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Pakistan: A Personal History By Imran Khan

Pakistan: A Personal History by Imran Khan (Imran Khan is the Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, PTI)




TRANSWORLD PUBISHERS 6-63 Uxbridge Road, Lodon W5 5SA A Random House Group Company First published in Gret Britain in 201 by Bantam Press an imprint f Transworld Publishers Copyrigt © Imran Khan 20 Imran Khan has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 988 to be identied as the authr of this work. This bok is a work o non-ction bsed on the life, experiences and recollections of the author. A CIP cataloge record for this book is available from the British Library. Version .0 Epub ISBN 978446438244 ISBN 978059306774 ( hb ) 9780593067758 ( tpb ) Thi ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in ny way except as specically permited in writing by the publishes, as allowed nder the terms and conditins under which it was purchsed or as stricly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author's and publisher's rights and those responsible ma be liable in law accordingly. Addresses for Randm House Grop Ltd companies outside the UK can be fond at: www.randomhouse The Random House Group Ltd Reg. No. 954009 246809753 www.p oo sree. Cover About the Book Title Page Dedicaton Map of Pakistan Contents Prolo g ue: A Coalition o the Crooked  November 2007 Cha p ter 1: Can I Still Pla y Cricket in Heaven? 1947-1979 Cha p ter 2: Revolution  1979-1987 Cha p ter 3: Death  and Pakistan's S p iritual Life  1987-1989 Cha p ter 4: Our Failed Democra  1988-1993 Cha p ter 5: An g els in Ds g uise': Buildin g a Hos p ita  194-1995 Cha p ter 6: M y Marria g e, 1995-2004 Cha p ter 7: The General, 1999-2001 Chapter 8: Pakistan Since 9/11 Chapter 9: The Tribal Areas: Civil War? M y Soltion Chapter 10: Rediscoerin g Iqbal: Pakistan's S y mbol and a Template for Our Future E p ilo g e Picture Section Acknowled g ements Picture Acknowled g ements Index About the Author C  i g ht www.p oo sree. This book is dedicated to Sulaima, Kasim, ad the youth of Pakista. www.p oo sree. www.p oo sree. Proogue www.p oo sree. A Coaition of the Crooked, November 2007 BLANK FACES. FAES with no expressions. That's what I remember. About twenty of them had surrounded me and a few were pushig me. I asked them, What is it you want? o you know what you are doing?' I could see some had pistols. Beynd the locked gates of the courtyard, people were shoving and shouting. More crowds of students peered down at me from the windows of the oors that ran round the quadragle as they tried to see what was happening. I was furious. My politica party, TehreeeInsaf (Movement for Justice'), was allied to this grou, as the studets that had surrounded me were in the Islamic JamiateTleba (, the students' wing of the JamaateIslami, Pakistan's oldest and most organized religious party. Both Jamaate Islami and TehreekeInsaf were part of the ll Parties Democratic Moement campaigning for an end to General Pervez Musharraf's milita dictatorship and the restoration of Pakistan's chief justce. Yet here these students were working for a dictator who had issued orders to arrest me and behaving just like a gang of street thugs. Although I had heard tales about the T,  had not fully realized the kind of people they were. Everyone on the campus of the university is scared of them. Once known for their ideolgical views and great disciplne, they appear to have degeerated into a kind of maa r fascist group operating insde the university, bearing guns and beating people up. They stie debate in an educational establishment that has in its time produced two Nobel laureates -the niversity of the Punjab was established in the late nineteenth century by the British, in the country's second city, Lahore. No government dares tackle them, ordinary students at the universiy are petried of them and een the party they belong to, the Jamaat eslami, does nt seem to be able to contro them. Much later I heard the Jamiat activists had been paid large sums of money to turn on me -allegedly by the government. I knew the polie would probably arrest me when I arrived at the university, so I sneaked in the evening before and spent the night i the rooms of one of the professors. The T had expected me to walk thrugh the main gate the following day with my party supporters. Later on I discovered the plan had bee to beat us all up. Two things saved me: I surprised them by appearing alone, and from inside the university; and the international media was there with heir cameras all lined up. As soon as I apeared, other students in the university gathered around me and hoisted me up on to their shoulders. But then came this group of Jamiat students, about twenty or thirty o them. They began pushing me, but they did not know what to do because they had not expected me to come alone and thee were hundreds of them watching this spectacle. They soved me into a quadrangle and locked the gates. That is when I kept saying, What s it you want?' They asked hy I had come without their permission and I told them the university did not belong to them. I asked them if they realized their party's policy was to oppose the state of emergency Musharraf had declared and yet here they were spporting it. Do you know wat you are doing?' I said. There was no response. I saw the head of the T standing abut twenty yards away and speaking on his mobile. He was looking at me and clearly talking about me. I don't think he knew what to do. Some professors arrived and the Jamiat youths shoved them aroud too and I culd see the proessors were scared of them. www.p oo sree. t this point I had been eluding arrest for almost two weeks. The country was underging yet another period of turmoil and President Musharraf had declared a state of emergency. On the evening of 3 November 2007, I had bee giving a talk at the Lahore University of Management Sciences when someone passe me a note saying that the heads of all the plitical parties opposed to Msharraf were to be put under house arrest, including me. I had already been held under house arrest the previous year when President Bush visited Pakistan. Tha was aimed at stopping me staging a protest against the US president because of his hypcrisy in supprting Musharraf, a military dictator, while ivading Iraq with the justication of installing democracy. So initially I was not too worried. Even uner house arres, I could still manage my political party. I nished my speech, held varius meetings and returned sme time ater midnight to myod family ome in Lahore's Zaman Park, where my father and younger sister lived with her family. It was only when the police barged into our house that I began to sense a differece. Normally the police were very polite with me. This tme their maner was more aggressive. There was no metion of house arrest, but rather of orders' for my detention'. I insisted they show me a warrant and while they went off to get it, a journalist called me on my mobile. Imran, I'm sitting with the superintendent of police here,' he said. All o the other political leaders have been put under house arrest, but you are going to jail. Your orders are for jail.' With barely minutes to spare I asked my nephew to check utside to see whether there was any possibility of escape He told me tat while the police had surrounded most of the house, they had left uguarded a tefoothigh wall on the edge of our garden I slipped out the back and sprinted for the wall, and my nephew heled me climb ver into the garden next door. I had spent my childhood in Zaman Park and many f my relatives still lived nearby. While the police came in and searched our family home -even my father's bedroom, despite him being sick at the time -I made for my grandfather's old house an from then on began moving from place to place every ther day. Every now and then I surfaced o give a telephone interview to the press t try and get my message ou to the people of Pakistan, and specically to my workers. Then I moved again. Two r three times he police arrived at a house o look for me barely fteen minutes after I had left. Late, I heard that at least ve thusand people had been detaied. I was one of the last of the leading opposition politicias who remained free. I had to organize my party as best  could by word of mouth, sice we had all switched off or mobile phones and many members had gone underground. Benazir Bhutt, the daughter of the former president ad prime minister of Pakistan who had bee executed in 1979 (she hersef was prime minister in 1988-90 and again i 1993-96), had recently retuned from political exile. She arrived in Laore to organize a protest march but the polce surrounded her house and the plans zzled out. She ws, however, prsued by the international media, and I decided I shoud take advantge of their presence to give myself up with as much publicity as possibe. The best place to do this was the University of the Punjab, the biggest university in the country, where I wanted the students to moblize against Musharraf's state of emergency. My party, TehreekeIsaf, was already popular amongst the students, mainly because of the stand we had taken against the military dictator. The young people of Pakistan were my main strength, and I had seen over the years how youth across the world had played a vital role in popular campaigns, from the antiVietnam War mvement of 1960s America to the ousting of Indonesia's President Suhart in the 1990s and, yet to cme, the Arab uprisings of 2011. I wanted the students to be politicized, since dicttors always try to depoliticize people in order to maintain control. They ad the international media wuld witness my arrest. I would not be taken quietly in the ight. www.p oo sree. I told the students at the university I had come to give myself up and to take me to the police. They tok me outside pushed me ito a van and drove me to the gates where a police inspecor was waiting for me. He looked at me over and over again until I asked what was wrng. I am so happy to see yu,' he said. What do you mean?' I asked. He made me wait until we had reached the police station and there he tld me. Since last night we have been in tuch with these guys and my information was that they were going to hand you to me in such a state that I would have had to rush you to hospital. They were going to break your bones; tat was the plan.' He had stationed some plainclothes oicers inside the university with instructions to try to save me but there was little else he could do. It was only then that I realized how narrowly I had escaped. (He was right t be concerned. A couple of ears after my unpleasant experience with the Jamiat youths they beat up one of the university staff an enviromental science professor called Itikhar Baloch after he tok a stand against them. I saw him soon after the attack which almost killed the man and left him with broken boes and covered in bruises.) My detention was to prove a ormative experience; time spent in a Pakistani jail only reinforced my conviction that a lack of the rule of law lay at the heart of our troubled nation's problems. After my conversation with the police inspector I was taken to another police statin and kept there until about midnight when they moved me again this time to Kot Lakhpat one of the main jails in Lahore. At rst it took some ime to register what had happened. It was a Aclass cell and I was give a room to myself so I was able to sleep ad the next day I was allowed to sit outside. The jailers wee very sympathetic and brought reports abot what was going on outside. They told me that the day after my arrest there had been a huge and nprecedented demonstration at the University of the Pujab against the Jamiat thugs. The strength of the rally and the students' anger was sch that for the rst time in thrty years the oganization was on the back fot although it sadly regained its inuence later on. I als learned that a mini revoluton had taken place in Zaman Park; my eightyveyearold aunt along with my sisters gathered all the women of Zaman Park to stage a peaceful demonstration against my detention. It was nprecedented in my very conservative family for the women to come ut and demostrate in public. What happened next was also unheard of in Pakistan politics where women are always treated with great respect; their peaceful protest was violentl disrupted b the police and in front of the national and international media they were bundled into police vans and taken to jail before being released later that night. This incident dented Musharraf's liberal' credentials. I was locked i overnight. O the second night at three in the morning I was sleeping when the cel door opened suddenly. A policeman was standing there looking quite hstile. Pack yur things up,' he said. Get ready to leave. Then I was bundled into the back of a truck where I wuld spend a ninehour journey lying on a wooden bench freezing with nly a single blanket as the wind and dust f a chilly Noember night bew in through the open slats. Three policemen were sitting in front and when we stopped for tea early n the morning I asked them where we were going. They told me we wee going to Dea Ghazi Khan far to the southwest in the centre of the cuntry. DG Khan is one of the worst jails in Pakistan. If the authorities really want to break you they'll send you there. It occurred o me that the might torture me as they had two parliamentary colleagues Saad Rafiq and Javed Hashmi who had been jailed for years and they had told me what had happened to them. But mostly it was the pettiness of it all that trubled me. It was unnecessary to send me o a ninehour jurney in a truck to a jail in DG Khan whe other political leaders were being put under house arrest. I had been i the public eye for thirtyve years and everyone knew I was not a terrorist. Yet I was being arrested under draconia antiterrorism' emergency laws that carred the www.p oo sree. possible penalty of life imprisonment or death. It felt like a deliberate attempt to humiliate me. And since the jailers and police dealing with me were generally sympathetic and polite I sensed the rders had come from the top If I struggled over just eight days in prison the suffering f the many thusands who spend years in Pakistan' s jails was innitely worse. And compared to them I was treated like a king. The jail was dirty and crowded with ten to teen people crammed into each cell. My own cell was in the hospital wing and had a little bed and a lthy bathrom but I had a room of my own. During te day I was allowed to sit utside although at sunset I was locked in my room for the night. I could hardly eat in jail since I had no exercise and the food was terrible. After so many years of sport my body was conditined to expect exercise. The worst of it was that time would not pass. I thought I was ging to die of boredom. At dawn when hey woke me up and I heard the commotion of other prisoners being let out of their cells I would try to linger i bed to make the day shorter. I would think I had been staying hours in bed look at my watch and realize it was still only eight o' clock. Then I would go and sit outside and in the afternon they brought me a newspaper to read.  imagined a whole day must have passed only to realize that about an hour to an hour and a half had gone by. But still the day would just drag o. I am a completely outdoor person; I always have been -even as a boy durng the hot summer months i Lahore my mother had troble making me stay indoors. Since 2005 I ave lived in my farmhouse o a hill outside the capital city Islamabad a place I call my paradise recreating the sense of wilderness that I love. I am surrounded by hills and greenery with a panoramic view of Rawal Lake and the foothils of the Himaayas. I grow my own fruit ad vegetables and keep chickens cows and water buffalos. Wild birds ad animals surround me too -partridges porcupines snakes lizards jackals and peacocks. And suddely I was stuck inside these for walls. In the courtyard where I was allowed to sit during the day here was a little bit of grass but not so much as a tree. The real problem was that I did not know how long I would e in prison. And I could no bear the waste of time. I had set up a hospital in Lahore offering free cancer treatment to the poor. I ran a political party and I was trying to set p a new university in Mianwali my father's ancestral home town over two hundred miles to the orthwest of Lahore. Normally twentyfour hours are not enough in the day for me. And here I was removed from life watching time that did not pass. Yet jail gave me the chance t hear rsthand about the other prisoners. A young man frm Khyber Pakhtunkhwa the region formerly known as the NorthWest Frontier next to the border with Afghanistan was sent to clean my room. I learned he had been there fr six years after being arrested at the age of sixteen. He had not even been tried for the crime for which he was arresed. He had been involved in a family feud and had brandished a gun. That was all. If he had been convicted the maximum penalty would have been a year. He had been in jail for six years because the family was too oor to afford a lawyer. Whe his case came up in court te authorities did not even bther to send him a police van to take him there. Accordng to the depty inspector f jails Salimulah Khan wh visited me this boy's case was not an exception. Sixty per cent of people in Pakistani jails were inncent he said. Their crime was their poverty. Later I bega avidly reading newspaper stries about prisoners trapped in jail. In Karachi the vibrant nancial city on the Arabia coast a man was found not guilty after spending nine years locked up; when he was arrested at the age of twenty he had a wife and a yearold baby. It is hard to think abut what might have happened to them in that time. In Sindh the province of which Karachi is the captal three men were found not guilty after twentytwo years in jail and in another case a man remained in Lahore's Kot Lakhpat prison for fteen years because his le had got lost. That was the biggest impact jail had on me. Seeing these people crammed in together horried me. Some of www.p oo sree. them had been frame. Often I heard later the head jailer made money by charging the relatives if they wanted to see a prisner. And as was the case with the boy who cleaned my room the police van meant to take a prisoner t court freuently failed to turn up so they missed their court hearing. And yet many of the biggest criminals in the country were sitting in parliament and some were even given police escorts at taxayers' expense. The injustice and cruelty o it all stayed ith me. The sualid conditios. The inability of the poor t get justice. I decided to go on a hunger strike on the sixth day to put pressure on Musharraf. But I made the mistake -if it ever happens again I would not do it the same way -of going n a complete hunger strike rather than just having liuids.  am used to fasting at Ramadan -it is excellent discipline and normall I carry on as usual with the same exercise routine -but then you break your fast at snset. I had not realized how uickly one weakened with othing to drik. I had fasted for barely over two days when I discovered I did not have the strength to walk. Having announced the hunger strike there was no way I was going to back down after two days. The nally at abot eight in the evening the jailers came and said You are ree.' I walked out into what ecame one of he most turbulent periods of akistan' s histry. www.p oo sree. Chapter One www.p oo sree. Can I Sti Pa y Cricket in Heaven? 1947-1979 OUTSIDE OF PAKITAN I am mainly known for my 21yearlong cricket career. But in my home country  am the head of a party that is battling to take on a political elite that has for more tha six decades stymied this great country depriving it of is God given potential. Ruled alternately by milita dictators like President Musharraf or as a efdom by families like the Bhuttos and Sharifs Pakistan has drifted far from the ideals of its founders. Far from being the Islamic welfare state that was envisaged Pakistan is a country where politcs is a game of loot and pluder and any challenger to the status quo -even somebody with my kind of public prole and popularity -can be suddenly arrested and threatened with violence. Founded as a homeland for Indian Muslims on the priciple of the uifying qualities of Islam it remains a fractured country. Kashmir to the ortheast has been since independence the subject of a violent dispute between India ad Pakistan the region divided between the two. In the orthwest a civil war betwee the army and militants plages the Pashtu heartlands of Khyber Pakhtnkhwa and FATA (the Federally Administered Tribal Areas). Baluchistan a vast rugged unexplored and thinly populated proince bordering Iran and Afghanistan simmers with a separatist insurgency. To the south the Arabia Sea washes against the shores of Baluchstan and Sindh where the provincial capital Karachi is riven with fghting betwee various ethnic groups including Pashtun immigrants ad the descendants of Muslims who came from the other side of the border at Partition referred to as ohajirs or refugees. Meanwhile Punjab home to more tha half of the country's population is resented by other proinces for monopolizing Pakistani political power and prosperity. For me our cont's woes began soon after Pakistan was created in 1947 when we lost our great leader Jinnah. Pakistan -which means Land of the Pure -was just ve years old when I was born. We had such pride in our count the such optimism. We were a new nation wrested out of he dying British Raj as a homeland for Muslims. Gone were the insidious humiliations of colonialism and the fear of being drowned in an overwhelming Hindu majority in an independent Idia. We were a free people free to rediscover an Islamic culture that had once towered over the subcontinent. Free too to implement the ideals of Islam based on equality and social and economic justice. A democracy as Pakistan's founding father Muhammad Ali Jinnah said not a theocracy. We were to be the shining example in the Muslim world of what Islam could achieve were it allowed to ourish. Such dreams we had. It was only much later that we discovered how hard t would be to full these dreams even in a randnew nation like ours uburdened by the rigidities of history. As te years went by we built or own tormened history and drifted further and further away from the ideals that had inspired Pakistan's creation. Pakistan's roots lay in the nal days of the British Raj in India. Before then the territory -roughly dened as the Punjab the NorthWest Frontier Province the coastlie on the Araban sea of Sindh province and Baluchistan -had not been dened as Pakistan but over the centuries became rst part of one empire and then another. The British initially through the East India Company and later through the British Army controlled the area from the early part of the nineteenth century onward. From the 1880s though the aim for millions of people throughout he subcontinent who www.p oo sree. wanted selfdetermination was the end of British ule. The Indian National Congress which nitially included Muslims wrked to achiee this end. The British did nt want to reliquish control but the Second World War weakened Britain economically and politically and by then the empire on which the sun never sets' was in its twilight years. he Indian National Congress negotiated with the British to bring about the end of their rule over India and they wanted to see the whole subcontinent remin one country. Here the hstories of the two nations starts to diverge; wary of Hindu nationalism and mindful of the kind of violence hat took place at sporadic itervals over the 1920s and 1930s in differen cities and provinces in India the AllIndia Muslim League took a different view. As part of this league two men in particular were fundamental in the fondation of Pakistan Jinnah and Allama Muhammad Iqbal. Iqbal who died in 1938 nine years before the creatio of Pakistan is the visionary poetphilospher considered to be the spiritual founder f Pakistan. In 930 in an address to the AllIndia Muslim League he said I would like to see the Punjab NorthWest Frontier Province Sindh and Baluchisan amalgamated into a single State. Selfgovernment withn the British Empire or withut the British Empire the formation of a cosolidated NorthWest Indian Muslim State appears to me o be the nal destiny of Muslims at least of NorthWest India.' Believing that the Indan Muslim is entitled to full and free develpment on the lines of his own culture an tradition in his own Indian omelands,' Iqbal felt that this was a necessary stage for the Muslim community to develop its collectie selood or khudi. Iqbal not only conceived of a selfgoverning Muslim state his passionate voice awakeed and activated Indian Muslims motivatng them not nly to strive to free themseves from the bondage of imperialism and colonialism but also to challenge other forms f totalitarian control. Believing fervently in human equality and the right of human beings to digity justice and freedom Iqbal empowered the disempowered to stand u and be counted. When I was older I found Iqbal's work hugely inspiratioal. He argued against an unqestioning acceptance of Western democracy as the selfgoverning model and instead suggested tha by following the rules of Islam a society would tend naturally towards social justice tolerance peace and equality. Iqbal's iterpretation of Islam differs very widely from the narrow meaning that is sometimes given to it. Fo Iqbal Islam is not just the name for certain beliefs and forms of worship. The diference betwee a Muslim and a nonMuslim is not merely a theological ne -it is a diference of a fudamental attitde towards life. Iqbal considered pride in one's lineage or caste to be one of the major reasons for the downfall of Muslims. In his view in Islam based on the pinciples of equality solidarity and freedom' there was no hierarchy r aristocracy and the criterion for assessig the merit of human beings was tqw (righteousness). As Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said: The noblest of human eings are those who fear God most.' In othe words those who are humae and just because when you fear God you believe you are accountable t Him and must act accordingy. o Iqbal the clture of Islam did not consist of the actual cultural practices of Muslims. It was an ideal valuesystem based upo the ethical principles enshrined in the Quan. He believed that Islam provided the gidance needed by human beings to realize their Godgiven potential to the fullest. In his philosphy of khudi Iqbal presented his blueprint for action that would lead to intellectually sound ethically based and spiritually grounded developmet of individuals and communties. Iqbal and others such as Sir Sayid Ahmad Khan (1817-1898) wh urged Muslims to obtain a Western education and established the Aligarh University for this purpose argued that this vision www.p oo sree. of an ideal society cold never be achieved as long as Muslims remained in a minority in a Hidudominated India. It was not only that India, with its caste system and socia inequalities, was the antithesis of everythng they wanted. It was also that such a bold experiment of recreating the ideals of Islam could ever be achieved in a country where Muslims were in the minority. At the time, much f the Islamic world was under European colonial rule, ad realizing the promise of Islam required  country -or at least a state within India where Muslims would have the opportunity t live according to the highest ethical ideals nd best practices of their faith. When Iqbal died in 1938 -my father was one of the many who attended his funeral -it was let to the lawyerpolitician Mhammad Ali Jinnah to crete that country. Iqbal was an idealist but he offered concrete guidance to Muslims about how to live a life grounded in the integrated vision of the Quran. Jinnah also combined idealism with pragmatism. Somewhat forma and fastidious, and a little aoof and imperious of manner, [his calm huteur masks a nave and eager humanity, an intuition quick and tender, a humour ga and winning; the obvious sanity and serenity of his worldly wisdom disguise a sh and splendid idealism,' wrote Sarojini Naidu, the rst woman to become president of the Congress Party. Jinnah had originally been a member of the Indian Congress Party and an ambassador of Hind-Muslim understanding, committed to a uited India. Yet he had fallen out with Mohandas Gandhi; when the slamic Caliphte nally collapsed in Turke ater the First World War, it was Gandhi who led the protests for its restoration, seeig in this a way of challengig the British. Jinnah opposed the movemet. He also disliked Congress eader Jawaharal Nehru, who he felt had used his closeess to Britan's Viceroy of India, Lois Mountbatten, to outmanoeuvre India's Muslims in their ght for political power. Mountbatten in turn had no patience for the legal constitutional niceties ut forward by Jinnah to seek special electorates to safeguard the interests of the Muslims. Mountbatte's wife, Edwia, was so close to Nehru that many Pakistanis afterwards believed they hd had an affair, which turned British policy in favour of the Hindus. Muhammad Ai Jinnah, Jawaharlal Nehru Mohandas Gandhi and Cngress member Maulana Abl Kalam Azad, a Muslim leader of the Indian National Cngress who laer became edcation minister in India's government, were four giants of the indepedence movement -even if they had their own idea of what freedom meant for the people of India. Even Gandhi ad Jinnah, desite their differences, held views in common; both believed that their new countries were not secular ones but ones i which religio would play a important role. Gandhi said, Those who say religion has othing to do with politics d not know what religion is,' as he thought that politics without religio would be immoral; while Jinah, some years later in a speech to the State Bank of Pakstan in 1948, reiterated that We must  present to the world an ecnomic system based on the true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. We will thereby be fullling our mission as Muslims.' Both Jinnah and Gandhi belieed that it was the compassion preached by every religion that could become a counterweight to materialism. AntiBritish unity fractured after the Khilafat movement, ad from the late 1920s political battles within the Congress led to unrealistic demands being made of the Muslim organizations. This intransigence meant that Hindu revivalists were left with the greater part of the blame  for the failure to reach some form of Hindu-Muslim agreement,' observed Professor Fracis Robinson. Jinnah no longer believed Muslims would be safe in a united India. At a meeting of the Muslim League in Lahre in March 1940, Jinnah added his voice t a call for the creation of two states, one for Hindus, the other for Muslims: It is www.p oo sree. extremely difcult to appreciate why our Hindu friends fail to understand the real nature of Islam and Hinduism. They are not religions in the strict sense of the word but are in fact dierent and disinct social orders and it is a dream that the Hindus and Muslims can ever evolve a cmmon nationality  he declared. The Hindus and Muslims belong to two differet religious phiosophies social customs littrateurs. They neither intermrry nor interdie together and indeed they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainy on conicting ideas and coceptions. Their aspect on life and of life are different. It is quite clear that Hindus and Mussalmans derive their inspiration from different sources of history. They have dierent epics different heroes and differet episodes. Very often the hero of one is a foe of the other and likewise their victories and defeats overlap. To yke together two such nation under a single state one as a numerical minority and the ther as a majority must lead to growing discontent and nal destruction of any fabric that may be so built for the government of such a state.' t this time democracy was still evolving in the world and people did not believe that it could accommodate different religions and ethnic groups. In what is known as the Lahore Resolution the meeting rejected the concept of a united ndia on the grounds of growing intercommunal violence and demanded that the areas in which the Muslims are numerically in majority as in the NorthWestern and Eastern zones of India should be gruped to constitute independent states in which the constitent units shall be autonomos and sovereign'. Seven years later Pakistan was born athough it was as Jinnah complained a motheaten state' with far less territory than its supporters had envisaged. It was created in two wings West and East Pakistan separated by 1000 mles of Indian territory. The geat provinces of Punjab and Bengal had been split apart and at least oe million peole died in the tide of migration as Muslims moved into Pakistan and indus and Sikhs ed to India. I had an uncle in the Pakistani army who was protecting the Punjab border crossing a the time. He always said that the bloodshed he saw durig those six weeks was worse than anything he had seen in four years of ghting against the Japanese on the Burmese Front in the Second World War. He was appalled by the butchery from which not even women or children were sared. Estimates of the numbers who died range from 200000 to oer one million. More than 1 million were made homeles by the act of Partition and had to travel lng distances to settle in new parts of the contry and vast refugee camps sprang up as a result. Families and communities were devastated as those widowed and orphaned in the slaughter had to take what was let of their belongings on a voyge to a new prt of the coutry where they would be nknown and -often -unwanted. Margaret BourkeWhite the American photogapher and the rst femae war correspondent called Partition a massive exercise in human misey'. he experience for individuals in the accounts I heard and read was heartbreaking. A sixteenyearold by joined the Pakistani army and was based on the border: There were trocities committed by all sides -Hindus Sikhs and Mulims. I saw peple arriving on the trains that had been mtilated wome who had bee raped and children who had been traumatized. I remember thinking at the time: "Is this what freedom means? I had three uncles who lived in Simla at the time. Amid the chaos we had lost contact with them. We never found them.' Amid the hrror there were often stories of Muslims concealed from their wouldbe attackers by their Hindu neighbours or the ame tale but told by Hindu survivors. One such from Jhang in west Punjab rememered Mr Qureshi' who helped several Hindu families reach the border only to be murdered as a nobeliever' by his fellowMuslims for having saved them. he madness that took place was exactly that -a madness. No one anticipated or dreamt that such things would happen and certaily no one expected the violence to reach such heights. Was it a reactin to the end f British rule a release of entup frustrations after the decades of humiliation? It suited the British for there to be division www.p oo sree. betwee the peoples of India and they actively fostered this as an incoming viceroy the Earl of Elgin was iformed in 1861: We have maintained or power in Idia by playing off one party against the other and we must continue to do so.' The haste with which the plan for Partition was implemented certainly contributed towards the hostile atmosphere that created such mayhem and the British were very much responsible for setting this timetable. However the Muslim political leaders virtually against al odds and in te face of intense oppositio from India's dominant Congress Part had achieved the impossible. They had created a new country. Though we were in dire straits in the early years the revolutionary zeal that gave birth to Pakistan carried us through. Democracy thugh never had an opportunity to ourish in Pakistan as Jinnah died i September 1948 leaving s rudderless. In an era dominated by the great superpwers of the USA and the Soviet Union Pakistan sided with the US but een this was to prove troublesome. Our rst prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan died i 1951 assassiated in Rawalpindi (in the same park where many years later in 2007 former prime minister Benazir Bhutto wold also be killed). He was killed by an Afghan opposed to the settlement that had let Kashmir divided a man who felt Pakistan should be ghing to take it back. Many at te time saw mre sinister sigs in his murder amid rumours of American pressure on Pakistan in relation to the access to Soviet airspace Pakistan could provie. The relatioship Pakistan has had with America as a nation although not perhaps with its government since then has never been a satisfactory one and after 9/11 it only worsened -but more of that later. While India spent the early years of its independence with the stability provided by its rst prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru -who remained in oice until his death in 1964 -we began a slow slide into alternating military and civilian rule which never allowed the political institutions to mature. We had other problems too in part because of the ivision between the Pakistani elite and the masses. The idea of Pakistan had been conceied within a uited India and found its major intellectual wellspring in what is today the northern Idian province of Uttar Pradesh; the epicentre of the Pakistan movement was in areas that did not eventually become part of Pakistan. Later various ethnic groups from the Bengalis of East Pakistan to the Baluch in the deserts running into Iran to the Pashtn in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan would nd reasons to rebel against the state often wit disastrous consequences. Since Pakistan and especially its army was dominated y Punjabis these different ethnic groups felt they were denied both their economic and democratic rights and sooner or later all took up arms against the state. We also bega our life as a country at war ghting India ver the territory of Kashmir i 1947-1948 and the festering dispute since then has helped give the army (and by default the majority Punjab element within it a disproportinately powerfl role in Pakistan. Yet in the optimism and ervour of those early years I believe we might have overcome all those difculties had we been able to nd a political system capable of implementing the egalitarian democratic and ethical ideals of Islam that had inspired the creation of Pakistan. Instead the Britishtrained bueaucrats had a low opinion of democracy -at least as far as Pakistan was concerned. Tey had been educated in a system that had taught them t look upon the masses with contempt and copying the former colonial rulers had inherited a mindset that the naties were not to be trusted. Without leaders with the vision f Iqbal or the stature of Jinah or for that matter of Nehru whose long tenure helped bed down Indian democracy we were condemned to slide back into the kind of discree authoritarian rule which marked the British Raj. At the rst opportunity the militarcivilian bureaucracy stalled the democratic process. Pakstan did not cme up with a full constitutio until 1956 because the West Pakistan rulig elite did not want to give the Bengalis an equal share in power. Given that the population of East Pakistan www.p oo sree. was larger than that f West Paistan, to deprive the latter of their right to a equal share, experiments like the one unt system' (where the whole of West Pakistan was treated as one province) were intoduced. This helped sow he seeds of engali resentment, and eventually led to the breakup of the country. he 1956 constitution was arogated by the commanderinchief of the army, General Ayub Khan, who took over the country i 1958 and anounced a presidential form of government. He remained i power for ten years before he was forced t resign amid ppular unrest and was replaced by another military man, General Yahya Khan. Under Ayub Khan, Pakistan developed and changed -he introduced the Muslim Family Laws, which modernized some aspects of laws regarding marriage -but his efforts in agriculure and industry beneted the few, not the many. More importantly, he did not believe in democracy so politically the country stagnated. Discontent in East Pakistan began to grow as the Bengali peple, politically and economically excluded, had insignicant represenation within the ruling elite. The creation of Bangladesh n 1971 was a direct consequence of this prlonged military rule, along with the reluctance of the ruling classes of West Pakistan to treat East Pakistan as an equal. Paradoically, economically the country passed through a golden period. Our growth rate was the highest in our history, though the majority of the population was excluded frm the fruits of this economic boom. Administratively the country was well run -alog with contempt for the natves, the Britih had also bequeathed us a reasonably ecient bureaucracy. From m vantage point as a child in Lahore, and indeed as I have been told later by my parents, the optimism which had accompanied the birth of Pakistan srvived and even ourished in this early perid of military rule. It helped f course that we were living in Punjab, the most powerful province in Paistan, where we had little reason to suspect the many dangerous undercurrents building up in our country. Pakistan was ve years old when I was born. As a child in a comfortably off family in Lahore, I felt only the quiet optimism of a country hopefl for its future. It was an idyllic childhood, with the freedom of plenty of space in which to play and the securit provided by te Pakistani extendedfamily system. In Zaman Park where I grew up we were surrounded by ploughed elds and open spaces; there were few houes and everyoe who lived there was famiy, so it was more like being on a farm. The rst house in Zaman Park had been built by my maternal grandfather's brother -whose name was Ahmad Zaman. At Partiion in 1947 my grandfathers family also moved there. I the hot summer aternoons I would go out with my air gn to shoot pigeons or to swim in the canal, and in the evenings play cricket with my cousins. There was no such thing as organizing play dates.  would be out till dark -my mother did not worry, she always knew I was with family. For fresh mil every house had a cow or a water buffalo. oday, Zaman Park is in the centre of Lahore, so fast has the city spread i every directin. All that is left of those green and open elds of my childhood is a small park. There are so many houses that people do not know each other as they once did. Although boys still swim in the canal, it is now dirty and polluted. Lahore's water, which used to be deicious, has become so contaminated it ha to be boiled before drinking. I used to go to a school friend's farm tha was barely te miles out of Lahore and there at the age of fourteen I used a shotgun fr the rst time and bagged furteen partridges. It was the most thrilling thing I had ever done. My friend's farm is nw part of a suburb of Lahore and has been transformed from a place of wldlife and green elds into a concrete jungle Today in the entire province of Punjab there are probably only a handfu of reserved areas where one gun can shoot ourteen partriges. My mother wold make us children go to see our maternal grandmother with our cousins every day for half an hour. These evening with her were most enjoyable. She would know everythig that was goig on in our lives. In fact she would get involved in www.p oo sree. all our problems and we would tell her things that even our parents would not know. The loe that my grandmother received from all her children ad grandchildren must have been the reason why all her mental faculties were fully intact when she died at the age of a hundred. She might have lived longer, but when my mther died in 1985 she simply could not get over the loss, my mother being her yougest child. It almost seemed as if she decided it was time for her to g. She refused to get out of bed and three months after my mother's death she passed away. In Pakistan, family is everything. Islam stregthens the family system by making the role of the mother sacred. In the words of the oly Prophet (BUH), Paraise lies under the feet of the mother.' And the greatest inuence on my life was my mother. There were ve of us and I was the only son. She was a complete mother, happy to sacrice all her pleasres for her family. I remember I would hide injuries from her just so as not to pain her. Once when I was eight years old my cousins and I were raiding someoe's mulber garden. Suddely the gardener came. While trying to jump from the tree, I slipped and fell on a branch. The sharp stick pierced a couple of inches in my thigh, lmost rupturing my main artery. When I was taken home I refused to show the wound to my mother because I could not bear to see her suffer. So great was my ove for her that I hated to do anything that would anny her. This is how love imposes discipline. She would make me do my homework every day but I was so singleminded about sport that I wold be uninterested in studies. It was only her efforts that kept me going. However, apart from my homework my mother would ever push me to do anything ifI didn't wnt to do it. s its name suggests, there is a park in the middle of Zaman Park, where all us cousins -ranging from children to adults in their twenties -wuld play cricket and hockey. Matches would be played with such aggression that one year visiting ockey teams refused to play us. My passion for cricket, along with partridge shooting, developed thanks to my uncles and cousins. My mother's family was passionate about cricket. I was inspired to become a test cricketer at the age of nine, when I saw my older cousin Javed Burki score a century against England at what is now the Gadaf sadium in Lahre. I used to treat my aunts and uncles' houses as my wn, as all social life revolved around the family, with my grandfather's and his brother's houses as the focal points. At family dinners everyone would be there, rom babies to the oldest members of the family. The rules of etiquette were clearly dened. Age was to be respected. The older the family memer, the more respect they wee accorded. When the elders spoke, all the younger members listened attentively. n turn, the elders took personal responsibility for all te children. Hence a member of the younger generation culd be disciplined by any elder, not just their parents. Any rudeness to an elder meant disapproval from all the senior members of the amily. Unfortnately, amongst the westerized elite in Pakistan the respect for age is diminishing. Some, wo are uncritically adopting Western culture, almost consider a lack of respect for age a sign of progress. (I remember how odd I found it when my tutor at Oxford asked me to call him by his irst name. It was even more awkward for me when friends' parents would also insist that I did the same.) Our value system was also moulded by the attitudes of the elders. The younger members would careflly observe what was approed and what was condemned by the seniors It was never the fear of being punished that made all of us follow family etiquette, but the fear of everyone's disapproval. Moral standards were high because immorlity would hae meant being ostracized. The greatest fear was to give a bad name t the family. Eerthing depeded upon the eputation of a family, from aranged marriages to social acceptability. Any slight by an outsider on the character of a family member would mean an immediate closing of ranks by a united fmily front. It lso put immense responsibiliy on family members to conform to certain moral and ethical www.p oo sree. standards. When I became a successful test cricketer and gave interviews to the press I would e extremely conscious of what I was saying as I constantly worried about how my extended family would react to my comments. Like most Muslim children I grew up with religion. My mother used to tell us bedtime stories each one with a moral message -about Moses and the arrogant Pharao Joseph and his treacherous brothers and of course about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We were als taught about Jesus considered in Islam o be a messenger of God like Muhammad (PBUH). Muslims believe that God had previously revealed His message for mankind to the Prophets of the Jews ad Christians but that Muhammad (PBUH) perfected the religion rst revealed to braham. Muhammad (PBUH) is seen as the seal of the prphecy' -the last in the series of Prophets God sent to the orld. Islam recognizes the teachings of the ewish Torah and the Christian Bible and while it teaches tat Jews and Christians have in some areas strayed from the true path it acknowledges them as People of the Book'. Every night before going to sleep my mother would make us say our prayers and tell me stories about the Prophet (PBUH). There was oe particular story my mother would tell me an old Mecca came before the Prophet (PBUH) and said to him The only reason I want to become a Muslim is because all my clan has converted to Islam but I am oo old to chage my habits. Tell me one thing I can do s that I can become a Muslim but keep my habits. The Prphet (PBUH) replied Tell the truth that is the one thing you need to be a Muslim. This story appealed to me as a boy because I too found the rituals to be cumbersome. Besides I could never lie to my mother as she would always catch me out simply by looking at my face. My mother als told me how her father hmad Hasan Khan modelled himself on the Prophet (PBUH) and would tell me stories about how whatever he did he would always tell us This is what the Prophet (PBUH) did' -even to the point of liking honey and dates. he concept of heaven and hell was made clear to me ever since I can remember. The only problem was that I could ot understand heaven. My por mother frequently had to answer questios like -would I be able to play cricket in heaven? nd would I be able to shoot? When I was seen years old a mulvi (Islamic scholar) came to teach me and my sisters the Quran in rabic. In school we had a religious knowledge class and or daily assembly started with a verse of the Quran. Every Friday I went with my father to the mosque. On Eids the two biggest festivals of the Muslim caledar all the males of Zaman Park young ad old would go to the shrine of the great sixteenthcentury Su saint Mian Mir Sahib. Mian Mir is also a legendary gure for Sikhs who come o pray at his srine in Lahore. Our family gaveyard is outside the shrine -so after Eid prayers we wold go to our relatives' graves and pray for teir departed suls. Such shries are common in the subcotinent where Islam was spread from the ninth century onwards in large part through the Sus. Their egalitarian message and doctrine of love peace and compassion appealed to the poor and dispossessed. The Sus' tolerance o other religios and cultures meant that as they made their way through what became the Islamic world the religion they spread blended with local customs to become a kind of populist Islam. Their followers made shrines of their graves which became places of pilgrimage. Rich and poor alike still ock to these shrines to pra and make offerings. Once a year usually n the anniversary of the sain's death there is an urs (a festival) when prayers are accompanied by devotional dancig and singing and the distribtion of food. This is the kind of Islam that he austere Wahhabi branch which has inenced the Talban opposes. My parents were both easyging Muslims ho always taught us that llah was the mst benecent and the most merciful'. We were never forced to read our prayers www.p oo sree. or fast. At Ramadan, the month when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, it was we childre who would coose to compete with each other to keep or fasts. I kept my rst fast around the age of nine and was rewarded with presents from my father and mother. If there was anything said against Islam, both my parents would defend it vigorosly. My mother's extended family was originally from the Burki Pashtun tribe in Kaniguram, the biggest town in South Waziristan, which rests in a fertile valley close to the Afghan border in the tribal areas. She instilled in me a pride that the Pashtns had never been subjugated and had constantly fought te British. Her family had eded up living in twelve fortresses, known as bsti Pthn near the tow of Jalandhar (where she tok much pride in saying my grandfather had hosted Jinnah), southeast of Amritsar, only forty miles or so awa from Lahore ut in what became India. The whole family had emigrated to Lahore at Partition, althugh none of them had been killed. When they moved out in a convoy the Sikh gangs who were massacring the Muslims in Punjab believed -wrngly -that they were armed, and let them lone. My father's family were als Pashtuns (also known as Pathans), but from the Niazi tibe, which had come to India with invading Afghan tribes around the teenth century. Much of his family still lied in Mianwali (a town on he river Indus on the border with Khyber akhtunkhwa, formerly known as the NorthWest Frontier) and family ties are still very strong there. In time amongst the Burkis (my mother's tribe), the family system will begin to weaken, and my children will only know their rst cousins, but in Mianwali even third cousins know each other -I frequently meet Niazis who will tell me how they are related to me through my greatgrandfather. Village communities have strnger family systems than urban ones. In a place like Mianwali people oten operate as part of a family group of maybe a hunded people. There is a netwrk of siblings and rst, secnd and third cousins. Everything is shared -salaries, responsibilities, riendships, eemies, hardshps and successes. When people from rural areas go to look for jobs in the cities, the rst people they contact are their relatives. If there are none, then they seek out people from their village or tribe. Millins of people have been dispaced by ghtig or oods in recent years, but you do not see hordes of ungry, homeless people sleeping on the streets of Pakistani cities. Man have been absorbed by the family and tribal network -people with little have taken in, fed, clothed and housed eople with still less than them. All this of course helps free the countr's rulers and elite from beaing the burde of so many isplaced people, let alone the responsibilit of paying taxes and implementing any kid of effective welfare system. As I have so oten observed in Pakistan, the poor have taken the blow fr the rich. rowing up in Lahore, I became aware of two strong prejuices. One was against colonialism. This, according to my mother and father, was the ultimate humiliatin for a people. At bedtime, my mother would tell me stories of resistance to the British, about heroes like Tipu Sultan, the Tiger of Mysore' , who died defending his city when he was attacked by three armies, the British, the Nizam of Hyderabad's and the Marathas', in 1805. t the same time, she would contemptuousl relate the story of the surreder of the last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafa, who died in 1862 n captivity in Burma. She wuld quote the Tipu Sultan's remark, The day of a lion is etter than a thousand of a jackal. ' he general thinking in the Indian subcotinent is that the greatest damage inicted by colonialism was materil. There is no doubt the subcontinent did sffer in such a way. In the 1700s the DP of India was almost 25 per cent of the world's economy. By the time the British eft it was around 2 per cent. The British lawyer Cornelius Walford estimated in 1879 that there had been thirtyfour famines in the previos century or so of British rule -but only seventeen n the preceding two thousad years. M. ]. Akbar writes The Mughal response to famine had been good www.p oo sree. governance: embargo on food exprt antispeculation regulation tax relief ad free kitchens. If any merchant shortchanged a peasant during a famine the punishment was an equivalent weight in esh from his body. That kept hoarding dwn.' Millions died in these catastrophes.  materialist lbby feels that British rule gave India a strong administrative system along with an infrastructure of roads and railways. Up to a point this is true as well. In my opinion the greatest damage done to the people of the Indian subconinent was in te humiliation of slavery an the consequet loss of selfesteem. The inferiority complex that is ingraned in a conqered nation results in its imitation of some of the worst aspects of the coquerors while at the same time neglecting ts own great traditions. It destroys originaliy as the occupied people strive only to imiate the occupiers. Furthermore this slavish mimicry wrecks any sense of leadership in te elite -the people with the most expensive education in the country. One of Iqbal's great qualities was that he rovided such new and origial thought despite having lived his entire lfe under colonial rule. In a wellknown verse he told his son: My way is not ne of being wealthy but of fqiri [spiritual poverty Yor khudi [selfhod do not sell in poverty make a name he legacy of colonialism led to our other prejudice agains India. We as a nation felt we had been cheated out of Kashmir by the proIndian last Viceroy of India Lord Louis Mountbatten. Hatred against our neighbou in Punjab especially reaced its height in the 1950s and 1960s since so many Muslims had migrated from East Punjab at Partition in 1947 and hardly a family had not lost loved ones in the bloody massacres during the border crossing. It was oly later when I toured India playing cricket that I realized how much we have in common and lost this prejudice. Islam we were told was tolerant and it had spread in the sbcontinent not by the force o arms but by the great Su saints such as Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti (known as Gharib Nawaz· the benefactor of the poor who lived in north India in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries) who won people oer with their humanitarian message. Sus were held in such esteem that in 1303 when a Mongol army under Targhi laid seige t Delhi Sulta lauddin Khilji appealed t the great Su saint Nazam Uddin uliya for help. Since both my parents had Hind and Sikh friends from schol and college before indepedence we were never taugh to hate people from other religions. There was no militat fundamentalism in those days and those few who culd be classied as religious bigots were not taken seriusly. We were told however that Islam was the superor religion sice the Qura had been dictated to the rophet (PBUH) by God himself whereas the other holy boks had been written by ma and so human faults had slipped in. Muhammad (PBUH) was unlettered. He therefore had to ask other people to write down the messages he ad received fom God. part from being a book of wisdom the Quran is still considered the greatest work of rabic literatue and the beauty of its words has converted many inclding the great caliph Umar. One of the Meccans most opposed to the new religion being preached by Muhammad (PBUH) Umar was at the forefront of plans to assassinate the Prophet (PBUH). But accordig to Muslim radition whe he heard his sister recite frm the Book his heart softened he wept and Islam entered into him. He went on to become one of Muhammad's (PBH) main comanions inheriting leadership of the Muslims after his deah. The only time I truly undestood what the caliph might ave experienced was when I took my sons once to the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad for Friday praers.  visiting imam from Egypt was deliering the khutb the sermo. Often you st there during he sermon an become lost i your own thoughts because you cannot understand the rabic. But when the imam started reciting I was immediately struck by the sound www.p oo sree. that getly lled the whole mosque. Looking aroud I saw that as his voice resunded through the building it was having the same effect on other worshippers. It was like listening to a classical symphony. It gave me goose bumps. I have never heard aything like it before or since not even in the two great msques of the hly cities of Mecca or Medina. Islam is not just a religion to be practised pivately by indviduals but a way of life. The Quran lays out clear rules for how a sociey should be gverned and gidance on how people should behave. I was taught it was also a forgiing religion that laid special emphasis on jstice and compassion. here were many challenges most of all the incendiary issue of Kashmir. In 1965 when I was just thirteen war broke out for the second time since indepenence. I will never forget ths period; late one evening we started hearing the sound of bombardment and the windows began to shake. From our rooftp we caught sight of the ashes of explosins along the border. I remember the anxious faces of my arents as the bombardment continued all night. The Indian army was advancing twards Lahore There were rumours that Indian paratroopers might land in the city and patriotic fever grippe the country. The elders of Zaman Park were called to my ncle's house for a kind of cuncil of war. t was decided that my older cousins shoul group together in a civil defence force to efend Zaman ark. I was itching to be part of this force ad armed with the .22 rie tat my father had just given me for my birthday I marched out to join them only to be sent back and told I was too young. I cursed myself for not being old enogh to join in. long with my mother and sisters I was set away from the city for my safety. s we approached Pindi I remember seeing ope areas outside the city swarming with warriors from the tribal areas volnteering to assist the army. Later I found out that my overzealous cousis almost ambshed shot and killed two inocent people mistaking them for Indian paratroopers. Everyone in the country was united in a desire to defeat the enemy. I don' t think Pakistan had ever winessed such uity. The nearest thing to it was perhaps whe we won the World Cup in 1992. s I grew up  developed a passion not oly for my contry but also for the Pakistani countryside. Every summer I would go with my parents and sisters to he hill stations to escape the oppressive heat of Punjab. I can still remember the thrill I felt as the car slowly ascened the mountain road and the air cooled. Only those who have experienced the intense heat of the Punjab summer can understand such relief. There was no air conditioning in those days. We had picnics and walks in the forest saw monkes jackals porcupines and a huge variety of birds. Occasioally we even saw the tracks f a leopard. Once when I was about ve years old duing a trip to the hill station Doonga ali over two hundred miles to the northwest of Lahore a leopard killed a donkey right utside our rest house in the middle of the ight. I can still recall how fascinated I was by the poor dnkey's partially eaten corpse. In the winter I went partridge shooting with my uncle and male cousins in the Salt Range a low muntain range about two and a half hours' drive west of Lahore. Some f my best childhood memores are of these trips. We stayed in colonial rest houses in the wilderness ate sumptuous picnic lunches and returned in the evenig to relax arond a log re. The Salt Range used to be teeming with wildlife: wolves leopards hyenas jackals foxes deer and wild sheep. There are fewer animals now but the Salt Range remains my favourite place fr shooting partridge because of its beautiful weather in the winter and hilly terrain. My mother also loved wildlife and the moutains and she uelled my passion by telling me stories from her childhood. Some were set in the Indian hill stations of Simla the summer capital of the British Ra and the beauiful Himalaya station of Dahousie where she would holiday with her parents. Like most small boys  was intrigued by the more gisly tales. I paticularly liked the one about how her dog was taken by a leopard while her father was posted at Skaser in the Salt Range. I also loed the family legend www.p oo sree. on my father's side about how my great uncle from Mianwali, a policeman, had fought with a eopard that had been terrorizng the local villagers and kiled it with the bayonet of his gun, then spent six months in hospital from the mauling he received e was given the highest awad the police culd bestow. he 1965 war over Kashmir ended in seventeen days, but it let the military dictator President Ayub Khan in a vulnerable state, allowing room for democratic developments as his grip on power slipped, leading to the rise of a new political party - the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) , under its leader Zulkar Ai Bhutto. Bhutto had studied at university n California and Oxford before he became a lawyer in London, and he represented Pakistan at the United Nations efore being appointed the cuntry's foreign minister in 1962 when he was only thirtyfur. After the war he fell out with the president and left government to frm the PPP. Bhutto, like s many who come to power n Pakistan, was seen at rst as someone who could lead us back to democracy - but later was to prove the opposite. ere was a man who understood history, oe with an exceptional mind, highly educated and charismatic -Bhutto could have changed Pakistan completely. He was a true Pakistani nationalist, he formed the rst national grassroots political party in Pakistan. However, he had a fatal aw in his character that undermined all that he could have achieved -his feudal mindset couldn't tlerate dissent, and as a result his government became known for its brutality in victimizing opponets. But his ideas, which he expressed in his 1967 book The Myth of Indeedene carried great weight -and still do. It is a great shame that he himself could not lie up to all of his words. He called the story of all the civlizations of the world, from ancient Egypt to the British and French empires, the story of greed uging domination and collidig with the struggle for eqality'. And he noted that Domination has been justied as "the survival of the ttest; it has been given the name of the White Man's Burde  today that ancient struggle has been epitomized in the creed of democracy against dictatorship.' And most presciently he remarked that Twenty years of indepedence have reealed to the people of Pakistan and India the sharp differece that really exists between independence and sovereign equality. This was the begining of neocolonialism. It n longer became necessary to control the destinies of smaller countries by any jurisdiction over their territories.' (The British had developed neocolonialism in India in the previous century, in the Pricely States -of which there were well over ve hundred -where they didn't have to rule directly as they had pupet rulers to do their bidding. Today in Pakistan, with drne attacks and raids in our cities, our sovereign is compromised by those who are puppets of the US and have followed US diktats against the interests of the people of Pakistan. It is this aspect of neoclonialism that is breeding extremism in Pakistan today.) Back then I was still young, a teenager, and in the late 1960s I trekked in the Karakoram, the moutain range spanning the brders between Pakistan, India and China. Some of my favourite holidays have been spent there. It is one of the best places for trekking in the wrld, with the greatest number of peaks over 24,000 feet (7,300 metres) including K2, the secondhighest mountain on earth. It really is the roof of the world; I have never seen such natural beauty anwhere in the world as in the Domel valley at 9,000 feet, where the army holds its sking competitios in the winter. The valley oor was covered in red and white owers and crossed by a crystalclear stream. It seemed to be the picture of paradise and every mrning I was there I had to tell myself I wasn't dreaming. The people in this area of Pakistan were warm and friendly, untainted by tourism. On one trip oe of our two jeeps broke down on the Kaakoram Highway. A young man passing by offered to take us to his village for the night. We zigzagged up a www.p oo sree. dirt track for about forty minutes before ending up in a tiny villge on the edge of an emeraldcoloured lake and surrounded by thick pine forest. The villagers served us delicios food includng the best mshrooms I have ever tasted. There was a full moon and we sat all night by the lake listening to the wind blowing through the pines. Pakistan's Northern reas are almost twice the sie of Switzerland. Who knows how many sch idyllic places still exist there? We came across similar hospitality in unza a stunningly beautiful valley supposedly the inspiration behind he mythical land of ShangrLa; when I st went there in 1967 locals ntouched by materialism greeted us with apricots and peaches inviting s to stay in their houses. mongst the endangered species to be found i the Karakoram is the secretive snow leopard with its distinctive greygreen eyes and I remember seeing snow leopard cubs foud by a shepherd and presented as a gift for the Mir of Nagar the ruler of what was until 1974 still a princely state located in the noth of GilgitBltistan the most northerly pont of Pakistan. unza used to be so remote i could only be reached via a terrifying journey up hairpin bends overlooking thousandfoot drops in ld Willys Secnd World Wa jeeps. Every so oten if you dared to look down you wuld see the wreckage of a jeep that hadn't made it. Then came the Karakoram ighway sometimes known as the ninth wonder of the world because of its elevation the highest in the world for a paved road and because of the sheer difculty of building it. It took the Pakistanis and the Chinese twenty years to nish and cost the lives of almost nine hundred construction workers. The Krakoram is still by far the mst beautiful mountain wilderness in the world and the peple are still friendly but progress' has taken its toll. Population explosion massive deforestation by the timber maa and package tours are quietly threatenng this paradise. Sadly the modern world as brought uwelcome chages to many parts of Pakistan. mong those changes is the rapid increase in the populaton which has grown from 40 million in 1947 to 180 mllion by 2011 The beauty and wilderness of our country is fast disappearing but it was already evident in the 1950s and 1960s tat this is only one of the problems that would bedevil Paistan. These problems bega in the very fabric of the state itself born out of our slaish adherence to the traditins and institutons of the departing British. Far from shaking off colonialism our rulig elite slipped into its shoes The more a Pakistani aped the British the higher up the social ladder he was consiered to be. I the Gymkhaa and the Pujab Club in Lahore Pakistanis pretended o be English. Everyone spoke English inclding the waiters; the men dressed in suits we the members' childre watched English lms while the grownps danced to Western music on a Saturday night. Indeed some Pakistanis even spoke rdu with an English accent and ate curry nd chapattis with a fork rather than with their hands. While a native ha to struggle to get membership of these clubs any European could simply walk in -the waiters would not dare question whether he was a member or not. The Sind Club in Karachi the ultimate refuge of the selfloathing brown sahib did not allow itself to be contaminated with any native Pakistani symbols. Established by the British in 1871 t resisted eve Pakistani national dress baning it until 1974. he small westernized elite comprised mainly of civilian bureaucrats and military men also inerited the colnial contemp for the natives. Far from trying to implement Iqbal's vision they took advantage of a colonial system meant to control the people. ll the colonial institutions were let intac and as a result the only change for ordinary Pakistanis was that they had a new set of rulers the brown sahib instead of the gor (white) sahib. Often these peple were eve more arrogat in dealing with the masses than the coloialists just as slave foremen were sometimes more brutal to the slaves han their masers were. ( practice that cntinues to this day as we'll see in Chapte Eight with the way Pakistani security forces acted in their treatment of www.p oo sree. Afghas.) Almost all he bureaucrats came from the elite Englishanguage schools built by the British and modelled on their own public schools. When my father returned afte doing his postgraduate degree at Imperial College Londo in 1948 he was only the second person from his home town to have become an Englad returned' ad almost the entire town came to greet him at the railway station. An England returned' would nd his social status rise dramatically and he coud have his marriage arranged to a girl well above the stats of his family. Then as even now marriage advertisements in India often state a preference for a girl with fair or wheatish' complexio. Centuries of invasions from the northwest meant that the ruling classes were often faier than those ruled leaving an ingrained colour consciousess on the Indian psyche. An England retuned' would atomatically become a VIP in Zaman Park. When any of my older cousins came back after studying at an English university we wold bombard him with questions about life there. That knowledge aloe gave them status. During their time in India the British ha embedded a inferiority complex amongst the natives with great care. Waiters and attendants were made to wear the clothes of Mughal army ofcers and the Mughal ristocracy while the ofcers of the symbols of British power the army the police an the civil servce wore the dress of the colonials. The Mghal Empire which covered most of the sbcontinent from mid way through the sixteenth century had begun its decline in the early 1700s. But when the British East India Company started to establish its power in the subcontinent halfway through the sixteenth centu the Mughal court still held sway culturally and politically over much of northern India whose inhaitants -whether Hindu or Mslim - regarded its splendour and culture with awe and its emperor as the embodiment of political and religious power. For half a century mny of the early colonialists aped the customs of the court. They spoke Farsi wore the clothing of the Mughal aristocracy gave up beef and pork and married local women sometimes even taking several wives. The British historian William Dalrymple has done much to chronicle the chnge in attitudes as between the mideighteenth and the midnineteenth century the British took on and defeated all their military rivals in South Asia. With the French the Siraj ud Daula of Bengal Tipu Sultan of Mysore the Marathas and the Sikhs all vanquished the British became more condent of their grip over the region and imperial arrogance set in. Evangelical Christianity also plyed a major part in breeding a culture of British superiority and a determination to unseat the Mugal emperor ad humiliate the once great dynasty. As Dalrymple writes in The Lst Mghl: No longer were Indias seen as inheitors of a body of sublime and ancient wisdom as eighteethcentury luminaries such as Sir William Jones and Warren Hastings had once believed; but instead merely "poor benighted heathen or even "licentious pagas who it was hoped were eagerly awaiting conversion.' India had a decentralized sysem of education before the arrival of the British. Each village had its own schools supported by revenues generated locally while colleges and mdrsss (religious schools) of higher education were run by educational trusts or wq! boards. (Wq! is an Islamic term for an endowment for a charitable purpose.) When Bengal was conquered by the East India Company in 1757 it was discovered that 34 per cent of the and generated no taxes becuse it was owned by various trusts giving free educatio and healthcare. According o a survey by C. W. Leitner in 1850 some of these madrassas were of an extremely high standard -as good as Oxford and Cambridge. Thanks to the properties owned by the trusts they could afford o pay handsome salaries to attract highquality teachers. Leitner also srveyed the Hoshiarpur district in East Punjab and found there was 84 per cent literacy in the area -when the British let India it was down to 9 per cent. The British abolished the trusts conscated the wqf enowments centralized the edcation system and set www.p oo sree. up elite Englishlanguage schools. Tese were meat to create a class of Indians who, in the wods of the nineteenthcentury administrator Lord Thomas Macaulay, wuld be Indian in blood and colour but English in taste, in pinions, in mrals, in intellect  to render them by degrees t vehicles for conveying knowledge to the great mass of the population.' Behind their backs, the British used to contemptuosly call these brown sahibs baboons, later bbus -the indi word for father' , only nt so in this cotext. he impact of he Britishimplemented education system ran far deeper tan the use of English and a lve of cricket. Rather it had been used by the British for a century to subjgate the local culture and create a ruling native elite. The British were to few to dominate India themselves and reled on the acquiescence of a layer of natives to enforce their rule -a form of collaboration which was one of the most humiliating aspects of colonialism. I went to a school very much in the English mode, Aitchison College, the nearest Pakistan had o Eton. Like the majority f my schoolmates, I considered myself suerior to those students who went to the governmentru Urdu medium schools. In the Englishmedium schools not only were all the subjects taght in English, but everyone was required o speak in English. Boys caught speaking i Urdu during school hours were ned, despite it being the ofcial language of Pakistan. Our Muslim sciety with its traditions and rituals was left behind wth our families, and felt discncertingly oldfashioned. The message of our education was that you had to copy the ways of the superior colonialists to make progress in life. We were to be transformed int cheap imitatins of English ublic school boys. Our role models naturaly became Western, whether they were sportsmen, movie idols or pop stars. Besides, we could not help but notice that the older generation was deeply impressed by the colnials and their culture no matter how much hey disliked them. It was only much later that I realized how much our education dislocated our sese of ourselves as a nation. At the time, I thought more aout playing cricket on Aitchison's beautiful sports elds. Today our Englishlanguage schools produce Desi Americans' -youg kids who, though they have never been ot of Pakistan, have not only perfected the American twang but all the mannerisms (including the tilt f a baseball cap) just by watching Hollwood lms. While my generation's land of milk and honey was England, today's youth from the Englishlanguage scools want to get to the United States and ive the American dream. When Pakista became independent we should have rid ourselves of these Englishmedium schools. In other pstcolonial countries such as Singapore, India and Malaysia they set up one core syllabus for the whole coutry. In Pakisan the governments allowed this unjust sysem to perpetuate and Englishmedium schools still import the British syllabus for students studyig GCSEs and Alevels. Students educated in these schols had a huge advantage over the children f the masses since all the best jobs, especialy in the prestgious civil service, went to those who spoke good English. And these