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Multiversity Annotations.odt




THE MULTIVERSITY #1 Cover We see President Superman, Calvin Ellis of Earth-23, where there's an all-black ustice !ea"ue, first seen in Final Crisis  #$ %2&&() We see Captain Carrot of Earth-C %which * ima"ine will "et an official number before this is over(, first seen in an insert in New Teen Titans #+ %+2() We also see a .ar/ .arvel, earth ori"in unknown, and a red-skinned 0reen !antern with horns %1bin Sur of  Earth-2&() Page 1 he camera opens on a cit/ with people runnin" around like bu"s, oomin" in closer and closer to a woman knockin" on a door, closer still to lice in her hair) he omniscient narrator intones about life takin" root wherever it can) .orrison often announces his themes with the openin" panels, *ike with 1nthro in Final Crisis #+, and * don't believe this to be an e4ception) Page 2 1 /oun" black male is t/pin" in commentar/ on the Cosmic Cosmos 5orum about a new comic  book from f rom 6C titled Ultra Comics, which is rumored to be haunted) * don't know if it's si"nificant, si"nificant,  but there was a comic book published b/ 5awcett that ran +7 issues from +8+-83 titled This  Magazine Is Haunted. he man is addressin" addressin" a stuffed stuffed monke/ as .r) .r) Stubbs) .r) .r) Stubbs was a circus chimpanee chimpanee in the +& children's book Toby Tyler, or Ten Wees with a Circus,  which was adapted into the 6isne/ movie Toby Tyler  in  in +&) he /oun" man is listenin" to music %presumabl/( on earphones9 music will pla/ a bi" role in this series, so that mi"ht be important) Page 3 he captions in Ultra Comics appear to be warnin" not :ust the /oun" black man but also us readers to not read an/ further) further) .orrison has often broken the fourth wall, and appears to be doin" so here) .r) Stubbs comes alive %in a pirate outfit( and ur"es the /oun" black man to chan"e into his alter  e"o, ;i4 / .edieval times =altic Sea) he hule Societ/ Societ/,, formed formed in ++ in 0erman 0erman/ /, believed believed that hule?@ hule?@/per /perbore boreaa was a perfect perfect place place in antiAuit/, possibl/ 1tlantis, far in advance of us technolo"icall/, and the birthplace of the 1r/an race) %1s /ou can ima"ine, these 1r/an-lovers were ti"ht with the ;ais)( *n modern times, hule is a place in 0reenland) Whether Whether .orrison is referencin" an/ of this, or even Conan's @/perborea, @/perborea, or  1Auaman's 1tlantis, or !ori !emaris' 1tlantis, or even 1rion's 1tlantis, isn't clear) Earth-$ is ad:acent to the @ouse of @eroes on the map, immediatel/ to the left) When Super:ud"e and .r) Stubbs arrive on Earth-$, it is in ruins) 6ead super-people litter the ruins, althou"h * can't distin"uish an/ of them) he words =We ;eed Bour @elp= appear in the air) Page 6 he words in the air are apparentl/ a messa"e from an ethereal, vaporied *nvisible Woman analo") 1 fier/ face appears to be a transformed @uman orch analo") 1 stretched-out .r) 5antastic analo" dominates the fore"round, while some of the ruins are sentient and movin", apparentl/ all that's left of this planet's version of he hin") Page 7 Super:ud"e describes Earth-$ as =so badl/ out of tune, the laws of ph/sics have been disabled)= 1nother reference to music) We also meet he hunderer, the hor analo" of this world, likel/ based on 1ustralian 1bori"ine m/ths or folklore, "iven his dialect) 1t his feet are various dead super-people that are avatars of   both .arvel and 6C characters, includin" Captain 1merica, Superman, ision, >lue 6evil and Wonder Woman) %here are more, but * can't distin"uish them, althou"h one of them is possibl/ C/clops)( Page 9 he chief bad "u/ appears, announcin" he and his kind as he 0entr/, who want to remove all hope) Weirdl/, he reminds me of the sidekick in >erni Wri"htson's Ca!tain "ternn ) *t's essentiall/ an e/eball with bat win"s) hat's hat's actuall/ a fairl/ common ima"e, but * don't know where it comes from) We see he hunderer from behind this time, so the fi"ures in the back"round are clearer) Still can't tell if that's supposed to be a fau4-C/clops or not) Page 14 hunderer mentions =the Dainbow or Worlds,= possibl/ a reference to the .ultiversit/ .ap) %@e also also loses loses his =hor =hor== powers powers -- and his front front teeth teeth -- as he rever reverts ts to 6on 6on >lake >lake an ordina ordinar/ r/ 1bori"ine) Page 15 hunderer sa/s =the Pitiless nes= are from =behind the invisible rainbow= and are =opposite of  ever/thin" natural)= ne must assume a"ain that he is referrin" to the .ultiversit/ .ap, and that he 0entr/ are from be/ond its borders)  ;i4 roken, >roken, 6emo"or 6emo"or"unn "unn and *nte *ntell llec ectr tron on)) hese hese nam names are are not not fam familia iliarr to me) he he latt latter er two two are are port portma mant ntea eaus us of  6emiur 6emiur"e?0 "e?0or or"on "on and intelle intellect?e ct?elect lectron) ron) here is a demo"or demo"or"on "on in m/tholo m/tholo"/ "/,, but it's not a si"nificant fi"ure) Page 17 he =anti-death eAuation= is described as somethin" that won't let /ou die and?or e4tends the moment of death indefinitel/, as opposed to the anti-life eAuation -- central to Final Crisis -- which removes free will) Page 18-19 We visit visit Earth-2 Earth-23 3 and Preside President nt Superma Superman) n) n Earth-2 Earth-23 3 >raini >rainiac ac is apparent apparentl/ l/ Superma Superman's n's computer?ma:or domo) Page 2 he President's assistant is Courtne/) * am unfamiliar with an/ si"nificant Courtne/s in 6C histor/ that look like this twent/somethin" brunette) Courtne/ Whitmore is a blonde teena"er)( Page 21 he words in the air are apparentl/ a messa"e from an ethereal, vaporied *nvisible Woman analo") 1 fier/ face appears to be a transformed @uman orch analo") 1 stretched-out .r) 5antastic analo" dominates the fore"round, while some of the ruins are sentient and movin", apparentl/ all that's left of this planet's version of he hin") Page 7 Super:ud"e describes Earth-$ as =so badl/ out of tune, the laws of ph/sics have been disabled)= 1nother reference to music) We also meet he hunderer, the hor analo" of this world, likel/ based on 1ustralian 1bori"ine m/ths or folklore, "iven his dialect) 1t his feet are various dead super-people that are avatars of   both .arvel and 6C characters, includin" Captain 1merica, Superman, ision, >lue 6evil and Wonder Woman) %here are more, but * can't distin"uish them, althou"h one of them is possibl/ C/clops)( Page 9 he chief bad "u/ appears, announcin" he and his kind as he 0entr/, who want to remove all hope) Weirdl/, he reminds me of the sidekick in >erni Wri"htson's Ca!tain "ternn ) *t's essentiall/ an e/eball with bat win"s) hat's hat's actuall/ a fairl/ common ima"e, but * don't know where it comes from) We see he hunderer from behind this time, so the fi"ures in the back"round are clearer) Still can't tell if that's supposed to be a fau4-C/clops or not) Page 14 hunderer mentions =the Dainbow or Worlds,= possibl/ a reference to the .ultiversit/ .ap) %@e also also loses loses his =hor =hor== powers powers -- and his front front teeth teeth -- as he rever reverts ts to 6on 6on >lake >lake an ordina ordinar/ r/ 1bori"ine) Page 15 hunderer sa/s =the Pitiless nes= are from =behind the invisible rainbow= and are =opposite of  ever/thin" natural)= ne must assume a"ain that he is referrin" to the .ultiversit/ .ap, and that he 0entr/ are from be/ond its borders)  ;i4 roken, >roken, 6emo"or 6emo"or"unn "unn and *nte *ntell llec ectr tron on)) hese hese nam names are are not not fam familia iliarr to me) he he latt latter er two two are are port portma mant ntea eaus us of  6emiur 6emiur"e?0 "e?0or or"on "on and intelle intellect?e ct?elect lectron) ron) here is a demo"or demo"or"on "on in m/tholo m/tholo"/ "/,, but it's not a si"nificant fi"ure) Page 17 he =anti-death eAuation= is described as somethin" that won't let /ou die and?or e4tends the moment of death indefinitel/, as opposed to the anti-life eAuation -- central to Final Crisis -- which removes free will) Page 18-19 We visit visit Earth-2 Earth-23 3 and Preside President nt Superma Superman) n) n Earth-2 Earth-23 3 >raini >rainiac ac is apparent apparentl/ l/ Superma Superman's n's computer?ma:or domo) Page 2 he President's assistant is Courtne/) * am unfamiliar with an/ si"nificant Courtne/s in 6C histor/ that look like this twent/somethin" brunette) Courtne/ Whitmore is a blonde teena"er)( Page 21 We meet Earth-23's ustice !ea"ue, whose headAuarters resembles the pre-Crisis ustice !ea"ue's satellite) .embers include Steel, Wonder Woman, C/bor", Gatanna, >lack !i"htnin", >atman, 0reen !antern, Ded ornado, i4en and a man in a leather :acket with a half-helmet of "old -- likel/ .r) errific, but possibl/ 6r) 5ate or 0uardian) 1ll are black e4cept possibl/ >atman, who is  probabl/ black, but bu t if he is, he's ver/ li"ht-skinned) li"ht-sk inned) Superman has destro/ed a robot of unknown ori"in and unknown materials that de"rades upon contact with real-world ph/sics -- obviousl/, somethin" from he 0entr/'s neck of the woods) Wonder Woman su""est the/ look for its ori"ins =in hi"her planes and rare "eometries, or in the harmon/ of spheres where endless worlds and voices sin" in rhapsod/ sublime)= his mi"ht be a "ood time to mention that all of this talk of music, musical spheres and harmon/ has resonance with the ancient theor/ of =the music of the spheres= as well as the ori"inal separation of Earth-ne and Earth-wo b/ vibrations) 5or .usic of the Spheres * can't do better than WikipediaF  Musica universalis $lit. universal music , or music of the spheres % or Harmony of the Spheres is #  an ancient !hiloso!hical  ancient !hiloso!hical  conce!t   conce!t that regards !ro!ortions in the mo&ements o' celestial bodies (  the "un , Moon  , Moon , and !lanets and  !lanets (as a 'orm o' musica $the Medie&al  $the  Medie&al  )atinterm  )atinterm 'or music %. This #music#  is not usually thought to be literally audible, but a harmonic and*or mathematical  and*or  and*or religious conce!t conce!t.. The idea idea contin continued ued to a!!eal a!!eal to thine thiners rs about  about  music until the end o' the +enaissance, in'luencing scholars o' many inds, including humanists humanists.. The Music o' the "!heres incor!orates the meta!hysical  !rinci!le   !rinci!le that mathematical relationshi!s e!ress -ualities or #tones# o' energy which mani'est in numbers, &isual angles, sha!es and sounds   all connected within a !attern o' !ro!ortion. !ro!ortion. /ythagoras  /ythagoras 'irst  'irst identi'ied that the !itch o' a musical  note is in !ro!ortion to the length o' the string that !roduces it, and that inter&als between harmonious sound 're-uencies 'orm sim!le numerical ratios. 012 012 In  In a theory nown as the Harmony o' the "!heres, /ythagoras !ro!osed that the "un, Moon and !lanets all emit their own uni-ue hum $ orbital orbital resonance % based on their orbital re&olution, re&olution,032 032 and  and that the -uality o' li'e on 4arth re'lects the tenor o' celestial sounds which are !hysically im!erce!tible to the human ear. 052 "ubse-uently, "ubse-uently,  /lato described astronomy astronomy and music as #twinned# studies o' sensual recognition6 astronomy 'or  the eyes, music 'or the ears, and both re-uiring nowledge o' numerical !ro!ortions.072 !ro!ortions.072 .eanwhile, the ori"inal concept introduced in =5lash of wo Worlds= in Flash #+23 %++( was that each universe vibrated at a sli"htl/ different different rate, so the 5lashes could travel from one world to another b/ adaptin" their internal vibration to the universe the/ wanted to visit) .orrison appears to be t/in" the vibrational concept to a literal .usic of the Spheres) Page 22 n Earth-23, !e4 !uthor was tr/in" to access the multiverse with a =ransmatter S/mphonic 1rra/= -- which suddenl/ activates and whisks Superman to ))) Page 24-25 ))) the @ouse of @eroes, =outside of normal time and space -- between universes= at the center of the .ultiverse %accordin" to the .ap() We learn this and a whole lot more e4position from Captain Carrot, who has also been pulled to the @ouse b/ a ransmatter =@utch' as have a host of other  heroes, each pulled b/ a ransmatter machine of some kind, which materialied on their worlds after hunderer sent out an SS) Captain Carrot describes the fluid in which the worlds e4ist as =>leedspace= =>leedspace= that's rotatin" throu"h the fifth dimension %where .r) .4/ptlk .4/ptlk lives( around a fi4ed  point of the multiversal multivers al rrer/ of Worlds)= Worlds)=  Addendum: Ca!tain Carrot thins he has met "u!erman, but he8s thining o' the "u!erman 'rom  4arth9:ne, whom he met in Ca!tain Carrot and the ;oo Crew <1. CC says that all humans loo  alie to him 99 a racial slur on our !lanet, but here, the re&erse6 Ca!tain Carrot literally cannot tell  the blac "u!erman 'rom the white one. They8re all e-ual in his eyes. @e also refers to the @ouse of @eroes as =a watchtower,= which has !1 resonance) *t is also called alla-@al, alhalla sidewa/s) Page 26-27 We meet more heroes snatched up b/ the SS) We see %and will later be introduced to( Spore and 6ino-Cop %Spawn and Sava"e 6ra"on( from Earth-7+, Ded Dacer and Power orch %5lash and 0reen !antern( from Earth-3, i4en and >loodw/nd %no Earth specified(, a @awkman of unknown ori"in, 1Auawoman of Earth-++ %probabl/ the world of "ender swaps we've seen before(, !ad/ Huark and !ord olt %of Earth-, first seen in Crisis on In'inite 4arths  #7, +, and subseAuentl/ killed, so these ma/ not be the same ones(, plus chibi versions of Wonder Woman and Steel) *ncidentall/, the *ma"e planet Earth-7+ is e4actl/ on the opposite side of the .ap as President Superman's Earth-23, which is probabl/ si"nificant, as we'll see ne4t issue) Page 28-29 Superman's >rainiac belt buckle makes contacts with the computer which is ))) @arbin"er) r  =@arbin"er S/stems,= with a bi" floatin" !