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Sexuality And Spirituality Kundalini Yoga




113M~~ ~!J~~ ~"V ~wv ~Sl~~}l Jt1~ W~lJ~JJ1JJ1~ kq u~l~'1a tJQ !SoA J" S"O!J~,Jl<:t4'Y'(~wv S,J4's ~oA !w!l~<:tWf1}1 ''1. '1.~ ~ l'iritl-falit\1 eXlf ,l1 • f. GU11ff, • :t1 U"". ei);fatio11S of ii '1'EX'l'S, EDITING, MARKErING: C"QICEPT, Dr. GwrwratfaM ~\wr K~ls RE:SEARQ!, DESIGN, ~, ILIDSTRATICNS, T.A"I.OO:, EDITING· ,M Marie M..\Xwdl ~: M.S.S. vikram Kaur Rhalsa Akasha Kaur Ite psychic growth and developnent. 2. Activated and open energy centers (chakras) enhance the unimpeded flow of subtle, psychic energy. In addit­ ion to the lower chakras which 'We must activate to generate and raise sexual energy, the navel chakra must be strong to join that energy with higher energies. '!he opened heart chakra amplifies the power of love, attraction, ccmpassion and rejuvenation allowing us to becane "super-humanly human" as energy rises to the higher centers. 3. 'Ihe ability to control and move energy is one of the fruits of Kunda­ lini Yoga practice. To enjoy tantric union, we must be in touch with our subtle energy and able to manipulate it at will. 4. A medi tative mind is aware of and able to rrove energy, and through med­ itation and focus we are able to per­ ceive the electromagnetic forces flow­ ing in and around our bodies. 5. Em:>tional balance sustains healthy, satisfying and nurturing relationships. A couple should make love only when they are serene and clear. Upset, worry and other negative m:x::ds are imprinted on the aura and in the psyche and can be transferred, causing depres­ sion and unhealthy mental states. Stress drains energy and gr.-adually wears down magnetic forces until the initial strong attraction between the partners disappears and "the chem­ iStry" isgdle. en the other hand, self-esteem and the feeling of personal fulfillment amplifies one's own and one I s partner I s energy. 6. Spiritual balance, and an atm:::lsphere of calm and peace enables partners to feel and help IrOve each other I s energy. IDv'e is shared and cul tivated in an atmosphere of joy, kindness, canpassion, gentleness, respect an J:i honesty. THIS MANUAL '!he techniques presented in this manual produce the talents and qualit­ ies necessary for evolved human relat­ ionships. But they are equally impor­ tant for those of us not currently engaged in such relationships, to raise kundalini energy, elevate cons­ ciousness and attain evolved states of awareness and being. '!hey are offered in the spirit of love. Practice and share them in that spirit. 12 TNTRODUCTTON TO KUNDALINT VOGA as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Master of Hatha, Tantric & Kundalini Yoga Kundalini Yoga is the science, art and technology that enables one to ac­ cess and utilize his own creative en­ ergy for purposes in addition to repro­ duction. '!his power ( "shakti" ) is thought to lie oormant in the l<::l'lNer end of the spine and is often pictured as a COiled, sleeping sP-rperlt ("kundal­ ini", meaning "coiled") until it is awakened, spontaneously or by yogic techniques and arises to unite with universal energy ("prana") , empowering an individual with consciousness expan­ ded beyond ordinary awareness and perception, and powers ("siddhis") beyond ordinary abilities. (See ''Bene­ fits of Kundalini yoga".) Kundalini Yoga, as practiced by Yogij i 's students, consists of exercises or postures (Asanas) with special breathing (Pranayama) , hand and finger gestures (Mudras), bcx:1y locks (Bhandas), chanting (~tras ) and meditation (see Canponents of Kundalini Yoga - Appendix), together or in sequence to create exact, specific effects. This science has been studied in the rronasteries of India and Tibet for thousands of Years, and if we practice it exactly as taught by the master, we will achieve the powerful, precise effects predicted. A kriya is an exercise or group of them, with one or rrore of the other canponents, whose total impact is greater than the sum of the parts. The sets taught by Yogi Bhajan are kriyas, rather than simply calesthenic series. Kundalini Yoga is the rrost power­ ful and inclusive of all~. There are many other schools of yoga: Hatha Yoqa, the best known school in the in the West, is mainly, but not exclus­ ively physical. Raja Yoga claims to be the highest Yoga (Raja means "royal") but emits the physicaL Mantra, Japa and Nad Yoga concentrate on sound and meaning, Swara Yoga on breathing, Bhakti Yoga on devotional prayer and meditation, Karma Yoga on ~rk and service, and Tantric Yoga attains enlightenment through the union and balance of male and female energy, ei ther in sexual intercourse (Red Tantra or the Left Hand Path), or in non-sexual union (White Tantra or the right hand path, as taught by Yogi Bhajan). All yoga aims at the same goal ­ union with the Universal, Divine Source or GcxJ. It has been said that the practice of Hatha Yoga leads to libera­ tion in 16 years, but that time can be greatly reduced according to the dedi­ cation of the practitioner, by prac­ ticing Kundalini yoqa, (a a:xnbination of raja and hatha yoga, according to Yogi Bhajan.) Kundalini Yoga is addictive 1 Once the resul ts are experienced. we want IIOre! 'logi Bhaj an has taught thousands of sets and medi tations, (an embarassment of wealth, really, for students with access to class notes), an abundance covering every phase of human and super-human experience, (and attesting to the tireless dedica­ tion of Yogi Bhajan. nus material can only be given by a master like Yogi Bhajan.) Luckily the notes have been preserved, fran his earliest classes here in 1969, through the later, video-taped material. We are honored to be able to 1ranscribe and prepare it for the general public for the very first time. Many of the kriyas are venerable and ancient, having been passed down by ~rd of rrouth from guru to initiated chela (protege-student), and are there­ fore sacred and secret. Yogiji has at last made them available to the public, saying that knowledge belongs to everyone! Practicing Kundalini Ym at Home cnce you try it, you probably won 't be satisfied with just a weekly class and will begin to practice at hone. 13 Optimum results are obtained by prac­ ticing 115adhana", early rrorning (4:00 ish) 2~ hour exercise and meditation. lwbst beginners -,.;ill not ccmni t to practicing in the lIambrosial hours II until they discover its benefits. A new student may simply wish to add a Sunday session to his weekly class, and build practice slowly fran there. others may do it only when they have the chance, and of course, sane will do it every rrorning! It is generally best to choose and do the same set daily until it is mastered (when the poses can be held for the specified tines), but it isn I t necessary to do a set for 40 days (as it is reccmnended for medi tations) • sare sets, however , do specify 40 days in a row, and if you are working on a particular talent or problem, you may wish to do a set daily, tmtil the desired effects are achieved.. . Reccmnended Procedure Wake Up Series (in bed). Cold sha.¥er 3) Tune in with the Mi Mantra 4) Warm ups (see page 17 ) • ani.t those that appear in prop:::>sed set. 5) Perform chosen set 6) Relax a few m:xnents 7) Meditate 8) Grounding exercises (see page 18 ) • If you wish to meditate later, but haven I t time for· a set, warm up the spine first with spinal flexes, and try one or rrore of the "Meditation Facilitators l l • A session can be as long as 3 hours and as brief as 1 5 minutes. Always practice at least 2 hours after eating in a clean, quiet place, with the hair pinned on top of the head (in a "rishi knot II , or at least confined) and feet bare for maximum effectiveness. Like the yoga classes you may be attending, at-heme yoga practice should be approached with reverence, dedication, resolve and gratitude. (So, take the phone off the hook and really slow down for this precious time with yourself.) 1) 2) After you establish regular at­ hone practice, try to attend regular or occasional classes, too, for the group energy and that passed frc::rn teacher to students, as 'Nell as to keep the ~eel and tempo of the discipline. (To locate local Kundalini Yoga classes, as taught by the master, look up 113HO" Healthy, Happy & Holy Organization) in the nearest large town and call them for information. After each exercise, it is import­ ant to pause a rranent to observe its effects and the altered flow of energy. Each exercise generates its own spec­ ific effects, unlike calesthenics, so relax and take a breath or two before going on to the next one. An important adj unct of Kundalini Yoga practice is body awareness. If you becane sensitive to your own body , aligning the spine, and making neces­ sary adj ustments, knowing when to stop or press on, feeling the urge to rrove a certain way, you will multiply the benefits and prevent possible inj uries. (A teacher cannot see everything to correct your errors, so you must rely on your own sensitivity • For example, if the spine is misaligned and you perform Plow Pose, you will not achieve the benefits and you might aggravate the problem, but if you nove it as awareness indicates, you can also adjust it). Close your eyes and visu­ alize the spine, and see if you can make adj ustments to align it, especial­ ly before meditation. (see Relax and Renew for sets to adj ust the spine and neck.) All of us carry physiCal tension in various places, like shoulders, groin or neck. Exercise or massage can often alleviate that problem. But if the intestines are in knots, energy cannot pass fran the lower chakras up the spine, and it is dif­ ficult to Perform or appreciate Root I.Dck (Mulbhand) • We can relax the intestines by simply corcmanding them to relax, in a kind and gentle marmer with the eyes closed and the breathing slowed down. 14 Many of us find it alroost impos­ sible to relax the heart, which can be constricted by negativity, self­ hate and fear (see Transitions to a Heart-centered World) and this muscle can also be relaxed by a simple, kind camand, allOWing energy to flow to the higher centers. If you exper­ ience these problems, take a nanent or two for internal relaxation before yoga practice, and learn to "tune in" to your body rrore often. If you simply cannot perform an exercise as given, after doing your best, it is helpful to visualize yours~lf doing it, which benefits the body almost as much as the act itself, and also facilitates actually doding the exercise. COncentration on a mantra or the breath can make holding a pose easier. Flexibility can be attained slowly, by holding the ends of a towel looped Oller the feet in forward bends. Q:)n 't force anything. Everyone was a beginner once, and with consistent' practice improvement will be much faster than imagined. t-bst beginning students find it easier to pull Mulbhand during inhale, but with practice it can be done with the breath held out or in. Some of us find that attention (on the Crown Olakra, for example) or projection, or raised energy can be held only on the inhale. But with practic'2!, you can pull it up (or pro­ j ect it out) and keep it there, and infact, therein lies the magic of Kundalini Yoga! loDst of us have dif­ iculty gazing at the nose while prO­ j ecting out of the Brow Point. Prac­ tice obtains all these abilities and rrore. Raising Kundalini Central to the practice of Kundalini Yoga is the raising of K~lini en~ 'I11is can be done, qui te simply by practicing the kundalini sets, in ~pite of the legendary difficulty in doing it. 'I11e trick is in keeping it up. In the Fast there is so much tradition about the phenanenon that we 'NOnder why neither Jesus Olrist, Gautama Buddha nor M::>harrmed ever men­ tioned it. It has been postulated (by Bhagwan Rhajneesh - see Meditation the Art of Ecstasy) that when the central channel is clear, the ascent of Kundalini energy is imperceptible, and it is only in piercing through blocked chakras (subtle energy centers) along the spine - see Appendix) that it is felt. A few people have spontaneous Kundal­ ini arousals that sanetimes result in trauma, and even psycho/physical inj ury and or mental disturbance, (which explains why Kundalini Yoga is considered a dangerous practice by sane uninformed individuals). Such traumatic, spontaneous Kundalini arous­ als occur arrong the practitioners of 'IM and other disciplines that try to raise psychic energy, without pre­ paring the physical body which results in high voltage blow out. 'nUs never happens to those who practice Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, because the body and nervous systewm are pre':' pared for this potent energy. This regular practice not only raises Kunda­ lini energy safely, it keeps it up for life on a higher plane (see "Bene­ fits of Kundalini Yoga"). We have been told by female yogis that raising Kundalini is very muCh like experienci ng orgasm. (Men, unfortunately, have no such reference.) Apparently it is unique for each person (like an orgasm or an LSD trip). some experience it as heat along the spine, and others see it as brilliant light. It is described as spiralling up the spine by sane, and as shooting straight up the spine by others. Whatever the individual perception, it is definitely a pleasant, delightful and euphoric sensation, often attended by extraordinary phenerrona, and leading to raised consciousness. -~~-.-_.--~_. 15 The following are exerpts frem lectures and conversations by Yogi Bhajan in 1969, borrowed fran Kundalini Medi tation Manual. "I have recognized, by the bless­ ing of my Master, that it is possible to be Healthy, to be Happy and to be Holy while living in this society. But you must have energy so that your dead computer rray live and pass on the signal to you, and canpute all that you want to do in this society. We call this energy, in the olden science, Kundalini (which has been blocked in the Muladhara, the lowest of' all chakras or lotuses). '!hough these are all imaginary things, there is a way of setting our computers to be in direct contact with Him, the biggest canputer, and all things must then \VOrk autanatically. '!hat cannot \VOrk until the Kundalini (the spiritual nerve) breaks through the blockage and travels up to the stage of Superconsciousness in consciousness. \Vhen the Soui is (thus) awakened, this vehicle of yours will be chauffer­ ed by the soul instead of the negative ego and you will have found Gocl in you. You must generate the pressure of Prana (spiritual, life-force energy) and mix it with Apana (eliminating energy), and when the two join, you get heat in the Pramc center (at the 8th vertibra). With this heat, you put pressure (or a charge) on the Soul Nerve, or Kundalini, which is coiled in 3~ circles on Muladhara, and this will awaken it so that it rray pierce through the chakras and pass through Jalandhara Bhanda (Neck !Dek), the final blockage in the spine before the energy reaches the head. Prana is the life force of the atan, and Apana is the eliminating force. When these t\VO forces, positive and negative, are joined the pressure brings Kundalini up the central nerve channel, Sushurrana, and when it reaches the higher chakras, man can look into his future, his psychic power is activ­ ated, he knows the totality of his sur­ roundings, and he is a blessed being. Under the 8th vertibra, there is a cavity called the "Pranic center" Where prana is s~ored. Yogis create pranic energy reservoirs in that cavity and live on the reserve. ALL IT IS IS CREATING PRANA (THRCUGH DEEP BREATH­ ING IN THE CAVITY AND MIXING IT WITH APANA (THROOGH MULABHANDA), AND TAKING IT r:x:::MN, PO'ITING PRESSURE CN KUNDALINI, CAUSING IT ro RISE. THAT'S IT! After one inhales prana deep down to the navel point, and pulls apana up to the navel point (with Root Lock) prana and apana mix at the navel (Nabhi) chakra at the 4th vertibra. Heat is felt during Kundalini awakening. That heat is the filament of the Sushumana being Iit by the joining of prana and apana. Energy leaves t.i-J.e navel and goes to the rectum and then it rises. There are six IlOre chakras through which Kundalini must rise and it will happen all at once. Once you have raised it, thehardest job is to keep it up & keep the channels clean and clear. Fran the rectum to the vocal cord is known as the Silver Cord. FRan the neck. to the top of the head is the passage. Fran the 3rd Eye (between the brows) to the Pineal Gland (Crown Olakra) is the Golden Cord To make energy rise through these cords and passages, you apply hydraulic locks just as YOU do to bring oil out of the ground. Mulabhanda (Root Lock) brings Apana up to the navel at the 4th verti­ bra, the central seat of Kundalini. Uddiyana Bhanda (Diaphragm Lock) takes it up to the neck and Jalandhara Bhanda (Neck !Dek) takes it up the rest of the way. '!he Pineal Gland (seat of the Soul) does not work when the 1Oth Gate (Crown Olakra) is sealed. But the Pin­ eal Gland will secrete when Kundalini Heat comes and your Pituitary will act as radar, keeping the mind fran nega­ tivity • Kundalini is known as the Soul Nerve. Your Soul is to be awakened! Is it difficult? '!here I s no secret. In 20-30 days of honest prac­ tice you can do it. CAUTICN: You are playing with energy that is the life force of the atan! But with proper preparation (tuning in, warming up) and following directions carefully, AND ALWAYS APPLY­ ING NECK LCX:K (neck perfectly straight) there is no danger." 16 TUNING IN 'lUaNG IN Before begiMing Kundalini Yoc;a prac­ tice, always "tune in" by chanting the ADI MANTRA as follows: Sit in meditation posture with a straight spine and center' yourself ....i th long, deep breathing. Then place the palms together in Prayer Mudra at the Heart Center, fingers pointed up at 60 0 , base of thumbs pressing against the sternum. Inhale, fOCUSing Point and chant, Ong at the na 3rd Eye mo (It I C'\ll on Infinite Creative Consciousness'') while e.'Cha.ling and ex­ tending tho! sound, vibrating it in the cranium. Ta..t:.e a sip of air and resume Guru. dey namo ("I call on Divine Wisdcm".> ~ Ii t: ~ --i, - m ... ,. ~ Inhale and repeat 2 ucre times. 'lhis chant _protects and connects us tNi th our higher selves. Properly done, it stimulates the pituitary and auto­ matically tunes us in to higher COl'1S­ ciousness. ~OP The effects of the sets and medita­ tions is er.hanc:ed by thoroughly 1olaJ:m­ ing up the spine and stretching before practice (see following rage). IlJRING EACI -J ''-=-2. Ii J ~ During each exercise, focus at the 3rd eye (b:'O'.l) point unless otherwise specified, without blocking out other a~eness (breath, posture, etc.) ,.,. i _iF] in j g with the breath held in or out. BEDlEEN~ Relax a m::ment afterwards, and go deep within to observe the effects of each exercise (making each exercise a mini. -med:i tation) • PRCX:ElJRE If yeu are unable to Co the exercise for the specified time, cut them all proportionately (ie. in half) and then repeat the set if tlOssible. Always follO\ol directions as precisely as possible. Neither anit nor add an exercise, and Con't skip around, but Co them in order, without inter­ uption for maximum benefits. cnomncM{~ ~ASEl' Unless otherwise directed, inhale, and hold the breath (still the posture) and apply "Mul Bha.t'l4" ( root lock - see apperrlix) either Conclude each set with adequate relax­ ation follo-oed by "grounding exer­ cises" (see "Concluding a set"). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 17 WARM-UP EXERCISE SET September 7, 1974 j. <:N1EL RIDE: Sitting on heels, flex the spine back and forth, inhal­ ing as it arches forward, exhaling as it caltracts back, for 2-3 minutes. (Also known as SPINAL FLEXES) '2 '!WIST: Sitting a'1 heels, with hands on shoulders, fingers in front and thumbs in back, twist spine back and forth for 2-3 minutes. ::3 Relax hands down on knees, and inhale .raising shoulders to ears, exhale relaxing them down again and repeat for 2-3 minutes 4 NECK RJLLS: Place chin a'1 chest, and then circle the head right, .so that the right ear touches the right shoulder, then circle back, arc:hing the neck, then to the left (left ear to left shoulder) , and then forward again. Continue lIBking' slaw, soooth circles, ira1i.n9 out any kinks as you go, and reverse directia'lS for 2-3 minutes. 5 CAT-<:oi: en all It 4"s , with thighs directly under hips, ams directly under shoulders, thighs and cmas parallel to each other, arch the back up wi th the exhale, lowering· the head to the chest. en the inhale, press the tunmy towards the floor as the neck arches. back, and continue, increasing speed as you go for 2­ 3 minutes. 6 LIFE NERVE STRE!'CH: A. Both legs stretched out in front, bend at the hips and grab toes, and exhaling pull the head down to the knees, allowing it to rise on the inhale, for minutes. B. Place lef~ heel in right and repeat, pulling head to right knee a'1 the exhale for , -2 minutes. Switch legs and repeat. '-2 7 Spread legs wide apart, grabbing onto to toes, and inhale, exhale head down to alternate knees for , -2 minutes. (Times added by G.K.) +~-~ ~ , I ~ 18 CONCLl..JDTNG A SET After a long relaxation, particularly one that follows a series of exercises, you will find that doing the concluding exercises below helps to ground you and bring you back to reality: 1) On your back, begin rotating your feet and hands in small circles. Continue in one direction for 30 seconds, then in the other direction for another 30 seconds. ~~~ 2) Cat Stretch: Keeping both shoulders and the left leg flat OU the groun.d, bring the right arm back behind the head and the nght knee over th.e left" leg till it . touches the floor on the fa.r side~ of the body. Switch legs and arms and repeat the exercise. 3) Still on your back, bring the knees up and to the sides, and rub the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands together briskly, creating a sensation of heat. Continue for 1 minute. , " , , • I . v , ,.".--_._--­ ~~ 1.. ~ ~ .......... ~ \-'1-~. ~: --4:.,;; {\ \ ­ -'. , 4) Clasping knees to chest with both hands, begin rolling on the spine. Roll all the way back till the feet touch the ground behind the head, and all the way forward till you're sitting up. Do this 3 or 4 times at least. (5) Sit up in easy pose, palms to gether in prayer mudra at the heart center. Eyes are closed. Inhale completely and say a prayer of thanks. Exhale and let the thought go. (6) A happy conclusion is to sing this song: May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround yoU, and the pure light w~th~n you, guide your way on. Repeat. ----- 19 ~-- 20 an is to make his pot­ ential self his acting self. Then he is a living god. There are certain laws in this ransformation and we are to discover them October 14, 1971 (Sermon on 2 Cushions, Part I) THE BOMAN BODY is the instrument of divine experience. It is the highest gift of God July 19, 1975 THIS HUMAN BODY is the net earning of the entire spirituality, the longing of the in­ dividual soul towards this Piltb of God. Now, we could say that through the grace of Guru, you have done Bhakti (devotion), and the result was a human body. The human body is at just an ordinary state of consciousness It is the ultimate state of consciousness, in gain. Gain! The total projected evolution­ ary syste. through which this soul can travel can only end up in gaining a human body Human body gain is the ultimate stage of reality July 19, 1975 21 W~KE UP SERIES Yogi Bhajan reccmnends the following series, every rooming upon (or even before) arising. '!hey can be done while still in bed. 1. Stretch Pose: Lying on back, arms legs kept straig. raise feet head and hands 6" off the ground and hold wi. th Breath of Fire frcm minutes or as long as possible. Eyes should look at big toes, and hands point towards feet. If the waist canes up, place hands beneath hips for support. If held less than a minute, rest and rePeat pose, increas­ ing time daily. sets the navel. and ~~~ .1.. 2;. 2. Nose to Knees: Bend the knees and clasp legs with arms, raising head so that nose canes between knees and hold wi. th Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. canbines Prana with JI...pana. ., , ./ / / / ,,----- - .......... ..... .... .. ~ ....... " ..:;;;. / 3. Spinal Rock: In same position, rock back and forth on the spine frcm neck to tailbone for 1 minute. Distri­ butes pranic energy and relaxes spine. 