bown sahibs i the ruling elite were conditioned to despise their own clture, and developed a selflathing that stemmed from a ingrained inferiority complex. To show that one was educated, a stranger would immediately throw English words into the conversation to establish his credentials. At Aitchison, the more anglicied a boy was, the more he was admired. We were impressed by English history, English lms, English teachers, Engish sports, English novels and English clothes. We laughed at someone who could not speak English properly but it was quite cool t speak Urdu with lots of English mixed in. We wore Western clothes an would feel awkward in shlwr except on ethnic occasions like Eid. When Ijoined the Lahore cricet team at the age of sixteen, I found that because I came from an Englishmedium schol I could barely communicate with the majrity of the team as they had been to Urdumedium schoos. Most of the boys would gang up and make fun of me.  felt like an otsider, with this huge educatonal and cultural gap www.p oo sree. betwee us wider even than that found in the British class system. Their jokes their humour the lms they liked their vews of the wold were all different to mine. It was then that I began to realize how much resentment there was amogst those from Urdu schools towards those from the English ones. I also realized why despite having the best sports facilities at Aitchison its boys could never compete with those from poor schools. The latter wee much tougher and had a far greater hunge to succeed. Similarly in hockey and squash (other sports that Pakistan has excelled in iternationally) all the stars came from the rdu schools. owever I discovered that they were quick to learn that the way up the social ladder was to acquire Western mannerisms. So most of the cricketers loved shopping for English clothes and learning the English laguage preferaly with an English accent. Some of the cricketers only started drinking alcohol (which was banned in 1977) because it was a Wesern and hence upperclass ting to do. ational dress was another marker of cultural identity sabotaged by coloialism. When  was a boy I remember one of my uncles asking a cousin of mine who was wearing shalwar kameez why he was dressed like a servant. Another time I overheard a friend of my mother talking about someone beig an upstart because he had only recently started wearing Weste clothes. It was decades later i the summer of 1988 when I was trekking with a couple of English frieds in the Karakoram that I ecame conscious of being dressed as a foregner while all the locals were in Pakistani clothes. It suddenly dawned pon me -here I was a national icon a role model who drew crowds wherever I went -and yet I was dressed like an outsider. Years late I was embarrassed by the Pashtun tribesmen on my rst visit to Waziristan who resolutely insiste on speaking to me in Pashto despite the fact I did not speak much of their language. They made a point of it to emphasize their pride in their culture; it is only in the tribal area of Pakistan where people are ercely proud of the fact that they have never been conquered that they feel no need to borrow from aybody else's culture. Colonialism only works if the colonizers are covinced of their superiority and the colonized of their inferiority. In contrast the legacy of British colonialism is still strong amongst older or retired army ofcers and bureaucrats the Pakistani military ad bureaucracy being originally colonial costructs. There is an ingrained inferiority complex. I remember a serving lieutenantgeeral saying to me: But Imran my dear chap why do you insist on wearing shalwar kameez when you look so good in a suit?' I am sure a lot of people who wear Western clothes in Pakistan would like to wear shalwar kameez especially in the heat of the summer but they just do not have the condence. When I had a ofce in the cancer hospital I founded in memory of my mother in the early 1990s I ran the marketng departmen there. I noticed that most of the regular donors were from the trader class who wore shalwar kameez and decided the hospital marketing team should also wear Pakistani dress. A couple of months later a member of the team asked permission to revert to Western sits as he felt that the traders and other people generally did not give him the same respect if he wore Pakistani clothes. He also felt he had less condence wearing our national clothes when he visited businessmen' s ofces. This complex worsened and since Musharraf's regime in the early part of the twenty rst century and its supercial drive for westernization even political candidates in Pakistan particularly in Sindh and Punjab also felt the pressure to wear Wester dress. Many candidates have their publicity photographs taken in jacket and tie because they feel Western suits make them appear more sophisticated and more educated to the voters. Retaining the language or dress of occupiers or colonizers has not been that unusua throughout history. For instance ater Sicily won independence from the Arabs in the eleventh century Arabic remained the language of the island's courts for another www.p oo sree. fty years. Yet in Pkistan the cultural anitie of the Englishspeaking elite also distanced us from our culture and religion. While no one ever cnsidered becoming a Christian it was natural that most of us started conidering Islam to be backward -just like ou culture. After all the masses were religios but poor. If any student prayed or talked about religion or had a beard he was ridiculed as a traditinal Islamic ceric or scholar a maulvi. Our Western education also laid emphasis on science which based everything on the premise that what could not be proved did nt exist. This clashed straight away with religion which wanted us to beieve in the uneen. Moreover since in the 960s the youth in the West were in rebellion against the older generation and against religion we too became affected by those attitudes. By the time I nished schoo I still went for Friday and Eid prayers with my father and fasted durig Ramadan yet for me -and indeed for mot of my friend -God was conned to the mosque. Our young impresionable mind were convinced by English and America lms that Western culture was superior along with its vastly superior technology. ad we had better understanding of our cultural heritage or our religio and its histor it might have helped us to resist the lure f the West. Nr could our preachers counter this great onslaught of coloial culture for they had no Western education and could ot communicate with us in the language in which we had been taught. Our cultural separation from them reinforced in our minds the idea that Islam was backward -I can remember students laughing at preachers with poor Englis. Even nowaday as the ruling elite despairs of the many young men who have turned to fundamentalist Islam few grasp how much this great educational divide exacerbates our troubles. While the quite rightly talk about refrming the madrassas which have sprung up in their thousands and often offer many por families their only access to education they rarely lok at the problem from the point of view of the masses who have little reason to feel an afnity wth an elite wh remain the ineritors of colnialism representatives of an alien foregn culture. They have nothing in common with these people and see them as a kind f Trojan horse for the West trying to destroy our culture. It is through developing wrld elites that a more potent and permanent invasion i taking place in many counries. Physical colonialism has been replaced by cultural colonialism. Te writer Titu Burckhardt describes this kind of dislocaion in his book Fez ity of Ilm. Burckhardt spent time i the Morocca city in the 1930s; when he revisited it twentyve years later he observed: t the time I rst knew it men who had spent their youth in an ualtered traditional world were still the heads of families. For many of them the spirit that had once created the Mosque f Cordova and the Alhambr was nearer and more real than all the innovations that European ule had brought with it. Since then however a new generation had arisen one wich from its earliest childhod must have been blinded by the glare of European might and which in large measure had attended European schols and henceforth bore within it the sting of an lmost insuperable contradiction. For how could there e any reconciliation between the inherited traditional life which despite all its frugalities carried with it the teasure of an eternal meanig and the mdern European world whic as it so palably demontrates is a force oriented entirely to his world twards possesions and enjyments and in every way contemptuous of the sacred These splendd men of the now dying generation whm I had once known had ndeed been conquered otwardly but inwardly they remained free; the yunger generation on the ther hand had gained an outward victory when Mrocco gained independence some years ago and now ran the grave risk of succumbing inwardly. www.p oo sree. he jolt came in 1971. In the elections of 1970, the Awami League f East Pakistan (the party demanding autoomy there) had won a majority in parliament. Yet Zulkar Ali Bhutto, the leader of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) which had won in West Pakistan, conniving with the military dictator General Yahya, deprived the Awami League of East Pakistan of the chance to form a government. The people f East Pakistan rebelled against what they saw as ther disenfranchisement by the more powerfl West Pakistan. Yahya Kha, the presiden and army commanderinchief, sent in the army to suppress the dissent -the same army that had held the rst free elections on an adult franchise in the rst place. As the troops descended on East Pakistan, Bhutto returned to Karachi frm Dhaka triumphantly proclaiming that Pakistan had bee saved. But the result was a terrible war in which thousads of civilians died and millions of refugees poured into India's West Bengal. I was with the West Pakistani Uder19 cricket team on the last ight out f East Pakistan before the army went in. As we played the East Pakisan team we culd feel the hstility towards us, not just from the crowds in Dhaka stadium but from ur sporting opponents too. Te captain of the East Pakistan team, Ashraful Haque, wh later became a friend of mine, told me at dinner that evening about the great antagoism felt towards West Pakistan. He told me that many lke him would want to be part of Pakistan were they to be given their due rights but as hings stood there was a strong movement for independece. I was shocked to hear this because we had no idea about the feeligs of the people of East Pakistan, thanks o total media censorship in West Pakistan. However, it ha never occurred to me or many others that there was any chance of the country breaking apart. West Pakistan made a series of bluders which allowed India to subsequently exploit the situation. India, then led by Nehru's daughter Indira Gandhi, invaded East Pakistan in support of the Begali insurgency. Unlike the 1965 war with India, this tme we were quickly defeated. Our army signed a humiliating surrender in Dhaka and the Indians took 90,000 prisoners of war. Our country was split in two ad East Pakistan became the newly created Bangladesh. Idira Gandhi had achieved fa more than her father had ever done in destroying Jinnah's idea of Pakistan. It was meant to be a homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent; nw after a bitter civil war and a crushing defeat, which still haunts our army, it had become a homeland only for West Pakistanis. A few years later, in 1974, I met up with Ashraful Haque again, an I was shocked at the number of Bengali civilians he told me had been killed in the military action. The gures listed by both sides are hard to erify but it is ossible that hndreds of thousands of civilians died in the civil war that lasted several months, and millions more ed into India seeking safety. I had previosly argued wih English and Indian contemporaries that tis was all prpaganda agaist the Pakistai army and Pakistan. After hearing Haques side of the story, I vowed I would never again accept our government's propaganda at face value or ever back a military operation against our own people. My career in cicket had just started -I played my rst iternational match for Pakistan in England i the summer f 1971 -and away from the censored newspapers and the government TV channel I was exposed to the internatioal media. Seeing our surrender was only made worse when the massacres attributed t us were shown. The shock was greater because the government, and the milita, kept telling the people that they would ght to the end'. Only twentyfour ours before te surrender, General Niazi fom my tribe, the commander of the forces in East Pakistan, had deantly given an interview on the BBC where he declared the army would ght to the last man. The surrender caused mass depression ad a loss of faith in our county. Like everyne else in Pakistan, I had believed the propaganda of our state television who had labelled the Bengali ghters as terrorists, militats, insurgents r Indianbacked ghters -the same terminlogy that is sed today about those ghting in Pakistan's tribal areas and www.p oo sree. Baluchistan. Then as now we fought the symptms rather than addressing the root cause f the violence -our failure to address the legitimate aspirations of Pakistan' s many ethnic groups. I also had the pportunity to see for myself how my country was perceived abroad. I had a rude awakening for without the protection of my family I suddenly felt lonely ad insecure. Fr the rst time I had to make an effort with people and fond it quite diicult. After the tour I stayed back to nish my educatio at the Royal Grammar School in Worceste. I found it almost impossible to make friends with the British. My friendships with my cousins and a few school frieds were informal and deep; we would drop in at each other's houses at al hours and since we had grown up together our bonds were strong and could withstad ghting and jealousy. Now I was faced with a situation where I did not know anyone nor did I understand British culture which was very different to the joint family system in which I had grown p. The friendsips that I had in England were never as meaningful as thse I had in Pakistan - until mch later. Following the completion of my Alevels in 1972 I began my studies at Oxford. It was a huge culture shck. The youth rebellion was in full swing ad the English culture we knew through or English schoolmasters boks stories and anecdotes of my parents' generation had disappeared under a blitz of sex drugs and rock ad roll. Traditinal British values -which stemmed from the Victorians' ideas on morality and had so impressed the older generation in Pakista -were being rapidly discarded in Britain itself dismissed as hypocritical. Films and pop stars were advocating free sex drugs and bad mannes; it was fashionable to swer and prudishess was dismissed as boring. The biggest attack was on religion and on God. In Pakistan the English speakig elite considered the mullh backward but even they never dared publicly attack him. Most of them would follow Islamic rituals and cnsidered themselves religios. However in Britain religion became a source of ridicule lampooned in Monty Python's Flying irus and i the lm The ife of Brin in the 1970s as well as in television skits by Benny Hill portraying priests and nuns as sexual perverts. Our role models were Mick Jagger and David Bowie while our intellectual thinking was dened by the hen popular arxist rejectio of religion. From Darwin's theory of evoltion to Nietzsche proclaiming the death of God we were encouraged to believe religion belonged to a prelogical' stage of human develpment. Freud thought God was an illusio created by man to full his own needs; Jng termed religion an alternative to neurosis. If there was any spirituality at university it was that of the hippies. The only problem was it was usually drugindced and included free sex. What little belief I had in God took a real beating in this atmosphere. At best I clung t my Muslim identi though this had little o do with submitting to the tenets of Islam.  never drank alcohol but that was because my boyhood hero and rst cousin Majid Khan later to be captain of the national cricket team was a teetotaller and I wanted to emulate hm. The best way to describe my faith ws no acceptace no rejection'. My Islam was reduced to rituals like attending mosque and that to only when I was in Lahoe. Similarly fasting was also something I did if at the time I happened to be home. If there was a God then he had nothing to do with my life outside the mosque. My mother who by this time had becme deeply spiritual was alarmed at my lack of faith and would constantly ask me to read the Quran in the hope that it would guide me. Out of love for her several times I tried to read it and each time gave up. It was ony much later that I discovered why it made o sense to me. My rst winter at Oxford made me miserable. The bleak cld and wet dll days really made me miss home and the weather in Lahre. There is n climate in the world better tan the winter of Punjab -warm sunny days and cold nights just right for sitting by a log re. I would never tell my mother I was nhappy but nevertheless in one of my letters she must have sensed I was homesick. Immediately she wrote asking me to www.p oo sree. come back. She told me I could always return to Egland at some other time to esume my studies and if I did not want to study any more it did not matter anway. It was this love and support that made me grow up with such a complete sense of security. er total belief in me gave me selfesteem, a vital characteristic for success. This was i sharp contrast to the British students, wo were under great pressure to nd jobs after university. Most of them had already moved out of their parents' homes. For me, as for any Pakistani, the cocept of moving out was completely alien. It was unthinkable for the eldest or only sn to ever leave his parents' house, as is parents were his responsibility for the rest of their lives. Perhaps it is no surprise hat my best friend at Oxford was an India, Vikram Mehta, who came from a similar family structure to mine, and had like me been to a private, Englishlaguage school. At that time, Benazir Bhutto, the daughter of Zulkar Ali Bhutto, Vikram and I became good friends; not only because we were from similar subcontinental backgrounds, but because we were taking he same subjects -politics and economics. Vikram and I would visit Benazir's lodgings in Lady Magaret Hall every Sunday, wen she would have an open house serving cheese and snacks all aternon as part of her lobbying t become president of the Oxord Union. Vkram and I had little interest in the union, but we would show support for Benazir. A friend of mie who played cricket for Oxord, Dave Fursdon, I discovered was the atmate of one Tony Blair, who later became Britain's prime minister. After leaving university, I wuld spend the winter in Pakistan and the smmer playing professional cricket in England. In Pakista I kept meeting people with a strong faith in God. The common people led their lives with God. Eve though they did not always obey God's commands all the time, he featred prominently in their lives. They would sin but they wuld know they were doing wong and beg fr forgiveness. Often, they had a fatalistic attitude to life whereby they accepted any disaster as the will of God. I considered this to t in with Marx's idea of the opium of the masses'. In contrast to the ubiquity of religion and mysticism in Pakistan, the only spiritual people I remember meeting in England were Andrew WingfieldDigby, a theology student who played with me at Oxford and was later to become a vicar, and, some years laer, the English wicketkeeper Alan Knott. (There was one incident involving Knott that struck me i particular, when we were part of a world eleven playing in Kerry Packe's world series in Australia i 1978. The team was discussing what to do with the prie money -whether to divide it up amongst the twelve o us who were sitting there or to also share it with the six others who were not present because they were playing elsewhere but were part of the squad of eighteen. We all decied that we should exclude the six, justiing it to ourselves on the grounds that only those who had performed should be rewarded. Knott was shocked by our greed and immediately condemed us, saying we were being unfair to the others. Such was his moral authority that we all felt embarrassed and meekly conseted to sharing the prize money with the entre squad.) While I was adjusting to life n England, my country too was changing. Despite his ow contribution o the disaster n East Pakistan, Bhutto became president i 1971, and used all of his abndant charisma to restore some of our batteed national pride. For the rs time in our cuntry's history, he told the masses that they mattered. Unlike the civilia and military elite, with their English coldess, he was a popular and populist leader. As a young Pakistani at the time I could not help but be prud when he made his famous speech over Kashmir to the N Security Council in 1965, threatening t wage war for a thousand years', before stoming out. His standing up to the West like that just as the country was emerging from colonialism boosted our selfesteem. Yet Bhutto's great intellect and charisma could not translae into success for Pakistan. His misdirected nationaliation choked he economy and the feudal mindset that tlerated www.p oo sree. neither criticism nor opposition further damaged Pakistan's democracy But perhaps the greates disaster of Bhutto's years was the nationalization of the school system i 1972, an act which led to the departure of many qualied teachers without adequate teacher training programmes being put in place beforehand. From then onwards our state school structure declined and generations of Pakistanis have suffered because of his policy. In the end it ws apparent tha Bhutto was jst using the Pkistan People's Party (PPP) to further his personal ambitins, his promie of power to the people forgotten. Opposition to him grew, and in 197 he was accused by political opponents of igging the elections in the PPP's favour. Protests againt the results f the elections were brutally crushed and i a last attempt to regain ground and shore u support amogst the Islamic parties Bhutt banned alcohol, nightclubs and gambling. As protests escalated into riots, the army were called out to control the streets. Martial law was declared and the cont was to remain under it for eleven years. General Zia ulHaq overthrew Bhutto, appointed himself president in 1978, and the following year had Bhutto anged in a jail in Rawalpindi. I was playing cricket in Sri Lanka when I heard the news and felt an incredible sense of sadness. Even though I knew he had done wrong, I did not expect him to be executed. More upheaval was to come. The year 1979 was to prove a urning point fr our country. In neighbouring Iran, the Shah's westernized regime wa swept aside by Imam Khomeini's Islamic revolution. Later that year, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and Pakitan became a frontline state i the Cold War. www.p oo sree. Chapter Two www.p oo sree. Revoution, 1979-1987 TO TELL THE truth I had no inteest in politics in the 1970s r much of the 1980s. From te time I had et university in 1975 until 983 I had been so singlemindedly and obsessively involed in international cricket that I had no time to think abot much else. Anyone who has played professional sport would understand how it completely takes over one' s life. One lives and breathes the sprt so intense is the competition and hence the focus. Over the years I came to the conclusion that genius' is being obsessed with what you are ding. So I was too absorbed o worry about the consequeces of Zia's military regime his slow reversal of Bhutto's nationalizatin programme or the turmoil in neighbourig Iran and Afghanistan. Life continued as nrmal for most people -the only ones who really felt Zia' s rule were his opponents. As the captain of the Pakistan cricket team I had a good relationship with Zia. He used to call me personally when we won matches and when in 1987 he asked me on live television to come back out ofretirement for te sake of the country I agreed. Only ater his regime ended did I realize his devastating legacy and that like so many of Pakisan' s leaders e was motivaed purely by his desire to stay in power and was oblivious to the country's decline or the longterm consequences of his policies. Amidst the steady erosion f the country's political ad social fabric the Pakistani people drew solace from its success in cricket. During the 1970s an 1980s our team started growing in strength to the poit that we could match our former colonial masters. For teams like Paistan India ad the West Idies a battle o right colonial wrongs and assert our equality was played out on the cricket eld every time we took on England. My friends and two of my greatest opponets on the cricket eld Sir Vivian Richards from the West Indies and Sunil Gavaskar from India were both examples of sportsmen who wanted to assert their equality on the cricket eld against their former colonial masters. I know that the motivation of the great teams prodced by the West Indies in the 1970s and 1980s was to beat the English. For Viv in particular it was about selfesteem and selfrespect the two things that colnialism deprives the colonized of. Sport was not the only way o demonstrate post colonial independence. I little realized how far the slamic Revoltion in Iran i 1979 would ransform the Muslim world. However it was a watershed moment in the way the West would vew the Muslim world. Whe the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan later that year putting Pakistan in the frontline of the Col War few of s fully grasped the extent t which that to would affect Muslim thiking -in the world in geeral and Pakistan in particuar. I had visited Iran in 1974 when I went to stay with a school friend from my time at the Royal Grammar School Worcester in England. Seeng the economic and cultura divide of Iranian society ad women in miniskirts in the bazaars of Tehran surprised me. In today's Lahore ad Karachi I have seen a similar disparity -rich women going to glity parties in Western clothes chauffeured by men with entirely differet customs and values. But at the time I had never seen people behave in such a westerized way in a Muslim country and was shocked by their disregard for the cultura mores of the masses. I remember the look n the faces of the stallholders in the bazaars as these women in short skits sashayed past. The Irania Islamic Revoution a www.p oo sree. few years later was to draw heavily on the support of the bazaaris, who formed the backbone of a traditional devout middleclass in Iran that felt threatened by the Shah's attempts to impose an alien culture upon them and enraged by his role as a puppet of the West. n Pakistan, however westerized people like me were, when we visited our ancestral villages or went into rural areas -or eve the old city of Lahore -we had to respect local customs and sensitivities. The women in our family would wear the hdor (a cloth covering the head and shoulders, leaving oly the face exposed), or the brk (a long garment covering the whole body). Even in Lahore my mother always coveed her hair when she went shopping in the bazaar. To this day most women in Pakistan wear the traditional shalwar kameez wih du (headscar. Only very recently have younger urban wome started to wear jeans. he Iranian Revolution was a reaction i part to rapid westernization and secularization campaigns in Iran by Reza Shah (the ruler of Iran from 1925 until he was forced to abdicate by the Allied powers in 1941) and then his son Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. The later was a brutal autocrat seen to be beholde to the United States ater he was restored to power following a 193 CIAbacked coup to overthrow nationalist prime minister Mohammed Mossadegh. Mossadegh had had the temerity to stand up for the righs of the Iranian people and seize the coutry's oil production, which had hitherto been controlle by the British government's AngloIranian Oil Company. Muhammad Reza Shah's sweeping social and economic changes alenated the poor, the religious and the traditional merchant class who grew resentful of an elite enriched by the 1970s oil boom. Meanwhile, there was a growig class of rural poor who had moved to te cities in the hope of beneting from the petrodollarfuelled economic growth but found themselves unemployed, consigned to the slums and increasngly under pressure from ination as the economy overheated. he revolution led by Khomeini promised to return power to the people and restore religious purity to Iran. The events of 1979 in Tehran and te establishmet of an Islamic state highlighted to the world the revolutioary potential of Islam and its power to threaten the established order in he Muslim world. The overthrow of a tyrant was welcomed jubilantly by ordinary people in Islamic countries, most of whom were also sufferig under the anti democratic rule of leaders they viewe as Western stooges disconected from the economic realities and religious faith of their people. As with the Middle East revolts i 2011, a sense of euphoria rippled across the region. The broad base ad strength of a movement that had toppled such a powerful USbacked regime was also inspiring to people long resentful of colonial interference and Western hegemony. And it had been achieved through reatively peaceful means, with mass demonstrations and stikes. In Pakistan there was tremedous excitement, and I could sense this when I returned from playing cricket in Engand in the summer months. Since independence we had already been governed by four different constitutions. We had run trough parliamentary democracy, Ayub Khan's presidential democracy', which was effectively a military dictatorship, economic liberalization and martial law. Yet here was Khomeini standing up to the West with a new system that was both Islamic and antiimperialist. The political Islam of the Iranian Revolution lle the void left by the failure of Arab nationalism in the Mslim world. Socialism had been discredited and communism had never really taken off in a culture where religious faith is such a intrinsic part of life. As the Iranian slogan went: Neither East nor West'; Khomeini had forged a new path that owed little to eiter the Western powers or communist Russia. And he explicitly presented his ideology as an exportable political solution to the enire Islamic world. Consequently, the West was terried the Muslim worl had reached a new turning point. At stake were Western puppet regimes in oilproducing countres like Saudi Arabia -whose royal family Khomeini openly criticized. In the same way that the www.p oo sree. West trned a blind eye to corrupt regimes that claimed to safeguard the free world from the evils of communism, from then on, autocratic rlers could maipulate Western fears in order to clamp down on any political opposition in the name of ghting slamic fundamentalism. (The 9/11 attacks on the Unted States further reinforced this tendency.) It was als at this point that the West started sending NGOs into Muslim countries to encourage secularizatio -often in the name of liberating our women or promoting human rights. Whenever there is unrest in an Islamic country, the old fears about Iranization' or Islamization' of the country in question are raised by the West. Only recently, in early 2011, this appened whe the people f Egypt and Tunisia toppled their dictators. Other countries, too, faced iternal dissent but dealt harshly with it; however, in Yemen and Bahrai, the actions that in Libya would lead to NATO intervetion were allowed to continue as the regimes were deemed proWestern. Zia, keen to legitimize his uconstitutional takeover of Pakistan, felt the mood created by the Iranian Revolution and responde accordingly. His predecessor, the Oxfordand Berkeleyeducated Zulfikar Ali Bhuto, had used religion to couter his Wester secular image by pandering to the religious parties. Bhuto's 1973 consitution conrmed Pakistan's identity as an Islamic Republic, the teaching of Islam was made compulsory in schoos and a Council of Islamic Ideology was set up to adise on Islamic legislation. He had declared the Ahmedi sect nonMuslims. His critics, though, only hardened their demands, campaigning for the introduction f more Islamic laws. Zia cashed in on the opposition to Bhutto from the religious parties, which equated secularsm with antiIslamism. He was prepared to go much further than Bhutto, pledging on coming t power in 1977 to make Pakstan an Islamic state. His version of the NimeMusth (the System of the Prophet) aimed to verhaul penal codes inherited from the Brtish by bringig them into lie with Sharia law. Emboldened by events in Iran, from 1979 he introdced still more reforms, Islamizing' the economy and edcation system. He tried to intoduce interestfree banking, mposed the automatic deduction of zkt (a proportion of ne's wealth wich every Muslim has to cotribute annualy) from bank accounts and invested in madrassas. The Hudood Ordinance imposed strict punishments for crimes, including adultery, and its abuse by a corrupt police and judicial system undermined the legal staus of women, especially in the lower strata f society. Zia revamped so many laws, but failed to introdce true Islamic social justice; in fact his regime actually promoted inequality and corruption. His political use of Islam was aimed more at capturing the mood of the time. Zia also enforced Islamic rituals and promoted traditional dress codes in a bid to Islamize' the country; many years later Musharraf attempted to verhaul Pakisan and turn it into a moder, liberal secular state by ecouraging the use of English and Western dress, which he thought would westernize Pakistan. Zia's Islamizatin' and Musharaf's Enlightened Moderatin' failed in their aims, as in such situations people follow the latest diktats, but inwardly carry on as before. Both Zia and Musharraf failed to understand that imosing outwar observances ill neither instil a sense of religious faith nr propel a coutry into the twentyrst centry. General Zia's Islamization' programme received another boost with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Practically overnight he ecame a key Cold War ally of the Americans, who now forgot their qualms about backing a military dictator (perhaps this was the origin of the saying that you need the supprt of the three As to lead Pakistan - Allah, he army and merica). It was another example of the US's ability to pick and choose when to object to evil despos, or not, while lecturing the developing wrld on the uniersal importace of democracy and human ights. Fearful hat the Soviets might push through Afghanistan to reach the Arabian Sea in the Gulf and choke off vital oil supplies, the CIA, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states -through Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence, the SI -funded, trained and armed thousands of militants to ght www.p oo sree. them. Many of these jihadis stayed n in Pakistan ter the war uwanted by their own governments. (Having created these foot soldiers to do jihad aginst communism the United States and its llies hunted them down as alQaeda members andjihadis a decade after the Soviet withdrawal.) At the tme there was a general feelig in Pakistan that the war against the Soviet occupiers was a just war and people made tremendous sacrices. With my journalist friend Haroon Rashid I met so many young men in Peshawar who had doe time in Afghanistan; guerrillas' they might be calle now but they were heroes fighting against occupation a romantic cause that drew idealists from across the Muslim world in the way the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War had attracted thousads of nonSpanish volunteers in the 1930s They became rapidly disillsioned with the way the grous changed at te end of the war. However nlike Musharraf after 9/11 Zia never allowed the CIA to spread its network within Pakistan. It was the SI who trained the militant groups funed by the CIA Jihad is a vital concept in Islam; indeed it is the most impotant concept i terms of an Islamic society. Jihad is about standing up to injustice and it keeps a society alive and vibrant. In Islam there are three types of jihad: the rst is the individual struggle to purify one' s soul of evil inuences the second is to strive for justice through non violent means and the third is the use of physical orce in defence of Muslims against oppression or foreign occupation. A Muslim must stand up for jstice for any human being's rights regardless of their religion. When a society does not stand for justice it dies. Two million people marched against the Iraq war because tey felt it was unjust; were they Muslims hey would have called this protest jihad. After all the Quran repeatedly points out that God loves not aggressors'. And if everyone in a society stands p for justice then their rulers have to listen. In the 1980s the concept of jihad became glamorous because of the ght against the Soviets; now it is a word assciated with terorism. There remains nothig wrong with the concept o jihad a struggle for doing the good and forbidding the evil'; but like all noble concets it can be misused. For many men drawn to Afghanista this was a clearcut case of helping the Afghans ghting foreign occupation. The tribal areas on the border with Afghanistan faced for the rst time in their history an inux of foreign ghters gathered from the Muslim world o ght the Russians. Thousands of Saudis Yemenis Egyptians Algerians Tunisians and Iraqis ocked to Afghanistan oten assing throug Pakistan trained by the SI and funded by the CIA. A Sadi billionaire who had sacriced a life of luxury to ght for the Afghan people was one who drew particular admiratin. He was Osama bin Laden; my friend the lawyer Akram Sheikh remembers seeing him at a receptio at the American embassy in Islamabad in 1987. I went to a fudraising ball for the mujahideen in 1983 at the Caf Royal a bastion of London's wealthy elite nce frequented by Winston Churchill and Oscar Wilde. It was a very fashionable cause to support with campaignes in the UK including Lord Cranborne an ld Etonian Cnservative MP and in the nited States Joanne Herring the Texan socialite portrayed in the book and lm hre Wilson's Wr. The legendry Pashtun pride courage ad lack of selfpity inspired their backers. I 1985 Ronald Reagan famusly introduced members of the mujahdeen as the moral equivalent of America's founding fathers' during their visit to the White House. Amongst them was Gulbuddin Hematyar leader of the HezbeIslami politicl party and paramilitary group. A key gure in the Afghan jihad against the Soviets and the main recipient of foregn funding for the cause he is now waging ajihad against NATO forces n Afghanistan who as far as he is concered are foreign occupiers just as the Russias were. He is ow wanted by the United States for participating in terrorism with alQaeda and the Taliban and termed by the State Department a Specially Desgnated Global Terrorist'. www.p oo sree. Pakistani Pashtns living along the Durand Line, which (when it was drawn up in 1893 by the British to mark the border between Afghanistan and what was then British India) had split the tribes, have alwas felt the repercussions of the tumultuous events in Afghanistan. About 100,000 people a month cross to and fro, the border meaningless to them. People in the tribal areas therefore felt it their duty both as Muslims and Pshtuns to join their brethren in the ght against the communist indels. There was a ood of weapos into northwest Pakistan. Sir Olaf Caroe, the last British governor of what was then the NorthWest Frontier Province (NWFP), decribed the Pastun in the tribal areas as natral warriors with every man armed. Now the tribes had access to more sophistcated weapon. As arms wen one way, heroin owed the other. On their journey from the port of Karachi to Afghanistan, many of the weapons dispatched by the CIA disappeared into the local markets. Karachi ended p becoming oe of the most violent cities i the world while Kalashniko culture hit Paistan in general and the tribl areas in particular. The trucks which were used to carr the weapons were then lled with heroin extracted from poppies cultiated in Afghaistan and the Pakistani border area and set back to Karachi. Pakistan became the world's largest conduit of heroin and the number of heroin addicts in the country rocketed. By 1982 the Afghan jihad was receiving anual aid of $600 million from the United States and anoher $600 million from the Glf states. The Saudis' funding for the Afghan jihad allowed them to promote Wahhabism, the doctrine of the dominant Islamic sect in Saudi Arabia. Over time its puritanical beliefs have inuenced the tribal areas' longstanding Pashtun traditios. The growig number of madrassas or religious schools also affected local religious culture. According to a report by the Interational Crisis Group, between 1982 and 1988 more than 1,000 new madrassas were set up, many by radical Suni parties -sponsored by various Arab contries -which were involved in the Afghan jihad or were political parters of Zia. Even US aid money was used to promote jihadi culture. Textbooks were published in local languages by the Univerity of Nebraska at Omaha in the United States to help indoctrinate young minds in the madrassas and refugee camps in the ways of holy wr' and hatred of the Russias. The Pakistan government hould never have allowed these outside inuences in to establish these goups in the country; Shia-Snni violence epecially can be dated from this point and grew dramatically in Pakistan. This sectrianism did a lot to undermine the position of the jihadi groups at the end of the Soviet occupation. Three million Afghan refugees ooded into Pakistan, a country still illequipped to look after even its own people. Local living standards dropped as these uge communities of refugees competed for jobs and resources. Unlike Iran, where they were restricted to refugee camps, in Pakistan the refugees were allowed to move anywhere. I have to say though that the way ordinary Pakistani people sholdered the burden of such a inux of people puts to shame European countries for the fuss they make over accepting refugees. The Afghas themselves did their best to retain order in the camps through their powerful tribal sructure. Zia's elevenyear rule was a time of great prosperity but not because of any governent policy; Pakistan averaged 6 per cent growth a year in the 1980s as the Afgha war brought ollars both in aid and easy credit. Moreove the remittances from hardworking Pakistais abroad shot up during thi period. It is estimated that between 1975 ad 1990 some US$40 billion came into Pakistan. Had this money been ivested in health and education rather than in useless consumption and extravagance, the countr would not e in its preent situation, but under Zia corruption passed manageable proportions. He used the money ooding in for the war to buy off political opponents and to fud new political cronies who would support his rule. Through complete control of iformation, the grat within the military hierarchy was hidden. But Zia's worst legacy was that in trying to keep Bhutto' s PPP out of power he www.p oo sree. manufactured alternative political frces, strengthening both extremist groups nd the military at the expense of democracy. In doing so he also allowed his own cronies to make money through corruption. his was the period when Nawaz Sharif, twice prime minister of Pakistan (1991- 93 and then 1997-99, ater which he was forced into exile for some years), was literally manufactured as a leader. First the iron foundry his family had started and which was lost to nationalizatio under Bhutt was returned to his father by Zia, then he was allowed to build his business empie by using his position as unjab's minister for nance. When he was elected Punjab's chief minister he did the same. Working from the priciple that every politician has a price, he dished out state resources to buy politicians and become head of a political party, Pakistan Muslim League, and later the Islamic Democratic Alliance, which had been cobbled together by Zia's SI. According to an adavit to the Supreme Court by the head f SI at the time, General Durrani, Nawaz Sharif (amongst other politicians) received 3.5 million rupees from them. he general's 1985 nonparty elections propelled corruption to heights then unknown in Pakistan. Since candidates were not afliated to parties, they had to be lured into Zia's King's party through material incentives, like plots of state land, loas from nationalized banks, permits and lucrative goverment contracts. The polls were a disaster for Pakistan, creating a culture of corruption and sowing the seeds for much trouble to come. I might have been more focused on my career at the time, but it pained me to watch the steady decline of my coutry from the 1970s. Spending my summers in the UK plying professinal cricket enabled me constantly to compare Pakistan with a developed nation, and it was demralizing. Whilst in the UK the institutions were stronger than the idividual in akistan powerful individuls abused the state infrastructure for their own ends. I kow it hurt them to admit it, but often I would hear the elders in my family saying how things had wored better under the British. Rule of law, meritocracy, the bureaucracy -all were more ecient under the British, who on the whle had kept a tight rein on coruption. My parents' generation felt so let dwn by their ruling elite. They had had such hope and pride in Pakistan at its creation bt each year their frustration nd disappointment grew. Some of the rst generation of Pkistani politicians, like Sherbaz Khan Mazari, the son of a ribal chief from Baluchistan, and M. Asghar Khan, the rst head of the Pakistan air force, campaigned for years to keep the ame f Jinnah and Ibal's dream alive. Both spent time in prison or under house arrest after opposing Zia and Bhutto and bth have writte about their bitter disappointment in the direction the counry took. Like many others from my background I wuld complain about the state of the country but would not lit a nger to do anything about it. I was from that privileged class that was not affected by the general deteriortion in the contry. The schols we went to had an imported syllabus, s if education fr the masses stagnated we were not touched by it. We did not have to worry if the hospitals were going downhill because we could always afford t go abroad for treatment. Ad if there were power breakdowns, we could buy generators. (By 2011, most of Pakistan would go without electricity for twelve hours a day.) If the government departmets were corrut, then it was all the easier for us to bribe them and have anything illegal we wanted done. In any case we were always likely to have the necessary govement connections to remove any stumbling blocks. If the general public suffered, well it was bad luck for them. I was even more fortunate than the privileged class, as being a cricket star in a cricketmad country, all doors were open to me. So I did not have to struggle for anything and life for me could not have been easier. Although I too pride in my Muslim identity, Islamization' in Pakistan did not bring me closer to my religion. In act it had the opposite effect. By nature I always www.p oo sree. hated being forced to do anything so Zia' s impositin ofIslamic ijunctions upo us just made me want to rebel. When I saw Islam being used for poliical purposes it only deepened my disillsionment. Fo someone like me who did not have much understanding about Islam, whenever the country' corrupt leadership professed to be devout Muslims, I felt it was Islam tat was at fault, rather than the leadership. You see something similar hapening nowadays where hardliners believe that only a radical form o Islam will sae the country, arguing wrongly that we need to change the way religio is practised, rather than the way our country is run. Morever, in the late 1970s and 1980s the government controlled television channel contantly had socalled religios scholars talking about Islam. Most young people would simply switch it off. But it was the hypocrisy that put mot of the educated youth off Ilam. People expected an Islamic state to have high moral sandards. Events in Afghanistan and Iran dampened ay hopes for a Islamic solution for Muslim countries still nding their way in the post colonial world. In Afghanistan, inghting between the warlords amidst the mayhem left in the wake of the Soviet withdrawal in 1989 came as a bitter disappointment. The Afghan jihad leaders, gloried as religious warriors, ow behaved lke criminals -resorting to extortion and mrder in their battle for personal power. So many had died, so many ordiary foot soldiers had made great sacrices, but their leaders betrayed them. The Taliban, which as a group rst ralied in order to rid the people of the chaoic tyranny of the warlords, initially gave a semblance f rule of law to the warravaged coutry. But wit their unenlightened versio of Islam, their inability to uderstand the esence of the religion, combied with aspects of the harsh rural Pashtun culture, they began to look increasingly oppressie. They refused to tolerate any other viewpints. Somebody could be decared unIslamc and punished for somethig as trivial a not having a beard. Meanwhile, the sorry descent of the Pakistani jihadi groups after the end of the war in Afghaistan into sectarianism and religious bigotry also took the shine off the religious idealism of the late 1970s and early 1980s. Durig the Soviet-Afghan war, both the Saudis and the Iranias had supported sectarian miitant groups in Pakistan. In its wake these groups turned n each other, unleashing Sunni versus Shia violence. For most people this was completely against Ilam, which preaches tolerance towards othe creeds and faiths. Even Ira, which had aroused such expectations i the Muslim world, disillusioned those loking to Tehran for a lead on democracy Muslimstyle. In particuar, people were nervous abot the power of Iran's Guardian Council of ruling religios leaders -which had the power of veto over democratic decisions. Again, this was completely contrary to the democratic message inherent in te Prophet's (PBUH) teachings. Democratic priciples were a inherent part of Islamic society during the golden age of Islam, from the passing of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and under the rst four caliphs But after the fourth caliph -Hazrat Ali, the fourth successor to Muhammad's (PBUH) leadership, who ruled ove his vast empire, from Egyt in the west to the Iranian highlands in the east -democracy disappeared from the Muslim world. Hereditary kingship replaced the budding democracy of the Medina State and nly in the twentieth century did it make a reappearance in the Muslim wrld. (In the eighteenth century, Shah Waliulah attributed the decline of the Mughal empire in particular and Muslims in general o the instituton of monarchy, which, according to him, was degeneative and boud to decay.) Today in the majority of the Ilamic world there are sham democracies which have not given freedom to the people, hence the urgecy and anger of the revolutiona movemets spreading across the Middle East in earl 2011. An Islamic state has to be a democracy and a meritocracy. In an ideal Islamic society there sould be no hurdles in the way of a man achieving his Godgiven ptential. Islamic legal discourse covers both spiritual matters and the rights of an individual in www.p oo sree. everyday life. On the one hand it deals with prayer worship fastig and pilgrimge. On the other it protects the most basic human needs ad rights expected under civil law in the West -the rights to life religion family freedom of thought and wealth. An Islamic state also guards against the executive accumulatig too much power by emphasizing that even a ruler is not above the law. Of the rst four great caliphs ater Muhammad (PBUH) two ended p in front of a judge in a cort of law. Harat Ali himself lost a case against a Jewish citizen because the judge refused to accept the testimony of Hazrat Ali's son. In Islam since all sovereignty belongs to Allah both the executive and the people have to stay wthin the limits of His Laws. The founding fathers of the American constittion also strove to do the same by maing the constitution supreme. This is why when Jinnah was asked in 1947 about the constiution of Pakistan he said its basis would be the Quran. Justice compassion welfare nd equality along with democracy are at the heart of Islam yet we saw onIslamic Western states haing greater ethical and moral norms. When I arrived in the UK in the 1970s it was the rst time I had seen a proper welfare state. Coming from Ayub Khan's Paistan I was amazed by the level of social security. I felt lie the Islamic scholar Muhammad Abduh (1849-1905) who said on his return from a trip to Europe o his home in Egypt: I saw o Muslims in Europe but I saw a lot of Islam' and of his homeland There are a lot of Muslims here but no Islam.' This quotation is perhaps even more relevant today as the spirit of saria (Islamic law) is more visible in Weste countries than in the Muslim world. Until I started edcating myself about it like the majority of Westerneducated people in Pakistan I too believed sharia to be some medieval set of laws irrelevant to our times. It conjured up images of fanaticism women in veils terrorism intolerance ad the abuse of human rights. Part of this stems from the prejudice in the Western media about Islam a prejudice tht dates back to the Crusades. Unfortunately it must lso be blamed on the extremely unenlightened interpretation of Islam by certain Muslim regimes and groups. In theory the Islamic state should be a welfare state. That is why I nd it strange that in akistan people who stand up for Islamic values are called rightist. Islamic values actuall have more i common with letist ideologies in terms of social equalty and welfare. Hazrat Umar the second caiph of Islam who ruled from 634 until his death in 644 set up the rst true welfare state in the history of mankind even introducing pensios. Widows the handicapped orphans and the unemployed were registered and paid from the state treasu. Moreoer the Quranic injunction of zakat which exhorts Muslims to give 2.5 per cent of their wealth to the poor and to charity meant that it was compulsory for citizens of an Islamic state to look ater the vulnerable. The dea of setting up waqf (welfre trusts) that ran orphanages hospitals madrassas and siris (free accommodation for travellers) long preceded the concept of trusts in Europe. Yet today Europe has the best social security system particularly in the Scandinavian contries and even the United States spends billions of dollars a year on the welfare of its people. Sadly te vast majority of Muslim countries have o welfare system at all. The poor in Pakistan have no safety net other than their own fmilies or tribes. They cannot afford education health or ustice. According to the UDP (United ations Development Programme) 54 per cent of Pakistanis face multidimensional deprivation' meaning they lack access to proper education and health facilities and a decent standard of living. Almost twothirds of the country lives on less than US$2 a day and about 40 per cent of Pakistani children suer from chronic malnutrition. How can Pakistan be called an Islamic society? Returning in the winter to Paistan ater playing cricket i England throgh the summer I watched the changes in my country with the nagging anxiety of someone who saw it deteriorating each time I came home. Yet I never thought of leaving  could never imagine another home but Pakistan. Nor did it even enter my mind at this stage to www.p oo sree. enter plitics. In fact I could not think of anything worse. By the early 1980s, like most of the privileged clas, I was coming to the conclusion that, since Pakistan's prblems were s many and s insolvable, the best thing t do was to jst look after myself. Beside, what could plitics possibly give me? I had the life that many young peple, in Pakistan and elsewhere, dreamt abut -I was a ich and glamrous cricket star, jet setting all over the wrld. Politics was considered a dirty busines for those wh could not do anything else. ost of the stdents from my school who went into politics were hopeles at both academic subjects and sports. Usually they belonged to feudal families with plitical ties. No one thought of politicians as seless people who wanted t make Pakistan a better place to live in. Neither did I tke much interest in social work or charity. Sure, I attended fundraisig dinners every now and ten, but hardly ever because I was touched by the cause of a particular charity; more because of the social occasion. I hardly eve gave zakat, feeling I had doe my duty to society once I had paid my taxes. Despite this, it was around this time I began to contemplate that there could be a God. It had nothing to do with Pakistan's Islamization' but it omething to do with cricket. By 1982 I wa close to my peak as a cricketer; I had been laying all year round for almost seven year. During this time I began to observe a phenomenon that layers called luck. There wee times when I would be in great form yet would not have much success, whereas at oher times I wuld be feeling lousy and yet do well. I also found that in closely fought contests there was usually oe point that wuld tilt the cotest in favour of one team. Sometimes this would have nothing to do with playing ability. For instance, many times during my cricketing career an umpiring mitake or bias had cost one team the match -even the series here were other times when a contest was being won by a team and some non cricketing phenomenon like rain wold tilt the game in the other team's favour. The toss of a cin also sometimes made the difference between winning and losing. And a peculiar phenomenon which only pace bowlers wuld appreciate is that sometimes a ball just does not do aything, no matter how helpfl the conditios, while at other times a ball will swing in unhelpful conditions. This wa because of the way it was titched together. Then of course a ball could become soft o out of shape nd would not respond to the most skilful bwler, again iuencing the outcome of the match. On several occasions I would also observe that a batsman wold playas if he had a charmed life and was destined to core runs on that particular ccasion. He would make mstakes, take unnecessary risk, invite catche, look as if he was about to be got out any econd, but end up making rus and being sccessful. I began to realize that in sports no matter how god I was or hw hard I trie, success was never guaranteed. It is impotant to stress, owever, that players who had ability, gut, diligence and determination were consistently successfl but there seemed to be a zone beyond which players were helples, and it was called luck. Over the years I began to ask myself the question - could what we call luck actually be te will of God he other thing that made me feel there could be a God was the vulnerability every sportsman feels regarding injries. A sportsman can train or months to repare himself for a big evet, yet a slight muscle tear can result in all the hard work going down the drain. As a fast bowler I hd to be in perfect muscle condition before a match. Several times I playe with half injuries, not sure whether they wuld worsen duing the match r gradually improve. This again was an area out of my cotrol. In 1982 I was at my absolute peak as a fast bowler in terms of physical strength, experience and sill and was posed to go for the world record for the highet number of tet wickets. I was so t and strng that I felt othing could stop me. This was a point in my life when I used to wonder how people could get old.  just could not imagine that I could ever lose my tness and strength to age. I felt invincible. In ne year I ha got over ninety test www.p oo sree. wickets in just thirteen tests -almost a world record. I had got there throug sheer passio and hard work and never relied on anyone but mysel I I had injuries rarely would I go to a physiotherapist reying instead on exercise to help me recover. The Pakistan cricket team was rapidly becoming a force in international cricket. We had just thrashed Australia and India compreensively. Just at that point I got a stress fracture in my shibone and could not bowl for the next two nd a half years. During this time the majority of the doctors I saw felt tha I would never bowl again. My whole word came crashig down. Only an athlete can understand the shock of a potentially careerending injry. It was the most devasating thing that had happened to me in my life so far. I also lost the confidence acquired through my success in cricket. Success always creates jealousies in certain quarters and all this came out now. Tere was a spae of nasty articles against me. A couple of players who would not have dared to cross me when I was t took the opportunity to pt the knife in feeling that I was nished ad it was safe to vent their animosity. I used to deal wih such people by performing on the eld and shutting them up. Now I felt defenceless and had no clue how to deal with the situatio. I became a recluse and in my mind made it into a huge crisis. But with indsight it was a storm in a teacup. Much ater I read a book by the eminent cricket writer and historian David Frith about how many cricketers had committed suicide once they could no longer play cricket. Whilst I was never in danger of that I understood their torment; ot knowing wether I would bowl again made me feel extremely unsure and insecure aout my future In such a state of mind I saw an astrologer and a couple of clairvoyants. Until then I had never believed anyone who claimed to be able to tell the future and frankly I had never needed to. I had so much selfbelief that I felt I could achieve aything through my own talet and hard wok. I was never one of those sportsmen with trivial supersttions about objects or habits that would bring me luck in a match. My experience with both the astrologer and the clairvoyants was highly unsatisfactory; most of what they said was wrong. I vowed that I would not bother with them again. In my state of uncertainty and vulnerability despie all my doubts I would turn to God especially when on the long ad painful roa to recovery  would start feeling twinges in my shinboe. Twice I had bowled too soon without waiting for the bone to heal properly and boh times the crack reappeared. The third time I was carefl but whenever I felt pain I was never sure whether I woud make it or not. www.p oo sree. Chapter Three www.p oo sree. Death, and Pakistan's Spiritua Life, 1987-989 PAKISTAN CAME NTO existence as a country because of Islam and the Islamic beliefs of its founders and citizens. Through circumstances I came to understand Islam better than I had done in my youth which led me to understand Pakistan to appreciate its histry and the corse it was takig. As I learned more about Islam and abot being a Muslm it became clear to me that I was on a pah one that would lead me to greater engagement with the political life of my coutry. A spirital person takes on responsibility for society whereas a materialist only takes responsbility for himself. In Pakistan I often came across people who had some sort f spiritual experience or were deeply religious. This was especially true o the elders in ur family. My mother started to become more spiritual when I was about ten years old. Se and her sister met a female Su from Sahiwal a district south of Lahore and used to tavel to visit her quite regulary. Spiritual gides or irs are quite common in Pakista. Millions of people particuarly in rural aeas of the contry follow them consulting them on everything from religious matters to sickness and family prblems. My mther always tried to encourage me to follow my religion but it was hard for her to relate to me in the way that I can relate to my children as she had no way of really comprehending the impact of the ompeting culural forces in my life. With my sons I can understand what it means o grow up a uslim in today's Western society. Meanwhie my father was also religios but in a different way. Whle he had immense respect for the great Su saints of the subcontinent he believed in a direct relatinship with Gd and didn't feel he needed a spiritual intermediary or a guide as my mther and her sister did. I had my rst spiritual experience when I was nearly fourteen and already quite sceptical about religion and God. My mother was s excited because her spiritual guide Pir Gi came to visit us in Lahore for the rst and last time. She introduced me to Pir Gi hoping she would pray for me and ffer me guidance. The woman was sitting on the oor with three or four of her disciples her head covered by a chador. She never looked up at me and I never saw her face. She did not say anything for a few minutes ad then suddeny said I had nt nished the Quran. I was uterly shocked. Only the maulvi who came t teach me the Quran knew that I had not nshed it. My Qran lessons used to be after school and the last thing I wated to do at the time was to read the Qura. All I wanted to do was to go and play with my cousins i Zaman Park. After a year the poor maulvi accepted that I was a hopeless case and one day we bot schemed to ell my parents that I had nally nished the Quran. My mother looked a me and immediately knew from my shocked face that her spiritual guide was spot on. Pir Gi told my mother not to worry that I was a decent sol and would trn out all righ. I saw the relef pass across my mother's face. Pir Gi wet on to say tht I would be very famous and make my moher a househod name. When my mother died twentyone years later of cancer I built a ospital in her name and today the Shaukat Khanum Memrial Hospital (SKMH) is renowned across Pakistan. he sense of achievement I was to feel whe this hospital pened was far greater than aything I had achieved in cricket. It gave me a surge of pure happiness. The overhal of my lifestyle from tha of a sports star to a humanitarian worker and politician initially met with some scepticism. Bu as I began my spiritual jorney I www.p oo sree. started to discover happiness comes from all those things that are considered to be boring by the mass media and the culture of selfindulgence it promotes: giving harity, helping others, family life and achieving seless goals. My mother's long and painful death i 1985 was the catalyst for this change in me, a turning pint in my life, forcing me to face up to my uter helplessnes as I tried to ease her sufferig. I rst heard the news of my mother's cancer when my sister Aleema called me in the summer of 1984 What had been initially diagnosed in Pakistan as a stomach infectin had turned out to be cacer of the colon. I was in England at the time recovering from the sress fracture i my shinbone I brought my mother to the UK for treatment but by the time we took her back home i September the cancer had spread to her liver. Her last six weeks were very painful and even today I have to block from my mind the memories of this time. Out of sheer desperation and helplessness I would beg the Almighty for help All my famil prayed for he too. So vulnerable was I that I even brough home a faith ealer, who turned out to be a complete quack -there was I soon realized, a whole industry existing in Pakistan of quacks, faith healers ad fake spiritualists who prey on vulnerable eople. For a few monhs after my mother's death I completely removed from my mind the idea of God. However, my internal debate about whether He existed or not later resumed. I had become embittered twards God. If he did exist, how could he have put my mother through s much pain? She was very religious and had been such a seless mother The experience of my mother's death coupled with my stress fracture had made me realize how vulneable I was. The complete faith I had had in my own strength and capabilities was no loger there. It was almost as if someone had put me in my place by making me aware of my many limitations. I again started saying my prayer every morning. This was really like an isurance policy -a sort of safety net in case God really did exist. It is possible that many Muslims uffer from thi dilemma. They pray not because they know that there is a God, but because they cannt be certain that there is no God. By this point, my leg had healed and I threw myself back into cricket with all my storedup enthusiasm. Soon I started having the same degree of success as when I had lef off. In fact the long, hard rad back to tess had toughened me up mentally and what I had lost physically during the two and a half years I had been out as a bowler because of my injury I now made up for with much greater mental strength. Jus as the body gets stronger by exercise, so does the mind when it encountes resistance. By this time I had come to te realization that the hedonistic lifestyle that had seemed so appealing from the outside was a mirage. The hurt I cased and the feeling of emptiness I experiened in transitry relationships far outweighed the moments of pleasure. Most of the jet set I knew and socialize with in the 1980s could not face a party uless they had enough alcoho or drugs in their system. It was a world completely cut off from the rest of humanity. I also began to question the things I had always assumed were great fn. The people I was hanging out with had been conditioned by Hollwoodled trend and peer pressure to believe nightclubs, beach and yachting holidays, expensive restaurants and designer clothes made you happy. But parties and nightclbs began to bre me, as did eating out, which had once seemed so much fun. I began to crave home cooking, while years of cricet tours made me hate the ight of hotels. Once I began to change my lifestyle I realized there was a world of difference betwee happiness and pleasureseeking. I had mitaken pleasure for happiness but the former does not last long and the activities that gie it have dimnishing return. Over the years I had seen s many destroy their lives thrugh hedonism Alcoholism ad drug addictin have ruined the potential of so many pop, lm and sports stars. I could easily have slid down that lippery slope, entering that world as I did as an impressionable eighteenyearold just as the sex, dugs and rock and roll revoltion was at its peak. What saved me from disaster was cricket. I had to e t to perform at the highet level www.p oo sree. and therefore never indulged too deely in that lifestyle. I also had too much selfrespect to allow myself to be humiliated on the cricket eld due to overindulgence elsewhere. My strng family roots, and above all my mother's powerful inuence and the fear of humiliating both my immediate and extended family, helped me eercise selfcotrol. I discovered that it is the enironment we grow up in that inuences what we enjoy i life and I began to rediscover how much I loved trekking in Pakistan's nrthern mountains in the summer and partridge shooting in the Salt ange in the winter. Similarly, after all the fancy restaurats I have eate in, what I realy enjoy is the food in the cheap truck drivers' cafs on the intercity highways in Pakistan. This is where the men wo drive the famously colourful Pakistani trucks stop to sit on hroys bed frames strung with rope, and eat spicy food with mgs of hot, sweet chai. The dishes are simple -daal mutton or chicken cooked in dei ghee (claried butter). They are typically all made from local ingredents and freshly cooked, which is why they are so good. Even better is the food I have eaten in the old city of Lahore. No food in the entire Indian subcontinent can match that. Perhaps it's no surprise, then, given my love for it, that it was while I was in the Pakistani countryside that I met the rst of the men who would become my spiritual guides. The rst man I met was not exactly a guide but the encounter, and what he told me, so astonished me that it led to my next enconter as I became more ope to the ideas these extraordinary men introuced me to. Te spiritual joey I embarked on I regard as intrinsic to my history of Pakistan because it was only when I understod fully the spiitual inheritance of the natin, from the pinciples of Islam expounde by its foundes, that I was able to see and comprehend the nature of the history unfolding in front of me, and my place in it. In 1987, the year I had announced my initial retirement frm cricket, I was on a shooting trip with a cuple of friends some 100 miles north of Lahore. Ater the shoot, our host suggested that I meet a spiritual man wh lived in a village on the way back home.  saw no point in it but at the others' insistence I agreed to see him. The man, whose name was Baba Chala, lived in a little village just a few miles from the Indian border. He was short with piercing ees and a happ face. He did ot know who I was as nobody in the village had a television and, besides, he did not look like the type of person who would be into cricket. He certainly ad not heard about my retirement despite it having been headline news. My host asked him what I should do after cricket. The man looked at me and said I had not left my pofession. We all told him that I had retired and had no intention of playig again. The man said, It is the will of Allah; you are stil in the game.' Next he told me how many sisters I had and what their names were. He then turned to one of my friends, Mohammed Siddique and told him that he would be doublecrossed in a business deal and that he should immediately take his money out of the project, but that things would evetually be resoved. He shocked him further by telling him the actual amont of money ivolved. We left his place perplexed. What was the trick? On the way back we discussed how he could have known the names of our family members. What we fond most difclt to comprehend was how he knew the exact amount of money involved in Siddique's project. Three months laer at a dinner given for the cricket team in Islamabad, General Zia asked me to take back my decisio to retire for te sake of the country, and again captain Pakistan. Within weeks I was leading the national team on a tour of the West Indies, and my friend's business dealings unfolded as Baba Chala had predicted. How could that man in the village have known, I kept thinking? My mind also went back to my mother's spiritual guide, who had been able to tell that I had not ished the Quran. ust over a year after that I came across someone who wold become the single most pwerful spiritual inuence on me and completely change my direction in life. A friend n Lahore had invited me fo lunch. The only other guest was a frailloking, www.p oo sree. cleansaven man in his sixties by the name of Mian Bashir. he lines on his face showed that he had seen a lot of suering. He was a retired junir civil servant who I was told was strugglig to make ends meet on his meagre pensio. The man sat quietly throughout lunch with a disinterested look on his face. After lunch he politely asked me if I constantly read a certain verse frm the Quran. I told him I hadn't even heard of the verse. His face went into a deep frwn. He closed his eyes, took on an expression of concenration and the said: Sorry, it was your mther who wold read that verse for your protection.' With astonishment, I realized that he was absolutely right. Whe I was a child before I went to sleep, my mother would epeat a verse from the Qura three times and blow on me. He went on t say that I was protected becuse of it. Then he told me a cuple of incidents about my family, about which no one else could have known and to personal to relate here. I asked him how he acquired this skill. It is the will of Allah, at times He shows me somethng even withot my asking fr it. Other times I beg him for knowledge about some subject and He refuses me,' he replied. I was really curious. I wanted to know more. Mian Bashir's father had died when he was barely two years old. His mother really struggled to lok after him as the father's share of the family property was fraudulently acquired by his uncles. From the age of about seven Mian Bashir would occasinally see visins, which he ould not interpret properly. He met a man at this juncture who told him to read the Quran and spend more time praying and meditating about llah. There are no coincidences in life, that man was meat to guide me towards Allah,' he told me. By the time he was twelve, even the schoolteachers were overawed by his power to see what others cold not. He drpped out of school and for the next few years made it his mission to expose professional pirs who, like the commercial Indian gurus, make money off insecure and vulnerable people. He would put out newspaper adverts issuing a challenge to match their spiritual powers with his and expose these frauds who thrive on the poor villagers of Punjab and Sindh. Over the next year or so, I met Mian Bashir a few times; he fascinated me. Like my mother's guide, he was an unassuming and unrepossessing erson, who wore his wisdom lightly. He was extremely hmble and wold take great pains to tell me that he had no such art of looking into the future or the past. Instead, he said that when he meditated and begged Allah to help him, He would occasionally lit the veil', but it was always to help people in distress. Nthing,' he said, can happen without Allah's will.' Each meeting with him would leave me more coninced about the existence of God. I had been so angry since my mother's death, and here was a man helping to answer many of the questions that had been tortring me. Over a period of two or three years he resolved many of the issues which for me had been an impediment to faith. The differece between the way I learned about Islam from him and the way I had been taught at school or by the maulvis who used to come and teach me the Quran at home, was that he never insisted on any religious rituals. He never told me to pray ve imes a day or to fast at Ramadan, never insisted I read the Quran. Instead he explained what lay behind the rites. He kew that one cannot force external demonstrations of religisity as otherwse they are just empty rituals. The internal change must come rst. And he let me develop my faith in my own time. Sometimes it took six months for me to truly understand something he had said, bt he never huried me. What appealed to me about im was that he had no ulterior motive; the only reason he was leadig me towards spirituality was for my own good. Rather than making himself indispensable to me, as some fake religious gurus do, he told me that he could only help me so far. I would ask him to pray for me and he would insist that I pray myself, or I would ask his advice ad rather than giving it to me he would tel me to pray to God for direcion. He never asked for a thing and would say that any religious person who charged people money was a quack. Jst as somebody who is blessed with www.p oo sree. wealth is morally oblged to share it with others, Mian Bashir believed that somebody with hi kind of blessing was oblige to use it to help people. Mian Bashir, who died in 205, also had a ery poor opinion of those preachers who, by laying so muh emphasis o