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Learning Italian Ebook

Learning foreign languages, simple phrases, words and grammar.




Italian I 1. Some Basic Phrases 2. Pronunciation 3. Alphabet 4. Articles and Demonstratives 5. Useful Words 6. Subject Pronouns 7. To Be and to Have 8. Question Words 9. Numbers / Ordinals 10. Days of the Week 11. Months of the Year 12. Seasons 13. Directions 14. Color 15. Time 16. Weather 17. Family and Animals 18. To Know People and Facts 19. Formation of Plural Nouns 20. Possessive Adjectives 21. To Do or Make 22. Work and School 23. Prepositions 24. Prepositional Contractions 25. Countries and Nationalities 26. To / In and From places 27. To Come and to Go 28. Conjugating Regular Verbs 29. Reflexive Verbs 30. Irregularities in Regular Verbs 31. Past Indefinite Tense 32. Irregular Past Participles 33. Essere Verbs 34. Food and Meals 35. Piacere and Servire 36. Fruits, Vegetables, Meats 37. To Take, Eat or Drink 38. Commands 39. More Negatives 40. Holiday Phrases Italian National Anthem Italian II 41. Stare 42. Present Participles 43. Imperfect Tense 44. Places 45. Transportation 46. To Want, to Be Able to, to Have to 47. Asking Questions 48. House and Furniture 49. Comparative and Superlative 50. Irregular Forms 51. Clothing 52. To Wear 53. Future Tense 54. Preceding Adjectives 55. Adjectives: Feminine & Plural 56. More Adjectives 57. Position of sempre and anche 58. Sports 59. To Play 60. Nature 61. Object Pronouns 62. Parts of the Body 63. Interrogative Pronouns 64. Relative Pronouns 65. To Read, to Say/Tell, to Laugh 66. Disjunctive Pronouns 67. Ci and Ne 68. Animals 69. Pluperfect 70. Suffixes Italian III 71. Adverbs 72. Passive Voice 73. The Impersonal "Si" 74. Post Office and Bank 75. To Give and to Receive 76. Infinitives followed by Prepositions 77. The Beach 78. To Follow 79. Fare Causative 80. Office / School Supplies 81. Conditional Tenses 82. Parts of a Car / Gas Station 83. To Drive 84. Travelling / Airport 85. Directional Words 86. Use of the Infinitive 87. Subjunctive Mood 88. Uses of the Subjunctive Mood 89. Possessive Pronouns 90. The Farm 91. Historical Past 1. Some Basic Phrases Buongiorno bwon-zhor-no Hello/Good day Buona sera/notte bwoh-nah seh-rah/noht-teh Good evening/night A più tardi ah pyoo tar-dee See you later A domani ah doh-mahn-ee See you tomorrow A presto ah press-to See you soon Arrivederci ah-ree-vuh-dehr-chee Goodbye Per favore pehr fah-voh-reh Please Grazie graht-zee-eh Thank you Prego preh-go You're Welcome Mi dispiace mee dee-spyah-cheh Sorry Mi scusi mee skoo-zee Excuse me Andiamo! on-dee-ah-mo Let's go! Sì/No see/noh Yes/No Come si chiama? koh-meh see kee-ah-mah What is your name? Mi chiamo... mee kee-ah-mo My name is... Signore, Signora, Signorina seen-yoh-reh, seen-yoh-rah, seen-yoh-reen-ah Mister, Misses, Miss Dove abita? doh-veh ah-bee-tah Where do you live? Di dov'è? dee doh-veh Where are you from? Abito negli Stati Uniti. ah-bee-to neh-lyee stah-tee oo-nee-tee I live in the United States. Vengo dagli Stati Uniti. vehn-go dah-lyee stah-tee oo-nee-tee I come from the United States. Come sta? koh-meh stah How are you? Sto bene. stoh beh-neh I am fine. Parla italiano? par-lah ee-tahl-ee-ah-no Do you speak Italian? [Non] parlo... [non] par-lo I [don't] speak... inglese, francese, tedesco, russo, spagnolo een-gleh-zeh, frahn-chez-eh, teh-des-koh, roo-soh, spahn-yoh-loh English, French, German, Russian, Spanish [Non] capisco. [non] kah-pees-koh I [don't] understand. Non so. / Lo so. non soh / low soh I don't know. / I know. Quanti anni ha? kwahn-tee ahn-nee ah How old are you? Ho ______ anni. oh ______ ahn-nee I am _____ years old. Ti amo. tee ah-moh I love you. 2. Pronunciation Italian Letter(s) English Sound a ah e eh i ee o oh u oo ai eye au ow ei ay ia yah ie yeh io yoh iu yoo ua wah ue weh uo woh ui wee ci or ce ch gi or ge zh sci sh sch sk aia ah-yah aio ah-yoh iei ee-yay uio oo-yoh uoi oo-oy ch k h silent r trilled Note: Italian is a very phonetic language, so pronunciation is very easy. Most words are pronounced exactly like they are spelled. 