/la =@arbin"er= ./chaels head) f course, she's been dead for a lon" time, and even showed up as a >lack !antern in =>lackest ;i"ht)= She refers to herself as havin" been sleepin", but ))) oh, who knowsI Can't have a Crisis without a @arbin"er, * "uess) @arbin"er sa/s =Earth-7) Earth-8) Earth-+&) Earth-+) Earth-2&) Earth-33) he .ultiverse needs /ouJ= @owever, the team that "oes to rescue ;i4 . Page 3-31 he rescue part/ will consist of Superman of Earth-23, hunderer of Earth-$, Ded Dacer of Earth3, 1Auawoman of Earth-7+ and Captain Carrot of Earth-C) %* wonder if Earth-C is Earth-2, the one with the cartoon e/es on the .apI Seems likel/)( We learn that the arr/ 1llen, is a comic book fan) We learn that the adventures of the various heroes appear in other universes as comic books, :ust like >arr/ 1llen readin" about a/ 0arrick back in =5lash of wo Worlds)= We learn that Ded Dacer's civilian name is Da/ %PalmerI( and Power-orch's is @ank %@allI() heir  "ood-b/es are ver/ intimate, and one assumes the/ are "a/) heir world's Superman was named ptiman, and he's dead) he ustice !ea"ue on Earth-3 is called ustice ) .arvel Comics on Earth-3 are called .a:or Comics) Page 32 .orrison drives home the .usic of the Spheres bit) Ded DacerF =-- vibrationsJ f course -- the worlds of the .ultiverse vibrate to"etherJ Separated onl/  b/ their different pitches)= hunderer %who has "otten his powers, and his front teeth, back(F 5ift/-two worlds occup/in" the same space) 1ll rin"in") *t's all one bi" son")= Superman discovers the leed between universes) Demember life takin" root wherever it can, fillin" in ever/ nicheI * think that's what is happenin" here -- and possibl/ with he 0entr/ as well) Page 34 We see !ord @avok %6r) 6oom( facin" off a"ainst the 5uture 5amil/ %5antastic 5our( on Earth-) @e has the mni-0auntlets %;e"a->andsI *nfinit/ 0auntletI(, the 0enesis E"" %no idea( and the !i"htnin"-14e of Wunda:in %hammer of hor( which he claims will "ive him the Power Eternal %Power CosmicI() *t should be noted that a hor analo" named Wand:ina first appeared in ?ustice )eague o' @merica #$ %+$+( as part of the Champions of 1n"or, which included >lue:a/ %Bellow:acket(, Silver  Sorceress %Scarlet Witch(, Captain Speed %Huicksilver(, >owman %@awke/e( and in .an %*ron .an(, all of whom are dead, at least the/ were) Page% 35-39 We meet the Detaliators %1ven"ers( of Earth-, which include Wunda:in %hor(, Crusader %Captain 1merica(, .achinehead %*ron .an(, 6avid =>ehemoth= 6ibble %>ruce 6avid =@ulk= >anner(, >u" and characters that look suspiciousl/ like 5alcon, Captain .arvel, >lack Widow and @awke/e) he >ehemoth isn't :ust childlike like the @ulk, he's actuall/ a "iant, blue, super-stron" bab/ in a diaper %like >ab/ @ue/() Ded Dacer is the one who knows the names of their foes, from readin" .a:or Comics %.arvel Comics( and seein" their movies) @e also mentions the 0-.en %K-.en( and Stuntmaster %probabl/ the 6aredevil analo", "iven that the Stuntmaster was a 66 villain, but he rode a motorc/cle, so he could be a 0host Dider analo"() Captain Carrot is "overned b/ cartoon %e4 1ver/( ph/sics, which appears to be a super-power of  sorts) Page% 4-43 !ord @avok cracks open the 0enesis E"", apparentl/ killin" him %with the help of =@awke/e=( and the 5uture 5amil/) @e dies sa/in" =* saw their faces,= which *'m "uessin" is a reference to he 0entr/) Page 44  ;i4 rone 1"e addition to Lr/pton) *t was the home of a =hi"hl/-advanced black race=) he/ meant well))) Page 35 he win"ed woman is wearin" a costume similar to the 5alcon's ori"inal "reen and oran"e outfit) .lackhawks, the .i"ht/ 1tom of Earth-2& face off a"ainst invadin" ombies from Earth-7&, done in pulp fiction st/le) 5rom his depiction here and later, it's obvious 6oc 5ate is this world's 6oc Sava"e analo") Page 1 1 narrator %soon revealed to be *mmortal .an of this world( approaches the ower of 5ate -- which, unlike on Earth-wo %and perhaps Earth-&(, where it's a windowless stone tower in Salem, .ass), here it's a windowless black obelisk in ;ew Bork Cit/) *t resembles, mildl/, the black monoliths of  3==16 @ "!ace :dyssey. he *mmortal .an mentions a Professor Dival %*'m unaware of an/ actual reference there( once dubbin" him 1nthro) *f /ou'll recall, 1nthro was the be"innin" and the end of Final Crisis, which looms lar"e in .orrisson's ouevre) Pre-5lashpoint, Earth had both an *mmortal .an -- an earl/ comic-book character resurrected as one of the :ustl/ named 5or"otten @eroes -- and a Desurrection .an) *n some iterations, the/ are the same character) his *mmortal .an ma/ be the avatar of one of both) @e is usuall/ the archenem/ of another immortal, andal Sava"e) .ore on him in a minute) Page% 2-4 We see *mmortal .an, and he's dressed like a soldier of fortune of the +3&s, of the heroic mold %Captain Eas/, *ndiana ones, et al() We meet the five women who comprise the >lackhawks, who are more analo"ous to the Spice 0irls than an/ >lackhawks * know) heir leader !ena %Scar/ Spice( addresses *mmortal .an as =Stran"er)= Phantom Stran"erI *mmortal .an mentions =1l Wadi)= hat's a fairl/ common term -- and "eo"raphic feature -- in the 1rab world) 1l"ebra, or whatever his name is in Bemon Anights,  mentions it as his homeland, so ma/be it's a place in 6C "eo"raph/) !ena mentions =he 0ulf,= which could be an/ number of "ulfs, from .e4ico to onkin) /ron, inspired b/ the urkish custom of the time of drownin" adulterous women in sacks) *t also, accordin" to Wiki, has an element of vampirism attached to it) %1llah ma/ curse 0iaours to  become vampires who feed off the blood of their loved ones)( hat's two poetr/ references in a sin"le pa"e) Weird) *mmortal .an references =the orphana"e= and =the .useum= as if the/ are places with which he and the >lackhawks are familiar, and the conte4t su""ests philanthrop/) 6id an/ pulp heroes support an orphana"e or museumI hat seems to be the vibe) *ndiana ones, of course, supplied antiAuities to a universit/ and museums) We meet 1l Pratt, aka he .i"ht 1tom, a"e +, ver/ similar to the one we know) @e wears a fullface, blue mask with a h/dro"en s/mbol on it) hat is, of course, e4plainable as a s/mbol representin" his nom du combat ) f course, it's also the s/mbol sported b/ 6r) .anhattan of  Watchmen, and "iven 1l's blue face mask, the connection is stron") f course, the ori"inal 1tom wore a blue face mask, so it could be coincidence) %1tom is otherwise un-costumed, wearin" a sleeveless, -neck sweater in the colle"iate st/le of the time)( 1l sa/s he is the onl/ person who ever completed =the *ron .unroe bod/power course)= his can  be a reference to the ubiAuitous Charles 1tlas ads that ran in comics forever) 1lso, *ron .unroe was a super-stron" comics character first appearin" in "hadow  #+ in +7& %published b/ Street M Smith, the pulp publisher of he Shadow and 6oc Sava"e(, who was loosel/ based on 1arn .onroe, a super-stron" pulp character of the '3&s) 1fter Crisis on In'inite 4arths  %+8-(, Superman had  been erased in pre-Crisis 6C histor/, so *ron .onroe was inserted in his place) his version of the character was the ille"itimate son of @u"o 6anner, the superhuman prota"onist of Philip W/lie's ladiator , who was an inspiration for both 6oc Sava"e and Superman %with Sava"e also an inspiration for Superman() *nterestin" that both 6oc 5ate and he .i"ht/ 1tom have Superman connections) Which is this world's Superman analo"I 1nd if one is Superman, who is the otherI r are all these characters,  bein" from the pulp "enre, !re-SupermanI * think * know, and *'m settin" up the answer) he 1tom sa/s he wants to hook up with other superheroes to see if he's "ot the ri"ht stuff) *nterestin" that in this pulp settin", superhero -- a concept which followed the pulp heroes in our  world -- is a conventional term and familiar concept) Bou would think 1tom would sa/ =m/ster/ men,= not =superheroes)= *mmortal .an calls himself a =friend to the animal kin"dom,= which could be a connection to aran, 1nimal .an or even >'wana >east) 0iven that .orrison wrote a famous run of @nimal   Man, it can't be discounted as a throwawa/ remark) r it could be there to cement his connection to  pulp heroes, especiall/ the man/ :un"le heroes, not :ust aran but hun'6a, La-Gar and all the rest) *t's entirel/ possible he is all  of them, as well as 1nthro, *mmortal .an and Desurrection .an) @e is le"endJ *mmortal .an also mentions walkin" =from the center of the earth,= which could be a reference to an/ number of concepts, from Warlord   to Pellucidar) r, a"ain, it could :ust be cementin" his connection to heroes of pulp science fiction, not :ust ED>'s 6avid *nnes but also ules erne's 1rne Saknussemm) !ena mentions =the 0reat War a"ainst @err @e4 and his 6esert Crescent allies)= *n our world, the 0reat War was World War *, where the urks fou"ht on the side of the 0ermans, so that ma/ e4plain it all) he mention of @e4 -- as in onah @e4 -- raises other possibilities as well) *n interviews, .orrison has mentioned that this world has :ust finished fi"htin" somethin" akin to World War **, so perhaps on Earth-2& Earth WW* and WW** were combined) Page 5 6r) 5ate sa/s he prefers the nickname 6oc, which was what his father called him, further cementin" his 6oc Sava"e cred) 5ate mentions *bn al 0hul and his suicide d:inn) he former seems a reference to Da's al 0hul, or   perhaps >ruce Wa/ne's son *bn al Ku'ffasch in Aingdom Come. r perhaps, on evil Earth-7&, >ruce Wa/ne becomes Da's successor %as Da's wants him to be on our ="ood= earth(, and takes the name *bn al Ku'ffasch) * don't know of an/ =suicide d:inn= priors) Ultra Comics is once a"ain called cursed or haunted, this time b/ 5ate) !ena curses in Polish %swiet/ bo", more or less ="ood 0od=() anos Prohaska, 6C's >lackhawk, was Polish) Page 6 We meet 1bin Sur %who appeared on the cover to issue #+(, who was undoubtedl/ Earth-&'s 0reen !antern, albeit unseen, durin" the pulp era and is so here, where he is likewise the 0reen !antern of  Sector 2+7) lue 6evil) *f there is some pulp reason he looks like the popular ima"e of Satan, * don't know it) *n stor/, it "ives 1bin Sur a reason not to show up until he absolutel/ has to) 1nd here he is) 1bin Sur's rin" is from the 0uardians, but it looks like 1lan Scott's) 1ppropriate for the era, one supposes) 1bin Sur sa/s his rin" =turns m/ thou"hts into material thin"s)= Bes, that's how power rin"s work) >ut it was also a theme in .orrison's 1nimal .an and 5inal Crisis, where the importance of stories in constructin" realit/ was a theme) 1l Pratt makes his second comic book reference) !ike he 5lash of Earth-ne and Ded Dacer of  Earth-3, he is a comic book fan) Will ever/ team have one, and if so, wh/I r does this mean 1l is the 5lash analo" of Earth-2&I %;o)( Page 8 6oc 5ate's cr/stal ball shows a phantom airship that appears to be a "i"antic 5l/in" Win") 5l/in" Win"s were researched b/ the <)S), 0ermans and Soviets between the world wars and sparked the  popular ima"ination) *t seems likel/ the/ appeared a lot in pulp fiction, as the/ still do in toda/'s  period fiction %Ca!tain @merica6 The First @&enger, "y Ca!tain and the World o' Tomorrow,  etc)() @owever, *'m not pulp-era e4pert enou"h to know if this is a specific reference, or if an/ specific character was closel/ associated with the 5l/in" Win") *t does seem that bad "u/s of the era are alwa/s either in 5l/in" Win"s or diri"ibles) Page 9 We see our superhero team assembledF .i"ht/ 1tom, *mmortal .an, 6oc 5ate, !ad/ >lackhawk, 0reen !antern) ;ormall/ when five heroes assemble, the/ are analo"s to the >i" 5ive of the ustice !ea"ueF Superman, >atman, Wonder Woman, 5lash and 0reen !antern) *t's hard to see that here, even if /ou sAuint) .a/be *mmortal .an is >atman and 1tom is 5lash, since he's a comic book  fanI %;o)( 6oc 5ate "ives the team a nameF Societ/ of Superheroes, or S))S) he 0entr/ sent an SS in issue one to attract ;i4 ut in the previous issue, a distressed character is unmanned b/ seein" =their faces,= presumabl/ he 0entr/) *t can be read either wa/) *n the presence of Paralla4, he 1tom sees what he fears most, the death of 1bin Sur) his isn't made clear immediatel/) Page% 16-17 1s 6oc 5ate spins up his own ransmatter, he 1tom hears the music of the spheres) 6oc 5ate calls Paralla4 =he .akara,= which is a @indu sea "od, half-man and half-fish) *t is associated with monsters but is also, oddl/, associated with love and desire) 5ate knows of the .onitors, and sa/s that ;abu %of the helmet, as on Earth-wo, ;ew Earth and then Earth-&( sometimes speaks with the voice of ;ovu, the proto-.onitor) his :ibes with 6C histor/, where the ori"inal .onitor subdivided into a lot of little .onitors, the first of which was 6a4 ;ovu) %he last of which, of course, is ;i4 leedspace, fillin" a void with life) >ut that's not alwa/s a positive) *n fact, in three cases we've seen -- lice, the >leedspace monster, he 0entr/ -- the life that fills the void is vermin or monstrous) Perhaps it's alwa/s vermin, and that's what he 0entr/ will turn out to be) 5ate sa/s ;i4 ut if *'m readin" the solicitations ri"ht, that stor/ won't conclude until the last issue of Multi&ersity, #) *ssues + and  are bookends, and the si4 issues in between are all one-shots occurrin" on different parallel worlds) 5ate makes a point about 1l Pratt not d/in" in the temple of ;ichuotan %;i4 ecause 1l is one of his =children)= 5ate sa/s =Bou're a super-- = but is interrupted) .a/be he was "oin" to sa/ =superhero)= >ut *'m "uessin" he was "oin" to sa/ =Super man)= @ere's m/ thinkin"F *'m "uessin" the rest of S))S) is the old "uard, and on their wa/ out, and that's wh/ the/ don't correlate to the ustice !ea"ue) 1nd we've seen 1tom's Superman connectionsF he mask that makes him the analo" to 6r) .anhattan, who is the Superman analo" %first superhero( in Watchmen, and the *ron .onroe connection, and the ladiator  connection) * think 1tom is meant to  be this world's first superhero, its Superman) 1nd those that follow him will match up to the familiar archet/pes) *n other words, we simpl/ don't have a >atman, 5lash or Wonder Woman on Earth-2& ))) yet ) We have a 0reen !antern, but he isn't the modern one, and his rin" acts like 1lan Scott's) So we don't have the ustice !ea"ue 0reen !antern yet ) >ut if this world was allowed to develop normall/, *'m thinkin", 1tom would be Superman, and the first of the new breed of  superhero) .eanwhile, 6oc Sava"e?5ate and the other pulp heroes would fade awa/) @owever, that's not "oin" to happen, as we shall see) 1lso we see Lent ;elson ))) and he's black) 1nother reason for a full face maskI he second issue in a row with an obliAue reference to race) %Demember Captain Carrot can't tell humans apart -- the/ all look alike to him) @e knows them b/ the color of ))) their costumes)( Page 18 We meet >lockbuster, the =.e"aton .onster,= the =>rute with the >illion-6ollar >rain)= @e appears to be an amal"am of >lockbuster, Solomon 0rund/ and uddhakh-1mun and Da-1mida) * can't find an/ specific deities with those names, but /ou can sAuint and see >uddha, 1mon, Da and 1midahF one >uddhist reference, two