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Juxtconsult India Online 2008 Snapshot




India Online 2008

Online Indians and their Net Usage Behavior and Preferences

Study Overview
• Most recent estimates of Internet user-ship in urban and rural India • Insightful understanding of net usage behavior and preferences of regular online Indians • Understanding online Indians as ‘consumers’ and not just faceless net users • Comparative profile of users of top 5 websites for 26 online verticals • ‘Changes’ vis-à-vis last year reported for most of the information

A ‘land survey’ conducted in March 2008 to estimate and profile the internet users The survey sampled over 12,500 households in 40 cities of all population sizes, and over 4,000 households in 160 villages across the country, covering all socio-economic strata The internet usage dynamics, behavior and website preferences were captured through a large scale ‘online survey’ with over 15,000 internet users in April 2008 The online survey was conducted using Google (keyword) Search Ads and JuxtConsult’s own Internet User Panel ( The online survey data made ‘representative’ of the entire online population (urban and rural), by using appropriate demographic ‘weights’ derived from the land survey and using authentic Govt. of India population statistics

Topline Findings

A year of ‘healthy’ growth…
All internet users at 49 million – 40 million urban, 9 million rural 33% growth in all urban users over last year 35 million ‘regular’ users – 30 million urban, 5 million rural 19% growth in regular urban users over last year 25 million ‘daily’ users

* ‘Regular’ internet users = internet users who use the internet ‘at least once a month’

Represents ‘mass’ as much as ‘class’!
• 19 – 35 years • SEC ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ • Salaried employee in corporates • Live in the metros • Own an automobile • Prefer to read in English 77% 70% 51% 30% 63% 28%

Represents ‘mass’ as much as ‘class’!
Household Assets
Color TV Mobile Phone Bank Account Computer/Laptop Fridge Life Insurance 2-Wheeler Credit Card Air Conditioner 4-Wheeler Invested in Shares

% Internet Users Owning
90% 87% 84% 72% 68% 53% 46% 31% 19% 17% 11%

Net is the dominant medium in their daily lives!
Home is the ‘most preferred place of access’ with 41% of them 9 out of 10 regular users from home (and office) log on to the net daily More of them spend 2 hours or more daily on internet from home than on other mediums
– – – – Internet TV Newspaper Radio 36% on weekdays 14% 2% 10%
(chat, network, interact on communities, blog)

81% ‘interact’ on the medium

Now a part of their living rooms…
Top 10 Online Activities
Emailing Job search Instant messaging / chatting Check news Check sports Download music / movies Check cricket score Dating/Friendship Matrimonial search English info search engine

% Undertaking
91% 72% 70% 63% 57% 54% 50% 50% 49% 49%

On an average a net user undertakes over 15 activities online 7 out of the top 10 online activities fall in the ‘personal life’ domain Users of ‘other language’ websites up at 34%

1 in 3 online shopper ‘buys’ online!
80% of all regular online Indians ‘shop’ online (search or buy) 23% have bought online in last 6 months - 8 million active online buyers 92% of all online buyers have bought a travel product online, 51% have bought a non-travel product online 80% of travel buyers have bought train tickets, 52% air tickets Books, Clothes and CD/DVDs are the most bought non-travel products online (Mobiles and Computer Products most searched)

Google leads in both ‘mind’ share and ‘user’ share!
Google Yahoo Rediff Orkut Gmail Indiatimes Hotmail Moneycontrol Naukri Sify

% Recall Top of Mind
36.6% 31.5% 7.4% 5.6% 5.5% 1.7% 1.1% 0.8% 0.7% 0.6%

% Use it the Most
28.4% 27.6% 8.6% 8.1% 8.6% 1.2% 1.0% 0.8% 0.4% 0.7%

Most Used Website for Specific Activities
Vertical Top Website % Use Most
51% 53% 42% 16% 81% 65% 18% 32% 33% 23% 18% 31% 25%


Top Website

% Use Most
36% 54% 38% 66% 44% 43% 19% 25% 14% 17% 32% 19% 12%

Emailing Instant Messaging Job Search Online News Info Search – English Info Search – Local language Online Travel Games Online Shopping (non-travel) Real Estate Financial News/Info Online Share Trading Net Telephony

Yahoo Yahoo Naukri Yahoo Google Google Yatra Zapak Ebay Google Moneycontrol ICICIdirect Yahoo

Matrimony Friendship/Dating Share Pictures Social Networking Professional Networking Video Sharing Sports Astrology Cinema Music Online learning/education Buy/rent movie CD Mobile Content

Bharatmatrimony Orkut Orkut Orkut Orkut Youtube Cricinfo Yahoo Yahoo Raaga Google Rediff Yahoo

