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Oca: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Study

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OCA: Oracle ® Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide Biju Thomas Senior Acquisitions Editor: Jeff Kellum Development Editor: Lisa Bishop Technical Editors: Arup Nanda and Syed Jaffar Hussain Production Editor: Dassi Zeidel Copy Editor: Kathy Grider-Carlyle Editorial Manager: Pete Gaughan Vice President and Executive Group Publisher: Richard Swadley Associate Publisher: Chris Webb Media Project Manager 1: Laura Moss-Hollister Media Associate Producer: Shawn Patrick Media Quality Assurance: Marilyn Hummel Book Designer: Judy Fung Compositor: Craig Woods, Happenstance Type-O-Rama Proofreader: Kathy Pope Indexer: Ted Laux Project Coordinator, Cover: Todd Klemme Cover Designer: Wiley Cover Image: © Getty Images Inc./Jeremy Woodhouse Copyright © 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-1-118-64395-2 ISBN: 978-1-118-76325-4 (ebk) ISBN: 978-1-118-93133-2 (ebk) No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, or online at http://www.wiley .com/go/permissions. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales or promotional materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. This work is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. 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If this book refers to media such as a CD or DVD that is not included in the version you purchased, you may download this material at For more information about Wiley products, visit Library of Congress Control Number: 2014930413 TRADEMARKS: Wiley and the Sybex logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/or its affiliates, in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dear Reader, Thank you for choosing OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide. This book is part of a family of premium-quality Sybex books, all of which are written by outstanding authors who combine practical experience with a gift for teaching. Sybex was founded in 1976. More than 30 years later, we’re still committed to producing consistently exceptional books. With each of our titles, we’re working hard to set a new standard for the industry. From the paper we print on, to the authors we work with, our goal is to bring you the best books available. I hope you see all that reflected in these pages. I’d be very interested to hear your comments and get your feedback on how we’re doing. Feel free to let me know what you think about this or any other Sybex book by sending me an email at [email protected]. If you think you’ve found a technical error in this book, please visit Customer feedback is critical to our efforts at Sybex. Best regards, Chris Webb Associate Publisher Sybex, an Imprint of Wiley To the ladies in my family: my lovely wife, loving mom, and lovable sisters. Thanks for always being there for me. To my children: Joshua and Jeanette. You brighten my day, every day! Acknowledgments I thank the great publishing team at Wiley for helping me throughout the writing process. I am grateful to Jeff Kellum, acquisitions editor at Wiley, for initiating this project and having faith in me. I am indebted to Lisa Bishop, developmental editor, for offering valuable suggestions to improve the readability and organization of the book. Thank you both for your patience and hard work throughout this project. Thank you Kathy Grider-Carlyle, copy editor, for meticulously going through the chapters and making sure there is no ambiguity and that all the pieces tie together. I thank Dassi Zeidel, production editor, for ensuring consistency and accuracy and coordinating the production process. I would like to thank Pete Gaughan, Connor O’Brien, Jenni Housh, Rayna Erlick, and everyone at Wiley who helped in the making of this book. A technical book is judged by not only who wrote it, but also who reviewed it. I am much honored to have two great Oracle experts as technical reviewers, both Oracle ACE Directors and recipients of the DBA of the Year award. I thank Arup Nanda for reviewing each paragraph of every chapter and for the invaluable comments, tips, and edits. I thank Syed Jaffar Hussain for reading and ensuring the technical accuracy. The input from two Oracle stalwarts certainly improved the content and reliability of the book. I sincerely thank Gavin Powell for initially signing up as a coauthor to this book. Due to unforeseen events, Gavin could complete only one chapter. I thank Gavin for working with me and helping with the book. I have many friends to thank at OneNeck IT Solutions for their friendship and encouragement. My heartfelt thanks to Chuck Vermillion (SVP & General Manager) for his support and confidence in me. Thank you Danny Carrizosa for the motivation and your willingness to help out wherever needed. I thank Phil Pearson and the entire team for their trust in my technical abilities. It sure is great working with you all. Last but not least, no words can express the ceaseless support and encouragement given by my dear wife. Thank you, Shiji. You are the best. I owe my kids several weekends and thank them for their patience and tolerance of so much of my attention being given to this book. About the Author Biju Thomas   is an Oracle ACE, Oracle Certified Professional, and Certified Oracle Database SQL Expert. Biju has been developing and administering Oracle databases since 1993. He now spends time mentoring DBAs, performance tuning, and designing Oracle solutions. He is Principal Solutions Architect at OneNeck IT Solutions ( He is a frequent presenter at Oracle conferences and a contributor to Oracle technical journals. He blogs at, and you can follow his tweets @biju_thomas. About the Contributor Gavin Powell   spent 25 years as an IT professional in positions such as Oracle DBA, performance tuner, data architect, and developer. In the last 10 years, he has branched out into technical writing (many titles in print) in between contract and consulting jobs. He also enjoys music, songwriting, performing, singing, playing too many instruments, home recording/producing, and studying music at Berklee. About the Technical Reviewers Arup Nanda   has been an Oracle DBA for the last 20 years, working on all aspects of Oracle technology from modeling to performance tuning to disaster recovery. He has written over 500 published articles, presented over 300 sessions in 22 countries, and coauthored 5 books. He is an Oracle ACE Director, Oak Table Network member, editor for SELECT Journal, and a board member of Exadata SIG of IOUG. In recognition, Oracle conferred on him the coveted DBA of the Year and Architect of the Year awards in 2003 and 2012, respectively. He lives in Danbury, CT. Syed Jaffar Hussain   has over 21 years IT experience that includes more than 14 years of production Oracle database administration. Oracle has honored him with the prestigious Oracle ACE Director role and named him DBA of the Year for 2011, both for his excellent knowledge and contributions to the Oracle community. He is an Oracle Certified Master (OCM) for Oracle Database 10g, a status granted only after passing extensive challenges in a hands-on environment. He is also an Oracle Database 10g RAC Certified Expert. Syed Jaffar is a well-known Oracle speaker, and he coauthored Expert Oracle RAC12 and Oracle 11g R1/R2 Real Application Clusters Essentials. He blogs regularly at Contents at a Glance Introduction xx Assessment Test xxxv Part I Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals 1 Chapter 1 Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS 3 Chapter 2 Introducing SQL 35 Chapter 3 Using Single-Row Functions 89 Chapter 4 Using Group Functions 175 Chapter 5 Using Joins and Subqueries 227 Chapter 6 Manipulating Data 281 Chapter 7 Creating Tables and Constraints 319 Part II Oracle Database 12c: Installation and Administration Chapter 8 Introducing Oracle Database 12c Components and Architecture 381 383 Chapter 9 Creating and Operating Oracle Database 12c 431 Chapter 10 Understanding Storage and Space Management 511 Chapter 11 Managing Data Concurrency and Undo 569 Chapter 12 Understanding Oracle Network Architecture 603 Chapter 13 Implementing Security and Auditing 677 Chapter 14 Maintaining the Database and Managing Performance 753 Chapter 15 Using Backup and Recovery 825 Chapter 16 Controlling Resources and Jobs 903 Chapter 17 Upgrading to Oracle Database 12c 957 Chapter 18 Using Grid Infrastructure and Data Movement Tools 1005 Appendix A Answers to Review Questions 1083 Appendix B About the Additional Study Tools 1119 Index 1123 Contents Introduction xx Assessment Test xxxv Part I Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals 1 Chapter 1 Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS 3 Relational Database Management Systems 4 Characteristics of a Relational Database 5 Oracle’s Implementation of RDBMS and ORDBMS 8 The Oracle Database 12c 9 Oracle Database 12c Implementations 9 Connecting to Oracle Database 13 Database Management Tools 14 Oracle Database 12c in the Cloud 19 Familiarizing SQL*Plus 19 Summary 30 Exam Essentials 31 Review Questions 32 Chapter 2 Introducing SQL 35 SQL Fundamentals 36 38 Oracle Datatypes 42 Operators and Literals Writing Simple Queries 46 Using the SELECT Statement 46 51 Filtering Rows 62 Sorting Rows Sorting NULLs 64 67 Limiting Rows 68 Using Expressions Accepting Values at Runtime 72 Using Ampersand Substitution Variables 73 Saving a Variable for a Session 75 Using Positional Notation for Variables 77 Summary 78 Exam Essentials 78 Review Questions 80 Chapter 3 Using Single-Row Functions 89 Single-Row Function Fundamentals Functions for NULL Handling 90 91 x Contents Using Single-Row Character Functions 95 Character Function Overview 95 Character Function Descriptions 96 Using Single-Row Numeric Functions 108 Numeric Function Overview 108 Numeric Function Descriptions 109 Using Single-Row Date Functions 119 Date Format Conversion 119 Date Function Overview 120 Date Function Descriptions 121 Using Single-Row Conversion Functions 131 Conversion Function Overview 131 Conversion Function Descriptions 133 Using Other Single-Row Functions 154 Miscellaneous Function Overview 154 Miscellaneous Function Descriptions 155 Summary 167 Exam Essentials 168 Review Questions 169 Chapter 4 Using Group Functions 175 Group Function Fundamentals 176 Utilizing Aggregate Functions 177 Grouping Data with GROUP BY 178 Group Function Overview 182 Group Function Descriptions: Part 1 184 Group Function Descriptions: Part 2 194 Limiting Grouped Data with HAVING 207 Creating Superaggregates with CUBE and ROLLUP 208 Nesting Functions 215 Summary 218 Exam Essentials 218 Review Questions 219 Chapter 5 Using Joins and Subqueries 227 Writing Multiple-Table Queries Inner Joins Cartesian Joins Outer Joins Other Multiple-Table Queries Using Set Operators The UNION Operator The UNION ALL Operator The INTERSECT Operator 228 229 239 240 245 247 248 249 250 Contents xi The MINUS Operator 250 Putting It All Together 250 Using Subqueries 252 Single-Row Subqueries 253 Multiple-Row Subqueries 254 Subquery Returns No Rows 256 Correlated Subqueries 258 Scalar Subqueries 259 Multiple-Column Subqueries 267 Subqueries in Other DML Statements 268 Summary 269 Exam Essentials 270 Review Questions 271 Chapter 6 Manipulating Data 281 Using DML Statements 282 Inserting Rows into a Table 283 Updating Rows in a Table 289 Deleting Rows from a Table 294 Merging Rows 297 Understanding Transaction Control 299 Savepoints and Partial Rollbacks 302 Data Visibility 304 Summary 306 Exam Essentials 307 Review Questions 308 Chapter 7 Creating Tables and Constraints 319 Database Objects Overview Schema Objects Using Sequences Built-in Datatypes Character Datatypes Numeric Datatypes Date and Time Datatypes Date Arithmetic Binary Datatypes Row ID Datatypes Creating Tables Naming Tables and Columns Specifying Default Values for Columns Adding Comments Creating a Table from Another Table Modifying Tables Adding Columns 320 322 324 325 325 329 330 334 336 337 338 339 341 348 348 350 350 xii Contents Modifying Columns 353 Renaming Columns 354 Dropping Columns 354 Hiding Columns from Table 356 Dropping Tables 357 Renaming Tables 357 Making Tables Read-Only 358 Managing Constraints 361 Creating Constraints 362 Dropping Constraints 367 Enabling and Disabling Constraints 367 Deferring Constraint Checks 369 Summary 373 Exam Essentials 374 Review Questions 375 Part II Chapter 8 Oracle Database 12c: Installation and Administration 381 Introducing Oracle Database 12c Components and Architecture 383 Oracle Database Fundamentals 385 Relational Databases 385 Oracle Database 12c Objects 386 Interacting with Oracle Database 12c 388 Oracle Database 12c Architecture 391 User and Server Processes 394 The Oracle Instance 396 Oracle Storage Structures 410 Summary 424 Exam Essentials 425 Review Questions 426 Chapter 9 Creating and Operating Oracle Database 12c 431 Oracle Database 12c Software Installation 432 Planning the Oracle Database 12c Software Install 433 Using the Oracle Universal Installer 440 Using DBCA to Create an Oracle 12c Database 447 Invoking the Database Configuration Assistant 447 Configuring an Oracle Database Using the DBCA 472 Deleting an Oracle Database Using the DBCA 472 Managing Database Templates Using the DBCA 473 Working with Oracle Database Metadata 475 Data Dictionary Views 476 Dynamic Performance Views 477 Contents xiii Managing Initialization-Parameter Files 479 Locating the Default Parameter File 484 Modifying Initialization-Parameter Values 485 Starting Up and Shutting Down an Oracle Instance 490 Starting Up an Oracle Database 12c Instance 491 Shutting Down an Oracle Database 12c Instance 495 Monitoring the Database Alert Log 497 Summary 503 Exam Essentials 504 Review Questions 506 Chapter 10 Understanding Storage and Space Management 511 Understanding the Physical and Logical Storage 512 Contents of a Data Block 514 Managing Tablespaces 516 Identifying Default Tablespaces 516 Creating and Maintaining Tablespaces 516 Obtaining Tablespace Information 531 Managing Data Files 534 Performing Operations on Data Files 535 Using the Oracle Managed Files Feature 539 Querying Data File Information 544 Managing Space 547 Automatic Space Management Features 547 Monitoring Tablespace Free Space 551 Using Segment Advisor 554 Avoiding Out-of-Space Errors 559 Summary 562 Exam Essentials 563 Review Questions 565 Chapter 11 Managing Data Concurrency and Undo 569 Managing Data Changes Using DML 570 Understanding “Change” 571 Differentiating Undo and Redo 572 Configuring and Monitoring Undo 576 Managing Data Concurrency 584 Understanding Locks and Transactions 585 Maximizing Data Concurrency 587 Detecting and Resolving Lock Conflicts 590 Summary 595 Exam Essentials 595 Review Questions 597 xiv Contents Chapter 12 Understanding Oracle Network Architecture 603 Introducing Network Configurations 604 Single-Tier Architecture 605 Two-Tier Architecture 605 n-Tier Architecture 606 An Overview of Oracle Net Features 607 Connectivity 608 Manageability 608 Scalability 609 Security 611 Accessibility 613 Configuring Oracle Net on the Server 613 Understanding the Oracle Listener 614 Managing Oracle Listeners 618 Dynamically Registering Services 634 Oracle Net Logging and Tracing on the Server 635 Configuring Oracle Net for the Client 637 Client-Side Names Resolution Options 637 The Host Naming Method 638 The Oracle Easy Connect Method 639 The Local Naming Method 641 Troubleshooting Client-Side Connection Problems 646 An Overview of Oracle Shared Server 648 Dedicated Server vs. Shared Server 648 Advantages and Disadvantages of Shared Server 650 Oracle Shared Server Infrastructure 651 Configuring the Oracle Shared Server 653 Managing a Shared Server 658 Understanding Database Resident Connection Pooling 661 Configuring DRCP 662 Comparing Connection Architectures 663 Communicating Between Databases 666 Introduction to Database Links 666 Creating Database Links 667 Summary 669 Exam Essentials 670 Review Questions 672 Chapter 13 Implementing Security and Auditing 677 Creating and Managing User Accounts Configuring Authentication Assigning Tablespaces and Quotas Assigning a Profile and Account Settings 678 679 681 684 Contents xv Removing a User from the Database 686 Managing Default User Accounts 687 Granting and Revoking Privileges 687 Granting Object Privileges 688 Granting System Privileges 692 Role Privileges 701 Applying the Principle of Least Privilege 705 Controlling Resource Usage by Users 711 Implementing Password Security Features 714 Auditing Database Activity 718 Managing Statement Auditing 720 Managing Privilege Auditing 724 Managing Object Auditing 725 Using SQL Developer for Audit Management 727 Purging the Audit Trail 729 Managing Fine-Grained Auditing 732 Implementing Unified Auditing 735 Summary 745 Exam Essentials 746 Review Questions 747 Chapter 14 Maintaining the Database and Managing Performance 753 Proactive Database Maintenance 754 Managing Optimizer Statistics 755 Gathering Performance Statistics 775 Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitoring 782 The Advisory Framework 793 Monitoring Server-Generated Alerts 798 Understanding Automatic Diagnostic Repository 801 Managing Performance 806 Sources of Tuning Information 807 Tuning Memory 812 Automatic Shared Memory Management 813 Automatic SQL Execution Memory Management 815 Managing Memory Using EM Cloud Control 817 Summary 819 Exam Essentials 820 Review Questions 821 Chapter 15 Using Backup and Recovery Understanding and Configuring Recovery Components Understanding Control Files Understanding Checkpoints 825 827 827 831 xvi Contents Understanding Redo Log Files 832 Understanding Archived Redo Log (ARCHIVELOG) Files 839 Understanding the Fast Recovery Area 844 Performing Backups 848 Understanding Backup Terminology 848 Backing Up the Control File 850 Backing Up the Database 851 Using RMAN to Perform Backups 852 Managing Backups 861 Understanding Types of Database Failures 864 Statement Failures 865 User-Process Failures 865 Network Failures 866 User-Error Failures 866 Instance Failures 867 Media Failures 868 Performing Recovery Operations 868 Understanding Instance Startup 868 Keeping an Instance from Failing 870 Recovering from Instance Failure 870 Tuning Instance Recovery 871 Recovering from User Errors 873 Recovering from the Loss of a Control File 881 Using the Data Recovery Advisor 883 Recovering from the Loss of a Redo Log File 884 Recovering from the Loss of a Non-System-Critical Data File 886 Recovering from the Loss of a System-Critical Data File 892 Table Recovery Using RMAN 893 Summary 894 Exam Essentials 895 Review Questions 897 Chapter 16 Controlling Resources and Jobs Resource Management with the Resource Manager Functions of the Resource Manager Understanding Resource Manager Components Configuring the Database Resource Manager Accessing and Creating Resource Plans Updating and Deleting Resources Monitoring the Resource Manager Task Automation with Oracle Scheduler Scheduler Architecture Using Oracle Scheduler 903 904 904 905 911 916 924 927 930 930 934 Contents xvii Relating Tasks with Job Chains 943 Scheduling Jobs on Remote Systems 947 Prioritizing Jobs with Oracle Scheduler 948 Summary 951 Exam Essentials 951 Review Questions 952 Chapter 17 Upgrading to Oracle Database 12c 957 Determining the Database Upgrade Method 958 Using Direct Upgrade 959 Migrating to Oracle Database 12c 961 Preparing for a Database Upgrade 963 Running the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool 964 Preparing the Oracle Home 974 Reducing Upgrade Downtime 975 Upgrading the Database 976 Using Database Upgrade Assistant 976 Performing a Manual Upgrade 987 Completing the Post-Upgrade Tasks 991 Migrating to Unified Auditing 994 Downgrading to an Earlier Release 995 Summary 997 Exam Essentials 997 Review Questions 999 Chapter 18 Using Grid Infrastructure and Data Movement Tools Tools for Moving Data Migrating Data Using Data Pump Data Pump Architecture Using Data Pump Clients Using the Data Pump Wizard Upgrading an 11g R2 Database to 12c Using Full Transportable Export Loading Data with SQL*Loader Specifying SQL*Loader Command-Line Parameters Specifying Control File Options Populating External Tables Loading External Tables Using Data Pump Loading External Tables Using Loader Introducing Grid Infrastructure Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure Managing Oracle ASM Storage Using Oracle Restart 1005 1006 1008 1009 1012 1033 1037 1039 1040 1042 1046 1046 1048 1050 1051 1061 1068 xviii Contents Summary 1076 Exam Essentials 1077 Review Questions 1078 Appendix A Answers to Review Questions 1083 Chapter 1: Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS 1084 Chapter 2: Introducing SQL 1085 Chapter 3: Using Single-Row Functions 1087 Chapter 4: Using Group Functions 1089 Chapter 5: Using Joins and Subqueries 1090 Chapter 6: Manipulating Data 1092 Chapter 7: Creating Tables and Constraints 1094 Chapter 8: Introducing Oracle Database 12c Components and Architecture 1096 Chapter 9: Creating and Operating Oracle Database 12c 1098 Chapter 10: Understanding Storage and Space Management 1100 Chapter 11: Managing Data Concurrency and Undo 1102 Chapter 12: Understanding Oracle Network Architecture 1104 Chapter 13: Implementing Security and Auditing 1106 Chapter 14: Maintaining the Database and Managing Performance 1108 Chapter 15: Using Backup and Recovery 1110 Chapter 16: Controlling Resources and Jobs 1112 Chapter 17: Upgrading to Oracle Database 12c 1114 Chapter 18: Using Grid Infrastructure and Data Movement Tools 1116 Appendix B About the Additional Study Tools 1119 Additional Study Tools 1120 Sybex Test Engine 1120 Electronic Flashcards 1120 Bonus Author Materials 1120 PDF of Glossary of Terms 1120 Adobe Reader 1121 System Requirements 1121 Using the Study Tools 1121 Troubleshooting 1121 Customer Care 1122 Index 1123 Table of Exercises Exercise  1.1 Practicing SQL*Plus File Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Exercise  9.1 Manually Delete or Remove an Oracle Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 Exercise  9.2 Creating an Oracle Database 12c Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 Introduction There is high demand for professionals in the information technology (IT) industry, and Oracle certifications are the hottest credential in the database world. You have made the right decision to pursue certification, because being certified in the latest version of Oracle, Oracle Database 12c, will give you a distinct advantage in this highly competitive market. Many readers may already be familiar with Oracle and do not need an introduction to Oracle databases. For those who aren’t familiar with the company, Oracle, founded in 1977, sold the first commercial relational database and is now the world’s leading database company and second-largest independent software company with revenues of more than $37 billion, and is headquartered in Redwood City, California. Oracle databases are the de facto standard for large Internet sites, mission-critical enterprise applications, and cloud solutions. With the acquisition of Sun Microsystems, Oracle offers complete enterprise business solutions with engineered systems capable of running world-class databases and applications. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application suites, data warehouses, and business applications at many large and medium-sized companies rely on Oracle. The demand for DBA resources remains higher than others during weak economic times. This book is intended to help you on your exciting path toward becoming an Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate (OCA), which is the first step on the path toward Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) and Oracle Certified Master (OCM) certification. This book covers two of the exams required for the OCA certification. Using this book and a practice database, you can start learning Oracle Database 12c and pass the 1Z0-061 “Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals” and 1Z0-062 “Oracle Database 12c: Installation and Administration” exams. Why Become Oracle Certified? The number one reason to become OCA or OCP certified is to gain more visibility and greater access to the industry’s most challenging opportunities. Oracle certification is the best way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in Oracle database systems. Preparing for the certification exam may be the best time spent on your career because you learn the tasks that are necessary to be successful as a DBA. Certification is proof of your knowledge and shows that you have the skills required to support Oracle core products. The Oracle certification program can help a company identify proven performers who have demonstrated their skills and who can support the company’s investment in Oracle technology. It demonstrates that you have a solid understanding of your job role and the Oracle products used in that role. The certification tests are scenario-based, which is the most effective way to assess your hands-on expertise and critical problem-solving skills. OCPs are among the best paid in the IT industry. Salary surveys consistently show the OCP certification to yield higher salaries than the other certifications, including Microsoft, Novell, and Cisco. Introduction xxi So, whether you are beginning a career, changing careers, securing your present position, or seeking to refine and promote your position, this book is for you! Oracle Certifications Oracle certifications follow a track that is oriented toward a job role. The primary certification tracks are Database, Applications, Java, Enterprise Management, Virtualization, and Operating Systems. Within each track, Oracle has a tiered certification program of OCA and OCP. Only the Database track has OCM. The Database track is clearly for the Database Administrator job role. For the latest certification information on all of Oracle certification paths, please visit the Oracle website at prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getpage?page_id=39&p_org_id=1001&lang=US. The role of database administrator (DBA) has become a key to success in today’s highly complex database systems. The best DBAs work behind the scenes, but are in the spotlight when critical issues arise. They plan, create, maintain, and ensure that the database is available for the business, most importantly, DBAs troubleshoot, diagnose, and resolve issues. They have tools to proactively monitor the database for performance issues and to prevent unscheduled downtime. The DBA’s job requires a broad understanding of the architecture of an Oracle database and expertise in solving problems. Sybex has Oracle certification study guides for the Database track. The following sections will introduce you to the different tiers in the Oracle Database 12c certification track. Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate The Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) credential is the first step toward achieving the Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) certification. OCA shows that you have the fundamental knowledge and skills to support an Oracle Database 12c database. This certification requires you to pass two exams that demonstrate your Oracle basics: ■■ 1Z0-061: Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals ■■ 1Z0-062: Oracle Database 12c: Installation and Administration If you have already passed any one of the following tests, you need not take the 1Z0-061 exam. You only need to pass the 1Z0-062. ■■ 1Z0-051: Oracle Database 11g SQL Fundamentals I ■■ 1Z0-047: Oracle Database SQL Expert The 1Z0-061 exam can be taken at a testing location or from your home using the Internet. The 1Z0-062 test is offered at a Pearson Vue facility. To register for the test, visit Pearson Vue at http:// xxii Introduction Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Professional The Oracle Certified Professional credential shows that you have the skill and technical expertise to manage and implement enterprise databases. The OCP tier challenges you to demonstrate your continuing experience and knowledge of Oracle technologies. The OCP test will measure your knowledge in setting up and managing multitenant architecture databases and in backup and recovery. The Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Professional certification requires you to have the OCA certification as well as to pass the following exam. ■■ 1Z0-063: Oracle Database 12c: Advanced Administration In addition, the OCP candidate must take one instructor-led Oracle university hands-on requirement class. You should verify the list of approved hands-on courses at the Oracle Education website at Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Master The highest level of certification available in any track is the Oracle Certified Master. The OCM certification credential shows that you have the highest level of expertise in an Oracle product. To become a certified master, you must first achieve OCP status and then complete two advanced instructor-led classes at an Oracle Education facility. You must also pass a hands-on examination at an Oracle Education facility. At the time of writing this book, the Oracle Database 12c Certified Master Exam is not released. More Information and Resources You can find most current information about Oracle certification at http://education You may be asked to choose the country of residence before being directed to the site. Follow the links under Certifications to choose the track and learn more. Choose the Database track to view the different certification versions available. Choose Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate, and then click on the test to find out more about the test contents, the objectives covered in the test, the passing score, and to register for the test. The Oracle documentation is available online at Oracle documentation contains a wealth of information, which can be used to supplement what you learn from this book. Oracle provides training series with step-by-step instructions to perform a variety of Oracle Database 12c tasks. The Oracle by Example (OBE) tutorial can be found at http:// Oracle Technology Network ( is a great resource for database administrators and developers. You can read articles; view sample code; access documentation; participate in forums; and most importantly, download Oracle Database 12c, Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c, and other Oracle products. Introduction xxiii OCA/OCP Study Guides The Oracle Database 12c Administration track certification consists of three tests: two for OCA and one for OCP. Sybex offers study guides to help you achieve OCA and OCP certification. ■■ ■■ OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide (9781118643952) – Covers exams 1Z0-061: Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals and 1Z0-062: Oracle Database 12c: Installation and Administration. OCP: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Professional Study Guide (9781118644072) – Covers exam 1Z0-063: Oracle Database 12c: Advanced Administration. These two books are offered in a boxed set as OCP: Oracle Certified Professional on Oracle Database 12c Certification Kit (9781118957684). Oracle Exam Requirements The Oracle Database 12c Database Certified Associate certification tests your basic SQL skills for the SQL exam and database architecture and administration skills for the DBA exam. The SQL exam tests your knowledge of writing SQL and using the functions available in Oracle Database 12c. The Installation and Administration exam concentrates on the architecture and the basic administration of Oracle 12c databases. The following sections detail the skills needed to pass the SQL Fundamentals and the Installation and Administration exams. OCA SQL (1Z0-061) Requirements To pass the Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals exam, you must have the following skills: ■■ Write SQL SELECT statements that display data from one or more tables ■■ Join tables using ANSI syntax and Oracle traditional syntax ■■ Restrict, sort, and aggregate data using single-row, conversion, and group functions ■■ Write subqueries and queries using SET operators ■■ Manipulate data: insert, update, delete ■■ Create and manage tables and other database objects OCA Installation and Administration (1Z0-062) Requirements To pass the Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administration exam, you must have the following skills: ■■ Understand the Oracle server architecture (database and instance) ■■ Install Oracle Database 12c software and create a database ■■ Use Database Configuration Assistant and Enterprise Manager tools ■■ Understand the physical and logical storage of the database, and be able to manage space allocation and growth xxiv Introduction ■■ Use the data dictionary views and set database parameters ■■ Manage and manipulate data, including its storage, loading, and reorganization ■■ Create and manage tables, constraints, and indexes ■■ Manage redo logs, archive logs, and automatic undo ■■ Configure Oracle Net on the server side and client side ■■ Understand backup and recovery architecture ■■ Secure the database and audit database usage ■■ Use advisors to tune and manage the database ■■ Upgrade the database ■■ Move data between databases ■■ Install and manage Grid Infrastructure, Oracle Restart, and Automatic Storage Management Tips for Taking the OCA Exams The following tips will help you prepare for and pass each exam. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Each test consists of between 70 and 95 questions to be completed in 120 to 150 minutes (depending on the exam). Answer the questions you are sure of first, before you run out of time. Many questions on the exam have answer choices that at first glance look identical. Read the questions carefully. Do not jump to conclusions. Make sure you clearly understand what each question asks. Most questions are based on scenarios. Some of the scenarios contain nonessential information and exhibits. You need to be able to identify what’s important and what’s not. Do not leave any questions unanswered. There is no negative scoring. After selecting an answer, you can mark difficult questions or the ones you are unsure of and come back to them later. When answering questions you are not sure about, use a process of elimination to get rid of the obviously incorrect answers first. Doing this greatly improves your odds if you need to make an educated guess. If you are not sure of your answer, mark it for review and then look for other questions that may help you eliminate any incorrect answers. At the end of the test, you can review the questions you marked earlier. You should be familiar with the exam objectives, which are included at the beginning of each chapter. Please check the objective listing on the Oracle Education website for any changes or updates. The detail page for each exam shows the passing score, number of questions, and minutes allocated along with the exam fees and any other requirements. Introduction xxv What Is Covered in This Book This book covers everything you need to pass the Oracle Database 12c Certified Associate exams. Part I includes the first seven chapters that cover the objectives for the Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals exam. Part II of the book includes the remaining 11 chapters that cover the objectives for the Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administration exam. Part I: Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals Chapter 1: Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS introduces you to the features of Oracle Database 12c and the aspects of a relational database. Chapter 2: Introducing SQL introduces you to writing simple queries using SELECT statements. It also introduces you to filtering and sorting data. Chapter 3: Using Single-Row Functions discusses the single-row functions and conversion functions available, with details on how and where to use them. Chapter 4: Using Group Functions explains data aggregations, Oracle’s built-in group function, and nesting of functions. Chapter 5: Using Joins and Subqueries explains how data from multiple tables can be related via joins, subqueries, and by using SET operators. Chapter 6: Manipulating Data explores how to manipulate data: adding, removing, and updating data. The chapter also covers how transaction control works. Chapter 7: Creating Tables and Constraints explains how to create and manage tables and constraints. It also discusses the various datatypes available in Oracle Database 12c to store data. Part II: Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administration Chapter 8: Introducing Oracle Database 12c Components and Architecture is the first chapter to start if you’re reading for the Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administration exam. This chapter introduces you to the Oracle Database 12c database architecture and the relationship between logical and physical storage structures. Chapter 9: Creating and Operating an Oracle Database 12c explains how you can install the Oracle Database 12c software and create a database. It discusses the initialization parameters, stages of database startup and shutdown, where to find log and trace files, and how to use the data dictionary. Chapter 10: Understanding Storage and Space Management explores the logical and physical storage of the database. You will learn space management and the various types of tablespaces. This chapter also discusses monitoring space and reclaiming wasted space. Chapter 11: Managing Data Concurrency and Undo shows you how you can add, update, and remove data from tables, as well as how transactions work. It introduces you to undo data and undo management. This chapter also discusses how Oracle manages locks to ensure data concurrency. Be sure to read Chapter 6 before you read this chapter. xxvi Introduction Chapter 12: Understanding Oracle Network Architecture introduces you to the Oracle Net configuration and setup. You will learn to set up network architecture on the server and client. Chapter 13: Implementing Security and Auditing shows how you can secure your database using privileges, profiles, and roles. You will also learn to audit database usage. Chapter 14: Maintaining the Database and Managing Performance explores the tools available in Oracle Database 12c to manage the performance of the database. You will learn about optimizer statistics, Automatic Workload Repository, various advisors, and Automatic Memory Management. Chapter 15: Using Backup and Recovery introduces you to the backup architecture concepts. It discusses the various backup modes and using RMAN. It also delves into the various recovery scenarios and how best to get the data back. It shows you how to use the Data Recovery Advisor, which can help find and recover the database, as well as offer advice. Chapter 16: Controlling Resources and Jobs shows you how to manage the resources available on the database server using the Resource Manager. You will also learn about the Oracle Scheduler job management system. Chapter 17: Upgrading to Oracle Database 12c familiarizes you with the process of upgrading a database to Oracle Database 12c. You also learn the various upgrade and migration methods. Chapter 18: Using Grid Infrastructure and Data Movement Tools introduces you to Data Pump and SQL*Loader, the tools available in Oracle Database 12c to move and load data. This chapter also covers the Grid Infrastructure installation and configuration, including setting up Automatic Storage Management disks. Each chapter ends with Review Questions that are specifically designed to help you retain the knowledge presented. To really nail down your skills, read and answer each question carefully. What’s Available Online? The book includes a number of companion study tools, which can be downloaded from See Appendix B, “About the Additional Study Tools,” for information on how to access and install these tools: Test Preparation Software    The test preparation software prepares you to pass both the 1Z0-061 and 1Z0-062 exams. You’ll find all the review and assessment questions from the book plus an additional four practice exams (two for each exam) that appear exclusively from the downloadable study tools. Electronic Flashcards    The companion study tools include over 400 flashcards specifically written to hit you hard, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t ace your way through them at first! They’re there to ensure that you’re really ready for the exam. And no worries—armed with the review questions, practice exams, and flashcards, you’ll be more than prepared when exam day comes! Introduction xxvii Author Bonus Material    I’ve included all of the code from the book, as well as three bonus Whitepapers that show you how to install an Oracle 12c database on Windows, how to create non-CDB Oracle Database 12c on Windows, and how to install Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c on Virtual Box. Glossary    A complete glossary of common terms is available at How to Use This Book This book provides a solid foundation for the serious effort of preparing for the Oracle Database 12c Certified Associate exams. To best benefit from the book, use the following study method: 1. Take the assessment tests immediately following this introduction. (The answers are at the end of the tests.) Carefully read the explanations for any questions you get wrong, and note in which chapters the material is covered. This information should help you plan your study strategy. 2. Study each chapter carefully, making sure you fully understand the information and the test objectives listed at the beginning of each chapter. Pay close attention to any chapter related to questions you missed in the assessment test. 3. Complete all hands-on activities in the chapter, referring to the chapter so that you understand the reason for each step you take. It is best to have an Oracle Database 12c database available to try out the examples and the code provided in the book. All the code is also included with the additional study tools. 4. Answer the review questions related to that chapter. Note the review questions that confuse or trick you, and study those sections of the book again. 5. The two bonus exams for each exam are included with the accompanying study tools. They will give you a complete overview of what you can expect to see on the real test. 6. Answer all the flashcard questions included with the study tools. 7. Remember to use the study tools included with this book. The electronic flash cards and the Sybex test engine exam-preparation software has been specifically designed to help you study and pass your exams. The additional study tools can be downloaded from oca12sg. To learn all the material covered in this book, you will need to apply yourself regularly and with discipline. Try to set the same time period every day to study, and select a comfortable and quite place to do so. If you work hard, you will be surprised at how quickly you will learn this material. You can also find supplemental reading material and Oracle documentation references on my blog that will deepen your knowledge of what you read in this book. All the best! xxviii Introduction Prebuilt Oracle Database 12c can be downloaded and set up on VirtualBox. This is convenient, especially if you are new to Oracle. Prebuilt Oracle VMs can be downloaded from community/developer-vm. You will have to install and set up Oracle VM VirtualBox to use the prebuilt VMs. How to Contact the Author I welcome feedback from you about this book or about books you’d like to see from me in the future. You can reach me by writing to [email protected]. For more information about database administration and Oracle Database 12c certification, please visit my blog at You may follow me on social media through Twitter (@biju_thomas) and Facebook (Oracle Notes Sybex strives to keep you supplied with the latest tools and information you need for your work. Please check their website at, where we’ll post additional content, errata, and updates that supplement this book if the need arises. Enter search terms in the Search box (or type the book’s ISBN— 9781118643952), and click Go to get to the book’s update page. Exam Objectives xxix Exam Objectives Part I: 1Z0-061 Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals Objective Map ■■ 1 Introduction Chapter 1 ■■ 1.1 Describe the features of Oracle Database 12c, Chapter 1 ■■ 1.2 Describe the salient features of Oracle Cloud 12c, Chapter 1 ■■ 1.3 Explain the theoretical and physical aspects of a relational database, Chapter 1 ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 2 Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement, Chapter 2 ■■ 2.1 Explain the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements, Chapter 2 ■■ 2.2 Execute a basic SELECT statement, Chapter 2 3 Restricting and Sorting Data, Chapter 2 ■■ 3.1 Limit the rows that are retrieved by a query, Chapter 2 ■■ 3.2 Sort the rows that are retrieved by a query, Chapter 2 ■■ 3.2 Use ampersand substitution to restrict and sort output at runtime, Chapter 2 4 Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output, Chapter 3 ■■ 4.1 Describe various types of functions available in SQL, Chapter 3 ■■ 4.2 Use character, number, and date functions in SELECT statements, Chapter 3 5 Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions, Chapter 3 ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 1.4 Describe Oracle server’s implementation of RDBMS and object relational database management system (ORDBMS), Chapter 1 5.1 Describe various types of conversion functions that are available in SQL, Chapter 3 5.2 Use the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions, Chapter 3 5.3 Apply conditional expressions in a SELECT statement, Chapter 3 6 Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions, Chapter 4 ■■ 6.1 Identify the available group functions, Chapter 4 ■■ 6.2 Describe the use of group functions, Chapter 4 ■■ 6.3 Group data by using the GROUP BY clause, Chapter 4 ■■ 6.4 Include or exclude grouped rows by using the HAVING clause, Chapter 4 xxx Introduction ■■ 7 Displaying Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins, Chapter 5 ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 7.1 Write SELECT statements to access data from more than one table using equijoins and nonequijoins, Chapter 5 7.2 Join a table to itself by using a self-join, Chapter 5 7.3 View data that generally does not meet a join condition by using OUTER joins, Chapter 5 7.4 Generate a Cartesian product of all rows from two or more tables, Chapter 5 8 Using Subqueries to Solve Queries, Chapter 5 ■■ 8.1 Define subqueries, Chapter 5 ■■ 8.2 Describe the types of problems that the subqueries can solve, Chapter 5 ■■ 8.3 Describe the types of subqueries, Chapter 5 ■■ 8.4 Write single-row and multiple-row subqueries, Chapter 5 ■■ 8.5 Using the set operators, Chapter 5 ■■ 8.6 Describe set operators, Chapter 5 ■■ 8.7 Use a set operator to combine multiple queries into a single query, Chapter 5 ■■ 8.8 Control the order of rows returned, Chapter 5 9 Managing Tables Using DML Statements, Chapter 6 ■■ 9.1 Truncate data, Chapter 6 ■■ 9.2 Insert rows into a table, Chapter 6 ■■ 9.3 Update rows in a table, Chapter 6 ■■ 9.4 Delete rows from a table, Chapter 6 ■■ 9.5 Control transaction, Chapter 6 10 Introduction to Data Definition Language, Chapter 7 ■■ 10.1 Categorize the main database objects, Chapter 7 ■■ 10.2 Explain the table structure, Chapter 7 ■■ 10.3 Describe the datatypes that are available for columns, Chapter 7 ■■ 10.4 Create a simple table, Chapter 7 ■■ 10.5 Explain how constraints are created at the time of table creation, Chapter 7 ■■ 10.6 Describe how schema objects work, Chapter 7 Part II: IZ0-062 Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administration Exam Objectives ■■ 1.1 Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture, Chapter 8 ■■ 1.1.1 List the architectural components of Oracle Database, Chapter 8 ■■ 1.1.2 Explain the memory structures, Chapter 8 Exam Objectives ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 1.2.1 Use database managements tools, Chapter 8 ■■ 1.3.1 Understand initialization parameter files, Chapter 9 ■■ 1.3.2 Start up and shut down an Oracle database instance, Chapter 9 ■■ 1.3.3 View the alert log and access dynamic performance views, Chapter 9 2.1 Oracle Software Installation Basics, Chapter 9 ■■ 2.1.1 Plan for an Oracle database software installation, Chapter 9 ■■ 2.3 Installing Oracle Database Software, Chapter 9 ■■ 2.3.1 Install the Oracle database software, Chapter 9 2.4 Creating an Oracle Database Using DBCA, Chapter 9 2.4.1 Create a database by using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), Chapter 9 ■■ 2.4.2 Generate database creation scripts by using DBCA, Chapter 9 ■■ 2.4.3 Manage database design template by using DBCA, Chapter 9 ■■ 2.4.4 Configure database options by using DBCA, Chapter 9 1.5 Managing Database Storage Structures, Chapter 10 ■■ 1.5.1 Describe the storage of table row data in blocks, Chapter 10 ■■ 1.5.2 Create and manage tablespaces, Chapter 10 1.7 Managing Space, Chapter 10 ■■ 1.7.1 Explain how Oracle database server automatically manages space, Chapter 10 ■■ 1.7.2 Save space by using compression, Chapter 10 ■■ 1.7.3 Proactively monitor and manage tablespace space usage, Chapter 10 ■■ 1.7.4 Use the Segment Advisor, Chapter 10 ■■ ■■ ■■ 1.1.4 Explain the relationship between logical and physical storage structures, Chapter 8 1.3 Oracle Database Instance, Chapter 9 ■■ ■■ 1.1.3 Describe the background processes, Chapter 8 1.2 Oracle Database Management Tools, Chapter 8 ■■ ■■ xxxi 1.7.5 Reclaim wasted space from tables and indexes by using the segment shrink, Chapter 10 1.7.6 Manage resumable space allocations, Chapter 10 1.8 Managing Undo Data, Chapter 11 ■■ 1.8.1 Explain DML and undo data generation, Chapter 11 ■■ 1.8.2 Monitor and administer undo data, Chapter 11 ■■ 1.8.3 Describe the difference between undo data and redo data, Chapter 11 ■■ 1.8.4 Configure undo retention, Chapter 11 xxxii Introduction ■■ 1.9 Managing Data Concurrency, Chapter 11 ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 1.9.1. Describe the locking mechanism and how Oracle manages data concurrency, Chapter 11 1.9.2 Monitor and resolve locking conflicts, Chapter 11 1.4 Configuring the Oracle Network Environment, Chapter 12 ■■ 1.4.1 Configure Oracle