4. Ego-Eradicator: Sit in Easy Pose and raise arms to 60 0 out to the sides, fingertips on pads of fingers, thumbs extended straight up and hold with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. '!hen deeply inhale and VERY SI.I:!ilLY raise arms until thtmlbtips touch overhead, flatten hands and slowly arc them down, sweeping the aura with the palms, collecting any darkness, negativity or sickness, and press and release it into the earth, to clean and ener­ gize the aura. Feel light around you and meditate on that light. , j ' ", \ \ \ \ I I 22 15 M~NUTE MORNING SET April 9, 1970 , • stand and extent1 antIS straight out and slightly pressed back, pointing thumbs straight up. Hold with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. 'Ihen il''1.'1ale deeply, slowly raising aJ:mS overllead 'til thumbs meet, arch back, and ex­ haling, slowly bend forward to touch toes. Olarges electro-magnetic field. / I , / ," , ,.-" b\ ,. II I; .... ,, , \ I. \ i.; I I •I •I I • \ \ ~ -. ~ 2. Sit, spreading legs wide apart. Grab left foot and lower head to left knee, with Breath of Fire for 2 mins. To end, deeply inhale, ~letely ex­ hale and pull Mulbhand, holding as long as possible. Relax and repeat on right side. 3. Iocust Pose: en stanach, place hands palms Cbwn under thighs (Peg'in­ ners use fists) and inhale as you raise the straight legs as high as possible. EXhale and apply Mulbhand, holding as l fingers which extend straight out and bring anTIS overhead and as far back as possible, and then bring them all the way down with force, as if you are going to hit the ground, but without touching it. Repeat and continue, powerfully for 1~ minutes. 5. In seated posture, make fists and circle them around each other in front of the heart center (DRISHTI TRATKA KRIYA - for the pineal gland), and move quickly for 1t minutes. 6. Lock arms holding opposite elbows and place them on top of the head, a little towards the back and bow to Jap sahib for 5~ minutes. 7. Arms overhead with palms together , thtmlbs crossed, sway fran side to side, pressuring lowest ribs for 3~ minutes. 8. On back, interlace hands behind the head and rapidly jump the pelvis up and down (6-9"), tensing the body, creating a special pranayam for 5 minutes. 9. Relax in corpse pose, 3-1 minutes. sleep, for ,i\fI'\ tdV,{ I • I j -.- i ., \ \ \ \ \ I I 24 SEXUAL NERVE STRENGTH 1. a) Shoulder stand. en back, raise legs straight overhead supporting weight with hands en ribs, waist or hips, and kick buttocks with alternate heels for 3 minutes. b) IDwer hips to floor and continue to kick the buttocks with alternate heels for 3 minutes. c) Relax for 2 minutes. '!hen repeat the series, breathing long and deep during relaxation. Stimulates the nerve reflex area in the buttocks It is a great exercise for everyone, but especially for men who need to strengthen the sexual system. I J / ," ,/ / Pose, sit on heels with in Venus Lock in the lap and meditate for 2 minutes. For digestion. 2. In Rock hands 3. Q1 back, inhale as you slowly raise legs to 90° and contract sex organs in nodified Mu1bhand, and exhale as you slowly lawer the legs and release the contractien. Pull and release the contraction smoothly and evenly. Repeat 4-10 times. Adds sustaining energy to the system and sexual endurance and integrates the release of sexual energy into the other tx:x1y systems. 4. Relax canpletely. c::c:MMENI'S: '!his set circulates sexual Remember that 90% of sexual energy is used for creative and regenerative :. ::.:::::.:.'::::::::::~ .:;, funcions throughout the body. Without ~ ~. ... ---.­ a qocd supply of sexual force the nerves are shakey and insensitive, and aging occurs Irore rapidly. With regular and frequent practice of such a kriya while you are young, the body ~ ~-~ __--::::::::s=: will not fail when you are older. -.. ----_ ~: ~: ~ ­ - - - I I , I I I I I I I • • • • • • • • • 25 FOR SEX NERVE 1. Sitting, spread legs wide apart, place hands on thighs, and flex the spine for 2 minutes. 2. In the same position, press palms down on floor, 18" in front of groin for 2 minutes. 'Ihese two exercises drain Lymph Glands in the groin and thigh and sti.mulate the sex nerve. 3. Lie down flat on the back, with the legs spread as wide as possible" hands grasping shoulders, fingers in front, thumbs in back, elb:1Ns on the ground. Meditate on all the muscles as you lift the b:xiy, as slowly as possible, muscle by muscle, until the nose is on the ground between the knees. Hold for 3 minutes and relax. 4. Continue as in #3 , ~ bring the nose to the left knee and hold for 1 minute, inhale up and repeat 3 times and relax back down. Repeat, nose to right knee. #3 & #4 opens navel energy and channels it to the sex nerves, balancing glandular secretion. 5. Relax. s. WE ARE NOT TO BE CELIBATE! (Who practice Kundalini Yoga) • One bl issful sexual union per month is usually plenty. It is important not to live in the three lower centers. Children should be care­ fully planned and meditated upon. Summer 1972 ....,..... 26 KRIVA FOR THE INSTINCTUAL. SELF /Is h.na1 1:eirgs, ...e ~ imtin:::t:s as cD cninBls, hIt ...e ~ 1'B've ~ c:tIi1ity to diIa:t, ~ a"rl gi.~ ~ to ttEir e,irta1e into a:h:a. R::se, atdli.n:J \Ai:!ttd:xa 1::¥ 'fertS:!:a, £ron rB:K . to l::a!:E c:£ spi.rE! u:t:il ams are stra:itj1t, elb:::rws kdJd-atp R:a:. ~ tiE lint. Continue for 2­ 3 minutes. 4 - Spinal t-,.,ist, with palms together overhead, arms traight up for 2-3 minutes. (For 9th vertebra.) 'Iben inhale, exhale and pull Mulbhan.i. 5 _ BODY DROPS in LDtus possible, or with legs out in front. weight is beside the hips .which lift ocks and drop them down 2 minutes. Pose, if stretchP.d on fists the butt­ again for '. ~ i •• i • • • • • • • • • • 29 6 . Legs stretched straight out in front, stretch body foI:Ward and relax down, head en knees for 2-3 minutes. Then inhale, exhale and pull Mulbhand. 7 • In FAS'i POSE, cross arms and place hands en opposite knees. Inhale deeply, pulling the arms and stretch­ ing the shoulders, hold the breath in, and exhale and relax. 8 • FINGER LCX:K at Heart CEnter , with long, deep breathing. Pull har.d for 2-3 minutes. '!hen inhale, stretch arms above head and hold, p.xhale and apply Mulbhand. 9 • :scM POSE: en stanach, grab ankles and arch up, pulling arms and legs as high as p::>ssible. Inhale, stretch up even higher, pull Mulbhand, hold, 1 0 _ MEDITATICN: Fix eyes on top of the skull, and press the tongue on the roof of the mouth. (There may be pain in the nose.) Dedicate self to the Divine. CCl-1MENTS: '!his is an excellent prep­ aration for deep meditation. G.K. (Some ti.'T1es were added by G. K. ) 30 Kt..JNDA L, I N J: (1969-70) ~ SET#2. 1. RUN IN PLACE for 1 minute, facing each direction (1 minute North, 1 minute East, South & West, etc. ) .1 ~~~ ........ '/ 2. BODY DROPS with legs stretch­ ed out in front for 1-2 minutes . 3. KUNDALINI LOTUS POSE: Balanc­ ing on buttocks, grasp feet and raise them, keep~ng arms and legs straight (holding on to big toes, if possible) wi th long, deep breathing for 2­ 3 minutes. 4. a) SPINAL FLEX in Easy Pose for 2-3 minutes. b) Spinal Flex five times per inhale, and 5 times per exhale for 2-3 minutes. 5. FROGS, 54 of them. Squat into Frog Pose, heels raised and touching each others, fin­ gertips on the floor with arms straight between legs. Inhale, lift buttocks, lowering head to look at knees. Exhale, returning to original squat, head looking strai~ht ahead, always keeping the heels raised and touchiI!g. 6. CAMEL POSE with Breath of Fire for 1 minute. Sit on Heels, arch pelvis up dropping head back and grabbing heels. Press the pelvis forward. 7. 7. CHAIR POSE, wi th long, deep breathing for 1 minute. (Squat and pass arms inside thighs, outside forelegs, hands on feet, and sit up as much as possible.) Continue with Breath of Fire for 1 more minute. Then inhale, exhale and apply Mulbhand. • • • 31 8. MAHA SHAKTI POSE with left foot 6" above right foot, with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. 9. STRETCH POSE. On back raise head and hands 6" (arms & legs straight), and look at toes, with Breath of Fire for 2 mins. 10. SPINAL 108 times. FLEX in Rock Pose, Inhale as the spine arches forward, exhale as it contracts back. 11. CAT/COW: On hands and knees, arms and thighs parallel to each other, and press the back up, dropping the head down (like a cat) as you exhale, then relax the back down and arch neck up on the inhale, 108 times. 12. SPINAL FLEX in Rock Pose, wi th hands in Venus Lock behind the neck. On each inhale, press elbows to chest. 108 times. 13. ON BACK, push ches t up and out with 5-10 lbs. of pressure, concentrating on the Heart Chakra for 2-3 minutes. raise arms to ON BACK, 90° with long, deep breathing Then Inhale for 1 minute. and draw tension to the chest and relax. (Times added by G.!<.) 14. [4. 32 KUND.X\.LINI 1969-70 SET #3 1• left oostril breathing for 2-3 minutes. '!hen right nostril breathing for 2-3 minutes. 2. In Easy Pose, extend arms up at 60 0 with Breath of Fire for 2-3 minutes. 3. a) 26 Frogs, inhaling up, and exha l­ ing Cbwn. b) 26 Frogs, exhaling up, inhaling down. c) Inhale, stand up and stretch arms overhead, arching the back, then exhale and bendforward to touch the floor 26 times. ,, I ...... \:\ ~ [ \ \ . I I , I I , 'I:r-l\ i " '. 4. a) en back, raise legs 6" with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. b) Raise legs 12" and hold with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. c) Raise legs up to 4S 0 and hold with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. d) Raise legs to 60 0 and hold with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. e) Lift torso in Shoulder Stand and hold for 2 minutes. S. a) .; Bow Pose with chin on ground and left hand holding right ankle with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. b) As above, reversed, with right hand holding left ankle, for 2 minutes. c) Bow Pose with ooth hands holding corresponding ankles for 2 minuteS. , , /1°ci , I 1',',,'~, • ' ",,;', .-.: . ,,"". ',-,'",' , ,~ , ,J , , ~ ,',,;' /1,, / "I'/(} ~ I / ­ ;' .-" .... ) /0/ / _ - -_ -_ - .. ' , ;' 1_ ....... _. / 0 , ~'~::-7c1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 33 6. a) Life Nerve stretch, roth legs stretched out in front, inhale up and exhale down for 2 minutes. b)Life Nerve stretch with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. To erd" inhale, exhale and pull M.1lbhand and. hold. ~,,:; It f.; \. , :. , I ,: • )'\~I I . , • .,. f'·· • ..;" ;' " ~/ , ,',' ~ ' ~ ./ I· ..... t\ . ~ '\ 7. a) Celebate Pose, lying on back hips on floor between ankles, with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. b) Upright Celebate Pose. Kneeling, sit between shins and feet with IDng, deep breathing for 8 minutes. c) camel Pose with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. B. sat Kriya in Siddhasana (Perfect or Accanplished Pose). Sit with left heel in perineum, and place right heel on top, tucking toes in between thigh and calf crease. Raise roth arms overhead, palms together (or in Venus lock with Index Fingers extend ing up) and chant Sa.t pulling on the navel, then chant Nam relaxing contraction. (see sat Kriya, pg.112 ) Continue for 5 minutes • 9. On back, raise legs to 6" and hold for 2 minutes. '!hen relax on the back. Times ~e unspecified and added by G.K. 34 KUNDA-LINT (1969-70) SET #4 ~_c: 1. 00 BACK, do Breath of Fire for 5 minutes. '!ben inhale and raise legs to 18", apply Mulbhand, hold and relax. Repeat twice. ~ ~ ~ z 2. In EASY POSE, alternately shrug shoulders up to the nose for 1-2 mins. 3. STERNUM ROl'ATICN: Like a Belly Dancer, circle the upper torso between shoulders and solar plexus for 2-3 minutes, 1t minutes in each direction. 4. SHOOLDER STAND wi th long, deep breathing for 2 minutes. '!ben inhale, exhale and apply Mulbhand, hold, and relax dc:7wn. ~. . -.-. . Ii ·1 ~ ~. ,., ,. ,." \ , • s. AROi, as though to go up in shoulder stand, raise legs and place hands at waist, with thumbs forward, fingers back, and carefully arch the back, legs dc:7wn, feet resting on the floor for 2 minutes. 6. t EO'l POSE, on stanach, with right ankle in left hand, right hand in Guyan Mudra at small of the back. Hold, with long, deep breathing for 6 minutes. Inhale, exhale and apply Mulbhand and then repeat on opposite hands and leg. 7. t BOV as above, but with left hand grasping left foot. Repeat with right hand and foot, 6 minutes each. 8. MARA SHAKTI POSE: seated, incline upper torso back 60 0 , raising legs to 60°, fonning a perfect "V" with Breath of Fire for 1 minute. Inhale, hold and apply Mulbhand, and exhale. Repeat twice. I : I I:hi.•. :~ " I r . :> . :~ • ~ - '> ~7 .. ~ 3:: TO 1<'LJNDALTNT #5 RAISE S~pternber 21. lq69 .1. 1. In ROCK POSE, wi th knees apart, inhale, exhale and pull Mulbhand, concentrating at the 3rd Eye. Repeat twice more. "The seed is sown! " (Yogiji released life force for 1 second to aid class.) 2. SAT KRIYA for 3 minutes. Then inhale, exhale and apply Mulbhand and pull up along the spine. 3. Push up into COBRA POSE, inhale, exhale, exhale again and swivel head left and right. Inhale and relax. COMMENTS: Iden"tify with the Creator (Truth, Sat Nam) and you will become Sat Nam. The grace of the teacher is to plant the seed; then the Self does the work. MAN IS GOD when he has faith that he is a man, but he is a Satan when he doubts that he is. December 18, 1970 ~ !I II • 36 MEDITATIVE KUNDAL~NI SET #6 March 14, 197? (Austin, Texas) 1. In Virasan, sit 00. left heel, draw right knee up to chest, foot flat 00 the ground, cross anns 00 right knee. Inhale in four parts, silently chanting Sa. To. Na. Me and exhale in 4 equal parts silently chanting Sa. Ta. Na Ma, for 3 minutes. 2. In same posture, raise antIS up to 60° and breathe as in #1 for 3 acre minutes. 3. Sit 00. roth heels in Rock Pose, hands 00 knees, and lower forehead to the ground 00 exhale, arise 00. ~ e and continue for 3 minutes. ., --"t- .... ,' ..~ l....,,~ 1 ., ...... , 4. Remain in Rock Pose and punch the air in front of you, inhaling with left thrust, exlmng with right for 5 mins. 5. en back, draw knees to chest, clasp­ ing legs wi th arms and relax for 3 minutes. 6. '!hen raise legs to 90°, and reach up and grab toes, raising head and shoulders, and hold for 3 minutes. 7. In Easy Pose, over left, hands i. Sa a. In Te. a:DIIS, right chest and chant cross 00. Na. ~ Ma. ~ .~ for 5 mins. same pose, chant RA. RA RA RA.,. MA. MA MA MA.,. SA. TA NA MA.. c::r. Hands in Qlyan Mudra, tips of teeth together, look at nose tip and inhale in 4 equal parts Sa. T a Na. Ma. and exhale in 4 equal parts Sa. Ta Na. Ma. for 5 minutes. 31. 5 37 Kl.JND.n. L .. I N I 1972 F~bruary 1 . On back. raise arms to 60 D • inhal~ and hold the breath for 1 minute. Exhale. inhAle. raise legs to 60 D • for 3 counts. exhale do\o.'Tl. Inhale. raise beth l~gs to 60 D and hold for i minute. Then press toes forward heels together, exhale, inhale, & hold for 15 seconds, and relax" 2.5: ~~ ~> 2. On back. raise 1 shoulder and bring it to the ground \lIi thout using body. and then the other. Repeat 4 times. 3a. Sitting. brin~ one knee t.o the chest. raise the other outstretch­ ed leg 12" and s\,;ing it in an 180 arc from ~he hip for 1 minut~. Switch legS, and repeat. ?'epeat the exercise on the first leg, and then a second time on the 2nd leg. 3b. In Rock Pose, spinal fl~x. !ast~ for 2 minutes. 3 c . Continue spinal flexes \-;i th A D ~r~~nu~~~~tched out in front for ~- , H u.rn Relax dOlrm and say Hu.rn contine for e. Relax. 1-2 minutes. _: ~ ~ ~~ 7 . Come up into Cobra Pose. supporting the body with the arms, and say :~)o I ~. \ d J; ... C::=:::::::::::"..J ,r;:'-..~ ~ ~ ~?.... L" ~_ -~.:.:==.-:z .. ~.-.i..;. ------_ ... -. ~ 4. From rock pose. lean back and support the weight on the elbo\·!s and .f:2.or~arms, and do neck rolls for 1­ mlnutes. For thyroid. 6 a . Or. stomach. raise head and legs, and leave arms on the ground stretched out in front of the body. hands in Venus Lock. Hold \oli th Breath of Fire for 1 minute. 6 b . Arms straight. hands in Venus Lock behind back, raise upper body. stick out curled tongue. and de breath of fire for 1 minute. ·~.:.1 " l-~l ~ 5 . On back. raise alternate shoulders as in #2. at Breath of Fire rate. Best exercise for th~ heart~ ~~ - - - -' =­ ~ . ··~z~ ~ ~ ~- ~~ ( t2 .r ,. . . . . ,_ ," ' ,­ . 38 SEX ENERGV TRANSFORMATION ( F o r Fe~ale & Male S e x u a l P o t e n c y ) 1. On stanach, place hands directly under the shoulders and arch up into Cobra Pose. '!ben inhale, raising hips, into Froot Platform Pose. Exhale to Q:)bra, inhale to . Platform 26 times, and then relax for 2 minutes on the stcmach. To keep the rhythm and mind focus, the teacher should chant l Sohung (I am 'Ihou) Exercise activates the 2nd (sex) 01akra. 2. In Cl:7« Pose, on hands and knees, stretch forward, exhaling, touching chin and hips to the floor, keeping head up and antIS ~t. Inhale back. into 0Jw Pose, the teacher chanting "Ong" on the oo.m UDtion, and "Sohlmg" on the up, 26 times to activate the 2nd and 3rd (Navel) 01akras. 3. Without pause, lie on back., grab ankles and inhale, raising the hips, exhale lowering them 26 times. Rest for 2 minutes and repeat 26 more times. For 2nd Olakra, tension in the ovaries and the lower spine. 4. Without pause, raise b::>th legs 18" .with long, deep, powerful breathing for 30 seconds. '!hen alternately bring knees to the chest, with each deep inhale, in a push-pull action for 45 seconds to 1 minute. '!hen inhale holding roth legs straight out for 5 seconds and relax. l-Dves energy out of the digestive system. ~ I ~ 5. Still on back., l:.:end knees and touch souls of feet together, clasping them wi th the hands and rock back and forth for 30-45 seconds. 6. Deep relaxation for 2 minutes. ! ~ Ong (Infinite, Creative Consciousness) on the inhale and on the exhale. I I I I I ~ ~ ~ I 40 10. O1ant Ek Ong K a r , S a t Nam, S a t Na~, S i r i Wha G~r~ g{)!£;tJS~'~ EJc 0... &r Sea, Natm Sat Nane 51- rf W1ta G. - ru - u apply and releasing !'lllhhand while chanting "sat Nam" and "QJru". Gradually the Mull:lhand will becale so stzoa,q & locked that it willl:e easy to hold throug­ out the entire chant. Cbntinue for 6 minutes, hold for 15 seconds, exhale and relax or meditate. Uses Kundalini energy to project the mind to Infinity. a::Mon!Nl'S: In our culture, 'Ne are taught to vie1!7 sex in teJ:mS of pleasure and reproducticn. we aren't educated in the need for Jl'Clderation in sex in order to maintain health and nerve balance. sexual experience in c:orrect consciousness can give you the experience of God and bliss, but before that can cx:cur, you must charge ycNr sexual batteries and possess a real potency. SEminal fluids, male and female, CCI'1tain high c:ax:entratioos of minerals and elements crucial to proper nerve balance and brain functicn. '!he sexual fluid is reabsorbed by the body if it is allowed mature. Its essence, or "Ojas" is transported into the spinal fluid. Running ycNr mind with ojas is like rumi.nq a car without oil - you wear it out quickly. About 90' of "your sexual energy is used to repair and rejuvenate the organs of the body. !be normal span of potency for a yogi is equal to the length of his life. In the United States, potency wanes even in the early forties. 'Ihis kriya generates sexual energy and transmutes it into ojas and healing force. SEXUALITY: There is energy in you and you have to channel it. Highly energetic (in games, sports) people are not very sexually desirous. Inactive people are more sexually oriented, a release for the energy. August 21, 1972 - ~ • • • • ~ .. • • • • • • • • -~ ~- - - - - - - - - --- - --~ -- --- -- ~- 41 GURAK.Z\ June 19, 1970 KRIVA 1 • Si t with the soles of the feet together before sex gland, lean forward and place hands on floor in front, and bounce buttocks up and dc:Jr"m, feel­ ing homey and thi.nIdng of sex for 15 minutes. ("You will be potent for 70-80 years".) Sat and relax allowing energy to arise up and out through the hands, chanting Narn for 5-11 minutes • 4 • Iaya Yoga: In medi tation pose, hands in GJyan Mudra resting on knees-, axms straight, chant the Laya fonn of the Adi. Shakti Mantra: Ek On.g Sat .~ Siri Hey Kar Nam Wha A A. A Gl....:lru [£;~!~ '1 I @J j J if Ii J. =J§l .J oJ £It 0t\IS ~I - JIll ,r.... 'Ur- If wltA.1I ~.A -N~)I ~..r.oc:> "EK" sharply contract the navel, visualing navel energy descending to the rectum and sex organs. On the first "A" (after "Kar"), pull Root IJ:x::k and hold it, and on the "A" after "Naro", apply Diaphragm Lock, visual izing energy spiraling up the spine and through the chakras, and on the "A" after t'Wha", pull Chin I.Dck, seeing energy spiral through neck and head. Q1 "He", relax the Mulbhand and Diaphragm IDcks and allow the spin­ ning energy to leave through the crown Olakra. '!he mantra is chanted in one breath. Repeat and continue for 11 minutes or rrore.~ On 5_ Relax on the back. ~~~ ~- - ­ 42 POTENCY & POTENTIALITY CDRPSE POSE CRONe H: en back, crunch knees into chest with a jerking movement, clasping them with arms, and then extend them out straight, , 0-, 5 times. '!his is a man's wake­ up exercise. It will bring the lower back into a straight line, create heat and correct the magnetic field. ,:~.'t.-:.-:=:"••;''' ,. I' .... , i'...• •••• ...""",-I .... ~,.. ~.~ g ,..-r :<::= :I~ on heels, forehead to the floor, move the buttocks fran side to side, back and forth for , 5-20 minutes. It is a wake-up exercise that takes care of the clearance system. 2. BABY POSE SWING: Sitting - 3. WINtMILL: Standing with legs 3 feet apart, arms out to sides, parallel to floor, palms down, inhale (up) and exhale as you touch alternate hands to opp:>site feet for 3-5 minutes. It adj usts the hip l:xme which is e-ssential for long life and potency. 4. \\'EIGHTLESS RUN: Place hands on a support (bathroan or kitchen sink), and hold your weight, arch the back as in Cow Pose and run in place for , 0 minutes. Builds back muscles, adj usts the hips and is good for a long, healthy life. 5 . CRCM SCUATS : Feet ,.; feet apart, arms extended straight out in front, palms down, parallel to floor, inhale (up), and exhale \ ) ,.'''t..~":, as you squat down 20-50 times. Stretches .::.... t...~_ a .meridian nucleus above the knee wi thout ...,' '.•. ~ ::,~. ~::::,;:.,,;~ wh~ch you cannot enjoy sexual, sensual or .' .., ....: . . . creative continuity, and you will be bored, ,:., dumb and irritated. ~ ~. 43 6. FOREHEAD ro KNEE STRE:I'Oi: Stand, feet hip width apart, knees kept straight, and bend forward to put your nose between your knees, wrapping the arms around the legs for 3-5 minutes. '!his exercise measures your age and sensual, creative productivity • If you can your nose bebleen your knees and hold it for the given time, your effective age and capacity is that of an 18 year old. Halfway denotes about 45, and barely able to bend is about 65, regardless of chronolog­ ical age. 7 MANS y(X;A RUN: Run in place with elbows lifted and out to the sides a little above shoulder height, forearms, hands and fingers pointing straight up to the sky. VERY IMPORl'ANI': KEEP '!liE EI..BC:MS UP. '!hey must !'rove upward with the legs, together in hanrony at the same time. Continue for 11 -22 minutes. '!he movement creates a combination in the merid­ ians. '!he main lines of the sciatica, arms and legs must !'rove in harm:my. You will be yelling in time with it. At 22 minutes your tongue will be out, but there is nothing which can match this. 8MAHA MUDRA: seated, legs extended out in front, bend right knee and press right foot against the inner thigh of the left leg , close to the groin. Grab the left big toe with the left hand and pull back, grasping the heel with the right hand. Keep chin tucked into chest and eyes fixed on big toe, spine totally straight, and hold the position without moving for 3-5 minutes. Repeat on the right side. D::m't worry about the breath - it Cbesn't matter. '!his is a stimulant as the foot pressurizes the sciatica, and the straight spine stimulates special nucleus points. "You a pressure and you stretch and it works a miracle". EARTHCUAKE: (Stretch Pose) en back, raise head and heels 6" and stare at toes, arms pointing towards the feet. Inhale and hold the or do Breath of Fire until you shake. '!hen relax. '!he navel point is the creative nucleus of potency. 