3. Alphabet a ah q koo b bee r ehr-reh c chee s ehs-seh d dee t e eh u oo f v voo eff-eh g zhee teh z dzeh-tah h ahk-kah i ee Foreign Letters l ehl-eh j ee loon-gah m ehm-eh k kahp-pah n ehn-eh w dohp-pyah voo o oh x eeks p pee y ee greh-kah (or) eep-see-lohn 4. Definite and Indefinite Articles and Demonstratives Definite Article - The Masculine il eel sing., before consonants Feminine la lah sing., before consonants lo low sing., before z, gn, or s + cons. l' l sing., before vowels i ee plural, before consonants l' l sing., before vowels le leh plural, before consonants and vowels gli lyee plural, before vowels, z, gn, or s + cons. Indefinite Articles - A, an, some Masculine A, An Feminine un oon before consonant or vowel una oonah before consonants uno oon-oh before z, gn, or s + consonant un' oon before vowels dei day before consonants degli dehlyee before vowels, z, gn, or s + cons. Some delle dell-eh before vowels and consonants Demonstratives - This, that, these, and those This and these This These Masc. questo questi quest' Fem. questi before a consonant before a vowel questa queste before a consonant quest' queste before a vowel That and those That Those Masc. quel Fem. quei before a consonant quell' quegli before a vowel quello quegli before z, gn, or s + consonant quella quelle before a consonant quell' quelle before a vowel Note: If you use that and those as a subject, use these four forms: quello for masculine singular, quella for feminine singular, quelli for masculine plural, and quelle for feminine plural. 5. Subject Pronouns io ee-oh I noi noy we tu too you (familiar singular) voi you (plural) voy lui, lei lwee/lay he, she, you (polite sing.) loro loh-roh they, you (polite pl.) Note: The Lei form is generally used for you (singular), instead of tu, unless you're referring to kids or animals. Loro can also mean "you," but only in very polite situations. 6. To Be and to Have Essere - to be I am sono soh-noh We are siamo see-ah-moh You are sei siete He/she/it is è say You are eh They are sono see-eh-teh soh-noh Note: You do not have to use the subject pronouns as the different conjugations imply the subject. Past and Future of Essere I was ero we were eravamo you were eri you were eravate I will be sarò we will be saremo you will be sarai you will be sarete he/she/it is era they were erano he/she/it will be sarà they will be saranno Avere - to have I have ho oh You have hai eye You have He/she has ha ah We have abbiamo ahb-bee-ah-mo avete They have hanno ah-veh-teh ahn-noh Past and Future of Avere I had avevo we had avevamo you had avevi you had avevate he/she/it had aveva they had avevano I will have avrò we will have avremo you will have avrai you will have avrete he/she/it will have avrà they will have avranno Avere is used with many idioms and expressions that normally use the verb to be in English: avere fame - to be hungry avere sete - to be thirsty avere caldo - to be warm avere freddo - to be cold avere fretta - to be in a hurry avere paura - to be afraid avere ragione - to be right avere sonno - to be sleepy avere bisogno di - to need avere (number) anni - to be (number) years old 7. Useful Words and e eh or o oh but ma mah while mentre mehn-treh if se seh because perché pehr-kay although benché behn-kay there is C'è cheh there are Ci sono chee soh-noh there was C'era che-rah there were C'erano che-rah-no now adesso, ora ah-deh-so, oh-rah perhaps, maybe forse for-seh then allora ahl-loh-rah here is ecco ehk-koh 8. Question Words Who Chi kee What Che cosa keh koh-sah Why Perché When Quando kwahn-doh Where Dove doh-veh How Come koh-meh How much Quanto pehr-keh kwahn-toh Note: When dove, come, and quale are followed by è (is), dove and come contract to dov'è and com'è; and quale drops its e to become qual è. 9. Numbers / Ordinals 0 zero dzeh-roh 1 uno oo-noh 2 due doo-eh 3 tre treh 4 quattro kwaht-troh 5 cinque cheen-kweh 6 sei say 7 sette seht-teh 8 otto aw-toh 9 nove naw-vay 10 dieci dee-ay-chee 11 undici oon-dee-chee 12 dodici doh-dee-chee 13 tredici treh-dee-chee 14 