Net services, Chapter 12 ■■ 1.4.2 Use tools for configuring and managing the Oracle network, Chapter 12 ■■ 1.4.3 Configure client-side network, Chapter 12 ■■ 1.4.4 Understand database resident connection polling, Chapter 12 ■■ 1.4.5 Configure communication between databases, Chapter 12 1.10 Implementing Oracle Database Auditing, Chapter 13 ■■ 1.10.1 Explain DBA responsibilities for security and auditing, Chapter 13 ■■ 1.10.2 Enable standard database auditing and Unified Auditing, Chapter 13 1.6 Administering User Security, Chapter 13 ■■ 1.6.1 Create and manage database user accounts, Chapter 13 ■■ 1.6.2 Grant and revoke privileges, Chapter 13 ■■ 1.6.3 Create and manage roles, Chapter 13 ■■ 1.6.4 Create and manage profiles, Chapter 13 1.16. Performing Database Maintenance, Chapter 14 ■■ 1.16.1 Manage the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), Chapter 14 ■■ 1.16.2 Use the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM), Chapter 14 ■■ 1.16.3 Describe and use the advisory framework, Chapter 14 ■■ 1.16.4 Set alert thresholds, Chapter 14 ■■ 1.16.5 Use automated tasks, Chapter 14 1.17 Managing Performance, Chapter 14 ■■ 1.17.1 Use Enterprise Manager to monitor performance, Chapter 14 ■■ 1.17.2 Use Automatic Memory Management, Chapter 14 ■■ 1.17.3 Use the Memory Advisor to size memory buffers, Chapter 14 1.18 Managing Performance SQL Tuning, Chapter 14 ■■ 1.18.1 Manage optimizer statistics, Chapter 14 ■■ 1.18 2 Use the SQL Tuning Advisor, Chapter 14 ■■ 1.18.3 Use the SQL Access Advisor to tune a workload, Chapter 14 1.19 Managing Resources Using Database Resource Manager, Chapter 16 ■■ 1.19.1 Configure the Database Resource Manager, Chapter 16 ■■ 1.19.2 Access and create resource plans, Chapter 16 ■■ 1.19.3 Monitor the Resource Manager, Chapter 16 Exam Objectives ■■ ■■ 1.20 Automating Tasks by Using Oracle Scheduler, Chapter 16 ■■ 1.20.1 Use Oracle Scheduler to simplify management tasks, Chapter 16 ■■ 1.20.2 Use job chains to perform a series of related tasks, Chapter 16 ■■ 1.20.3 Use Scheduler jobs on remote systems, Chapter 16 ■■ 1.20.4 Use advanced Scheduler features to prioritize jobs, Chapter 16 1.11 Backup and Recovery Concepts, Chapter 15 ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 1.12.1 Configure the fast recovery area, Chapter 15 ■■ 1.12.1 Configure ARCHIVELOG mode, Chapter 15 1.13 Performing Database Backups, Chapter 15 ■■ 1.13.1 Create consistent database backups, Chapter 15 ■■ 1.13.2 Back up your database without shutting it down, Chapter 15 ■■ 1.13.3 Create incremental backups, Chapter 15 ■■ 1.13.4 Automate database backups, Chapter 15 ■■ 1.13.5 Manage backups, Chapter 15 1.14 Performing Database Recovery, Chapter 15 ■■ ■■ 1.14.1 Determine the need for performing recovery, Chapter 15 1.14.2 Use Recovery Manager (RMAN) and the Data Recovery Advisor to perform recovery of the control file, redo log file, and data file, Chapter 15 2.6 Upgrading Database Software, Chapter 17 ■■ 2.6.1 Describe upgrade methods, Chapter 17 ■■ 2.6.2 Describe data migration methods, Chapter 17 ■■ 2.6.3 Describe the upgrade process, Chapter 17 2.7 Preparing to Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c, Chapter 17 ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 1.11.1 Identify the importance of checkpoints, redo log files, and archive log files, Chapter 15 1.12 Backup and Recovery Configuration, Chapter 15 ■■ ■■ xxxiii 2.7.1 Describe upgrade requirements when certain features or options are used in Oracle database, Chapter 17 2.7.2 Use the Pre-Upgrade Information tool before performing an upgrade, Chapter 17 2.7.3 Prepare the new Oracle home prior to performing an upgrade, Chapter 17 2.8 Upgrading to Oracle Database 12c, Chapter 17 ■■ ■■ 2.8.1 Upgrade the database to Oracle Database 12c by using the Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA), Chapter 17 2.8.2 Perform a manual upgrade to Oracle Database 12c by using scripts and tools, Chapter 17 xxxiv Introduction ■■ ■■ 2.9 Performing Post-Upgrade Tasks, Chapter 17 ■■ 2.9.1 Migrate to Unified Auditing, Chapter 17 ■■ 2.9.2 Perform post-upgrade tasks, Chapter 17 1.15 Moving Data, Chapter 18 ■■ 1.15.1 Describe ways to move data, Chapter 18 ■■ 1.15.2 Use SQL*Loader to load data from a non-Oracle database, Chapter 18 ■■ 1.15.3 Use external tables to move data via platform-independent files, Chapter 18 ■■ ■■ 2.10 Migrating Data by Using Oracle Data Pump, Chapter 18 ■■ ■■ 2.10.1 Migrate data by using Oracle Data Pump, Chapter 18 2.2 Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server, Chapter 18 ■■ ■■ ■■ 1.15.4 Use Data Pump Export and Import to move data between Oracle databases, Chapter 18 2.2.1 Configure storage for Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM), Chapter 18 2.2.2 Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server, Chapter 18 2.5 Using Oracle Restart, Chapter 18 ■■ 2.5.1 Use Oracle Restart to manage components, Chapter 18 Assessment Test xxxv Assessment Test Exam 1Z0-061: SQL Fundamentals 1. Which operator will be evaluated first in the following SELECT statement? SELECT (2+3*4/2–5) FROM dual; A. + B. * C. / D. – 2. John wants to remove the values present in column SALARY in the EMPLOYEES table for all employees who belong to DEPARTMENT_ID 90. Which SQL would accomplish the task? A. DELETE FROM EMPLOYEES (SALARY) WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = 90; B. INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (SALARY) VALUES (NULL) WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = 90; C. UPDATE EMPLOYEES SET SALARY = NULL WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = 90; D. MERGE EMPLOYEES SET SALARY IS NULL WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = 90; 3. Which function can possibly return a non-NULL value when one of the arguments is NULL? A. NULLIF B. LENGTH C. CONCAT D. INSTR E. TAN 4. The following statement will raise an exception on which line? select dept_name, avg(all salary) ,count(*) "number of employees" from emp , dept where emp.deptno = dept.dept_no and count(*) > 5 group by dept_name order by 2 desc; A. select dept_name, avg(all salary), count(*) "number of employees" B. where emp.deptno = dept.dept_no C. and count(*) > 5 xxxvi Assessment Test D. group by dept_name E. order by 2 desc; 5. Review the code segment. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. INSERT INTO salaries VALUES (101, 23400, SYSDATE); UPDATE salaries SET salary = salary * 1.1 AND effective_dt = SYSDATE WHERE empno = 333; Which line has an error? A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. No error 6. Review the following SQL and choose the most appropriate option. SELECT job_id, COUNT(*) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id; A. The statement will show the number of jobs in each department. B. The statement will show the number of employees in each department. C. The statement will generate an error. D. The statement will work if the GROUP BY clause is removed. 7. Which datatype stores data outside the Oracle database? A. UROWID B. BFILE C. BLOB D. NCLOB E. EXTERNAL 8. The DEPT table has the following data. SQL> SELECT * FROM dept; DEPTNO DNAME ---------- -------------10 ACCOUNTING 20 RESEARCH 30 SALES 40 OPERATIONS LOC ---------NEW YORK DALLAS CHICAGO BOSTON Assessment Test xxxvii Consider this INSERT statement: INSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM dept WHERE deptno = 10) VALUES (50, 'MARKETING', 'FORT WORTH'); Choose the best answer. A. The INSERT statement is invalid; a valid table name is missing. B. 50 is not a valid DEPTNO value, since the subquery limits DEPTNO to 10. C. The statement will work without error. D. A subquery and a VALUES clause cannot appear together. 9. Which two of the following queries is valid syntax that would return all rows from the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables, even if there are no corresponding/related rows in the other table? A. SELECT last_name, first_name, department_nameFROM employees e FULL JOIN departments dON e.department_id = d.department_id; B. SELECT last_name, first_name, department_nameFROM employees e OUTER JOIN departments dON e.department_id = d.department_id; C. SELECT e.last_name, e.first_name, d.department_nameFROM employees eLEFT OUTER JOIN departments dON e.department_id = d.department_ idRIGHT OUTER JOIN employees fON f.department_id = d.department_id; D. SELECT e.last_name, e.first_name, d.department_nameFROM employees eCROSS JOIN departments dON e.department_id = d.department_id; E. SELECT last_name, first_name, department_nameFROM JOIN departments USING (department_id); employeesFULL OUTER 10. Which of the following statements could use an index on the columns PRODUCT_ID and WAREHOUSE_ID of the OE.INVENTORIES table? A. select count(distinct warehouse_id)from oe.inventories; B. select product_id, quantity_on_hand from oe.inventories where product_ id = 100; C. insert into oe.inventories values (5,100,32); D. None of these statements could use the index. 11. The following statements are executed: create sequence my_seq; select my_seq.nextval from dual; select my_seq.nextval from dual; rollback; select my_seq.nextval from dual; xxxviii Assessment Test What will be selected when the last statement is executed? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. NULL 12. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose two.) A. Primary key constraints allow NULL values in the columns. B. Unique key constraints allow NULL values in the columns. C. Primary key constraints do not allow NULL values in the columns. D. A non-unique index cannot be used to enforce primary key constraints. 13. The current time in Dubai is “04-APR-2013 08:50:00” and the time in Dallas is “03-APR-2013 23:50:00”. A user from Dubai is connected to a session in the database located on a server in Dallas. What will be the result of his query? SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') FROM dual; A. 04-APR-20138 08:50:00 B. 03-APR-2013 8 23:50:00 C. 03-APR-2013 2324:50:00 D. None of the above 14. The FIRED_EMPLOYEES table has the following structure. EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER (4) FIRE_DATE DATE How many rows will be counted from the last SQL statement in the code segment? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FIRED_EMPLOYEES; COUNT(*) -------105 INSERT INTO FIRED_EMPLOYEES VALUES (104, TRUNC(SYSDATE)); SAVEPOINT A; INSERT INTO FIRED_EMPLOYEES VALUES (106, TRUNC(SYSDATE)); SAVEPOINT B; INSERT INTO FIRED_EMPLOYEES VALUES (108, TRUNC(SYSDATE)); ROLLBACK TO A; Assessment Test xxxix INSERT INTO FIRED_EMPLOYEES VALUES (104, TRUNC(SYSDATE)); COMMIT; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FIRED_EMPLOYEES; A. 109 B. 106 C. 105 D. 107 15. At a minimum, how many join conditions should there be to avoid a Cartesian join if there are three tables in the FROM clause? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. There is no minimum. 16. Why does the following statement fail? CREATE TABLE FRUITS-N-VEGETABLES (NAME VARCHAR2 (40)); A. The table should have more than one column in its definition. B. NAME is a reserved word, which cannot be used as a column name. C. The table name is invalid. D. Column length cannot exceed 30 characters. 17. Which two statements are true about NULL values? A. You cannot search for a NULL value in a column using the WHERE clause. B. If a NULL value is returned in the subquery or if NULL is included in the list when using a NOT IN operator, no rows will be returned. C. Only = and != operators can be used to search for NULL values in a column. D. In an ascending order sort, NULL values appear at the bottom of the result set. E. Concatenating a NULL value to a non- NULL string results in a NULL. 18. Table CUSTOMERS has a column named CUST_ZIP which could be NULL. Which of the following functions include the NULL rows in its result? A. COUNT (CUST_ZIP) B. SUM (CUST_ZIP) C. AVG (DISTINCT CUST_ZIP) D. None of the above xl Assessment Test 19. Using the following EMP table, you need to increase everyone’s salary by 5 percent of their combined salary and bonus. Which of the following statements will achieve the desired results? Column Name emp_id name Key Type pk pk NULLs/Unique NN NN NN Datatype VARCHAR2 VARCHAR2 NUMBER NUMBER Length 9 50 11,2 11,2 salary bonus FK Table A. UPDATE emp SET salary = (salary + bonus)*1.05; B. UPDATE emp SET salary = salary*1.05 + bonus*1.05; C. UPDATE emp SET salary = salary + (salary + bonus)*0.05; D. A, B, and C will achieve the desired results. E. None of these statements will achieve the desired results. 20. Which option is not available in Oracle when modifying tables? A. Add new columns B. Rename existing column C. Drop existing column D. None of the above 21. The following data is from the EMPLOYEES table: DEPARTMENT_ID EMPNO FIRST_NAME ------------- ---------- ------------30 119 Karen 50 124 Kevin 50 135 Ki 80 146 Karen 178 Kimberely 50 188 Kelly 50 197 Kevin Which row (empno) will be returned last when the following query is executed? select department_id, employee_id empno, first_name from employees Assessment Test order by 1, 2 A. 188 B. 178 C. 146 D. 119 22. INTERVAL datatypes store a period of time. Which components are included in the INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND datatype column? (Choose all that apply.) A. Years B. Quarters C. Months D. Days E. Hours F. Minutes G. Seconds H. Fractional seconds 23. Which components are not part of the easy connect connection string? (Choose two.) A. hostname B. service name C. database sid D. port number E. network protocol 24. The table CUSTOMERS has the following data: ID ---L921 B023 K783 B445 D334 NAME ZIP UPD_DATE --------------- ---------- --------LEEZA 75252 01-JAN-00 WILLIAMS 15215 KATHY 75252 15-FEB-00 BENJAMIN 76021 15-FEB-00 DENNIS 12443 You issue the following command to alter the table: 1. 2. 3. 4. ALTER TABLE CUSTOMERS MODIFY (UPD_DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE NOT NULL, ZIP NOT NULL); xli xlii Assessment Test Which line of code will cause an error? A. Line 2 B. Line 3 C. Line 4 D. There will be no error. 25. In ANSI SQL, a self-join can be represented by using which of the following? (Choose the best answer.) A. NATURAL JOIN clause B. CROSS JOIN clause C. JOIN … USING clause D. JOIN … ON clause E. All of the above 26. What will be result of trunc(2916.16, -1)? A. 2916.2 B. 290 C. 2916.1 D. 2900 E. 2910 27. The table ADDRESSES is created using the following syntax. How many indexes will be created automatically when this table is created? CREATE NAME STREET CITY STATE ZIP PHONE TABLE ADDRESSES ( VARCHAR2 (40) PRIMARY KEY, VARCHAR2 (40), VARCHAR2 (40), CHAR (2) REFERENCES STATE (ST_CODE), NUMBER (5) NOT NULL, VARCHAR2 (12) UNIQUE); A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 28. Which line of the following code has an error? SELECT * FROM emp Assessment Test xliii WHERE comm = NULL ORDER BY ename; A. SELECT * B. FROM emp C. WHERE comm = NULL D. There is no error in this statement. 29. How do you represent the following business rule in an ER diagram? “A customer may have one or more orders; an order must belong to one and only one customer.” A. Single solid line. B. Single line that is solid at one end and dotted at another end. C. Single solid line with a crowfoot at one end. D. The business rule cannot be represented in the ER diagram. 30. What order does Oracle use in resolving a table or view referenced in a SQL statement? A. Table/view within user’s schema, public synonym, private synonym B. Table/view within user’s schema, private synonym, public synonym C. Public synonym, table/view within user’s schema, private synonym D. Private synonym, public synonym, table/view within user’s schema 31. Which two options are not true when you execute a COMMIT statement? A. All locks created by DML statements are released in the session. B. All savepoints created are erased in the session. C. Queries started before the COMMIT in other sessions will show the current changes after COMMIT. D. All undo information written from the DML statements are erased. 32. Which two operators are used to add more joining conditions in a multiple-table query? A. NOT B. OR C. AND D. Comma (,) 33. What is wrong with the following SQL? SELECT department_id, MAX(COUNT(*)) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id; xliv Assessment Test A. Aggregate functions cannot be nested. B. GROUP BY clause should not be included when using nested aggregate functions. C. The department_id column in the SELECT clause should not be used when using nested aggregate functions. D. When using COUNT function cannot be nested. 34. Which types of constraints can be created on a view? A. Check, NOT NULL B. Primary key, foreign key, unique key C. Check, NOT NULL, primary key, foreign key, unique key D. No constraints can be created on a view. 35. Which two declarations define the maximum length of a CHAR datatype column in bytes? A. CHAR (20) B. CHAR (20) BYTE C. CHAR (20 BYTE) D. BYTE (20 CHAR) E. CHAR BYTE (20) 36. Which SELECT statement clauses can be used to limit the rows returned (say, you want to display the rows 6 through 15). (Choose two.) A. WHERE B. OFFSET C. FETCH D. FILTER 37. You query the database with the following: SELECT PRODUCT_ID FROM PRODUCTS WHERE PRODUCT_ID LIKE '%S\_J\_C' ESCAPE '\'; Choose the PRODUCT_ID strings from the options that will satisfy the query. (Choose two.) A. BTS_J_C B. SJC C. SKJKC D. S_J_C Assessment Test xlv 38. The EMPLOYEE table is defined as follows: EMP_NAME HIRE_DATE SALARY VARCHAR2(40) DATE NUMBER (14,2) Which query is most appropriate to use if you need to find the employees who were hired before 01-Jan-1998 and have a salary above 5,000 or below 1,000? A. SELECT emp_name FROM employee WHERE hire_date > TO_ DATE('01011998','MMDDYYYY')AND SALARY < 1000 OR > 5000; B. SELECT emp_name FROM employee WHERE hire_date < TO_ DATE('01011998','MMDDYYYY')AND SALARY < 1000 OR SALARY > 5000; C. SELECT emp_name FROM employee WHERE hire_date < TO_ DATE('01011998','MMDDYYYY')AND (SALARY < 1000 OR SALARY > 5000); D. SELECT emp_name FROM employee WHERE hire_date < TO_ DATE('01011998','MMDDYYYY')AND SALARY BETWEEN 1000 AND 5000; 39. What happens when you issue the following command? (Choose all correct answers.) TRUNCATE TABLE SCOTT.EMPLOYEE; A. All the rows in the table EMPLOYEE owned by SCOTT are removed. B. The storage space used by the table EMPLOYEE is released (except the initial extent). C. If foreign key constraints are defined to this table using the ON DELETE CASCADE clause, the rows from the child tables are also removed. D. The indexes on the table are dropped. E. You cannot truncate a table if triggers are defined on the table. 40. Which two statements will drop the primary key defined on table EMP. The primary key name is PK_EMP. A. ALTER TABLE EMP DROP PRIMARY KEY; B. DROP CONSTRAINT PK_EMP; C. ALTER TABLE EMP DROP CONSTRAINT PK_EMP; D. ALTER CONSTRAINT PK_EMP DROP CASCADE; E. DROP CONSTRAINT PK_EMP ON EMP; xlvi Assessment Test Exam 1Z0-062: Installation and Administration 1. Which database version cannot be upgraded directly to Oracle Database 12c? A. B. C. D. E. All of the above 2. The following steps might be related to relocating a data file belonging to the USERS tablespace. Pick the steps that are required for relocating the data file from /disk1 to /disk2. A. Copy the file '/disk1/users01.dbf' to '/disk2/users01.dbf' using an OS command. B. ALTER DATABASE MOVE DATAFILE '/disk1/users01.dbf' to '/disk2/users01.dbf' C. ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE '/disk1/users01.dbf' to '/disk2/users01.dbf' D. ALTER TABLESPACE USERS OFFLINE E. ALTER TABLESPACE USERS ONLINE 3. Which of the following is not considered part of an Oracle database? A. Data files B. Redo logs C. The pfile and spfile D. Control files 4. The highest level at which a user can request a lock is the ________ level. A. Schema B. Table C. Row D. Block 5. To grant the SELECT privilege on the table HR.CUSTOMERS to all users in the database, which statement would you use? A. GRANT SELECT ON HR.CUSTOMERS TO ALL USERS; B. GRANT SELECT ON HR.CUSTOMERS TO ALL; C. GRANT SELECT ON HR.CUSTOMERS TO ANONYMOUS; D. GRANT SELECT ON HR.CUSTOMERS TO PUBLIC; Assessment Test xlvii 6. Which query can be used to find and categorize all chained jobs (only chained jobs), and includes any remote steps as applied to those chained jobs, as executed from the current database? (Choose the best answers, more than one if appropriate.) A. select table_name from dictionary where table_name like 'DBA_%SCHED%' or table_name like 'DBA_%REMOTE%'; B. SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM DICTIONARY WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE 'DBA_%CHAIN%' OR TABLE_NAME LIKE 'DBA_%REMOTE%'; C. select table_name from dictionary where table_name like 'DBA_%CHAIN%' or table_name like 'DBA_%REMOTE%'; D. select table_name from dictionary where table_name like 'DBA_%SCHED%' or table_name like 'DBA_%CHAIN%'; E. None of the above 7. The Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) is primarily populated with performance statistics by which Oracle Database 12c background process? A. MMNL B. QMN1 C. MMON D. MMAN 8. The initialization parameter RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT is set to 600. Which other statements are the minimum required to enable a resumable session? A. No other setup is required if the RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT is a nonzero value. B. ALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE C. ALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE TIMEOUT 0 D. ALTER SESSION BEGIN RESUMABLE SESSION 9. Which utility is used to install Oracle Database 12c? A. DBCA B. OUI C. runInstaller D. Oracle Database 12c is installed using the URL to 10. You have just made changes to the listener.ora file for the listener called listener1 using Oracle Net Manager. Which of the following commands or combinations of commands would you use to put the changes into effect with the least amount of client disruption? A. lsnrctl stop listener1 followed by lsnrctl start listener1 B. lsrnctl restart listener1 C. lsnrctl reload listener1 D. lsnrctl cycle services xlviii Assessment Test 11. If a job is not running and a STOP_JOB procedure is executed, what will happen? (Choose the best answer.) A. An error will not occur. B. The job will stop running. C. The job will be dropped altogether. D. All of the above. E. None of the above. 12. Where does Oracle Database 12c record all the changes made to the database that can be used for recovery operations? A. Control files B. Redo log files C. Alert log file D. Parameter file 13. What is accomplished when you issue the following statement? ALTER USER JOHN DEFAULT ROLE ALL; A. John is assigned all the roles created in the database. B. Any existing roles remain the same, but any future roles created will be enabled. C. All of John’s roles are enabled except the roles with passwords. D. All of John’s roles are enabled including the roles with passwords. 14. Which activity is a must do before upgrading a database to 12c using the manual upgrade method? A. Run dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats. B. Run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/emremove.sql. C. Run dbms_stats.gather_database_stats. D. Run preupgrd.sql script. 15. What would you do to reduce the time required to start the instance after a data- base crash? A. Multiplex the redo log files B. Increase the size of the redo log files C. Set FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET parameter to 0 D. All of the above E. None of the above Assessment Test xlix 16. When you are configuring Oracle Shared Server, which initialization parameter would you likely need to modify? A. DB_CACHE_SIZE B. DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS C. LARGE_POOL_SIZE D. BUFFER_SIZE E. None of the above 17. Which options are available in DBCA to configure recovery-related operations? A. Data Guard B. Standby Database C. Fast Recovery Area D. Archiving 18. When you started the Oracle Database 12c database, you got an ORA-01157: cannot identify data file … error. After invoking RMAN, which command would you first use before performing the REPAIR FAILURE? A. RECOVER FAILURE B. ADVISE FAILURE C. LIST FAILURE D. CHANGE FAILURE 19. Which of the following commands is most likely to generate an error message? (Choose two.) A. ALTER SYSTEM SET UNDO_MANAGEMENT=AUTO SCOPE=MEMORY; B. ALTER SYSTEM SET UNDO_MANAGEMENT=AUTO SCOPE=SPFILE; C. ALTER SYSTEM SET UNDO_MANAGEMENT=MANUAL SCOPE=MEMORY; D. ALTER SYSTEM SET UNDO_MANAGEMENT=MANUAL SCOPE=SPFILE; E. ALTER SYSTEM SET UNDO_TABLESPACE=RBS1 SCOPE=BOTH; 20. You performed a SHUTDOWN ABORT on the database. What happens when you issue the STARTUP command? A. Startup will fail, because you have not completed the instance recovery. B. Oracle automatically performs recovery. All committed changes are written to data files. C. During instance recovery, you have the option to selectively commit uncommitted transactions. D. After the database starts, you have to manually clean out uncommitted transactions from the transaction table. l Assessment Test 21. Where does the following procedure allow jobs to be created? BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_GROUP(group_name=>'things' ,group_type=>'DB_DEST',member=>'LOCAL'); END; / A. On a remote server as a database destination B. On a remote server using a hostname and IP address C. On a local database server only D. On a local server using a hostname and an IP address E. None of the above 22. Which of the following statements is not always true? (Choose two.) A. Every database should have at least two tablespaces. B. Every database should have at least two data files. C. Every database should have at least three multiplexed redo logs. D. Every database should have at least three control files. 