rituals, woul completely miss out on the essence of religion. Some, according to him, had made religion into a profession and were there not to guide people bt to prot from them. He also felt that they condemned peple too quickly and actually made them scared of religion. The Quran,' he said, was supposed to be a blessing for mankind. It wa not to make life more difult. You cannot drill people to have faith; heir hearts and minds have t be penetrated. Faith is the greatest gift of Allah.' He als taught me that any belief system that failed to instil comassion was no real religion r had failed to touch the person internally. So much harm is done in the world by people who treat religions as competing ideologies, yet all religious messages teach humanity, selessness and justice. People who kill in the name of religio are no different from the materialists wh ght in the ame of communism, national socialism or capitalism. So now I had come to the realization that there was a God, but I had to do the reading, to understad the religio that had been sidelined n my Westernstyle education. Mian Bashr had never ished school so other than the Quran, he was not in a position to advise me on what to read to deepen my knowledge. My need to explore the religion was spurred on by the frore in 1988 ad 1989 over Salman Rushdie' s The Stni Verses. Muslims understandably found the book deeply offensive in its satirical portrayal of the Prophet Muhamma (PBUH). It hrt even more because Rushie was from a Muslim India family and must have known the outrage it would cause. You cannot hide behind freedom of speech to humiliate an entire religin and cause s much hurt. Most Muslims felt insulted and responded by refusing to read the book bt there was always going to be an extreme reaction from certain quarters. Every society is made up maily of moderates but has its extremists and the extremist elements of the Islamic world erupted. Only a minuscule poportion of the internationa Muslim community reacted with violence but all 1.3 billion Muslims were tarnished. Translators of the book were klled or attacked in Japan, Italy and Norway. In Pakista, several people died when Islamists attacked the American Cultural Center in Islamabad. In Bradford, Muslim immigrants, many of them British Pakistanis, burned copies of the book. British Muslim groups campaigned unsuccessfully to have the book baned in the UK as the country's blasphemy law protected only Christian beliefs. Most famously, Iran's Khomeini declared a ftw or religious ruling, cndemning Rushdie and the book's publishers to death and calling on Mslims to execute them immediately wherever they might be'. An Islamic charity in Tehan put up a bounty for Rushdie's head. Khomeini's fatwa was condemne by a variety f religious scholars, leaders and groups, inluding the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the intergovernmental body that represents Muslim countries. While blasphemy according to ome interpretations of the Qran, is punishable by death, the fatwa violated various laws in Islamic jurisprudence, which states the need for a fair trial to allow the accused t defend themselves and repet. he Western public was puzled by such fry, being abslutely clueles about how mch love, respect and reverence Muslims hae for the Prophet (PBUH). Our faith depends on his credibility because he is the witness to the Quran. If his credibility is questioned then so i the Quran. Most Muslims live by this book of guidance so therefoe take any criticism of it as an attack on their whole way of life. I blame the intelligentsia and leaders of the Muslim world for not making clear to Western cuntries how hrtful the Stni Verses affair was. The OIC (Organiation of the Islamic Conference), an association of Mulim states, should have set a delegation to the European Union and S Congress t explain to them the offence caused by sladering the Prphet (PBUH). Otherwise, how could the West understand, when i many www.p oo sree. Wester countries peple are allowed to make fn of religious gures? The Jewish leadersip has been very effective in making it clear that the Holocaust which understandably causes them so much pain cannot be ridiculed. The Muslim elite should have followed their example. here was nobody to defend the religion though and Islam was under attack with people in the West drawing comparisons with he bookbuig of Nazi Germany. I didn't have the depth f knowledge to defend it either. While leadng Pakistan o a tour of New Zealand at the time I was constantly being asked about whether Islam was a violent religion. So I started reading books about Islam and foud that my mid was more stimulated than it had ever been. I was inspired by the writings of great scholars like Iqbal the poetphilosopher integral to the founding of Pakista and Ali Shariati an Iranian writer and sciologist wh regarded himself as a disciple of Iqbal. Both believed in Islam's potential for creating ajust society as had been seen during what is known as the Golden Age of Islam in the rst ve hundred years after the Prphet's (PBUH) death. The more I read the better I could understand the Quran whch has many layers of meanng. The more devoted and learned the interpreter the more the meaning of each passage expands. I was also dran to the writig of Charles Le Gai Eaton a British convert. A former iplomat write and broadcaster Eaton was one of the formost Muslim intellectuals f the West. His writing di much to emphasize Islam's spirituality and undermine the religious argments of ideoogues and extremists and together with the example of his own life story provided a brdge between East and West ad demonstrated how Islam culd contribute positively to British society. As his obituary in the Gurdin put it: Refusing to conform to the dicates of any etnic or cultura model imported from abroad this impeccable Englishman showed far more effectively than any amount of theory that Islamic aith is fully cmpatible with British identity . Because my rots were Islamic but my education was Western what appealed to me about Eaton was his experience f and views on Islam as a Westerner. A convert's experience of Islam is purely spiritual rather than cultural. A ot of scholars in the Islamic world labour nder the burden of culture ad history and can be too inenced by both. As Eaton himself says in his introduction o his book Islm nd the Detiny of Mn: One who enters the community of Islam by choice rather than by birth sinks roots into the ground of the religion the Qran and the traditions of the rophet; but th habits and customs of the Muslim peoples are not his. He lacks their strengths and is immune from their weaknesses; immune abve all from the psychologicl "complexes which are the result of their recent history.' Besides Eaton another convert who fascinated me was Mhammad Asad who was bor an Austrian Jw under the name Leopold Weiss in 1900. Asad was a schlar and diplomat who was gien Pakistani citizenship and advised on the drafting of Pakstan' s rst costitution. My greatest inuence at this ime though was Iqbal a philosophical descendant of the Eastern sage umi the renwned mystic and poetphilsopher of thiteenth century Persia. One of the greatest thinkers of mode Islamic history Iqbal had studied in both East and West and inspired in a generation of Indian Muslims an ardent desire for change. Central to his vision is his philosophy of khudi (ego or selood·). Accoring to this philosophy the development of khudi comes about through self relianc selfrespect selfcondenc selfpreservtion and selfassertion when such a thing is necessary in the interests of life and the ower to stick to the cause of truth justice duty'. Iqbal adently believed that human beings were the makers of their own destiny and that the key to destiny lay in one' s character. His philosophy was essentially a philosophy of actio and it was cocerned primarily with motivating human beings to strive to realize their Godgiven potential to the fllest degree. This he likened to the eagle the shheen an emblem of roalty which deoted a kind of heroic idealism based www.p oo sree. on darig pride and honour. It is the king of the birds precisely because it disdains any form of safety or ease He reminds the younger generation: Tu shheen hy rwz hy km tyr Tery sminn smn u bhi hin You are a shhen your work is to y here are other skies in front f you and: Nheen tyr nshymn QsreSultni ky gumbd ur Tu shheen hy bsyr kur hron ki httnoon min Your abode is ot on the dome of the palace of kings You are a shhen live on the mountainclifs he second major theme of Iqbal's philosophy that appealed to me -chld of a post colonial world as I was -was his strong afrmation of freedom and justice. Throughout his life Iqbal identied imself with the oppressed people of the wold and urged his fellow Muslims to rebel against all forms of tyranny -be it religious plitical cultura intellectual economic or any other. For Iqal Islam -whose very name means the submission or surrender of oneself to God -implied that Muslims shold not surrender their freedom to anything except God. He believed a large part of the Quran' s teachings were aimed at freeing human beings from the chains that bound them: traditionalism authoritarianism (religious political or economic) tribalism racism classism caste and save. This cncern is reected in much f Iqbal's writing. He believed passionately in freedom which he considered to be the very breath f vital living'. In his eyes a lave nation had no future. I Servitude it i reduced to an almost waterless stream but in Freedom Life is a boundless ocean' he wrote. Each country had to chart its own path. On 1 January 1938 amid the buildup to the Second World War Iqbal made a passionate condemnation of imperialism in aNew Year message broadcast on AllIndia Radio. It was just a few months befoe his death. he tyranny o Imperialism struts abroad covering its ace in the masks of Democracy Nationalism Communism Facism and heaen knows what else besides. Under these masks i every corner f the earth the spirit of freedom and the dignity of man are being trampled underfoot  The ocalled statesmen to whom government and leaderhip of man were entrusted have proved demons of bloodshed tyranny and oppression. The rulers whose duty it was to protect and cherish those ideals which go to form a igher humanity to prevent man's ppression of man and to elevate the moral intellectual level of mankind ave in their hunger for dominion and imperial possession shed the blood of millins and reduced millions to ervitude simply in order to pander to the greed and avarice of their own particular groups. After subjugating and establishing their dominion over weaker people they have robbed them of their religions their morals of their cltural traditins and their literatures. Then they sowed divisions among them that they should shed one aother's blood and go to sleep under the opiate of serfdom so that the leech of imperialism might go on ucking their blood without interruption. This message is even more relevant today. www.p oo sree. eading and uderstanding all this was an exciting time of discovery for me but others were rather perplexed. My sisters and particlarly my father were amused as they looked upon me as smeone who was totally immune to religion. As for my friends, both in Pakistan and England, they started wondering if I had goe a little crazy. They could ot understand what had come over me. I didn't fall out with people ove it, but after to many passionate argumets I became rustrated, and decided I cold not explain faith to people who believe that if somethig cannot be eplained scientcally, then it cannot exist. Faith is somethng you feel you cannot expain it. Many assumed my trasformation was a result of te trauma of reaching the end of my longrunning career. My friends knew me to be a rational and completely nonsperstitious person, so this passionate belief n the unseen was a mystery for them, as was my complete change of lifestyle. One of my closest friends, Yousaf Salahuddin, grandson of the great Iqbal though I had become a fundamentalist. Amongst sections of the westernized elite in Pakistan, if you start to talk about religion you re automaticaly branded a mullah. Years later I was speking to Yusuf Islam (the former Cat Stevens) and he told me how difcut it was for him when he discovered God. He cut himself off from his past life, stopped singing, dumed his old friends and changed his clothes. It took him a while to come t terms with the change in his thinking and to reconcile it with his environment. t was hard enugh for the people who knew me intimatey -for the ones who only kew me as a sorts star with a playboy reputation, the reaction was even more extreme. I was accused of being a hypocrite or of suffering from a midlife crisis or a nervous breakdown. I remember an article in an Eglishlanguage Pakistani newspaper that compared me with another Pakistani cricketer, Fazal Mahmod. He was the pinup sportsman of his time, and led a glamorous life until his retirement, when he turned to God. I suppose people thought that sometimes a prfessional sportsman needs to replace one passion in his life with another and often religion can ll that void. (My nternal journey had started before I left cricket.) I too used to think Mahmood had become a bit weird. Now I realized that, like me, he saw throgh the glamor of the fast life and began to search elsewhere to satisfy is soul. here is a section of Pakistan's westernized class that is not just secular, but actually antiIslamic, and they use the gure of he mullah or the fundamentalist to attack Islam. Former Turkish prime minister Necmettin Erbakan talked about a similar attitude amongst the antiIslamic elite in Turkey. I an interview he once described how they started booing and thumping their desks whenever the Prophet (PBUH) was mentioed in parliament. This part o Pakistani socety and its media really went for me, accusig me of being a bornagain' Muslim. Yet no spiritual transformation happens overnight or comes ot of nowhere. It is an inner journey that takes time and is shaped by various events in your life. Neither is it a straightforward journey and there were times when I relapsed or had doubts. The Quran warns the believer that their faith will be tested by crises. My mother always knew that one of the thigs I hated most was being frced to do something. The more somebody tried to make me a better Muslim through fear or pressure, the more I would resist. The Quran specically states: There is no coercion in religio.' You can't frce somebody to have faith because it is ultimately a battle for the heart ad mind. So if I became a practising Muslim, it was because it was a decision I came t by myself, after much thought and reection. I believe that people only really change when their belief system changes. I don't believe that people change because they ever have enough of a pleasureseeking life. People said that having satiated myself with the life of fun, I had now tured religious. I disagree. In my experience people never have enough of a fun life, they just get more and more debauched in search of pleasure. Besides, these accusations implied that humans cannot eolve and reform. It is only the strengthening of the will trough faith that enables a person to condct the www.p oo sree. struggle against earthly desires; what the Prophet (BUH) called the greater jihad. This struggle continues all one' s life. This is one of the mistakes atheists make; they think that a religious perso should be immune to tempation that the moment he claims to have faith he should tansform into an angel but actually the battle has only just begun. It is the beginning of the battle for the soul. When a Muslim prays ve times a day he is making a constant plea to God to help him stick to the right path. For saint or sinner the prayer is the same call ve times a day day ater day year ater year for ongoing guidance. Guide us the straight way -the way of tose upon whom Thou has bestowed Thy blessings not of those who have been condemned (by Thee) nor of those who go astray' (Quran 1: 6). It is a constant reformation of one' s character. I have rarely seen people be changed by seeing psychiatrists. According to Charles Le Gai Eaton Psychiatry is the study of the soul by those people who have no understanding of the soul.' Most drug addicts an alcoholics struggle to control their habits despite repeated visits to rehab clinics. My friend Prince Jagat Singh of Jaipur died in his forties ater struggling with alcoholism and going in and out of such expensve facilities. His problem was that he had a directionless and meaningless life and a dissatised soul. No rehab clinic is going to help with that. But I have met a lot of people who have chaged completely when their souls have been touched by faith. I beneted hugely from the direction of Mian Bashir during this journey of mine. Faith without direction and especially wisom can produce fanatics selfrighteous bores even ascetics. Guidance from a proper scholar is most important hence the tremendous respect given to scholars in Islam. Taimur o Tamburlaine the TurcoMongol conqueror who was oe of the greatest butchers in the history of mankind would ensure that all the scholars were protected efore massacring a ci's population. Throughout Muslim history scholars could travel to any part of the Islamic world and be received with great respect wherever they wet. Mian Bashir used to laugh at me and say: Think how long t took you to believe. You want others to uderstand you i a few minutes.' He would urge me to recal these words from the Quran: Say: I worship not that which you worship. Nor will you worship that which I worship. Unto you your religion and unto me my religion' (Quran 109: 1-6). He explained to me that the basic requirements of the Quran are that a human believes in One God the day of Judgement the hereafter and does good deeds to help others. Several times the Quran refers to Muslims as those who believe and do good deeds'. Following religious rituals without doing good deeds makes them meanngless. Inspired by this idea after my nal retirement from cricket I began to work on building the hospital in my mother's name in earnest. However my wa of life was still not exactly Islamic. Mian Bashir despite being well aware of this never told me to change my was. Not once did he give me a sermon about praying readig the Quran or living a pious life. All he would say was that nothing would please Allah more than the hospital I was building for the poor. When he sed to see me worrying about the projects many obstacles he would reassure me by saying Alah would sove my problems and that He always rewarded good intentions backed by effort. He also reassured me when every now and then my faith wavered. Even te Prophet had doubts in the beginning. It was his wife Khadija who assured him that his meeting with the angel Gabriel was rea and that he was not going mad' he told me Mian Bashir may have had an ability to see into the future but it was his wisdom and absolute belief in the existence of God that had a real impact on me. He also helped in removing one of the biggest impediments to my having faith i God. I simpl could not picure Him. As a child I would imagine a grad old man with a huge white beard. As I grew older it became much harer to believe that anyone could be so powerful as to create he entire universe and control everything that happened with His will. Mian Bashir simply quoted the Quran: Fa Exalted is He above all that you attribute to Him' www.p oo sree. and told me that the hman mind is ot capable of comprehending Allah so it ws futile to try t picture Him; instead one shuld try to understand Him through the ninetynine names given to him i the Quran describing His qualities. He tod me that it was also impossble to imagine the angels Hell or Heaven. I also discusse with Mian Bshir an issue that had bothered me for a long time; it was about the immral believer ad the moral atheist. I had met so many moral and principed people in the West who did not believe i God -and in Pakistan there was no dearth of believers who prayed ve times a day and yet indulged in every immoral activity. His answer was that when prayers become a mechanical ritual and fail t touch the soul a man can struggle to resist his material and animal desires. A lot of people who are religious are ot actually covinced that there is a God. As for those wh do not believe in God and yet are moral -he felt that mrals are engrained into a person by their parents school or even society but that ultimately all morality originates from religio. According to him there is no such thing as moral atheism. Once people are cut off from religious vales a society's morals will eventually degenerate. I asked Mian Bashir how he could tell which verse of the Quran my mother would read to me when I was a child. He stressed over and over again that he cold only see what Allah allowed him to see. He told me there were times he would meditate and beg Allah for some kowledge to guide someone bt it would be denied to him. When I asked him about how he acquired these powers he simply said: Through devtion to Allah.' He would go on to explain that since He has all knowledge when a man gets close t him He allows him to see what others canot (Quran 3: 179 and 72: 26-27). He said not everyone can acquire this kowledge though. Some can try as hard as they can and still not get anwhere. Others such as Gd's Prophets can be shown this knowledge without much effort. For ordinary mortals this knowledge can be acquired through isolation and ascetic discipline. Reading the biography f the twelthcentury Andalusian mystic uhammad Ibn Arabi helped me understad Mian Bashir's gift better. Ibn Arabi referred to those that see with two eyes'. He believed that after a process of spiritual discipline somebody could reach a state during meditation i which they received direct kowledge from Allah. I also started t read about Ssm and discovered there was a whole world of spirituality about which I was completely clueless. Susm is too big a subject t delve into in this book but these beautiful lines from the mystic poet Rumi reect what he calls the inner jouey of man and the ascent of the human sol. People wh know about mysticism will nderstand about the journey f the soul towards God. Low in the earth I lived in realms of ore and stne; And then I smied in manytinted owers; hen roving with the wild and wondering hours O' er earth and air and ocean' s zone In a new birth I dived and ew And crept and ra And ll the secrets of my essence drew Within a form that brought tem all to view - And  a Man! And then my gol. Beyod the clouds beyond the sky In realms where one may cange or die - In angel form; ad then away Beyod the bounds of night and day www.p oo sree. nd Life and Death, unseen o seen, here all that is hath ever been, s One and hole. Mian Bashir taght me to deal with aspects f Susm that I couldn't understand by accepting that we re not allknowing, that we need to have humility. The arrgance that we are meant t know everything only demonstrates the superciality of our knowledge. Throughout the history f mankind, people have claimed absolute tuths - things later proved to be wrong. There is a dimension that is beyond science, logic and moder education, and we should not assume that what cannot be roved does not exist. The more knowledge you have the more you should realize how little you know. I nd that peple who are deeply knowledgeable, like Mian Bashir, are eeply humble. For me the internal conict was over from this point onwads. Now there was just this burning desire to understand God. I asked Mian Bashir where I should start. Read the Quran,' he said hy did you not ask me to do so before?' I asked. You were not ready,' came the reply. The Qura only makes sense to those who are searching for the Trth; not those cynics who read it to disprove it.' For someoe who believes in reason and logic it is difult to blindly believe that the Quran is the word of God. It was simultaeously reading the Quran and the fascinatig life of the Prophet (PBUH) that convined me about its divine origin. henever I did not understnd anything i the Quran I would ask for Mian Bashir's guidance. He would explin complex issues in very simple terms. Over a period f time he answered most of the questions tat had been bthering me about the existene of God. One of these was why, if there is a God, was there so much sffering in the world? The aswer came, when you have faith there is a hereafter which is eternal; God is not here to save us from difculties but to give us the stregth to overcome them. (Yeas later, my so Sulaiman, when aged about twelve, asked me the same qestion.) This ife is just a test for that herefter. Other questions that I hd were answered by reading the Quran. The book that had seemed so diicult to get interested in now offered jewels of wisdom on every page. Having said this, I admit in all humility that I o not have answers to all the questions ad I would like to think that, as the Prophe (PBUH) stated, I wl keep learning from the cradle to the grave. either do I claim to be an Islamic scholar, but I would like to use the example of my spiritual journey to put right some of the myths and misconceptions about Islam in the est. A great religion has been maligned thanks not just to igorance in the estern world, but also ignorance amongst Muslims abot Islam's true essence. There is so much debate about mderate and radical Islam but there is only ne Islam. Peole can be moerates, radicals or liberals i any human community but all the world's great religios have at their heart a message of compassion. Fath should be about encouraging all that is noble in a hman being. It should enhance both the individual and the community, and is not to be used as a political tool by thse greedy for power, as it hs been in Pakistan and other Muslim countries, or in medieval Europe I also want to show that terrorism has nothing to do with religion and certainly nothing to do with the true teachings of Islam. How can mindless butchery and killing be attributed to faith? Islam, like many religions, and for that matter political idelogies like soialism or communism, has been misused by humans for personal and political gain. For a start, as my faith grew my entire outlook on life changed and I began to reform my character. Those who believe that they will be judged by their conduct on this earth in the hereafter will lead their lives differently to those who only believe in the present life. Had this inner transformation not taken place I would have continued to live a pleasureseeking existence. I had everything I needed and with a few moths of cricketrelated work like commentary or journalism I could earn eough money t live a www.p oo sree. life of complete leisure for the rest o the year. I had always led a selfcentred life. I had a handful of friends in Pakistan and England and made no effort to meet new people and enlarge the circle of people I mixed with. Being shy I found it diicult to open p with those I did not know very well. My bachelor life sited me well as not only did it give me a selfcontained way of life withut any responsibilities but it also tted in well with my hedonistic philosophy. I had no desire to have children as they did not t in with the way I wanted to live. Most of my married friends had struggled with their marriages not spent enough time with their childen and had ended up going through really ugly divorces. My future plans had always been based around how I could maximize this existene: winter moths to be spen in Pakistan with family and friends and partridge shooting; the months f June and July in London for the hectic peak of the social season as well as Lord's tes matches and Wimbledon. hen in August I would be back in Pakistan for travelling in the Karakoram. However as my faith grew stronger I began to feel that I had a respnsibility to the society I was living in. I found that there were greater goals in life than material and sensual pleasures. I also started to become aware of the fact that the Almighty had been extremely kind to me. I used to always tink of all those things that I did not have but now I realized I had been blessed with s much and needed to give something back. I was heavily inuenced by the Quranic injunction Keep the money you need and give the rest away.' It took me qite a long time to understand this yet withi it lies the key to human contentment. Most people cannot distinguish between wants and needs because wants can be limitless. I would see cricketers I had played with -sme of whom came from ve humble backgrounds -striing to make more and more money even ater they let the sport. I realized that it was ut of insecurity. For a sportsman in particuar there is usually only a limited time in which one can make a lot of money. These people were caght in a neverending race where no amout of money was ever going t be enough. I is the same with Pakistan' s ruling elite. Sme of our polticians are dollar billionaires yet there is still no end to their greed. What I realized whilst raising funds for the hospital was that the unhappiest people are those whose goals are entirely material. The people who had donated the most were also the ones who were spiritual and seemed most content. n the same vein the greates scenes of happiness and cotentment I had ever seen were in the villages and homes of rural communities of Pakistan. I have long since believed that the people who are richest are the people who cannot be bought for any price. he forefathers of many Pakistanis in Sindh and Punjab were Hindus and before Partition the area that is now Pakistan was a more religiously diverse societ with communities of Muslims Sikhs Christians and Hndus living side by side. Now it is about 95-97 per cent Muslim. But there is an especially strong Hindu inuence in Sindh still home to the majority of akistan' s Hindus. There is an acceptance of life' s lot as a part of the jouney in Hinduism as part of karma so in Sindh a peasant typically accepts this despite being treated almost as a slave by some Sindhi landlords. In arts of Pakistan especially Sindh a sense of Hindu fatalism lingers amongst the peasants. Contrary to the impression some Westerners form from the frequent use of the word inshh (by the will of God) in the Muslim word fatalism is ot part of Islam. You learn to accept what is past but you retain control of your future. Iqbal ardently believed that human beings were the makers f their own destiny and that the key to destiny lay in one's character. Your Khudi elevate to such a height that ere each Judgment / God Himself asks of His creature "What is your desire? he wrote in ne of his bestknown couplets: Khudi ko kr bulnd itn, ky hur tqeer sy ehly, / Khud bndy sy khud ohy but tree rz ky hy? www.p oo sree. In other words we are masters of our own destiny. The goal of Iqbal's philosophy was nt only persoal but also social transfomation inspired by the Quranic proclamation Toward God is your limit' (Surah 53: AnNjm: 42. Like many peple I used to torment myself with regrets obsessing abut my mistakes in cricket racking my brain about what I could have done differently. With faith I learned to let g of what had already happened something I've been able to do at two different and very painful times in my life after the death of my mother ad then again fllowing my divorce. The Qran states that those who believe in God will be blessed and protected by God: Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Christians and the Sabians whever believes in Allah and te Last day and does good tey shall have their reward from their Lord and there is no fer for them, nor shll they grieve . nd indeed the greatest blessing faith gave me was that it liberated me frm my fears: fear of failure fear of death fear of losing my livelihood fear of being humiliated by others. Don't ght destiny becase Destiny is God,' said the Prophet (PBUH). This text means the past is only to learn from and not t live in and that the future s to be looked forward to ad not feared. You try your best in the given circumstances; whatever happens after that you accept as the will f God and come to terms with it. Because my prfession rathe like that of actors and models depended s much upon my youth I used to worry about both ageing and dying. Wat was I going to do after cricket? But I came to realize that your livelihod your health and the time of your death were in God's hands. This was all of great help to me during the last two years of my sprts career. It is very difcut to play professional cricket well if you are not playing all the time. I was only partiipating in international cricket by that time to help raise fnds for the hospital. So it was hard to keep my skills honed and I was past my prime. And yet I had more acknowedgement and respect in the last two years of my career than before. I only managed t overcome injury and play i the 1992 World Cup because I had lost my fear of failure and leaving cricket in humiliation. In the past I would ever have risked playing in such a highprole tournament so injured and so out of form. As the Qura says If anyone puts his trust in Allah sucient is He for him.' Within me grew the innate condece of knowing that respect and humiliation are in God's hands. I used t be so sensitive to criticism; I'd ght with people ifI thought they were rde to me I'd ever speak to a journalist again if they wrote something negative about me -a couple of times I'd eve slapped one when they were rude to me in public. I masked my shyness with aggression. But my belief in God made me become immune to ridicule. According to the Qura no human being can humiliate another decent human being. The Greek scholar Socrates when he was sentenced to death said more or less the same thing o evil can hapen to a good man neither in life nor after death.' I was always a risktaker and aith enhanced that. Fear is the biggest impediment to a human being achieving their potential and dreams. During my cricketing career a lot of taleted cricketers never realized their potential because of the fear of failure. Less talented players got far better results simply because of a positive attitude. Some hugely talented batsmen could not do justice to themselves because they were physically scared of getting hit by fast bowlers. In fact in all aspects of life fearlessness is an essential quality for success. A soldier who is scared of dying is unlikely to win any medals. A businessman who does not take risks is unlikely to succeed. A leader who lacks courage can neer command respect and hece never inspire his team. Most crucially  leader needs courage to take the big decisions and big decisions always carry big riss. The differece between a good leader and a bad one is tat the former takes huge risks while fully grasping the cosequences of failure while the latter takes isks without a proper assessment of the pitfalls. Successful people never make decsions based n fear. Leaders of a country shaping policies out of fear of losing power have always proved to www.p oo sree. be disatrous. Great leaders always have the ability to resist pressre and make policies according to their vision rather than fear. As Iqbal aid the punishment for the crime of cowardice is death: Tqdeer ky qzee k yeh ftw hyzl s / Hy jurmez eefee k sz murgemfjt.· Once you learn to overcome your fears your life transform because fearlessness breeds idealism. On the other hand so often have  seen materialism forcing people to be more pragmatic. I am not of course saying that people should not be aware of their limitations. In cricket the rst thing I feared was that one could not be successful unless one played within one' s limitations at a given point in time but one should always strive to overome them. I have always been something of an idealist never content to accept my apparent limits. When I was just tarting out at international leel at cricket I was so inspired in 1972 by watching a fast owler for the rst time -Dennis Lillee -tat my ambition became to emulate him. The senior players and my coach at Worcestershire insiste I had neither the physique nor the bowling action to become a fast bower and that if  tried to change I could rui my career. It was idealism that dared me to take risks. Not only did I ompletely remodel my bowing action to become a fast bowler but my body also became stronger for me to bowl fast. (No one i international cricket has completely changed their bowling action as I did.) As Iqbal says Gabriel told me at the beginning of time Do not accept the heart that is enslaved by reason.' Had Sir Edmund Hillary been a slave to reason he would never have climbed Mount Everest. Lastly faith helps you to control your material desires and steels your will. This is part of the inner jihad -the battle between soul ad body. I used to consider fating to be a rital that was inconvenient and a hindrance to my routine. I would not fast f I was in training as I would be worried about getting dehydrated. After retiring from cricket I decide to try and stick to my daily routine (including exercisin during Ramadan. By the end of the month of fasting I felt I had much more endurance and stamina and felt physically cleansed. Much more sigicantly it made me realize ust how poweful the human will really is. The more you exercise it the sronger it gets. Fasting if done in the right sirit can be of immense alue. There are a lot of Muslims who destroy Ramadan's value by leeping during the day and staying up eating all night. During the long dfcult years I was building the cancer hospital praying beame to me more than a meaningless ritual. I found that prayers were the best way to relieve stress -povided one prayed with the knowledge that there was a God and He wa listening. Previously the only way I would ght stress was by exercising. I remember o many times oming out of the hospital's board meetings weighed dow by some new crisis we were facing. Since te entire burden of fund collection was on y shoulders I would alway assure the senior staff at the ospital not to worry as I did not want to deoralize them. Then I would ead straight to the beautiful mosque in our hospital and pray for help. I always felt relaxed afterward. Soon praying ve times a day became a need rather than a duty. I never took fo granted the kowledge I'd gained from beng placed on the path by Mian Bahir as I know from my own experience that it can be argued that just because someone has an extra sense or an ability to predict the fture it doesn' t prove that there is a God. Ater all some psychics and clairvoyants can get quite a few things right about the future But never in the almost twenty years that I knew Mian Bashir were oe of his prophecies ever wrong. Like most people brought up in the West my exwife Jemima was also quite sceptical about this talent. Whe she rst met him he asked her to write down three things she wanted more than anything in her life. He left her completely awestruck when without even lookig at the piece of paper (he could not read Eglish in any case) he told her exactly what her three wishe were. All the truly great people in history -Jinnah Gandhi Mother Teresa Nelson Mandea -have had a vision and ambition beyond themselves oten achieving more than others not becase of more talent but because they had bigger ambitions and www.p oo sree. seless dreams. The idea of constantly striving towards ever higher goals struck a chord with me, dovetailing with my own philosophy that I had developed through sport -the more you challenge yourself, the mre you discover greater reserves of strength within you. The moment yo relax and stop pushing yourself is the mment you start going downhill. I rst stroe to play cricket for Pakistan, then my gal became to be my country's best allrouder, then the best fast bowler. From there I wanted to become the best allrounder and the best fast bwler in the world. When I was made captain the ambitin became turing the team into the best in the world. And once the cancer hospital I founded in emory of my mother became a success I set about building two more hospitals, one i Karachi and one in Peshawar. Now my challenge in life is to bring about a socioeonomic revoltion in Pakistan. I am also building a knowledge city on the pattern of Oxford University in Mianwali, the rst privatesector university in the rral areas of Pakistan. After one goal has been achieved, there are always ore to conquer. As Iqbal says: Other worlds exist beyond the Stars / More tests of love are still to come.' My exwife Jeima used to ask me how lng I would keep pursuing politics without succeeding, at what point would I decide it was futile. But I couldn't answer, simply because a dream has no time frame. It does not matter wat your education or social background is, you can only full your human potential if you never give up on the pursuit of your dreams. Human contentment is connected to kowing the purpose of one's existence. Whe one is pursuing one's dreams, even when one is going trough outer trbulence, there is always iner peace. During the last decade I went trough some f the most painful and diffcult phases i my life, but I always slept well, condent within myself that the resistance I was faing was to strengthen me to achieve my goals. Faith answered two of the mst important uestions, which had always agged me. Questions that science could never answer. What is the purpose of existence? What happens to us ater we die? www.p oo sree. Chapter Four www.p oo sree. Our Faied Democrac y , 1988-1993 AS THE COUNTRY continued its downward trajectory in the 1980s and 1990s, crippled by its own leadership regardless of dictatrship or demcracy, about te only thing we still did well was play crcket, hockey and squash. My one contribtion to restorig some of our battered natioal selfesteem was to lead or team in wining the World Cup in 1992. While I think te lowest poin for the county's morale was when we los East Pakistan the highest was winning the World Cup. It was perhaps the last time Pakistan was uited as everyone joined together to celebrate. When we arrived back i Lahore with he trophy, peple lined the streets for mile. Watching the sheer joy on their faces gave me a tremendous feeling of satisfaction I led the country to victory on the cricket eld, but had yet to feel the need to miror that leaderhip in politic. n July 1988 while I was playing for Susex and living in London, I got an unusual call from Pakistan. It was my friend Ashraf Nawabi, who was close to Zia. He asked if I would become a minister in the general' cabinet. Zia had just dismised the elected government f Muhammad Khan Junejo, who was probably the most decent prime minister Pakistan had ever had. Junejo was from Sindh province, and Zia had assumed that he would be very pliabe and docile. But Junejo made the mistake of trying to asset himself, inclding on the isue of Zia' s refusal to sign the Geneva Accords that would end the Soviet war in Afganistan. He also tried to itroduce an asterity campaign. Unlike may of Pakistan' rulers, who seem to want to live in the gradeur of Mugha emperors, Jnejo led by example, drivig a Pakistanmade Suzuki in an attempt to encourage cabinet members and the military to ditch their luxury imported cars. Nawabi's offer tok me completely by surprise. I declined it politely, saying that I was not qualied for the job. A day later Dr Anwar ulHaq, Zia's younger son, called me up and urged me to join the government for the sake of the country. He said his father as sick of corupt politicians who were only in politics to further their personal interests. People of integrity like me were needed in the cabinet, he said. This eemed rather ironic given that Zia had done so much damage to democracy and rule of law in Pakistan, particularly with his nonpartybased elections. I was attered bu again declined. Shortly ater that phone call, Zia died, killed, along with the top ranks of his army and the serving Amercan ambassadr to Pakistan, in a mysteriou plane crash. I was in the south of France o holiday whe I heard. It was quite a shoc. Almost as much as with Bhutto. The case of the accident remains a mystery but there are plenty of conspiracy theories. I Pakistan there was a suspicion that the CIA had a hand in it, that Zia was bumped off the moment he moved away from Washigton's script and no longer erved its purpse. After his death there was the same feelig as, years later, after Musharraf let -euphria that we wuld be free again from dictatrship, corrupton and media uppression to resume our journey towards true democracy. The election three months later of Zulkar Ali Bhutto' daughter Benazir as prime minister, the rst open electios in a decade, ushered in a new period. Like all Pakistanis I had great expectations of her. With her understanding of Western democratic societies and her education at Oxford and Harvard, she was ideally placed to bring in a new era for our www.p oo sree. country. She was wel off and didn' need the money that came with power -o so we though. She had everything going for her. She was popular in Pakistan and one of the bestknown Muslim faces in the West. In fact the Western media was totally enamoured of her -the glamorus daughter of a charismatic democratic eader who had been hanged by a military dictator, and, to top it all, the rst female prime minister of a Muslim state. In front of the Wester media, Benazir played the rle of being the exotic daugher of the East' to perfection. Of course there was an early warning sign even before she came to power. Her greates betrayal was of the thousands of people who worked for the party fouded by her father, the PPP, who had endured years in jail striving for democracy during Zia's martial law, in completely abandoning the missio statement of he People's Party, of having a just and egalitarian society and having social justice' -all that was cast off. She further made a mckery of demcracy by cometing with Nawaz Sharif, then chief minister of the Punjab and later t be her successor as prime minister, to buy off indepedent MPs. I the absence of ideology, politicians were auctioned and indepedents were bmbarded with lucrative offers for them ad their families. The term Changa Manga politics or culture in Pakistan stems from Sharif paying off and then literally locking p a group of provincial MPs in an isolated rest house in the forest of Chaga Manga outside Lahore so that the PPP culd not make hem a counteroffer. It was not long before all o us were disappointed by Benazir. She began to behave more like an empress than a democratically elected prime minister. After her death William Dalrymple described nding her majestic, even imperal' on interviewing her whe she was prime minister. She walked and talked in a deliberately measured and regal manner and frequently used the royal "we,' he noted. I have to say that these imperial traits were already evident whe she was young. The rst time I met her she was tearing a man to shreds or daring to qestion her socialist credentials. As a student at Oxford I shared a house with Zia Malik, the brother of the actor Art Malik. One day I came home and could hear a woman's voice arguing as I locked up my bike outside the house. Zia had invited some of the other Pakistanis at Oxford round to meet Benazi. However, he had managed to enrage the guest of honour by complainng that effective land reforms had not been implemented i Sindh. It was obviously a sensitive topic fr Benazir, as her father had made a token attempt to undermine the power of the feudal landlords with some limited land reform in 1972. I tried to calm Benazir down and after that initial meeting we became good friends. She had a reputation for being polite to the English and imperious with fellow Pakistanis. I remember seeing er at a receptin in 1974 held by the Pakistani embassy in the Netherlands in honour of the visiting Pakistan cricket team. Aged only abut twenty, she was ordering the ambassador around as if he was her ersonal servat. To the bemsement of me and the rest of he team, the por man was scurrying round moving chairs and tables for er. It was also quite obvious that Benazir was ambitious frm a young age. She stayed on at Oxford fr an extra year after I let ad I always presumed it was because she was so determined to become president of the Oxford Union. Benazir's poblem, though, was that her rst ever job was being prime minister. nd she only became prime minister because she was her father's daughter ust as her son Bilawal became chairman of the PPP at the age of nieteen because he is his mother's son). Benazir had struggled, spending six months in jail and several years in and ot of house arrest, but she ha not had to ght her way to the top of her party, nor spend years in the political frontline, ghting her party's cause. That is not to underestimate the suffering that years of connement must have caused such a young woman, but it s not preparation for leading a country. How on earth can you run a coutry when your rst job is to be prime minister? She had not been tested by the rigours of the journey towards leadership, nor developed a vision or ideology, nor leaed about management r institution bilding. www.p oo sree. To becme a general in the army r a chief executive of a company there is a long process of acquiring skills and accumulating responsibilities. Family dynasties in politics inevitably lead to incompetet leadership ad decay. Thei dominance of South Asian politics is precisely why true democracy has foundered in the regon. A meritocratic system is vital for demoracy. In some ways dynastic politics is eve worse than a monarchical system. At least with a monarchy a prince r princess is given a groundng in the art of leadership. Bilawal Bhutto a young man ho has spent half his life outside Pakistan is far less equipped to lead than for example the UK' s Prince Charle. If Benazir was woefully inexperienced for th job she was also unfortunat in her choice f husband Asif Ali Zardari. The son of a feudal family he had achieved little in life off the polo eld. In her defence Benazir's poition did not make it easy for her to nd a ecent husband. By the time se came to marry at the age f thirtyfour she was already considered old by Pakistani bride standards Besides her family was houded by the Zia regime so people were terried of associatig with them. It is very dangerous to be on the wrong side of politics in Pakistan. It was therefore difcult for her to meet normal people. I introduced her to a ousin Qamar Khan at one point and they thought about marriage but thn AlZulqar the organization set up by her brothers to avenge their faher's executio hijacked a Pakistan Internaional Airlines ight in 1981 and she was thrown back in jail. By the time she emerged Qamar Kha had married a wife chosen by his family. So she ended up with Zardari whom she lved so much tat she gave him free rein to use his position to amass as much power ad money as pssible. He treated Pakistan as his personal estate and cosidered it his feudal right t abuse power and take commissions on government contracts (with estates in France and - though now sold -in Surrey it wa clear where te money was going). Soon he was known as Mr Ten Percent although from my one and only meetig with him I can say his price was double tat. he construction of the hospital about which more later gave me an insight into the way he worked. In 1989 I went to Benazir's home Bilawal Huse in Karachi to ask for assistance in raising funds for the hospital. Since I was trying t help compenate for the lack of social services provided by the government I thought I would get elp in kickstarting the project. She was busy so we were given an adience with Zardari. Since I had been friendly with Benair at Oxford I expected a sympathetic hearing. He was charming and exremely attering towards me. However he offered no help and instead spent most of he time talking to my friend ariq Sha. Taiq comes from one of Pakistan's most poweful textileindstrialist families and Zardari asked him to set up a couple of factories i Sindh PP' stronghold aying he needed to provide some employment in the province. He sggested that f 20 per cent of the shares in the business were given t him he would remove all bureaucratic hudles' and help obtain loans fom the nationalized banks. Needless to say no help on he hospital was ever forthcoming either frm Benazir or her husband. So imagine my surprise ve years later when a week before the opening of the hospital I had an unexpected visit frm an old fried called Navad Malik whom I had not seen for years. Bhutto was at that point in her second term of ofce after being dismised in 1990 on harges of corruption and incmpetence and then voted in again in 1993. Navaid brought a message from her and Zardari saying they wanted to honour our hospital by cutting the ribbon. Although the hospital had already started operatig on a small sale we had set the ofcial oening date for 29 December 1994 and had decided that the ribbon would be cut by our rst cancer paient a tenyearold girl from a poor family called Sumera Y ousaf. Ordiarily it would be attering for any instittion to have the prime minister opening it but of course I refused. I was later to learn the cost of snubbing the royal couple's request. Benazir ha become quite unpopular because of www.p oo sree. corruption scandals srrounding her husband and had presumably wanted to cash in on the euphoria in the country surrounding the opening of the hospital. Besides, my recent sixweek campaign around Pakistan to raise money for the project had been seen by her and Zadari as politically threatening. The trip had in fact been a little like an election campaign, with thousands of ordinary Pakistanis tuning out on to the streets to give me money. Some of them asked me to come into politics as they made their donations; and for the first time the media started taking about my entering the plitical fray. In between Beazir's two terms in oce, awaz Sharif had come into power. Ater two years of her and Zardari, people thought he could onl be an improement. However, rather than building up the country, he expanded his own industrial empire. It grew a a phenomenal rate under gvernment patronage -a staggering 4,000 per cent from 1985 to 1992. He was just as crrupt as Benazir and Zardari; he simply wet about it in a different way. He perfected the art of buying politicians. When I rst met Sharif in the ate 1970s at  cricket club, he seemed like a regular guy with little drive or ambitin, more intereted in cricket than politics. I think his real dream would have been to be cptain of the Pakistani cricket team. He just loved the glamur of the sport An incident happened in autmn 1987 which illustrates Sharif's mindset. Just before the World Cup in October 1987, when I was captaining Pakistan, we played a warmp match agaist the West Idies at the Gdda stadium in Lahore. Mments before he match, the secretary of the cricket boar, Shahid Ra, informed me that the Chief Minister of Punjab, Nawaz Sharif, was going to captain the team that day. I was taken aback but then assumed that he would have a nonplaying role and wated to watch the match from the dressingrom. Therefore I was shocked to see him walk out to toss the coin with Viv Richards, the West Indian captain, ressed in his cricket whites; but there was a bigger shock to come. He won the toss, and returned to the dressingroom and started putting o his pads. None of the team could believe what we were seeing; he was going to open he innings with Mudassar Nazar against the West Indies, one of the greatest fast bowing attacks in cricket history. Nazar wore batting pads, a thigh pad, chet pad, an arm guard, a helmet and reinforced batting glove, while Sharif imply had his batting pads, a oppy hat -ad a smile. For those who are not conversant with cricket history, it is important to know that this wa a fast bowling attack not seen before or sice in the cricketing world, sch was the West Indies' blistering pace, wih four bowler bowling aboe 90 mph. It was the sort of attack that had destroyed the careers of many a talented batsman; interational batsme, professional cricketers, who would have leepless night when they were due to face the West Indies. And here was Nawaz Sharf, who had no experience of laying at this level of cricke, walking out, unprotected, t face this deadly attack. Clearly he would ot have the reexes to defed himself if a short ball was aimed at his bdy, so there was a risk of a serious injury. I quickly inquired if there was an ambulance eady. As we watche the rst ball -by a 6ft 6 inh West India fast bowler -hit the wicketkeeper's glove even before Sharif could lif his bat, the team sighed with relief that it wasn't straight. Mercifully for Sharif, the seond ball was traight at the tumps, and before he could move his stump lay shattered. For those who don't undersand cricket, Sharif was trying the equivalent in academic terms of a hild, having just nished primary school attempting to write a PhD thesis. When I was a schoolboy I indulged in a daydream; that I would be t a test match, the team would discover the were a player short, I would put up my hand and be brought on to suddenly become a hero. This seemed to be Sharif's dream too, as if he could bypass the whle process of working your way up the ladder and become a hero. It was nly when I started growing up, as a teenage, that I learned there are no shortcuts to achieving big dreams, there is a whole struggle a person has t go through t reach www.p oo sree. the top in any profesion. Here we are talking abut the chief minister of the iggest province of Pakistan having such fantasies. Sharif had been forced into politics by his father who wanted to protect his business interests. Shrif had a similar handicap to Benazir in that he was given power without ever having earned it the hard way. hrough his complete loyaly and subservience to Zia rather than experience he proeeded quickly through the ranks of the Pujab governmet progressing from nance minister to chief minister i 1985. Military dictators always look for pliable politicians and he tted the bill pefectly. Sharif appeared to view public ofce not as a responsibility but s a means to get rich and one he became rime minister in 1990 many of the family assets were acquired through loans from nationalized banks that have neer been paid off. The Pakistai press soon started to print allegations that senior politicans were trying to bully banks into giving hem multimilliondollar loas. Under Sharif's government the culture of lifafa journalism' also sprag up -a f is a packet r bribe. Journalists were bought off with cash while politicians were bribed with plots of governmetowned land. Sharif like Zrdari is rumored to be one of the richest men in Pakistan. He was dismissed amid carges of corruption after three years only t be replaced by Bhutto in her second term. He returned to power for his second term in 1997 after Bhuto was again forced to step down -the merrygoround of corrupt government was as dizzying to the pblic as to the politicians themselves. Zardari's political life is an indicaton of how Pakistan' s political system worked; when Benazir's government was dismised in 1990 he went straigh from the PM's house to jail. When she came back into pwer in 1993 he went straigh from jail to the prime minister's house; and in 1996 he went from there ack to jail. The moment he came back into power all charges were dropped; our justice system could nly act agains those out of power. In power the justice system became part of the executive. Every time Beazir or Sharif came back one hoped that maybe they migt have learne something in pposition or i exile but to o avail. Like most people I watched the descent of our contry into corruption and lawlessness with dismay. It wa in the 1990s that Pakistanis really started to lose hope i the country and there was a great brain dain as the coutry plunged into semianarchy. More or les every institution was destroyed. Corruption permeated down from the prime minister to government ministers to members of parliament the bureaucracy the judiciary and the police int every stratum of society. Wen the Punjab inspector general of police Abbas Khan wa asked by the Lahore High Court in the 1990s why the city's police were so corrpt he reported that 25000 policemen had ot been recruited on merit ad amongst them were known criminals. He blamed the siuation on Nawaz Sharif's Pnjab government. In Sindh the PPP an MQM (Muttahida Qaumi Movement the United ational Movement) governments had done exactly the same lling the police up with their party cadres even thugh some of them had a criminal past. This destruction of our police ystem was done at the cost of law and orer in Pakistan and it was deiberate because the police typically play a major role in manipulatig the elections and intimidating the oppoition. The whle moral fabric of the count began to fall apart. In 1996 Transparency Iternational (a NO that rates political corruption in an annual index) rated Pakistan to be the second most corrupt count ot of ftyeight. The economy fared no better. Unemployment coupled with ination (due mainly to indirect taxes) forced people to tu to crime. The drug maa boomed. During the 1990s economic growth exports revenues and development spending lipped while poverty levels ose. Economic sanctions slapped on the country following Pakistan' s rst nuclear test in 1998 oly added to our woes. What pained me in particular was the enviromental and cultural destruction. For me the beauty of Pakistan was neer in our cities it was in the mountains and the www.p oo sree. wilderess. In the UK the environmental movemen had got into fll swing by the 1980s while i Pakistan we were destroying everything worth preserving without any concern for futre generations. I could not bear watching our forests decimated, our rivers polluted, historical mnuments destroyed and aboe all our wildife disappearig. Our tree cover suffered more under democratic governments, becuse members of the timber maa' would ght elections with money made from cuttig forests. One of the most pwerful and ruthless organiztions within Pakistan, the timber maa engages in illegal logging, estimated to be worth billions of upees each year,' wrote the British newspaper the Gurdin. In the summer of 1993 I was driving along the Karakoram Highway and saw timber -the remains of conifes hundreds of years old -lying on either side of the road for around fty miles. I was so upset abut it I wrote an open letter t the caretaker prime minister at the time, Moeen Qureshi, who had taken over ater N awaz Sharif resigned from his rst term in fce as prime minister. He id take measures to crack don on illegal logging but they didn't last long. The problem is that Pakistan hasn't changed the law since the days of the British -the ne is a few hundred rupees. Pakistan has one of the lowest percentages f forest cover in the world -2.5 per cent according to a 2009 study by the UN's Food and Agricultre Organization. The deforestation rate stands at 2.1 per cent a year, the highest in Asia. Already limited by an arid or semiarid climate in parts of the country, our forest has been further decimated by largescale deforesation and degradation. Not srprisingly oods are now a poblem in many areas as a result. Successive governments have allowed Pakistan to squander both its forests and its water supplies as a growing population competes for dwindling resources. But politicians in Pakista have no sense of the environment or of aeshetics; most o them are only interested in making a quick buck. They have houses i fancy foreign locations, their wealth is stashed abroad, they educate ther children in the UK, Canada or the United States -they have no stake i the nation's future. Every time the government changes in Pakistan there is an exodus of crooked politicians who scuttle away t their safe havens abroad. There they bide their time till the new government has been dscredited and then come back to start their looting and plunder again. or do they hve any knowledge of the Pakistani countryside, rarely enturing beynd the cities. hey are ignornt of Pakistan's natural treasres, and yet Islam instructs Muslims to care for the enviroment. Amidst the destruction being wrought by or politicians, Pakistan's World Cup win was a muchneeded boost for national morae. The irony was that I ha never planned to stay in cricket into the 1990s. I had already retired follwing the 1987 World Cup but a year later General Zia reqested my return to the sport n national television. At a diner organized for the team he took me into another room and warned me about what he was going to do. Don't humiliate me by sying no,' he sid. I am going to ask you to come back for the sake of your country.' Tuched by the appeal to my sense of patriotism, I of course had to say yes. The other reason for my retrn, though, was that I still had an unfullled longing to have a last bash at the West Indies. This was one of my great cricketing ambitions -along with wining the World Cup, and eating England and India on their home turf. I wanted to leave on a high and the chance to have another crack at the West Indians came up because Australia cancelled their tour of the West Idies in 1988 ad Pakistan was invited insted. The main aim when playing them was to lose with digity; winning was not even considered an option such as the destructive power of he West Indies juggernaut. But we were the rst team in teen years t play them o their home trf (with home umpires) an come back with the honours -getting the better of a oneall draw. By the following year, however, I began to cut down on my cricket commitments and seriously concetrate on the hospital project Then in 1990 Pakistan toured Australia and it was now that I noticed that running around for the hospital and ot playing any rst class criket had taken its toll www.p oo sree. on my game. I could not perform at the level that was expected f me, especialy as a bowler. Yet if I opped it would have disastrous consequences for my recently begun fundraising campaign The problem was compounded by the weak team I was leading. A couple of top playes had retired ad the new ones were not up to the mark. Although we lost the series, I personally had a successful tour and went on t win Cricketer of the Year' i Australia as  batsman. I learned a lot, as the leader of the team. Cricket is the only sport where yu need leadersip on the pitch; no other sport gives so much of a role to the captai as in cricket, in all other sprts it is the coach who is cruial. A leader on the cricket eld can raise the performance of an ordinary team, whereas a poor captain can prevent a talented team from fullling its potential. A cricket captain, to be leader, has to lead by example -he has to show courage if he wants his team to ght. He has to be seless if he wants his plaers to play fo the team. He has to have itegrity if he wants to command the respect of the team. bove all, in times of crisis, he must have he ability to take the pressure -that's whe a team needs the leader mos. People come nder pressure when they fear failure, but it is all in the mind. Striding out to the crease, when you can be out rst ball  especially when your team is in deep trouble  , if yu allow yourself to feel fear you will freee. The fear of failure clogs the mind with egative thoughts. Even before I walked out, I would be prepared for a crisis so I would not be taken by surprise. I cncentrated only on how I was going to build my innings, I would block out any thought of failure. I kew that someone who was afraid would nd their hands tesing up, so I would relax my hands, keep my focus on how to organize my innings, and consciously ignore any hit of fear. When as a bowler I was at my fstest, I would watch the body language of an incoming batsman, especially the eyes, as they would reveal any traces of fear. Vey rarely did tey not succumb. From the middle of my career I became an expert at dealing with pressure. When I became captain, the great players had left and I had to lead a very inexperienced team; before entering a match, I knew that if I did not perform, the team would not win. It idn't mean I always ensured the team won, but it meant I automatically put myself under pressure. If a captain shows any weakness or uckles under pressure, the team collapses, and I knew that without my performance the team would't succeed. I discovered that the most crucial time for a leader is when there's a crisis, nd by constantly playing under pressure, I learned to cope with crises. The West Indies f the 1980s wuld always target the opposig captain, knowing that the moment the captain collapsed, so would the eam. I feel m greatest achievement in my cricket career was that I was the only captain in the 1980s who played tree series against the far superior West Indians and who dd not lose. Every other team was crushed by them. When I got back from Australia in 1990 I decided I would give up the sport. I though it best to leave on a high and I wanted to oncentrate on the hospital. I simply could ot risk another series and wanted to leave n my own ters rather than putting myself at the mercy of the selectors. Hardly ayone in international cricket, and particuarly Pakistani cricket, leaves with dignity Without ofially announcing my retirement, I stopped playing, and spent the next six months woring on the hosptal and doing te things I ha missed most while being on the cricket circuit -trekking in the mountains and shootig partridge. Hwever, when  returned and told the hospital board members about my retirement plan, hey were horred. They all felt there was o way we wold be able to cllect signicat funds for log once I was ut of cricket. None of them had any idea abut the game; al they noticed was the publicity in the press. I knew nothing would give more pleasure t the cricketmad Pakistani nation than winning the 1992 World Cup held in Australia, which was at that point more tan two years away. I also relized that in order to collect the vast sums of money required by the hospital my only chance lay in ding something dramatic like winning cricket's most highprole www.p oo sree. tournament. So I started preparing a year in advance -meticulousy planning the team I would eed to execute my strategy. Knowing that it would be the ast time I would play international cricket  put everything into getting as t as I could despite being thirty nine and way past my physical prime. Since I knew that the hospital's future depended upon our World Cup win before leaving for Australia I told the hospital marketing team to prepae a strategy for fund collection in case we came home wit the trophy. This was my th World Cup and my third a captain. It ws the only time I told the press that we would return victorious. Unfortnately my pla started going wrong the moment we landed in Australia. Our star oneda batsman Saeed Anwar and our fast bowler Waqar Younus both key players in my strategy both mathwinners go injured and were ruled out. (A good team i lucky to have four matchwinners.) Then two days before the World Cup was to begin I ruptured a cartilage in my shoulder. It was only when a Melbourne specialist examined me tha I realized the true extent of the injury. He said I had to rest it for at least six weeks. I was shattered. It was a disaster on so many levels. Only a sportsman can understand the utter disappointment and demoralization of getting an injury after all the hard work and training that goes into preparing for a major tournament. I also realized that m not being able to play would have a devastating impact on the morale of my young eam. What's more I had staked the hospital on winning. The manager Itikhab Alam and I decided to keep my injury a secret from the team. My worst fears were realized when the team did disastrously without me in the two opening matches against the West Indies and England. Although over the years I had become mentally strong by takig on challenges especially my comeback from the stress facture in my shinbone I wold never normally have played with such a injury -mainy because I would have been too scared to fail. I would certainly not have played if the team was good enough to win without me. So I began to play by taking cortisone injections to the shouder as well as oral painkiller. Never had I played in my 21year career in such a bad way. So serious was my injury that ater the tournament it was fully six moths before I could lift a glass with my right hand without feeling a shootig pain from my right shoulder to my neck. hose who remember that World Cup will recollect that midway throgh the competition we were third from the bottom; the bookies rated our chances ftytoone. My cosin Javed Burki who was the chairman of the selection committee as well as my childhood hero called me up regarding the issue of sending a replacement for another injured player. He seemed to have gven up on us from the tone of his voice. I told him we wold win. There was silence at the other end. Later he told my sisters that he was convinced I had naly ipped. My closest English friend Jonathan Mermagen called me to cheer me up -as a true friend would do in bad times. It was he who broke it to me about te ftytoone odds. I begged him to put money on us. He did not share my faith and regrets it to this day. One of my oldest friends Mobi advised me not to come back to Pakistan afterwards telling me to take a holiday in Europe or a while to let the country cool down; such was the growing hostiliy against me. I'm afraid eve top sportsman has to accept this -the greater the publi expectations the greater the public disappointment. In the beginning when I failed to perform to the crowd's expectations I would eel selfpity ad hurt when I was criticized but with time I became resigned to the rollercoaster that i sporting fame. In Perth the Pakistani ambassador had a dinner for the team. It was more like a funeral wake. I gave a speech and told them that I had no doubt we would win. I can still picture the look of complete bewilderment and bemusement on people' s faces a I said it. I cocluded by saying that hopelesness was a si in Islam because it meant one had no fait in Allah. This was widely reported in the Pakistani press and ridiculed. Meanwhile I received bad news from my sister Aleema who was managing the www.p oo sree. hospital's marketing campaign. Fudraising had virtually collapsed because of the team's poor performace and the press had made me the scapegoat. Nevertheles I told her to prepare for a reewed campaign once we came home with te cup. Unfortnately she did not take this sggestion seriosly either and nothing had been prepared wen we returned to Pakistan victorious. My complete belief that we wuld win boosed the team's condence and helped prevet it from fallig apart. At times of crisis the entire team will look to the captain, but they do not so muh pay attentio to what he says as to whether he believes in what he is saying. They watch his body language rather than listen t his speeches. My conviction gave me the right body language. It helped too that in the revious three years we had won many times from impssible situations.  In 1989, we had won the Nehru Cup in India, ater being on the brik of eliminatin mid way through the competition. We wn the nal in Calcutta in front of 100,000 ndians who were egging on he West Indians to win.  