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Islamic Rohingya Terrorists - The Al Qaeda-taliban In Myanmar





Rev 1 ISLAMIC ROHINGYA TERRORISTS - THE AL-QAEDA/TALIBAN IN MYANMAR By Han Maung First Published 03/26/2014 Revision 1 Dated 03/30/2014 NEWS FLASH FROM BANGLADESH - Dated 03/03/2014 Islamic Rohingya Terrorists training started again in Bangladesh-Myanmar border …they had returned from Afghanistan...who fought along with Al-Qaeda against US & NATO Forces...this news link has whole lots of names, places, different NGOs who are closely involved with this terrorists activities... (In English translated by Google from Bengali) OR (In Bengali) WHY IS THIS NEWS IMPORTANT TO MYANMAR? THE SCALE OF THE TERRORIST TRAINING IN THE BANGLADESH-MYANMAR BORDER SHOULD NOT BE UNDERESTIMATED. MYANMAR SHOULD NOT ONLY BE CONCERNED OF ISOLATED TERRORIST ATTACKS, BUT ALSO A FULL SCALE INVASION TO ANNEX PART OF IT’S TERRITORY. These terrorist training facilities are disguised as madrassas (religious schools). Terrorist indoctrination begins inside Bangladesh with physical and technical training being completed in the mountainous border areas. In Bangladesh alone, there is AN ARMY OF WELL OVER A MILLION YOUNG MEN that have gone through the madrassas waiting for the call to arms. This terrorist army is in addition to the thousand of “sleeper cells” and their sympathizers inside Myanmar, particularly in Maungdaw and Buthidaung areas. 1 Rev 1 The terrorists have sponsors from well connected organizations and political parties within Bangladesh, the current main opposition party is openly aligned with them. They have sponsors, financial and logistic backing from abroad from London, Istanbul, Riyadh to Kuala Lumpur. They owe no allegiance to any government, though they are supported by some. THEIR AIM IS TO ANNEX PART OF MYANMAR TO ESTABLISH AND INDEPENDENT STATE CALLED “NEWROSIA” THAT WOULD BE RULED UNDER SHARIA LAW. Reports from Riyadh and Jeddah indicate that the terrorists and their sponsors have discussed an all out “blitz by land and sea” to annex Rakhine state. In another scenario, the Islamic terrorists would declare part of Myanmar as a “liberated country“. Any retaliatory action by the Myanmar army would be reported as “killing of innocent people“ by their political wing. With their propaganda machine in full gear, they can generate news out of thin air that will be distributed instantaneously throughout the world and gain unquestioning acceptance from all the western media. They have even used their money and influence at the US Congress to pass House Resolution HR-418, ostentatiously as human rights legislature but nonetheless the intent is to establish the legal ground so that international organizations and countries can militarily intervene in the domestic affairs of Myanmar. Therefore, with such powerful worldwide backing and allies behind them, the terrorist army is poised to attack Myanmar; they are simply waiting for an opportune moment. Besides, Bangladesh is the most over populated country in the world (approaching $200 million in a country smaller in size that Iowa state in US) with hardly any natural resources but a lot of restless and unemployed people craving for the rich resources of Myanmar. According to a 2005 Jane’s Intelligence Review report “Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries on earth, on the brink of being a failed state, and that makes it a perfect target for al- Qaeda and its-ever expanding network of Islamist extremist organizations.” Therefore. it is no longer a question of how or where a terrorist invasion will occur but when. On the other hand, the Myanmar border security forces have been outmaneuvered and outmanned, as they frequently suffer casualties and have no means to retaliate. The January jihadi attack that killed a Myanmar security personnel was a test probe by the terrorists to evaluate Myanmar military capabilities. 