit Points per melee and he is immune to poi­ sons, drugs, and diseases, as well as being impervious to the effects of heat and cold, normal kicks and punches do no damage, normal weapons, bullets and explosions do half damage. General Death no longer needs to eat food or breathe air, does not age, can survive in a vacu­ um and is immortal unless destroyed completely. Bloodlust: General Death requires at least 16 pints of hu­ man blood a week to survive, more is better. In combat where an opponent is bleeding, bloodlust gives General Death +1 attack per melee round, but once his oppo­ nent is killed, rendered unconscious or in a coma (zero or less Hit Points), General Death MUST FEED and he will stop to drain the victim right there in the middle of the battlefield. Unless attacked or interrupted, the Undead General will drink until his victim is lifeless and drained of all blood. Then he moves on to the next person to feast upon. During Bloodlust, General Death will continue to drink the blood of all he kills until he has consumed 32 pints of blood. Furthermore, at the end of this feeding frenzy, any Hit Points or S.D.C. the Undead General may have lost in combat are completely restored. Undeath Resurrection: General Death can keep fighting until he is reduced to 100 Hit Points below zero! At zero, all his combat bonuses are reduced by half. At 50 below zero, reduce his P.S., Spd and number of attacks by half. At -100 or more, General Death falls over dead. Or so it seems. Unless his head is removed and his body and head burned, he will rise again after 4D6+24 hours. Any severed or lost/destroyed limbs regrow in 2D6 minutes after he revives. Likewise, just severing his head from his body is not enough, as the head will reattach itself to make him whole again. Any damage to the head or brain is also restored. Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities: Sensitivity to sunlight, unless his eyes are protected by sunglasses he can only see 200 feet (61 m). All combat bonuses are reduced by half in sunlight. Unlike a true vampire, sunlight does no physical damage, but being staked through the heart with a wooden stake incapacitates General Death, put­ ting him in a deathlike coma. Remove the stake, howev­ Money: General Death has little interest in money these days. That having been said, he has a secret hideaway in Brazil just outside of Sao Paulo. This small estate is valued at around two million American dollars and is pa­ trolled by a private security force hand selected by the General. He also has 32 million dollars put away for a rainy day. er, and he instantly revives, angry and hungry for blood. Weapons made of or coated in silver do normal damage, likewise weapons made of wood do full damage. Mega-Power: General Death has become one of the Un­ dead. Minor Super Powers: Anatomical Independence and Cel­ lular Rot & Decay. Major Super Powers: Energy Drain & Expulsion: Life Source. He can use this power to heal himself, but he still needs the blood to survive. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. Attacks per Melee: Eight. Bonuses: +7 on initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls, +7 to strike, +10 to parry, +10 to automatic dodge, +7 to roll with punch or fall, +3 to pull punch, +4 to disarm, +13 to damage, +4 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs possession, +7 to save vs Horror Factor, +6 to save vs mind control (psionic and chemical), +1 to save vs pSionics, is imper­ vious to toxic gasses, poisons, and other drugs, +30% to save vs coma/death and has a Horror Factor of 11 or 14. Other Combat Info: Karate Kick, Snap Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Wheel Kick, Crescent Kick, Jump Kicks (all), Criti­ cal Strike on an unmodified 18, 19 or 20, Paired Weap­ ons, Leap Attack (Critical Strike), and Body Throw/Flip. Magic: None. Psionics: None per se, not even the mind control abilities of the vampire. However, General Death is, himself, im­ pervious to the vampire'S mind control vampires and +6 to vs all forms of mind control (as noted previously under bonuses). Weapons: Superhuman, supernatural or undead, General Death is a military man with a love for guns and heavy weapons. He goes into combat armed with a mini-gun that can spit out hundreds of rounds per minute. It's only because of his Supernatural Strength that he is able to wield it like an ordinary soldier would an assault rifle. The weapon's damage is 2D4x1 per 10 round burst. Range is 2,000 feet (610 m) and it has a belt that holds 400 rounds (40 bursts). It can be clip fed with 50 rounds if needed, and General Death usually carries 2-6 extra clips with him. Of course he also uses his own powers, but he still enjoys a good firefight. Vehicles and Other Equipment: General Death wears a modified suit of Riot Armor (A.R. of 14 and 180 S.D.C.). The armor is black with gold trim and his family crest is on an oversized shoulder pad on the left arm. The hel­ met is ~ chrome skull with a built-in multi-optic system and radiO communications with a range of 10 miles (16 km). Attached to the back is a custom jet pack. It has a top speed of 100 mph (160 km) and a maximum altitude of 6,?00 feet (1,8.28 m). It has an unlimited range and duration, but the Jets need to be cooled after six hours or the whole contraption overheats and might explode. A special modification to the jet pack is a pair of extend­ able delta wings and a tail with a rudder. General Death can engage the ramjet and get the jet pack up to Mach one, but only for 15 minutes before the jets need an hour to cool. He uses it to lead a charge, make surprise at­ tacks, or as a means of escape. Mist . Mist has been an enemy of demon kind for a long, long time. He has engaged demons on several worlds, including at the Great Rift and in the Three Galaxies. The eruption of ~he Minion War is no surprise to him and he longs to bathe In the blood of demons again soon. He loves Doctor Vilde's pla~ to turn Earth into a dimensional way station and hopes It Will change the balance in the Minion War to favor Dee­ viis. He also hopes that, upon the successful execution of the Armageddon Project, he'll be allowed to go where the fighting is heaviest. When Mist was sent to Earth, he thought he was finally getting a reward for all that he had done for Dyval. Instead it was a lateral move to provide Doctor Vilde with more support. Mist had enough and wanted his due, but real­ ized that the Deevil Regent is, in his own right, a powerful and influential Deevil and not someone to be trifled with. Besides, Mist found Earth offered plenty of promise and op­ portunities are starting to present themselves to him. Just a year ago, Mist saved Doctor Mech from an assassin. As a reward for his loyalty and service, Doctor Vilde arranged to have Mist granted a special ability. Such honors are gener­ ally reserved for Regents and other higher ups, not a lowly Lesser Deevil Fiend. This power has given the Fiend the ability to turn into smoke and mist, making his name all the more fitting. This, of course, has earned Doctor Vilde Mist's eternal gratitude and loyalty. What Mist doesn't know is that he has just become one ~f D?ctor Vilde's latest experiments in imparting super abili­ ties In supernatural beings. So far, all of his "test subjects" have met with an unfortunate end. At first, they handle the special ability well for a few months, but after a while they become more overconfident, aggressive and savage, their /.Q. drops by half and they suffer from hot flashes and nightmares. In short order, this turns into paranoia, pain­ ful headaches and death. Most Deevils that die away from their n~tural plane of Hell are reborn, but for some reason, two-thirds of Doctor Vilde's test subjects remain dead per­ manently. He hopes this is not the fate for Mist, as he has come to appre~iate this loyal minion. Then again, he's only a Lesser Deevll, and what's one less Fiend in the Mega­ verse? As a Fiend, Mist can take on the appearance of just about a~yone. ~is disguises tend to be plain looking people that you d see In a crowd anywhere. This and his natural cunning have made Mist a superb spy, infiltrator, assassin and saboteur. His newfound ability to turn into smoke and mis: has added to his ability to bypass security systems and get In and out of places without a trace. ° 125 In his natural form, a trad itional Fiend is a large, impos­ ing jet black humanoid that wears hooded robes. However, Mist has always preferred a ninja outfit. Mist - A Lesser Deevil True Name : Shadow Soul . Alignment: Miscreant. Attributes: 1.0 . 19 , M .E. 15, MA 12 , P.S . 18, P.P. 21 , P.E. 16, P. B. 14 , S pd 15. Hit Points: 44 . S.D.C. : 26 . A.R.: 10. Horror Factor: 14, but 16 when Mist. P.P.E.: 80 Height: 15 feet (4.6 m) tall. Weight: 1,000 Ibs (450 kg). Disposition: The typical Fiend is a cold , calculating mur­ derer who enjoys torture, lurking around in shadows and striking without warning. Mist enjoys those things too , but has always been more of a warrior who enjoys open combat. Thus , what he con siders to be his "super abil­ ity" is a dream come true and has made him feel more confident and bold. Effective Level: 10th level Fiend . Skills of Note: Climb 98%, Computer Operation 98%, Concealment 66% , Escape Artist 90 %, Intelligence 83%, Land Navigation 92%, Locate Secret Compartments 70 %, Lore : Demons and Monsters 95%, Mathematics: Basic 98 %, Palming 80 %, Pick Locks 90% , Prowl 80% , Streetwise 71 %, Track Humans 85%, W.P. Knives and WP. Sword . Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m; can see in total darkness ), see the invisible , metamorphosis: hu­ man and animal, dimensional teleport 64 %, fire and cold resistant , Bio -Regeneration 306 S.D.C .lHit Points per minute and magically knows all languages. Special Ability: The Major Super Ability of Alter Physical Structure: Smoke or Mist. See Heroes Unlimited™, 2nd Edition , page 250 for details. Attacks per Melee: Five . Bonuses (all): +2 on initiative, +5 to strike, +5 to parry and dodge , +3 to pull pun ch, +3 to roll with impact/fall , +3 to save vs magic and + 7 to save vs Horror Factor. Vulnerability: Mist doesn 't know it yet, but his super ability is slowly killing him , and he 'll go insane first, becoming a psychotic killer within the next 106+3 months . Try as he might, Doctor Vilde cann ot seem to instill super abilities in Lesser Deevils and similar supernatural beings with­ out resulting in a cruel death , insanity, terrible side ef­ fects or all of the above . Not that it stops him from trying. (His experiments don't work at all on Greater beings. ) Magic Knowledge: All level one spells plus Animate and Control Dead (20) , Chameleon (6 ), Circl e of Flame (10) , Escape (8), Exorcism (30 ), Fear (5 ), Heal Wounds (10 ), Multiple Image (7), Mask of Deceit (15 ), Shadow Meld (10) and Turn Dead (6 ) Game Masters may add another 206+8 spells from levels 2-10 to reflect Mist's age and experience . Psionics: None . Weapons and Armor: Mist uses three daggers. The first dagger is magical, does 206+6 damage and always 126 returns when thrown. The second dagger is also magi­ cal and does 106 damage, but has the ability of Armor Piercing. What this means for an opponent wearing body armor is that the blade somehow always strikes between the gaps of the armor, not damaging the armor, but rath­ er the person inside. For those with a Natural Armor Rat­ ing, their A.R. simply is not applicable and damage takes place on any successful roll to strike. The third dagger is kept in the small of his back and is silver plated . Mist uses very little other equipment except a cell phone and a laptop computer. Money: Mist likes to collect trophies of his victories and has stolen and squirreled away 250 ,000 dollars worth of gems and precious metals, as well as $100,000 in cash . Salus Salus has been with Doctor Vilde as a trusted ally since she first arrived on Earth centuries ago. Despite her ex­ treme arrogance and snide attitude , she is a loyal minion, happy to serve the brilliant Regent. She doesn't crave pow­ er or wealth , but rather craves the rush of a challenging contest of wits and cunning . She considers herself to be a superb spy, manipulator and chess master (all true) - only she uses real people in her life and death games . Such ma­ nipulation is not reserved for mere mortals , as Salus also enjoys manipulating and tormenting her own teammates and subordinates . Instigating trouble and chaos, and caus­ ing people to go at each other's throats are the only things that give her true pleasure . Salus often plays Vilde's two "sons," Dark Omega and Demon Slayer, against each other, as well as Reich and Stealth Fighter just for the fun of it. Although Salus respects power and strength, she can 't help but to side with the underdog, and sets little events in motion to help them in subtle and secretive ways (leaks information, offers hints and clues, etc.). She likes to give the underdog a fighting chance. Why? Because it makes the "game" more interest­ ing, unpredictable and challenging. As a master at manipu­ lation , she enjoys the challenge of making things happen as she dictates, and loves being the puppet master pulling the strings on both sides of the game table . Crazy? Maybe, but she is a Greater Deevil and they often have their own twisted sense of gamesmanship and/or personal agenda . For Salus , it is constantly testing her abilities to control and manipulate people and situations . Thus, it is a surprise that she has never played such games with Doctor Vilde . That might change. Salus is wondering if it's time to give a few puny, little human heroes enough clues to find out about the Chaos Generators and Vilde's plan to unleash Armaged­ don upon an unsuspecting world . She thinks it would be fun to spice things up a bit now that they are approaching the final hour for doomsday. Of course, Salus would never do anything she thought would prevent this splendid plan from reaching fruition, and she will use all her powers and influence to see that Armageddon successfully takes place . It's just that she's bored and would like to make the game more exciting and challenging . 127 Salus' role among the Tiger Beasts is propaganda, espionage, blackmail and sabotage. If you want to incite violence, cause a riot, stir up political unrest or blacken someone's reputation, Salus is the one for the job. She is also the first on the scene to gather intelligence, stake out a location, discern an enemy's strengths and weaknesses and find the best way to breach security or tear it down. She would rather manipulate others to do her fighting for her, but Salus is no slouch in a fight, and is vicious and deadly. She also has a wonderful mind for plotting revenge on enemies who get away or earn her disdain. For Salus, payback is a joy. Salus is a Greater Deevil known as a Serpent. Her natu­ ral form is that of a giant snake, and she prefers the look of a boa constrictor. However, she can assume the appear­ ance of any man, woman or humanoid. estimate mortals, particularly humans. This has cost her dearly many times, yet she continues to do so. Magic Knowledge: All level 1 to 4 Earth Elemental Magic plus the following invocations. Level Two: Turn Dead (6). Level Four: Cure Minor Disorder (10) and Trance (10). Level Five: Calling (8), Energy Disruption (12), Heal Wounds (10), and Implosion Neutralizer (12). Level Six: Compulsion (20). Level Eight: Forcebonds (25) and Minor Curse (35). Level Eleven: Remove Curse (140). Psionics: None. Weapons and Armor: Uses people, not their toys. Money: She is not concerned with tangible rewards and lets the team leaders worry about such trivial matters. Salus - A Serpent Greater Deevil Stealth Fighter True Name: Salastar the Constrictor. Alignment: Miscreant. Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 17, M.A. 21, P.S. 20, P.P. 19, P.E. 17, P.B. 17, Spd 15. Hit Points: 32. S.D.C.: 81. A.R.: 14. Size: 20 feet (6.1 m) long. Weight: 1,000 Ibs (450 kg). When metamorphed as a human she can take on any appearance. Horror Factor: 15 P.P.E.: 400 Disposition: Like all Serpents, she is intelligent, organized and given to scheming and manipulating others. Ar­ rogant and demanding, Salus sees all non-Deevils as pawns and slaves to be manipulated and used as she deems fit. Skills of Note: All Rogue skills at 98%, plus Climb 98%, Escape Artist 98%, Gemology 98%, Intelligence 96%, Interrogation 98%, Land Navigation 98%, Literacy in Dragonese/Elven, German, English, Japanese, French, Portuguese and Spanish: all at 98%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 98%, Lore: Magic 98%, Lore: Faeries and Creatures of Magic 98%, Mathematics: Basic and Ad­ vanced 98%, Surveillance 98% and Swim 98%. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), see the in­ visible, turn into mist, metamorphosis (human) at will, dimensional teleport 98%, resistant to fire and cold (at­ tacks do half damage and magic does full damage), Su­ pernatural Strength and Endurance, Bio-Regeneration 406 S.D.C.lHit Points per melee, and magically knows all languages. Experience Level: 13th level Deevil Serpent. Attacks per Melee: Six. Bonuses (all): +1 on initiative, +5 to strike, +5 to parry and dodge, +4 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impacUfall, +3 to save vs magic and +12 to save vs Horror Factor. Vulnerabilities: Holy weapons as well as Rune Weapons powered by an essence with a good alignment do dou­ ble damage. Salus also has a tendency to greatly under­ 128 Stealth Fighter is a Mega-Villain with the powers of Sonic Flight, Cloaking and Energy Expulsion, so he named him­ self after the aircraft. His motto is "When you see me, it's already too late." He's also fond of saying, "The enemy doesn't see me coming until I start blasting them to Hell." Stealth Fighter has been part of Doctor Vilde's crew from a young age and is another character who sees him as a father figure. Tia Shan Peng was a mutant Vilde rescued from the streets of Bangkok. Years later, it was something Tia said that gave Doctor Vilde the idea to start the Church of Unity. Stealth Fighter is a brilliant strategist and tactician, and a capable leader in his own right. However, he has always felt second fiddle to Reich and is resentful and bitter over Reich's position of leadership and how he flaunts his pow­ er. Stealth Fighter believes he should be the one in charge of the Tiger Beasts, so being second-in-command feels like an insult. He is a master of long-term strategy and has an amazing sense of timing. Reich can be a chaotic leader at times and Stealth often holds the team or a battle strat­ egy together. Consequently, he does most of the planning and logistics for the Tiger Beasts for which Reich takes the credit. It is that chip on his shoulder and his gloomy attitude that has prevented Stealth Fighter from rising higher in the ranks of Vilde's minions. Tia has learned a lot about Deevils and is fully aware of what Vilde has planned, however having been another one "raised" by a Deevil has given him the cruel and fatalistic outlook of a Deevil. He is obedient to his savior and master Doctor Vilde, and sees it as his duty to make Doctor Vilde's vision a reality. However, he hates Reich and wants to get rid of him and take control of the team, only he can't see how he can do that without undermining Vilde's plans, es­ pecially at this critical juncture. Ironically, as much as he despises Reich, Stealth Fighter doesn't have a clue that he is plotting against Vilde. Like everyone else, Reich has him fooled into believing he is the loyal and dutiful right-hand of the Master. However, if Stealth Fighter should ever learn otherwise, he'd be happy to bring the arrogant Reich crash­ ing down. Stealth Fighter Real Name: Tia Shan Pengo Alignment: Aberrant. Attributes: I.Q . 