Project Charter A. General Information Project Title:
Green (something)
Project Manager: Project Client:
Project Working Title:
Feasibility report on the application of solar energy harvestation in Pakistan for the production of electricity. electricity.
Project Sponsor:
Prepared By:
B. Project Overvie Overview w Included are a brief description for each section along with an explanation of the contents of the section and/or the rationale for including that section in the Project Charter.
I. Identification: The following project is about the introduction of Solar Energy solutions for the current energy crisis in Pakistan. The project is titled as “Green Pakistan” and will look into the practicality of Solar Electricity Generation in the country, identify areas it could be implemented in, and review the popular opinion of the locals on the adaptation of the corresponding technology. II. Project Background: The project is instigated in lieu of understanding the current energy crisis faced by the country and the need to look for alternative sources of electric power generation. III. Purpose / Business Need: Since the project is an introductory stage to a long chain of corresponding projects of Solar Energy manifestation it is conducted to test the feasibility of the new technology in the country. It will help pave way for future projects in the field. IV. Project Scope: The project is conducted to explore the possibility of the use of Solar energy for electricity generation in Pakistan in order to promote future investments in this technology in the country. The project will rely on secondary data in this field and is ONLY a feasibility report, nothing more. It would mainly focus on the physical requirements related to this technology and will discount socio-political factors related to such a venture. V. Project Objectives: Identify the areas where Solar Energy can be harnessed Suggest the type and quantity of Solar Panels Explore public opinion on the matter. VI. Sponsorship & Ownership: We are hoping for the project to be sponsored by the Government of Pakistan since they will have the ultimate ownership and distribution of the corresponding technology.
C. Project Approach Section Since the project is being conducted as descriptive in nature, most of the proceedings would rely heavily on secondary data or literature review on the subject since harnessing of solar energy is a very technical undertaking.
I. Project Deliverables and Quality Objectives: The project hopes to provide a Feasibility Report on the application of solar technology in Pakistan and give a review of public opinion on the topic. The project would be considered successful if the end result provides a clear picture over the likelihood of success of Solar Energy in Pakistan. II. Organization and Responsibilities: The project is very straightforward in its approach toward the simple task of identifying the need of solar energy utilization in Pakistan and as such the types of skill and responsibilities needed would mostly focus on knowledge in the field of solar energy manifestation, analytical skills over public opinion and general know-how about the geography of the country. III. Reporting, Oversight, & Review: The overall progress of the project will be monitored through status reports generated by the PCRET (Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies) and the generated reports would be analyzed and rated by the Alternative Energy Development Board of Pakistan. IV. Dependencies: No apparent reliance on external cues has been identified as such other than the dependency on availability of technical information in the field, the resources needed to approach and identify areas of application and the capability of the project team to do so. V. Plans for Support Activities: The corresponding project would be carried out more efficiently if the project team gets some initial training to help them associate with the technicalities of the subject in discussion. Therefore a small training plan would be developed to promote comprehension of the workings of Solar Panels and their requirements. VI. Project Facilities and Resources: Access to secondary data would both call for use and availability of computers with web interfaces and books on the subject. It is planned that public opinion would be reviewed online through social networks of the country. VII. Risk Management: One of the major risks is the complete dependency of the project on the capability of the project team in approaching the areas identified for application of Solar Energy utilization. Each Each area would have its own hurdles to be faced, environmental as well as social. If such hurdles are faced however, the project team would then focus on acquiring support from secondary data available on the specific area. VIII. Process Options and Deviations: The project would follow the standardized methodologies pursued by most technical organizations when the research is descriptive in nature. IX. Process Stages: The different stages in the development of the project will start at Pre-Project Activities Activities where the necessary knowledge and information is acquired before the project initiation. Once the project starts, the first thing for the project team to do would be to identify the knowledge areas associated with this technology in light of the current energy deficit of the country. The basic purpose here is to adopt a scientific approach towards solving the problem at hand by defining the problem first and then suggesting a workable solution.
Project Approach Section Continued A brief description of the project approach should be included. Provide a high-level overview of the project approach, project team structure, and project plan. Then the project would move on towards defining work activities needed and the work packages through the WBS and decide on the optimum analysis tools for the review on public openion. X. Project Control: Here the PM will focus on keeping the project on track and be responsible for generating periodic as well as milestone status reports on the project in lieu of the scope statement and make efforts to restore the project if it spirals off course because of the technical nature of the project. XI. Quality Assurance and Control Activities: These activities would involve the development of a list of quality conformance variables and verified through a mutual agreement between the client and the project team. XII. Project Schedule: Schedule : Although the date of initiation for the project has not been announced yet, it is approximated that the project due to its exploratory nature would require about 300 days or 10 months to deliver the projected goals as specified. XIII. Project Cost Estimate: Estimate : Since most of the efforts of the project would be focused online through the internet and literature review, the costs incurred are only nominal and would be overlooked. If however, any expenses are needed for the acquisition of research papers, copyrighted material related to the success of the project and expenses incurred in region identification, they would be supplied and sustained by the Govt of Pakistan.
D. Approval Section This section identifies the names and roles of the major project stakeholders and indicates their approval of the project charter. Signatures are included in this section.
E. Appendices Changes to the original Project Charter must be signed by the appropriate parties and included in this section.
Other appendices should include a fully developed and completed business case, additional agreements, and other documents related to project scope, cost, and schedule.