23. How can you prevent someone from using an all-alphabet password? A. Set the initialization parameter PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY to ALPHANUM. B. Alter that user’s profile setting PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY to ALPHNANUM. C. Alter the user’s profile to use a password-verify function that performs comparisons to validate the password. D. There is no mechanism that lets you prevent an all-alphabet password. 24. Which metadata view can be used to find Oracle Scheduler priorities? A. DBA_CHAINS B. DBA_SCHEDULER_CHAINS C. DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS D. DBA_SCHEDULER_DESTS E. None of the above 25. Which component of the SGA has the dictionary cache? A. Buffer cache B. Library cache C. Shared pool Assessment Test li D. Program global area E. Large pool F. Result cache 26. Which of the following advisors is used to determine if the database read-consistency mechanisms are properly configured? A. Undo Management Advisor B. SQL Access Advisor C. SQL Tuning Advisor D. Memory Advisor 27. Which storage parameter is used to make sure that each extent is a multiple of the value specified? A. MINEXTENTS B. INITIAL C. MINIMUM EXTENT D. MAXEXTENTS 28. What is (are) the name of the audit trail view(s) where audit records from Unified Auditing is (are) stored, when database auditing, RMAN, and Data Pump auditing are enabled? A. UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL B. UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL, COMPONENT_AUDIT_TRAIL C. SYS.AUD$ D. AUDIT_TRAIL_DB, AUDIT_TRAIL_DP, AUDIT_TRAIL_RMAN 29. Which of the following is the utility that you can use to test the network connections across TCP/IP? A. trcasst B. lsnrctl C. namesctl D. ping E. None of the above 30. Undo data in an undo tablespace is not used for which of the following purposes? A. Providing users with read-consistent queries B. Rolling forward after an instance failure C. Flashback queries D. Recovering from a failed transaction E. Restoring original data when a ROLLBACK is issued lii Assessment Test 31. In which file could you tell SQL*Loader to use the direct path option? A. Log file B. Parfile C. Bad file D. Data file 32. Which of the following is false about shared servers? A. Shared servers can process requests from many users. B. Shared servers receive their requests directly from dispatchers. C. Shared servers place completed requests on a dispatcher response queue. D. The SHARED_SERVERS parameter configures the number of shared servers to start at instance startup. 33. Identify the statement that is not true about checkpoints. A. Instance recovery is complete when the data from the last checkpoint up to the latest SCN in the control file has been written to the data files. B. A checkpoint keeps track of what has already been written to the data files. C. The redo log group writes must occur before a commit complete is returned to the user. D. The distance between the checkpoint position in the redo log file and the end of the redo log group can never be more than 90 percent of the size of the largest redo log group. E. How much the checkpoint lags behind the SCN is controlled by both the size of the redo log groups and by setting the parameter FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET. 34. Which parameter is used to enable the Automatic Memory Management feature of the Oracle database? A. MEMORY_MANAGEMENT B. MEMORY_TARGET C. SGA_TARGET D. MEMORY_SIZE 35. When performing a Data Pump Import using impdp, which of the following options is not a valid value to the TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION parameter? A. SKIP B. APPEND C. TRUNCATE D. RECREATE Assessment Test liii 36. Two tablespaces are critical to the database. The loss of a data file in these tablespaces requires an instance shutdown to recover. Which are these tablespaces? A. TEMP B. SYSTEM C. UNDO D. SYSAUX 37. Which initialization parameter determines the location of the alert log file? A. DIAGNOSTIC_DEST B. BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST C. ALERT_LOG_DEST D. USER_DUMP_DEST 38. Which statement regarding a global temporary table and redo generation is true? A. Global temporary tables generate the same amount of redo as persistent tables. B. Global temporary tables generate redo from undo when a DML operation is per- formed on them. C. By setting the TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED to TRUE, you turn off the undo generation for DML on temporary tables. D. All of the above are true. 39. Which database management tools are automatically installed and configured when Oracle Database 12c database is configured? (Choose two.) A. OEM Database Express B. OEM Cloud Control C. SQL*Plus D. SQL Developer 40. Which parameter is used to set up the directory for Oracle to create data files, if the DATAFILE clause does not specify a filename when you’re creating or altering tablespaces? A. DB_FILE_CREATE_DEST B. DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST C. DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE D. USER_DUMP_DEST E. DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_1 liv Assessment Test 41. In Oracle Database 12c, which script is recommended to run for upgrading a database from A. catupgrd.sql B. utlu121i.sql C. D. utlu121s.sql 4 2. How do you enable Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP)? A. Using listener.ora configuration. B. Using Oracle Net Manager configuration. C. Using a PL/SQL package. D. Depends on the application. PHP, HTTP, and SQL*Net applications have different configurations. 4 3. Which initialization parameter determines the location of the alert log file? A. LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST B. USER_DUMP_DEST C. BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST D. DIAGNOSTIC_DEST 4 4. Which product do you install to configure an Oracle Automatic Storage Management instance? A. Oracle Database 12c database B. Oracle Database 12c Grid Infrastructure C. Oracle Database 12c Automatic Storage Management D. Oracle Restart Answers to Assessment Test lv Answers to Assessment Test Exam 1Z0-061: SQL Fundamentals 1. B.  In the arithmetic operators, unary operators are evaluated first, then multiplication and division, and finally addition and subtraction. The expression is evaluated from left to right. See Chapter 2 for more information. 2. C.  Except for option C, all other SQL statements are not valid syntactically. To change a value in a column for existing rows, you need to use the UPDATE statement. The DELETE statement deletes the entire row. The INSERT statement adds a new row. The MERGE state- ment performs kind of an upsert—it inserts if the row does not exist, and updates if the row exists. For more information, read Chapter 6. 3. C. CONCAT will return a non- NULL if only one parameter is NULL. Both CONCAT parameters would need to be NULL for CONCAT to return NULL. The NULLIF function returns NULL if the two parameters are equal. The LENGTH of a NULL is NULL. INSTR will return NULL if NULL is passed in, and the tangent (TAN) of a NULL is NULL. See Chapter 3 to learn more. 4. C.  Group functions cannot appear in the WHERE clause. Read Chapter 4 to learn more about group functions. 5. B.  When using multiple columns to update in a single UPDATE statement, the column assignments in the SET clause must be separated by a comma, not an AND operator. See Chapter 6 for more information. 6. C. Since job_id is used in the SELECT clause, it must be used in the GROUP BY clause also. For more information, see Chapter 4. 7. B. UROWID datatype is used ot store ROWID data. The BFILE datatype stores only the locator to an external file in the database; the actual data is stored as an operating system file. BLOB, NCLOB, and CLOB are other Large Object data types in Oracle Database 12c. EXTERNAL is not a valid datatype. Read Chapter 7 for more information. 8. C.  The statement will work without error. Option B would be correct if you used the WITH CHECK OPTION clause in the subquery. See Chapter 5 for more information about subqueries. 9. A, E.  An outer join on both tables can be achieved using the FULL OUTER JOIN syntax. The join condition can be specified by using the ON clause to specify the columns explicitly or using the USING clause to specify columns with common column names. Options B and D would result in errors. In option B, the join type is not specified; OUTER is an optional keyword. In option D, CROSS JOIN is used to get a Cartesian result, and Oracle does not expect a join condition. See Chapter 5 for more information. lvi Answers to Assessment Test 10. A, B.  The index contains all the information needed to satisfy the query in option A, and a full-index scan would be faster than a full-table scan. A subset of indexes columns is specified in the WHERE clause of option B, hence Oracle database can use the index. Read Chapter 7 to learn more about using an index. 11. D. The CREATE SEQUENCE statement will create an increasing sequence that will start with 1, increment by 1, and be unaffected by the rollback. A rollback will never stuff values back into a sequence. Read Chapter 7 for more information. 12. B, C.  Primary key and unique key constraints can be enforced using non-unique indexes. Unique constraints allow NULL values in the columns, but primary keys do not. See Chapter 7 for more information. 13. B. The SYSDATE function returns the date and time on the server where the database instance is started. CURRENT_DATE returns local date and time. See Chapter 3 for more information. 14. D.  The first INSERT statement and last INSERT statement will be saved in the database. The ROLLBACK TO A statement will undo the second and third inserts. For more infroma- tion, see Chapter 6. 15. B.  There should be at least n-1 join conditions when joining n tables to avoid a Cartesian join. See Chapter 5 for more information. 16. C.  The table and column names can include only three special characters: #, $, and _. No other characters are allowed in the table name. You can have letters and numbers in the table name. Read Chapter 7 for more information. 17. B, D.  You can use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL operator to search for NULLs or nonNULLs in a column. Since NULLs are sorted higher, they appear at the bottom of the result set in an ascending order sort. See Chapter 2 for more information. 18. D. COUNT () does not include the NULL values, whereas COUNT (*) includes the NULL values. No other aggregate function takes NULL into consideration. See Chapter 4 for more information. 19. E.  These statements don’t account for possible NULL values in the BONUS column. Read Chapter 3 for more information. 20. D.  Using the ALTER TABLE statement, you can add new columns, rename existing col- umns, and drop existing columns. To learn more about managing tables, read chapter 7. 21. B. Since DEPARTMENT_ID is NULL for employee 178, NULL will be sorted after the nonNULL values when doing an ascending order sort. Since we did not specify the sort order or NULLS FIRST clause, the defaults are ASC and NULLS LAST. Read Chapter 2 for more information. 22. D, E, F, G.  The INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND dataype is used to store an interval between two datetime components. Read Chapter 7 for more information. Answers to Assessment Test lvii 23. C, E.  The easy connect syntax is @:/. For databases where the sid is the same as the database unique name, the service name is the same as the sid; thus you can say option C is also part of the easy connect string. However, in reality it is the service name. Easy connect only supports TCP protocol. See Chapter 1 for more information. 24. B.  When altering an existing column to add a NOT NULL constraint, no rows in the table should have NULL values. In the example, there are two rows with NULL values. Read Chapter 7 for more information. 25. D. NATURAL JOIN and JOIN … USING clauses will not allow alias names to be used. Since a self-join is getting data from the same table, you must include alias names and qualify column names. See Chapter 5 for more information. 26. E. The TRUNC function used with a negative second argument will truncate to the left of the decimal. See Chapter 3 for more information. 27. C.  Oracle creates unique indexes for each unique key and primary key defined in the table. The table ADDRESSES has one unique key and a primary key. Indexes will not be created for NOT NULL or foreign key constraints. See Chapter 7 for more information. 28. D.  Although there is no error in this statement, the statement will not return the desired result. When a NULL is compared, you cannot use the = or != operators; you must use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL operator. See Chapter 2 for more information. 29. C.  The solid line represents that the order must belong to a customer, and the crow- foot represents that a customer can have more than one order. See Chapter 1 for more information. 30. B.  Private synonyms override public synonyms, and tables or views owned by the user always resolve first. See Chapter 7 for more information. 31. C, D.  When a COMMIT is executed, all locks are released, savepoints are erased, and queries started before the COMMIT will constitute a read-consistent view using the undo information. See Chapter 6 for more information. 32. B, C.  The operators OR and AND are used to add more joining conditions to the query. NOT is a negation operator, and a comma is used to separate column names and table names. For more information, see Chapter 5. 33. C.  Since we are finding the aggregate of aggregate, non-aggregate columns should not be used in the SELECT clause. See Chapter 4 for more information. 34. B.  You can create primary key, foreign key, and unique key constraints on a view. The constraints on views are not enforced by Oracle. To enforce a constraint, it must be defined on a table. See Chapter 7 for more information. lviii Answers to Assessment Test 35. A, C.  The maximum lengths of CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns can be defined in characters or bytes. BYTE is the default; the default can be changed by setting the database parameter NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS. See Chapter 7 for more information. 36. B, C.  The row limiting feature uses OFFSET and FETCH clauses to filter the rows. To get to rows 6 through 15 here, you may use the clause OFFSET 5 ROWS FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS. See Chapter 2 for more information. 37. D.  The substitution character % may be substituted for zero or many characters. The substitution character _ does not have any effect in this query because an escape character precedes it, so it is treated as a literal. See Chapter 2 for more information. 38. C.  You have two main conditions in the question: one on the hire_date and the other on the salary. So an AND operator should be used. In the second part, you have two options: the salary can be either more than 5000 or less than 1000, so the second part should be enclosed in parentheses; use an OR operator. Option B is similar to option C except for the parentheses, but the difference changes the meaning completely. Option B would select the employees who were hired before 01-Jan-1998 or have a salary above 5,000 or have a salary below 1,000. Read Chapter 2 for more information. 39. A, B.  The TRUNCATE command is used to remove all the rows from a table or cluster. By default, this command releases all the storage space used by the table and resets the table’s high-water mark to zero. None of the indexes, constraints, or triggers on the table are dropped or disabled. If there are valid foreign key constraints defined to this table, you must disable all of them before truncating the table. Read Chapter 6 for more information. 40. A, C.  Since there can be only one primary key per table, the syntax in option A works. Any constraint (except NOT NULL) can be dropped using the syntax in option C. See Chapter 7 for more information. Exam 1Z0-062: Installation and Administration 1. B.  Database Upgrade Assistant and a manual upgrade both support an upgrade from,,, and higher-version databases. For, you must upgrade to or higher before upgrading to 12.1.0. See Chapter 17 for more information. 2. B.  To rename or relocate a data file in Oracle Database 12c, you need to use only the statement specified in option B. To rename a data file in pre-12c databases, you need to take the tablespace offline so that Oracle does not try to update the data file while you are renaming. Using OS commands, copy the data file to the new location and using the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command or the ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME FILE command, rename the file in the database’s control file. To rename the file in the database, the new file should exist. Bring the tablespace online for normal database operation. For more information, read Chapter 10. 3. C.  Although pfiles and spfiles are physical files used to configure the Oracle instance, they are not considered part of the database. For more information, see Chapter 8. Answers to Assessment Test lix 4. B.  The highest level at which a user can request a lock is the table level; the only other lock level available to a user is a row-level lock. Users cannot lock at the block or schema level. Read Chapter 11 for more information. 5. D. PUBLIC is the group or class of database users where all existing and future database users belong. Read Chapter 13 for more information. 6. B, C.  B and C are both the best answers. They are identical because queries in Oracle are case-insensitive. For more information, read Chapter 16. 7. C.  The Manageability Monitor (MMON) process gathers performance statistics from the SGA (System Global Area) and stores them in the AWR. MMNL (Manageability Monitor Light) also does some AWR-related statistics gathering, but not to the extent that MMON does. QMN1 is the process that monitors Oracle advanced queuing features. MMAN (Memory Manager) is the process that dynamically manages the sizes of each SGA component when directed to make changes by the ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitoring). See Chapter 14 for more information. 8. B. RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT set at the initialization parameter is used only as the default timeout value for a resumable session. The resumable session must be enabled using option B. Option C disables the resumable session. Option D is invalid. Read Chapter 10 for more information. 9. B.  Use the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) to install and configure the Oracle Data- base 12c software. The OUI is a Java-based application that provides the same installation look and feel no matter which operating system is being used for the installation. runInstaller is the executable that invokes OUI on Linux/Unix systems. See Chapter 9 for more information. 10. C.  Although you can use choice A to stop and start the listener, doing so temporarily disrupts clients attempting to connect to the database. Choice D is fine if you are starting and stopping the default listener called LISTENER, but we are using a nondefault listener. Choice B is not valid because RESTART is not a valid command-line argument for lsnrctl. Therefore, the best method is C, to use the lsnrctl reload listener1 command to load the new set of values for the listener without disrupting connection service to the databases the listener is servicing. For more information, see Chapter 12. 11. E.  An error will occur because the job is not running, given that a job that is not executing cannot be stopped. The error produced will be ORA-27366, including other follow- ing errors as the error trap is pushed up the stack back to the executable (something like SQL*Plus), which executed the STOP_JOB procedure. See Chapter 16 for more information. 12. B.  Redo log files record all the changes made to the Oracle database, whether the change is committed or not. See Chapter 15 for more information. 13. D.  Default roles are enabled when a user connects to the database, even if the roles are password protected. Read Chapter 13 for more information. lx Answers to Assessment Test 14. D.  Although options A and B are recommended practices for upgrade performance, option D is a must. The Pre-Upgrade Information tool must be run, and all errors must be taken care of before upgrading the database. Option C is not required for the upgrade process. For more information, read Chapter 17. 15. E.  To tune the instance recovery time, configure the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET param- eter to a nonzero value. The default is 300 seconds. A lower value will reduce the instance recovery time, but may cause frequent checkpoints. A value of 0 turns off MTTR tuning. Read Chapter 15 for more information. 16. C.  Oracle Shared Server requires a shift of memory away from individual session pro- cesses to the SGA. More information has to be kept in the SGA (in the UGA) within the shared pool. A large pool is configured and is responsible for most of the SGA space allocation. The cache size and block buffers settings do not affect Oracle Shared Server. See Chapter 12 for more information. 17. C, D.  Recovery options are optional when you create a database. Specify Fast Recov- ery Area and Enable Archiving are the options available. Read Chapter 9 for more information. 18. B. The REPAIR FAILURE command works only after an ADVISE FAILURE. Option A is invalid. LIST FAILURE displays the failures. CHANGE FAILURE can be used to lower or raise the priority of a failure. For more information, see Chapter 15. 19. A, C.  You cannot dynamically change the parameter UNDO_MANAGEMENT after the instance has started. You can, however, change the UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter to switch to another undo tablespace while the instance is up and running. See Chapter 11 for more information. 20. B.  Oracle automatically performs instance recovery after a database crash or SHUTDOWN ABORT. All uncommitted changes are rolled back, and committed changes are written to data files during instance recovery. Read Chapter 9 for more information. 21. C. DB_DEST implies a database instance destination identified by a TNS name. LOCAL implies the current machine only. See Chapter 16 for more information. 22. C, D.  Every database must have at least two redo log files, which may or may not be multiplexed. Every database must have one control file. It is a good idea to have more than one control file for redundancy. Because SYSTEM and SYSAUX are mandatory tablespaces, there will be at least two data files. Read Chapter 8 for more information. 23. C.  There are no standard password complexity settings in either the initialization parameters or profiles. A password-verify function can validate new passwords against any rules that you can code in PL/SQL, including regular expression comparisons. For more information, read Chapter 13. 24. B. DBA_CHAINS does not exist. DBA_SCHEDULER_CHAINS only shows chained groups of jobs. DBA_SCHEDULER_DESTS shows on job execution destinations. The DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS metadata view has a JOB_PRIORITY column. For more information, read Chapter 16. Answers to Assessment Test lxi 25. C.  The shared pool has three components: library cache, result cache, and dictionary cache. Read Chapter 8 for more information. 26. A.  You can use the Undo Management Advisor to monitor and manage the undo segments to ensure maximum levels of read consistency and minimize occurrences of ORA-01555: Snapshot Too Old error messages. For more information, see Chapter 14. 27. C. The MINIMUM EXTENT parameter is used to make sure each extent is a multiple of the value specified. This parameter is useful to reduce fragmentation in the tablespace. Read Chapter 10 for more information. 28. A.  Irrespective of the components audited, all audit trail information is queried from UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL. Audit records are stored in a table under the AUDSYS table. See Chapter 13 for more information. 29. D.  Protocols come with tools that allow you to test network connectivity. One such utility for TCP/IP is ping. The user supplies either an IP address or a hostname to the ping utility. It then searches the network for this address. If it finds one, it displays information on data that is sent and received and on how quickly it found this address. The other choices are Oracle-supplied utilities. Read Chapter 12 for more information. 30. B.  