2 Rev 1 The response from Myanmar side was very feeble at best if not an utter failure in terms of force and timing, though they did capture some of the terrorists. In the diplomatic front, Myanmar found itself on the receiving end and the target of false reports and yellow journalism. Adding a few more police stations around Maungdaw area will not stop the main terrorist invasion. By the time Myanmar reacts, it would be a “fait accompli” - the invasion would be complete and Myanmar would have lost its territory. A few brave journalists from Bangladesh have been reporting on increased terrorist training activities in Bangladesh-Myanmar border. Recently, the leaders from the sevennation (India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal) BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) vowed to jointly combat the growing threat of terrorism. However, Myanmar is still ill prepared to deal with a terrorist invasion and an asymmetric warfare, and a lot of the people in Myanmar are in total darkness to this possibility. ISLAMIC ROHINGYA TRAINING NEWS FROM TURKEY or %3D2847%26q%3Drohingya (In English translated by Google from Turkish) Or (in Turkish) “Turkey’s Islamist-controlled INCA News Agency has just released the videos and photos of Bengali-Muslim terrorists from RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organization) Kalarzoes receiving military training from the Bangladeshi Army supported by local Bangladeshi authorities and politicians and mosque-Imams in the area right next to Burma-Bangladesh 3 Rev 1 border. The military training of Bengali-Muslim terrorists has been going on for a long time and recently intensified since OIC (Organization of Islamist Cooperation) with the financial support of Turkey and Saudi Arabia established so-called Rohingya umberalla group ARU (Arakan Rohingya Union) in May 2011.” Islamic Rohingya Terrorists being trained by Bangladeshi Army's trainers. 4 Rev 1 Prominent Islamist politician Nurul Islam visiting RSO HQ at the outskirts of Naikhongchari. (He was behind the 2012-September attacks on Buddhists in Ramu and Cox Bazar.) A Bangladeshi army colonel giving a speech at terrorist camp in Naikhongchari. 5 Rev 1 Terrorists Meeting with their Imams INCANEWS brags and provides photo about the kidnap and murder of three unarmed Burmese military engineers near the border on November-6, 2012...” 6 Rev 1 BUDDHIST MONKS BEING SPECIALLY TARGETED BY TERRORISTS Here is INCANEWS brags that jihadists have managed to kill 25 Buddhist monks in the region (Myanmar & Thailand) while publishing the photos of the dead and injured Buddhist monks…. %3D2115%26q%3Drohingya (In English translated by Google from Turkish) OR (in Turkish) “………jihad in Burma Islamic fighters to the region in recent days while attacking a military convoy, they also increase their attacks against Buddhist monks. Too many priests were killed, while the news was published on the Internet images of monks injured. From the region, the number of priests who were killed, the news coming out of the 25...” 7 Rev 1 8 Rev 1 BELOW ARE FEW SELECTED REPORTS THAT LINK ISLAMIC TERRORISTS IN MYANMAR TO THE WORLD WIDE ORGANIZATIONS SUCH AS AL QAEDA: 2008 and 2009 Country Reports on Terrorism published by US State Department clearly identified the link of Islamic Rohingya Terrorists to their counterparts in Bangladesh and other countries In 1947 “…. A widespread armed insurgency started…..Muslim leaders from Arakan addressed themselves to Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, and asked his assistance in annexing of the Mayu region to Pakistan..” Bangladesh: Breeding ground for Muslim terror By Bertil Lintner OR Hakrat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI), was formed in 1992, allegedly with financial supportfrom Osama bin Laden himself. HuJI now has an estimated strength of 15,000 followersand is led by Shawkat Osman aka Maulana or Sheikh Farid in Chittagong. Its members were recruited mainly from students of Bangladesh's more than 60,000 madrassas (religious schools) and called themselves the Bangladeshi Taliban…..HuJI sent its own people, as well as Rohingya recruits, to Afghanistan to fight for the Taliban and al-Qaeda…” “…..Rohingya Solidarity Organisation (RSO). Led by a medical doctor from Arakan, Muhammad Yunus….acquired a substantial number of Chinese-made RPG-2 rocket launchers, light machine-guns, AK-47 assault rifles, claymore mines and explosives from 9 Rev 1 private arms dealers in the Thai town of Aranyaprathet near Thailand’s border with Cambodia,…On the night of December 21, 2001 — only a few weeks after the fall of the Taliban-stronghold of Kandahar — a ship, the m.v. Mecca, arrived in Chittagong port. Onboard were several hundred Taliban and Al Qaeda cadres along with arms and ammunition. Under the cover of darkness, they boarded buses and lorries and were driven down to the southeastern border areas..” Confidential report from Wikileaks Five leaders of the Islamic Rohingya terrorist met with Taliban leader Osama Bin Laden and attended course with Al Qaeda representatives on 2000. "..Five members (names still under inquiry by the GOB) of ARNO attended a highranking officers' course with Al Qaeda representatives on 15 May, 2000 