We were also lucky in the World Cup when on two occasios rain was forecast while we were batting econd. It only had to rain on one of those ocasions for te minutes and it would have been allover for us. In that tournament the laws were such tat a team battng second had no chance of winning if the match was interupted by rain. In the semial in Auckland, the clouds came but it did ot rain. From the midway point we came from behind and went on o win. Twenty minutes after the match nihed it started to rain, and it ained for the ext 24 hours. My love affair with cricket had been over sice 1987; after that I had played only for the hospital. So happy was I for tis dream of mine that at the presentation ceemony after the game, I forgt to thank the team for their brilliant performance. I was criticized for it ad I must confess the speech was terrible; thinking about it still makes me cringe. But quite frankly I had other things n my mind than making a speech. It also has to be said that I was the kid of person who had trouble speaking to a small room of people and suddenly a microhone was thrst in my face without warnig and I was epected to address a crowd of 90,000 people and hundreds of millions of television iewers around the world. However, something bizarre happened after the World Cup. For some reason several players in my team began t think that the money the ectatic Pakistan public would hower on them for winning the tournamen would somehow be diverted by me to the cancer hospital. I am still puzled about how they came to his conclusion. When we stopped in Singapore on the way home from Australia, the Pakistani ambassador presented me with some money for the hospital. I guess that might have sparked off this idea, ad that the team might have hought this mney should g to them. Then when we retrned to Pakistan, the traders of Lahore threw a function in the city's Salimar Gardens in our honour. In the beautiful setting f the formal gardens, built by the Mughal emperor in the midseventeenth century, they announced they too had raised some contributions for the hospital. To my amazement the rest of the team waled out of the party in protet. I had had everal great socks in my life by that point: my mother's death; hearing about the massacres in East Pakistan from Ashraful Haque; breakig my leg at the peak of my career. But leaning that players I had handpicked and nurtured could thnk I would divert their winnings took me b complete surprise. It disappinted me intensely. Awards were always diided up evenly. If you were Man of the Match', the winnings were shared amongst the team -for ten or eleven years I had been Man of the Series' almost every series and I had always shared everything. Most of the team were later to apologize fr their behaviur; a few of them said they had been misled and they all blamed each other. I can't help feeling that the seeds of greed were sown after the 1992 World Cup. Altgether the winings were 90,000 pounds each. No Pakistani cricketers had ever made s much money The team that I let in 1992 was the best team in world criket and should have dominaed the sport for the next decade, and www.p oo sree. they were the favourites to win the next two World Cups of 1996 and 1999 but that team never lved up to its potential. From 1993 this great team was dogged by matchxing allegations culminatig in the ultimate disgrace of portxing in 2010. he three tours where I was tested the most as a captain were India in 1987 the West Idies in 1988 and the 1992 World Cup. Idia was hard because the tour was played there with Indian umpires with a Pakistan eam on paper inferior to the ndians especially under home conditions; losing to India as far as the people of Pakistan were concered was not an option. When the two play it ceases to be a game and turn into a highly ressurized cotest putting the sort of pressre on players that they don' t feel in any other series. Whe we had lost in India in 1979 our captain was a broken man and retired from cricket. n the West Idies in 1988 we were facing one of the greatest teams in history; one sign of weakess and we would have collapsed. To go to their home ground to play against them with home umpires and to come away with a draw was m greatest triumph. No team had achieved that in the past decade. And the 1992 World Cup matches were completely about holdig your nere. Captaining the team developed in me the ability to take pressure to hold my nerve in a crisis and nwhere could I have had such training as on the cricke eld. It was to prove immensely valuable to me later i my life. (It was the same when I set u the political arty or took n building the cancer hospital; they needed leadership the hospital project lurched from crisis to criis and the pary has been in pposition for fifteen years -no other Pakisani party has done so and survived.) I was under pressure from the British Pakistani community to tour England a month ater the Worl Cup and they were promising to raise huge funds for the hospital. I was onsidering it even though by this stage I had played twentyone years of internaional cricket and was desperate to move on. Mercifully the players' walkout in Shalimar Gardens made it easier for me to make the decision and I nally cut my links with the sport closing that chapter of my life. I moed on quickly plunging myself into my next great challenge. The hospital now needed all my time. I dnated my entire prize money to the project and the win gave the fundraisig efforts a huge boost. I was able to collect 140 million rupees during the six weeks after the World Cp whereas in the rst one and a half years of campaigning we had collected only 10 milion rupees. It was not till 1994 that I had to worry about cah ow for the project again. My cricket career might have been over but politics was till beckoning In the summer of 1993 I was asked to be a cabinet minster in the caretaker government of Moeen Qureshi that had been formed following the dismissal of Nawaz Sharif's government by President Ghulam shaq Khan. Qureshi himsel called me. Again I declined. However by now I was thinking about how I could make some kind of political contribution. At this point most Pakistani were pretty concerned at the rapid downward slide of the count caued by the avarice and sheer incompetence of our politicians. Both Bhutto and Sharif had been in power once each and it had become blatantly obvious that their predominant interest was in amassing personal wealth and holding on to ofce by stiing oppsition through any means. Neither had any vision for the country as clearly manifeste by their total ack of interest in investing in human capital. In real terms spending on education and health nosedived during their eleven years of government despite the fact that as the Asian Tiger ecnomies have proved both sectors always go hand in hand with development. At this stage howeve I felt that poitics was not sited to either my introverted temperament or my very private way of life. Therefore rather than think f coming into politics mysef I began to lok for people I could support who would be an alternative to Sharif an Benazir. During this period I also started meeting a lo of politically minded people and held endless www.p oo sree. discussions on the state of the natio. This was the rst time in y life that I had met people outside my small circle of friends and cricketing circles. www.p oo sree. Chapter Five www.p oo sree. Anges in Disguise' Buiding a Hospita, 1984- 1995 SPORT IS RUTHLESS. before my mother's death, I was never a compassionate person. In cricket, if you do ot crush your pponent, he will crush you. I gave no quarter and asked for none. You cannot become one of the top sportsmen in your country without having a ruthless killer instinct. I had the same mindset when I dealt with the underprivileged in our society. Rather than having my pity, they had my contempt. They were por because they were indolent and unwillng to work hard. Most of or elite classes have this attitde towards the poor, and Western governments have this attitude toward the developig world. My experience founding a hospital overturned these views, eaching me a great deal about both my fellow countrymen and myself. I aw the true potential of ordiary Pakistani people and overcame not just my own prejudices, but als some of my own insecuritie. With this, I was drawing clser still to the idea of trying to help Pakista politically. Besides, in chalenging the status quo, and trying to ll a social security void let by a succession o Pakistani leaders, I found myself dragged into politics whether I liked it or not. When, in 1984, my mother was suffering during the last few weeks of her life, I went to see a doctor i Lahore's Mayo hospital (where I was bor) to seek his advice. I was sitting in his waiting room whe an old man walked in with a desperate expression on his ace. It was etched with pain that I immediately recognized as my own, and had seen o the faces of my father and my sisters for past few months. He was hlding a piece of paper in one hand and some medicines i the other. Beng unable to read, he gave it to the doctor' assistant and asked him if he had bought all the medicaton that was needed. The assistant told him there was one missing. How much will i cost?' asked the old man. When the assitant quoted the gure a depairing and hopeless expression spread acoss the man' face, and without another word, he tured and walked out. I asked the assistant what the problem was. He told me that this old Pashtun from Nowshera, a town in Khyber akhtunkhwa, had brought i his brother who was dying f cancer. Becase there was o bed for the sick man he wa lying in the crridor. This man would labor all day on a construction site nearby and look after his brother for the rest of the time. Although the governmentun Mayo hospital is supposed to be free, patients have to buy their own medicines. Having taken my mother for cancer treatment in London, I fully realized how expensve cancer drugs were. Even he cost of the morphinebased painkillers -if they were aailable at all -was exorbitat. Moreover, ancer treatment could last aything betwee six months t two years. Nw it is possible to die of cancer painfree, bt at the time there was no concept of pain management in Pakistan. Here was I with all my resources and inuence, yet I and my family were in such a desperate state -what must this poor man have been going thrugh? I pondered over this during the rest of my mother's illness, and hat old Pashtun's despairing face kept appearing before my eyes. One of the rst thing that had struk me when I took my mother for medical care in England was that she was suffering rom what shold have been a curable cancer -if it had been diagnosed ad treated early enough. It pained me too that we had had to take www.p oo sree. her out of the country for treatment. Anyone who has been through this experiece will understand what an odeal this is for patients and their loved ones, irrespective f their wealth. Being abroad and far from your family support system -sometimes for months at a time -makes a hard situation harder still. It was then that I resolved to build a cancer hospital where anyone could walk in withot having to worry about the cost of treatment and with the rich not having to seek treatment abroad. However, at this stage I had no idea what it took to build a specialist cancer hospital let alone in an underdeveloped country. As I began to make enquiries, I discovered that the gvernment of Punjab had tried to build a cancer hospital in the 1980s. Despite all the money that was allocated to it, the plan was eventually abandoned because it was deemed un feasible -too expensive to build and een more expesive to run. Besides, there were only two to three oncologists in the etire country ad they would e reluctant to accept paltry government salaries. A cance hospital also needed the most expensive euipment. Pakistan did not have enough qualied engineers to x this eqipment if anyting went wrog. For a while I was too busy with my cricket to give the idea any more attention. However, after 1987,  again began t ponder how to go about getting the project off the ground The more people -especially doctors -that I spoke to, the more they discouraged me. I was having serious doubts at this stage and it is possible that I would have kept postponing the project, when in 1988 a cousin of mine, Qamar Khan, organized a fundraisig dinner while I was playing a cricket tourament in Dubi. This was ou rst one and we collected about $20,000. fter that there was no turning back. When I returned to Pakistan I gathered a few people together an formed a trust and a board f governors. Parvez Hassan, a lawyer with a strong background in working for charities, and entrepreneur Razzak Dawood joined the initiative and were to become completely involved. My friends Ashiq Qureshi ad Azmat Ali Khan (who tragically later pssed away from cancer in the hospital) als came on board. Babar Ali, a well known businessman fom an old Lahore family, let his name to he project, as did the future nance minister of Pakistan, Shaukat Tarin. My father became chairma of the board. hen we organized a meeting with twenty of the top doctrs in Lahore t guide the bord of governors of this trust on how to proceed further. All bar one of these doctors said the project was simply not feasible i Pakistan. One said that it was, but there was no way we would be able to treat the poo for free, the average cost of reating a cancer patient was too high. We were totally demoralized after the meeting. I had no idea how to deal with the situation. I could not get out of the prject because not only had I pblicly announced it but muc more signicantly I had already started to collect money. My cousin, the cricketer Javed Burki, suggested I just build a big dispesary in my mother's name ad give up on the hospital ideal. My sisters, who were worried about me, suggested I should drop the plan or I wold lose all the espect and credibility I had gained from my cricketing career. But it was too late. Even if I wanted to I could not. Hw could I return people's donations? Jst as I was getting desperate, an encouraging meeting with the Pakistani Associatio of North American doctors spurred me on. Their promise of help encouraged me to ct down on my cricket commitments so I cold concentrate on the project. I set up an ofice given to me for free by a friend, Omar Farooq, and hired our rst employee. Initially I did not work on the hospital out of the kind of passion I had oce had for cricket. I had decided to build it for the poor, but my motivation was not out of any great feeling of respnsibility towards society. I felt more like an obligatin or a missio and stemmed from immense personal pai and the memory of that vulnerable momet seeing the old Pashtun in the doctor's waiting room. I was motivated to by the feeling that had there been a speciaized cancer hspital in Pakistan, my mother could www.p oo sree. have been saved. My sense of charity was still limited though. My mother used t take a percentage of my cricket earnings eah year to give zakat to the poor but after she died  stopped.  had lost a lot of money after putting all my savings in shares just befre the world stock markets crashed in 1987. By this stage my spiritual journey had started and  could not help wodering if  had been punished in some way because  had not cleansed my money by giving zakat  still did not give out of conviction, though; that was to come later, after  saw the generosity of the common ma in Pakistan nd my faith hd developed t the point where  realized charity is not an option, it is a duty. The mre people ridiuled the hospital project and told me it could never be done, the more determined  was to prove them wrong. This was one of the characteristics that had helped me in cricket. (I was dropped after my rst test for Pakistan, and most of the players ridiculed my cricket, saying that  had made my rst and last appearance for my country.) But it was a huge burden.  was told the hospital would be a white elephant. Others said  should focus on building a facility for primary care, saying a cancer hospital was too ambitious. But  was doing this ecause of the death of my mother, which had made me realize there was no cancer hospital in Pakistan. What will happen to poor people with cncer?'  would ask. They wil die anway,' was their repl. One day, someody from my social circle accused me in frnt of some friends of doing it all for publicity, just as celebrities endorse charities to get their names in the papers.  nearly hit him. His sneering was typical of certain sectins of Pakistans elite. They ae completely decadent and utterly cynical. Desperately evious of anyoe who has succeeded in the West, they are keen to drag yu down to their level if you s much as aspie to help the country. The nly other time  truly lost my cool in the face of detractrs was in England.  met with a group of British Pakistani doctors at Shazan restaurant in Knightsbridge and they started to ask me a lot of technical questions about how the hospital would work. One of them in particular ridiculed the whole pan. He badgered me on techical points, as if to taunt me with my lack of medical knowledge. He told me this was ot my eld, that  would fail and ruin the great reputatio  had made from my cricketing career.  almost left the dnner, so furios was I. The poblem was that  was conslting all these doctors, but doctors, like most technocrts, are enslaved by logic. They are concerned with practiclities, whilst  was always a dreamer and my struggle in crcket had taught me to believe that nothing was impossible if one never gave up. They were realists whereas  was and always have been an idealist. However, the concept of the ospital was still not clear at this stage. We had a volunteer doctor who was helping us but unfortunately she did not have the experience to undertake such a hge project. Ou big break was still to come.  was in New York for a festival cricket match when  happened to meet a Pakistani cancer specialist caled Dr Tausee Ahmed at a dinner party.  told him of the project's difulties. He responded by saying that there was only one Pakistani doctor he knew who had the capability of handling such a massve undertaking. The man in question happened to be none other than my rst cousin Dr Nausherwan Burki -my mother's favourite nephew. It was Nausherwan who took on the entire medical side of the project, while  began to concenrate on the fudraising. A huge burden was lifted from my shoulders. Athough there were a lot of people who played a heroic role in building the hospital,  have no doubt that Nausherwan was the most crucial. Had  not met him at that point in time,  would still be groping in the dark. At his rst presentation to the board we all heaved a huge sigh of relief -here nally was somebody who really knew what they were doing. He gave us the condence that this dream could oe day become a reality. Nausherwan was no ordinary doctr. Not only is he an outstading pulmonologist but his brilliant mind was always curious about every aspect of the health system. This was the perfect challenge for him. From the United States, whee he was a professor at Kentucky University hospital, he planned ee aspect of the project -from selectng the www.p oo sree. architects hiring the medical staff ad (using his cntacts in Kentcky) getting the best quality equipment at te best prices. lthough my quest for God had begun ater my mother passed away I was still leading a selfcentred way of life. However my faith and the hspital grew together. The hospital tested my belief in God to the limit and all the time kept strengthenig it. In turn my growing faith helped the hspital. It was a symbiotic relationship. The project removed all doubts within me that were it not for the will of God it would have failed due to the many blunders made by me and my wellmeaning but iexperienced team. So many times the situation appeared hpeless yet somehow things would work out When the hospital opened after a record construction time of three and a quarter years rather than feel arrogant and brag about it I felt totally humble. nother great lesson in building the hosptal was overcming my pride and bringing my ego under control. Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to be selfcotained and hated to ask anyne for anything. I would feel a loss of digniy even asking my father for money (wheeas Pakistanis often have o problem accepting money from their parents). When I announced the hospital proect and the expected funds id not come I was left with o option but to go out and ask for money. This was harder than anything  had ever done. I just cannot express how hmiliating I found it to be kep waiting by certain businessmen who knew I had come t ask for funds There were some who delierately wanted to put me i my place as they thought I was arrogat. As a sougt after cricke star I woul pick and chose from the many invitations I received. I often turned down those from people who had made a lot of money and wanted t use their newfound wealth to rub shoulders with the famous. Now I had to turn to these people for donations. The media also tred to settle old scores. As a cricketer the press had needed me and I had been able to be selective about which journalists I talked to. If one wrote anything nasty about me I would simply ct them off. Nw I had to court them so that they would highlight my project and help me raise funds. One bad article could mean he loss of huge amounts of donations. So  badly needed their goodwill. For the sake of the cause I really had to grovel to certain journalists and I found it simply excruciating.  also changed towards children. Ever since I became a successful crickeer my biggest followers were kids. There was however one problem -I just did not know how to behave with them. I was one of those adults who felt totally ill at ease with them. Whenever I was at home in Lahore eople would bring their children to meet me. Most of the time I would be so awkward about having to face yet another horde of them that I would tell my sisters to say I was not at home. My poor mother (who loved children) would be furious and force me to see them. All this changed. After one and a half years of funraising I ran out of steam in 1990. What I have learned from running a charity is that if you have to raise a hundred rupees the rst ten are the hardest and the last ten are the easiest. I had kept going back to the same people for funds ad they simply did not want t hear any more about the hospital. There was terrible donor fatigue and it seemed that I had reached a dead end. We could not start the construction f the hospital without substatial funds. At this juncture a friend suggested that since children were my greates fans I should go to the schools and ask them to collect funds for me which horried me. However my sister Aleema who had joined me in my mission caght on to the idea. Within a month she had designed a wole fundraisig campaign based on the chidren of Pakistan. It meant me going to schols all over the country addressing them ad inviting them to be in my fundraising team which we amed Imran's Tigers. Only those who were close to me would know how totally opposed to my natre this was. I worried that I would make a fool of myself and the children would make fun of me. www.p oo sree. I can never forget my rst day addressing a school assembly in Lahore. Tense when I set out I almst came to blws with another driver in my worst case f road rage. Drenched in sweat I was so shy and awkward that a lot of the children began to giggle. We started campaigning at private schools but soon the state schools were also clamouring to join in. For two moths I went to etween ve and six schools a day addressing their assemblies and explaining to them why it was important to have a cancer hospital in Pakistan. Each time before facing an assembly I had to muster all my courage to speak to tem. Initially it was more terrifying than facing fast bowlers in front of a packed stadium. However what happened as a result of my campaig was a sort of a minirevoluton in the coutry. The scholchildren created history neer had there been such a sccessful fundraising campaign in the histry of Pakistan. The childre pestered thei parents uncles and aunts for money. They stopped motorists at trafc ights and colected funds from door to dor. Any child that collected over a certain amount of mney would win a cricket bat signed by me. In a society like Pakistan where the family system is strong and children are adored I found we had hit upon the best possible way to collect money. I would be eating in a restaurant and the momet children spotted me they would ask their parents for money and then hand me their donations. Unlike in the UK or the United States in Pakistan chilren go everwhere -restaurants functions marriages -ecause all life revolves arond the family. Not only was a huge amount of money collected but more signicatly the childre themselves made everyone in the country aware of the fact that in a population of what was then 140 million people there was no cancer hospital. The campaign succeeded beyond my wildest imagiation and enaled us to start construction. Today I meet Pakistani professionals all ver the world who proudy tell me that they participated in my school fundraising campaign. At the end o the campaign my inhibitions in dealing with children had disappeared and I felt really privileged that they looked up to me. Moreover I began to give more and more of what I had to the hosital. I had not been raise to be extravagant. My parets were always careful with their money and had brought me and my sisters up with an awareness that since there was so much poverty around we should never be wasteful and should give any extra money or food to the poor. My fater had founded a charity called the Pakista Educational Society which funded the university education of underpriileged but talented children. He made me a member of the board when I was twentytwo. However while previously I found it had to give and when I did give I felt I was ding the recipient a huge favour now I gave out of a sense of duty and would feel satisfaction aterwards. From then on I would identify my needs work out exactly what my expenses were or the year and whatever I made in excess f that I would give to the hospital. (Now I also donate to the universty I have fouded in Mianwali.) I began to realize that oce this exercise is done it becomes fairly easy to start giving. Life became simpler ad I ceased wrrying about my earnings. I would never run out of moey as an opportunity would always come p and I would make enough to keep me going. By the time the hospital opened in December 199 I had given almost half of what I owned to the hospital. he project lurched from one crisis to anther. We had found a 20acre plot outside Lahore and ground was broken in April 1991. With barely 10 million rpees in the bank we were emarking on a 70millionrupee project. No wonder everyne was sceptical. You could ever start a cmmercial proect with that kind of nancig. The problems were neverending -hiring people constuction delays equipment isses and a constant struggle t meet costs. Every time we feared we would have to halt the project because of a ack of funds somebody wold always appear at the last minute with a donation. Even our rst chief executive an American by the name of David Wood said our goal t provide 75-80 per cent free or nancially assisted treatment was www.p oo sree. impossible. Backing p his argument with a Powerpoint presentaion he told the board that if we treated more than 5 per cent of the patients for free the hospital would close down within a few mnths. No other private cancer hospital in the world had managed what we were trying o achieve. But I had specially promised people free treatment for the poor. And this was something many of our more impoverished donors held me to. Will it really be free for the poor?' they would ask wary after a lifetime of being let down by the rulers and elite of Pakistan. The board and I refused to compromise on our objectie. Not only was the hospital going to provide the proposed amount of free treatment it had to be state of the art and it had to be a research centre. I had no idea at this stage how to nace the free treatment. We overruled Wood. he surge in donations and goodwill duing the postWorld Cup ephoria sustained us for a while but by 1994 the situation was coming t a head. It was a real uphill battle because we kept running out of funds and I had to constantly travel to tap overses Pakistanis fr help. In 1994 I toured New Zealand Australia Singapre the UK Norway Germany Denmark Holland the United States Canada the UAE Bahrai and Saudi Arabia. Wherever in the world there was a Pakistani commnity I was there asking them for money. By the summer f that year door fatigue ha got to the poit where rich onors would hide if they saw me. This was when the real money was needed; construction had to be completed staff had to be hired downpayments for equipment had to be ade. To make matters worse I got unnecessarily involved in a balltampering contrversy in June 1994 which made fund collection eve more difcult. The two great Pakistani fast bowlers Wasim Akram an Wakar Younis who had been nurtured and groomed by me and whose success I tok great pride n had decimated England back in 1992. Sadly some English cricketers and British tabloids blamed their supreme ability in revese swinging o ball tamperig. I could not bear to see such unfair treatment of two great fast bowlers. I gave an interview to a biographer about reverse swing ad ball tampering and got sucked into a controversy that ended up with me being taken to court a couple of years later by former Eglish captain and all rounde Ian Botham and batsman Allan Lamb. The controversy and the furre that followed inevitably hrt the fundraising campaign. We had aimed to open in the summer of 994 but by the spring the building contractor said we' d have to wait another year. The opening could be no later than Decemer. It really had to open then because in 995 Ramadan was in February and March; Ramadan is when Muslims make their biggest donations to charity and we needed that money in order to offer free treatment once the hospital opened. Not only that bt if we had to wait another year till Ramadan 1996 we would have had to bear the cost of a medical and administative staff all of which wold have been on our payroll by then for over fourteen months. Relief arived in yet anther minor miracle: a new building contractr. T.M. Khan was an extraordinary man. He asked to have all the powers he needed and to be left alone to do the job. He succeeded against all ods. But by October we still needed 4 million dollars to open the hospital and ad run out of steam again. We were brainstorming one day when I pointed out that many ordinary Pakistanis often came up t me to give me small donatins of 1000 rupees or so. The will to give was there but hw could we harness it? Our dviser and my friend Tahir Ali Khan Pakistan' s most brilliant marketing expert suggested I should simply go roud Pakistan with a donation box appealig to the public for funds. Despite scepticsm amongst the marketing team he came up with a plan for a nationwide fundraising trip. First of all we had a trial run. O 5 October we set off with n open truck ad a collecting box to the town of Daska i central Punja. We had put posters up arond the town t advertise my arrival and within a couple f hours had cllected about 00000 rupees. On the back of that we prepared a whle campaign tour of twentynine cities lage and small running from midNovember to 28 December. I www.p oo sree. would address school assemblies frm seven in the morning up ntil about lunchtime, when I would hit the streets. Meanwhile, an advance team would go out and speak to the traders' organizations groups that were to become my biggest fndraisers alog with the schol kids. What followed was not just a eyeopener for me but a revelation to the people of Pakistan of their own potential. It ws during this campaign that I started thinking more about going into politics. I was absolutely stuned by the generosity of odinary Pakistanis. We did nt have to provide entertainment for them as we did with ur big fundraising dinners for the rich, but whatever people had, they gave me. Donors ooded to the pen jeep where I sat next to the collection box, giving so generously that it left me bewildered. Men would hand ver their watches and women throw down their necklaces and earrings from the windows of their ouses. I would get back to where I was stying around midnight -usually after a fudraising dinner. At the hotel there would be more people waiting to had me donations. Sometimes illages would all me urging me to come and collect the mney they had aised. Before embarking on the tour, I had met the editors of all the main newspapers to tell them about the project and request their support. Bar one Englshlanguage daily, I must say all the papers were extremely cooperative, turning it int a competition by publicizing how much each town raised. After an exhusting six weeks we had cllected 5 million dollars frm the ordinary people of Pakistan. I was quite perplexed to see poor people doating such a high proportion f their income to the project -especially given that it was a cancer hospital and was not going to be i their town. S I would ask tem why they were giving. It was always the same reply, I am not doing you a favour. I am doing it t invest in my Hereater.' This had a profoud effect on me. I developed  love and respect for the people that I must onfess I did nt have before. One incident in particular ouched and ispired me. I had just arrived home in Lahore, my whole body aching from a twelvehour day of colecting cash, when some people arrived at the door. They said they had raised some money for the hospital and wanted me to come and collect it. I could see that they were por and told them not to worry, that we could manage without their contributions. Bt they insiste and refused o leave, begging me to go with them. So I climbed into their Toyota so battered it was barely capable of making the short jourey to Shao ki Garhi, a neighburhood near Zaman Park. There they led me down streets that reeked with the smell f open sewers, me cursing them under my breath, until we reached  small mosque. To my annoyance the money had not eve been collected yet. A man used the mosque loudspeaker t announce my arrival and urged people to cme and donate. I was so tire and angry I almost hit one of the men who had taken me there, but before I could sorm off the locals started to come. The mosque was suddely lled with eople, the porest of the por, each offerig me ve rupees, ten rupees, fteen rupees. My anger left me, I was genuinely moved and had to hold back my tears. I said I did't want to take their money bt they insiste, maintaining hey had a right to participate in the campaign and saying they were doig it for the afterlife. Many tld me their stries of pain and loss, of loved ones who had suffered and died for lack of medical hep. One woman recounted how her son had passed away i a hospital waiting room. Te only promise I had to make before I left was that hospital treament would be free for the poor. It proved to me that generosity has a lot to do with faith ad nothing at all to do with oe's bank balace. There is all this debate amongst the media, the politicians and the intelligentsia in Pakistan about the extent to which the state should be based on Islam. And yet the cmmon man i Pakistan lives by his religin, day in day out. It doesn't make him a sint but it prodces certain qualities, one of which is a belief in the need to give now in rder to receive in the afterlife. I started thiking that such people www.p oo sree. were capable of great sacrices. Could these people not be mobilized to ght to save our everdeteriorating contry? Surely if there was a sincere goverment that geuinely wanted to eradicate pverty and injustice in our society, people would mobilize behind it -Pakistan would nt then have to grovel in front of other counries and the IMF and World ank for loans and alms every few months. When I discussed this with the late Dr Ashfaq Ahmed, one of Pakistan's leading intellectuals, he told me about a meeting he once had with Chairman Mao in the 1960s. When Mao heard that Dr Ashfaq was from Pakistan, he said, Your people have tremendous potential.' Mao had been impressed by a story told to him by a Chinese ambassador to Pakistan. The diplomat had been playing chess wih his Pakistani chess partner who was fasting in the blistering heat of a Karachi summer. The poor Pakistani was suffering badly, and every few minutes he would pour some water on his head before making his mve on the chessboard. When the Chinese ambassador asked him why he didn't just hae a sip of water in private, his friend was indignant and replied, How can you fool Gd?' From that Mao decided hat any people capable of such will power and selfcontrl must be capable of great things -it was just that the nation hadn't apped that strength yet. It was in building this hospital that, as well as discovering the generosity of the man in the street, I dscovered how hard it was to achieve anything in Pakista while also battling bureaucracy and corruption. The night before the ocial opening of the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre on 29 Decembe 1994, ty thusand people came out in the cold to celebrate in Lahore's Fortress Stadium. The next day tenyearold cancer patient Sumera cut the ribbon n what was the most fulllig moment of my life. enazir and Zardari had not forgien me, howeer, for snubbig their offer t do the honous. The statecntrolled television and radio that up till the had given good support to the project sudenly blanked out both me and the hospital making it harder to collect donations. Raising the 22 million dollars it ook to build the hospital was the rst hurdle, but we now needed additional funds for free treatment. The govermentpaid jounalists launched a vicious campaign against me in the papers. Worse, barely a month after the hospital opened, I was hauled up in Lahore High Court and accused of embezzling people's donations. It was no coincidece that the court case coincided with the zakat campaign launched during the month of fasting to raise funds. The plan was quite obvious. If we treated the poor or free before we had enough money then the hospital wuld go bankrpt. If we did not do so then quite rightly I would be exposed by the gvernment media as a fraud. In a country where the people have been taken for a ride so many times and are so cynical about everyoe, they would have believed the worst about me. Luckily, the case against me collapsed immediately. Our hospital had watertight nancial controls and total transparency; our acconts were audited by one of the most prestigious rms in the country. Mreover, I happened to be the biggest donor to the hospital at the time. enazir's government had not realized that. Also, fortunaely for me, the people did ot trust the gvernment. They were aware that because it felt threateed by me it was trying to victimize me. enazir's govement was extremely unpopular by that poit and lacked cedibility. So here I was already in politics, without actuall being in poliics. I began t be treated as a political opponent, and a political opponent in Pakistan -whether in a democracy or military dictatorship -gets a rough deal. Te entire state machine turs against you. And in Pakistan, like in mos of the developing world, the state is everwhere. My phoes were tapped and wherever I went I was fllowed by a car. Everyone in the governmet was petried to befriend me out of fear of losing their jbs. And since we have a big government, one has to deal with government ofcials all the time. www.p oo sree. I was left with two choices: eiher Ijoined Nawaz Sharif and got the protection of his party or I had to g to Benazir's royal court in Ilamabad and beg forgiveness for not inviting her to the hospital opening and convince her that I was nt setting mysef up as a politial rival. My friend Y ousaf Salahuddin, who was close to Benazir and Zardari, advised me to follow the latter course He warned that otherwise Zardari would destroy the hospital. He offered to mediate While Yousafs suggestion was logical, it had the opposite effect. I wet on an allou attack in the press with both guns blazing at the governng couple's crruption. This had a far greater impact on te public than attacks from Sharif's party. Snce Sharif wa considered equally corrupt, his accusations against Benazir and her husband rang hollow. Especially since Benazir would immediately list the corruption charge against Sharif and his famil. Now, for the rst time, corruption became the numberoe issue on the national agenda. Despite the setbacks, we managed to treat 90 per cent of our patients for fee that rst year. We became pioneers in inventing and innovating fndraising techniques; today many charities have been inspired by and follow our fundraising model. There were other challenge to come though. Equipment would get tuck at customs, we would refuse to pay he bribes necessary to get i released and I would have to pull strings. The World Bnk awarded u a $1 million grant for a wasedisposal incnerator but then withdrew the offer becase Nawaz Sharif's government, which fllowed Benazi's, insisted it went to another hospital. A charity headed by the Argentinian president Carlos Menem offered to give the hospital a shipment of cancer drugs for free -all we needed was a letter from Rafik Tarar, Sharif's puppet preident. He refued and the hospital lost the dnation. Most hocking of all though, was the bomb attack on the hospital in 1996, just a few week ater I started to talk publicly about forming a political movement. Seven people died, including two child patients, thirtye were injured and millions f rupees of damage caused. The device, planted under a chair in the wating hall, destoyed the outpatient and endoscopy departments. If the building had not had such large windows the whole roof wuld have come down. I should have been there at the time to show the businessma Nasim Saigol around but he had cancelled just as I wa about to leave home. I don't think I was the target of the bomb, but the innocent lives lost and the destruction caused both saddened and made me even more determined to scceed in my ew endeavour. The pressure this incident brought was something I could deal with;  repeated the system that had worked for me in cricket, I blocked out thoughts of failure, and instead focused o what I had t do to succeed. With so many obstacles, if it had been a commercial enterprise it would have closed down, but intead it went from strength to strength to become the biggest charitable institution in Pakistan. In the end, te hospital's uccess was its best protecton. Its work has garnered so much goodwill. It continues o treat a minimum of 65 per ent of patient for free with another 10 per cent paying a raction of their costs. And it was still the only cancer hosptal in the country -for rich o poor. Sooner or later even the opinionmakers would end up there, some for treatment, others to visit friends or relatives. So it becme harder and harder for any propaganda against the instittion to succeed. Everybody is treated equally, so that even the doctrs do not know the differece between pying and nonaying patient. Rich and por wait side by side in the waiting room and lie side by side in their sick beds. There is n special treatment, no queue barging, no takng precedence. All of this is rare in a county like Pakista where the rich and powerfu are accustomed to VIP treatment. Today he hospital generates enough money to mre than cover its annual operating budget of 3.6 billion rupees. Over half its revenues are now earned through the ale of hospital services with the rest coming from donatins from all over the world. Visits by international celebrities ranging from Bollwood heartthrb Aamir Khan to Princess Diana and Elizabeth www.p oo sree. Hurley have helped raise money too. In 2006 the hospital wn the World Health Organization's UAE Foundation Prize for Outstanding work in health development'. It has treated more than 84,000 people, including myself. I had an emergency operation there i 2009 and my father spent he last two ad a half months of his life there in 2008. Similar hospitals are planned for Karachi and Peshawar and we are already running outreach cancerscreening cinics in those two cities. Revenues from diagnostic centres in Lahore and Karachi and sixtyseven pathology colletion centres all over Pakistan are helping the trust increae its selfsufciency. As for the little girl who cut the opening ribbon back in 1994, Smera is now ne of the hosital's 1,500 staff and runs the gift shop. Suh is the reputation of the hopital today that politicians opposing me are petried to attack it. On a personal level, the hosital has taught me so much. Most importantly, I learned how to build and run an institution; crucially, if the leadership follow the rules, so does everyone else I had learned this as a cricket captain; to dscipline the team all I had to do was to enure that the senior players didn't break the rules -the juniors automatically fell into line. Secondly, more important than the competence of the CEO was his integrity and passion. Integrity was indispensable, as no matter how competent, a dishonest person cold destroy the institution; I' seen in cricket how passion lifted a lesstalented player's game so that he could contribute more than a passionless talented one. I am proud to ay that today he hospital is a model instittion for the whole of Pakistan. Doctors and nurses come rom hospitals all over the cuntry to see how our system work. Along with the Aga Khan hospital in Karachi, it has raised medical standards across the bard in Pakistan. I have also come to understand better the ordinary people o Pakistan, through the small miracles, the bigger tragedies and the simple faith of those  met in the hospital's wards. There I have seen how they deal with death, accepting it as the will of God. Most moving of all was a young boy from Swat I spotted one day when I was visiting the intensie care unit. He was covered in tubes but his face radiated eance. Impressed by his ght to stay alive, I became caught up in hi case, meeting with his father and regulary checking wih the doctors n his progress. By that time my son Sulaiman had been brn and becoming a father wrought the bggest change on me in my life. It suddeny made me uderstand how vulnerable we are as parent. So I could feel the tormen this man wa going through seeing his sn ght this life and death struggle. Then oe day I went to check up on the boy and was told he had died. I sought out the father, expecting to d him a broke man. Instead he was resigned to his loss, saying it was the will of Allah. I was amazed at how quicly he had come to terms wth it. I myself was overwhelmed by the boy's death and couldn't face work that day. I went home. Mian Bashir became a regular visitor to my project ofce while we were building the hosital as it was ear his house. He was a great source of help and encouragement - partially through his ability to occasonally foresee some pitfalls but mainly because of his great wisdom that never ceased to amaze me. One day we wee having lunch in my ofce. I was feeling a little upset that the construction committee had not awarded the airconditioning contract to the lowest bidder, who happened to be a friend of mine, Irshad Khan. During lunch Irshad called up furios, saying that there was something shy ging on as the contract had been awarded to a company that had left two projects unnised and had a poor reputatio in the industry. It made me feel even worse. Since he was my friend thogh I could not push his case as it would have been a coict of interest. Without me telling him anything about the situation, Mia Bashir suddely told me tha the person who had been awarded the contract was in cahoots with one of the members of our constuction committee and was nt competent eough to nish the job. www.p oo sree. I was very concerned but Mian Bashir told me not o worry and that things would work out. Sue enough a cuple of month later that company was in ancial trouble and the contract had to be reawarded. It went to a highly competent competitor which thankflly nished the job on time. www.p oo sree. Chapter Six www.p oo sree. M y Marriage, 1995-2004 WHEN I WAS leaving for England for the rst time at the age of eighteen, my mother's last words to me were, Don't bring back an Engish wife.' She believed it wuld be impossible for a Western girl to adjust to our eligion and culture. However, the decisios in my life have rarely been made through rationality and logic, more by impulse, to chase my dreams and my desires and passions. In bth marriage, and my postcrcket career, I made somewat unconventonal choices for somebody of my backgrund. Combinig the outcome of those two decisions was t prove more ifcult still. If marriage made me realize the happiness that comes from fatherhood and family life, plitics taught me the price of taking on the status qo in Pakista. This establishment is so venal that, unable to wield the usual weapon of corruption charges against me, they instead attacked me through my personal life, most particularly my wife. The thing to understand about Pakistani politics is that may politicians have so much t lose they will stop at nothing to gain or hod on to power. In terms of quality of life, political success is of no benet to me, but for the likes f Zardari and Sharif, losing power might mean losing everything -their wealth, their homes, their status, their privileges and ptentially their liberty -since many of them deserve to be in jail. Jemima and I were to discover how icious this political maa cold be. It was many years after my mther's warning before I even started to contemplate marriage. At a certain point, my deeening spiritual belief made me realize that I could not reconcile the life I had been leding as a bachelor with Islam. This was the most difcult part; everything else -fastig, praying, giing zakat -was relatively easy. The reason it was so diffcult was becase I had lost faith in the institution of marriage. Growig up in Zama Park I used to think getting married was the most natural thing in the world and assumed that, like my sisters and cousins, I would one day have an arranged marriage. Bt the older I grew, the more disillusioned I became. Mos of the cricketers who played with me in English county cricket and n the Pakistai team found it difcult to make a success of their married lives. For mst of them it seemed like a burden. Quite  few of them found the temptations that existed in the life of an internaional sportsmn irresistible. esides, most married men used to look at my life with eny. So it was hardly surprising that I was disillusioned. he only marriages I saw working were those of my sisters and cousins from my large extended family. Three of my four sisters were married and all had arranged marriages from withi the large exteded family. Tis was always the case with Pashtun tribes tat had settled in Punjab or oher parts of India. All three t varying degrees had their ups and downs with their usbands -especially in te early days when readjustment naturally takes place Couples in arranged marriages face the same problems as those who have chosen their own partners, althugh expectatons in arranged marriages ted to be somewhat lower. The crucial difference is that since it is a coming together of families, separation becomes difcult and divorce rare. The respectve families -mainly the parents -act as marriage counsellors during the bad times. t is considered a good deed in Islam if someone can help a couple to sort out their trubled marriage. www.p oo sree. In Pakistan most marriages are arranged. Parents choosing a husband for their daughter will look at the candidate's nancial stability, his family's reputation and compatibility in terms of personality. In most cases a son or daughter can declie their parents' suggestions but it varies from region to region and class to class. In the north and northwest of Pakistan young people are not gven a lot of choice, especially girls, whilst the children of he urban elite playa bigger role in choosing their own partners. In villages girls and boys grow up together and oten know each other, so most of the matches are easy for parents to arrange. Problems arise when there is no eligible boy or girl in the village. Ten a spouse will be found from further aeld and it is quite possible that the couple will meet for the rst time on their wedding day. Traditional families will most likely know a groom's entire background. Parents would no allow their dughters to mary someone who could not be pressurized through his family to keep the marriage goig during rough patches. Mariage not only knits families together but the entire social life revolves around the extended family structure. The more powerfl the family is, the harder it is to divorce a person belonging to that family. Some of the worst problems in arranged marriages arise where parents marry their childre off to a certin family becuse of their ancial status, regardless of whether the couple is compatible or not. Whatever the problems, the underlying idea behind arraged marriage is that sacrices must be made for the sake of the childre. Over the years I have seen a lot of unhappy arranged marriages where couples have stuck it out for the sake of their offsprig and their respective families. Women, who can be more vulnerable in our society sometimes put up with mistreatment from their husbands just for the secrity of their children. However, there are of course lots of cases of men having to put p with difcult marriages too. Mian Bashir looked after hs wife, who hd ts of madness, for fourtee years. Doctors advised him to put her in an asylum but given the state of our mental health institutions he could not bear to do so. When she had her ts, she could be violent and his face bore the scars of that violence. Whatever the ups and downs of their marriages, I could see that my sisters took great joy in their chilren. There was a time when they and their families lived with my father and me. Instead of being an imposition, it was wonderful -especially for my father. All their children grew up like one family in the same house and the three sisters treated all of them as if they were their own offspring. It was this that began to change my mid about marriage. I used to otice how their husbands wold literally rush back home to be with their children. Even I began to sped more time at home so I cold play with them. When any of my nephews and nieces dd well at school, all of us, including the other children, cosidered it a family triumph. When two of my sisters moved into their own homes, the house felt empty. Fortunately they only moved a few hundred yards away and most evenings their children would still come roud. Making the decision to get married was one thing, but nding a Pakistani wife was another. I had already passed my midthirties but most eligible girls were married off in their early twenties. In Pakstan unmarried girls often live quite a sheltered existence. A woman under twentyve would be too young for me, with too little experience of life. I also had to bear in mind that my extended family was quite conservative about the way to go about nding a wife. I had to make a choice after meeting the girl and her parents over a couple of brief meetings. Usually what happens is that he mothers, along with the sisters, survey their social scee and, ater a careful process of eliminatio, pick a few eligible candidates. Then durig marriage festivities amongst the commuity the potential spouse is pointed out. I the boy and girl in question are both interested then more intimate meetings, like a tea appointment, are organized. As for most Pakistani fmilies, our weddings were segregated. It was too awkwad for me, in my position and at my age, to go to the women's section to look at www.p oo sree. eligible girls. This wold have been quite acceptable if I were in my midtwentie but in my midthirties it was a terrifying prospect. At one point my father got fed up (like the rest of my family) and decided to take matters into his own hands. He arranged ea at a friend' house so that I could meet his friend' s daughter. I tried everything to get out of it but i the end out f respect for my father and ot wanting to embarrass him with a lastmiute cancellatin I went along. The whole situation was horribly awkwar for all concered. When the girl came into the room I was so embarrased I could nt even look at her. Meanwhle her mother treated me as if I was a 25yearold rather than someoe who was approaching midle age. I was even asked abot my universiy days -agai a question more apt for someone in thei early to midtwenties. The agony nally ended when my father and I begged to leave. On the way back he did nt even bother to ask me what I thought of the girl. He realized how ridiculous the whole situation was -all he said was that since my moter had passed away he had simply tried to do his duty. We both laughed and I politely requested him not to make ay more attempts to nd me a ride. I was still so bsy playing crcket during this period that I was never in Lahore long enough to make a concerted attempt to nd a wife. However once I retired I made more of an effort. The girls I tended to meet were the westernized ones but I could not see them tting into my conservative family. My ssters had strong characters ad were not likely to be very tlerant of someone who auted family tradition. The last thing I wanted was that my marriage should isolate me from my family As for the ones who would have been compatible with my background educated girls from conservative familie it was too mch of a lottery. How could I at my age marry someone after a few converations? The iea of going to more tea appintments like the one I had een to with my father simply terried me. In the end I had to accept the fact that I was too old for an arranged marriage. I was still intet on marrying a Pakistani girl when by chance I met Jemima in Londo at a dinner rganized by my Persian friend Sharia. I immediately fond her attractie and intelligent and was particularly impressed by her strong value system and the fac that despite her young age she already had a spiritual curiosity. While I had previosly met Jemima' s siblings and cousins I did not meet her arents till just before we got married. I had worried that it would be impossible to conince them -nt only because of our age difference but alo because of Jemima having to live in Pakistan. I was amazed at how firmly both Lady Annabel and Jimmy Goldsmith stood behind Jemima's decision. Of course there were warnigs about the problems of a cross cultura marriage -bt neither was at all against Jemima' s conversion to Islam. I was amaze at their tolerance especially given the prejudice againt Islam in the West. When the news of our marriage broke in midMay 995 the media in both Pakistan and the UK went berserk particularly over Jemima's cnversion. There was no shortage of advice for her in the English media about how dreadful life would be in Pakistan. The tabloid' prejudices about Islam and Pakistan were fully apparent. Jemima was tld she would ot be allowed to drive a car and would be veiled from hea to toe. he only positive aspect of this perplexing media coverage was that otraged Muslims put forward the Islamic pont of view something that was not often viible in the Western media. The gist of the advice given to her in the UK was that she was too young and innocent t realize that she was being lured away by an older man because of her wealth to a country where wome were enslaved. I was not surprised that my motive for marriage was thought to be her money (that very accusation was put to Jinna when he married his bride twentyfour years younger than himself ad a Parsi covert to Islam). After all peole with a materialistic mind set would think that. I felt this was extremely unfair to Jemima and failed to do justice to her intelligence and her atractive personality. It took great strength f character t cope with sch unfriendly media www.p oo sree. exposue, all the more so because until then she had been almost entirely protected from this kind of intrusion. It was really tugh on her and she coped mst admirably. Though I did help Jemima by recommending books on Islam, I never tried to force my vews on her. I remembered hw hard my mother had tried to make me a practising Muslim; despite my great love for her, she had failed to convince me. It had been Mian Bashir who wn me over with his gentle way of never asking me to do anything and alowing me to discover the truh myself. In Pakistan Jemima received a warm and gracious welcme. As long as they adapt their behaviour to local customs, foreigners have always been received wih great hospitality in Pakistan. It is only since 9/11 and the CIA drone attacks in Khyber Pakhtukhwa that antagonism towards Americans -and inevitably other Westerners - has crept in. There was an initial frostiness amongst certain sectins of the westernized elite bt once they got to know Jemima they were friendly. This wariness would have been because Jemima, as a Westerner, made some of them feel nsecure because their sense f superiority in Pakistan stemmed from their considering themselves to be westerized. However, what was hardest for Jemima were the politically inspired media attacks on her. Even though I was nt yet in politics, I was already regarded as a threat by the politicians beause of great public appreciation for the cancer hospital. The government sponsored media portraed my marriage as an intricae plot by the Zionists to take over Pakistan through Jemima. It did not seem to matter that she was not actually Jewish. In fact she was baptized and conrmed as a Protestat. Her father Jimmy Goldsmith's father was Jewish and his mother was a French Cathlic but he grew up in an atheist household. This campaign intensied when I announced my political party a year after our marriage. When I married Jemima I had no intention f setting up my own political party. The contry's rapid decline was alaming me, thogh, and I was already mullig over the idea of getting inolved with some kind of political movemet. I had been hoping that certain people I knew would fom a political party I could spport, but in the end they had neither the nancial means nor the nationwide support to challenge the two established parties, the PPP (Pakistan People's Paty) and the PML akistan Muslim League). So that optin was not available to me. I had also explred the possibility of supporting one of the religious partes. I had assumed that their people must have the same uderstanding of faith that I did. Sadly I gradually realized that while some of the members of these parties had genuine faith, plety of others had only a supercial understanding of Islam. Most of them were only usng religion, as others used the ethnic or reginal card, as a vehicle to get into power. They turned out t be just as corrupt as other pliticians too. he more my uderstanding of political parties and specically the religios parties deepened, the more I realized that aith without wisdom and knowledge could produce bigots completely lacking in compassion and toleance. No wonder the Prophe (PBUH) considered the ink of a scholar to be holier than the blood of a martyr. No woder either that the public usally rejects the religious parties at the polls. At no point i time have they garnered more than 19 per cent of the seats in the ational assembly and their share of the vote is lower still. Hence the apparent paradox to the outsider, that while people in Pakistan will sacrifce their lives for Islam, the don't want religious parties running the contry. When the dust had settled ater the furore over my mariage, I again started meeting politically minded people ad having endless discussions about how to put up a challenge to the political maa in Pakistan. I say maa, because democracy is just a cover fr the two parties that take turns in plunderig our country. I was appalled at how the ruling class had squandered Pakstan's talent ad resources, there seemed t be no limit to their greed. A the same time, I was struck by the generosiy and fortitude of the Pakistani people that I had seen becase of my work with the hospital and the raw talent www.p oo sree. and resurcefulness o the Pakistani verseas community. So man of them, whe given a level playing eld, had succeeded in their chsen spheres. What, I asked could Pakistan achieve if we had a system that actuall rewarded rather than discouraged merit? I came to the conclusion that the only way to change the system was t enter politics myself. However, whenever I thought abot forming my own political party I could not work out how I would nace it. The reason why politics in Pakistan had been concenrated within a few families was because the vast majority of people had neither the time nor money to have the luxuy of participating. True, Zulkar Ali Bhutt in the 1970 elections create a movement tat captured the masses' imagination so completely that he was able to defeat the established political houses with political nonentities. However, Bhutto was fortunate that money did not playas big a part in politics as it did after Za's 1985 nonparty elections. Bhutto also had three other advantages. One, he had been a cabinet minister for eight years in Aub Khan's mlitary dictatorship so already knew the poitical scene from within. Secondly, there was a huge plitical vacuum in Pakistan after A yub Kha because he had crushed all the political parties in West Pakistan. Thirdy, in the Cold War politics of left and right, the entire highly organized let supported Bhutto. My dilemma was how to form a party of clean' people who had the time and money to work in politics. I also had anoter issue to think of. I was a married man ow and Jemima was trying to adjust to a cmpletely alien environment and culture. If all my time was spent on poliics and keeping the hospital going, how would I do justice to my marriage? We discussed the issue endlessly. It was clear by now tat there was simply no way eft but for decent Pakistanis to get involved in politics. Otherwise the country would be sunk by our politicians. Since Jinnah the quality of our leaders had been steadily deterirating. All over the world career politicians are disliked, bt in Pakistan, s in many developing countries, they are seen as crooks -and with a gret deal of justification. What mazed me was that while almost every dinnertable conversation in the cuntry condemed the politicians for destroying Pakistan's otential no oe was prepared to do anything about it. The auent classes' response to the country's dwnward spiral was to get Cnadian passports or US green cards. They jst did not have the guts or the will to give p their comfortable lives and take on the corrupt political class. In Isamabad it was quite common to see members of the elite, who deigrated the politicians in private, grovellng at their feet at public funcions. When I announced my party, TehreekeInsaf (Movement fr Justice) on 25 April 1996, I had lost all fear of dying. This meant I knew exactly why I was goig into politics, which was to take on the plitical maa i Pakistan; they had always worked on the premise that ayone who threatened them should either be bought or eliminated. The other founding members and I presented it as  broadbased movement for change whose mission is to create a free society based on jstice, with an independent judiciary as its bedrock'. At a ews conference in Islamabad somebody asked me about my lack of experience in politics and I had o acknowledge that I had nne. But then neither have I any experience in looting and plunder I aded. I had big ideals but it was true that I was illequipped. My entry into this world was a bit like when I rst saw people swimming. One summer holiday my cousins took me to the pool at Aitchison Cllege. I was for years old and it was the rst time I had ever seen a swimming pool. I culd see that peple seemed t be moving around near the surface of the water so I deided it must be quite shallow and promptly threw off my clothes and jumped straight in. I immedately sank to the bottom. Ater swallowing a lot of wate, I was taught by my cousins to swim witin a few days. Politics was a similar eperience, thogh the learning process was much longer. I had nobody to teach me, o mentors and made many mistakes. www.p oo sree. Neither Jemima nor I fully understood what I had got s into. Nor had we anticipated despite all our discussins how much strain it would put on our private lives. here was simply no time for family life; for the next month and a half I had to meet a endless stream of people at all hours and then I had to make frequent rips to the provinces to appont party ofce bearers. We had a tremendou response but no idea how to deal with it. y fellow founing members ere as inexperienced in the political eld a I was. Frankly even if we hd had some idea of what to d we were simly not equipped to cope with it. We could ot answer the mail or give prper attention t all of those ho came to or Lahore ofce. One of the main problems I had was learing to judge people. So many people were oming to me keen to get involved but I cold not tell if they were genuine or not. My sisters consider it one of my principal aw that I always trust people to much. I wold welcome vlunteers on bard only to then nd out hors weeks or smetimes months later that they were just opportunists and did not share my ideals at all. The political world was full of con men whose only aim was to obtain power for their selfinterest It would take me almost a decade of meeting thousads and thousnds of people before I could acquire the ability to distnguish betwee genuine and honey people within minute. There is no shortcut to learning this skill. o make mattes worse the gvernmentsposored propagnda that I was part of a Jewish plot to take ver Pakistan meant that we had a lot of people wanting to join us thinking they could make money ot of the party They reasoned that the Jews must have given us million of dollars. After all during the Cold War ocialist organizations in Pakitan received money from the Soviet embassy. So we had fnny situation where people came looking for easy moey and were shocked whe we asked them for donations instead. One day I found hundreds of cars parked outside my ofce. I had to ght through crowds f people to get into the ofce itself. It turned out that some local rag had written that Bll Clinton had given me the goahead. From that these people had surmised that the Americans had decided to install me in power. Meanwhile I had terrible relations with the Pakistani press. As a sprtsman I had ever felt the eed to court jurnalists -as far as I was concerned my performance said it all. But politics was differet; in this arena the media could make or break you jut like in the hospital fundraiing. t the height of the chaos I had to go to Egland to defed myself in the libel case brught against me by Allan Lamb and Ian Boham. This stemmed from comments I had made about the issue of ball tampering back n 1994. The last thing I wanted was to waste my time with a court cae but I was let with no choice. My formidable barrister George Carman QC felt the chances of winning in front of an Englih jury were minuscule (about 10 per cent) because Botham was a national hero. He advsed me to settle out of court a the nancial costs of losing were astronomical. At the start of the trial I felt fairly condent since I knew I was inocent and that I had not made the alleged comments. Bt as it wore n proceeding seemed to be going agains me. I started to worry. A loss would have meant bankrutcy and I was worried about how I would upport my family if I lost. There was nothig more humilating than the idea of living ff my wife or having to borrow money. Worse still would ave been the blow to my twmonthold political party. I the middle of the case I called up Mian Bshir to ask him to pray for me. He sounded pessimistic and said The judge is against you.' Sure eough after the judge had doe his summing up George Carman asked te jury to leave and told the jdge that for the rst time in his fortyyear career he had to make a complaint that the summing up was biased against his client. Despite the many stressful situations I had been in during my cricket career the greatest tesion I have eer felt was duing the six hours or so while the jury deliberated. George Carman was already preparig me for defeat and writing his appeal. As I was waiting I got a message from www.p oo sree. a friend saying that Mian Bashir wated to speak t me. I phoned him and found him in a cheerful mood. Allah is changig the jury's mind!' he said. It returned a 10-2 majority verdict in my favour. When I got home a couple o months later, the fervour oer my new party had subsided. Now at least we had a period of calm and could organize ourselves. I started touring various cities and towns to gather support and form our party's organization. The cam did not last long. On 5 Nvember 1996, President Faroq Leghari dissolved Benazi Bhutto's government and anounced elecions in three months' time. When I met with Leghari, he told me that Sharif and Beazir had each siphoned off S$1.5 billion from the country and pledged to hold them accountable. My party was nly six months old by then and I had lost two months i the K becase of the court case. Nonetheless we decided to participae in the electin campaign. We felt it would be the perfect opportunity to organize ourselves as a natinal party. Plus I felt it was an ideal way to really get the issue of corrution debated publicly in the runup to the polls. I realized that there was no way we could make muh of an impact as far as votes were concered as we had no organizatin at the grassroots level. S it was already quite clear i my mind that we would campaign all over Pakistan and hen withdraw a week before he polls. Whe I started our campaign everyone was amazed at the huge crowds that came to my rallies. The youth especially came to listen to me in droves, as this was the section of the ppulation most hungry for change. When the TehreekeInsaf's rallies, which were bigger than those for Sharif or Benazir, were shown on television, there was a rush of candidates keen to stand on our party ticket. We formed a board to select ur prospective candidates. I our zeal to make sure that nobody who had any blemish on their character was given our party ticket, a lot of good people were lost. Anyone who had a political backgrond was given extra vetting. Seeing the potency of my attack, Sharif started making overtures to me. irst he offered me the most senior position in his party afer him, then he offered my party an electoral alliance with twenty seats in the national assembly. Everyone knew at this stage that Sharif was going to win the elections simply because there was n other national party apart from Benazir's now discredited PPP. Fr us it was a huge compliment that a party that was just a few months old should be considered enugh of a threa to be made such an offer. However, I had no hesitation in rejecting him as I considered him just as corrupt as Benazir. An alliance with Sharif would have comprmised my principles. I had only come ito politics to oppose unscrpulous politicians like him s how could I align myself with his party? While I believe we all have to make compromises in life, they should be made to attain your vision, not on the vision tself. I was also fortunate in that, unlike prfessional poliicians, I did nt need power for its perks ad privileges.  