Report Details

Information Area Covered
Demographic and socio-economic profile of online Indians
Gender, age, city, city type, region Educational qualification, current occupation, industry of occupation, preferred language of reading, status in the household SEC, monthly household income, most expensive vehicle owned Household and financial asset ownership – home, land, TV, fridge, washing machine, AC, microwave, music system, DVD player, Ipod, camera, video recorder, tube well/pump, landline phone, mobile phone, computer, cable TV connection, bank account, demat account, fixed deposits, chit fund deposits, life insurance, medical insurance, debit card, credit card, mutual fund, shares, etc Currently running loan liabilities if any

Net usage status and dynamics
Years of experience in using the net Place of access (home, place of work, cyber café, transit, choupal/gram panchayat) Net usage details by place - type of connection, ISP subscribed to, frequency of usage, duration of usage, usage by day parts Daily time spent on net vis-à-vis on computer usage, watching TV, reading newspaper and listening to radio

Information Area Covered
Online activities undertaken and most used websites
Popular online activities and their usage penetrations Most top of mind recalled websites at overall level vis-à-vis most used websites at the overall level Most used websites for 26 popular online activities: Emailing Info Search (English) Job Search Travel Booking News Online Share Trading Matrimonial Search Social Networking/Communities Sharing Videos Professional Networking Gaming Sports Buy/Rent Movies Instant Messaging/Chatting Info Search (Local Language) Astrology Online Shopping (other than travel products) Financial Info (rates, quotes, etc.) Real Estate Info Dating/Friendship Sharing Pictures Net Telephony Online education/learning Listen/buy Music Cinema Content Downloading Mobile Content

Information Area Covered
Online shopping behavior
Penetration of online shoppers (search) and buyers (search and buy) Travel products bought and searched in last 6 months, search-to-buy ratios, frequency of buying and average monthly spends for work and personal use All other non-travel products bought and searched in last 6 months, search-to-buy ratios, frequency of buying and average monthly spends for work and personal use Modes of online payment used Motivations of buying online and problems faced while buying online Reasons for not buying online (for those who search only)

Online marketing stimulus responded to (banner ads, search ads, virals, online contest, e-mailers, newsletters) Internet usage in local Indian languages
Popular languages of internet usage, most used websites by each of these languages

Blogging & online community membership
Proportion of internet users reading, commenting and owning blogs Frequency of reading blogs, most read blog sites Memberships by popular online community types

Main problems faced while surfing the Internet

List Of Reports
1. Overall Report Category Supplementary Reports: (profiling users of top 5 websites) 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Online Shopping Emailing Instant Messaging / Chatting Job Search Matrimony Info Search – English Travel Booking Social Networking Professional Networking Friendship / Dating Sharing Pictures Sharing Videos Online News Financial Info/News Online Share Trading Net Telephony Cinema Content Buy/Rent Movie CD/DVD Sports Content Online Music Online Games Online Real Estate Mobile Content Download Astrology Online Education / Learning User Segment Supplementary Reports: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Women on the net Youth on the net (teenagers and young adults) Urban versus Rural net users Net users by their socio-economic (SEC) profile Students on the net Corporate employees on the net IT professionals on the net Heavy online spenders on the net Bloggers on the net Car owners on the net Two-wheeler owners on the net Mobile phone owners on the net Credit card owners on the net Net users by place of access (homes, office, cyber cafes) Net users by type of connection (broadband, dial-up, etc.) Net users by city/town type (metros, urban uptowns, emerging towns, and others...) Net users as financial investors Vernacular language net users

Note: Completion of any supplement report is subject to collection of sufficient sample responses in the survey.

Pricing of Reports
Main Report Supplementary Report Main + 1 Supplementary Report (list price) Main + 2-4 Supplementary Reports Main + 5 or more Supplementary Reports

Price (Rs.)*
* 12.36% service tax extra

Price (USD)
3,500 3,500 each 7,000 Less 15% of list price Less 30% of list price

100,000 100,000 each 200,000 Less 15% of list price Less 30% of list price

Note - only supplement reports cannot be bought in isolation (without the main report).

• • •

Payment Terms Delivery Timeline Report Delivery Format

: 50% advance, 50% after delivery of all reports : Main Report – Immediately on receipt of advance payment : Supplementary Report – 1 week per report from date of order : PDF

Contact Details
• Address :
3, Kehar Singh Estate, 1st Floor, Westend Marg, Lane 2, Said-ul-Ajaib, New Delhi – 110030

• Telephone • Contact Person • Email • Website

: : : :

+91-11-29535098, +91-11-32451093, +91-9811256502

Sanjay Tiwari [email protected]