E"/ptian "ods and a ewish pra/er) hat's "ood enou"h for me) %*f /ou sa/ them fast /ou "et >uddokan and Damada, so ma/be .orrison had a memorable hotel sta/ in apan)( Page 21 We meet !ad/ Shiva, !ad/ >lackhawk's opposite number) Bou all know !ad/ Shiva, ri"htI Sava"e is holdin" a piece of the meteor that made him immortal, and he plans to use it to kill the *mmortal .an) * don't recall this bit of lore from an/ previous Sava"e stor/, but there are a lot of  ma"ic rocks out there -- the Philosopher's Stone, the Starheart, Star Sapphires, etc) -- and this could  be an echo of an/ of them) Sava"e wants to raise a "od from hell to do his biddin") ne of he 0entr/I Etri"anI ri"onI Page 26 5ate sa/s, =GombiesJ * e4pected somethin" more ori"inal)= 1 commentar/ on toda/'s pop cultureI 5aust makes Earth-7&'s connection to he 0entr/ concrete) Page 27 he 1tom uses the 1tom Punch, which he said earlier went a"ainst his principles) he ori"inal 1tom had an 1tomic Punch, but it wasn't reall/ an/thin" but a "ood ri"ht cross, while in later  iterations he had super-stren"th derived from radiation, and could focus that radiation into an atomic punch, so the term meant somethin" a bit more) Page 28 1l a"onies over havin" killed a man) @e mentions his principles a"ain) Page 29 Paralla4, the opposite number for 1bin Sur, finall/ "ets a proper name) 6oc 5ate straps 5aust into an =electro-re-habilitation pro"ram)= his mirrors 6oc Sava"e's methods of rehabilitatin" criminals) Page 31 Deflected sunli"ht off he E/e of 0iaour briefl/ blinds Shiva, allowin" !ad/ >lackhawk a temporar/ victor/) Page 32 *mmortal .an "ives us the poop on the meteor rocks) n Sava"e's world, the meteor that "ave Sava"e his immortalit/ became the first murder weapon, while on *mmortal .an's world it became a hol/ relic) 1nother parallel) Page 33 !ike the E"/ptian swordsman in +aiders o' the )ost @r,  Shiva confronts the >lackhawk sAuadron and learns what happens when /ou brin" a sword to a "unfi"ht) Page 34 6oc 5ate fears that he has trans"ressed his own principles as well) 1tom mentions another fear, that he'll be disfi"ured) hat never happened to an/ 1l Pratt that * know, but in 6C histor/ it happened to his son, 6ama"e) Page 35-36 1bin Sur recites the 0reen !antern oath and destro/s Paralla4, the pawn of =Count Sinestro,= whom he is holdin") Page 38-39 *mmortal .an turns his hol/ relic into a spearpoint, and kills andal Sava"e) *mmortal .an reflects that the first thin" he made was a weapon) *f he is 1nthro and Final Crisis is histor/, then the first thin" he made was fire, after .etron "ave him the knowled"e) *n 6C histor/, andal Sava"e is Cain of biblical lore) @im smitin" *mmortal .an with a rock in the head is an echo of the first murder) >ut Sava"e is pleased with the results) =1ll of /ou -- *'ve turned /ou into -- killers)= Well, some of  them mi"ht have been before -- the >lackhawks weren't throwin" beans from their airplane's "uns - but even 0reen !antern and 1tom have killed) Which * suspect means that no heroic a"e will come to this worldF heir Superman has broken his principles, so no super-people will follow) hat's m/ "uess, an/wa/) Sava"e also sa/s spillin" immortal blood will summon ;i4 atcaveJ= his is a reference to the dau"hter of !uthor datin" the son of >atman %6amian Wa/ne(, which inside is a secret) Seo0 v*g0ee ,'r/$ S1S@1 -- DE><;6*;0J P*'re$  Sasha ;orman %Sister .iracle, dau"hter of Shilo ;orman, the second .r) .iracle, who had a bi" role in .orrison's "e&en "oldiers)( 'oe$  =*'m "onna part/ akeem hunder ri"ht out of m/ lifeJ= his is a reference to Sasha breakin" up with hunder %also referenced inside(, who was introduced in + ?"@ comics as akeem Williams, but took the name akeem hunder when he discovered he controlled the ma"ical "enie formerl/ called hunderbolt with the ma"ic words =so cool)= he "enie chan"ed his name to ohnn/ hunderbolt, because it was combined with the spirit of ohnn/ hunder, the ori"inal master of the "enie) akeem hunder has /et to appear in the ;ew 82 151*L) T*r v*g0ee ,'r/$ S1.1; P*'re$  >atman ** and Superman ** %Chris Lent( ,'r/$ *s the WD!6'S 5*;ES bromance overI bviousl/, that's a reference to how the first Superman and >atman were the =World's 5inest= crime-fi"htin" team) his =World's 5inest= is :ust a friendship) he two do have an on"oin" disa"reement inside, and there is some friction over 1le4is, but the/ are still friends) Chris Lent was introduced in the +&s as !or-God, the son of 0eneral God, who was rescued from the Phantom Gone and adopted b/ Clark Lent and !ois !ane %the/ were married at the time() @e a"ed in spurts due to havin" been in the Gone, and was a teena"ed ;i"htwin" %Landorian variet/(  before the ld 82 ended in Flash!oint ) @e doesn't e4ist in the ;ew 82 151*L) &o'r v*g0ee ,'r/$ L;-E! -- =6;' C1!! .E SBJ= P*'re$  Lon-El %Connor Lent( ,'r/$ =))) but can he make it in the art worldI= his is a reference to inside, where Lon-El is an artist who has a show at an art "aller/) *n the '&s, Lon-El was a clone of Superman and !e4 !uthor who couldn't a"e -- and here he is, still +) *n addition to traditional Superman powers, he has =tactile telekinesis,= allowin" him to control thin"s he touches) &* v*g0ee ,'r/$ 1DDWEE -- S@CL*;0 P*'re$  1rrowette %Cissie Lin"-@awke( *n the ld 82, Cissie Lin"-ones was the dau"hter of the first 1rrowette %who first appeared in +&(, >onnie Lin", and her husband, =>owstrin"= ones) %>onnie Lin", it should be noted, is some sort of pla/ on llie Hueen) @ad the/ married, would their dau"hter have been Cissie Lin"-HueenI >onnie, Cissie and llie all have the same "rammatical construction)( 1n/wa/, here >onnie Lin" married Conner @awke, the son of liver Hueen who was 0reen 1rrow in the '&s and still is on this world) %Evidentl/ liver Hueen, who died in the '&s, is still dead here)( *n Eoung ?ustice,  1rrowette ** retired from superheroin", and couldn't be induced to return to =service)= n Earth-+, this 1rrowette desperatel/ wants to be a superhero?celebrit/) She is +, and dresses provocativel/) >lurbF =*'m not 6add/'s little "irl an/moreJ= >lurbF =See her se4/ photo-shoot for .1K*.atman= Wa/ne and 1le4is !uthor, who are a couple) >atman is watchin" Superman robots battle an invasion from another universe) %=*nvasions from other universes= is sort of a recurrin" theme)( 1le4is is readin" Ultra Comics) he/ are havin" a debate about whether  comics are art or not) 1le4is is bald, like her father %an affectationI unknown( and >atman wears the cowl, but no cape -- he wears a dark trenchcoat) he/ are completel/ unconcerned about the invasion) 1le4is :okes that >atman is "a/ for Chris =Superman= Lent) .orrison once "ave an interview where he ar"ues that >atman is "a/ -- not in a se4ual sense, but more in a conceptual sense) 5etish "ear, sweat/ fi"htin" with other men, etc) his is probabl/ a reference to that interview, for which he cau"ht a lot of "rief) >atman's position is that people don't care about an/thin" an/ more, and the/ should) his bothers me, because he essentiall/ takes the opposite side of the ar"ument with Superman later, which is one reason * found it so hard to "et into this issue %* started it three times before * mana"ed to "et throu"h it() 1le4is refers to comics as =picto-fic,= which ma/ or ma/ not be a reference to EC Comics' =Picto5iction= line, its last-"asp effort to sta/ in the comics business after the Comics Code) 6amian sa/s == when he disapproves of somethin", like he and >ruce did when .orrison was writin" them) @ow is that pronounced, an/wa/I *s it the eAuivalent of =tch tch=I *s it :ust a "runtI *s it a si"hI *nAuirin" minds want to knowJ 1le4is is aware that there's a =curse= on Ultra Comics, but doesn't appear to take that seriousl/) 1le4is sa/s parents alwa/s screw up, and therefore screw up their kids, and references the poem =his >e the erse,= b/ Phillip !arkin, which sa/s essentiall/ the same thin") 0iven who their   parents were, it's si"nificant that 1le4is calls it the =>est) Poem) Ever)= *t is an important theme of  this issue) 1lso, this is the third poetr/ reference in as man/ issues) Page 0*0e 1le4is and >atman be"in to have se4) 5orepla/ be"ins with 1le4is callin" him a =bat-faced freak,= and >atman callin" her =sick= and =twisted= ))) =all the thin"s >atman likes)= 1 metate4tual commentar/ on >atmanI @e bad"ers her to admit she's a =ps/cho-autistic messJ= Beah, talk dirt/ to me, >atman) ust as the/ are "ettin" to business, >atman hears Superman arrive) @e makes 1le4is hide in the closet, coverin" her with his trenchcoat) Page% 1-13 Superman brin"s the news of .e"amorpho's death, callin" it a =super-m/ster/)= 5inall/, actionJ >ut >atman takes the 1le4is =* don't care= position, that the Superman robots will take care of it, as the/ do ever/thin") We "et a lot of e4position on the robots, which Superman's dad created %before bein" killed b/ !e4 !uthor( as =the most foolproof and sophisticated planetar/ defense s/stem ever  created= that =can't be turned off or tampered with)= hat not onl/ e4plains wh/ all the super-people are bored on this earth and have nothin" to fi"ht, but is also foreshadowin", as we shall see) >atman and Superman wander throu"h >atman's apartment, which has souvenirs -- actuall/, mostl/ costumes from the +&s) Superman mentions a team-up he once had with Sandman) ==What SandmanI= >atman sa/s) =@E SandmanI ;eil 0aiman's SandmanI= *t is that Sandman, which *'m "uessin" appeared as a comic  book on this earth, since he was off in erti"o in the '&s) Plus, it's funn/) 1n/wa/, the team-up was Superman battlin" all kinds of thin"s in the dreamworld, which >atman dismisses) =1nd that was /our team-upI ))) Bou fell asleep and had a dreamI= =Bou have to ruin ever/thin",= sa/s Superman) =* don't know what's wron" with /ou)= 1"ain, this was essentiall/ >atman's position with 1le4is earlier, where he ar"ued that she =:ust likes offendin"  people= and that =real life is much more interestin"= than comics) ;ow he's suddenl/ the na/-sa/er) *s this some point *'m missin"I *t actuall/ :ust feels like a lot of e4position stuffed in the mouths of  convenient characters, like most of this stor/) hen Superman sa/s =wh/ are /ou tr/in" to distract me, an/wa/I= Page 14 @e knows the answer) @e's mentioned alread/ that he super-hears someone breathin", and now sa/s he's aware of a female fi"ure under a lead-lined trenchcoat in the closet) %hat e4plains the trenchcoatJ( @e sa/s he knows it's 1le4is !uthor) @e tells >atman he won't "o to the bi" part/ if  1le4is is "oin" to be there, because her father killed his father) >atman a"rees to help investi"ate .e"amorpho's murder, but =:okes= that she probabl/ committed suicide out of boredom) 1"ain, he is takin" the ne"ative side, whereas Superman sa/s =Bou need to take this superhero thin" wa/ more seriousl/ than /ou do)= >atman sa/s the/ should investi"ate separatel/ and meet up later to compare notes) Perhaps this is a le"itimate plan, or perhaps it's :ust to "et Superman to leave so he can "et his "irlfriend out of the closet) 1s events will show, she ma/ also be comin" out of the closet as a supervillain) Page 15 1le4is is furious) ;ot onl/ can she not "o to the super-part/, but now >atman isn't "oin" to Lon-El's art "aller/ openin" with her because he'll be workin" on the investi"ation) 1le4is sees this as >atman choosin" Superman over her) =Wh/ don't /ou and Chris finall/ admit /ou love one another, >atmanI= She doesn't appear to be  :okin" this time) =6on't e4pect me to put up with thisJ *'ll "et evenJ= .ore foreshadowin") Page 16 Sasha tells 6amian that she was telebondin" with Saffi durin" her suicide and "ot a mental flash of  =a bi" creep/ space lad/)= *t's 6ame .erciless of he 0entr/, referred to throu"hout this issue as he 0ra/ !ad/) Sasha cries Da/ Palmer out of her s/stem, onto a microscope slide) his tri""ers all sorts of memories in me that * can't place) >oth 1tom and have shrunk down and "one into other people's bloodstreams, both undoubtedl/ liftin" from  Fantastic oyage) >ut hasn't 1tom been cried out beforeI r was that 1nt-.anI 1tom shrank down and entered Superman in World8s Finest   #23 -- * looked it up -- but he didn't come out throu"h tears) 6id he do so in a later issueI r am * :ust thinkin" of this imm/ lsen coverI ;o shrinkin" here, :ust tears) Page 17 We see 0reen !antern %L/le Da/ner( and ffsprin" %Ernie '>rian, son of Plastic .an, and .e"amorpho's bo/friend() Evidentl/ the +&s continued unchan"ed on Earth-+9 L/le Da/ner is still the last of the 0reen !anterns %and @al ordan is still dead() ffsprin" be"an in .ark Waid's + Aingdom, the seAuel to Aingdom Come, before appearin" in the 6C u") We met these .arvel doppel"an"ers as real people on Earth- in the first issue, where we also learned that the/ were .a:or Comics characters on Earth-3 as well) ;ot onl/ are the/ comics characters here on Earth-+, but the/ made a >u" movie as well) ffsprin" has read Ultra Comics. @e is not terribl/ concerned about his "f's death, as he e4pects her  to return) @e "ives Ultra Comics to Da/ner, who pa"es throu"h it) Page 18 Da/ner meets with others superheroes in .e"amorpho's apartment lookin" for clues) @e tells them ffsprin" is in shock) We see 5lash %whom we later have identified as Wall/ West(, 0reen 1rrow %Conner @awke( and >loodw/nd, who in the '&s was initiall/ .artian .anhunter in dis"uise, but then emer"ed as a real character later) @e is that character here) Da/ner asks if Conner's "oin" to :oin them for =Ded 1mao Crisis)= We learn later that these superheroes re-enact old battles for entertainment, like Civil War re-enactors) Page 19-2 1le4is !uthor and oker's 6au"hter are discussin" Lon-El at his art openin" at the Suicide Slum 1rt 0aller/) Evidentl/ even slums have been tamed and "entrified in this borin" utopia)We see more '&s charactersF .a4 .ercur/, 0unfire, !oose Cannon) 1le4is correctl/ assesses Superbo/ as de"eneratin" into a >iarro, like all her father's clonin" e4periments) Superbo/ accidentall/ inhales apor %Carrie 6onahue(, a character who was part of the Con"lomerate in  Dooster old  comics in, /es, the +&s) * hope .orrison didn't dama"e his brain re-readin" all those terrible comics) ne of Superbo/'s paintin"s is of he 0ra/ !ad/ %6ame .erciless() 1le4is !uthor continues to complain about bein" barred from Sasha's part/) Page 21-25 We meet the ustice !ea"ue at the re-enactment) he/ are 0reen !antern %L/le Da/ner(, 1Auaman %0arth(, Wonder Woman %1rtemis(, 1r"us %;ick Lell/, who "ot his powers in the +3 =>loodlines= annuals(, 1lpha Centurion %.arcus 1elius(, 1tom %teen Da/ Palmer(, Ded ornado %who has been bonded with 1mao at a molecular level(, 0reen 1rrow %Conner @awke(, 5lash %Wall/ West(, >loodw/nd, Steel %;atasha *rons, niece of ohn @enr/ *rons() *t's hard to remember  now, but back in the '&s Wonder Woman, 0reen !antern, 1tom, 1Auaman, 5lash and 0reen 1rrow had all been replaced b/ /oun"er versions, all at the same time) he ori"inals all came back, one b/ one, on our earth) >ut on Earth-+, the replacements were permanent) @al ordan, liver Hueen and >arr/ 1llen are dead, 6iana Prince is workin" at a >i" >ell/ and Da/ Palmer has been de-a"ed) 1n/wa/, somethin" "oes wron" and !ea"uers are actuall/ "ettin" in:ured) 0reen !antern "oes  berserk, starts callin" the android =.a:or 6isaster,= accuses it of killin" his "irlfriend, and almost destro/s it) Da/ner is referrin" to his "irlfriend 1le4, who was killed b/ .a:or 5orce in +7 and stuffed in a refri"erator %which pre-famous 0ail Simone used as the launch of her =Women in Defri"erators= website, which launched her career() *t's stran"e to see 0! refer to .a:or 6isaster rather than .a:or  5orce9 that's probabl/ :ust a mistake) Steel sa/s the 1mao robot has been infected with somethin" from a hi"her dimension %that is foreshadowin", m/ friends() Da/ner e4plains his behavior b/ sa/in" =hose comic books brou"ht it all back) *t's like somethin" crawled into m/ head) Somethin" so bad ))) = 1"ain, it's he 0entr/ workin" throu"h Ultra Comics. Page% 26-27 >atman Auestions ffsprin", who is still weirdl/ dis:ointed in his response to his "f's death) Shock, or he 0entr/I @e has read Ultra Comics after all) @e shows >atman his comics collection which is mostl/ .a:or Comics, but also the previous issue of Multi&ersity and the issue of Ultra Comics. We learn here that while re"ular .arvel analo"s are called .a:or Comics, atman "ets an idea and calls Superman ))) Page 28 ))) who is Auestionin" .enta %@oll/ 6a/ton, dau"hter of Steve =.ento= 6a/ton and probabl/ Dita =Elasti-0irl= 5arr(, who used the .ento helmet to freshen her breath look for traces of  .e"amorpho's consciousness) She "ets flashes of he 0ra/ !ad/) Page 29 Superman meets with the 6r) .id-;ite of the '&s %Pieter Cross(, >loodw/nd and 0/ps/ %C/nthia De/nolds(, of ustice !ea"ue 6etroit and ?ustice )eague Tas Force) >atman arrives and interrupts) 6idn't he :ust call Superman two pa"es a"oI @ow come Superman didn't know he was comin"I Page% 3-31 1rrowette meets with her father, to ask for trick arrows, because she and he friends are formin" a new "roup, he ust) @awke tells her that crime is a thin" of the past, and trick arrows won't make her a superhero, and that it's dan"erous) She wheadles, and he relents, and "ives her five arrows) Page% 32-33 >atman points out to Superman that man/ of ffsprin"'s comic books aren't published on this earth) %Cities and publishers are familiar to us, thou"hF 5awcett Cit/, @ub Cit/ and the like)( Superman realies the/'re bleedin" throu"h from other dimensions and infectin" the readers, like .e"amorpho and ffsprin") %Superman refers to ffsprin" as Eddie, althou"h his name is Ernie) Either that's another mistake, or this Superman doesn't remember names well) @e hasn't been portra/ed as  particularl/ bri"ht)( >atman realies 1le4is has read Ultra Comics. Page% 34-35 >loodw/nd, the =.e"a-.a"e= of this earth %Sorcerer SupremeI(, confirms that the comic books are carriers) @e sa/s .e"amorpho's spirit is sa/in" =Who's that knockin" on the door,= which is either a reference to a Dod Stewart son" or a reference to the be"innin" of the first issue, with the landlad/ scene) 1lso, of course, it's he 0entr/ invadin" this dimension) 6imension-invadin" is the new  black) Sorr/, this book is "ettin" to me) Page% 36-37 Superman and >atman %and several Superman robots( "o to 1le4is' apartment) Pictures -- Ultra Comics disassembledI -- are pinned to a wall with twine pe""ed between and circles and arrows in a wa/ that  alwa/s tells us is obsessive and cra/) SM> realie she's "one bad, and ask  themselves who has a "rud"e and unlimited power to help her) he obvious answer is akeem hunder, and :ust then a robot cold-cocks Superman as 1le4is and =a/-a/= walk in) She e4plains that the "enie -- who is from the fifth dimension, the =hi"her= dimension referred to earlier -learned how to control technolo"/ via the Ded 1mao android, and now she controls technolo"/ and ma"ic ))) and the robots) which can't be repro"rammed, can't be tampered with and can't be stopped) She has hunder summon the "enie, which he does with a stran"e variation of the =So cool= ma"ic words) %@e seems a little strun" out, to tell /ou the truth)( Page% 38-39 he part/) *t's the +&s "one wildF *mpulse, .as / .enos, .iss .artian, 5ire, the sha""/ Lr/pto) Sister .iracle does a little tweetin" that doesn't seem to have an/ relevance to our anal/sis) he/ are all aware of the invasion, but of course nobod/ is worried) Page 4 Superman robots attack a cit/, burnin" up ever/thin" with heat vision) Will the/ destro/ this earthI he local heroes sure don't seem up to the task of stoppin" them) %1lthou"h there's one panel of  >atman still fi"htn" the robots) ;o si"n of Superman, thou"h)( 1ll will no doubt be resolved in  Multi&ersity #) MULTIVERSITY #4$ P!: !MERIC!! Well, there sure is a lot to work with hereJ !etNs be"inF C;VER  he cover shows part of a peace s/mbol in flames) his ima"e, or rather a circle, will be repeated in  part or whole throu"hout the book) =Peace= -- or different ideas on how to achieve it -- is a theme of  the book as well) his mirrors 1lan .ooreNs use of the O@app/ 5ace button with a streak of blood on it on the cover of the first issue of Watchmen, which represented a number of themes in the book  and was repeated in a variet/ of wa/s) OPa4 1mericana, the title, is !atin for 1merican Peace, and refers usuall/ to the peace amon" world powers after World War **, lar"el/ due to 1merican arms and he"emon/) he term has been applied to other historical eras in <)S) histor/, but most people think of the late twentieth centur/ as the Pa4 1mericana) *t should be noted that Pa4 1mericana superseded the Pa4 >rittanica %>ritish Peace( imposed b/ >ritish sea power in the +th centur/, and both terms are pla/s on the Pa4 Domana %Doman Peace(, a reference to a period of 2&& /ears of relative calm due to Doman he"emon/ durin" its empire da/s) Cover AuoteF Oime is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn) Q 6elmore Schwart his is a reference to the poem OCalml/ We Walk hrou"h this 1prilNs 6a/ b/ >rookl/n poet 6elmore Schwart, first published in +3) Stran"el/, it is a misAuoteF he line in the poem is actuall/ OThis is the school in which we lEarn, time is the fire in which we burn) Since Schwart wrote in En"lish it canNt be a mistranslation, and the word shift doesnNt seem to appreciabl/ chan"e the meanin") Possibl/ a mistake) he poem is about how we "o about our dail/ lives without re"ard to the fact, or disre"ardin" the fact, that ever/thin" ends) Even when weNre /oun", even in sprin" Q ever/thin" will eventuall/ end) his is a theme that is repeated throu"hout the book, that ever/ era comes to an end) his is the fourth consecutive issue to Auote poetr/ or make reference a poem or poet) he cover also indicates that this is Earth-7) *n Crisis on In'inite 4arths, Earth-7 was the world of  Charlton Comics heroes %which 6C had recentl/ purchased(, before it was combined with the other  remainin" earths at the end of the series)  Multi&ersity re-establishes Earth-7 as the world of the Charlton heroes) P!lood is seen on the seal of the president, our second circular ima"e, and also mirrorin" the @app/-5ace-with-blood from Watchmen) *t is evident that the president is shot) n his hand is a rin" with an infinit/ s/mbol on it, which turned sidewa/s is the number ) >oth /a @mericana and Watchmen #+ be"in with a murder) P!lue >eetle, he Huestion and Captain 1tom) 1fter Crisis on In'inite 4arths  placed her in the 6C *, Shadowpact, 1"ents of !)1)W) %an or"aniation and miniseries utiliin" all the Charlton O1ction @eroes( and the 1. Pro:ect %which teamed her with Captain 1tom a"ain() 1t 6C her ori"in was ver/ similar9 she came from the !and of ;i"htshades with her mother) %* don't recall the place bein" named at Charlton)( She had the power to transform into a shadow and teleport) !ater she absorbed Ohe Succubus from the !and of ;i"htshades and her powers increased as her appearance altered %dead-white skin, shadow hair() Ohe *ncubus had killed her   brother, and was killed in turn b/ 6eadshot) %*n both ori"ins she and her mother had fled the shadow dimension but left her /oun"er brother behind) hat dan"lin" plotline was never resolved at Charlton)(  ;i"htshade was the basis for the character Silk Spectre ** in Watchmen) President Eden is makin" the case that the era of the superhero has ended, and a new era be"un) wo themes underscored here, that ever/thin" ends, but that events continue to continue endlessl/ %a circle() Pres) EdenF OR unanswered Auestions remain) 1mbi"uous shadows prevail) his seems an obliAue reference to he Huestion and Eve herself) he conversation continues across four panels, as Christopher Smith is marched across a hu"e lobb/ with the presidential seal on the floor %a circle ima"e a"ain() Pres) Eden is sa/in" the assassination has killed the idea of the superhero, and Eve is ar"uin" that she wants to continue, since she likes bein" a superhero) Pres) Eden sa/s Otr/ to take an elevated view, Evie, as he ascends a staircase to a more elevated  position) Pres) Eden sa/s OweNve turned a corner as the two turn a corner) Eve asks Owhere does that leave the Pa4I which turns out to be the superhero team thatNs operated on this world since ?++, of which ;i"htshade is a member) his also references the Pa4 *nstitute from PeacemakerNs Charlton da/s, which also e4ists in this world) *n the final panel, we see a closeup of PeacemakerNs dove s/mbol, with three dots of blood on it) %Someone at the comics shop said .orrison had done this sort of conversation-throu"h-the-panels somewhere else, but alas, * am not .orrison e4pert enou"h to sa/)( P!lue >eetle %6an 0arrett() Closer to the camera are "loves, "uns and holster which mi"ht be part of he SpecterNs outfit, who fou"ht >lue >eetle ** %ed Lord() he third is the "reen fl/in" cloak of he >anshee, who fou"ht he Huestion) he fourth is the outfit worn b/ he 0host, a Captain 1tom?;i"htshade foe) he fifth appears to be the head %J( of he Smilin" Skull, who fou"ht udomaster) he si4th is the headdress of Punch, part of  the criminal duo Punch and ewelee, who fou"ht Captain 1tom and ;i"htshade in motle/ with  puppet "immicks) he seventh is the e4oskeleton of *ron 1rms, a Captain 1tom enem/) 1s Pres) Eden and Eve walk past transparent "lass, Eden references Oa new transparenc/) 1s he passes b/ he 0hostNs outfit, he references Oold "hosts) @e sa/s the new world will need Oa firm hand) *ron 1rmsI Sar"e Steel, who has a metal handI he president sa/s offerin" up superheroes after ?++ was sellin" Othe dreams of children to fearful adults) he super-a"ents "ave people somethin" simple and stron" to believe in) @ence Eve and her teammates) Pres) Eden mentions that Captain 1tom is missin") 1s this worldNs Superman surro"ate, that puts him in "ood compan/ Q as 5i"serello mentioned, missin" Supermen is a theme) *n issue two, either  there is no Superman /et, or itNs he 1tom Q and heNs betra/ed his principles and is bein" shipped throu"h a dimensional door) n Earth-.e, Superman was dead %and his son is, frankl/, an idiot() he .ultiverse map at dccomics)com sa/s that Superman is missin" on Earth-72 %inhabited entirel/  b/ chibis() n Earth-3, where Ded Dacer and Power orch are members of ustice , ptiman is dead) We see where the duo has been headin"F to a press conference) Pres) Eden sa/s OCan /ou take a leap of faith with me, where on the ver/ ne4t pa"e R P!lue >eetleNs >u" is in hot pursuit) hese are the Charlton versions created primaril/ b/ Steve 6itko) >lue >eetle was ed Lord, a scientist who took over the role after the death of the super-powered >lue >eetle, 6an 0arrett, who was his friend and mentor) Lord fou"ht crime much like, onl/ with no powers Q :ust his fl/in" machine he >u", and a "un that blinded foes with li"ht) he Huestion was newsman ic Sa"e, who had a blank mask that covered his face that could onl/  be applied or removed with a special "as) >lue >eetle was the inspiration for ;ite wl **, and Huestion the inspiration for Dorschach, in Watchmen) >eetle is tr/in" to arrest or detain he Huestion, who keeps pepperin" him with what appear to be nonsensical AuestionsF OWho killed ;ora NDourkeI What is 1l"orithm NI >lue >eetle sa/s, OBou know, there was this ri"ht-or-wron", black-or-white "u/ * used to work  with) his appears to be a direct reference to Dorschach, who didnNt e4ist in Charlton Comics) 1 wink to the audience, then) Huestion continues with mention of Captain 1tomNs disappearance, the deaths of four scientists and the Bellow:acket case, sa/in" itNs all tied to"ether) >lue >eetle sa/s there is no Bellow:acket case) Bellow:acket was a costumed crimefi"hter who starred in +& issues of his own title from +77-7,  published b/ the compan/ that would eventuall/ be Charlton) @is secret identit/ was ince @arle/, crime writer) he dead presidentNs surname is @arle/ as well) P10E ;*;E Huestion accuses >eetle of sellin" out, of makin" compromises he can barel/ live with) >eetle denies it, but Huestion sa/s >eetle is sufferin" from an4iet/ attacks, an ulcer and erectile d/sfunction) %;ite wl, the >lue >eetle character in Watchmen, could not perform se4uall/ unless he was in full costume)( >eetle accuses Huestion of bein" "a/) Huestion asks what >eetle would do if he had a sin"le ma"ic formula to fi4 ever/thin", Owhat would /ou sacrificeI his is actuall/ the plot of the book, which isnNt revealed /et, so itNs uncertain what Huestion knows at this point) Huestion tells >eetle heNs Oin over /our head as somethin" looms over >eetleNs head) P!eetle tells Huestion to "et a "rip, as he does Q b/ havin" a construction arm "rip he >u") Huestion escapes into a subwa/ tunnel, where he passes b/ posters, some of which advertise his own  show as ic Sa"e) 1nother advertises the perfume O5uturebomb b/ ;i"htshade, lookin" ver/ much like the ads for ;ostal"ia perfume in Watchmen) P!elieve it or not, this comes from an 1leister Crowle/ essa/, Ohe Soldier and