was very clear about the fact that unless I could implement my agenda of reform, there was no need to be in politics, as I already had everything I could pssibly desire in life. I felt it would be muh better to be in the opposition and be a check on the gvernment tha be part of the power structre and have my hands tied. Joining Sharif would not ony have meant I became part of the status uo, but I would have also lost all my credibility. he next develpment was that Benazir turned on Leghari, accusing him of being a traito to the PPP. Te ferocity of her attacks clealy rattled him and he threw his lot in with Sharif, forgetting his pledge to try him and Benazir for corrption before alowing them t contest electons. A month before the polls it became clear to everyone that Leghari's caretaker gvernment had entered into a agreement with Sharif's PML (N), comprmising what should have been a neutral administration. The entire establishment from then on began to bat for Sharif. Administrative ofcers chosen by him were posted in crucal positions in his political stronghold of Pujab. www.p oo sree. It is almost impossible to beat whichever paty is backed by the establishment in Pakistan. Once the establishment makes its party f choice clear the powerful district administration comes into action and the local power brokers fall into line. Everyone wants to be on the wining side, because only the winner can gain the inuence ver the powerfl bureaucracy needed to dole out patronage to his cronies. Keen to align themselves wit those looking most likely t take power, various other frces began to ostle for position: the big feudal families and the criminal world - the smugglers and the drug baros. In every district in the country there is an underworld element that controls anything from 500 to 2,000 votes. The criminal maa has to be with the winning party as it needs its protection to perate. Even for the common man -be he bureaucrat, shopkeeper, plice ofcer or cab driver -getting ahead in Pakistan revlves around his links with the incumbent rlers. I wrote an open letter exposing the pints of the agreement between Leghari and Sharif. I decided the best thing to do next would be to pull out of the elections, as we had achieed the objecties we had set ourselves. However, by criticizing Leghari's government and calling him to accoun on his broken promises I had now opened yself up to attack on a third front. A week before the polls I called a meeting of our senior party members and updated them on the situation. I told them that the maximum number of seats we might win was three but most likely we were not going to win any. I felt that our party was too young to take such a crushing defeat and that donations would dry up if we lost. How would we then nance the party? Moreover we simply did not have the resorces or organizational capaciy to participae. In Pakistan a political party needs to organize buses t take people t the polling stations and people to staff the, with polling agents for both men and women. It is a huge organizational and logistical undertaking. But the majority of our party hierarchy waned to ght on; some had allwed themselves to be convinced by the size of the crowds at our rallies that we would win a lot of seats. This made me realize how people in politics delude themselves. They always under estimate the opposition's strength and exaggerate their own. In cricket it used to be the opposite. I had t constantly stress to my team not to overestimate the opposition's strength and be oveawed. There were those in he party who felt that we would lose face if we backed out now. Anoher argument was that all the money spent by our candidates on electios would have been wasted. he person wh swayed me in the end was Hamid Khan, a senior and mch respected awyer in our party. He felt that the experiece we would gain from contesting the elections would be invaluable; haing learned frm our defeat we would be well prepared next time round, which is when our real chance would come. In taking part in the elections we took the most difcult path. It really was the Charge of the Light Brigade but wihout the horses and without the arms. No arty - however popular -ca win an electin without a grassroots politcal organizatin. Our minuscule nancial resources were othing compaed to those of the two main arties, both of whom had aleady made plenty of money from their time in power. We had major issues with meia coverage to. At the time there was only ne television channel and it was governmetcontrolled. During the whle ninetyday campaign each party was ony given a halfhour slot. This clearly did no give us enough airtime to mobilize and mtivate people about our agenda and encourage them to ge out there and vote. I had also had a problem getting my message across because of my inexperiece and inability to deal with the press. I found my statements would come out completely distorted. I later discovered that there were journalists on politicias' payrolls who were experts at killing or dstorting opposition statements. I came to realize that the feedom of the press was really a myth; the newspaper owners pursued their own agendas through their publicatons. The freedom of the press only stood as long as their iterests www.p oo sree. were not threatened. In another indiation of my iexperience I made a media blunder just a few days before the elections. ng Pakista's biggestcirculation paper quoted me saying that while we hoped for the best it was possible that we might not get even one seat. Of course no political leader should ever say that kind of thing whether it is correct or not because it completely demoralizes your workers. ompounding our difculties the media campaign against us by the PML (N) had been highly effecive. We were simply defenceess in the face of its onslaught. Their attack was focused etirely on my personal life. They even stooped so low as to keep calling up a female frend of mine Sita White and publishing lurid interviews wth her. More damaging still was the conspiracy theory about a Zionst plot to take over Pakistan. They went o the extent o getting a newspaper to publish a photograph of a cheque for 40 million pounds supposedly given to me by Jemima's father for my electio campaign. Then statements from politica and religious gures were rinted saying hey would not allow the Jews to take over Pakistan. After he elections the paper involved printed a few lines on the inside pages admitting that the cheque was a forgery. But the damage was done ad it was too close to the electons for our strggling media ofce to change public perceptions. Given our various weaknesses we had only one hope and that was for a heay turnout. Unfortunately on Election Day the polling booths were deserted especially in the cities. Most Pakistanis obviously felt that voting would not change their lives for the better anway. It was clear that Sharif would win and Benazir would be wiped out but no one had anticipated the margin of his victory. He ended up with a twothirds majority in parliament although everyone looked at the number of votes cast with great suspicion. The president had anounced a turnout of 25 per cent by the evenng of the polls while the BB put it at less than 18 per cet. By the following morning the nation was old the turnout was 38 per cet. It was only after Sharif's government was dismissed i 1999 that a senior member of the election commissio explained to me how the polls had been rigged. ertain constituencies were selected for manipulation. Within those constituencies polling stations where rigging was easily possible were earmarked as red polling booths'. The electios were held during Ramadan so the moment the votig had nished at these booths the election agents were taen to break their fast some distance away; in certain cases reluctant pollig agents were ordered to go by the army pesonnel guardig the election stations. They were then kept away for fortyve minutes to an hour. I the meantime a couple of members of the election commission stued the ballot boxes with votes for the PM (N) candidate. In order to avoid detectio they cleverly raised the amount of votes of the numbertwo candidate so that the gap between the winning candidate and the rest was not too glaring. There was however a hge gap betwee the top two candidates ad everybody else. I have to say I felt sorry for Benazir despite havig been her biggest critic; all the cards were stacked agaist her. With the caretaker goernment and all its power rmly behind Sharif it was obvious that she did not stand a chance in hell. As expected she was completely routed. As for Tehreek eInsaf we failed to win a single seat. (Following the 2008 elections the Electoral ommission found that 37 million of the 80 million voters registered were bogus' -that is duplicated multiple or bogus entries. In June 2011 on my petitio to the Supreme ourt the 37 million bogus votes were anulled and the court ordered 35 million yoth votes to be egistered.) Luckily over my twentyone years of international cricket -which had icluded many a drubbing -I had developed a defence mechanism to protect myself and manage the moe painful aspects of failure. One of my worst memories was losing to India in India o our 1979/80 tour. We had to sneak back ito Pakistan in the dead of night and unannounced so scaed were we of being humiliated by the outraged publc. The www.p oo sree. customs staff conscted almost everything they possibly could ff us searchig even our pockets and keeping us at the airport for tw hours. For days afterwards we all avoided going out in ublic to escape the inevitable backlash. Yet seven years later we arrived at the same Lahore airport after beating India. We never even made it to customs. The airport staff carried us on their shoulders from the tarmac to the crowd of tens of thousands wh had ooded the airport. For ve miles from the airport into the city cetre there were people lining the roads cheering us. The nly other time I saw such jubilation and ephoria was wen we landed in Lahore after winning the World Cup in 1992. So by the end of my career I had a pretty good idea about the dynamics of victory and defeat. I had learned not to lose my head when we wo and to come to terms with and deal with the bad times when you became the object of te general public's ire and even your close friends changed towards you. he rst thing to understand with failure s that there is no point in making excuses -there are no listeners. As tey say failure is an orphan and you're aloe. It is best to accept it graciusly and congatulate the winer. Then you must have the ability to analse where you went wrong; this is the hallmrk of successfl people that they are their own best critic. One of the reasns I succeeded in cricket when compared to more talented cricketers than me was because I could aalyse my weaknesses accuraely. In October 1984 when I started to bowl again after  twoyear layoff following a stress fracture in my left shin I discovered I had developed a aw in my bowling actin. For three months I experimented and tried everything to remove the aw but othing worked. Such was my concentration that I dreamed and saw myself bowling and worked out how to remove the aw all in m sleep. The next morning in the nets I corrected my action. Some cricketers' careers hae been nished by analysing things wrongly as there is a great dange that -demoralized by failure -you can actually make a wrong analysis and compound the failure. The best naturally gifted timer of the ball I eer saw was Zaheer Abbas: in 1978 he completely annihilated the touring Indian bowling attack in Pakistan. A year later when we toured India thee was massive public expecttion of him. I ould see him crumbling under this weight but rather tha blocking the fear of failure and concentrating on managng his innings he started loking elsewhere. First he started ddling wih his technique; one which  reminded him had enabled him to break records less than a year ago. A few days later he had his eyes tested was there something wrong there? Two weeks after that he was in such a state that he felt someoe had cast a black magic spel on him and e ended up being dropped from the team. Over the years I found a lot of people being defeated by failure because f their inability to analyse their mistakes prperly. fter the electin disaster I wanted to seek solitude and make my own analysis of our disaster. Another part of my strategy is that it is useless reaing any newspapers - why torture yourself by reading gloating articles by critics who were just waiting for you to fail? I cut down o public engagements too because the more people you meet the more sggestions yo receive abou where you went wrong. Suggestions being free they are never in shor supply and all they end up oing is prolonging the bitter taste of failure. So I would always hunker down and keep myself to myself while I mde my own aalysis and preared my strategy for how t bounce back. After the elections I grabbed the opportunity to have some time off and escaped to the Salt Range with my family where we spet a blissful few days. I had hardly seen Jemima and Sulaiman for the previous few moths. For all te pain of the political loss the happiness I got spendig precious time with my rstborn more than compensated. In fact this was the easiest defeat for me to accept as I had already known that the best we could hope for was a mere three seats. We certainly were not ready and did not have the team to form a governmet and implement my vision I felt too that these electios had at least been useful in providing us wth an opportuity to put forward the www.p oo sree. issues f corruption ad accountabiliy. In addition the campaign had helped us build up a natioal network. However our lss had a devatating effect not only on my young party but also on Jemima my sisters and close friends. They had absolutely o idea how to handle the taunts and ridicule they faced when they went out in public r read the newspapers. Poor Jemima as well as putting up with the whle Zionist plo story had to ee endless artiles criticizing mocking and idiculing her husband. And I have to say I was roasted by the media. I was attacked by the right the left and the pwerful lobby f crooked politicians. The latter were particularly vindictie as I had advocated capital punishment for those whose corruption ws proved beyond a certain amount. Since 983 when I ad broken my leg and had a bad year I had had a series of successes -with both cricket and the hospital. Te election deeat was the rst big opportnity for those envious of that success and keen to see me fail. People love to see an icon fall -it is part of human nature. And we had been completely wiped out; it wasn'tjust a defeat it was a decimtion. It became clear to me that we could not beat the staus quo politiians on their pitch; we cold only win if we could create a movement like the 1970 Bhutto moement where people vote fo the party rather than the candidate. A few weeks after the elections Mian Bashir dropped in to commiserate. emima told him that she wished I had never gone into politics. She told him how much respect there was for me in Pakistan becaue of my cricket and the cancer hospital and that now I had become a gure of ridicule and the butt f jokes my private life raked over in the media. She told him that she hd always felt n her heart that I should ony have done hmanitarian wrk and stayed out of any controversy. He listened to her with a quiet smile before responding that the object of this life was not to be popular and that those who made that their purpose were condemned to live by ckle public opinion. Then he told her the tory of this hghly respectable and succesful businessman who was happily married and leading a cntented life. At the age of foty he was inspired by the Almighty to tell the people of hi town that there was only one God. When he tried to convey this message though they became upset because it wa against the beliefs of their forefathers who worshipped many idols as gods. Besides every year lots of people from all over the regin visited the twn to worship the idols and the townsfolk made a lot of money from these pilgrims. S their nancial interests were also being threatened by the ew message. When this man persisted he was subjected to all sorts of abse and ridicule. Being honouable and sensitive he was deeply hurt by people' s attitudes. One day his uncle mocke and ridiculed him so much that he came home and cried in his wife's arms. Because his wife knew him so well se knew he ws telling the trth and totally elieved in him. She stood b him and urged him on with his calling. That man was the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and he eventually succeeded in founding one of the greatest civilizatins in human history. This i just a passing phase' Mian Bashir said. Besides if decet people do nt come into politics the country will contine to be plundered by crooked politicians an soon become unlivable in.' Jemima began to relax after that though she would insist that I organized myself better so that I gave my family its fair share of time. I began to manage my time more efciently ut my trouble were only just beginning. he party was in severe nancial difculty. A lot of money had been wasted in the thick of the electin campaign and we had incurred loans that had to be paid ff. But who was going to fund a party that had suffered such a crushing loss? Whe I was captain if we suffered a defeat I would avoid team meetings for a couple f days because they were conterproductive and would invariably turn ito a blamegame that left the team divided and demoralized. The difference was that a cricket team had to rally itelf for the net match which gave them something to lok forward to In the case of my party the next elections were ve yeas away. Who was going to face the www.p oo sree. ruthless Sharif brothers all that time? N awaz' s brother Shahbaz ws also a politician and the tw of them were masters at vctimizing thei opponents. Jst like a vanuished cricket team, my party started searching for scapegoats. Members who had urged us to contest the polls were crucied by the ones who hd agreed with me that it was best to pull ou. Others simply lost faith in my leadership. hey had known me as someone who was successful in whatever eld I entered. This political rut had shake their condence in me. These people did ot realize that when I rst played cricket I was not successful at all. In fact I was dropped after my rs test match and it took me ve years before I consolidated my position o the team; after my rst tour a lot of newspapers called me Imran Khan't'. The hospital project to had plenty of early hiccups; the general opinion amongst our educated classes had iitially been that it was a nonstarter, and even once it was built, some sceptics never thoght we would be able to run t. Other differences between members of our party's central executive committee that had been simmering for a while now came ot into the ope. Some of my senior party members went ito depression. A few just left the party, usually the ones who had felt tha allying with me would provde a shortcut to power. Then there were those who could ot think of hanging around till the next polls or were scared of political victimization. It is customary for the victor in Pakistani politics to use the police and bureaucracy to victimize his opponets. For example, incometax ofcers can sddenly target your business r thugs will turn up on your doorstep to beat you up. My cousin Asad Jehangir joined the police force after graduating from Oxford in 1969. e once told me about an incident after the 1977 elections when he was posted to Sindh as a young and idealistic police ofcer. One of the local landlords came to see him after he had been elected. After exchanging formalities he politely reqested the bewildered Asad t send a coupe of policemen to his political opponent's house to give him a sound thrashing. In or feudal culture, it was almost as if it was the winner's prerogative to further humiliate the loser. The judiciary gives no protection to the oppositio either, having always been subordinate to he executive. ecause of this total lack of rule of law, some Pakistanis will vote for someone despite knowing he is totally crooked out of fear of retribution or the lure of patronage. Landless peasants are especially vulerable because their landlor can threaten o turf them ot of their homes or beat them up if they don't vote for him or whichever party or candidate he is supprting. Losing the elections not only made collecting money for the party difcult but it hit the cancer hospital. Each year it had a huge decit because of treating the majrity of its patients for free. A this point it oly generated 30 per cent of its revenues and for the rest we relied on donations. During te elections my powerful political opponents had - as well as targeting my personal life -made allegations about the hospital in the press, claiming that it was not in fact treating the poor fo free and that donations were being used o my election campaign. This inevitably cused some donors to doubt us and fundraising stalled. The two most important board members of the hospital, azaak Dawood and Dr Parvez Hasan, asked me to give up politics as they feared it would destroy the great project. They told me to be realistic and that I had no chance of succeeding in our corrupt political clture. All my lfe I have been told to be pragmatic - I heard this again and again during the course of my cricket career and all throgh the early years of the hospital. ut I resolutely remain an idealist. For me, pragmatism today in Pakistan means accepting a corrupt and oppressive status quo At times like this in my life when things seem hopeless, I always look back to similar occasions -in cricket or in the hospital -when persistence eventually led to success. onetheless, even my idealism was tested in 1997, which was to prve an extremely difcult year. Aside frm my political woes and the hospital funding problem, I had a persnal nancial cisis. The court case in Englad against otham and Lamb ad drained me nancially, and since they had appealed against the verdict www.p oo sree. against them, I could not get my costs back. Had the case gone to appeal there was no way I could have fought it as I had spent so much money during the elections. To top it all Jemima's father, Jimmy Goldsmith, was dying from cancer and she was totally distraught. He passed away in July 1997, leaving is family and friends bereft. A few weeks ater Princess Diana died. Her visit to the hospital earlier i the year had brought fresh donations, givig us enough breathing space for me to organize some more fundraisers and stop it going under. She had offered to attend a fundraiser i Saudi Arabia later in the year to help further. Her death capped what was the worst twelve months of my life since 1985 when  lost my mother. Looking back, the only thng that made me happy that ear was watching my son Slaiman grow p. For me, nothing in my life gave me more joy than having children. Had I known hw happy they would make me I would have got married when I was younger. Aside from my faith and my family, what helped me during this period of my life were the lessons I had learned in crcket. They told me that there were no shortcuts in life. If you wanted smething you had to work for it. And that hard work was never wasted. If one had a passion for what one wanted to achieve then hard work ceased to be drudgery. You only lse when you give up in your mind. In additon, I had leared that circumstances never remain the same; but never must one give p if one feels one is heading towards defeat. I used to nd that at the start of a veday test match one could never predict how the ve days would pan out, as it was dependet on so many actors. The pessimists in the team would smetimes concude after the rst day that we were going t lose and more or less accept defeat. Being an optimist I always used to look at it differently. I found nexpected sitations would suddenly give ou the opportnity to make a comeback in the game. For instance, the weather would change, or the ay the pitch was playing. Or the other team could just make a mistake you could capitaize on. If you hadn't already given up you could make the most of these variables. I hae kept this attitude in life. Besides, hopelessness is faithlessness. There were people within my party, as well as plety of political commentators, who started predicting that after Sharif's heay mandate no one would be able to dislodge him for the next decade. At this pont my party was completely written off by everyone. Sharif's party itself was already planning for the next twenty years so caried away was it by its twthirds majority. I thought differently and was to be prved right. Wth my usual dogged optimism, I set about dealing with the various issues on my plate. irst was the hspital. On the back of Princess Diana's visit we had started a campaig to invite all opinion makers, journalists, clumnists and newspaper editors to the hospital to visit. By the beginning of 1998, all these efforts combined to lit the hospital's nances out of danger. By 1999 donations had goe back to the preelection level. Meanwhile, my personal nancial problems started easing up too.  began to write and commentate on cricket just enough t make my cotributions to the party and pay the bills. I 1999 Botham and Lamb drpped their appeal so I did not have to thin of additional funds. With better organizatin I also began to have more ime to enjoy family life. My greatest sacrice for being in politics was ot always beig able to sped as much time as I wanted to with my family. In April 999, the Almighty blessed us with our second son, Kasim. Politics, however, was still a problem. I ha managed to settle the party's debts within the year but rasing money was almost impssible. Our oice holders never had sufcient funds to do fulltime politics. As the country's economic situation worsened, some of our ofce bearers went bakrupt; others had to work dubly hard to earn the same amount of income. A lot of my time was spent in settling isputes, usually when the workers of a particular area wuld refuse to acknowledge a senior ofce bearer because he was not giving enough time to the party. If the head of a district did not work, the whole district would become inactive. We were p against the feudal www.p oo sree. landlords and career politicians, peole who had often inherited a constituency nd had the infrastructure and resources to do politics fulltime. I also ad difculty finding leadersip for my party. This is i fact a general problem in Pakistan. Durng my cricketing career I always used to wonder why there was so muh intrigue within the Pakistan cricket team. I played cricket in England fr several rst class teams -Oxford, Worcester and Sussex. I also playe for New Souh Wales in the Australian Shefeld Shield competition. I never saw ay intrigue against captains in rst class teams I played for in England or Australia, even though some were pretty poor. Yet in Pakistan there were always groups within the team that were ready to undermine the captain wheneer they lost. I was made capain in 1982 wen the team rebelled and refused to play under the incumbent skipper. After I retired in 1992 there wee multiple changes in the captaincy. Pakistan made close o thirty changes between 1992 and 2010 while in that same period Australia had only four different captains. I also had a problem of frequet inghting within the fundraising committees for the hospital that I had set up in various cities abroad After a lot f research I realized that the reason for ack of leadersip in Pakista is partly because of our school system. lmost all of ur test cricketers and political workers are stateschool edcated but sadly the public edcation system has deteriorated dramatically in the past frty years. Most schools just do not groom students in the art of ledership, failig to teach tem how to handle responsibility. It was different at Aitchison, where there was a system of prefects, head boys ad team captais. On top of that we had miltary training s that we were taught about teamwork and he qualities a leader needed to command respect. Unfortnately the vast majority of ur private schools and almst all the government schoos have neither any sports facilities nor any extracurricular activities. Students therefore do not have the opportunity to learn that authority brings with it responsibility and abusing that positio loses one the respect of one's subordinates Despite my strggle to nd the right people to work with and the sheer drudgery of the endless travellig, my crisscrssing of the cuntry was higly educationa and at times ispiring. This was especially so when I me people who, with no resoures but lots of passion, were doing everything they could for Pakistan. I found the iggest hurdle n my way was cynicism. Peple had been led up the garden path so many times that they were sceptial about everyone. How cold they be sure I was not like the previos politician oering change The period f about four years after our failed electio bid was one of great learning. Meeting s many people was an eduction in itself. I learned to judge people more effectively and gradually began to be able t make up my mind very quckly about the mindset of those I was dealing with. Sharif had corrupted politics so much that most people were looking to make money out of it. I found dealing with such types the worst aspect of olitics. I leared to get to the point quickly. This ability t distinguish between the important and the trivial allowed me to manage my time better. Also, after dealing with or devastating electoral loss, and the subseqent stream of rises within the party, I had  good understanding of my team and knew which members I could depend on. I had discovered in cricket that you only know the real worth of your players when they are put under pressure. s I had predicted, Sharif was not to last long. Between his ecnomic mismaagement and growing disregard for the institutions of a modern state, antagoism towards him mounted. n September 1999 virtually the entire opposition formed the Grand Democratic Alliace (GDA) on a onepoint agenda to campaign for his removal. That year he had railroaded the 15th Amendment -which would have given him dictatorial powers as the  mir ulmomineen or leder of the faihful - through parliament with his brute majority. He was already behaving like a Mughal emperor after pushing through the 13th Amendment (which made the presidency impotet) and the 14th Amendment (which made the parliament a rubberstampig body www.p oo sree. and meant that no member of his party could disobey the chairman or they wold lose their seat). After the 15th Amendment there would have been n check to his already unprecedented powers. We feared that once the senate election took place in March 2000, Sharif would then command a majority there too, enabling him to make the 15th Amendment law. Sharif and his party had already done something that remains one of the most disgraceful events in our cuntry's history: senior members of his party, along with party workers, physically attacked the Supreme Court of Pakistan in 1997, and the chief jstice -who had dared to start contempt proceedings against Sharif -had to ee from the court. he Grand Democratic Alliace held rallies in all the major cities. It was clear that public opinion had tued agaist Sharif; thogh the ordinary people of Pakistan were nt concerned about the 15th Amendment, tey were being crushed by growing unemployment and a faltering economy on one sid and constant price rises (especially utility bills) on the other. Further weakeing Sharif's position was growing tension with the army chief, General Musharraf, after the illconcived and disastrous Kargil operation. In May 1999, New Delhi discovered that Pakistani soldiers ad Kashmiri freedom ghters had occupied the Kargil heights, in Indiaoccupied Kashmir. Ironicaly this came just three months after Sharif had hosted the Indian prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee on his historic peacemaking visit to Lahore -the rst time, since the Indian involvement in the coict in East Pakistan that had led to the establishment of Bangladesh, that the two heads of government had met formally and issued a declaration and a memorandum of undrstanding whch committed both parties to peace) as a result. According to Sharif's version of events, the the commandernchief of the army, Musharraf, had launched the operaion without cnsulting him; however, Musharraf insiste that the prim minister had been on board. Whatever the truth of the matter, Sharif found himself in a difcult siuation. Pakistan was slammed by the international community and the Indians retaliated. Seeing the Pakistani position was untnable, Sharif was forced to beg Bill Clinton for help in brokering a peace deal with New Delhi. Sharif rdered the trops to withdraw, confusing a umiliated Pakistani public who had been fed the ocial line that only Kashmiri freedm ghters had occupied the Kargil heights and that Pakistan had no cntrol over them. There then followed a cld war betwee Musharraf ad Sharif. Any genuine leader would have haled the army chief in front of him and courtmartialled him for what turned out to be one of Pakistan's biggest debacles -not just in terms of lives, money and international reputation but also damage to the Kashmiri cause. Instead Sharif dithered for months before ventually attempting to remve Musharraf n the most bizarre way. On 12 October 1999, the army chef was midair on his way home from a trip to Sri Lanka when Sharif sacked him and appointed Ziauddn Butt as his replacement. He diverted Musharraf's plane i order to buy imself more time and a chatic few hours ensued before army ofcias loyal to Musharraf rebelled and launched a fullscale military takeover. The victorious Musharraf had the prime minister and his cronies arrested. Military rule was back. he amazing ting was that the same GD members who had been vrtually pleading with the army to remove Sharif (there was no constitutinal way of getting rid of him) were later o club together with him and form anther alliance against Musharraf. Benazir's PPP began to make overtures to Sharif when she realized that the army was not going t ask her to joi the government and was instead bent on pursuing corruption charges against her. When I found out I could not believe what cntempt these pportunistic politicians had for the peope of Pakistan. Just a few months previosly they were telling the public that Sharif was the greatest threat to democracy in the country and ow they had to ally with him in order to save Pakistan's democracy'. Benazir and Sharif had been trying to xpose each oter's corruption to the www.p oo sree. public or eleven years. Indeed the Sharif government had spent a fortune in taxpayers' money trying to get Benazir convicted of graft and had put Zardari injail; yet when they realized that Musharrfwas intent o charging them both, they clung to each other. That sums up Pakistan's plitics from 1988 to 1999. N wonder that according to a Gallup survey, 80 per cent of the populatio supported the military takeover. As for Sharif, he was later tried and cnvicted on charges of hijacing and terroism. He took a plea bargain to avoid life imprisonment ad was exiled t Saudi Arabia in 2000. While I welcomed what seemed like an ed to the Benazir-Sharif merrygo round, I was also thankful for Musharraf's coup for personal reasons. Sine our marriage Jemima had been doing her best to get ivolved in life in Pakistan. Nt only had she converted to Islam and adapted to Pakistani culture, but she had learned to speak Urdu qite well. In the elections she had campaigned for me, givng speeches i Urdu. She had also helped me with the hspital fundraising. We could sell our fund raising dinners much better if she was guaranteed to be there. She also started a cothing business, having clothes embroidered in Pakistan and selling them in the West. All the prots went to the hospital and her business gave employment to undreds of wmen. I was particularly prou of her when se decided to help Afghan refugees in Jalozi camp living in subhuman conditions. She had read an article about hw some children had died of cold at the camp, home to thousands of refugees since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Being a mother herself, this affecte her deeply ad so she lauched a charity and raised millions of rupees for tents, prvisions and medical clinics for the refugees. However, just as we were working to make our crosscultral marriage scceed, external forces were attempting to sabotage our fmily life. We discovered how truly vicious the political maa in Pakista could be. In December 1998, just to embarrass me politically, an antiqesmuggling accusation was slapped on Jemima by Sharif's government. It alleged that tiles Jemima had sent to her mother as a Christmas present were atique, despite he fact that they were bought from a shop that never even claimed they were of historical interest. Pakistan's laws are very strict about the exporting of antiques. Ater the case was registered, Jemima had one of the ties examined by three museums in England and had a thermoluminescene test done to date it. All cormed the tiles were moder. So keen was the government to implicate Jemima in the case, though that it did not even follow the customs department's own laws. A ninemember commiee comprisig members f the archaeological department, the customs department and the person accused have to deliberate before an object is declared an antique. Instead, one government employee in the archaeologica department declared them t be antique. The case should have immediately been thrown out of court but was pending for months ad the judge kept giving the government time to improve its case. Since smuggling is a onbailable offence in Pakistan and potentially carried a sentence of up t seven years i jail, I decided that Jemima should stay in England until te case was over. This again meant a disruption to our family life. Neither of us could take a risk wih a governmetcontrolled judiciary, especially with a twyearold and another baby o the way. Afer the militar coup, the case against Jemima was immediately thrown out, but she hd been forced o stay out of the country for eleven months in total. Sadly, even ater this major respite, politics was to cause further disruptio to our family life. If the 1997 elections had been hard o our marriage, the 2002 polls were even tougher. At least in 1997 Jemima had been abe to participate in my campaign; this time she had to stay out. Instead of being able to be the asset she should have been, my political opponents hd turned her ito a liability. ecause they couldn't hurl the usual accusations of sleaze at me, they attcked me through her. It was especially hard for her not to be actively invlved because she is basicall a very political person. This was a great blow for our marriage. A crosscultural mariage can work if your passins and www.p oo sree. objecties are the same but Jemima had to be sidelined. And een then she was not spared; spurious stories about her continued to emerge in the Pakistani press. A comment about having read a book by Salman Rushdie for her university dissertation on post colonial literature turned into a story saying she had chosen him as her guide. There were demonstrations calling for her citizenship to be revoked. Hard for anyone this kind of treatment was particularly distressing for somebdy like Jemima who was naturally shy and sensitive. Cmpounding our difculties during the campaign I was away touring the country fr about ve months. I was campaigning almost singlehadedly my bes candidate having withdrawn. I barely saw my wife and children. In the end the party won one seat -my own in Mianwali which given the lack of freedm the electios were conducted under wit the whole state machinery helping my opponent was a great achievement. It came at a heay personal cost. When I returned home to Islamabad I found Jemima demoralized and for the rst time realized that she was losing the battle and giving up. I had already started to harbour guilt about her being so unhappy. She had tried incredibly hard but my political career and the constant attacks on her were very difcult. I felt guilty because as te older partner I was more responsible for our marriage. She was so young when we married and when we made the decision to launch my party -how coul she have known what such a life would entail in a foreig land? But I should have thoght about all te possible cosequences. Fo the rst time I began to think that maybe I had been irresponsible; just because I was battlehardened after years of struggle did ot mean that my wife should have been thrown at such a tender age int the turbulent world of Pakistani politics. Adapting to a completely alien culture was already challenge enough. Personal attacks on people' s families especialy their wives are rare in Pakistani culture. It had never ocurred to me that people could stoop so low as to attack a young foreign woman because of her husband' s political work. So when Jemima said she wanted to return to England to study for a oeyear masters degree in Modern Trends in Islam at London' s School of Oriental and African Studies and take the boys with her as devastating as the news was I didn't resist. As always I believed that somehow ircumstances might change. I hoped that if the political climate imprved I could lure her back or that she would come to realize that the life we had created together in akistan was worth staying for. But in my heart I knew i was the beginning of the end. Above all a marriage cannot work with two people living on different continents. Within a year I could see tha she was absorbed by her life back in London with her family and friends and was happy there. The six months leading up to our divorce and the six monts ater made p the hardest year of my life. The children' s obvious distress exacerbated the misery they are always the ones wo suffer the most in divorce Sulaiman being older felt it more and seeing his pain doubled my pain. I missed them terribly. Nothing lled the vid. I loved fatherhood more than anything I had ever experenced in life. Having had children after my cricket career I had been at hme to watch every phase of their growing up and was a handson parent an experience so many fathers miss out on because of their work. My life had been work and family; I hardly ever saw my friends or went to dinner parties. Now not having them around was the hardest thing to come to terms with. For the rst time I began to understand how people coud lose the will to live. Usually someone wh wakes up every morning with optimism and joy at facing a new day I suddenly found it hard to get out of bed. Once again faith got me throgh these difult times. Once I had come t terms with the divorce I picked myself up and threw myself back into pursuing my political and humanitarian work. The optimist in me cannot help but see the brighter side of a situation and I felt that in many ways I was luckier than most in my divorce. There was no acrimony none of the bitterness aused when oe partner has been unfaithful to the www.p oo sree. other, o nancial disutes and no lawyers involved. Jemima is very generous in giving me time with the boys. They come o stay with me during their chool holiday and I then devote myself entirely to them. Whenever I'm in England, I stay with my ex motherinlaw, Lady Annabel who still treats me as part of the amily. Her sos Ben and Za are like younger brothers to me. The rest f the time I am free to focus on my work. Moreover, the burden of Jemima's unhappiness was lifted from me and if there's one thig worse than eeing a loved one leave, it's seeing a loved one unhappy. As the Quran ays: After every hardship there is ease' (Qran 65: 7 and 7: 42); and I cnsoled myself with the Quraic verse that smetimes Allah doesn't answer our prayers because he knows what's best for us. It is hard to say that with hindsight I would have done things differently away. My married friends aways envied me my life when I was a bachelor but the greatest happiness and contentment in my life came from my marriage. I always was a ristaker so I ws willing to tae the lows with the highs. Whenever I looked back and thought about what else I cold have done I felt that, given the circumtances, I had worked harder at making my marriage work than at anything else in my life. So there were no regrets. If anything could have prevented me from maring Jemima, it was the realization that she ws maybe too yung and inexperienced to be presented with such a challenge. It pained me that she had to endure all te suffering that divorce entals. She gained two beautiful ons, though, ad a second hoe in Pakistan where she was much loved. She is still very attached to the country and always the rt to rally round when disaster befalls us -be it oods or earthquakes. Peple oten ask e why I didn't go to Londo to save our relationship but t was never an option. I could never imagine living in London, just makig a living out f cricket jouralism. For me that would hae been a purpseless existene. I cannot een imagine life without a passion and a prpose; once I had cricket, now I have my plitical struggle -which was t become all the more urgent after the turmil in Pakistan unleashed by he 9/11 attacks. And Jemima knew that. She did not marry a lounge lizard; my drive was one of the things that had attracted her to me. I think I would have been diminished in her eyes if I had lost that drive. www.p oo sree. Chapter Seven www.p oo sree. The Genera, 1999-2001 AFTE MUSHAAF HAD come to power in a ilitary coup i 1999, many f us in Pakistan hoped he mght bring a new lease of life to our country, following years of unstable and corrupt civilian govenments. Nawaz Sharif's plans to award imself dictatoial powers under the 15th Amendment were a genuine hreat to any hope of establishing a proper democracy in Pakistan. Thank God we are saved, I thought at the time, as Musharraf promised to hol fresh elections, introduce genuine democracy and clean up corruption. Iitially sincerity oozed out of him. Yet even at my rst encounter with him, in a secret meetig a few months after the cop, the alarm bells should have rung. I should have realized hen and there hat the genera had no vision and no understanding of the iportance of the rule of law. He had already issued his rst Provisional Constitutional Order (PCO) and thrown a few judges out but he had left tw of the most corrupt judges in place. So I tok the opportnity to ask him why he had't cleaned up the judiciary roperly: surely, I said, if his main concer was good goernance and curbing corrupton this was the rst thing he had to do because only a strng, independet judicial system can act as a check and balance on an executive. All of the worst instances of corruptin in developing countries come from politicians having to much power. The reason they get away with it is becase the judiciay is always subservient to the executive, or is in fact an extension of the executive. Imran,' Musharraf said, if we touch the judiciary well become parahs for the international comunity.' Of curse he'd already done this himself; as it was, he should have worried about xing Pakistan rst, ad then worried about the rest of the world. If the people of Pakistan had been behind him, he could have handled the world. As he was to nd out seven years later, when he did remove the chief justice, even the backing of the world's only superpower could not keep him in pwer when the people of Pakistan turned against him. The same thing happened to the Shah of Iran (ad more recentl Hosni Mubarak in Egypt ad Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia); when the Iranian people turned against him tere was nothng the Americans could do to save him. At rst, many f us overlooked Musharraf's early errors, thinking he was being badly advised, or that he did not understand politics. And we had been so disillsioned by the corrupt governments of Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto that had ruled Pakistan for the previous eleven years that we were full of hope. In the end, though, it ecame apparet that his only vision was how to keep himself in power. Every compromise he made was to strengthen his own position. Just as an earlier dictator, General Zia lHaq, had seized on the Sovet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 to make himself indispensable to the Americans, s too did Musharraf use the 9/11 attacks on New Yok and Washigton to bolster his position. On 11 September 2001, I was speaking at a political rally near Peshawar, the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, wen I heard about the attacks on New York and Washigton. As we watched the secnd plane y into the tower lie on televisio I felt a sense of foreboding. Like many, I was shocked and appalled by the sight of peple so desperate to escape the inferno inside that they thew themselves out of the bilding. www.p oo sree. Never ad I seen such a horric tragedy live on television. It had a huge impact on everyoe I knew. My first thought was to hope the hijackers were't Muslim, my second was to hope they weren't Pakistan. When it emerged they were Arab I knew that nothing would ever be the same for the Muslim orld again. As far as Pakistan was concered, though, the fact that one of its ntionals were involved made little differece. A media ircus descended on Islamabad within a week and we suddenly found urselves on the frontline of the war on teror'. Musharraf, previously iewed with sspicion by the Americans, suddenly became a key US partner. When US president Bill Clinton had come to Pakistan in 2000 he had refused to have a photograph taken f them shakig hands, so wary was he of being seen to endorse a military dictator. But all concern for Pakistani democracy evaporated ater 9/11, as Musharraf became Washington's greatest ally against Islamic extremism'. S dollars poured into the country, just as tey had in Zia's time, as Musharraf helped the Americans against Pakistan's former Afghan Taliba allies. Ater 9/11 he rounded up hundreds of people ad handed them over to Washington for ounty; according to the charity Reprieve, 95 per cent of the people haded over by Pakistan were inocent. In his memoir Musharraf declared that he had transferred over seven hundred alQaeda suspects to the Uited States, yet in doing so he had violated article 4A of the constitutio, which states that any persn on Pakistani soil cannot be given over to another authrity unless he is taken to a court of law nd provided with the chance to prove his inocence. Musharraf violated the law of the land to prove to the Americans that he was a bulwark against Islamic extremism, just as many Arab dictators have done over the years. The United States in tur used Musharraf; its commiment to demcracy, so loudly proclaimed during its later invasion f Iraq, abandoned in favour f the war on terror'. It cared only that the Pakistan army should be used as cheap mercenaries in America's war. Just as the Americans had doe with Zia, they preferred one strong military ruler to a chaotic and demanding democracy. General Ehtisham Zamir headed the political wing f the InterServices Intelligence (SI) agecy, and was tasked with briging together General Musharraf's coalitin of reform'. He was lookig for my party's support for the General o give him the strength to take on the crooked politicias'. After the referendum, in spring 2002, designed to give legitimacy to Musharraf's presidency, we met again and he told me of the Grand Naional Alliance', and that's when the alarm bells started ringing. Zamir gave me the SI's assessmet of how many seats each party could get in the autumn elections; I ased about the plans to get rid f the corrupt politicians, and he told me abut the reality -that it was unfortunate bt the people f Pakistan voed for crooks. I realized we'd been led up he garden path and, for shor term gains, the long term interests of Pakistan were goig to be crucied. Sadly this has been a legacy of intelligence agencies in Pakistan wh, without a prper broadbased analysis, have made decisios which have proved disastous for our cuntry. (Other secret agencies have done tremendous harm in the world, especially the CIA, which fo shortterm goals has created so much chaos in so many countries.) This was my rst experience of dealing with the SI. Ater that, I resolved never to let the agencies iuence our decision making in the future. I met Musharraf for the th and nal time n 23 July 2002, when he invited me to President House in Islamabad; I was hoping to change his mind about making this coalition of crooks. It was then I realized how much those of us who had supported him initially had been fooed by his promises to clean p the political system. Also resent were Musharraf's spokesman and ntional security adviser, along with the head of the SI and Zamir. The meeting was friendly enough at the start, as e told me he wanted me to jin his coalitio. He claimed that he had always thought tht I was the only clean politician in the country. When he tld me who the politicians were in his coalition of www.p oo sree. reform', I was shocked. Some of these politicias were considered the epitme of corruption in the country, and I told Musharraf tat joining them would lose me all credibility, since my main platform was anticorruption. Musharraf said that if  didn't join him I would lose. I told him I would rather lose than discredt myself. Benzir and Sharif had been persnal friends before they joined politics; the nly reason I opposed them was because o their corrupton. They did at least have a vote bank, hough, whereas some of the politicians in Musharraf's socalled coaliton of reform that he wanted me to join were both crooked and without a vote bank. I warned him that if he insisted on associating himself with these corrupt politicians then Benazir and Sharif would benet. People by this point were sick of their corruption ut if Musharraf went ahead with his coalitin of the crooked the voters would reason that all the main parties were crrupt anway levelling the field again for Benazir and Sharif. Unfortnately, people in Pakistan vote for crooks,' he said, repeating the phrase I'd heard before, telling me that I was to idealistic and to be pragmtic. I told him that he should hae put in place a strong judiciary, an independent electio commission, a credible natonal accountability bureau and then held fee and fair polls. If you had done all that,' I said, you'd be the biggest ame in Pakistan after Jinnah.' He said there was a risk invlved. It was then that it occurred to me he meant a risk for himself, as opposed to for Pakistan. He could not comprehend the ptential damage to the countr from his allince with corrpt politicians. It dawned on me that he had a naive belief that as long as he was in power he could cotrol anything. He had no idea about the mess he was creatig. Up till then I had assumed Musharraf was being misadvised by his close aide Tariq Aziz, but now I realized that rther than helping him form sme kind of plitical vision, advisers like Aziz were simpy counselling him on how to stay in power. That was my last meeting with Musharraf and from then onwards our pats diverged. By not joining Musharraf my party fell between two stols. Because we had previosly been seen to be close to him we were not considered a opposition paty. But now we were rmly out of the establishmentbacked coalition. Consequently a lot of potentially good canddates abandoned us. The ones that were let were turned o by the SI; its agents either treatened the TehreekeInsaf candidates or cajoled or lured them into Msharraf's PML (Q) (the Pakstan Muslim League -a breakaway from Sharif's party, istinguished by the Q' for Quid short for QuideAzm or Great Leader, the title gien to Jinnah). Some candidates gave up altogether, tellig me they cold not ght the SI. They said they would be wasting their money. Cash is essential for political candidates in Pakistan, who can spend a minimum of 10 million rupees in rural constitencies. No politician in the country's histry up till the had ever beaten the establishment. From October 002 onwards, my party went through the most difcult period of its existence. Although following te 1997 election rout things had been extremely tough, it was ater the elections in 2002 that we went through our toughest phase. Having just one seat and with the entire party i disarray, it became a question of survival, just keeping our heads above water. I have no doubt that had I not won my seat -against all odds, because the entire government machinery was working against me - it would have been al over for my party.  won with a 5,000voe margin, a record to that pont for the constituency.) Having that one seat meant I could just keep the party alive; but it was hard, as barely twety of the top leadership were active, and even they were dfcult to keep motivated. Oters either left the party or became dorman. One positive of this difcult period was that I realized who were my real team -it's oly in a crisis that you know te worth of thse around you. The one man who resolutel stood beside me through thick and thin was Saifullah Niai. The other wo was a great support through these tough times was Rashid Khan. www.p oo sree. It took me a year to clear the debts the party ad incurred dring the electins; we moved out of our big central ofce in Islamabad and shifted the ofce ito my parliamentary lodge, given to me as member of parliament. I cleared our last remaining debts i an unusual way; I was with my family in England, and my brotherinlaw, Ben Goldsmith, kept asking me about what would happen in an England versus South Africa test match. I discovered his interest came from is spreadbetting' on the game. I decided to watch the match, and leared he'd already lost about £10,000 on the game, so I told him that in order to give him tips I would have to watch the match, and that every pound e made ater recovering the £10,000 he'd lost would go towards clearng my party's debt. I have never gambled in my life and ave never understood its attraction, but now for the sake f clearing my arty's debts I watched the test match with Ben for the next two days, teling him what to do and whe. Not only did he clear his debt, but we made enough money to clear my party's debt as well. At one pint the bookie asked, Mr Goldsmith, you dn't happen to be sitting with your brotherilaw, do you? For the next few months, the arty had to be run on a shoestring budget; no one donates to losers. For the next three and a half years, the party fught for its lie. The one thig that saved us was independent television; from 2004 onwards, I had access to the TV current affairs programmes, and I took clear stands on varius issues -especially on the war on terror' which I alwas felt was a disaster for Pakistan while it eriched the elite; and from March 2007 onwards, standing with the chief justice in his sruggle against the president. In my view, Msharraf really started to go downhill ater te 2002 electins. He had tried to split the opposition to guarantee victory for his own party, the PML Q), by encouraging the Muttahida MajliseAmal (MMA) a coalition of religious parties. But his plas backred wen almost the entire Pashtu belt voted for the MMA in protest against the US bombardment of Afghanistan. Since I had been canvassing in two constitencies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, I knew that all the Pashtn would vote for the MMA n sympathy for the Taliban, who were now considered felow Pashtuns ghting the American Goliath on the other side of the border. But the intelligence agencies, who were orchestrating the elections for Musharraf from behind the scenes, had never expected them to do s well, and the MMA's success upset his carefully laid plas to rig the outcome. Ater the polls Musharraf struggled t pull together enough politicians to obtain a clear majority. Despite his commitment t ght corruption, he was forced to bribe and blackmail some corrupt politicians, who accepted promises of posts as ministers in return for cases against them being droped. But even dictators have limits on their authority and in Musharraf's case the challenge came from the judiciary -the very jdiciary whose importance he had overloked when he rst came to pwer. In late 206, Chief Justice Itikhar Chaudhry had embarrassed the government by reversing a highprole decision to pivatize Pakistan Steel Mills and Musharraf began to think he was becoming too independent. The chief justice had also initiated investigations into the forced disappearances' of people believed to hae been detained without due rocess by the Pakistani military and intelligence services as part of their contribution o the war on terror'. Worried that Chaudhry would refuse to allow him to out the cnstitution by contesting presidential electios due that yea while remainng head of the army, Musharraf suspended im on 9 March 2007 on allegations of abse of ofce ad nepotism. He had not, however, anticipated the strength of the popular reaction. A move that might have been caried out quietly in Zia's day, when the only TV channel was the governmentowned oe, was now loudly broadcast by the independent televisin media. Ironcally, Musharraf had during is regime encuraged the bom in commerial television channels. And initially he was the chief beneciary as he came across well on television compared to the www.p oo sree. discredited politicians. A more active media was nt to his advanage, though, once his popularity started to wane. Developing contries persist because the goernments are ot held to accunt by a judical system -crrupt politicias cannot afford to allow an independent judiciary. In Pakistan, every military dictator has subjugated the judiciary. Sadly, een the democratic governmets have never allowed an independent judiciary to ourish -from Bhutto, through his daughter Benazir, to Sharif whose senior party members phsically attacked the Supreme Court. (There are currently fteen injunctins from the Spreme Court, ncluding those dealing with corruption, beig deed by Zardari's government.) Musharraf now tried to crack down on the judiciary as protests against his treatment of Chaudhr spread like wildre. The chef justice refused to stand down and the media and opposition parties, my party being in the forefront, leapt to his defence as our contry's lawyers took to the streets for the rst time. A constitutional crisis threateed as the wave of public sympathy for the lawyers' movement stoked calls for an end to Musharraf's sevenandahalfyear militay rule. This was a dening moment. The chef justice was supposed to uphold not only the rights of inividual Pakistnis but also thse of the coutry's institutions and the costitution. If the state could nt even protect his rights, how could it protect the rights of the most ulnerable sections of society? he lawyers' movement was a signicant development or Pakistan, ffering hope of a plank of civil society activsm that did not represent any particular religious or political group. The way in which the surge in independent media had shrpened political consciousness in Pakistan was consistently underestimated by Musharraf, and later by Sharif and Benazir. After years of only stte television, PTV, there was now a plethora of current affairs programmes and chat shows to fuel debate about the state of the nation. My party was the greatest beneciary, enjoying an psurge in popularity thanks to the greater visibility the media provided and the way in which it was highlighting some of he issues we stood for. One of my party's main demands when I had fonded it in 1996 was for an independent judiial system, and for years ours was a cry in the wilderness. Finally it was an idea whose time had come. he one most powerful name behind the enire lawyers' movement backing the chief jstice was a founder member of TehreekeInsaf, Hamid Khan. While he controled the lawyers' movement fom behind the scenes, I was able to mobilize my party ad the politicians behind the chief justice. The rst press cnference was held in conjunction with Qazi Hussain Ahmad, then the head of JamaateIslami. Chaudhry set o on a tour of courts and lawyers' associations around the country, drawing huge crowds of people wh tossed rose petals at his cavalcade and called out antiMsharraf slogas. On 8 May along with my party members, I spent a night outside Lahore's Data Darbar shrine, built in the eeventh century, waiting to welcome Chaudhry to the city. He was supposed to have arrived by early evening but hd been waylaid on the Grand Trunk Road frm Islamabad by crowds of wellwishers waiting at the roadside to greet him. So he did not make it to Lahore till about 7 a.m. Al night streams of people from Lahore's Ol City kept coming up to me to talk about what was happening. It was then that I realized something quite incredible was taking place in Pakistan. There was a general awakening of the ublic for the rst time since I had entered politics. As the sun came up a man shouted from the distance, Imran, Sahib, a new dawn is rising.' Ill never forget that. Pakistan had changed. he strength of support for Chaudhry paniced Musharraf which showed a few days later in his hanling of the chief justice's trip to Karachi. Chaudhry was due to address the lawyers o the Sindh High Court Bar Association, bu his visit turned ugly. At least thirtynine eople died ad more than a hundred were injured after the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) , allies of Musharraf, attacked Chadhry's www.p oo sree. supporters. The MQM, initially fouded to represet the interests of the descenants of the Mohajirs, immigrants who came from India in the bloody tumult of Partition, now essentially operates like a terrorist organization. Karachi is their stronghold. MQM gunme red straigh into a procession of political parties heading to the airport to receive the chief justie. At the time, I was participating in a live television programme called Citl Tlk. I the studio we watched realtime footage of people bearing MQM ags ad ring into te crowds with Kalashnikovs. But the television anchors were so petried of stating the obvious -tat these were MQM suppoters -that they kept referrig to them as militants'. The secretary general of my party, Arif Alvi, caled me on my mobile to tel me that he and other party members -who were there to demonstrate in support of Chaudhry -were under ttack by the MQM gunmen. He said the polce and the paramilitary Pakisan Rangers just stood by and watched the mayhem. Amongst those injured were ten of my party members. Luckily all survived. While once upon a time in Pakistan the public would have been shielded frm an event like this, now it was all broadcast on televisin. Human Rights Watch slammed the government for arresting oppositin activists in the runup to Chaudhry's visit. It suggested it had delibeately sought to foment violence in Karaci' and failed to rein in the unrest, whether through incompetence or complicity. Musharraf's liberal credentials were in tatters. Furious, I decided to try ad get the MQM leader Altaf Hussain charged in Londo, where he has lived in selfimposed exile since 1992 beause of assassination threats. It was impossible to have hm tried in Pakistan; people are too terried of the party t testify. Whe there was a hearing into the violence in Karachi, proceedings were disrupted by crowds of MQM supporters and it was postponed indenitely. I gave Scotlad Yard a le on Hussain but witnesses were too cowed to come forward even in Londo. Then Musharraf, and later his successor Asif Ali Zardari, denied the British police permission to come to Pakistan to interview witnesses. By 16 July, Msharraf was frced by public pressure to reinstate Chaudhry. But the geeral was now badly weakened. He tried to recover some ground by reahing a deal-brokered by George W. Bush's administration -with Benazir Bhutto. Havng ed the country in 1999 to avoid corruption charges she was allowed t return to Pakstan to contest elections. In return for her agreeing to share power with Musharraf -with her as prime minister and him as president -he introduced the National Reconciliation Ordinace (NRO). This meant all corruption cases against her and her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, were dropped. This was made out to be something like South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation iitiative, but i was in a cmpletely different context to post apartheid South Afria, where it had been a question of bringng two communities together. More importantly, there ws no Truth. Nne of those people ever admtted to corruption, including Zardari. They tought by using the word reconciliation' they'd be exonerated, as if this was all abot political vitimization. All the billions lost to corruption were waved aside by this ordinance -which later was annulled by the Supreme Court as beig against the law of the land. This ordinance would come to have disastrus consequences for Pakista; now we have many criminals sitting in many key positios today. Corrption would trn to plunder. Yet still Musharraf remained weak; and still he remained hreatened by the judiciary, who could potetially wreck his plans to get himself reelected as president. The deal siged with Benazir -at the time one of the country's most ppular politicias -gave him the political space to make his next move. In October he won the presidential polls bt controversy over his eligibility to stand rmbled on. O 3 November he sacked the chief justice, purged the Spreme Court, declared a state of emergency and muzzled the media. That's when m arrest warrans were issued. As I warned in an article I wote for the Paistani newspaper The News while I was in prison, Musharraf was in the process of implementing the rst phase of his plan www.p oo sree. to gai power for aother ve years with a massive crackdown on the genuine opposition lawyers human rights activists and the civil society. He is hoping that the police brutality will iduce enough fear in the people for him to crush all dissent within a coupe of weeks before he takes the next step of getting himself endorsed by his pocket judges.' He ws already planing to hold parliamentary and provincial elections on 8 Jnuary 2008. I was worried te issue of the judiciary would soon be forgotten. Even the other politicians did not really want an independent justice system at that point -they changed their tne later when they realized i was a popular issue. Musharraf had hoped to use the cover of the US war on terror' to justify the need for extreme measures to crack down on domestic dissent. Sure enough a few weeks after the declaration of the state of emergency the new judges he put in plce removed the nal legal challenge to his reelection clearing the way fr him to resign as army chief as he had prmised and be sworn in as a civilian president. As it trned out thogh the general had overreahed himself and in the end een the Amerians could not sve him. www.p oo sree. Chapter Eght www.p oo sree. Pakistan Since 9/11 TEN EARS AFTER alQaeda's attack on the united states killed almost three thousad people, the Muslim world s still paying the price The S response has led to death and destruction on a far greater scale than anything seen in Washington ad New York. he vast majorty of those who have died as a result of the war on terro' were innocet and had absolutely nothing to do with 9/1. Estimates for the number killed in the invasion and occupation of Iraq range from arond 100,000 t over a millio. Tens of thousands of innocent Afghan civlians have likewise lost their lives -80 per cent of Afghanis had not even heard of 9/11, yet they hae been in the middle of death and destruction for the last ten years. In Pakistan the aalyst Farrukh Saleem estimates that 33,467 Pakistanis die in terrorismrelated violence between 2003 and 2010. How many more Muslims will have to pay the price? The insae war on terrr' has decimatd two countris, Iraq and Afghanistan, and brought a third one, Pakistan, almost to the verge of collaps. The three cuntries, despite all the US aid pumped ito them, were all in Foreig Poliy magazine's list of tpten failed states for 2010. Nor has the war on terror' done the United States public any favours. Apart from actually making them less safe by increasing extremists' antagnism towards America, it has helped contribute to their economic downturn. Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda]. Bilmes in 2008 put the total cost to the United States of the Iraq war alone at $3 trillion, although by 2010 they were saying his had proved to be conservative. The camaign against terrorism has also done tremendous damage t the reputatio of the worlds only superpwer. A measure of a country's civilization is how it responds to pressre. When tested, the United States failed t rise to the occasion, trampling on its own rinciples and standards -principles and standards that hd once inspired generations across the wrld, who saw in US history an example o the triumph f freedom and equality over colonial rule. I, like many i the developig world, grew up impressed by the United States and its ieals of democracy and huma rights. Yet we saw them all violated in the name of the war on terror' . For me, the high point of US moral authority was after the Second World War, when the Nazis, who were responsible for the deaths of over 30 million, were given a fair trial. Churchill wnted them summarily executed but Roosevet insisted on a trial. In the wrds of Justice Robert Jackson, the chief United States prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials: If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United Sates does them or whether Germany does hem, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invked against s.' This was a show of clemency and moral universalism not accorded Muslims since 9/1. Trying terrorism suspecs like conventional criminals, rather tha classifying them as enemy combatants' and throwig them in Guantanamo, would have given the United Sttes a moral authority that would have helped win hearts ad minds in the Muslim world at this vital jncture in history. Instead, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the drone attacks in Pakistan's north west, Abu Ghraib prison, Guantanamo Bay, extraordinary rendition, the use of torture - www.p oo sree. as well as terms like enemy noncombatants' and collateral damage' -have blackened America's name. Mslims were appalled by the hypocrisy and dishonesty when America attempted to hide its imperialist designs on Iraq behind the smokesceen of allegations of weapons of mass destruction and a spurious lnk between Saddam Hussei's government and alQaeda. Saddam's secular Iraq had nothing to o with Osama bin Laden and his fundametalist version f Islam. Besides, the Unite States had previously backe Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war. Nor did it escape people's atention that while it proclaimed its desire fr democracy in Iraq, Washigton had for decades backed authoritarian strongmen in the Middle East in order to prtect its own interests. During the Cold War, the threat of cmmunism was the excuse for supporting atocrats in the third world; now the bogeyma is radical Islam. fter 9/11, governments from Russia to Israel and India hae stepped up brutality against insurgents in heir own coutries under the cover of the war on terror'. Their vicious suppression of any kind of dissent has further fuelled extremism. With revolt spreading across the Arab world in early 2011, the have been wrngfooted, caght on the wrng side of history. For yeas dictators like Mubarak have used the threat of Islamism to keep the nited States on their side -jst as Musharraf did. Even during his last das in power Mbarak tried to spook the Americans into saving him by claiming radical Islamists would take over Egypt. At the same time, Muammar Gadda was also blaming Libya's uprising on extremists, most notably alQaeda. But now the ordinary people of countries lie Egypt and Tunisia have been revealed t desire nothing more sinister than democracy, rule of law, freedom, jobs and equality. The myth that the Muslim world is made up of a smal section of westernized moerates' and a mass of ignorat conservatives ripe for exploitation by radical Islam has been fully exposed. The USbacked dictators and monarchs do not represet the aspiratios of the peope, who simply want the same rights taken for granted in the West. he irony is that these dictators or puppet rulers, as illusrated by the Shah of Iran, Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai ad our own Musharraf and Zardari, can achieve very little for the United States. The poliy is usually counterproductive in the end because by toeig Washingto's line the ruler loses all creibility and the respect of his people. As Michael Scheuer says about American foreign policy in his book Imeril Hubris particuarly in regards to Afghanistan and Pakista: The lesson is not only tha others will not do our dirty work, but that others will stp us from doing our dirty work as completely as possible. So committed are we to nding others to do hard and bloody things for us that we misread reality and enlist allies who cannot or will not do the job.' In Muslim contries there is immense suspicion about certain lobbies taking advantage of the attacks on Washington and New York to pursue their interests. In the forefrot was the loby described by President Dwight D. Eisehower in 1961 as the industralmilitary complex, along with the neocons and their Project for the New American Centu', a Washington tinktank aimed at promoting American prnciples around the world. The 9/11 attacks provided the eocons with the perfect excuse to overthrow Saddam Hssein since they had been pshing for the idea of regime change in Iraq since 1997. (The United States' own inquires subsequenty found there was no connecion between raq and 9/11.) Aligned wit them were the Israelis, who felt threateed by Iraq, and of course the oil industry. Ismael HosseinZadeh, an ecoomics teacher at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, and author of The Politil Eonomy of US Militrism goes so far as to sggest that the nited States has been taken ver by a militaryindustrialsecuritynancial cabal' aimig for fullspectrum dominace' of the world. By dividing the globe into friends' and foes', powerfl beneciaries of war and miitarism compel both groups o embark on a path of militarization, whic leads inevitably to militarism and authoritarian rule'. The war proeers behind tis US militarization of the world, apart from draining natinal resources and adding to ational www.p oo sree. debt in the various cuntries affected, also stoke fear and suspicon amongst different peoples and therefore provoke more onicts. Much of Washngton's reactin to 9/11, however, has bee selfdefeating and it has made many mistakes. A major oe was failing to distinguish between the Taliban, a medieval militia focused on domesti power, and alQaeda, an international orgaization aiming to attack American interests across the globe. The Talian were part of the mujahideen forces that fought the Sviets. They only took power because of the failure of the post Soviet governments to mpose law ad order and sart rehabilitating the devastated country. Mullah Zaeef, the former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, describes in his ook Living With the Tlibn the chaotic conditions that prevailed when the warlors ran Afghanistan. It was those conditions that led to the Taliban taking over. In over 1,400 years of Isamic history, i was the only time there had een any Talibantype theocracy; Zaeef says that Taliban leader Mullah Omar asked him for help as they had no idea how to run a state -these were boys wh'd grown up n war, they'd known nothing else for sixteen years. Afghanistan had descended into chaos, with mujahideen leaders carving out their own territories. Zaeef was asked to take n different ministries because they could hardly nd ay educated aliban who knew anything about statecraft. The United States accused the Taliban of harbourig alQaeda, but the Taliba inherited Osama bin Laden and his organization, which was already in Afghaistan when they took over. Furthermore, several times the Taliban offered the Americans compromses that they declined. According to Mulah Zaeef, when the Americans were pushing for Afghanistan to hand bin Laden over ater the bombings of US emassies in Kenya and Tanzaia in 1998, the Afghans offered to have him tried either in the Supreme Court of Afghanistan or in a court formed and chaired by three Islamic countries and held in a fourth Islamic country. Washington refused, demanding that he be handed ove unconditionally. He claims they would not even consider dealing with bin Laden in The Hague. He also says Mullah Omar made te Americans another offer a few days after the 9/11 attacks, agreeing to have bin Laden tried by an Islamic court -if not in Afghanistan then in another Muslim country. The Taliban leader stressed the need for the United States to produce evidence of his involvemen in the attacks as for any trial. To me this seems like a perfectly reasonable condition When the Russians tried to extradite Chechen rebel commander Akhmed Zakayev from the UK on terrorism charges in 2003, London insisted that Moscow prove their case in a court o law. A British court then rejected the request because of lack of evidence. Bush was deermined to inade Afghanistan, though, and war, instead of being a last resort, became the rst option ater 9/11. Right from the start, Washington showed it was not prepared to use due process in dealing with whoever it considered as terrorists. his disregard for various iternational conventions meant the United States failed to mobilize support from the Muslim world -which would have been more than willing to help bring all those involved in the 9/1 attacks to justice. I can say that in Pakistan at the time I heard nothing ut deep sympathy for the United States because of those terrible images f innocent peple jumping t their deaths fom the burning Twin Towers. Instead Bush declared a war against terrorism as if the United States was ghting a conventioal army. Most signicantly, rather than simply treating those terrorists as criminals, war was declared against radical Islam. It was as if this was another ideological eemy for the West to rally against after fascism and communism. Lies and distortions by the United Sates and varios European gvernments hae been used to get the Western public behind the wars in bth Iraq and Aghanistan. Inevitably, this fanned the perception that all Muslims were on trial. The rst phone call I received from a journalist after 9/11 was from ITN's Martin Bashi. As a Muslim, aren't you embarrassed by the attacks?' was his immediate question. I was shocked, then realized this was what others would be thinking too. Implying all the www.p oo sree. world's 1.3 billion Mslims should feel in some way responsible or an act of a handful of criminals is a bit lke asking a Christian to feel responsible fr Hitler or Stalin and their atrocities, or asking a Catholic in Rome if they supported the IRA blowing up childre and tourists in Omagh in 998. By puttig a whole religion in the dck the United States and its allies alienated many normal' Muslims. Bush's response also served to further the terrorists' cause. They were elevated from mere criminals to holy warriors acting in the name of Islam This meant that there was obviously going to be a minority of Muslims who viewed them as martyrs and approved f what they did. This was oly to get worse over the course of the decade. The death of many inocent Muslim civilians serves as a rallying call for alQaeda in its recruiment drive. This war on terrr' actually manufactures terrorists. Even i they are not prepared to g to the extremes of the late bn Laden and his cohorts, the resentments bin Laden listed are felt by many Muslims. The war on terror' simply added to the list of grievances by causing the death of more inocent Muslim civilians. May more terrorist attacks since 9/11, includig the 7/7 bombings in London, the failed imes Square bombing, and recently the shooting of two merican soldiers by a Muslim at Frankfurt airport in Germany, were all in reaction to the wars in Afghanistan and raq. I was dismaye by the West's refusal to try and understand the root causes of the religios fanaticism tat had been growing for years in the Muslim world, fuelled by injustices against Muslims in Kashmir, Chechnya, Bosnia, Palestine and other places. The 9/11 attacks were undoubtedly acts of terrorism, but much of the ghting ging on in many of these places is a questio of ordina Muslims reacting to what is perceived as foregn invasion o occupation. When a Muslim insurgent ghts he does s in the name of Islam because to ght against injustice is jhad. Moreove, people signig up to ght aongside their Muslim brothers from other countries is simply like British or American Jews wanting to do natioal service in srael. It is a question of idetifying with the struggle of your coreligionists. To the Islamic world, it seems that the internaional community is always ready to leap to the defence of Christians but that it turns a blind eye whe it comes to Muslims' right to selfdetermiation. The UN agreed to a referendum on Christianmajoriy East Timor's independence from Indonesia but a UN resolution to hold a referendum n Kashmiri independence was never implemented, nor were various UN esolutions against Israel. here are many conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11, bt for me the biggest conspiracy of all was the way in which genuine political concerns in the Muslim world over the Palestinian-Israeli issue were portrayed as religious warmongering. When Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bi Abdul Aziz Saud suggested that US plicy in the Middle East, and on the Palestie question in particular, migt have contributed to the 9/11 attacks, New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani promptly rejected the prince's offer of 10 million dllars for the Twin Towers Fund. I am telling Americas what America is beginning to know already,' the prince told the New York mes at the time. America has to understand that if it wants to extract the roots of this ridiculus and terrible act, this issue [of the Palestiians has to be solved.' Bush claimed alQaeda hate our freedoms -our freeom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vte and assemble and disagree with each other'. Yet the British journalist Robert Fisk, one of the few Westerners to hae interviewed sama bin Laen, has written that the alQaeda leader listed three main reasons for his hatred of the United States: its support for Israel against the Palestinians, its support of the Saudi monarchy and the presence of US troops in Muslm lands. This is backed up by bin Laden's twelvepage treatise Declaration of War Against the nited States', which states his intention to fight the United States and las out his politcal reasons for doing so. Again, his grievaces involve S backing for Arab police states and Israel, US presence on the Arabian