and arrived back in Bangladesh on 22 June. During the course, they discussed matters relating to political and military affairs, arms and ammunition, and financing with Osama Bin Laden. Mohamed Arju Taida and Mohamed Rau-Sheik Ar-Mar Darsi from the Taliban were present with them at the meeting……." THE CONNECTION BETWEEN MADRASSAS AND INCREASED MUSLIM MILITANCY IN BANGLADESH, By Professor Dr. Golam Hossain, Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008. "Madrassas … patronized by General Ziaul Haque in Pakistan and General Ziaur Rahman in Bangladesh and their Saudi allies in the1980’s. Ironically, the US also played an important role in their harnessing of Madrassas for ‘holy war ` as part of the Afghan jihad, with the CIA/USAID financing the production of some notable BLOODTHIRSTY MADRASSA TEXTBOOKS ‘FILLED’ ``WITH VIOLENT IMAGES AND MILITANT ISLAMIC TEACHINGS". 10 Rev 1 "THE ROHINGA SOLIDARITY ORGANIZATION HAS ALSO DEVELOPED LINKS WITH OTHER ISLAMIC MILITANT GROUPS LIKE GULBUDDIN HEKMATYR’S HIZB-E-ISLAMI IN AFGHANISTAN, HIZB-UL-MUJAHIDEEN IN JAMMU AND KASMIR, AND ANGKATAN BELIA ISLAM SA MALAYSIA (THE ISLAMIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION OF MALAYSIA)." "recruitment and training in the inaccessible hilly terrains of Cox’s Bazaar and Banderban, and along the NO Man’s land in the Bangladesh – Myanmar border and enjoy support and patronize from about 30 Madrassas in the Chittagong region. Investigative reports disclosed the involvement of several Madrassas in the border areas of Naikhangchhari and Ukhia in providing weapons, training and motivating the Muslim youths to launch an Islamic revolution." "The Bangladeshi vernacular daily "Amader Orthonity" of October 07 reported that about 26,000 cadres and hundreds of suicide squads of the banned militant organization HizbutTawhid were preparing to uproot the democratic system in the country and establish Sharia law. The banned JMB has formed a new organization called Jamatul-Arakan in cooperation with Rohingya militants who have come from Myanmar A 2011 Government of Bangladesh report stated that there are at least 70 different Islamic terrorist organizations operating in the country including the Islamic Rohingya Terrorists (Rohingya Patriotic Front, Rohingya Solidarity Organization, Arakan Rohingya National Organisation etc.). ISLAMIST EXTREMISM IN BANGLADESH. CRS REPORT FOR CONGRESS PREPARED BY BRUCE VAUGHN. ORDER CODE, RS22591; JANUARY 31, 2007 11 Rev 1 "…Al Qaeda had reportedly recruited Rohingyas from refugee camps in southeastern Bangladesh to fight in Afghanistan, Kashmir, and Chechnya. Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI) was founded by Osama bin Laden associate Fazlul Rahman…." adesh-Militant-Groups_1246945884723.pdf “…HuJI-B has close links with Ronhingya Solidairty Organisation, the armed outfit of Rohingyas of Myanmar. The group has connections with many of the north eastern insurgent groups. United Liberation Front training camps in the Chittagong Hill Tracts claimed to be run by HuJI. It is alleged to have links with Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence and al Qaida. The group was a signatory to Bin Laden’s declaration of war against the US…” “….hundreds of Rohingya Muslims have been undergoing military training to carry out terrorist acts against Buddhist communities in western Myanmar’s restive Rakhine state…” “July 15, 2013 (EIRNS)–Bill Roggio of the {Long War Journal} reported today on the arrival in Myanmar of a brigade of Mujahideen from Burma (or Myanmar), Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan under the leadership of Abu Safiya and Abu Arif, citing a statement released at Kavkaz Center, a propaganda arm of the al-Qaedalinked Islamic Caucasus Emirate. The pair were identified as cleric Abu Arif, a cleric and Abu Safiyah, a militant commander, belonging to the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO), an al-Qaeda-linked terrorist outfit.” BURMA AND INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM, By Andrew Selth, Published by Australian Institute of Peace and Science, 12 Rev 1 “..Rohingya insurgent group is reported to have developed connections with Muslim extremist organisations in places like Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan. This group is the Rohingya Solidarity Organisation(RSO). …..Al Qaeda videotapes and notebooks later seized in Afghanistan by the US-led coalition referred to the struggle in Burma, and listed Burma among a group of countries which had AI Qaeda sympathisers. In addition, a library of AI Qaeda video tapes