quattordici kwaht-tohr-dee-chee 15 quindici kween-dee-chee 16 sedici seh-dee-chee 17 diciassette dee-chahs-seht-teh 18 diciotto dee-choht-toh 19 diciannove dee-chahn-noh-veh 20 venti vehn-tee 21 ventuno vehn-too-noh 22 ventidue vehn-tee-doo-eh 30 trenta trehn-tah 40 quaranta kwah-rahn-tah 50 cinquanta cheen-kwahn-tah 60 sessanta sehs-sahn-tah 70 settanta seht-tahn-tah 80 ottanta oh-tahn-tah 90 novanta noh-vahn-tah 100 cento chehn-toh Note: When you have a word that ends in a vowel, like venti, and another word that begins with a vowel, like uno; the first word loses its vowel when putting the two words together. Venti (20) and uno (1) make ventuno (21). One exception is cento; it does not lose its vowel. Cento (100) and uno (1) make centouno (101). And be aware that Italian switches the use of commas and decimals. Ordinal Numbers first primo (a) second secondo (a) third terzo (a) fourth quarto (a) fifth quinto (a) sixth sesto (a) seventh settimo (a) eighth ottavo (a) ninth nono (a) tenth decimo (a) eleventh undicesimo (a) twentieth ventesimo (a) hundredth centesimo (a) From eleventh on, just drop the final vowel of the cardinal number and add -esimo. For numbers like venitrè, trentatrè, add -esimo but do not drop the final e. Ordinal numbers are adjectives and must agree with the nouns they modify; -o is the masculine ending, -a is the feminine ending. 10. Days of the Week Monday lunedì loo-neh-dee Tuesday martedì mahr-teh-dee Wednesday mercoledì mehr-koh-leh-dee Thursday giovedì zhoh-veh-dee Friday venerdì veh-nehr-dee Saturday sabato sah-bah-toh Sunday domenica doh-men-ee-kah Yesterday ieri yer-ee Today oggi ohd-jee Tomorrow domani doh-mahn-ee Day il giorno eel zhor-noh Note: To say on Mondays, on Tuesdays, etc., use il before lunedì through sabato, and la before domenica. 11. Months of the Year January gennaio jehn-nah-yoh February febbraio fehb-brah-yoh March marzo mar-tsoh April aprile ah-pree-leh May maggio mahd-joh June giugno joo-nyoh July luglio loo-lyoh August agosto ah-goh-stoh September settembre October ottobre seht-tehm-breh oht-toh-breh November novembre noh-vehm-breh December dicembre dee-chem-breh Week la settimana lah sett-ee-mah-nah Month il mese eel meh-zeh Year l'anno lahn-noh Note: Days and months are not capitalized. To express the date, use È il (number) (month). May 5th would be È il 5 or cinque maggio. But for the first of the month, use primo instead of 1 or uno. 12. Seasons Summer l'estate leh-stah-teh Fall l'autunno Spring la primavera lah pree-mah-veh-rah Winter l'inverno low-toon-noh leen-vehr-noh Note: To say in the (season), just use in. In estate is in the summer, in primavera is in spring. D'estate and d'inverno can also be used instead of in estate or in inverno. 13. Directions North nord nohrd South sud East est sood est West ovest oh-vest 14. Color white bianco/a yellow giallo/a orange arancione pink rosa red rosso/a light blue azzurro/a dark blue blu green verde brown marrone grey grigio/a black nero/a Note: The first word is the masculine form and the second is the feminine. Ex: Rosso is masculine and rossa is feminine. Color words go after the noun. 15. Time What time is it? Che ora è? / Che ore sono? keh oh-rah eh / keh o-reh soh-noh It's 1:00 È l'una eh loo-nah noon mezzogiornio med-zoh-zhor-noh midnight mezzanotte med-zah-noh-teh 2:00 Sono le due soh-noh leh doo-eh 3:10 Sono le tre e dieci soh-noh leh treh eh dee-ay-chee 4:50 Sono le cinque meno dieci soh-noh leh cheen-kwah meh-noh dee-ay-chee 8:15 Sono le otto e un quarto soh-noh leh awt-toh eh oon kwar-toh 7:45 Sono le otto meno un quarto soh-noh leh aw-toh meh-noh un kwar-toh 1:30 È l'una e mezza eh loo-nah eh med-zah 6:30 Sono le sei e mezzo soh-noh leh say-ee eh med-zoh sharp in punto een poon-toh in the morning di mattina dee maht-teen-ah in the afternoon del pomeriggio dell poh-mehr-ee-zhee-oh in the evening di sera dee seh-rah at night di notte dee noht-teh 16. Weather What's the weather today? Che tempo fa oggi? It's nice Fa bel tempo bad Fa brutto tempo raining Piove snowing Nevica cold Fa freddo cool Fa fresco hot