14, M .E. 13, MA 14, PS 19, P.P 24, P.E. 24 , PB 11 , Spd 20 (running). Height: 5 feet. 6 inches (1.7 m) . Weight: 140 Ibs (63 kg) . Age: 55. Sex: Male . Hit Points: 72. S.D.C.: 776. Disposition: Tia is a competent leader in his own right and has the ability to rally the team to regroup when things go wrong , and to pull off any plan or mission handed to them, even when the odds are against them . He is a great motivator who thinks fast on his feet. He rewards team members for their successes and punishes those for their failures, yet despite his heavy-handed tactics, the team trusts and prefers his leadership over Reich. If Reich was ever proven to be untrustworthy or unreliable, the Tiger Beasts team and subordinates would turn to Stealth Fighter to lead them . Insanity: Tia is obsessed with power and leadership. He has always been second best to Reich and has always had to work much harder to get where he is. He wants the mantle of leader more than anything. Reich 's dis­ grace or death would be nice, too . Experience Level: 10th level. Education Level and Skills: Trade School. Common and General Skills : Mathematics : Basic 83% , Speak Native Language (German) 98% , Pilot: Automo­ bile 78% , Read and Write Native Language (German) 88%. Criminal Program: Concealment 81 %, Pick Locks 98% , Safe Cracking 61 %, Streetwise 71 % and Ventriloquism 68 % . Physical Program Hand to Hand : Martial Arts , Boxing, Swimming 98 % , and Gymnastics Sense of Balance 92%, Work Parallel Bars and Rings 98% , Climb Rope 93 %, Back Flip 98 % and Climb 40%. Secondary Skills: Card Sharp 64% , Palming 65%, Pilot Race Car 82% , Pilot Truck 76 %, Pilot Motorcycle 96 % , Prowl 75%, Wilderness Survival 98 %, and WP. Chain . Power Category : Mega-Mutant. Unusual Characteristics: None. Mega-Powers: Stealth Fighter has the power of Tremen­ dous S.D .c. Minor Super Powers: Energy Expulsion : Energy. Major Super Powers: Cloaking and Sonic Flight. Combat Training: Martial Arts. Attacks per Melee: Six Bonuses: +5 on initiative, +2 on Perception Rolls, +6 (+7) to strike, +9 (+11) to parry, +9 (+15 ) to dodge , +8 to roll with punch or fall , +3 to pull punch , +4 to disarm , +4 to damage, +1 to save vs magic, and +2 to save vs Hor­ ror Factor. Note: Bonuses in parentheses apply when in flight. Other Combat Info: Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 18,190r20. Vulnerability. Tia 's Achilles' heel is that all metal does dou­ ble damage to him. He can't even wear a gold watch, 129 and having metal on him just makes him nauseous. Stealth Fighter has to rely on light composite materials and plastics. Despite what some would consider an obvi­ ous vulnerability, he has done well at playing it off and few teammates or enemies realize his weakness. Be­ cause of his cloaking and flight capabilities, he tells ev­ eryone he has a limit on the amount of weight and wind resistance, so he travels light and wears nothing that can cause drag and slow him down. Magic: None. Psionics: None. Weapons: Stealth Fighter has to be careful with his choice of weapons as the most deadly tend to be made out of metal. He likes to use blunt, wood weapons with his fa­ vorite being a simple pair of nunchaku, which have an elastic cord instead of a chain, damage is 204 +4 from his damage bonus. Otherwise he primarily relies on his own powers. Vehicles and Other Equipment: Stealth Fighter has a thing for motorcycles and has one of the largest collec­ tions of (stolen) bikes in the world. He likes the weird and exotic kinds that seem popular these days in Amer­ ica, but his all time favorite are the Japanese "crotch rockets." Many times he'll lead superheroes on a merry chase and when they think they've gotten him, get away via his power of sonic flight. Money: Stealth has used his power many times, indepen­ dently of what his team is supposed to be doing, to line his own pockets. He has numerous caches of motor­ cycles and loot all across Europe. He also has several pieces of real estate in Europe, Africa and the Middle East where he can hide if necessary. pected to cause enough mayhem elsewhere to keep prying eyes away, and to alert him should the authorities start looking in his direction. Resources Elite Members of the Team Shogun - Ancient Weapons Master and Team Leader Demon Strike - Assassin and Spy Roaring Dragon, Sub-Regent Horror Second in Com­ mand Spoiled Yolk - Deevil Dragon Warrior Stone Samurai - Bodyguard, Assassin and Torturer Overall Troops/Minions The lists below are the troops available to the Devil Drag­ ons at any given moment and do not include the crew of the Death Bringer submarine. Non-Deevil Minions Mortals (without super powers, most are simple henchmen) 5,400 Mortals with Minor Super Abilities - 350 Mortals with Major Super Abilities 129 Mega-Heroes (Villains) - 7 Host (Deevil Minion Race) Cryxon -80 Shock Dragons - 12 Stalkers - 60 Tiger Beasts - 32 Lesser Deevils Bonelings -100 Deevils -42 Devilkins - 72 Dire Harpies - 12 Fenry, Demon Wolves - None. Fiends- 9 Gorgons - 3 Ice Wraiths - 6 Imps-4 Naga Deevils - 38 Nexus Deevils - None. Devil Dragons Anarchy Team Asia The Devil Dragons are Doctor Vilde's most experienced Anarchy Team. They are experts at assassination and provo­ cation and have had great success at keeping tensions high between North and South Korea as well as other countries, in­ cluding the United States and China. The team has countless "contacts" throughout the Orient and Indonesia, from snitches, thugs and pirates to terrorist groups, criminal organizations and corrupt governments. In fact, the Devil Dragons secretly fund a number of super-villains and small terrorist groups op­ erating in that part of the world. The waters around Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand are particularly dangerous due to the team's support of pirates. As one might suspect, the reach of the Devil Dragons is far, as their protection and support of terrorists and drug lords in Asia has ramifications around the globe, and no one is the wiser. Doctor Vilde is pleased. Very pleased. The Devil Dragons are also responsible for the placement and protection of Chaos Generators in the Orient, Russia, In­ dia, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand. If super beings should start snooping around, it is the Devil Dragons' respon­ sibility to deal with them by any means necessary. With Vilde's secret island fortress in the Pacific, the Devil Dragons are ex­ Greater Deevils Arch Fiends - 2 Beasts-4 Deevil Dragons - 1 Deevil Wraiths - 3 Horrors - 2 Pandemoniums - None. Serpents - 2 Range of Operation: All of the Orient and Pacific Rim countries, including Asia, Indonesia, Australia and New Zea­ land. Permanent Lair/Base: Shogun has established a base at the Prambanan Temple Complex in Java Indonesia, which is also rich in ley line energy and a location of a Chaos Gen­ 130 es. The sub will remain seaworthy until its S.D.C. has been reduced to zero, at which point it sinks. ** Destruction of any of the rudders causes difficulty in controlling the vessel and for each rudder lost, a -1S% pilot­ ing penalty is imposed. If all rudders are destroyed, the sub can not be directed and must surface to be set adrift. Speed: 30 knots on the surface and 20 knots when below the surface of the water. That's 35 mph (S6 km) and 23 mph (37 km) respectively. Range: Unlimited due to the fusion reactor. Statistical Data: Height: 36.4 feet (11.1 m). Width: 42 feet (12.8 m). Length: 600 feet (183 m). Displacement: 16,600 tons on the surface and 18,7S0 when below the surface and her ballast tanks are filled. Maximum Degth: 2.S miles (4 km). Power S}!stem: Effectively unlimited; 20 year life. erator. The government of Indonesia thinks the Devil Dragons crew is there as international workers to repair Prambanan af­ ter the recent earthquake. The base is well disguised and de­ fended by armed troops and Deevils. It is concealed via magic whenever someone from the Indonesian government visits to check on the "international reconstruction team's" progress and more than a few officials have been replaced by shape changing Devilkins. In fact, should the site fall under attack from foreign heroes or government, the Indonesian govern­ ment would send in its own military to protect the precious his­ torical site and the workers. Of course, the Devil Dragons have their own humans, superhumans and Deevils to defend their base, but it's nice to know they also have the local government in their corner too. Death Bringer is kept out at sea, away from prying eyes. A magic Teleportation Circle is hidden in the ruins, its exact location known only to Shogun and Roaring Dragon. Modes of Transportation: The team has a fleet of ground, air and water vehicles. They also have a considerable amount of military hardware and can purchase or lease more from "associates" and pawns in a number of militant nations where money can buy you almost anything. Add the influence and persuasiveness of the Deevils themselves, and the Devil Dragons team can acquire just about anything it needs, includ­ ing aircraft, helicopters, ocean vessels and armored combat vehicles. Also see the Death Bringer submarine. Weapon Systems: 1. Long-Range Missile Launch Tubes (8): There are eight missile launch tubes in the top of the vessel. Range: 1,000 miles (1,600 km). Damage: 3D6x100 damage to a SO foot (1S.2 m) radius. Rate of Eire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4 or 6. Pa~load: 2 per launcher, 16 total missiles. In the alternative, medium-range missiles can be substituted. See the World Dominator for medium-range missile stats. Death Bringer Some time ago, in a freak accident, the USN Alaska nuclear submarine was lost in the North Pacific. The submarine was barely able to surface long enough to allow its crew to evacu­ ate before it sank. The U.S. military was quick to respond, but not fast enough, because by the time a retrieval team arrived, the sub was gone. Stolen by the Devi/ Dragons and taken to Doctor Vi/de. Doctor Mech, Silver Condor and their crew spent two years rebuilding and modifying the vessel to make it big­ ger and more versatile. It was relaunched as the new, under­ water mobile base of the Devil Dragons in the Pacific. While not completely paranoid, team leader Shogun doesn't like the sub to stay in anyone location for more than 48 hours, and even then the submarine is usually on full alert and moving, but in one general area. 2. Torpedo Tubes (4): The Death Bringer's primary defenses underwater are its forward faCing torpedo tubes. Damage: 6D6x10. High Explosive is used, however the explo­ sives are even more deadly under water, thus why the damage is 6D6x10 instead of 3D6x10. Rate of Fire: Each tube can be fired once per melee. Effective Range: Smiles (8 km) underwater, but at that range the torpedo has no bonuses to strike. Torpedoes are most ef­ fective within 2 miles (3.2 km) of their targets and are +3 to strike. Pa}!load: 6 per launcher for 24 total. Note: Naga Deevils can also be released via the torpedo tubes to attack enemy vessels, demons, super beings and other underwater targets. The Naga Deevils may also be used to scout the waters ahead. Model Type: SSBN 732 Class: Ohio Class Strategic Missile Submarine (SSBN). Crew: 82 human crew members and 22 Deevil crew members (4 Deevils, 6 Devilkins and 12 Naga Deevils). Combat Troops/Passengers: As a mobile base, the vessel can accommodate an additional 56 human-sized troops/mu­ tants/super beings or soldiers, and 24 Deevils or power armor troops. A.R.: 15 S.D.C. by Location: Conning Tower - SOO Bow Planes (2) - 2S0 each Propeller - 400 Missile Launch Tubes (8) - 200 each Modified Torpedo Tubes (4) - 300 each ** Horizontal Rudders (2) - 200 each ** Vertical Rudders (2) - 300 each * Main Body - 3,100 * For every 300 S.D.C. points of damage the sub takes, it will start to take on water and there will be 1D4 hull breach­ 3. Special Equipment: A) Enhanced Air Recycling System: The sub has a superior air recycling system and can stay underwater for four months at a time before C02 levels reach dangerous levels. 8) Satellite Communications: The Death Bringer has an advanced communication array that allows the vessel to communicate using a satellite. In order to use satellite com­ munications, the sub must be on the surface of the water or at a depth no greater than 100 feet (30 m) from the water's surface. In the alternative, a communications buoy must be launched to the surface. Such a buoy is on a tether so it can be reeled back in and has a maximum reach of 1,000 feet (30S m). C) AcoustiC Negation System: This is an invention of Doctor Mech. The Death Bringer is able to create an acous­ tic bubble around the sub that negates all sound. Howev­ er, while using this underwater stealth system, the Death 131 Bringer cannot use her own sonar and is effectively navigat­ ing blindly underwater. D) Acoustic Decoys: Launched from specialized com­ partments on the sub , these decoys are meant to broadcast the acoustics that are identified by sonar as a full-sized sub­ marine to confuse and attract inbound torpedoes and other enemy vessels and miss the actual sub . Twenty decoys are carried and two can be launched per melee round. E) Active Sonar: While using active sonar a submers­ ible can have its position given away, but it can pick up more accurate information . Range is enhanced to 50 miles (80 km) and can track 144 different targets. Note: Think of sonar as underwater radar. F) Passive Sonar: Passive sonar is not as good as ac­ tive, but allows a submarine to remain undetected . Range is 10 miles (16 km) and 40 different targets can be tracked. G) Targeting Computer: All the data delivered by the ship 's sensors is sent to the ship 's computer system . This gives all weapon systems a bonus of +1 to strike. H) Vehicle Launch Bay: At the back end of Death Bring­ er is a vehicle bay large enough to hold two mini-subs, four motorcycles, S.G.U.BA gear for 12 divers and some extra supplies . Shogun Team Leader of the Devil Dragons Hikaru Shojitsu always secretly considered himself to be a modern samurai . He read everything there is on the subject and even mastered the traditional art of hand-making samu­ rai swords . His weapons were things of beauty, balance and power. During World War II his swords went to some of Ja­ pan 's greatest leaders. It was during the War that Hikaru met Doctor Vilde , who was conSidering exploring the lost science of making Rune Weapons and needed the greatest weapon­ smiths in the world to assist him. Vilde had interviewed many such craftsmen , but had heard the man he needed was Hikaru Shojitsu . At the end of a week long visit at Hikaru 's workshop, Doctor Vilde and his guards fell under attack by an American Spe­ cial Forces squad sent to kill Doctor Vilde. The surprise at­ tack mowed down Doctor Vilde's human bodyguards before they knew what hit them . It was Hikaru's martial skills with the daisho that saved Doctor Vilde's life. The battle, Vilde mused at the time, reminded him of a beautiful dance of death, with Hikaru the star performer slicing the enemy to pieces. Not knowing who or what he was dealing with when it came to Doctor Vilde (i.e that he 's a Deevil), Hikaru put his own life in harm's way to protect him . It was the only honorable thing to do. When it became clear to Hikaru that he could not hold the attackers off much longer, he pOinted to a small boat with an outboard motor and told Vilde to flee while he held off their attackers as long as he could. Hikaru intended to sacrifice his own life so Vilde would live. Impressed on many levels by this man, Doctor Vilde Teleported himself and his noble protector to safety Just as the young man was ovel'..vhelmed and about to be slain by his attackers. Hikaru was impressed and con­ cluded Doctor Vilde was a powerful wizard. Having saved his life, Hikaru owed Doctor Vilde a debt of honor and pledged his life to him. It was a pact Vilde was happy to accept. At the time , Hikaru was under the impression that the Doctor was a German and not an immortal Deevil, thus he was a shocked to learn he had pledged his life and honor to such a terrible crea­ ture. He is honor bound to that oath, a fact that Vilde constantly reminds him. Ironically, Doctor Vilde abandoned the idea of making Rune Weapons, though he has allowed Hikaru, code named Shogun, to make himself a suit of special Samurai ar­ mor and a few weapons empowered with magic. With the passage of several decades, Hikaru has become a true force for evil. Thanks to his association with Doctor Vilde and Deevils, he has become jaded and sees only the dark, selfish and cruel face of humanity. It's a dog eat dog world and he has decided to be a tiger among the hounds. He has become very wise and worldly in matters of politics, industry and manipulating world leaders and entire countries. He has profited from such manipulation, not only from Doctor Vilde 's rewards but from insider trading based on his own activities to support or undermine this economy or industry or that. Sho­ gun has become one of Doctor Vilde 's most loyal servants, and though he often feels as if he is just a plaything or pet to the Deevil, he has been given considerable amounts of trust, money and power by him . Being in the service of an evil and vile creature such as Doctor Vilde, Shogun expected to die a long time ago. Howev­ er, with magic, Vilde has kept Shogun alive and young. Every year, Doctor Vilde gives Shogun a magic elixir that staves off another year of aging. Shogun is well over 90 years old , but doesn't look a day over 35. Should he stop receiving the yearly elixir, however, the man will rapidly age to his current age. The shock to the body would kill a normal man, but Shogun will sur­ vive to be the equivalent of a healthy 70 year old and should live another 506 years. 132 Shogun is well aware of Doctor Vilde's plans for Armaged­ don and doesn't care. From his point of view, humanity has become a garbage pile of greed, selfishness and avarice any­ way, at least he and other loyal servants of Vilde will stand at the top of the heap. Shogun cannot explain his feelings for Stone Samurai or why he trusts her completely. He has assumed it is another example of his fall from honor and humanity, and that it is fitting that he be loved by a cruel and insane butcher such as she. Shogun - Leader of Anarchy Team ASia, The Devil Dragons Real Name: Hikaru Shojitsu. A!lgnment: Aberrant. Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 9, MA 22, P.S. 20, P.P. 24, P.E. 23, P.B. 8, Spd 20. Hit Points: 62. S.D.C.: 46. Wears armor for additional protec­ tion. Height: 5 feet, 7 inches (1.8 m). Weight: 160 Ibs (72 kg). Age: 87. Sex: Male. P.P.E.: 21. Horror Factor: 10, but only when in his armor. Disposition: Shogun himself would tell you he is dead in­ side. A man of honor in the service of creatures who don't understand the meaning of the word, except how to use it against others. He takes a dim view of humanity and finds little beauty or goodness in the world. In that regard, he has truly lost his soul. Now he only cares about power, but even that brings him little joy. Ultimately he hates his life and secretly wishes he could find his way to redemption. He knows that's impossible, so he continues to go through the motions and tries to tell himself that someday soon, he'll be a general in the army of Hell. That should mean something, he thinks, and yet he feels nothing. Experience Level: 13th. Education Level and Skills: Military Training. Basic Military Skill Program: Running, Climbing 95%/85%, Military Etiquette 90% and Radio: Basic 98%. Pilot Advanced Skill Program: Pilot: Jet Fighter 86%, Pilot: Warships & Patrol Boats 92%, Pilot: Airplane 98%, Pilot: Boats/Ships 98%/98%, Navigation 98%, Read Sensory Equipment 98%, and Weapon Systems 98%. Secondary Skills: Astronomy 85%, Bonsai 98%, Go 90%, Language: English 95%, Literacy: English 75%, Lore: De­ mons and Monsters 85%, Streetwise 56% and Writing 85%. Basic Skills: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Pilot Automobile 90%, Speak Native Language (Japanese) 98%, Read and Write Native Language (Japanese) 98%. Power Category: Ancient Weapons Master; see Powers Un­ Iimited™ 2 for complete description, starting on page 90. Specialties of Weapons Training: Expert in Recognize Weapon Quality 78%, Craft Weapons 93%, Weapons Ex­ pertise: Melee Weapons, Paired Weapons, Resist Disarm Attacks, Parry Projectile Bonus, Disarm Bonus, Disabling Strike. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Assassin. Attacks per Melee: Eight. Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +7 to strike, +8 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with punch or fall, +5 to pull punCh, +3 to disarm, +4 to damage, +4 to save vs magic, 70% trust/intimidate and +16% save vs coma/death. 