9~C 10SAT KRIYA for 3-31 minutes. (see page 77.) '!his is the basic exercise, best for potency and overall health, the master exercise. 44 STIMULATING KUNDALINI & .MALE POTENCY 1. Come into FROG POSE, on toes, wi th heels raised and ouching, fingertips on ground between knees, head lifted. Inhale and raise the buttocks relaxing forehead toward knees, keeping the heels raised. Exhale and return to original position. Continue with deep breaths 26 times. Relax. 2. Stretch both legs straight out in front and bend forward to grasp toes with both hands, pulling them back for 30 seconds. Then inhale as you arch up, still holding toes, and exhale as you bend forward, 26 times. Inhale and relax. 3. SAT KRIYA: Sitting on heels, raise arms straight overhead, elbows straight, palms together and chant Sa.t as you pull in the Navel point, and lock Mulbhand, then Na.m as you release the lock, focus­ sing on the Brow Point for 3 min­ utes. Then inhale, hold the breath and pull Mulbhand, imagin­ ing energy radiating from the Navel Point and circulating throughout the body. Relax and repeat the exercise for 3 minutes Then inhale, apply Mupbhand, and mentally draw all the energy to the top of the fingertips. Relax. Repeat the entire set. 2-3 times. 45 KILLER POTENCY EXERC T SE 1- , r. #.. ... liThe mental self cannot be fresh and unique if all the muscles and glands are not ~rked in exercise. II I' ~I ., j , .....,. , ­ 2. JUMPING FRCG: In Frog Pose, hop or jump on the spot, 52 times. shakey body, shakey 3. WHEEL POSE: en back, palms under shoulders, fingers pointing to toes, heels to buttocks,press up to feet and hands, arms and legs straight, waist arched to ceiling, and drop head back, eyes on thllllbs. Hold· and chant Ha.r Har Har Hari 4. CN BAC<, raise and lower straight up to 45 0 very fast. Time unspecified. a.nns 5. Relax. ~ .. '" .,.' , \ ...J ... .-....,~ ., , ; ~, , I '-~ ,·1 ,,;..... • ,. '. ,, "" ' ~ b:>th feet out and land on toes,· bucking, 52 times or more. .' ~¥, " t/,"' , 1. BUaaNG BRCNa:>: In CJ::N Pose, kick Takes away personali ty #.,., SET July 6, 1984 , ; I , I 46 For~ ~~ ... , , ... -­ \ .. .. , ., ~. •\ ... ~ Semen. to Ojas POTENCY &: MALE ENERGV January 7, 1972 COIl'-7ert. i n g en hands and knees, raise the right hand off the ground, bending the ann, and raise the left leg parallel to. the ground. reeply inhale, hold the breath and lift the leg high up in the air, and back to parallel, 8 times , knee remaining straight. '!hen exhale, keep_ ing the leg parallel and repeat for a maximum of 11 minutes. Switch sides and repeat. . c:x::MMENI'S: '!he ancient understanding of man IS 1X>tential was that power was in his seed or bindu. If a man could prcrluce a conscious 1X>tency in the bindu and his organs could creatE: enough semen and bindu to reabsorb the bindu as constituants of the blood, then \\OTIaIl was a willing servant to that man. (Ancient kings in the rnatriarchial traditions were de1X>sed or slain when they became impotent.) Besides, with this power, a man could decide to have a roy or girl child. (If the sperm penetrates the ovum deeply, it is a boy; otherwise it is a girl.) '!his is a powerful ability to develop. A woman is no:rmally 16 times nore powerful than a man, but in her wisdcm, she plays weak. In the same way she creates a man in her wanb, she creates a man in her astral body. To restore proper balance, the man must realize he is part of Infinity. Tkhen a ~ will \IIOrship him and create him to be great. '!his exercise will develop and circulate the bindu to every 1X>re. If a man practices fran the time he is 13 years old, he controls bindu I s strength. If you are serious about this practice, begin rroderately doing it every day, and b.1i.ld up to 31 minutes on each side for 40 days. KRYA TO LEVITATE 1. Sit on a padded surface in IJotus Pose (legs crossed, roth feet on top of thighs. D:> Breath of Fire in t."'U.s 1X>Sition for 3 minutes. 2. Still in IJotus Pose and still on a padded _surface (take no Chances!), still with Breath of Fire, do Body Drops for 3 minutes. Place fists beside or behind hips and lift the body, allowing it to drop back down, rapidly. Continue for 3 minutes. CAUTICN: <:nce Yogiji allOlN'ed a student to teach class, in his absence, and the student-teacher taught one of the levitation kriyas, without proper precautions. 5aneone in class did levitate, fall, and broke her tailbone. Afterwards, Yogi j i never taught these again. You are again advised of the power of these teachings and asked to exercise due caution. GK • • • • • • • • -- 47 KOPRT KRVA FO"l"" the Braj n I 1. In Celebate Pose, sitting be­ tween heels, flex the spine back and forth for 5 minutes. 2. Life Nerve Stretch, with both legs stretched out in front, hands grasping feet, inhale down, head to knees, and exhale up for 2 minutes. 3. Modified Frog Pose, with palms on the ground, squatting on toes, lift one leg off the ground wi th toes pointed and hold the position for 2 minutes with nor­ mal breathing. Switch feet and repeat for 2 more minutes. 4. Yoni Mud~a, with soles ot feet together, heels pressed into perineum, support pose with hands behind legs and hold with long deep breathing for 3 minutes S. Balanced Crow variation: From Crow pose, squatting on soles of feet, ar~s between legs, support thighs on elbows and tilt forward lifting feet off the ground until resting :orehead on the ground. Hold with normal breathing for 3 minutes. 6. In Easy Pose, clasp hands in Bear Grip, inhale. hold breath 1n as you pull the lock for 10 sec­ onds, then exhale and pull Mul­ bhand. Repeat twice more. 7. Chair breathing pass arms forelegs, and sit as 8. Pose with long, deep for 3 minutes. (Squat, inside thighs, outside ha~ds grasping feet, erect as possible.) Frog Pose, 30 times. 9. Layout. Relax on back, palms up beside thighs, and allow your mental body to rise from - the navel and float 3-5 feet above physical body for 5-10 minutes. ~~------ 48 FOR I-TEAD CENTERS 1. (a) On back, raise left leg 6 II and flex the foot back and forth like on a gas pedal, inhaling forward and exhaling back for 4 mins. (b) With both legs raised to 6" , press both sets of toes forward and back as above for 2 I'lOre minutes. (c) Legs still raised, feet still flexing, put hands in fists and flex the thumbs up and back and then down for 2 rrore minutes, while mentally chanting Wha. (He) =--~ Ja'~$ ~~~,~:, . ~~ -=--.J ~. C-. Massages spine and nerve centers. p. • • • • • • • •.. I 2. In Plow Pose, with stretched out behind back (clasp hands together and center them to align back) raise left leg and hold for 5 minutes with nonnal breathing. (b) Repeat with right leg raisad for 5 minutes. (c ) Then raise both legs, supporting hips with hands, in Shoul!der Stand for 5 mins. (a) arms .;2. f!.-" J. Deeply relax on the back. ~.~ - --~--=~,. __ .,,~-- - '-~._-~~_._.- • 49 PITUITARY GLAND 1. Standing on toes, raise both arms to 60°, spreading fingers wide, and hold with Breath of Fire for 3-5 minutes 2. Still standing, bend right knee, bring left leg over right thigh and wrap it around, hooking left toes on right ankle. Then cross arms, right over left bending both arms so that right elbow is inside and on top of left elbow and twine forearms around each other, clasping hands. Hold the Eagle Pose for 3-5 minutes with normal breathing. Switch sides and repeat. (Times added by G.K.) SET 50 F'TTUTTARV SET #2 1. Place palms together at chest, slanted out at 60°, with thumbs pressed into sternum. Focus eyes on thumbs with chin pulled in, in Neck Lock. Inhale, hold the breath for 1 minute, then exhale. Repeat 10 times. 2. In celibate Pose (sitting bet'W'eeI1 heels) , do spinal flex 107 times. 3. Life Nerve Stretch with both legs out in front, grab toes and lower head to knees on exhale, and inhale up for 2-3 minutes. 4. Archer Pose: With feet apart, pivot right, bend right knee and with weight on right foot, stretch right arm out in front as if holding aWN, drawing left arm back as if pulling an arrow, and hold for 2-3 minutes. Repeat on opposite side. 5. In Easy Pose, hands in Gyan Mudra on knees, do Breath of Fire for 3-5 minutes. Then inhale and hold for 1 minute, exhale. 6. Meditate at the Brow Point for 5-10 minutes. 7. To end, deeply and exhale 5 times. inhale 3. ~ 51 PITIJITARV • • •II II II II II II II II II II II II II h S:=:T #3 1. Yogi Walk on toes: Raising knees as high as possible, walk on tip toes with powerful breath­ ing for 3-5 minutes. 2. Pituitary Bow Series: a) Bow Pose with hands clasping opposite ankles. Inhale up, hold for 10 seconds, and exhale down. b) Bow ~ose clasping corres­ ponding ankles, chin tucked into sternum, inhale up, hold 10 sec­ onds and exhale down. c) Regular Bow inhale up, hold 10 seconds and exhale down. d) Locust Pose on stomach place hands (or fists) under pel­ vis, chin on ground, and raise straight legs as high as possible and hold with Breath of Fire for 1 minute. This series is also for the Moon Center on the chin.) 3. Maha Mudra: ("The Great Seal of Yoga" ) Si t on left heel, and stretch the right leg forward, grabbing the big toe with the right hand. Pulling back on the . toe, grasp the heel with the left hand. Tuck chin into chest and fix the eyes on the big toe. Inhale deeply, exhale and holding the breath out for 8 seconds, tightly pull Mulbhand and Diaph­ ram Lock. Inhale, repeat and continue for 7~ minutes. Switch legs and repeat for 7~ minutes. (br--------r PEACE: You relate to symbols. When born of a woman, wi th respect to a woman, there will be peace on earth. August 7, 1970 ---...ooIl 52 PTTl-TJ"T.n...RV SET #4 1. Focussed at 3rd Eye, deeply inhale and exhale 4 times. On the 5th inhale, focus eyes left and hold the breath for 15-30 seconds. Then, focussing eyes right, exhale and hold the breath out for 15-30 seconds. Repeat and continue for 1-5 minutes. ~ ~\ /~ ..-~" //,-- ....... ~\ ~ 2. Sit with legs drawn up to chest clasped by arms. Raise and lower one foot 50 times, inhaling up and exhaling down. Switch legs and repeat 50 times. 3. Standing on toes, bend one leg and bring it up to chest, -. . ' . clasped in arms. On inhale lower forehead to knee, and on exhale lift it, 26 times. Switch legs and repeat. .3 EXPERIMENT: For one week, whenever you do anything, just imagine God is hearing you, seeing you. Just imagine God is examining you. From Friday to Friday, make an image of God and keep it with you. November 7, 1985 53 PINEAL GLAND KRIVA 1. In Shakti Pose, clasp hands in Venus Lock about 4 inches above top of head, and holding the lock tightly, try to pull the hands apart with long, deep breathing for 2'; minutes. Then meditate with hands on knees in Gyan Mudra for 5 minutes. 2. In the same mudra, unclasp thumbs and press them straight back and hold wi th long, deep breathing for 2'; minutes. Then meditate wi th hands in Gyan Mudra on knees for 5 minutes. 3. In the same posi tion, thumbs clasped again, raise index fingers and point them straight up, pulling on the Venus Lock, resist and hold with long, deep breathing for 2'; minutes. 4. Still sitting, raise arms up to 60°, spread fingers wide apart and hold with Breath of Fire, creating a funnel leading to the 10th gate (Crown Chakra), for 3-5 minutes. 5. Relax arms down in Gyan Mudra on the knees and medi­ tate, going out of the top of the head. Time open. 54 BRIDGE C po\,...: 'er SERIES t o Hea.rt) october 8, '969 Prayer to begin: Ch G::d, let me live my life as you wish it; others are irrelevant. we don I t know what we need. ,. CRCM SQJATS: Squat with feet flat on floor, exhale to minutes. and inhale to stand, squat, slowly for 1-2 DOOPS: Legs stretched out in hands at sides on floor, raise and drop body , a times for the heart. 2. E()DY front, 3. BRII:X;E POSE: Bend knees, drawing them to buttocks, then raise hips, torso in a straight line fran knees to shoulders, head dropped back, weight 00 hands and feet, wi. th long, deep breathing for 1-2 minutes 'lhen Inhale, exhale and pull Root !t:lck (Mulbhand). ~ ~:;. )­ ~I; \ ' .. _ .; index~=::: ~ ~ 4. In Easy Pose, sit with fingers locked in front of heart, fix eyes on sanethinq, inhale and pull hard a few times. ''?:,. _>~\I~. 't., • • S. Repeat 112. 6. CDBRA POSE with long, deep breath for 1-2 minutes. 'lhen kick heels to buttocks wi. th Breath of Fire for 1-2 minutes. '!hen deeply inhale, relaxihq feet down, and circulate energy. inq 7. In rreditation pose, with straight spine, meditate on Pineal Gland, chanting Ong" Soh"\...1.n.g aloud for 5 minutes, then silently for 3 minutes. .. Wi th silent mantra, all creation" --1 I 55 TO DEVELOP OCCULT POWERS O::tober 13, 1969 1. Sit on heels and fold arms in front. With long, deep breathing, rock fran side to side for 2-3 minutes. Inhale, slowly exhale and apply Mu1bhand while exhaling, concentrating at the top of the skull & Yepeat twice acre. i. 2. Raise legs and incline torso each to 60°, deeply inhale, slowly exhale and apply Mu1bhand while exhaling, focus ing on top of skull. :Repeat twice rrcre. 3. Frog Pose, 26, SI.J:JNLY, concentrating on spinal vertebrae fran 1000000t to top, with each repetition. Inhale up, remain up, exhale pulling Mulbhand and concentrating on the top of the skull. ~'tl' ~l' EXERCISE OF LORD KRISHNA Sit and raise legs to 60°, at the same time inclining the b:x1y back to 60°, forming a perfect triangle. Hands meet in front in finger lock, with tension. Roll tongue back and suck on it. Hold for 5 minutes, with no:rnal breath. 56 ELIMINATION & CIRCULATION KRIVA 1 • In Fasy Pose, stretch left ann straight out to the side, palm up, and hold with lang deep breathinq and right hand in Gyan Mudra at the knee, for minutes. Switch sides and repeat. 1" 2. Spread legs wide apart aOO flex the spine with palms on thighs. for 2 minutes. For sex nerve. 3. Legs still wide apart, press palms down 18" before groin for 2 minutes. '2 & 3 drain lymph 9lands in the groin and thi9h - and stimulate sex nerve. 4. Perform 108 Frogs. (Squatt at toes, heels together, arms between knees, weight at toes and fin9ertips, head raised and lookin9 straight ahead. Inhale and raise buttocks, lowering head to face knees, then squat a'1 toes again, and repeat and CXX1tinue. Keep the heels raised and together.) For sexual potency. f)s ..... I Ii, l"~~ \ 1'\ '" \ I 5. In Rock Pose, inhale aOO raise body to kneeling, exhale aOO return to Rock Pose, , 08 times. • \11 ;" ., I I~ 'r ,. .... ,_, I; ~_ ,,~ ,-..\ JJ ________ .1' 6. Relax in Trianc;le (or tbg) Pose, hands and feet 2-3 feet fran each other, hands al:out shoulder width apart, and feet, hip width, keep:in9 legs and arms straight. 'Ihi.s pose reflexes to the brain and regenerates the nervous system. 7. en stanach, clasp hands in Venus ux:k behind the back, and raise upper torso and legs, hold wi. th Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. Maintains potency, strengthens the sex nel:Ve and prevents breast cancer. 8. en stanach, inhale raising hips and thighs so that weight is on tops of toes, palms I sholtlders and chin, and exhale, lawering pelvis. Continue at a rapid pace for 2 minutes. Still on stanach, kick buttocks , inhaling legs up, exhaling down, at a rapid pace for 2 minutes. 9. ~ /0Y;\ ~ • • • •II • • • • II •-. I 57 1O. In Half Bow Pose, grab one leg with l::oth hands a.'1d rock back and forth naturally (with the breath) for 1 minute. Reverse legs for another minute. '!hen repeat holding both legs. ~~:§~:::j.. r..···.. ­ 11. Q1 back, arms at sides, palms cbwn, inhale and raise arms to 180 0 , then raise legs to 90 0 , then exhale low-ering the legz first, and then - the arms. Repeat ar.d continue rapidly for 1 minute. ~:.:~4:."5:.._-~_:--':..~YJ 12. Raise and lower one leg and l::o:h arms for 1 minute. '!hen swi tc.h leg~ and repeat one nore minute. 13 • Raise both legs to 90 0 , and l::oth arms to 180°, simultaneously for 1 minute, inhaling up, exhaling down. '!hen raise and 10lNer legs only, for one nore minute. 14. Stand and lean backwards, arching the back and supporting the weight with the hands on back of the thighs. '!hen straighten up, cross one leg over the other .and sit down. Repeat standing and sitting, quickly, for 2 minutes. (Try not to use arms.) 15. Seated in Easy Pose, raise arms and clasp hands in Venus IJock, arms forming a circle before the heart chakra (as though embracing a barrel), and twist fran side to side at a rroder­ ate pace, exhaling to the sides and inhaling facing front, for 2 minutes. For digestion. 16. In Easy Pose, punch straight ahead, inhaling as hands pass each other , exhaling at forward and back extension at Breath of Fire pace for 2 minutes. For digestion and shoulder lymph glands l'l 17. Still in Easy Pose, stick the tongue out as far as possible and pant rapidly, breath striking the tongue and throat, for 2 minutes. For the glands in the throat and toxin elimination • 18. Relax in Shavasan (Corpse Pose - on back, arms at sides, palms up) for 15 minutes. 58 BASIC HUMAN CAP~CITV october 16, 1985 1. SINGHA PRANAYAM in B:M POSE: en tum­ my, grasping ankles with hands, raise torso am legs with Lion Breath (Breath of Fire through the open rrouth) for minutes. Use the ego to make the best bc::Iw. Pain indicates bad mental health. (Work to develop this to 3 minutes.) • •II ~ 1-: III - 2. LICN BRFA'm in CAMEL POSE: Kneeling press pelvis forward, dropping head and a.nns back to grasp ankles , stick out the tongue and 00 Singha Pranayam (Breath of Fire through the open nouth) 'WOrking up to 3 minutes. #1 & 2 work on the thighs, and #2 takes care of the stanach. 3. 108 FAST FROGS with LICN BRFA'lli: them, aloud. "If you can It do 108 Frogs, you need a medical check­ up. Every individual I s basic need is to be able to stay 3 minutes in Ec::rw, 3 minutes in camel, and 00 108 Frogs, all with Lion Breath. If you can develop these three, your bill of of health and your bill of mental health will be quite good, and you will very rarely fall sick. Count 4. RCX:K PCSE with KNEES WIDE AP~, hands locked behind the back. cane down writhing like a snake and then cane up - disco-dance your spine! z.DVE! Give your shoulders a chance. 2'; minutes. en back, bring knees to chest and lock them with hands (to clarify the digestive system and keep it healthy) • Maintaining the hand lock, jump like a ball, like a Mexican jumping, jump up power­ fully! Yogis have been doing this in caves for centuries for balancing the mind, the creative power and sex energy. 5. PAVM.iJ MUKHT ASAN: • ! ~ I I ~ l ,I 59 6. 0iANT in EASY POSE, with the IOClUth closed, the breath creating the sound (through the nose): l-Ia..r fran the navel to the nostrils. (Narad/Narayan Kriya). Start with 2 minutes and build to 3. 7. RELAX on the back.. lI'!he purpose of life is to deal with your Faith faithfully, and avoid filth. 'Ihis is the essence of human life, purpose, the cornerstone of your soul." ~ (DOG MEDITATIOO '!hen, without getting up, I'lOVe up and around like a fish. Disco­ dance lying down. "You all deserve to be a dianond; den't end up just being carbon." DIVINITY: There is nothing quick in this YA:lrld. Payoff your karma gracefully - the Divine shall help you. Have no doubt, no duality: YOU ARE 'lEE INCARNATIOO OF OOD. Every mind has the possibility of expanding to Infinity. June 22, 1972 60 PREPARATION FOR MEDITATION 1. Sit with legs straight out in front, clasped behind the neck with in Venus Lock. under the hair. Inhale and raise left leg to 60 0 and hold with long, deep breathing for 1-3 minutes. Inhale, hold, exhale and relax. 'lhi.s is done on the left side only, creating a cross pressure in the body that increases the flow of energy betVJeeIl the two sides, and a temporary imbalance to correct circul­ ation and flow of energy of the heart. hands hands l.g.. 2... ~ h In the same posture do Breath of Fire for 1-3 minutes to regulate the flow of sexual energy and strengthen the fem:>ral branch of the sciatic nerve. 2. 3. Q1. the back, place right hand under of back, palm down and left palm against the neck, elbow touching the ground, and raise right leg to 90 0 small with Breath of Fire for 1-3 minutes. Inhale, hold, exhale and relax for 1­ 3 minutes. Swi tching pressure to the right side of the body, this exercise connects the upper and lower energy triangles to correct the gall bladder, he2rt and spleen. 4 . en back, bend kI1ees, heels to but­ tocks, grasp ankles and raise the buttocks on the inhale, lower them on the exhale for 1-3 minutes. '!hen in­ hale up, hold, exhale down and relax. Opens the pelvic region, balances the sex meridian, strengthens the lower back and prepares you for next exercise ~? ::;;::--~ 4, 61 5. Sit on heels and lie down in back, resting hands beside thighs with Breath of Fire for 1-3 minutes. Inhale, hold, exhale and deeply relax on back, legs stretched out for 1 minute. Stretches thighs and lawer back, prc:m::ltes mineral balance by regulating glands. 'Ihe relaxation allows glandular secretions to be circulated throughout the b:::dy. " ilf:.'.. .5: • :: 'J:. ~", ~ .~\ . \ , ,. . ; '. \:' ~_ _:0 ~ 6. Stand with arms extended straight out in front parallel to the ground, wrists relaxed, heels lifted off the ground with long, deep breathing for 1-3 minutes. Makes the mind alert, stimulates the pituitary gland and balances the magnetic field, in prep­ aration for deep meditation. b. 8. Relax. ~: nus short set is very energizing. It establishes a subtle balance between the heart, lungs and sex organs. Like so many of the Yoga kriyas taught by Yogi Bhajan, it is a precious jewel with many benefits to those who practice it. INTERCOURSE: Prepare 72 intercourse; don't steal it. hours before Summer 1972 SEXUAL CONTACT must be woman must ejaculate. with grace. The Summer 1972 62 KUNDALINI Whenever there is a manifest­ ation of what is ordinarily called supernatural power or wisdom, a little current of Kundalini must have found its way into the Sushumna. When­ ever there is divinity in you, the Kundalini Power must have touched the central nerve. Only, in the vast majority of such cases, people have ignor­ antly stumbled on some prac­ tice which set free a minute portion of the coiled up Kun­ dalini. All worship, cons­ cious or unconscious, leads to this end. '!he man who thinks he is receiving a response to his prayer, does not know that the fulfillment comes from his own nature, that he has suc­ ceeded by the mental attitude of prayer, in awakening a bit of Infinite Power which is coiled up wi thin himself. From To. Know God, by Vivekananda Quoted by Y.B., July 19, 1975 -------~-_._- ------- -- - 64 Whatever you are I am a Truth , 'he world is not I am not beaut­ d June 22, 1972 BEAUTY & GRACE: The only thing you ave to do is be beautiful & graceful. en God will find vout March 21, 1974 GING: A man can be young as long as he wants to March 22, 1974 WORSHIP from God BODY as a gift Inside & OU october 19, 1969 GRACE The measurement of God n you is how grace­ f you feel, how grace­ f you live, how grace­ ful you act. March 21, 1974 65 BEAUTY SERIES January 10, 1970 1. 5itUng in Easy Pose, inhale through left oostril and hold it, with chin lock for 1~ minutes. Visualize the breath exhaled through the top of the skull. 2. Inhale through ·left nostril, hold for as long as p:>S5ible with Mulbhand and then exhale through the ears. (We know saneone who claims to be able to do it, but we visualize it.) 3. Inhale through left nostril, hold and apply pressure on the eyes. '!hen exhale through the eyes. 4. Inhale through the left nostril, hold, 'close all the gates' (pull all the locks: Mulbhand, Diaphragm Lock and Neck Lock) and exhale through the top of the skull. 5. en back, raise legs up to 12" and hold, mentally vibrating, I am beauti f~l ~ 6. In Frog Pose, lift buttocks and 10'Wer head, very slowly, 26 times. 7. Spinal Flexes with hands on shins, inhaling as back arches forward, and exhaling as it oontracts back. 108 times 8. regs out in front, catch heels and inhale as head goes down and elbows touch the floor, then exhale as 'j'CJlJ, cane up, several times. (To open capillaries. ) 9. Spread legs 1~ feet apart. Inhale wi th beak ITOUth, exhale and pull down, 2-3 times. (For gall bladder.) 