the @unchback) he terms are references to the e4clamation point Q representin" ecstatic realiation Q and the Auestion mark Q representin" skepticism) Crowle/Ns essa/ ar"ues that both are necessar/ to achieve hi"her   planes or enli"htenment, each Auestion mark leadin" to each e4clamation point leadin" to another  Auestion, until the/ come so rapidl/ the/ essentiall/ blur into one) 1lan .oore, author of Watchmen, is noted for his knowled"e of m/sticism and m/stics like 1leister  Crowle/) P!ut in Panel  the phone "oes dead) Panel 8F Huestion notices that the bust of anus has been removed from its plinth, and sa/s Othe two-faced man) S/mbolic and lethal) !ethal, because it is the murder weapon) >ut anus is ridiculousl/ s/mbolic for this stor/) Panels , +2-+7F ;ora is ar"uin" with Peacemaker) *tNs become clear that Peacemaker has been ordered to kill Pres) @arle/ b/ Pres) @arle/ himself, because he can calculate outcomes, and has told Peacemaker that his assassination will result in the return of 1llen 1dam %Captain 1tom(, who will resuscitate @arle/, and world peace will be the result) 1nd if not, Peacemaker sa/s, OweNre alone in the dark)  ;aturall/, the ne4t panel shows ;ora alone and in the dark, after Peacemaker has left) SheNs aware someoneNs in the room) Panel +$, +F Dorschach makes the point about Crowle/Ns hunchback and soldier ver/ clear, even notin" their pro4imit/ in reference to himselfF Ohe HuestionNs never far from the answer) Panel 22F We see the killer) ;ot his face, but he wearin" the *ron 1rms e4oskeleton) Panel 23F Huestion realies the killer had superhuman stren"th %to lift the bust of anus() Panel 2F Huestion notes the killer went around the base of a statue clockwise to "et to ;ora Q  clockwise, the direction of all those clocks in Watchmen) Panel 3+-32F Huestion determines to Okeep askin" Auestions Q until the pattern becomes clear) ut a button is pushed, and a black hole opens up in Captain 1tomN 1tomNss head and, as one scientist scientist sa/s, he Ohas left the universe) P!i" >an"Ns what comes at the end) hese are the four m/ster/ deaths he Huestion mentions later, which is earlier to us) P!lue >eetle %in the 6an 0arrett outfit(, Huestion %in his ori"inal white trenchcoat and blue suit?hat( and Peacemaker) Peacemaker calls them the ustice !ea"ue of 1merica %which is likel/ a comic book on this world() >eetle su""ests he Sentinels %as in the 1C Comics one-shot(, which "ets shot down) @e su""ests Ohe !aw, like the )[email protected]  )[email protected] )i&ing @ssault Wea!on Wea!on  miniseries at 6C) he president arrives and whispers to Huestion, indicatin" he knows his secret *6) @arle/ references his father, ince @arle/, which was also the secret *6 of the Bellow:acket in the +7&s comics in our world) *n the +7&s comics, @arle/ was a crime writer) *n this iteration, he was a comic book artist) @arle/ sa/s the Pa4 1mericana is Onot a hoa4) his is not an ima"inar/ stor/ or an alternate realit/) Which, actuall/, it is) >ut that mirrors a million comic book cover blurbs) @e sa/s O!ookJ

ut President @arle/ approaches approaches him confidentl/, confidentl/, even thou"h 1tom accidentall/ disassembles his do") P!ut itNs hard to love the pieces) Sometimes * feel that wa/ about 0rant .orrison storiesJ 1tom then creates a second, livin" do") >ut OitNs not the same) P!ut Captain 1tom sees future as well as past) 1s we're about to see, so does @arle/) he/Nre both ri"ht) @arle/ sa/s he understands the or"aniin" principle behind the world) @e sa/s he learned it at his fatherNs "ravesite) !ater, weNll see that it was a future Captain 1tom who showed it to him in the  past) P!ut does this mean that @arle/ e4plained it to Captain Captain 1tom, so that a future Captain 1tom 1tom can "o  back in time and e4plain it to @arle/I Chicken or e""I r :ust a circleI P!ack in time, we see terrorists terrorists holdin" Pres) 0eor"e W) W) >ush and 0ov) @arle/ %the veepI( hosta"e in the White @ouse) @arel/ is unconcerned, mentions that his father kept doves) Peacemaker attacks, takes out all the terrorists, decides he must tr/ harder when a couple of them die) OBour world has :ust come to an end, @arle/ tells the terrorist) P!ack in the post-assassination time, Pres) Eden tells Peacemaker the same thin") OBou and /our  kind are finished) We see it is Sar"e Steel as the enforcer, as a dru" forces Peacemaker to talk) Wh/Nd he do itI o save the world) O5rom whomI demands the Pre) Peacemaker makes a shootin" "esture at him, and dies) 5lashback to :ust before the assassination, where Peacemaker tells ;oraF O* asked him the real reason heNd chosen to become the sacrificial victim) * deserve it,N he said) !et the punishment fit the crime)N WeNll soon see what that means) P!eetle and he Huestion) %;oteF >lue >eetle and Huestion were never partners at Charlton, althou"h the/ sometimes shared a book) *t was Watchmen where the two characters were teamed up, b/ pro4/) So this is another Watchmen reference)( he two are ar"uin", and we know these ar"uments will eventuall/ separate them) 1lso of interest, Huestion raises the Om/ster/ of what happened to Bellow:acket, 1mericaNs first superhero) >eetle sa/s O@e disappeared) WeNve talked this into the "rave) P!ack in the past, /oun" @arle/ is sittin" at his fatherNs "raveside, as seasons pass) Captain 1tom appears, and sa/s Othe door has one side and opens both wa/s, echoin" anus, and :ust about ever/ other character at one point or another) P!odo" Sivana in the back"round) P!i" Ded Cheese on the cover inform us that the main character will be more as he was in 5awcett Comics %+7&-83(, not as he is in he ;ew 82, with an altered costume and the name Shaam) @owever, unlike the Charlton characters in the previous issue, a "reat man/ 6C Comics additions to the m/thos are retained for this issue, as we shall see) he pa"e is dominated b/ the Dock of Eternit/, a diamond-shaped rock) 1 late entr/ in the 5awcett  books, the Dock was introduced in +7$ as a mountain floatin" at the center of time and space) *nitiall/ the spirit of the wiard Shaam %who "ave /oun" >ill/ >atson the Captain .arvel powers( was depicted as han"in" out in his under"round lair on Earth %accessible b/ ma"ic subwa/(, but after +7$ he was alwa/s han"in" around the Dock %likel/ the/ were one and the same() 5rom the Dock, the .arvel 5amil/ could "o an/where in space and an/when in time) he Dock was initiall/ simpl/ a mountain floatin" in space) *t "ot its diamond shape in the 6C Comics "raphic novel and series /ower o' "hazam %+7-+() Captions e4tol the wonder of the Dock) .orrison uses the phrase OEmp/rean peaks in his descriptions) Emp/real is the ad:ectival form of the word, so OEmp/rean isnNt describin" the peaks9 it means instead Opeaks of he Emp/rean, which in ancient 0reece was the hi"hest heaven, which was the domain of fire %one of the five natural elements, the other four bein" earth, air, water and aether() !ater Christian literature adopted the name and s/mbolism, as in the Bi&ine Comedy, where he Emp/rean is the home of 0od, a concept which retained the li"ht, if not the heat, of the 0reeksN fire) *n the +7 /ower o' "hazam, the Dock was created b/ combinin" a chunk of heaven and chunk of hell, "ivin" us both the hi"hest seat and the fire, so itNs an apt comparison) n 0rant .orrisonNs map, the Dock of Eternit/ is located at the ver/ center of the multiverse) r, as the captions phrase it more poeticall/, Oon the R borderland that separates What *s from What .i"ht >e) P!ill/?.arvel)( he wiard addresses the reader directl/ %O@mm, itNs B< a"ain( and we learn that the descriptions of the captions on the previous pa"e were actuall/ said b/ the wiard, who was Opracticin" m/ omniscient narrator voice) .ore .orrison breakin"-the-fourth-wall hi:inks) he wiard discovers a new da/ between hursda/ and 5rida/, OSivanada/, as the Dock comes under attack) P!or" cube, onl/ diamond-shaped)( *ts master is Captain .arvelNs arch-foe 6r) Sivana, who proclaims it, literall/, Oa new da/) We also meet his children .a"nificus, 0eor"ia and haddeus r) 1ll were introduced in the 0olden 1"e, and havenNt chan"ed much) .a"nificus is ph/sicall/ perfect, althou"h a bit dim and vain) >oth 0eor"ia and unior resemble their father Q short, hunched over and scrawn/, with oversied spectacles and a hu"e overbite) ddl/, SivanaNs fourth child, >eautia, does not appear and is never  mentioned) *n the 0olden 1"e she was the Aueen of enus, so perhaps sheNs bus/ with the affairs of  state) Sivana has hi:acked the power of Eternit/, and the three children can now chan"e into Captain .arvel Qt/pe characters b/ sa/in" OSivana instead of OShaam and receivin" power from black  li"htnin") While the /ellow ma"ic li"htnin" "ives the .arvel famil/ characters red, white and blue uniforms, the black li"htnin" "ives the Sivana children, /ellow, "reen and purple uniforms) he/ are all ma"nificentl/-proportioned adults as well, even unior and 0eor"ia) *n the 0olden 1"e, all of SivanaNs children were adults, althou"h the malformed 0eor"ia and unior didnNt look it) So the/ are like 5redd/ 5reeman and .ar/ >atson, who chan"e into Captain .arvel r) and .ar/ .arvel respectivel/, but remain the same a"e9 whereas the/ are unlike >ill/ >atson, who "oes from child to adult in his transformation) 1nother area of variance is 0eor"ia, who "rows a ma"nificent bustline and fi"ure, whereas .ar/ >atson retains her a"e after transformation and is therefore not full/ developed) .ar/ .arvel's white uniform was another 6C addition, arrivin" in /ower o' "hazam #2) @owever, .orrison didn't lift .ar/'s evolution entirel/ from err/ rdwa/'s series, as .ar/ turned into an adult version of herself %resemblin" her mother( after sa/in" her ma"ic word in /ower o' "hazam,  but in Thunderworld  she remains her true a"e, as she did while wearin" the red in the 0olden 1"e) he .arvel 5amil/ is usuall/ thou"ht of as >ill/, .ar/ and 5redd/) he >lack .arvel 5amil/ introduced in 82 consisted of 1dam, *sis and siris) he Sivana .arvel 5amil/ follows this pattern, a bo/-"irl-bo/ trio) %Perhaps thatNs wh/ we donNt see >eautia)( O;ow ma/be /our mother will take me back mutters Sivana) hatNs funn/ enou"h not to need an/ e4planation, but it actuall/ has one) *n the 0olden 1"e, Sivana was twice widowed) >ut in /ower o'  "hazam, his e4-wife Q enus Q was still alive) *n later issues, the e4-wife was named Portia) P!ill/ >atson is reportin" on an invasion from different time periods b/ the imeAuaker) his is a throwawa/ bit not related to the main stor/, and * can find no reference to imeAuaker in Captain .arvel comics, past or present) W@*G radio owner Sterlin" .orris asks rhetoricall/ about >ill/ O@ow does this kid do itI @owever, an unnamed tech answers literall/ Oloosel/ enforced labor laws) *tNs ille"al for .orris to hire someone as /oun" as >ill/ for adult work) >ill/ refers to the Oold abandoned subwa/ station at >eck Street) >ill/ first encountered the wiard Shaam via an old abandoned subwa/ station in Whiz Comics #2) O>eck Street refers to co-creator, co-writer and lon"time artist of Captain .arvel at 5awcett, C)C) >eck) 1 newspaper blowin" b/ shows men landin" on the moon) n our world, that took place in +, which ma/ place this adventure at the same time) 1 future >ill/ >atson appears and warns the current one, then disappears) P!ill/ OBou think /ouNre so clever, donNt /ouI >ill/ responds Oust clever enou"h) his line will be repeated) >ill/Ns cleverness, which is in no doubt despite his modest/ %a nice contrast to the immodest .a"nificus(, dela/s the trio lon" enou"h for him to transform into Captain .arvel) P!ill/Ns not the onl/ clever oneJ P!ill/, @ill >ill/, 5at >ill/, ill/ >atson, and could chan"e into .arvel characters b/ sa/in" OShaam simultaneousl/) nl/ the/ had to split the power, with each onl/ one-third as powerful as Captain .arvel) he/ have appeared post-Crisis a couple of times, onl/ to lose their powers each time) hat appears to be the case here) atsonNs secret, he tried to insinuate himself into the .arvel 5amil/ as ill/, an uncle no less) awk/ awn/ is an anthropomorphic, talkin" ti"er who is une4plained in his introduction in +7$,  but becomes a supportin" character whose adventures "enerall/ revolved around people freakin" out at the si"ht of a talkin" ti"er) *n  /ower o' "hazam,  awk/ was ori"inall/ a childrenNs to/ temporaril/ "iven sentience and human sie b/ >lack 1damNs power, and later %and permanentl/(  b/ *bis the *nvincible) *n Final Crisis awn/ kills Lalibak and takes control of his i"ermen) awk/ appears in he ;ew 82 as a oo ti"er who is "iven sentience b/ >ill/Ns power) here is no mention of how these characters all band to"ether %in Captain .arvel uniforms, no less( or where their eAuipment comes from) P!lack Sivana, who is far stron"er than Captain .arvel, as he is usin" the power of Ofundamental forces like the Ovelocit/ of a photon) P!ill/, discovers the time cr/stals, "oes back in time to warn himself, and we see the scene we saw on Pa"e  from the opposite perspective) Sivana sa/s, O/ou think /ouNre so clever, donNt /ouI >ill/ replies, Oust clever enou"h) P! #1 C;VER  We see the 1tomic Lni"ht >atman of Earth-+$ %left( and the chibi >atman of Earth-72 %with lots of artistic license() he two >atmen are surrounded b/ four circular, planet-like vi"nettes of +( heads of man/ superheroes of various earths, 2( Lamandi, 3( the @ouse of @eroes under sie"e and 7( the .ultiverse map) 1ll four of these are addressed within, as are the two >atmen) P!atman-72 puts out the flame on .anhunter-72 with an aerosol-sied fire e4tin"uisher,  presumabl/ from his utilit/ belt) With him is @awkman-72 and 0reen 1rrow-72) We have seen >atman-72 before, in @ction Comics # %2&+2, also written b/ 0rant .orrison( where we also first met Calvin Ellis, the President Superman of Earth-23) *n that issue, we saw a Odemon-Superman %CalNs words( named Superdoomsda/ from a parallel world ca"ed in  between dimensions) >ut in a two-panel flashback, we also saw somethin" that informs this workF he death of ptiman on Earth-3, and the death of chibi Superman on Earth-72J  @ction Comics # also introduced the Otransmitter s/mphonic arra/, which the !uthor of that Earth said came to him while he was on dru"s) hatNs sort of a dream, ri"htI @awkman-72 sa/s the/ have lost %chibi( Wonder Woman and %chibi( Steel to Othat bo4) @e appears to be talkin" about the transmatter cube) We have seen the Wonder Woman and Steel of this Earth on the @all of @eroes, where the/ had been