Fa caldo freezing Fa un freddo gelido cloudy È nuvoloso foggy C'è la nebbia sunny C'è il sole windy Tira vento humid È umido muggy È afoso stormy Il tempo è burrascoso thundering Tuona 17. Family and Animals Family la famiglia dog il cane Parents i genitori cat il gatto Mother la madre bird il uccello Father il padre mouse il topo Son il figlio rabbit il coniglio Daughter la figlia horse il cavallo Brother il fratello cow la mucca Sister la sorella donkey l'asino Grandfather il nonno goat Grandmother la nonna sheep la pecora Grandson/nephew il nipote goose l'oca Granddaughter/niece la nipote la capra duck l'anatra Uncle lo zio pig il maiale Aunt la zia hen la gallina Cousin (m) il cugino deer il cervo Cousin (f) la cugina Husband il marito Wife la moglie 18. To Know People and Facts Conoscere-to know, be acquainted with Sapere-to know (facts) conosco conosciamo so sappiamo conosci conoscete sai sapete conosce conoscono sa sanno Note: Conoscere is used when you know people and places. It is conjugated regularly. Sapere is used when you know facts. Sapere followed by an infinitive means to know how. 19. Formation of Plural Nouns If a word is masculine singular, change the last letter to an i. If a word is feminine singular, change the last letter to an e if it ends in a, or if it ends in e, change it to an i. Singular to Plural Nouns Masculine -o -i -a -i -e -i Feminine -a -e -e -i Note: Some nouns ending in -co and -go may or may not insert an h before changing the o to i. There is no gerneral rule for it. All nouns ending in -ca and -ga insert an h before changing the a to e. Nouns ending in an accented vowel do not change for the plural. (la città (city) becomes le città) There are some masculine nouns that end -a, and these nouns change the -a to -i in the plural: il programma, il poeta, il pianete, il pilota, il poema, il sistema. The plural of l'uomo (man) is gli uomini, while the plural of la mano (hand) is le mani. 20. Possessive Adjectives Masc. Sing. Fem. Sing. Masc. Pl. Fem. Pl. my il mio la mia i miei (myeh-ee) le mie your il tuo la tua i tuoi (twoh-ee) le tue his/her il suo la sua i suoi (swoh-ee) le sue our il nostro la nostra i nostri le nostre your il vostro la vostra i vostri le vostre their il loro la loro i loro le loro Note: You may leave off the il and la before family relation words in the singular. All other times, you must use them. Notice that loro does not change. 21. To Do or Make Fare-to do / make faccio fah-cho facciamo fah-chah-moh fai fah-ee fate fa fah fah-teh fanno fahn-noh Idomatic expressions used with fare: fare una domanda - to ask a question fare un viaggio - to take a trip fare un bagno - to take a bath fare una passeggiata - to take a walk fare attenzione - to pay attention fare un piacere - to do a favor fare una conferenza - to give a lecture fare (profession) - to be a (profession) 22. Work and School architect l'architetto teacher (m) il maestro author l'autore teacher (f) la maestra banker il banchiere professor (m) il professore waiter il cameriere professor (f) la professoressa waitress la cameriera hair stylist (m) il parrucchiere saleswoman la commessa hair stylist (f) la parruchiera salesman il commesso secretary (m) il segretario accountant il contabile secretary (f) la segretaria doctor (m) il dottore soldier il soldato doctor (f) la dottoressa journalist il/la giornalista musician il/la musicista office worker (m) l'impiegato barber il barbiere office worker (f) l'impiegata biology la biologia chemistry la chimica economics l'economia philosophy la filosofia physics la fisica geography la geografia foreign languages la lingua straniera mathematics la matematica medicine la medicina accounting la ragioneria history la storia 23. Prepositions per for beside accanto ahead avanti among fra di before prima di against contro over sopra under sotto with con without senza across attraverso after dopo during durante except eccetto toward verso 24. Prepositional Contractions il lo l' la i gli le a at, to da from, by dal dallo dall' dalla dai dagli dalle di of in in nel nello nell' nella nei negli nelle su on sul sullo sull' sulla sui sugli sulle con with al allo all' alla ai agli alle del dello dell' della dei degli delle col collo coll' colla coi cogli colle Note: The only contractions for con that are still used nowadays are col and coi. But even these contractions are optional. 