133 Other Combat Info: Body Flip/Throw, Death Blow, Karate Kick, Tripping Leg Hook, Backward Sweep, and Critical Strike on a Natural 18-20. Weapons: Shogun only uses the weapons that he has per­ sonally crafted. It is his mark as a warrior and his pride that he only uses these weapons. His primary weapons are a Katana (large Samurai sword: 306+6 S.D.C. damage, +3 to strike and +1 to parry) and Wakizashi (short Samurai sword and symbol of rank; 206+6 S.D.C. damage, +2 to strike, +3 to parry). He also has a Tanto (large dagger, 106+2 dam­ age, +1 to strike and parry, +2 to strike when thrown), and all are enchanted to be near indestructible, never dull and have exceptional balance. As a reward, Vilde gave Sho­ gun a sample of Chrysteel from which to craft his personal weapons (above) and with Vii de's help, he made each into a magical Demon Slayer (does double damage to demons). When Shogun learned about Vilde's vulnerability to iron, he decided to make himself something of an insurance policy against his master. He created a special Wakizashi made of pure iron. The weapon is a simple short sword, but one of Shogun's finest creations. Against normal foes the sword does 206+6 damage and is +4 to strike and +2 to parry. It has been enchanted by magic with the ability of Ar­ mor Piercing and does triple damage to Deevils. He keeps this weapon with him whenever he meets with Doctor Vilde. Armor: Shogun has a suit of Samurai armor that is inspired by tradition but made of modem and alien materials. It has an A.R. of 17 and 329 S.D.C., yet is lightweight (no move­ ment or combat penalties), and environmentally sealed to survive in any environment, including outer space and the pits of Hades. Vehicles and Other Equipment: Shogun has racks and racks full of ancient weapons he has made over the decades. All are of superior quality (generally are +4 to damage and +2 to strike and parry). As the leader of the vaunted Devil Dragons, he has ac­ cess to virtually any weapons, gear, or vehicles he or his team may need. While he doesn't use modem guns or high­ tech weapons much himself, he recognizes their value and tries to get the best for his men, particularly his elite squads. Money: Hikaru runs a small legitimate business on the side selling his weapons over the Internet. He takes one or two custom orders a year, crafts the weapons and sends them out. Each sells for around 450,000 dollars. However, his personal collection of authentic ancient weapons and arti­ facts acquired over the decades is easily worth 35 million. He has also invested much of his substantial pay from Doc­ tor Vilde in the stock market with wise investments in weap­ ons and manufacturing industries, fuel, computers, the In­ ternet and technology stocks. His stock portfolio is currently worth 750 million dollars and he also owns a modest but valuable estate in Japan. Demon Strike Dai-Chong Hong doesn't look like a super being, villain or demon slayer, but he's all of them. He calls himself Demon Strike because it is his mission in life to destroy demons in the name of Dyva\. Dai-Chong Hong is something of an enigma. It is known that he grew up in North Korea in squalid poverty, is a self-made man, and loathes demons. Why he loathes demons Martial Arts , Prowl 75% , Swimming 95%, Weight Lifting and Wrestling . Espionage : Detect Ambush 80 %, Disguise 75 %, Intelli­ gence 74% and Tracking 75% . Weapon Proficiency: An cient Weapons Program: W.P. Ar­ chery & Targeting, WP. Blunt, WP. Chain and WP. Staff. Secondary: First Aid 85% , Radio: Basic 85 %, Language: English 90% , Language : Japanese 90 %, Language : Chi­ nese (Mandarin) 90% , Pilot : Airplane 82 %, Pilot: Motorcy­ cle 92 %, Recognize Weapon Quality (ancient only) 65% , Sign Language 98% and Wilderness Survival 70% . Basic Skills: Mathematics: Basic 98 %, Pilot Automobile 78 %, Speak Native Language (Korean) 98%, ReadlWrite Native Language (Korean) 88 %. yet works for Deevils is just one of the many mysteries that surround him and which he chooses to never speak of. Demon Strike is a skilled fighter and assassin . His patience and awareness of the world around him also make him efficient at gathering intelligence , working in disguise and making surprise attacks . He often works alone or with a pair of Fiends he trusts, named Long Shadow (7th level, Aberrant) and Black Fist (6th level, Miscreant), who assist him, especially when a little magic sup­ port or torture are required . For years , Demon Strike has been stockpiling supplies and weapons and placing them in se­ cret caches all over Southeast Asia. Once the Deevils take over the Earth, he intends to ask Doctor Vilde that his beloved homeland , Korea, be left to flourish without en­ slavement as a reward for his loyal service. If the Doctor or his Deevil masters refuse, Demon Strike will end his association with Vilde and try to lead his people into battle against the Deevils until they agree Korea can be free. Crazy perhaps , but those are his long-term plans. Power Category: Physical Training. Combat Training: Special ; Defensive and Fast Combat. Special Combat Abilities: Power Punch, Power Kick , Force of Will. Attacks per Melee: Nine . Bonuses: +5 on initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls, +8 to strike and parry, +12 to automatic dodge , +6 to roll with impact, +9 to pull punCh , +3 to disarm , +2 to Body FliplThrow (Critical Strike x2 damage), +1 to Automatic Back Flip, +3 to dam­ age , +5 to save vs magic and +28% to save vs coma /death. Other Combat Info: Body Block/Tackle, Pin/Incapacitate on a roll of 18, 19, or 20, Crush/Squeeze does 104 damage per attack, Automatic back flip, karate kick 206 , Neck Hold, Arm Hold, Backward Sweep, Roundhouse Kick , Critical Strike on an unmodified roll of 19 or 20, Leap Attack and Power Punch. Weapons: A master of the martial arts and various weapons , Demon Strike can use just about anything at hand, but pre­ fers staves, blunt and chain weapons for close combat. His faVOrite is a simple magic staff he calls the Rod of Night. It is indestructible yet flexible and does 206 damage to mortal foes, but 506 damage to demons and other supernatural beings (including Deevils). He also has a pair of nunchaku (206 damage) kept in a special pouch stuffed in the small of his back, a silver throwing dagger (104+1 damage) in a belt on his ankle and 106 shurikens (104 damage each) in his jacket pocket. When he knows he is entering into heavy combat or open warfare, he uses a long bow and has a variety of arrows, including some magic ones. Demon Strike Real Name: Dai-Chong Hong Other Aliases: The Asia Man and the Black Staff. Alignment: Aberrant. Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 13, MA 14, PS 18, P.P. 24 , P.E . 24 , P.B. 10, Spd 30 . Hit Points: 87 . S.D.C.: 65. Height: 5 feet, 1 inch (1.5 m). Weight: 140 Ibs (63 kg) . Age: 60. Sex: Male. P.P.E.: 13. Horror Factor: 12 to mortals who know his reputation, 14 to demons . Disposition: A calculating warrior of few words , he is the epit­ ome of grace under fire - always cool , calm and moving. He follows orders well and respects his superiors, which is why he gets along so well with Shogun and his Deevil teammates . He has a twisted sense of honor and will never strike an opponent first, his foe must touch him or his black staff first. He often takes a melee round or two parrying and dodging to size up an enemy, before launch ing an all-out assault. Once he thinks he has a foe sized up, he unleash­ es the fu ll force of his fury to take him down fast. Demon Strike does not waste time with cat and mouse games. Experience Level: 9th level warrior and self-made demon slayer. Education Level and Skills of Note: High School Graduate PhYSical: Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 86%, Walk Tight­ rope or High Wire 94 % , Climb Rope 96% and Back Flip 98%), Body Building & Climbing 98%/90% , Hand to Hand Vehicles and Other Equipment: In the field Dai-Chong wears a concealed set of armor, A.R . 10 with 50 SD.C. , but if he is expecting battle he will don a special suit of riot armor with A.R. 14 and 180 S.D .C. As for vehicles , he only appears to have a few motorcycles and small airplanes , which he uses for personal use. Scattered around Asia are 13 caches that have a total of 10 million dollars in weapons and equipment. Money: He spends most of his money on building his many secret weapon caches, but has two million invested in the Asian stock market and always carries 20,000-30,000 dol­ lars in ready cash . 134 himself from Doctor Vilde. He would never do anything to hurt or betray Vilde, but when things go badly, Roaring Dragon watches out only for himself. Roaring Dragon is Second-in-Command of the Devil Drag­ ons and such an imposing leader is often assigned to lead teams of the subordinate members of the Anarchy Team on missions and operations elsewhere, while Shogun leads the rest of the Devil Dragons and others. Roaring Dragon loves the role of leader and enjoys bossing around mortals and Lesser Deevils, as well as helping mold inexperienced mu­ tants and super beings into fighters and evildoers. While am­ bitious, Roaring Dragon is surprisingly patient and is willing to work hard and wait for his grand rewards. As noted ear­ lier, he sees this Armageddon on Earth as a moment to shine and is dedicated to the cause. Any heroes who try to stop it from happening will have a fight on their hands with Roaring Dragon. Whenever possible, his favorite mode of transporta­ tion is riding bareback on a winged, dragon-like monster of Dyval known as a Flying Horror (no relation, a Flying Horror is an animal). It is a fearsome sight to behold. Roaring Dragon - Horror Greater Deevil True Name: Grelluush-Gar the Grey. Also known as: The Dragon, Dragon Roars, and the Destroy­ er. Alignment: Aberrant. Attributes: 1.0 . 21, ME 22, MA 3, PS. 40 (Supernatural), PP 20, PE 18 (Supernatural), PB. 1, Spd 30 . Hit Points: 78. S.D.C.: 40. Natural A.R.: 16. Age: Immortal. Height: 17 feet (5.2 m). Weight: Two tons. P.P.E.: 169. Horror Factor: 17 Disposition: Roaring Dragon is a fun-loving Deevil who finds JOY in battle, killing and carnage. He has a strong sense of destiny and has tied his fate, for the moment, to Doctor Vilde and the Armageddon Project on Earth. Ever an op­ portunist, he sees this moment in time as a chance to seize greatness and power. He will do everything in his power to make Armageddon a realty. Experience Level: 10th level Horror, a Greater Deevil. Skills of Note: Climb 98%, Intelligence 89%, Land Navigation 98% , Literate in English and Japanese 96%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 96%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, Military Eti­ quette 96%, Recognize Weapon Ouality 91 %, Streetwise 68%, Swim 98% and Track Humans 98%. Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength and Endurance, nlghtvision 120 feet (366 m) , see the invisible, turn invis­ ible at will, impossible to blind or sneak attack due to his many eyes, can leap 100 feet (30.5 m) high or across, di­ mensional teleport 98%, impervious to pOison, impervious to normal fire and cold , resistant to magic fire and cold (half damage) , Bio-Regenerates 406 S.D .C.lHit Points per me­ lee round , regenerate eyes within 24 hours, and magically understands and speaks all languages. Attacks per Melee: Six. Bonuses (All): +5 on initiative, +7 on Perception Rolls, +6 to strike, parry and dodge, +6 to pull punch, +2 to roll with im­ pacUfall, +5 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs pSionic attacks and +12 to save vs Horror Factor. Magic Abilities: All Level One and Two Air Elemental Magic, plus the following spell invocations. 169 P.P. E. Level Two : Turn Dead (6). Roaring Dragon Deevil Sub-Regent & Second in Command The Roaring Dragon , as he is called, is a Greater Deevil known as a Horror. He was given his name by the Chinese around 1,500 B.C.E. because of his habit of rearing his head back and letting loose with a loud , terrifying roar when angry, as well as just before combat and after he has triumphed over an enemy. The Horror liked the name and kept it. This par­ ticular individual has been one of Doctor Vilde's associates for centuries and has spent much time on Earth during different periods of history. Roaring Dragon's favorite time and place was feudal China, but he's fond of modern day China and the Orient in general. When Roaring Dragon heard about Vilde's plan for Armageddon, the monster knew he had to be part of this historic event, and volunteered to serve as one of Vilde's elite operatives. Considering his past, it made sense to assign the Horror to Anarchy Team Asia, the Devil Dragons. Roaring Dragon lives for excitement and has a deep ap­ preciation for history and the quest for greatness and power. He sees this as Doctor Vilde's moment to transcend from a servant of the Lords of Dyval to a Deevil Lord himself. The Horror also loves the idea that Doctor Vilde is the architect of an act that will transform an entire planet, forever change the fate of humanity, and change the course of the Minion War to the Deevils favor. It's epic, and Roaring Dragon wants to be part of that epic moment. It doesn 't hurt that all of Vilde's lead­ ers will climb the ladder of success and glory with him . All of this means Roaring Dragon is loyal to Doctor Vilde as long as Armageddon is likely, and he will do everything in his power to make it so . However, if things start to fall apart and the plan for Armageddon looks like a washout, Roaring Dragon will be one of the first rats to leave the sinking ship and quietly distance 135 viis . In exchange for power and immortality, the Deevil Drag­ ons agreed to pay a tribute by supplying the Deevil Lords with the eggs of al/ future generations . Spoiled Yolk always seemed to come up short in his tithe, but that was often overlooked for his good work as a warlord and agent of the Deevil Lords. However, when it was discovered he was hoarding hundreds of the eggs for himself (not out of sentimentality or goodness, but as valuables like gold coins ), his domain was claimed by the Deevil Lord he served and Yolk was stripped of his hold­ ings, minions, title and everything he had accumulated over the millennia . This was getting off light, as the punishment for this transgression is usually torture and death , but the Dee­ vii Lords did not want to lose such an effective commander. Instead, he was stripped of everything and sent to Earth to serve as a mere grunt and perhaps rethink his obligation to the Deevil Lords for a few hundred years . Since death is not a desired option , Spoiled Yolk has served his new master, Doctor Vilde , well. Though he hates having to answer to Shogun, a mere human , he does his duty and follows orders but with an ample amount of back talk. Yolk is quick to question , mock and ridicule Shogun and always seems to have a snide comment to offer him. In combat, the Deevil Dragon is a whirlwind of savage fury and death . His mouth and condescending attitude is shared for all who are beneath him, which to him is everyone , mortal and supernatu­ ral beings alike. Thus , he enjoys taunting and belittling his op­ ponents and seems to have a smart aleck grin on his face at all times . His trash talking works for Yolk as it often causes foes to become angry, reckless and unfocused in their attacks, giving Yolk the upper hand . Level Four: Electric Arc (8 ). Level Five Heal Wounds (10). Level Six Call Lightning (15). Level Eight Exorcism (30) and Lightn ing Arc (30 ). Level Ten: Banishment (65 ). Weapons and Equipment: Seldom uses weapons, preferring to rely on his own formidable powers , however, if the need arises and the weapon is available , he won't hesitate to use it. Favors large , heavy weapons . As for technology, he is fascinated by it, yet not impressed , and usually has under­ lings work machines for him . Money : Wealth means power, and Roaring Dragon wants power. However, while he's managed to stash away a mil­ lion in cash and three million dollars worth of art treasures and an cient artifacts, he has a nasty habit of spending mon­ ey with abandon. True Name: Egg Despoiler Kilyrt . Also known as: Yolk and Egg Hoarder. Alignment: Diabolic. Attributes: I.Q. 23, ME 15, MA 19, PS 30, P.P. 19, P.E. 26, PB 5, Spd 40 running (23 mph/37 km ) and 80 flying (55 mph/88 km). Hit Points: 260 . S.D.C.: 400 . A.R.: 16. Height: 20 feet (6.1 m) long . Weight: 2,000 lbs (900 kg ). Age: Immortal , but has only been on Earth for two years. Horror Factor: 17 . P.P.E.: 400. I.S,P.: 100. Disposition: Arrogant and condescending . Experience Level: 8th. Skills of Note: Speaks and Reads Demongogian, English , and Spanish 98 % , Climbing 89% , Horsemanship: Exotic 79% , Land Navigation 73%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 84 %, Lore : Psychics & Psionics 79%, Lore : Faeries and Creatures of Magic 79% , and Wilderness Survival 84 %. Natural Abilities: Impervious to Lightning and takes no dam­ age from magical or conventional lightning or electricity. Bio-Regenerates 1D4x10 per melee round , Teleport 66% , Dimensional Teleport 76%, Supernatural Strength and En­ durance, and nightvision 500 feet (152 m). He is are also able to channel 20 P.P.E. (40 on a Nexus ) per melee re­ gardless of what the magic invocation is . Attacks per Melee : Six. Bonuses (all): +4 on initiative , +6 to strike , +6 to parry, +4 dodge, +1 to roll with impacUfall, +4 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs Psionics , and +6 to save vs Horror Factor. Magic Knowledge: SpOiled Yolk has knowledge of invoca­ tions and knows all Level One and Two spells plus the fol­ lowing . Spoiled Yolk Spoiled Yolk had served the Deevil Lords for millennia. He was a prominent Deevil Dragon who rose through the ranks and had attained the status of Regent. His fall came when it was discovered he was holding back on his obligation to the Deevil Lords . Deevil Dragons were not always infernals of Dyva!. At one time they were a race of lesser dragons that had little power and were berated and belittled by all other dragon species . These dragons so ld their souls to the Lords of Dyval to be­ come immortal supernatural beings in the service of the Dee­ 136 Level Three: Armor of Ithan (10), Invisibility: Simple (10), Impervious to Cold (6), Impervious to Fire (6), Paralysis Lesser (5), and Telekinesis (8). Level Four: Blind (8), Carpet of Adhesion (10), Energy Field (10), Fire Bolt (10), Magic Net (7), Multiple Image (7), Shad­ ow Meld (10) and Trance (7). Level Five: Calling (8), Domination (10), and Horrific Illusion (10) Level Six: Call Lightning (15) , Fire Ball (10), Fire Fist (15), Time Slip (20), and Words of Truth (15). Level Seven: Animate & Control Dead (20), Agony (20), Circle of Concealment (15 or 100), Fly as the Eagle (25) , and Life Drain (25) Level Eight: Locate (30) and Wisps of Confusion (40). Level Nine: Age (50) and Havoc (50) . Level Ten : Mystic Portal (60). Level Eleven Anti-Magic Cloud (140) and Finger of Lictalon (150). Level Fifteen: Dimensional Portal (1,000) and Teleport Su­ perior (600). Psionic Powers: Considered a Master Psionic and has the following powers: Detect Psionics (2), Healing Touch (6), Psychic Diagnosis (4), Psychic Surgery (14), Levitation (va ries ), Mind Block (4), Telekinesis (varies), Astral Projec­ tion (8), Clairvoyance (4), See Aura (6), See the Invisible (4), Sense Magic (3), Hydrokinesis (va ries) , Pyrokinesis (varies), Advance Trance State (10) and Mental Illusion (20). Weapons and Armor: None, he was stripped of all his posses­ sions, including all gold, jewels, and his various magic items. Money: As punishment, he is to have no money and is de­ pendent on his Anarchy Team for everything, but he has already secretly stashed away 50 ,000 dollars. Stone Samurai Today, Eguchi Hibari is the cold-blooded killer known as Stone Samurai , but she was once an ordinary girl. While on break from college , she discovered a stone Japanese sword - a large wakizashi samurai sword - from ancient Japan . The weapon was lost at sea ages ago , but because it is magic and made of stone , the sword survived the years at the bottom of the sea . Eguchi, an avid SCUBA diver, found it, but kept her discovery a secret. The moment she picked up the artifact she knew it held great magical power. She spent hours looking at it , scraping away centuries of grime, and listening to it whisper in her ear. When Eguchi discovered the stone sword gave her super abilities, she wasn't surprised and welcomed them . At first, she used her newfound powers to fight crime, but she found herself more enthralled with her powers and what they could do for her, than helping others. She had always thought herself better than others, but now she was "super­ human " and people seemed more like sheep and fat cows more than ever. They bored her. Life bored her. Being a crime fighter sucked. It was hard work even trying to find crime and criminals to fight. Sure , she took down a few drug dealers at a nightclub, but they seemed hardly worth the effort. During a brawl that got out of hand, Eguchi killed a trio of second-rate hoodlums. Rather than being horrified, she liked it. She liked it a lot. The rush of a serious fight and the thrill of the kill stayed with her the rest of the night. She was a new person. More 137 confident. Bold. Alive - truly alive for the first time in her life. Eguchi started to wonder why the law applied to beings of power like her. She should make the rules. She should be the lioness on the hunt at night. Soon friends, family and school were forgotten, and Eguchi went on a crime spree as the vil­ lain, Stone Samurai. It was wonderful. Stone Samurai only met Shogun by chance, but the second their eyes met there was something about Shogun that trig­ gered an ancient memory in her and the magic stone sword. She lowered her sword, dropped to one knee and asked Sho­ gun if she could serve at his left hand and fight at his side. Sho­ gun surprised himself when he immediately answered, yes. They have been working together for five years now. Whatever the mystical connection, the two have never questioned it nor dared to explore their feelings any further. Stone Samurai has become an effective member of the Devil Dragons and is Sho­ gun's unofficial bodyguard. She has, indeed, become his left hand (she dare not ask to be his right hand, at least not yet) and stays near him at all times, unless she has been ordered away on a mission, which is seldom. While nearly inseparable, they are not lovers, though it seems an inevitability. Somehow they both sense that when that day comes, big changes are in store for them both. In combat, Stone Samurai is ruthless and without mercy. She enjoys killing and forcing people to bend to the will of Sho­ gun. For now, his will is the will of Doctor Vilde, so she fights like a samurai born for her Shogun and his diamyo. Real Name: Eguchi Hibari. Alignment: Diabolic (was Unprincipled). Attributes: 1.0. 