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Oracle Mid Exam Sem 1 | Data Model | Oracle Database

Data Modeling, SQL and PL/SQL (*)Sectiunea 2 5. Attributes have Instances. True or False?- - False (*) 6. Data modelling is performed for the following reasons: (Choose Two)- The ERD's becomes a blueprint for designing the actual system. (*)- It helps discussions and reviews. (*)7. All of the following would be instances ...


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Oracle Academy - Mid Term Semester 1 Raspunsurile CORECTE sunt cele care au (*) Sectiunea 1 1. Users with detailed business knowledge can provide input to the Database DevelopmentProcess? True or False?- True (*) 2. Consider your school library. It will have a database with transaction details of which studentborrows which books. Is a record of one student borrowing one book Data or Information?- Data (*) 3. Oracle Database Software provides which of the following functionality? (Choose two)- Graphical User Interface (*)Server (*). The main subject areas taught by the Oracle Academy are:.- Data Modeling, SQL and PL/SQL (*)Sectiunea 2 5. Attributes have Instances. True or False?- - False (*) 6. Data modelling is performed for the following reasons: (Choose Two)- The ERD's becomes a blueprint for designing the actual system. (*)- It helps discussions and reviews. (*)7. All of the following would be instances of the entity ANIMAL SPECIES except which?Leaf (*) 8. Volatile entities have special requirements and need special attention when you are doing datamodelling. True or False? - True (*)9. The entity/relationship model is created before the physical database design model? True orFalse?- True (*)10. An entity can have many Unique Identifiers. True or False?- True (*)11. All of the following are examples of ENTITY: Instance except two. Select the answers that areENTITY: Instance. (Choose Two)- TRANSPORTATION METHOD: Car (*)- ANIMAL: Dog (*) Sectiunea 3 12. When reading an ERD including Relationships you are said to be speaking:- ERDish (*)13. Relationships represents something of significance to the business. True or False?True (*)14. Relationship Degree/Cardinality is important. True or False?- True (*)15. Matrix Diagrams are used to verify an ERD. True or False?- True (*)16. Which symbol is used to show that a particular attribute is mandatory?- * (*)- o- #- & Sectiunea 4 17. Why is it important to identify and document structural rules?- Ensures we know what data to store and how that data works together. (*)- Ensures nothing. There are no benefits to be gained from documenting your Structural BusinessRules. We need to concentrate on the Procedural Business Rules only.- Ensures we know what Information to store and how that Information works together.- All of the Above 18. "Only teachers may supervise exams" is an example of which of the following?- A procedural business rule (*) 19. Business rules are important to data modelers. True or False?- (*)-False 20. A business rule such as "We only ship goods after customers have completely paid anyoutstanding balances on their account" is best enforced by: Hiring a programmer to create additional programming code to verify no goods are shipped untilthe account has been settled in full. (*) 21. All instances of the supertype must be an instance of one of the subtypes. True or False?- True (*)22. All instances of a subtype may be an instance of the supertype but does not have to. True orFalse?- False (*) 23. When creating entities you must follow these rules: (Choose Two)Name them in Singular (*)Include Attributes (*) 24. The "Other" subtype is mandatory. True or False?- - False (*) 25. Which of the following is true about subtypes?- One instance may belong to two subtypes of the same supertype.- Subtypes must be mutually exclusive. (*)Sectiunea 5 26. Intersection Entities often have the relationships participating in the UID, so the relationshipsare often barred. True or False?- True (*)27. If two entities have two relationships between them, these relationships can be either? Redundant or Required (*) 28. Relationships can be Redundant. True or False?- True (*)29. How do you include a relationship as part of the UID for an entity?- By barring the relationship in question (*)30. Many to many relationships must be left in the Model. It is important to have themdocumented as M-M. True or False?- False (*) 31. If a relationship can NOT be moved between instances of the entities it connects, it is said tobe:- - Non-Transferrable (*) 32. As a database designer you do not need to worry about where in the datamodel you store aparticular attribute, as long as you get it onto the ERD your job is done. True or False?- False (*) 33. Any Non-UID must be dependant on the entire UID. True or False?- True (*)34. Normalizing an Entity to 1st Normal Form is done by removing repeated or redundantattributes. True or False?- True (*)35. The is no limit to how may UID's an entity can have. True or False?- True (*)- False 36. A relationship can be both Recursive and Hierachal at the same time. True or False?- False (*) 37. No parts of an UID are mandatory. True or False?- False (*) 38. Primary UIDs are:- Something that each Entity should have, but is not mandatoryUseful as an alternative means of identifying instances of an entity, independent of theirdatatype- Mandatory in data modeling (*) 39. Consider the entity ADDRESS with the attributes:ADDRESS:# House Number* Street* Town* City* Year of Buildo City PopulationThis entity is NOT in 3rd Normal Form ("no non-UID attribute can be dependent on another non-UID attribute). True or False?True (*) 40. Arcs are used to visually represent _________ between two or more relationships in an ERD. Exclusivity (*) 41. Which of the following is NOT a relationship type?- Some to None (*) 42. Modeling historical data can produce a unique identifier that always excludes dates. True orFalse? False (*) 43. Consultants often use their experience in ensuring projects stay on track and delivers withinthe timescales set out for the project. True or False?- True (*) 44. Your apperance at a presentation is important. You need to look smart and presentable. Trueor False?- True (*) 45. There is only one way to model time in a Data Model. True or False?-False (*) 46. Which of the following would be a logical constraint when modeling time for a City entity?- People are born in the city and people die in the city.- Cites may change their name and/or which country they are placed in, if the borders of a countrychange.(*) Cites may change their name and/or which country they are placed in, if the borders of a countrychange. (*) 47. Modeling historical data is Optional. True or False?- True (*) 48. When you add the concept of time to your data model, your model becomes more complex.True or False?- True (*) 49. You are doing a data model for a computer sales company, where the price of postage isdependent on what day of the week goods are shipped. So shipping is more expensive if thecustomer wants a delivery to take place on a Saturday or Sunday. What would be the best way tomodel this?Use a Delivery Day entity, which holds prices against week days, and ensure the we also havean attribute for the Requested Delivery Day in the Order Entity. (*) 50. Which of the following is a logical constraint that could result from considering how timeimpacts an example of data storage?- An ASSIGNMENT may only refer to an EMPLOYEE with a valid employee record at the StartDate of the ASSIGNMENT.(*)