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Oracle Academy, Quiz Answer Section 1 2 3, Data Base Modeling ...

Description: data base modeling answers for the quiz easy and section 1,2,3 all quizes from it good answers checked oracle academy course. ... What are the major content areas covered in the Oracle Academy? ... Oracle was one of the first relational database systems available ilearning java quiz answersdatabase design quizoracle ilearning loginreview of database tables answer keydatabase midterm exam solutions


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1. What are are the major major content content areas areas covered covered in in the Oracle Oracle Acade Academy? my? Data Modeling, SQL, and PLSQL !"# $. %he demand &or 'n&ormation 'n&ormation %echnology (ro&ession (ro&essionals als in today)s mar*et mar*et is increasing. increasing. %r+e %r+e or alse? alse?  %r+e  %r+e !"# -. o/ do yo+ yo+ t+rn t+rn 0dat 0data0 a0 into into 0in&or 0in&ormatio mation0? n0? y 2+erying it or accessing it !"# 3. What are are the res+lts res+lts o& o& having having all yo+r data data in one central central location? location? !4hoose !4hoose t/o# 'm(roved (er&ormance !"# 5asier access to data !"# 6. 4onsider an e7am(le e7am(le /here /here an Oracle Oracle data8ase /or*s 08ehind 08ehind the the scenes0 &or &or common internet activity. Which o& the &ollo/ing 8est descri8es a data8ase transaction? A (erson searches an airline /e8site to 9nd all availa8le &ares &or a :ight. !"# ;. Which o& the &ollo/i Which &ollo/ing ng are are e7am(les e7am(les o& o& data vs. vs. in&orma in&ormation tion<< 5. A, , and D !"# =. Which o& the &ollo/ing &ollo/ing re(resents re(resents the correct correct se2+ence se2+ence o& ste(s in the Data8ase Data8ase Develo(ment Develo(ment Process? Analy>e, Design, +ild !"# . Data Modeling Modeling is the last ste( in in the data8ase data8ase develo(ment develo(ment (rocess. (rocess. %r+e or alse? alse? alse !"# @. Oracle /as one one o& the 9rst relational relational data8ase data8ase systems availa8le availa8le commercially commercially. %r+e %r+e or alse? alse?  %r+e  %r+e !"# 1. %he overall mission o& the Oracle 4or(oration 4or(oration is to +se the internet and &ast (rocessing (rocessing servers to 8+ild its o/n net/or*. BC' so&t/are !"# 'nternet ro/ser so&t/are !"# O(erating System so&t/are !"# 11. 4hanges in com(+ting have aected many o& o+r dayEtoEday activities. Are all o& the &ollo/ing activities e7am(les o& this change? Fes or Go? 'n the (ast yo+ +sed to +se the (hone system to call directory assistance to get a (hone n+m8er.  %oday  % oday yo+ can can +se yo+r P4 P4 to loo* +( a (hone n+m8er n+m8er online. 'n the (ast yo+ +sed to have to go to the shoe store to 8+y shoes. %oday yo+ can +se yo+r P4 to order shoes online. 'n the (ast yo+ had to +se yo+r P4 to send a (erson an email. %oday yo+ can +se yo+r (hone to send a te7t message  Fes  F es !"# 1$. Personal Personal com(+ters !P4s# have 8een in e7istence since 1@6. %r+e %r+e or alse? alse? alse !"# 1-. 'n the grid com(+ting model, reso+rces are (ooled together &or eHciency. eHciency. %r+e %r+e or alse? alse?  %r+e  %r+e !"# 13. Which o& the &ollo/ing are are e7am(les o& eE8+sinesses eE8+sinesses that +se data8ase so&t/are? so&t/are? Online (ersonal sho((ing service !"# Online clothing store !"# Online 8oo* store !"# 16. Which o& the &ollo/ing &ollo/ing are reasons reasons /e create conce(t+al conce(t+al models? models? All o& the a8ove !"# 1;. An 5ntity Ielationshi( Diagram is an e7am(le o& a Physical Model. %r+e or alse? alse !"# 1=. A c+stomi>ed hat sitting on yo+r &riend)s head is an e7am(le o& /hich modelEEthe conce(t+al model or the (hysical model? Physical Model !"# 1. Many reasons e7ist &or creating a conce(t+al model. 4hoose three a((ro(riate reasons &rom the o(tions 8elo/.  %hey acc+rately descri8e /hat a (hysical model /ill contain. !"#  %hey ca(t+re c+rrent and &+t+re needs. !"