18, M.E.13, MA 8, P.S. 11 (+21), P.P. 15(+5), P.E. 21, P.B. 17, Spd 24 (+6). Numbers in parentheses ap­ ply only in stone form. Hit Points: 57. S.D.C.: 22 (+1,540 in stone form). Age: 25. Sex: Female. Height: 5 feet (1.5 m). Weight: 110 Ibs (50 kg), 350 Ibs (158 kg) in stone form. Age: 25. Sex: Female. P.P.E.: 7. Horror Factor: 13, but only in stone form, in combat or when torturing or threatening with her sword. Disposition: Eguchi has always followed her passion, and currently that passion is Shogun and serving the Deevils' agenda. She is cold, calculating and heartless, lacks empa­ thy for her fellow humans, and really only cares about her­ self and Shogun. She only shows emotion with Shogun and when locked in combat, engaged in acts of torture or killing. Those are the only moments when her cold facade cracks and her true vile nature comes to the surface as a wicked, joyful smile. The only thing she loves more is Shogun, thus she wlll do anything he asks of her, and she will fight to the death to protect him or serve his goals. Experience Level: 7th. Education Level and Skills of Note: Two Years of College. Computer Program: Basic Electronics 79%, Computer Op­ eration 89%, Computer Programming 89% and Computer Repair 59%. Science Program: Anthropology 69%, Archaeology 69%, Astronomy 74%, Chemistry 79% and Mathematics: Basic and Advanced 94%. Secondary Skills: Athletics, Boat Building 59%, Fishing 74%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Land Navigation 64%, Pilot: Sail Boat Types 94%, Pilot: Water Scooters 84%, Research 84%, SCUBA 84%, and Swimming 84%. 138 Basic Skills: Pilot Automobile 82%, Speak Native Language (Japanese) 98% and ReadlWrite Native Language (Japa­ nese) 98%. Power Category: Mega-Magic: Enchanted Weapon. Mega-Powers: All common Mega-Powers plus Tremendous S.D.C. and See the Invisible. Powers of the Stone Wakizashi: The Wakizashi is the samu­ rai short sword. It also represented the rank of the samurai and was allowed to be carried even when other weapons were to be checked. This magical Wakizashi is made of stone, despite this has a razor edge that never chips or dulls. It does 6D6+6 damage (damage bonus included), provides Stone Samurai with a Mystic Shield, and a Power Bolt can be fired from the weapon once per melee round (6D6 damage, 1,000 fo01l305 m range). The sword makes Stone Samurai Impervious to Fire and gives her the pow­ ers of Tongues and Cloud of Smoke (same as the spells). It is also responsible for Eguchi's super abilities and evil ways. The sword is indestructible and imbued with a power­ ful, wicked and corrupting force. What it may be, however, is unknown as Eguchi has never bothered to find out or even ask. Since she turned into a villain the sword is quiet, content with the monster it has created. Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Stone (Major Su­ per Ability; Natural A.R. of 16) and Extraordinary Physical Prowess (Minor Super Ability). Achilles' Heel: In order to access any of her powers, Eguchi must transform into the Stone Samurai (she must turn to stone). She doesn't mind, as the transformation makes her look like a highly detailed, living statue carved out of flaw­ less white marble. She is vulnerable in human form, but she prefers being made of stone anyway, reverting to flesh and blood only to make love, and sometimes in her sleep. In certain circumstances, Eguchi's devotion to Shogun may be used against her, and one must wonder what would come of her if she was parted from the magic stone sword. Would she eventually lose her powers? Or would she lose her sense of purpose and become insane (okay, even cra­ zier)? Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert. Attacks per Melee: Six. Bonuses (while transformed): +1 on initiative, +4 to strike, +7 to parry, +9 to automatic dodge, +3 to roll with punch or fall, +2 to pull punch, +19 to damage, +6 to save vs magic, +6 to save vs possession and +6 to save vs Horror Factor. Note: Using the magic sword to attack provides and addi­ tional +1 to strike and parry. Other Combat Info: Karate Kick, Snap Kick and Critical Strike on an unmodified 19 or 20. Weapons: The stone short sword does not allow her to use any other weapon but it or the powers it has given her. Vehicles and Other Equipment: Other than fast cars, speed­ boats and lUXUry vehicles, and those necessary for busi­ ness, none. Money: Eguchi had little money to start with until she started a life of crime and joined the Devil Dragons. She spends money like water and loves the best that money can buy. As a result, she's lucky to have more than 20,000 dollars to her name, but does own jewelry, a collection of exotic samurai items, and other "stuff" she's purchased with the money she gets paid from Doctor Vilde worth at least a few million. Doctor Vilde's Island Fortress modern naval exploration in this part of the world . If it appears on any ancient map, nobody has noticed, or they consider it an inaccuracy. Any past sign ificance the island may have had a few hund red years ago, has been lost to history. The second defense mechanism is the magical fog and mist that cove rs the entire islan d. This makes visual contact all but impossible. For years, whenever Doctor Vilde had engaged his adve r­ sanes he always had 2-5 escape plans plotted out well ahead of time . This always involved magic and allowed him to escape without leaving a trail. He knew it would take decades to build up to his final plan, and if anyone were to find his hidden island lair, it wou ld spell disaster. Therefo re, he has played his hand very ca refully and has successfully kept his island fortress a secret. To this day, only people in Doctor Vilde's inner ci rcle even know he is alive , and of those people, only a small frac­ tion know he has a secret island base or where it is located . The Fortress of Doctor Vilde is located on a remote is­ land in the South Pacific. It was chosen because it has ley lines and a powerful nexus point. The base was built to Doctor Vilde's exact specifications by human slaves and Lesser Dee­ viis around the time of the Ame rican Revolutionary War and includes a large, permanent Ci rcle of Concealment to keep the island hidden from prying eyes . As an added measure, othe r magic main tains a constant thick fog around the island to prevent ships from approaching its craggy shores , and the concealment magic keeps it from bei ng see n by aircraft and sa tellites fl ying overhead . As fa r as the outside wo rld is con­ cerned , the island doesn't exist. Of cou rse, Vilde is prepa red for trouble and there are a number of technolog ical, magical and Deevil defenses in pla ce to keep the island safe and secu re. The enhanced Circle of Concealment is the first line of defense , and no one knows about the island as it was concealed long befo re the age of Other Defenses: The north side of the island has miles of natu ral defenses that come by way of stone crags and steep cliffs. Any ship that comes too close to the cl iffs is dashed on the jagged rocks be­ neath the waves and/or smashed aga inst a wall of stone . The wate rs on this side of the island are always rough , and scaling the vertical wall is perilous. The eastern side of the island is much like the north, but the re is a base camp whe re invited visitors arrive and where unwanted ones are captu red or gun ned down by the secu rity patrols . A natural rock ledge extends from th e low cliff out over the wate r. Vi lde has had the ledge smoothed out and built a landing pad fo r helicopters and other craft invited to the island . The west side of the island itself is a long , sandy beach, but it is protected by numerous reefs , some of th em difficult to see. Wi th the fog that pe rpetually sh rouds the island , these reefs are almost impossible to navigate On the south of the island is an underwater cave tha t opens up to a large pocket inside the mountain. During Wo rld Wa r II, the Doctor built a secret subma rine bay inside. It is not 139 visible from the air and it looks difficult to navigate as there are several reefs that run alongside the base of the mountain. Monsters on the prowl all around the island. In addition to specific natural barriers, traps and defenses, at least a doz­ en Fenry Deevil Wolves prowl the jungle as do a dozen Tiger Beasts and a few Gorgons. In the mountains there are at least two dozen Harpies and Bonelings, as well as a dozen Dire Harpies. Several dozen Deevil Naga patrol the waters around the island on all sides. Deevil Dragons - None. Deevil Wraiths 1 Horrors 6 Pandemoniums - None. Serpents -1 Island Maps Base Deevil & Henchmen Population Below is a breakdown of the island, key locations and likely encounters based on the following maps. The numbers can vary up or down (usually down) as more may be summoned while others are sent out on various mis­ sions. The more Vilde's holdings and Chaos Generators in the outside world are threatened by heroes and/or authorities, the fewer (as few as half) Lesser and Greater Deevils there will be on the island. Vilde always tries to keep some on hand to de­ fend the base as well as for servants, assistants and company. Vilde's Island (Tactical Map) 1. Reefs. Most of these reefs are natural. However, be­ cause of the Deevil presence on the island, the reefs have taken on a more sinister aspect. First, the coral is far more deadly as the rocky protrusions tear most boats to pieces, penetrating any Armor Rating (A.R.) less than 14. For any A.R. of 14-17 there is only a 50% chance per melee round that the coral tears through the hull. An A.R. 18+ is impervious to damage from the coral, but makes a horri­ ble noise as it scrapes against the hull. Boats approaching the island take 3D6x1 0 damage per melee round (15 seconds). Second, there are devilish creatures that inhabit the coral and pull unsuspecting victims to their doom. These creatures include Deevil Naga as well as a pair of Kraken. Host of Hell/Minions Cryxon - 24 in the jungles only. They are typically encoun­ tered in bands of 1D6+1. Dyval Stalkers 12 along the cliffs. They are typically en­ countered in bands of three. Harpies - 36, but are found only in the mountains and might be thought of as aerial and mountain attack dogs. A typical encounter is with 1D4+2. Humans - 96. Only the most trusted and loyal are allowed on the island, unless they are brought in to be eaten as food or used as test subjects in experiments. This may include mu­ tants without super abilities. Most hold lowly positions such as guards, servants, lab assistants and common laborers, and though 20% are scientists and technicians, they too are con­ sidered to be the lowest of the low. Humans or Mutants with Minor Super Abilities 32 Humans or Mutants with Major Super Abilities 7 Shock Dragons - 6 patrol the jungle as a team. Tiger Beasts - 24. They are found mainly in the jungle and mountains, and sometimes prey on the Harpies when no other prey is around. They are usually encountered as lone hunters or in pairs. Zombies - 200 or so. Doctor Vilde has a thing about zom­ bies and finds them useful pets that never complain. Kraken Quick Stats The Kraken that live in the waters around the island of Doc­ tor Vilde are part octopus and part Moray eel. It was an early Vilde experiment created to repulse any landing of troops. These creatures are huge and have the body of an octopus, but instead of true tentacles the eight appendages each end with the head of a giant eel. These eel tentacles create a bi­ zarre and ominous image as each moves about as if it has a mind of its own and they school together only because they are attached at where their tails should be to the octopus body. Within the mass of Moray eels is the large, beaklike maw of the octopus. The creature is so large and the beak so power­ ful that it can chew up and splinter small boats in a matter of minutes while the eel-head tentacles gobble up the people who fall into the water. Over the years, the two Vilde Kraken have grown to immense size and after the reefs are the secret island's main defenses against approaching ships. Each mon­ ster has its own lair, one in, a large rocky outcropping to the northwest, and the other lives among the coral in the south­ west. The two Kraken don't fight, but they tend to avoid each other, so it's not likely to run into both at the same time. Lesser Deevils Bonelings - 36, mainly in the mountains. Deevils -10 Devilkins - 4 Dire Harpies - 12, encountered only in the mountains and jungles. Fenry, Deevil Wolves 24, most prowl the jungles. Fiends -12 Gorgons - 15. Most are relegated to the mountains, never anywhere else as Vilde finds them to be loathsome creatures. Ice Wraiths - None. Imps-6 Naga Deevils - 72, in the waters around the island only. Nexus Deevils - None. Alignment: Miscreant. Attributes: I.Q. 5 (animal intelligence), M.E. 10, M.A. 12, P.S. 45 (Supernatural), P.P. 24, P.E. 25 (Supernatural), P.B. 4, Spd 200 underwater (that's 135 mph/216 km). Hit Points & S.D.C.: 1,800 for the main body (octopus) and 340 for each eel tentacle. Natural A.R.: 10 Horror Factor: 15 Greater Deevils Arch Fiends - 6 Beasts -10 140 Vilde's Island Fortress Player Map .~ -----­ .~~~ Carl Gleba Damage: Due to its size, weight and Supernatural P.S., it does more damage. Tentacle slap or Jab does 1D6x10+30, power slap/jab does 2D6x1 0+30 (counts as two melee at­ tacks) , bite attack does 1D4x1 0+30, bite from the large oc­ topus maw does 1D10x10+30. Crush from tentacles does 2D4x1 0+15 per crush attack. Vulnerabilities: Heat and fire attacks inflicts double damage (but are usually only suitable when the tentacles are above water), son ic weapons and powers inflict double damage, and the creature is susceptible to pSionic attacks. Most weapons inflict normal damage. Since the creatures are dull witted , Vilde's people know that if they are in the water they need to use a specially crafted sonar device that emits a painful signal to keep the monsters from attacking them. The Kraken have learned to leave Deevil Naga alone . Size: Each eel tentacle is 85 feet (26 m) long, the octopus body is roughly 20 feet (6.1 m) in diameter. Weight: 10 tons. Experience Level: Not applicable . Equivalent Skills of Note: Swim 98 %, Underwater Naviga­ tion 80% and Track by smell 45 %, +20% if there is blood in the water. Natural Abilities: Supernatural Strength and Endurance, nat­ ural chameleon while underwater (same as the Chameleon spell except the Kraken can perform Chameleon at will as often as it desires), is able to survive extreme ocean depths of up to 4 miles (6.4 km), breathes underwater with no need to surface. Eel tentacles can survive while out of water for an indefinite time, but the main mass of the Kraken can only survive for one minute per PE . attribute point. The Krak­ en can see perfectly underwater, even in dark and murky water, and has nightvision of 1,000 feet (305 m), sees in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum of light, has a supe­ rior sense of smell that allows it to track prey, and superior hearing (can hear a person swimming a mile/1 .6 km away and a ship 's engine up to six miles/9.6 km away). If an eel tentacle is destroyed it regrows within 106+3 days and the Kraken Bio-Regenerates other damage at a rate of 1 D4x1 0 per hour. Finally, it can unleash a murky blue ink in a 200 foot (61 m) radius si x times per day to confuse and blind attackers or as a means to escape. Attacks per Melee: Eight. Bonuses (all): +6 on initiative, +2 on Perception Rolls , +8 to strike, +8 to parry and dodge , +4 to pull punCh , +3 to roll with impact/fall, +5 to save vs po ison , +5 to save vs magic, +6 to save vs Horror Factor and + 1 on all other saving throws . 2. North Entrance. At the end of a dirt path is a large natu­ ral cave with a steel door. It provides access to the main facility via vehicles . More on the North Entrance is described below. 3. Monument Beach. The beach is littered with the re­ mains of ships that date to the 17th Century. Among the wreck­ age are statues in the sand . Some are of Polynesian warriors, some are Japanese sailors and people from various time peri­ ods, both human and monstrous. All are disturbingly lifelike, as they are the vi ctims of Doctor Vilde's Gorgons put on display to remind minions what happens to traitors and troublemakers, and as stone scarecrows to frighten away outsiders who might stumble upon the island. Today there are fewer than 20 Gor­ gons on the whole island, but they remain as deadly as ever, and three live near Monument Bea ch. 141 Vilde's Island - Tactical Map .~ .~ 10 /9 / i / I I· 1 ,t /­ *I"MI~ f ~"~ Typical Gorgon Quick Stats Gorgons are the classic Medusa with snakes for hair and the power of Petrification. They hate beautiful people and like to cause suffering and pain Gorgons turn people to stone with a mere glance. Gorgon - a Lesser Deevil Also known as: Medusa. Alignment: Diabolic. Attributes: I.Q. 6, M.E. 18, MA 6, P.S. 28, P.P. 19, PE. 18, P.B. 4, Spd 18. Hit Points: 258. S.D.C.: 30. Natural A.R.: 10. Horror Factor: 16 P.P.E.: 80 Experience Level: 4th is a common average. Skills of Note: Land Navigation 58%, Tracking 45%, Demon and Monster Lore 55%, Prowl 40 %, W.P. Sword, and W.P Chain . Natural Abilities: Nightvlsion 900 feet (274 m), see the invis­ ible, keen vision , plus the vision from its many serpents , making it impossible to blind or sneak attack a Gorgon. Dimens ional Teleport 60%, resistant to fire and cold (take half damage), Bio-Regenerates 306 SD.C'/Hit Points per melee round, lost snakes regenerate within one hour and the Gorgon will completely regenerate within 24 hours (ful l S.D.C. and Hit Points) unless its head is severed and burnt. Petrification (specia l attack): Anyone who simply looks into the eyes of a Gorgon or one of its snakes must roll to save vs Petrification; a 14 or higher is needed to save. The ap­ proximate rang e of the Petrification gaze is 200 feet (61 142 ~ CE1 '.:kk m). Avoiding looking into the monsters eye's will safeguard against the attack, but all attacks are at -51 Petrified vic­ tims are permanently turned to stone unless restored by the Gorgon who did it or restored by the Stone to Flesh spell. It should also be noted that characters with Alter Physical Structure (APS ) Stone are immune to the Gorgon's petrifi­ cation attack, as are Earth Elementals. Attacks: Eight physical or Petrification attacks per melee . Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +4 to strike and dodge, +7 to parry, +3 to pull punch and roll with impact or fall, +4 to save vs magic, and +8 to save vs Horror Factor. Magic Abilities: The Gorgon knows a few spells limited to the following: Level One Death Trance (1). Level Two : Turn Dead (6). Level Seven: Animate and Control Dead (20). Level Eight: Spoil (FoodlWater; 30), Stone to Flesh (30), and Exo rcism (30). Weapons and Equipment: Most rely on their natural abilities rather than weapons, but the Gorgons do have access to modern swords or chain weapons if needed. 4. Zombie Production Area. Doctor Vilde enjoys using zombies as pets, guards, defenders and workers, and this is where he makes them. Key ingredient: A live human. He has turned many an unfortunate human into a zombie and keeps 204 dozen around at all times . Stats for Vilde's Zombies are described at the end of this section with other Non-Player Characters (NPCs). 5. South Entrance. A large cave that has a steel door re­ cessed into the stone is the entrance to the southern part of natural Strength can be used to rip the steel cable netting and takes 206 melee rounds. The most effective way to get out of the net is with a cutting torch or laser. Both tools only take 104 melees of work to cut free, but what are the odds of having such a tool handy. Note : Each trap sets off an alarm that lets the island guardians know a trap has been sprung. A patrol of 104+2 oeevils will arrive to investigate and take captives in 404+1 melee rounds. Other types of traps may include swinging log traps and the occasional foot noose snare, but are not as abundant as the net traps and pit traps and do not have alarms attached to them . MaChine-gun nests. There are seven machine-gun nests located along the base perimeter of the mountains . Each ma­ chine-gun nest is a bunker built into the side of the mountain, and about 50 feet (15.2 m) above the trail. Those in the bunker have a clear line of site on the trail for a half mile (0.8 km) in either direction . When and if enemies approach the kill zone, a sentry manning a .50 caliber machine-gun radios base to report intruders and, unless told to do otherwise, opens fire. Machine-gun nests are not very obvious for those with an un­ trained eye or for those not looking around for trouble. Charac­ ters with military or espionage training should roll under their their Camouflage, Concealment, Detect Ambush, or Detect Mines and Traps skill to spot a machine-gun nest. For those who don't have such skills, the Game Master can opt to have a character make a Perception Roll , 15 or higher is success , 14 or less is failure. Game Masters should modify this roll if char­ acters have certain super abilities that enhance their senses or awareness. the island lair. The door is massive, and large enough to admit any type of ground vehicle. More on the South Entrance is described below in its own section. 6. Underwater Sub-Bay access . When submarines were all the rage during World War II , Doctor Vilde decided to add a submarine base to his island lair. More on the sub-bay is described in the pages that follow. 7. Deevil Secret Entrance. This is a direct access into the main facility. It is used by the oeevils and leads to the Gorgons Lair. 8. Airstrip Runway for small aircraft. This was a large, stone outcropping that was leveled out to serve as an airstrip for small aircraft and helicopters. Aircraft that have VTOL ca ­ pabilities or that can land in less than one mile (1.6 km) can make use of this narrow runway carved from volcanic rock. This runway accesses the base's hangar on Level Six. 9. Volcano Caldera Access. Helicopters or VTOL aircraft can land in the hangar on the top level of the island. The lip of the volcano's caldera casts a shadow that conceals the metal­ lic iris that gives access to the hangar. 10. The Jungle. The jungle on the west side of the island has been left mostly untouched. It is dense and difficult to get through even on foot , and interlopers trying to move through the island will need to blaze a trail to get through the dense jungle foliage. Over the years, some of the Lesser oeevils that Vilde employs have created a series of Jungle paths. Most paths are deSignated patrol routes and those with tracking skills will notice the inhuman foot traffic and tracks. Fenry, Tiger Beasts and Gorgons are the most likely oeevils to be encountered in the jungles. The main path runs north and south following the base of the mountains. There are also a half dozen paths to the beach. To confuse and trap intruders, there are dozens of smaller paths that diverge from the main paths, but most either double back to the main path or stop at a dead end and a trap. The majority of the traps are pit traps with punji sticks. Typi­ cal damage from the fall and the punji sticks is 606 SOC. damage. There is also a 01-20% chance that 104 of the punji sticks will impale, doing an additional 306 points of damage di­ rect to Hit Points . For characters with armor or a Natural A.R., the Game Master should roll a 020 . If the roll exceeds the hero 's A.R., apply the damage indicated, otherwise there is no additional damage . Pit traps are well hidden, but charac­ ters with the Detect Mines/Traps skill or Detect Ambush skill shou ld roll under their skill to see if they detect a trap before falling victim to it. On a successful roll, the trip wire or trap is seen and easily avoided. If a character does not have the skills mentioned above, Game Masters can opt for a character to make a Perception Roll. For those not looking for the traps the number needed to notice the trap is 20, and for those looking for a trap, a Perception Roll of 15 or higher is needed . Net traps are the second most common on the island . They are triggered by a trip rope or wire, plus there is an alarm that goes off to warn Vii de's henchmen. There are two kinds of nets used. One is a simple fishing net that can snare up to 108 people . The rope netting is thin and victims can cut themselves loose in 104 melee rounds . The second type of net is deSigned to ensnare superhu­ mans and supernatural beings and uses lightweight steel cable . The cables are as thin as the regular rope nets , but much stronger. Simple knives won't cut through this netting . Energy weapons or super abilities can be used to blast one's way out in 106+1 melee ro unds and requires care not to hurt anyone else trapped in the snare. Superhuman and Super­ Volcano Entrances From ground level there are three entrances into Vilde's mountain fortress . The north and south entrances are the main entrances into the fortress and both are large entrances for vehicles. The third entrance is In the middle of the island at the base of the dormant volcano, and is more of a secret entrance for the Oeevils that roam the island . , I orth Entrance Sc.:tlc in FeOl I HI ~o ,040 $o ! North Entrance 1. Bunkers (2). Two reinforced bunkers stand out against the rock face Both are made of reinforced concrete and steel, and have a t\vo foot (0 .6 m) high by 10 foot (3 m) long view 143 port for gunners of a pair of .50 caliber machine-guns. A steel shutter can be lowered to completely seal the bunker, although it is not airtight. To breach a bunker, attackers need to do some serious damage; each bunker has SOO S.D .C. and an A.R. of 1S. People inside the bunker can be targeted through the long sliUview port, but only by a Called Shot at a penalty of -3 to strike. Personnel : Each bunker has two gunners and six guards. The gunners are usually humans or mutants and the guards may be humans or mutants with minor super abilities or Lesser Deevils. 2. Steel Reinforced Door. This is a large steel door that slides up like a garage door. It is made out of three inch steel and has 500 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 16. 3. Parking Area. Some vehicles are stored here, Including trucks and jeeps used to bring troops and supplies to and from the main base. 4. To Main Base. This is a paved road that leads to the main base on Level Six. As a person enters this tunnel there is an electronic eye that alerts guards in the security room to visitors. This area is monitored by two surveillance cameras mounted in each bunker, facing out. A note on North Entrance activity. Activity is kept to a minimum. While patrols come and go from this entrance, guards and visitors do not lo iter in front of the doors or go out for smoke breaks. There are six guards on duty at all times who usually stay in the bunkers, but will occasionally wander out of the bunkers looking for any intruders and keeping the perimeter secure. Side Pro fi le of Dr Vilde's Base Wes t f :lee seven levels plus a sub-level and a few natural caverns at the base of the Volcano . All are detailed, level by level, below. Note: Levels start from the top of the volcano, inside the cal­ dera (rim), and work their way down to the base . ~~ -of; ~ "uu'" De\ 3tor --' 3' Sou th En tTanc..e_1 1 1 • ,- .a. 2 :''':lk ', I I" 111 ~!or'£< • :: h. .:~ \04[1 '\41 1 ---­ Level One - Flight Deck The upper most level has direct access to the volcano's caldera. Carefully concealed is an iris opening door 200 feet (61 m ) in diameter. This allows for a variety of helicopters and flying personnel to come and go from the island . 1. Main Flight Deck. This loca tion is used to store the island's helicopters and other small VTOL aircraft. Two or three small helicopters can be stored in here. At any given time there are 2D4 human technicians either working on one of the choppers or handling various cargo. There are no guards stationed here and security relies on the fact that the iris remains closed and is only opened (by the main control room) to allow in helicopters and fly­ ers. The zombie closet on this level is the only immediate means of defense . However, 2D4 Deevil defenders or super beings can respond in about 30 seconds (two melee rounds). 2. Cargo Bay. This is a large cargo area that holds a vari­ ety of supplies, from spare parts and ammunition to food and blankets . 3. Zombie Closet. Zombie closets are scattered through­ out the base. See the Zombie stats at the end of this section for details on Vilde's zombies. The typical zombie closet holds 10 walking dead that function as base defenders. When the &<11. in Feel I 10 Zo \til OF) 51 ) I South Entrance The South Entrance has the same features and personnel but a somewhat different configuration. The only other differ­ ence is that a few miles from the bunker the road to the base jOins with the road from the submarine bay. Vilde's Secret Volcano Lair The dormant volcano has a hollowed center and numerous lava tunnels that have been incorporated into Doctor Vilde's secret lair. The base is built inside the volcano and there are 144 from a satellite that Vilde uses for communications as well as to provide a visual scan of the surrounding area around the island. Activity on Level Two is usually nil unless the island is under attack or the lair breached. 206+12 defenders can respond to trouble in 106+2 melee rounds. closet door opens , the zombies know to exit and attack any non-Deevils they encounter. Doctor Vilde 's human henchmen know to take cover when this happens . An Elevator and Stairs are located at opposite ends of the level and lead to the next three levels (1-4). The elevator is a heavy cargo lift. Level Three Communication Center & Command Center This is the nerve center of Doctor Vilde's massive secret lair. From here he commands his "empire, " or at least com­ municates with his various Anarchy Teams, various branches of the Church of Unity and key agents around the world. This level also houses the dozen computer servers used to control and monitor the Chaos Generators across the globe . It is an area of constant activity. At any time there are 206+6 tech­ nicians running about, six senior guards with super abilities , 106 Lesser Deevils, one Greater Deevil, and there is a 20% chance of encountering Doctor Mech or Doctor Vilde. Another two guards are assigned to patrol the hallways and check out the stairs and elevators. 1. Main Command Center. The command room has ac­ cess to the servers that control the Chaos Generators, and once all the Chaos Generators are in position and fully pow­ ered , they can be activated to open dimensional portals and start the process for Armageddon from this location. This room is filled with two dozen computer terminals and consoles. All the eqUipment is updated and the latest in com­ puter technology. Until Armageddon, a crew of eight technicians rotate on regular six hour shifts. They primarily monitor com­ munications from the Anarchy Teams and key operatives via satellite. There is also a conference area and broadcast system where Vilde can meet with island personnel and orchestrate op­ erations. The doors to the chamber are reinforced steel (A.R. 18, 150 SO .C. each) and always locked . A security code is needed to enter the room, and the code is keyed to each autho­ rized individual. Of course , others can be "buzzed " in . 2. Internal Security. Base security is monitored from this location . Guards are on station 24 hours a day, typically in three shifts. They monitor dozens of cameras positioned around the base. 3. Mini-Armory. This is an armory for the guards stationed in Internal Security. Should the control room be in any danger they have sufficient arms to help defend it. The weapons lock­ ers hold body armor, pistols and rifles. 4. Zombie Closet. This is a large closet containing 20 zom­ bies . When the closet door opens , the zombies know to exit and attack any non-Deevils they encounter. Doctor Vilde 's hu­ man henchmen know to take cover when this happens Cer­ tain technicians in the Command Center know key words that control the zombies or turn them away. 5. Bathrooms. For the human and mutant staff on the is­ land. 6. Server Rooms. These rooms are typically devoid of people save for a few technicians who may be doing routine maintenance. There are large air conditioning units in each room used to cool the servers . 7. Access Way to External Satellite Array. These access ways lead to the external satellite and communication arrays. They also provide access to the base's electrical systems and some of the computer relays. There are two external hatches that are locked at all times . They lead to a stony ledge that Level Two - Island Defense Guns Doctor Vilde has had the main artillery guns from several sunken World War II battleships recovered and installed and modified to work inside the volcano as a defense against an all-out invasion of his island. Overkill? Perhaps , but Doctor Vilde and Doctor Mech like to be prepared for anything . The turrets can turn 30 degrees side to side and have a 45 degree up and down arc of fire . There are four turrets total, each with three barrels. Range: 12 miles (19 .2 km). Damage: 1 D4x1 00 per triple blast from a turret; 3D6x10 dam ­ age per single barrel blast to a 10 foot (2 m) radius. Rate ofAttack : Each barrel can be fired once per melee round. These turrets are antiquated 1940s technology and the shell and the gunpowder still need to be loaded separately. Each turret has a four man crew. Payload: 300 shells are available for each turret ; 1,200 total SQecial Features : The turrets have a limited targeting capabil­ ity and are manually aimed by the crew, so clear visibility is needed . Thus, it is important to note that the perpetual mist and fog around the island can only be seen coming toward the island. Those on the island see no fog and have a clear line of sight unless a storm is brewing The big guns are tied into an advanced radar and communication system. The guns are camouflaged using a camo-netting that matches the color and texture of the volcanic rock. The netting is removed when the guns need to be fired . Crews are not usually stationed here and the guns are only powered when an intruder is detected. Bonuses: An experienced gunner is +2 to strike with each shot. SO.C . by Location : Each turret has 950 SO.C. and an A.R. of 15. Each of the three barrels has 300 S.D.C. At the center of Level Two is a large power generator and satellite relay system. It provides the power for each of the gun turrets and allows them to pivot towards a target. It also pro­ vides power to communications and to the computers for the turrets which provide targeting information. The data comes 145 !\~ Le\"eJ Three Conunand Center Sl:ale in Feet I 10 120 130 I-w ;50 I goes around the perimeter of this level and goes to each of the satellite dishes. This access way is always locked up tight with cameras monitoring . However, the cameras have been on the fritz for a while and are not working in the access way. Sabotage or system glitch? 8. External Satellite Dishes . The base has eight satellite dishes with 250 S.D.C. each and an A.R of 10. Knock out the satellite dishes and Vilde can not send the signal to activate the Chaos Generators. If all but one or two are knocked out, it takes 15 minutes to reposition the satellite dishes each time a signal is sent to a specific continent to activate the generators in that region. This will delay the Armageddon Process by two hours. t..."un" 2. Senior Officer Quarters. Senior staff members are as­ signed these rooms which afford a bit of privacy. They are still forced to use a co mmunal bathroom and showers in 2A. 2A. Communal Bathroom and Showers. Used by all of­ ficers and special personnel. 3. Officer Mess Hall. This is a private dining room for of­ ficers . Meals are prepared in the Galley and delivered at spe­ cific times when the officers dine. 4. Elite Staff Quarters. Other elite member of Vilde's orga­ nization are given their own private room , but still have to use the communal bathrooms in 2A. 5. Water Storage. This is the base fresh water storage tank. A cistern funnels in rain water through a series of filters before it ends up in these storage tanks. Magic can provide more water if necessary. 6. Mess Hall. There is room for 48 people to eat in relative comfort at a time. Food is served from the counter that is be­ tween the mess hall and the galley. 7. Galley (Kitchen) . Food preparation for the base is done here. All the tools of the trade one would expect to find in a restaurant kitchen can be found here. Level Four - Crew Quarters Despite having a few hundred zombies on hand, and a small army of Deevils, Vilde still needs a human crew to han­ dle day to day functions like guard duty, the operation of elec­ tronics and communications , and maintenance of the base. Zombies , Deevils and their Host are not, generally, very tech savvy and hate mundane work . That's for mortal slaves and underlings. So a single level has been devoted to crew quar­ ters for mortals. This is the most active level of the lair, with 1D6x1 0 people around at any given time . 1. Barracks. This is a large common room with 28 triple bunks. Crews rotate on various shifts so this room is always occupied. Along the perimeter of the room are lockers where personal effects and uniforms are stored. 1A. Communal Bathroom and Showers. Used by all per­ sonnel. Level Five - Engineering Level The Engineering level serves several functions and is where one can find several workshops, labs, an armory, life support, waste disposal and a backup generator. This level is active day and night. Two sets of six guards are on duty in the armory, plus another four, all Lesser Deevils, patrol the level at all times . One Greater Deevil is always present to supervise operations , and there is a 20% chance of encountering Doctor 146 N .,(f o .:. 5 LcvclFolir Crcw QlIal1cfS _ Scale in f ed I 10 120 ! 30140 1)0 I ••••• •• • 4 Scale ill feet II 10 120 I30 140 150 Lc\'d Fi\'c Engi.neering Le\'d I 147 c.. ~ Vilde and a 55% chance of encountering Doctor Mech on this level. 