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  Page 1   Page 2   This book was published in English under the title: MAN-HATER    Page 3   1.   - I have to grow old, Kelly thought wearily as she extinguish all lights of the agency before leaving. "In the past," she left her office still full  passion and enthusiasm, even when she was working late in the night. But at the time she was launching her case. Now there was much risk, the situation had become less exciting, less exciting ... By pressing the button for the elevator, the young woman sighed. Yes, everything worked ... Its offices were in an elegant building, company ownership insurance for which she had led a campaign very satisfactory advertising. That same morning, the accountant who oversaw the agency's management had made him only compliments. Ian Carlisle. He was working for his grandfather, the years ago. And it was he who had caused the most Kelly shock of his life by teaching him to the death of the latter, she inherited a fortune. How would it be  expected such a turnaround when his grandparents, who had raised, lived in a small modest pavilion outside London? But apparently his grandfather had been lucky to Stock Exchange ... At the time, aged eighteen years, Kelly had not dared to use that money. It was only later, after Colin, she was determined to make it grow - and prove that women were well worth the men in business. Why did she feel depressed, suddenly? Maybe Page 4    because it should have brightly celebrate the third anniversary of his company, instead of preparing to spend the evening alone at home, studying Folder ... She began to realize that professional success often goes hand in hand with loneliness. But after all it was the choice she had made! In his eyes, it was better taste only the fruits of success, even hard-earned, rather than take risks in the field of feelings. Since Colin, she had no never placed its trust in anyone other than herself. And she was right, she told herself firmly. Through his hard work and intuition, she managed to create one of the most advertising agencies to London. We saw it as a business woman daunting. So why tonight particular éprouvait-  she suddenly the urge to question everything? Granted it could have been content to live on his income without working. But after Colin she had wanted to jump headlong in the work. Ian had told her one day that it was probably for her a kind of therapy. He was not wrong. In any case, in twenty-six, she had "succeeded". This does not prevent to be attractive, intelligent, and have a circle of friends faithful. What's the worry for no reason? At this late hour, the streets were almost deserted. When Kelly arrived home, somewhat subsided, she gave a sigh. She chose her apartment with care and had decorated by interior designers who had cared for the agency. The result was a contemporary classicism  perfect, but a little cold. In the huge living room, a cameo  blue and gray showed off the deep sofas covered with cream silk, sown also blue cushions. A large coffee table - wood, glass and aluminum - complemented the decor perfectly. Everything was clean, tidy, impeccable. The maid who came every morning was a pearl. Page 5   Yet that night, Kelly felt repelled by the elegance too simple, too pure to the splendid Italian furniture. She began to dream longingly at the beautiful Victorian home that she had  shared so little time with Colin ... With what love Had she honed itself every detail for months! The atmosphere obtained was different ... But she pulled herself together The past was the past! From a firm step, she went to hang his coat in his room - as he had learned his grandmother and as she always did. Colin laughed at these little "quirks ". He also made fun of many other things, but at the time Kelly had believed in teasing inconsequential. She took off her navy blue skirt, carefully hung. All in it was strict and proper, her silk blouse immaculate in her tight bun. Kelly hated the side too " flamboyant "of her figure: her chest curves generous, her too thin size at will, his legs that do not finished, her long brown hair with moire reflections ... It was too voluptuous for a businesswoman and contrived to hide her best assets other would have given anything to have! But this reserve had helped to create his company. Men tend not to take seriously their female partners if they feel that a meeting may end otherwise than by strict signed a contract ... Also Kelly had she persisted in attitude coldly reserved. More tired than she would have thought she had one desire: relax and go to bed But there was this folder  prepare. Suddenly she pulled her not the small closet simple dress she used to put on the way  home, but a beautiful silk kimono with intense colors - Christmas gift from a Japanese client. The shimmering blue the stuff brought out the deep sapphire eyes, brightness muffled his dark skin, the jet mass of his hair disheveled. While taking off his light makeup, she found herself poor mine: it was a long time she had not taken a vacation ... Page 6   After a quick brush to her hair, she returned in the living room and curled up in the hollow of a sofa to work. She was immersed in columns of numbers when intercom doorbell rang. Frowning, she rose to ask in a voice dry the visitor's name. - It's me, Kelly. Jeremy Benson! The girl winced when she heard the familiar voice - and so unpleasant to his liking - the husband of her best friend. It Jeremy had never appreciated, even when he was not although engaged to Sue, and this repulsion had only grow over the years. They had been married for six years and Kelly was sure that Jeremy had not been faithful to his wife over several months. Sue was her childhood friend, and she felt very close her. But since Jeremy had clearly expressed her she physically attracted, Kelly saw less Sue less often; most of the time to window shop,  Sue in the rare visits to London - and when Jeremy could not accompany him. The fact that this man continues to woo despite the obvious contempt she felt him put out Kelly her. And this only reinforced the idea lackluster she had the male. Despite the progress of the feminism, she remained convinced that women remained "sex objects" in the eyes of their companions. What ceux- wanted and took it, with no regard for the feelings - Or lack of feelings - of their conquests. In order to afford Sue, she never made clear Jérémy disgust he inspired. It was a cowardly man, avenger. He had managed to evacuate around her woman, that it depends entirely on him. And this not prevent, in turn, multiply and flirtations Page 7   adventures. Sue had never complained to Kelly for the conduct of its husband. She loved him deeply. And Kelly feared her friend learns the truth. Was she not well placed to know the hell that is such a revelation for woman in love? - So, Kelly! You're not going to let me out all night ! I have something to tell you from Sue. The young woman almost asked him to forward the  Message from the intercom, but she thought it would take this cop for a win. It would be so proud intimidating! She could not show her that she was afraid of to be alone with him. A bitter bend corner of the mouth, it ordered him to go up. When he saw her, Jeremy's eyes narrowed appreciatively. Then he bent to kiss her on the cheek, and Kelly stiffened. This reaction seemed to amuse him. - Always ice, dear Kelly? he hissed. Are you afraid of what could happen if you let yourself go? There really nothing, baby. As always, his vulgarity put the nerves of the young woman alive. While paying him an alcohol and handing him his glass, she felt boiling. She sat in front of him. - You do not let go ... not installed there a drawl, with a circular eye piece. Sue has no taste, decoration. But I guess the millions, it helps! Kelly decided to ignore this double critique. - You said you had a message for me to  by Sue? She threw a sharp tone. - What a warm welcome! Jeremy replied with his air of Page 8   Boy punished that irritated Kelly at the highest point - but was always melt the poor Sue. You were not seen since months and you obviously have great difficulty supporting me  five minutes! - I have work, snapped the young woman in him showing his file. What brings you to London? - A business meeting. Sue suggested I go see you. She would like to show you the new house, the weekend next. It runs through a bad patch at the moment, with the story of the baby ... Jeremy had an accounting firm in the New- Forest, and he was furious that Kelly refuses to entrust the management of the agency. Was it really his wife, who wanted to admire the house they had just built, or himself same? she thought, acid. But the last words of his host gave him a bad conscience. She had phoned once her friend since the tragic miscarriage that had so proven. - Well? Jeremy insisted. This tempts you, or not? You are really someone very special, Kelly ... You make me crazy, with your great tunes that woman was successful. Poor Sue you not hold a candle. It is in the process of gentrification seriously, and the latest troubles have nothing to fix things! So he had no heart? Kelly was outraged. She was dying desire to start his face Sue was worth a hundred times, and refuse his invitation. But her friend was probably desperately need to see it. If it's disappointing, no doubt Jeremy would benefit to the down in flames in the esteem of his wife. And she could not even tell him  truth to defend ... - All right, I'll come, 'she said. Now I beg you to let me work, Jeremy. Page 9   She got up, expecting that his visitor goes to the door. But he approached her, put a hand on her hip and stroked a trivial look solid curves of her body. A shiver ran revulsion Kelly, who pushed him abruptly. - Okay, I get it! Jeremy laughed, his face contorted with fury. But do not worry, we will meet again, Kelly!  No woman, not even you, can live forever like a nun. On Saturday, sweetie! As soon as he left the young woman collapsed on the couch,  prey to hatred and suffering. Would it be all his life victim of the male arrogance? The memory of the hand Jeremy asked about her made her feel sick. He knew it, but he did not care. He wanted her, and nothing else mattered! The Men were really despicable ... Colin also had treated icicle from frigid woman. She closed her eyes, clenched eyelids, shivering from head to toe. Colin. She succeed one day to forget? She had met just after the death of his grandfather, the day Ian had announced the news of his legacy. The young man was an accounting course. Kelly, upset by what  she had just learned, had forgotten his umbrella. Hake had caught in the street to make it. A good start ridiculous for the dramatic cataclysm that would change his entire life ... A few days later he telephoned him to ask go out with him. He liked it at first glance, and agreed. They went to the restaurant, at the movies. When Colin kissed at the time of leaving, Kelly felt her heart  jump for joy. Six weeks later they were engaged. On the advice of Colin, she sold the home of his grandparents. But when he presented the big Victorian house he dreamed, in the residential area of Hampstead, Kelly protested. He Page 10   swept his objections, saying that after all it was a rich heiress, that this house was an investment value, and it would serve them when he had his own customers. The girl finally gave in, despite the reluctance of Ian. A supercharged period followed. Kelly took care of one Work is renovation. Colin was often away and they they were not seen rarely, especially talking about the site and exchanging only a few quick kisses. A bit later, she told her fiancé that she wanted to make a visit old aunt. Colin encouraged him to take a few days  rest, making him just sign some papers stroke wind before departure. Four days after she returned, more relaxed. To talk his grandparents, his parents were dead all two in the explosion of a car bomb in Northern Ireland, when she was only four years old, had done him good. But the approach of her marriage made her still quite nervous. The fact that Colin has never tried to snatch some "liberties," some less chaste caresses so brief kisses left her puzzled. How to he behave when they were married? And then she would  preferred a church ceremony, instead of pure formalities Administrative he had planned for mayor ... In addition, they would not even honeymoon Colin had expressed the desire to push after his exams. On the wedding day, after a brief reception in a large London hotel, they returned home at dusk. Kelly lighted the lamps of the living room, pleased that their "  Nest "was so cozy. Then she hesitated. Colin was mounted first. Should she join? Should she wait for remove her wedding dress? She thought for a moment that her fiance does not show a very ardent in love, but she pushed soon this idea. He was perhaps intimidated her, after all! Suddenly she regretted that their engagement were not longer. Colin then came into the room,   Page 11   startling launching dryly: - The bathroom is free! He had spent jeans and a sweater. Kelly felt a some disorder caressing look. - Colin ... she murmured, blushing. She desperately wanted him to take her in his arms, he kisses her, he buries his doubts and fears in the warmth of her love ... But he just ask if she wanted a drink. She shook her head, mute,  before climbing turn. She tried to console her. His condition depression had proven his nerves, nothing more. And it was silly of her to expect romantic transport. Modern love is embarrassed more passion, it would have known! When she emerged from the bathroom, a moment Later, she thought she heard a murmur of voices on the ground floor and leaned on the railing, wondering who could well come visit them on such a day. Suddenly the door of the living room opened breezed and irritated voice sounded in Colin the hall: - Pat! I had forbidden you to come here! - Perhaps, but you told me you loved me too, that this house is ours, you would have your clients and ... Frozen with horror and disbelief, Kelly leaned more. Colin and his companion were absolutely unaware of  his presence. - This is exactly what is expected, darling, murmured Colin a tone softened. Everything will be as we have decided. - But you did not need to marry her for that! retorted young woman with resentment. Damn, Colin, how did you Page 12   do this to me? - Very easily! Colin replied cynically again. He enough to close your eyes and think of all that money ... Come on, Pat ... You know that I do not feel anything for her, right? This is the the most boring girl I know. A little gray mouse. Frigid to the last degree, with that. It does not happen to you ankle, my love ... If I can endure this marriage is only for you, for us. - But, she is your wife! - For six months, at most. I have already arranged for make him sign papers by which she bequeathed me home. As soon as I get convinced to give me the money to create my practice, I signifierai him that our marriage lived. Kelly felt his heart in his mouth. It was not  possible! But it was enough for him to open his eyes, to see the way which her husband passionate kissing this other woman to convinced she was not dreaming ... nausea Taking it back hastily into the bathroom. Apparently, the couple was  too absorbed to have paid attention to him. The first past spasms, Kelly wondered if Colin would make love to her, despite what she had seen. That Pat could feel that, with the idea of sharing her lover another? And herself, how could she bear that the key now? - Kelly? Darling! What do you manufacture it? Colin had gone to join her in her room and she gazed annihilated, not understanding that it is always the even. She realized that in fact it had always been this man! It was she who was no longer the naive white goose that had so shamefully manipulated. A terrible bitterness Page 13   invades. - What do you want me, Colin? she threw a defiant tone. Have you need more signatures? He became livid, stammering: - Honey, I ... I ... - I heard everything, cut Kelly, surprised by his own cold blood. Absolutely everything. And if you expect me to you let touch me, you ... - You touch? Colin chuckled, walking toward her. You make the ideas! You're a terrible prude, honey. Besides Pat, you ... - In any case, I have at least one more thing that, right?  Otherwise you would not have married me! Kelly replied in a voice acid. But you will not get a dime, Colin. Tomorrow I will cancel our wedding! - Certainly not, dear! he retorted continuing to coming toward her, a cruel glint in his evil eyes. I did perhaps not want you, but I want your money and you not to me will attain without. So you hoping for a cancellation ...! Paralyzed by terror, Kelly saw him leave his sweater, and undo his jeans. She wanted to flee, flee as a crazy, but fear nailed to the spot. With a sudden movement, Colin opened her robe to the waist. His hard hands violentèrent his body as his words had criminal ripped his heart. But do what he would, he failed to awaken in her any response. After a moment, Furious, he pushed her away with brutality. - Species frigid bitch! he hissed. You're not a woman, you're an iceberg! No man will ever possess you, it freeze before! Page 14   Before she could utter a sound he had disappeared, abandoning on their bed Dry eyes, heart drumming in the chest, the body marked by the blows he had inflicted Colin, she remained motionless. Unable to cry, unable to cry, unable to understand what was he  happened. She heard the front door slam. Where was he gone? Join Pat was not frigid, her? And after? Would he come back to put his threat? If he did, it would be a rape, neither more nor less. A word as horrible as the action it designates. She was still lying in the dark, motionless, when the doorbell rang. She decided not to move. But when she realized that the ringing would not stop it resigned and dressed slowly. This could only be Colin ... Until the last moment she hoped he would give up,  but the bell strokes persisted. She opened. Dawn wan already on the horizon. She had to spend several hours in a state of semi-consciousness, since his departure. - Mrs Langton? She stared at the policeman who was standing in the doorway. - Can I get a moment? Seconds later he was inside, he wondering where the kitchen was located and if it could make a cup of tea ... The brain numb Kelly did not understand what he was trying to explain to him, reassuring tone of which is employed with injured animals or frightened children. And then, finally, the words made their way. - Sit down, the officer murmured, terribly embarrassed and pity. He felt nothing. He was killed instantly ... He did not say that Colin was drunk and he was driving despite common sense. Colin dead? Why does she feel anything? She was   Page 15   as anesthetized. She watched the policeman casually. After a while it went away, puzzled. Standing alone in the big house, Kelly felt then a huge relief. A kind of recognition. His love for Colin had also been killed instantly when she discovered that he had used it. She did not want that sleep, sleep ... At the same time, she took the resolution steadfast to never risk being abused in this way. She had decided once and for all in his clouded mind she was rich, she was not desirable except for its money and now it should always, always stand on guard ... - Never ... With a start, the woman realized she uttered these words aloud. She grimaced and shrugged. That story was far ... In eight years she had had time to get wisdom. She lowered eyes on the alliance that shone on her ring finger. She had not left, as she kept the name of her husband. To remember. Since then, she had been able to account for the attraction she exercised over men. Yet cynically, she had always wondered what was behind their beautiful statements. She despised just as married men,  only looking for adventure, as the others, who aspired only a beautiful party. - You execrate men had said one of them someday. Had she not reason to do so? And Jeremy did, was it not again to confirm? Page 16   2.   The next day, Kelly thought more weekend awaited that in his work. The last words of Jeremy's bothering: he had come to find her in her room? Yet she could not refuse the pleasure his visit to Sue, if disturbed by the loss of the child she wanted so much ... When she left the agency, the night she was tense the extreme. Suddenly the elevator, a display ad caught his attention. The text was quite unusual, "You  Need a company? You can not make it alone this evening cocktail or what? Call us, we will  provide escort for you, man or woman. » Was it really that simple, or that he hid activity more trouble? In the subway, Kelly kept turning this idea in his head. She was not still rent services of a knight serving to protect advances Jeremy! But deep ... why not? a small whispering voice. After all, this would lead to fewer complications than if she asked one of his friends to give him that service. Because  these, inevitably, would quickly draw completely wrong conclusions from his "invitation". All evening, this assumption the tormented. Once she rejected the ruling of the highest ridiculous. The next moment she viewed with interest, perhaps thinking he was well being of the ideal solution. Anyway, she had nothing to losing to learn ... She took the phone book and looked for the name of the agency. She noticed with surprise that corresponded address in a beautiful new building that she knew perfectly. Biting her lower lip, she prevaricated yet moment. Inquire about this agency was yet Page 17   significantly less risky than going alone to Sue ... What kept her? Perhaps some ridiculous prejudices associated with "femininity" ... It was painful for her to admit she could not get the company of a man only the paid ... But what? No one would know, and his motives were absolutely legitimate! Saving a huge Sue grief - and a horrible embarrassment - well worth a small wound of pride. As if fate had wanted an appointment the business conducted the next day near the headquarters of the agency. When she left the luxurious building which housed the offices of his last client, she was so happy to have won a  new contract that gave him the courage to cross the crowded street and step into the marble hall the building opposite. There was nobody at the reception, but a quick glance at the golden plates confirmed him the agency was on the third. Infinitely more nervous for his appointment Previous, she called the elevator and waited for smoothing the skirt his tailor. It was not the kind of outfit she wore usually: the skirt with ample folds started from a wide  bodice that hugged her waist. The short bolero, to sleeves slightly puffed shoulders and narrow compartments wrists, had a somewhat medieval atmosphere accentuated by the sumptuous amethyst velvet embroidered with gold son. Maisie, her assistant, had insisted that she dresses well for its maintenance of the morning. The soft collar of her silk blouse fell on her bolero and a purple ribbon adorned her neck slim. Oddly, this outfit "charm" gave him a sense of vulnerability than efficiency. Even his  bun lost some of its severity: minor loops auréolaient his temples. While pressing the button third, Kelly played nervously with her pearls earrings. When she emerged on the landing, she saw the entrance to the agency. The door was open. From where she was, Page 18    she saw a man who turned his back, bent over a office. She knocked and walked. The man spun around, straightening for  better detail of an openly appreciative glance. Furious against himself, Kelly blushed with anger ... while the gray eyes deliberately passed and slowly review every detail of her figure. Finally, they stopped, laughing, on the face of the offended young woman. - Please excuse me ... he let go a low voice, Sensual, which immediately reminded Kelly Worst flashes television advertising. - Do not apologize, it's useless! she threw a tone cutting. Just an insult! - Oh ... I insulted you? he resumed. He seemed genuinely shocked, almost irritated by his reaction. The young woman was disconcerted. Nevertheless answered - Yes, you have insulted me! In weighing at me as if I were a commodity on display! So épargnez- me your excuses ... - I'm not apologizing to have you watched retorted man with a kind of sweetness. But to have you embarrassed. Kelly was furious. Who does he think he was? - You do not embarrassed me in the least! she replied icily. Bored at most. I wonder how men would react if women's looking ...  - ... As merchandise on display? completed man, amused and mocking. I do not know what brings you, Miss ... Page 19   - Mrs Langdon! Kelly saw his sharp eyes focus on her left ring finger, as if to make sure it was right. - I came to find out about the services of this agency, simply, she continued coldly. Faced with this arrogant copy of the male, she  beginning to wonder if it was right to try this approach. - The agency? He cast a glance at the plate from the front door, wrinkled eyebrows, patted his office a moment thoughtfully ... - You mean the agency that provides escorts, is not right? - Y he has another? Kelly replied, exasperated by gray eyes that never left. She had never met a man of this species. Those she usually frequented showed themselves to be obsequious, in light of his fortune or obnoxiously charmers. But never someone had detailed with an obvious disdain. She watched in turn. He had  brown hair, a little too long for his liking. Some  women loved perhaps like this ... A kind altogether star of television, "Mr. White teeth" style. Just good to the article for toilet water or ski clothes ... His contempt may be read in her eyes, but she did not care. It was primarily determined not to be impressed by his manners. - Hmm ... You seem attractive enough for the job,  blurted finally, very quiet. But I'm afraid you miss a few ... linking If you are looking for work, I could suggest you ... Page 20   - Look for work, me? Kelly cried, outraged. I'm not not come to seek a job, I picked someone ... to accompany me! - Someone to accompany you? He seemed stunned, but quickly hid his astonishment. - What kind of "company" are you looking for exactly, Mrs. Langdon? he asked in a gentle tone, while opening a drawer of his desk. You probably know that our agency is a respectable institution and ... The scandalized cry Kelly pushed him look up. - You are married, is not it ... - I'm a widow! replied the young woman. And I want to see your boss! - Sorry, he is on vacation. He will return only eight days ... Eight days! Kelly thought, distraught. What was she going to be? - If you tell me exactly what you were looking for? suggested humans. Do you need to be accompanied in ... an official ceremony? - Not really ... muttered the young woman, strangely embarrassed at the idea of exposing his problem. - I await your explanation. He cocked his head to a kind of form. Her hair, very coarse, were beautiful and brilliant remarked absently Kelly. What the hell was she doing here? She was eager to leave but did not dare. The caller was staring at her with a  polished air, yet she would have bet that deep down he mocked her. Well, he does not care as long as he wants! she thought, furious. It did not matter. She gave him a Page 21   slightly watered down version of his weekend. - I see ... he said slowly. You fear that these two Three days are a bit annoying, right? Kelly nodded. She did not intend to tell her more. - And you have no male friend who you can include? - My friend, Sue, has a tendency to want me marry all singles she meets answered strongly Kelly. I thought if I came home with a abroad would avoid me further complications. - I see, he repeated - although he obviously air not to understand. But a few minutes later, he appeared more  perceptive than she had believed. - This companion is somehow a "bodyguard "Nothing more, is not it? - A bodyguard? Kelly repeated, stung. Listen! If you do not want to take care of my business you have  just say so! She began seriously out of joint. This man had the gift of cause in her a hurricane reactions as she had not experienced in years. It emanated from him a real magnetism, a "sex appeal "That corresponded perfectly to the role he played in this agency. It is well committed this type of men physically, right? - I was just trying to identify as precisely  be what you need, 'he replied with a placid tone. You you have to doubt that an agency like ours sometimes receives Page 22   requests ... that it is not able to assume. Kelly flushed. The implication was clear. - I need a man to accompany me time a weekend. Nothing else! - Perfect, Ms. Langdon. If you want to give me  practical details, I'm sure to get to meet you. Kelly complied, cold and concise. She saw him hesitate for a moment when she told her address and wondered cynically if would add a zero more to his bill. If he tried, he regret! - Will you need a car? he asked. - I have my own, she replied dryly. So what? Will you find someone? She hated this, but it had gone too far to retreat. She looked into his eyes, hiding his  better his embarrassment. He held her gaze for a moment before ask gently: - Is it really important to you? Without knowing why, she heard a voice reply altered: - Very important. - I thought so, he noticed without taking his eyes. TO What time should I pick you up? When Kelly was left on the sidewalk, a few moments later, she took a deep breath. Phew! the chore was complete. But she did not understand why the man himself had produced such an impression. She faced commonly boards in full force! What was happening to him?   Page 23   Back in her office, she had the greatest difficulty in concentrate on his work. She announced she had Maisie leaving for the weekend. - Two days of relaxation does not hurt you! declared his assistant. Come out to buy you a new dress! - I have no need, Kelly replied. Yet in the early evening, she found herself  browse the shops of Knightsbridge. It was not him happened for centuries. In a shop window, a wonderful sleeve pink crepe, fully draped, rather him first look. And without knowing how or why, she found himself in the dressing room. The neckline which extended tip to the waist, long sleeves very Adjusted had something very "couture". The  prices went hand in hand ... and it was just not the little dress suitable for a simple dinner in the countryside. However Kelly bought it. Sue called home a little later, when she was still reeling from his "madness". Obviously, her friend was close to tears. - You have not changed your mind, Kelly, is not it? asked t- her imploringly. I am so happy to see you. I spent very bad moments! Jeremy also be glad you come. I almost feel annoy, from a certain time. But also ... I am good for nothing. Not even make a baby. When I think of you, to your fantastic career ... Kelly snapped gently and reassured about his coming. - When do you get? Sue asked. - Actually ... I will not be alone, let the young woman hesitantly. Wilt thou me, if I bring a friend? - A man! Sue exclaimed excitedly. Oh, Kelly Page 24   darling! Quickly tell me about it. - Wait, you see! Kelly replied in a laugh. How could she describe someone that she had never seen? In any case, the new had an effect very satisfying the poor Sue began to babble and giggle as if she were ten years younger. When she hung up, Kelly said she had made the right decision - whatever it cost to his pride. There remained only hope that it find a presentable rider! Saturday morning came too fast at will. The "-knight servant "had to go take nine hours. At eight o'clock and a half she was ready, her curly luggage, stomach tied with anguish and a strange excitement. Feelings she had not experienced since ... since Colin, actually. She threw back a glance in the mirror. She had submitted its garnet together but had imprisoned her hair  black in a golden mesh that accentuated even the appearance its medieval dress. This also softened her face, she noticed a frown when the doorbell rang. She grabbed his bag, checked that she had her keys and opened the door with a firm gesture. There she froze and uttered a cry of surprise; - You! The man with gray eyes smiled. He took her hands and suitcase keyring, closing the door for her. - What are you doing here? Kelly asked acidly. - You wanted a companion for the weekend, I'm here. He looked at his watch, apparently indifferent to the anger Page 25   the young woman. - If we leave? At this hour, we have a chance to escape the traffic jams. Do these are your keys Car? He removed the keys to the ring and gave the rest to Kelly, stunned by his resolute ways. She had not usually a man and take his destiny in hand! And a man of this sort, the bargain. A species of gigolo, minting his physical appearance ... The vulgarity of his shocked her own thoughts, but it was a fact that this kind of  profession accepted best a woman. If only the agency could send someone else, instead of this arrogant she had hated the first glance! It hated the calmness with which he was in charge of everything, depriving it of any initiative. Exiting the elevator she had a mad desire to shoving, but she did not dare. The expression mocking eyes Gray made him think he had guessed his intentions, and  blushed violently. Certainly, this weekend already threatened to be painful could become intolerable! - Why do not you send someone else? she finally asked, guiding him towards his Mercedes convertible metallic gray. The temptation of the premium? She felt his strong fingers twitched on his elbow. - The way I make my living you dislike? he retorted ironically. I do not see why! And, as you respect, you seem to have a fierce grudge against men. I wonder what could go well ... - You're not paid to ask questions! launched Kelly with a cutting voice. Page 26   - The fact to remember always that you pay me is it a balm on your wounds, Kelly? Because you know that this is the only way for you to force a man to you obey? These words so close to the truth penetrated the young woman to the bottom of herself and began uncomfortable. But she refused to admit it, as she refused to admit that this man seemed dangerous for its tranquility, without her know exactly why. He had called her by her first name with indecent familiarity. And yet hear his name his lips had given him a curious impression it did not want to analyze. - I was the only candidate suitable and open, 'he said. But if you want to cancel the contract, do not be shy! It was unbearable, Kelly thought bitterly. He knew well she could go back. - If you agree with me, 'he said after a moment silence, let me introduce myself. My name is Jake ... Fielding. His slight hesitation escaped Kelly, who shook his hand reluctantly. Contact with the skin virile, warm and vibrant, she recanted instinctively. His action caused Jake a surprised look thoughtfully. He leaned toward the  passenger door and opened it. Kelly looked at him. - You're not going to drive, anyway? - And why not? I have a driver, you know! Also you are clearly overworked and overly nervous, he added without any sweetness. I thought a moment relaxation does not hurt you before facing your friends. Because you do not seem overjoyed at the prospect of this weekend ... - How do you know? Kelly replied as if a fly had stung.   Page 27   Jake appeared again surprised by his vehemence. He shrugged. - If you were not on the defensive for a reason any, you would not have found it necessary to hire me. Kelly had nothing to reply to this argument! After for a moment, she gave way to study his companion. It had to admit that it was very elegant. His pants  beige flannel, his plaid shirt and matching sweater Cashmere were quite holding weekend of a framework for high level ... she thought with a strange twinge in heart. And yet everything was so wrong! Why, with its  physics, his success, his fortune was she obliged to pay company of such a man? What was wrong with her life?  Nothing, she says firmly. She had everything she wanted. Love was a chimera that did not exist. He had to look around, see the "households" that formed his friends ... The automatic safety belt broke out. Kelly started again brushing the fingers of Jake, who was about to shut up for it. Involuntarily, she looked his hands. They were brown, energetic, and wrist was adorned with a watch ultra-thin gold. Probably a gift a customer! she thought, furious to have this kind of constantly thinking and above all ... to feel hurt at the thought. - All is well? She quickly nodded, remembering that after all it was there only to protect against Jeremy.  Nothing more.   As he had expected, they had no trouble getting out of London at this early hour. Soon they found themselves on a small country road she did not know, and Page 28   was lovely. Jake complimented her on her car. Without thinking, she let go of an aggressive tone that it was purchased six months earlier for her birthday. She quickly regretted this indiscretion by reading a kind of pity in his eyes companion when he asked: - You are doing yourself a birthday gift? She did not answer, closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. But his expression pity if stinging for his esteem clean, never ceased to obsess. Yet what? After this weekend it will never see him again. Long Later, Jake announced in a quiet voice: - We arrive in the New Forest. Kelly sat up, surprised to already see the green masses surrounding them. - Do you want us to stop for lunch? asked his driver. - My girlfriend is waiting coldly replied the young woman, furious to see continue taking initiatives. Jake seemed amused by her pouting, which put an attic his fury. - If you tell me a little more than friends? he suggested. How long are they married? Do they have children? The expression outraged his girlfriend forced to explain: - I'm asking you these questions as part of my mission. If I were one of your friends, it would be normal for you I have spoken of them. Like it or not, Kelly admitted that he was right. She spoke to him miscarriage of Sue, his depression. - That still does not explain the reason for my presence, Page 29   insisted he slowing better look. I am Certainly you are not looking to parade the eyes of your friend. You are hiding something. - I told you everything you need to know! Kelly replied that his prying eyes put uncomfortable. His heart was pounding. She never reveal him the odious truth she had not found any other solution Sue escape the husband's advances. She, the "strong woman" which was so successful in business and boasted both its independence ... Shortly after one o'clock in the afternoon, they arrived at the new house of Benson: a cozy guest house, the walls of  bricks. As soon as Kelly put one foot out of the car, the door entrance opened breezed and is a little blonde chubby rushed to meet him. - Kelly darling! You are gorgeous! if she exclaimed, hugging her friend with transports of joy. Sue beamed. She was very pretty, although she kept complaining about his five feet and his tendency to overweight. - And here so ... she began glancing Jake appreciatively. - Jake, Kelly announced blushing. I hope you do not see not mind ... - Kelly! Looks like you do not know me! retorted the young woman with mock angry tone. Why do you do to me say anything sooner? You must be someone very special, she added mischievously for Jake, to the despair of her friend. Otherwise Kelly would never have brought you here. There are centuries that I have not seen with ... She paused. Page 30   - Oh, here Jeremy! Come quickly to greet Kelly and Jake, darling, she said with a big smile. Kelly noted his somewhat uncertain intonation and quivers apprehension discovering the expression of Jeremy. - Hello, Kelly! he said, laying on her hard eyes. I guess I can not kiss you in my way before your friend. He just brushed his cheek. Kelly felt the piercing glance Jake asked them suspiciously. It was far too insightful in its discretion, and he contemplated the one way terribly annoying. But after all perhaps was it a unemployed actor, a comedian performed to study the nature human ... However, at the bottom of herself, she was not fooled. It was good at it, especially he was interested. - Come in! Sue suggested. I've prepared a buffet simple cold. But first, I'll show you the room. The  room! Kelly felt her blood freeze in his veins. Jeremy, right behind her, whispered in a honeyed voice: - I had a hard time convincing Sue that we are in the twentieth e century and two adult weekend together do not wish no separate rooms! Kelly felt hunted. Jeremy had done knowingly, she reading her wicked eyes. He waited she refuses, she  protest! Then, with a natural who overthrew Jake passed him an arm around his waist and squeezed against him. She was immediately wrapped in warmth. She perceived the deaf beats of his heart. Tears glistened in her blue eyes when he lowered his head to whisper in his ear: - Your friends have a delicious idea, love. I hate venture groping in the corridors in search of the right place ...   Page 31   3.   Lunch was a nightmare. Jeremy did not stop humiliate Sue with deliberate cruelty, and submit Jake a barrage of questions, showing insolence and intolerable contempt. Jake showed great calm and composure. Despite herself, Kelly felt compelled to admire. When Jeremy finally asked his companion what he did in life, it almost had a heart retching. But Jake, a detached smile on the lips, replied without any hesitation: - Oh ... I take care of this and that ... The young woman knew to look bad Jeremy Jake had just touched: his casual answer could very well suggest that he did not need to work to live, it   ... From that moment, the two men treated each with a cold hostility. Kelly was happy to able to escape under the guise of helping Sue dishwasher. - You welcomed us like kings! she threw her friend who seemed pale and distracted again. - You find? Sue retorted with a small tight smile. Jeremy believes that I should have done better, but for some time we receive constantly. I feel so tired ... I tried to talk to him; alas, he will not listen. At no subject. She stifled a sob. Kelly, immediately put his towel to take her in his arms. She thought that Jeremy was a shabby and her friend would be happier without him, Page 32    but she could not tell her ... She tried to comfort her. - You just go through difficult times, Sue. He is normal that you're a little depressed. You especially need you rest. - That's what my father told me, Sue replied in a voice strangled. You know he has a villa in Corfu, he proposed us lend a week to Easter. Unfortunately, Jeremy hardly seems decided. He claims that we can not from now. Suddenly, his face lit up. - Kelly, I just had a great idea! Kelly's heart sank by guessing what her friend had to imagine, but it was too late to stop ... Moreover Jake chose that moment to join them, loaded with a stack of plates. He raised his eyebrows with a look Sue interrogator and exploded immediately: - You, too, Jake, you should come! - Come where? - In Corfu! I was just telling Kelly that my father can lend us his villa. Jeremy seemed hardly warm to the idea of leaving, but if we were four it change Perhaps a review! She made a little grimace towards Kelly and confessed frankly, the eyes suddenly clouded: - Actually, I think he did not want to leave alone with It shows me ... so distant for some time! In focus I have come to wonder if ... - The only thing you have to think is to restore you! deeply cut Kelly, distraught at the thought that Sue can express clearly have suspected the fidelity of her husband. Page 33   - So you agree? Sue again begged, his eyes tears. And you must come both. I do not have yet forgotten quite what it's like to be in love, and not able to separate more than a few hours, you know! she joked suddenly chasing her grief with courage. Yes, you really need to be a good guy, Jake ... I wondering if Kelly would let go again to love, after the tragic death of Colin. But the fact that you has brought here is proof, and I am ecstatic. She turned to her friend tease: - You see, Kelly, he was not fooled by this frigid air and effective than you give yourself to hide your true nature! But in spite of her smile, tears were not far away, and Kelly felt a surge of pity for her. Sue poor ... It was Jérémy is a monster of selfishness, to abandon it in this state. - Kelly? Jake intervened. - Yes? - You have not responded to Sue for this trip ... The woman glared at him. He knew he was unthinkable they go together! He had a way of creep softly in his life that exasperated. - I ... I'm not sure I can free myself on that date, Sue, she lied desperately. If you will, I will give you a response later. The disappointment that was painted on the face of his friend shook his the heart, but what could she do? The row house, they went for a walk. The surroundings were beautiful. However the walk was largely marred by biting remarks Page 34   Jeremy launched constantly to his wife, as well as the Comments envious he kept doing on asset its neighbors. Kelly suddenly stiffened heard Jake whisper mockingly in his ear: - You are made to hear you both! Always talking about money ... I wonder why he has not married you. - Maybe because I have not left him time! Kelly cut, acerbic. Also I was already betrothed when Sue was met. They were slightly behind the Benson. Kelly dared not look up at her companion. Yet she when he was asked in an insinuating voice: - What did Sue say, speaking of the death "tragic "Colin? The young woman tensed, and he clarified coldly: - Do not worry, I just want to be aware of not to commit even. - What dedication! hissed Kelly. Immediately she bit her lip: Obviously, she had offended. - Look ... he murmured, grabbing her by the arm and forcing her to face him. I do not want to know when, how or where you started to feel such hatred for males. Your blockages do not interest me. Tell me just what Colin. Rage choked Kelly, preventing it from responding. How dare he talk to her as well! She would complain to his manager. It asked a "knight" capable of melting the decor, not this kind of excessively manly man Page 35    pretended suddenly dictate her life! - So? he insisted. Would you prefer I claim the Jeremy explanations? Something tells me that it would be delighted to reveal to me your past. Kelly felt taken aback by his arrogance. It not understand how he managed to shake so, to dropping all its defenses. Was he too stupid to understand that his insistence was moved, or too stubborn? He seemed determined to put all costs naked injuries she was desperately trying to hide. - Colin was my husband ... she whispered, hating his own weakness. - Then? It was really awful! She looked up to express outrage, but could not utter a word: clash of Jake's lips on hers reduced it to silence. Suddenly the spring sunshine fell out, a colorful whirlwind  painted on the screen of her eyelids as she clenched resisted with all his strength to this insolent kiss. When she opened her eyes, she glared at Jake with a look full of hatred and rancor. - Calm down! he whispered against her mouth. Sue and Jérémy watching. If you do not want to give them the impression that we are in a lovers' quarrel, you better give me my kiss ... - Damn you! she growled, disengaging with violence to hasten to join his friends. She felt clammy, feverish, deeply troubled. No man had held her for ages. Himself feel trapped in this virile force, thank you desire to Jake, maddened. Page 36   - Are you okay? Sue asked, in a tone full of concern. You are  pale! Jeremy gave him a furious glance and gave a voice acid: - So the ice finally melted! I wonder how you got there, young man! he added for the benefit of Jake had just catch up and spend an authoritarian arm on the shoulders of Kelly. - Arrived at what? he asked, staring at the face livid with his companion. - A melting ice this charming! Jeremy insisted wickedly. We were beginning to think that no one would overcome. - Jeremy! Sue exclaimed with a look embarrassed her friend. - Do not worry, Sue replied the young woman. I know  perfect your husband consider myself frigid, simply because I do not sleep with all men I meet. - You see? Jeremy hissed. You really are  privileged! If it were not for Colin, our dear Kelly would  probably still as innocent as she is rich. The face burning with shame and anger, Kelly felt Jake placed next to her. Jérémy's insolence exceeded terminals. But she knew he was trying to take revenge trick she had played arriving accompanied him. Just as he had convinced Sue prepare one of their room ... She almost startled by remembering that detail, she had forgotten. She bit her lower lip, suddenly  panicked, then she pulled herself together: Jake was not the kind man abusing a woman. She gave him a glance hesitant. He replied by squeezing more tightly against Page 37   him. - Fortune Kelly matter, he replied  placidly. It can even give it to the good works if it wants to. When she is my wife, it's me subviendrai that their needs. - How lucky you, Kelly! Jeremy replied yet. And if you want to make love, do not forget your old friends ... If at least I had the good sense to marry a rich heiress, too! The contemptuous look he gave to his wife Kelly put off her. She would have given anything to demolish by few choice phrases. But he had to save Sue ... She just shot the eyes. In parallel, it was more and more certain that Jake was actor. It had seemed so convincing in his last tirade! He had managed to embody perfectly the type of man solid, safe, which every woman dream. But after all it was the role it had paid to play! Back at the villa, Kelly expressed the desire to climb undo his luggage. She hoped that would accompany Jake and they could then agree on how best to spend the night. To his chagrin, he did not seem to want tear the conversation he held with Sue. He just uncheck it a charming smile and launch a tone casual: - Do you also undo my bag, baby? Needless to out my pajamas, of course ... Kelly veered to scarlet, and Sue laughed. - You blush, Kelly? Certainly, we have seen it all, today! The young woman was not long: she had not brought much outside her new dress, a skirt and a Page 38   sweater for the next day and a silk nightgown purchased on a whim a few months earlier. She sighed. If she knew what was coming, it would have brought something stricter ... When she came down, Sue and Jake were still discuss. - I'm so glad she met a man like you said Sue. She has not had an easy life, since the death of Colin. I began to believe that she was afraid to love again. Yet it is of such a vibrant nature, in its aspect ... Kelly opened the door of the room, unable to endure more. She dared not look at Jake. - Kelly, come sit with us. I go to prepare tea! Sue launched with gusto. Jeremy had to get out, but it not be absent long. I invited another couple for evening. Jérémy customers. I am sure you will like them. She escaped to the kitchen. Kelly, frayed