Peninsula, S troops being stationed in Islamic nations and US www.p oo sree. support for other countries that oppress Muslims, especially Russia, China and India. He made no mention of hating the West's way of life o democracy. Instead of addressing the Musim world's primary source of grievance against the United States -the Israel-Palestine situation -Washington blamed rising slamic extremsm. Bush's sggestion that there was some kind of cultural battle going on betwee the West and Islam risks ecoming a selffullling prphecy. The Western media ten portrays slam as being incompatible with Western values, in the way that communism and fascism were. But if you are going to make one religion your foe, how do you dene that religion? Islam is different in every country -it varies acrss the world. Moroccan Islam is different to Indonesian Islam which is different to Pakistani Islam. Even within the four provinces of Pakistan there are diffeences in the way the religio is practised. Within every religious community there are a variety of cultures and views and every human commuity and every religion has a minority of radials. To many Muslims, US iterference in internal politics, its disregard for other contries' sovereignty, its backing of corrupt dictators, and most of all its invasion of Iraq and Afghaistan are just the latest examles of colonial injustices in a long list that started with Napoleon's invasion of Egypt n 1798. Young Muslims today are horried to see the independence ther forefathers battled so hard for compromsed by corrup rulers who have bartered the freedom and sovereignty of their country to get US backing. Of course, the white Western man has been imposing his version of events on the wrld for centuries. When I was growing up we used to read comic boks in which te Red Indians were the baddies and the cowboys the godies. When I got older I discovered that actually the Red Indians were decimated, wiped off their own land, lke the Aborigines in Australa. Then we had decades of gvernments -and with them popular culture -invoking fear over the threat of communism. Now when I watch lms with my sons, the baddies are ten Muslims. I expected a acklash after 9/11, but had not anticipated its ferocity. The campaign to instil fear amongst Western populations about the threat from what has at times een hysterically referred to as Islamoascism' has given way to rising Islamophobia. The ascent of rightwing, antiimmigration parties in Euroe, the misleading and sometimes downright sensationalist reporting against Muslims in the rightwing Western media, France's ban on the brka, Switzerland's ban on minarets and the furore over the Muslim community centre near New Yor's Ground Zeo have helped the radicals' cause and alienated ordinary Muslims. Bush's attitude of you are either with us or agaist us' has hardened attitudes towards the nited States -and by extensin the West. Bush and Blair claimed this was a war aganst radical Islam; but how was the man in the street, in the West, going to differentiate between a moderate and a radical Muslim I saw these developments frm both sides, as I was in the unique positio of knowing how the people in the West viewed this whole war on terrr' and, at the same time, as a politician in Pakistan I saw how the man in the Pakistan street' perceived this as a war against Islam. And I watched helplessly as ignorance played a big part in this war o terror' , exacerbating the divide with the Mslim world. Yet while the war on teror' perpetrated the myths equating Islam with radicalism and violece, a Gallup survey publised in 2008 revealed that the vast majority of Muslims worldwide codemned the 9/11 attacks. It seemed that actually most of them aspired to the West's standards on freedom of speech and politics, fair judicial systems and democracy. Like most nonMuslims, their priorities and dreams involved better jobs and security, nt holy war or bloodshed. The survey's ndings are clearly borne out by the 2011 uprisigs in the Middle East. According to the poll only 7 per cet of respondens around the world thought that the 9/11 attacks were completely' justied and viewed the United States unfavourably. But they were motivated more by www.p oo sree. fears of US occupatin and domination, rather than cultural differences. What most Muslims surveyed ad most admired about the West was its technology and its democracy -the same two answers given by Americans when asked the same question. Furthermore, research by University of Chicago political scientist Robert Pape dispels many of the misconceptions surrounding suicide bombing and Islamic fundamentalism. Afte studying every suicide terroist attack in the world from 1980 till 2003 he concluded that the world's leading practitioners of suicide terrorism are Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers -a secular, MarxistLeninist group of Hind background. He also found hat 95 per cent of suicide terrorist attacks are part of coherent campaigns organized by large militant organizations and have secular an political rather than religios goals. They are in response to military occupation of territory considered by the terrorists to be their homeland. It's also worth oting that the study revealed suicide bombers are often well educated, middleclass and politically motivated, not the poor and uneducated or religious fanatics which our dolaraddicted ruling elite woud have the West believe. errorism has othing to do with Islam, an everything to do with politics. But many Muslim leaders, eager to ingraiate themselves with the United States, had neither the guts, nor frankly the understanding, to explain this to the West. So instead of underliing the urgency of dealing with the reasos behind the jihadis' rage, the vast majority of Muslim leaders, petried of US power and desperate for its support, all presented themselves as moderate' Muslims and staunch allies against extremism. I blame he westernized elite of the Muslim world oo. They also hid behind mderate Islam, perpetuating the idea that an ideology, not political njustice, lay behind terrorism. This idea that one has to dstinguish between a moderate and a radical Muslim is extremely dangerus. The 9/11 attackers did not look or behave like bearded fundamentalists, nor did Faisal Shahzad, the Pakisanborn US citizen convicted of an attempted carbomb atack in New York's Times Square in 2010. The collective failure of the Muslim worlds elite to ght back was a sorry indictment of our intellectual repower. Anyone who tried to point out the causes behind terrorism or suggest political rather than military solutions was ridiculed or labelled a sympathizer, and oten reference to Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler was made. All debate was stied. This was reminiscent of the kind of propaganda used by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazis' minister of propaganda, who manipulated the masses by scaring them with ptential threats, and if anybody objected, accusing them of being unpatritic, even treasonous. Meanwhile, Western ntellectuals just did not have the knowledge of Islam to counter the risig tide of Islamophobia. Our best defence came from the leftwing medi in the UK, such as the Gurdin and the Ideendent. Ulike real liberls such as the British Pakistani journalist Triq Ali, the lef wing media and intelligentsia in Pakistan failed to take a stand against the many human rights abuses of the war on terror'. The main reason behind this was that they geninely believed there was a threat of Talibanization of Pakistan, and they elt this perceied threat was greater than the human rights abuses caused by the drone attacks and operations by Pakistani forces in the tribal areas. Journalists and columnists who had reviously presented themseles as antiimperialist liberals suddenly backed our surrender to the US war on terror' , and their silence on the threat t Pakistani sovereignty and to their countrymen being bombarded was deafening. Most shockingly, some of those wh call themselves liberals have backed the bmbing of villages, whether by drones, the Pakistan air force helicopter guships or artillery, and have accepted the deaths of innocent civilians, women and children, as collateral damage'. The NGOs did nothing, s most were funded by Western donors, and the mainstream parties were likewise silent because they were so scared of losing Washigton's backing. That let only my party and the religious parties to take a stand. www.p oo sree. Much of my plitics since 9/11 has been baed around opposing corruption and Washigton's war o terror', and highlighting the many devatating and logterm conseqences both have had for Pakistan and for the West. Because of this I have been accused by the socaled liberals in akistan's Englishlanguage press of being a right wing hardliner and even proTaliban I always maitained there was never going to be a military solution, either in Afghanistan or in Pakistan's tribal areas. In fact, the war has led to a growing radicalization of our society and the creation of terrorists. According to the WiiLeaks cables released in 210, the forme US ambassaor to Pakistan, Anne Pattersn, also considered the drone attacks and military operation counterprodctive'. For someone who grew up being tld by my parents how lucky I was to live in an indepedent country after centuries of colonial rue, I found Musharraf and Zrdari's total subjugation of Pkistan's sovereignty to the US as the ultimate humiliation. First to go in Musharraf's string of abandoned principles was our relationship with Afghanistan. Soon after the 911 attacks, Washington gave him a list of seven demands. These invlved clamping down on alQaeda operatins on the Pkistani border, handing over intelligence information, grating US acces to Pakistan' naval and air bases, breaking off diplomatc relations wit the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and cutting off their fel supply. Muharraf immediately agreed to all seven demands. A good relationship with Afghanistan had been key to Pakistan's strategy of strategic depth' owards India. That meant ensuring a proIslamabad regime in Kabul to counter any potential aggressin from the eat. Pakistan had recognized the Taliban regime since 1996; the alacrity with which Musharraf capiulated amazed even Washington, dismayed the Pakistai military and shocked the public. He took us into the war on terror' when no Pakitani had been involved in the 9/11 attacks and alQaeda was a CIAtrined militant group based in Afghanistan, and there were o militant Taliban in Pakistan. He also gave US intelligece agencies a free hand to pick up any Pkistani citizen or foreigner suspected of terrrism. After being strongarmed by the Americans, Pakistan's political elite shamefully accepted dollars in exchange or turning on ts own people. he problem with Musharraf was that he had no road map and therefore o idea about when to compromise and when not to. Thee was no parliament or cabinet for importnt decisions to be debated, and therefore they were mde out of shortterm expediency and opportunism. Of course he should have offered to help the United States apprehend the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. Ater all, he was n a prime postion to explain to the Americans the best way of dealing with alQaeda But as the leader of Pakistan he should also have made sure that Pakistanis' interests were protected. He tried to rally public opinion behind him by using exactly the same weapon that Bsh and Blair sed to galvaize their public -fear. He maintained tat cooperation with Washigton was vital for safeguarding Pakistan's nuclear assets and its policy on Kashmr. In an allparty conference ot long after 9/11 he told us that the Unite States was like a wounded bear', lashing out all over the place. We ad to go alog with whatever it wanted otherwise we could be destroyed -General Musharraf wrote later that the US Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage, told his intelligence director that we had to help the US or Pakistan will be bombed back to te stone age'. e told us India was willing to take our place as the US's ally against the Taliban and that the United States could ue India to desroy us just as they had used the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan to destroy the Taliba. I have never seen Pakistanis s petried of S anger as during this period. This is a typical example of how fear can be used as a weapon by the ruling elite to make the people fall in line; at he same time, it shows that policies based n fear always end up in disater. (A decade later, Pakista would realize the full impact of these feabased policie, when its very existence wold be at stake. www.p oo sree. Yet by continually capitulating to Washingtn's demands, akistan is in a worse situation than it was before 9/11. Cotrary to Musharraf's line that Pakistan had t stand alongside Bush in the campaign against terrrism or India's hand wold be strengthened, the invasion of Afghanistan succeeded in replacing a proIslamabad regime with a proew Delhi goernment in Kabul. Pakista's main geopolitical concer has always been -and still is -India. It now feels encircled, with India building up its iuence across Afghanistan i the form of ad, consulates, trade and even the soft power f Indian cultue through teleision and lms. Nor have our efforts given us any kind of special status n Washington. Despite all our sacrices, if any attack was to take place against the United States by a erson with any links to Pakistan, we could still be bombed by our socalled allies. Accrding to the eminent journalist Bob Woodward in his book Obm's Wrs if Faisal Shahzad's attempt to detonate a bomb in New York had succeeded, the Uited States wuld have bombed up to 15 known terrorst safe havens in Pakistan. Meanwhile, as has been made evident i the material made available by WikiLeaks, the US embassy in Pakistan operates mre or less like the viceroy's ofce in the days of the British Raj. And t would brook no criticism. While the Pakistan government was treated as an ally, the people of Pakistan were treated as ptential enemies. There were so many examples of Pakistanis being maltreated in Euroe and the US. In Macedonia, six Pakistais were shot dead as terrorists; only later did it emerge that they were businessmen. In Greece, ve Pakistani busnessmen were jailed, interrogated and tortured -only they were innocent. In Britain, there were many cases of Pakistanis being picked up by the security services; the worst case was one where seven Pakistani students were suspected of terrorism and locked up for six months i high security jails before being found inncent and then deported. Tw of them came to see me at my ofce in Islmabad; they were boys from ordinary families, whose parents had sacriced so much to send them to England for their education and here they were deported when it was clear they were innocent ad had their careers ruined. I met a couple of Pakistanis on a plane who told me horrendous tales of their being picked up in the US, maltreated in ail and then deported. Because of my frequent and ocal objections to the war on terror', many of its victims have come to me for help over the years. Following 9/11, nonPakistani Muslims, particularly Arabs, were ery vulnerable in Pakistan. The disgracefl way Muslim foreigners were treated durig this period is a shameful part of our history. They all became potential errorists and many were deied any oppotunity to prove their innocece. People were picked up ad just disappeared. Some were killed withut any indepedent investigaion into whether they were gilty or not. This is where, in seeking to protect its own against terrorism, Washington contributed to the abuse of human rights in other countres. In the UK when London's Metropolita Police shot dead an innocet Brazilian man after the 7/7 attacks there was national outrage, leadig to a proper inquiry and compensation for the family. But in Pakistan it was -and still is -as if humn life is worthess. I started t receive a succession of visits or calls to my ofce from people whose lved ones had disappeared, picked up by the Pakistani army or intelligence agencies. They wanted t know what their husbands or sons or nephews had been accused of and where they were. But nobody would help them, such was the fear of associating with ayone even lined to accusatons of terrorism. In 2003, I led the rst demonstrations with the families of the missing persons outside Parliament. A year earlier, in 2002, Dr Amir Aziz was picked up and disappeared'. He was an orthpaedic surgeo who would take a team of octors to Afghanistan every summer for voluntary medical work. I knew Dr Aziz as he had also done volunteer work in my cancer hospital. According t news reports at the time, Aziz was picked up by police working with FBI agents and accused of suplying anthrax to alQaeda ad Taliban militants. I www.p oo sree. called p a few opposition politicias and one of the religious parties, suggesting we organize a press conference to highlght the doctors arrest. They were all too scared to do anything so I did the press conference alone. Soon the Pakistani Medical Association in Lahore protested against his detention. Then the other political parties started o raise objections. The man was released without charge ater being kept in the American embassy for a month. He told me he believed that were it not for he public protests, he would have ended up in Guantanamo Bay. he family of Dr Aaa Siddiqui also came o me. The Americans have claimed the Pakistani neuroscientist and mother of three was an alQaeda member, althogh she has never been charged with terrorismrelated offences. Her famil believe that Siddiqui disappeared in 2003 for ve years because she was imprisoned and tortured by the Americans. Washington denies this. However, a audiotape released by Siddiqui's lawyers in February 2011 appeared to back up the family's story, containing an apparent conrmation by a man named Imra Shaukat, idetied as a seior Pakistani counter terrorism ofcial that the Pakistani olice arrested her in 2003 ad handed her over to the SI. British journalist Yvonne Ridley believes Siddiqui was the mysterious prisoner 650, the woman whose screams and crying tormeted her fellow prisoners at Bagram airbase in Afghanista. When Siddiqui rst disappeared her uncle rang me and told me that the last her family had heard from her she was about to take a train from Karachi to Islamabad with her three young children and that she had been too scared to travel by plane because she had heard she was on some FBI list. Aaa' s mother then called me asking for help. I agreed to do a press conference with her. But the following ay she backed out after receiving a phone call from one of the Pakistani intelligence agencies warning her that if she went ahead with the press onference she would never see her daughter or three grandchildren agai. Initially, the PPP and PML (N) did not dare touch Siddiqi's case. Man Westernnaced NGOs swallowed their supposed concern for human rights and also steered clear of it. In 2008 I agreed to hold a press conference with Yvonne Ridley in Islamabad calling for Siddiqui's release. While previously the press had avoided the story, now it got extensive coverage. Siddqui was to become a national cause clbre. Soon ater the press conference, she was apparently arrested by the Americans in Afghanistan. They claimed that while in custody she grabbe a gun and red on US arm ofcers and FBI agents, wthout hitting any of them. Se was whisked to New York, charged with attempted murder and in 2010 handed dow an 86 year jail term. Siddiqui's conviction had an inammatory reaction over US double standards and set off rallies in the streets of Pakistani cities; US soldiers implicated in the deaths of innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan are unlikely to ever receie such a sentence, and whe CIA operatie Raymond Davis coldbloodedly murdered two teenagers he was whisked out of Pakistan by the US in early 2011. In 2008, a member of my party from Waziristan who lived in Karachi, Jeanzeb Burki, suddenly disappeared. He had been picked up by soldiers of the frontier force, and taken to the Baa Hisar fort in Peshawar. My party staged demonstrations in Karachi, and I spoke to the senior police ofcal demanding to know what had happened to him. He was released a few days later, and told me he'd been interogated not jus by ofcers o the frontier force but also by some Americans. They wanted to know why he had given 500,000 rupees to the Taliban when he was visiting his home in Waziristan. Jehanzeb admitted to giing the Taliba the money, but added, Wold you have saved me if I'd refused the Talban?' According to him, others in his situation had not been that lucky; had there not been demonstrations for him in Karachi, this could have been a death setence. Jehanzeb's story types what is happening in the tribal areas, squeezed between the Taliban on one side ad the security forces on the other; as there is no law there, summary exections on both sides take place all the time. www.p oo sree. One of the most shameful events in our history took place in Quetta oly this year 211: ve unarmed Chechens three women and two men were gunned down at a securit checkpoint by the police. The police claimed they were terrorists but a photogaph was released of one of the women who it turned ot was seven months pregnat showing her putting her hand up to beg for mercy -r pointing to God. I found that so awful. God knows how many such incidents have taken place that have not been caught on camera. Another scandal illustrating the Musharraf gvernment's appalling record on due process was the treatment of Mullah Zaeef. The Taliban government's ambassador to Pakistan was -with ttal disregard for diplomatic immunity as otlined by the Geneva Convetion -seized by the Pakistani authorities a fw months ater the 9/11 attacks and handed over to the Americans. I had met Zaeef in 2000 while he was working in Islamabad to talk abot the buildup in tension at th time between Iran and Afghanistan and found him to be a very civilized cultured and sotly spoken gentleman. In hs book MyLe with the Tlibn he describes what happeed when the Pakistanis handed him over to the Americans: hey ripped the black cloth frm my face and for the rst tme I could see where I was. Pakistan and America soldiers stood around me  The Pakistani soldiers were all staring as the Americans hit me and tore the remaning clothes off from my body. Evetually I was completely nakd and the Pakistani soldiers -the defenders of the Holy Quran -shamelessl watched me with smiles on their faces saluting this disgracefl action of the Americans. They held a handover ceremony with the Americans right in front of my eyes. That moment is written in my memory like a stain on my soul. Even if Pakistan was unable to stand up to the godless Americans I would at least have expected them to insist that treatment like this woul never take place under their eyes or on their own soereign territory. here were so many cases like this. Anyone having anything to do with the Taliba was considered a terrorist. Yet up till 9/11 Pakistan had been one of only three countris to recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were the others) so of course there were people with links to insttutions and peple there. In Pakistan the Taliban were onsidered fudamentalists ut not terrorists. As for alQaeda few Pakistanis had ever heard of thm. If they had they considered them to be like the Afghan mujahiden a jihadi rganization that had originally been formed to ght the Sviets. egardless of what any of these terrorism suspects are believed to have dne the most important point s that due process should have been followed. That is the mark of a civilied country. Pakistan' s fragile democratic istitutions were under attack though as Musharraf's goverment chipped away at rule f law across the board. The general had to take increasingly unconstitutinal steps to shore up his power as his alliane with the United States dented his popularty. One compromise followed another. On coming to power he made an immediate show of cracking down on graft. Zardari had been jailed for corruption while Benazir had already left the country to escape charges levelled at her under Sharif's regime. Sharif himself was sentenced to life imprisonment on hijackig and terrorism charges the year ater the coup bu in another ne of Musharraf's compromises he was soon pardoned ad went into exile in Saudi Arabia. I was still holding out hope for Musharraf in 2002 when he annouced a referendum to extend his term as president. His assumption of power had been challenged by several court petitions so he had introduced the Oath of Judges Order in www.p oo sree. early 2000, which required judges t take a fresh oath of ofce, swearing allegiance to military rule. A few refused and resigned in prtest and others were dismissed by Musharraf. The Supreme Court was insisting that he hold national elections by 12 October 2002. So he eeded a referedum to bolster his legitimacy as president after the return to democracy. My party's central executive debated for a day and a half whether to support this highly unconstitutioal proposal. After all, the general had promised a return to democracy within three years of his coup. In the end, we could not decide, so I rang Musharraf, who invited us all t go and discuss it with him in person. He pesuaded us that he needed the guarantee of aother ve years in ofce in order to implement his anticorruption campaign. He succeeded in charming everyone, even the few sceptics on our cetral executive committee. He succeeded because we were still wa of Benazir and Sharrif making a comeback, amid memories of their incompetence and corrution. onetheless, the referendum turned out to be a disaster, drawing widespread allegations of ballot rigging. Mushrraf claimed 50 per cent of he voting population turned out, and that 98 per cent voted yes' to ve more yers of him. It was so obviously not true it was a national embarrassmet. The govement had been able to deploy all its resources to encourage turnout while banning olitical parties from holding rallies against the referedum. My party was deeply embarrasse about supporting this fraudlent referendm, and I had to go on television eventually and apologize to the natin for supporting it. This mde my party nd me realize that in future ever again would we support anything unconstitutional. he United States conveniently turned a blid eye. I am not going to inulge in the specic dynamics of politics in Pakistan,' Deputy Assistant Secretary f State Donald Camp told the New York mes when asked about the pcoming referendum. Washigton's indifference to the state of internal Pakistai politics continued throughout most of the decade, even as Musharraf's government became mired in corruption. Having llowed the cuntry's crooked political maa to inltrate his government, Musharraf became increasingly compromised. At oe point he had about eighty federal ministers -most of the positions doled out as political bribes. The National Accountability Bureau became simply a eapon with which to intimidate the opposition. With each desperate effot to retain power, Musharraf succeeded in taking us back to the old days of Benazir and Sharif -exactly the kind of climate of sleaze he had rst pledged to eradicate. Musharraf's al and greatest compromise was the National Reconciliation Ordinace (NRO) , a powersharing deal he concocted in 2007 to enable him to run for reelection as president and bring back Benazir Bhutto as prime minister. Under the agreement brokered by the Americas and the British -despite the implications for the country's governance -more than 8,000 bureaucrats, government ofcials, bankers and politicians charged with corruption offences between 1986 and 1999 were given an amnesty, including Benazir and Zardari. According to documents given by the National Accoutability Burea to the Supreme Court, these people were suspected of robbing Pakistan of 1,060 billon rupees, with Benazir and Zardari together accounting for 140 billion of that total. Add to that the 2 billion rupees of Pakistni taxpayers' money previosly spent pursing corruption cases against Benazir and Zrdari in Swiss courts. The NRO also annulled thousands of cases of murder and assassination believed o have been cmmitted by the MQM. This as something neither the Americans nor the British would ever have alloed in their own countries, but of course the priority was the war on terrr', and the US needed a puppet govemen in Islamabad which had no qualms about the bombing of villages in our tribal areas, and wasn't squeamish about collateral damage'. As Hilary Synnott, British High Commssioner to Islamabad from 2001 to 2003, put it in his boo Trnsforming Pkistn Wys out of Instilit www.p oo sree. he dilemma for the Bush administration was that it judged that, despite his doubledealing over militant groups, Musharraf's leadershp was needed to help in the ght against terrorism. At the same time, it also advocated electins and progress towards democracy Yet the outcome of truly open and democratic elections seemed unlikely t deliver an effective system of governace for Pakistan or to provide sufcient support for the US military campaign. The only answer seemed to be for some kind of deal to be made between Musharraf and a potential elected leadership, the outcome of which, it was hoped, would do the least damage, either to Pakistan or to US interests. Of course it has damaged both -but most of all Pakistan. In brokering the NRO and giving Pakistanis the impression that Benazir Bhutto was beng rehabilitated in order to o Washingtons bidding, the Americans had given her the kiss of death. Much later, WikiLeaks revealed Asif Zardari had told the US Ambassador that Benazir was only returning to Pakistan after geting a green light from the Americans'. A few weeks before Benazir's death, I was at a cnference in Delhi and talking to Mehbooba Mufti, the Kashmiri politician, when Jeb Bush -Geoge W. Bush's brother -joined us. He asked me, were people excited about Benazir coming back? She is a dead woman walking, I said; a target to the militants on one side, because she ha adopted Wasington's policies on alQaea and the Taliban, and on the other side a target to politicians threatene by her, scare they would lose power. They could have her assassinated and blame the Taliban. Poor Benazir idn't have a chance. She might have escaped when Musharraf declared a state of emergency on 3 ovember 2007; she boycotte the election ad ew to Dubai. She had seen the low turnut at her rallies; her popularity had plunge as she was peceived as a US stooge and had aligned herself with Musharraf. Sadly for her, Washigton forced her to change her decision and within fortyeight hours she was back in Pakistan. Musharraf, after nally resiging from his army post, succeeded in his plan of being sworn in for a second term as president, but poor Benazir was assassinated in a suicide bombing at an election campaign rally in Rawalpindi in December. Zardari has vowed to hunt dow those resposible but thee has been little progress in the investigation and her death remains one of the most speculated upon mysteries in Pakistani history. The government spokesman immediately blamed Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. It was the reactio of the Peoples Party that was hard to undestand; after making various accusations, at the establishment, at the Taliban, and at the Q league, they called fr a UN inquiry. People ased, why would a party sitting in government ask the N to conduct an inquiry when all the intelligence agencies were controled by that pary now in power? The UN inquiry took three years and, i April 2010, dismissed allegations against Zardari, blamed Musharraf for failing to protect Bhutto and accused police and intelligence ofcials of hindering the probe ito her death. Everyone knew it was a coverup and whoever had with undue haste hose down the crime scene did irreparable damage' to investigations. We didn't need three ears of UN inquiry to tell us this obvious fact. In February 2011 an arrest warrant was issued for Musharraf in connection with Bhutto' s assassinatio. When I came ot of jail in 2007, I felt there was so much opposition to Musharraf he was unlikely to win even if he rigged the polls, and felt the APDM (All Parties Democratic Movemet) should contest the elections. However, oter opposition parties and members of the layers' movement were less condent. Musharraf had onl given us ve weeks' notice for the elections. Emergency rule was still in place, there was a clampdown on the media and Musharraf controlled the caretaker government, the local administration, the itelligence agecies, the election commission and the Spreme www.p oo sree. Court. They felt it was impossible t have free and fair elections. If he won he would declare the polls a reerendum agaist the chief justice, and the puppet judges he had already started to ll the judiciary with would be legitimized. That would put a end to any hope of having a independent udicial system for Pakistan. The Americans didn't seem t care. The Sate Departmet kept talking about free and fair elections and reversig the state of emergency, but failed to mention the reinstatement of the jdges - especially the chief justice of the Supreme Court (WikiLeaks, in 2011, would reveal that US ambassador Anne Patterson was not in favour of having the chief justice reinstated). If the judges were nt reinstalled, how could there be free and fair elections? Was Musharraf going to be left to decide what was free and fair? So the APDM, the alliance of parties opposed to Musharraf, announced an electio boycott on 24 November. Then things started happening fast. Nawaz Sharif was suddeny and mysteriusly allowed o return to Paistan despite a tenyear ban on him reenteing politics, raising suspicions of foreign forces behind the scenes. There was considerable pressure from the Americans and the British for everyone to ru in the electios and legitimize the anticipated win for the socalled liberal alliance'. Having led the move to boycott the elections, Sharif then started to waver before nally betrayig us all by succumbing t a combinatin of American, British and Saudi pressure. I remembe him disappearing for abot forty minutes during an APDM meeting to take a phoe call from then British Foreign Secretary David Miliband. Most of the rest of the APDM, a combination of religious, regional and secular parties as well as my own, went ahead with the bycott. Later, we discovered that Asfandyar Wali, leader f the Awami ational Party (ANP) , the main Pashtun party, had been somehow lured ito also runnig during a trip to Washington. The 2008 elections were never meant o bring democracy to Pakistan, which the lawyers' movement, along with my party ad backed by he civil society groups, had struggled so hard to get. Instead we were betrayed by selfserving politicians in cahoots with the Bush administratio. By 2004 anger had been growing over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, rampant human rights abuses and Pakistan's loss of sovereignty. For the Muslim masses, and especially the jihadi groups, the inasion of Iraq was the last straw, conrmig their belief that the United States was at war against Islam. Their anger at Pakistan's alliance with Washington deepened. As we'll see later, the crucial turing point was when Musharaf launched military operations in Waziristan -sparking a revolt aganst the army by tribal Pashtns. It was also the year that the CIA als launched its highly controersial covert campaign to target militants wth drone attacks in the tribal areas. It was also the time when the jihadi grups that had been nurtured by both the SI and the CIA during the Soviet war in Afghanistan turned against the Pakistan army. The ideological element within these groups went and joined what became the Pakistani Taliba. One of them was Ilyas Kashmiri, a former decorated asset' of the SI who had joined ajihadi group to ght in Kashmir. After 2004 he turned against the army and was responsible for many daring attacks until he was killed by a drone attack in Waziristan in June 2011. Attacks against security forces, particularly the army and the police, shot p after 2004; there were assaults on ofes belonging to the SI and FA, the ederal Investigation Agency, as well as against Pakistan air force employees. Msharraf himself became a target with at least four attempts on his life. In 2009 six soldiers died in an adacious assau on the army headquarters in Rawalpindi. Another decisie factor in this growing hostility towards the security forces was the Lal Masjid affair n 2007 when the army stormed Islamabad's Red Mosque, killing scores f religious students holed up inside the mosque and its madrassa compound. For several months beforehand tension had been rising between the mosque's students and the authorities but Msharraf failed to take any effective action over what should have www.p oo sree. been simply a police matter. The mosque students were fundametalists, not terrorists, and should just have been punished for the specic crimes they had committe. They were stoking opposition to him and making vigilatestyle attemts to curb what they saw as immoral activities in Islamabad -threatenig DVD shops and even kidnapping some Chinese wome alleged to be working as prostitutes. They were infuriated by Musharraf's campaign of reform or madrassas, his demolition of mosques built illegally on state grond and his attempts to impose westernization as part of his so called Enlightened Moderation'. In their eyes, he was a Western stooge out to destroy true Islam. (This is a example of how Western puppets actually fuel extremism in the Muslim world.) Musharraf came under increasing pressure from the westernized elite to crack down on them. His popularity, already on the wane since 204, had taken a further hit with the lawyers' movement that year. Seeing a opportunity to prove himself to his Wester backers too, Musharraf took a typically heayhanded approach. He coud have turned off the utility supplies and waited for the stdents to cave in (it was summer and they would not have lasted long without water and electricity). nstead he sen in the army, despite the fact that there were also women and childre within the complex. There are various versions of what exactly happened. A delegation of religious leaders had tried to negotiate a peaceful solution and -according to the newspapers -the students had been prepared to surreder if certain conditions were met. One of the two Ghazi brothers who ran the mosque told the media before the army launched its nal fullscale assault that there were only fourteen guns in the mosque complex at the time. Chaudhary Shujaat, head of the PML (Q) party, was the last to go inside te Red Mosque before the operation started. According to him, he had managed to work out a deal with those let inside the mosque, which mean they would lay down their arms and come out. When he found out that Musharraf refused to accept any compromise he was appalled and called Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, only to nd he was out eating ice cream with his family. Even now Chaudha becomes emotiona because he can still see the faces of the students who were incinerated inside. Nobody really knows how many died in the carage that followed. The government claimed at least a hundred militans and students were killed bu Qazi Hussain Ahmad, leader of the religios party JamaateIslami, has ut the numbe at over seve hundred. There has never been an investigation. The site was sealed up and the bodies removed, to be throw in an unmarked grave. This whole debacle coincided with the APDM's rst conference, which took place in London, convenently wiping the massacre off the news. However, Musarraf's zeal was counterproductive. First of all, the Lal Masjid assault turned the Pakistani masses against him. They saw it as a issue of class rather than reigion. They fet that the authorities dealt with the matter so violently because the madrassa students wee from poor families, and that therefore they could get away with it. Had the students come from Englishmedium schools, would tey have been treated like that? One of the biggest reasons Musharraf was to do so badly in the 2008 elections was resentment over Lal Masjid. Even one of his strongest candidates, Sheikh Rasheed, afterwards blamed the affair for his own defeat. It also had tremendous repercussons for national security. May of the mosqe students were from Khyber Pakhtunkhwas Swat area ad militants there launched a campaign of retribution, attacking convoys and police stations and setting off bombs throughout the valley. Lal Masjid basically reated the Swat Taliban, as it threw up Maulana Fazlullah, who became known as the Radio Mullah'; more on him later. Musharraf was just as heayhanded in his dealings with an insurgency in the province of Baluchistan. Since Pakistan's creaion, the Balchis have waged a succession of revolts to demand greater autonomy and a greater share of the prots from the province's rich supply of natura resources. Almost half Baluchistan's ve million people live below the poverty line. When insurgents escalated their attacks on the army www.p oo sree. in 200, Musharraf retaliated with a major offensive. The killig of the 79yearold rebel tribal leader Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti provked violent unrest in Baluchistan. It cemented Baluchi hated of the arm and turned wat had been a rights movement into an armed struggle fr liberation from Pakistan. This gave India the opportunity to exploit the situation, just as Pakistan had exploited the grievaces of the peple of Kashmir after the rigged elections in the valley y the Indian government i 1989. Today the unrest in Baluchistan is costing the contry a fortune in security t try to prevent regular terrorist assaults and sabotage attacks on gas ppelines. NonBaluchi settlers particularly professionals like teachers an doctors, are being assassinaed and hounded out of the prvince. Over 10,000 settlers have been forced out. he February 2008 elections were a disaster for Musharraf. Benazir's return to Pakistan was not warmly received, and, by associating herself with Musharraf through the NO deal she had damaged er reputation. However, her tragic assassination sparked anger against Musharraf; it became the last straw and set off a wave of sympathy for the PPP which gained the most seats, but no clear majority. Sharifs PML (N) did surprisingly well given their lack of preparation, cashing in on the popularity of the lawers' movemet. The two main opposition parties formed a coalition. It was the rst time in our history that a proestablishment party had lost the polls. Musharraf had made many mistakes in the runup to the elections, mistakes that were both military and cultural. His campaign f Enlightene Moderation' helped further alienate sections of Pakistani society, making them more likely to sympathize with extremists. According to an artcle he wrote fr the Wshington Post in 204, this twoprnged strategy of his urged the Muslim world to shun militancy and extemism and adpt the path of socioeconomic uplift' while calling for the West, and the United States in particular, t seek to resole all political disputes with jstice and to aid in the socioeconomic betterment of the deprived Muslim world'. Wha this probably would have meant was Muslms giving up their armed strggles against what they perceived to be foreign occupatio, without any guarantee that the West woud resolve conicts in places like Palestine, Kashmir and Chechnya or withdraw from raq and Afghanistan. Musharaf modelled himself on two other military men -Iran's eza Shah and Turkey's Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. They too believed that by mposing the otward manifestations of westernization they could catapul their countries forward by decades. For Musharraf westerization was modernization, but he used westernization selectively. The West's success lay in genuine democrac, strong institutions, education, an independent judiciay, a free media and free speech, whereas Msharrafwas ding the opposie. This is the solution for the Muslim world: a genuine democracy, freedom of speech that allows open debate, an evolution of our culture, and above all rule of law. What it does not need is pseudowesternization with Muslim westernized elites aping supercial aspects of the Western society, in reaction to which we have seen the growth of fundamentalism, which in turn stunts the growth of our culture. Musharraf took the Pakistani elite's obsessin with being Western clones to new heights. There were fashion shows put on for foreign dignitaries in the houses of the president and the prime minister. (I can remember a politician's wife complaining to me about how embarrassng she always found this.) Female televisin presenters o some channels were told to wear Western dress. The use of English in the media was encouraged. Musharraf often spoke in English himself at press coferences and Shaukat Aziz, then nance miister, delivered the national budget in English, a language spoken by only a tiny minority of the country. On TV, programmes like the Pakistani version of Blind Dte started appearing; in the past they would never have been seen on our screens due to the sensitivities of the culture of the masses. For ordinary Pakistais, this came across as Western vulgarity and bred fear and resentment. In my constituency, www.p oo sree. Mianwali, locals told me about their dislike of it, complaining that it had become difcult for families t watch television together. And so, thanks to Musharraf and America's war on terror, Pakistan nds itself in its sorry predicament today. We now have or worst ever government -that of Zardari. A man perceived by most Pakistanis to be our most corrpt politician iherited the leadership of the PPP party following Benazr's death and became president by producng a piece of aper that he said willed the arty to him ad his son -which no one has been able to authenticate. O the basis of that, he has becme our president. My party was the only one to protest, organizing a demonstration on Islamabad's Constitutional Avenue, where we declared we wee protesting t let later generations know we were not part of this crime -where someone with a riminal record could become our president The other parties were too afraid of Zardari, knowing he ad the ability to ruthlessly exploit any weakness in a corrupt politician. The most bizarre behaviur came from Sharif. Not only had he jailed Zardari for corruption durig both his terms as prime miister, but he had spent millions of rupees of taxpayers' mney on pursuing cases against him. Now he became Zardari's biggest supporter and in the presidential election did not even challenge his nomination papers. Of course the reason was no that Sharif suddenly had a change of heart; through Zardai he wanted to get rid of Musharraf, and he was scared that Zardari as president would open up corruption cases against him. However, one god thing that came out of the elections was that there was a lll in terrorism, as both the PPP and the PML (N) had spoen out in favur of a political solution to te war on terror' and said they were against military action in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The lull lasted till May 208 when, under pressure frm the Americans, Zardari launched a miltary operation in Bajaur, in the tribal areas. The bombig of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad in 208, when over fty people died, was widely believed to be in response to he Bajaur operation. ot only has terrorism broken all records under Zardari, but so has corruption. In 2010 Transparency International ranked Pakistan the thirtyfourth most corrupt country in the world with abot 70 per cent of respondents perceiving Zadari's government to be more corrupt than that of Musharraf. And grat, together with incompetence, cronyism and tax evasion, is destroying the country's economy. Major state corprations such as the railways, Pakistan International Airlines, Pakistan Steel Mills and the Water and Power Development Authority have become bloated white elephants, costing the national exchequer a total of 250 billion rupees a year. These organizatins are plundered -only for te taxpayer to pick up the bil for the losses due to corruption and ineciencies. Most cntroversially, Pakistan has one of the lowest tax collection rates in the world with a txtoDP rati of about 9 per cent -only about 2.5 million are registered to pay tax, representing less than 2 per cent of the population. The country relies istead on sales tax, which of course everybdy pays at the same rate, regardless of income. The poor effectively subsidize the rich, and the powerful do everythig they can to maintain this ijustice. Our politicians are some of the worst culprits. A survey found 61 per cent of Pakistani pariamentarians pay no tax at all. According to his 2009/210 tax returns, the billionaie Nawaz Sharif paid income tax of 5,000 rupees (about US$60), while Zardari paid othing at all. Rich landowners also participate in this ruhless exploitation of the por; agriculture is untaxed, despite the idustry employing almost half the population. Five per cet of the farmers own 37 per cent of the land, yet they pay no income tax. So the United States, by givng the Pakistani government aid in return for its contribtion to the war on terror', is simply propping up this appalling system. Why should the Pakistani rich bother to pay taxes when foreign loas and aid moey are always there to cover up their incompetence and corruption and pay for their lavish lifestyle? And why should politicans bother to x the economy when they can www.p oo sree. articilly maintain it with American dollars? This also beg the questio -do American taxpayers really want to be subsidizing Pakistan's elite at a time of dmestic economic woes and rsing unemployment? Pakistan's economy i sinking fast; it is ill equipped to deal with the enormou cost of bearing the brunt f America's war on terror'. Zardari, speaking recently i Turkey, put the cumulative cost of the war on terror' or Pakistan in the nine years since 9/11 at S$68 billion while the total aid that has come to Pakistan is U$20 billion. US aid moey for the military doesn't help the economy and nonmilitary aid seems to disappear ito the bank acounts of the political leadersip and their cronies. nother crutch holding up ou ailing economy, and therefore the government, is World ank and IMF loans that everybody knows akistan will never be able to repay. These loans, along wth US and Euopean aid money, are like bribes to the Pakistani political elite to keep ghting Ameria's war for them. This was painfully evident when in October 2010 Pakitan's foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi told the Eropean parliament: If you wnt to help us ght extremism and terrorism, one way of dong that is making Pakistan economically stable.' Pakistan' ruling elite threatens the West with fears about Islamic mlitancy to extract more money out of them. Even more blatant is a quote from Zardari in Bob Woodward's Obm's Wrs. He told the American: You know tis country is awash with aniAmericanism, and they are going to hate me for being an American stoge. You have to give me economic resources so that I can win over the people, so that there's something in it for hem.' Meanwhile, the inefciencies and distortions in the economy mea higher prices for ordinary people, who are already strugglng under unpecedented ination. That i turn fuels corruption amongst the police and governmet ocials. In return for total subserviece to the United States, the ordinary peple of Pakistan have suffered immensely. The corrupt politicians have dug in deeper, te elite have gt richer and the militants are more numerou and more determined. The ordinary people of this country are facing economic hardship and bloodshed in the streets. Every day the newspapers ae lled with reports of people killing themselves and sometimes their families because of desperation over how to make ends meet Thirtyfour thousand innocet people have been killed sice 2003, millions have been displaced by ghting and we are facing civil war in the tribal areas and a rising insurgency in Baluchistan. The cuntry today faces unprecedented unemployment, ination, breakdowns in infrastructure, shortages of gas and power, and lawessness. The war has been a disaster for the people but mde the powerfl richer. Our capital is like a city under siege, its people subject to routine security checks as if every Pakistani is a potential terrorist, a situation the police often make use of to extract bribes. Capital is pouring out of the country. A fortune is spent on the security of politcians, to the detriment of the rest of the population. In Pujab, almost hlf of a 900strng elite police force is deplyed to protect the Sharif family, while 64 per cent of all plice in the captal are on VIP duty. Cleverly, Zardari has made ure to coopt the oppositio by giving the main parties a stake to uphold this corrupt system. The PPP controls the centre and Sindh. Sharif, meant to be the main opposition leader, had his party in a shaky alliance with the PPP in the Punjab untl recently. The MQM has Kaachi, and the ANP (Awami National Party) has Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Even the MMA (Muttahid MajliseAmal, the religios coalition) leader Maulana Fazl urRahmn, who is perceived to be very pro Taliba, became part of his cabinet at one point. As a result of the NRO, men with criminl records are ccupying key ministries in the governmet and corruption has turned nto plunder. With so many vested interests een to maintan the status quo, how are we to transform or country? www.p oo sree. Chapter Nine www.p oo sree. The Tribal Areas: Civi War? My Souion Wo frebkhurd shheen, jo ull ho krgusson mein Ussy kiy khubbr ky kiy hey, ruhorusmebdshi That befuddled facon, who was raised amog vultures Wha does he know about the ways of his kid? Allama Muhammad Iqbal IN 190 I toured Waziristan, the tribal areas f Pakistan alng the border with Afghanistan, for the rst time, on the invitation of he Burki tribe to which my mother belonged (both my mother and fater were from Pashtun tribes, the Niazi and the Burki). This was the only regio in Pakistan that had remained untouched by colonialism, its people proud warrior folk who have never been subdued by any invader despite the long list o legendary coquerors and adventurers wh have passed trough their lands -including Alexander the Great (356-323 B), Mahmud of Ghazni (971- 1030), Tamburlaine 1336-1405), the Mughal Emperor Barbar (1483-1531), Nadir Shah, te Persian Napoleon (1698-1747), and the more recent superpowers, the British and the Russians. According to Sir Olaf Caroe, the last British governor of what was then the NorthWest Frontier Province (NWFP), in his book on the Pashtuns, The lands which are now Afghaistan and the NorthWest Frontier of Pakisan have seen perhaps more ivasions in the course of hisory than any ther country in Asia, or indeed the world.' As early as 1898, Winston Churchill -then a war correspndent -reported back from the NorthWest rontier, The frontier tribes ill never accept foreign occupation.' I had initially een reluctant to make my rst visit to the tribal areas, but was persuaded by my cousin Sohail Kha, who was in the Frontier Force (originally formed from regiments withi the British Idian Army, ad selected puely from the Pashtun tribes). We went to Kaniguram, in South Wazristan, where my mother's family originally hailed from. The Burki tribe still lives here and gave me a royal welcome with drumming and ancing and a ail of re int the air from anti aircraft gns and Kalashikovs -the sound was deafeing. hese people fascinated me; it was like goig back in time to the Wild West, an uncultiated terrain of desolate moutain ranges were every ma openly carried a gun and was a warrior, making it the most unique place in the world. If the young men saw me, they would come up and challenge me to a shoting contest, targets would be set up and I would have to prove myself against them. Een the very yung boys had heard I was a good shot and wanted to test themselves against me. It seemed everyone knew how to re a weapon. Despite this erceness, one of the tenets of the Pashtun code is melmsti (hospitality). It is not just a matter o giving the guest the very best your househld can provide, it also exteds to defendig your guest's safety with our life - nnwti. Bdl (avenging blod) is the bedock of the Pshtun code of honour. One of the theories about my mother's branch f the Burki tribe was that they broke away nearly three hndred and fty years ago and settled in J alandhar in India o escape a blood feud www.p oo sree. (Pashtuns either escaing vendettas or searching fr an easier living made settlements all the way to Delhi ad beyond). The Pashtuns are known for being ercely prtective of their women. However Pashtun women in the tribal areas are not kept in as strict purdah as they are in the cities. In the countryside i FAT A (the Federally Admiistered Tribal Areas) you ca see women working in the elds. But whe they move to a town or city they wear the burka outside te home or are conned within four walls by their male relatives for fear that they will come into contact with men from outside the family. he Pashtuns maintain this extremely strong family system in some form r other even amongst their communities that have migrated to other areas. The Pashtun homeland stretches from Afghanistan where they are the larges ethnic group across Pakistan's tribal areas and the provice of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa but the largest Pashtun city is Karachi in Sindh province. Waves of Pashtun migratin to the commercial capital of Pakistan since the 1950s mean that it is now home to several million of them. Dr Akhtar Hameed Kan the founder of the Orangi Pilot Project a social initiatve in a squatte quarter in Kaachi found that because of their powerful family system the tribal Pashtus always forged ahead of the other two ethnic communities living in Oragi. he social structure of the trial areas that I observed an their culture is very differet to that in the rest of Pakistan. Far from being the lawless savages of popular myth the people have lived by an ancient democatic system which allowed them to carry themselves with selfrespect and dignity. The concept of hnour in South Asian culture has received a bad press because of the deely offensive honour killings but by upholdng one's honour impoverished people living hard lives can maintain a sense of dignity and command respect. In he tribal area this highly ecentralized frm of democracy is based o the rg system -local councils of village elders simila to the Athenian democracy f the citystates of ancient Greece. Every household has a oice in the running of their lives and every man is considered an equal. Because peope fully participate in decisionmaking it has created selfgverning communities of responsible individals with no bureaucracy and no centralized government. In terms of dealing with crme the Pashtn jirga system acts as a jury that dispenses free and quick justice. A culprit will usually be known to eeryone in the illage and wil be hauled in front of the jury; there is no uestion of false witnesses as everybody knws everybody else's credibiity. So successful is the system that the tribal areas -unti the upheavals of the past few years -have typically been almost crimefree compared to the rest of Pakistan and this despite every man being armed. The right t carry arms is for them a garantee of freedom just as early American jurists allowed their citizens this right. As I mentioed earlier revenge is part of their code of honour; when smeone in a family is killed the whole family are bound to seek revenge. This code of hnour is simple and it predates Islam -it is embedded i their genes. In 1872 a Pashtun Sher Ali Afridi imprisned on the Andaman Islans where he was serving his sentence kiled the visiting viceroy Lord Mayo. He felt his imprisonment was an affront to his code of honour and had thus vowed to kill a leading British ofcial. (When someone attacks them either the US with drone aircraft bombing villages or the Pakistani amy on operatins both of these are doing more than causing casualties; they are also creating enemies.) Caroe wrote that in the 1930s there was as much crime n a week in Peshawar as there was in a year in the whole of the tribal area. This system of equality and justice was a big contrast to what I had see growing up i Punjab where might was right and landlords could get away with all kids of abuses twards poor people. he British created the NorthWest Frontier Province in 1901 and divided the region into settled and tribal areas. In terms of the Great Game (the phrase coined to describe British -Russian rivalry i the region) the province was a vital buffer zone betwee the British Raj and Russia expansionism in Central Asa. But the British had www.p oo sree. struggled to impose direct rule on the tribal area eventually coming up with the solution of the Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) in the 180s. Based on tribal law this system still aplies in F AT A. It seeks to apease the aggrieved party rather than punish the guilty. The government representative known as he political agent handles disputes but has to accept the verdict and punshment decided by the jirga. Tribes are encouraged to keep the peace though subsidies. Most contrversially the FCR also imposes a system of collective pnishment on te entire tribe for crimes. At independence i 1947 the NWFP voted to join Pakistan bu its tribal areas became a part of the new ntion in 1948 oly on conditin that they be allowed to cotinue to live by their own laws. So while Khyber Pakhtukhwa is a fully integrated province of Pakistan FATA is semi autonomous and still ruled by the colonialera system; the Pakistai government governs through a combinatio of political agents who are federal civil bureaucrats and tribal elders with only fortyfour of Pakistan's laws agreed to prevail there leaving their way of life intact. There is no Pakistani police or judiciary in the tribal areas althogh the roads are subject to federal law. I was particularly lucky to have been able t travel within FAT A because you need special permission and an armed escort frm the government to visit. hese tribal people are in many ways inspiring; the Powidahs were especially fascinaing to me. These are the Pashtun nomad tries who for ceturies have migrated betwee the highlands of Wazirista and Afghanistan in the summer and the plains of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab in the winter. O our way to Kaniguram we saw the Powinahs on the moe. Once abou half an hour before sunset we came across a small encampment by the side of a stream. One of the beautiful sheedogs the Powindahs keep known as Kuchi or adi stood guard. I deserately wanted to buy one of these animals; my parents always kept Kuchi and they make intelligent watchdogs. So I approached the tents and a young man came up and greeted me. He recognized me saying he had seen me on televisio playing cricket once during a trip to Dera Ismail Khan  town in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He invited me to where his father and uncle were sitting and introduced me. Unfortuntely they did not have any pups but we got talking. As we sat there I became aware of tis incredible scene all around me. The Powindahs had pithed their tents just a short while before after a long day's walk. The children were playing amongst the dogs sheep and goats. A grandmoher was chasng the smaller kids some wmen were preparing food a father was washing his children in the stream. There was laghter and complete harmony all around me. Here were people living the toughest life imaginable with virtually no material possessions and yet I never heard one complaint during my conversation. For these resilient people the existene of od an life after death were as obious as the sn and the moon. On another trip I came acoss a different group of Powindahs and I met a tribal elder whose son had recently bee killed ghting the Soviets in Afghanistan. The son' s phto had been garlanded with owers and deicted a young strapping hadsome man. He had the Powindahs told me been the life and soul of their community. I'm sorry,' I said to the father. He simply looked at me and said You should congraulate me my son has embraced martyrdom for a higher cause.' One of the main things that struck me durig a series of tips to the tribal areas that I ndertook between 1990 and 1992 to research my book about the Pshtuns Wrrior Re was the total lack of education. So ercely did they defend their culture that the tribesmen never allowed the British to build schools durig the Raj. Yet when I visited them I found tey craved education. Everwhere I went they wanted schols but successive Pakistani governments have given them precious few educational facilities. Without education te tribal areas' culture canot evolve. This is particularly sad because it is a society that would resond well to education. www.p oo sree. he Pashtuns have clung ercely to their way of life throughout the ceturies. They have no fear of authority, ulike people in the rest of Pakistan, especially in Punjab and Sindh, where centuries of feudalism have made the masses bow before power. It is the condence derived from their democratic system that has enabled the tribal people to become great generals, ofcers and even rulers all over India for centuries. Unlike the poor living nder the feudal system, who do not asire to leadersip, the tribal Pashtuns are brought up as natural leaders. t is this difference in mentality that made the Pashtun aeas harder to conquer than much of the Indian subconinent. Throughout history even warring Pashtun tribes will cast aside their differeces and stand up to an invader. This is how, in going after a few hundred al Qaeda ghters for America's war on terror', the government has raised a rebellion amongt tribes with the potential ghting power of a million armed men. In succmbing to Washington's presure to send the Pakistani army into the trbal areas, we have a conict that could lead to the collapse of the Pakistani state. In addition, the people of the tribal areas remain marginalized from maistream politics. Pakistan only gave them the right to vote n 1997 (previusly only the mliks or tribal leaders, could vote or contest elections). Most of the contry's main political parties have chapters and representatives in FAT , but candidates can particiate in polls only on a nonparty basis. I also remains the most underdeveloped area of Pakistan, neglected by the state and isolated by its mountainous terrain, which makes the delivery of services ad infrastructure challenging. About 60 per cent of the population lives below the national poverty line and per capita income is half the national aerage. Per capita public development expediture is said to be a third of the national aerage. Eking a living out of he land in may areas is tough, and opportnities to earn a wage limited The Commuity Appraisal and Motivation Programme (CAMP), an NO that operates in FAT A, ha conducted a eries of surveys in the area. When asked to ame a living ational politician they admired, 50 per cet or more of respondents sad they could not name one o did not admire any of them. In the 2010 survey I got the ighest rating at 13.1 per cent; Zardari was the nearest contender at 4.4 per cent. Similarly, a 2010 pll in FATA by the New America Foundatin and Terror Free Tomorrow found that TereekeInsaf was the most ppular party with just over 28 per cent of the vote. The net most popula was PML (N) with 10 per cent. In neighbouring Baluchistan the tribes are also known for their ferocty and strength. However, thanks to a succession of rulers, from the ritish to the current Pakistani government, using the Baluchi srdrs (leaders) to cntrol the people, the system of leadership has degenerated from an egalitarian one into an almost feudallike subservience, as aptly described in his book, A Jouey to Disillusionment by the Baluch sardar Sherbaz Khan Mazari. In contras, the Pashtun have often rebelled against any malik see as an agent fr the British o the central government. Because of the jirga system, they are also used to a tradition f debate and are more receptive to intellectual discussion. The university I have built in Mianwali, which is on the edge of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has drawn great interest, not just from locals but also from people from Waziristan looking to educate both sons and daughters. Female literacy in the tribal aeas is woefully low, estimated at 3 per cent compared with a national average for women of almost a thrd (male literay in FAT A is 29.5 per cent). In conservative areas of Pakistan it is not tat people are against female education per se, they just want to know teir womenfol will not have to travel far and that they will be safe. They are also supicious of edcation for women being use by foreigners to chip away at their traditions. One of their greatest fears is that a westernized educatin will detach women from their religion and their culture, hence the suspicion of foreigners and westernized Pakistanis in parts of the countryside. At Namal University we have made sure that cultura norms are resected. It help too that people there know and trust me. We have www.p oo sree. actually managed to egineer a minirevolution with conservative families sendig their daughters to study alongside men. It cannot be emphasized enough how isolated some of these communities are. In parts o the tribal areas some of the villages have been left aloe for years. I these border areas with Afghanistan where the Pashtuns move freely from one side to the other they remain unouched by any form of authrity. On the Afghan side it is much the same. Ignorant of the history and character of these people ad red by  imperial hubris' in October 2001 the United States and its allies invaded fghanistan execting to succeed where the British in the nineteenth centry and the Russians in the twentieth century had failed. This war was illfated from the start. A military campaign dened as a battle against Islamic extremism soon became n Afghanistan a liberation struggle against foreign invaers. And the battle of Afghanistan' s 15 million Pashtuns has incensed Pakistan's 25 million Pashtuns. In a repeat of what hapened with Vietnam and Cambodia the Americans have allowed the wa to spill into a neighbouring country. Musharraf and then Zardari have forced the Pakistai army to launch military operations in the tribal areas but since our soldiers are seen as proxies for the Americans they have run int erce resistace as the militants have declared jihad against them. We nw nd ourselves ghting what has become an undeclared and bloody civil war. he Americans complain that Pakistan whether ocially or unocially helps insurgents ghting the allied forces in Afghanistan. But they have failed to understand the Pashtun mentality (as sadly did Musharra. Many Pakistais -in the army the government and the general public -were against the invasion of Afghanistan from the start. But for the Pashun their loyalty is clearcut. Anyone with een a basic knowledge of the history of the region knows that for reasns of religious cultural and social afnity the Pashtuns feel a deeproted duty to help their brethre on either side of the Durand Line. For them the international frontier is irrelevant So no government Pakistani or foreign will ever be entirely successful in stopping them crossing over the 1500mile border to support their people or feeling obliged to offer them shelter if they venture into their territory. Soon after the invasion of Afghanistan the Americans bmbed the Tora Bora cave cmplex in the White Mountais believed to be Osama bin Laden's headqarters. A few hundred alQaeda militants crossed the border into Pakistan's tribal areas; they were pobably initially welcomed as guests by the Pashtun tribes in accordance with their acient traditios. The Amerians claim that these militats set up bases from which to wage battle against US and NATO troops in Afghanistan. In addition the Americans beieved that alQaeda's leaders including Osama bin Laden and Ayman alZawahiri were hiding in the region. Washington failing to understand that the Pakistani government only has indirect control over the tribal areas threateed to use force if Islamabad did not prevent the tribes from harbouring militants. Those who knew the region warned the governmet against provoking an uprising but Musharraf was unable to stand up to Washington and in March 204 the Pakistan army launched its rst majr operation to root out alQaeda -sending helicopter gunships and thousads of troops ito South Wazristan. According to Lieutenant General Arakzai suspicins that recen assassination attempts agaist Musharraf had been planed in South Waziristan also spurred him into sending in the troops. At this point Musharraf put the number of foreign militants i the province at ve to six hndred. Yet according to Lieuenant General Aurakzai when he took the army into the tribal areas and worked with the tribes the tribes handed ver around 250 alQaeda militants to the army. Thanks to pressure from Washingtn Pashtun ofcers in the army were weeded out before he operation and Aurakzai himself who hails from the Orakzai Agency (an area of FAT A) was forced into retiring ne month eary. Major General Safdar Hussain a www.p oo sree. Punjab, replaced him The operatio was a disaster, with many casualties on both sides. After several weeks of ghting, the operation ended in the Shakai agreement, i which the tribesmen agreed to encourage foreign militants to register with the authorities in exchange for a kind of amnesty. The accord soo broke down when the Americans killed ek Muhammad in June 2004 through a droe attack. his pattern of milita operations in Waziristan followed by truces continued for the next couple of years. American pressure mounted convinced that the area was a safe haven for militants. Aurakzai, who was governor of Khyber Pakhtnkhwa between 2006 and 208, told me that most of these agreements fell apart under S pressure ad were never broken by the militants, including the Mirashah accord he negotiated i North Waziristan in September 2006. Some analysts and media commentators have complained that this agreement was instrumental in allowing the militants to icrease their pwer and infrastructure and combine the various local militant groups and factions into a cohesive Pakistani Taliban -the TehrikeTaliban (TP). Hwever, Aurakzai says the army's actions i the tribal areas were counterproductive, because collateral damage' through bombing villages added to the ranks of the mlitants, unifying opposition and intensifying hatred towards the Pakistai government and its American backers. I advocated using good intelligence then targeted operations against the miltants that did ot hurt local people. If the locals side with te Taliban, thee is no way yu can catch smeone in the tribal areas,' he told me. Once he was trying to explain to a US army delegation the advantages of having a peace agreement with the Taliba: we were taking too many casualties, he said, and military operations cause collateral damage which in tu increases militacy. One of the Americans bluntly replied We are payig you to ght, not to draw up peace agreements.' Hence the US pressure for Pakistan to do more' in the tribal area had a very heay price for Pakistan. Our subservient leaders kept bucking under American pressure, engaging in military operations, bombing villages in the tribal areas, leading to a backlash of terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities. We Pakistanis became used to this wheneer a highpowered delegation came from Washington; either the tribal areas would be bombed, or some highvale alQaeda member would be picked up to coincide with the visit. Once a government minister told me on the eve of Condoleezza Rice's visit to Pakistan that the next day she would receive ve presents; sure enough, the following morning it was reported tat ve alQaeda had been killed in a shotout', conveniently hitting te headlines the day she arrived. When George W. Bush visited Pakistan, the headlines read: 40 foreign militants killed in North Waziristan.' Later the truth emerged; family and friends in Saidgai village in North Waziristan had gathered to welcome a businessman returning frm the Gulf, ad it was these innocent civilians who had been bombed. (Sir Olaf Caroe also documented the timehonoured pattern of Pashtun vegeance -every time the British launched an operation agaist the tribes these would retreat into the montains; there would be a lull in violence and then the insurgents would regroup and return, numbers boosted by the relatives of the dead now dutybound t exact retribution. As a result, before bombing a village, the British would drop leaets in the area so the people wold leave and the attack woul cause only material damage.) I have heard so many stories of innocen people suffering because of this campaign, including from one of my own party wrkers. Khalil ur Rehman, Tehreeke Insaf district party head in Bajaur, was travelling in the tribal areas with his family when a Pakisani army helicopter appeared overhead. As er the army's instructions for locals in FAT A they got out of the car and put their hands up. But the helicopter red on them anway. Khalil's sixearold son lost his legs and his brother and nephew both died. I took Khalil to tell his story on one of Pakistan's most watched talk shows, Citl Tlk. www.p oo sree. We wuld die for Pakistan but ater this how can I stop members of my family joining the Talban?' Khalil tld the interviewer. Another side effect of the army's action is that it has stoked rivalries and created frictions between tribes. One has tured against the other as some side with the aliban and others side with the army. The gvernment encuraged tribes willing to help to form lshkrs (informal militias) to ght the insurgency but they were just decimated by the militans, who viewed them as American lackeys. Even once there is peace these vendettas will continue to take their toll for years t come as famlies try to avege the death of loved ones. A Waziri tribal elder and former senator I kew, Faridullah Khan, was killed in 2005 because he was considered to be progovernment. This is exactly what used to happen nder the British; any malik perceived to be collaborating with the colonial rulers was killed, particularly in Wazirista, which is known as the wildest part of the tribal areas. I have a picture of Faridullah standing with Jimmy Goldsmith emima's father) from when we visited the tribal elt in 1995. The death of respected elders like him has had serious repercussions for FAT A, undermining the tribal structure and creating a power vacuum -a vacuum that has been in part lled by the Pakistani Taliba. For the sake f ushing out what they said were a few hudred foreign ghters, Islamabad effectively created thousands of proTaliban ghters and killed many innocet civilians. But it was too embarrassing for the governmet to admit tha it had set the army on its own people; twetysix Pakistai journalists have been killed so far in FAT A, and there is a strong suspicion that