10. Relax. 66 GHER.A.NDA-SAMHIT.A. l-Iead Set For the brain, mind, intellect, concentration, will-power, rnem:>ry, throat, eyesight, teeth, facial muscles, halitosis, pimples, & nervous strain All exercises are done standing up. 1. For clearing the Pharynx: Tilt the head slightly back, keeping the eyes open and hold with gentle breathing. Clears phlegm. Good for singers. 2-3 minutes. 2. Prayer Pose with long, deep breathin~ for 2-3 minutes. SUblimates the sexual' drive and aids concentration. 3. For mind & will power: Feet together, tilt the head way back with eyes open, and 00 Breath of Fire for 2-3 minutes. 4. For developing mem::>ry: stand up and focus the eyes a l a spot 5 feet ahead of the toes, with Breath of Fire. ·Good for mental fatigue and improves the merrory. 2-3 minutes. 5. For developing the intellect: Press chin into the notch in the sternum and do Breath of Fire. ''By ooing Jalandhara Blanda, the nectar that drips fran' thp. , 000 l;)etaled lotus is not burnt up .in the digestive system, and it controls the life force, kindling the Kundalini". 2-3 minutes. a::r-1MEm.'S: fl.1 thru 5 are effective in curing states of mental and nervous strain, causing nutrition to flow to the brain tissues and glands. Bending the neck interrupts venous return and stretches the spinal cord and the periphP..ra.l nerves. 6. Improving eyesight: With all your will, stare at a spot between eyebrows, feet together, and head tilted back. Stimulates the junction of nerves bet'NeeIl the eyes and ears, and aids the muscles that neve the eyeball,. the iris, and the coordination of those muscles. Prevents blindness and cures all eye diseases. Throw away glasses in 40 days practice 1 2-11 minutes. / / / ~ otO V ~Ar '- ~ . ~. .......... .~§i/ {~_~ .'~ .... " t·~~ ~~ " ------- I I I I I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • 67 7. Rejuvenating the cheeks: Join finger­ tips and close nostrils with thumbs. With eyes open, inhale through "crow beak" (puckered lips), hold the breath and close the eyes, dropping the chin into the stern­ al notch, and puffing cheeks out with the breath. Hold as long as possible, then return head to normal, open eyes , and exhale SI.t:MLY through the nose. nus aerates the oral cavity, bringing fresh air where genns breed. Good for facial muscles, strengthens teeth, cures pyorrehea caries, halitosis and pimples! ! ! ' practice makes a man free of old age symp­ tans and gives the longevity of a carnel. Repeat several times. NOI'E: Times "-'&e unspecified and have been added by G.K. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD? God loves us and we don't accept Him. God created us and we don't trust Him. God is with us and we never feel it, and so on. We do this to Almighty God and we do it to our fellow human beings, and we do it to our insti­ ions and organizations, but above all, we do it to our relationships. Do you believe in God? Do you? Do you feel God? NO! You love God, you know God, you feel God and you understand all about God when, in the Name of God you stand up and BLESS OTHERS! If you cannot share God with others, you do not what God is. Whenever a human shares himself (with another) it is human and emotional, but when a human shares himself in the Name of God, it is divine, it is sacred, and it is forever. If you have not shared your God, you never got it. When you stand up to any challenge, and bless someone in the Name of God, you invi te the Almighty Infinite God behind you forever. December 29, 1985 -, 68 FOR 'THE SKIN February 26, 1986 !. Sit and stretch legs out in front, arms at sides. "Pedal the legs" , alternately rroving the knees up and down for 3/4 of a minute. 2. Continue same rrotion but nove the hands and arms up and down as tNell, 5 times per second or faster. To open the glandular system to full capacity . Creates a sweat. 5 minutes. 3. Lying on back, arms at sides, bounce the hips up and down, noving quickly for 2t minutes. 4. Lying on belly, bounce the pelvis up and down for 3t minutes. 5. Cat stretch, left and right, 1 minute. alternately to Oller and Oller the for 6. Lie down on back and relax, breath­ ing slowly. Let yourself go. 6~ minutes. Al though the total time of exercises on the tape is less than 13 minutes, this set shou d take 45 minutes. Expand the ~ times proportionately, or repeat the set twice. ~ BEAUTY: Talking in and living in God, beauty. God, my friend, is nothing but August 6, 1975 • • • • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - -- 69 TO AVOID AGING & GREY HAIR January 9, 1970 \ \ \ 1. en back with toes pressed forward, raise legs into shoulder stand, supporting hips with hands and kick buttocks with alternate heels, with Breath of Fire. '!his exercise balances sun and m:on power, clears choked capillaries in important areas, relaxes the nervous system, and unites prana. with apana. I I l\ .' 2. In Easy Pose, inhale as needed and exhale in quick bursts using only the shoulders to drive the air out. (Inhale naninally. ) This exercise produces heat with- . in 15 bursts and burns away bac­ teria and germs, purifies the blood, washes out cholesterol. Practice this! 3. In Shoulder Stand aq-c:d.n, hold the tx'sition for 1 minute, and then kick buttocks as in #1, with Breath of Fire for 1 rrore minute. 4. Relax for 5 minutes. 5. Meditate. a::MMENI'S: Many \¥OUld give their lives to keep their hair! Relaxation is the key to Gcx:iliness. Waht is not happening is because you are causing trouble. Trouble is caused by k.aJ:ma (25%), senskar* (25%), ego (25%) and friends ( 25% ) Get rid of your troubles and live as a relaxed person. * 5enskara, samskaras:. Patternings in the subconscious of old k.aJ:ma, that create hardships in the present. BEAUTY: The greatest beauty and attrac­ tion in you is in your Vibration. December 20, 1974 70 WOMEN"S DAILY EXERCISES RADIANCE & GRACE FOR BEAUTV, It is important and very beneficial for every \OI'Ial1 to exercise daily. It is this oonscious act of working on ourselves that gives us beauty, radiance and grace. '!he following exercises should be done regularly to keep the spine, organs and nervous system strong and healthy. 1. 5i t on heels in Rock Pose, palms on thighs or relax hands on ·lap, spine straight and relaxed, with long, deep breathing, meditating at the Brow Point for 2 minutes. 2. 5i t 00 right heel, left leg extended straight out and draw forehead to left knee (Life Nerve Stretch) with long, deep breathing, holding on to ankle of extended leg for 2-3 minutes. O1ange sides and repeat. Variation: extend both legs straight out in front and proceed as above for 2-3 minutes. 3. Kneel and arch the back, pressing pelVis foIWard, head dropping back, hands grasping heels (in Camel Pose) wi th long, deep breathing for 2-3 minutes. Adjusts the reproductive organs. 4. en back, raise legs and then torso to 90 0 (fonninq a st..-ai.ght line fran shoulders to toes) supporting the back with the hands, weight on neck, shoulders and e1.1x:IWs, chin pressed into chest (in Shoulder 5tand), for 2-3 minutes" 5t:imu1ates the thyroid gland and releases pressure on 11 organs. ~ II ! s. Archer Pose. Stand fiJ:Tn1y wi th right leg forward and supporting weight of body, knee bent, and stretch left leg straight out behind, planting foot firmly. Right ann extends out in front as if holding a bow, and left anns is pulled back as if pulling an arrow, eyes staring straight ahead. (Feel stretch across the chest.) Hold with long, deep breathing for 2-3 mins. I j j 71 6. en heels, bring forehead to floor, arms relaxed at sides, palms up (in Baby Pose) and relax with long, deep breathing for 1-2 minutes. 7. en stanach, grasp ankles, and pull hands and feet up, raising thighs, head as high as possible (in Bow Pose), and hold with long, deep breathing for 2-3 minutes. 8. en stanach,· make fists and place them under hips just above leg joints. With heels together and chin on floor, deeply inhale, raise legs and hold with long, deep breathing for as long as possible, (in I.Dcust Pose). 9. en hands and knees, raise head, allowing spine to relax down, arms straight and parallel to thighs, and relax there with long, deep breathing (in Cow Pose) for 2-3 minutes. 10. en hands and knees as above, allow head to fall forward, chin to chest, and arch the spine up and hold with long, deep breathing (cat Pose) for 2-3 minutes. 11. en back, raise head, and hands 6" fran floor, heels together , eyes looking at toes, fingers pointing to them too, and hold with Breath of Fire (stretch Pose) for 3 minutes. 12. Relax on back, anns beside body, palms up (in Cbrpse Pose) for 1 minute. End with 5 minutes of Sat Kriya (see page 77. (Times were unspecified and have been added by G.K.) 72 KRIVA FOR PELVIC BALANCE, ENERGV AND POTENCY To walk with grace and strength is to feel connected to the ~rld and ready to act. Experiencing this is not;. only a matter of mind but also of physical balance. When the pelvis and muscles that shape its posture are out of balance, many systems of the body will begin to show signs of stress, exhaustion, limi ted endurance and low back pain. 'Ibis kriya is helpful for maintaining energy and balance, and, if apracticed regularly, it helps maintain potency. NOI'E: Be sure to warm up the spine, first, and beginners should proceed slowly and carefully. 1. Bridge Pose. Hands just behind hips, palms down, fingers pointing back bend knees placing feet before buttocks and inhale, raising torso and thighs so that they form a straight line, parallel to the floor, keeping elbows straight and allowing head to fall back. Apply Mulbhand and hold with normal breathing for 1-3 minutes. Inhale, exhale and relax. strengthens back and aids metabolism. 2. Wheel Pose: en back, bring soles of feet to buttocks, and hands behind shoulders, fingers pointing to feet, with the tips just under the shoulders. Inhale and raise torso, straightening arms, so that J::xxJy forms a continuous arch fran the heels to the palms of hands and hold with Breath of Fire for 1-3 minutes. strengthens lower back, stimulates energy flow through the spine and chakras and aids metabolism. --'.­ 73 3. en the stanach, clasp hands in Venus ux:k behind the back, inhale and raise legs and arms as high as possible, keeping the knees together and straight, and eJ.bows straight. Hold with Breath of Fire for 1-3 min­ utes. Inhale, exhale, pull Mulbhand, hold, and relax down. Aids digestion, strengthens a1::xianinal muscles and raises kundalini energy. 4. Standing, with feet wide apart, and place palms together overhead, eJ.bows straight, inhale, exhale as you bend over and touch fingertips to left foot, inhale up, exhale down to right foot, and continue rhythmi­ ally with powerful breathing for 1­ 3 minutes. Relax. Balances pelvic ItDVement, corrdinating muscle groups on opposites sides of the body1 5. Kundalini wtus: Si tting , grasp big toes of each foot with thumb and first 2 fingers of corresponding hand, pressing the toenails, and riase legs up and apart to 60°, balancing on buttocks, with knees locked, and hold with Breath of Fire for 1-3 minutes. Inhale, pull Mulbhand, (or inhale, ex­ hale, pull Mulbhand) hold, and relax down. Helps channel sexual energy and maintains potency. 6• CJ:Jw Pose: en hands and knees, inhale, lifting the head up and raising the right leg as high as possible with a straight knee, and exhale, bringing chin to chest and knee to head, rePeat and continue rhythmically with powerful breathing for 1-3 minutes Inhale, exhale and repeat on the oppo­ site side for 1-3 minutes. Relax. Balances leg and abdan:inal muscles and helps maintain sexual potency. 7. Deeply relax. 74 YOUNG & BEAUTIFUL IN 3 MINUTES Precede this set with a 15 minute yoqa warmup (such as 2-3 minutes of Spinal Flex. Cobra. Bow. Shoulder Stand and Plow Pose.) 1. Lie on back with arms relaxed at sides. heels together. Keepinq legs straiqht and heels touchinq. raise leqs to 45·. (The anqle must be right and it wi 11 keep you Y9unq. I f the leqs are too hiqh. it is just another exercise. Don't let the neck qet tense. In Kunda­ lini yoga. you can be beautiful. renewed and younq in 3 minutes - other yoga takes years.) Hold for three minutes with lonq deep breathinq. 2. Come into Frog Pose. squatting on the balls of the feet with heels touchinq. The arms come straiqht down between the leqs with fingertips on the floor. Let the head hang down and relax in this position. (Don't bother with the head and neck. just let it hanq. because it has its own system of circulation. l.Je need to renew and review ourselves. The purpose of Kundal1n1 Yoga is to renew the. body and qive you health. consciousness and spirit. Hold for 3 minutes. 3. FRom Froq Pose. very slowly and rhythm-. ically. try to raise the hips. keepinq the neck relaxed and the head hanging down. I.JITHOUT TENSION OR RESISTANCE. Come into the ·up· position of Frog Pose. keepinq the finqertips on the floor. Maintain this position with lonq deep breathinq. KEEPING NECK AND HEAD TOTALLY RELAXED. This is to renew your semen and potency. Hold 2-3 minutes. From this position. very. very slowly lower yourself down and come sittinq on the heels. head still bent forward. neck relaxed. knees toqether. Begin it very slowly raise the head up and let it very slowly fall back while simul­ taneously raisinq the arms (extended straight. palms facing down) to shoulder level. parallel to the floor. Eyes are focused at the 3rd eye point. wi th total concentratiot\. Let the head hang back. See how much concentration can give you energy. Hold for 2-3 minutes. 4. -.. Then slowly raise the head". lower the arms and relax corr.pletely in either Easy Pose or Corpse Po~e with pnlm~ 5. \Jp. 10 minute rcl.:lxation. ~ =::::-~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •I I I - -- - - ' 75 KEEPING THE BODY BEAUTIFUL o::tober 1969 1. In Easy Pose with an erect spine, breathe long and deep through both nostrils, focussing on the life~iving flow of the breath for 3 minutes • '!ben inhale, hold the breath a few seconds and relax it. ..1.. 2. Frog Pose, squatting on balls of the feet, heels touching each other , hands on the ground between knees, spine and arms straight. Press chin in and d::7..In but not forward, placing it finnly in the cavity at the top of the breastbone where collar bones meet. '!ben inhale as you raise the buttocks and straighten the legs (still on the toes), and exhale into original position, 10 times. en the 1Oth, stay dc7vm and take 3 deep breaths, exhaling canpletely on the 3rd and holding the breath cur as you apply Mulbhand and feel the energy rise along the spine, for 10-20 seconds, without straining. Repeat the exercise 26 times. 3. Life Nerve stretch. Sit with legs straight out in front and relax forward holding on to toes, for 3 minutes. cn1MENl'S: '!be body is a temple of human expression and evolvement. We are often told by the media and friends that it wears out, has many illnessness and is extremely fragile. But that is not true. '!he body is sensitive and self-repairing. As Yogi Bhajan puts it: "'!his beautiful body cannot be eaten by anything except your own ego. -God doesn It kill you. '!bere is no death except your own ego and your own negativity. '!hat reduces the voltage of your life force so your circumvent field becanes weak and death creaps into your body. '!his body is beautiful! It was made by a very special imagination of the Creator." VE are creators also, and have some ability to create the environments we want to live in. We create our bodies with each thought and activity, as well as with each meal. So we must clean the body and readjust the flow of energy periodically since we are all products of our habits, and since few of us are without ego. This kriya, which is a variation of the standard Frog Pose is very powerful. You must keep the chin locked in. It readjusts the sex energy and the balance of prana and apana. It is gcod for digestion and circulation to the head. If done with powerful breathing, it will make you quickly sweat. 76 'TH'r7 ROID & TI-IRO.~T 1. HAMMER: Left hand in fist, right cupping it, raise straight arms to 60 0 on inhale, and lOW'er them to 60 0 fran there, on exhale, repeat and con­ tinue for 5 minutes. 2. Lying on back, legs spread far apart, hand in Venus Lock under neck, raise one leg 2 feet, with long, deep breathing for 1 minute. Switch legs and repeat. Repeat entire exercise. 3. Breathe naturally through the left nostril for 3 minutes. '!hen breath through the right nostril for 3 minutes '!hen, inhale· through left, exhale through right for 3 minutes. '!hen Inhale through the left, exhale thi:'ough the right with Breath of Fire for 3 minutes. 4. Stretch Pose, head and feet raised 6 inches, hand pointing at feet, eyes on big toes, with Breath of Fire for 15 minutes. ~ 5. Life Nerve Stretch. Bring left heel into perineum and bend over out­ stretched right leg, grasping right feet with hands, and inhaling up, exhaling down, touch nose to right knee for 1; minutes. Swi tch legs and repeat for 1; minutes. 6. Gas Pose, on back, legs clasped by aIIIl5 , of Fire for 2 minutes. knees with ". . bent, ..-~ -- - ,­ .......' ... - Breath =.:;:=.? , 77 7. en back, raise upper torso, stretch ing arms out parallel to floor and hold with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes. 7.. 8. In Fasy Pose, lower chin collar bone notch, with long, breathing for 6 minutes • into deep .9 • en knees,. arch pelvis up into camel Pose, dropping head back, hands on heels for support and hold with normal breathing for 3 minutes. Rest a m::ment and repeat 3 rrore times. 1 o. Breath of Fire in Fasy Pose for 2 minutes. Relax for 1 minute and repeat. 11. In Fasy Pose, place hands in Venus Lock behind the neck, stretching the eJ.1:xJws. back as you inhale and collapse eJ.1:xJws forward as you exhale for 2­ 3 minutes • .11. 78 NECK SERIES lo 1. Sitting on heels, stretch arms out to sides, palms up, and coordinate inhale with turning the head left, and raising the foreanns perpendicular to the upper arms, and exhaling as the head turns right and arms return to parallel to the ground. Cbntinue for 3 minutes. 20 A1 ternate minute. shoulder shrugs for r ;fl'1\ ...Ii., r,t. . ~ \11 I. I 1 I I' I I I , •I __ I . I \, ;..;;..=T + 3. Still on heels, stretch the arms straight out in front and drop head back, eyes on ceiling, and hold with Breath of Fire for 3 minutes. 4. With hands in Venus Lock in back, press chin down into collar bone notch, as the arms are raised, back remaining straight, with Breath of Fire for 3 minutes. 5. In Easy Pose, inhale as head turns left, exhale right 26 times. "..,. 6. Legs stretched out in front, place hands behind the hips, fingers pointing back, torso inclined to 45°, head dropped back, eyes on ceiling, and hold with normal breathing for 5 min­ utes. To end, inhale deeply and exhale ~th a sigh. -...... --,# TI-IYROID .~ KRIVA. In Cow Pose, raise head all the way up and back, fixing the open eyes on the ceiling with long, deep breath­ ing. 'lhi.nk of sanething that bothers you and ponder it deeply. This opens a section in the brain and allows a lot of subconscious stuff to ccme out. Continue for 7 minutes • Relax in Baby Pose for 4-5 minutes, allowing bleed flow to relax the brain cells. ~ .. .. .. • • • • 79 I I ~ • • • • • • • • • • NECK & THVROID 1 • In Easy Pose, hands in Venus I.Dck behind neck, slowly, deeply inhale and exhale 8 times. '!hen, in same position, do Breath of Fire for 1 minute. Inhale, exhale and apply Mulbhand. Breath of Fir~ for one rrore minute. 2. A) Relax in Baby Pose, on ground, and chant Or"lg forehead Soh.ung B) Reposition legs in lDtus Pose and place forehead on the ground in Yoga Mudra, hands clasped in Venus I.Dck on the back, and continue chanting Ong Sohung for 3 minutes. 3. en back, bicycle legs for 3 minutes 4. A) In O:::M Pose, look at ceiling with long, deep breathing for 2 minutes B) '!hen cat/Ct:1N, arching back dropping head, alterna.ting with ~agging back and arched head for 1 minute. THROID/PARATHYROID 1. Sit on left heel, right leg out­ stretched in front, hold right toes with right hand and turn head to look over left shoulder, left hand cupped on neck or behind the back, and hold with Breath of Fire for 5-1 0 minutes. Switch sides and repeat. 2. In Easy Pose, raise both shoulders up to ears and hold with Breath of Fire for 2-3 minutes. :=:::::::~ arms 3. In Rock Pose, outstretched to sides, hands in Guyan Mudra, palms up, drop head back with Breath of Fire for 2-3 minutes. -.. 80 SIAM KRIVA November 13, 1973 For 'nlyroid & Parathyroid 1. Squat and extend left leg straight back, tops of toes on the ground in ~ Cobra, ~ Crow. (Right knee is raised.) Gazing at tip of nose, inhale Ra and exhale for I'll a. minutes. 'nlen inhale, sit and relax. Your thighs will tell the story. It is an old Siamese initiation Kriya, taught by an Indian Ris~hi , Siama. Siam then OXlSisted of India, and Siam ('n1ailand) and was called Sianrlesh. 'nley found the secret of oothingness and everything. 11 down 2. I2gs stretched straight ahead, bend forward, grab toes, and arch head back, fixing eyes up without blinking. 'nlink of God for 11 minutes • '!he parathyroid must be stretchedno other way 1 You will feel sanething aboormal, but keep up. Entire electro­ charge of the body will change. 'nlis exercise can save you fran blindness, doing it honestly. Look up: there is a God sitting up there, hanging upside cDwn. A MUST preparation for serious mecli tation. 3. In Fasy or Lotus Pose, focus on top of head and silently put Ra. Ma. on brain for 5 minutes. 4. Aloud, chant Ra. Ma. Sa. Sa. Ra. Ma. Ta. Ta Ra. Rca Me Na. Na. I'lla. Me. I'll a for 11 minutes • Enj oy the heritage of knowledge. Learn to subject yourself to an infinite object so there will be 00 objection. ­ .. • •I •I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I 81 AN AEROBICS SET TO DO AT HOME 1a. Stand with feet together, and clap hands overhead 8 times, with powerful breathing (or chant "Har" with tip of tongue) with each clap. '0'. 1b. Bend over and pat the gromld hard with both hands, 8 times, with breath or "Har" chanted. Knees may bend. 1c. Arms straight out to sides, paral­ lel to gromld, raise and lower them 1 inch (patting the air) 8 times, chanting "Har" or powerfully breathing. 2. Crisscross arms and legs, chanting "Har" with each IIc"ement, 8 times for a total 8 cx:mnts. (Or run in place punching air.) 3. Archer Pose with right leg forWard and bent so knee is over toes, left leg straight back, foot flat on ground. Right arm is raised parallel to ground, and left arms is bent back as if pull­ ing a bow and arrt:M. Feel tension across the chest and look over the right arm to fix eyes on horizon, extending the stretc:h 8 times. -.,...... ... 4. Repeat exercise #2. "'("'~"".'t.- ... 5. Arms straight up overhead, backwards 8 times. - " "~ ~",..'" ""< bend .s:. .... 6. Repeat exercise #2. 7. Arms overhead, bend to and right 8 times, each. the left 8. Repeat exercise #2. Repeat the cycle as long as you like or for 15-31 minutes. Powerful breath­ ing or chanting I~" accanpanies each movement. . 1 . . --==­ ~. . .­ -=:=t--=­ g. . 'Ib end, relax on the back with arms wrapped around bent legs. a::MMENl'S: 15 or 20 minutes a day prevents aging and stimulates the 12 glands, building stamina and exercising the whole body. Try it on a mini-trampoline. IIIIIIIl 82 WEIGHT CONTROL ~OTE: The basis of each lesson is one exercise which is done for 5 min­ utes, with 5 minutes of rest, and then the exercise is repeated for a total of 4 times. Harmonic exercises ....ill be inserted to compliment the basic exercise. The Camel Ride and the Hip S....ivel (on back) may be done to close any session. and finally. a 10 minute relaxation. part by part. The emphasis in weight control is to break down the inner layer of fat through pressure applied in the exercise. thus reducing weight. A thin person is benefited too. because of the increased circulation in the inner tissues. which strengthens them, as only the fat tissue is broken down while healthy tissue becomes stronger. Diet is an essential component. for you cannot get a valid result with­ out fulfilling all conditions. 