nerves, broke the awkward silence that settled after his departure. - Are you happy? You have satisfied your curiosity? she blurted furiously. - Content is not exactly the right word, Jake replied with a tranquil air. Say Sue enlightened me ... The extended arm on the back of the couch, he began to tease slightly a wick that had escaped from the fishnet Kelly. - Stop! she hissed seeking to depart. He held her, and she let out a scream despite. - Do not touch me! - And you, do not forget that we are supposed Page 39   like ... Sue will return from one moment to the next. She will expect find us tenderly entwined. Make a small effort. Try to remember your one-on-one with Colin ... The effect on the young woman was immediate, impossible to Suppress She was white as a sheet. She saw Colin going to pull her hair, to do violence to the force her to turn her head toward him, to slap her ... Suddenly she wanted to scream, scream with all her being as she did not have the strength to do at the time. She had the impression that the room was around her, and she realized Suddenly she was in Jake's arms. She struggled yet to wrest from him, hating the contact body virile - but hating even the dull envy awoke in it: to let go simply to put his weary head on his shoulder, to beg a little solace this man as solid as a rock. - Kelly! The anguished cry of Sue pierced his semi-unconsciousness. It Jake heard answer: - She had a kind of discomfort, but there is no reason to worry. Sue hastened to declare: - Honey, you should climb rest. What would make you  pleasure? - It's nothing, assured Kelly. I had a stunning nothing moreover. The road trip was a little tired. I feel  better, now. - Sue is right, Jake replied in a firm tone. You should up lie. I'd go with you, 'he added with a  blink of an eye mischievous, but I fear that my presence you  prevents sleep. Page 40   Sue smiled, amused. Kelly, meanwhile, was suddenly very happy to escape for a moment to the troubling authority her "knight-serving." For no apparent reason, worried more. Once on the bed, she found that she had really sleep. Maisie was right, she needed rest. The idea Corfu was tempting, but on the condition to go alone with Sue. She did not feel the courage to face the sarcasm Jeremy for a week. After a moment, the sound of the door opening made him look up, and his heart began to beat faster. Jeremy, standing in the doorway, peering intently. - Your nights must be exhausting, so you experience the need to sleep in the daytime! he hissed. You should have me that your period "iceberg" was over, Kelly; I would have been delighted to offer you my services! And who is this guy, anyway? You do not We had never spoken to him. If you absolutely had a lover, why not me? He approached the bed Kelly knew she had to get up quickly,  but she was paralyzed by terror. Eyes wide with horror, she saw the same scene unfold to that had already so traumatized. - Despite your great tunes you're a woman very desirable, Kelly ... Perverse eyes caressed his chest. He would touch her! - A very desirable woman who is my wife  ! Jake intervened icily. Jeremy turned around like crazy, out of it. - What ... - Sue is looking for you, Jake said with obvious disdain. Page 41   So you've got to leave this room, if you do not hold to cause a very unpleasant incident. He went out. Jake closed the door behind him. Kelly was still unable to move. - So that was it ... Jake commented. Too bad, I  began to find you interesting ... Congratulations, the scheme was well found: rent a "front Lover" to hide your connection to your friend, bravo! What you therefore do not disgust you? Each sentence anger seemed to increase a little more. - Do not you think that the situation is already quite Sue  pathetic like that? Do not you see that Benson is a shabby? Or you you kidding? - You do not understand anything really! exclaimed Kelly sitting on the bed - Do you believe? he retorted, a raised eyebrow. - Of course, I believe it! - In this case what is your explanation? Kelly trembles on the brink of painful confession that he asked. - I heard you correctly ... "committed" because of Jeremy murmured she says. But for the reason contrary to the one you dare imagine! I knew it ... ... wanted to seduce me. I would have refused to come, but Sue was so needed see me! At the same time, I was terrified that her husband tries to ... - ... To rape you, right? Jake finished bearing set an intense look on it. - Yes. Page 42   - Mmmm ... - You do not believe me? Kelly was amazed afterwards for asking this question. How important his opinion could she have? - Oh yes, I believe you completely. What intrigues me is a woman as you reserved, confident in as appearance, can behave like a girl frightened when a man approaches her. When I arrived there a few minutes, you were literally  petrified. And if unfortunately I walk less than a meter you you retract immediately. - You exaggerate, Kelly replied, rising. There was gray in his eyes an expression she loved not at all: both thoughtful, and extremely speculative ... sensual. - Do you want us to do a test? the he challenged, suave. Kelly stifled a cry of outrage. - I do not know how little game you hope to play retorted t- her, but I would remind you that you are my service and I could inform your superiors of your attitude! - Why not? he threw mockingly. That would be fun. Before she had time to depart, he was already against it. An arm around his waist, he undid her and buried her fishnet fingers in the silky mass he had released. - Stop! Kelly cried, stiffening up. Stop Immediately! He frowned, laying on her sudden glance dark. Page 43   - You're afraid ... he muttered. I wonder ... - No, I'm not afraid! objected the young woman out of her. I'm just furious! Who do you take? Do you think because you're a man, have all rights? Well, not with me! His blue eyes sparkling with rage, she began drumming his two fists on the muscular chest. - There was a moment, he muttered, I saved you from a worst ordeal than death. Have I not entitled to a reward? - An additional bonus, perhaps? Kelly replied, sarcastically. - Damn it! You are ... She realized too late that she had gone too far. As to punish her, he slammed his hard lips on hers with violence that took her breath away. Clenched, eyes brimming with hatred and pain she felt his mouth bruised under the kiss. Suddenly he released her, pulled back slightly. - Kelly! he whispered, looking bored. He stroked his thumb swollen lip. - My God ... I did not mean ... - Yes! You wanted to hurt me, and you did it! cried the young woman in fury. You are all the same, you Men! - This is wrong! The force of his reaction calmed Kelly. - No, Kelly, we are not all the same, 'he said looking down at her, eyes hard. I'm sorry for you have hurt. But does one ever told you that a man can Page 44   sometimes lose his head when a woman resists him like you  just do it? Colin did you ever told? Again she became pale as death. His eyes misted with tears, her slender fingers curled Jake's shoulder. - Kelly! - Jake, I ... Again he bent over her. But this time, it had no desire to resist. It was easier to let going against him, to let her tender lips caressing hers, its heat penetrate ... What she felt suddenly it dizzying. - Kelly, all right? The voice concern Sue reached him through a kind of fog. Jake gently forced to recover, his gray eyes immersed in his own, putting the challenge of sustaining this time she had not responded to his desire. - Kelly! Sue repeated. The price of a superhuman effort, she regained control of herself even. - Yes, Sue! We arrive. I feel better, she replied his friend. - Kelly ... Jake whispered. She felt that he wanted to tell her something. Had he guessed no man had hugged her since years? That for years his body had been deprived of caresses? - I have to change myself, now.   Page 45   - Kelly, what makes you so afraid? insisted he softly. - Nothing, she denied it. If you'll let me ... She went to the bathroom, distraught. Is she was going mad? What happened he said that? A force to hear repeated that she was frigid, she ended up  believe. She would never be able to react to flood this way to a man's caresses, and this discovery terrified. It was as if she suddenly saw a face in a mirror she did not know. It was enough for a kiss his whole body burning with a desire she had never known and she dared not name. Oh why? she sobbed in a silent scream. Why now, and with him? - So you are a friend of Kelly? said Jennifer Gordon reaching out to Jake, a little later. Well, Kelly very lucky! She darted at the young man eyes openly admiring. - I fully what you think! Sue approved with a hearty laughter. Jeremy winced visibly. He gave his wife a honeyed smile. - Sorry for you, darling, but Jake would probably be well too expensive for your purse ... The clear, cold eyes narrowed Jennifer, suspicious. Kelly had to make an effort not to launch its glass face Jeremy. - My feelings for Kelly have nothing to do with his fortune Page 46   and you know perfectly! Jake cut with a fury that Kelly would have thought she seemed so genuine natural. As she could be persuaded by the softness and the passion of his actions when he took her hand to gently kissing the palm. Instantly, her heart  began to beat faster. What veteran actor ... she thought of again. Anyway, the young woman aspired desperately at the end of this exhausting comedy. Gordon went well after midnight. Throughout the dinner, Sue had endured the insults of her husband with such courage Kelly could have wept. How could endure such a situation? By the time she was about to get, Jeremy came to  poster at the bottom of the stairs: - Good luck! he muttered to Jake. It takes, for spend the night with such ice! Kelly was still red with anger when she entered " their "room. - I'm sorry, she said in a harsh voice. The Jeremy jokes are of questionable taste. - His insistence on treating you frigid woman has indeed something surprising, Jake replied thoughtfully. We Looks like he regrets having suggested to Sue to prepare a single room! He should know that a woman is  Never frigid through his own fault ... - What do you mean? could not help but ask Kelly. - Simply that female frigidity is a myth Practice good for exonerate clumsy lovers! To Personally, he added quietly, I am still quite romantic to believe that sex is nothing without love. Without the intensity Page 47   mutual and deep desire ... Kelly gazed, bewildered. She would have expected all, except to hear expose such a theory! - What does he? Jake asked. You really are a very cryptic, Kelly. On one side is the Cold businesswoman who leaves no place in life his emotions. On the other, the inconsolable widow who regrets her husband so she can not bear the touch of a another man. And yet, I am convinced that you really are neither one nor the other. You start to men irresistible challenge, you know? - For men in general, but not to you, is not it? she said with boldness. - I do not know ... What were you looking at just engaging me, Kelly? he insisted softly. A man share your bed without any problems or questions? Someone you could easily dismiss the slightest sign of trouble? - This assumption is disgusting! rebelled young woman. If I wanted a lover, I would not need to  buy one, I assure you! - I'm sure. However, you may act as men make with women they pay. For you ... To protect owe nothing to anyone. Because probably infirmity of your kind ... - On infirmity? Kelly cut, outraged. What do you mean? Jake shrugged. - You know perfectly. I do not know what prevents you normally react in front of a man, but the facts are there. Kelly did not answer. She took her robe and headed Page 48   the bathroom. What a horrible man! Suggest that she was "Crippled"! They were good all the same. The deal frigid  because it showed difficult without more ... Suddenly she froze, thinking the price that had cost him his success, his independence. She had paid dearly. And to find tired, tired of never being able to trust, tired of searching endlessly fooling itself by claiming she had chosen her life, chose his loneliness ... She was happy to cover the sound of her sobs in the shower. When she came out a moment later, exhausted, Jake was in an armchair. He read. - What time do you leave tomorrow? he asked, there before winning turn the bathroom. - After lunch, Kelly replied tersely. She could not bear to be disturbed in this way by a single its looks. She brushed her hair, pressed to lie and feign sleep before he comes back. She hated. How dare he speak of "disability" to him? How had he dared to take  pity  ? Page 49   4.   Kelly tossed in his sleep, tormented by ghosts of his memories. She saw Colin despising, Colin mocking her, Colin ... violence to the physical. Suddenly she began to cry, to wrestle with despair escape these hands that grasped, that would make him  bad, so bad ... Then chauchemar vanishes abruptly driven by the light of a lamp that we had just lighted. Sleepily mumbled: - Damn, what's going on? It took several seconds to gather the young woman his ideas and understand where she was, and with whom. In this Jake was now fully awake too. He contemplating the worried face, frowning. - You had a nightmare, he said in a tone  brief. It's over? She wanted to answer "yes", but the word did not succeed in cross the lump in his throat. She straightened to sit, trembling, his eyes still full of terror. She cast a nervous glance around. - Would you like something to drink? Jake gave her. If I we are preparing a cup of tea? Oh yes, tea ... She was dying. And that "we" had so intimate, so warm ... When Jake had left the room, she felt lost without him. Completely alone, abandoned to his nightmares, which in again seized her. It had been years since she had more dreamed it all. Why did it have that the past Page 50   resurface in all its horror that night, exactly? She moans ... She could almost feel the bruises caused  by Colin's fingers on her delicate skin. When Jake returned with a tray, she trembled from head to foot. He furrowed eyebrows and sat on the bed? - If you tell me about this dream? he whispered away Gently brown lock of his sweaty face. Your hair are wonderful, and your skin so beautiful ... Kelly saw his eyes slowly slide up his chest,  barely concealed by silk. She blushed furiously. - Do not bother! she let a broken voice. She tried to escape, but the arm of Jake tightened his grip around her waist. - Me tiring to what, Kelly? he replied, frowning in new eyebrows. - To speak idiots compliments. - I am sincere, he replied in a soft but firm voice. I have no reason to flatter you, since I not seeking anything from you. I notice some facts, nothing more. You have really  beautiful hair a wonderful skin. He began to stroke her long curls, his thumb brushing the skin of her bare shoulder. Kelly felt invaded by a thrill delicious. - You're cold, he decreed. He did not give him time to protest and pulled against him, against the burning skin of his bare chest. - Do not be afraid, he whispered in her ear. I want  just keep you warm while you drink your tea. Page 51   He leaned forward to take a cup and reach the young woman. Kelly had to grab it with both hands as she trembling. But this is not enough. His whole body was restless such jolts nervous that she could not keep the tea is spread on his shirt. Terrified, unable to understand what happening to her, she began to cry. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks, betraying his weakness, his impotence. - Kelly, for heaven's sake! Jake seemed really worried now. She wondered vaguely what it was concerned. Then she felt two hands on his arms and forced him to return to his face. Then she buried her face against his muscular torso, leaving stroking his back stretched with a gentleness that soothed little by little. Soon she felt calmer, safe, safe. It was hot, he was protecting. Suddenly she had no desire to move, want to leave the shelter of his arms. Slowly, she looked up at him. - Kelly! He seemed to want to prevent it, to warn. His voice was hoarse. - Kelly ... This time, it was rather a supplication, intense and  passionate. She could get away, but she did not do it. The  plunged into his eyes, she accepted his kiss. Suddenly, the young woman had no desire to understand, ask questions. She wanted a man, to caress and be caressed by him to make love with him .... It was as confusing as surprising, for her,  but it was the reality. The kiss Jake became hot, powerful, mesmerizing. Soon Kelly forgot the little reason he had left. She put her  both arms around the brown neck, and Jake gave a Page 52   muffled grunt when her breasts crashed a little more against his bare chest. This reaction carried the desire of the young woman climax. She clung to him tightly. Carried away a wave of incredible happiness, she felt the heart of Jake speed as he undid the tie that kept his shirt  by night. He gently pushed the silky fabric, revealing full curves of her chest and then pushed slightly to better contemplate, eyes dark with desire. Kelly now felt such joy that she had evil joy fervently hoped that Jake has finally, joy of feel desirable and capable of seducing a man like him. - When will you decide? she whispered, mouth dry. His own conduct the astounded. The eyes of Jake darkened again. - You will not wait long ... he replied. Then he completely slide the light tunic. Instead of feel embarrassed, Kelly felt an immense exaltation light caressing glance her naked body. He undressed her turn and she closed her eyes a moment, expecting to see Colin. Yet the two men had anything similar ... As she raised her eyes, she could admire the muscular body Jake; she handed to him hesitant fingers, then ventured to discover his tanned skin ... - Kelly, Kelly, where are you trying to lead me? muttered Jake. When his tongue began to annoy the tip hypersensitive of her breasts, she could not restrain a cry of pleasure. He leaned gently against the pillows, a buried hand through his long hair, the other coming and going on his chest. - I dream of this moment since the first second I you saw ... he murmured in a voice heavy with desire. Page 53   But Kelly was unable to answer, unable to think. Jake caresses, much more experienced than his, made him lose his head. She felt that his whole body was burning with desire. - Jake! she moaned, desperately clinging to his shoulders, drunk with pleasure. - It's so good ... I wanted for so long ... repeated Jake. He too seemed almost drugged by the intensity of what he feeling. But when she expected it least, to when Jake placed one hand on her thigh, whispering his first in a choked voice, when she believed her nightmare again ... definitely ruled memories assailed a brutal, irrational. Suddenly it was over Jake, who touched her, but Colin. Colin was going to bruise his body as he had bruised his heart. She winced. Jake immediately rose and stared, eyes dark and hard. - Kelly, what the hell is happening again? What kind of game do you play? - Do not touch me ... could just whisper the young woman. Again she was trembling, his eyes shining with tears. - Do not worry, I will not touch you anymore! let Jake with a sharp voice. If you were still a virgin I understand, but we both know that you're the no. So what makes you do that? - Colin Kelly blew ... without even realizing what she was saying. Suddenly you remembered Colin and ... The furious growl that came out of the Jake made her throat Page 54    jump; suddenly, but too late, she realized he might misinterpret his words. Already he rose,  put on his robe and tore a blanket in bed, face closed. - I never play the replacements, he said in a tone cold. Never, Kelly, you understand? Oh, do look at me not so, I do not have the habit of abusing my power. You are sick, Kelly. Looking in vain for a man ready to play role of Colin. Excuse me, I'm not the one. If I ever again puts his hand on you, Kelly, I want it to your request. And because you'll want me, no Colin! Me and only me! He was full of brutal fury, deep and bitter. How to explain to him that he was wrong? It was not what she meant? Than just the space of a Second, the memory of the brutality of Colin had submerged? But in fact, the young woman suddenly thought, what feelings had he obeyed him? He had told her he wanted her since their first meeting ... Was not a statement type that is always served the people of his style? How many lonely and helpless women he had "warmed" and in her arms? She shuddered at the thought of what she had been on the to do. A purely physical desire, she had never felt, had pushed him. Her seducer  professional, beautiful, experienced ... and poor, without any doubt! Suddenly light dawned in her mind, and she wondered how she had not thought of before ... More than an hour and they could finally leave, says Kelly, the next day, casting a furtive glance at his watch. This weekend was a disaster from start to finish. As for the Last night, she preferred not to think about; but the images it in kept coming to mind, haunting, impossible to   Page 55   away. She had obeyed that his sexual instinct, since had to call things by their name, and she hated to this weakness. - Kelly! I speak to you, but you do not hear me! exclaimed Sue in a tone of affectionate reproach. I asked Jake what you decided to Easter. It would be so great, if you could come with me! - I may, Sue, the young woman replied, forcing to focus attention on this, but I fear that this is impossible for Jake. Is not that right, darling? - Oh, I do not know yet ... Kelly glared at him, wondering what he was still trying to weave. - I even think I could manage, he continued. It is high time that I breath a little. - You had me yet said you were in charge of work, right? improvised the desperate young woman. - Well I thought ... The proposal is so tempting! You, me, the sun and the sea ... - The perfect romance? Jeremy chuckled. The two men were now at loggerheads, but Kelly did not regret coming with Jake. Sue seemed much more playful this morning. Well worth all the rest. Kelly shuddered at the thought of what might have happened if it did not have his "bodyguard" to take Jérémy respect. - I beg you, do not refuse! Sue begged. We will have even overcharges since dad lends us home. - That sounds really idyllic! Jake tossed with smile. Page 56   Obviously! says Kelly whose doubts are confirmed. He was not going to deny free holidays ... His heart started  beat silently, painfully. She was rich and alone. He loved luxury, it showed in his clothes, or it certainly could not afford what he dreamed of. If it was actor, he was not very well known. Maybe he was tired of  play "gigolos" and he planned to "make an end" After ... all, who blame him? - So it's yes? still insisted her friend excited. - I think so, 'said Jake. Few days of relaxation will not do us any harm. Is not it, darling? She gave him a suspicious look. Since they were standing he had not tried to touch her, but he stroked open eyes, and she was outraged by this attitude. - You may, she protested, but me ... - You too! Besides, I do not see myself leaving without you. Sure ... Kelly thought with bitter irony. - I do not know yet, Sue, she began. She had to stop, holding a cry of pain. Jake pressed his fingers to break to prevent it in mildly. As soon as they were alone, she asked in a tone acerbic: - What took you a while ago? I do not have the any intention to go to Corfu with you, and you know it  perfectly! - So you prefer to stay in England with Jeremy? The woman jumped. She had completely forgotten the danger he posed to her. Page 57   - Yes, Jeremy, husband of Sue ... Jake replied with an air mocking. If you refuse to leave with his wife, he will hasten to conclude that you stay for him. He was right ... If she lived in London, Jeremy find an excuse to come see her. - I do not understand what motivates you, let-t her with contempt. Could this be the prospect of a free vacation, simply? Instead of getting angry, he laughed. - This is not negligible, but I have other reasons. - Which ones? retorted Kelly out of her. If you ever Imagine that ... - How do you know what I imagine, Kelly? he interrupted with a strange sweetness. I ask you urges a change of attitude. Otherwise I will speak the truth to Sue about her husband. The young woman turned pale. - You would not do such a thing? - Do not put me to the test! - You are abominable ... - So we are two, he retorted calmly. TO Unless you have another term for your attitude tonight? At least for me it is the adjective appropriate. - You do not understand ... - Well, tell me! he suggested, unperturbed. Kelly could not utter a sound. She did not feel the strength of Page 58   tell her there, in broad daylight, the emotions that had submerged. And the fact that contrary to what he believed it was a virgin ... She was even beginning to wonder if it was not going to stay all his life! But that morning she again was terrified by the reactions he was able to arouse in it. Easter was in less than a month. Throughout lunch, Sue did not cease to rejoice the coming holidays. Jérémy sulked. - This is it! he finally threw a sour tone. Have fun while I stay alone here! - Why do not you come with us? Jake suggested. - Oh yes, darling! Come with us! Sue begged. - Maybe ... grumbled her husband. A moment later they were on the way home. Kelly renfonçait is in his seat, grimly furious for having left handle once again. - You too sulk? himself he snapped as they approaching London. - You had no right to accept the invitation of Sue! she retorted. Why have you done? - I already told you I have my reasons; it is useless return it. Otherwise ... - But what do you want in the end? Not only these holidays that tempt you, I suppose? - Not only ... he said with a drawl. But stop worry, Kelly. I am not Jeremy. I do will demand anything from you by force. Page 59   The problem was just that he could not even need the force! says the young woman, bitter. She was rich and too vulnerable. If ever guessed ... She would have given a fortune to know what was behind the head. Arriving home, he insisted her to her door. - ... And the bill? Kelly asked hesitantly. The agency will she send it to me, or do I have to pay you directly? - We'll talk about the return of Corfu, Jake answered a carefree tone. But I would have no problem with you ask for a small down payment, waiting ... He leaned over her, mocking eyes, and touched him lips of her mouth. She stood trembling. - Why? she whispered. You said ... - I know exactly what I said, he severely cut. I just decided to leave you a second chance ... A later at the airport. Before she had time to react, he was gone. This was He decided to give him a second chance at it   ? In What's the occasion? And a second chance for what? When she went to his office on Monday morning, she was determined to call the agency to cancel the trip to Corfu. But she found she had to leave immediately  New York and stay there for ten days. On her return she tried to call several times without reply. She resolved keep calling until she gets his way. Page 60   5.   - I can not wait to leave! Sue whispered by removing discreetly his shoes under the table. Not you? The day before she had phoned Kelly to announce she had errands in London and they were gathered for lunch. - Finally Jeremy with us, continued the young woman without waiting for an answer. Kelly ... Kelly's heart sank. Something in the tone of Sue announced it an unpleasant admission. - I know you'll find me ridiculous, 'said her friend,  but I am so worried ... Jeremy is so different with me, since I lost the baby ... She gave a weak smile. - I have come to wonder ... if there is not another woman. - You're an idiot! firmly cut off Kelly. Listen, sweetheart: you just go through both a difficult test, and ... - Yes, it was hard to Jeremy also cut Sue. It has not look like that, but he was so happy at the idea of being a father ... I'm sorry, Kelly. I vowed not to moan about my fate. How's Jake? I love it, you know! And you  be so ... Kelly smiled. Later, she explain to her friend that it was over. Then she would phone the agency to cancel the trip to Corfu. If Jake hoped to force her to accept his will, it would be Page 61   disappointed! - Oh, here Jeremy! Sue exclaimed, his face suddenly illuminated. The arrival greeted his wife. Kelly looked away when it leaned over to kiss her, fearing that it seeks to touching his lips. He ordered tea. Sue apologized a instant, leaving Kelly alone with him. - So how's the great love? he hissed with sly glance at the young woman. I really would not have believed whether your type of man, Kelly. It has all the Don Juan, if you ask me. But after all what? His eyes took a perverse expression and he put a hand on the knee of his companion, adding: - I am always ready to comfort you, if one day you found alone. All you have to let me know. Kelly was disgusted. Were all men like this? TO the lookout for any possible prey, without scruple, without less loyalty? - Too bad it come with us in Corfu, continued Jeremy, darting on her leering eyes. How to Is it took to thaw you, Kelly? Fortunately Sue return saved him from having to answer. Jeremy was making her sick, but he was the husband of her yet friend ... She cringed She knew she could not Jake cancel the trip, given the state of mind of Jeremy. And this caused him further problems. Should she ask Sue predict their separate rooms? This would not be simple to explain! On the other hand, it was terribly aware of the charm that her "knight" exercised over her, whether she likes it or not. She had the intimate conviction she would be unable to resist him, he tried again to seduce her. Or something in him uneasy, made him Page 62   fear. Unless it's own reactions are facing him! Heathrow Airport swarming with tourists about to leave. Kelly Sue desperately trying to recognize in this motley crowd. The young woman was fuming if only it did not come directly from his office! She felt sweaty, dirty and tired. Her jacket and woolen coat silk collar kept him horribly hot. In addition she had difficulty finding a taxi and her suitcase weighed a tonne. Suddenly someone touched his shoulder. She turned strongly: it was Jake. Her blue eyes darkened in noting that he was wearing a casual outfit  perfectly adapted to their flight. Skinny jeans showed off his muscular legs, her figure intensely virile; an open-collared shirt could be seen in its notch brown fleece of his tanned chest. Eyes Pleated, he gazed. She blushed as schoolgirl and bent down his suitcase furious. Did he account the effect it produced on her? - Leave, I'll take care, he said. - I can well manage alone! - No one would doubt! he retorted, taunting the his mocking gaze. But we're supposed to be in love, have you forgotten? Sue and Jeremy us at the bar. He grabbed his bag and harmonization his long strides with the shortest approach to his companion. - I'll check your bags, he announced. Sue me given the tickets. Always so upset by the way take matters into Page 63   hand, Kelly pursed her lips and stiffened. For the hundredth time, she wondered why she became vulnerable when it appeared. And why she felt so low ... women in his presence. She shuddered, hardly appreciating way things were his thoughts. Since Colin, she some deliberately avoided any intimate relationship with men; her male friends were either older and well married, much younger and therefore less aggressive. - Do you want something? She had not heard back and jumped slightly, the wide-eyed amazement when he put a hand on his shoulder and leaned over to grab his lips. - Mmmm ... very nice! whispered when he released her. Kelly felt the eyes of his friends attached to them. It flushed, exasperated. What need was there to kiss so? Now Sue and Jeremy were sufficiently convinced they loved! Yet she had tasted with happiness heat of his mouth on hers ... and she had to immediately suppress a mad desire to touch. They effectuèrent without issue the formalities  boarding. But when Kelly found himself installed in his seat, high-sounding engines, she felt her stomach establish, as every time she was flying. She was never managed to dominate the apprehension that grabbed Always at the time of take off. Eyes fixed on the folder seat in front of her, she nervously encrusted his nails into the palms of his hands clenched. Finally it closed his eyes, trying to urge calm, hating the idea of showing his fear. - So you still something human ... Jake murmured against all her hair. He took his clenched hand and squeezed between his warm fingers. It wanted to get away, but at that moment the plane took off.   Page 64   - All is well, in a few moments we will be in the air, he whispered soothingly. She buried her face in the crook of his shoulder, perceiving its warm under his cheek muscles, smell, the beat reassuring to her heart. It was so sweet to feel protected ... But what happened to him? if 'she suddenly. That man lived charm he knew exert on women! The apparatus tore at the track, and she stifled a groan of anguish. She hung up even involuntarily Jake's neck. Then the aircraft passed its stride and she breathed, relieved. The other passengers were recovering chatting, any tension disappeared. - Are you okay? Jake asked the letting. - Very good! she replied with more drought it would have liked. She hated to have witnessed a rare moments of weakness. He also considered an air sarcastically. - Tell me, Kelly ... Have you ever trusted anyone? Have you ever lowered your defenses a little? Or have you buried all your woman reactions your husband? - For you, being a woman means required to be fragile and vulnerable, of course? retorted t- she resentfully. He shook his head, lips tight. - No, Kelly. That's what  you  think. When I speak reactions "female", I think of the natural need for woman - and very flattering for us - to rest from time to time other on a male shoulder. Have you ever thought about what your attitude can have crippling for a man? I  pity the unfortunate who fall in love with you, Kelly. Page 65   You will never leave him a chance to behave man or even lover, just ... The young woman was crimson. It exasperated but Had he right? - I do not need neither a man nor a lover, declared-t she finally croaked. You're like all the others. For you, a woman should be submissive, erased, serving ... - For me a woman must be a woman  , cut Jake. That is to say, a being inferior or superior to men, but different. And I do not like at all it otherwise! "Of course ... thought Kelly whose anger was not appeased. The men prefer their companions continue to give in to their charm, to be able to use them, deceive, manipulate them. "It was the same Colin; all that loved her, it was her money!  Nervousness gave him a headache, and she opened her  bag in order to take aspirin. Immediately, Jake motioned to hostess for water. - I could ask for it myself! hissed Kelly, exasperated. - As I near the driveway, it's easier for me ... Jake replied through clenched teeth. Do you know what is the  problem of women like you, who want to rule the whole world? They do not dare to be female! They pass their time to suppress their natural instincts, fighting for  become asexual beings. Have you looked sometimes? I mean critically. While you are narrow, compressed ! Your clothes, your hair ... - I am a business woman! My appearance reflects my lifestyle! exclaimed Kelly. - Exactly. You want to believe that you are hard Page 66   cold. But allow me to think otherwise. - You're not paid to think! Jake's gray eyes took the steel shine. - Is this the only way you support men, Kelly? Paid and gagged, to be sure they will do that your idea? Warning ... this path leads to loneliness! - That may be what I want! still bristled the young woman torn between conflicting emotions. She pretended insurance, yet she wanted to cry. Crying like a lost child, abandoned, frightened. But she had learned the hard way long ago that when she cried there was no one to dry her tears. It could count only on itself. Then she had to sleep, for when she took Jake conscience was being gently shake it, announcing that they would land. She blushed again noting that it was in her arms. He gave her a wry smile. - Calm down, it's nothing dishonorable past! It must be terrible to be like you, Kelly, to be horrified the idea of having yielded to any human instinct ... While leaving the plane, the woman thought her words. Is this how it appeared to others? Granted it had to fight and still fighting to keep control of his career, his company, all she had won by so work and effort. But was it really that mattered in life? There was a time, not so long ago, when his only ambitions were limited to a cottage, a family and a heart ... She hastened to push that thought. Love! She knew Well, now that she had dreamed of did not exist. He had to look around: how many friends Page 67   formed happy relationships? - Kelly? She started realizing that Sue considered anxiously. - Are you okay? worried her friend. You're so pale! - A migraine, cut Kelly. There have been problems  just before I left the agency. - Dear old Kelly! Jeremy interjected sarcastically. She always finds a way to remember what a great Business woman is ... You have seduced a gagneuse, Jake. If I were you, I would let her speak! - I'll think ... Jake replied. A successful woman is something irresistible. While the two women were waiting for their companions went searching for their luggage, Sue whispered in her friend: - Pay no attention to Jeremy. I wonder what fly stung in recent times ... Kelly said nothing. She knew too well what Jeremy tormented! He was desperate to get revenge by humiliating to Jake's eyes ... Two car rental ahead. It was Jake insisted to take two, so they are more free to come and go at their leisure during the stay. Kelly sighed, relieved: not to be compelled constantly play love, what a relief! Sue gave them the address of the villa. Benson went first, they followed them. The sun was blinding. Kelly began to understand the few hours of road ahead. The little car was a real oven. If only she had the good   Page 68   sense to change the plane! Her silk blouse clung to her skin, her skirt was too thick ... She cast a sour look on Jake, visibly at ease in his light clothing. Suddenly, while crossing a small village, he stopped without speaking to a store where they were selling pretty almost all, if we judge by the front. The young wife, irritated, saw him get inside. Five minutes later he came out and threw a bundle on his lap. Then he will restart. - A gift for you, 'he said with a detached tone. - What is it? Kelly asked, suspicious. - Open, you will see! She obeyed and found an adorable little dress cotton  pink, trimmed with croquet, which focused on the shoulders by links. - As soon as we will be in a quiet place, clarified Jake, I will stop for you to pass. - How? Kelly exclaimed angrily. But I do not want! I ... She was interrupted by the screeching of brakes. He cut the engine and turned back to her, furious. - Listen! We have three hours drive under oppressive heat. Any sensible woman would thought of before and would have dressed accordingly, as Sue! Look at you then! You are sweating! If you value go on, that's fine. Once again he was right, and Kelly knew for she behaved like a capricious child. She  bit his lips, turning her head to hide her tears Despite shining in his eyes. But it so happened to him? Page 69   - I was wrong, she admitted. Excuse me. - There's nobody around, Jake replied icily. I'll relax my legs. Use it to change you. And do not worry, we will not lose us. I know Corfu. He had already come? With whom? Kelly wondered immediately. A Another "client"? It is not without difficulty extricated his sticky skirt, keeping a eye on the rearview mirror. Jake was sitting on a rock, back shot in the car. The wind threw her brown hair back and the thin fabric of his shirt clung to his back muscles. The trembling fingers, the young woman began to undo  buttons of her blouse. What a joy to leave! Jake had risen. He would come back. In her haste, she hung a  button in his hair and grimaced, pulling some  pins that held her hair. Then she noticed with horror her bra showed. She had to remove ... When he joined her, she clumsily tied the bonds of the dress over her bare shoulders, so pale against the bright colors of the tissue. She cast a new look in the mirror. How awful! It was red, her hair stuck to her sweaty face, her makeup sank ... - If it can be useful ... Jake said, handing him handkerchiefs soaked in cologne. He really thought of everything! she thought, crumpled in dabbing his burning forehead. Finally, annoyed by his  bun fight, she took off the last pins and brushed her long hair. Then she took a rubber band in his bag and  just tied on the neck. Jake did not leave her eyes. - What does he? she grumbled, aware of its expression amused. You will not pretend you've never seen a woman comb her hair! Page 70   - I just admired the transformation, he replied dryly. We give you sixteen if ... His gaze lowered to the full curves of her breasts, clearly revealed by the light fabric. He looked up. This time, it was not the heat that inflamed the cheeks of the young woman ... - You feel better? We can leave? Kelly just shook his head, stop. - We'll have to make an effort, honey, if you want convince Jeremy that we love again! The amused glance he gave her put a climax to the fury that seethed in it from the start. - I have not invited you! she let go and bitter. You have me obliged to accept by blackmail me! Until now I wondered why, but I think I'm starting to understand. - Really? he replied, staring at her intently. So enlighten me, Kelly. I'll tell you if you're right. He laughed openly now irresistibly suggestive cat playing with its prey. Kelly cursed the tiny size of the car that forced her to stay so close to him. She felt oppressed. He awakened in her emotions she refused. Drunk fury, she forgot all caution and threw in his face: - Well, well ... you may think you have found a good use! But if you imagine that these holidays will make me change my mind about you, you rock him illusions! - Stop, Kelly. It was ice. The young woman shivered, nervous, as the silence that followed seemed fraught with threats. Page 71   - So you think I'm attracted to your money? he went on after a moment. - This is not the truth? Kelly retorted defiantly. Obviously, you have expensive tastes! She turned her head. His gray eyes were full of anger terrible. - I am really sorry for you, 'he declared, forcing her to face him. While you completely distorted, Kelly. Do you really be able to buy everything, there including me? Do you think you could be interested in you other than for your money? Well I'll tell you one thing: all the money in the world would not be enough to give me want to marry you. He burst of brutal laughter. - So that was it! Damn ... I never thought one day hear that! Kelly realized that she had hurt him, and that frightened her. Yet she was certain not to have been mistaken. - In that case, why have both insisted on coming Corfu? - Why? he replied with a grimace of disgust. If I say to you you do not believe me. And if he still had a grain of common sense, I would turn on the spot and I would resume the plane to London! - Do not be shy! Kelly launched. I do not need you here. - You prefer the dear Jeremy? This is what you trying to tell me? If there was not Sue I would give you my  blessing. You go so well together! But she not deserve to suffer because of you. Would that for   Page 72   she i ... Kelly did not hear the end of his sentence. He had therefore come Sue! Devastated, she felt as if someone had to stick a dagger in the heart and turned to the scream in pain. Yet it was ridiculous! This man meant nothing to her. She had every reason to despise and it was he who arrogated to itself the right to take high! - What makes you so suspicious, Kelly? Jake replied  by putting the car on the road. I know you lost your husband, but many others survive this kind of event ... What would he say if she confessed that it was precisely the Colin Responsible? She shuddered. She had never spoken of this drama to anyone. Since his tragic wedding night, she never had let any man get close enough to reveal her truth. Jake, he had managed to break his privacy. Was it to that she wanted him so much? Aggressiveness she hid only fear, resentment? No, it was not dupe of his own feelings. If he was reckless, it not in itself cause such violent reactions. This was of herself, she was afraid. He had managed to partially open a door she had kept locked for too long. His body still burning in memory of her caresses. She blushed violently, remembering how she had engaged in him. He made him the effect of a real disaster. It had the least had the merit to show that she was far from frigid ! Absorbed in thought, she did not see pass kilometers. Beside her, she felt Jake terribly uptight, the hard mouth. Soon they saw the sea appear here and there, through the trees. Villas with marzipan colors concealed behind walls and gates. Jake took a driveway. Sue and Jeremy were coming down from their Page 73   car. - Congratulations, you've found it! cried the young woman coming to them. - Your directions were perfect, Jake answered him snapping a warm smile. Shooting pain crossed Kelly, tears  bitterness stung his eyes. She was not going to show Sue jealous of, anyway? Jake was just an employee! And ever, even with Colin, she had shown possessive. - Kelly, you always as bad as mine, found Sue with affection. Are you sure to go well? - Always migraine, muttered the young woman. It will pass. She felt so tired, so little cool, next to his girlfriend! Sue, she seemed to have suddenly found an energy boost. Jake came to open her door and helped her out of the car. From his brown fingers he touched his chest, and she stiffened immediately as if a snake had bitten him. She saw her expression sardonic and began to tremble without knowing why. He seemed changed. Did she hurt so much by his suspicions yet so plausible? - Come, I'll show you your room, Sue suggested. Dad household in the village, and he promised that the house would be ready. You know, there is a real community English here! Businessmen, people of the world, etc. My father bought this house when he retired. I am sure you'll like it. She was right. In the following, Kelly admired the vast  parts. There was even a large oval pool. - The beach is not far away, Sue explained that followed his look, but it is rocky and you have to go down by a Page 74   steep trail. This is your room. Kelly entered the room, very spacious, decorated in tones fisheries and bread burned. A bay overlooking the cliffs to the sea through the pines. Two twin beds were separated by Rattan table lacquered in white. Two matching chairs completed the furniture. - Here, bathroom, Sue continued, and here the cloakroom. Sorry for the twin beds! she added with a grin mischievous. - It does not matter, said Jake behind them - to the chagrin of Kelly who was unaware of his presence. For my part, I find that there is nothing more than a cozy little bed shared two ... Kelly could not help blushing. She felt that his body was on fire with the idea of Jake nestled against a woman, squeezing tightly in his arms. - I'll let you sit, announced Sue. My father had to prepare a cold meal, I'll check. A heavy silence followed his departure. Kelly was not courage to return to face his companion. It heard him close the door and the click of the lock gave him the feeling of being trapped. - I thought you had requested rooms separated! Jake threw cynical. - I would have done if I had not been afraid to awaken suspicions Jeremy snapped the young woman. - Of course, of course ... But that's the type of man who you should, right? He is already married, so it can not blame your fortune. As for me, I understand I keep  play the bodyguards, is not it? I hope you get your money, you do not have the feeling Page 75   to have been stolen! - I really do not see why you are so angry item! exclaimed Kelly. He gave a disbelieving laugh terribly bitter. - You do not see! You threw me the worst insult that woman could launch a man and you "do not see why I'm angry! " You are amazing, Kelly! he concluded acidly. - It seemed such an obvious explanation is ... defended the young woman. Especially when you ... when we ... - When what? he insisted, her eyes darting about inquisitors who made him immediately regret having launched such justification. She licked her lips, digging her nails into  palms of his hands. His nerves were stretched to capacity. - ... When we made love, she dropped into a  breath. Again, he burst out laughing stunned. - But we have not made love, Kelly! Damn, where you come from? She lowered her head, a ball of grief and pain exploding in it. Of course, it was not love ... It was simply a seduction scene, as it was in have much to his credit ... - However, he said in a squeaky voice, I hate to be outdone anyone. But we were interrupted; so I owe you a small compensation. In three strides he was with her. He buried a hand in her hair, on her neck. On the other he imprisoned her   Page 76   throat, forcing her little by little nod, scrutinizing her face devastated by conflicting emotions. A shiver ran through fear of Kelly. Colin had the same gesture, the same attitude! She swallowed nervously, the muscles stiff with apprehension. - No! she cried in a kind of sob. The gray eyes of Jake darkened, his mouth yet hardened. - You will still not help but pay my debts? he replied with a cynical determination. Your reaction is really not flattering, Kelly! He put his lips to where an artery beating wildly, the crook of his neck. Instantly panic of the young woman vanishes, replaced by a burning pleasure. - Jake ... His protest sounded much more like a supplication demand. Anyway Jake interpreted it this way. He spread the flanges of her dress, revealing her breasts. As soon as he touched the tip of her breasts Kelly felt the harden ; she breathed with difficulty. - Jake! She still tried to push him, but in spite of herself his fingers crept into the notch of his shirt, mingling with her brown hair. A true fever seized her; she was not sensitive to one thing: his skin contact hot satin under his palm. Jake placed a hand on the small of her back and pinned against him. He walked slowly, his tongue over his lips, until it opens their mouth in a whimper. Desire she felt became too intense, almost painful. Page 77   Caught in a whirlwind of passion she braced himself against his burning body. She needed him, she wanted to do it feeling ... Also, when he suddenly let go, the shock it was such she had to cling to his shoulders to keep her  balance. - Look, Kelly ... he murmured looking lovingly at her  body ignited. You know that we will not go far! You hired me as a bodyguard, not like lover, remember! I paid my debts now. A terrible nausea washed over the woman. She had in the mouth the bitter taste of humiliation. She could not longer pretend she did not want him now ... He won: he had proved that he was able to make her this he wanted. - I do not envy you! cried she brazenly. I do not could ever want from a man like you! - Liar! Jake replied gently. And first, as do you know me? One day he will have you root up your ghosts, Kelly. Whether you admit you are a woman. A living woman, able to experience feelings and emotions woman! Before she could answer, he was gone. She hated him, as she hated to have responded well to his caresses. It rushed to the bathroom, blinded by anger. But she had  beautiful rubbing her satin skin under the shower water, she could not erase the memory of his lips, his hands, these gestures  burning that had awakened her body to life ... Page 78   6.   