summoned b/ the OS))S) in  Multi&ersity #+, and now we know the/ "ot there b/ transmatter cube %if we didnNt know alread/() >atman-72 tells @awkman-72 and 0reen 1rrow-72 %who looks like the ;eal 1dams version of the late +$&s and earl/ &s( to leave) @e addresses @awkman-72 as OLatar, indicatin" that the alien ori"in of @awkman applies in this world, the one in place from the Silver 1"e @awkmanNs creation in ++ to the Crisis in +8-) !ecter Sivana is accompanied b/ human-sied robots, which he orders to kill the three chibis while he and the chibi Sivana leave via the transmatter cube) @e mentions that itNs wordcontrolled, and mutters some words we cannot Ohear) nce a"ain, sound Q vibrations Q  activate the inter-dimensional transport) he O!ittle !ea"ue %>atman-72 calls his team that on pa"e ( is ineffective a"ainst the robots, but suddenl/ all the robots are "unned down) P!atman of Earth-+$ arrives, from the 1tomic Lni"hts world) *t is he who shot the robots) @e arrives throu"h a sAuare Odoor Q likel/ a transmitter cube on Earth-+$) @e uses OLrakkinN E4 where we would use Oeffin" hell, or somethin" similar) @e mentions Othe 6ark ower of !uthe4, the OCosmic 0rail) We donNt know what these thin"s are %/et(, but we reco"nie references to !uthor and the @ol/ 0rail, or ersat versions of them, an/wa/) P!atman-+$ sa/s he dreamed Othe rose that "rows in winter, entered Othe vault of a"es and saw Othe four-stone) 1"ain, we donNt know /et what these mean, and the/ donNt seem to have an/ specific reference to our m/tholo"/ or literature) here is a 5ourstones villa"e in  ;orthumberland, and 5orestone manufactures musical eAuipment, but neither seems to appl/) @e su""ests >atman-72 mi"ht be a Omutoid or Oone of 6arkseidNs crew) .utoid could be "eneric, but thereNs no missin" a 6arkseid reference) bviousl/, thereNs an 1pokolips in his universe) >atman-+$ also uses Ookerdammit where weNd sa/ O0oddammit) *Nm not even "oin" to "uess what that implies for his world) >atman-72 sa/s the/Nre on the Pacific *sland @H of Professor Sivana) * donNt know if Sivana ever had a Pacific *sland @H in an/ Captain .arvel comics Q he probabl/ did Q but it could also be a reference to olon" *sland) hat island be"an as the @H of OE"" 5u, an ine4plicabl/ "iant e""-shaped villain in Wonder Woman  #+8$ %+8() %here were related stories involvin" E"" 5u the 5ifth and 6r) Bes)( 1fter Crisis on In'inite 4arths  E"" 5u was revealed to be a product of 1pokolips) 1fter In'inite Crisis, a new E"" 5u appeared, callin" himself Chan" u, who was also an a"ent of 1pokolips) @e captured or coerced mad scientists to his Pacific island base, which was renamed olon" *sland) %Presumabl/ for the Chinese tea)( Eventuall/ that plan came undone, and olon" became a soverei"n nation, and is currentl/ under the protection of the 6oom Patrol) 0iven olon"Ns 1pokolips connection and >atman-+$Ns reference to 6arkseid, the/ could be related) >atman-72 calls >atman-+$ O>ruce and reveals himself as the 6ick 0ra/son of this world) Wh/ is >atman-72 6ick 0ra/son when all the other chibis are Silver 1"e versionsI P!leed, and we catch him in mid-stor/ e4plainin" how the O!ea"ue of Sivanas came to be) he/ are the Sivanas of 28 parallel worlds) @e describes the transmatter cubes as Odoors between the worlds) @e also describes .ech-Eternit/ %*Nm callin" it that( as Osmaller on the inside than it looks on the outside, reversin" the line usuall/ reserved for tesseracts, ma"ic ba"s and 6r) WhoNs ardis) he Sivanas reveal their plan to conAuer the multiverse) >ut Sivana-72 is told b/ the snake Sivana that he and his earth are onl/ "ood for snacks) Deference is also made to 6r) @oot seein" the transmatter cube in a dream) 6r) @oot is a villain on Earth-2, Captain CarrotNs world) P!atman-72 describes how the !ittle !ea"ue was trapped and mostl/ killed) @e describes his world as one where ever/one is Oonl/ pla/in" and nobod/ "ets killed) Even the villains onl/ use Ocra/ "ad"ets and mind "ames) *tNs almost like Silver 1"e 6CJ >atman-72 mentions that his Sivana, 6oc Sivana, learned about the transmatter cube in a dream) 1nother bad "u/, another dream, another transmatter cube) .eanwhile, >atman-+$Ns dream was of the ODose hat 0rows in Winter) ne assumes the villainsN dreams come from he 0entr/, but >atman-+$ ma/ be referrin" to 5lower, whom Lamandi M Co) are lookin" for  on an island %probabl/ the same one( on Earth-8+) >atman-+$ canNt operate the transmatter cube, and he describes his 0otham as one with a Orad-pit and Omumdads turnin" into Oshamblers) .om and 6ads turnin" into mutantsI Perhaps his own .om and 6ad, inspirin" him to be >atmanI ust speculation on m/ part) >atman-72 finds the  Multi&ersity uideboo, apparentl/ left behind b/ !ecter Sivana) >atman calls it a Opicture book Q there are apparentl/ no comic books on this childlike world, which is either commentar/ or iron/ Q and correctl/ fi"ures out the whole parallel Earth business) @e ma/ be tin/, but heNs still a >atman) 1s he speaks heNs lookin" at R P!en >o4er and Prince uftan %from Aamandi comics( in a raft, arrivin" at Ohe *sland of the 0od Watchers) 1s * said above, this bein" a .orrison  book, it is probabl/ the same Pacific island >atman-+$ and >atman-72 are on, :ust in a different universe) P!i" >arda, .r) .iracle, @i"hfather, @imon, !onar, 5astbak, the *nvisible Woman 1via and !i"htra/, all ;ew 0ods from Lirb/Ns O5ourth World books) here is no rion, who is probabl/ wherever  1pokolips is, "iven that .r) .iracle is here Q that is to sa/, this is before or after Ohe Pact) he ;ew 0ods discuss 6arkseid and ;ew 0ods on other earths as reflections of themselves) he su""estion is that these ;ew 0ods are the primal ones, the ori"inals, the blueprints) 1s the/ watch >en >o4er decides to activate his C/clo-@eart) @e calls upon the satellite >rNer  E/e to O.1C*1EJ P!en >o4er becomes >i.1C, a combination of two Lirb/ concepts, the armored form of  >en >o4er and .1C, the  1rm/ Corps activated b/ the satellite >rother E/e, seen here and referred to as >rNer E/e) Earth-8+ is evidentl/ the Earth of Lirb/ LonceptsJ *n the ori"inal Aamandi, >en >o4er simpl/ turned into an armored form of himself %not .1C( after /ellin" 1C*1E and pressin" his C/clo-@eart) P!o4er solves one m/ster/ b/ tellin" us who took 5lower Q Lan"arat Slavers) he trio discover hiero"l/phics that are essentiall/ a comic book on the wall) We know that comic books can be used to allow entr/ to he 0entr/, or to pass messa"es from one universe to another, so an/ Ocomic book in this stor/ could be dan"erous) 1s if to remind us of one of .orrisonNs themes, >i.1C sa/s, O>e careful, Lamandi) Stories can be dan"erous) he stor/ is a Opicture histor/ from Obefore the before, and is apparentl/ .orrisonNs >ook  of 0enesis for the 6C<) P!ut then an imperfection appeared) O1 flaw that isN Ever/thin" Perfection is not) %1musin"l/, the Ois in Auotes made me think of the Clinton attorne/ wantin" to know what the definition of Ois is)( he vast field of white, as .orrison has said in interviews, is the blank pa"e) 1nd the stories  bein" drawn on it are the imperfection, which irritates the blank pa"e, which seAuesters the imperfection awa/, in what we now call the 6C .ultiverse, and the container we call the rrer/ of Worlds) he imperfection first appears as a red, electric-lookin" thin") *tNs ver/ small, thou"h, so  perhaps weNre not seein" it clearl/) @owever, if it is a red, electric-lookin" thin", that su""ests he 5lash) Could this be the Speed 5orceI Perfection became aware of the flaw and in response named itself .onitor-.ind the veroid) his tells us somethin" importantF he outer Ouniverse containin" the 6C .ultiverse %the Over-oid( is sentientJ his is somethin" weNd naturall/ call O0od, but * donNt think  itNs "oin" to work that wa/) 5or one thin", Perfection is prett/ imperfect in its actions) o witF Of the ver-oid is .onitor born and 1nti-.onitor, the Conflict "enerator, the Stor/ .achine) *tNs unclear here how the .onitor?1nti-.onitor come about) he passive tense indicates Perfection didnNt mean for them to come into bein", it :ust kinda happened, perhaps as a result of Perfection suddenl/ bein" less than Ever/thin" Q "ivin" itself an identit/ to separate itself  from the imperfection) >ut the second half is more strai"htforwardF .orrison is once a"ain establishin" stories Q narrative Q as the drivin" force of the universe) ;ow we see the need for  a Odevil, the 1nti-.onitorF @e brin"s chaos and conflict, from which stories sprin") Without him, the universe would be static) his, clearl/, is the theolo"/ that .orrison is establishin" here %and perhaps subscribes to himself() Perfection contains the imperfection in what we will someda/ call the rrer/ of Worlds) *t creates Science .onitor 6a4 ;ovu to stud/ it) ;ovu is infected and splits into two %the .onitor and 1nti-.onitor, presumabl/, of Crisis on In'inite 4arths( and in other stories, the .onitor splits into 82 to monitor each individual world) hat is not mentioned here, however, where instead ;ovu is Oblinded, corrupted b/ the 5lawNs li"htnin" dale) O1nd so be"ins all thin"s, reads Lamandi, Owith a 5lash R as he touches a s/mbol showin" a li"htnin" bolt splittin" a circle) hhhh, bo/) hereNs a lot to speculate on here) !etNs "et the obvious out of the wa/F he 5lash launched the Silver 1"e %"howcase #7(, and discovered the .ultiverse % Flash #+23(, so heNs  present at the creation of those two seminal events) @e also pla/ed a central role in both Crisis on In'inite 4arths  and Flash!oint ) So, /eah, it all be"ins with a 5lash Q >arr/ 1llen, to  be precise) >ut thatNs metate4tual) Within the te4t, does it su""est that the Odale, the O5lash that  blinds ;ovu, is the Stor/ En"ine, and therefore the 1nti-.onitorI r does it su""est that the Speed 5orce, from which all 5lashes sprin", is the ori"inal imperfection ver-oid contained in the rrer/, and is the wellsprin" of all stor/I r is it somethin" else entirel/I *t ma/ or ma/ not be si"nificant that the Oimperfection in the ver-oidNs perfect white e4panse looks like red li"htnin" Q like he 5lash) 5urther, the s/mbol is a li"htnin" bolt over a circle, similar to >arr/ 1llenNs first chest s/mbol) @owever, the bolt isnNt l/in" over a circle, itNs splittin" it Q su""estin" that the Odale, the O5lash, %or perhaps the Speed 5orce( is what splits worlds into multiple worlds, i)e), how the multiverse "ets created) r ma/be it destro/s worlds) 6iscuss) .eanwhile, >i.1C discovers some comic books) Specificall/, the one we are readin") 1s we know, comic books are he 0entr/Ns entr/ into the multiverse, and?or are messa"es  between universes) he comic book we are readin", however, seems beni"n %as opposed to Ultra Comics() P!arr/ 1llen and the histor/ of the multiverse as revealed in comic-book stories, which is  probabl/ si"nificant) .orrison does a brief overview of >arr/ 1llenNs discover/ of the multiverse, from a .orrisonian perspective) @e uses captions with little hands pointin" to thin"s mentioned in the caption, which Carmine *nfantino used to do in Silver 1"e Flash comics) .orrison sa/s 5lash can approach the speed of li"ht, but he doesnNt refer to it as the speed of  li"ht R he :ust calls it Oli"ht) *s the Speed 5orce the Olet there be li"ht of 6CNs 0enesisI @e refers to Earth-woNs vibrational freAuenc/ as Oonl/ a bass tone) hat can also be read as Oonl/ a base tone Q because Earth-wo, the world of the 0olden 1"e heroes, is the basis for  ever/thin" else) While the ori"inal stories alwa/s referred to 5lashNs abilit/ to cross the multiversal barriers as a matter of vibration, .orrison alwa/s uses the lan"ua"e of music to describe it) Since music is essentiall/ ordered vibration, thatNs prett/ clever) .orrison sa/s OR was >arr/ 1llen a fiction in some hi"her, as /et undiscovered worldI Well, /es, because .orrison has established that) Specificall/, >arr/ 1llen in is a fiction on Earth-3, and ma/be elsewhere) he fourth panel on Pa"e 27 is a reproduction of the cover to Flash #+23 %O5lash of wo Worlds, the first Earth-wo stor/() he fifth panel on Pa"e 28 is a reproduction of the cover to ?ustice )eague o' @merica #2+ %OCrisis on Earth-ne, the first !1?S1 crossover() he first panel on Pa"e 28 shows a variet/ of 5lashes from a variet/ of worlds) Some are familiar %a/ 0arrick of Earth-wo, a/ 0arrick of Earth-2, >arr/ 1llen(, but most are not) 5ront and center is a chibi 5lash, presumabl/ from Earth-72) he second panel on Pa"e 2 looks ver/ much like the wraparound cover of BC 1== /age "u!er "!ectacular  # b/ ;eal 1dams, althou"h it isnNt drawn in the 1dams st/le) he third panel on Pa"e 2$ depicts the battle a"ainst the 1nti-.onitor from Crisis on In'inite  4arths) he first panel on Pa"e 2 depicts a scene * do not reco"nie, of Paralla4 standin" triumphant over Superman while holdin" the empt/ uniform of >arr/ 1llen) @owever, it does sort-of  s/mbolie the Paralla4 stor/) Panel two of Pa"e 2 depicts the Opoundin" of Superbo/Ns fists Q the Superbo/ of EarthPrime %Earth-33( who first appeared in  BC Comics /resents #$ and was the central anta"onist of In'inite Crisis) @e is s/mbolicall/ shatterin" the barriers between universes) he third panel of Pa"e 2 depicts >ooster 0old, Dip @unter and ;ova from the last Dooster  old  series, where >ooster was essentiall/ a space?time repairman) he fourth panel shows .onitors observin" the rrer/ of Worlds, while the captions sa/ the/ kept a record of all the chan"es in the multiverse in the fictions of Earth-33 Q Earth-Prime) he first panel of Pa"e 2 sa/s ;i4 ut the  panel shows him hu""in" his "irlfriend, also a monitor, which is a mi4ed messa"e) 1lso, this is as "ood a place as an/ to mention that .orrison said in an interview that arr/ 1llen and homas O>atman Wa/ne from Flash!oint ) he third panel depicts the open hand with the universe in it at the dawn of time, first seen in reen )antern #7&, which 6C has essentiall/ been tr/in" to e4plain ever since) @owever, in this depiction, we see the flaw?orrer/ of worlds in the center of the open hand) %*ncidentall/, one Crisis or another established that the hand was that of Lrona, who messed ever/thin" up, then that ofhe Spectre, reachin" back to the be"innin" of time to strai"hten ever/thin" out) * "uess .orrison is i"norin" that stor/)( *n the fourth panel >i.1C mentions that it is the Lan"arats who freed 6arkseid in some Obarbaric rite, answerin" the Auestion @i"hfather asked earlier) * have to sa/ itNs prett/ curious that the freein" of 6arkseid to proliferate throu"hout