discovered in Afghanistan included one made by a Burmese insurgent group…” “….links between Pakistani extremist formations and Rohingyas have also been uncovered by Bangladeshi security agencies. Bangladesh Police traced the funds in the bank account of one Maulana Mohammad Yunus, arrested in August 2012 from a madrasa (Islamic Seminary) in the Rau sub-district of Cox's Bazaar District, to Maulana Shabir Ali Ahmed, a Karachi-based, JeM-linked Bangladeshi national of Rohingya origin. Another madrasa operator, Abdur Rehman alias Imran alias Mustafa of Teknaf in Cox's Bazaar is suspected to have coordinated the arrival of Pakistan-trained Myanmarese mujahideen (holy warriors) at various locations of Cox's Bazaar at the end of 2012...” “….Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HUM) and the HUJI of Pakistan constituted a single organisation called the Harkat-ul-Ansar (HUA), which was active in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) in India. It also provided training and arms assistance to the Rohingya Muslims of Arakan in Myanmar, the Abu Sayyaf in the southern Philippines and the Chechens…” By William Gomes “Bangladesh is terrorized by Islamic terrorism. Islamic terrorism has created a culture of fear in Bangladesh. ..In 1990s, 70,000 to 120,000 Muslim youth trained to fight in Asia, Africa, and in Middle East in different Al-Qaeda and Taliban camps in Afghanistan. AlQaeda highly trained a notable number of Islamic groups and indoctrinated them with the 13 Rev 1 mission of "Jihad" that influx all over the world the message of fear and violence…..Arakan Rohingya Nationalist Organization (ARNO) and Rohingya Solidarity Organisation (RSO) were among the groups who were trained in Afghanistan camps and were and are active in Myanmar and Bangladesh. “The Rohingya Muslims are from Bangladesh. …Many Rohingya’s have been trained by al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan…..From Bangladesh the Rohingya’s, like the Arabs to Palestine, have been illegally relocating to flood the borders of Myanmar/Burma to continue the persecution, murder and rape of the Buddhist people beyond the borders of Bangladesh. Rohingya’s can be compared a bit to Europe’s Roma criminals, who are very difficult to adapt to society. These Muslims have also been flooding into India, where they continue their violence and persecution of minorities, targeting villagers in remote areas to take control of these areas. JACQUES LEIDER, WORLD RENOWN HISTORIAN ON MYANMAR WRITES IN AN ARTICLE TITLED "THE MUSLIMS IN RAKHINE AND THE POLITICAL PROJECT OF ROHINGYAS". THESE TWO REPORTS FROM BANGLADESH WEEKLY REVEALS THE WORLD WIDE CONSPIRACY TO ESTABLISH A SHARIA STATE WITHIN THE EASTERN PROVINCE IN BANGLADESH AND THE ENTIRE RAKHINE STATE IN MYANMAR. Jihadist terror outfits are intensifying activities within Chittagong, Rangamati, Bandarban and Cox's Bazar districts, which are bordering areas of Myanmar [Burma]. According to intelligence reports, the Jihadists are planning to establish an independent Sharia state named 'Nuresia' with its territory expanded into Chittagong, Rangamati, Bandarban and 14 Rev 1 Cox's Bazar districts in Bangladesh and the entire Arakan Province in Myanmar Terrorist groups are conspiring to establish a new country with some districts of Bangladesh and Arakan (Rakhine) state (of Myanmar). The activities are lead by Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) leader Dr. Yunus. Captured terrorists revealed that a foreign intelligence agency is instigating a number of terrorist outfits to stand together by the side of Myanmar Rohingya to establish a new country "Independent Newrosia". It was revealed that the conspiracy to create independent "Newrosia" state is getting fullest support from the Muslim population in Arakan province in Myanmar, as well as some of the Muslim nations in the world REPORTS ON THE REASONS BEHIND ISLAMIC TERRORISM AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS ARE PROVIDED BELOW: OR 15 Rev 1 OTHER RELATED REPORTS %5BPAMELA_GUTMAN%5D_BURMA %60S_LOST_KINGDOMS_SPLENDOURS_( or “50 MILLION (ALMOST EQUAL TO THE TOTAL POPULATION OF MYANMAR) BANGLADESHIS WOULD FLEE THE COUNTRY”. THE QUESTION IS WHERE WOULD THEY GO? NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES - MYANMAR, INDIA, THAILAND, ETC…..USA? HTTP://WWW.ANGELFIRE.COM/AB/JUMMA/MASSACRE.HTML Why I am not a Muslim, By Ibn Warraq 16 Rev 1 Available at or download at %D8%A7%D8%A8%E2%80%8C%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C %20%D8%A7%D9%86%DA%AF%D9%84%DB%8C%D8%B3%DB %8C/&sort=name&order=desc 17