Kelly opened his eyes and winced when he saw the great body lying in the bed next to hers. But Jake seemed to sleep deep, brown shoulder emerging from the fine cotton blanket that covered him. The young woman had not intend to bed the night before. His headache had done worse, and she retired the first - hating to the mocking look he threw her when she was gone near him. It felt heavy, numb. A kind of vacuum inhabited a void she preferred to ignore. A dip in the Pool may call into shape? Their room was right on the patio with a large bay window. She slipped out of bed and took his clothes without Jake does not move an eyelash. Holding her breath she won the window. Phew! She was out. It was only seven. The morning was to it. The air was exquisitely smooth, light breeze pushed in the blue sky a few clouds cottony. When she saw her reflection in the water, she furrowed eyebrows its Maillot, she had thought reasonable when she chose, was actually much more revealing that she would have liked. Deeply indented front and on the hips, he showed off his chest generous and made her look her more slender legs long. If she had known she would have looked for another model! It swam several minutes in warm water, releasing the tension that lived. Then she lay on her back, beating lazily feet, happily savoring this moment delight. It was ridiculous to worry about as well Jake and the reactions it aroused in her. After all it was Page 79   a very nice man, very experienced, it was normal that suffer the effects of its charm! Of course it was regrettable he spends the holidays with her, but if she kept her head cold there was no reason for this trip goes wrong. She bit her lip, thinking of how it wild reacted to the charges. Taking a shudder, she turned and vigorously swam to the edge of the basin. She wiped water which blinded when the voice of Jake sounded just clear above it. - Hello! She looked up. Dressed in white jeans and a shirt accompanied, he gazed fixedly. Despite his relaxed, Kelly was again the impression that something had changed in him. How to express it? It was as if his feline tunes indolent hiding now the bitterness of a raptor ready to pounce on its prey ... He grabbed his first bath robe and put it on shoulders, his hands lingering deliberately on her skin wet. Their eyes met, and Kelly shivered under his cynical expression. - Who chose this jersey? he asked dune sensual voice, accentuating the caress of his gaze. - Me, Kelly replied defensively. - You did not try, I suppose? - Why is that? - Because it gives you the defiantly ... It almost seemed annoyed. - So challenging that I can ... He did not finish his sentence. His fingers tightened on Kelly's shoulders and he abruptly pulled her against him, Page 80   kissing with a violence that took her breath away and swept all his scruples. The lips of the young woman gave way under hers, and she fell into the abyss of sensuality that Jake knew so well how to create. For a moment she was surprised that power incredible: it was enough that the key to that as soon as it  based. Or rather it ablaze, whether consumed all whole by the intense heat that pervaded his veins. When he suddenly loosened his grip, it was to Kelly worse than a tear. - I hope I'm not disturbing you? asked Sue, curious and mischievous. Kelly hastened to compose a decent attitude. - I just swim, she announced in a tone falsely cheerful. The water was so beautiful ... - Would you like to come to a party? Sue replied, amused. Of My father's friends - neighbors - came to see us yesterday, very late. They invite us all for tonight. I think we could have a good time. The villa belongs to Carne Wrayman, television producer. They even have a port  private yacht! What say you? - That sounds perfect, is not it, darling, Jake said  before Kelly could say a word. - Great! I'll tell Jeremy that you agree, he will be happy! And do not hurry for breakfast, she added, turning away everyone uses as he wants! - She obviously thinks we burn to resume sweet talk she interrupted! Jake laughed. I will  point out that I will count you no extra charge ... for these small perks. - Anyway you seemed in a hurry to accept this invitation! hissed Kelly out of her. I see clearly in your game, you know! Now that you have no hope of my Page 81   hand, you probably wait to find another prey? There was an electric silence he broke when he became really intolerable. - You have at least one thing right: as you I give respect. At first you have inspired me a kind of  pity. You made me sad, but it's all over. You deserve your fate, Kelly. I do not have the intention of you touch, you can rest easy. The young woman trembled under the rebuff. - What does he? he threw again. You discover that sexual attraction has nothing to do with logic? It is you difficult to admit that you need a man "like me "? Yes, Kelly ... humans are not computers. They do not always have the reactions which like. - I do not want you! Kelly cried stung. I do not want neither you nor any other! Never! - Would you come and do some shopping with me? him Sue suggested later. I want to splurge and ... then I have to find a dress for tonight, I have nothing  brought. She sighed, his face suddenly darkened. - It seems to me that there is an eternity since I did nothing  bought pretty. The last time I thought more than  baby ... They were alone on the patio. After breakfast, Jeremy had announced that he was taking Jake golf with him. - I recently held a conference with myself, Sue continued in a slightly nervous voice. I came to the Page 82   conclusion that if Jeremy finds me boring, I am for something. Dad sent me a check for my  birthday, and there are just some very nice shops mode in Corfu. Tailors shops for Greek high society, you see ... - You're right, let's go, said Kelly. I too have  buy something dressy. I have made only held vacation. - Who knows? You may make for yourself a new relationship Business! merrily tossed her friend. Tell me, Kelly added, t ... it a more serious tone. Is it serious between Jake and you? I mean ... you gonna marry her? - It's ... it's too early to tell, stammered the young wife, unhappy at the idea of deceiving the nice Sue. - In any case it is crazy about you! If you saw the way he te look, when you do not pay any attention to ... She sighed. - I envy you, Kelly. Oh, not for your money, no! Just to have succeeded. Having proven that you can be someone by yourself, you are able to live alone. I, without Jeremy, I feel like a shadow ... - This is ridiculous! Kelly protested. But if it can comfort you, I'll tell you a secret: I happen to me feel very alone, and think I paid this success a bit too expensive ... - You hide well your game! cried Sue, determined to hunt their dark thoughts. Come on! Let's change our ideas! - Yes, I think it's best! Kelly replied in a burst laughing. Do we have a car? - Yes. It's not far, but the buses are quite fanciful. Page 83   Half an hour later, they are parked in front of a commercial gallery. Kelly felt the bite of the sun on the skin as soon as it came out of the vehicle. She congratulated for taking glasses and a hat. - We enter here? Sue suggested, pointing to a small store that does not pay mine. In fact, the interior was decorated with chic large houses, and the salesgirl had the timeless allure of French elegant. Sue explained what she wanted: - Something simple, but that makes the effect! she said with a bright smile. The saleswoman handed him several models. The young woman finally decided for a simple silk sheath with  pastel seyaient her complexion. While she was trying, Kelly's attention was drawn to a fantastic dress. In filmy silk chiffon, consisting of a corset very scalloped back and ruffles cut on the bias of the fabric, it offered a gradient of roses that was a delight for eyes. The woman knew immediately that it was made for her. She stroked a finger, with regret. In other circumstances, she would have bought. But not that day, not here. - This is one of our exclusive designs, hastened to clarify the saleswoman. Want to try it? Kelly was going to refuse, but Sue took the lead. - Yes, Kelly! I'm sure she will go on to delight! Try it, I  beg you! Ten minutes later she looked in the mirror, noting that she feared: the dress suited him  beautifully, perfectly highlighting its silhouette, accentuating  pearly sheen of her smooth skin. - She is beautiful, she confessed, but ... Page 84   - There is no "but" that takes! Sue severed. You're going to take, and then we will go to the beauty salon that next. Tonight, I want Jake and Jeremy did eyes for us! Kelly gave in, reluctantly. It really was not what she had planned ... And when, a little later, the beautician who had cared for she smoothed her hair on the shoulders, Simply holding one side with a pearl comb, it was almost horrified to suddenly be so terribly sensual. Her lips looked fuller, his eyes a darker blue ... - Kelly, you are breathtaking! exclaimed Sue. She smiled vaguely. This transformation not suited at all. On the contrary, it is felt in more vulnerable ... When they returned to the villa after taking a slight snack, dusk was falling. The other car was not there. The two men were still to be at the club. The evening  begin until nine o'clock, they thus remained ample time to prepare. Yet Kelly went once in her room: she wanted to be dressed when Jake happen. Another gesture of ridiculous modesty, she thought with irony. Had he not held her completely naked? But what could she, if she was afraid - a strange fear Colin himself had never made her feel? Forehead Pleated torment, she slipped in the shower. His assistant had offered him a bottle of his shower gel  preferred before leaving. She rubbed her soft skin unrestrained pleasure. Never in his worst moments distress, she had deprived of that pleasure: the fragrance. As Colin had never offered to him, this could not him Page 85    bring back bad memories. The thousand hot needles of the shower began to tingling, raising his wet skin odor exquisite. She threw her head back, closed his eyes ... It was so good! Almost erotic ... She could imagine without Jake barely mouth tracing a trail of fire on his body in turmoil, before taking possession of her lips ... The dull thud of the door of the room brought her back to reality. She blushed violently. No, she could not lying to herself: she wanted! - Kelly? She froze, and then hurried out of the car and grabbed a towel. - I'm here! she stammered, dry mouth. Provided it does not fit, provided it does not discover the excitement of his body, provided - above all - he guesses in not the cause! What happened to him was amazing! No doubt a  belated revenge of his senses, bullied too long! She heard the approaching steps and hastened to don  bathrobe. - Do not enter, she cried. I do not have that in for a instant! As soon as the door opened breezed and Jake leaned doorframe, nonchalant. - I asked you not to go! exclaimed the young woman, choking with rage, finishing tying his belt. Have you not heard? - Yes! Used but in good stylish I drilled the double meaning of your words and I obeyed ... You know that's what they say always in cases like this, right? Page 86   Always this relentless cynicism! Yet gradually flint his gray eyes softened, became more diffuse, took a hue mist ... Kelly, as if hypnotized by this change of expression, lost all ability to respond healthily. - Whether he arrives? Jake inquired hoarsely. You are helpless when by chance a man does not follow the line of conduct that you have set for it? That's right, Kelly? Eh well with me you will get used to it. And when you I want to make love to you, it will take you to me wondering. - You ask   ? exclaimed the young woman, shocked. Oh! You really are the last to which ... She resumed and finished triumphant - Besides, if I wanted a man I would only have Jérémy contact me! - Here we are ... Jake muttered through clenched lips. I have trouble to identify you, Kelly. Sometimes I really believe you anxious  preserve Sue, sometimes I wonder if you are not looking contrary to her husband crawling at your feet, an alliance  between the teeth ... - Believe what you want! Kelly cut. You are there in a purpose, and I beg you not to forget! - If you send me? You know you do not be able to. Have you forgotten our market? - Your arrogance disgusts me! Kelly shouted again. You are so sure of you! Do he never happen to think that you can go wrong? - And you? retorted coldly. This enigmatic answer intrigued, but he did not give him leisure deepen. With a glance to her skin Page 87   still wet, he let sarcastically: - The sheer number that girl out of her shower is hackneyed, you should look for something else. Without taking time to think Kelly raised his arm and he Cobby who slammed a slap with a sinister sound on his cheek farm. Haggard, she contemplated the left white marks  by his fingers. Then she gestured to escape. - Oh no, you do not get away like that ... grumbled Jake the holding force. He clapped his hands on the wall on each side of the head Kelly, trapping between his outstretched arms. She trembled of all its members. - Jake, I beg you! This voice distorted by anguish she was his? When he reached out to remove the pins that held its hair, leaving them silky mass collapse, she moaned. Then he grabbed her neck between forefinger and thumb, stroking her throat, forcing her to look up. His gray eyes now had a color of slate. He was obviously suffering from a cold rage. Obviously, he was ready to pay him hard the slap she leveled at him ... He pushed her robe, revealing her  breasts with hardened tips. - It was useless to hit me, Kelly. It was enough to ask, as I told you so ... And he bowed his head on his chest, his iridescent clammy skin waves of pleasure. Soon Kelly could no longer resist. She tied  both arms around his neck, burying his fingers in his thick hair. By the time she would have given anything to at last he meets the terrible desire he aroused in her, he untied my hands and pushed: - No, I do not faciliterai you things, Kelly ... Page 88   he muttered. She suddenly felt abandoned, confused but also taken aback by the scale and force of his anger. She rushed in the room, and he closed the door on the  bathroom. By the light of the lamp she threw a frantic glance at her face troubled, her hair matted. She quickly put on his sub clothes and her silk dress. The contact of the fabric reminded him of the Jake caresses and she shuddered. Was it really her, that she gazing in the mirror? It was not just his hairstyle, grooming, who transformed. Dilated pupils, softened his features, his swollen lips made her terribly sensual. Who would have wanted to believe in seeing her, she was the head of an advertising agency? That for years she had muzzled his emotions? She felt contemplate a foreign ... or girl seen well years ago, a young girl in love with a certain Colin. - No! if she cried out loud, terrified by this discovery. At this time the voice of Sue rang the door. - Kelly, we have to leave in half an hour. Are you soon be ready? - Yes! she replied with great difficulty. She applied her mascara with a trembling hand. Was it what made her look so evocative, so disturbing? She vigorously brushed her hair shiny and y  planted the pearl comb full of angry gesture. Then she quickly grabbed her bag and hurried out before Jake emerges in turn from the bathroom. She could not bear to approach him. She had asks Sue to give him another room. The pretext does Page 89   would not be easy to find ... but she would find one. When she entered the room, Sue greeted with a shout admiration. - Oh, Kelly! You're wonderful! Is it not, Jeremy? The woman hated the shining light that Benson left run on it an overtly insulting manner. - Wonderful, indeed ... he approved a honeyed voice. What a change! You really I ask Jake how he did it. Sue burst into a merry laugh, without a second thought. Kelly asked how she could be so blind to maneuvers of her husband. His gaze distilled venom. From Obviously he had not forgiven him. That Men were so childish and superficial! So confident seduce they behaved like little boys punished if ever they resisted ... - Hey, Jake here, exactly. You're going to ask him question, Sue said in his candid innocence. - What question? inquired the newcomer by clearing him warm look, obviously admiring, who immediately made radiate happiness. Once again, Kelly felt the bite of jealousy. - Oh, just your recipe to transform a Queen Ice in sex bomb ... let Jeremy. Jake slipped behind Kelly, slipped an arm around her waist. The nostrils of the young woman trembled, flattered by the smell spicy and very nice to his cologne. But she stiffened Anyway. - Nothing complicated, he replied evenly. Just a little love ... Is not that right, Kelly? Page 90   If she had not known he was faking, she could have imagine that it was actually the tenderness which softened suddenly his gray eyes when he plunged into his. The young woman remained frozen, as if lightning had fallen to him on the head. Stunned, annihilated. He spoke of love  ? This was ridiculous! She loved him absolutely not, she could not love it! Colin after she had sworn never to take this kind of risk. She was not going to deviate from this line conduct for a man who also lived women! They left on foot for the villa of their hosts, nearby. It was a much larger property than the father Sue. The garden leading down to the sea, seemed illuminated a myriad of Japanese lanterns. Cooler air from there night freed intoxicating wild and spicy scents: thyme, rosemary and other herbs. Kelly, lost in a dream, thinking of the first vision that the Greeks had to having the island by addressing it. Jeremy tore the brutally with an oath. He had twisted his ankle on a root. Immediately, of course, he accused his wife. - I guess it was you who had the brilliant idea to come here foot? he tossed him viciously. Kelly started, sorry for her friend. But Jake intervened icy: - The idea is to me. - You do not have enough market this afternoon? retorted Jérémy a virulent tone. The course of eighteen holes you was not enough? - Oh, Jeremy has laid upon you the big game? launched its Sue tower with a compassionate smile. He claims not play Golf for build relationships, but I suspect to be crazy about this sport. Are you a good player? - Not really. I prefer the squash, Jake answered him returning a warm smile. Page 91   Once again, the heart of Kelly pinched. - No need to play the modest! Jeremy replied in a voice acid. This does not prevent you beat me! Kelly hid a small smirk. This admission was cost much to Benson, which required him for years the story of his victories in golf! - We arrive, Sue announced visibly relieved. Here is their pool. A true Olympic pool! They climbed stairs to get to the patio, where already pressed a large number of guests. The shaped pool eight, lay half outside half in the villa. - Quite Hollywood! Kelly whispered. Sue laughed. - Is not it? The third - or maybe the fourth - Ms. Wrayman did redesign the house from top to bottom. Wait till you see the inside! Carne is a great Wrayman Amateur Byzantine religious art. It has some icons  beautiful, brought from Russia during the revolution. They are worth a fortune, but it is not close to a billion! - Exactly what suits you! Jake whispered to ear. At least you will not be able to suspect want your money, it ... - Maybe you're right! Kelly replied, gritting teeth. At this time a blonde lovely emerged from the crowd and came to them an inflexible. She literally threw herself into Jake arm. - Jake darling! What a wonderful surprise! What the hell fais- you here? Page 92   It was scarcely more than eighteen years. This time Kelly had no more doubt: bite that her heart was stabbed much of jealousy ... - Well, well! Jeremy muttered softly. A corner veil would lift it about his past? Look good, Kelly. I have the impression that it seeks to spare both the present and the future ... - Jake, I want to introduce you to someone, 'said the young  blonde. Come with me. She turned to Kelly, clearing her a charming smile which revealed authentic dimples. - Can I take away from you for a moment? - Have no qualms! Kelly replied, feeling that his smile she had nothing natural ... - I do not have for a long time, Jake clarified in a tone casual. He put an arm around the shoulders of his companion, and it raised toward him amazed face, overflowing with love - Kelly could not be mistaken! - I find it odd that he has not made the presentations, Jeremy insisted. He apparently triumphed. His thoughts were visible on his  perverse face. Kelly had to bite the bullet not to insult when he said in a honeyed tone, falsely worried: - I'm going to take my little investigation. When one is richer than you, Kelly, one is never too careful. It has the air the successful man, but who knows? It would be of very unfortunate that you fall a second time in the same trap ... The young woman became livid, everything began to turn around Page 93   her. - What do you mean? she managed to say after a time lump in his throat. - Come on, Kelly, useless to the one who does not understand ... Jeremy continued with a morbid pleasure. How long has he raked in hatred for deliberately seeking to do him much harm? wondered Kelly with painful surprise. He resumed with gusto: - The dear old Ian told me everything one day when we were meeting together, and we had a little too much to drink ... I about you, by chance, and he effused about your mishap Colin, the way he reeled you for your money ... - Jeremy! Sue exclaimed, shocked and furious against her husband. But Kelly, oddly, felt nothing. That old story seemed not to touch her. She laughed as Jeremy is aware, she laughed that Colin had pretended to love him. It simply regretted that all this has caused him to lose both years has spoiled him so long life. - Do not take offense to you, Sue, Jeremy says that the strict truth she said quietly. Colin had actually married me for my money. - Anyway Jake is completely different from Colin! the young woman was indignant. Jeremy has no right to insinuate it is for the same motives. She turned to her husband, red with anger: - I wonder if your suspicions are not from the fact he beat you at golf! she said with virulence. Jeremy stood in stunned disbelief. His contrite amused Page 94   Kelly at the highest point. - I demand that you present to apologize to Kelly! Sue insisted. Oh ... saved by the bell as a bad student. Here is our host. - Susan, darling! You seem prettier every time I see you! - It's very kind of you, Carne replied the young woman the gray-haired man, well built, which had considered it to kiss her. But we both know you lying! Carne Wrayman let go to greet Jeremy. Then he turned to Kelly, narrowing his eyes appreciatively. Sue made the introductions. - Are you alone? Wrayman asked. - It is, said Jeremy viciously. Its rider comes to drop it for a blonde eighteen years! - Really? murmured the producer without leaving the young woman eyes. Well, the misfortune of this gentleman made my happiness ... Let me assist you in the bar. Sue, you know the way! Page 95   7.   - How do you hold your days when you are not on holiday in Corfu? Carne Wrayman resulted Kelly on the patio. The young woman drinking Martini driest she ever tasted. It had lost sight of Sue and Jeremy, and Jake was only a  blur, painful, on the edge of his field of vision. Someone she was trying not to see, as she refused the show the pretty blonde hanging on his arm. - I ... I'm in advertising, she responded to his host. I own my own agency. - Oh, businesswoman! he blurted approvingly, the always scrutinizing a strangely sharp look under his eyelids half lowered. He approached her. - What an amazing coincidence, he continued. It is I'm just looking for someone England to promote a documentary. The idea you try? - I would need more details, Kelly replied cautiously. I have a policy to only accept projects that I'm sure can succeed. I find it ridiculous to sleep with customers false promises. - Oh! But all that is enchanting! Wrayman murmured. Something tells me that we are made for us heard. Listen ... if we were going to talk quietly on my yacht? We would be quieter than here. Instinctively, Kelly was first want to refuse. It Page 96   looked around the sea of faces around them and ... Jake saw dancing languidly with his young rider. A flame of jealousy kindled. Like a wounded animal, she wished then run away, hide, escape the view of couple whirled, beaming with happiness. - Yes ... she murmured without thinking. Come on, if you like ... - Perfect! Carne Wrayman guided her along the path through the gardens. She soon discovered the magical vision of the sea silvered by moonlight, and the yacht that swung lazily to the beat of soft waves. - Jump! ordered his companion, pointing to a small motor boat. The water in the creek is quite deep,  but not, however, enough for Mary Belinda can be anchored near the shore. My yacht is named after my third wife, he explained as they headed for the big white boat. The real Mary Belinda disappeared from my life since long, but I'm tired of renaming and rename ever the boat ... Kelly said nothing, bewitched by the charm of the night and stars that were reflected in the dark water. - I gave leave to the crew that night, declared yet Wrayman as they climbed on board. Want start by visiting my little marvel? This is my toy favorite, I'm proud as a little boy! He had reason to be ... thought the young woman Moments later, visiting almost complete. Different rooms were beautifully decorated. - It looks like a film set! she said. A real palace float. Page 97   Carne laughed. - Frankly, this yacht is very plain compared to certain other anchored in Corfu, you know! Come, I do have not shown my personal apartments. Smiling, Kelly followed him into a narrow corridor on the ground covered with a thick cream carpet. He opened a door, revealing a room with rich, deep tones, very luxury oriental. The walls were hung with scarlet cloth, very low bed covered with black silk. - Very sensual! noticed the young woman without any second thought. - You like? Suddenly a shiver ran Kelly. She had discern in the gaze of the producer glow it knew all too well ... - I find this scene ... pretty fantastic, she whispered, initiating a prudent retreat toward the door, but not really appropriate for a business discussion! - It depends on the business in question, and partners in the presence ... let Carne staring intently. I could give you a lot of contracts, Kelly ... - Under what conditions? replied the young woman in a tone falsely detached. She was furious. Furious for being stupid enough to fall into the obvious trap. It was not yet first proposed to him that kind of "discussion"! She should know what to expect! But no ... she had  been led like a naive little girl. - Why put it so bluntly, honey? You do Pace hardly my feelings! Carne replied in a tone Page 98   sensual. - Listen, Carne, sliced Kelly. I know exactly what you are interested, but I do not intend to satisfy you. I  better go. - What about me? exclaimed the producer whose smile had suddenly lost all humor. Are you thinking what my guests will think if they see you coming back alone? Not counting  journalists ... They saw us leave together, you know, and they will quickly draw the most humiliating conclusions for my self-esteem! I will not let you me ridicule. You knew what you expose yourself by accepting to come here with me, right? You may have changed your mind,  but not me! He jumped on her and violently grabbed his arm. Kelly suppressed a groan of pain. The man of the world and polite courteous had disappeared, leaving a puppet obsessed with his  public image, vulgar and greedy ... The young woman tried to keep his composure. Above all, do not panic ... A icy cynicism would be more effective. - I'm sorry, she said dryly to save time. I was distracted and I really thought you wanted me talk about a deal. Let's go together to the villa, it will cut short the gossip. I give you my word that this story will be permanently buried. - Your word! he sneered sarcastically. I know from experience that is the word of a woman! Nothing! Moreover, he added, a lower voice, I want you. You are very desirable. Exactly my type of woman. - Unfortunately, you're not my type of man! Kelly replied. I'm leaving. With or without you! - Beautiful lyrics! let the producer with a cynical laugh. How will you do without the ignition outboard? You can do nothing to stop me, Kelly ... Page 99   He also tightened his fingers on the arm of the young woman. Kelly became livid. His breath reeking of alcohol gave him nausea. When he began a feverish hand to undo the Closing her dress she yielded to panic. Mad with terror, she obeys an instinctive gesture of defense and clawed him cruelly face. - Species bitch! he swore by automatically raising its  both hands to his torn cheeks. Kelly miraculously free, took the opportunity to flee to all legs, lungs on fire, beating heart at all  break. Without knowing how, she found herself on the deck. It always ran, blinded by panic when she hit Suddenly a dark mass that was blocking his way. Two steel plaquèrent hands on his shoulders, wearing his terror and despair to a climax. - Kelly! Whether he happens then? - Jake? She opened incredulous eyes. But at that moment the breath hoarse and panting of Wrayman seemed to closer; she tried to resume his flight. Jake understood and gave him a cynical smile. - The tryst gone bad? - I did not come to that! exclaimed the young woman, immediately on the defensive. - You want me to believe that you did not understand? Kelly started: Carne not approached yet. She desperately grabbed Jake, his eyes widened by the fear. - Let's go, I beg you! But the producer was already there, livid with rage. Page 100   - Who the hell are you? he roared, advancing toward Jake. - A friend of Kelly, the latter replied in a neutral voice. Thank this gentleman for his kind hospitality, Kelly, he sneered again. It is high time we leave. One moment, Kelly thought that Carne would throw herself at him. But he hesitated, merely muttering a furious look: - Get out of my sight, horrible little frigid plague! Throughout the ride back to the beach, the young woman was obsessed with these words. Always the same acid refrain that seemed likely to continue indefinitely ... There was nothing as to destabilize, destroy the defenses in a flash she was trying somehow to build. She immediately Colin saw again, and the brutal way it had rejected ... When Jake turned off the engine outboard, she trembled. - We'll have to jump, he said, rising to throw anchor. He held out a hand. Instinctively she stepped back to avoid contact with it; the boat began to pitch violently and ... she lost her balance. Jake swore she heard at  pain, choking and suffocating in black and saltwater. Finally it felt the sand under his feet. His panic disappeared. When her  joined her companion, she was back on her feet, and The ice bath had the merit to bring her back to reality. Jake seemed furious. Meanwhile, the dripping hair, her dress soaked sticking to her skin, she had to make a funny appearance ... Suddenly she asked in a flash why he had come on the yacht and especially how he knew she was there. He had read his mind because he said abruptly - Sue was worried about you. She could see you more, and She seemed to think that you could be upset ... for any reason. Page 101   Kelly was glad that the darkness hides her face inflamed. Sue had certainly guessed his jealousy Seeing Jake with the pretty blonde. - That does not explain how you knew that I was on the yacht! she replied coolly, trying to gather the little dignity he had left. - We saw you leave with Wrayman, Jake replied in a tone  brief. He turned to help her. The moonlight lit up his face terribly tense. A muscle twitched at the corner of his clenched jaw. It just did not seem angry. His Expression also meant something else, but what? - Come on, Kelly, come on! if he cried. We are all  both soaked. We will not spend the night here! I guess you do not want to return to the villa in this condition? - If you feel like you do not mind me! hissed her bitter. Your girlfriend is waiting for you. - My girlfriend? He frowned, then gave a wry half-smile. - Oh yes! But you seem to forget is officially you who are my girlfriend ... at least while I'm at your service. Kelly suddenly wanted to cry without knowing why. Or rather ... if she had suddenly certain that the pain she felt at that moment was just the beginning. Because it could no longer hide that she had fallen in love with Jake - Though she did not know when and where it happened. It went up the beach behind him, in a sort of fog. She did not see right away that he had stopped to Page 102   wait for it. She realized this only when imprisoned his icy hands between her fingers. - You are cold? She nodded, wondering if the tenderness that pierced his voice was a hallucination. The night air was mild, but nevertheless trembled all its members. Probably the effect of his forced bath, and multiple shocks she had to endure when they came ... to the villa, his teeth chattered. Jake, he seemed indifferent to wet clothing. - Go sit in the living room, I'll serve you some something hard, he he ordered. This will help you get back the shock. - No, Kelly refused the lump in his throat. I'll take a hot shower, this will suffice. She could not explain that he was unable to support this type of scene, since the police had come to him announce the death of Colin. He shrugged his shoulders, fine silk shirt stuck to his muscular torso, his wet pants tight hips and legs in a way that did beat a little faster Kelly's heart. The shower did him good, but could not drive out the horrible malaise that remained in it. The last words of Carne penetrated his flesh like barbed wire. This, attached to the discovery that she loved Jake, the plunge in a state of helplessness and vulnerability unbearable. She had only one desire: to lie down and sleep for all forget. Unfortunately, she suspected that sleep would be long in coming. She then remembered that the doctor had prescribed Sue light sleeping pills. Normally it would not be him came to mind to take medicine prescribed for someone else, but that night stay awake was above its Page 103   forces. How bear to see Jake lying in bed neighbor or, worse, imagine that he had gone to join the pretty blonde that seemed to doom him boundless admiration? She headed for the Sue bathroom when the door the show opened. Jake emerged in, frowning. Immediately, remembering that she was wearing a towel wrapped around her, Kelly blushed violently. Was he still imagine that she had tried to get his attention? - I came to get some sleeping pills, explained-t it in a choked voice. I know that Sue and I was ... - You want to forget what happened on board the yacht is that? he interrupted. But what happened in fact? Were you trying really escape Wrayman, where you are looking to the cause a little more? A flood of tears blinded the young woman; she let escape in spite of herself moan of pain. Hurriedly She turned on her heel. She did not want to face Jake in this state. - Kelly! He caught her by the arm and forced him to face him with violence that took her breath away. She nervously pulled the towel over his chest. - Those tears so mean that you do not play the comedy? he whispered with a strange sweetness, while wiped fingertip his wet cheeks. She tried to speak, coldly retorted that her tears were a nervous reaction, but to his dismay his bright sobs redoubled, as if a dam had broken into it. A storm of emotions overwhelmed the. - Kelly! Page 104   He seemed annoyed. - I know, you hate to see a woman cry ... she tried  joking. He stifled a curse and savagely pulled against him, whispering hoarsely: - I hate to see you cry! Damn, if ever Wrayman you did a bad ... - It was all my fault, stammered Kelly. I would not have had to follow. God knows that I have managed hundreds of times to avoid this kind of situation. But tonight ... He squeezed even more tightly against him. She took suddenly aware of the ease with which she had entrusted to him. - Do you want me to stay a while with you, until you fall asleep you? She had a wild desire ... - If we resume at the beginning, Kelly? he murmured softly. I know not why we went wrong,  both, and we have not managed to turn things around. But we shared a couple of wonderful moments. I wanted to kill Wrayman, when I saw you take ... - You've seen? Kelly exclaimed, looking up him. He made a half-mocking grimace half annoyed, his eyes gray darkening as he stroked his chest glance almost naked. - I thought you were trying to make me jealous. As she threw him a startled look, he explained tenderly : Page 105   - You know how I feel about you, Kelly, you are not blind ... Obviously, in you I wish overrides my rights, is not it? I'm just the one you  pay to help ... - Jake? She hesitated to believe, to accept this crazy hope ... But its face full of passion did not lie, nor his body pressed against his. - Do not play me, Kelly ... the he begged in a voice hoarse with emotion. He no longer needs to be a misunderstanding, this time. I want you, Kelly ... - And I want to be you, Jake, confessed the young woman in one breath, while she stroked his face with his fingers trembling. She still needed to be reassured, to convince themselves that everything was true. Suddenly she added: - But before he even I have to tell you something. She wanted to tell him about Colin, explain what had made so suspicious, so bitter. Now she laughed it has no money, she laughed at how he made his living. The only thing that mattered was that they are together; it was what they felt for each other, she said  passion. While it warned that it would be folly to turn the  back on the possibility of happiness for a matter of esteem clean money. What does it matter if she was rich and he  poor? What did it matter what others might think? The intense happiness that suddenly exploded in her was proof she was right. - You will tell me later, Kelly ... whispered it to her ear. For now ... there is a much better way to understand. Page 106   He lifted her in his arms, and she clung to his neck, heart pounding when he opened the door of their room. There, without ask, he leaned over to kiss her. She answered his kiss with a fervor that made her tremble. Then slowly he gave up without letting go, their bodies close molded against one another. - Kelly ... She let him unfold the towel that covered, defeating awkwardly buttons of his shirt, unable to eyes off her brown skin, his manly chest. As soon as he  put his hands cupped her breasts she arched against him,  burning with desire. Kisses she kept on her sowing throat, on his shoulders drew from him moans fun. Their hands seemed to want to devour their bodies, they if desired with a fever and a passion that reached nearly a climax. - You drive me mad, Kelly ... Jake whispered a voice strangled. He lifted her back into his arms for the deposit on the  bed, trapping it between his lips the tip of a hardened breast. Kelly stifled a sob of happiness. A brief moment, she started feeling on her bare skin fresh night air. But Jake soon came the cover of its heat and had the certainty that what existed between them had nothing to do with the humiliation he had suffered Colin. They still stroked a long time, feverish, frantic fun. Kelly felt swelling in her the primitive need, secular, with a total union of their flesh. Jake took her face hands, caressed gently rubbed his lips against hers until she moaned with desire. So she had vague impression to feel a strange pain but it does not protested. She wanted Jake's body is based in it, nothing else did not count now. Also, when she felt him stiffen and depart from her, she felt Page 107   sudden sinking into a bottomless pit; being a new Once rejected, cruelly. Jake stepped aside to light the lamp  bedside. - Kelly, look at me. She shuddered as the harshness of his voice. - Kelly! - No! I beg you, I ... Wrenching sobs interrupted him, burning his throat. - Kelly, for heaven's sake! She curled on his suffering, his humiliation,  but he insisted: - Why did not you tell me? It was useless to feign surprise or misunderstanding ... - I tried, she whispered faintly, but you do not have listen to me. - Will you finally explain? - You explain it? if she bristled suddenly terribly  bitter. My husband married me only for my money? The night of our wedding he tried to rape me and that he was unable to happen, because he did not really want me? He left take comfort in the arms of his girlfriend and that way there was killed in a car? Amusing, is not it? She laughed nervously, a shrill laugh until Jake forced him to stop shaking by the shoulders, then  putting his lips on her mouth. She struggled furiously, still trying to dismiss it as he had rejected a moment ago. At least in his eyes ... Page 108   - Do you think I have to make love to me, she cried at last. I will pay you anyway! - You deserve spanking! he muttered, his eyes anger. I do not think I have  to make love to you; it  be, simply. He changed his tone. He then added very slowly, as if he wanted every word becomes embedded in it: - I'm sorry this happened to you Colin, and that Finally enlightens me on a lot of things that I could not to understand. But I'm not Colin Kelly, and you can not spend the rest of your life to punish thyself because a man, once, did not tell you desired. I want you madly. If I have not owned you just now, it is because your virginity me completely baffled. - You'd probably I have more experience! not refrain from throwing the young woman. I corresponds not likely to ... He uttered an expletive so rude she was silent, aback. She stared at him, wondering if he still played her. But she loved him, she still loved him, and his body claimed. - For me, 'he said, virginity is more a state of mind a physical reality. For now, I mostly feel the  pity. Not for you, no! hurried there to say. For Colin, who was foolish enough to give you up. And no, I'm to lie to you. What I feel especially at this time, it is a immense desire for you ... But I do not want to compel anything, Kelly. I want you to me, and God knows how the point, but I also want you to want me. I want you to experienced pleasure in my arms, not just you me give. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you? Kelly mouth was dry. She wanted him to force, her to make the decision. At the same time it recognized Page 109   he was right: it alone can and should decide to give him. The fact that he has the strength, delicacy do anything to him impose further increased her love for him. - I ... I want you, Jake, she stammered.  No sentence had never appeared more difficult to him  pronounce. The silence that followed seemed intolerable. Had he made fun of her? Suddenly a wave of panic, terror unnamed invaded. But he reassured her, murmuring with a  boundless relief: - My, Kelly ... I thought you'd never get to say those words ... Who made the first move? Kelly would tell. Simply she found herself in his arms, Jake in his mouth hair over her wet cheeks, his thumb stroking sensually her swollen lips, and she realized that This time while it would be wonderful. Page 110   8.   Dawn was breaking when Kelly awoke. What happiness Jake felt tight against her, one arm on his chest as to retain! She felt totally relaxed, floating in a sweet torpor, an aura of sensuality  pussy. She smiled, moved at the memory of what they had shared. At this time Jake moved into a doze. Then, eyes closed, he still drew closer to him and gave himself up to his caresses. When she awoke the second time, much later, she was alone. She immediately went to the bathroom where even floated the spicy scent of Jake toilet water. Why had he left without warning? They had to talk to  present. She loved him and would not let this unique chance to be happy. What would be his fortune if she was separated from the one in the world who could give him taste for life? She wanted only one thing: love Jake. She still did not know if he loved her, but she wanted to tell him she wanted to share everything with him. Without hypocrisy, without ridiculous prejudices. While she joined Sue and Jeremy who took their Breakfast on the patio, she marveled change a few hours could make in a lifetime. She felt transformed. His body itself shone with happiness. - Hello, Kelly! Sue threw in a strained voice, the spirit obviously forced. Have you had a good time? - Otherwise it would be difficult! grumbled Jeremy. Two billionaires by itself ... Others content to less! Page 111   - Two billionaires? exclaimed in chorus young women, bewildered. Jeremy deliberately ignored his wife to turn to Kelly, a sickening smirk on his lips. - You mean you did not know? - Know what? replied the young woman, horripilée  by his ride. The phone rang, and Sue got up in a hurry. - This is probably my father, she explained. He had to call. In fact, Kelly, Jake told me to tell you he had to do in town and that he would return soon. She walked away without a glance at her husband. Kelly wondered if they had played the day before. - So you know nothing ... Jeremy continued with undisguised glee. I thought so. He had you well, not right? The little blonde knew what to expect, she! - Will you finally explain clearly? Kelly cut a tone sec. - Well, she immediately recognized Jake, is not it ? I did my little investigation. Imagine that your bodyguard is a billionaire businessman, head of multinational established around the world! When you were visited the agency and that you took it for an employee, had a lot of fun ... Kelly stiffened. It did not she fainted. It was certainly not lose face this heinous that Jeremy only waiting for its collapse. - It was he who told you this? she asked in a voice carefully controlled. Page 112   Ice hand encircled his heart. Terrible cold had invaded. Inwardly, she trembled. But it was out question to leave to see his disorder Jeremy. - How could I learn otherwise? retorted t- it. Oh, how he had to laugh behind your back! When I think of you had "rented" to keep me away! Such is the biter take, Kelly ... you're madly fallen in love with him, is not right? he added with a savage sneer. You let shoot your famous defenses? You made love to him? Really, it is fun of you! Kelly was on the verge of nausea. This could not be true! Jake ... Jake billionaire deliberately deceiving the  pushing to love ... And yet Jeremy could not invent all these details! He had to whether Jake's has him revealed! Why? Why? - What effect does it make you to be trapped, beautiful lady? Jeremy insisted that infamy seemed limitless. Tone lovers will experience the glory in her dinners in town, telling the trick he managed to play you! With all his strength, Kelly tried to repel these words Cruel - who were only too true. As in a fog, she relived the scene where she saw Jake for the first time and some details blinded: its surprise when she had made his request, his manners, his clothes so little suited to the role he was supposed to make ... A Several times she had an intuition that something was not "normal." But why, why had he played this comedy? Her heart sank when she thought of how she had confided, left completely to him. How she had him Colin spoke of how she had shuddered and trembled with happiness in his arms, carried in seventh heaven when he had him revealed the fullness of her femininity ... These memories the Page 113   stabbed deep within herself. Experience Colin should serve as a lesson, right? Why was different from other women? Why was unable to dissociate the mere physical pleasure feelings? Of his heart and his head? She had loved Jake. She was ready to share everything with him. And he, he, he ... Jeremy interrupted his thoughts. - You should have done better you stick with me! he blurted, triumphant. - You forget a detail, coolly cut the young woman. You es the husband of Sue! She turned on her heel. By the time she was about to enter in the villa, Sue went out and drawn. - I go, Sue, she once declared. I count take the first plane to London. - More ... Jake? stammered her friend. Kelly let out a bitter laugh. - Him? What? - Oh, Kelly! If you've played, I'm sure things will work out. Wait at least he comes! insisted Sue. - No, Kelly replied in a firm tone, icy that hid the  bubbling emotions, excruciating burning his  pain. She could not quite believe what was happening. Less than an hour later, after the shortened farewell to Benson, she was en route to the airport. She was lucky to get a place on a plane ready to take off. While waiting for departure in the room Page 114    boarding, she tried not to think. Was it actually the previous night she had slept in the arms Jake is convinced to have found "his place"? She had was crazy, crazy ... like Jeremy had had to happy, learning the truth! And Jake? He had decided deliberately to "run" at one point, where things were they chained themselves? His flight was called and she was heading an automatic no towards the door when suddenly she froze: her rival was there, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, his face still perfect also beaming. And standing over her, Jake Kelly had ... like living a few seconds of agony. Provided that " he  "did not see it, provided that" it   "does not see what state she was! Finally safe in his chair, she looked around the rows of seats. Fortunately the blonde was not in his field of vision. Jake had said to his friends in the morning? He had to get into town? He did not say it was for accompanied his girlfriend to the airport. Anyway, thought young woman with bitterness, he had ignored so much ... In particular, he had never told him he loved her, while she, poor crazy, thought he was already bound to it for life! She blushed violently remembering their embrace, their caresses, she had been naive enough to believe Unique ... Would he laugh with his girlfriend? He would laugh with it all the fears and frailties that Kelly had him so imprudently revealed? She