25. Countries and Nationalities l'Australia Australia australiano Australian il Canada Canada canadese Canadian la Cina China cinese Chinese la Francia France francese French la Germania Germany tedesco German l'Inghilterra England inglese English la Gran Bretagna Great Britain britannico British l'Italia Italy italiano Italian il Giappone Japan giapponese Japanese il Messico Mexico messicano Mexican la Russia Russia russo Russian la Spagna Spain spagnolo Spanish gli Stati Uniti United States statunitense American la Svizzera Switzerland svizzero Swiss l'Austria Austria austriaco Austrian la Polonia Poland polacco Polish il Belgio Belgium belga Belgian la Norvegia Norway norvegese Norwegian la Svezia Sweden svedese Swedish la Danimarca Denmark danese Danish i Paesi Bassi Netherlands olandese Dutch la Finlandia Finland finlandese Finlander Note: The adjective americano usually refers to someone living anywhere in the American continent, but many people do use it to mean a person from the United States, instead of statunitense. 26. To and From Places Country (sing) To From in da (+ contraction) Country (plural) negli da (+ contraction) City a da 27. To Come and to Go Venire-to come vengo vehn-goh veniamo ven-ee-ah-moh vieni vee-en-ee venite ven-ee-teh viene vee-en-eh vengono ven-goh-noh Vengo a scuola in macchina. I come to school by car. (It's a scuola instead of alla scuola because it's an idiom.) To make a verb negative, add non before it: Non vengo a scuola in macchina. I don't come to school by car. Andare-to go vado vah-doh andiamo ahn-dee-ah-moh vai vah-ee andate va vah vanno ahn-dah-teh vahn-noh Other verbs conjugated in the same pattern as venire are: avvenire - to happen, to occur convenire - to convene divenire - to become provenire - to come from, to proceed sovvenire - to help svenire - to faint Tenere (to keep) verbs are conjuaged very similarly to venire too, except the voi form ends in -ete instead of -ite: appartenere - to belong contenere - to contain intrattenere - to entertain mantenere - to maintain ottenere - to obtain ritenere - to retain sostenere - to sustain, to support trattenere - to withhold, to detain 28. Conjugating Regular Verbs To conjugate regular verbs, take off the last three letters (-are, -ere, or -ire) and add these endings to the stem: Regular Verb Endings -are -ere 1st -ire 2nd -ire -o -iamo -o -iamo -o -iamo -isco -iamo -i -ate -i -ete -i -ite -isci -ite -a -ano -e -ono -e -ono -isce -iscono Regular Verbs -are parlare to speak 1st -ire dormire to sleep cantare to sing partire to leave arrivare to arrive sentire to hear abitare to live aprire to open amare to love offrire to offer ascoltare to listen (to) servire to serve cominciare to begin domandare to ask giocare to play (a game/sport) guardare to look (at)/watch imparare to learn insegnare to teach lavorare to work mangiare to eat pensare to think studiare to study -ere 2nd -ire scrivere to write finire to finish vedere to see capire to understand credere to believe preferire to prefer conoscere to know/be acquainted with colpire leggere to hit to read costruire to build mettere to put pulire to clean perdere to lose sparire to disappear prendere to take rispondere to answer scendere to go down/get off vendere to sell vivere to live Sample Regular Verb Parlare-to speak parlo parliamo parli parlate parla parlano Note: The present tense and the preposition da may be used to describe an action which began in the past and is still continuing in the present. The present perfect tense is used in English to convey this same concept. Da quanto tempo Lei studia l'italiano? How long have you been studying Italian? Studio l'italiano da due anni. I've been studying Italian for two years. 29. Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs express actions performed by the subject on the subject. These verbs are conjugated like regular verbs, but a reflexive pronoun precedes the verb form. This pronoun always agrees with the subject. In the infinitive form, reflexive verbs have -si attached to them with the final e dropped. Lavare is to wash, therefore lavarsi is to wash oneself. (Note that some verbs are reflexive in Italian, but not in English.) Reflexive Pronouns mi ci ti vi si si Io mi lavo. I wash myself. Noi ci alziamo presto. We get up early. The plural reflexive pronouns (ci, vi, si) can also be used with non-reflexive verbs to indicate a reciprocal action. These verbs are called reciprocal verbs. Ci scriviamo ogni settimana. We write to each other every week. Vi vedete spesso? Do you see each other often? 30. Irregularities in Regular Verbs Verbs ending in -care and -gare add an h before the -i and -iamo endings to keep the hard sound. Verbs ending in -ciare and -giare do not repeat the i in front of the -i ending. cercare - to look for cominciare - to start cerco cerchiamo comincio cominciamo cerchi cercate cominci cerca cercano comincia cominciano cominciate 31. Past Indefinite Tense To form the past tense (something happened, something has happened, or something did happen), conjugate avere or sometimes essere and add the past participle. To form the past participle, add these endings to the appropriate stem of the infinitives: -are -ato -ere -uto -ire -ito Verbs that can take a direct object are generally conjugated with avere. Verbs that do not take a direct object (generally verbs of movement) are conjugated with essere and their past participle must agree in gender and number with the subject. Avere uses avere as its auxiliary verb, while essere uses essere as its auxiliary verb. Negative sentences with the past indefinite tense are formed by placing non in front of the auxiliary verb. Io ho visitato Roma. I visited Rome. Tu non hai visitato gli Stati Uniti. You didn't visit the United States. Abbiamo consciuto due ragazze. We met two girls. Maria è andata in Italia. Maria went to Italy. (Note the agreement of the past participle with the subject.) 32. Irregular Past Participles fare fatto aprire (to open) aperto bere (to drink) bevuto chiedere (to ask) chiesto chiudere (to close) chiuso conoscere conosciuto coprire (to cover) coperto dare dato dire detto leggere letto mettere (to put) messo offrire (to offer) offerto perdere (to lose) perso (or perduto) prendere preso rispondere (to answer) risposto scrivere (to write) scritto soffrire (to suffer) sofferto spendere (to spend) speso vedere (to see) visto (or veduto) vivere (to live) vissuto scendere (to go down) sceso rompere (to break) rotto Sample Avere Verb Avere-to have ho avuto abbiamo avuto hai avuto avete avuto ha avuto hanno avuto Note: Ho avuto means I have, I have had, or I did have. 33. Essere Verbs arrivare arrive andare go uscire go out entrare enter costare cost venire (venuto) come essere (stato) be partire leave stare (stato) stay, be sparire disappear tornare come back/return These verbs that are conjugated with essere must agree with the subject. Irregular past participles are in parentheses. Sample Essere Verb Andare-to go sono andato/a siamo andati/e sei andato/a siete andati/e è andato/a sono andati/e Note: Sono andato means I went, I was going, or I did go. Remember that -o is masculine and -a is feminine. The -i ending indicates all males or males and females; whereas the -e ending indicates only females. 