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(revised) Stop Any Action By Holding Corporate Employees “personally” Liable

Description: All "charges" are against the "Cestui Que Trust" The people are the “Beneficiaries” of said Cestui Que Trust/Estate. Legal Title is in the Secretary Of State as Trustee holding legal title for be...




All "charges" are against the "Cestui Que Trust" The people are the “Beneficiaries” of said Cestui Que Trust/Estate. Legal Title is in the Secretary Of State as Trustee holding legal title for beneficiary (you) of Cestui Que Trust/Estate All "legal titles" of real and personal property are "held" in “Trust” by “Trustee” the Secretary of State (in his Fiduciary Capacity). In respect to the trust and confidence involved in it and the scrupulous good faith and candor which it requires. A person having duty, created by his undertaking, to act primarily for another's benefit in matters connected with such undertaking. LEGAL defined:. That which is according to law. It is used in opposition to equitable, as the legal estate is, in the trustee, the equitable estate in the cestui que trust. Vide Powell on Mortg. Index, h.t. 2. The party who has the legal title has alone the right to seek a remedy for a wrong to his estate, in a court of law, though he may have no beneficial interest in it. The equitable owner is he who has not the legal estate, but is entitled to the beneficial interest. 3. The person who holds the legal estate for the benefit of another is called a trustee; he, who has the beneficiary interest and does not hold the legal title, is called the beneficiary, or more technically, the cestui que trust. 4. When the trustee has a claim, he must enforce his right in a court of equity, for he cannot sue any one at law, in his own name; 1 East, 497; 8 T. R. 332; 1 Saund. 158, n. 1; 2 Bing. 20; still less can he in such court sue his own trustee. 1 East, 497. A Law Dictionary by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 LEGAL ESTATE defined: One, the right to which may be enforced in a court of law. It is distinguished from an equitable estate, the rights to which can be established only in a court of equity. 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1688. A Law Dictionary by John Bouvier Revised Sixth Edition, 1856 BREACH OF DUTY defined: In a general sense, any violation or omission of a legal or moral duty. More particularly, the neglect or failure to fulfill in a just and proper manner the duties of an office or fiduciary employment. Every violation by a trustee of a duty which equity lays upon him, whether willful and fraudulent, or done through negligence or arising through mere oversight or forgetfulness, is a breach of duty. See Non-support. Black’s Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 189) BREACH OF COVENANT defined: The nonperformance of any covenant agreed to be performed, or the doing of any act covenanted not to be done. Black’s Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 189) BREACH OF TRUST defined: Any act done by a trustee contrary to the terms of his trust, or in excess of his authority and to the detriment of the trust; or the wrongful omission by a trustee of any act required of him by the terms of the trust. Also the wrongful misappropriation by a trustee of any fund or property, which had been lawfully committed to him in a fiduciary character. Every violation by a trustee of a duty which equity lays upon him, whether willful and fraudulent, or done through negligence, or arising through mere oversight and forgetfulness, is a "breach of trust." The term, therefore, includes every omission and commission in carrying out the trust according to its terms, of care and diligence in protecting and investing the trust property, and of using perfect good faith. A violation by the trustee of any duty, which he owes to the beneficiary. Bruun v. Han­ son, C.C.A.ldaho, 103 F.2d 685, 699. Black’s Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 189) BREACH OF TRUST WITH FRAUDULENT INTENT defined: Larceny after trust. State v. Owings, 205 S.C. 314, 31 S.E.2d 906, 907. Black’s Law Dictionary Sixth Edition (page 189)