1. D!AGONAL STRETCH SUDR~ SIDDHI (for whole body) T~~TRIC This can be done in bed. Lie on back. Relax. Like a slow motion movie. tune into the cosmos. feeling calm. peaceful and graceful. Curl to the right•. keeping legs straight. and put the right h~~d under the head. stretching the left one back. behind the head. slowly. slowly. slowly. Keep the left arms stretched back. and slowly stretch the left leg over and fon.:ard (like straight legc;ed Cat Stretch) in a diagonal stretch. You will never have a heart attack: Hold position for 5 minutes and switch sides and repeat. This gives . uterus and breath and whole body. maximum stretch to the spine and puts pressure under the on the navel point. After 5 minutes, take a long, deep uncurl slowly, and relax on back for 5 minutes. Relax the part by part. Repeat sequence up to 4 times in an hour. 2. HASTP.!l.DASAN (for waistline & legs) -=::::: :=;;d :::P = :::::=:z ;~ ~~ /;"I~ ) G:i~ 1 --- .- - ~ oJ v A. Lie on back, hands at sides. ~Tists on floor and raise alternate legs slo~ly 12" above floor, 10 times each leg. B. Then lift both legs. heels together, 6"above the ground and hold for 1 minute. C. Wrists still on floor. raise head and heels 1~ feet above floor (similar to Stretch Pose but at greater height), and hold up to 3 minutes. D. Relax, 5 minutes. E. Sit u? with legs stretched straight in front of you. Bend nose to knees, and catch ankles. Hold for 2 minutes. Relax. f. Repeat A, B, C, 0, & E. G. Sit up in Easi' Pose, close right noscril ~i th rig~,: th',;r.:l~ anc. breathe deeply throug~ lefc nostri 1 fo:- 3 r::inutes with lor-g. deep b:-ea':hing. H. Relax completelY for 10 r::inutes. •I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 83 3. SPREAD LEG SITUPS & thighs) (For back --_ .. .... , /' ~"'-<...::.:~~_:...~ A. Lying ,.-::.~ ~ • . 'to on bacK. stretch legs wide a~~rt and sit up and catch heels. returnlng to a prone position. Repeat 4 times . . B. lhen sit UP and catch left ankle \oIith both hands. and lie down. C. Then right ankle. D. Then both ankles. again. continuing \oIi th alternating situps for 5 minutes. ~--::~ E. Relax on back for 5 minutes and re~eat entire series 2 more times . ::=:::::::::::; 4. THALASAN (8Alk~CE POSE) (For whole body. arms' legs) A. Stand u~. legs wide apart. arms and hands outstretched parallel to ground. Keeping the arms in place. bend the body forward :C;:';; as far as possible. Straic;hten UP and bend . .·.;1 backwards. Repeat for 5 minutes. ·"=-:--=-·:::lj::;':t:;=~::::::> 8. Rest for 5 minutes. ... ... C. Standir.g. legs 18" apart. arms parallel r~. :~. to the c;:,ound at shoulder leveL tl.:ist to f ;: ... the left. bringing arms together at left. ! /\ " and bend dOIoo-n and touch left foot. Straighten ........•. up with arms outstretched. twist t.o right. ij bringing arms together at right. and touch il .~. right foot. Continue, alternating sides .;.' \;~~ for 5 minutes. .~=_ D. Res t for 5 mi nu tes . ·_·-··tl'.......·.;.···· -.~~.. E. Standing, legs 18"' apart. arms outstretch\! ~ ed and parallel to the ground, twist left /' ''. and bend dcwn. touching right foot wi th left " ',;' \ hand. right arm pointing straight up. and I l\ \ without straighteninq up. twist and bend : / ... \. to the right. touching.· left foot wi th right ,"Y/ V... hand (left arm straight up). in windmill':: \ ~ or Glider position. Continue for 5 minutes.;/ \~ F. Rest for 5 minutes ~J'~ G. Repeat A. B~ C. D. E. , F. H. Relax on back 10 minutes. ~c 0 .._._;.\.._.__ . -=:::: 41 5. CROY POSE (For unde:,stomach region) Crow pose (crouching with feet flat on 9T'ound. 'arms stretched in front) and slo\olly rise to a standing position, and return to Crow Pose. Continue up and down, inhaling as you rise, exhaling as you descend. (Can be done with partners. or in a group circle. holding wrists - opposite IooTists for partners). Crow Pose is very good for the rectUJII and helps . prevent hemorrhoids. This crouching posi tion is the most heal thy ....ay to evacuate. Crow Pose strengthens those muscles. 84 . ...1 -',.' \'~~: ,. ". ., :., :·1 \ Q4 .. .:::: . --.? 5. ~~GtE RowING (:or Pelv1c Re910n Sit u~, le9s stretched o~t in front. Send fon:ard and l;ra~ toes. Release toes. lean. ~ack 60·, kee~1n9 erms et s1des. e1~0~s s11q~­ ly ~ent as if rowin,; a ~oat. Continue t~1s ~ay fo~ 5 minutes. Relax 5 minutes and repeat. 7. ONE LEGGED POSE (For Navel Re9ion) A. Ly1n9 on back. ra1se one le9 90· and keep it there. Then lift the other, 6" off the qround and hold there for up to 1 m1nute. maximum. !\ext. 100:1 th one le9 up at 90·. hold the other 9" up fer as 10n9 as possible. up to 1 minute. Then. one le9 at 90·, hold the other t 12" off the 9round. B. Rest 5 minutes. C. Repeat swi tchinq 1e9s. D. Lyin9 on back. br1n9 one knee to chest and then stretch it out parallel to the qround while brinqin9 the other knee to the chest. Al ternate .....i th a push-pull mot10n. Knees must touch chest. ~se the arms. if necessary. to pull knee to chest. Continue for 3 minutes E. Rest S m1nutes and repeat sequence. ~-~~ ~:;===--~? .,... ) B. PAW~N MUKHT ASANA (For d1l;estive system tuninq and wind relievi~9, ~ stomac~ to rectum) ~re11minary: Lie flat on back with le;s stretched ou~ stra1ght. Send left le9 and catch the knee ~ith both hands end press 1t to chest for 5-10 seconds. Release and stretc~ 1t out and r.epeat '•.: i th riqht J1ENI'S: , ONG MEDITA.TION For Power, Beauty & ,, Youth I . I September 26, 1974 A) In Easy Pose, chant eng, eng, eng, ong 6 times in 5 seconds, inhaling quickly between calls. Make the sound wi th the back of the tongue. It will becane heavier and heavier, and vibrate the pJ.nea1 and pituitary. When the pituit­ ary starts vibrating, the pineal canes to help. '!he uanent they start playing this game with each other, you go into an altered state. After about 5 minutes, increase to about 10 repetit­ iCl1S every 5 seo::nis, for about 5 minutes. '!hen chant ~ l y for 1 minute. You will feel a tbn I t speed up B) Follow with for 5-7 minutes. c::hoki.n9 sensation at first as the thyroid is st.imulated. stay in rhythm. Sa. Ta. Na. Ma '!hen relax and meditate within. a:r+1EN1'S: "CD;" is the sound of Infinity as it is heard throuqh the conch when we put in the breath of life. '!he sound of the conch is only an expanded "eng". When a disciplined yogi practices this at the center of the nose, his 1::lrain gets a powerful vibratian, and the nectar starts ~ . You may start to cough, practicing this, a signal that the thy­ roid is having trouble takinq the pressure of the chant. 'n'le thyroid gland keeps you young' and beautiful. '!his sound gives a person 3 things: power, beauty and youth. NC7!'E: A slightly different version appears in Kundalini Yoga Manual 92 MEDITATION & Stop the TO MAKE ONE YOUNGER cycle of aecay June 11, 12 (in New Orleans) 1970? --­ - ------ 1 ) In Rock Pose (or a a:xnfortable meditatitve position~ arms stretched out to the sides, parallel to the s=­ground, palms down, breathe long and deep with the eyes 1/1 0 open for 3 minutes. 'l11en stretch and rnedi tate a few zroments. This hannon­ izes you with the earth' s magnetic field, you become 84 times stronger and experience peace and joy. 2) Now, stiffen the hands very tight­ ly until they shake and the ears itch, and raise the antIS 60 0 forward and up, elbows and fingers straight, thtm1bs beside fingers, with the eyes 1/10 oPen. When breath begins to becane important, one will be oonneeting with pranic life force. Allow shoulders to relax. Continue for 3 minutes (but no more than 5 at first, gradually building to 31 minutes). Then inhale, hold let go to the universe and relax. This is "Medi. tation of Prana" and it eliminates all disease when done regularly. MEDITATION FOR REVERSAL OF~GE Rock or meditation pose, press elbows and upPer antIS tightly against ribs, and extend forearms up at a 45 0 angle, palms facing each other with thumbs extended and stretched straight up, while the other fingers remain relaxed, and meditate on the Heart Olakra for 5 minutes, rising above pain. It makes the whole area radiant. In NOI'E: These are 3 of a series of 7 beautiful meditations to be published in Transitions to a Heart-Centered Nor-lS­ sible. '!hen exhale cc:mpletely, imned­ iately inhale and continue as before. 32 pumps per breath, ~rlting up to 40. 0l-1MfNI'S: '!his kriya should be practiced 108 times in the early eawn, when the sun is rising and at dusk before the sun is totally set. SCripture says, if this kriya is cXx1e at the perscr1bed times, with the perscribed pumps, yoo will stop aging. MEDITATION LONGEVITY FOR september 23, 1976 5i t in Easy Pose, focussing on root of nose, tip of tongue lightly to upper palate for 2~ minutes, rrorning and evening. 5 minutes and you can live to be 1001 94 THVROID/PARATHOIROID MEDTTATTON April 12, 1978 In Easy Pose with a straight spine, or in any meditative pose, grasp opposite arms above the e1..bows, thumbs with fingers (and not hooked around arms). EXtend the arms straight out in front fran the shoulders, parall~l to the ground. With the eyes a..l.nost closed, inhale deeply and canpletely ex.'1ale as the mantra is chanted: Ek Ong Ka.r Sat Hari in seven beats. "Kar" gets three beats, and all the other 'NOrds get one. Fach repetition takes 6-8 seconds Be sure that all the breath has been canpletely exhaled by the end of the mantra. Emphasize "Har". D:> it for as long as you please. '!here are. no time restrictions. m1MENl'S: '!his mantra 'NOrks strongly on the thyroid and parathyroid glands and relaxes all the brain centers. It is a tonic for individual growth and energy and very pc:7Nerful for the spine. Keep the spine perfectly straight throughout, without bending forward or back. '!here should be no pressure on the lower back. WOW: "Wow" is the sClJIld of Infinity. That is why we put "wow" wi th "man" - woman! and relate it to the female, the creative power, creativity. You must relate to every situation with both the "wow" and the man. Man to Man, XII 95 MANTRA JAP FOR THROAT CENTER OCtober 1971 1. 5it in Fasy Pose, hands in Venus Lock at base of the spine, applying Neck Lock and focussing at the 3rd Eye. Inhaling, chant H'\...lm Exhaling & bending forward, chant HBr and continue for 11 minutes. air canes in than goes out.) (M:lre 2. In Rock Pose, hands in Venus Lock in lap, focus at 3rd Eye and chant Hari Har­ (pronounced "Hri Hr" ) , in 3 tongue movements: en "Harll tongue is forward, touching palate, on IIi", tongue is back and on "Har", tongue is forNard again touching palate. Tune in to the triple tongue movement, putting entire oons­ ciousness into it for 3 minutes. 3. To end, stick the tongue out and inhale, exhale 4 times. D:> not allow saliva to touch the tongue for a few minutes. Best practiced for 2 hours. MEDITATION TO DEVELOP VACH SIDDHI october 19, 1971 , • A) can be preceeded by sarah Shakti Mantra , with finger tips together , clapping, (see page 144> • Inhale through the left nostril and hold for 45 seconds. Exhale through right nostril in 4 bursts, awhile, then in 8 bursts. Continue for 15 minutes. B) a::t-1MENI'S: You will feel dizzy - bal­ ances SUn & l-Don Energy. It sh<:7.ITS the stars when the sun is out. Vach 5iddhi: !he power of truthful sPeeCh - what you say will cane true. An attribute of a develoPed Throat center, the Vishuddhi Olakra. - - 96 SITALI PRANAVAr"J Sit in a canfortable meditative posture with a straight spine. Curl the tongue up on the sides and protrude it slightly past the lips. Inhale deeply and srooothly through the rolled tongue and exhale through the nose. Continue for 5 minutes. Inhale, hold, pull the tongue in and relax. '!ben repeat for 5 rrore minutes. (Varia­ tions include: 2-3 minutes periods, and the practice of 52 breaths daily, 26 in the rrorning and 26 in the evening. ) Sitali Pranayam is a 'Nell-known practice. It sc:x:>thes and cools the spine near the 4th, 5th and 6th vertebrae, which, in turn, regulates the sexual and digestive energy. 'Ibis breath is often used for l<:::l'Nering fever (and it can cool you in warm '.!leather). Daily practice of 26 breaths in the rrorning and 26 breaths in the evening can extend the lifespan. '!be tongue may taste bitter at first, a sign of toxification, but as you continue the tongue will taste sweet and you will have overcane all sickness inside. It is an excellent kriya to do before chanting the Siri Gaitri Mantra (liRA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG"). It is said that people who practice this kriya have all things that they need cane to them by planetary ether. In mystical terms, you are served by the heavens. FOR SELF-REGENERATION (March 7, 1977 In Easy Pose, cross anns over chest as follows: Place right hand canpletely under armpit (thumb tc:x:», cross left arm over right, placing the fingers only under the armpit (thumb out). Close the eyes and drop the head back, making the back of the neck as short as p:>ssible. The breath regulates itself as you mentally chant Ra Ma. De. Sa. Sa. Sa.y So Hun.9 $~h~~ y,za for 3 minutes. ~- Self-regenerating. 97 REJUVENA.TION MEDITA.TION December 1979 Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Relax the arms down beside the body. Keeping the elbows snug against the body, raise the forearms up and in until the hands meet at the heart level, facing the palms up. Spread the fingers and thumbs and join the hands by pressing the sides of the little fingers together. Eyes are focussed at the tip of the nose and beyond, deeply into the ground. Inhale deeply,. through a semi-puckered mouth, and hold the breath in for 4 or 5 seconds, then canpletely exhale in 4 equal strokes through the nose, mentally vibrating Sa Ta Na. Me Hold the breath out for 2-3 seconds and resume the cycle for 11 minutes. When you are canpetent, build time slowly to 31 minutes. 00 oor 00 BE:iCND 31 MINtJTE'S • '!his is a powerful meditation, best done before going to bed. to n::>t over­ tax yourself and exceed limits. '!his is a very spacey meditation. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time aftenrcmis to recover. If you push yourself too hard or too fast, the nervous system may go out of control. Workinq mainly on the glandu­ lar system, this simple but powerful meditation produces strong health and excellent regenerative capabilities. to it simply be yourself, and experience. for yourself the virtue of the breath of life. YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE: If you. are not beautiful and graceful, there is nothing beautiful or graceful. This is a truth for you are the uni­ verse and the universe is you. October 14, 1971 "Sermon on 2 Cushions" 98 2 PRANAVAMS TO BALANCE MENTAL ENERGV AND INCREASE MAGNETIC RADIANCE september 20, 1971 & october 19, 1971 ~: '!be radiance and beauty of a person depends on the clarity and glitter of his circumvent force field which in depends on the balance of energy in the left (M:on) and right (Sun) sides of the body. '!be first pranayam creates this balance and allows the mind to rid itself of doubts. '!be mind has many stages and states, constantly gnerating the waves of thought needed to relate to this world. Nonnally meditations are taught to restrict the flow of thought. But you cannot stop thought production, you can only alter your relation to them selectively. Most meditations lead you to a state of suspension or the state of void. Few even teach you to reach the state of pratyahara. To focus the mind I s meditation to this state (pratyahara) is the job of the 2nd pranayam. 1. In Easy Pose with an erect spine, eyes wide open and gazing straight ahead,. axms straight, hands on knees in Guyan Mudra, inhale constantly for 5 seconds, hold the breath for 10 seconds, and exhale constantly for 5 seconds and continue this rhythme for 10-1 5 minutes, gradually increasing inhalation time to 10 seconds, holding to 15 seconds, and exhaling to 10 seconds. Meditate on the inflow and outflow of breath, the divine spark of life. 2. In Easy Pose with a streaight spine, . focus attention at the Brow Point, and using right index finger, alter­ nately open and close the nostrils in the following sequence: Inhale deeply through the left nostril, hold 45 seconds, exhale through the right nostril in 4 equal parts or strokes. Continue this rhythm for 3-4 minutes and then increase the exhale to 8 equal strtokes and continue for 10 . minutes. 100 MEN & WOMEN: Women a opposite from men - they ing in common. It is on~y the mysterious thing called love which rings them together. We cannot know what is going on inside the other's head. Admit that you do not know what the other's world is like - just agree that you have he right to be you and he/she has the right to be"'himlher Winter 197 WOMEN: Men .do not understand woman, what affects her (the Moon chanqes). Men want women who do nbt fluctuate. But a woman 's not a woman if she d~es not fluctuate June 23, 19.72 WOMEN & MEN: Man is born of woman and you cannot deny that. However much you. get it together in life, you owe it to that woman who carried you and made your body for 9 months and who taught you in the first 3 years the very basic things of walking on this earth and talking. So, all desires, enter­ prizes and goals are focussed on woman. You have sprouted from a womb, one half of you (the lef side) is polarized female and you seek fulfillment in sprouting again in a woman. If you can, you will find your way into every womb on earth. You learn about yourself through being hurt by a woman The thing to do is to respect every woman and try to increase her grace October 14, 1971 (The Sermon on 2 Cushions, Part 1) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 102 ,TENUS KRIYAS ]:.. Venus Kriya is an exercise done by a couple - ideally a male and a female, (but it may also be done by 2 wanen or two men). "Kriya" means can­ pleted action, and ''Venus'' refers to the Rcman goddess of love and beauty. A Venus Kriya scientifically and and precisely canbines male female p:::>larities with asanas, mudras, mantras , pranayam and meditation to generate a strong psycho­ magnetic field, through which energy is drawn in and direc­ ted p:::>sitively towards subconscious cleansing and the raising of conscious­ ness, through the chakras to higher, di. vine consciousness. 'Ihese kriyas were originally taught for as long as 31 minutes each, in the early 70's, and have not been taught by Yogi Bhajan since then. How­ ever, in the 80' s , a time lindt of 3 minutes each was set, and must still be abided by. Venus Kriyas are similar to Tantric Yoga except that while White Tantric yOga can be practiced only in the presence of the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan, the Venus Kriyas can be done without his supervision if specific guidelines are followed. They are extremely powerful. It is, therefore, important to follow the guidelines given below. 1. No Venus Kriya may be done for longer than 3 minutes. 2. A kundalini yogci set should be done in preparation. 3. They should be done in the proper environment, in a quiet, inspiring and relaxed place, with incense (optional), and in conjunction with yoga and meditation. Begi:nning Steps 1. Sitting opposite your partner, tune in with the Adi Mantra (see "Tuninq In", page 16 ), 0 n g N a. m 0 G"U. r 1...l. in prayer mudra, to tune in to your higher self. De"," N a. m 0 2. Then, for divine protection, chant the Guru Gaitri Mantra 3 times: _ 103 Ad G'U..ray Narney J'U..9ud G'U..ray Nameh Sa.t. G'U..ra.y Nameh S~r~ Guru De~ay Nameh (I bow to the Primal Q.lru) (I bow to the Guru of the ages) (I bow to the true Q.lru) (I bow to the great, invisable Guru) 3. Hands still in Prayer Mudra, look into the eyes of your partner and bow your head in recognition of the God-consciousness in him or her, pro­ jecting love, divine light, loving thoughts and/or positive affirmations. '!hen proceed with the Venus Kriya of your choice. Conc::lud~n.g Steps 1. End each Venus Kriya by stretching the anns up and twisting frcm side to side. 2. '!hen bring your hands together in Prayer Mudra and look into your part­ ner's eyes and say "'!hank You. sat Nam", and deeply bow to each other. 3. You may massage each other if you like and then relax deeply. 'TENUS LIFE NERVE STRETCH 'Ibis is a powerful exercise: Si t wi. th legs outstretched, soles of feet on partner's, knees straight. EXtend arms and clasp partner's hands, wanen 's palms up, men's down, keeping the spine straight. :U:::Ok into your partner's eyes and proj ect divine love with nonnaJ. breathing for 1 minute. Continue with Breath of Fire for 2 minutes (originally 2 and 3 minutes). '!hen inhale, hold the breath in and circulate the energy. '!hen exhale and apply Mu1bhand (contracting the anus, sex organs and pulling in on the navel), hold briefly and relax. 104 SHIVA-SHAKTI POSE stand and face yvur partner, clasping left hands, with right arms raised, right and left antIS parallel to the ground.>king into each other IS eyes, lift up your left leg, without touching it to the right leg, and balance in this IXlsition. yourself becc.rne Qxl ( Shiva) or GJddess (Shakti). Allow your souls to dance. Hold for 3 minutes, chQIlging legs if nec.essary. (Originally a 31 minute exercise.) ""-'ENDS LOTUS Sit facing partner, soles of feet against partner I s soles, hands clasped, and raise legs between anns to 60°. Gaze in­ to partner I S eyes, proj ecting love and divine light. see yourself in your partner IS eyes. Lift his vibrations. Realize that the two of you are one. Hold p:>se with Breath of Fire for 3 minutes. Then inhale, exhale and relax down. (can also be done with normal or long, deep breathing. ) I I I I I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 105 LIFE-CURRENT KRIYA In Easy Pose, extend arms out in front at shoulder level, touching palms with your partner. Close the eyes and concentrate on the arms, feeling one life current going through you both. Hold the position for 30 sec­ onds. '!ben deeply inhale and exhale 4 times. I '!ben place your own palms together at the chin and meditate on your own personal­ i ty , chann and beauty. '!be fact is that you are living because God needs you to ful­ fill his purpose; you are a divine being. Meditate on this thought for 2"; minutes, then inhale, exhale and relax. HOUSEHOLDERS: Whatever you earn, whatever you exist for, your desire is to have a happy home. A householder is king on this earth. We are supposed to live for each other, support each other. June 23, 1 972 106 SENDING PR.r....NA Sit in Rock Pose close enough to your partner so that palms touch each other with arms straight out at shoulder level. Ia::>k into each other's eyes without blinking, sending prana (life force) through the hands and eyes. Continue for 2 minutes (originally 10). '!hen close your eyes and vis­ ualize your partner for 1 minute. TOUCHING FINGERTIPS Sit on heels with knees touch­ ing partners knees, fingertips touching partner's fingertips. Raise arms up to 60, maintain­ ing fingertip contact, with eyes fixed in partner's and proj ect divine love, holding the position for 2-3 minutes. '!hen inhale, hold the breath in for 10 seconds, and exhale, holding the breath out for 10 seconds. Relax. I I ­I 107 I TANTRTC I ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENUS Pose with knees partner's knees. Clasp partners hands in Venus I.Dck at shoulder level, inhale pulling Mulbhand and very slowly raise hands overhead, eyes gazing into partner's eyes. '!ben slowly exhale and return hands to original position, relaxing the Mul­ bhand. Repeat and continue for 3 minutes. Sit in Rock touching VENUS For TR I .n...NGLE Anger o r E n d i n g an Arg--ument Standing back to back and 2 feet away fran your partner, with feet about hip width apart, roth ~ over touching palms to floor, shoulder width apart and aJ::out 2 feet in front of feet. '!ben assume Triangle Pose by meeting partners heels with your own, straightening out torso and legs to form a straight line in each direction fran the buttocks. Gaze into each other's eyes and hold position for 3 minutes. Ends disputes and estab­ lishes partners as one unit. 108 PUSHING PALMS Sit facing your partner in Fasy Pose, knees touching knees, eyes looking into eyes. Place palms against part­ ners palms and chant the Maha Shakti Mantra, (or the Guru Gai tri MantraJ or the Panj Shabd, pushing alternate palms on each \IIOrd. Wcmen begin the first \110m, and men chant the second, as palms are alternately pushed to shoulders on each \110m. Continue for 3 minutes. Gobinday Mukunday (waren) U,::1a r a . y (Wonen) ~~pa.ra.