#  %hey model &+nctional and in&ormational needs. !"# Aan JJJJJJJJJ is a (iece o& in&ormation that in some /ay descri8es an entity. 't is a (ro(erty o& the entity and it 2+anti9es, 2+ali9es, classi9es, or s(eci9es the entity Attri8+te !"# 'n a (hysical data model, an attri8+te is re(resented as aan 4ol+mn !"# 5ntities are +s+ally ver8s. %r+e or alse? alse !"# Which o& the &ollo/ing entities most li*ely contains invalid attri8+tes? 5ntity< 4ar. Attri8+tes< O/ner Occ+(ation, O/ner Salary, S(eed !"# An entity may have /hich o& the &ollo/ing? 'nstances !"# Which o& the &ollo/ing statements a8o+t attri8+tes are tr+e? !4hoose %/o#  %hey descri8e, 2+ali&y, 2+anti&y, classi&y, or s(eci&y an entity. !"#  %hey have a data ty(e, s+ch as n+m8er or character string. !"# 'n the &ollo/ing statements, 9nd t/o good e7am(les o& 5G%'%F< 'nstance. !4hoose %/o# DA'IF PIODC4%< mil* !"# OOK< iogra(hy o& Mahatma Bandhi !"# Cni2+e 'denti9ers< Disting+ish one instance o& an entity &rom all other instances o& that entity !"#  %he /ord 0olatile0 means< 4hanging constantly +nsta8le !"# Some o& the &ollo/ing co+ld 8e attri8+tes o& an 5G%'%F called P5ISOG select the 'G4OII54% attri8+tes &or P5ISOG. !4hoose %/o# reddy Wilson !"# Priya ansenna !"# All o& the &ollo/ing /o+ld 8e instances o& the entity P5ISOG e7ce(t /hich? Male !"# What is the (+r(ose o& a Cni2+e 'denti9er?  %o identi&y one +ni2+e instance o& an entity 8y +sing one or more attri8+tes andor relationshi(s. !"# An 5ntity Ielationshi( model is inde(endent o& the hard/are or so&t/are +sed &or im(lementation. %r+e or alse?  %r+e !"#  %he (+r(ose o& an 5ID is to doc+ment the (ro(osed system and &acilitate disc+ssion and +nderstanding o& the re2+irements ca(t+red 8y the develo(er. %r+e or alse?  %r+e !"# A /ell str+ct+red 5ID /ill sho/ only some (arts o& the 9nished data model. Fo+ sho+ld never try to model the entire system in one diagram, no matter ho/ small the diagram might 8e. %r+e or alse? alse !"# Which o& the &ollo/ing statements are tr+e a8o+t 5ID)s? !4hoose %/o# A (iece o& in&ormation sho+ld only 8e &o+nd in one (lace on an 5ID. !"#  Fo+ sho+ld not model deriva8le data. !"# What are the three (ro(erties that every relationshi( sho+ld have? Game, o(tionality, cardinality !"# Ielationshi(s can 8e either mandatory or o(tional. %r+e or alse?  %r+e !"# Ielationshi(s al/ays e7ist 8et/een $ entities !or one entity and itsel&# !"# 'n a 8+siness that sells com(+ters, choose the 8est relationshi( name &rom 4CS%OM5I to '%5M !com(+ter, in this case#. 5ach 4CS%OM5I m+st 8e the 8+yer o& one or more '%5MS. !"# 4onsider the recommended dra/ing conventions &or 5ID)s. 'ndicate /hich o& the &ollo/ing acc+rately descri8es diagramming conventions &or entities and attri8+tes<  %he " means that an attri8+te is mandatory or re2+ired the entity name sho+ld 8e sing+lar. !"# 5ntity names are al/ays (l+ral. %r+e or alse? alse !"# Which sym8ol is +sed to sho/ that a (artic+lar attri8+te is o(tional? o !"# On an 5I diagram, /hich sym8ol identi9es an attri8+te as (art o& a +ni2+e identi9er. N !"# 5ntity 8o7es are dra/n as So&t o7es !"# Attri8+tes are /ritten inside the entity to /hich they 8elong. %r+e or alse?  %r+e !"#  %/o entities can have one or more relationshi(s 8et/een them. %r+e or alse?  %r+e !"# A&ter loo*ing at the diagram, choose the sentence 8elo/ that co+ld 8e 0read0 &rom the e7isting relationshi( !even tho+gh yo+)re missing relationshi( la8els# 5ach St+dent may (artici(ate in one or more Activities. !"# When reading a relationshi( 8et/een $ entities, the relationshi( is only read &rom le&t to right. %r+e or alse? alse !"# A Matri7 Diagram /ill hel( yo+ /ith all o& the &ollo/ing e7ce(t< Gaming Ielationshi(s 4reating a Matri7 Diagram is a mandatory ste( in Data Modeling. %r+e or alse? alse !"# Matri7 Diagrams hel( veri&y that yo+ have identi9ed all (ossi8le relationshi(s 8et/een yo+r e7isting entities. %r+e or alse?  %r+e !"#