The online redo log files are used to roll forward after an instance failure; undo data is used to roll back any uncommitted transactions. See Chapter 11 for more information. 31. B.  The log and bad files are written to (not read from) SQL*Loader, and the data file contains only data. The direct=y option, which tells SQL*Loader to use the direct path option, can appear on the command line or in the parfile. See Chapter 18 for more information. 32. B.  Shared servers can process requests from many users. The completed requests are placed into the dispatchers’ response queues. The servers are configured with the SERVERS parameter. However, shared servers do not receive requests directly from dispatchers. The requests are taken from the request queue. Read Chapter 12 for more information. 33. D.  The distance between the checkpoint position in the redo log file and the end of the redo log group can never be more than 90 percent of the size of the smallest redo log group. See Chapter 15 for more information. 34. B.  A nonzero value for the MEMORY_TARGET parameter enables the Automatic Memory Management. SGA_TARGET enables Automatic Shared Memory Management. Automatic Memory Management tunes both SGA and PGA components of the memory. For more information, read Chapter 14. 35. D. REPLACE is the valid value; it drops the existing table and creates the table using the definition from the dump file. SKIP leaves the table untouched. APPEND inserts rows to the existing table. TRUNCATE leaves the structure but removes all existing rows before inserting rows. Read Chapter 18 to learn more. lxii Answers to Assessment Test 36. B, C.  Only the SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces require the instance to be shut down when their data files need to be recovered. See Chapter 15 for more information. 37. A.  Oracle Database 12c uses the Automatic Diagnostic Repository to maintain the alert log and other diagnostic information. The BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST parameter is derived from the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST. See Chapter 9 for more information. 38. B.  Option A is not correct because operations on temporary tablespaces do not gen- erate redo, and a temporary table is created in a temporary tablespace. When DML is performed on a temporary table, the undo is written by default to the active undo tablespace, which generates redo. By setting the parameter TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED, you can direct the undo writing to a temporary tablespace instead of an undo tablespace, thus eliminating redo generation. Option C is wrong. When TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED is true, the undo gets generated as usual; however, the undo gets generated in the temp tablespace, so the redo is not generated. See Chapter 11 for more information. 39. A, C.  OEM Database Express is automatically configured when you create a data- base using DBCA. SQL*Plus is installed along with Oracle RDBMS software tools. SQLDeveloper and OEM Cloud Control must be downloaded and installed separately. Read Chapter 8 for more information. 40. B. DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST specifies the directory to use to create data files and temp files. This directory is also used for control files and redo log files if the DB_CREATE_ ONLINE_LOG_DEST_1 parameter is not set. See Chapter 10 for more information. 41. C.  In the previous database releases, the upgrade script was named catupgrd.sql. In Oracle Database 12c, the upgrade script is also catupgrd.sql, but it must be invoked using the perl script. This script runs the upgrade in parallel by default, thereby reducing the upgrade time. The utlu121i.sql script is replaced with the preupgrd.sql script and is used for pre-upgrade information. The utlu121s.sql script is a post-upgrade status tool. For more information, see Chapter 17. 4 2. C.  DRCP is enabled and disabled by using the database package DBMS_CONNECTION_POOL. The procedure START_POOL starts the server pool and STOP_POOL stops it. The CONFIGURE_ POOL procedure can be used to configure various parameters. Read Chapter 12 for more information. 4 3. D. DIAGNOSTIC_DEST determines the location of the alert log file and trace files. See Chapter 14 for more information. 4 4. B.  Oracle Grid Infrastructure includes Oracle ASM and Oracle Restart. ASM disks are managed and controlled by a special type of instance known as the ASM instance. The ASM instance does not have any data files or database associated to it; it has only the memory structures and processes. See Chapter 18 for more information. Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals Part I Chapter 1 Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals exam objectives covered in this chapter: ✓✓ Introduction ■■ Describe the features of Oracle Database 12c. ■■ Describe the salient features of Oracle Cloud 12c. ■■ Explain the theoretical and physical aspects of a relational database. ■■ Describe Oracle server’s implementation of RDBMS and object relational database management system (ORDBMS). Organizations and individuals collect and use a variety of information (data). A database collects data, stores and organizes data, and retrieves related data used by a business. Oracle is the world’s most widely used database management system. With the release of its Database 12c, Oracle has enhanced the capabilities of its feature-rich database to include cloud architecture. The c in 12c stands for cloud computing. From Oracle version 8 onward, Oracle includes the core emphasis of the release along with the version number in its name. Versions 8 and 9 are called i to indicate Internet computing; versions 10 and 11 are called g for grid computing. With the cloud enablement, Oracle Database 12c lets you manage many databases as one, thereby reducing overhead and valuable resource consumption. This chapter will introduce you to the Oracle Database 12c high-level components and how the Oracle database is organized. You will also learn about the relational and object capabilities of the database, and the tools available for database administrators (DBAs) to retrieve information and manage the database. Exam objectives are subject to change at any time without prior notice and at Oracle’s sole discretion. Please visit Oracle’s Training and Certification website at for the most current exam objectives. Relational Database Management Systems A database management system (DBMS) controls the storage, organization, and retrieval of data. In a DBMS, the kernel code is the software piece that manages the storage and memory component of the database. There is metadata in the DBMS that keeps track of all the components of the database, also known as the dictionary. The code or language used to retrieve data from the database is known as SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language. Over the years, database management systems have evolved from hierarchical to network to relational database management systems (RDBMS). A relational database management system is an organized model of subjects and characteristics that have relationships among the subjects. A well-designed relational database provides volumes of information about a business or process. RDBMS is the most widely used database system, and the object Relational Database Management Systems 5 structures are related. We see relationships everywhere in our daily lives: parents and children, team and players, doctor and patient, to name a few. The main advantages of RDBMS include the way it stores and retrieves information and how the data integrity is maintained. RDBMS structures are easy to understand and build. These structures are logically represented using the entity-relationship (ER) model. The exam will have one or two questions on the ER diagram and/or the RDBMS concept. You may already be familiar with the RDBMS concepts and ER diagrams; a brief refresher is included here. Characteristics of a Relational Database Relational databases have the following three major characteristics that constitute a well-defined RDBMS: ■■ ■■ ■■ Structures are objects that store or access data from the database. Tables, views, and indexes are examples of structures in Oracle. Operations are the actions that are used to define the structures or to manipulate data between the structures. SELECT statements and CREATE statements are examples of operations in Oracle. Integrity rules govern what kinds of actions are allowed on data and the database structure. These rules protect the data and the structure of the database. The primary keys and foreign keys are examples of integrity rules in Oracle. Logical Model In the design phase of the system development cycle, a logical model of the database is created. A logical model of an RDBMS is typically a block diagram of entities and relationships, referred to as an entity-relationship (ER) model or ER diagram. An ER model has entity, relationship, and attributes. An ER model is visual, showing the structure, characteristics, and interactions within and around the data being modeled. Entities and Attributes    An entity in a logical model is much like a noun in grammar—a person, place, or thing. The characteristics of an entity are known as its attributes. Attributes are detailed information about an entity that serves to qualify, identify, classify, or quantify it. For example: ABC Inc. has many offices in the United States; each office has many departments, and each department may have many employees. Placing the organization of ABC Inc. in terms of the ER model, you could identify OFFICE, DEPARTMENT, and EMPLOYEE as entities. Each entity will also have its own characteristics. For instance, when you say “office,” you might want to know the address and city where the office is located, the state, and how many employees work there. Similarly, you might want to know the department name, its manager, the employee’s name, date of birth, hiring date, and salary grade. You might also like to know the employee’s spouse’s name. See Figure 1.1. There are optional and mandatory attributes. In Figure 1.1, the spouse’s name, along with the employee information, is optional; whereas the employee name, the department he/she belongs to, hire date, and date of birth are mandatory in Figure 1.2. An asterisk along with the attribute name indicates that it is mandatory. The optional attribute may be indicated with a small o. 6 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ F igur e   1 .1     Entities and attributes Office Department Employee Address City State ZIP Department Name Manager Name DOB Join Date Grade Spouse Relationships and Unique Identifiers    In the example of ABC Inc., the relationship between the entities is described as “each office has many departments,” “one department belongs to only one office,” “each department has many employees,” and “one employee can belong to only one department.” If there is an office in one city, there should be at least one department. So it is mandatory to have at least one occurrence of department for each location. There may be many departments in one location. In the ER model, a solid line represents a mandatory relationship, and a crowfoot represents the “many.” But in some departments, there may not be any employees at all. Optional occurrence is represented by a dotted line. You should be able to identify each occurrence of an entity uniquely. Now what happens if there are two employees with the same name? How do you distinguish them? For office location, the city and state uniquely identify each office; for department, the department name identifies it uniquely. For employee, you can introduce a unique identifier (UID) called employee number. Figure 1.2 is a refined version of Figure 1.1, and it shows the entities, attributes, relationships, optional and mandatory attributes, and UIDs. UID is represented in the diagram using a pound (#) symbol. F igur e   1 . 2     An entity-relationship (ER) model OFFICE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE # LOC_ID # DEPT_NO # EMP_NO * ADDRESS * CITY • STATE * ZIP * DEPT_NAME MGR_ID * LOC_ID * NAME * DOB * JOIN_DT GRADE • SPOUSE * DEPT_NO Three types of relationships can be defined between the entities. (Figure 1.3): One-to-One    A one-to-one relationship is one in which each occurrence of one entity is represented by a single occurrence in another entity. For example, product and patent—one product might have a patent, and one patent corresponds to only one product. One-to-Many    A one-to-many relationship is one in which an occurrence of one entity can be represented by many occurrences in another entity. For example, department and Relational Database Management Systems 7 employees—one department has one or more employees, and an employee belongs to only one department. Many-to-Many    A many-to-many relationship is one in which an occurrence from one entity can be represented by one or more occurences in another entity, and an occurrence from the second entity may be represented by one or many occurences in the first entity. Many-to-many relationships should not exist in RDBMS because they cannot be properly joined to represent a single row correctly. To solve this, create another entity that has an one-to-many relationship with the first entity and an one-to-many relationship with the second entity. For example, doctor and patient—a patient can visit many doctors, and a doctor can have many patients. F igur e   1 . 3     Types of relationships One-to-One Product Patent One-to-Many Department Employee Many-to-Many Doctor Patient The logical model also provides information known as access paths. They are the common ways you usually query the database in order to retreive information. For example, you would always query the employee records with the Dept_No or Emp_No. Think of the access paths as an index to the data; they help us locate data just as the index of a book helps us quickly find the information we need. When you have established the relationships between entities, it’s time to normalize the design. Normalization is the process of eliminating redundant information from the entities until you can uniquely identify each occurrence of the entity. This may not always be practical due to performance and implementation issues. In such cases, you can denormalize to some extent. Physical Model The physical model is created by taking the logical model and creating a database and database objects to represent the entities and relationships. In the physical model, each entity becomes a table and attributes of the entity become columns of the table. The relationship between the entities is part of one or more constraints between the tables. Physical implementations might force you to combine, separate, or create completely new entities in order to best realize the logical model. The unique identifiers of an entity become the primary key of the table. Stored procedures, functions, and triggers may be created to enforce business rules. 8 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ In RDBMS, the physical database storage is independent of the logical model. Oracle’s Implementation of RDBMS and ORDBMS A database server is the key to information management. An Oracle database satisfies all three major characteristics of the relational model. Oracle lets you define tables, columns, column characteristics such as datatype, length, whether the values are mandatory, and default values. Defining foreign key ensures the referential integrity of the data. You can define primary keys and indexes on the data. The primary key of a relational table uniquely identifies each record in the table; it may consist of a single attribute (column) or multiple attributes in combination. A foreign key is a column (or collection of columns) in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table, defining the relationship between the tables. Records in a database table can be seen as instances of the entity. Each occurrence of an entity is differentiated by the values of the attributes. Oracle stores these records as rows of the table and the attributes as columns in each row. In the most generic form, a database table can be seen as a single spreadsheet with unlimited numbers of columns and rows. The columns are not defined until the user names them and gives them a datatype. Oracle extends the concept of spreadsheets by defining relationships between multiple spreadsheets, constraints on columns, and providing mechanisms for multiple users to access the same database table(s) at the same time. The data access path is implemented in Oracle using indexes. Indexing allows us to predefine to the relational database system the most common access paths that will be used. These indexes decrease the time required to search for data in a table using a number of algorithms such as B-tree, bitmap, etc. Oracle implements the RDBMS characteristics using the following set of structures: ■■ Tables are used for data storage. ■■ Views and synonyms are created for data access. ■■ Indexes are used to speed up data retrieval. ■■ Primary keys, foreign keys, and unique keys are called constraints and are created to enforce data integrity. ■■ Triggers are created to satisfy the business rules. ■■ Roles and privileges are used for security. ■■ Procedures, functions, and packages are used to code the application. Oracle, since version 8i, is also an Object Relational DBMS. An RDBMS that implements object-oriented features such as user-defined types, inheritance, and polymorphism is called ORDBMS. It lets you create user-defined object types in the relational database system. Object types are structures that consist of built-in or user-defined data types. For example, Address can be defined as an object type and can be referenced in tables. The Oracle Database 12c 9 Here’s an example where STREET_TYPE is defined as: STREET_TYPE STREET_NUMBER STREET_NAME1 STREET_SUFFIX APARTMENT_NO NUMBER VARCHAR2 VARCHAR2 VARCHAR2 (6) (40) (10) (5) Here’s an example where ADDRESS_TYPE is an object type defined using another object type as: ADDRESS_TYPE STREET CITY STATE ZIP STREET_TYPE VARCHAR2 (30) CHAR (2) NUMBER (5) In this example for CUSTOMER_TABLE, the object CUST_ADDR is a type. CUSTOMER_TABLE CUST_NAME VARCHAR2 (40) CUST_ADDR ADDRESS_TYPE CUST_PHONE VARCHAR2 (12) CUST_FAX VARCHAR2 (12) Now that the ADDRESS_TYPE is defined, it can be used in any number of tables, where ADDRESS needs to be stored. This is a small example to show you how objects can be reused and how the functionality of the RDBMS can be extended to include built-in complex business rules. The Oracle Database 12c An Oracle Database 12c server is a feature-rich RDBMS that extends its capabilities beyond any other RDBMS in the market, with object relational and cloud capabilities. In this section, we will discuss the capabilities and features of Oracle Database 12c. Oracle Database 12c Implementations Let’s start with the architecture of the database server at a very high level. Detailed architecture and components are discussed in various chapters in Part II of this book. The physical structure of an Oracle Database 12c server consists of two major components: the database and the instance. The database is a set of physical files saved on the disk that store information. The instance is a set of memory structures and processes that uses the physical components to manipulate and retrieve data. 10 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ Figure 1.4 shows the database architecture. The host machine is where the Oracle instance is running. It has the memory structures and processes. The storage array, or disk, is where the database resides. F igur e   1 . 4     An Oracle database server Host Machine Instance User SGA PGA Background Processes Storage Disk Database Files In the architecture shown in Figure 1.4, one instance communicates with one database. The host machine is where users and applications connect and interact. If the machine goes down for some reason, the database will be unavailable. Oracle alleviates this issue by introducing an architecture named the Real Application Clusters (RAC). Figure 1.5 shows RAC architecture. In this architecture, more than one instance communicates to a single database. Oracle RAC takes reliability a step further by removing the database server as a single point of failure. If an instance fails, the remaining instances in the RAC pool remain open and active; and connections from failed instances can be failed-over to active instances. The RAC load balancer directs the user connection request to the appropriate instance. With RAC, high availability and CPU/memory capacity available to the database is increased. Oracle manages the connection load balancing and failover automatically. Many organizations have several hundreds or thousands of Oracle databases. Imagine if the policy were to have one instance per server, then you would have as many servers as the number of instances to manage. If you have a high-capacity server or if the database resource requirements are minimal, you can have more than one instance on the same host machine. Figure 1.6 shows an architecture in which more than one database is hosted on the same machine. The Oracle Database 12c F igur e   1 . 5     An Oracle database server — RAC RAC Host Machine–1 Instance–1 User Machine–2 Instance–2 Machine–3 Instance–3 SGA SGA SGA PGA PGA PGA Processes Processes Processes Shared Storage Disk Database Files F igur e   1 . 6     Multiple Oracle databases on same machine Host Machine Instance A Instance B Instance C SGA SGA SGA PGA PGA PGA Processes Processes Processes Database A Database B Database C Files Files Files Storage Disk 11 12 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ Figure 1.6 clearly shows that even though you consolidated multiple database servers to one host, you still have the same overhead of managing the database. You need instance memory structures, processes, and management activities such as backup for each instance or database. With Oracle 12c, a new architecture feature is introduced known as the multitenant architecture. The multitenant architecture enables an Oracle database to function as a multitenant container database (CDB) that includes zero, one, or many pluggable databases (PDBs). All databases created prior to Oracle Database 12c are non-CDB; a pluggable database appears as a non-CDB to the application, so existing code and application need not be changed when you move to Oracle Database 12c. The PDBs belonging to a CDB share the database overhead such as redo, undo, and memory. Oracle RDBMS is responsible for keeping the pluggable databases separate, private for the application, and secure. The instance and SGA are assigned to a container database. Figure 1.7 shows the multitenant database architecture. The databases that are part of the CDB are known as pluggable databases. F igur e   1. 