1. Armory. This is the main armory for the base. Personnel not on duty are expected to turn in their weapons at this loca­ tion . The back of the armory houses all of the rifles, shotguns , and energy weapons from other dimensions as well as other large and exotic modern weapons. Ammunition is stored in the center of the armory, there is a small work area where people can work on weapons , make bombs or create special ammu­ nition . The small section of the armory holds explosives and grenades , claymores and C4 as well as demolition equipment like detonators, switches, timers, electronics, etc. This room is manned at all times with six guards, two of whom are Lesser Deevils. This is in addition to the Ordnance Officer who checks all gear. 2D4 other personnel are usually at work in the armory. The base internal security also monitors this area via cameras. 2. Large Workshop. This workshop is most active during the day. Personnel only work at night if under orders or there is some kind of emergency. 3. Base Life Support/Air Circulation. Temperature and humidity are controlled and fresh air is circulated throughout the base via the life support generators in this room . A dozen three foot wide pipes come out along the east side of the is­ land where fresh air is drawn in , to be cooled and circulated from this room. There is rarely anyone in this room and secu­ rity monitors it via camera . The room is locked and only au­ thorized technicians come to check on the equipment once or twice a day. 4. Storeroom. A large storeroom for gear, tools and non­ combat items as well as extra dry goods. Certain large items have been brought in via magic. People are always coming and going from this area . One of Doctor Mech 's spare robots is stored here in a massive crate marked "D.M." which everyone knows means Doctor Mech . 5. Backup Diesel Generator for life support. In the event that the geothermal generator fails, there is a backup electric generator that can run for a week on a supply of diesel fuel. This room is rarely used and techs check on the generator once a month , otherwise even security pays it little attention. 6. Doctor Mech's Laboratory. This is Doctor Mech's pri­ vate lab with his personal quarters attached. His room has the latest equipment and tools as well as computers. If he 's not found here, he's somewhere testing one of his creations. 7. Garbage Compactor/Disposal and Control Room. This is the control room for the garbage compactor as well as the backup generator. Garbage accumulates on a daily basis on the base, so there are usually people present 2-6 times a day either dumping their garbage or using the compactor to crush what they have. This room also contains a secret door that leads to the Gorgons Lair (described below). Few people even know about the secret door and those who do want to stay as far away from it as possible . 8. Garbage Chamber. Garbage is dumped via a conveyor in Room #7. When garbage gets to a certain level , a tech ac­ tivates the crusher to compact the garbage. Once reduced as far as it will go, the back wall is raised and the garbage is pushed straight to the lava pit found on Level Seven. 9. Guard Stations. Guards monitor who comes and goes from this level. Anyone who does not have the right identifica­ tion is brought before Doctor Mech or the Greater Deevil su­ pervising the floor for questioning. This Guard Stations see a lot of traffic as the island 's security force comes here between shifts to meet, rest , eat lunch, write reports and turn in or pick up their firearms . 10. Bathrooms . Common bathroom facility for the whole floor. 11. Broom Closet. Old cleaning supplies that don't get used all that often. Doctor Vilde doesn't hire a cleaning ser­ vice, so only those who are being punished for some reason end up cleaning the bathrooms and pulling garbage duty. E. Elevator to next level. A pair of stairwells are located on both sides of it. N. S" lI. In 1'«1 [1I ">i II I1Jlo 15U Gorgons' Lair Entrance on Level Five One of the secret access tunnels to the Gorgons' Lair is located on Level Five. Many Deevils , especially the Gorgons, prefer not to rub elbows with so many humans and have their own secluded areas in the lair and on the island. Doctor Vilde took advantage of the many lava tunnels and caves and gave the Gorgons their own private sanctuary. The area is hot due to vents from the magma and is a place where any of the Dee­ viis can go to relax. 1. Secret Entrance. Should the Gorgons need to access the base , this entrance allows them to get on level five very quickly. 2. Gorgons Retreat. The Gorgons each have a small niche or area they call their own . Each has a small treasure trove of gold and gems that Vilde has given them as rewards over the years . Each treasure trove is worth 2D6x100,000 dollars. There are likely to be 206 Gorgons present at any given time, while the others are likely to be patrolling the island or living in the mountains. 3. Secret Passage to Underground Tunnels. This is the access way to the underground tunnel between the main base and the South Entrance. The passage goes on further to the west side of the island where it opens up to the ground level. The access is very difficult to find and is well concealed. Game Masters may wish to impose a -20% penalty to locate the en­ trance using Detect Concealment. 4. Gorgons' Shrine to Leviathan. The Gorgons have a shrine erected to their Deevil goddess Leviathan. The shrine has a carved likeness of the goddess and there are several carved pedestals. The pedestals are large enough to hold six 148 human-sized statues and the Gorgons bring their favorite pet­ rified vict ims here. Rumors persist that a few heroes who have gone missing in the outside world adorn these pedestals. tures could hold three times as many people . Ten zombies are kept locked in a pair of crates (100 S.DC, A.R. 10) near the exit hatch of the bunker (300 S.D.C ., A.R. 15 for the hatch) and released as needed; two crates per bunker. Since there are rarely any kind of incursions on the island, the guards are lazy and lax in their duties. Two weapon cabinets inside hold 10 as­ sault rifles, four pistols, 12 signal flares , 12 smoke grenades, 24 fragmentation explosive grenades (1 D4x1 0 damage to a five fo oU 1.5 m radius) , and 2,400 rounds of ammunition for the rifles and pistols. Level SixBunkers and Lower Hangar This level of the base has the most exposure to the out­ side , as there is a small runway for aircraft on the side of the volcano. Eight crewmen monitor the activity in the hangar and there are a number of checkpoints with two guards each. Eight to twelve technicians and aircraft mechanics are always in the hangar area, day or night. 1. Bunkers. Seventy feet (21.3 m) up the mountain are two bunkers. They face the beach and jungle and serve as lookout pOints and fortified defensive positions. There are three, 2 foot (0.6 m) high by 10 foot (3 m) long view ports from which gun­ ners of a pair of .50 calibe r machine-guns and other shooters or spell casters can fire . The bunkers are made of reinforced steel and concrete and have an A.R. of 19 and 1,500 S.D.C. each. A steal shutter can be lowered to completely seal each gun port of the bunker, although it is not airtight. 2. Communications Room. This is primarily internal com­ munications and P.A. system for the various levels of the base. 3. Checkpoints & Internal Garages. These are the access pOints to the North and South Entrances and tunnels leading to the submarine ba y and other bunkers. Each Checkpoint has two garages that hold 204 vehicles such as jeeps and pickup trucks ; the two garage doors of each unit have 200 SD.C. and an A.R. of 13. 4. Base Access/Parking. This parking area is for base ve­ hicles. A roving pair of armed guards usually come through here every fifteen minutes. 5. Aircraft Hangar. Small aircraft can land , refuel , and get maintenance from this location . The hangar is connected to a small runway on the east side of the island . This area is fairly busy, with one or two aircraft present at any given time . Sepa­ rating the hangar from the parking area is a reinforced wall with two blast doors. Each is a heavy steel door that has 300 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 16. Range : 6,000 feet (1,828 m). Damage 2D6x10 per 10 round burst. Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one melee attack . Payload : 4,000 standard rounds (400 bursts). There are two gunners and four guardS per bunker, plus one spell caster (mag e, dark priest or Deevil ), but the large struc­ ; ---' " ", • e. II I \ 5 Scale ill h et I 10 I 2Q 3UIdo150 I 149 ' .. .... _. N~ Level Seven Scale in Fed 11 u120 : 30 140 I50 I Reactor Level else down, unless it has a backup generator. Furthermore , the explosion is likely (01-90%) to crack the magma cham­ ber, causing the volcano to erupt within 306+6 mlnutes i Earth­ quakes and steam venting will indicate the eruption is immi­ nent. An eruption destroys everything, including most of the vegetation on the island, as hot ash, rock and lava rain down for the next 106 days. 2. Reactors and Magma Pit. The reactors hover over the magma at a height of approximately 15 feet (4.6 m). The en­ tire assembly is very hot and will burn most people just by touching the equipment; 1D6 damage per touch. The whole assembly can be raised into the reactor level , where it takes 24 hours to cool down. All the equipment on the level supports the reactor, from various monitoring equipment to power stor­ age and delivery. 3. Secret Entrance to Vilde's Lair. Behind a secret panel is a spiral staircase down to Vilde 's personal lair. 4. Secret Entrance to Base Sub-Level. Another secret panel leads to the base's sub-level. 5. Stairs to Ground Level. Two sets of stairs descend to ground level, where more equipment and crates of supplies can be accessed . Level Seven - Base Reactor Level Vilde's base is powered by an experimental geothermal reactor. It uses the heat of the magma to provide the entire base with unlimited electric power. The reactor and turbines have been well maintained and run like a top. Working con­ ditions, however, are appalling with the average temperature being 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 C). Few human technicians want to work in What they call "Little Hell ," and Doctor Mech is the only one on the island with the expertise to repair any major problems. Four Lesser Deevils and two Greater Deevils are on constant patrol. This level has minimal personnel and nobody comes down here except to work. Access to this level is restricted and off limits to most personnel. The stairs have locking gates and the elevator needs a special key to access this level. There are 20 zombies who are hidden among the machinery. They have orders to attack anyone who is not a Oeevil or wearing a special security patch . 1. Reactor Controls. The main reactor controls ca n be accessed from the control room on Level Three. This con trol station is an alternative should something happen to the con­ trol room above or to override it from here, at the source . To access the controls, a manual override code must be entered into the system and this code is only known by Doctor Vilde , Doctor Mech and three other key personnel including Silver Condor and Commander Reich. Should someone take over this station, they can control, shut off and reroute energy to all systems in the base and all locations on the island , or even overload the reactor,causing it to explode. Such an explosion will destroy all of Level Seven and Six and shut EVERYTHING Base Sub-Level No human dares to enter the base sub-level. This is where the Oeevils of the base retire when they need to meditate or go someplace to be by themselves. This Deevil sanctuary is a natural cave formed from lava and it remains hot (90-100 de­ grees Fahrenheit) and dark, with only the glow of lava provid­ 150 Scale in Feel Base Sub-Level I 10 120 I 30 14n I 50 I ing any light. Several small shrines dot the area where Deevils pray to their Deevil Lords. The entrance is an old lava tube and Deevils need to climb in and out to go to the base; an easy task for them , difficult for mortals. 1D6x 10 Deevils are always found prowling around this level. Some are going to be found worshiping their respective Deevil Lord , while others are just enjoying the solitude. 1. Shrine to He!. Those Deevils who wo rsh ip Hel will often gather here. It is a simple statue carved from stone. 2. Status of Sahtalus, Supreme Lord of Dyva!. This is the largest of the shrines and all Deevils who enter are ex­ pected to venerate their Deevil Lord . The statue is carved from obsidian and adorned with precious jewels. Only the Deevils on the island know the statue is a means of communicating with Sahtalus . By meditating and calling out the Deevil Lord's name, two-way conversation with him can be established. 3. Shrine to Diabolus. Carved from a large piece of drift­ wood is the likeness of Diabolus. Those who walk by swear that the statue watches them and some even think that the statue changes position from time to time. 4. Shrine to Leviathan. The statue of Leviathan is carved from sandstone , giving it a rough texture. It is crude and rarely kept up. Gorgons will come down here to make sure the shrine is cleaned and kept in good order. Only a few other Deevils worship at this shrine. 5. Shrine to Rhada . Seeing as Lady Rhada is an outcast at the moment, her statue is the least well maintained and only Fenry come here to worship. Her shrine was defaced once and, as a result, at least one Fenry is always present to protect the shrine. The statue is made of stone , decorated with sea shells, coral and polished stones. It has an odd beauty to it and the Fenry are proud of their work and their Lady. 6. Shrine to Mephisto. This is an elaborate shrine made of glass . Mephisto appears larger than life , wielding a pike with a head on it. The face of the head on the pike is marred and not easy to identify, but some Deevi ls believe it is the head of Lord Sahtalus. 7. Shrine to Nickodeamis. The statue in this simple shrine is carved from the rock wall of the cavern itself, with Old Nick sitting on a throne. It is surrounded by a small pool of clear wa­ ter and the area is covered with the coins of countries around the globe. Vilde's Personal Sanctuary Perhaps one of the most secure and well guarded locations is Doctor Vii de's personal sanctuary. He usually uses magic to secretly enter and exit his personal sanctum, and is able to contact Dyval from here as well as conduct hiS experiments in private. Unless he is away on business or someplace else on the island, there is a 01-50% chance of encountering Doc­ tor Vilde on this level. 306+10 zombies wander his lair at all times . While they don't bother him (he thinks of them as house pets, like you might have watChdogs or cats) , they attack any­ one who is not one of a tiny handful of recognized individuals or wearing the special patch described on Level 7. 1. A spiral staircase leads from Vilde's lair to the secret entrance on Level Seven. 2. Access and Communication to the Control Level. Any incoming communications can be routed directly to Doctor Vil­ 151 Scale in Feel ViJde's Lair I 10 ;20 130 140 :5() I on a blood-stained altar at the foot of a large statue of Lord Sahtalus. 7. Treasure Trap. Always the master of deception, Vilde has left a large and obvious treasure chest hidden away in his escape tunnel. Though covered in symbols, the lid is left ajar, as if Vilde might have grabbed a few important things from it on his way out. While most heroes won 't be tempted by treasure , others will be. Likewise, others may be cu rious to see what is inside and take a quick peek. Opening the treasure chest re­ leases tear gas and smoke that fill the chamber and the tunnel. The treasure is worth about 400 dollars as the gold and silver coins are fake, the scrolls blank and the gems plastic. 8. Vilde's Treasure Room . There is a true treasure trove with coins, gems and works of art that go back five centuries. There is 10 million dollars worth of Nazi gold, five million in various gold coins across the ages, eight million in gems and Jewelry, 50 million in works of art and ancient reli cs, plus a dozen tomes containing magic incantations, more than 300 of his private notebooks and journals, and 106 magic weapons (each has one or tvvo magic properties), but no Rune Weapons or Weapons of Chaos or Order. 9. Escape Tunnel with Circle of Travel. This is an escape route Doctor Vilde might use to escape from the island. There is a secret door built into the rock that is well concealed, -15% to Detect Concealment. The door opens to a small river of lava that cuts the corridor off. The lava is 20 feet (6.1 m) wide and not a problem for a Deevil to wade through, but trouble for mortals. At the end of the tunnel is a magic circle called a Circle of Travel . It has a corresponding circle in Century Station at the de's lair. It also allows him to issues orders and commands if it is needed. The computer console has a video feed and interface that allows Vilde to control everything on the island (including a secret self-destruct mechanism on the Reactor Level to make the volcano erupt). 3. Vilde's Personal Lab with Altar. Vilde is well versed in the mystic arts and he conducts numerous magical experi­ ments. He has a full lab with dozens of magic scrolls and mil­ lions of dollars in rare and exotic magic components. There is also a stone altar that has manacles for the placement of the hands and feet of the victims he routinely sacrifices . There are likely to be 106 prisoners awaiting sacrifice shackled to the south wall. Most prisoners are no one of importance, but famous people and heroes may be held here as well . 4. Communication Circle/Altar to Dyval. Vilde is often re­ quired to report directly to the Supreme Lord of Dyval , Sahta­ Ius. This altar is in the middle of a small magic circle that allows Doctor Vilde to contact Sahtalus and others on Dyval when­ ever he desires. The altar faces the inner magma chamber, and when Regent Vilde does contact Lord Sahtalus, his visage forms In the magma. 5. Summoning Circles. Doctor Vilde always keeps a fresh summoning circle at the ready to bring in more Lesser and Greater Deevils as needed. 6. Shrine Dedicated to Lord Sahtalus. Though Doctor Vilde aspires to become a Deevil Lord himself some day, he likes to keep in the good favor of his Deevil Lord and keeps his master happy with regular offerings. Two large braziers are al­ ways lit and provide light for the chamber. Sacrifices are done 152 Sub-Bay Sea Doors Church of Unity. Vilde has a private Century Station residence at a penthouse under an assumed name. The control room also keeps in contact with the main Com­ mand Center and monitors the locations and activities of the two Kraken . Underground Submarine Bay 2. Workshop . This workshop is specifically for the base's subs. They conduct all kinds of repairs and build and store any spare parts that are needed . The workshop also has a covered mesh roof. The underground Submarine Bay is a heavily fortified struc­ ture built within a natural hollow under the volcano. The cave's entrance is below the waterline , but with in the cave the area is immense , like an open cathedral or stadium. A concrete and steel dock was constructed long ago and can accommodate three subs . A large steel door was also constructed so that the area could be sealed off if needed. This door is rarely closed as major supplies are often brought to the island via subma­ rines. In addition , the doors were not maintained well over the years and they do not close completely, and leave a space wide enough for a person to squeeze through . 3. Sub and Workshop Supplies . The raw supplies for the workshop are stored here until needed. This room has an open roof for the loading and unloading of supplies and parts. 4. Base Supply Storage. Any supplies brought in via sub are offloaded here until a truck or Lesser Deevil porters comes to pick them up. This supply area is for perishable goods like food and drink . This room has no roof either, as supplies are also unloaded via the crane . Above the docks , on a set of girders, is a massive crane used to transport cargo to and from the subs . The crane strad­ dles all three docks and is able to move vertically and hori­ zontally Most of the cargo is offloaded into a cargo area until needed . Most workshops and rooms are finished structures complete with roofs inside the cave . 