~"" (Men) Hary· ing (Wanen) Ka.r~"'" ing Nir-narnay Akarnay (Men) (Men) (Wcmen) (Men) ~sc ==c:-Ci id J ~ ! I ~-P~A-R;'Y Or, you can chant, SaT a N a. M a, wanen chanting "sa", push­ ing palms to left shoulders, men chanting "Ta", pushing palms to right shoulders, ~ chanting "Na", palms to left shoulders, and men chanting "Ma", etc. • • • • • • • 109 VENUS B.rt....CK ROLLS Prepare with the beginning procedure on page 96. '!hen, si t back to back with your partner, aligninq spines and hips. Inhale, exhale and row cbwn as your partner relaxes back on your back. Inhale, and re~ax back as your partner bows down. '!he vertebrae should relate to each other like the teeth of a ,.neel. COntinue for 3 minutes. 'ntis was originally given as a 30 minute kriya, but at pres­ ent a three minute time limit must be abided by. 'Ibis kriya establishes a j oint rhythm and psych carmun­ ication between partners, and loosens up the back. The canplete collection of 34 Venus Kriyas is published in A Marriage Manual, Volume 1, canpiled by S. S. Vikram Kaur Darshan Kaur Khalsa, which also cxmtains Yogi Bhajan' s and to, men, on love, relationships and ccmnunication. be obtained by writing to: RELAX & REJOICE: Ik) and proceed to longer ones with Practice. It is recarmended to practice one medita­ tion daily for 40 days to achieve its effects. 90 days can break a habit pattern. If you like variety, sample a different one every evening, perhaps, but stick to the same one every norning for at least 40 days. 7. M:>st of Yogi Bhajan's meditations are designed to attract or deliver specific results. You can program yourself with Prayer or visualization of the desired results, before and after the meditation, consolidating the entire effect. But, during the meditation, concentrate on the speci­ fied techniques and absorb yourself in the sound and the energy. ·8. What you may encounter: Because of a misconception that one can simply sit down and quiet the mind for med­ i tation, many people are discouraged fran meditating. '!he mind generates one thousand thoughts per wink of the eye, and when we sit to meditate, we becane acutely aware of these thoughts. '!bat is why we use mantras - to focus the mind. Distractions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '21 are the rule. Just keep going back to the mantra, the breath and other points of focus. You may feel unccxn­ fortable during meditation, but you will feel much better afterwards. Since meditation is also a cleansing process, a lot of "garbage" may ccxne up. '!his is normal, and in fact, desireable. It means that the process is working. Don't expect to sit in bliss every time! When thoughts cane up, don I t reflect or act on them. Just let them pass like the flow of a river. You may even become negative or eaotional. Fine. Exper­ ience whatever happens and let it go to the universe. '!he process is working. CNer a period of time, you will be pleased at hON much light­ er you feel and hON certain things no longer bother you. 9. Be sure to keep the spine perfectly straight and apply Olin Lock (see Appendix), for the aligrment of the chakras and to facilitate energy flow, during all meditations unless otherwise specified. 10. Have patience with yourself. Perhaps you will achieve only a minute or two of fully focussed consciousness during the first attempts. It canes with practice. 11 • To rePeat, medi ta tion really begins in the spacious m::xnents after pranayama. or chanting. It is rewarding at that time to sit for a few minutes and experience the effects of the previous effort. You may listen to the mantra chanting back to you, allow physical effects to develop ( like watching the energy you have engendered pursue its own course) or simply ccm­ mune with yourself at a cellular or suPer-conscious level. Enjoy that time and space! 12. ceily practice for only 10-30­ minutes can change the course of your life, transfonn your Personality and help you to becane your own best pos­ sible self! Even meditating only once a week produces a ITOre illumined and evolving consciousness. MANTRA IS A TELEPHONE: What is a telephone number? A combination of numbers - first area code, then home number. It buzzes and a person says, "Hi! II When nobody picks it up you try again, right? Then you put in an emer­ gency call. That is an emergency pray­ er. God is nothing but a telephone company. Keep on dialing. Once you get the guy on the line, the job is done forever. What is His number? There are a lot of lines in my Father's horne, call any. If he won't answer, some secretary will. Leave a message. Morning hours are very good. I'm not kidding you, that's how it is. CalIon Him. August 4, 1975 122 SAT KRI~PA STIMULATING KUNDAL~NX Sit on the heels and stretch arms overhead, el~..lS hugging ears, fingers interlocked, index fingers extended straight up md ch.:mt "sat Nam" in a constant rhythm about 8 times per 10 seconds. Olant S a. t frcm the navel & solar plexus, pulling the umbilicus in to the spine, and on N am relax the belly. Continue for at least 3 minutes. 'n1en inhale and squeeze the muscles tightly from t.he buttocks all the way up- the back, mentally allowing energy to flow up the spine and out through the top of the head. Ideally you should relax for twice the time you practice. ("sat Nam" rhymes with "but M:xn".) m1MENI'S: sat Kriya is fundamental to Kundalini Yoga and should be practiced daily for at least 3 minutes. sat Kriya strengthens the entire sexual system, stimulating its natural energy flow, relax­ ing sexuality phobias, enabling control of the sex­ ual impulse and recharmeling the energy to creative and healing activities. severely malajusted people benefit frcm this kriya since mental problems are a result 'of unbalsanced energy in the lower 3 chakras. General physical health is improved and the heart is strcmgthened frcm the rhythmic up/down of blood pressure. Since this exercise stimulates and channels Kundalini energy, it must always be practiccYi with the rna:t:ltra "sat Narn". Time may ~ built to 31 minutes but always with ~ long, deep relaxation immediately afterwards A good way to build duration is to start with 3 minutes and rest for 2 and continue for 25 minutes. (D:> not jump frcm 3 to 31 minutes, even if you are feeling strong or are a yoga teacher. Respect the power of the technique and allow this kriya to properly prepare your body for higher experience.) 'n1is is not just an exercise - it is kriya t.l1at \YOrks on all levels of being, knor.m and unknown. You might block the more subtle experiences of higher energies by pushing the physical body too much. Or, you could have a huge rush of energy, an experience of higher consciousness, but be un­ able to integrate it into your psyche.) SO prepare yourself with constancy, patience and moderation. 'n1e end result is assured. If you have not taken drugs or have cleared your system of all their effects, you may choose to practice the kriya with the palms open, pressing against each other. 'n1e releases more energy but is not generally taught in a public class because someone may have week nerves frcm drug abuse. Notice that you emphasize pulling the navel point in - don't try to apply Mulbhand (which occurs natrually when the navel is pulled). The hips and spine do not flex and the only iTlOtion is slight up and down of the chest and arms with each "sat Nam". IF YOO HAVE TIME FOR NamING ELESE, PRAcrICE THIS KRIYA DAILY 'ID KEEP THE BODY A CLEAN AND VITAL TEMPLE OF ooD! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.­ .­ .­ • • 123 MORNING CA.LL Long Ong E'k Kar-s IMPORTANT OOI'E: '!his is to be chant­ ed only before sunrise! In meditation pose with a straight spine, and hands in G.1yan Mudra, take a deep breath and chant El< On<;;r Kar "EK" being very short, the and "KAR" long and equal in length. Take another deep breath, and chant S a t !'Tarn S i r - i the "~" "SAT" is short, "NAM" very long, and "SIRI" just escapes your tongue with the last bit of breath. Take, breath, and chant ''WAHE;'' Wahe G"Uru and "GO" are short, "RU" is long. breath cycle.) . ('!his is and 2'; the en "EK", pull Mulbhand, 00 "CNG", focus at the 2nd (sex) Olakra, on ''KAR'' focus at the navel. While inhaling, continue to hold Mulbhand Sir' Wha Gu-ru and chant "SAT" at the heart, ''NAM'' at the throat, allowing Mulbhand to relax and energy to flow, and "SIRI" is chanted at the 3rd Eye. en ''WHA HE QJRU", energy flows out the Crown 01akra and into the aura. . a:M-1ENl'S: In the period of 2'; hours before sunrise, .....nen the channels are lrCSt clear, if this mantra is sung in S\VeE!t hcmrony, you will be one with the Lord. '!his will open your your solar plexus, charging the solar center, connecting it with Cosmic energy, and you will liberated fran the cycles of karma that bind you to the earth. 'Ibis is the mantra for this time (Kali Yuga), representing the path of spiritual k;no".1ledge of the self ••• No tongue can tell how bright the light of cosmic energy is, and .....nen you recite this mantra daily, you will have this light within you. It is basic to awakening and regUlating Kundalini energy, the basic evolutionary force in the human psyche. (Please see sadhana Guidelines for ccmplete text.) OOI'E on the ADI SHAI- to pain others feedsyour animal nature. '!he guru is a muffled hamer and must strike your ego all the time. "On Shanti" is on one side of the ocean, and you are on the other, rowing the boat of knowledge and wisdcm. '!he GJru's pranas will row you across. '!he mind l::eccmes pure and lighter than air and the b:dy beccxnes lighter tha..,. air, provided food and habi ts are pure. -I 126 T-IAVA. YOGA August 7, 1970 I I #5 Sit in a meditative posture, with spine straight, and place hands in lap, right on top of left (1NCmeI1, left on top), and pull on the rectum, focussing at the base of the spine and chanting the 3~ cycle Adi. Shakti Mantra for 10 minutes: El< Ong Sat A Siri Hey I Kar A Nam A v.1na A DJ Guru Please see Laya Yoga #1, Pg. 114 cn+1ENl'S: SCriptures say, "Cb man, go and lie flat at t.h= feet of anyone who can show you how to relate to the unseen. You are 90% tm.Seen and 10% seen, but we relate to the 10% seen which is "Maya II ( illusion) • If you can relate a little in the m::>rning and a little in the evening to the unseen, you can cross the barriers. 'n1e rocrnent you relate to the unseen, you are energized, within 72 hours your scene Changes and you are on a higher vibratory level. Ever-changing m::>tion is the principle of life. cnly God is unchanging. '!he 3rd Eye doesn It see the seen, but the UNseen fran which we came and will return. MEDITATION IN HERO POSE 1974 A. Bend both knees, placing left foot be­ side right hip and crossing right thigh over left, supporting weight with left hand on right fCX)t, right e1l::low resting on right knee with forearm raised. IJ:oking through slitted eyes at finger & Infinity, point index finger straight ahead and circle it in rhythm as you chant Wah·e Gur'-1. t~ahe Gur~1. ~.Ja.he ~....]ahe Wa.he GUr""\..J In same pose, place Guyan Mudra and chant right hand in B. Hea.lthy Happy Holy Am .n..rn Am (Times \oIere unspecified) I I I I I I I I I 127 K u. n d a 1. i. n i T o R a i. s e • • • • • • • •~ LAVA VOGA. & B 1 i s :s 0 Ll t. #7 August 21, 1970 In MAfIA SUI< MUDRA (sitting with the foot under the right thigh, the right foot on top of the left thigh), stretch the neck and the spine straight. Pull Root Lock and OWl Lock. Tune into the vibrat­ ion of Yogi Bhaj an and chant: left and A'k:a.l ~ k~' ' \ ! ~.\ J •. J'~.\ J~. J ~.'t .. \<.at .. I\:,} I'f'l • linting back. Left leg is bent flat on the ground, with left toes against achilles tendon of right foot, with left hand on the ground behind hips. Relax. Inhale deeply and chant long Maaaaa..a.,aa.aa.a.a.a.a. for 16 minutes minutes) . (alternate version 15 CCl-1MENI'S: Siri Singh sahib spent 3 rronths chasing a yogi in the Himalayas and then 2 days in Baby Pose outside his hcxne to get this meditation!!! LAYA VOGA ON ECSTACY Sit in Easy Pose, hands in Q.lyan Mudra, elbows straight, eyes closed, straight as a king. Olant \t-] a. h e G u. :r:-u. for 11 minutes. Inhale, hold 30 sec­ onds focussing on Crown Olakra, exhale and relax. CXlo1MENI'S: Ecstasy exists within at all times, independent of the whims of circumstance and personality • It is the Infinite Pool to refresh the heart, giving strength to creating a better self and ~rld. '!his meditat­ ion leads to that experience. 'l11e rrantra is a triple sound • In stage one, the mind enjoys the rhythm, but daily thoughts continue to enter, and you don I t wish to put all your energy into ecstasy. In stage 2 the self conscious mind will let you feel yourself, and the usual, disturbing thoughts slip away. In stage 3, you want to get rid of self-consciousness and unconsciously iJrmerse yourself in ecstasy. So calm, so sleepy, like the merging of a raindrop into a vast, calm, beaut­ iful lake. You reflect all, cleanse all. If you can cross all, you can know the extE.nt of living in yourself, with balanced consciousness playing with the Infinite. ---­ 130 MOTHER PRINCIPLE MEDITATION october 20, 1975 Sit straight in an easy pose. Make fists of both hands at heart level, the left palm facing up and the right down. Extending the Mercury finger of the left hand and hook it under and around the thumb of the right hand, pulling to create slight tension. Close the eyes and focus at the brow point. Inhale deeply and chant the ''bij'' mantra Aims. in rronotone for 11 minutes. With practice, extend the time to 31 minutes. (Pronounced Ah ee mah) sIroS as the z.bther, you know it is responsive to everything and anxiety is reduced, as you feel connected, personal and in tooch. '!his is gcxxi for a person without religion; it connects that person to the cc:>sIros. MOTHER POt--JER January 1972 In Easy Pose and Guyan Mudra, with a straight spine, chant Ma.a.aa.e 8 times per breath for 3-11 minutes. Then sit quietly and expand the light at the hea...-t. Go through you life, starting with the first year and remember everything. Strange things may cane up. • • • • • • • HOMEH BANDANA KRIYA September 1, 1978 'Ibis is a very sacred, very simple but very powerful meditation. It takes away a person's self-pride and vanity. If the maximum repititions of the mantra are done, another person should be present because the meditator may be rocketed so far into the ethers that he may find it difficult to cane back down. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, upper antIS relaxed at sides with e.lbows bent, forearms raised, hands in fists with thumbs extended and meeting each other with about 25 pounds of pressure at heart level. None of the fingers touch opposite finqers at any time. Inhale deeply and chant 4 repetitions of the mantra as you ccmpletely exhale, as follows \--7a.he f,.,..]ahe ~Jahe ~Alal,.e Wa.he Wa.he Wa.he ~..]a.he ~..]ahe v.Iahe v.Iahe G" in a ItDnotone. '!he repetitions may be gradually increased from 4 to 8 with a ccmpan:i.on ItDnitering. Cbntinue for a maximum of 31 minutes. End with several deep inhalations and exhalations for a minute. (Bandana means union of Shiva & Shakti) HIGHEST YOGA: Marriage is the highest yoga. The Shiva-Shakti union on earth is the counterpart of Divine union. Summer 1972 MARRIAGE: God is not fool enough to live without a woman, because that is not the way God is. The law of polari ty governs life. Each male has a "fe" and each "fe" has a male. August 7, 1975 132 MEDITATION FOR GUIDANCE May 27, 1974 A) In Easy Pose or IDtus Pose, make hands into cUps, palms facing up, leaving a little fish-like hole between sides of little fingers. Bow head forward, with eyes barely open and look into palms. Inhale in , 0 strokes or sniffs, each time mentally vibrating Wha.-ho & exhale in 10 parts, mentally chanting G1..l.r1..l. for 11 minutes. 'Ib end, exhale powerfully. inhale and B) Sit up and chant aloud in ncnotone Wha..-ho 8 times, and 8 times, for 5-1 1 minutes. Build to 31 minutes and then 2" hours. ~ : D::> this meditation when clarity is lost, to calm yourself and still your mind. '!ben the path will cc:me to you. Bow the head so that if it were cut off, it 'WOuld fall into the hands, to be given to God and Guru. Strengthens nental direction' and alleviates blood disease. ASTROLOGY: The rays of the planets mix wi th pranas (life pattern, destiny). If you are in tune with the Cosmos, planets cannot have a negative effect. October 19, 1969 , ============-----­ • • • • 1 33 MEDITATION FOR THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM october 16, 1979 Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Relax the arms down with the elbows bent and raise the foreaImS until the hands are near the shoulders, facing the palms forward and in G.1yan Mudra. Eyes are 9/10 closed. Inhale, exhale, and with the breath held out, mentally vibrate Waa.he Guroo as you first pull Root Lock, then Diaph­ ram U:x:k and then Neck Ia:::k in a continuous wave-like IIOtioo, with each repetition of the mantra. 'lhe whole spine will undulate. Repeat a total of 9 times (9 mantra repetitions· and 9 undulations) 00 the held out breath. Inhale, exhale and repeat. Begin practicing for 11 minutes and slowly build time to a maximum of 31 minutes. d::MMENrs:·15 better than this for the Sushmana Nadi and the Cen­ tral Nervous System. who practices it. ENERGV & It will bring elaborate changes in an individual RELAXATION FOR NERVES october 12, 1969 1. In Easy Pose, inhale, hold, pull and release Mulbhand 3 times, exhale, ltd repeat for 1 minute. '!hen stretch the legs. 2. Inhale, exhale, hold the breath out and pull and relax Mulbhand 3 times, inhale and repeat for 1 minute. Relax the legs, stretching them out. 3. Unite with the Universal Spirit (current). Let go, if only for an instant. Union cleanses negativity. a::MMEm'S: Try 40 days without negativity. Ofter all action, all thought to the Creator. Energy that is drawn fran the navel is that given by the rrother, and not paid back. Use nourishing channels of the navel as when in the 'WCXTlb. 134 BREATHING TO CHANGE NOSTRILS AT WILL June 7,197(67) HC1.J to J» It: sit in a c:mfortable meditative posture with yOJr spine straight. Interlace ycur fin;ers with yoor right thumb on top. Place yoor han:is at the center of your diap1ragm line, tooc:h.iIq yoor body. Close yr:ur eyes. COncentrate on your breath at the tip of yOJr nose. see fran W'hich nostril you are;. Within 3 minutes you shcW.d laxlw. '!hen change it. If ycu are breathin; prinarily through your left nostril, conscioosly change to YOJr right nostril. Be sure to keep yOJr shoulders c:arpletely relaxed. You should have a pressure at your han:js, but none at yoor shc:W.ders. Practice d'1an;ing this breath back an:3. forth for as long as you like. 1 minute is a good time. Ycu can do up to 31 minutes. What it will do for you: nus exercise will alter your energy by changing the active nostril. If you are thinking sanething neurotic, and find that you're breathing through your right nostril, start breathing through the left nostril, instead. (nus changes the fran fire to cool). If you cannot relax or sleep, change to the left nostril. But if you are irritated, depressed, or in a wierd nental state, start breathing through the right nostril. If you are tired and need extra energy, change to the right nostril. In 3 minutes you will be a different person. energy nus ability to change nostrils should be taught to children within their first 3 years. Exercising this ability can prevent nervous breakdowns. NOI'E: With practice, you can switch nostrils simply by concentrating and shifting the gaze to the side you want to breathe. through. Another technique is to lie t, it I s O.K. o:mtinue for 31 minutes. To end: Inhale, hold for 1 minute, focussing at Pineal Gland, and exhale, following with Ufe Nerve stretch. Stimulates all 9 glands Co secrete and mix in blood. Bij man­ tras penetrate sub-conscious, allowing you to tune into Universal Sound OJ.rrent. Takes you beyond this 'NOrld. Relax on the sound current. It becanes one unit and that is where the p::Mer lies. '!his is the best way to master the Bij Mantra, and it will accelerate your spiritual growth. a::M1ENrS: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 137 FOR PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT Sit in meditative pose, both hands in Gyan Mudra, right arm raised straight overhead, hugging ear, left on knee. Keep both arms straight and hold with long, light breath­ ing for " minutes. COMMENTS: Works on life nerve in shoulder for psychic development. MEDITATION TO REALIZE YOUR ESSENCE IN 1~ MINUTES In Easy Pose with a straight spine, raise forearms until they cross at heart level, the right ann touching the bod'] and the left crossing over it just above the wrists, palms facing the body, both hands in Guyan Mudra, the other fingers perfectly straight. Inhale deeply, exhale ccmpletely and with the breath held out, mentally chant the mantra three times Ha.:r i }-Ja..~- i 'f-lar i H a..:r i H a..:r i H a.:r i H~~R while vigorously pumping the navel. Inhale, exhale and repeat, chanting the mantra 4 times. 'n1en inhale, exhale and chant it 5 times. This is only to be practiced for 3 breaths. <:.'a1MENTS: 'n1is meditation is an initiation to relate to our own essence. Practice it to realize how much you can change in a minute and a half. 138 ELEVATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS MEDITATION CSahaj Voga) January 12, 1976 1. Sit very relaxed in posture, with a straight resting in lap in Buddha in left, thtmlbs touching eyes almost closed. a meditation spine, hands Mudra, right lightly, with Inhale and mentally chant Maha.n. Kal and raise the mantra frc:m the tail­ bone to the head and then down the nose to chanting its tip. Exhale, mentally Ka.lka. running energy back down the spine to the tailbone, envisioning a whi te radiance in the spine, imagining Adi Shakti (Goddess Power) o:ming in. Continue for 11 minutes. 'It> end, raise hands overhead and shake them. m1MENl'S: Any person in a non-improved state can do this and can rise to any state of consciousness. ("Mahan Kalil is 'great death' and "Kalka ll is a name for Kundali.n:i.) 2. Then place hands with fingers bent sharply at right angles to palms, right on top of left, palms down (like a hut) 2 11 frc:m collar bones, inhale and chant "t-Jane G' 12 times, increasing to 16 times on each inhale. Time unspecified. 'Ihese meditations may be done together or separately. AD NAD KRIYA April 23, 24, 1978 Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine and interlock fin9ers with ri9ht index finger on top and join the thumbs stretching them back so they !=Oint straight up. Hold the hands in front of the chest between the solar plexus and the heart. Heels of hands are joined, and axms are relaxed. AllCM the eyes to close. Focus on the breath and on the chanted mantra. Inhale deeply, and canpletely exhale as the entire mantra is chanted once. RA RA RA MA SA MA SA. MA. SA HARJ: g; ; HAR RA, MA, SAT, HAR°J:· J !=il J$; R,A-AA-AA -AA - t101\-If~-MA-r1A-.$A-SA-~A-.s~T: ('the April 24 version 9Sve Itsat" on the same pitch as HAR_ t:@ MAt(J- :g::gs H~'t· HA~I·H..a.A ~II.) ji : ;-; • ". :.'s. i ~T '!his Nad, this secret language or technique existed \ a very Very few still exist today. It will clear your language even if you mumble ~rds. If you practice this for a long time, you will be clearly heard by another person. It is called Gt1PI' GIAN SHAKTI, the secret power of know'ledge. If you perfect this, you need not speak - you can just send a thought, mentally, and the other person will know about it. a:M1ENl'S; ~ sect of yogis, ca.lld Al Panthis. UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS; Negative ego "I" is limiting (rather than "welt). The whole world is with you, you are Vibrating with the whole world. Achieve Universal Cons­ ciousness through Group Consciousness. June 23, 1972 ... 