the universe has :ust happened in this book, when it clearl/ happened much earlier in Oour stor/lines) .orrison doesnNt e4plain it, and * have no "uesses) *n the final panel, >atman-72 twi"s to what Multi&ersity uideboo  is, and sa/s the maps will Osave us all) >atman-+$ cannil/ sums the book and the stor/ as their Orealit/ from the outside) %Continue to ne4t comment( • ▶ Depl/ • Permalink  Depl/ b/ Captain Comics on 5ebruar/ $, 2&+8 at F&+pm P!e/ond the Source Wall is not onl/ the ver-oid, but Ohe Source and Ohe unn/ and 1meth/stNs 0emworld) %@as 0emworld been revealed to be a dream of some kindI * know itNs been retconned a couple of times)( U @ell isnNt :ust the home of the Christian devil, but also comic-book devils?demons like Etri"an, the 6emons hree %1bne"aar, Dath and 0hast(, ri"on and ;eron) *f /our theolo"/ has a devil, heNs here) U Wonderworld is the home of Oprimal superheroes) * wanna see what .orrison thinks are  primal superheroesJ P!atman-+$ references the O6ark ower a"ain) Perhaps thatNs 6arkseidNs tomb on his world, located on the same Pacific island as on Earth-8+) >atman-72 reveals that  )iGl otham  #+2 is connected to Multi&erse) he cover blurb OWhoNs that knockin" on the door isnNt :ust a reference to an old Dod Stewart son", but also to he 0entr/) he ne4t panel puts an unsolved DubikNs Cube front and center) BouNd think that with >atman-72 pulin" out the comics and transmatter cubes, it would be a solved cubeJ >atman-+$ also makes the same reference in panel three of Pa"e 33, OWe donNt have timeJ he/Nre knockin" at the doorJ 1lthou"h he ma/ be referrin" to SivanaNs robots) Either wa/, itNs a reminder that he 0entr/ are still out there, tr/in" to access all 82 universes) >atman-72 refers to the 82 worlds as Othe local multiverse) hat implies a broader one out there, be/ond the 82 universes we know) P!atman books and one een itans book) While Wonder Woman is depicted, she has /et to appear in an/ Earth-ne "raphic novels) Earth-2F he updated Earth-wo, currentl/ bein" depicted in the books  4arth93, WorldsG   Finest  and 4arth936 WorldGs 4nd ) Earth-3F @ome of the Crime S/ndicate of 1merica, the version that recentl/ appeared in the O5orever Evil stor/line) 1nother version first appeared in ?ustice )eague o' @merica #2-3&) Earth-7F @ome of the ori"inal Charlton characters) Peacemaker and Captain 1tom are depicted as alive and well, despite the events in /a @mericana. Earth-8F @ome of the ori"inal 5awcett characters, as depicted in Thunderworld ) Earth-F 1 parod/ of .arvel, includin" a Secret *nvasion %of 6urlans instead of Skrulls( and a Civil War, but usin" variations of 6C characters) 5irst appeared in  Final Crisis6 "u!erman  Deyond  #+) Earth-$F hinl/ veiled version of .arvelNs ehemoth %@ulk(, >u", Wunda:in %hor(, etc) Earth-F he characters from the an"ent line of books) 5irst appeared in Tangent6 The @tom #+) Earth-+&F 5ormerl/ Earth-K %K bein" +& in Doman numerals(, a world where the ;ais won World War **, first seen in ?ustice )eague o' @merica  #+&$-+&) he familiar 6C superheroes are the bad "u/s, while the characters from Hualit/ Comics %omb, etc)( are the "ood "u/s, known as the 5reedom 5i"hters) *t appears the ne4t issue of Multi&ersity will focus on this world) Earth-++F 0ender-reversed world) 5irst seen in "u!erman*Datman #23) Earth-+2F @ome of >atman >e/ond and ustice !ea"ue >e/ond) Earth-+3F 1 supernatural variation, where the superheroes are monster-ish) >ecause, /ou know, +3) 5irst seen in Countdown6 @rena  #+) Earth-+7F atman-+$ referred to earlier) Earth-+F OEarth-.e, the world of the bored and privile"ed sons and dau"hters of the 6C heroes, as seen in Multi&ersity6 The ?ust ) arious characters have been ascribed to this world %some later un-ascribed(, such as >ob @ane/Ns Super-Sons, the Eoung ?ustice   cartoon and Christopher Lent) *t also seems to represent the 6C loodw/nd is in the ustice !ea"ue, etc)() Earth-+$F @ome of the 1tomic Lni"hts of ustice, led b/ Captain 1dam Stran"e) 1 variation on the old 1tomic Lni"hts stories, complete with a nuclear war in +3) %hatNs .orrison tippin" his hat to ohn >roome, * ima"ine)( Eath-+F @ome of 6C Western characters, like Superchief, El 6iablo, Cinnamon, etc) his world was first seen in the Elseworlds ?ustice +iders) Earth-+F @ome of ictorian?Edwardian versions of 6C heroes, some of which were seen in the Elseworlds otham by aslight  and Datman6 Master o' the Future) Could include Wonder  Woman6 @mazonia  and ?)@6 @ge o' Wonder ) Earth-2&F he pulp era Earth, as seen in Multi&ersity6 "ociety o' "u!er9Heroes) Earth-2+F he 5L-era ustice !ea"ue, as seen in 6arw/n CookeNs New Frontier ) Earth-22F he Aingdom Come Earth) Earth-23F @ome of Calvin Ellis, President Superman) *t appears on this Earth that black is the dominant skin color?race, as all of the ustice !ea"ue %e4cept >atman, for some reason( are  black) President Superman was the star of  @ction Comics %second series( #, and his first official appearance is listed as Final Crisis #$) @owever, he 5lash ran into a black ustice !ea"ue back in Crisis on In'inite 4arths ) *f a black Superman appeared in the "roup shot Q * donNt remember if one did Q thatNs too much of a coincidence, so * would consider that his first appearance) Earth-27F iarro world) %Ba/J( Earth-3&F he Earth of "u!erman6 +ed "on ) Earth-3+F @ome of the privateer Captain !eatherwin" %>atman(, first seen in  Betecti&e Comics @nnual  #$) Earth-32F 1 !1-in-a-blender world, riffin" off the Elseworlds Datman6 In Barest Night  %in which 1bin Sur "ives his rin" to >ruce Wa/ne() >arr/ 1llen, Clark Lent and 6iana of  hem/scira are also "iven 0reen !antern rin"s on that Elseworlds, which is not the case here  Q instead, alon" with the >atman?0reen !antern mash-up called >at-!antern, /ou have a Super-.artian %Superman?.artian .anhunter(, >lack 1rrow %>lack Canar/?0reen 1rrow(, Wonderhawk %@awkman?Wonder Woman( and 1Auaflash %1Auaman?5lash( as members of  the ustice itans %ustice !ea"ue?een itans() * have to sa/, some of those blended superheroes seem a lot more useful than the ori"inalsJ %*Nm lookin" at /ou, Wonderhawk)( Earth-33F Earth-Prime, where Ultra Comics comes from) ri"inall/ Earth-Prime was our   planet, and real people like ulius Schwart, Car/ >ates and Elliot S) .a""in were depicted in various issues of  Flash  and  ?ustice )eague o' @merica.  1nd we had our own Superman,  briefl/, called /rneNs "u!erman and Datman6 enerations characters) Earth-3F @ome of ower Comics characters, called 1"ents of W));)6)E)D) %)@)<);)6)E)D) 1"ents() he/ include C/clotron %6/namo(, 6octor ;emo %;, Corvus %Daven(, 1ccelerator %!i"htnin"( and %.enthor() Earth-7&F 1nother pulp era world, where the ma:or characters are all villains, as seen in  Multi&ersity6 "ociety o' "u!er9Heroes) he 0uidebook sa/s Earth-7& and Earth-2& form a Obinar/ universe that resonates in Ocatastrophic harmon/) *ncidentall/, the characters who met a fatal end in ".:.". are shown hale and whole here) Earth-7+F he *ma"e universe, with 6ino-Cop %Sava"e 6ra"on(, ;imrod SAuad %Boun"blood(, ;i"htcracker %6arkhawk(, Spore %Spawn(, etc) Earth-72F he chibi world, which the "uide sa/s Ohides a "reat and terrible secret) We know from later in the stor/ that part of the secret is that the !ittle !ea"ue %and perhaps the entire  population( is made up of robots) 1s mentioned, the Superman of this world was Okilled b/ Superdoomsda/ in @ction Comics %second series( #) Earth-73F 1 world riffin" off the Elseworlds "raphic novels Datman  Bracula6 +ed +ain,  Datman6 Dloodstorm  and Datman6 Crimson Mist ) *n those books >atman was a vampire, but in the illustration, it appears the entire ustice !ea"ue is vampiric) Earth-77F 1 sort of ustice !ea"ue-.etal .en mash-up worldF 0old Superman, *ron >atman, Platinum Wonder Woman, etc) *n a cute twist, the onl/ robot ustice !ea"uer %Ded ornado( is the onl/ human here Q Professor Will ornado %the 6oc Will .a"nus analo"() he 6C wiki sa/s these characters Q .etal ustice, ma/beI .etal @urlantI Q appeared in Final Crisis #$ and ?ustice )eague o' @merica %second series( #73, but * donNt remember them) Earth-78F he world where imm/ lsen, Clark Lent and !ois !ane came up with thou"ht technolo"/, which was used b/ vercorp to create Superdoomsda/, who killed the Superman analo"s of Earth-3 and Earth-72 before bein" destro/ed b/ President Superman of Earth-23 and he ;ew 82 Superman of Earth-&)U * donNt know of an/ other super-chararacters from this Earth, and Earth-78Ns one-e/ed !ois !ane is now livin" on Earth-23 %the Clark and imm/ of Earth-78 are dead() U >rief di"ressionF * do think of he ;ew 82 Superman as :ust another Superman, and not O@E Superman) * think @E Superman went awa/ with Crisis on In'inite 4arths , and we have been sub:ected to a parade of pretenders ever since) hatNs because *Nm an old fart, of  course, but also because of stories like this, which reinforce the idea that ever/ world has its own Superman, which the/ think of as @E Superman, so wh/ should * think of an/ of them as the ori"inalI Earth-7F atmen are on, on Earth-72) *n the second panel, the fier/ hand appears, writin" on the wall) his looks identical to the .ovin" @and of he Source that would "ive instructions to Lirb/Ns ;ew 0ods in the +$&s) nl/ in this scenario it doesnNt appear to be beni"n) *t is writin" O* 5ound Bou as Lamandi, uftan and bi.1C flee, because the walls are shakin") @i"hfather, still watchin", sa/s the walls of all the worlds are shakin") hat 6arkseid is :ust one theme in a s/mphon/) %1 s/mphon/ of evil, one ima"ines, that is comin" to crescendo)( @i"hfather mentions ;i4 ecause the/Nve been copied to 8+ other earthsI atman reads the line in the 0uidebook about Earth-72Ns Oterrible secret, but doesnNt know what it is) @ow do /ou not know /ouNre a robotI >atman-72 fi"ures out how to activate the transmatter cube :ust as SivanaNs robots break in) >atman-72 sees the Odead Nonn Non, whose robotic parts are showin", revealin" the Oterrible secret) r part of it, at least) >atman-+$ hears his friends throu"h the transmatter  cube, so it is likel/ tuned in to Earth-+$) >atman-+$ throws >atman-72 throu"h the cube, but he sta/s to fi"ht the robots) %@e does know how to activate it now, so he has a chance)( >atman-72 reaches >atman-+$, where Captain 1dam Stran"e, and the 1tomic Lni"hts 5lash and Wonder Woman %all ridin" "iant do"s, like the ori"inal 1tomic Lni"hts( want to know where their >atman is) >atman-72 is carr/in" the flower that came from Earth-8+, which Stran"e declares is the Dose hat 0rows *n Winter) Could that simpl/ mean an/ flower that "rows R in a nuclear  winterI !ike the one on Earth-+$I *n the final panel of Pa"e $&, the skies turn red) bviousl/, bad news is on the wa/ here, too) P!atman-+$ escapes Earth-72 and ends up in the @all of @eroes) We see 6ino-Cop of Earth7+, !ord olt of Earth-7) >loodw/nd of Earth-+ and Steel of Earth-72) he/ sa/ the characters sent to Earth-$ %back in  Multi&ersity #+( have failed to return) %hat would be Superman of Earth-23, hunderer of Earth-$, Ded Dacer of Earth-3, 1Auawoman of Earth-7+ and Captain Carrot of Earth-C)( he/ sa/ the entire multiverse is under the attack %e4plainin" the red skies, * "uess( and that the/ are on the front lines) *ncidentall/, !ord olt was killed in his introductor/ stor/, Crisis on In'inite 4arths   #7) * "uess he "ot better) P!ack on Earth-72, 5our of the Odead !ittle !ea"uers %5lash, 1Auaman, C/bor" and .artian .anhunter( are to O0et up and Oreset b/ R 1; E.PB @1;6J OBou have died before, and /ou will die man/ times more before * am done with /ou) See how m/ hand is empt/) he four robots "et up, sa/in" OEmpt/ is th/ hand in unison) So now we know the Oterrible secret of Earth-72J P!ut it's more likel/ a relative or descendant, as we shall see) @itler is depicted as bein" constipated, and refers to himself as Owrithin" in a"on/) @itler suffered from man/ chronic ailments, amon" them constipation, stomach cramps, diarrhea and uncontrollable flatulence) P!undists %1merican ;ai s/mpathiers( threatened imel/ Comics for its anti-;ai stories) he ;ais, as this reference indicates, were no fans of 1merican comic books) he last panel is a scene-setter for a place called Peenemunde, which is a port cit/ on an island in the >altic Sea near the coast of 0erman/) Peenemunde translates literall/ to OPeene .outh, as the cit/ is located at the mouth of the Peene Diver, where it debouches into the >altic Sea) 6urin" World War **, Peenemunde was home to 0erman/Ns most advanced rocket research, and developed the er"eltun"swaffe %Detribution Weapon( 2, known colloAuiall/ as the -2 rocket) he scientists at Peenemunde, which included the famous Werner von >raun, were referred to as OPeenemunders) arious voices are raised sa/in" O@ail @itlerJ, which is the literal translation of the ;ai salute O@eil @itler) P!raun appears as a rocket en"ineer at Peenemunde, as he was in real life) P!ismarckNs famous speech about 0erman unification in +2 was titled O>lood and *ron) ur own culture boasts *ron .an the superhero and *ron .an triathlons, as well as the Oiron fist in a velvet "love P!ut the time is +8, onl/ a few /ears after mass comic-book bonfires in 1merica b/ 1mericansJ roken, one of he 0entr/, is in the back"round) 1 panel informs us that it is now & /ears later %2&+() P!roken has achieved some influence here) !ena tells him he must be Ostron", a ver/ ;ai-like thin" to sa/) P!atman, 5lash, .artian .anhunter, Wonder Woman and 1Auaman) his represents the foundin" members of the ustice !ea"ue in +&, with the curious e4ception of a 0reen !antern analo") f special interest are the 5lash analo", who is female here, and the Wonder Woman analo", who is decked out in >avarian "ear Q she obviousl/ is connected to the ;orse?eutonic "ods instead of the 0reek "ods) %* would think she would be connected to the Doman "ods, since *tal/ was a member of  the 14is, and the/ are the 0reco-Doman "ods after all) >ut * didnNt write or draw the book)( We also see what looks to be ;ai-world versions of imm/ lsen and 1lfred Penn/worth) 1 memoir be"ins, obviousl/ bein" written /ears after the events we are seein") *t refers to the 5all of .etropolis and the wili"ht of the ;ew Deichsmen) he latter is an obvious reference to Da"narok, loosel/ translated to Owili"ht of the 0ods, which in ;orse m/tholo"/ is the death of  the "ods) P!ut as we discover, he betra/s verman and the Deichsmen) Wh/ is never made clear) lsen makes mention of vermanNs Oseemin"l/ a"eless consort) hatNs not >runnhilde as /ouNd e4pect, but !ena, who does not a"e due to a serum from a planet Onow dust %p) 3() omb of this world appears) he female 5lash is referred to as O!i"htnin") hat makes sense, as li"htnin" Q >lit Q was a favored word of the ;ais, as in >litkrie" %li"htin" war() P!lit also has a st/lied SS li"htnin"-bolt insi"nia) P!ormann for 1dolf @itlerNs 8&th birthda/ above >erchtes"aden in the >avarian 1lps) P!atmanNs name here is !eatherwin") he pirate world features a Captain !eatherwin") %* "uess die 5ledermausmann was too unwield/)( !eatherwin" refers to his ="randfather von @ammer,= meanin" the Col) von @ammer who found verman's rocket ship in +3 could have been his father) 1AuamanNs name is runnhilde, the name of a character in eutonic m/tholo"/ made famous in Dichard Wa"nerNs O6ie Din" des ;ibelun"en tetralo"/, confirmin" her connection to a different  pantheon than on our world) P!runnhilde confirms that En"lish is not onl/ banned, but a Odead lan"ua"e) >lit picks up a weapon from another universe and detects Oweird vibrations) his correlates to what we know, that the different dimensions vibrate at different speeds and that those connected to the Speed 5orce are especiall/ sensitive to those vibrations) P!runnhilde makes some t/picall/ ;ai remarks about stren"th and weakness) P!iblical end times, as ehovahNs Witnesses tend to do) lack Condor, he Da/, 6oll .an and 6oll 0irl) hese are all variations of Hualit/ Comics characters) P!a/reuth) >a/reuth is a cit/ in >avaria) verman makes e4plicit reference to Wa"nerNs ODin" c/cle Q formall/ known as O6ie Din" des  ;ibelun"en, which * referred to above) P!rone 1"e concept that essentiall/ did the same thin" as Oima"inar/ stories in the past) P!atmanNs ori"in() @is dialo"ue Oake that, >usterJ, would be prett/ t/pical of the two-fisted 0olden 1"e) Panel 2 is sort-of Silver 1"e-/, with rone 1"e?