they were targeted because the government didn't want independent reporting of the situation there. As happened with East Pakistan, propaganda, lies and deception have been used to try to shield the publc from what was really happening. Still more damaging than these army operations has been the covert use by the CIA of unmanned drone aircrat in the tribal bel. Shamefully this is done with the connivance of the Islamabad government. As Zahid Hussai points out n The Sorin Til it is te rst time in history that a intelligence gency of one country has been using robots to target individuals for killing in another country with which it is not ofcially at war'. When the issue of military operations was debated in the National Assembly in 2004, I was one of the few voices speaking out for people 'd travelled amongst. Almost all of the parliamentarians were ignrant of the tribal areas and were clueless about the mess that was being created. I said, if you had read the history of the area, you would not have found yourself in this quicsand; I was attacked for romanticizing them, and later accused of being a Taliban sympathizer. It was obvious to anyone who understood the region that this attack on the people in the tribal areas will be a disaster for Pakistan; and sure enough, in two drone attacks on consecutive days in Suth Wazirista, over 100 people were killed in September 2004, which sparked off the beginning of the Masud tribe's rebellion against the gvernment. To make matters worse, the government tried to claim that those being killed in these attacks were all foreign militants', a lie designed to make peple swallow the awful truth -that in retur for dollars we were bombig our own peple. It's sad that the goverment are repeating the actions that befell the country during the 1971 East Pakistan crisis, using prpaganda to cover the fact they were ghtig their own people: for foreign militants' now, it was Indian backed then. Numbers of casualties are hard to verify, given the vastly different accouts that come from the army and the Taliban Reporters are not allowed into the tribal areas and media reports often cite locals as saing the corpses of those killed are burned beyond recognition, making it even harder to establish who has been slain Ater a drone attack, no one dares go to help the wounded as there is always a fear hat the site culd be bombed again. So for hours people can hear the cies of the wonded. MajorGeneral www.p oo sree. Ghayur Mehmood claimed in early 2011 that almost all those killed in drone strikes were terrorists, showig how low our government had sunk, blatantly lying to cver up these immoral drone strikes. At a Pakistani ExServicemen Association meeting I attended, a tribal elde from North Waziristan, Khlabat Khan, challenged this, arguing that if an attack killed twenty people then at least eighteen of them were civilians. He questioned how the gvernment could verify the identity of the dead when drone attacks are typically in areas where the Pkistani military does not operate. Based n their drones database, Peer Bergen ad Katherine Tiedemann a the New America Foundation estimate tat between 1,92 and 2,328 people have died in 244 drone strikes betwee 2004 and ay 2011. They put the civilian fatality rate over this period at approxmately 20 per cent. However, analysis by Pakistani newspaper The New found that in 2010 about 5 per cent of those killed wee civilians. Frthermore, The News estimates that -despite this appalling record -the attacks only killed a fth of the hundredplus highvaue targets on the CIA's hit lst in 2010. This campaign, iitiated by Bus, has been ramped up under bama' s remit. The News estimates that unmanned aircrat strikes hit an nnual record of 124 in 2010, more than doubling from 209. One also hs to imagine the number f innocent people maimed and injured i these incidents. This campaign of terror from the skies has provoke immense anger and outrage in Pakistan. Kareem Khan from North Wziristan tried to sue the head of the CIA (who was whisked away from Pakistan) for te death of his son and brother in a drone strike in Waziristan, seeking S$500 million in compensatin. o justify this rampant violation of Pakistani sovereignty the Americas have run a consistent campaign of demonization against our country. A succession of US ocials and analysts have branded Pakistan the most dangerous country in the world for everyone' and a nucleararmed crucible of jihadi culture, exporting terrorists and destabiizing its neighbours', accused us of hosting the most dangerous compoent' of alQaeda, being the most antiUS country in the world' and the most likely source of the next terrorist attac against America. Everybody from Senator Bob Graham t Bruce Riedel former national security adviser to Presidet Clinton, as well as Vice President Joe Biden, has particpated in this chorus of condemnation. What Washington fails to understand is that the existence of a small minority of hard coe militants in certain areas of the country does not mea Pakistan is on the verge of being taken ver by religios fundamentalists. The war on terror' is certainly pushing people towards extremes of opinion, but those who know Pakistan know tha there will never be Talibaization in Paistan. In Afghnistan, the Taiban succeeded not because of their ideology but because they promised people rule of law after years of war and the atrocities and corruption of the warlrds. There is some misconception in the West that the Afghan Taliban replaced a secular government. In fact, they tok over from warring mujahideen that included people like Gulbuddin ekmatyar, initially supported by the CIA when he fought the Soviets, and who was considered a religious fanatic by the Russias. In every country where Islam has spread, the character of the people has shaped the religion. Oten, the underlying clture remains with only those customs repugnant to Islam ltered out. Because of the hostility of their territory, the Pashtun cultre has always been austere and conservative. Islam is an intrinsic part of life for Pashtuns, as for most Pakistanis. If there is suppot for sharia law it is because they believe it ffers a fairer system of justie and a more equal society han the Pakisani state has hitherto given them. They are also strongly against the way the United States has handled Islamic terrorism since 9/11 and see the ghting in Afghanistan as a battle for freedom against foreign occupiers; thirty years before, the men ghting i Afghanistan against foreign occupation were hailed by US President Roald Reagan as the moral eqivalent of America's foundig fathers'. I the 2002 elections there was a sweepig and www.p oo sree. unprecedented victory for the Muttahida MajliseAmal (MMA) -mainly heade by the two religious parties Jamiat UlemaeIslam UI) and JamaateIslami I) -because of their opposition to the invasion of Afghanistan. But that does nt mean there s wide support for the Taliban ideology. The militants' attacks on girls' schools nd the desecration of saints shrines are articularly resented. In its 2009 Undersanding FATA' poll, the NO CAMP ound that respondents ranked democracy, the indepedence of the judiciary and women's rights as the biggest human rights issues in Pakistan. Besides, as the Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS) concluded in a reort on attitudes towards militancy and extremism, local culture has proed resilient. Even in the areas where culture or traditins had been subdued by radicalization,' as the militans tried to impse their versin of Islam on local people, the culture reasserted itself oce this militat inuence faded.' It uses the example of Swat, where follwing a major military operaion to oust the Taliban in 2009, local traditions and customs resumed. Even in the nineteenth century during the twilight days of India's Mughal Empire, when Syed Ahmed Barelvi founded a revolutionary Islamic movement i failed to take hold. Barelvi preached jihad against nonMslim inuences and tried to rally the Pashtu tribes to his cause but they disliked his rigid brand of Islam and abandoned him, leaving him to be slai by the Sikhs who had at that time conquered the settled Pashtun areas. There is a strong Su inuence in Pakistan, which will always be at odds with the strict literal Islam of Wahhabi idelogy that inuences many militant groups. This tension is represented by the two main schools of thought fr Sunni Muslims in Pakistan. Barelvis typically lean towards South Asia's traditional brand of Su Islam with its saints and shrines and messge of tolerance. Deobandis, n the other hand, are more ieologically aligned with the Wahhabis and re therefore mre sympatheti to the Taliba's version ofsam. Pakistan could have suggested far more effective methods of rooting out al Qaeda. To those of us who know the tribes, the obvious solution was to work wit them, to cajole them and to encourage them to collaborate. After all, they have been own to contribute to Pakista's national interests in the past. The tribl Pashtuns set their lashkars to ght in Kashmir in 1948 and supplied volunteers to the Pakistan army in the 1965 war. But one government after the other has failed to defend Pakistan's own interests. Bob Woodward's Obm' Wrs cites Zrdari, in a discussion with then CIA director Mike Hayden about drone attacks, sayng the chillig words: Collateral damage worries you Americans. It des not worry me.' He might as well have said that, to him, US dollars are worth more than Pakistani lves. The WikiLeaks cables exposed the tre extent of the Pakistani government's collaboratio in these ulawful extrajudicial killings. One quoted Prime Minister Yousaf Raza ilani as saying about the drone strikes: I don't care if they do it as long as they get the right people. We'll protest in the National Assembly ad then ignore it.' But of course the strikes oten don ' get the right people. How can n exploding bmb in villages differentiate between innocet civilians and militants? The cables also reealed that small teams of US special forces soldiers have been secretly deployed alongside Pakistani military forces in the tribal aeas, helping to track down mlitants and cordinate drone strikes, something that Islamabad has never publicly acnowledged. Furthermore, the cbles record Pakistani ofcials telling US counterparts that locals don't mnd the attacks, belying the suvey by the New America Foundation and Terror Free Tomorrow that fund more tha three quarters of FAT A resdents opposed them. In fact, it revealed only 16 per cent thought these strikes accurately targeted militants. It also showed tha, with thousands of mercenaries from companies like Blckwater inside our borders, sch is the suspicion of these agents who live in highwalled villas in the cities, and trael in convoy in their www.p oo sree. fourbyfours with tinted glass, that he majority of Pakistanis believe these contractors are themselves involved in terrorism -especially after the Raymod Davis affair. Within Pakista, both Musharaf and Zardari have found willing support from the country's elite, ever fearful of the supposed advance of Talibanization. Thee is a Chinese saying that ne should knw one's enemy, but Bob Woodward's Obm's Wrs demonstrates the Americans' rightening ignorance of the Pashtun character and its emphasis on hospitality and revenge. They think Islamabad has control over the tribal areas, but not only does the federal government have little sway over them, most shockigly the ruling elite is as clueless as the Americans about this area. That is why I have told visiting US politicians again and again that Washington must seek alternative points f views about what is happening in the tribal areas. I hae recommended they speak to people who come from the region and have rsthand knowledge of what is really going on there. As revelations from WikiLeaks show, it is becoming clear that our dollaraddicted elite has a vested interest in prolonging this war t keep US aid owing in. he US puppets have tried to use the same sare tactics on Pakistanis in a effort to rally public opinin around their policies. Most Pakistanis have seen throgh the propaganda, and insisted it was not Pakistan's war and that we were killing our own people for American dollars. When a young charismatic cleric by the name of Maulana Fazlullah sprang into prominence in Khyber Paktunkhwa's Swat valley, fomenting unrest ollowing the Red Mosque affair, the goverment took the opportunity to terrify Pakistanis with the idea that the Taliban had their sights on Islamabad. Now many people -particularly ur country's opinionmakers, who know nothing of rural Pakistan -do nt understand he difference between Swat and the tribal areas. They think all Pashtus are the same. But Swat is very differet to the triba areas -in terms of politics, histo and geography. Where much of the tribal areas are made up of inhospitable mountai terrain, Swat is a green and fertile valle, once known as the Switzerland of the East. It was a pricely state untl 1969, run like a personal estate by the Wali of Swat with a combinatin of tribal customs and shaia law. It had a rich Buddhist history, one of the highest literacy rates in Pakistan and was relatively crime free, safe enough to daw hippies in the 1970s looking for a chilledout haven in which to smoke pot. Until 207 it was still a popular ski resort and weekend getaway for the elite of Islamabad. Ulike in the tribal areas, where only fortyfor federal laws apply, Swat, like the rest of the settled areas, is legally and politicall run like the rest of Pakistan. And unlike the tribal areas, it shares no brder with Afghanistan. here had, thugh, since Zlkar Ali Bhtto ousted the Wali in 1969 and incorprated Swat ito the civil administratio of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa been discontent. Political interference and manipulatio by various Pakistani goverments along with the corrption of government ofcials had corroded traditional tribal democracy and over the years crime rates had rise. According t my cousin Jamshed Burki, who used to be commissioner of Malakand, the administrative divisio Swat comes under, when Pakistan's justice system was established in Swat the murer rate shot up from ten a year in 1974 o seven hundred a year in 1977. Conseuently, resentment against the Pakistani government system of justice -which was seen as corrupt, expensive ad inecient -had been simmering, evetually feeding into a movement calling for sharia law. Kown as TehreekeNafazeShariateMohammadi (Movement for the Enforcement f Islamic Law), this was ounded by Maulana Fazlullah's fatherinlaw, Maulana Su Muhammad, an Afghan jihad veteran. When Muhammad was imprisoned in 2002, the more radical Fazlullah assumed leadership of the movement. Fazlullah earned the nickname Radio Mullah' after setting up a radio station to propagate is movement. He was almst like a teleangelist, and drew a strong female following, who would donate their jewellery to hs cause. Fired by the www.p oo sree. bloodshed of the Ll Masjid affair he urged is followers to rebel agaist the government and its seuri forces. e appealed to the poorest strata of society claiming Musharraf's government was a stooge of the US and out to destroy Islam. e also tapped into resentment against local andowners some of whom had unfairly taken over common land when Swat joined Pakistan. Militants targeted certain big landowners and in some areas distribued the prots from their crops amongst landless peasants. Worried by Fazlullah's growing band of followers ad their lawlessness Musharraf sent the army into Swat i the autumn of 2007 to crush the militants. But in early 208 the PPPled coalition took power and initiated peace talks which took a long time. S Muhamma was released from prison and brokered a deal that saw sharia law imposed on the Swat valley in return for the Taliban layig down their arms. Westerized Pakistanis saw the implementation of sharia as a backward step but all Su Muhammad was doing was tapping nto a longstanding desire amongst ordinary Swatis for accessible justice. Sher Khan a ormer union council nzim (ocal mayor) who had stood as a candidate for my party in the provincial assembly elecions was involved in these egotiations. e told me that as part of the accord about 1500 militants surrendered themselves to the army only to be brutally tortured in custody. This treatment only served to radicalize the young men and most of them later became fanatics. Sher Khan who had helped bring about this peace deal in good faih was appalled. Once again strongarm tactics by the establishment backred. When the army withdrew from Swat and released the detained insrgents many of these men hungry for revenge against the security forces rushed into the power vacuum. According to Sher Kan some of the greatest atroities committed at this time were by those who had been brutalized while in army detention. Fazlullah's forces had been further bolstered by a ragtag collection of jihadi and sectarin groups common criminals sharia law supporters and angry peasants. Locals began to turn against the Taliban as they imposed their brutal rule with a campaign of violence beheading anyone who oposed them or whom they suspected of being a government spy kidapping burnig down schools and attacking DVD shops and barbers. The Pakistani government was able to use this total breakdown of law ad order to convince their pubic both that this was an extesion of what was happening in the tribal aeas and that the Taliban were set to march on the capital. Again the media were manipulated to rally support for army intervention. A journalist i Swat told me at the time that intelligence agencies had told him to put out more stories on Taliban atrocities. e also said the agencies were trying to sideline the Deobandis the ideological bethren of the Taliban stoking Barelvi concerns about Deobandi and Taliban desecration of Su shrines and tombs in order to rally opposition to the militants. I am cynical aout how the government hndled the whole operation. Zardari dithered for two monhs before endorsing the terms of the Febrary 2009 peace deal waiting till April to sign the law introducing Islamic sharia law as demanded by the militans. While he dithered Swat further descended into chaos. Within a few weeks a couple of jeeploads of Taliban were spotted in the district south of Swat Buner. This unleashed a wave of panic with newspaper headlines waing that the Taliban had advanced to within sity miles of Islamabad. The amy operation was timed to coincide with Zardari landing n Washington and it was no surprise that he was praised for the Swat operation and used that to pitch for more aid. We are ghtig to save the world he told a meeting of the Friends of Pakistan in Japan a couple of weeks later as if a few thousad Taliban in Pakistan were going to destroy the halfamillionstrong army and threate global security. Yet what was going on i Swat was a shambolic and mainly criminl revolt that did not even have the popular spport of the locals. The government should have implemeted a focused commando operation to take out the movement's top leadership. Instead the army's fullscale assault meant more than two millio people www.p oo sree. were dsplaced, many innocent lives were lost an the local ecoomy was devastated. Alarmed at the situation, I went to Swat just as people were streaming out of the area. Locals told me that they had been given an hour to leave before the military bombardment started. A young boy told me he had seen dead bodies -civilians killed in army bombing. There is no doubt people hated wat the Taliba were doing but they were agry about the army's heayhandedness. Despite the intervention, Fazlullah and his main accomplices got away, and are believed to have ed to Afghanistan. Anyone who opposed the government's strategy -including me -was branded a Taliban sympathizer. A friend of mine, Nadeem Iqbal spet three months working in camps for people displaced by the ghting in Swat and after many conversations with the camp inhabitants and army fcers he came to the same conclusions -the Swat operaton was done because the government wanted more aid money from Washington for services rendered, and that a more focused commando operation would have done the trick. Nadeem said it was he only time he had wanted to give up on Pakistan and get a Canadian passport. his American manipulation f Pakistani plitics has only served to undermine its puppet rulers. When people see hw dependent ur already unpopular leaders are on Washigton it erodes their authority even more. Paistanis are understandably icensed that the government clearly allows American intelligence agents o operate unimpeded within heir country, a fact revealed by the case of Raymond Dais, the CIA operative who shot two people dead in Lahore in January 2011. Another man died whe a car from the American cnsulate knocked down a passing pedestrian in its rush t assist Davis. efying Islamabad's demands for those in the car to be handed over, Wasington has allwed them to ee the county. Davis was promptly arrested, though, nd the Americans have tried to claim diplomatic blanket mmunity from prosecution fr him, saying he killed the men in selfdefence during an attempted robbery. Hwever, newspapers have reprted that he shot them repeatedly in the bck, undermining that story. American ocials have admtted to the press that Davis was part of a covert, CIAled intelligence team surveying militant grops. One of the dead men's wives, nineteenyearold Shmaila Kanwal committed suicide by swallowing rat poison in despair of ever getting justice for her husband. In a scene that was played over ad over again on Pakistani news channels, she told reportes at her hospital bedside just before her death that she wated blood for blood'. She told them she was committing suicide because I will not get justice'. The Davis case riggered demnstrations acrss the country, created a diplomatic restom and inamed antiAmerican feelings more than ever. Shumaila Kanwal's distraught words illustrate the kind of anger and despair that in the ribal areas leads people to blow themselves up to avenge the death f their relatives, whether frm drone attacks or military operations. As David Kilcllen, a counterinsurgency exert and former adviser to General David Petraeus, and Andrew Exum, a fellow at thiktank the Ceter for a New American Security, wrote in te New York mes: every dead civilian killed in a drone strike represents an alienated family, a new desire for revenge, and more recruits for a militant movement that has grown exponentially even as drone strikes have increased' . Sure enough, as military operations by the Pakistani army and drone strikes have itensied, so have terrorist attacks. According to Farruk Saleem at Pakistani thinktank the Centre for Research and Security Studies, thee were only 189 terrorismrelated deaths in 2003 but he toll peaked at 11,585 in 209 -when army interventio was at its height. Civilians bore the brunt of this as the terorists shited their attention from security forces to increasingly soft targets, such as the campus of Islamabad's Iternational Islamic University, and markets in Lahore and Peshawar. One glaring example of the way in which the governent's policy simply escalated the violence was the 2006 airstrike on a madrassa www.p oo sree. said to harbour militats in Bajaur, the smallest of te FAT A territories, near the Afghan border. At least eighty people died and news reprts cited locals saying sixtytwo of them were children nder the age of eighteen. Militants vowed revenge and it was switly followed by a suicide bombing attack on a military garrison, killing fotytwo army recruits. The man who carried out the assaul was said to have been a relative of one of the children killed in the Bajaur madrassa. Still worse was the cackhanded coverp of America involvement in the madrassa bombing. The Pakistani military claimed responsibility for it, but locals and opposition politicians aid that the strke was conducted by an American drone aircraft. Accordig to the New York mes residents said Pakistani army helicopter gnships appeared ring rockets after the initial explosions. The Pakisani governmet denied the claim, although Christina Lamb of the Sundy mes later reported that a ey aide to Msharraf had admitted that they had thought it would be less damaging i we said we did it rather than the US'. Nor has US foeign policy or military strategy fared any etter in Afghanistan. Hamid Karzai' s regme is undermined by the weakness of Afghanistan's state institutons, allegatios of vote rigging and its inability to cntrol either rampant government corruption or the diabolical security ituation. US and NATO forces are resented for their intrsiveness, for the bombing of fields, orchard and houses, but most of all for blunders that have led to civilian deaths. There is also immense suspicion about where most o the US$56 billion development budget approved by he US Congress for Afghanitan has gone. Only a fth of this money wa at the disposal of the Afgha government; the rest was to be used by the US Sate Department, the Department of Defese and USAID. This all of course plays into the hands of the Taliba, who can arge that their regime provided, if not freedom, then more ecurity than Karzai's USbacked administration. They are further prooting what state infrastructure exists by setting up their own shadow government i parts of the country. The Uited States and its allies have at times tried to justify the invasion of Afghanistan by claiming they wated to protect Afghan wome's rights, but the Afghan politician and wmen's rights activist Malalai Joya has highlighted the fact that many of the warlors returned to power with Karzai's government have just a unpleasant views on women as the Taliban. Dust has een thrown ito the eyes f the world by your governments,' she told the Indeendnt. You have not been told te truth. The situation now is as catastrophic as it was under the Taliban for women. Yur governments have replaced the fundamentalist rule of he Taliban with another fundamentalist regime of warlors.' Joya herself has received intimidation and death threats from Afghan MPs after slamming the Afghan government for including notorious warlords in power. he question I am surprised no one asks i about men who fought the Soviet invaders of their land, and in the process lost one million men, but won; why wold they not ght the Americans? The US gvernment might have conviced their own public they were the good guys while the Soviets were the bad guys, but the peple of Afghanistan saw them both as invaders. Bob Woodward has revealed how Obama -while debating whether to send more troops o Afghanistan or not after coming to power -always asked the right questions: what ae we ghting for, what will we achieve and what constitutes victory? The generals resort to their usual policy of fearmongering and claim that if they don' win in Afghanistan then they will have to ght Islamic militants on the streets of New York. Part of the distortion f the truth is that the US are ot ghting freedom ghters but the Taliban ideology'. These words are very similar to those spoken by the men who promoted the Vietnam War, talking about the domino effect' -that if they didn't ght in Vietam, other contries would fall to the communists till they were on America's doorstep; and later, when Vietnam fell to the communists, 3 millon people had died - and there was no domino effect. www.p oo sree. he parallels with Vietnam g deeper. The failure of the war in Afghanistan has led to Pakistan becoming a punchbag for the US, just as Cambdia became oe over Vietnam. In the socalled safe have' in North Waziristan, the Haqqani Taliban group viewed by the US as ne of its deadliest threats in te area -elds a maximum of 5,000 men, although the number is probably less than that. Is it plausible that the US, with all its military might, is losing in Afghanistan thanks to these 5,? Senior US ofcials push the Pakistan army to do more, blaming Pakistan for their failres in Afghanstan on the Haqani. It is very important Pakistan doesn't sare Cambodia's fate. If the Pakistan army ges into North Waziristan, afer the 5,000 militants, what is going to be the fate of the 350,000 inhabitants of the area? Will they beome collateral damage'? CIA director Leon Panetta, according to Bob Woodward, also piled the pressure on Obama, advising him that no democratic president can go against military advice. Sadly Obama -going against all his better insticts -heeds him rather tha Colin Powell, who tries to tell him he doesn't always have to listen to the generals. What makes me feel sorry for Obama is that during this whole debate here was no credible government in Pakistan to advise him. A sovereig and credible Pakistani govenment could have helped him nd an exit strategy for Afghanistan, culd have pleged to prevent alQaeda ghers from using Pakistani soil to launch attacks on the West, could have facilitated talks, could have payed a major role in bringig the various parties together. Pakistan, after Afghanistan had the most to lose from a troop surge, yet when this vital debate was taking place, there was no iput from the akistan government. Instead, all Zardari was interested i doing was giing Obama whatever advice would lead to Washington pumping more money into Pakistan to prop up his orrupt government. The supreme irony was that it was the US who was responsile for engineering the 2008 elections to get a corrupt and pliant govement to do its bidding. he current strate can only ncrease radicalization -a dagerous prospet given that Paistan is a coutry with a fast growing poplation, a youth bulge and high rates of unemployment. Now there will be a generation born of anger, an army of youg men who lost relatives to S drones or Pakistani military operations. And that radicaization will no just be limited to the poor ad dispossessed. Even for the youth of the rich elite, Pakistan's abdication of responsibility for its own sovereignty is a searing humiliation. A CNN poll has revealed that 80 per cent of Pakistanis now view the United Staes as a bigger security threat to the country than India -no mean achievement by the US, bearing in mind Pakistan has fought three wars with India. Anger against America's political coercion and imperial desigs blends with resentment against the breakdown of traditional societies by Weste cltural forces nto a combustible mix. Fo some Pakistanis, as with ther Muslims, westernizatin is seen as a destructive force, provokng a retreat to the security ad certainty of religious codes and traditional ways of life. he tragic shoting of the gvernor of Pujab, Salman aseer, in early 2011 showe only too clearly the growng polarization of Pakistani society. Taseer had attempted to defend a Christian woman sentenced to death under Pakistan's blasphemy law, and spoke out against it being used to persecute innocent people, both Muslims and minorities. As a result he was shot dead in broad daylight outside a fashionable caf in Islamabad by one of is own guards. The war on terror' has divided the country into those who are proAmerican and antiIslam, and those who are atiAmerican and pro Islam. efore 9/11 Taseer's remarks recommending a change to he blasphemy law in order t prevent its misuse might not even have got a mention in the newspapers. At the worst tey might have roused a few statements by clerics wanting to mobilize support amongst their constitencies, but in the current polarized climate everyone and anyone is at risk if they happen to be on he wrong side of the divide. The Taliban labels anybody who opposes them as proAmerican. Imams of mosques who have condemned www.p oo sree. suicide attacks as beig antiIslamic have been accsed of being American collaborators and sht or blown p by suicide bombers. Members of the proAmerican Awami National Party (ANP) that governs Khyber Pakhtukhwa have been repeatedly targeted by the Taliban for the party's stane against the militants, wh also see Christians, Shias, Ahmedis (regarded as nonuslims' in Pakistan) and their places of worship as fair game. On the other side, those f us who have objected to te military operations and excessive collabration with the United State are labelled Taliban sympathizers. This means that a meaningful debate on this whole issue of war n terror' will become more ad more difclt. People are petried of being caught on the wrong side of the argument. he other thing Taseer's death has revealed is the erosion f the writ of the state. His murderer was lioized and showered with rose petals by lawyers when he appeared in cour. No action was taken against religious leaders who in moques, at rallies and on television arguably inited murder dring the period of fevered national debate hat led up to the shooting. Zardari, a close riend of Taseer's, did not even attend his funeral. Two months later, the minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti was killed by a gunman outside his mother's house in Islamabad. As the state gets weaker and weaker, different power layers are jostling to assert themselves, jut as during the decline of the great Mugha Empire varios warlords and goveors started forming teir own independent power bases. As the politicians barricade themselves in with ever greater security details, diverting scarce resources frm the streets f Pakistan, daiy murders in Karachi and Baluchistan go uchecked, a civil war rages along most of or western border and crime and corruption surge higher and higher. America frequently invokes fear of the state cllapsing and Pakistan's nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands, but its tactics are fuelling polarization, radicalization and chaos, which could lead to exactly the kind of destabilizatio that it most fears. The weaker the Pakistani state gets, the less it will be able to contrl extremism. When in 2010 news reports said that senior US commanders in Afghanistan were pshing to expand Special Operations ground raids into Paistan's tribal areas to seek ot Afghan Taliban, Anatol Lieven, professor in the War Studies Department of King's College Londn and a senir fellow of the New America Foundation in Washington, described it as a lunatic idea'. He wrote in an article widely reprinted in Pakistan that the one thing that would certainly lead to the collapse of the Pakistani state and a immense surge in extremist and terrorist srength would e if the Pakistani Army were to split and parts of it were to mutiny against the alliance with America'. He goes on to explain that various Pakistani army ofces have warned him that the entry of US ground forces ino Pakistan in ursuit of the aliban and alQaeda is by far the most dangerous scenari for both Pakitan-US relatins and the unity of the Pakistani Army. As ne retired general explained, drone attacks, though ordinary ofcers and oldiers nd them humiliating, are not a critical issue becase the Pakistani military cannot do anything about them.' It's also worth bearing in mind that assassiation attempts against Msharraf and an attack on the Pakistani army headquarters in Rawalpindi by militants were both inside jobs, whle Taseer's mrder by one of his own guard sparked fears about possible radicalizatio within the contry's elite seurity forces. he discovery f Osama bin Laden's hiding place on 2 May was humiliating for every Pakistani, but his death was evastating for the Pakistani armed forces. For the rst time, people opely criticized the army in the media, asking repeatedly: how can we spend uch a large part of our budget on the army, and yet it ould not protect our sovereignty? How cold the army nt respond to helicopters yig about, to the sound of explsions and gunfire going on fr nearly threequarters of an hour, so close o their academy? No one knew the buildig under attack was Osama bin Laden's then -it could have been anyoe's -so where was the army? Why was it not at least making the www.p oo sree. effort to protect its citizens, before the true identity of the inhbitant was reealed? There was a tremendus amount of anger, and my biggest worry remains that if things continue as they are we could face a rebellion wthin the armys ranks, the ultimate nightmare situation for Pakistan. side from the tremendous losses to Pakistan and Afghanistan caued by Washigton's callous and misguide policies, these cause huge detriment to America's own interests. This ha been reveale again and again. Most infamously, Faisal Shahzad, the PakistaniAmerican sentenced for the botche Times Square bombing, cited US foreign policy as justication during his trial. I want to plead guilty, and I'm going to plead guilty 100 times over,' he said, because until the hour the US pulls its forces from Iraq ad Afghanista, and stops te drone strikes in Somalia and Yemen and in Pakistan, and stops the occupation of Muslim land, and stops kiling the Muslims, and stops reporting the Mslims to its government, we will be attackig the US, and I plead guilty to that.' When asked by the judge about the children he might have killed had his attack in New York been successful he pointed out that drones in Afghanistan and Iraq don't see children; hey don't see anybody. They kill wome, children. They kill everybdy.' Personally, I think the radicalization o Muslims in the West as they watch the bloodshed and chaos spread by Washington's policies -not just in Pakistan and Afghaistan, but also in countries like Somalia and Yemen -is a far greater threat to Wester security. Most of the struggles against colonialism i the twentieth centu were led by people who had studied in the West Jinnah, Gandhi and Nehru all had the opprtunity to see Western democratic societie in action and were inspire to campaign for the same rights for their countrymen. My own awareness of democracy, the rule of law and the wefare state was awakened when I rst went to England to study. Muslims who have grown up and been educated in the West will ave a greater awareness of the ways in which human right laws are broken in the name of the war o terror' than many of those living in Muslm countries. They will be aware that no civilized law allows anyone to be judge, jry and executioner, as the CIA is when it res on people with its drones, eliminating suspects along with their wves, children and neighbous. The Americans may beliee that terror plots originate i Pakistan, but o blow up civilians in the Unted States and Europe terrorists need Wesernbased Mulims to carry out the attacks Unfortunately, the next Faisal Shahzad may succeed. Pakistan should have remaied neutral. We could have offered to asist the Americans, but not let our army act as mercenaries. The carnage now going on is because the army is seen as agents of America, ad they are being squeezed -by the antiUS forces who see them as puppets of the Americans on one side, and on the other by the Americans themselves -to carry out more operations against their own people. With jihad declared against it by the militants, there have been forty major attacks on army istallations. he rst thing Washington has to accept is that it must withdraw from Afghaistan as soon as possible. Wih the death of Osama bin Laden, this is the perfect time for President Obama to announce victory, and move out, an give peace a chance. After al, it was only or Osama that the American rst arrived i Afghanistan. This is the single most impotant step it can take in orde to quell Muslim anger arond the world, and give the Afghan people a chance of peace and selfgoernment. This would prevent Pakistan from descending into more violence, but thi has to be managed properly so as to prevent a bloodbath along the lines of the post Soviet Afghan chaos. Obama's bid to turn aound the war with 30,000 additional troops has failed. He allowed himself to be swayed by generals whose understading of strate is conned to the battleelds and who cannot fathom Afghanistan. he deadly combination of a war of resistace against foreign occupation and the religious injunction to protect one's www.p oo sree. freedom means the Americans will ever win. There will never be a shortage of recruits and peple willing to die for their country. This wa is not about numerical or armament might. In the words o Pakistani journalist Mir Adan Aziz, Afganistan is a lost duel. History, geography and culture mae the area a nightmare for any foreign presence attempting to impose ts will on the ation.' he urgent need to seek some kind of deal with the Taliban in Afghanisan was gaining currency in 210 and early 011. There were reports that the United States had begun direct, secret talks with senor Afghan Taliban leaders n nding a political settlement; US ally the UK also seems to have bee pushing for a peaceful solution; and the head of its armed forces, General Sir David Richards, said a defeat of Islamist militancy in the sense of a clearcut victory' is unecessary and nachievable, and that it can nly be contaied. Meanwhile, a British parliamentary report warned in March 2011 that the window of opportuniy for talks was closing. The Taliban, for all their faults, are an Afghan not an international group. Afghans have nt risen up and joined the international jihad espoused by alQaeda. Aghans have not been found to be involved in terror attacks or plots in he United States or Europe. hey are also unlikely to allow a new Taliba regime to operate as it did before or permit alQaeda to exert so much nuence over their government again. This is backed up by a report by Kandaharbased reseachers Alex Strick van Linschoten and Felix Kuehn saying Afghan Taliba leaders would be willing o make a break with alQaeda in order to end hostilites and could e persuaded to ensure Afghanistan was nt used as a base for terrorism. The Taliban, therefore, need to be deat with through an Afghan political system with peace talks and the establishment of a new government of cosensus negotiated with the assistance of Ira, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia They should also be given some kind of icentive to isolate alQaeda. At the moment, the US has a totally confused policy of a ght and talk approach. They want to open dialogue, bt keep bombig at the same time. Tragically, their approach is never going to work, when so many civilians are beng treated as aliban ghters by the Americans - 80 per cent of those taken as Taliban' are released within two weeks because they are civilians. And in July 2011 the UN has said there has been the largest number of civilian casualties since the surge. Pakistan's posiion is made wrse by its geographical situation: hemmed in from the souh and east by an unfriendly Idia, bordering an Iran that fears being sandwiched betwee a proUS Ira and a proUS Afghanistan, and not far from a Russia that doesn't want the Muslim repblics to feed ff the strife in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The US will always be worried about a hostie alQaeda. Al the players have a stake there, and peace will only come when all the players are at the table. And as for what govenment there should be in Afghanistan? The people of Afghanistan will have to nd a slution for themselves without outside interference. Withdrawal frm Afghanistan is essentia for defeating the insurgecy in Pakistan. As Graham uller, former CIA station chief in Kabul and author of The Future of Potil Islm wrote in the Hngton Post in 2009: Only the withdrawal of American and NATO boots on the ground will begin to allow the rocess of nearfrantic emotios to subside within Pakistan, and for the region to start to cool down. Pakistan is experienced in goverance and is well able to deal with its own Islamists and tribalists under ormal circumstances; until recently, Pakistani Islamists had one of the lowest rates of electoral success in the Muslim world. But U.S. policies have now driven local nationalism, xenophbia and Islamism to combined fever ptch. As Washington demands that Pakista redeem failed American poicies in Afghanistan, Islamabad can no longer manage its domestic crisis.' Having talked to people lke General Arakzai, Rustam Shah and Ayaz Wazir (two former Pakistai ambassadors from FATA) , as well as former political agents for the trial area, my personal estimate is that about 90 per www.p oo sree. cent of the militants in the tribal areas are neither religious extemists nor terrorists. They ae simply our own tribal people ghting because of army interventions drone attacks (and their colateral damage') and anger over the US occupation of Afghanistan. We only need to deal with the remaining 10 per cent. Some of these will be men who were part of the original jihadi organizations tha once fought the Soviets ad now consider themselves Taliban. Othes will be members of alQaeda. Some will be hardcore ideologues who believe in an Islamic emirate and some will be people driven to extremism because of injustices lie the Lal Masjid bloodbath. The solution des not lie in more military action, it lies in isolating that 10 per cent. But it can only happen if the United States withdraws from Afghanistan, o Pakistan pulls out of the war on terror' and the army withdraws from tribal areas. I have spoken t General Pasha, head of the SI about this, and he too believes that if we disengage from the US war, start a dialogue with the tribs, and withdrw troops from the tribal areas, we could eliminate this 10 per cent in inety days. The moment the US leaves Afghanistan the anti American feelings that feed into slamic radicaism will disspate. That will free Pakistan up to be abl to deal with terrorism on its own terms and focus on binging stakehlders together to agree on hw to bring peace and recociliation to the tribal areas. But only a credible Pakistani government tht is not perceied to be a US stooge will be able to conduct a meaningfl dialogue wih insurgents and placate the tribes, who should be coopted into helping the government tackle the real terrorists. As the situation changes in Afghanistan, we also have an pportunity now to decide what kind of coutry we want Pkistan to become. www.p oo sree. Chapter Ten www.p oo sree. Rediscovering Iqba Pakistan's S y mbo and a Tempate for Our Future ALLAMA IQBAL'S WORDS were a powerful sorce of guidance when Pakistan came into existence in 1947 and during its early years. Every moning Radio Pakistan broadcast his prayer fr children tha began: My wish comes to my lips as supplication -May my life be like a lighted candle,  God!' Iqal's words lef a permanent mprint on the minds of the children who heard it. Howeve, over time, this prayer ceased to be broadcast, and today tere are very few children who are familiar with it. hough Iqbal lved in a historical context that was different from ours in several ways, what he said remains profoundly relevant to us and to our times. In fact, Iqbal's message is more relevant and imporant today than that of any other Muslim thiker of the pas and present nt only because he faced the challenges of bth traditionalism and moderity fearlessly, but also -and more importantly -because he had a profound understanding of the integrated vision of the Quran which he made the basis of his philosophy. This phiosophy provides a comprehensive blueprint for how Muslims should live in accordance with the highest ideals and best practices of Islam. Its aim is to change ground realities in the light of the ethical principles of slam. These realities change with time but the framework remains constant and continues to be a central point of reference and a guidepost for future generations. The plce that Iqbal occupies in the earts and minds of Pakistanis is unparalleled, as is his poetry, even though few people appreciate the range and depth of his knowledge and creativity, or his philosophical system. Such are the power and charisma of his imagination and his pen that he is loved by millions who might kow only a few of his verses but are inspired and moved y them. Without doubt, Iqbal is the most quoted gure n Pakistan, ad his popular verses and faourite symbols, such as that of the shahee, are known even to semiliterate Pakistanis. However, his philsophy, articulated through bth poetry and rose, which sould be taught in every educational instituton in Pakista, has been virtually eliminated from the crriculum, and only a small number of students in specialized disciplines have the opportunity to study it. While some faous verses from Iqbal's poems are oten cited in isolation, the core message of his poetry, reectig his revolutinary spirit, his intrepid imagination and his passionate commitment to justice and the dignity of selood, has been excluded from pblic discourse Iqbal constantly referred to the Quranic verse, Verily God will not chage the conditin of a people till they change what is in themselves' (Quran 13: 12). He was fully aware of the despair and despndency of Mslims who fel powerless to change their averse circumstances and turned to prayer fo an improvement in their lives. Iqbal had wrtten much abot the value of prayer but he believed that the way to change one's destiny was through te developmet of khudi. Iqbal's philosoph, rich as it is in ideas and cocepts, is fundamentally actonoriented ad its goal was personal and social transfomation inspired by the Quranic vision embodied in the proclamation, oward God is your limit' (Qran 53: 42). www.p oo sree. oday when Pakistani youth are living in a society in which there is a gaping ethical vacuum they are in critical eed of a deep and comprehesive educatio based upon Iqbal's multifaceted philosohy. Iqbal's work can be a source of profound guidance to help youg Pakistanis as they seek to understand the nature of their own identity and their own religion. His powerful words challenge them to become a shahee which hunts for its food rather than a vulture which pres on the dead: he ight of bth birds is in the same atmosphere But the world of the vulture is dierent from the world of the shaheen o comprehend why Iqbal ha suffered such amazing neglect by the country that at the ame time hail him as its  spiritual' founder one has to nderstand the moral intellectual social ad political degeneration that has sadly characterized most of Pakistan's history. Lagely dominated by feudal and other powerfl persons and groups with vested interests Pakistani society has had very limited opportunity to think or act freely. Subjected to lng periods of authoritarian rle its spirit has languished and has lost the will to resist coercion and supression. Iqbal the undanted thinker who urged the oppressed masses to revolt against all forms f totalitarianim -religious political culural intellectal economic or any other -was the vital frce that was needed to free the Indian Muslms from their internal shackles and external bondage. But his words his voice his message constiuted a grave threat to those powerwielders in Pakista who wanted to keep the people subservient so that they would not challenge them or claim their wn rights. To ensure the fullment of their purposes the had to silence Iqbal's anti authoritarian vice as much as possible. The relegation f Iqbal's vision and message to obscurity was therefoe not by accient but by design. Orphaned by it two founding fathers -Iqbal and Jinnah -at such an early age and neglected or plundered by succesive leaders Pakistan must trn to Iqbal's writings to recnstruct its intellectual and ethical foundatin such as hi advice to the youth about the qualities needed to become a leader: ead anew the lesson of Truthfulness Justice and Bravery - To you will be given the task f leading the world  quote this verse to the youth of TehreekeInsaf because truth bravery and justice are among the most highly valued attributes of a human being. We need to understand Iqbal's commitment to social justice and the pain he felt when he looked at the plight of the world's indigent workers. His memorable verse addresed to God in which he point out the discrepancy between the justice of God and the unjust plight of those who laboued hard for a meagre living s meant in fact to jolt the coscience of thoe rich people who exploit the ones who labour for them: You are Almighy ad Just, but i your world, Itesely bitter s the life of the poor labourers It is diicult to nd a poet or thinker ofIqbal's calibre who has championed the cause of justice for the oppressed and wrnged people of the world as passionatey and consistently as he di. If we follow Iqbal's teachig we can reverse the growig gap between the westernized rich and traditional poor that helps fuel fndamentalism. www.p oo sree. The best weapon agaist fundamentalism is enlightened Islam. Faatics on both sides of the argment need to e told about Islamic history how other religions and other points of view were tolerated by Islam in the days whe Europe was ruled by bigot and ignorace. During what was known as the Golden Age of Islam from around the mid eighth to the midthirteenth century the Muslim wrld which stretched from Iberia and North Africa across to southwest and central Asia was knwn for its spirit of intellectual discovery and religious tolerance. Islam never knew the savage of the Inquisition. The set of legal principles stated or implied in the Quran has a great capacity for expansion and development as frequently pointed out by Iqbal. As early as the ninth century AD Muslim scholars were debating the rights of the child. The sophistication of this debate was such that a scholar before putting frth his point of view would start by saying It is possible that I may be wrong.' This spirit of openness was to be expected since freedom of thought is guaranteed by Islam. The Prophe's (PBUH) coict with the Meccans was ver the right t express his opinion. When the state of Medina was frmed freedom of speech was considere every citizen's right. The Prophet (PBUH) once said hat a difference of opinion in his community was a sig of Allah's grace. It was this freedom of thught and the spirit of inquiry which created the intellectal atmosphere that led to the blossoming of the Muslim civilization. For hundreds o years all top scientists were Muslims dominating the elds of logic metaphysics chemistry algebra astronomy ad medicine. Until the advent of Islam scientic knowledge amongst the Arabs had been stagnant for centuries. By the eighth century medical and philosophical texts were translated into Arabic allowing the Arabs to build on the wisdm of the past and make vast leaps forward in science. Islamic scholars had a profound effect n European thought centuries later. By the tenth century everything wrth translating from Ancient Greek works was available in Arabic. It was also during his period of ultural owering that Muslim merchants developed modern commercial instruments such as cheques letters of credt and joint stock companies. Ibn Sina (980-1027) Ibn Rashid (1126-98) and Al Ghazali (died 1111) were amongst the Islamic philosophers wo had a huge impact on Eurpean thought. Roger Bacon one of the greatest names in Western sciece considere Ibn Sina the prince and leader of philosophy'. Bacon leaned from Arab thinkers about experimental science and Aristotelian philosophy. He was also a great transmitter of Arab knowledge into the mainstream of European thought. By the end of the eleventh centry Latin translations of Arabic works on science began to lter into Eurpe mainly from Muslim Span Iraq and Siily. Among he centres of European learning that helped diffuse slamic knowledge throughou the European world was the Arabist schoo at Montpellie in the south of France. From Montpellier scholars spread in all directios across Europe. The philosopher Al Ghazali's work had great inuece on both Islamic and European scholars. His development of Greek philosophies especially Aristotle·s inenced European philosophers like Thomas Aquinas and S Francis of Assisi. In turn it was the work of Aquinas that helped spark ff the spirit o inquiry in Europe that woud later lead to the Reformatin. According to the historian W. Montgomery Watt: When one becomes aware of the full extent of Arab experimenting Arab tinking and Arab writing one sees that without the Arabs European sciene and philosophy wold not have developed whe they did. The Arabs were no mere transmitters of Greek thought but genuine bearers who both kept alve the disciplines they had been taught and extended their range. When about the year 1100 Europeans became seriusly interested in the science and philosophy of their Saracen eemies these disciplines were at their zenith; and the Europeans www.p oo sree. had to learn al they could frm the Arabs before they themselves could make further advances. he quest for knowledge was reected in the libraries that existed in the slamic cities f Baghdad Damascus and Cordoba. In 1171 when the legendary warrior Salahuddin entered Baghdad the public library had 150000 volmes. In Cordba Al Hakim's library had between 40000 and 60000 volumes. At his period in history the universities in Erope had hardly any access to books. In his book The Rise of Humnism in lssil Islm nd th hristin West the Arabist and Islamicist George Makdisi traces the origins of humanism the modern system of kowledge imparted in Wester universities to the early Islamic era. He writes about how from the eighth century onwards there was an environment of learning in Arab colleges madrassas and the courts of Iraq Sicily Egypt and Andalusia where disputation dissent and argument were the order of the day. By the ed of the eleventh century mst Muslim cites had universities. The deay and declie in Islamic itellectual thoght according to Iqbal set in ve hundred years ago when the doors t hd a scholarly debate n our religion and its traditions were closed. The Quraic principles -which for Muslims are eternal principes -needed constantly to be reinterpreted in light of new knowledge. In his Lectures on the Recostruction of Religious Thought in Islam Iqbal cites three reasons for this stagnation. Fist around the tenth century there was conroversy between two schools of thought -one rationalist and one conservative -about issues such as the eternity of the Quran. The ruling Islamic dynasty of the time the Abbasids threw their weight behind the conservatives fearing that unrestrained adherence to a particular type of rationalism could edanger the stability of Islam as a social polity. he second reason was the rise of ascetic Susm which grew partly in reaction to the increasing conservatism of the Islamic establishment. The Sus the mystics of Sunni Islam wanted t focus more on inner spirituality rather tha a rigidly guarded set of rules. But according to Iqbal their concentration on otherworldliness ignored Islam's role as a means of organizing sociey and politics. He complained that ascetic Susm ended p attracting and nally absoring the best minds in Islam. The Muslim state was thus let generally in the hands of intellectual medicrities and of the unthinking masses of Islam who found heir security nly in blindly following the  schools' of the great Islamic jurists such as Abu Hanifa ad Malik Abn nas. Iqbal-pointing to the Quran's emphasis on  deed' -believed it was contrary to he true spirit f Islam to tur away from the real world as some Sus did. He felt that becoming a hermit or ascetic meant avoiding the joy and struggle of real life. To those who taught Isla he said: o teach religin in the world -if this be yor aim Do ot teach your nation that it should withdraw from the world he third and probably most decisive factr was the Mngols' destruction in 1258 of Baghdad -the centre of Muslim intellectal life. Had the Mongol hordes not taken ver swathes o the Muslim world our history might have been very different. This legendary tribe from Mongolia laid waste to cities and decimated poplations across Central Asia South Asia and the Middle East. Their merciless sacking of Baghdad which had at one point been the centre f wealth commerce and learning of the Islamic world has historically been seen as the death blow fr the Golden Age of Islam. With the destrction of its faous libraries centuries of learning were lst and this huge cultural trama inevitably led to greater conservatism as Muslims feared the www.p oo sree. eradication of their civilization. Although the Mongols had by the early forteenth century converted to Islam their autocratic rule camped down n the capacity of the ulem (Muslim legal scholars) for independent jdgement. The gates to ijtihad were declared closed. Uniy became key dissension discouraged ad foreigners ecame suspect. In the eighteenth and ineteenth century when Indian Muslims like us were confronted with serious external and internal impediments the rallying ry of the mdernist reformers from Sayid Ahmad Khan to Iqbal was Back to the Quran Forward with Ijtihad·. Back to the Quran' meant the rediscovery of the fundamental teachigs and principles of the Quran and Forward with Ijtihad' meant the mental effort made to form a independent judgement on a legal point so that normative Islamic prnciples could be applied in modern times. Iqbal was acutely conscious of the stagnaton and decadece that had sapped the creative energy of Muslim societies. Therefore while strongly advocating a return to the Quran which he regarded as undamental to Islam Iqbal aso sought to reinfuse the dyamism of original Islam thrugh ijtihad wich he regarded as The Priniple of Movement in the Structure of Islam' . According to Iqbal such was the fear about the futue of Islam that the conservative thinkers of Islam focused on preserving a uniform social life for the people by a jealous exclusion of all innovation in the laws of Sharia as expouded by the early doctors of slam'. He beleved that the ultimate fate of a people des not depend so much on rganization as on the worth and power of ndividual me. In an overorganized society the individual is altogether crushed out of existence'. Iqbal felt that a man lost his sol under the weight of such conformism and that a false reerence for pas history and its articial resrrection' was no remedy for a people' s decay. He maintained that the only power that counteracts the forces of decay was freedom of though the inner impulse' ofIslam and that the only alternative given to us is to tear off from Islam the hard crust that has immobilized an essentially dynamic outlook on life and to rediscover the original verities of freedom equality and solidarity with a view to rebuild our moral social and political ideas out of their riginal simplicity and universality' . In the context f ijtihad Iqbal pointed out in his sixth lectue -of his outstanding Lectures on the Recnstruction of Religious Thought in Islam -that in the modern period things had chaged and the world of Islam is today confronted and affected by new forces set free by the extraordinary develoment of human thought in all its directins'. He went n to make a satement that has an extraordnary signicace and relevance for us: The claim of the present generaton of Muslim liberals to reiterpret the fondational legal principles in the light of their own eperience and altered conditins of moder life is in my opinion perfectly justied The teaching of the Quran that life is a process of progressive creatin necessitates that each generation guided but unhampered by the work of its predecessors should be permitted to solve its own prblems.' Iqbal once wrote that all seach for knowledge is essentially a form of prayer'. Far from dismissing Western scientic advances he believed we should study them and incorprate their postive content i our paradigm for a new country that wuld be informed by Islamic ideals as well as modern knoledge. Instead we allowed Pakistan to stagate virtually since its inception. The westernized elite who took over from the departig British coloial rulers had little interest i seeking this fsion of Islami ideals and scientic progress. Rather they adopted a sysem that allowed them to perpetuate themselves in power never allowng true demcracy to ouish. Our reactionary mullahs promoted a medieval attitude to religion that grew ever more distorted as Islam was hijacked as a political tool. www.p oo sree. Iqbal had stressed the need to use ijtihad with a view to rebuild the law of Sharia in the light of modern thought and experience'. e had pointed out that just as the European Renaissance and Reformaion were inspired by the acquisition of knowledge from the Muslim universities of Spain and the Middle East during the Crusades, contemporary Muslims should use Western knowledge in their reconstruction f their own reigious thought. Like Iqbal, the nineteenthcentury Egyptian scholar Muhammad Abdh also identied excessive conformism' (which sadly exists in the majority of the Muslim world today) as one of the causes of the decline of the Muslims. He felt that excessive adherece to the outward aspects of aw led to a hbit of blind imitation (tq which was far from the freedom of true Islam'. And he linked the spread of taqlid to the rise of Turkish power. The Turks encouraged a slaish acceptance of authority, and discouraged the free exercise of reason among thse they ruled. Knowledge was their enemy for it would each their sujects how bad the rulers' conduct was, so they introdued their supporters into the ranks of the Ulema, to teach the faithful a dull stagnaton in matters of belief and the acceptance of political autocracy.' It was a succession of Turkish invaders from the northwes -the Ghaznavids, the Ghorids, the Timurids and then the Mughals -wo consolidated Islam in South Asia from the mid tenth century on. fter the Turks came the British, whose rule also contributed to the spread of fundamentalism, stoking fears that Western culture was in danger of overwhelming the Islamic way of life, just as a thousand years ago the Europeans wee similarly thratened by the rise of Islam Fundamentalism at its outset was a reation to colonialism, particuarly among the Muslims for whom religion and culture are intertwined. Muslim reactio to the competition posed by Western powr -often seen as synonymos with the fores of modernity -has usually followed two patterns. One school of thought decides the Islamic world must beat the West at its own game, using Western tools to solve Eastern problems and connng Islam to the private sphere. Hence the Arab world's various stabs at nationalism and socialism i the twentieth century in reaction to the spread of nineteenthcentury Eurpean colonialism. The other school recoils, calling for a rtreat to timehonoured tradtions, a retur to the simplicities of the original Muslim lifestyle in the desert and an older, purer' form of Islam stripped of the arious cultura inuences it has acquired in its disseminatin. In British India these two competing responses emerged afer the 1857 Urising against British rule and the humiliatin of the last Mughal emperor, whom they dposed and exiled to Burma. William Dalrymple's The Ls Mughl ends with the foundation of two very different educational establishments. ne is Aligarh Mohamedan Anglo Oriental College, a bid by the Anglophile Sir Sayid Ahmad Khan to revive the frtunes of Muslim Indians thrugh Westernstyle education. The other is a madrassa in Deoband that wnt on to prpagate a narrow version of Islam that rejects all forms of westerization and still to this day cmpetes in South Asia with the Barelvi movement, whose eachings are more in line with Su Islam. Dalrymple points out that the Taliban emerged out of Deobandi madrassas in Pakistan ad Afghanistan As we have seen in our own time, nothing threatens the liberal and moderate aspect of Islam so much as aggressive Western intrusion and interference in the East, just as nothing so dramatically radicalizes the ordinary Muslim and feeds the power of the extremists: the histries of Islamic fundamentalism and Wester imperialism have, after all, often been closely, and dangerusly intertwind.' oday, we nee to reclaim the vision and wisdom of the modernist reformers who paved the way for the creation of Pakistan. We need to do this because we badly need a cultura, intellectual nd moral renissance in Pakistan so that we are able to create societies and commuities that are educated and enlightened, just and compassionate, www.p oo sree. forwardlooking and lifearming. We need to utilize our rational faculties and engage in scholarly discussio and reectio to nd a soltion to contemporary issues such as the bleding of the positive aspects f Western culture with Islam. The new renaissance must also offer an alternative to the Western materialism and consmerism that has been totally mbibed by our ruling classes and which our country canno afford. Iqbal and other modernist reformist thinkers had been deeply concerned abut the reluctace of many uslims to respnd positively to Western cuure in particlar the rigidity of the mullas whose mindset had been fossilized in medieval times. The combination of ruling oligarchies and a rigid religius mindset had stopped the forward movement of rationa academic ad scientic iteraction with the changing world which would have led to a dynamc Islamic culture. Unfortunately this is why the concep of ijtihad is so absent not ust in Pakista but in the uslim world a large. Democracy and freedm of speech have been stied for decades. Moreover edcation researc and the quest for knowledge are simply nt priorities. That is why the greatest hope fr a true Islamic renaissance ies with Islamic scholars in the Western countries who are neither afraid of oppressive Muslim regimes nor of the religious bigots who claim a monopoly o Islam. While Western coutries forge ahead in every eld of knowledge the Muslim world seems to have given up and relies on being sponfed whatever knowledge is passed on by the West. Iqbal called for Muslims to keep their minds open to reinterpretation of the Quran and Islamic law so that they remained relevant in a fastchanging world. He was also strong in his condemation of the mythmaking mullahs' who were not equipped to answer the questions of the modern Muslims on contemporary issues. e was apprehensive of their bigotry and inolerance agaist science arts and original thought and wated to set up a university for ulema and religious scholars o equip them with the moder tools of knowledge. Iqbal believed that rather than spurning the discoveries of the modern world as unIslamic' the Muslim world should use the technologial and scientic discoveries of the West without subordnating itself t Western vales and culture In one of his erses he also rged Indian Muslims not to imitate the West but to be creative while using their own resources: Do ot be beholde to Wester glassmakers - With the earth ofIdia, make a goblet ad cup o revisit what is of enduring value in Iqbal's thinking we need fresh and original minds capable of combining the aspects of Western democracy that suit us with our indigenous system of local govenance. For hudreds of years villages in the Indian subconinent were selfcontained rnning their own schools and councils their health centre and their system of justice a system known as nhyt. o a certain extent this still exsts in Pakistan in the tribal areas' jirga system. We need to revive nhyt and jirga systems to liberate our rural areas from the opressive feudal culture and empower people at the grass rots. Surely there is much to learn from Western culture most of all its strong institutions its constant quest for knowledge and the erce potection accorded to freedom of expressio. This has in urn led to creativity and dynamism. I also eel we can learn from the way democracy has given freedom to most of the Western world in sharp contrast to the sham democracies we have exerienced in Pakistan and other parts of the Muslim world. People are fully aware of ther rights and there is public otcry as www.p oo sree. soon a anyone of them is violated At times, however, the right of an individual can take precedence over the larger interest of the community, unlike in Eastern scieties where he community's interest is paramount. However, the foudations of a just and equitable Islamic society are only to be found in the Quran. Sadly, more than sixty year ater its birth, neither Iqbal nor Jinnah would recognize the country Pakistan ha become. Ecnomically ruied by a rulig elite hungry for money and power, it has become the only nucleararmed Islamic coutry, yet cannot protect its peole from near daily bombings and is one of only four coutries in the world that have ever beaten polio. A succesion of military rulers and corrupt civilian governments has been unable to deliver even the mot basic serices like healthcare and educaton to the ordiary people in whose name the country was reated. Although never quite a failed state, Pakistan has become a failing tate. The Qran asks Muslims to follow the Middle Way', the narrow path that lies between all posible extremes. Only an informed public is capable of makng informed choices, and an informed public needs an iformed ulem. In the 1960 a brilliant Pkistani scholar, Dr Fazlur Rhman, who taught in the US at the University of Chicago, was invited by President Ayub Khan to et up the Central Institute of Islamic Reseach. Dr Rahma aimed to recruit the best mids in the country and get them to undertake a study of the Quran in its hisorical context so that certain verses could nt be misused. He felt people were being misled by the preachers who wanted a selective Islam to suit their own inerests and quted isolated verses of the Quran out of conext. Sadly, hi views clashed with those of the religious traditionalists and not only was he hounded out of Pakistan but was one f the causes fr the downfall of Ayub Khan he main difference Islamic sharia has from Western secular society is in the realm f public morality. This protects our family system, one f Pakistan's greatest strengths. Indelity is strongly condemned and considered one of the greatest sis, as it is in all great religions. People who believe in God know that while they can deceive their spouse, they canot deceive the Almighty. An Islamic society tries to proect the sanctity of marriage y creating an environment hat affords the least temptation for people to commit indelity. Secondly, it tries to protect impressionable young people from public immorality, the same cncept behind the adults only' lm classifcation. Furthermore, Islam pts huge emphasis on responsibility to the family. According to the Prophe (PBUH): The best of you is he who is best to his family, and I am the best among you towards my family.' Today millions of Pakistani men and women are toiling away at great personal cost to simply feed their family. This is what binds our ociety. Despite the grinding poverty and injustice that beset many Pakistanis, it is the structure of the family that proides the net that keeps the social fabric intat. I know of s many people whose extended family members are all pooling resources o feed other relatives. With asolutely no scial securi net whatsoever, were it not fo our powerful family system the country would have descended into blodshed long ago. So apart from tese vital provisions aimed at protecting the family, a true Islamic society would be no different from the democrati welfare states of Europe. Human rights are, ater all, at the centre of the Quran. The right to life, justice, respect, freedom of speeh and movement, privacy, protection from lander and ridicule, a secure place of residene and a meas of living are all enshrined in the Quran. Islam gives all the freedom of a secular society -yet an Islamic state cannot be secular. To understand secularsm as it exists in the West tday, it is imprtant to remember the evoluion of Christianity within the Roman Empie. When the Roman Empire became Christian, the State ad Church had their distinct bundaries. Ove the centuries any other inuences have shaped modernday secularism But the separation of Churc and State cold not happen in Islam as it has no concept f a Church. www.p oo sree. s Iqbal stated: Islam was from the very beginning a civil society having received from the Quran a set of simple legal princples, which like the twelve tables of the Rmans, carried, as experience subsequently proved, geat potentialities of expanson and development by interpretation.' Elaborating his pint, Iqbal said, This dualism (separation o State and Chrch) does not exist in Islam.' He went on to warn that when a state is gveed withot the moral values that are roted in religin then naked materialism is likely to replae it -exactly the observatio made by Mohandas Gandhi when he remarked, Those who say religion has nothing to do with poltics do not know what religion is.' The two greatest institutional tyrannies of all times, the Nazi Reich and the Soviet nion, were Gdless constructs. Islamic culture is rooted in spirituality, while capitalist culture is roted in materialism. This is ot to say that spirituality in Islam is to the exclusion of wealth accumlation. On the contrary, it is even encouraged, but it is not an end in itself as it is in capitalism. For example, it would be necessary fr a humane and truly Islamic society to sacrice economic growth in order to protect the environment. The welfare f both the curent and future generations would take precedence over greater material wealth. True sirituality will always supprt any movement that is struggling to save our enviroment from human greed. One of the names of the Quran is i Furqn (the Criterin) precisely because it was meant to enable humanity to make this distinction. The number of religious fanatics is growing by the day thanks to the war on terror'. As we saw with the insugency in Swat, the dispossessed with no stake in the system can become vulnerable to crime and miitant Islam. It is not hard to see why the idealistic and romantic are drien to take up arms. There are, of course, religious zealots who through sheer ignorace have decided to enforce their uninformed version o Islam through the barrel of the gun. They have done tremendous damage to Islam, failing to understand that the reigion is a battle for conquerig hearts and minds. There are others who have killed fellow Muslims in the name of their sect. These fndamentalists are not only atiWest but also virulently against the westernized Pakisani elite, whom they contemptuously see as toadies to the West. While the masses in Pakistan are imressed by the remendous technological prgress of the Western world, their understanding of the Western moral value system maily comes from watching television and they do not respect what they see. Therefore they are deeply suspicious of any attempt towards westerization -particularly women's liberation. They don't regard this as women having the right to fll their potetial but rather as women having the right to be sexually permissive. Therefore westernized Pakistanis are considered to have loose morals too. One of the many derogatory things ordinary people say about westernized couples is that he des not get angry and she has no shame'. It is because of this attitude that sometimes modernization is resisted because it is perceived to be westerization. People are also therefore wary of foreign NGOs dealing with women. he gulf between the different strata of Pakistani society is so great nw that those a the other end of the extreme are called the liberal fanatics'. To liberal fanatics moderization means westernizatio and Islam can only impede Pakistan's progress. Lacking a proper understanding of Islam they see the religion throgh Western ees and are convinced that it is a retrogressive, primitive creed of ancient desert folk. Sadly, they are not equipped to hold any dialoge with the religious fanatics because they are not armed with sufcient knowledge f Islam. For them every