140 TRANSCENDENTAl., MEDT'TATTOl'J 1'" a h a. S [-1. a. k t-_ j C 11. a 1. n. e e T n d .r a 1. In Easy Pose, inhale through the mouth \-lith a long even whistle, and exhale through the nose, concentrating on the sound at the 3 rd Eye Point for 5 minutes, and listening to just the pure sound. Continue for 2 more minutes, inhaling and mentally chanting Sat. (whistling), & exhale mentally chanting Na.TTl The tongue pressure causes the thyroid and parathyroid to secrete. If you extend this to 15 minutes, there may be pain in the ears, and after 31 minute::; , pain in the upper chest, signs that the glands are secreting and re balancing. . &6 . jV\ "L.1 d y' a 1. i "'-' <:> ! @ 2. In Cobra Pose, arching the neck back, 3I1d looking up, fix eyesight on 3 point on the ceiling, inhaling t..1'rruugh the nose, and whistling out the mouth for 3-5 minutes .~elax for 2 minutes. 3. en back, clasp knees to chest, allowing head to remain on the floor, ~ 3 and with the mouth closed, vibrate the sound H"L.l n n n rlTnmmrrl for 3 minutes, feeli:lg it in the nose and throat. +. 4. Legs in .;. lotus Pose, relax on back for 5 minutes. Creates a delicate pressure in ~1e lower spine. 5. Ashtang Mantra: In ::leditative pose.. chant the EJ.:::: Ong Kar Sa t:: • • •~ N arn Si. r L Wha He G u r u for 5-31 minutes. (See page 124.) CCJ.1MENTS: This is a real transcendental meditation as it was taught cent­ uries ago. ~anscendental meditations ahyays have a breath rhythm and a hand mudra linked to the mantra. In yhogic scriptures there are 6 pages written to tell the benefits of this single kriya. It gives ontrol of the senses ano thougnts and balances prana and apal, improving health . I..ung capacity is increased. Once lung capacity for normal breathing in­ creases beyond 700cc's personality changes wi~~ increased vital force to the nerves. NOTE: A variation of this appears in Sadhana Guidelines. 141 M~RS TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION December 8, 1970 The symbol for the 1.quarian Age is "I Know" • Man must know all secrets. 1. In Easy Pose or a meditative posture make a circle of the thumb and saturn (2nd) finger, keeping the others fin­ gers straight. (saturn is wisdan, "knowledge and discipline.) Raise arms to the sides of the body at a right angle. Inhale through the ltCUth, whistling, and exhale through the nose silently, deeply, for 10 minutes. Inhale, hold, then medi tating on the center of the skull, chant Sa."t Na.m in a haamering way for 10 minutes. Be passionate. serve others and you will be served. Humility and sweet language is .the greatest gift. Start dwelling in the upper triangle. Tolerance is Godliness, patience pays. 2. In meditation pose, lock the Jupiter (index) fingers together at the mind nerve (heart center), arms parallel to the floor. Close the eyes and chant La. for 5 minutes. Then inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose twice. :----~-----..._THIRD EYE is dreaming, hallucination. It should be open only when we want to see the universe. Shutters must be under out control. We need to see through these two eyes. Live normally, simply. Be you! June 22, 1972 142 MEDITATION TO LIGHTEN THE BODY Given 5/8/78 Sit in easy pose with a straight spine, on a padded surface. - Face the left palm straight away from the body and face the riqht palm down toward the floor. Interloc~ the thumbs and appl}.' at least 50 lbs. of pressure per square inch on the locked thumbs. Hold the hand position at the level of the heart right in front of the chest. Arms are relaxed. Deeply inhale and complet~ly exhale as the mantra is chanted. CHA;,~T THE E~TIRE ~'lTRA IN ONE BREATH. Ra. Ra rna rna de. da. sa., sa. , Sa Sa say sa.y so so h~n9· h~n.g . ~~ M·NA· DA"S~· ,sA·S. ·.sO·HU.... ~ 1A·I'1A·Ot·.sA·SA-J,·.so·.l;u~6 Repeat the mantra CRA MA DP. SA, SA SAY SO breath. It will be necessary to establish in order to chant the mantra 8 times (or the repetitions should take 17·seconds. Be sure constant at all times. HUNG) 8 times per a very fast rhythm line, 4xs). Eight to keep the rhythm Eleven repetitions is the maximum permitted for the meditation. Eiqht repetitions is recommended. It should be practiced in groups of 2 or 3 before bedtime. Do it for as long as you like. After a little while, you will not know what time it is, what space it is. COMMENTS: You may almost feel that you are being lifted from the ground. Therefore, si t on a padded place, and avoid taking a risk. ~hen you inhale. it stimulates you quite heavily and you start absorbing ,carbon dioxide back into your system. That is called apana. {..;hen apana starts being absorbed in the system the body becomes super-liqht and it becomes very powerful. • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 143 POWER & PROJECTION TRTSHOUL lntinu­ ous rhythm of the mantra, keeping the eyes 1/1 0 open, and chant in a rronotone -_.q~~- • .- . C ..1--' ~1,- -~ \ - -. 1 .~-~- • • • Kunda.l i n i . , in a continuous, unbroken rhythm at a fast clip, with strong emphasis on the first syllable. Olant only with the lips and not with the lIDUth. Proper pronunciation is vi tally imPortant to experience the effects of the mantra in this meditation. E:5sible. build to 30 minutes. i --, I I I ~ r_ ' True in the Beginning True through the ages True at present Nanak shall ever be true Begin practicing for 5-11 minutes, and slOW'ly CXl-1MEN1'S: D;yptians used to do this meditation for supernatural powers. These are very secret and sacred teachings. sane, out of sheer devotion and love, nak.e pick them up and master them. will want to separate, your thumbs will want to be loose, your breath will want to revolt, and you are going to fight at every odd. Your elOOws SIN: It is my individual experience that the only sin we commit is when we put ourselves down. Whenever we put ourselves down we are actually making a mockery of God and His gift. July 19, 1975 ~ 149 Tattva II I I I I • • • • • • • • • • • • Siddhi Krya (For Control of the Elements) September 28, 1971 In Easy Pose and Qlyan Mudra, chant Prit"'V"i A'kash Guru Ram Hai Hai Das Hai in one breath. Q1 "Pritvi Hai', pull Mulbhand and focus on the anus and the earth. en "Akash Hai" release lock and focus on Pineal Gland, and on "Guru Ram ras Hai", keep focus on Pineal, and gently rotate the trunk, allowing head to follow, and then straighten. KUMBAG YAP A February 19, 1976 In Easy Pose, lift the weight up off the buttocks, sitUng very lightly, and feel you are pulling yourself up in the air, stretching the lower spine up, wi th the hands in Guyan Mudra, and the eyes closed. Inhale, pulling the body weight up with the breath, and lift this energy to the head, allowing it to completely fill the brain and then slowly flow out during the very slow exhale, let­ ing the body weiqht out through the breath. '!hen inhale and loudly chant (he) 16 times on the increased to 27 each exhale for 2-3 minutes. '!hen continue as before, for 2-3 minutes, and then silently for 2-3 minutes, 11 minutes, building to 31. '!his is "Pran Japa". G"l..l r"t...l. exhale (can slowly be times, maximum), with whispering the rrantra for a total of about Each inhale must be complete, filling the lower, mid and upper lungs. Exhale fran the navel point first, while holding breath in the chest, and deflating chest last. NCJI'E: When spoken rapidly, ''Wha he Guru" sounds like ''Why Guru" c:n-.1MENI'S: Gives the power to know all life, go beyond time and space, to know past, present and future. D:J not talk about it! (Divine silence.) 150 FOR HEALING POWER IN THE HANDS May 25, 1974 Sit in Butterfly Posture (with soles of \' feet together before the sex organs) or ~~Din Easy Pose, both hands raised to the ~ sides, forearms at right angles to the upper arms, which are parallel to the ground. Place hands in Surya Mudra (thumbs touching ring or Sun fingers, other fingers straight up) and sharply rotate hands ( "in a snappy action" ) fonvards and backwards as the mantra is chanted, twice on each breath (Hands (hands face in) Wahe face out) Guru in . Wahe out G\.~ru in v.1a.he out Wahe in Wahe out G"\ Repeat and continue (time unspecified). A variation brings forearms together before face on 1st repetition of mantra, and out to first IX'sition on 2nd. CCM1ENl'S: Gives healing poINel­ in the hands. First you'll feel heat in the hands, then the lower arms, then upper arms, back of neck and finally at the Rishi Knot at top of head. GURUDA For october 1974 MUDRA. Self-Identificatj.oT"l D:> this medi tation when you need to know who you are. Guruda Mudra ~ "on which God. sits to do miracles". In Easy or meditative pose, raise right hand to side betW'een chin and shoulder, hand in Gyan Mudra, palm down fingers parallel to ground with left forearm parallel to ground, left hand in Gyan Mudra, palm up, straight out fran the ribs. Wi th eyes .; open, chant aloud as· you inhale, a long, light Sat and (still in.'1aling) wave or jiggle Nam Then exhale with a long, light ~a. and j iggl~ or wave (still exhaling) Guru Repeat & con;:inue - time unspecified. 152 WHAT IS LOVE? Love is between you and you. It is an experience of oneself in oneself. Your "soul mate" is your own sou Undated Quoted in sadhana Guidelines START LOVING YOURSELF: God gave you the gift of life - fall in love with it. Go crazy for it! Value it, feel it, have it, understand! There is no God, no divinity, no reli9ioD , nothing if yoU cannot fall in love ~ith yourself Your problem is that you love somebody else Do you want to be like God? It's not difficult Love yourself! Manto Man XII VENUS-LOVE: (It is) no physical (it is) a projection, a vibratio There is nothing beyond ove. Understand this and rule, be not ruled. Auqust 22, 1969 LOVE: The beginning and end of man is love Love is an experience of selflessness withi oneself. You must relax to love October 14, 197 I I I I I I • •I I I I I I I I I TANTRTC Circular breathin; is a natural way to breathe. It will become autanatic after practice. It is important to pay attentioo, relax and allow the energy to mJVe up the spine. It cannot te I. -INTRODUCTION '!HE BREMH NiP TNf1'2IC YCGA '!he art and science of breath awareness and breath calt:col is part of Tantric sex. In most tantric systems, circ::ular breathing (also known as the c:cbra breath,) is employed to raise ~mJ f!!!t'S:q'J up the spine, stinulati.nq the chakras for the experi.en::e of inner orgasm in each of them. torcej: it lIIJSt be felt. 10Jnjalini energy begins in the sex organs and in the base of the spine. It is neved by brea1:hi.rq, meditatiCl'l and exercise, and by l'::lein;J oonsciaJS of the connection between the third eye and the l:ase of the spine. sgr.t1l\RY; Tantric sex,_ our cart:ribIti.a1 is to awaken ~_ stlXient's peIceptioo ani ability to As there are JrBrrf c;p:d l::ooks BREATHTNG CTRCUL~R MJVIN:i '!HE EmRiY CI'l Generate Energy Feel "jOIr center 2-3 inches below the navel. With 1009 deep breathing or breath of fire, mve energy in the sex organs ani chi p'int. Be aware of sensaticns in ycur la.werspine. 1) Center arg o::alb:ol kundalini ererqy. * Here W1e integrate for the first time the circ::ular breathirq frem the Taoist· tradition of sexuality with the practice of kundalini yoga and treathin;. our sttX!y ot kun:!alini ~, ax:e ererqy is generated . and m:M!d. up the spine, it energi:zes organs As we 2) M:Ne 3) Mgye )t;nc::M frail am glands which release life enhancin;} the nervous system for health, ani healirq ani even tr"ansforming negative emti~ into p::sitive aleS. M:reover, this enerqy circulated to the· higher centers develops higher consciousness and spiritual ~ . sexual energy is tr"ansformed to spiritual erergy. ,. hol1laleS, revitalizirq the Energy 1& With deep breaths, lICW the energy up the spine to the c:::rown, while slightly contracti.n; the l::ase. of the spine with the root lock (tighteni.rq the anus, sex organ and perineum) • the Energy Back to center the exhale, relax the root lock bring the energy doNn the front of the l:xx:iy back to the chi point. Reestablish ya:Ir feeling of being centered and grourx1ed. on am '!he goal of all yoga is m"lion of the iIxlividual consciousness with SUprerre or universa! CCX'ISCiOJSneSS. Tantra is a form of yoga. Its unique goal is conscious union with the Oivine thrc:u;h deep union \dth a part:ner of the opposite sex. 1) Synchronization of M:irrlc Feeling ani Breath '!he CXlI DJeCtion of the breath, feelin; the spine ani visualization help guide the energy up. *Kundalini energy is "Ching" in the Taoist tradition, a powerful, sexual manifestation of "01.i" (which equates with yogic "Prana"). 154 2 ) Man'tras-Diyine Vj hrations Mentally c:::hanti.n; a divine m:mt:ra helps cleanse the sub::onscioos am bril'g in higher energies. Inhale "SAT", exhale ''lWr', affi.rmir'q that ycur: identity is universal truth. energy to flow freely. Experien:e what each one does to facilitate the m:::wement of energy. For exanple, spinal flexes p.JmP rore cerebral fluids into the spine, web carries the energy up. Side twists open the heart center. 3) Cleorjm To start, exhale forcirg air out thrcugh the lII:lUth. 'Ibis clears the l~ of stale air that has been sitti.n; there a len; tine due to shallcw breathirg. '!ben inhale and exhale CClDpletely, · sendin; all the air and enel:gy back into the earth. Feel ycurself . CleariJ'g out old energy, 1:hcu;hts am em:::7ti.alS. 'lhis is test done standi.n; up and f ~ the old ers:gj goirq down to the center of the earth. '!hen bri..nq in new life force fran the center of the earth am feel CCI'lneCted to mt:her earth. 4 ) II. DE'.rA.IUD DIRECl:ICfi Fm CIRCOIAR TANrRIC BREMB:IH; completely, a:serve Your Breath Notice W'here it caDeS fran before starti.n;. (we. US''81 Jy breathe fran the upper chest. ) '!his is .A. CE:r\"'TER '!he center of gravity of aIr physical b::ldy is 3 inches below the navel ~int. . 'Ibis is called the ..d1i center or; the tan tien in the Taoist tradition. . Although not the navel , it is the navel center. Major meridians o::me together at this p:>int. ..C h:e \ole have centered ~lrselves at this ~int our energy flows autanatically. It is at this point, the sexual am the pranic energy are ·mixed to form the chi enerqy. cne of the main :PJrPCSeS of the l:Ireathi.nq is to establish this center. em::Jtional breathirg. To calm. should breathe slcwly fran the belly. Breathinq more than 10 breaths per minute is ourselves, \ole characteristic of a state of stress, 8 or fewer is qett.inq it urx3er cultrol am sti.:tlW.ates the pituitary to open up intuiticm, am 4 or fawer is conscious breat:hi.rq ard activates the pineal glard or seat of higher consciousness.) 5) Eyes Closed Keep yr:xJr eyes clcsed, go deep inside, feel yocIr natural flCM of energy am open ycm-self to YfXJr own sensitivities. True ha~iness comes from experiencing inner peace. Begin to open yourself to this experien:e. 6 ) Yoga Exercises '!he yoga exercises activate the energy am done as a medi.tation W'ith the kx:dy relaxed, allaws the fl locate your center and to bllance the I'd ses at the navel, do stretch p:se, leg lifts, sat kriya or breath of fire (see~. 112,186) for 1-3 minutes. Begin to feel a plll or liquid enerqy at the chi point. '!here W'ill be a feeli.n:;r of coming together am em::rt:ional balance. After the exercise, relax and place your forefin;er on the navel to feel if the p..1lse is ~. If not, repeat the exercise until it is. To • •.. 155 B) 3) GfNBATE EmWi b:xlies are ff!!l"eI'q'f, bIt we m.JSt be in tcu::h with it to amplify and control it. First we stimJlate the energy by fran the l<7w1er ata:ainal area. To locate the area, place yt::»r t:huIii:s at the navel am bri.nq the f.i.n;ers down tc:7lIl7ard the groin area fonnirg a trian;le. '!he area to breathe in and cut of eI nAil asses the navel, the chi. center and the area below that where the ovaries are locate;i. Men will feel this area connecting to am lICVi.n;; the ~ in the •testicles. Breathing in this area releases the _ sexual energy "ta J energies toqether at the chi. center, and stimulates the kun:ialini. erergy in the base of the spine arxl sacrum. 'Ihi.s is dale with lag deep brea1:hi.rq and 1:D:eath of fire. ~_ _:........ - ~_~ 1\ 2) Breathing Practice first on yt::»r back, then; up• Place ":fOJr bards on your belly, lcx:at.inq the chi center anj ovaries (for 'INCIDeI'l) • expa.rd yoJr dlest am shcW.der area, the aJ::daren will 90 l:ack down. First cx:n:entrate on fillirg up the al:xXJni.nal area. and later, make the breath c:auplete. We rarely breathe below the navel and this is what we JlIJSt get used to and learn to incorporate in our natural brea:t:hin;. ~ exhale, let the belly sink back in. 4) As 5) Continue inhaling and e>chalirg, the belly in an::l cut. Feel the warmth an::l the generation of energy • WcIDen can massage the ovaries first to start the flow of erergy. ('!be ovaries should be massaged every day.) 6) Relax the exhale out cx:mplet:ely, then the inhale will naturally flow back in. eart:ract the belly to force the air cut. 7) Keep the diaphragm and ab:1ominal lIIJSC1es relaxed. '!his is iJDport:ant to oot block the erergy. ~ need to pay special attention to this sirx::e they have the habit of holdin;J in their stomaCh. '!his is usually a saJrCe of chronic blocked energy and is a habit that we must conscioosly choose to change. 8) Be aware of the feelirg in the lawer part of the spine and Lors Dee.P 1) As ~ slowly inhale, belly, ~ yoJr haOOs up am apart. As you continue the breath an::l fill up the 0Jr sacrum. 9) Use the breath to help brin:J focus to the chi center. It is a feelin:J of porwer that you will learn to tune into am desire to naintain. 156 Breath of Fire It can be lJrc:u:3ht to the give extra erergy to heal~ with the hands. heart. Breath of fire is a fast ~ breath, p.uuping the navel. Start sla..rly pressing the belly up and navel out en the inhale and them in en the exhale. gradually Ccu:::entlate hands to ~ '!hen speed up the pace. althe exhale and the inhale will ~ autaDatically. It ~ seem difficult at first and might even hurt or cause soreness. '!his is· just because the llI:M!!Den't is new. 'lb start, practice a'lly a minute or ~ and relax in l::ebveen. Gradlm) ly it will teo,ne easy and very pleasurable. Make sure to keep the rest of the l:cdy relaxed. C) CIRaJIATE mm;y D:> full circular breat:hi.rx; after each posture. Even ale or .'blo caaplete breaths, followed by ale or two relaxed breaths will . prodI.Da ~ results and. alla..r yo.t to enjoy the energy charge generated by the exe:tcise. '!he m::M!!IDent of the ererqy is up the 1::eck of the spine to the top of the head am down the frart of the l:xxiy, back to the chi center. '!he enerq'J. flOW'S fran "the sex organs to the perineum (just l=ebIeen the anus am the sex organ at the base of the l:xxiy), to the coccyx (the very base of the spine), to the sacrum (the lo-Jer part of the spine, the fused IClrXJ }:x)ne) to the navel, to the heart, the back of the neck or throat, to the center back of the head opposite the third eye or brow, up to the top of the head or c:rorwn chakra.) 01annel~ the energy back down the fraIt of the bcdy brings the energy to the glarxis arXl organs for healing arx:i general nai.ntenarx:e. energy can be brought S1x:cessively to each of the chakras or directed to a specific part of the lxdy that needs heal~. It can be l:Jrcu;ht to the heart to give extra energf to healing frau the The Hq.i to D:> 1) CimJ1ar Breathing Inhale Inhale deeply, alla..ring the breath to begin ll'OVin; the energy up the spine fran one center to the next, to the top of the head. Inhale several nore til'lles until you. can inhale 00 nore. '!he last breath will lock in, a shift will take place, am ~ will feel you. can hold the breath a Ion; time. '!he inhale can be done with powerful sniffs of air (t:hr'ou;h the nose) or several lag deep breaths. Feel the energy cane up the spine as a spiral arourxi the spine or as a light or thin thread up the center of the spine. 157 2) Root Lock As you inhale you will automatically start p.Uli.n:J the root lock (tight:.eni.n1 the sex organ, anus arrl perineum lightly.) 'Ibis is a delicate novement which closes off the t:ase of the spine so the energy does not leak out an::l help:; ease the energy up the spine.· 4 ) Also, press the tongue to the roof of the nouth, arrl press the eyes up as though looking out the top of the head. To help the energy flow up the followin; gentle novements Can te used: .. ~ 5) hip:; in a bit. .. .. -. " .. .. II • • II IlOVe the energy to the navel, straighten the spinal . curve slightly, which pills the navel in slightly, an::l the al:xXmen in, tack an::l up. 'Ihese two light m::wements will create a vao.IUm, to pJSh the energy up to the higher centers. - I I To al.low the energy up head, relax the neck, to the briJ"g the chin down slightly, pullirq the tack of the neck 'n1e curve in the neck straightens . , I To 3) Exhale Exhale slowly, releasirq the energy down the front of the b:xly to the third eye, throat, heart, navel an::l center. ~ Relax arrl let the breath c::ane in naturally. ct:serve the breath ani how it carries the energy in the pattern you set. To IlOVe the energy fran the t:ase of the spine , tilt the sacrum down as you ~ your - rthigh". While] the breath, listen inside, mentally repeat a rrantra such as SA TA NA HA, or enjoy the sourrls arrl lights. E:Kterrl the hold.i.n; pericx:i as lon;} as you like. 6) Exparrl the Circle As you practice, yoo can expanj the circle outside the body. 'Ibis is also done ~en a meditation calls for releasj,n; energy out the top of the head. '!he energy is not lost, the circular m::wement just becarEs larger. Feel the energy go out to the 006l0ClS arrl then CCIDe mck many fold, in spirals or larger am larger circles. Breathe tack in fran the universe, let the whole c:oEiilOOS noJrish yoo. let the fla.r be infinite am expansive. Let yoor aura be filled with am attract light ani love. HQJ,g ~ the energy is in the top of the head, mld the breath am enjoy the experien=e of ecstasy an::l the rush of energy. Yoo nay feel heat in the head or dizziness. stay with it arrl allow the space to exparx:l. Each ~ gets his own cn:e circular breathing beo:UES automatic for you, yoo will be able to use it in tantric "sex to experience more explosions of energy arrl orgasm ani higher levels of mergirg arrl ecstasy with your partner. 158 - III. CLEARJ:H; AND ~ THE OIAKRAS For the energy to flow up the spine, the c:hakras nust l::e open. '!his inclOOes release of mental an:! euotional blocks that correspord to each of the centers. Kundalini yoga am breathing are invaluable tools for clear~ ard. talarx::i.nq the chakras. All the postures activate ale or mre energy centers. As you practice, yoo will l:e=aDe sensitive to the effects of each exercise. '!he followin; table lists the d1akras, their function an:i corresp:xxli.n;J exercises. Olakra Location On §eine Function Exercise 1) First COCCyx Grourrli.n;J &: EliJnination Pelvic Rotations Butterfly 2) secorrl . sacrum sex Spinal Flex in Easy Pose 3) 'Ihird Navel &: creativi'ef Pow'er, Projection Spinal Flex on Knees stretch Pose sat Kriya Breath of Fire 4) Fourth Heart eatTpassion, Love 5) Fifth 'Ihroat Power Truth 6) Sixth 'Ih.ird Eye Intuition, Openir:g Up '!he Wb::)le Spine to speak the side Msts Shc:W.der Shrugs (Moves energy fran heart to throat) Neck Rolls Cr::N with Breath of Fire Focusin; at 'Ihird Eye cat-Q::M Rock &: Roll 7) . seventh crown of Head Higher Aw.reness Breath of Fire with Hams in Venus Lock 4 Inches };r;cNe Head, Eyes Up 1 S9 following is a si.q)le and effective sequerx::e to l:e used by begi.minq, as ~l as advanced sb:dents, to open an:! talarx:e the chakras an:! to practice circular breathi..nq. First, ck;) each exercise to generate and unblock energy. '!ben follow it with circular breathin:J to the chakra activated. As 'The .­ • • • • • • •III I ! III III III III you progress you will move automatically to full circular breathin:J. Before an:! after each exercise.,~, can ligt1tly mssage each in frart: and tack to help release ererqy. Do each exercise 1-3 minutes. center 1) 2) center yourself an:! generate energy with breath of fire or lag deep breathing• Pelvic EPtatiqlS en:i, inhale lalq am deep, bri.rqin; the ererqy a'l the breath fran below the navel an:! sex organ to the tase of. the spine an:! e:tX:f:;'JX. }i:)ld, feel the energy. Exhale, relax the breath an:! cane' l:ack to center. Repeat ale or mre times until you are in torh with the energy. To 3) Spinal Flexes in Easy Pose To erQ, inhale 'lc::n; am deep, bri.rgin; the ~ en the breath fran below the navel and sex cxgan up the base of the spine to the sacrum. Hold, feel the energy. Exhale, relax the breath an:! cane tack to center. Repeat, an:! then relax, feelin; the erergy nove autanatically in a mini circle of energy. 