*ma"e era, or at least post-Crisis, with a sufferin", "rim-n-"ritt/ hero standin" over a dead sidekick shoutin" OWh/III Panel 7 represents the more brutal, anti-hero-ish, post-Wolverine .odern 1"e, with o4, which is a pun referencin" both lon"bo4es %atman, an unknown "iant, Superman, 0reen !antern and 5lash, with *ce in the center) hree of the bu"s Q representin" 6CNs Otrinit/ Q sa/ what the/ want to eat, and each case itNs referencin" what the/ derive their power from or what the/ represent) SupermanF sun, >atmanF darkness, Wonder WomanF life) >u" !antern "ibbers and then sa/s the clich, Ohis ends now) he sidekick refers to the bu"s as Ocrawlies and complains the/ Osa/ the same thin" over and overJ he/ sa/ the same thin"sJ 1nother commentar/ on clichs?herd-think in comics) P!atman m/thos, as a possible ori"in for he oker, as the Ded @ood 0an" in both comics and on the otham   show and as the current nom de "uerre of resurrected e4-Dobin ason odd) *tNs possible she is the >atman analo" of this world, which would coincide with fellow 0uardsman >o/ >lue bein" the Superman analo" %Superman has been referred to as O>i" >lue or Othe >lue >o/ Scout at times() n /et another hand, there was a Ded @ood in both  Aingdom Come   and  ?ustice )eague6 eneration )ost  that would be a"e-appropriate for this character) 1nd one of the 0uardNs members looks a lot like >rookl/n of the ;ewsbo/ !e"ion) * "uess this kid "an" could be populated b/ various kids from various eras or parallel worlds) Ded Didin" @ood describes the /ear as Owhatever-and-8) ;ot onl/ is that true in stor/, but itNs also a possible reference to he ;ew 82 havin" been established as havin" e4isted for onl/ five /ears on a slidin" scale) >ut there was a O5ive Bears !ater run in  )egion o' "u!er9Heroes, so are these kids analo"s of the !S@I he/ are the Okids of tomorrow Q tomorrow as in the 3+st centur/I hat would make Ded Didin" @ood Saturn 0irl, and >o/ >lue !i"htnin" !ad, and uh R well, ma/be that doesnNt work) P!rone 1"e) atman %>atman( of Earth-+$) he le"end at left, which usuall/ tells us on what Earth the interior stor/ is set, shows all Earths eAuall/) P!ut :ust when /ou thou"ht it was all overJ he stor/ continues "oes on, with or without /ou) * think weNve established that .ultiversit/ is commentin" on comics while bein" a comic, and this appears to be a commentar/ on how comic-book characters continue indefinitel/, comin" back from the dead over and over, repeatin" the same themes and stories over and over, and outlivin" their  creators and readers) * donNt know whose voice this is) *f itNs the traditional omniscient narrator, then we can ascribe it to .orrison himself) 1 second voice appears) *t is the @arbin"er computer s/stemNs 1)*) *t is tr/in" to "et someone to listen to her, probabl/ the collected characters at the @all of @eroes) >ut it could be the first speaker, or the reader) 1 third voice appears) *t is also a narrator, but one with a florid touch) 1 fourth voice appears) *t turns out to be ason >lood on the ne4t pa"e, mutterin" rh/me) P!lood %who is wearin" a priestNs collar( continues mutterin" in verse) he captors are vampires) P!lood ransforms into Superdemon %Etri"an is the Superman analo" of Earth-+3() @e strikes down his captors, freein" his fellow captives, the Shadow !ea"ue, which include a Cockne/speakin" ohn Constantine %in superhero "ear, which is prett/ funn/(, 1nnata %=Gatanna=  backwards(, Witchbo/, %Swamp hin"(, 5ate %ared Stevens(, Da"man %who looks like a mumm/(, 6eadman and Enchantress) P!ut he sa/s that :ust as he is shot in the head, so itNs kind of a let-down)( We see the ustice Diders %ustice !ea"ue( of Earth-+, which consists of %from left( the ri""er  wins %5lash(, Super-Chief %Sa"anowana, the Superman analo"(, omahawkman %@awkman(, 5irehair, El 6iablo %>atman(, .adame )77 %Wonder Woman(, Cinammon, Stron"bow %0reen 1rrowI(, Pow-Wow Smith and ohnn/ hunder) he third voice from pa"e one resumes monolo"in") P!atman, Wonder Woman, 1Auaman and C/bor"() Earth-8+ %Lirb/ world(F 5rom left, >en >o4er, Prince uftan, Lamandi) Earth-2&F %5rom left( !ad/ >lackhawk and the >lackhawks, 6oc 5ate, *mmortal .an, .i"ht/ 1tom) Earth-3F %5rom left( War-Woman, C/berion, bad "u/ %ombie mnimanI(, *ron Lni"ht) Earth-2F %5rom left( 5astbak, he Crash, Wonder Wabbit, Pi" *ron, Super-SAuirrel, >at-.ouse, 1merican Ea"le, Bankee Poodle, Dubber 6uck, Elon"-0ator, 1lle/-Lat-1bra) Earth-7F @ard to sa/, since ever/one has super-powers) *Nm "oin" to sa/ that the "irl in red is !iana, one of the few heroes from this world whose name * know, and the one do" we see is 6an"er  6o") he third voice from Pa"e ne continues monolo"in", referencin" Crisis, 6oomsda/ %6eath of  Superman(, ud"ment 6a/ and other comic book events) he second voice %@arbin"er( also chimes in, announcin" arrivals %to the @all of @eroes( from Earths 2, 23 and 3) P10ES +7-+8 1 "roup of heroes, as @arbin"er keeps announcin" arrivals) We see %from left( a Ded ornado analo" %Earth unknown(, >loodw/nd %Earth-+(, a 5lash analo" %Earth unknown(, a Wonder  Woman?.a4ima %Earth-32I(, a 0reen !antern analo" %Earth unknown(, two other "u/s, 1bin Sur  %Earth-2&(, near his le"s a 5lash analo" %Earth unknown( and 1tomic Lni"ht >atman %Earth-+$(, Saturn 0irl %Earth unknown(, >iarro 1dam Stran"e %presumabl/ Earth-2(, >lack 1rrow and hunderhawk %Earth-32(, !ad/ Huark and !ord olt %Earth-7(, above them .ar/ .arvel %Earth-8( and Plastic .an %Earth-+&(, 6inocop %Earth-7+(, 5lashli"ht and a C/bor" analo" %Earth-3(, two unknowns, o/ %Earth unknown(, a ;i"htwin" %Earth unknown( and several unknowns) P!atwoman %Earth-&I() Panel 7F !ad/ Huark mentions the O>atman archetrope) Evidentl/, 1n"or is more knowled"eable about the .ultiverse than others) 1nd it seems .orrison :ust coined a new word, tooJ Panel 8F 1 black-haired 1Auaman %Earth unknown() Panel $F Dobot @awkman %Earth-77() P!o/ and !i"htnin" !ad appear, alon"side the previousl/ seen Saturn 0irl) here is no !e"ion of Super-@eroes Earth in .orrisonNs .ultiverse map, so the/ must be from one of the unknown worlds) 1lso seen are are two new, unknown characters) 1t a "uess, *Nd sa/ the woman in purple and oran"e is the 6uo 6amsel of Earth-+, and the "lowin" "reen m/stical-lookin" "u/ could be Witchbo/ or  6eadman of Earth-+3 %whom *'ve never seen clearl/(, or an unknown 0reen !antern analo") P!ehemoth %@ulk(, Ded Dacer %5lash of Earth-3(, Crusader %Captain 1merica(, .achinehead %*ron .an( and Superman of Earth-23) Super:ud"e is holdin" the Cosmic Cube analo" that came from the =Cosmic E""= in issue #+, which is a DubikNs Cube) P!u", who is female) P10E 2+ Panel +F .achinehead makes reference to the >lue >oarder, obviousl/ a Silver Surfer analo") Panel 3F he dead are risin", but it's the superhero dead of other worlds, as one of them appears to  be the Captain 1merica analo" of Earth-$) %Olack Widow analo" makes her first appearance this issue) Panel 3F Stubbs sa/s Odoors open both wa/s, which echoes a line from the president in the Pa4 1mericana issue) Panel 2F he DubikNs Cube sli"htl/ resembles itans ower, but * donNt think itNs intentional) Panel 8F hunderer reveals he is O!i"htnin" >rother of the .owan:um people) he .owan:um are an abori"inal tribe in Western 1ustralia) P10E 28 1Auawoman sa/s On Earth-++N the stron"est native life form Q is .EJ hat mi"ht be true of  1Auaman as well, if Onative life form means a non-enhanced, natural born creature native to Earth, which would eliminate characters such as Superman, .artian .anhunter, @awkman, 5lash, C/bor", Wonder Woman and 0reen !antern) 1lthou"h, as far as * know, our 1Auaman canNt shoot li"htnin" out of his trident, as 1Auawoman can) P10E 2$ Panel 2F 1AuawomanNs OTcan chan"e /our tune ma/ be considered literal, "iven that .orrison has established the universe as operatin" on vibrations, read Omusic) Chan"e the tune, chan"e the  person %or the world() Panel 7F We see two elastic fi"ures fi"htin" in the back"round) * think we can assume the/ are the .r) 5antastic analo"s of Earth-$ and Earth-, one alive and one dead) P10E 2 he florid narrator be"ins narratin" a"ain) *f we're supposed to know who this is, * am failin") P10E 2 he opportunistic, vermin-like life of he >leed, seen in issue #+, is allowed access to @ellmachine  b/ the .arvels usin" the .echano-Dock of Eternit/ as a weapon) *t eats @ellmachine) P10E 3& Panel 8F Captain Carrot sa/s OWho dares "et in our wa/I What power triumphs over sheer  absurdit/I !ikel/ another meta-commentar/ on comics, but it also he Empt/ @and's onl/ weakness) P10E 3+ Ded Dacer, the 5lash analo" of Earth-3, was revealed in issue #+ to be a comics fan, :ust like >arr/ 1llen in his various manifestations) When Captain Carrot "ives him the entire Multi&ersity series to read, he demurs, sa/in" O*Nm not that much of a nerdJ >ut, like an/ of us, he reads them an/wa/) >ecause he is, like all of us, that much of a nerd) P10E 32 Panel +F 5lash realies the Omaster word to control the transmatter cubes is OS))S), a word?phrase that has been used liberall/ since the first issue) Panel 2F Ded Dacer knows that 5lashes alwa/s make the ultimate sacrifice in Crises, because the/ have in 6C Comics, which e4ist on his world %and, bein" a nerd, he has read them() he @ank he refers to is 5lashli"ht %0reen !antern(, whom he appeared to have a romantic attachment to in issue #+) Panel 3F ;i4 loodw/nd %Earth-+( and !ad/ Huark %Earth-7( char"e, but in the back"round is a new character, a @uman >omb analo", likel/ from Earth-+&) Panel 2F 1 host of 5lashes, one of them the robot 5lash %.ercur/I( from Earth-77) he one in the forefront, mostl/ in /ellow, is the same one we saw prominentl/ on Pa"e +7, which leads me to  believe * should know what Earth heNs from, but * donNt) P10E 7& 1n arm/ of superheroes arrive, most of whom weNve seen before) 1t top we see our first 5irestorm of the issue, and what appears to be a .artian .anhunter?Chemo amal"am Q possibl/ from Earth77) P10E 7+ Panel +F We see the 0reen !antern of Earth-+2) 1lso, Ded Dacer and 5lashli"ht embrace, confirmin" their relationship) Panel 7F he heroes "o throu"h the front door of !ord >roken) >ecause, as established, doors open  both wa/s) P10E 72-73 Earth-$ is the world destro/ed in the first issue, an analo" of .arvelNs i" >ad, and he is a "iant, shadow/ fi"ure with antlers and?or horns, sittin" on his oft-mentioned throne) @e looks va"uel/ like ri"on and other devil-esAue characters) @e means write Othe final chapter of /our never-endin" stor/, makin" him a meta-villain, wantin" to end all the endless stories) he Empt/ @and reveals that the entire series has been a feint9 he is :ust assessin" the stren"th of  =our= multiverse's defenders before invadin") he 0entr/ are revealed as representatives of various races9 there are clusters of *ntellectrons fl/in" around, clumps of !ord >rokens, various @ellmachines) he Empt/ @and reveals the source of their powerF .ultiverse-2) his confirms what we alread/ knew, that our .ultiverse %often referred to as Othe local .ultiverse( is part of a lar"er .ultiverse, which is part of an even lar"er .ultiverse, and so on) P10E 7 Superman of Earth-23 calls a meetin" at a circular table, reminiscent of a :illion ustice !ea"ue scenes %and man/ from the 1ven"ers as well() We have seen most of these characters before, althou"h * donNt have names for them all) ne standout is a sort of 6oomsda/->lue 6evil combo,  probabl/ from Earth-32) P10E 7$ Superman identifies Earth-33, OEarth-Prime, as the source of all trouble) We alread/ know from the .ultiverse .ap that Earth-33, despite havin" no superheroes, somehow influences the events on all other Earths) P10ES 7-7 Superman announces peration ustice *ncarnate, which appears to be a proper team, includin" %from left( .ar/ .arvel from Earth-8, Captain Carrot from Earth-2, >atman from Earth-+$, .achinehead from Earth-, 1Auawoman from Earth-++, Superman of Earth-23, hunderer from Earth-$, 1bin Sur from Earth-2& and Ded Dacer from Earth-3) *f /ou sAuint, /ou can see the ustice !ea"ue, with *ron .an and hor tossed in) Pa"es 8&-8+ Panel +F 1 "atherin" of heroes reminiscent of a similar scene in Crisis on In'inite 4arths ) WeNve seen most of these characters before, but there are a few new ones, includin" a Phantom !ad/ %presumabl/ from Earth-+&(, Wonder .an %from Earth-++(, Super-.artian %Earth-32( and the Wonder Woman-Platinum mash-up from Earth-77) Panel 2F @arbin"er notes that the heroes present represent 8& worlds) he two missin" worlds %of  the local .ultiverse( are, presumabl/, Earth-33, which has no superheroes, and Earth-+8, where Superbo/-Prime killed ever/one) Panel 8F ;i4