slution to Pakistan's problems is imported. Hence liberal fanatics hae variously advocated Maism, a radical version of wmen's liberatin, market ecnomics and other Western eliefs. These people only hae to study the colonial history of the past two centuries to realize that wherever an alien culture was imposed on a indigenous people it caused mass upheaval disruption and destruction to their way of life. From the Aborignes of www.p oo sree. Australia to the Indians of the Americas and mst of Africa, the local people fell betwee two stools in the name of mdernization. he societies that have been success stories, such as Japa and China, have all used Western knowledge but deveoped it in the context of their own culture and enviroment. Pakistani liberal faatics preach secularism, yet they don' fully understand the evolution of secularism in Europe. Martin Luther's movement was aimed at freeing religion frm the strangehold of the Catholic Churh, not at abolishing religio altogether. Ufortunately or liberal fanatcs are bent upon imposing Western secular values on a country where the vast majority's entire way of life is inueced by religio. The liberal fanatics have oly one solutin, Hitler's nal solution; they want the Pakistani army to exterminate the religious fundamentalists. Tey only have to look at the istory of Iran, Algeria and Egypt to know that whenever fundamentalism is suppressed it gets vioent. These tw sections of Pakistani socie have become further polarized with the war on terror' and each tends to dehumanize the other. If our westernized class started to study Islam, not only wold it be able to project the dyamic spirit of slam but also help our society ght sectarianism and extremism. They would be able to help the Western world by articulatng Islamic cncepts correcty. How can the group that is in the best position to project Islam do so when it sees Islam through Western eyes? The most damaging aspect of the gulf between the two sections of our society is that it has stopped the evolution of both religin and culture in Pakistan. The elite that cosumes most of the country's educational resources is incapable of providing the intelletual leadership needed to mve forward either the religio or the culture. Western education simply des not equip them to do so. here is no cofusion about the role of Islam in Pakistan among ordinary people who are comfortable with their Islamic heritage and live by their faith. Only in the minds f the westernized Englishspeaking elite, the inheritors of British colonial rule, is there a confusion of identity. The seularists in Pakistan, with their scant knowledge of Islam, believe that an Islamic state persecutes religous minorities They quote the lines on freedom of worship from Jinnah's famous speech to the Costituent Assembly in 1947 t justify their claim that Pakistan was meant to be a secular state that gave equal rights to the minorities. Jinnah, however, was simply highlighting the tolerance that exists i Islam towards nonMuslims when he said You are free you are free t go to your temples, you are free to go to yur mosques or to any other pace of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, r caste or creed -that has nothing to do with the business of the State.' While Islam ad the TwoNation Theory -the ideology on which the split betwee Pakistan and India was based -remain the bedrock of Pakistan's foundations, it is clear that religious dogma should not be used to spread prejdice, intolerance and sectarianism. Unfortuately, though, one of the worst aspects of Muslim religious bigots is that they preach hatred towards minorities or other Islamic sects, taking Quranic verses ut of context o justify their actions. They ignore -or are ignorant of the fact - that the Prophet's (PBUH) life has many examples of tolerance twards other religious groups. There were icidences of bth Jewish and Christian delegations being allowed to pray in his mosque. he Prophet's (PBUH) last sermon encapsulates his visio of universal human rights. ll of you come from Adam, and Adam s of dust. Indeed, the Arab is not superior to the onArab, and the nonArab is not superior to the Arab. Nor is the fairskinned superior to the darkskinned nor the darkskinned superior to the fair skinned; superiority comes from piety and the noblest among you is the most pious  Know that all Muslims are brothers unto one another. You are one www.p oo sree. brotherhood  And your slaes! See that yu feed them ith such food as you eat yourselves and clothe them with the stuff that you wear. If they commi a fault which you are not inclined o forgive, then part with them, for they are the servants of the ord and are nt to be harshly treated. It is evident that discrimination on the grounds of religion, race or class is prohibited by the Quran, which also stresses, There is no compulson in religio' (Quran 2: 256). In fact, Islam goes further than many relgions, actually acknowledging the legitimacy of other faiths. As the religious scholar Karen Armstrog has pointed ut, the Quran s almost unique in its positie view of other peoples, other religious traditions. There is nothing like Quranic pluralism in either the Torah or the Gospel  The Quran declares that every peple on the face of the earth has received a divine revelation.' She has slammed the West's medieval conviction' abut the inherent intolerance of Islam, arguing that extremism today stems rom intractable political prolems -oil, Palestine, the occupation of Muslim lands, the prevalence of authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, ad the West's perceived "doble standards -and not to an ingrained religious imperaive' . hrough hundreds of years of Islamic history, nonMuslims played a sigicant role in Muslim communities: the Rajputs in Mughal India, Christians and Jews in Muslim Spain and the Greek Orthodox and Jews i the Ottoman Empire. The tolerance shown to nonMuslims was unknow to religious minorities in the Europe of the Middle Ages. Yet in the West, Islam is perceived as a religion that encourages aggression towards others. Even if some try t use Islam to justify violence, the Quran and the hdith or sayings, of the Prophet (PUH) do not sanction this behaviour. The Quran - in no ncertain terms -prohibits te desecration of houses of worship, suicide and murder. According to journalist an historian Paul Johnson, 15 million peope were killed by state violence in the twenteth century. uslim countries had an insigicant share i this slaughter, never witnessed before i the history of humanity. Te two greates butchers of te twentieth century were brn Christians; Hitler was brn and brough up a Roman Catholic and Stalin was once a Russian Orthdox apprentice monk. It is as ridiculous to blame Christiaity for their deeds as it is to blame Islam or any inhuman behaviour by a Muslim. Jinnah's speech to the count's economists at the State ank on 1 July 1948 underlied the fact that Islamic principles today are as applicable to life as they were 1,300 ears ago. He said: Islam ad its idealism have taught emocracy, Islam has taught equality, justice and fair play to everybody. What reason s there for anone to fear democracy, equality, freedom on the highest sandard of integrity and on the basis of fair play and justice for everybody?' This would be in line with Iqbal's siritual democracy' where peple would be free from oppression and where no policies could be made that did not make people the main focus. This is what is meant when Allah says in the Quran to hold on to the rope of the people'. I am convinced that Pakistan has lost its way because there has been no serios attempt to translate this vision into practice. The Quran lays great emphasis on both justice and education, yet in both these areas te Islamic Republic of Pakistan has sorely failed. Our failure in each f these areas has fed into the other. Our edcation system breeds injustice. Our unjust society neglects education for the masses. At the core of an Islamic state is the principle of justice. That is why I named my party TehreekeIns Movement for Justice. The Quran says, ' ye who believe, stand out rmly for justice, as witesses to God, even as against yourselves o your parents, or your kin and whether it be against rich or poor' (Quran 2: 135). eing fair and just was considered one of the greatest vitues in the religion. Every human being was supposed to be equal in frot of the law. Tis was www.p oo sree. a revoltionary concet in the Prophet's (PBUH) day because the administration oflaws withou discriminatio on grounds f race, colour and language was not known before the advent of Islam. Initially envisaged by Iqbal ad Jinnah as a emocratic coutry in which people - regardless of race, trie, religion or sect -would live in peace ad harmony free from exploitation and disrimination, Pakistan is nw a deeply divided natio. The concenration of power at the centre has negated the spirit of federalism with Pashtuns, Baluchis, Sindhis, Kashmiris and Mohajirs resentful of Punjabi hegemony. A sense of deprivation and marginalization right from the country's beginning led to the loss of East Pakistan and prevented the formation of a national identity strong enough to bind our new nation togeher. Meanwhile, the elite has looted the country's riches and squandered its resources and the poor have lived in deprivatin and hardship. The majority of the country is deprived of access to education, healhcare and a free and efciet judicial system. Two of the most corrupt gvernment departments are the police and lower judiciay. The tile case against Jemima was an example of how our judiciary is uable to protect citizens from state tyranny. nd as my time in detention taught me, mos of the inmates of our dirty, vercrowded, nderfunded jails are poor peple who did nt have the means to buy themselves a fair trial et there was no concept of detentio in the Islamic justice system except in rare cases). The rich can buy temselves out of any legal trouble. In the rural areas poor people are harassed in every way. Therefore the poor vte not for the man who is clean and honest, ut for the one who can protet them from the powerful. Te party in power has the entire state machinery at its disposal to try and eliminate the pposition. Hece without an independent jdiciary we will never have real democracy. The great idea where safeguards in the law were meant to protect the inocent has bee perverted in Pakistan to prtect powerful criminals. Whenever there is talk of reform, we are told that the government has no money either o give adequate salaries or modernize the wo departments. We do not have the resources to pay the judges adequately or build more courts to cater for our expanding population. I feel that, in rural areas at least, one thing that would help would be a return of the village councils (panchayats and jirgas) that dispensed justice so successfully to the peple of the subontinent for centuries. Let the village elders (selected throgh village consensus) adjudicate petty crime and land disputes and award punishments in the traditional way, with the victim compensated, rather than the culprit jailed. Pakistan's feudal system has cursed us with a grossly unfair social system in parts of the country. There are horrendous stories of exploitation, especially of women. In the feudal areas the poweful treat the wmen from por families as their property ad their menfol are too powerless to do anthing about it During the 210 oods there were reports that big landlords in south Punjab and Sindh diverted the ood waters and breached embankments in order to save their ow land, immune to the damage and sufferig this caused many ordinay people. The attitude of he feudal an other powerful groups that they are above the law fuels corruption. This is one of the reasons Pakistan has such an enormous rich-poor divide. While our elite have private jets, security cavalcades and numerous apartments and mansions in swaky locations around the globe, more than half the country suffers from what the UNP (United Nations Development Programme) calls multi dimensional deprivation' -lack of access to proper education, health facilities and a decent standard of living. Instead of ollowing the example of the Holy Prophet (BUH) and his initial successors, all of whom lived with simplicity, Pakstani politicias have always wanted to set themselves up like Mughal emperors. In cntrast, in the K the tone is set by the simplicity of the prime minister's Downing Street residence. Why should Pakistan's politicians be alowed to stash so many of their assets abroad? www.p oo sree. Especilly when they have no know source of income outside the country. What kind of leader needs an insurance policy like that? I am the only politcal leader to have all my assets declared i my own name, and all of them in Pakistan; and most of my earnings came from playing professional cricket aroad. People will pay taxes if they felt their hardearned money was not being wasted on the samelessly luurious lifestyles of our rules or siphoned off out of the country. Croks like this across developing countries loot and plunder while in power and prepare for their retirement in Wester cities and resorts with bulging Swiss bak accounts. There should n bank secrecy laws for thse thirdworld politicians, ureaucrats ad generals who are prosected on corrupion charges. And they shoud be immediately extradited to the country they have pundered. This would be the greatest gift of the West to the developing world; thi would help the impoverished masses much more than either aid or loan. Our economy is lled with ijustices too. First, our ruling elite has been totally inhuman and immoral in colluding with the IMF, crushing the por to service our debts. In each budget the voiceless majorit is burdened with indirect taxes, which hit te poor disproportionately. Of course it woud be far too mch to ask the rich to pay diret taxes so instead we penalize the poor. When there is no reaction from them, emboldeed, the government increases their load each year. The peple were neither consulted when the loans were taken nor do they know ow the loans were spent. There has never been an audit o where the lons disappeared to. Between 2008 and 2011 our debt has doubled from 5 trillion rupees to 10 trillion from US$59 billion to US$120 billion). About 65 per cent of all tax collected goes int debt repayment. Pakistan spends more tha 60 per cent of its national budget each year on defence and servicing its debt while 1.5 per cent goes o education, ad only 0.5 per cent on health. In addition, the country has lost about 256 billion rupees in loans to the rich and powerful that have been written off. Meanwhile, crippling ination -aggravated by Islmabad's habit of borrowing from its own State Bank -ad rising utility and fuel bill have meant hat the salaried class cannot survive withot taking bribes. As corruptio in the bureauracy rises, the life of the citizens becomes more and moe unbearable. And policy implementation by the government becomes yet more difcult with such a corrupt civil service. his is not jus about economics, but about the nation's elfesteem. Hw can Pakistanis ever be encouraged to achieve their potetial while we remain a cowed nation that canot operate without international aid? In cricket I discoered a team tat has selfesteem and belief in itself will play way beyond its capabilities and can eve thrash a more talented team. The tragedy f Pakistan is that we have become accustomed to these crutches from the US and multilateral and bilateral lenders. Not only has it destroyed our selfbelief but we hae never learned to live withn our means nd our corrupt and incompetent ruling elite are bailed out time and time again. Pakistans $167 billion economy was hit badly by the 2010 oods the worst in its history. The Asian Development Bank ad World Bank put the damage at about $10 billion. As usual rather than relying on the skills and esilience of it own people, the government -as it did after the 2005 earthquake -immediately turned to the rest of the world with its begging bowl. The fact that the interational commnity was reluctant to donate to ood relief in 2010 but that somehow the country has soldiered n demonstrates that Pakistan's recovery was in the end mainly due to the hard work, perseverance and generoity of the Pakstani people. For example, i 2010 I headed a campaign to raise funds for the ood vctims, and in one month colected 2 billion rupees. Everyone I knew cntributed for the ood victims, such was the spirit amongst the people. By restoring the trust of the eople in public institutions, we can harnes their potential and mobilize them for a better tomorrow. n the meantime, our rich agriultural land, or enormous mineral wealth (onsisting of billions of dollars of copper ad gold www.p oo sree. reserves, ten different types of marble, highest quality granite, and emerald deposits in Swat), newfound gas reserves in Kohat, our six million overseas community (whose annual income is equal to that of 18 million Pakisanis, a huge resource for investment if we tapped into it) and our huge youthful population go to waste. One of the often mentioed ironies of Pakistan is that it was founded as a homeland for the subconinent's Muslims, yet every ear thousands of Pakistanis go abroad in a bid to build a better life. The greatest asset of a nation is its people but here the rich get US green cards or Canadian passports and the poor g to the Gulf to toil on construction sites. Every year my cancer hospital loses about a third of its nurses to the Gulf countries. We cannot ope to compee with the salaries they are oered there. Yet how can we harness our ountry's potetial when we ave one of the worst education systems in the world? The sad thing is the British, when they departed, had left behind quality unversities; whe I was growing up, students rom the Midde East, and mch further aeld, used to come and study at our universities. Princes from Malaysia would come and study alongside us a Aitchison Cllege. Unfortnately, successive governmets have allowed our educatin system to decline. Many analysts point to the potentally destabilizing factor of millions of young, uneducated, unemployable people in a country of everdecreasing resources. Half of Pakistan is under twenty and twothirds of its ppulation is beow the age of thirty. The population has trebled in less than half a centry. It is forecast to grow by around 85 million in twenty years, which -as a report on the youth of Pakistan commissioned by the British Council points out -is roughly the equivalent of e cities the size of Karachi. We have a small window of time to turn what could be Pakistan's downfall into its redemption. An army of disenfranhised and angry people cometing for dwidling resources could instead be an energetic labour force and a strong domestic market of ptential consumers. But Pakistan has spent less of its resources on its education tha many poorer countries. Only half of its children go to primary school while a quarter attend secondary school and a mere 5 per cent receive higher education. Not only has Pakistan consisently failed to invest enough money in edcation, but it failed right at the outset by not integrating the education system after indepedence. There are effectively three types o education in our country -private Englishmedium, Urdumedium schools and madrassas. Each of these operates in entirely different ways and produces an entirely different student. While the tplevel Englishmedium schols are maintaining their standards by lining their syllabus to English or American curricula, the rdumedium schooling system has collapsed after decades of being starved of government attention and funds. N longer can the Urdu schools produce students that can cmpete with thse from the English ones. (Our best intellectuals until the seventies came from the government schoos.) Then there are the madrassas; some of these, it has t be said, do provide a quality education and get excellet results, drawing children from the middle classes whse parents want their childre to have a solid religious base. However, they mainly prduce students trained to work in madrassas or mosques bt ignorant of te modern world, sidelined from the mainstream econom and susceptible to the kind of idelo that promotes sectarianism. Poor parents often send their children to madrassas because not only is the education free, but often board and ldging are proided. With the collapse of the state education system, private schools have become a boomig business. Al the country's rich and powerful send their children to private Englishmedium schools, but even n rural areas, poor families are dedicating a large portion of their income to educating their children. This demonstrates that many parents -whatever their economic background -fully understand the importance of edcation. Despite various repots and white papers over the years whic have recommended implementing one scool system throughout the country, this was never allowed to www.p oo sree. happen partly becaue the elite wated to maintain the privileged position in society that this unfair system gave them. The nationalization of the education sector in the 1970s is also partly t blame for the dire situation. Even Prime Minister Y ousaf Raza Gilani as admitted that the state seizure of Pakistan's schools by Zulkar Ali Bhutto's PPP government in 172 was wrong Making teachers public serants allowed plitics and the corruption that inevitably seems to go wth it in Pakistan -to seep into the teaching profession. Teachers no lnger needed to be loyal to a school because the school itself no longer had the power to re and hire staff. Teachers with political connecions could get themselves transferred to a better postig if they wated to. Placing teachers became a system f patronage with politicians rewarding supporters with teaching jobs regardless of their qualications All over Pakistan there is the phenomeno of ghost schools' where teachers collect their wages but fail to turn up. Sabiha Mansoor dean of Pkistan's Beaconhouse National University and a former fellow at the Woodrow Wilso International Center for Scholars in Washington DC has written abot how it all went wrong: Bhutto's nationalization of schools created a bureaucratic behemoth. The lumbering giat grew larger and presented more opportuities for corrption in the decades that followed. Today Pakistan has one of the highest public secto nonteachingtoteaching sta ratios in the world. State control also meant that the chaacter of schols would change with the character of the regime in power.  his educational crisis is one of the reasns I founded Namal Univesity in Mianwali. It is Pakistan' s only privatesector university in a rural area. I rst ad the idea fo it because I was dismayed t the effects of unemploymet in my constituency. Some illages had a real problem because jobless young men had turned to drgs and crime. So I decided I would set up a technical college. About the same time the UK's Univerity of Bradford offered me the position of chancellor so I thought thi was a great oportunity to leverage that ad collaborate with them on a Pakistani university. When  met the local to discuss the idea they wee so generous in offering their land that my plans expanded. Why just have one small college? I wated a green ad self sustainable knowledge city a series f academic intitutions an Oxford of Pakistan. The rst construction phae is complete and the rst batch of students started in 2007 and will be graduating with a University of Bradford degree in 2012. There is such a skills shortage in the area they wl be immediately empoyable. Eventally at this beautiful site next to Namal Lake I envisage a technology park and commercial areas. In the mountains behind the college there i a resort built by the British where I would love to build a summer retreat for the students. The only people to have opposed the project were the local politicians who tried to create as many hurdles as possible. As soon as I presented the plan te governmen started building a college 10 kilometres away. Despite spending three times more n it than I have on Namal niversity it i still a shell. he political elite have no interest in proiding educatin for the mases or changig the status quo. Yet this threetier system has had farreaching repercussons for our society widening the gap between the small but auent weternized elite and the masses and feeding fundamentalim. If anyone read the English newspapers and compared the content with those of the mass Urdu newspapers it would seem that they belonged to two different countries. Every day there is some article in an Englis paper ridiculing or criticizig some local custom yet it makes no difference to the masses because only a small percentage of the population reads them. Mot of the studets from the top Englishmedim schools become aliens i their own country and struggle to communicate with the Pakistani mases. When we hired graduates from the top business college in Lahore for the cancer hspital's marketing department I found they had problems dealing with our main doors the tradig communi in Lahore. While the www.p oo sree. traders could barely speak Urdu ther native tongue being Punjabi our marketing team would onverse with them in broke Urdu with plenty of Englis words throw in. It really as a pathetic sight because or top business school had prepared these graduates for jobs either in multinationals or broad. On the other hand stdents coming out of Urdumedium schools and madrassas have little uderstanding of Western cultre and resent the elite. Some have been educated to cndemn everything Western as un Islamic. As much of the Mddle East strggles to nd its way in the next chapter of decoloialization breaking free from the dictators that have held power since indepedence Pakistan too stands poised for change. Like the Middle East it lies betwee the status qu -a small elite hogging the resources -and the antistatus quo a younger generation that desires a paticipatory democracy. In may ways Pakisan has many advantages. While it has suffered more than three decades f dictatorship it also has experience dealig with the grwing pains of a newly democratic nation. It has political parties with decades of experience a lagely free media and the space for dissent that was long denied many other Muslim cuntries. The people's creativity and initiatie have not been suppressed by a police state or the personality cult of any omniptent dictator. There is still a healthy irreverence towards the powerful. Hwever Pakistan does have to make sense of the many and sometimes conicting ideologies that have been thrown at it. It does have to make peace with the complexities of its ethnic mix and the tensions inherent in its geographical ad cultural loction at the crossroads betwee South and Central Asia and the Middle East. That locatin should of course be an ecoomic advantage rather than  source of neverending geopolitical troubles. I can see tha young people are civicminded if deeply disillusioned ith Pakistani politics and national institutions like the police. The participation of thousands of young people in the lawyers' movement that resored the chief justice of Pakistan in the face of formidable oppositio in 2010 preceded the rights movement in the Middle East. Though the antistatusquo wave known as the lawyers' mvement for genuine democracy was hijacked it remains simmering beeath the surface; I am convinced the momet the next elections are anounced a sft revolution' will explode on our political horizon and sweep away the corrupt status quo from Pakistan once and or all. www.p oo sree. Epiogue Ay t 'irelhooti uss rizq sy mt hhi is riz sy ti ho rwz min kothi o heaenly bird, death is better than those meas of livelihood, Which make you sluggish in your soaring ight Allama Muhammad Iqbal ON 2 MAY, travelling to Sukkur frm Karachi early in the mornng, I heard the news: US na commandos had killed Osama bin Laden n a helicopter raid in Abbottabad. It was bad enough that the world's mot wanted man was not found in some cave but in a city ony 50 kilometres from Islamabad, and a mile from Pakistan's Military Academy. What made it worse as that the news was broken to us Pakistanis, and the rest of the world, y President Oama. It was several hours later when a statement came from our govenment congratulating the US and taking credit for providing the US wih all the information about Osama's location. This begged the obvious qestion for all Pakistanis: if we knew about his whereabout, then why did we not capture him ourselve? The media i India and the rest of the wrld went wild, blaming Pakistan's SI (in other words, the army) for haing kept Osama in a safe house for the past six years. The foreign media managed to nd me i Sindh; I had o clue what to say, hoping that the civilian and the military leadership wuld provide us with answers. But rather tha provide any aswers, our leaders added to our embarrassment by constantly changing their statements. hree days later, the army chief denied all knowledge of the operatin and announced that any sch violation of our sovereigty would not be tolerated again. A week later the PM only added to the confusion when he nally gave a statement, suggesting a matching response' to any attack aganst Pakistan' strategic assets'. For Pakistanis, especially those living abroad, this was one of the most humiliatig and painful times. The CI chief Panetta further rubbed salt in our wonds by bluntly saying that the Pakistan government was eiter incompetet or complicit. Ours is a country that has fought the US's ar for the last eight years when we had nohing to do with 9/11. Pakistan has over 34,000 people ead (including 6,000 soldier), has lost $68 billion (while the total aid cming into the country amounted to $20 bilion) and has oer half a millin people from our tribal areas internally displaced, and wih 50 per cent facing unprecedented poverty (while 140,00 Pakistani soldiers were deployed all alog our border). It is probably the only time i history that a ountry has kept getting bombed, through drne attacks, by its ally. A US oldier in Afghanistan costs the US $1 millin per year whilst a Pakistani soldier costs a mere $900 to the US. Yet here we were, emarrassed and humiliated. Now there was a sense of foreboding that the US wuld push its puppet government in Islamaad to do more', i.e. conduc more operatins in our triba areas, and specically in Nrth Waziristan. All Pakistani knew that the backlash from these operatins would be felt in our urban centres with more suicide attacks; alQaeda and www.p oo sree. the Taliban had already announced that they woul attack our goernment and army to avenge Osama because they had collaborated in his killing. And sure enough the month of May saw a series of suicide attacks aganst the Pakistan security forces the worst being on the naval headquarters in Karachi and on an army camp in Khyber Pakhtunkha where a hundred soldiers died. We ae in a nutcracker situation with extremists attacking s from withi while the US puts pressure on the army to conduct more operations. Worse -if any international terrorism takes pace especially in the US Pakistan could be in real danger of being bombed. I feel that 2 May could be a historical crossroads for Pakistan. Everone is beginning to think that unless we change the way our country has been run so far -we are doomed. he ruling elite has been completely expose. General Ziauddin Butt who served as the head of the SI under Musharraf stated on 30 May that General Musharraf had kept Osama in the safe house in Abbottabad to mil the US for dollars. Even if this is a false allegation one thing is for certain: our ruling elite took us ino this war with a web of lies and deceit for only one reaso -US dollars. And whilst this aid' has broght the country to its knees the ruling elite has never had it so good. Neither the people of Pakistan nor the rest of the world trusts this elite any more. The US openly accuses Pakistan of playing a double game' . he greatest danger we face today is that if e keep pursuig the current strategy of takig aid from the US and bombing our own people we coul be pushing or army towards rebellion. After 2 May the army faced unprecedented criticism from within the country as well as from the West. Polls show that 80 per cent of Pakistan's people consider the US to be an enemy (because they believe that the US is not ghting a war against terror but against Islam). The same spread of opinion must exist witin the Pakistan armed forces -the fact that only a few instances of terrorism have come from within he army so far is due to the excellent discipine that exists in the institution. here is a feeling of humiliation within the army similar to that felt ater the surrender of 90000 soldiers in East Pakistan in 1971. The policy of making our army kill its own people while the ruling elite rake in dollars is no longer feasible. It is only a matter of time before serious unrest within the army could throw the country ino total chaos. The regular reelations in the WikiLeaks cables showing the ruling elite to be twofaced and totall subservient to the US embassy in Islamabad have further accelerated the movement for change. A country that begs and borrows for its survival had to face such humiliation sooner or later. The way forward has to be for this puppet government to resign as it has failed on every front. Then under the auspices of the Supreme Court free and fair electios should be held. Only free and fair electios will bring i a credible soereign government that represents the aspirations of the people of Pakistan. Pakistan should disengage from this insane and immoral war. It should immedately open a ialogue with te various militant groups as the US has done in Afghanistan and set a timetable for the withdrawal of our troops fom the tribal areas. A credible Pakistan government can play a role in helping the US make an ext from Afghanistan. The key to winning against terrorism is winning the hearts and minds of the people; if the communi from which the terrorist is operating onsiders the militants terrorists the war is going to be won. If they consider them freedom ghters history tells us it cannot be won. his new govenment should immediately thank the US for all the aid gven so far and say No more.' It should also say goodbye to the IMF oce and for all as the IMF's conditionality enriches the rich and impoverishes the poor Without foreign aid the goernment will e forced to balance its reveues and expediture which would lead to the long overue reforms that our country so desperately needs to survie. The www.p oo sree. government will have to lead by example; the prime minister, the cabinet and the entire parliament should delare their incomes and assets, and bring -for the rst time -the rich ad powerful under the tax et. (It is worth noting that, before the French Revolution, the French nobility was exempt from taxes.) A massive austerity campaign would build the taxpayers' condece by reassurng them that the governmet cares about their taxes and is accountable to them. Pakstan is a country which, per capita, gives the highest amont in charity (I am one of the biggest collectors of donations) and paradoically pays the least amount in taxes. Our tax revenue is 9 per cent of our DP, amongst the lowest i the world. The reason is tha not only do the ruling elite ot pay taxes, but a large part of the people's taxes disappears through corruption, while the people see no returns for this taxation. Hard wor and honesty need to be rewarded rather than penalized. We need surgical reforms in our governance system to tacke corruption, improve the polce and lower jdiciary, develp an effective local government system an create an environment which would invite investment from overseas Pakistanis -our iggest asset. We face an emergency in our education system; not only must it be radically reformed but funding must be increased threefold. We need to hae a new relatinship with our tribal areas, where the lives of six million proud and honourable people have been devastated. There will have to be a South fricanstyle truth and recociliation' process, involving not only people from within ur tribal areas who had take up arms against our army, bt also the old militant groups created during the days whe our ruling elie were making dollars from he US sponsored jihad. All militant groups within the country, including the private guards of politicians, should be disbanded, and the country deweaponized. Our foreign policy has to be sovereign and needs to be reviewed with all our neighburs -especialy India. All ur disputes with India should be settled trough political dialogue, and the activities of the intelligence agencies -of both coutries - must be curtailed. Ony a credible ad sovereign gvernment can guarantee the S that there will be no terrorism in the future from Pakistan's soil. The S should be made to understand that it is n their interests to back a sovereign demcratic govement in Pakistan. The policy f planting pliat puppets has failed in Pakisan, just as it is failing across the entire Middle East, as shown by the Arab Spring'. To persist with this policy will ony increase antiAmericanism which would elp the terrorists. Had Obama stood with Hsni Mubarak, the Egyptians in the street wuld now be chanting antiAmerican slogans (as happened when the USbacked the Shah of Iran ad opposed a popular democratic movement). he threat to the universe is not from Islam or any great religion but from naked materialism. In the ame of protecting our interests', the pwerful have always plundered the resources of the weak. The hope of saving our planet lies in collabration, rather than competitin, amongst al the great religions of the world -along with the enviromental movements that ae ghting against limitless consumptin and enviromental degradation. Islam urges its followers to take care f the environment, to step lightly on this earth'. As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: ive in the world as if you are living for a thousand years, and live for the next world as if you will die tomorrw.' Finally, only a redible goverment can save and strengthe the Pakistan army by making sure that it remains within is constitutional role. According to WikiLeaks, our former nance minister, Shaukat Tarin, asked the S ambassado Anne Pattersn how much aid was being given to the Pakistan army. Never again shold such a situation be allowed to arise. Neither should our army chief ever be allowed to talk directly to the US or any other government. The example for Pakistan is that of Turkey, where the Army -which kept destabilizing democratic goverments -had a constitutional role to www.p oo sree. uphold its secular idelogy. It took a credible leader of the stature of Erdogan whose dynamic leadership ad great moral authority has put the army in its rightful plae and taken urkey towards a genuine democracy. The reason Erdogan could do this was because of his brilliant performance in tripling Turkey's per capita income to $10000 a year and registering the secondhighest growth rate ater China. We have no other choice: in oder to survive we have to make Pakistan a genuine democracy as envisaged by our great leader Muhammad Ali Jinna. Some seven years ago when my party was down in the dumps and had hit rock bottom myod and most loyal friend Goldie (Omar Farooq) and I called o Mian Bashir who was not feeling well. The party was ging through its most difcult phase; we wee barely able to keep our heads above water and ghting for our srvival. Uncharacteristically oldie was beginning to lose hope and he asked Mian Bashir: When will our party ome into power?' Mian Bashir closed his eyes and meditated for about ve minutes then opened them and looked a me as he said when I was ready to take o the responsibility. When he said that it ccurred to me that I wasn't ready. Fiteen years after forming the party I feel that m party and I are not only ready but that mie is the only party that can get Pakistan out of its current desperate crisis. After fourtee years of the most difcult struggle in my life my party is nally taking off spreading like wildre across the country so that oday it is the first choice of 70 per cent of Pakistanis under the age of thirty. This is backed up in two recent polls. YouGov recorded 61 per cent f respondents favouring my party and another poll conducted by the US Pew Research Centre had my party rated by 68 per cet as favourable' an increase of over 16 per cent since last year. For the rst time I feel TehreekeInsaf is the idea whose time has come. Islamabad, une 2011 www.p oo sree. A momet offamily pride: my gadfather, Ahmad Hasa Kha secnd fm right hostig Jiah i Juluder, Idia, 1946. www.p oo sree. With my gradmother, who lived to be oe hudred, Lahore, 1982. www.p oo sree. With my mother ad father i Lahoe. www.p oo sree. With my sister Rubia, aged oe ad a half, Lahore, 1958. www.p oo sree. With my sisters Noree ad Rubia, Lahore. www.p oo sree. My family home i Zama Park, Lahoe. www.p oo sree. A drawig of Allama Muhammad Iqbal whose words costatly ispre me. www.p oo sree. Nehru Jef ad Jiah righ sit o either side of Lord Moutbatte ad his coucillor Lord Ismay, discussig the British exit from Idia ad the partitio of the subcotiet ito two separate atios. www.p oo sree. Partitio was a massive exercise  huma misey', with thousads dyig o both sides. Here packed trais are trasportig Muslims orth to Pakista. www.p oo sree. Durig my youth the smoulderig tesio with Idia over Kashmir occasioally burst to ope war This Idiajeep was recovered just outsde Lahore after I'd bee eacuated from the city eve though -aged thirtee -I'd bee ready to ght. www.p oo sree. Pakista's leaders: Presidet Ayub Kha (1958-69) www.p oo sree. Pakista's leaders: Presidet Yahya Kha (1969-1) www.p oo sree. Pakista's leaders: Presidet Zia (198-88), who had overthrow the civilia leadership of Zulkar Ali Bhutto. www.p oo sree. Pakista's leaders: Presidet Zulkar Ali Bhutto (1971-3) www.p oo sree. Afgha refugees escapig the ghig i their coutry i 1983, durig the years of occupatio by Soviet forces. Pakista provided a home for them. www.p oo sree. With Sir Jimmy Goldsmith ad my fried ad host Fareedulah Kha, former seator, who was the Malik of his Waziri cla i South Wazirista. He was assassiated by the Taliba i 2005. www.p oo sree. The Huza valley, a stuigly beautiful place far to the orth of the coutry. I always felt at peace i the moutais. www.p oo sree. The tribal areas o Pakista's orther border are places where I always felt welcomed. Everyoe was armed -eve the youg boys. www.p oo sree. AHSON OEG (L) CRIKT T  Aitchiso College cricket team i 1964. I'm seated secod from the le. www.p oo sree. Playig cricket for Pakista at Lord's i 1971; I am itroduced to Her Maes the Quee. www.p oo sree. Captai of the team i Oxord i 194. www.p oo sree. Bowlig for Pakista agaist Eglad Edgbasto 1982. www.p oo sree. At Lord's i 198 for a Rest of the World XI agaist Eglad. www.p oo sree. Aer some testig games, durig which eve Pakistais doubted we could wi, Pakista triumphed at the 1992 World Cup i Australia. I played the whole touramet with a ruptured cartiage i my shoulder. www.p oo sree. Aer some testig games, durig which eve Pakistais doubted we could wi, Pakista triumphed at the 1992 World Cup i Australia. I played the whole touramet with a ruptured cartilage i my shoulder. www.p oo sree. Aer some testig games, during which eve Pakistais doubted we could wi, Pakista triumphed at the 1992 World Cup i Australia. I played the whole touramet with a ruptured cartilage i my shoulder. www.p oo sree. Nawaz Sharif, twice prime miiser of Pakista, pictured here i he 1990 electio campaig, which he wo. www.p oo sree. Beazir Bhutto, also twice prime miister of Pakista. She retured to the coutry, assured of her safety, but was assassiated i 2007. I'd kow her sice we were together at Oxford Uiversity. www.p oo sree. Wit Presidet Pervez Musarraf i 2002 we e visited te Saukat Kaum Memorial Hospita before our partig of te ways. www.p oo sree. Aer Friday prayers at the Badshah Mosque, Lahore, 2003. www.p oo sree. Prayig i the mosque at the Cacer Hospital built i my mother's ame, Lahore, 1994. www.p oo sree. Campaigig i the electios i 996 ad 199 as my party gets o the groud. www.p oo sree. Campaigig i the electios i 996 ad 199 as my party gets o the groud. www.p oo sree. Addressig a electio rally i 2002. Over the years my party has grow i Pakista. www.p oo sree. I 2009 a rally was held whe I was baed from yig ito Karachi from Lahore. www.p oo sree. I Eglad my wife Jemima ad her mother Lady Aabel Goldsmith, alog with my so Kasim, had campaiged for my release. www.p oo sree. Release fromjail i 200. www.p oo sree. Press coferece aer comig out of ail i 2007. www.p oo sree. My party was at the forefrot of the movemet o restore the Chief Justice, who was saked by Presidet Musharraf o 9 March 2. www.p oo sree. I Eglad I led protesters to Number 10, Dowig Street, opposig Musharras visit to Britai i 2008. www.p oo sree. Later that yea my party was part of the All Parties Democratic Movemet (APDM) of whch exprime miister awaz Sharis party was also a member. www.p oo sree. The Shaukat Khaum Memorial Hospital ad Research Cetre i Lahore, fouded o 29 December 1994, amed aer my mother. The hospital provids free treatmet to those who ca't pay, ad rstclass facilities to everyoe. www.p oo sree. The hospital was bombed  1996. Jemima ad I ispect the damage. www.p oo sree. Pricess Diaa's visit to the hospital i 1997 helped eoously with our fudraisig campaig. Her heartfelt sympathy for the patiets has ever bee forgotte. www.p oo sree. Fudraisig for the hospital took me all over Pakista, to mosques ad schools a well as to busiesses ad homes. housads of people made doatios ad their geerosity overwhelmed me. www.p oo sree. Fudraisig for the hospital took me all over Pakista, to moques ad schools as well as to busiesse ad homes. housads of people made doatios ad their geeroity ovehelmed me. www.p oo sree. Fudraisig for the hospital took me all over Pakista, to mosques ad schools a well as to busiesses ad homes. housads of people made doatios ad their geerosity overwhelmed me. www.p oo sree. At StJoseph's School, Karachi, fudraisig i 1994. www.p oo sree. Namal Uiversity i Miawali. Iaugurated i 2008, it awards degrees from the Uiversity of Bradford i Eglad, where I am Chacellor. www.p oo sree. Jemima ad I married i Jue 1995 i Eglad. www.p oo sree. Here, Jemima is ith my sisters Rai ad Uzma i Zama Park, Lahore. www.p oo sree. Jemima with our rstbor so Sulaima, i 1996. www.p oo sree. My home i the hills aboe Islamabad. www.p oo sree. Arrivig with Jemima at the High Court i Eglad i 1996, where I am beig sued for libel by Ia Botham ad Alla Lamb. www.p oo sree. Holdig the award for Sportsma of the Millenium at the Pakista TV awards of April 2000. www.p oo sree. I do't play cricket ay more but I love to watch it: with Shae Ware ad my brotherlaw Zac Goldsmith at a charity match i 200. www.p oo sree. I do' play cricket ay more bu I love to wach it: with Sulaima ad Kasim watchig the test match betwee Pakista ad Eglad i Rawalpidi i 2005. www.p oo sree. My party's ame meas Movemet for Justice' ad here we are campaigig agais corruptio i 2010. www.p oo sree. Campaigig agaist the droe attacks i the tribal areas i May 2011. www.p oo sree. In July 2011 I addressed a public rally i Faisalabad www.p oo sree. Later, I addressed he Faisalabad lawyers at the District Bar Associatio. I ruly feel my party's time hs come. www.p oo sree. Acknowedgements owe a debt of gratitude to an exceptional scholar and friend Dr Riffat Hassn. This book would not have een possible ithout the assistance of Saifllah Niazi. One book in particular was ver useul to me in m researches: M. ]. Akbar nderbox The Pst nd Future f Pkistn (HarperCollins New Delhi 201). www.p oo sree. Pcture Acknowledgements All photos not credited below have been kindly supplied by the author and his family. Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders; those who have not been credited are invted to get in touch with the pblishers. Portrait of Muhmmad Iqbal: © INTERFOTO/ Alamy Second IndoPakistani War, 7 September 1965: GammaKeystone via Getty Images Ayub Khan: Popperfoto/Getty Images Yahya Khan: Topham Picturepoint Zia UlHaq: AP/Press Association Images Zulkar Ali Bhutto: AFP/Getty Images Muslim refugees ee India, 15 October 1947: AFPGetty Images Partition conference, New Delhi, 3 Jne 1947: GammaKeystone ia Getty Imags View of Hunza Valle: © Sarah Murray Refuge camp, Nasar Bagh, June 1983: AP/Press Association Image IK feasting with Afridis at a village in the Khyber Pass: from Wrrior Re by Imran Khan, photo by Pervez A. Khan. IK bowling during rst Test Match against England, Birmingham, July 1982 Getty Images IK bowling for the Rest of the Worl XI against the MCC at Lord, August 1987: Getty Images Last man Illingworth s out, IK (cente) and Moin Khan (kneeling) celebrate, World Cup nal Melbourne, March 1992: © Patrick Eagar IK and teammates celebrate World Cup win, Melbourne, March 992: AP Photo/Steve Holland IK lits World Cup, Melbourne, March 1992: Getty Images IK and Queen Elizabeth, Lords, 14 May 1971: Press Association Images/ S&G and Barratt/EMPICS Sport Mian Nawaz Sharif, 1 October 1990: Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images Benazir Bhutto casts her vote, 16 November 1988: Zahid HusseinAP/Press Association Images Pervez Musharraf and IK, 19 February 2002: Reuters IK, Badshahi mosque, 2003: Stuart Freedman/PANOS IK at prayer, 2003: Start FreedmanPANOS IK, election campaign, 1 September 1996: © Patric Durand/Sygma/Corbis IK, election rally, Lahore, 29 January 1997: Khalid Chaudary/AP/Press Association Images IK, election rally, Karachi, 11 Augut 2002: Saeed Khan/Rex Features www.p oo sree. Protest march Karachi 3 May 2009 © Rehan Khan/Corbis IK at potest rally Laore 24 February 2008: AFPGetty Images IK Downing Street London 28 Janary 2008: Getty Images IK and Nawaz Sharif at a news conference London 9 June 2008: efteris Pitarakis AP Press Association Images Jemima Khan Qasim Khan Annabel Goldsmith London 18 November 2007: Eddie Mulholland/Rex Featres IK and students Lahore 14 November 2007: Reuters All phtos courtesy Saukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Cetre IK and Jemima Khan Richmond Registry Ofce 20 June 1995: AFP/Getty Images Jemima Khan and IK's family Lahore 1995: Rex Features IK and Jemima Khan High Court London 18 July 1996: AFP/Getty Images Jemima Khan and IK at the Sportsman of the Millennium award ceremony Lahore 29 April 2000: K. M. Chauda/AP/Press Association Images IK Shane Warne and Zac Goldsmith charity criket match Ham Common 14 July 2007: Getty Images IK with Qasim and Suleiman oneday cricket match between Pakistan and England Rawalpindi 19 December 2005: Getty Images Jemima Khan holds Suleiman 21 Nvember 1996: Reuters/Kiera Doherty IK waves to supporters Lahore 26 ovember 2010: AFP/Get Images IK at atidrone rally Karachi 21 May 2011: EPARehan Khan IK at a rally Faisalabad 24 July 2011: photo Abdul Majid Faisalabad IK addesses Faisalabad District Bar 25 July 2011: photo Abdul Majid Faisalabad www.p oo sree. Index The page references in this index correspond to he printed edtion from which this ebook was created. To nd a specic word or phrase from the index please use the search feature of your ebook reader. AbbasZaheer97-8 Abbasid dynasty 326-7 Abbottabad helicopter raid 312-13 357-9 Abduh Muhammad 80 330-1 Abidie Ben Ali Zine E 220 Abn Anas Malik 327 Abu Ghraib prison 237 Afghan jihad leaders 78 Afgha Taliban 295-7 306-8 312 315-18 332 Afghaistan anti Soviet jihad 0-4 78 bin Laden trial oer 240-1 Inda and 251-2 Pakistan and US demands 287-318 357-62 pos Soviet conict 78 240 refgees 74 212 Soviet Union and 62-4 69-74 78 124212 221240258265278283286 295307318 tribal areas and 72-3 277-307 US invasion 286-318 war on terror' 227-8235237-8240-525-8265 Afridi Sher Ali 281 Aga Khan hospital Karachi 171 Ahmad Qazi Hussain 230 268 Ahmed Ashfaq 166 Ahmed Tauseef 155 Ahmedi sect 68 Aitchison College 47-9186207350 Akbar M.]. 34-5 Akram Wasim 162 Al Ghazali 324-5 www.p oo sree. a�Qaeda70, 72, 222, 235, 237-8, 240-2, 244, 250-61, 254, 258, 262, 284, 287-90, 294,297,309,312,316-17,318 suspects Muharraf and 221-2 treatment 252-8, 290-5 ASaud, Alwaleed bin Talal bin Adul Aziz 243-4 alZawahiri, Ayman 288 AZulfiqar 128 Alam, Intikhab 140 Alexader the Great 277 Algeria 340 Ali, Babar 152 Aligarh Mohamedan AngloOriental College 332 Aligarh University 1, 332 AllIndia Muslim League 15-16, 20 AllIndia Radio 103 All Parties Democratic Movement (APDM) 1,263-5,268 Alvi, Arif 231 America see United States Americans, native 245 Amritsar 32 Andaman Islands 281 antiVietnam war moement 5 Anwar, Saeed 140 Aquinas, Thomas 325 Arab Sring 5, 66, 79, 247, 355-6, 362-3 Aristote 325 Armitage, Richard 251 Armstong, Karen 42-3 Asad, Muhammad (Leopold Weiss) 101 Asian Development Bank 349 Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal 270 Auliya, Nazam Uddin 36 Aurakzai, Lt General 288-90, 317 Australia, cricket 6, 84,137,139-40,144,26,207 Australians, native 245, 340 Awami League 53 Awami National Party (ANP) 265,276,310 Azad, Maulana Abl Kalam 19 Aziz, Amir 254 Aziz, Mir Adnan 315 Aziz, Shaukat 267,271 Aziz, Tariq 224 Baba Chala 93- Baco, Roger 324-5 Baghdad 326-8 Bagram airbase 255 Bahadur Shah Zafa 34 Bahrain 68, 161 www.p oo sree. Bajaur massacre 272 305-6 Bala Hisar fort 256 ball tampering case 162 188-9203-4205 Baloch Iftikhar 6 Baluch people 24 268-9 285 Baluchistan 14-16 56 268-9 275 285 311 345 Bangladesh history ee East Pakisan Barbar Mughal Emperor 277-8 Barelv Syed Ahmed 296-7 Barelvs 296-7 302 332 Bashir Martin 242 Bashir Mian 94-7107-11120172-3178182189199-21364 Beacohouse National University 352 Bengal 21 24-5 46 54-6 Bergen Peter 294 Bhatti Shahbaz 311 Bhutto Benazir 559125-30132-3 146-7 166-9 189-91 195-621122223- 4228-9258-9260-3269271 assssination 23 262-3 political corruption 129-30 168 189-91211232-3258-9261 Bhutto Bilawa127-8 Bhutto Zulkar Ali 5 40-1 53- 60-2 63 68 75-6 124 185 199 228 300 352-3 The Myth of Indeendene 40 Bhutto clan 13 Biden Joe 295 Bilmes Linda]. 236 bin Laden Osama 71 237 240-2 244 287-8 312-13 315 357-9 Blair Tony 59246251 Bosnia 243 Botham Ian 162 188 203-4 205 BourkeWhite Margaret 21 Bowie David 57 Bradford University 353-4 Britain and Afghanistan 286 Pakistani  suspects' mistreated 253 preombing leaeting 290 Talian political settlement moves 315-16 see lso England; Idia British India British Empire and Islm 331-3 British Pakistani communi 98 154-248 and cricket 145-6 Burckhardt Titus Fe, ity of Islm 53-4 Burki amshed 300 Burki aved 28-9141153 Burki ehanzeb 256 Burki Nausherwan 155-6 Burki Pashtun people 32 33 277-81 Bush GeorgeW. 3232241-2244 246251252261-2265290294 Bush Jeb 262 Butt Zauddin 210 359 www.p oo sree. Cambdia, parallels with 287, 308 Camp, Donald 260 cancer hospital see Shaukat Khnum Memorial Cancer Hspital cancerscreening clinics 170-1 Citl Tlk 291 capitaist materialism 338 Carmn, George 188-9 Caroe, Sir Olaf 72-3,278,281,290-1 caste system, irrelevant to Islam 17-18, 102, 342 Center for New American Security 305 Centre for Research and Security Studies 30 Chamberlain, Neville, appeasement 248 Changa Manga 126 Charles Prince of Wles 128 Chaudhry, Itikhar Chief Justice 227-32 Chechens, gunned dwn 257 Chechya 241, 243, 270 China, and Western knowledge 340 Churchill, Winston 72, 236, 278 CIA and Afghanistanjihadis 70-1, 73, 250, 256, 265, 295 and Iran 66 and Pakistan 70,125,182,292,294-5,297,304-5,308,31,317,358 and Zia 124-5 shotterm goaldriven 223 Clinto, Bill 188, 210, 221, 295 collateral damage/ casualties 237, 249, 261, 289-94, 297-8, 304-6, 308, 13-14, 316-17 Community Apprasal and Motivation Programme (CAMP) 285 constitution, Sharif and 208-9 Cordoa, Al Hakim's library 326 Council of Islamic Ideology 68 countryside 92-3, 282 Kaakoram montains 41-3,50,114,135 Pujab 27, 38-9, 58-9, 282 Salt Range mountains 39,92, 198 timber maa 42, 135-6 Cranbrne, Lord 72 cricke family 28 Lahore cricket team 49 lessons for politics 196-8, 201, 204-7, 348-9 Nehru Cup win 42-3 proessional career 29-30,56,60,62,76,77,82-6,92-4, 114, 116-19, 120-1, 123,136-46,149 196-7,206- and religious development 83-6, 116-19 West Pakistani Uder19 cricket team 54 World Cup 1992 38,117,123136-7,140-6,96-7 see lso specic ations & playrs crusades 81, 330 www.p oo sree. Dalhousie 39 Dalrymple William The Lst Mugh45 46 26332 Damascus 326 Darwi Charles 57-8 Daska 63 Data Darbar shrine ahore 230 Davis Raymond 256 298 304-5 Dawood Razzak 52 203 Deobadi madrassas 332 Deobadis 297 302 Dera Ghazi Khan prison 7-8 Dera Imail Khan 282 Desi Americans 48 Dhaka 54 55 Diana Princess of Wales 70 204 205 Domel alley 4 Doonga Gali 38 dress and olonialism 43 45 49-5 69 27 women and 65 drone atacks 4082237249-50265289293-4297305327358 Durand Line 72 287 earthquake relief 2005 349 East India Company 5 45-6 East Paistan 2 24 2 54-6 602344209292-3345360 East Punjab 46 Eaton Charles Le Ga 00- 06 economy 74-534272-5346-5035836-2 see lso taxation education system 76 84759-60206-733434345350-5362 Bhutto's schools nationalization 6 352-3 British India legacy 45-95-29700332 Englishmedium shools 44 46-9 57 59 268 350-2 355 ghst schools' 352 Iqbal on 320-3 Pashtuns 283-6 Urdumedium schols 47 49 350-2 women in tribal areas 286 Zia's Islamization 69 Egypt 36 40 68 7980220238245326340363 Eisenhower Dwigh D. 239 elections 89-95 263-5 269 208 boycott 264-5 pollrigging 95-6 259-60 see lso Tehreek eInsaf Elgin Earl of 22 elite ad taxation 347-8 36 embezzlement accuation 67 Englad cricket 5659-6064678237445-66-288-926226 www.p oo sree. Englishmedium schools 44 46-9 57 59 268 350-2 354 354-5 355 Englishspeaking elite 43-5 46-9 51-2 57 61 6910412249270-1354-5 and Islam 51-3 7-8 339-41 Enlightened Moderation campaig 270-1 enviroment see contside Erbakn Necmettin 105 Erdogn Recep Taip 363-4 European Union 99 274 Exum Andrew 305 Faisal Mosque Islamabad 37 Faroo Omar 153 364 Fazlullah Maulana (The Radio Mullah) 268 299-303 Federa Investigation Agency 265 266 Federaly Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) 14 279 281-2 284-6 289 291-2 296298305317 Fisk Robert 244 ood relief 349-50 2010 Franci of Assisi 325 Frankfrt airport attak 242-3 Freud Sigmund 58 Friend of Pakistan 303 Frith David 85 Frontier Crimes Reglation (FCR) 281-2 Frontier Force 256 278 Fuller Graham The Future of Poliil Islm 31 fundamentalism 35 52-3 104-5 237 247-8 258 266-7 270 307 323 331-2 336338-9341354 Fursdon Dave 59 Gadda Muammar 238 Gadda stadium Lahore 131 Gallup survey of Mulims 246-7 Gandh Indira 55 Gandh Mohandas 18 19 12031338 Gavaskar Sunil 64 Gharib Nawaz 36 Ghazi brothers 267 Ghaznavids 331 Ghorids 331 Gilani YousafRaza 297-8 352 GilgitBaltistan 42 Giuliani Rudolph W. 244 Goebbels Joseph 248 Golde Age of Islam 323-8 Goldsmith Ben 226 Goldsmith Jimmy 181 194204292 Goldsmith Lady Annabel 181 216 Graham Bob 295 www.p oo sree. Grand emocratic Alliance (G D A) 208- Grand National Alliace 222-3 Great Game 28 Greece, Pakistani supects' mistreated 253 Groun Zero 246 Guantanamo Bay 237 254 Gurdin 00 35248 Gymkhana Club 43 hadith 344 Hanifa, Abu 327 Haque, Ashraful 54- 44 Hasan, Parvez 20 Hashmi, Javed, tortured 8 Hassan, Parvez 52 Hastigs, Warren 46 Hazrat Ali caliph 9 80 Hazrat Umar caliph 8 Hekmatyar, Gulbddin 72 29 heroi 73 Herrig, Joanne 72 HezbeIslami 72 hill stations 38-9 Hillary, Sir Edmud 9 Hindu people 4 5 7 8-2236455247 Hitler Adolf 248 343 hocke 2849 23 Hoshiarpur 46 hospital see Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital HosseinZadeh, Ismael The Politil Eonomy f US Militrism 239 Hudood Ordinance 69 Hungton Post 37 Huma Rights Watc 23 hunger strike  Hunza valley 42-3 Hurley, Elizabeth 70 Hussain, Altaf 23-2 Hussain, Safdar 288 Hussain, Zahid, The Sorion's Til 292 Hyderabad, Nizam of 34 Ibn Arabi, Muhammad 0 Ibn Rahid 324-5 Ibn Sia 324-5 ijtihad 326-30 329-30 333-8 Imperial College Lodon 44 Indeendent 248 307 India and East Pakista (now Bangladesh) 54-6 29 293 www.p oo sree. and war on terror' repression 237-8 British India 22, 34-6, 41, 44-8, 49-53, 332-6 partition 13-14, 21-2, 35-6, 341 united India concept 18, 20-1, 23-4 India (cant.) cricket 84,137,142-3,145,196-8 eduation system 48 Kargil operation 209-10 Kashmir conict with 13, 23, 24, 35, 37-9, 60-1, 209-10 243, 251, 269, 270, 297,345 modern relations with 250-2, 269, 309-10, 317, 362 Indian Congress Party 18, 23 Indian National Congress 15, 19 Indonesia 5 InterServices Intelligence (SI) 70-1,75,222-5,255,265-6,318,358,359 International Crisis Group 73 International Monetay Fund loans 166,274,348,361 Iqbal, llama Muhammad 24, 35, 43, 76, 99-104,115,118-21,277,319-31,333-5, 337-8,345,357 coneption of Muslim state 16-18, 336-9, 342-6 Iqbal, Nadeem 303-4 an 14,24,61,63,64-5,79,98,238,257,270,317 revlution 62, 65-9, 74, 78-9, 220, 340, 363 Iran-Iraq war 237 Iraq 239, 317, 325-6 invasion/ war in 235-7 IraIraq war 237 US invasion 222 war in 3, 71, 239, 242-3, 245, 256, 265, 270, 313, 317 Islam British empire an 331-3 converts 100-1 and environment 135-6, 363 equality and justice 14, 16,24,37,79-81,344-5 excessive conformism' 330-1 and family life 27-8, 30-3, 176-80 Golden Age 323-8 Iqbal on 17-18, 39-31 Jinah on 20 misse for gain 112-13 and modern world 336-41 as perceived by 6s youth 51-3,57-8 pracce 30-7, 57-8, 163-6 prejudce against 181-2, 237, 241-9 radical fundamentaist 35,52-3, 104-5,237,247-8,258,266-7,270,307,323, 331-2,336,338-9,341,354 renaissance 328-33 revoluionary potential 66-72, 78-9 and stte 13, 16-18,87,165,344-7 tolerace 35-7, 341-5 unifyig qualities 13,87 welfare system 81-2 www.p oo sree. and West 333-6 westernized elite and 339-41 see lso Quran Islamabad 9, 37, 71, 94, 98, 168, 186,214,221, 223, 226, 230, 253, 255, 257, 261, 271-3,288,292,299,303,305,310-11,357,360 Marriott Hotel bobing 272 Re Mosque masacre 266-8 Islamic Democratic Alliance 75 Islamic fundamentalism, West and 67 Islamic J amiat eTuleba (T) 1-3, -6 Islamic State 16-18, 66,68-9,77-81,336-9,341-6 Islamization 68-70, 7-9, 183-4 Islamohobia 245-6 Israel 237, 239, 243-4 an war on terrr' repression 237-8 Jackson, Justice Roert 236-7 Jagat Singh Prince f Jaipur 106 Jagger, Mick 57 Jalandhar 32, 279 Jaloza refugee camp 212 JamaaeIslami I, 2, 230, 268, 296 Jamiat UlemaeIslm 296 Jng (ewspaper) 194 Japan, and Western knowledge 340 Jehangir, Asad 202 jihad concept 70-1, 243 innr/greater 106, 119 jihad groups 247-8, 258, 265, 287, 294, 296, 302 314, 316 antSoviet 70-4, 318,362 Jinnah Muhammad Ali 14, 16, 18-21,23,24,32,55,76,80, 120, 182, 185,224-5, 280,314,322,335,341,344-5,364 jirga sstem 280-2, 285, 334, 346 Johnson, Paul 343 Jones, Sir William 46 journaists, killed in FAT A 292 Joya, Malalai 307 judiciary indpendence 186,224,227-33259,270,296,345-6,362 lawyers' movement 229-80,356 subordination/ coruption 6, 9-1, 134, 202-, 213, 219-20, 233-4, 263-4, 345- 6 Supreme Court 75,209,228, 232-3, 240, 259-60, 263-4, 360 Junejo, Muhamma Khan 124 Jung, C. ]. 58 Kabul 250,252,317 Kanigram 32, 278-82 Kanwal, Shumaila 304-5 www.p oo sree. Karachi 10, 14,43-4,54,65,73, 120, 129, 166, 170-1,230-9,255,256,276,279, 311,351,357,359 caner hospital 121, 171 Karakram Highway 42-3,135 Karakram mountains 41-3,50,114,135 Kargil operation 209-10 Karzai, Hamid 238, 06-7 Kashmir 13,23,24,35,37-8,39,60-1,209,243251,269,27, 29 7,345 Kargil operation 209-10 Kashmiri, Ilyas 265-6 Kentucky University Hospital 156 Khadija 108 Khan, Aamir 170 Khan, Abbas 134 Khan, Ahmad Hasa 31 Khan, Akhtar Hameed 279-80 Khan, Aleema 89, 142, 158 Khan, Ayub 25, 39-40, 67, 80,185,336 Khan, Azmat Ali 152 Khan, Faridullah 291-2 Khan, Ghulam Isha 146 Khan, Hamid 193, 230 Khan, Imran and religion 51-2, 83-6 Muslim identity 87,92-7,99-121,176-80 Quan, studying 31, 36, 58-9, 88-9, 94-7,100,105-12,14-17 rejectsjetset lifetyle 91-2,113-14 cricket see cricket detention/ house arrest 3-11, 263 education Aitchison College 47-9,186,207 Oxford University 57-60 Royal Grammar School Worcester 56-7,6 family life 3-4, 7, 26-39, 58-9 113, 159-6, 176-80 father see Khan Niazi, Ikramullah grandfather 4, 26, 28, 32, 33 grandmother 27 marrige see Khan, Jemima mother see Khanum, Shaukat sisters 4, 7, 31, 38, 89,103,141,150,153,157,159,176,178-80,187,199 politics decisin to enter 183-6 see lso Tehreek eInsaf Wrrior Re 283 Khan, Irshad 172-3, 173 Khan, Jemima (ne Gldsmith) 120, 121 antiuesmuggling allegation 212-13, 345 charity work 211-12 mariage with 181-2, 185, 187, 199-201,204-6,211-17 poliical attacks on 176, 183,212-15 retun to England 215-16 www.p oo sree. UK media and 181-2 Zionist plot accusatin 183 187-8 94 199 Khan Kareem 294 Khan Kasim (son ofIK) 206215-16 Khan Khulabat 293-4 Khan Liaquat Ali 23 Khan M. Asghar 76 Khan Majid 58 Khan Qamar 152 Khan Rashid 226 Khan Salimullah 10 Khan Sher 301-2 Khan Sir Sayid Ahmad 17 328 332 Khan Sohail 278 Khan Sulaiman (son ofIK) 11212198204215-16 Khan Tahir Ali 163 Khan T. M. 162 Khan Yahya 25 54 Khan Bugti Nawab Akbar 269 Khan family women demonstrate  Khan iazi Ikramullah (IK's father) 4 9 18 31-2 34 37 39 44 52 88 103-4 150156170-1178 and Pakistan Educational Society 160 and prospective bide for IK 179-80 charman of Shauat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital board 152 Khanum Shaukat (IK's mother) 9 26-8 30-4 37-9 51 58-9 6587-909294-6 105116150-1153-7175-6180182277-9 Khilji Sultan Alaudin 36 Khomeini Imam 6166-798 khudi (selood) 16-1735101 15321 Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti 35 36 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (NorthWest Frontier) 9 14 33 150 182 221 227 268-9 272276279282-3285-6286289299-304310-11359 prisoner from 9-10 Kilcullen David 305 Knott Alan 60 Kot Lakhpat prison 6 10 Kuchi dogs 282-3 Kuehn Felix 316 Lahore 2-6 9-10 26-7 31-2 34 37 39 43 58-9 65 88 92-4 126 134 144 150152157-8160164166171180 187 196209230304-5355 diagnostic centre 171 Uniersity of the Pnjab 2 6-7 Lahore Resolution 20-1 Lal Majid affair 266-8299301318 Lamb Allan 162 188 203-4 205 Lamb Christina 306 Lawyers' movement 229-80356 leadership 117-18 www.p oo sree. Leghari Farooq 189 191 192 Leitner G. W. 46 libraris Golden Age of Islam 326 Libya 68 238 Lieve Anatol 312 Lillee Dennis 118 London 7/7 bombings 242 social season 113-14 Luther Martin 340-1 Macalay Thomas Lord 46-7 Macedonia Pakistani suspects' killed 252-3 madrasas46 52 69 73-481266-8305-6326332351355 Mahmood Fazal 14-5 Mahmud of Ghazni 277 Makdisi George The se of Humnism  326 Malayia educatio system 48 Malik Art 126 Malik Navaid 129-30 Malik Wazir 293- Malik Zia 126 Mandela Nelson 120 Mansoor Sabiha 352-3 Mao Zedong 166 Marathas 34 45 Marritt Hotel Islamabad bombig 272 Marxim and religon 57-8 60 Masu tribe rebellin 293 Mayo Lord 281 Mayo hospital 150 Mazari Sherbaz Khan 76 Joey to Disiusionent 285 Mecca 37 Meccans 30 36 324 medicne Golden Age of Islam 323-6 Medina 37 79 324 Mehboba Muti 262 Mehmood Ghayur 293 Mehsd Baitullah 263 Mehta Vikram 59 Menem Carlos 169 Mermagen Jonathan 141 Metroplitan Police Brazilian shot 253 Mian Mir Sahib shrines 31-2 Mianwali 33 39 214 271 Namal University 9121160285-6353-4 Middle East 328331343 2011 uprisings 5 66 79 247 355-6 362-3 US and 237 243-4 www.p oo sree. Middle Way, Quran o 335-6 Milibad, David 265 Military Academy 357 Miranshah accord 289 Mobi141-2 Mohajirs (partition refgees) 14,55 Mongos, and Baghda 327-8 Montpellier school 325 Mossadegh, Mohammed 66 Mountbatten, Edwina 9 Mountbatten, Louis, Earl 18-19, 35 Mubarak, Hosni 220, 238, 362-3 Mughal Empire 34-5, 45-6, 79,124,44,277-8,296,311,331-2,343,347 Muhammad, Prophet see Prophet Muhammad (PBH) Muhammad, Maulana Su 300 Muhammad, Nek 289 mujahideen 71-2, 24, 258, 295-6 Musharaf, General Pervez 1-6, 11, 13,51,69,70,125,209-11,219-33,238,250- 2,257-72,287-8,298,301,312,359 attack on judiciary 227-33 coaition proposals 222-4 Enlghtened Moderation campaign 270-1 referendum 259-60 Muslim identity 87, 92-7, 99-121, 176-80 Muslim people and Western knowledge 330, 331-2 Gallup survey 246-7 nonPakistani, maltreatment post-9/11 253-4 see also Islam Muttahida MajliseAmal (MMA) 227,276,296 Muttahida Qaumi (nited National) Movement (MQM) 134,230-2,261,275-6 Mysor 34, 45 Nadir Shah 278 Nagar, Mir of 42 Naidu, Sarojini 18 Namal University 9 121, 160,285-6,353-4 Napoleon Buonaparte 245 National Accountability Bureau 260 National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) 232-3,260-71,276 Native Americans 340 NATO forces, Afganistan 72, 288, 306, 31 Nawabi, Ashraf 123-4 Nazar, Mudassar 131 NebraskaOmaha niversity, jihad textbooks 73-4 Nehru, Jawaharlal18-19, 23, 24, 55, 314 New America Foudation 285, 294, 298, 312 New South Wales cricket team 206 New York mes 24, 260 New Zealand, cricket 99 www.p oo sree. News, The (newspaper) 233 294 Niazi, General 55 56 N iazi, Saifullah 226 Niazi Pashtun tribe 33 277 Nietzsche, Friedrich 57-8 North aziristan 289-94 308 359 Northen Alliance 251 nuclear arms 34 25 294 3 335 Nuremerg Trials 23-7 Oath of Judges Order 259 Obama, Barak 29437-935357362-3 Omagh bombing 242 Omar, Mullah 240-5 Orakzai Agency 288 Orangi Pilot Project 279-80 Organisation of the Islmic Conferenc 98 99 Ottoma Empire 343 Oxford cricket team 206 Oxford Union 59 Pak Insitute for Peace Studies (PIPS) 296 Pakista and USA see United States and war on terror' 287-38 see lo United States, war on teror' corruption see political corruptio drone attacks 402237249-50265289293-4297353237358 economy 74-534272-5347-5035836-2 see lo taxation education see education system founding 3-26 East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) 242554-660- 23 44 209 293 345 360 est Pakistan 25 54-5 85 jihadi groups 78-9 judiciry see judiciary military and Abottabad rai 32-3 Pashtun ofcers purge 288 mismaagement of aQaeda pursut 290-5 natural resources 349-50 people see Englishspeaking elite; poor/ ordinary people police see police populaion problems 42-3 sovereign foreign poicy 362-3 dialoge with militats 360- state of emergency 207 - Taliba see TehrikeTaliban (TP) www.p oo sree. welfare system 13,33,69,81-2,314,337,338 Pakistan cricket team 56, 63, 84, 99,127,136-46,140-6,206- matchxing allegations 145 Pakistan International Airlines 272-3 Pakistan Muslim League 183 PML ( N ) 191,194,195,255,269,272,285 PML (Q) 75,225,227,267 Pakistan People's Party  PP ) 39,54,61,75,125-7,129,134,183,190-1,211,255, 269,271-2,275,301,352 Pakistan Rangers 231 Pakistan Steel Mills 227-8, 273 Pakistani Associatio of North Amrican Doctor 153 Pakistani people deahs, terrorismrelated violence 235 maltreatment post 9/11 252-8, 290-5 Pakistani ExServiceen Association 293 Palestie 243-4, 270 343 panchayat334,346 Panetta, Leon 308, 38 Pape, Robert 247 Pasha, General 318 Pashtu ofcers purge, Pakistan army 288 Pashtu people ( Pathans ) 14,24,32-3,50,72,78,150-1,153,176-7,227,264-5, 277-91,295,297-9,345 Pashtuwali 280-1 patholgy collection centres 171 Pattersn, Anne 249-50, 264, 363 Peshawar 70, 120, 170,221,256,281,305 caner hospital 121, 171 Petraes, David 305 Pew Research Centre poll 364 philosphy, Golden ge of Islam 323-6 Pir Gi 87-9,94 pirs 88-9, 95 police attacks on 265, 268 corruption interference with 1, 69, 134, 192, 202-3, 231-2, 233, 254-6, 263, 266,274-5,282,346,356,362 political corruption 166, 183, 186, 190, 198-9, 202-3, 228, 249, 311, 335, 346-9, 352-3,356,361-2 Afghanistan 295, 306 Beazir & Zardari 129-30,168, 189-91,211,232-3,258,261 Brish rule 76 Msharraf 219-22,222-4,227,232-3,259-61 Sharif 133-4,168,190-1,208 Swat 300 USA and 67-8,245,273-5,309,349 Zadari ( postBenazir ) 272-6,309 Zia 69, 74-7,124-5 politicians, assets abroad 347 politics see Tehreek eInsaf pollrigging 195-6, 259-60 www.p oo sree. poor/ ordinary people 9- 5-249352 cancer treatment 150-667-72202 ecoomic hardship 275 exploitation 33-4 66 95 202-3 272-3 28 30 323 34-6 345-8 348 349 36 generosity 33-4 63-6 Islam and 3 35 8-259-60345 Powell, Colin 308-9 Powindahs 282-3 prisons, conditions 6-0 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 72830-36-7687997-00 05 06 08 -2684200324336342344-5347363 Punjab 62738-9465759576 cancer hospital se Shaukat Khnum Memoril Cancer Hospital coutryside 27 38-9 58-9 282 government 75 26 3 32 34 5 92752828430345347 and partition 2-2 32 35-65 University of 2-3 5 Punjab Club 43 Punjabi domination 4 24 26 Quetta 257 Quran 7-8336-758780-94-0205-226257 39-2 323 342- 5 ijtihad 326-30 329-30 333-8 on Middle Way 335-6 precepts 7-8 37 7 98-9024-726326-9 principles, discusson 326-30 333-8 state and 80-39-2323334-934-5 studying 3 36 58 88-9 94-70005-2 see lso Islam Qureshi, Ashiq 52 Qureshi, Moeen 35 46 Qureshi, Shah Mehmod 274 Ra, Sahid 3 Raq, Saad 8 Rahma, Fazlur 336 railways 272 Ramadan  32 52 96 9 62 66 95 Rasheed, Sheikh 268 Rashid, Haroon 70 Rawalpindi 23 62 263 266 32 Reagan, Ronald 72 296 Red Msque massacre 266-82993038 religio, and seventies Britain 57-8 Repriee (charity) 222 www.p oo sree. Reza Shah Muhammad Pahlav (son) 66 220 238 Reza Shah Pahlavi (father) 65-6 270 Rice Condoleezza 290 Richards Sir David 36 Richards Sir Vivian 64 3 Ridley Yvonne 255 Riedel Bruce 295 Robinson Francis 20 Roma Empire 33 Roosevelt Frankli D. 236 Royal Grammar School Worcester 56-765 Rumi (philosopher 0 0- Rushdie Salman 98 24-5 The Stni Veses 97-9 Russia p-97) and Afghanistan 28 Russia Federation 23-8 24 244 37 see lso Soviet Union Saddam Hussein 237 239 Saidgai village bombig 290 Saigol Nasim 69 Salahuddin Yousaf 0468 Salahuddin (warrior) 326 Saleem Farrukh 235 305 Salt Rage mountains 39 92 98 Saudi Arabia 67 70 7362042243-425926436 Saudi ghters and Afghan jihad 7 73 78 Scheue Michael Imril Hubris 238 schools see education science Golden Age of Islam 323-6 Sha Tariq 29 Shah Rustam 37 Shaheen 0-2277 32032 Shahzad Faisal 248 252 33 Shakai agreement 289 Shalimar Gardens 44 46 Shao k Garhi 64-5 sharia law 68-9 80- 295 299-302 329 330 336-7 Shariati Ali 99-00 Sharif Nawaz 75 25-6 30-5 46-7 68-9 76 89-92 95-620205208- 29-20223-4228-9258-926026426927-3275 and criket 30-2 Sharif Shahbaz 20 Sharif clan 3 Shaukat Imran 255 Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital bomb attack 69 founding 9 50- 8907-89-202 29-30 40 42-4 49-5 fundraising 4 3743-61525457-6063-920-2203272 opening 29-30 66-7 Sheikhz Akram 7 Shia Muslims 74 78 30 www.p oo sree. Shujaat Chaudhary 267 Siddiqe Mohammed 93-4 Siddiqi Aaa imprionment 254-6 Sikh people 21 22 31 36 45115297 Simla 22 39 Sind Club 43-4 Sindh 10 14-165195 124 126 129 134202230275279347358 and partition 115 Sindh High Court Bar Association 230 Sindhieople95 115284345 Singapre education ystem 48 Siraj uDaula 45 Skaser 39 Socrates 11 7 Somalia 313-14 South Africa cricket 226 Truth and Reconciliation initiative 232 362 South Waziristan 32 278-86 288 293 Soviet Union 67 338 and Afghanistan 62-4 69-74 78 124212 221 240 258 265 278 283 286 295307318 and Pakistan 23 188 Spanish Civil War 7 Sri Laka 210 247 cricket 62 Stalin Josef 343 Stiglitz Joseph E. 236 Susm 31-2 3688 110-11297300-232732 suicide terrorism 247 Sunni Muslims 73-478297327 Supreme Court of Paistan 75 209 228 232-3 240 259-60 263 360 Sussex cricket team 206 Swat Taliban 268 301-4 Swat Valley operatio 299-304339350 Swati people 171-2 268 296 299 301 Swiss bank accounts 347 Synnott Hilary Trsforming Pkistn ... 261-2 Taimur (Tamburlaine) 107 277 Taliba32 72 78 221-2 227 24-51 249-51 254 256-8 262-3 276 293 301- 4 and madrassas 332 Wet political settlement moves 315-16 Talibaization 249 295 298-9 Tamil Tigers 247 taqlid 31 Tarar Rak 169 Tarin Shaukat 152 363 Tariq Ali 248 www.p oo sree. Taseer Salman 30- 32 taxatio 82202347-8 elite and evasion 34 272-3 348 36 historic 34 46 indirect, poor people and 34 273 348 TehreekeInsaf (Movement for Jstice) I, 5 9 86 90 96 225 229-30 285 29344364 and 997 elections 89-98 ater 997 defeat 98-203 205 206-0 and 2002 elections 23-4 225-6 and 2008 election boycott 264-5 and Musharraf coalition proposals 222-5 and Musharraf's referendum 259-60 formation 86-9 protest against Zardari 27-2 and young people 5 youth 322 TehrikeTaliban (TP) 265265-6289-9230-359 Terror Free Tomorro 285 298 Theresa, Mother 20 Tiedemann, Katherine 294 timber maa 42 35-6 Times Square bomber 24224825233 Timurids 33 Tipu Sltan 34 45 Tora Bra cave bombing 287-8 Transparency International 34 272 Travanore army uprising 34 tribal people and collaborators 29-2 30 collateral damage casualties 289-94 298 304-6 308 33-4 36 truth and reconciliation' proces 362 Tunisi 68 220 238 Turkey 8 05 270 273 363-4 Turkish inuence 33 ulHaq, Dr Anwar 24 ulema 328 33 334 336 Umar, Hazrat 8 Umar Caliph 36-7 UN enquiry, Benazir Bhutto assassination 263 United Nations Development Programme 834 United States 9/1 attacks on 22 and Afghan bin Laden trial offer 240- and Musharraf 22-2 and political corrption 67-8 245 273-5 309 349 and Vietnam/ Cambodia 287 38 CIA and Afghanistanjihadis 70- 73 250 256 265 295 www.p oo sree. and Iran 66 and Pakistan 702582292294-5297304-53083437358 and Zia 24-5 shortterm goaldriven 223 drone attacks 40-82237249-50265289293-4297305323358 Pakistan demonization campaign 294-5 Pakistani suspects' mistreated 253 pressue Pakistan cncessions to 4 250-2 264 272-5 288-99 304-6 358-60 relatios with 2382309-032-3 Taliba political settlement moves 35-6 war o terror' 2367-870822722-2235-75295-630358 Afghaistan invasio 287-38 Afghaistan development budget' 306-7 coss 274306- dialogue 360 ur Rehman Khalil 29 urRahman Maulaa Fazl 276 Urdumedium schools 47 48-9 350-2 354-5 355 USAID 306 Uttar Pradesh 24 Vajpayee Atal Behari 209 van Linschoten Alex Strick 36 Vietnam parallels with 287 308 Wahhabism 32 73 297 Walford Cornelius 34 Wali Asfandyar 265 Waliullah Shah 79 waqf 468 Wshigton Post 270 Water and Power Development Authority 273 Watt W. Montgomery 325 Wazir Ayaz 37 Waziristan 50 256 265 277-86 286 289 29 see lso North Waziristan; Soth Wazirista welfare system 3 33 69 80-2 34 337 338 West state violence 343-4 West Bengal (India) 54-6 West Indies cricket 64 943-23739445 Western culture 29 52 56-8 333-5 355 perceived vulgarity 27 raicals and 339-40 Western knowledge and local culture 340- Mslims and 330 33-2 Western media and Islam 245 Western Muslims radicalization response 33-4 westernized elites see Englishspeaking elite www.p oo sree. White, Sita 94 White Mountains 287 Wikileaks 249-50 22 262 264 297 299 360 363 Wilde, Oscar 72 WingeldDigby, Andrew 60 wome's rights 339 340 Afghanistan 307 Wood, David 60- Woodard, Bob, Obm's Wrs 252 274 297-8 307-8 Worceter cricket tea 8 206 World Bank 6669274349 World Health Organization, UAE Foundation Prize 70 Yeme 68 33-4 YouGv poll 364 Youni, Waqar 40 62 Yousaf, Sumera 30667 YusufIslam (Cat Stevens) 04 Zaeef, Mullah, MyLewith the Tlibn 240-5257-8 zakat giving 69 8 82536776 Zakayev, Akhmed 2 Zaman, Ahmad 26 Zaman Park 3-47262833845886476 Zamir, Ehtisham 222-3 Zardar, Asif Ali 2-30 33 66 68 762228232238250258 260-3 27-6285287297-8302-33093 Zia ulHaq, General 62 63-4 68-0 73-77 94 23-6 28 32 36 85 220-2 228 Zionist plot accusatin 83 87-8 94 99 www.p oo sree. About the Author Imran Khan was bor in 952 and grew up playing cricket in Lahore Pakistan. He played his rst international match fr his country in 97. In 972 he began his studies at Oxfrd University where he was a contemporary of Benazir Bhutto. He wet on to play crcket for Pakistan until 992 and was captain of the team from 982. In 994 he established a hospital in Pakistan offering free cancer treatment to the poor and i in the process of setting up a second. He also founded Namal College (2007) the only private sector university outide the cities In April 996 Imran Kha established his own political party the TehreekeInsaf which aims t bring good goveance and social justice to the people of Pakistan and make Pakista a just and humane society. www.p oo sree.