5. Hazardous Material Storage. Hazardous chemicals , ammunition and similar supplies are stored in this open roof storage area . This room has a secure door, as some Milk of Power is stored here. 6. Crane. This mega-sized crane spans the width of the sub-bay and can move vertically and horizontally; can handle 10 tons . Eight Lesser Deevils are assigned to defend the level at all times. Depending on the need for supplies , trucks come and go every couple of hours to the main base, however this kind of major activity only happens about once a month when fresh supplies are brought in . A dedicated team of 20 technicians work on the subs when they are in port. 7. Zombie Closet. 20 zombies are kept here. They attack upon release. The doors are controlled remotely from the Sub­ Bay Control Room. 8. Access Way to Main Base. This is the main under­ ground road to the base. Two pairs of guards are standing watch at all times . 1. Sub-Bay Control Room . The control room communi­ cates with the submarines that come and go from the island. 153 Stats for Personnel mortals, typically humans or mutants. When necessary, they may pitch in with manual labor. Average Technician These are skilled workmen like electricians and mechan­ ics, as well as lab assistants, radio operators, engineers and similar occupations. They maintain and operate all the equipment. They carry out all the non-combat related activi­ ties and have no combat training. In a pinch, any of them could pick up a weapon and use it, but most are likely to run at the sight of a super being or invaders with guns. Alignment: Typically Anarchist or evil. Typical Attributes: I.Q. 11+106, M.E. 8+106, MA 7+106, P.S. 6+106, P.P. 7+106, P.E. 7+106, P.B. 7+106, Spd 5+106. Hit Points: 406+10. S.D.C.: 206+4. Experience Level: Three, but G.M.s can roll 104+2. Combat Training: None. Number of Attacks: Two. Bonuses: None. Education Level and Skills: Varies, some are computer and communication specialists, others mechanical or electical specialists, while others have a mix of skills with a science skill program as their primary set of skills. Weapons & Armor: None. Gear includes coveralls and a tool kit. Average Worker Basic laborers such as housekeepers, cooks and similar work. In a pinch, any of them could pick up a weapon and use it, but most are likely to run at the sight of a super being or invaders with guns. Alignments: Anarchist or evil. Typical Attributes: I.Q. 7+106, M.E. 6+106, MA 6+106, P.S. 10+106, P.P. 6+106, P.E. 6+1D6, P.B. 6+106, Spd 7+106. Hit Points: 406+11. S.D.C.: 206+10. Experience Level: Three, but G.M.s can roll 104+2. Combat Training: None. Number of Attacks: Two. Bonuses: None. Education Level and Skills: Varies, have a mix of skills with a Oomestic skill program as their primary set of skills. Weapons & Armor: None, each typically has coveralls and a tool pouch. Those in the control room wear a blue and burgundy uniform. Alignment: Anarchist (20%), Miscreant (40%), Aberrant (30%) or Oiabolic (10%). Typical Attributes: LQ. 11, M.E. 11, MA 10, P.S. 12+204, P.P. 13+104, P.E. 10+204, P.B. 12, Spd 15+106. Hit Points: 406+16. S.D.C.: 406+12. Experience Level: Three, but G.M.s can roll 104+2. Note: Officers and elite guards are 104+4 level, have +12 to S.O.C., +1 attack per melee round, +1 on Perception Rolls, +2 on initiative and +1 to disarm. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic (50%), Expert (30%), or Martial Arts (20%). Number of Attacks: Four. Bonuses: +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch or fall, +2 to pull punch, and +2 to save vs Horror Factor. Education Level and Skills: Adjust percentages to reflect experience levels greater than 3rd level. Guard Program (Basic): Climbing 60%/50%, First Aid 60%, Military Etiquette 55%, Pilot Automobile, PilotTruck or Motorcycle, Radio: Basic 65%, TV &Video 40%, Run­ ning, WP. Pistol and WP. Rifle. Weapon Proficiency and Special Skills for Officers and Elite Guards Only: In addition to the basic program above: Boxing, Streetwise, Surveillance Systems 50%, WP. Blunt, W.P. Knife, WP. Automatic & Semi-Automat­ ic Rifles and WP. Heavy Weapons. Weapons & Armor: Hard Armor Vest: A.R. 12, S.0.C.120, each soldier is issued a Glock 17 9mm Service Pistol (Oamage 406, Range: 164 feeU50 m, Payload: 17 plus 4 extra clips), AK-47 Semi-Automatic Rifle (Oamage 506, Range: 1,200 feeU366 m, Payload: 30 round box maga­ zine with 4 extra clips), 4 High Explosive or Fragmenta­ tion grenades (damage is 106x1 0 and range is thrown), one smoke grenade, and two flares. Zombies Over the years, disobedient mortal troops, servants and prisoners have fallen victim to Ooctor Vilde's cruelty and been transformed into zombies via a powerful magic invo­ cation. Zombies are found all over the secret volcano base as well as wandering the island. According to Vilde, zom­ bies are the perfect "watchdog" and "house pet." Zombies automatically kill the living. The only ones they do not at­ tack are Ooctor Vilde, Oeevils or people wearing a special security patch (given out very sparingly). Only Vilde has complete control over the creatures and can command them to do his bidding. Alignment: Effectively Oiabolic. Typical Attributes: I.Q. 7, M.E. 7, MA 7, P.S. 20, P.P. 13, P.E. 18, P.B. 2, Spd 10. Hit Points: Not applicable. S.D.C.: 150 points and com­ pletely regenerates within 48 hours unless the head and the body are buried separately. Typical Guards & Underlings Guards and other positions with combat skills are always loyal underlings recruited from the ranks of "associates" known to be trusted minions such as Oeevils and Anarchy Teams, as well as members of the Church of Unity. All are 154 On the Brink of Armageddon The Demon X-Factor. So how is this for irony: If not for the Minion War, Doctor Vilde's plan to bring about con­ trolled Armageddon and transform the Earth into a dimen­ sional nexus would be almost certain to suceed. He has been so careful and clever that most heroes of the world don't suspect a thing , and probably wouldn't until it was too late. However, the Minion War changes everything when the war spills across the Megaverse and "Demon Events" start to happen all across the globe. Demon Events Demon Events, or Demon Battle Events , as the media has dubbed them, are the sudden appearance of demons and Deevils locked in combat. Such an event can happen anywhere, though they most often occur along ley lines at ley line nexus points and places of power where the Di­ mensional Fabric is weak and magic energy is strong. This includes areas near (never the exact location of) Doctor Vilde's Chaos Generators as even in P.P.E. gathering mode the machines create a dimensional disturbance. However, even if the initial battle began away from an urban area, it may quickly find its way to a nearby town or city. When an "event" happens, demons and Deevils appear out of nowhere and immediately engage in savage battles with one another. In many cases, the creatures seem to tumble out of the sky already locked in combat. The war between these hate-filled enemies is literally spilling into the streets across the Earth. Not all at once or en masse, mind you, but multiple small skirmishes at numerous loca­ tions everywhere . Without warning , dozens to hundreds of demons and Deevils may appear, locked in deadly com­ bat. Unless humans get in the way, the combatants ignore those around them . However, the collateral damage is ter­ rible, as their fighting destroys property and puts humans in harm's way. The demons and infernals don't care about the loss of human life or damage and destruction to buildings, vehicles and property. We are just in their way. Of course, anyone who tries to stop them or broker a cease fire may find themselves turned upon by both parties. At first , there were only a few Demon Events, but the frequency of occur­ rences and the scale of the battles are increasing. Every­ one is starting to realize that something is very wrong and that Earth is caught in the crossfire of a trans-dimensional war between monsters. The question is, what can be done about it? Governments are trying to downplay the danger, but they are extremely concerned and scared. Demonic Forces: A typical Demon Event involves 4D6x10 demons vs an equal number of Deevils . The larg­ est involves 1D6x1 ,000 demons vs an equal number of Deevils . Duration of Battle: Roll percentile dice . 01-25% 606 minutes before all monsters vanish. Horror Factor: 12 Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 feet (30.5 m) , Supernat­ ural P.S . and P.E., never fatigues, impervious to normal weapons unless silver or magic, impervious to poison, drugs, disease and cold . They don't need to eat or drink , and have no emotions, desires, or personality. They just kill and feed on the living. Instinctive Skills: Magically understand all languages at 96%, Basic Mathematics 80%, Land Navigation 70 %, Track Animals 50% , and Climb 50%/45%. Experience Level: Not applicable. Attacks per Melee: Four. Bonuses: +2 to strike, parry and dodge. Zombies are fear­ less, which makes them impervious to Horror Factor, phobias, fear magic and most psionics (including Empa­ thy, Telepathy, and Bio-Manipulation). They fear fire be­ cause it inflicts double damage . Torches have a Horror Factor of 6, a man-sized fire has an H .F. of 12 and larger fires have an H. F. of 15. Note: A zombie will rise again , even if riddled with bullets or silver arrows , chopped into pieces , blown to bits, or burnt to a cinder! Unless the head is removed from the body and both are buried separately, or an exorcism is preformed on the remains (automatic success), Vilde 's zombies will completely regenerate all body parts and S.DC at the end of 48 hours and seek out their master for new instructions. 155 26-50% 3D4x10 minute before all monsters vanish. 51-75% 1D6 hours before all monsters vanish. 76-00% They don't vanish. They stay on Earth! When the battle is done, the monsters scatter across the region. Half continue to cause more destruction and start new fights elsewhere, calling out their enemies and claiming locations for their masters, or simply engage in plundering, pillaging, acts of terror, or destruction for the sheer pleasure of it. The other half run off and lose themselves in the shad­ ows, but may reappear later as individuals or groups to attack humans or monsters they claim are their enemy. Others target or challenge the planet's heroes, seemingly out of meanness or spite, and still others join forces with criminals, super-villains and other forces of evil to cause mayhem and fear. Unknown to most mortals, demons and Deevils (in par­ ticular) have already infiltrated human society and have se­ cret lairs, cults and organizations under their control. Thus, when the monsters scatter, many try to find their own peo­ ple so they can lie low until they get new instructions or are called back to Hell. Others regroup and continue their battle by targeting secret enemy operations, hideouts, resources and troops on Earth. Since Deevils have the greatest num­ bers and resources established on Earth, the demons are the ones trying to ferret them out and take them down. To this end, they may use the authorities and super beings. Without established resources in place, however, the de­ mons are most vulnerable, and it is the Deevils, with their superior numbers and resources, who (relatively) quietly track down and destroy demons. handful of villains are so wicked or insane that they'd help destroy human civilization, even if offered positions of pow­ er in the new world order. If this information got to them, a number of villains and villain groups would rise up to attack the Deevils (and demons) themselves. Some will even join forces with heroes and/or the authorities to battle a greater threat to their world. They may be villains, but they'll fight to save their world from infernal or demonic invasion. Joining forces with villainous super beings may be more advantageous than just their raw power and numbers. Some (many?) may have inside information about Deevil personnel, operations, fronts, defenses, contacts, and the type of work they've done for the monsters. All of this could provide clues and information vital to taking them down and saving the planet. Heroes should be leery, but open to the idea of working with villains for the greater good. Saving the World Time is running out fast, but there are several ways to stop Armageddon. Of course, first, our heroes need to dis­ cover the plan to bring about Armageddon, then learn the importance of the Chaos Generators and the leaders pull­ ing the strings, and have time to do something about it. Timing, smarts and action will all playa role. Targeting Anarchy Teams. While the Black Eagles and other Anarchy Teams may seem to have tremendous re­ sources and manpower (as well as Deevils) at their dis­ posal, remember they are responsible for a vast territory and those resources are stretched thin. A group, or several groups, of heroes who strike to remove the leaders of the Anarchy Teams will strike a devastating blow to the Arma­ geddon Project and the defense of the Chaos Generators. The Anarchy Teams are confident and in control now, be­ cause they have met with little resistance. As soon as a hero group uncovers the plot to cause Armageddon and word spreads, the Anarchy Teams are going to come under direct fire from the heroes (and maybe some villains) in the world. Destroy the Chaos Generators. Likewise, commando raids and surgical strikes to remove and/or destroy Chaos Generators around the world can completely derail Arma­ geddon, provided the heroes work fast and put enough of them out of action. If done in coordinated unison, or within a matter of days, the loss of half or more should delay, if not prevent Doctor Vilde's plans for Armageddon. Note: See Consequences of Failure below to see what would happen to Doctor Vilde. Expose and discredit the Church of Unity as a front for Deevils and the fact that they are Deevil worshipers (or dupes of Deevils) in cahoots to bring about the end of the world, and everything starts to fall apart for Vilde and the Deevils. He will have to deal with the upheaval caused by the reveal, the authorities rushing in to shut his evil church­ es down around the world, the arrest of key agents (though not the Anarchy Teams), and the discovery of 2D6% of the Chaos Generators. Furthermore, it will only take a few days before information about the plans for Armageddon come out. This means Doctor Vilde will need to prepare for the Strange Allies for Heroes Demons. The Demons of Hades don't know about Doc­ tor Vilde, his plan for Armageddon or what the Deevils are up to on Earth, but they know they're up to no good. Demons don't care about the welfare of humans, but they'll help them if it means hurting the Deevils or, in the case of the Arma­ geddon Project, preventing Deevils from getting the upper hand. Thus demons, particularly Greater Demons, could become unlikely allies of Earth's heroes. Demons will leak information about Deevil operations, secret hideouts, wick­ ed Deevil cults, Deevil motivated crimes, Deevil leaders, plots to undermine the government (or destroy the Earth!), and so on, to hurt Deevils and foil their schemes. A small handful of demons may even openly join groups of heroes and fight at their side to stop, hurt and destroy Deevils. However, demons don't fight for goodness or hu­ manity's survival, but out of hatred for the Deevils. Any ap­ pearance of concern, kindness and helpfulness is an illu­ sion, and a demon ally is likely to abandon or turn on his human comrades the moment he no longer needs them. Super-villains. A number of villains have been the willing or unwitting accomplices to Deevil operations, usually for personal gain, be it financial, power or revenge. As long as they get paid or get their fair share, many villains and mer­ cenaries make it a policy to not ask questions. However, few have any inkling that the Deevils plan to bring about Arma­ geddon, decimate half the human population and enslave the rest. If they did, things would be very different. Only a 156 worst and try to step up the launch date of Armageddon even if all the Generators are not charged with sufficient amounts of P.P.E. Of course, this scenario alone may only hasten Armageddon, not prevent it. Destroy Doctor Vilde's Secret Volcano Base. There are a couple ways to destroy Doctor Vilde's entire island base. With it destroyed - ideally via volcanic eruption - ViI­ de's core base of operations is completely gone, the Chaos Generators cannot be activated except manually (so the danger remains, especially ifVilde or Reich survive), and he is likely to have little or no chance of bringing about Arma­ geddon, and the rest of his network would start to crumble. There is a 01-80% likelihood that all but the Tiger Beasts An­ archy Team would disband and scatter, along with minions and underlings. Worse for Vilde, his Deevil superiors will not be happy with failure. Should he survive, and Vilde seems to have more lives than a cat, things will not be good for him. Note: See Consequences of Failure to see what would hap­ pen to Doctor Vilde even if he managed to survive. Take down Doctor Vilde and you send the entire opera­ tion into confusion and panic. Vilde's Deevils and mortal minions are not likely to trust any replacement Deevil com­ mander, and 1D6x1 0% of Vilde's underlings will immedi­ ately abandon the Anarchy Teams, the Church of Unity and his criminal network like rats fleeing a sinking ship. There are a few of Vilde's minions, however, who could step right in and keep things going with little or no interruption, includ­ ing Reich, Stealth Fighter, Dark Omega and Doctor Mech, pretty much in that order. But if they were also taken down, the Deevils organization on Earth and plans for Armaged­ don would be in a state of disarray and continuing deterio­ ration. Of course, disarray is not destroyed, and probably only means a delay with moving forward with the plans for Armageddon or some new dark plot. Note: See Conse­ quences of Failure. DOing all or most of the above is best, if one wants to completely prevent Doctor Vilde's plans for Armageddon. The Demon Events also stop. Without functioning Chaos Generators and Doctor Vilde to make the planned Arma­ geddon work, the generators eventually shut down and the energy contained inside them harmlessly leaks back into the ley lines. This restores strength to the dimensional fab­ ric around them, making breaches less likely. Furthermore, with the plot shattered, the Deevils have no interest in Earth and leave. The demons follow. The planet is saved. Of course, old underlings, mutants empowered by the Milk of Sahtalus, and the few remaining Deevils and demons may continue to cause trouble and suffering, or seek retribution against those who ruined their plans. Help from NPCs Game Masters, any or all of the following NPC heroes may discover clues or information about the Church of Unity, the Anarchy Teams, Chaos Generators, Doctor Vilde and/or his plan for Armageddon, and/or the Minion War. They can't do enough about it themselves, so the hero(es) may turn to others including the player characters - for help. Night Prince As far as anyone knows, Night Prince has been fighting the demons and Deevils on Earth for centuries. Matthew Thompson was born in 1677 in Salem Massachusetts. As a young boy, Matthew's inquisitive and heroic nature led him on a path he might never have imagined, a slayer of su­ pernatural evil. By the time he was a teenager he was well known in town as a troublemaker and a prankster. It would ultimately be his curiosity that would land him in trouble and eventually make him into the hero he is today. To make a long story short, Matthew's first encounter with supernatural evil involved witches and Deevils. He be­ came a super being when he discovered a book that spoke to him and called upon his inner hero. The Book of Heroes trained and empowered Matthew centuries ago, and he's been fighting evil ever since. Somehow Matthew has kept his powers and heroic exploits a secret for ages. Though he tends to stick to the shadows and fight supernatural mon­ strosities and dark magic, he clashed with Doctor Vilde and Doctor Mech during World War II. He knows Doctor Vilde is really a Deevil and he has hunted him for several centuries. After Vilde slipped through his hands for a third time, he heard the monster was killed after the war. Thus, he's dis­ appointed to hear the name come up in connection to the Minion War and recent supernatural events on Earth. Even a possible plot to cause Armageddon. Wearing a costume was not really Matt's thing until the 1960s and he is actually quite old fashioned, to the point of having relied on public transportation and not learning to drive until the 1970s. He and his small group of hero friends have been fighting demons and Deevils in their own private little war. Now with the stakes so much higher, he and his associates look for other heroes to help rid the world of Deevils and to stop Armageddon. Consequences of Failure Failure to launch Armageddon and turn Earth into a Deevil controlled nexus for dimensional travel is likely to get Doctor Vilde pulled from Earth and reassigned to Ha­ des or a low level position in the Minion War. Failure also means the vast majority of Deevils are called to fight the Minion War on other fronts away from Earth, with demons right behind them. The Earth is saved. However, as long as Doctor Vilde lives or remains on Earth (perhaps as a renegade Deevil Regent hellbent on making his plan suc­ ceed), he can try again or take some other terrible act of retribution against the heroes of Earth or human civilization as a whole. Similarly, if Doctor Vilde is slain and there is no key man to keep the countdown to Armageddon going, the Deevil Lords give up on Vilde's plan for Armageddon, pull most of their Deevil forces (95%), and abandon the Earth. Mem­ bers of the Church of Unity and Deevil worshipers are left on their own, and in both scenarios, the church is likely to shrink and flounder, but could remain a lingering source of trouble on a much smaller scale. 