felt to curl up in pain. Fleeing reality in reading a magazine, she tried to convinced that it was all just a nightmare. What arriving in London she would wake up and discover that Jake never existed. Page 115   - Kelly, have you seen this letter? The woman frowned at the document his assistant and friend put under his nose, apparently excited. She took a quick glance, bristling a little this reading. - Is not that fantastic? continued Maisie. I would never dreamed of such an offer. The Carew group you you imagine? One of the multinationals more fabulous! - Mmmmm ... Kelly was almost as impressed as his assistant  but since his return from Corfu she could no longer take his job really to heart, as before. - The President wants to see me to discuss a contract? she whispered. I wonder why they chose us, us! - Perhaps because of the article on the agency in the weekly press? Maisie suggested. Kelly gave him a pensive look. - It is possible ... But I doubt that a man in the head a large group is impressed by what he reads in a color supplement! I need to talk to Ian. This contract may flatter the pride of some members of my board, but I'm afraid we will commit ourselves lots of fresh wasted. Why do are they for not rather a large American agency? Two hours later, she asked the same question to Ian at Restaurant Ritz. - Kelly, you really get too suspicious! replied her tax advisor with a laugh. Did you-t Page 116   we never said that it is dangerous to deny the benefits of gods? Remember that we are in a time of crisis. Your order book is full for the coming months,  but then what? - I do not understand, insisted Kelly - knowing that was right. I thought it was an American company, or they ask me to come to their offices in Edinburgh, Scotland! - Just because they have huge interests in oil refineries located in this region, explained Ian mockingly. Heck, Kelly, you are a true St. Thomas! What distrust! This contract can be an opportunity fantastic for the agency. I wonder what happens to you, for some time. You've changed. - I'm getting old ... bitterly replied the young woman. Despite the interrogator and Ian friendly look, she had no desire to confide in him. Yes, she had changed. Yes she had lost his confidence and was dedicated as much to his work. But his grief was too cruel, too personal to be shared, even with a friend. - You age? Ian replied, gently mocking. I do not myself had not realized! I have always found you very  beautiful, Kelly, but lately your beauty is like softened. You have become more ... feminine. - We are here to talk about Carew! sliced roundly the young woman. And do not think you have me flatter, Ian, you definitely do not risk losing  portfolio of the company. He blushed at the insult, clearly hurt and Kelly in would hardness. But as she could not apologize talk to him about what had made him so vulnerable, so aggressive, she preferred to remain silent and simply asked him more questions Carew on society. It was a very influential group in Page 117   the field of petrochemicals, worldwide. President and founder, Sir Richard Carew was a very quiet man which avoided any publicity about his private life. Graduate Cambridge, he had built his labor to empire and toughness. - It is a leading figure, Kelly, Ian concludes. I hope you appreciate the honor that you actually you receiving personally! He wants to take care of everything, even if we say more that his son will soon take its on. That's it - the son - which modernized the group and he has allowed to make his breakthrough in the petrochemical industry. A week later, Kelly landed in Edinburgh, stomach tight. A company car with driver waiting at the airport. It was soon filed the imposing building of Carew group and made an effort to suppress his nervousness. A receptionist charming invited him to sit a moment while she pressed a sound button intercom. It was a brief conversation, then announced to Kelly: - If you'll take the elevator to the tenth Upstairs, the secretary of Sir Richard will welcome you. While she was at the directorial level, the young woman could not help checking one last time look in the mirror. Ian was right, she really was changed in Corfu. First she had been cut hair. Not very short, but mid-length so that they Loosely framed her face with regular features. It was a tailor in different shades of pink, too much less severe than she liked before. She had decided that his misadventure with Jake would change nothing in his life but, unknown to her, she became much more feminine, less strict. At the bottom of herself she knew he was responsible for this "softening" of his Page 118    personality, yet she refused to admit it openly. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Kelly entered in a lobby with sumptuously understated elegance; everything was decorated in shades of blue and gray. A young woman with impeccable manners approached her. - Mr. Carew will be yours in a second, she said. Do you want a cup of coffee while waiting for? Kelly accepted without really wanting. She felt so nervous! What happened to him was amazing: she never had feared a business service to date. Certainly this contract was very important. The silence that surrounded still impressed, by growing tension. Suddenly a door opened, and she gasped as she would have been yet expected. The man who came to meet him was clothed a dark gray suit with lighter stripes, a shirt silk and a matching tie. Her dark hair curled lightly on the collar of his impeccably cut jacket. The heart racing, Kelly articulated painfully as hypnotized: - Jake! ! ! She managed with difficulty to get up from his chair and continued fix incredulously petrified. - You seem surprised? He had dropped the words of a drawl, detached, while the foggy brain of the young woman was turning in vain all possible explanations, without finding answer: what was he doing here? Finally she managed to say in a whisper: - I do not understand you here, Jake, but I can not talk to you now. Page 119   - You have an appointment with Sir Richard for a contract advertising, I know, he said calmly. But my father  just asked to have you in his place. He was unexpectedly summoned by the Minister of Defence. - Your father? Kelly repeated in a dying voice. Your father would be ... - Sir Richard Carew, yes. My name is Jake Fielding Carew. Ah, here Helen with your coffee. Ms. Langdon will take into my office, Helen, he added in a polite tone of authority. You can bring me one too. Kelly dreamed not so! Jake took her elbow and guided firmly toward the half-open door of his office. The room was functional, tastefully furnished. And Kelly noticed the Helen watched how his "boss" that not only she admired him, but that she deeply respected. She remained speechless, unable to link all events. - What's happening? she asked at last. I had to see Sir Richard Carew in person! - He wanted to see you, I can tell you, but its  program was changed at the last minute as I to explain. I'm afraid of being a party less forgiving my father! added he, fixing his eyes hard, metallic luster. - I do not doubt it! replied the young woman trying desperately to put a damper on frantic beats of his heart. The mere sight of the long brown hands of Jake calmly cross on his blotter, was born in her emotions the most tumultuous. These hands that had so ardently caressed, owned ... She pulled herself together, narrowed bitterly mouth.   Page 120   - How could you deceive me so shamefully? she threw. Let me think as long as you ... - That I was a "company man" for rent? terminator he in his place, with an acid irony. Believe me, Kelly ... You can not regret it as cruelly as I regret it! - It is useless to prolong this discussion, Kelly said a shaky voice, clutching her purse for from. I really do not understand why you have engineered this appointment. For it is you who arranged, Is not it? - Indeed, Jake answered a brief tone. And I confess I am the first surprised. - Do not you think that's enough? exclaimed the young woman. Horrified, she felt her emotions control him escape. She had to leave the office, she will evade the influence of this man! She stood, and almost cried out in pain as the fingers Hard Jake closed again violently on his wrist. He  pulled her to him, walked around his desk to join her. - No, it is not enough ... he grumbled, seizing his chin to force her to face him. Nevertheless, it is already very nice to see you've finally joined the human race, Kelly ... Whether you're finally once again a woman. He lightly stroked her hair, and she shuddered, suddenly losing all composure. Jake, Jake so close to her! She could see the shadow of his beard on her cheeks, the smell of her skin. His body was burning  painful to be tight against his, kissed, caressed it ... shook. Beads of sweat beaded on his forehead. Page 121   - Let me go, Jake ... she begged a broken voice. I do not understand why you made me come here ... - Do not get any illusions, Kelly. I do not need a woman to the point of forcing you to join me by force! - I know it! she hissed. The memory of the pretty blonde tight against him at the airport,  just hours after the night of love they had spent together was still burning in his mind. Instantly, the malaise that always took rethinking this kind of stage and triumphant grin Jeremy seized her. - Calm down, Kelly, said Jake releasing it. Now I'll tell you why you are here. He opened a drawer of his desk and pulled out some pictures he placed before the young woman. Clichés represented a sort of manor house. - You probably know very little of my family, Jake replied. My father hates to talk about him. At a time we owned the island of Marne, off the Scottish coast. We lost before the first World War, but later my father was able to redeem it. He promised me that wedding gift mansion. Apparently, he seeks to me  punish not even have made him grandfather, he added, a mischievous smile, as he suddenly decided to make it a conference center and relaxation for executives overworked ... Kelly could not bear any longer the cynicism with which he gazed. - If you come to the point? she interrupted coldly. I do not am not here to listen to the story of your family, Jake! Page 122   - Damn ... he swore softly. When I think I raw ... He clenched his jaw, leaving his sentence unfinished, and returned to her. - So my father had planned to consult a firm advertising to develop the best possible launch of this complex. He asked me if I knew a ... - ... And you recommended me? exclaimed the young woman stunned. - Why not? Jake replied casually. Consider this ... the payment of certain services, if this can make you happy. Kelly became livid. - What does he? threw his companion without friendship. The insults they seem different when you it is you who receive them? Once again the young woman grabbed her bag to get up, scrapie. - Where are you going? - I return to London. - You avoid? I expected better from you, Kelly. If you want my opinion, he added in a softer voice, you fear. Fear of being a woman. Afraid to find that I do am not indifferent. - You are wrong! - Really? So why leave? Your agency has good Results, Kelly, but still not to the point of refusing work! Will think your board if he learns you drop a wondrous contract? I doubt it Page 123   appreciate it! As Ian, he was right ... She nervously ran his tongue over his lips. - I do not claim that this contract does not interest me, she whispered. Simply, I suspect the reason which it was suggested to me not to be very clear ... - Always mistrust, Kelly! The girl swallowed hard, hating stare he supported her. Continue to pretend indifference to him was getting over its forces. She suffered physically not able approach him. At the same time she hated him for having fooled. - Stop living in the past, 'said Jake. Show me you can act "normally". Prove to me that I you'm indifferent ... His voice was oddly inflected said these words. - I go to the island by plane tomorrow. I want you come with me. My father wants to do everything in the most road quickly as possible. He paused at the look of Kelly. - For Heaven's Sake! he growled. Do you believe that this easier for me? Do you think I do not have a heart, me too? She could not reply. If she accused him of being cruel and insensitive for having behaved as he had done the same Suddenly she would reveal his love. But she could not. - Your feelings do not concern me, Jake she finally declare suddenly raised his head defiantly. And if I have accept this agreement to convince you, well I   Page 124   accept it! Page 125   9.   The fog that greeted the young woman waking This stuck to the windows of the small plane. Kelly watched staring before her. She had no intention of showing Jake how she was afraid! If she had had a little common sense, she would have refused this getaway with her. But his pride had been the strong as ever. When he had gone to take his hotel that morning, the ironic look he had thrown acted on it as a goad. Edinburgh should be somewhere below them. They were heading north where is. Jake had taken place by the driver, and the young woman could observe at ease. The thought that he had lied to him tore the heart. And he was not even felt compelled him apologize! She kept wondering. Why had he recommended to his father? Was it a particular way diverted to make amends, or reasoning was it more subtle? Had he guessed what she felt for him? In that case, why seek to further increase its suffering? And why, initially, he had decided to be impersonate an employee of the agency to which she had believed go to? Why leave that he had not money? Finally, why he was her lover when he was obviously someone else in his life? - All is well? He had suddenly returned, taking her by surprise. The strange malaise pervading Kelly smiled when he was any case a response to a question she refused to ask! Page 126   If she had accepted this trip, it was simply because she still loved him. - Kelly, all right? His insistence, slightly worried tone of voice grave gave him a moment the illusion that he was interested really it. But she quickly drove the idea, highly unlikely. - All right, she replied in a tone altered. How long this flight will last? - About twenty minutes. The mist may we delayed a bit. - Give me some details on this island, added Kelly tempting to take a purely professional attitude. How did it come in the heritage of your family originally? - It was given by King George in one of my Scottish ancestors, in recognition of his loyal services. The main building was built when Queen Mary returned from France, where his architecture both Scottish and French, numerous turrets and other style effects Renaissance. At the time, the Scots were considered more refined than their English neighbors. By performing restoration, there are about ten years, we have discovered documents relating to furniture and decoration of the castle: tapestries, furniture, etc. This represented a real property, amazing for a small Scottish lord. But It is said that he was one of the favorites of Mary Stuart ... By Eventually he married a rich French heiress, and her son gave  birth to the English branch of the family. - It must be wonderful to be able to go so far in the history of his ancestors! exclaimed Kelly. Fascinated by this story, she had forgotten to once Page 127   stand on guard. Unbeknown to him, she had left her face relax, light up; she became a little girl sentimental, loving beautiful romantic stories. It Jake begged to continue his explanation. - My dad would be better to talk about this, he answered. Our family tree is his hobby favorite, he spends his leisure. In truth, I think it helped him after the death of my mother. They were very close on the other. Kelly felt tears well up in her eyes. Jake took Suddenly a harsh expression, closed, as if the excluded voluntarily from a domain that it was strictly private. - When he criticizes me for not yet having given him grandchildren, he replied yet, I remind him that he not married at thirty largely passed. The couple formed my parents was one of the few happy couples. We say having had parents who got along well increases chances of making oneself a happy marriage. Perhaps because it makes more demanding, more selective ... The young woman did not know what to say. Was he trying to make him understand half the words she did not meet the requirements? She forced herself to look at the calmly and to shoot him a tight smile. - Beware anyway! If you wait too long, you may turn you into a horrible old boy! - I do not think there's any danger of that side ... replied softly, evasively. These few words long tormented Kelly. He planned to marry the pretty blonde Corfu? Suddenly the voice of Jake pulled his rantings. - If you lean a little, you can see the island Marne, he said. Page 128   She obeyed, clutching her stomach as she tried to suppress a terrible impression of vertigo. She then noticed a green spot and gray in the cold blue of the sea. shivered, and Jake gave him curtly - Whether he comes again? You do not trust in the pilot? Do not trust anyone is really dramatic, Kelly ... - Perhaps this more cautious, anyway! retorted  bitterly the young woman. She had trusted her to him, and the result was far from satisfactory ... She was even willing to commit fully, to share with him everything she had. What a mockery, when she thought of the importance of his fortune! - If you fear dizzy, 'said Jake, I advise you to close his eyes. We're going to land, and the land is tiny. But do not torment yourself, this type of aircraft is capable of lay on a handkerchief. Before executing it still took a last glance out the window and had a first glimpse of the castle. He was not as severe as had imagined, quite the contrary. Crowned by a ray of sunlight that pierced the clouds, it was a real lace stone. Turrets gave him an air of fairytale setting. Once placed on the desert terrain, Jake went out first and waited for help to get off the machine. Simple touch of his fingers on his elbow electrified Kelly, who had soon feel his blood boiling in his veins. - OK, John! Take us back this afternoon to four, Jake just said to the pilot. Turning to Kelly, he explained: - We will have time to see everything. There is a Land-Rover Page 129   there, in the hangar. Follow me. As they walked away, the woman heard the little airplane taking off. She looked around her. - Where are the people of the island? she asked her companion who slid the heavy door of a building stone. - Who are you talking about? he retorted by throwing a kick sardonic eye. Marne is uninhabited for a long time. "The people of the island", in this case, it's you and me - and we are here! - You mean we're alone? - My God! What shocked look you take! if he laughed. Would you be less comfortable here than Corfu, Kelly? Before she could answer he was gone in and earning quite damaged-Land Rover. While coming out, it stated: - There's nobody here for twenty years. The island is too small to allow families to live decently from  breeding. Not long ago there was still some farmers, but few little children are gone, and the elderly have off. That's why my father so much in its hotel idea luxury. You can create a splendid golf, fishing at sea or in loch located inside hunt birds ... Someone comes once a week to aerate the continent and heat the castle to keep it in good condition, but my father's dream to see inhabited again. Go, go! ordered he opened the passenger door. Kelly obeyed like an automaton. She had no reason to feel nervous about their isolation. It was not as if they were to spend the night! And even in this case, it was convinced of run no danger. Yet she flushed, remembering how she had responded to his Page 130   contact ... Ten minutes later, they entered the castle through the old drawbridge with portcullis was raised. What had been once the court of the dungeon was now a wonderful closed garden, paved ground in places, full of heather and saxifrage. - It was the garden of my mother, said Jake the guarantor Land Rover on the cobblestones. My parents have lived here a few years. Then one of my maternal uncles was killed at sea, later my mother has never wanted to return. - All this had to miss you a lot! Kelly noticed glancing marveled at this dream. He shrugged indifferently. - At the time, I was living mostly in pension. Then they came to settle in London. We have transferred our head office in Edinburgh there a few years only when the petrochemical industry has developed. First I'll show you the castle, then we will Driving around the island for you to "feel" the atmosphere. - I still do not understand why you have my agency recommended to your father ... murmured the young woman. There are so many other leading firms that mine! - Why? he repeated with violence. Let's see, Kelly! Make  just your imagination! It seems to me that this is not hard to guess! Still as puzzled, she followed him toward a heavy oak door. What did he mean? Was it obvious for him it was a way to apologize for his behavior? Then why did he addressed her with anger or contempt, since they found themselves face to face in his Page 131   Edinburgh office? And it does not explain the tenderness he had shown him when they had loved ... but she preferred not to think of this episode. Maybe she just paved interested as a "strange specimen" in that time if the liberal mores where his reserve seemed from another era ... The wind slammed the door. Kelly jumped and found it was alone in the courtyard. She gathered her wits: she was there to work, not to daydream. On not decided, it  joined his guide. As they stood a moment Later in a beautiful wood-paneled library boards, Kelly approached the tall windows overlooking a French garden protected by imposing walls. - Without these walls against wind, Jake explained nothing  push. The climate is pretty rough. In this regard, I think we would do well to visit the island immediately. The fog falls. He was right. The gray sky seemed lower and lower, and Kelly shivered despite the warm stillness of the room. - This way! Jake told, taking her by the arm to the result to another door. Kelly's heart began to beat faster, but Jake seemed not to notice. He led her through old disused stables. - These stone buildings are very healthy, he explained. My father began with the idea that they could be transformed into guest houses ... - You do not seem unenthusiastic! Kelly remarked. - Let's say I was accustomed me to think that this place would be my future home ... - It is up to you make it happen! replied the young woman. Get married!   