7     Oracle Database 12c — Multitenant architecture with pluggable databases Host Machine CDB Instance SGA PGA Processes Multitenant Database CDB Root PDB Root Database A Database B Storage Disk Container Database Common Files Database A Files Database C Files Database B Files Database C The Oracle Database 12c 13 Pluggable databases in the multitenant architecture, as the name suggests, can be unplugged and plugged to another CDB easily. With the pluggable databases and multitenant architecture, Oracle Database 12c offers the following benefits: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Increased server utilization: Because the overhead associated with each database is now shared among all databases, you can consolidate more databases with the same resources. Cost reduction: By consolidating hardware and sharing database memory and files, the cost of hardware is less. Application transparency: Although the architecture changed, each PDB acts and works as a traditional pre-12c Oracle database. There is no need to change application code or architecture to start using Oracle Database 12c. Manage many databases as one: Administrative activities such as patching and upgrade are performed on the container database so they do not need to be repeated for each database in the CDB. This drastically reduces the administrative time required. Less backup configuration: With multiple databases consolidated into one server, you still have to back up each database separately. With container and pluggable databases, you only need to back up one multitenant container database. Easier provisioning: In the container database architecture, it is very easy to clone and provision pluggable databases. Less time to upgrade: When you upgrade the container database, all the pluggable databases are automatically upgraded. Move databases: It is also possible to move a pluggable database from one container database to another. This is especially useful if you plan to upgrade all but a few databases to the next release. Before upgrading the container database, you may move a few pluggable databases to another container database, or move pluggable databases to another CDB of higher release. Separation of duties: Database administrators can be defined as a CDB administrator (common user with administrative privileges on all CDB and PDBs) or a PDB administrator (local user in PDB with administrative privilege only on the PDB). In the next section, you will learn about users and schema in the database, which is the basis for connecting to the database. Connecting to Oracle Database Before you can connect to an Oracle database, you must create a user. When you create a new Oracle database, several default users are automatically created. (The preferred method for creating a database is to use the Database Configuration Assistant [DBCA], which is discussed in Chapter 9, “Creating and Operating Oracle Database 12c.”) SYS is the data dictionary or metadata dictionary owner for the database. Using this account for day-to-day operations is not recommended. You connect to SYS to start and stop database and other key administrative tasks. SYSTEM is a powerful administrative user in the database. Initially, you use this user connection to create database users and other 14 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ administrators in the database. Along with SYS and SYSTEM, several other database users are also created based on the options you choose during the installation and on the components installed in the database. In a container database, the users are either common or local. Common users are visible on the container as well as in all pluggable databases; they have the same username and password across all pluggable databases and in the container database. The schema for common user is still local to each pluggable database and the container database. A schema is a collection of database objects owned by a user account in the database. The objects in the schema may be related to support a business application. A schema and user have a one-to-one relationship in a database. A schema is created as a user in the database, but when the user owns database objects, it is called a schema. Schema objects are discussed in Chapter 7, “Creating Tables and Constraints.” When an object is created under someone’s schema, the user has full privilege on the object by default. Using Oracle’s roles and privileges, a schema owner or administrator can grant privilege on his or her object (such as a table) to another user in the same database. This is known as object-level privilege. For certain users, you may want to grant privileges on all the objects in the database; this is accomplished by using the system privileges. Privileges and system security are discussed in Chapter 13, “Implementing Security and Auditing.” The next section will introduce you to the tools available to manage and administer Oracle Database 12c. Database Management Tools Oracle Database 12c comes with multiple feature-rich tools to help administrators manage and monitor the database and all of its components. In this section, you will review the tools that are used for everyday administration of Oracle database. Let’s start with the tool that is equally beneficial to DBAs, developers, and power users. SQL Developer SQL Developer is a graphical tool used to perform everyday activities in the Oracle database. It has several predefined menu functions; therefore, there is no need to remember the syntax or SQL command to perform basic functions. In addition to Oracle (database versions higher than 9i Release 2), SQL Developer can also connect to Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, IBM DB2, and Sybase Adaptive Server databases to view data and metadata. SQL Developer is installed along with Oracle Database 12c on Windows platforms. For Linux, you must download and install it outside of an Oracle Database 12c installation. The distribution usually included in the database software distribution might not be the current version. It is better to always download the latest version and install SQL Developer from As instructed on the download page, you will also need Java JRE installed for SQL Developer to work. Once it is installed, you can invoke SQL Developer from /usr/local/bin directory on Linux or from the Oracle Installation program group on Windows. Figure 1.8 shows the The Oracle Database 12c 15 initial SQL Developer screen. To get started and learn more about SQL Developer, click the choices available in the screen. F igur e   1 . 8     The initial SQL Developer screen The Connections navigation pane is the most commonly used pane, which navigates through the database objects providing you with information and options to modify the objects. In Figure 1.9, you can see the various sections and navigations in SQL Developer. The section marked 1 shows various database connections and the objects in those databases. Section 2 provides you with a set of predefined reports. If you know how to write SQL, you can define your own reports as well. Section 3 shows the DBA navigation screen, showing you various DBA tasks. Section 4 is the SQL worksheet. You use this section to interact directly with the database using SQL language. Output from the SQL commands is listed in section 5; both query output and script output are visible. Section 6 is the logging pane. This is useful when you are debugging code. For simplicity and ease of results capture, the SQL statements used in this book are using SQL*Plus. All of the SQL commands can also run using the SQL Worksheet in SQL Developer. 16 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ F igur e   1 . 9     SQL Developer navigation windows 1 4 2 5 3 6 SQL*Plus SQL*Plus is Oracle’s command-line interface to the Oracle database. You run SQL commands to query the database or to manage the database. SQL*Plus is packaged with the Oracle software and can be installed using the client software installation routine on any machine. This tool is automatically installed when you install the Oracle Database 12c server software. On Unix/Linux platforms, you can invoke SQL*Plus using the sqlplus executable found in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. On Windows, SQL*Plus is under the Oracle Home Group menu. On Windows and Unix/Linux platforms, when you start SQL*Plus, you will be prompted for a username and password, as shown in Figure 1.10. Once you are in SQL*Plus, you can connect to another database or change your connection by using the CONNECT command, with this syntax: CONNECT /@ The slash separates the username and password. The connect string following @ is the database alias name known as the net service name. If you omit the password, you will be prompted to enter it. If you omit the connect string, SQL*Plus tries to connect you to the local database defined in the ORACLE_SID variable (or the net service name defined by TWO_TASK variable). You will not be prompted for the . Include along with as in bthomas@myowndb. The Oracle Database 12c 17 F igur e   1 .1 0     A SQL*Plus screen You may replace the connect string with a construct called the easy connect. The syntax is [//]Host[:Port]/]. For example, to connect to database service named C12DB1 on machine BTLNX63, where the listener is running in port 1521, use sqlplus system@"btlnx63:1521/C12DB1" You can invoke and connect to SQL*Plus using the sqlplus command, with this syntax: sqlplus /@ If you invoke the tool with just sqlplus, you will be prompted for a username and password, as in Figure 1.10. If you invoke SQL*Plus with a username, you will be prompted for a password. See Figure 1.11 for an example. F igur e   1 .11     A SQL*Plus screen with a password prompt 18 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ Once you are connected to SQL*Plus, you will get the SQL> prompt. This is the default prompt, which can be changed using the SET SQLPROMPT command. Type the command you want to execute at this prompt. With SQL*Plus, you can enter, edit, and execute SQL statements; perform database administration; and execute statements interactively by accepting user input. You can also format query results and perform calculations. To exit from SQL*Plus, use the EXIT command. On platforms where a return code is used, you can provide a return code while exiting. You can also use the QUIT command to complete the session. EXIT and QUIT are synonymous. The command sqlplus -help displays a help screen to show the various options available when starting SQL*Plus. Multiple administrative connections such as SYSDBA, SYSOPER, SYSBACKUP, SYSASM, SYSKM, and SYSDG are also available. They are discussed in this book in various chapters. Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express 12c Oracle Enterprise Manger (OEM) Database Express 12c is a web-based tool that can be configured using default by Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA, the tool you use to create and configure databases) when you create an Oracle database. OEM Database Express by default uses port 5500, hence is invoked using URL https:// database_host_machine:5500/em. OEM Database Express is designed to manage only one database, and is intended for database administrators. When you invoke Database Express, you will be prompted for a username and password to connect to the database. You should provide a user account that has administrative privileges. For the SQL section of this book, you will not be using this tool, so we will not discuss it in more detail here. You can read more information about OEM Database Express in Chapter 3, “Getting Started with Database Administration,” of “Oracle Database 2 Day DBA 12c Release 1 (Part E17643-12),” found at Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c (OEM 12c) is Oracle’s integrated enterprise management administrative tool, providing complete cloud management solutions. With OEM 12c, you can manage multiple databases and all products under the Oracle stack. It is a complete cloud lifecycle management answer to quickly set up, administer, and support enterprise clouds and Oracle environments from applications to storage. OEM 12c is not part of the Oracle Database 12c software install; it must be downloaded and installed separately. To read more about OEM 12c, please check out “Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Introduction 12c Release 3 (Part E25353-14)” at http://docs Becoming Familiar with SQL*Plus 19 Oracle Database 12c in the Cloud Cloud architecture emphasizes sharing resources and maximizing the effectiveness of shared resources. Cloud resources are shared not only by multiple users, but are also capable of reallocation based on demand. Cloud computing allows organizations to provision resources and applications rapidly, with improved manageability and less administrative overhead. By enabling customers to efficiently use their information technology infrastructure, Oracle Database 12c was designed for the cloud. The following are the benefits of having Oracle Database 12c in the cloud architecture: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ It consolidates multiple Oracle databases into multitenant container databases. With multitenant architecture, DBAs can manage multiple databases as one database for many administrative tasks on the database. DBAs need to perform fewer patches and upgrades and will not need to configure many backups. It automatically optimizes database storage and performance based on usage. Oracle Database 12c supports smart compression and storage tier. The heat map feature tracks data usage information; administrators can create appropriate policies to automatically move and compress data based on age and activity of data. Oracle RAC supports deployment of database instances across a pool of servers, helping to avoid downtime caused by unplanned server outages. With Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c, the provisioning and cloning of databases are simplified. Oracle Database 12c helps customers reduce IT complexity and cost through private database cloud deployments by consolidation. Cloud computing offers an opportunity for IT organizations to be more responsive to changes in application workloads and business demands. Because the test is on SQL and the tool used throughout the book for executing SQL is SQL*Plus, the next section will discuss some fundamentals of SQL*Plus. Becoming Familiar with SQL*Plus SQL*Plus, widely used by DBAs and developers to interact with a database, is a powerful tool from Oracle. Using SQL*Plus, you can execute all SQL statements and PL/SQL programs, format results from queries, and administer the database. Earlier in this chapter, you learned how to connect to the database using SQL*Plus. In this section, you will learn about entering SQL commands, understanding the difference between SQL commands and SQL*Plus commands, editing the SQL*Plus buffer, and running commands in a script. Entering SQL Statements A SQL statement can spread across multiple lines, and the commands are not case sensitive. The previously executed SQL statement will always be available in the SQL buffer. 20 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ The buffer can be edited or saved to a file. You can terminate a SQL statement in any of the following ways: ■■ End with a semicolon (;): The statement is completed and executed. ■■ Enter a slash (/) on a new line by itself: The statement in the buffer is executed. ■■ Enter a blank line: The statement is saved in the buffer. You can use the RUN command instead of a slash to execute a statement in the buffer. The SQL prompt returns when the statement has completed execution. You can enter your next command at the prompt. Only SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks are stored in the SQL buffer; SQL*Plus commands are not stored in the buffer. Entering SQL*Plus Commands SQL*Plus has its own commands to perform specific tasks on the database, as well as to format the query results. Unlike SQL statements, which are terminated with a semicolon or a blank line, SQL*Plus commands are entered on a single line. Pressing Enter executes the SQL*Plus command. When you log in to the SQL*Plus session, you get the SQL prompt. By default, the prompt is SQL>. You can change this prompt using the SET SQLPROMPT SQL*Plus command. When you continue a SQL command to the next line, a line number appears at the beginning of the line. As shown here, when you type SELECT USERNAME in the first line (the SQL prompt line) and press Enter, line number 2 appears where you continue the SQL command FROM DBA_USERS. SQL> SELECT USERNAME 2 FROM DBA_USERS SQL statements can span multiple lines. If you want to continue a SQL*Plus command onto the next line, you must end the current line with a hyphen (-), which indicates command continuation. When a command continuation character is entered, SQL*Plus will not show the line number next, but instead displays the greater than symbol (>). This is in contrast to SQL statements, which can be continued to the next line without a continuation operator. For example, the following SQL statement gives an error, because SQL*Plus treats the hyphen operator (-) as a continuation character instead of a minus operator: SQL> SELECT 800 > 400 FROM dual; SELECT 800 400 FROM dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected SQL> Becoming Familiar with SQL*Plus 21 You need to put the hyphen in the next line for the query to succeed: SQL> SELECT 800 2 - 400 FROM dual; 800-400 ---------400 SQL> Getting Structural Information with the DESCRIBE Command You can use the DESCRIBE command to obtain information about the database objects. Using DESCRIBE on a table or view shows the columns, its datatypes, and whether each column can be NULL. Using DESCRIBE on a stored program, such as procedure or function, shows the parameters that need to be passed in/out, their datatype, and whether there is a default value. You can abbreviate this command to the first four characters or more— DESC, DESCR, and DESCRIB are all valid. If you’re connected to the HR schema and need to see the tables and views in this schema, use the following query: SQL> SELECT * FROM tab; TNAME -----------------------------COUNTRIES DEPARTMENTS EMPLOYEES EMP_DETAILS_VIEW JOBS JOB_HISTORY LOCATIONS REGIONS TABTYPE CLUSTERID ------- ---------TABLE TABLE TABLE VIEW TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE 8 rows selected. To see the columns or definition of the EMPLOYEES table, execute: SQL> DESCRIBE employees Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- -------------------EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST_NAME NOT NULL NUMBER(6) VARCHAR2(20) 22 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ LAST_NAME EMAIL PHONE_NUMBER HIRE_DATE JOB_ID SALARY COMMISSION_PCT MANAGER_ID DEPARTMENT_ID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL VARCHAR2(25) VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL DATE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10) NUMBER(8,2) NUMBER(2,2) NUMBER(6) NUMBER(4) If there are invisible columns in the table, they are not displayed by the DESCRIBE command unless you use SET COLINVISIBLE ON. Invisible columns are newly introduced in Oracle Database 12c, where a column in the table can be hidden from the application. Invisible columns help to remove a column from the table quickly without actually dropping the column. Invisible columns are discussed in Chapter 7. Editing the SQL Buffer The most recent SQL statement executed or entered is stored in the SQL buffer of SQL*Plus. You can run the command in this buffer again by simply typing a slash or using the RUN command. SQL*Plus provides a set of commands to edit the buffer. Suppose you want to add another column or add an ORDER BY condition to the statement in the buffer. You do not need to type the entire SQL statement again. Instead, just edit the existing statement in the buffer. One way to edit the SQL*Plus buffer is to use the EDIT command to write the buffer to an operating-system file named afiedt.buf (this is the default filename, which can be changed) and then use a system editor to make changes. You can use your favorite text editor by defining it in SQL*Plus. For example, to make Notepad your favorite editor, just issue the command DEFINE _EDITOR = NOTEPAD. To view the editor defined, just execute DEFINE _EDITOR as shown here. SQL> define _editor DEFINE _EDITOR = "Notepad" (CHAR) Provide the entire path if the program is not available in the search path. Another way to edit the buffer is to use the SQL*Plus editing commands. You can make changes, delete lines, add text, and list the buffer contents using the commands described in the following sections. Most editing commands operate on the current line. You can change Becoming Familiar with SQL*Plus 23 the current line simply by typing the line number. All commands can be abbreviated, except DEL (which is already abbreviated). LIST The LIST command lists the contents of the buffer. The asterisk indicates the current line. The abbreviated command for LIST is L. SQL> 1 2* SQL> 2* SQL> L SELECT empno, ename FROM emp LIST LAST FROM emp The command LIST n displays line n, and LIST * displays the current line. The command LIST m n displays lines from m through n. If you substitute * for m or n, it implies from or to the current line. The command LIST LAST displays the last line. APPEND The APPEND text command adds text to the end of a line. The abbreviated command is A. SQL> A WHERE empno <> 7926 2* FROM emp WHERE empno <> 7926 SQL> CHANGE The CHANGE /old/new command changes an old entry to a new entry. The abbreviated command is C. If you omit new, old will be deleted. SQL> 2* SQL> 2* SQL> C /<>/= FROM emp WHERE empno = 7926 C /7926 FROM emp WHERE empno = The ellipses (…) can be used as wildcard characters. The following example changes everything in the line from “fro” to the new value. SQL> 1* SQL> 1* SQL> l select name from v$instance c/fro.../from v$database select name from v$database 24 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ The next example shows the substitution of a string in the middle of the line using ellipses. SQL> 1* SQL> 1* SQL> l select owner from dba_tables where table_name like 'HR%' c/dba...table/dba_views where view select owner from dba_views where views where table_name like 'HR%' INPUT The INPUT text command adds a line of text. Its abbreviation is I. If text is omitted, you can add as many lines as you want. SQL> 3 4 5 SQL> SQL> 1 2 3 4 5* SQL> I 7777 AND empno = 4354 I ORDER BY 1 L SELECT empno, ename FROM emp WHERE empno = 7777 AND empno = 4354 ORDER BY 1 DEL The DEL command used alone or with * deletes the current line. The DEL m n command deletes lines from m through n. If you substitute * for m or n, it implies the current line. The command DEL LAST deletes the last line. SQL> 3* SQL> SQL> 1 2 3 4* SQL> 3 7777 AND DEL L SELECT empno, ename FROM emp WHERE empno = empno = 4354 ORDER BY 1 DEL 3 * Becoming Familiar with SQL*Plus 25 SQL> L 1 SELECT empno, ename 2* FROM emp WHERE empno = SQL> CLEAR BUFFER The CLEAR BUFFER command (abbreviated CL BUFF) clears the buffer. This deletes all lines from the buffer. SQL> L 1 SELECT empno, ename 2* FROM emp WHERE empno = SQL> CL BUFF buffer cleared SQL> L No lines in SQL buffer. SQL> Using Script Files SQL*Plus provides commands to save the SQL buffer to a file, as well as to run SQL statements from a file. SQL statements saved in a file are called a script file. You can work with script files as follows: ■■ ■■ To save the SQL buffer to an operating-system file, use the command SAVE filename. If you do not provide an extension, the saved file will have the extension .sql. By default, the SAVE command will not overwrite an existing file. If you want to overwrite an existing file, you need to use the keyword REPLACE. ■■ To add the buffer to the end of an existing file, use the SAVE filename APPEND command. ■■ You can edit the saved file using the EDIT filename command. ■■ ■■ ■■ You can bring the contents of a script file to the SQL buffer using the GET filename command. If you want to run a script file, use the command START filename. You can also run a script file using @filename. An @@filename used inside a script file looks for the filename in the directory where the parent script file is saved and executes it. Exercise 1.1 will familiarize you with the script file commands, as well as the other topics covered so far. 26 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ E x e rcis e 1 . 1 Practicing SQL*Plus File Commands In this exercise, you will learn how to edit the SQL*Plus buffer using various buffer edit commands. 1. Enter the following SQL code; the third line is a blank line so that the SQL code is saved in the buffer: SQL> SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name 2 FROM employees 3 SQL> 2. List the SQL buffer: SQL> L 1 SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name 2* FROM employees SQL> 3. Save the buffer to a file named myfile; the default extension will be .sql: SQL> SAVE myfile Created file MYFILE.sql SQL> 4. Choose to edit the file: SQL> EDIT myfile SQL> 5. Add WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID = 106 as the third line to the SQL statement. 6. List the buffer: SQL> LIST 1 SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name 2* FROM employees SQL> The buffer listed is still the old buffer. The edited changes are not reflected because you edited the file MYFILE, which is not yet loaded to the buffer. Becoming Familiar with SQL*Plus E x e rcis e 1 . 1   ( c o n t i n u e d ) 7. Bring the file contents to the buffer: SQL> GET myfile 1 SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name 2 FROM employees 3* WHERE employee_id = 106 SQL> 8. List the buffer to verify its contents: SQL> LI 1 SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name 2 FROM employees 3* WHERE employee_id = 106 SQL> 9. Change the employee number from 106 to 110: SQL> C/106/110 3* WHERE employee_id = 110 SQL> 10. Save the buffer again to the same file: SQL> SAVE myfile SP2-0540: File "MYFILE.sql" already exists. Use "SAVE filename[.ext] REPLACE". SQL> An error is returned, because SAVE will not overwrite the file by default. 11. Save the file using the REPLACE keyword: SQL> SAVE myfile REPLACE Wrote file MYFILE.sql SQL> 12. Execute the file: SQL> START myfile 27 28 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ E x e rcis e 1 . 