34. Food and Meals breakfast la prima colazione tea il tè lunch la colazione bread il pane dinner il pranzo salt il sale fork la forchetta pepper il pepe spoon il cucchiaio steak la bistecca knife il coltello cake la torta plate il piatto chicken il pollo napkin la salvietta coffee il caffè il pesce cup la tazza fish glass il bicchiere french fries la patate fritte ice il ghiaccio soup il brodo saucer il piattino jam la marmellata dessert il dolce rice il riso salad l'insalata ice cream il gelato 35. Piacere and Servire Piacere - to like and Servire - to need piaccio piacciamo servo serviamo piaci piacete servi servite piace piacciono serve servono Piacere (a) literally means "to be pleasing," so to form a sentence you have to invert the word order. You must also use the prepositional contractions with a. Maria piace a Giovanni. John likes Mary. (Literally: Mary is pleasing to John) Gli studenti piacciono ai professori. The teachers like the students. (Literally: The students are pleasing to the teachers). The most common forms are the third person singular and plural when used with object pronouns. The object pronouns that are used with these two verbs are somewhat similar to the reflexive pronouns: mi I (to me) ci we (to us) ti you (to you) vi you (to you) gli / le he / she (to him / her) gli they (to them) So to say I like something, use Mi piace if it is singular and Mi piacciono if it is plural. Mi piace il calcio. I like soccer. Mi piacciono i treni. I like trains. Servire has the same construction as piacere. It is also used primarily in the third person singular and plural forms and takes an indirect object. Ti servono della frutta? Do you need any fruit? (Literally: By you is needed some fruit?) Il pane serve a Marco. Marco needs the bread. (Literally: The bread is needed by Marco.) 36. Fruits, Vegetables and Meats fruit la frutta cucumber il cetriolo apricot l'albicocca onion la cipolla pineapple l'ananasso bean il fagiolo mushroom il fungo watermelon l'anguria (il cocomero) orange l'arancia lettuce (salad) l'insalata banana la banana eggplant la melanzana cherry la ciliegia olive l'oliva potato la patata strawberry la fragola raspberry il lampone celery il sedano lime la limetta spinach gli spinaci lemon il limone zucchini gli zucchini apple la mela meat la carne pear la pera lamb l'agnello peach la pesca goat il capretto plum la prugna (la susina) rabbit il coniglio grape l'uva liver il fegato pork il maiale vegetables i legumi broccoli i broccoli beef il manzo carrot la carota bacon la pancetta ham il prosciutto veal il vitello cauliflower il cavolfiore cabbage il cavolo 37. To Take, Eat or Drink Prendere - to take, eat or drink and Bere - to drink prendo prendiamo bevo beviamo prendi prendete bevi bevete prende prendono beve bevono Note: You must express some in Italian even though we leave it out in English. Use the proper contractions from the top of the page. Or you can use un po' di, which literally means a little bit. Bere is only used to mean to drink when it is used in the general sense, as is mangiare - to eat. 38. Commands -ere -ire tu form (sing. fam.) -a -are -i -i/-isci Lei form (sing. pol.) -i -a -a/-isca voi form (pol. pl.) -ate -ete -ite noi form (Let's ...) -iamo -iamo -iamo Note: To make a command negative, add non before the command. Except for the singular familiar commands, when you use non and the infinitive. Irregular Commands andare venire fare dare dire essere avere stare (to be, stay) sing. fam. va' vieni fa' da' di' sii abbi sta' sing. pol. vada venga faccia dia dica sia abbia stia plural andate venite fate date dite siate abbiate state Let's andiamo veniamo facciamo diamo diciamo siamo abbiamo stiamo 39. More Negatives non...mai never non...più no longer, no more non...niente nothing non...nessuno nobody non...neanche not even non...nè...nè neither...nor Note: The non goes before the verb and the second part goes after. I have nothing. Non ho niente. 40. Holiday Phrases Buon Anno! Happy New Year! Buona Pasqua! Happy Easter! Buon Compleanno! Happy Birthday! Buon Natale! Merry Christmas! Buone Feste! Happy Holidays! The Italian National Anthem: Inno di Mameli by Goffredo Mameli Fratelli d'Italia, l'Italia s'è desta, Dell'elmo di Scipio s'è cinta la testa. Dov'è la vitoria? Le porga la chioma, Ché schiava di Roma Iddio la creò. Stringiamci a coorte, siam pronti alla morte, siam pronti alla morte, l'Italia chiamò. Sì! Italian brothers, Italy has arisen, Has put on the helmet of Scipio, Where is victory? Created by God The slave of Rome, She crowns you with glory. Let us unite, We are ready to die, Italy calls.