Page 132   - Mmmm ... He gave her a sharp look. - You look a lot like the castle. What diriez- you to take over, with me as a bonus? - I'd love to live here, but without you! brazenly lied the young woman lowering her head to hide the blush that rose to her forehead. His hand trembled on the handle of the door, yet it wanted at all costs to dominate. It was not particularly see how his "joke" had touched. - Why is that? Jake retorted with a violence that the disconcerted. Because I remember you too Colin? His mouth took a bitter twist. - In any case, I can assure you that we do not alike in one respect: if he was reluctant to touch you, I myself burning with desire! He suddenly pulled her against him, his fingers encrusted in the soft flesh of her shoulders. Their lips met. Kelly had the impression that the incandescent wreath ablaze all whole. She put her fingers eagerly for the neck Jake as he kissed her neck, her temples, her eyelids, sensitive lobe of his ears ... They were hungry from each other. For a few seconds it seemed to last an eternity, Kelly forgot everything. She knew he wanted her, too intensely she wanted, and nothing else mattered most. Finally he moved away, taking her chin in one hand. - You want me, Kelly ... he grumbled, voice hoarse. Whatever you have said to Benson, you want of me ... Kelly instantly felt real sick. It Page 133   walked away from Jake. Benson, Benson always! It does not remember telling him such a thing, for having given that Jake did not attract ... In any case the result was obvious boiling Scots took it as a challenge, it was the only reason he had in his arms. To force her to admit she wanted! Men sickened, disgusted with their childish pride ... As soon as they thought themselves with their "manhood" in their ability to seduce, they felt compelled to take up the challenge ... - No, I do not want you! she yelled suddenly, in a scream that tore his throat. And she rushed out of the stable, blindly, without seeing where she was going. After the gardens stretched a kind of heath  bristled brush and rocks. Indifferent to ice fog dipped his velvet trousers and sweater, Kelly continued to run, mad with grief. Behind her echoed calls Jake, but her voice was so angry that it only increased his desire to flee even further from him. Suddenly the ground began to rise. Surprise, young woman stumbled. His foot caught in a root and fell heavily, gasping. When Jake rejoined, she gasped again. - Are you crazy? he thundered, out of it. You do not know not places and with this fog We do not see a meter! You could kill you! What fly has stung you, just sudden? - I thought it was obvious! Kelly replied. I do not want you touch me! - You have beautiful persist in this ridiculous claim, Your body speaks another language! Jake replied with  brutality. Can you walk up to the castle? I  propose to carry you well, but you still would cry at Rape! Page 134   He sat up, looked around around them. - I think we should give up our tour of the island. The fog thickens every second. - He can land the pilot? inquired the fearfully young woman. The teeth were chattering and trembling in every limb in the shock and cold. - Why? You are afraid to be alone with me? - Not at all! Kelly snapped. Simply, I warned the agency I came home this evening in London! - No problem, Jake assured. If John can not ask it We will send a radio message, and I will ask him to transmit another in your office. Kelly's body was broken by his fall. She hurt everywhere and had to admit that she could never find her way without the help of Jake. The gray cloth that surrounded them closer and closer to creating a supernatural atmosphere around the castle. When he opened the front door, she shivered. - You're soaking wet, he observed. If you can wait half an hour, I'll plug the heater water and you take a hot bath. He, at least, had taken precautions: his jacket Leather had protected. He doubted the weather would do? If so, would still have been able to prevent it! - First of all, you are going to drink something, he said in escorting to the library. A fire had been prepared in the fireplace. He knelt to light it. - The man who comes every week still leaves Page 135   fireplace ready to work ... he explained. He waited a few seconds as the flames have taken, and got up and headed for the closet. There, he poured a liquid amber in a heavy crystal glass. - It's whiskey, he told Kelly that darted over him  belligerent look. There is not enough to hurt you if that's what bothers you. But it will cut your chills. The young woman took the glass, exasperated by how Point her hands were shaking. - Stay close to the fire, I do not have for a long time, it is said still heading towards the door. When he had closed, Kelly noticed with amazement that had held his breath the whole time he was with her. She exhaled a long, expelling the same time the tension who tied. But his body was still sore, and tempered pull prevented him from warm to heat flames. Then, with a sudden anxious to look at the closed door, she took off the wet clothes and spread it before the hearth to do dry. She would hear Jake come back and have time to rethread before he arrives, she said. At least it him would enjoy the fire. Gradually, she felt that his blood was recovering in flowing through his veins. Made drowsy by the sight of flames and glass of whiskey, she sat on the floor and leaned against a stool. Jake took longer than it would have thought, she thought again, making themselves hardly aware his eyelids were closing. When he opened the door, she was fast asleep. His skin shone like satin moire in the glow of the flames. It did not move at his approach. The hard face softened Jake contemplating it. He crouched beside her, uttered Gently his name, his current fingers lightly along his back. Page 136   Kelly opened her eyes. It was too much to move. She had just a dream so beautiful, so sweet ... She was in Jake arm and ... Suddenly she pulled herself together; she was actually in his arms, her head resting against his chest! Her sweater! She tried a move to catch it, but it held her. - Do not say anything ... he whispered. Do not ruin this moment, Kelly. She felt that he lowered his head and soon perceived the caress his lips on her neck, down her back ... Immediately the sensations in Corfu came back to him in droves. It trembling, while trying to escape, to tear the emotions that engluaient, paralyzing her, but it was too late. Once again his body had betrayed her, had succumbed to the charms of love. She submitted without a word to his caresses, intoxicated by the pleasure of feeling his fingers on his  bare skin. - God knows how long I waited for this moment ... Jake muttered. And you also dreamed, Kelly, despite your efforts to deny ... She certainly had no desire to contradict, especially when he defeated his own shirt and authority placed in the hands fine young woman on his chest ... They found instinctive gestures, kisses, caresses of Corfu. Their bodies recognized, were called Kelly had ... feel burning fever, shaking from head to feet. And then, suddenly, she advised that it was Jake trembled, his gray eyes dark with passion. This discovery pushed his pleasure, his desire to climax. It was hungry, thirsty, intensely, the man she loved. The As he was fulfill his innermost desire, the most  burning, murmuring against her neck, "I'm not Colin Kelly ... ", a motor hum was heard. Jake suddenly sat up, lifting his head, then looked at his Page 137   watch and swore. - Damn! It was John! Kelly pulled away from him. The spell of this magic moment was  broken. She hastened to put his sweater already stirring dark thoughts. Jake had to realize, as he repeated in a strained voice: - You still want me, Kelly! She could retort that he, too, wanted her, but she knew that the desire is not a proof of love for men, while it is one for women ... The worst she noticed finishing getting dressed, it was between its arms she laughed completely he lied, whether he ridiculed ... The ease with which his pride and esteem own yielded before any short love the shocked and terrified. Page 138   10.   - Okay, there were too foggy for you able to see the island ... But could you not go back, Kelly? We are seriously starting to get worried, both about you and to society. The situation is not good. In times of crisis, people tend to delete first instead spending so-called "prestige". Advertising and  public relations for example. Kelly stared Alan Cormont, one of its oldest and most faithful administrators, disbelieving eyes. Why do it Had he said anything before he left for Edinburgh? And Table could not be so black he painted it! He continued: - I admit that we were wrong not to warn you earlier, Kelly. We did not want to worry about. But Four contracts were terminated last month - three during your stay in Corfu. The young woman snatches criticism that this remark involved. - I had not taken a vacation in two years, Alan! And you should have in fact make me aware of the situation. He I think that now the only decision to be made is a meeting of the Board of Directors in full force for  back on track! - If it can still be rectified ... Alan sighed, air serious. I would not play doomsayers, Kelly, but the coming period will really looks very good. The only consolation, if we can say is that all world is roughly at the same point. He stopped to watch. Page 139   - For some time you are no longer yourself, Kelly.  Nothing serious, I hope? If he knew! bitterly thought the young woman. She had Edinburgh left when the small plane that brought them Marne made landfall. After a journey made in a icy silence that had left him too long to To think ... ask again what had owned in the mansion library and especially what Jake had to think of his conduct ... They were separated on very briefly, purely conventional. Since returning to London, his heart was trapped in a wall of silence. And now Alan him This reproached for not having done everything possible to win this contract! The problem was that the future of the agency was not his only reason to exist. He was passed second place for her ... Migraine who surreptitiously watched from the morning declared after lunch - a sandwich swallowed speed Office and accompanied by a simple coffee. Driven by a sudden  pulse, Kelly grabbed her bag and records and decided that it torment is as effectively at home. It crossed Bond Street when she felt a hand on his shoulder. She quickly away, thinking of a  pickpocket interested in his bag, and she discovered with stupor ... smiling and malicious face of pretty blonde Corfu. - I was sure it was you! cried thereof with  by train. I hope you do not want me to have you addressed as well. Perhaps you do not remember me ... An evening in Corfu ... - If I remember well, Kelly replied, mouth dry, lips trembling. You ... you were picked Jake ... to talk to him. Page 140   - Yes, and he bombarded me with all his problems! clarified the girl with a mischievous smile. Would you have the time to make a cup of tea with me? In fact, I name is Lyn! I know all about your trip to Edinburgh, uncle Richard told me. But I'm dying to know how it ended. You do not find me too indiscreet, I hope? It was I who persuaded Jake to not drop. I was so sure you will love! A woman always best guess these things, is not it? When Uncle Richard wrote me to tell me that Jake had decided to make you come to Edinburgh, I was ecstatic. Oh, but I speak, I speak ... Suddenly she stopped, puzzled and annoyed at the rigid attitude of Kelly, whose face was livid. - What did you? if she cried, alarmed. Have I done or said something bad? I am not mistaken, at least? I was so sure ... - I think a cup of tea would be welcome, articulated Finally Kelly was desperately trying to put some order in his brain ravaged. They settled in a small cafe a little apart, wonderfully quiet after lunch rush. Kelly wondered if she was going crazy. - If we resume the very beginning? she suggested after spending their order. So I have to Corfu with Jake. I then thought that you and him ... - Jake and me? Lyn cut, bewildered. Oh I understand why you have pushed back now! No ... Jake almost an older brother to me. His father is my godfather. He has always wonderful when I got into trouble, penalties of heart ... And I, every time I met him, I teased by asking him if he had found "the One." There are two or three months, he replied in the affirmative.   Page 141   She looked at Kelly's eyes. - He told me how you met. Are not not angry, he committed no indiscretion! It was I who insisted until he confessed to me. If he did not tell you undeceived immediately on his identity is partly because he has seen too many women courting because of his fortune, on the other hand ... because he realized suddenly, in Within a flash, as if he told the truth he might do never see you again. He even added that it was the reaction most impulsive he ever had in his life! The real shot Lightning! She laughed. - Poor Jake! If he had known what awaited! In Corfu, I I asked him to introduce us to each other. He refused, saying he did not want to scare you ... and anyway you do not respond to her feelings. I did everything for  persuade to insist, but he was terrified by imagining your reaction when you would learn his true identity. From Back in England, I phoned him to hear from you news; he said in a tone that brooked no question that was it. Once again, I told him he was crazy to let you go. Am I wrong? - Yes and no ... Kelly murmured with a tight smile. But Are you really sure he ... - That he loves you? Lyn looked up to heaven in a laugh. - There is absolutely no doubt! But it is a little overwhelmed, poor dear. I must say it had never made much effort in the area sentimental, before you! - When he told you the scene of the agency, asked slowly Kelly, was there anyone else with you? Page 142   - Someone else? Lyn repeated, frowning.  No ... Apart from the other guests, of course. Why? Won by the spontaneity of the girl, Kelly risked tell him what had so tormented. - A friend of mine claimed that Jake had told him everything in making fun of the way he had me fooled ... - It is absolutely impossible! exclaimed with Lyn outburst. I know Jake. He would never do something none. This can sometimes be a little touchy, but is never cruel or wicked. It is too manly for this. It has had to explain it to you, right? - I left Corfu on the same plane as you. I have you views with him at the airport. - Oh no, that's too bad! exclaimed the girl. Yet you love, is not it? - Yes, I like it ... Kelly admitted shakily. But all seemed lost ... She sighed. So Jake loved ... The only explanation  possible, in this case, had Jeremy. He must have surprised their conversation and then arrange the story in his own way. But after? Why Jake had he not tried to reach her? Why had it taken so long to look at again? Therefore, in Edinburgh, had he been so bitter, so brutal? There is had in it something she could not clear up. But she suspected that someone could help see more clear. Biting her lip, she asked a companion: - Will you allow me to leave you? I have to see someone. - And Jake? Lyn insisted. - Well ... Page 143   - He arrives tomorrow in London. It has a duplex in Hartland new complex. I had dinner with him, but I an impediment and ... - I have to go, and cut Kelly. Thank you. ... Thank you for having me said. - It would kill me if he found out, said the girl with a grin, but I do not understand that you do not have any explained himself. - Maybe he has stopped loving me ... Kelly whispered a choked voice. Lyn shook her head vigorously. - Impossible! He loves you for good. And as I know, that's his whole life! It's like that ... added-t it. When Secretary Jeremy spent his line, Kelly shuddered hearing the mellifluous voice of his and satisfied correspondent. - Kelly! Is Sue called you? It is again  pregnant, and this time the doctor assured him that everything would if she relaxed a little. I spend the week in London to give him some air. - Goujat ... Kelly muttered softly, before resuming in a firm voice: I must see you, Jeremy. I have some something to ask you. - Not possible! I had come to believe that you would come there ever! The young woman had to bite the bullet not to explode  before his insufferable vanity. - Your place or mine? Jeremy whispered. Page 144   - What would you say rather Savoy Bar? Kelly suggested. As expected, he jumped at the chance to travel in a prestigious location. But he could not refrain from suggesting it could invite to the agency fee ... - Listen, Jeremy! You want to see me or not? - I want to, of course! Seven in ten. Kelly threw a glance irritated at his watch. What then was Jeremy? Five minutes later she saw happen, stop for a second before a mirror to check his allure. As different from Jake as water and fire ... she thought with contempt - and pity for her friend. - Here you are at last! As he leaned toward her with the visible intention kiss, she strongly dismissed. - This is not a tryst, Jeremy ... Returns awhile back, Corfu, if you can. He frowned. Kelly waited until the boy took their orders, then continued dryly: - Do you remember what you told me about Jake, and the how he had deliberately lied to me? - Yes, so what? Kelly looked down at his glass. Her heart was  pounding. So much depended on the bet that it would try now ... - I wonder what thou hast said in my account. She realized immediately that she had hit the mark. Jérémy Page 145   had actually talked to Jake. - Come on, tell! insisted the young woman. When he returned home and discovered my departure has caused you ask questions, right? - Maybe ... tergiversa Jeremy. I had to tell him that we were not your guardians. As for Sue, she was too upset by your whim to tell him anything. - That's why you got charged to declare that he did not interest me, is not it? Kelly suggested, playing all for the whole. Is that correct? A muscle twitched nervously in his plays companion. - He was like crazy! he growled suddenly. He wanted know at any cost what had happened, what we have said to you. I simply answered that we were there for nothing ... - And you told him the small stage that preceded my departure? Your gentle insinuations? The expression of Jeremy was an answer in itself. - I should hate you, Jeremy, but you do not even worth the hardly ... Poor Sue! It really does not deserve to marry a lout, a shabby of your kind! - Bitch! Jeremy grumbled under his breath. So during the  join, you are made to go together! He snapped his glass on the table and stood up, pushing his way out shoving people who stood in his way. "Course join", said Jeremy. Kelly died in envy, but Jake would he still with her? Lyn had she really telling the truth? Would she have the courage to go After this truth? Page 146   There was only one way to find out, she said, rising with determination. It was still necessary that his will not falter on the way ... - Whew! A day over! Maisie sighed. - Mmmm ... merely mumbling Kelly. His assistant gave him a puzzled glance, then began to pack his office. Kelly seemed preoccupied all day, and now it could not hide his excitement. What was happening to him? Never Maisie had seen him so radiant face. - You go out tonight? she slipped a detached tone. - Maybe ... Does this outfit should be? Since his return from office, Kelly had already changed twice. She gazed in its large mirror, puzzled and nervous. Whole of  bright pink silk seemed completely overdressed kick for a visit  No thank you. But it was too late to think about it: Now more eight hours. If it was still delayed, Jake could not  be home. She put on a jacket with a silver gray silk it too, and went down. Once in his taxi, it took all his courage to to give the address to the driver. And when she found at the foot of the building there seemed hostile, too imposing. She entered the elevator, pushed the button the top floor ... At the end of a gray carpet Ocean Clearly a door and a simple gold plate. "Private. "Passing the tongue over his lips parched by anxiety, Kelly rang. An eternity seemed to pass before she heard the noise, scraping a safety chain. She knew a moment  panic. If she was wrong? If Jake did not want the goodbye? Already the door was opening. She saw the back of Jake, Page 147   in bathrobe, which disappeared in the hallway. - Between Lyn! he cried in another room. Late, as usual! Kelly, after a moment of stupor, came in and closed  behind her. She joined the householder in huge living room, decorated with a very masculine taste, where dominated the gray and blue. Busy near the bar, he always had his back. - I thought you were not coming. - Really, Jake? Hearing his voice, he kept on hold for a moment the hand which was to enter a liquor decanter. He stiffened and straightened slowly, then faced him. His face was dark, his eyes indecipherable. - Kelly? - I ... I met Lyn by chance the other day and ... God of heaven! She was going to ruin everything ... Why had she started by that? Jake was heading toward her darker than ever. - I do not know what feeling moved with pity brought you Here, Kelly, but I do not have! You know where to find door? Please, do us the favor to borrow. Kelly almost screaming in pain as the wound words afflicting him. They pierced his heart a thousand daggers. How to ask him if he loved her, while standing in front of her, hostile, such an enemy? She turned away already to leave when a little voice whispered not give up, not being so loose. The rest of his life, his happiness depended. - Jake, she managed to speak calmly, answering a Page 148   issue only. You're welcome. Did you say to someone, at any time, you did me ... love by challenge per game? Obviously, the question surprised him. He stared at her  between his wrinkled eyelids. - Who told you that? he asked finally. Kelly had dry mouth, fear and tension. She would have given anything to be able to run away, but too much things depended on that moment. She had not made such a effort to give up everything at the last second! - The person who is well guarded from you why I left Corfu ... she said. Jeremy made me believe that he had overheard a conversation between Lyn and you. He deceived me, let me hear you were lovers. - Lovers, Lyn and me? Jake replied, shaking his head a incredulously. More ... - Jeremy was great at playing my fears, my feeling of insecurity. He knew how me hurt, she admitted simply. Finally, after a deep breath, she confessed in a  breath - He knew I loved you. Then there was a long silence that Kelly began despair. She had played and lost. Then Jake whispered, gently at first, then almost violently: - You love me  ? The young woman nodded. Page 149   - And I still love you. You could imagine, is not it, seeing how I was responding to your ... caresses? Lump in his throat, she had to make a tremendous effort to get to say those words so important to her. She was determined to not lose his fault this time. Maybe  be it not loved, can be Lyn she was mistaken, but one thing was certain: she would tell him the whole truth. - At the first second I saw you come in this office, Jake then declared gravely and very slow, you made me furious. You pictured for me a dream come true ... and you was there by mistake! Also you hated all men, without exception, it appeared to the least of your words. I confess that I instantly decided not to pass my luck. I already wanted you so much to me! I lied to me saying it would be time to confess the truth later when I have earned your trust ... And then there was Colin, Jeremy, and you could not stop sending me your money and my poverty in Fig. Then, stupidly, I wanted you to love me for this you thought I was. - I loved you so ... Kelly interrupted gently. I tried to fight against my feelings, but I decided to Corfu look truth in the face. I loved you, I wanted to live with you ... I was madly happy. When I got up after our night together, I decided to tell you. But you were not there ... - Why Thee flee in this case? ! - Because Jeremy told me who you were in reality. He told you that you were made fun of my credulity. I was not yet sure of myself enough of you ... it was enough to shake all my certainties, still fragile. I left injured. And I've seen at the airport with Lyn. It seemed so confirm that Jeremy had just told me! Page 150   - Oh, Kelly! I should punish you for having so misjudged! You really love me? He took her face between his hands, peering intensely every feature. - I love you so much ... murmured the young woman. I have so  prayed so hoped you would try to see me for explain, to put everything in order ... - Jeremy told me you never wanted to see me ... Jake explained in turn. I remembered you too Colin. You can imagine the effect of these words on me! Suddenly everything  brightened: you were not given you to me, you were  just wanted to eat your marriage with someone else! I wanted to convince myself that I hated you, that I will hated, but I was lying to myself even. I still managed to "hold" a month to persuade my father to do appeal to you for this project. I thought once only in the island, we finally could just clarify. I could make you understand that it was me that you loved, not a shadow ... - So this is why you seemed so angry! exclaimed the young woman. I thought you were making fun of me, you trying to make me suffer because you guessed my feelings for you. Then, fortunately, I met Lyn in a London street. When she told me that you I loved him, I could not believe it. I went to find Jeremy, suspecting that he had lied to me he was very well have lied to you too. She paused a moment, before adding a voice strangled: - You've never been to me a substitute for Colin, Jake ... Everything I told you about it is true. I have never liked really, but the injuries he had inflicted on me me  prevented for years normally react to a man can give my trust ... up to you. I am Page 151   fell so madly in love with you that nothing I restraint. - What disturbing admission! Jake whispered. She advised suddenly he was still wearing his single  bathrobe, and a gleam she knew shone in his gray eyes. Breathless, she asked softly: - Which means? - This means that for the first time since we I can finally meet you hug without anything whatsoever between us. Can I kiss you like this ... He stopped, suiting the action to the word, touching Gently his lips those of Kelly. - ... Without fear that you think Colin, or worse still Jeremy. I can touch you, caress you ... His voice grew hoarse as he slid his hands under silk of his jacket, he took possession of its size, its chest. - ... Knowing that you love me. He suddenly hugged her against him, kissed with feverish intensity, proving it beyond all words Lyn had said was true. - I love you, Kelly, said he at last. I love you so much that in is painful. You almost destroyed me, with your icy reserve. But I was sure that you were hiding behind this mask a woman vibrant, warm, loving, sensual ... and I was determined to find. While speaking, he slowly undid blouse Kelly. Page 152   - And now that you've found? whispered the young woman, trembling with pleasure and happiness in contact with his fingers. - Now that I found, I will not let more escape before she made me promise to make happy old man just waiting for that. My father knows all of you, thanks to Lyn. He warned me that if I went without you Edinburgh I could make a cross on the island of Marne and the presidency of his company! According to him, if I am unable to force a woman to follow me is that I am not worthy to succeed him ... Anyway, before we get there, it will first giving an armful of grandchildren. Kelly ... he added in a hoarse voice, will you marry me? In response, the young woman stood on tip feet, put her arms around his brown neck and forced him to head down to be able to kiss her. She whispered "yes "Strangled close to his lips and felt his body ablaze against his. So Jake lifted her in his arms and carried  before the fire, like the castle, before turning on her with love and tenderness. - I hope no one will stop us this time ... he murmured, the unsteady voice. - Lyn told me she had an impediment, for tonight! Kelly replied in a laugh. Then again become severe, it caught Jake against him and her whispered with passionate ardor: - Love me, love ... He grabbed his mouth, hungry. Their kiss, violent, hot, put an end to the past and opened the doors of the future.