157 What he knows. He has heard disturbing rumors that Doctor Vilde and Doctor Mech still live. He knows about the Minion War and that Deevils on Earth are working on a secret project to bring Hell to Earth. He's also heard rumors about a plot to cause Armageddon. One of his associates suspects the Church of Unity is a front for Deevils and their worshipers. 2) He is a techno-phobe. He has just not taken to all this modern technology and, if he had a choice, he would walk or take a horse. Learning the modern technology of the 21 st Century has not been easy for Matthew and he avoids it whenever possible. He can barely operate a cell phone and computer, and dislikes using comput­ ers and the Internet. Most other simple modern conve­ niences are like alien technology and Matthew suffers a -40% skill penalty when having to deal with any type of modern device or technology. It should be noted that this percentage has already been factored into his skills. Education Level and Skills: Trade School/On the Job Training: Espionage Program: DetectAmbush 90%, Escape Artist 90%, Forgery 80%, Intelligence 85%, Tracking 85% and Wilderness Survival 90%. PhYSical/Athletic Program: Climbing 90%/80%, Gym­ nastics, Prowl 75%, and Swimming 98%. Secondary Skills: Astronomy 90%, Carpentry 70%, Cook 80%, Holistic Medicine 85%, Horsemanship (Gen­ eral) 98% Land Navigation 84% and Lore: Demons and Monsters 98%. Basic Skills: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Pilot: Automobile 44%, Speak Native Language (English) 98%, and Read and Write Native Language (English) 95%. Weapons: Night Prince uses whatever is available, but tends to be a brawler who has that old John Wayne style of fighting. Vehicles and Other Equipment: Basic gear and a black costume with a wide brimmed hat, cloak with red inner lining, red gloves, black riding boots, a belt with several pouches, a silver dagger (1 D6 damage to ordinary foes), magic short sword that does 2D4 damage to mortal op­ ponents, but 4D6 to supernatural evil, a pocket knife, a worn copy of the Bible, a silver crucifix. canteen, flash­ light and basic cellphone. Money: Over the years, Night Prince has managed to col­ lect a nice sum of money. He has no problem taking money from the demons and Deevils he has vanquished. He has had the same account at the Bank of New York, which is still the nation's oldest bank. Of course, the money has changed hands numerous times as it was left to him in the wills of his supposed heirs. With interest as well as the various moneys he has deposited over the years, he has 8.5 million dollars. He tends to forget how much money he has and likes to live a simple life. Real Name: Matthew Thompson - Hero of the Megaverse. Alignment: Scrupulous. Attributes: La. 15, M.E. 27, M.A. 17, P.S. 24, P.P. 21, P.E. 18, P.B. 15, Spd 24. Hit Points: 170. S.D.C.: 1,500. Natural A.R.: 11. Horror Factor: 13 at night, none in the daytime. Height: 6 feet (1.8 m). Weight: 200 (90 kg), all muscle. Age: Well over 300. Sex: Male. Disposition: Matthew is an old world gentleman when among friends and fellow humans, and a force to be reckoned with when fighting the forces of darkness. He has little fear about the supernatural and is always first to lead the charge into battle against the forces of Chaos. He especially despises Deevils. Experience Level: 10th level Mutant Mega-Hero. Power Category: Mutant Mega-Hero created via the leg­ endary Book of Heroes. Unusual Characteristics: Matthew is an albino, or at least appears to be one. His skin is very pale, his eyes are very light, almost white, and his once blond hair has turned completely white. Minor Super Abilities: Nightstalking and Extraordinary M.E. Major Super Abilities: Natural Combat Ability, Massive Damage Capacity and Immortality. Combat Training: Natural Combat Ability. Number of Attacks: Nine. Bonuses: +6 to initiative, +3 to strike, parry, and automatic dodge, +4 to disarm and entangle, +6 to pull punch, +5 to roll with punch/fall, +8 to save vs Horror Factor, +7 to save vs possession, +6 to save vs mind altering drugs, +1 to save vs magical illusion, +2 to save vs magic and cannot be turned into the undead. Other Combat Info: Nightvision 1,000 feet (305 m), regen­ erates 1 S.D.C.lHit Point per minute, fatigues at one third the normal rate of humans, +16% to save vs coma/death, Punch does 1D6+11, Power Punch does 2D6+11, Kick: 2D4+11. Karate-Style Kick: 2D6+11, Jump Kick (counts as two attacks and is considered a Critical Strike) jump 10 feet (3 m) high and 15 feet (4.6 m) long, increase by 50% with a running start, Leap Attack (Critical Strike), Head Butt does 1D6, KnockouUStun on roll of 19-20, Judo-Style Throw/Flip 2D4. Can also pick up and use any melee or ancient weapon and is +2 to strike with it. His Achilles' heel makes it difficult for him to use modern weapons except a revolver. Any kind of modern weapon Night Prince uses does not gain the benefit of his +2 to strike, however he does not suffer any penalties either. Achilles' Heel: Night Prince has discovered he has two weaknesses: 1) His Nightstalking abilities make it so he prefers to fight at night and during the day he is at half his S.D.C., Hit Points, and Combat abilities. Demon Slayer Demon Slayer is the twin brother (clone # Alpha 14) of Dark Omega (clone # Alpha 15). Despite Doctor Vilde's best efforts, he could not corrupt the heroic and good soul of this young man. In that regard, Demon Slayer is Vilde's greatest disappOintment and despised by his evil twin. A man named Eric Bunch, however, is Demon Slayer's true savior. Nine scientists had been kidnaped, taken to a secret base in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, and forced to help Doctor Vilde perfect this genetic experiment. Among them was Doctor Eric Bunch, who was the foremost author­ ity on the blending of DNA of diverse species. He secretly 158 sabotaged Vilde's work, nurtured the goodness in Alpha 14 and orchestrated their big escape. Escape came when Doctor Vilde's secret Canadian base was discovered by a band of super beings and fell under attack. Doctor Bunch already had an escape plan in place, and the attack was the perfect diversion. Seven of the sci­ entists made it out, including Bunch. However, Alpha 14 and 15 were sent to prevent escape and to bring the scientists to another location. A bloodthirsty Dark Omega slew three of the remaining scientists in a heartbeat and sent the oth­ ers back down a corridor inside the mountain. Alpha 14 was horrified and just stood there looking at their lifeless bodies. Though safe, Eric Bunch was determined to help Alpha 14 escape with them and went back to the lab where the bat­ tle was still raging. By this point the lab was devastated and falling apart at the seams. Alpha 14 was shocked that Doctor Bunch had returned for him, and touched by the man's im­ paSSioned bid for him to leave, do good and make a new life for himself. Neither saw Dark Omega hurl the piece of metal that impaled Doctor Bunch. Alpha 14 went wild and beat his brother into submission, grabbed the body of Doctor Bunch and escorted the last two surviving scientists outside to safe­ ty. He rushed Bunch to the heroes, but he was already dead. Lost to grief and confusion, Alpha 14 fled into the mountains. Over time, he took his friend's words to heart and molded himself into the hero people now know as Demon Slayer. In memory of the man who was like a father to him and died so he might be saved, Alpha 14 took the name Eric Bunch for his own. So in a way, Eric Bunch very much lives on. Common and General Skills: Speak and Read English at 98%, and Mathematics: Basic 75% (he never learned how to drive or operate any kind of vehicles). Physical/Athletic Program: Hand to Hand: Expert, Box­ ing, Prowl 72%, Acrobatics: Sense of Balance 70%, Walk TightropeIWire 75%, Climb Rope 80%, and Back Flip 75%. SurvivallWilderness Program: Wilderness Survival 75%, Track Animals 65%, Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 75%, Identify Plants and Fruits 65%, and Hunting. Secondary Skills: Astronomy 50%, Climbing 80%/70%, Swimming 75%, Art 60%, Writing 50%, Cook 60%, Fish­ ing 65%, and Sewing 65%. Power Category: Eugenics Hero; see Powers Unlimit· ed™ 2 for details. Genetic Modifications: Brain: Psi-Blocker, CalcifierlBone Strengthener, Gland: Pituitary, Glad: SterOid, Heart, Am­ bidextrous, Bio-Regeneration (Chimera), Massive Build, S.D.C. Augmentation, Heat Resistant, Reinforced Skel­ eton, Armor Rating (Natural), Strength Augmentation Supernatural, Armored Vision, Supervision: Nightvision, Heightened Hearing, Heightened Smell, Combat Spurs on each arm and Energy Expulsion: Energy. Insanity: Demon Slayer has a pacifist type of personality and prefers not to fight. However, he's seen the cruelty of Deevils firsthand and has vowed to battle evil in ali its forms. When he becomes angry (and it takes a lot) he may succumb to Frenzy, as per the insanity, with all the bonuses and penalties that apply. Frenzy is automatic when confronted with his genetic brother Alpha 15, a.k.a. Dark Omega. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert Number of Attacks: 7 Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +7 to parry, +6 to dodge, +8 to roll with punch, +4 to pull punch, +3 to save vs posseSSion/mind control, +1 to save vs disease, +4 to save vs heart and blood disease, +1 to save vs magic, +19% to save vs coma/death, and fatigues at 1/3 the usual rate of normal people. Special Abilities and Combat Info: Can block TelepathiC and Empathic Transmission, can go into a meditative trance to block mind probes and possession, increases PS. by 12 and PE. by 3 six times per day for 9 minutes. W.P. Paired Weapons, Bio-Regenerates 1D6 Hit Points or 1D6+3 S.D.C. per melee, +1 D6 to hand to hand dam­ age from Massive Build, takes half damage from fire based attacks, +2 to damage from Reinforced Skeleton, Karate Kick, Snap Kick, Roundhouse Kick, and Critical Strike on a Natural 18, 19, or 20. Magic: None. Psionics: As per Special Abilities. Weapons: None, relies on his abilities. Vehicles and Other Equipment: None other than a simple costume. Money: Has little interest in it except to make enough to support himself and buy snacks and videogames. Note: Obviously, he knows plenty about Vilde, but not about his secret lair in the South Pacific, as he has never been there. Real Name: Alpha 14 (clone). Also known as: Eric Bunch. Alignment: Scrupulous. Note: Though a clone, the mutation process has made Al­ pha 14 and 15 very different in every way, from attributes and powers to appearance and disposition. Attributes: 1.0. 12, ME 11, MA 19, PS. 60, P.P. 17, P.E. 17, P.B. 9, Spd 15. Hit Points: 88. S.D.C.: 424. Natural A.R.: 16. Height: 18 feet (5.5 m). Weight: 1,800 Ibs (810 kg). Sex: Male. Age: 12 years old, but looks to be in his 20s or 30s. Horror Factor: 12, that's the reaction most normal people have. Disposition: Demon Slayer is a gentle giant who looks like a monster, but is really kind, caring and playful, though at times can be a bit overprotective of his teammates. He appreciates life, beauty and the diversity the world has to offer. He can seem naive and has a childlike curios­ ity and outlook on the world. He hates Deevils and has made it his mission to protect people from them. Demon Slayer is not bothered by insults or threats, but threaten one of his friends and he flies into a rage the likes of which would impress even a demon. He is aggressive and relentless in battle, but has shown mercy many times and tries not to kill. Experience Level: 6th. Education Level and Skills: He learned all his skills while in Doctor Vilde's lab, as well as being on his own for so long. It's the equivalent of on the job training. 159 Demon Thorn Kevin Thorn comes from a long tradition of Demon Hunt­ ers. The occupation has been passed down in his family for the last three generations. His great grandfather became a hunter when he lost his parents at a young age on his way to America. The demonic creature that preyed on his par­ ents was about to kill great granddad when a Demon Hunter came to the rescue. Having no children of his own, the young orphan was adopted and introduced to the demon hunting trade. The rest is history, as Kevin likes to tell friends. Kevin has been on his own for the last ten years. After passing on the secrets of being a Demon Hunter, Kevin's father decided to retire. Calling himself Demon Thorn, Kevin has taken his knowledge and begun to travel the countryside tracking down supernatural threats, and even vanquishing the occasional demon or Deevil. It has been a journey that has even had him fighting on the side of a few well-known superheroes, assisting them with bringing a team of Mystically Bestowed villains to justice. One such hero was Night Prince, and the two have worked together on several occasions since. It was Kevin's father who alerted him to rumors about the Minion War and that there could be fallout from the war on Earth. Indeed, Demon Thorn has noticed many more crimes and incidents involving Deevils and their cultists over the last year or two. It wouldn't take long for him to track criminal activity with Deevil sponsorship and support to Century Station, and it is Demon Thorn who suspects Deevils are somehow behind the Church of Unity. With the recent outbreak of the so-called "Demon Events," he knows something bad is afoot. Real Name: Kevin Thorn. Alignment: Unprincipled. Attributes: 1.0. 14, M.E. 17, M.A. 18, P.S. 23, P.P. 19, P.E. 24, P.B. 13, Spd 19. Hit Points: 59. S.D.C.: 72. Height: 5 feet, 10 inches (1.8 m). Weight: 180 Ibs (81 kg). Age: 36. Sex: Male. P.P.E.: 74 Disposition: Kevin remains an upbeat, optimistic person with a cheerful disposition. However, fighting demonic evil and the forces of darkness has given him a darker outlook on life. He sees the world in shades of grey and regularly bends the law to fight and destroy evil, both mortal and supernatural. He hates injustice and cruelty more than anything, and has, as of late, been taking down human criminals whenever the opportunity pres­ ents itself. Of course, his focus remains on supernatural evil, which he battles with ruthless determination. Experience Level: 5th level Demon Hunter. Power Category: Demon Hunter. Education Level and Skills: Special. Common and General Skills: Fishing 70%, Mathemat­ ics: Basic 85%, Pilot: Automobile 78%, Pilot: Motorcycle 86%, Speak and Read English 98%, Speak and Read French and Latin 90%/70%. Weapon Proficiency Program: WP. Archery and Target­ ing, WP. Revolver, WP. Shotgun, and WP. Sword. 160 Demon Hunter Program: Armorer 65%, Basic Electron­ ics 55%, Boxing, Climbing 65%/55%, Detect Ambush 65%, Detect Concealment 55%, Escape Artist 55%, Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Prowl 45%, Running, Sur­ veillance Systems 65%, Tracking 50% (65% when it's the supernatural), and Streetwise 41 %. Secondary Skills: Computer Operation 60%, First Aid 65%, Land Navigation 54%, Law (General) 45%, Radio: Basic 65%, and Wilderness Survival 50%. Special Skills: Circles of Trapping and Protection: 72%, Lore: Demons and Monsters 65%/35%, Lore: Magic: 35%, and Modern and Ancient Weapons Armorer 60%. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. Number of Attacks: Six. Bonuses: +3 to Perception Rolls, +2 on initiative, +4 to strike, +7 to parry and dodge, +2 to disarm, +3 to pull punch, +4 to roll with punch or fall, +5 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to save vs mind control, +3 to save vs psion­ ics and +9 to save vs Demon Magic. Other Combat Info: Karate Kick, Snap Kick, Axe Kick, Backward Sweep, and Roundhouse Kick. Money: A modest savings of 26,000 dollars. Weapons: Kevin was given several family heirlooms from his father. His prized possession is his father's silver­ plated long sword. The weapon is very well balanced, providing a +1 to strike and parry, and it is silver-plated so it does extra damage to creatures vulnerable to silver. The sword does 206 damage to ordinary foes. Kevin also inherited his father's heavy crossbow. It has a vari­ ety of bolts with various tips depending on the demon or monster he is fighting. At any given time he has a dozen silver tipped bolts, a dozen iron-tipped bolts (both do 206 S.D. C.), and explosive tipped bolts that do 606 S.D.C. to a 4 foot (1.2 m) radius. He also has two.44 caliber Ruger Redhawk revolvers and a dozen silver coated bullets, a dozen silver coated slugs for his shotgun, and modified shotgun shells that fire a variety of substances from holy water to acid, 6 wooden spikes, a mallet, 6 silver spikes, and a silver-plated dagger. His shotgun has been modi­ fied to fire very large silver or wooden stakes (1 D4x1 0 damage to creatures vulnerable to such materials, but range is limited to 50 feeU15.2 m). Vehicles and Other Equipment: Demon Thorn wears a suit of black Riot Armor; A.R. 14, 180 S.D.C. Attached to the armor is a utility belt that holds many of the smaller items. At his waist are two gun holsters for his revolv­ ers, plus he often has a bandoleer full of shotgun shells of different varieties, and keeps the shotgun slung over his shoulder. Finally, he wears his father's sword on his back. He drives an SUV that holds all of his equipment, plus there is a container on the roof rack that carries more gear. There is a trailer hitch that he uses to tow his bike with. The SUV is a standard run of the mill truck with no modification. Viper Thorn (Special) souped-up motorcycle: Can accommodate the rider and one pas­ senger. A.R.: 14. S.D.C. by Location: Main Body: 450. Tires (2): 30 each. Speed: 300 mph (480 km) maximum, 120 mph (192 km) cruising. Also from Palladium Books® Heroes U nlimited™ RPG • Create every type of hero imaginable. Aliens, Mutants, Super Soldiers, Magically Endowed, Immortals, Hardware, and others. • More than 100 super abilities, plus many sub-powers. • Magic spells, enchanted weapons, psionic powers & much more. • Power Armor, Robots, Super-Vehicles, Mega-Heroes and others. • 352 pages. Written by Kevin Siembieda. Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG • • • • 41 different types of martial arts. Mystic martial arts powers. Superspies, bionics, gizmos and weapons. Spy organization creation rules & more. Written by Erick Wujcik. 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