1   ( c o n t i n u e d ) EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME ----------- -------------------- --------110 John Chen SQL> 13. Change the employee number from 110 to 106, and append this SQL code to the file; then execute it using @: SQL> C/110/106 3* WHERE employee_id = 106 SQL> SAVE myfile APPEND Appended file to MYFILE.sql SQL> @MYFILE EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME ----------- -------------------- --------110 John EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST_NAME Chen LAST_NAME ----------- -------------------- --------106 Valli Pataballa SQL> Saving Query Results to a File You can use the SPOOL filename command to save the query results to a file. By default, the SPOOL command creates a .lst file extension. SPOOL overwrites an existing file by default. If you include the APPEND option—as in SPOOL filename APPEND—the results are added to an existing file. A new file will be created if the file does not exist already. SPOOL OFF stops writing the output to the file. SPOOL OUT stops the writing of output and sends the output file to the printer. SPOOL with no clauses lists the current spooling status. Adding Comments to a Script File Comments in the script file can improve readability and make the code more understandable. You can enter comments in SQL*Plus using the REMARKS (abbreviated REM) command. Lines in the script file beginning with the keyword REM are comments and are not executed. You can also enter a comment between /* and */. Comments can also be entered following -- (double hyphen); all characters following -- in the line are treated as comments by Oracle. While a script file with comments is being executed, the remarks entered using the REMARKS command are not displayed on the screen, but the comments within /* and */ are displayed on the screen with the prefix DOC> when there is more than one line between /* and */. You can turn this off by using SET DOCUMENT OFF. Becoming Familiar with SQL*Plus 29 Now that you understand the concepts of RDBMS and how Oracle Database 12c helps organizations achieve the cloud architecture, let’s move on to the core of the Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals OCA exam in the coming chapters. Before moving on to Chapter 2, “Introducing SQL,” please make sure you have an Oracle Database 12c to practice on and try out the examples. You may perform a quick default install of the database after downloading the software from OTN ( Install Oracle Database 12c for SQL Practice To be able to practice the examples provided in this book and to familiarize yourself with Oracle Database 12c SQL, an Oracle Database 12c database must be available to you. If you do not have such a database, you can follow these instructions to install software and create databases on a Windows machine. Download and Install Software You may download Oracle Database 12c software from Oracle Technology Network (OTN) or from Oracle Cloud Delivery service ( After downloading the software, you can invoke the setup.exe to install software. For detailed instructions on downloading and installing Oracle software, refer to You can also refer to Chapter 9 to install database software. Create Oracle Database Databases are created using the Database Configuration Assistant tool. You can choose the Create Database With Default Configuration option to create a database quickly. For detailed instructions on creating a database, refer to You can also refer to Chapter 9 to create a database. Create Sample Schema The sample schema provided by Oracle includes HR, OE, PM, SH, and IX. For the majority of the SQL used in the book, the HR schema is used. If you did not install the sample schema during database creation, you can do so using the following procedure. When you install Oracle software, you can choose the Create Database With Default Configuration option, but this will not include the sample schemas. The account SYS is the Oracle dictionary owner, and SYSTEM is a database administrator (DBA) account. Initially, the sample schema user accounts are locked. You need to log in to the database using SQL*Plus as the SYSTEM user and then unlock the account using the ALTER USER statement. To unlock the HR schema, use ALTER USER hr IDENTIFIED BY hrpassword ACCOUNT UNLOCK;. Now you can log in to the database using the hr user with the password hrpassword. Remember, the password is case sensitive by default. 30 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ To install the sample schemas in an existing Oracle Database 12c, follow the instructions in the Oracle document “Oracle Database Sample Schemas 12c Release 1 (12.1) Part E15979-04” at Chapter 2 of this document provides instructions on how to install the sample schemas using Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) as well as on running scripts. The same chapter also gives you steps to reinitialize the sample schema data. The manual installation of HR and OE sample data on Linux-based Oracle Database 12c databases can be quickly summarized as: Change the directory to $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/human_resources. Connect to database using SQL*Plus as SYSDBA (sqlplus sys@mydb as sysdba). Run the schema and objects creation script (@hr_main.sql). Change the directory to $ORACLE_HOME/demo/schema/order_entry. Connect to the database using SQL*Plus as SYSDBA (sqlplus sys@mydb as sysdba). Run the schema and objects creation script (@oe_main.sql). Summary This chapter reviewed the concepts of relational database systems and Object RDBMS. You also learned how Oracle implements the RDBMS and relational theory into the Oracle database. The entity-relationship diagram is a modeling tool used in the beginning stages or application development. You also learned about the high-level architecture and various implementations of Oracle, such as single database, RAC database, and container database. Oracle Database 12c is cloud enabled. The multitenant architecture of the database helps to consolidate multiple Oracle databases (pluggable databases) into a single container database. Various tools are available for the DBA to connect to the Oracle database and administer it. SQL*Plus is Oracle’s SQL command-line interface tool. SQL Developer is a graphical tool, with ease of navigation and predefined tasks. You also saw an overview of SQL*Plus in this chapter, including how to connect to the database using SQL*Plus and basic editing commands. SQL*Plus supports all SQL statements and has its own formatting and enhancement commands. Using this tool, you can produce interactive SQL statements and formatted reports. SQL*Plus is the command-line interface to the database widely used by DBAs. SQL*Plus has its own buffer where SQL statements are buffered. You can edit the buffer using SQL*Plus editing commands. The DESCRIBE command is used to get information on a table, view, function, or procedure. Multiple SQL and SQL*Plus commands can be stored in a file and can be executed as a unit. Such files are called script files. Exam Essentials 31 Exam Essentials Know RDBMS Concepts.    Review the RDBMS concepts. Understand entities and relationships. Understand what structures make Object RDBMS.    Learn how Oracle implements the object relational database management system. Know the tools.    Have an understanding of what tools are available for database management in Oracle and their purposes. Learn the various architectures Oracle Database 12c can implement.    Oracle database can be installed as a single instance single database, multiple instance RAC database, or multi­ tenant container database. Identify Oracle Database 12c cloud features.    Know the features of Oracle Database 12c that make cloud implementation easier. 32 Chapter 1    Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS ■ Review Questions 1. Look at the diagram. What kind of relationship exists between MOVIES and CHARACTERS? ACTORS MOVIES # MOVIE_NAME # ACTOR_NAME * RATING RELEASE_DATE * SEX DOB PHONE CHARACTORS # MOVIE_NAME # CHARACTER_NAME ACTOR_NAME A. Each movie may have one or more characters. B. Each movie must have one or more characters. C. Many movies may have many characters. D. One movie can have only one character. 2. When the physical model is being designed from the logical model, which element may be attributed as a table from the ER diagram? A. Relationship B. Attribute C. Unique identifier D. Entity 3. Which statement about the object type is true? A. They are structures that consist of built-in or user-defined data types. B. They are structures that consist of only built-in data types. C. They are structures that consist of only user-defined data types. D. Only one column in a table can be object type. 4. Which of the following is not a benefit of Oracle Database 12c? A. Manage multiple databases as one B. Fast provisioning of cloned databases C. Plug and unplug databases D. Patch each pluggable database separately Review Questions 33 5. Which one of the following Oracle SQL*Plus command lines is not valid? A. sqlplus B. sqlplus @ C. sqlplus @ D. sqlplus 6. Which database tools are parts of Oracle Database 12c? Choose two. A. Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c B. Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express 12c C. SQL Developer D. TOAD (Tool for Oracle Application Developers) 7. In the physical implementation of RDBMS, which database object is used to represent unique identifiers? A. Any constraint B. Index C. Primary key D. Foreign key 8. SQL Developer is a tool primarily for whom? A. Database administrators B. End users C. Application developers D. All of the above 9. Which architecture in the Oracle Database 12c implementation guards against unplanned machine downtime? A. Multitenancy Container Database B. Real Application Clusters C. Consolidate multiple databases and instances to one server D. None of the above 10. Which connection method to the Oracle database is known as the easy connect? A. @ B. @:/ C. Both A and B D. Neither A or B Chapter 2 Introducing SQL Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals exam objectives covered in this chapter: ✓✓ Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement ■■ Explain the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements. ■■ Execute a basic SELECT statement. ✓✓ Restricting and Sorting Data ■■ Limit the rows that are retrieved by a query. ■■ Sort the rows that are retrieved by a query. ■■ Use ampersand substitution to restrict and sort output at runtime. Oracle Database 12c is a very powerful and feature-rich relational database management system (RDBMS). SQL has been adopted by most RDBMSs for the retrieval and management of data, schema creation, and access control. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has been refining standards for the SQL language for more than 25 years. Oracle, like many other companies, has taken the ANSI standard of SQL and extended it to include much additional functionality. SQL is the basic language used to manipulate and retrieve data from Oracle Database 12c. SQL is a nonprocedural language, meaning it does not have programmatic constructs such as loop structures. PL/SQL is Oracle’s procedural extension of SQL, and SQLJ allows embedded SQL operations in Java code. The scope of the Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals test includes only SQL. In this chapter, we will discuss Oracle SQL fundamentals such as the various types of SQL statements, introduce SQL*Plus and a few SQL*Plus commands, and discuss SELECT statements. You will learn how to write basic SQL statements to retrieve data from tables. This will include coverage of SQL SELECT statements, which are used to query data from the database-storage structures, such as tables and views. You will also learn how to limit the information retrieved and to display the results in a specific order. SQL Fundamentals SQL is the standard language used to query and modify data as well as manage databases. SQL is the common language used by programmers, database administrators, and users to access and manipulate data as well as to administer databases. To get started with SQL in this chapter, we will use the sample HR schema supplied with Oracle Database 12c. SQL statements are like plain English but with specific syntax. SQL is a simple, yet powerful language used to create, access, and manipulate data and structures in the database. SQL statements can be categorized as listed in Table 2.1. SQL Fundamentals 37 Tabl e   2 .1    SQL Statement Categories SQL Category Description Data Manipulation Language (DML) Used to access, insert, modify, or delete data in the existing structures of the database. DML statements include those used to query information (SELECT), add new rows (INSERT), modify existing rows (UPDATE), delete existing rows (DELETE), perform a conditional update or insert operation (MERGE), see an execution plan of SQL (EXPLAIN PLAN), and lock a table to restrict access (LOCK TABLE). Including the SELECT statement in the DML group is debatable within the SQL community, because SELECT does not modify data. Data Definition Language (DDL) Used to define, alter, or drop database objects and their privileges. DDL statements include those used to create, modify, drop, or rename objects (CREATE, ALTER, DROP, RENAME), remove all rows from a database object without dropping the structure (TRUNCATE), manage access privileges (GRANT, REVOKE), audit database use (AUDIT, NOAUDIT), and add a description about an object to the dictionary (COMMENT). Transaction Control Used to group a set of DML statements as a single transaction. Using these statements, you can save the changes (COMMIT) or discard the changes (ROLLBACK) made by DML statements. Also included in the transaction-control statements are statements to set a point or marker in the transaction for possible rollback (SAVEPOINT) and to define the properties for the transaction (SET TRANSACTION). Session Control Used to control the properties of a user session. (A session is the point from which you are connected to the database until you disconnect.) Session-control statements include those to control the session properties (ALTER SESSION) and to enable/disable roles (SET ROLE). System Control Used to manage the properties of the database. There is only one statement in this category (ALTER SYSTEM). 38 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL ■ Table 2.1 provides an overview of all the statements that will be covered in this book. Do not worry if you do not understand certain terms, such as role, session, privilege, and so on. We will cover all the statements in the coming chapters and include many examples. In this chapter, we will begin by writing simple statements to query the database (SELECT statements), but we’ll go over some fundamentals first. This section provided an overview of SQL*Plus, the tool you will be using to enter and execute SQL statements in Oracle Database 12c. In the next sections, we will discuss some of the Oracle Database 12c SQL fundamentals before showing you how to write your first SQL query (a SELECT statement). Oracle Datatypes The basic structure of data storage in Oracle Database 12c is a table. A table can be considered as a spreadsheet with columns and rows. Data is stored in the table as rows. Each column in the table has storage characteristics such as the type of data contained in the column. Oracle has several built-in datatypes to store different kinds of data. In this section, we will go over the built-in datatypes available in Oracle Database 12c. Chapter 7, “Creating Tables and Constraints,” includes a detailed discussion of datatypes and how to create and maintain tables. When you create a table to store data in the database, you need to specify a datatype for all the columns you define in that table. Oracle has many datatypes to suit application requirements. Oracle Database 12c also supports ANSI and DB2 datatypes. The Oracle built-in datatypes can be broadly classified as shown in Table 2.2. Tabl e   2 . 2    Oracle Built-in Datatypes Category Datatypes Character CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2 Number NUMBER, FLOAT, BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE Long and raw LONG, LONG RAW, RAW Date and time DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE, INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH, INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND Large object CLOB, NCLOB, BCLOB, BFILE Row ID ROWID, UROWID In the following sections, we will discuss only a few of the built-in datatypes to get you started with SQL. We discuss all the datatypes and their usage in detail in Chapter 7. SQL Fundamentals 39 CHAR() and VARCHAR2() The CHAR datatype is a fixed-length alphanumeric string, which has a maximum length in bytes (to specify length in characters, use the CHAR keyword inside parentheses along with a size; see Chapter 7). Data stored in CHAR columns is space-padded to fill the maximum length. Its size can range from a minimum of 1 byte to a maximum of 2,000 bytes. The default size is 1. When you create a column using the CHAR datatype, the database will ensure that all data placed in this column has the defined length. If the data is shorter than the defined length, it is space-padded on the right to the specified length. If the data inserted is longer than the column length, an error is raised. The VARCHAR2 datatype is a variable-length alphanumeric string, which has a maximum length in bytes (to specify the length in characters, use the CHAR keyword inside parentheses along with a size; see Chapter 7). VARCHAR2 columns require only the amount of space needed to store the data and can store up to 32KB (32,767 bytes). There is no default size for the VARCHAR2 datatype. An empty VARCHAR2(2000) column takes up as much room in the database as an empty VARCHAR2(1) column. VARCHAR2 columns by default allow only 4,000 bytes or characters. To be able to store more than 4,000 bytes or characters, the MAX_STRING_SIZE database parameter needs to be set to EXTENDED. The default value of this parameter is STANDARD, which allows only 4,000 bytes in a VARCHAR2 column. The default size of a CHAR datatype is 1. For a VARCHAR2 datatype, you must always specify the size. The VARCHAR2 and CHAR datatypes have different comparison rules for trailing spaces. With the CHAR datatype, trailing spaces are ignored. With the VARCHAR2 datatype, trailing spaces are not ignored, and they sort higher than no trailing spaces. Here’s an example: CHAR datatype: 'Yo' = 'Yo ' VARCHAR2 datatype: 'Yo' < 'Yo ' NUMBER (

, ) The NUMBER datatype stores numbers with a precision of

digits and a scale of digits. The precision and scale values are optional. Numeric datatypes are used to store negative and positive integers, fixed-point numbers, and floating-point numbers. The precision can be between 1 and 38, and the scale has a range between –84 and 127. If the precision and scale are omitted, Oracle assumes the maximum of the range for both values. You can have precision and scale digits in the integer part. The scale rounds the value after the decimal point to digits. For example, if you define a column as NUMBER(5,2), the range of values you can store in this column is from –999.99 to 999.99—that is, 5 – 2 = 3 for the integer part, and the decimal part is rounded to two digits. Even if you do not include the decimal part for the value inserted, the maximum number you can store in a NUMBER(5,2) definition is 999. 40 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL ■ Oracle will round numbers inserted into numeric columns with a scale smaller than the inserted number. For example, if a column were defined as NUMBER(4,2) and you specified a value of 12.125 to go into that column, the resulting number would be rounded to 12.13 before it was inserted into the column. If the value exceeds the precision, however, an Oracle error is returned. You cannot insert 123.1 into a column defined as NUMBER(4,2). Specifying the scale and precision does not force all inserted values to be a fixed length. If the scale is negative, the number is rounded to the left of the decimal. Basically, a negative scale forces number of zeros just to the left of the decimal. If you specify a scale that is greater than the precision value, the precision defines the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point after the zeros. For example, if a column is defined as NUMBER(3,5), the range of values you can store is from –0.00999 to 0.00999—that is, it requires two zeros (-

) after the decimal point and rounds the decimal part to three digits (

) after zeros. Table 2.3 shows several examples of how numeric data is stored with various definitions. Tabl e   2 . 3    Precision and Scale Examples Value Datatype Stored Value Explanation 123.2564 NUMBER 123.2564 The range and precision are set to the maximum, so the datatype can store any value. 1234.9876 NUMBER(6,2) 1234.99 Because the scale is only 2, the decimal part of the value is rounded to two digits. 12345.12345 NUMBER(6,2) Error The range of the integer part is only from –9999 to 9999. 123456 NUMBER(6,2) Error The precision is larger than specified; the range is only from –9999 to 9999. 1234.9876 NUMBER(6) 1235 The decimal part is rounded to the next integer. 123456.1 NUMBER(6) 123456 The decimal part is rounded. 12345.345 NUMBER(5,-2) 12300 The negative scale rounds the number digits left to the decimal point. –2 rounds to hundreds. 1234567 NUMBER(5,-2) 1234600 Rounded to the nearest hundred. 12345678 NUMBER(5,-2) Error Outside the range; can have only five digits, excluding the two zeros representing hundreds, for a total of seven digits: (s – (–p) = s + p = 5 + 2 = 7). SQL Fundamentals Value Datatype Stored Value Explanation 123456789 NUMBER(5,-4) 123460000 Rounded to the nearest 10,000. 1234567890 NUMBER(5,-4) Error Outside the range; can have only five digits, excluding the four trailing zeros. 12345.58 NUMBER(*, 1) 12345.6 The use of * in the precision specifies the default limit (38). 0.1 NUMBER(4,5) Error Requires a zero after the decimal point (5 – 4 = 1). 0.01234567 NUMBER(4,5) 0.01235 Rounded to four digits after the decimal point and zero. 0.09999 NUMBER(4,5) 0.09999 Stored as it is; only four digits after the decimal point and zero. 0.099996 NUMBER(4,5) Error Rounding this value to four digits after the decimal and zero results in 0.1, which is outside the range. 41 DATE The DATE datatype is used to store date and time information. This datatype can be converted to other forms for viewing, but it has a number of special functions and properties that make date manipulation and calculations simple. The time component of the DATE datatype has a resolution of one second—no less. The DATE datatype occupies a storage space of 7 bytes. The following information is contained within each DATE datatype: ■■ Century ■■ Year ■■ Month ■■ Day ■■ Hour ■■ Minute ■■ Second DATE datatype does not have fractional seconds or time zone. Date values are inserted or updated in the database by converting either a numeric value or a character value into a DATE datatype using the function TO_DATE. Oracle defaults the format to display the date as DD-MON-YY (the format is determined by parameter NLS_DATE_FORMAT). This format shows that the default date must begin with a two-digit day, followed by a three-character abbreviation for the month, followed by a two-digit year. If you specify the date without 42 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL ■ including a time component, the time is defaulted to midnight, or 00:00:00 in military time. The SYSDATE function returns the current system date and time from the database server to which you’re currently connected. TIMESTAMP [] The TIMESTAMP datatype stores date and time information with fractional precision for seconds. The only difference between the DATE and TIMESTAMP datatypes is the ability to store fractional seconds up to a precision of nine digits. The default precision is 6 and can range from 0 to 9. Similar to the SYSDATE function, the SYSTIMESTAMP function returns the current system date and time, with fractional precision for seconds. Operators and Literals An operator is a manipulator that is applied to a data item in order to return a result. Special characters represent different operations in Oracle (+ represents addition, for example). Operators are commonly used in all programming environments, and you should already be familiar with the following operators, which may be classified into two types: Unary Operator    A unary operator has only one operand. It has the format . Examples are +2 and –5. Binary Operator    A binary operator has two operands. It has the format . You can insert spaces between the operand and operator to improve readability. Examples are 5 + 4 and 7 × 5. We’ll now discuss the various types of operators available in Oracle. Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operators operate on numeric values. Table 2.4 shows the various arithmetic operators in Oracle and how to use them. Tabl e   2 . 4   Arithmetic Operators Operator Purpose Example + Unary operators: Used to represent positive or negative data item. For positive items, the + is optional. -234.44 + Addition: Used to add two data items or expressions. 2+4 - Subtraction: Used to find the difference between two data items or expressions. 20.4-2 * Multiplication: Used to multiply two data items or expressions. 5*10 / Division: Used to divide a data item or expression with another. 8.4/2 - SQL Fundamentals 43 Do not use two hyphens (--) to represent double negation; use a space or parentheses in between, as in -(-20). Two hyphens represent the beginning of a comment in SQL. Concatenation Operator The concatenation operator is used to concatenate or join two character (text) strings. The result of concatenation is another character string. Concatenating a zero-length string ('') or a NULL with another string results in a string, not a NULL (NULL in Oracle Database 12c represents unknown or missing data). Two vertical bars (||) are used as the concatenation operator. Here are two examples: 'Oracle12c' || 'Database' results in 'Oracle12cDatabase'. 'Oracle12c ' || 'Database' results in 'Oracle12c Database'. Operator Precedence If multiple operators are used in the same expression, Oracle evaluates them in the order of precedence set in the database engine. Table 2.5 lists the precedence. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before operators with lower precedence. Operators with the same precedence are evaluated from left to right. Tabl e   2 . 5    SQL Operator Precedence Precedence Operator Purpose 1 - + Unary operators, negation 2 * / Multiplication, division 3 + - || Addition, subtraction, concatenation Using parentheses changes the order of precedence. The innermost parenthesis is evaluated first. In the expression 1+2*3, the result is 7, because 2×3 is evaluated first and the result is added to 1. In the expression (1+2)*3, 1+2 is evaluated first, and the result is multiplied by 3, giving 9. Literals A literal is a value that represents a fixed value (constant). There are four types of literals: ■■ Text (or character) ■■ Numeric (integer and number) 44 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL ■ ■■ Datetime ■■ Interval You can use literals within many of the SQL functions, expressions, and conditions. Text Literals A text literal must be enclosed in single quotation marks. Any character between the quotation marks is considered part of the text value. Oracle treats all text literals as though they were CHAR datatypes for comparison (blank padded). The maximum length of a text literal is 4,000 bytes if the database parameter MAX_STRING_SIZE is STANDARD. Single quotation marks can be included in the literal text value by preceding it with another single quotation mark. Here are some examples of text literals: 'The Quick Brown Fox' 'That man''s suit is black' 'And I quote: "This will never do." ' '12-SEP-2011' Alternatively, you can use Q or q quoting, which provides a range of delimiters. The syntax for using the Q/q quoting with a quote-delimiter text literal is as follows: [Q|q]' ' is any character except a space, tab, or carriage return. The quote delimiter can be a single quotation mark, but make sure inside the text literal a single quotation mark is not immediately followed by another single quotation mark. If the opening quote delimiter is [ or { or < or (, then the closing quote must be the corresponding ] or } or > or ). For all other quote delimiters, the opening quote delimiter must be the same as the closing quote delimiter. Here are some examples of text literals using the alternative quoting mechanism: q'' Q'#The Quick Brown Fox#' q'{That man's suit is black}' Q'(And I quote: "This will never do." )' Q'"And I quote: "This will never do." "' q'[12-SEP-2001]' Numeric Literals Integer literals can be any number of numerals, excluding a decimal separator and up to 38 digits long. Here are two examples: ■■ 24 ■■ –456 SQL Fundamentals 45 Number literals and floating-point literals can include scientific notation, as well as digits and the decimal separator. E or e represents a number in scientific notation; the exponent can be in the range of –130 to 125. If the literal is followed by an F or f, it is treated as a BINARY_FLOAT datatype. If the literal is followed by a D or d, it is treated as a BINARY_DOUBLE datatype. Here are some examples: ■■ 24.0 ■■ –345.65 ■■ 23E-10 ■■ 1.5f ■■ –34.567D ■■ –4d ■■ –4.0E+0 Datetime Literals You can specify a date value as a string literal using the datetime literals. The most common methods to represent the datetime values are to use the conversion function TO_DATE or TO_TIMESTAMP with the appropriate format mask. To complete this discussion of literals, we will discuss the datetime literals briefly. The DATE literal uses the keyword DATE followed by the date value in single quotes, and the value must be specified in YYYY-MM-DD format with no time component. The time component will be defaulted to midnight (00:00:00). The following are examples of the DATE literal: DATE '2008-03-24' DATE '1999-12-31' Similar to the TIMESTAMP datatype, the TIMESTAMP literal can be used to specify the year, month, date, hour, minute, second, and fractional second. You can also include timezone data along with the TIMESTAMP literal. The time zone information can be specified using the UTC offset or using the time-zone region name. The literal must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZ. Here are some examples of the TIMESTAMP literal: TIMESTAMP '2008-03-24 03:25:34.123' TIMESTAMP '2008-03-24 03:25:34.123 -7:00' TIMESTAMP '2008-03-24 03:25:34.123 US/Central' TIMESTAMP '2008-03-24 03:25:34.123 US/Central CDT' Interval Literals Interval literals specify a period of time in terms of years and months or in terms of days and seconds. These literals correspond to the Oracle datatypes INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH and INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. We’ll discuss these datatypes in more detail in Chapter 7. 46 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL ■ Writing Simple Queries A query is a request for information from the database tables. Queries do not modify data; they read data from database tables and views. Simple queries are those that retrieve data from a single table or view. A table is used to store data and is stored in rows and columns. The basis of a query is the SELECT statement. The SELECT statement can be used to get data from a single table or from multiple tables. Queries using multiple tables are discussed in later chapters. Using the SELECT Statement The SELECT statement is the most commonly used statement in SQL. It allows you to retrieve information already stored in the database. The statement begins with the keyword SELECT, followed by the names of the columns with data you want to query. You can select information either from all the columns (denoted by *) or from name-specific columns in the SELECT clause to retrieve data. When * is used in the column projection, it lists the columns in the same order as they are defined in the table definition. The FROM clause provides the name of the table, view, or materialized view to use in the query. These objects are discussed in detail in later chapters. For simplicity, we will use tables for the rest of this chapter. The simple SELECT statement at a high level is of the form: SELECT column_list FROM table WHERE filtering_conditions ORDER BY column_list OFFSET n_rows FETCH row_limiting_conditions The SELECT clause lists the columns from the table you are interested in reading. The FROM clause identifies the table name. The SELECT and FROM clauses are mandatory, and the rest of the clauses are optional. The FETCH clause is used to limit rows; the OFFSET clause is used to skip rows; the WHERE clause is used for filtering; and the ORDER BY clause is for sorting. We will discuss all of these clauses in detail in the coming sections of this chapter. Let’s use the JOBS table defined in the HR schema of Oracle Database 12c. You can use the SQL*Plus tool to connect to the database as discussed earlier in the chapter. The JOBS table definition is provided in Table 2.6. Tabl e   2 . 6   JOBS Table Definition Column Name Datatype Length JOB_ID VARCHAR2 10 JOB_TITLE VARCHAR2 35 Writing Simple Queries Column Name Datatype Length MIN_SALARY NUMBER 6,0 MAX_SALARY NUMBER 6,0 47 The simple form of a SELECT statement to retrieve all the columns and rows from the JOBS table is as follows (only part of output result set is shown here): SQL> SELECT * FROM jobs; JOB_ID ---------AD_PRES AD_VP AD_ASST FI_MGR FI_ACCOUNT … … … … … IT_PROG MK_MAN MK_REP HR_REP PR_REP JOB_TITLE MIN_SALARY MAX_SALARY ------------------------------- ---------- ---------President 20080 40000 Administration Vice President 15000 30000 Administration Assistant 3000 6000 Finance Manager 8200 16000 Accountant 4200 9000 Programmer Marketing Manager Marketing Representative Human Resources Representative Public Relations Representative 4000 9000 4000 4000 4500 10000 15000 9000 9000 10500 19 rows selected. The keywords, column names, and table names are not case sensitive. Only literals enclosed in single quotation marks are case sensitive in Oracle. How do you list only the job title and minimum salary from this table? If you know the column names and the table name, writing the query is simple. Here, the column names are JOB_TITLE and MIN_SALARY, and the table name is JOBS. Execute the query by ending the query with a semicolon. In SQL*Plus, you can execute the query by entering a slash on a line by itself or by using the RUN command. SQL> SELECT job_title, min_salary FROM jobs; JOB_TITLE MIN_SALARY ----------------------------------- ---------President 20080 Administration Vice President 15000 48 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL ■ Administration Assistant Finance Manager Accountant Accounting Manager Public Accountant … … … … … Programmer Marketing Manager Marketing Representative Human Resources Representative Public Relations Representative 3000 8200 4200 8200 4200 4000 9000 4000 4000 4500 19 rows selected. Notice that the numeric column (MIN_SALARY) is aligned to the right, and the character column (JOB_TITLE) is aligned to the left. If you want the column heading MIN_SALARY to be more meaningful, you can provide a column alias to appear in the query results. Column Alias Names The column alias name is defined next to the column name with a space or by using the keyword AS. If you want a space in the column alias name, you must enclose it in double quotation marks. The case is preserved only when the alias name is enclosed in double quotation marks; otherwise, the display will be uppercase. The following example demonstrates using an alias name for the column heading in the previous query: SELECT job_title AS Title, min_salary AS "Minimum Salary" FROM jobs; TITLE Minimum Salary ----------------------------------- -------------President 20080 Administration Vice President 15000 Administration Assistant 3000 Finance Manager 8200 Accountant 4200 Accounting Manager 8200 … … … … … Programmer 4000 Marketing Manager 9000 Marketing Representative 4000 Human Resources Representative 4000 Writing Simple Queries Public Relations Representative 49 4500 19 rows selected. In this listing, the column alias name Title appears in all capital letters because it was not enclosed in double quotation marks. The asterisk (*) is used to select all columns in the table. This is useful when you do not know the column names or when you are too lazy to type all the column names. The invisible columns and pseudo columns are not included in *. Ensuring Uniqueness The DISTINCT keyword (or UNIQUE keyword) following SELECT ensures that the resulting rows are unique. Uniqueness is verified against the complete row, not the first column. If you need to find the unique departments in the EMPLOYEES table, issue this query: SELECT DISTINCT department_id FROM employees; DEPARTMENT_ID ------------100 30 90 20 70 110 50 80 40 60 10 12 rows selected. To demonstrate that uniqueness is enforced across the row, let’s do one more query using the SELECT DISTINCT clause. Notice DEPARTMENT_ID repeating for each JOB_ID value in the following example: SELECT DISTINCT department_id, job_id FROM employees; 50 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL DEPARTMENT_ID ------------110 90 50 80 110 … … … 10 20 40 30 ■ JOB_ID ---------AC_ACCOUNT AD_VP ST_CLERK SA_REP AC_MGR AD_ASST MK_REP HR_REP PU_MAN 20 rows selected. SELECT * FROM TAB; shows all the tables and views in your schema. Don’t be alarmed if you see a table name similar to BIN$PJV23QpwQfu0zPN9uaX w+w==$0. These are tables that belong to the Recycle Bin (or dropped tables). The tasks of creating tables and managing tables are discussed in Chapter 7. The DUAL Table The DUAL table is a special table available to all users in the database. It has one column and one row. Oracle optimized the database so that it no longer performs physical or logical input/output on the DUAL table. The DUAL table is mostly used to select system variables or to evaluate an expression. Here are a few examples. The first query is to show the contents of the DUAL table. SQL> SELECT * FROM dual; D X SQL> SELECT SYSDATE, USER FROM dual; SYSDATE USER --------- -----------------------------13-JUL-13 HR Writing Simple Queries 51 SQL> SELECT 'I''m ' || user || ' Today is ' || SYSDATE 2 FROM dual; 'I''M'||USER||'TODAYIS'||SYSDATE -----------------------------------------------------I'm HR Today is 13-JUL-13 SQL> SYSDATE and USER are built-in functions that provide information about the environment. These functions are discussed in Chapter 3, “Using Single-Row Functions.” Filtering Rows You can use the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement to restrict the number of rows processed. Any logical conditions of the WHERE clause use the comparison operators. Rows are returned or operated upon where the data satisfies the logical condition(s) of the WHERE clause. You can use column names or expressions in the WHERE clause, but not column alias names. The WHERE clause follows the FROM clause in the SELECT statement. How do you list the employees who work for department 90? The following example shows how to limit the query to only the records belonging to department 90 by using a WHERE clause: SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name "Name", department_id FROM employees WHERE department_id = 90; Name DEPARTMENT_ID ------------------------------------------- ------------Steven King 90 Neena Kochhar 90 Lex De Haan 90 You need not include the column names in the SELECT clause to use them in the WHERE clause. You can use various operators in Oracle Database 12c in the WHERE clause to limit the number of rows. 52 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL ■ Comparison Operators Comparison operators compare two values or expressions and give a Boolean result of TRUE, FALSE, or NULL. The comparison operators include those that test for equality, inequality, less than, greater than, and value comparisons. = (Equality) The = operator tests for equality. The test evaluates to TRUE if the values or results of an expression on both sides of the operator are equal. The following shows an example of finding all the employees belonging to department 90—that is, the department ID is equal to 90: SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name "Name", department_id FROM employees WHERE department_id = 90; Name DEPARTMENT_ID ------------------------------------------- ------------Steven King 90 Neena Kochhar 90 Lex De Haan 90 !=, <>, or ^= (Inequality) You can use any one of these three operators to test for inequality. The test evaluates to TRUE if the values on both sides of the operator do not match. The following shows an example of querying employees whose commission is not the default 35 percent—that is, to find all employees with a commission percent that is not 35: SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name "Name", commission_pct FROM employees WHERE commission_pct != .35; Name COMMISSION_PCT ------------------------------------------ -------------John Russell .4 Karen Partners .3 Alberto Errazuriz .3 Gerald Cambrault .3 … … … … … … Jack Livingston .2 Kimberely Grant .15 Charles Johnson .1 32 rows selected. Writing Simple Queries 53 < (Less Than) The < operator evaluates to TRUE if the left side (expression or value) of the operator is less than the right side of the operator. The following shows an example of employees with a commission percent less than 15: SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name "Name", commission_pct FROM employees WHERE commission_pct < .15; Name COMMISSION_PCT ------------------------------------------ -------------Mattea Marvins .1 David Lee .1 Sundar Ande .1 Amit Banda .1 Sundita Kumar .1 Charles Johnson .1 6 rows selected. > (Greater Than) The > operator evaluates to TRUE if the left side (expression or value) of the operator is greater than the right side of the operator. The following shows an example of employees with a commission percent over 35: SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name "Name", commission_pct FROM employees WHERE commission_pct > .35; Name COMMISSION_PCT ------------------------------------------ -------------John Russell .4 <= (Less Than or Equal To) The <= operator evaluates to TRUE if the left side (expression or value) of the operator is less than or equal to the right side of the operator. The following shows an example similar to the one for less than, but here we include all employees who have a commission percent less than 15 or equal to 15: SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name "Name", commission_pct FROM employees WHERE commission_pct <= .15; 54 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL ■ Name COMMISSION_PCT ------------------------------------------ -------------Oliver Tuvault .15 Danielle Greene .15 Mattea Marvins .1 David Lee .1 Sundar Ande .1 Amit Banda .1 William Smith .15 Elizabeth Bates .15 Sundita Kumar .1 Kimberely Grant .15 Charles Johnson .1 11 rows selected. >= (Greater Than or Equal To) The >= operator evaluates to TRUE if the left side (expression or value) of the operator is greater than or equal to the right side of the operator. The following shows an example of employees with commission percent at or over 35: SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name "Name", commission_pct FROM employees WHERE commission_pct >= .35; Name COMMISSION_PCT ------------------------------------------ -------------John Russell .4 Janette King .35 Patrick Sully .35 Allan McEwen .35 ANY or SOME You can use the ANY or SOME (both are the same and can be used interchangeably) operator to compare a value to each value in a list or subquery. The ANY and SOME operators always must be preceded by one of the following comparison operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, or >=. Consider the following SQL with ANY operator: SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name "Name", department_id FROM employees WHERE department_id <= ANY (10, 15, 20, 25); Writing Simple Queries 55 Name DEPARTMENT_ID ------------------------------------------- ------------Jennifer Whalen 10 Michael Hartstein 20 Pat Fay 20 Oracle in fact expands the ANY condition to department_id <= 10 OR department_id <= 15 OR department_id <= 20 OR department_id <= 25. The behavior of ANY with each comparison operator is X = ANY (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X matches at least one value in the list. X != ANY (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X does not match one or more value in the list. X > ANY (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X is higher than the smallest value in the list. X < ANY (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X is lower than the biggest value in the list. X >= ANY (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X is higher than or equal to the smallest value in the list. X <= ANY (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X is lower than or equal to the biggest value in the list. ALL You can use the ALL operator to compare a value to every value in a list or subquery. The ALL operator must always be preceded by one of the following comparison operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, or >=. The following shows an example of using the ALL operator: SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name "Name", department_id FROM employees WHERE department_id >= ALL (80, 90, 100); Name DEPARTMENT_ID ------------------------------------------- ------------Nancy Greenberg 100 Daniel Faviet 100 John Chen 100 Ismael Sciarra 100 Jose Manuel Urman 100 Luis Popp 100 Shelley Higgins 110 William Gietz 110 8 rows selected. 56 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL ■ The SQL code is evaluated by Oracle as department_id >= 80 AND department_id >= 90 AND department_id >= 100. The behavior of ALL with each comparison operator is X = ALL (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X matches all of the values in the list. X != ALL (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X does not match any value in the list. X > ALL (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X is higher than the biggest value in the list. X < ALL (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X is lower than the smallest value in the list. X >= ALL (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X is higher than or equal to the highest value in the list. X <= ALL (list): Evaluates to TRUE if value of X is lower than or equal to the smallest value in the list. The ANY, SOME, and ALL operators make more sense when used with subqueries rather than a list of known values. Subqueries are discussed in Chapter 5, “Using Joins and Subqueries.” For all the comparison operators discussed, if one side of the operator is NULL, the result is NULL. At least one question with the ANY, ALL operator will be on the OCA test, so make sure you understand these operators thoroughly. Logical Operators Logical operators are used to combine the results of two comparison conditions (compound conditions) to produce a single result or to reverse the result of a single comparison. NOT, AND, and OR are the logical operators. When a logical operator is applied to NULL, the result is UNKNOWN. UNKNOWN acts similarly to FALSE; the only difference is that NOT FALSE is TRUE, whereas NOT UNKNOWN is also UNKNOWN. NOT You can use the NOT operator to reverse the result. It evaluates to TRUE if the operand is FALSE, and it evaluates to FALSE if the operand is TRUE. NOT returns NULL if the operand is NULL. The following shows an example of employees that do not belong to department number greater or equal to 30—that is, it basically evaluates to department number less than 30: SELECT first_name, department_id FROM employees WHERE not (department_id >= 30); FIRST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID -------------------- ------------Jennifer 10 Writing Simple Queries Michael Pat 57 20 20 AND The AND operator evaluates to TRUE if both operands are TRUE. It evaluates to FALSE if either operand is FALSE. Otherwise, it returns NULL. The following shows an example of employees with the last name Smith and a salary over $7,500. Both conditions must evaluate to TRUE: SELECT FROM WHERE AND first_name, salary employees last_name = 'Smith' salary > 7500; FIRST_NAME SALARY -------------------- ---------Lindsey 8000 OR The OR operator evaluates to TRUE if either operand is TRUE. It evaluates to FALSE if both operands are FALSE. Otherwise, it returns NULL. The following shows an example of employees whose last name is Smith or whose first name is Kelly. Either one condition must evaluate to TRUE: SELECT FROM WHERE OR first_name, last_name employees first_name = 'Kelly' last_name = 'Smith'; FIRST_NAME -------------------Kelly Lindsey William LAST_NAME ------------------------Chung Smith Smith Logical Operator Truth Tables The following tables are the truth tables for the three logical operators. Table 2.7 is a truth table for the AND operator. 58 Chapter 2    Introducing SQL ■ Tabl e   2 . 7   AND Truth Table AND TRUE FALSE UNKNOWN TRUE TRUE FALSE UNKNOWN FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN FALSE UNKNOWN Table 2.8 is the truth table for the OR operator. Tabl e   2 . 8   OR Truth Table OR TRUE FALSE UNKNOWN TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN TRUE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Table 2.9 is the truth table for the NOT operator. Tabl e   2 . 9   NOT Truth Table NOT TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Other Operators In the following sections, we will discuss the operators that can be used in the WHERE clause of the SQL statement that were not discussed earlier. IN and NOT IN You can use the IN and NOT IN operators to test a membership condition. IN is equivalent to the =ANY operator, which evaluates to TRUE if the value exists in the list or the result set Writing Simple Queries 59 from a subquery. The NOT IN operator is equivalent to the !=ALL operator, which evaluates to TRUE if the value does not exist in the list or the result set from a subquery. The following examples demonstrate how to use these two operators: SELECT first_name, last_name, department_id FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (10, 20, 90); FIRST_NAME -------------------Jennifer Michael Pat Steven Neena Lex LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID ------------------------- ------------Whalen 10 Hartstein 20 Fay 20 King 90 Kochhar 90 De Haan 90 6 rows selected. FIRST_NAME -------------------Hermann Pat Michael SQL> LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID ------------------------- ------------Baer 70 Fay 20 Hartstein 20 When using the NOT IN operator, if any value in the list or the result returned from the subquery is NULL, the NOT IN condition is evaluated to FALSE. For example, last_name not in ('Smith', 'Thomas', NULL) evaluates to last_name != 'Smith' AND last_name != 'Thomas' AND last_name != NULL. Any comparison on a NULL value results in NULL. So the previous condition does not return any row even though there may be some rows with LAST_NAME as Smith or Thomas. BETWEEN You can use the BETWEEN operator to test a range. BETWEEN A AND B evaluates to TRUE if the value is greater than or equal to A and less than or equal to B. If NOT is used, the result is the reverse. The following example lists all the employees whose salary is between $5,000 and $6,000: SELECT first_name, last_name, salary FROM employees