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Rainbow Zodiac

At the End of the Rainbow Zodiac 22 zodiac signs 16 ascendants everything so far has been misdirection Ladies, gentlemen: we give you the zodiac. + All the usual refinements #VIP Copyright © 2012 by Klaudio Zic. REGALE 16 YOU Ladies, gentlemen: we give you the zodiac. No, not the 13 things or dozen superstitions for the masses: the real zodiac as forever present in the observable skies. The Academic Zodiac boasts 22 zodiacal constellations. The ascendant set for the current epoch accompanies it along with its own 16 constellations. Ready? Forget all superstition & fly! HIDING THE ZODIAC How was it possible that the zodiac and ascendant set were before the eyes of humanity but no one ever saw them? Everyone is saved by the blood of our Savior, but who has such a good karma in order to believe in salvation? Apart from obvious physical and mathematical competence or the lack of, our problem may not lay with the stars at all! After all, the stars are there for anyone to see. No one looks. You heard me: no one ever looks. But aren’t there observatories? Observatories don’t deal with zodiacs. They never did? They did, long time ago: from Sikkim to Nabta Playa – the problem is that the zodiac isn’t anybody’s interest now for a long time. No one cares. And, yet – the problem with the zodiac – now determined – is or was not at all zodiacal but – to use the term – psychological: the whole of the psyche is a problem to get rid off – psyche including. DEFAULT MIND So what is the psyche? We use the term “default mind” rather than psyche. In that respect, Eros would represent true mind; but –since Eros and Psyche are so well known – cough, cough – we prefer our own terms that came naturally from psyche removal – yes, you heard me well – anyone’s psyche or default mind can be removed in minutes. What remains is postulates as true mind, but these are topics for initiates who seldom if ever talk: default mind does. Default mind does all the thinking for you: you don’t. A SIMPLE EXPERIMENT If you happen to find yourself within an area as favorable for observation, please do the following: just observe the eastern sky: you will find your guardian angel ascendant there as staring at you: forgotten by eons. What happens? There are precisely 16 ascendants there (for the epoch) just like the elemental permutation spirits of the Tarot. These are seamlessly matched by the 22 zodiacal constellations. Yes. Who said 13? FLAT EARTH The Moon is full as rising in Auriga. Now, the “expert” consults his tiny little “program” and determines that “the Moon will rise in 20 minutes”. Internet must be full of such little expert programs in order for the Devil to confuse humanity through default mind. Mind it that there are still people who believe in Santa (that’s OK!), flat Earth and 12 ascendants. TRUE EASTERN ASCENDANTS The Earth is not flat and the Sun surely does not rise at east. The peasant knows it. The pheasant knows it. The primitive tribe knows it. The only one that has no idea of one’s own natal horoscope is the modern man as armed with toy “for entertainment only” programs that lull one into a completely fabricated sky that can not physically coexist at all. There is no such thing as fixed Sun forever in Aries at spring equinox. Spica Virginis is in Virgo. There is no such thing as 13 ascendants for this epoch. True, we had a couple of dozen ascendants when we first determined the zodiacs but that was a long time ago and I don’t remember 13, 14 maybe (in Egypt). Thus, no 13 ascendants now: you can check them for yourself. It’s 16. RELAY & REPEAT The beast one has against one’s own good karma is default mind. This mind refuses reason: it does as it was told. It repeats exactly the same errors, clapping its hands in glee. EON A generation of people – even humans – who actually do know their own guardian


