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Sci 207 Week 5 Final Lab Report Nathan A Saiz (2)

final lab report for sci 207




Running head: FINAL LAB REPORT 1 Final Lab Report  Nathan A. Saiz SI !"#$ AN1%"#& Pro'e((or T) &o''*an +ar,h 1- !"1% Running head: FINAL LAB REPORT ! Abstract The /ualit) o' our 0ater i( an in,rea(ing ,on,ern 0ith the earth( e2ploding population. Fro* oil (pill( to illegal 0a(te ,onta*ination in the 0ater a3ailable 'or drin4ing i( ri(ing a( 0ell a( it( /ualit) leading to gro0ing ,on,ern( o3er o 3er 0ater (hortage( and 0ater5borne illne((e(. The(e e2peri*ent( 0ere per'or*ed to under(tand a6 the ea(e or la,4 thereo' tr)ing to 'ilter and ,lean ground0ater. A( 0ell a( the u(e o' a 'ilter to help re*o3e ba,teria and other ,onta*inant( 'ro* the 0ater and be able to ,ontrol the i*puritie( ,ontained 0ithin 'au,et and *an) di''erent t)pe( o' bottled 0ater( on the *ar4et being u(ed till thi( da). 7inegar 7inegar oil and li/uid laundr) detergent had been ,o*bined 0ith 1"" *illiliter( o' 0ater 0ere then (trained 0ith ,hee(e,loth that 0a( la)ered 0ith (oil to e2a*ine the e''e,t( o' re(idue( 'ound in (oil a( 0ell a( drin4ing 0ater 'or the pri*ar) e2peri*ent and re(ult( had been di(,o3ered that (upport a ,on,lu(ion that an) ,onta*inant being introdu,ed in our drin4ing 0ater  that ,an (till ha3e re*nant(. For e2peri*ent nu*ber t0o a 'ilter 0a( built out o' the (and a,ti3ated ,har,oal and a la)er o' gra3el pla,ed into the 'unnel that ha( the ,hee(e,loth then the tap 0ater that had been poured on top o' the (oil pa((ed 'iltered through it and then the addition o' blea,h ,he*i,al to the re(t o' the li/uid in order to (terilize it. The re(ult( o' thi( e2peri*ent appeared to (ho0 that u(ing a 'iltration and puri'i,ation allo0ed tainted 0ater to be ,leaned and rendered (a'e 'or drin4ing. The third e2peri*ent ,on(i(ted o' the e2a*ination o' ground0ater and t0o di''erent t)pe( o' pre5pa,4aged 0ater( to 'ind the 3ariou( ,onta*inant( it *a) ha3e and appeared to (ho0 that 'iltered 0ater i( the be(t a( 0ell a( the re(ult that not all o' the(e pre5  pa,4aged 'iltered bottle( o' 0ater( are ,on(idered e/uall) de,onta*inated. Final Lab Report Running head: FINAL LAB REPORT 8 9ater 9a ter /ualit) and pollution i( an e((ential i((ue needing the (tud) 'or the ad3antage o' *an4ind. B) S;S 9a 9ater ter S,ien,e S,hool S,hoo l in a 'e0 li3ing being( up to ?"@ o' their bod) 0eight originate( 'ro* the 0ater. p to %"@ o' the hu*an gro0n5up bod) i( 0ater= one ,ould li4e0i(e *a4e a point to *a4e a ,ontraption that 0ill rai(e and lo0er the (trip( in the *eanti*e appended to a ,lo,4.  The e3entual out,o*e( o' thi( te(t 0ere that the 0ater 0a( b) and large ,lear 0ith no (oil no de'inite (*ell e3en a'ter 'iltration. The out,o*e( 'ro* te(t three 0ere that the 'i2ture 0ater 0a( the *o(t ,onta*inated 0ith the FiHi 0ater running a ,lo(e5b) (e,ond and the Da(ani 0ater 0a( the pure(t. For the *ain te(t the theor) 0a( that an6 oil 0ould not reall) (ull) the 0ater a( oil and 0ater dont blend b6 3inegar 0ould pollute the 0ater (in,e 3inegar di''u(e( all through 0ater  pro*pting (igni'i,ant 'iltration 'iltration being e2pe,ted to uproot it and ,6 ,lothing ,lean(er i( additionall) a ,he*i,al that di(integrate( all through the 0ater pro*pting real *ediation to e3a,uate it. The out,o*e( ,on,urred 0ith the underl)ing (pe,ulation. Running head: FINAL LAB REPORT 18  In the (e,ond te(t the (pe,ulation 0a( that detergent 0ould not be a po0er'ul 'iltration (trateg) a( it de(ert( it(el' in the 0ater a( a ta(te or (*ell and in addition being (taggeringl)  burning. Alu* Alu* i( a ,on,o,tion 'lo,,ulant i*pl)ing that it tie( parti,le( o' (olid( (olid( into pie,e (tru,ture e2pelling it 'ro* 'ree5(4i**ing all through the 0ater that i( being dealt 0ith. Ro,4  in huge (u*( ,an be an ade/uate *ethod 'or 'iltration be,au(e o' it( ,apa,it) to e3a,uate a lot o' entire garbage 'ro* an e2a*ple. Sand i( (4illed at ,at,hing (trong parti,le( in it(el'. har,oal i( additionall) an ade/uate (trateg) 'or 'iltration a( it trap( parti,le( in thi( 0a) e2pelling the* 'ro* the 0ater. The(e la)ered into a 'iltration 'ra*e0or4 0ith d)e to ,o*plete a( a *ethod 'or (terilization then again ought to be (u''i,ient to (anitize the 0ater to be alright to drin4 in a ,ri(i(. The (ub(e/uent 0ater that 0a( poured through the ,hann el 0or4ed 'ro* a ,hee(e,loth (and ,har,oal ro,4 and pipe 0ould li4el) ha3e po((e((ed the ,apa,it) to be de3oured in a ,ri(i( ,ir,u*(tan,e. For the third in3e(tigation the theor) 0a( that the Da(ani 'iltered 0ater *a) ,ontain the *ini*al *ea(ure o' ,onta*inant( a( it 0a( a *ore (i'ted 0ater. The 'au,et 0ater 0ould ,ontain the *o(t *ea(ure o' ,onta*inant( a( it 0a( 0ater out o' an un'iltered 'ra*e0or4 and there *ight ha3e been *etal( and ,onta*inant( in the 'unnel(. The e(ti*ation( brought 0ith the te(ting (trip( 'or the 'au,et 0ater de*on(trated a larger a*ount o' ,onta*inant( then bo th o' the (eparated 0ater 'urther*ore de*on(trated that the Da(ani 'iltered 0ater ,ontained the *ini*u*. Conclusion 9ater 9a ter /ualit) i( o' gra3e (igni'i,an,e to the ,oheren,e o' the planet. E3er)thing that 'lie( (troll( de3elop( or (0i*( need( 0ater to e2i(t. nder(tanding the (tandard( o' the e''e,t( o' 'a*il) unit thing( on ground0ater ,an pro*pt a,hie3e*ent( on the be(t 0a) to di*ini(h Running head: FINAL LAB REPORT 1- *an4ind( 'oot (haped i*pre((ion on our *o(t 3aluable a ((et. Di*ini(hing our e''e,t on ground0ater and 're(h0ater (our,e( ,an di*ini(h the o,,a(ion( o ' 0ater ,on,ei3ed (i,4ne((e( 0hi,h are parti,ularl) un,ontrolled a*ong tho(e 0ho are de(titution (tru,4 0hi,h ,an help the (train on e,ono*ie(. =9ater ,onta*ination no Hu(t ai*( 0ellbeing danger( additionall) e2a(perate( the 'inan,ial (etup 3iz. needine(( di(parit) and relo,ation and (o on. in the in'luen,ed re(iden,e(= <+adhu(udan Shari' and Jri(hnada( !"1 ! pp. !6. Rai(ing the 0ater /ualit) 0ould better e3er)bod) le((ening the need to *o3e 0hi,h 0ould put *ore ,a(h and *ore (pe,iali(t( into neighborhood e,ono*ie(. At the point 0hen indi3idual( ,ooperate and pa) ,on(ideration on 0hat de'ile*ent the) are di(,harging into the earth great thing( happen. Running head: FINAL LAB REPORT 1 References Ben(el t. K Tur4 .