4) Spinal flexes on the Knees l-bve the energy to the navel aroorrl. COntinue as al::ove. am 5) Side Msts l-bve the energy to the heart center and arourrl, etc. 160 6) , . , 4-~ ~t '"• ",~ I !'tJVe the ene:rr:1f to the throat, (for a mxinum of 2 minutes) . ~ .. 46.' ~. stQulder Sl1r\.m .:~ etc. '-":1 ~".. ~ ,~ )f\ 7) Neck Rolls Move the energy ­ to the tase of the skull, etc. ~ full circular breathm;;, with the following exercises: 8)· with Breath of Fire back sitting on the knees. Move the energy to the third eye, Cgi cane etc. 9 ) cat:::Cqi am Rock am Rolls cane J::ack to easy ~. Move the energy to the center of the head, etc. 10) Harm over head in venus lock, breath of fire Shakti Pose. Move the errerqy to the top of the head and arourn, etc. '!hen practice JIICVirq the energy out the top of the head into the o::sr<)S and J:ack, etc. AnotJ'ler ~ technique to q:en ard energize the chakras is to feel the energy go fran the J::ack to the front of the l:xxly at each chakra. Feellrq the c::cnnectial activates the tack dealing with the will an:1 the front dealing with feelin;. '!his can l:e done after each exercise• . ---------­ 161 v. VISOALIZATICRi, AFFIRMATIOOS & are many ways to enhance the results am enjoyment of the breathirq, relaxatioo am medi.tation ptcx:ess. Here are a fal. ~ yo:rr own. 'lbere DJrir'g the relaxation, feel the earth bela.v you an::! feel cradled in the lap of the !'t>ther earth. Feel prot:.ecte;i by the o::smic father am becosoe one with mth in the center of yo:rr bei.n;. :E'RAY.ER) ~: Bless every part of yo:rr bxly ani a~led;e it for the service it performs for you every day. Mergi.oq: As the rays merge with the sun, As the waves merge with the ocean, May yr:Nr light merge with the Universal Light, May yr:Nr scAl1 nerge with the SUpreme SOUl, arx1 divine ~lea;e be yours. ~ienci.Iq the energy, feel a sense . of yourself in your bxly arx1 heart am not in yo:rr head. While use of affinnations helps the conscioosness chan:1e. '!he followin:; can be used at the centers in:ticated. '!he ~, While raisin; the energy: rise ani heal me. .&rm' cha1sra: I clai:m JIrf I Fcyrth cha1sra: 0!11'1 ale PJWer. am JIrf own Master. I am the spirit. Fifth d)akra: I can speak the truth. 'D'1e truth sets me free. Sixth chakra: I forgive myself arx1 everyone. seventh d1akra: are one. Prayer: Ycgi Ebaian Mantak OUa ani Michael wim., Taoist secrets of tQve: Olltiyating K;lle Sexual Ener9Y, Aurora Press, New York, NY, 1984* First cbakra: I am coonected, I am with Mother Earth. 1bird chakra: Teacl' of God in me, me in God I ask support am insight on hew to let go of the past am let the new CXJDe in. Let it hawen. May I be blessed to ~ how blessed I am. Mantak am Maneewan Oti.a, Hffl'll im Love 'IhrQIjl the Tao: Olltivatim female SEPeJ?!l Energy, HeaJ.i.n; Tao Books, Hunt.irgt:al, NY, 1986* Kundalini energy teacher Miriam HartgroVe, M.A., M.T• (san Diego) Transpersa1al Psychology saba, Yoga: Mataji NiE!lBla Devi *We acknowledge the valuable infornatiCl'l in the Chia l:ooks on circulatiCl'l of ererqy. We wc:ulti, hcIw'ever, like to advise stu:1ents to be aware that the idea of retention of genital orgasm advocated in his 1:x:oks is a subject of controversy. others (in::lu:ii..nq Yogi Bhajan) believe that 'the retention is not l:ased on realistic Plysiological realities am can lead to disapp:)iJ IbDer It, frustration am even prostate carx::er. 162 .......r OGT B~AJ;::'.N ON SEXUAL lNT'ERCO"LT RSE Conpiled fran Yogi Bhaj an Is teachings by S.S. Vikram Kaur Khalsa 1. '!be sex game must start 72 hours before sex, and sanewhere outside of the bedroan. So, for 2-3 days in advance, prepare the mind, think it over and build yourself up to it. '!be mind is the biggest sex organ in the human body. sex is an attitude of love, when every cell and part of the hody is stimulated and awakened. In the days before, take time. to do. the Venus Kriyas. 2. eatmuni.cation must be open. wanan is shy and secretive by nature and will pretend enj oyment rather than· risk hurting man Is ego. 'Itle man must draw her out and find out W'hat she wants and needs throughout their relationship. Con It take anything for granted. 3. '!he sanach must be empty. You should not have eaten for 2~ hours in advance. '!be law of sexual enlightenment = light (enment) in the stanach. You should oot be constipated and your eating that day should be light, warm, nutritious liquids. 4. During intercourse, the man should breathe through his right nostril and the wanan through her left (see page 1 34 ) • Breathe long and deeply to control excitement (once per minute, if possible). - - . 5. Your three nervous systems must be in balance before intercourse.• If the parasympathetic nervous system is out of balance, the man will have difficulty getting an erection. If his sympathetic nervous system is out of action, he will ejaculate quickly. If your action nervous system is· out of balance, he will have a problem ej aculating at all. Kundalini Yoga corrects these problems • .6 . Give yourselves 2-3 hours to play. A·wanan's beauty is in her play­ fulness, and she needs this ''Krishan Lila" to be stimulated. 7. Make sure the sanan Is aura extends to 7 feet. If she is negative, her aura is less than 3 feet and your energy will be down for a week after, the strength· taken fran your semen. But intercourse can give you the strength of life and make you feel great if her aura is 7 feet. 8. 'Ibere are nine areas to massage and stimulate in a particular order but oot as a tour. Keep returning to certain places. In bed, it is your forerrost duty to keep her entangled, both physically and mentally. If you let her mind wander, forget it. Qlly 10% of men know how to keep her entangled. 1) Breasts - from the outside inwards 2) Neck - working up.vards 3) lips 4) cheeks 5. Ears 6. Spine 7) 'Ibighs - inside and out 8) calves 9) elitoris or vagina 163 9. '!he ¥.UnaIl' s spine should be cool and the breasts tense when you enter her. Enter slowly, hold her with the right hand on the lower spine, then rotate. '!his causes stimulation of all the nerves and there should be a suction sound and a pulling. 10. '!he ¥.UnaIl must have her orgasm. If the man has his first, he should satisfy her and bring her to 3 or 4 tidings. 60% of ¥.UnaIl' s illness is due to dissatisfaction with intercourse. 11. After physical iritercoilrse, continue the game of love until one of you falls asleep. If you don't, you cause great tension and fatigue to the nervous system and shorten your life by 5 years! Massage each " other, taIke to each other and keep the entanglement going until saneone sleeps. '!he magnetic fi.elds of the bNo must intermix. Both should keep their spines and organs warm. '!be man should urinate and wash his organ in wann water. 12. A ~ should participate 60%, and only if she is feeling well. '!he _points to massage on a man are: 1. His head and hair 2. Lips 3. at top of neck, go down the spine. Roll the skin for circular stimulation . 4. Buttocks 5. Insides of thighs & testicles 6. '!ben the penis 7. Last the navel and chest " region and nipples After sex is the nost crucial hour for a wanan. If she turns over and goes to sleep then, her aura can be blown out of proportion and punctured. Men can inject negativity into you fran which you can never recover. She must be meditatively prepared, ahead of time, and then do exercises to reconstIuct her aura, after seeing the man go to sleep. 1. EXercise and c'b hmdle rolls. (Lie down with legs "together, arms tightly at sides and roll Oller and Oller across the floor and back.) 'Ib avoid old age, stretch every muscle of the body. 2. Meditate. 3. Urinate to change the nostril breathing which i.nrnediately neutralizes you. 4. Wash your face in cold water, and your axmpits with a wet towel (for the parasympathetic nervous system). 5. Wash between the legs, behind the ears and the feet with a wet towl in that order. 6. Brush your teeth. NC1l'E: '!his is oondensed fran the canplete text appearing in Relax and Rejoice - a Marriage Manual (see Bibliography). We are indebted to S.S. Vikram Kaur Khalsa for pennission to use it. 164 ELEVEN Fran MOON a Lecture CENTERS by Yogi Bhajan There are eleven sites of the moon on a woman, through which the moon moves in a 28 day cycle, spending 2';' days at each center. The sequence varies with each woman, and it does not coincide with her menstrual or zodiacal moon cycle. It is different with each woman but the sequence remains constant in any individual woman except in the case of an emotional shock which does change it. It can be predicted and known only by observation. A woman can always feel it if she just concentrates with sensitivity. A man can also learn her cycles with sensitive observation. (The male's moon center is in the chin, just as is. the woman's center, but because of his hair, there, he is more steady and not as changeable as.a woman.) In terms of sensi tivi ty, the most important is the hair line and then the cheeks, where they are pink. Third is the lips, then the sun spot on the ear lobes, the back of the neck, breasts, belly button area (or the correspond­ 'ing area on the spine), the inner thigh, eyebrows, clitoris and the membrane in the vagine. To understand a woman's emotional fluctuations, it is necessary to understand the moon center cycle, as her mood changes wi th her moon changes. In the lower organs or in the thighs, she is very confirmative and wants to substantiate everything. When it is in the clitoris or vagina, she is eager to socialize, is out-going, charming and talkative. She is· most insecure when it is in the navel or spine opposite it, but when it is in her breasts, she is compassionate and giving to the extent of foolishness At the back of the neck she is very romantic, and at such a time, one little flower or gesture can make her nuts. When it is around the cheeks is a dangerous time and she is almost out of control. About the eyebrows, she is imag­ inative, illusionary and all you have to do is trace the brow and she falls right over. At the earlobes, she dis­ cusses values. When it is in the hairline, she is intrac­ table so that nothing can move her an inch. The hairline is close to the arcline, her halo, so a woman is most real when her moon is in the hairline. 165 ELEVEN MOON CENTERS Fran a Iecture by Yogi Bhajan Hairline - nothing can nove you ---------.J Eyebrows - imaginary, illusionary Lips O1eeks -­ out of control -" _....J~~--J ..\. ~ rJ---rJ--- Ear Lobes - discuss values Qlin - stationary Back of Neck ­ rcmantic carmunication Breasts - ccmpassionate ,_""""'.... giving Navel (or corresponding_ _~..."."----'.. point on spine) - insecure Clitoris - r-------r-__ Irmer ---------+-----~ Irmer 'lhiqh confiImative ~ - - - -.....~ Membrane of­ vagina - socializing ,6 .n.... '-7 a t -:. a r a "\-,.. c> 9 a In secluded ashrams and monasteries, certain orders of Buddhist monks prac­ tice AVATAFA Y(X;A, oiling their skin, smcothing the soles of the feet with pumice stone, practicing physical and mental techniques to beautify and preserve their b:x:hes, not in vanity, but in reverence for God, who gave them these bodies. Far from allowing their bodies to passively bow before the threat of time, they actively seek to attain and· retain physical - beauty for as long as possible, as the first step on the path of achieving union of the individual soul with the soul of the universe, the individual mind with Universal Mind. '!heir ideal. is irmer beauty in a well-cared-for shell, and so they also cul tiva te cleanliness, wholesomeness, strength of character, and spiritual awareness. Based on Hatha yoga, Avatara yoga embraces many techniques to delay physical agin, acquire a well-developed supple and agile b:dy, srrcoth skin, graceful I'OC>vement, serenity and beauty of expression. '!hese are closely guarded secrets, passed fran teacher to disciple by word of I'OC>uth only to the spiritually awakened who could appreciate their purpose, and have not yet been made available to the Western world (but we susPect that Yogi Bhajan has brought us many of the techniques, which we have presented in the preceed­ ing pages.) The doctrine (. there is no flower, beast or star as beautiful as the hmnan form') asserts that final spirit­ ual enlightenment is achieved after a certain .stage in the physical con­ quest of time, when the J:ody tecanes the vessel of the intermediate nature or soul (paralleling the Hatha yoga precept that physical perfection leads to victory of the spirit). Many Avatara/Hatha yo;a techniques invert the body to enable blood to flow to the head and face, reversing the influence of the downward pull of gravity. others assume postures to direct circulation there, increasing arterial flow to head and neck, to revitalize the glands, organs and nerves, feed-ing starved facial tissues Pranayama., or Lifeforce breathing is of utmost importance, purifying blood, improving circulation, feeding the nerves. Glandular stimulation is a third canponent of Avatara yo;a and just as in Kundali ni yoga, there are many postures which stimulate and regulate the pituitary, pineal, thyroid and adrenal glands, as well as the ovaries and gonads for 'We are just as young as our glands'. AIrong the postures for these purposes, headstand (although Yogi Bhajan has cautioned that it is danger­ ous for the neck) , Shoulder Stand and Plow Pose. Another strategy is going to bed early twice a week to relax facial tension, rest muscleS, reduce strain on glands and nervous system and to replenish and conserve stocks of vi tal energy. There are rrany exercises to improve digestion and correct cons­ stipation, a common cause of dull eyes and bad skin, and occasional fasts are recorrmended. *Avatara: cne combines 3 elements in his being: 1) Inspiring divinity, 2)a highly evolved intermediate nature or soul, the channel of that inspiring divinity, and 3) a pure, clean physical b:dy. Or, a celestial being manifes­ ting through the ageless b:dy of a fully liberated soul. '!here is general agreement that the Indian saint, Sai Paba, is a genuine avatara, and other candidates included Yogananda. '!he Hindu God Krishna is an Avatar of Vishnu, and many of his other avatar forms have been cele­ brated in song and story. -. •-. -. -. -. 167 • • I I • • • • • Mind Mirror is fonn of self-hypnosis to delay aging. In meditation pose, with the breath slowed down to 6 heart­ beats per inhalation, 6 per exhalation, see yourself as you are now, clearly, in detail. Concentrate of evoking and exstablishing this likeness. '!ben think of the future, of the years to cane, and see yourself as you are in the mirror I1O'N, never changing. }k)ld the thought: THE YEARs WILL PASS BUT THIS FACE WILL NC1l' AGE. Delays further aging. grow younger, a yogi evokes his image-. of 10, 20 years before, and merges it with the - present likeness tmtil eventually -the younger canpletely obscures the older face. Intense concentration, will-poINer, patience and faith are necessary for success. To '!'O increase circulation in the face, here is a set of 5 asanas • ('!bey are prohihited in cases of high blood­ pressure. ) high up towards the shoulderblades as possible, and hold, breathing deeply as the face begins to feel warm and "full". 3. Yoga Mudra, variation: Correctly practiced with legs in Lotus Pose, it can also be done in Easy or Perfect Pose. Hands in Venus lock behind the neck, with thumbs resting on the jawbone, near jugular bone. Inhale, exhale and lean forward till face rests on the floor, at the same time pressing with the thumbs. Wi th head still down, inhale and release thumb pressure, and exhale as you cane up. Should be practiced carefully. Knees-to-stcmaCh: en the back, inhale and draw knees up to (chest), holding them -pressed against body with the hands, and hold the breath and pose tmtil the h~le face is flush­ ed with blood. Release, and relax. 1. Head of a Cr:M Pose. In Rock Pose on heels, raise and bend the right arm behind the head, clasping the left hand which is bent up behind the back. Hold the pose with eyes closed,' face relaxed, and deep breath­ ing. Concentrate on increasing circul­ ation to facial tissues, finning and toning the skin. Wannth will soon be felton the left side of the face. Conclude by exhaling and bending for­ ward, hands still clasped til forehead touches the floor. RePeat on the opposite side. Use a towel. if the hands cannot rreet at first. Practice makes it easier. 5. '! Shoulderstand or Half-candle Pose: en back, raise the legs and then lower torSo up, supporting 'Weight on upper anns, hands at hips. Body is angled so that the chin does not press into the chest, allowing free flow of blocxi, but legs are straight up. }k)ld the pose with deep breathing with closed eyes, facial muscles relax­ ed 'lIDtil you feel the cheeks growing warm and full as blocxi reaches tissues. The longer the pose is held, the great­ er the benefit. Holding the pose, see yourself as ever young, unchange­ able. cOnclude with Plow Pose, feet to floor overhead, taking hold of toes with hands, hold briefly, and slowly return to relaxation on back. 2. Pose of a ChiIQ, variation: A pleasant, relaxing position,' normally practiced with anns at sides, this variation increases circulation to the head. In Rock Pose, rest forehead on the floor. Clench fists and press them together behind the back, as Fran Yoga for Beauty by Michael Volin & Nancy Phelan, published by Arc Books, Inc., New York, 219 Park Av. SOUth, N.Y. 10003, 1966, 4th printing 1971 168 SUPPLEMENTARY In addition to the sets, EXERCISES we have collected single exercises fran the notes and previously published sets, to thoroughly cover the subjects of the manual, and provide the student with choice and selection. Sex~al Energy & Potency 'IO STIMULATE AND 0iANNEL SEXUAL ENERGY: Of the meditation postures, Siddhasana, (or perfect or accanplished pose) stimulates the nexvous system and utilizes the body.1 s sexual energy the ItOst efficiently. It may be sub­ stituted for Easy Pose in any medit­ ation. Sitting, legs outstretched, bring left heel into the perineum (between sex organ and anus) , and place right fex>t on left shin, tucking toes between calf and thigh, with the heel directly on top of the left heel. (SADA) RE.JtJVmATES ALL 'mE GLANDS: Maha Bhanda is the application of all three loc::ks at once: Mu1bhand or Root I.Dck, Uddi­ Bhanda or Diaphragm I.Dck, and Jaiandhara Bhanda or Olin I.Dck (see "Bhandas" ) • When all loc::ks are applied the nerves and glands are rejuvenated, regulating bxld pressure, increasing circulation to sexual organs. (SADA) yana CEANNEL SEXUAL ENERGY: Of the Mudras, Venus Lcx::k cormects the right and left Venus M:>unds, associated with sensuality and sexuality, and balances those energies to enable one to concentrate or meditate. Inter­ lace fingers with the left little finger on the botton and the right thumb on top for men, left thumb on top for wcmen. (SAnA) 'IO ~~ 169 FOR a:NIRLOF FEMALE SEX ~S: Crow Squatts with hands in Venus Lock behind the neck. <::pen the ~t wide and bounce up and down in Crow Pose (feet flat 00 ground, squatting), for 3 counts. en the 4th count, stand. '!ben squat again and repeat and con­ tinue, rythmica.lly, for 4 minutes to gain absolute control crver· the sexual organs. (JOY) ADJUSTS SEXUAL NERVaJS SYSTEM: Crow Squatts as above, but with forearms bent up parallel to the body, and fingers spread. fobve up and down with 8 breaths of fire on each ItDVe up and on each nove &::Iwn. COntinue for 4-5 minutes. Adj usts sexual ner­ vous system in relation to bone marrow. (JOY) SE:XU"'~ rormcr: Sit in Celebate­ Pose, buttocks 00 the c;round between heels with long, deep, slow breathing for 2 minutes. (MED) FOR STIMULATES SEX :ENERGY 0iANNELS m THIGH: en back, hands in Venus Lock under the neck, spread legs wide open and do Breath of Fire for 1 minute Inhale, raise legs 3 feet off ground and hold for 5 sea)nds. '!ben relax legs on the ground and repeat 3 times. '!ben, a fourth time but after Breath of Fire, raise the legs 1 foot only, and hold as long as c:anfortable. (SADA) UPPER -170 Bea.'\..~ t j . " , Youth, R e j 'l. ~ ,," e n c"=l t i_ 0 n. roB YaJl'HFUL IroKS: Spinal Flex in Fasy Pose. Inhale arching the spine with belly and chest pressed forward, neck tuck tightly in and up, then exhale as you slO'Wly contract the spine back, PJ.Shing the chin slightly forWard so that head remains in the same place with respect to hips, thru­ out the exercise, taking 1-2 seconds per cycle and continue for 4 minutes. 'Ihis stiIm..l1ates the thyroid/parathyroid balance praroting weight loss and will keep ale looking young if done correctly. (JOY) KEEPS YaJ YCXJNG, FIRMS ~: Bridge Pose. Si t, bending knees and drawing feet in to buttocks, hands besides hips, fingers· towards feet, elbows locked, and raise the torso so that the torso fran shoulders to knees forms a stright line parallel to the ground, at right angles to the arms and forelegs. Tuck chin into chest and nove the buttocks up and dc:1wn for 3-4 minutes. (JOY) ro SlOP AGING & GREY HAIR: In Shoulder Stand, hands supporting hips, legs raised straight up, breathe slowly, and kick the buttocks with alternate heels. 'Ihis balances the Sun and Moon power in the body, as Prana is pressed into apana, and blood is rushed to the head while heart rests and capillaries open. (RELAX) -----_._--- ... _ - - - - - - - - - - -------_. __ .~ 171 FOR YaJ'I'H, BEAUTY, REGENERATICN & a:MPLEXIOO: Vayu Mathan Kriya (or O1urning of the Praan Shakti). In Easy Pose, join hands. in Venus Lock behind the back, and raising them as high as possible, twist the body fran the waist, side to side, with a poweIful breath (through the nose), allowing the arms to swing, and OOilding a gcx:x1 m::mentum. '!his is regenerating , making one young and beautiful, takes care of the canplexion, and rerroves negativity. Continue for 2-3 minutes. (NOrES) IOR A a:MPLEXICN, on heels, spread the knees wide apart, and lean back 60 0 , supporting the OOdy with the arms in back. Tilt the neck back, inhale and pump the stanach in and out until the breath can no longer be held. Exhale. Repeat and continue for 1';-2 minutes. 'Ihen tilt the spine - back to 30 0 and repeat for another 1';-2 minutes. stimulates the thyroid, parathyroid and navel center. If you practice these, you will never need cosmetics, a soooth radiant ccxnp­ lexion and glow in the eyes and face is a natural by-product, of the exer­ cise. (SADA) Sl>'rol'H. RADIANT GLarlING EY.ES AND FACE: /'r~ l I ... \.;1 : ,"I ,I~ ...... , . \ ...... Si t CREATING BEAt1I'Y': After a set or other exercise for beiiuty, lie down in Shava­ sana, on the back with arms at sides, I palms up, eyes closed, and allow the """ "" \ ' / ./ bcdy to go dead. CCXnpletely relax _ ..................... """""\ / / ' ,~ the !:::x:ldy systematically, part by part, ..:... ~ ~ beginning with the feet and continuing ~ ::­ ~ ::: ~ on up to the head, with long, deep ----­ /,'" / breathing. 'Ihen concentrate at the ,,/ ; / / I \ ' ' ' ­ "'" 3rd Eye Point and feel young and beaut­ iful. COntinue to deeply -relax for 5 minutes. (JOY) ! =') /1 (\ \. "'" . . . . . . -=­ -­ 172 STRENGl'HEllS ~ 0iEEK AND JAW MUSCLES, CIRaJIATICN 'ID HEAD: In Fasy Pose, hands on knees, rapidly shake the head left to right in short sharp rovements, allowing all the muscles of the rrouth and face to relax for 3 minutes. It loosens up the neck, stimulates circulation to the face, stiJm.l1ates the pituitary gland, and allows the capillaries to get their blood supply as 'Nell. (JOY) CELI..§: In Easy Pose, inhale and holding the breath, puff the cheeks out as fully as you can. Breathing through the nose, keep the cheeks puffed, and release a little [lOre air into the rrouth after each inhale, increasing the pressure and continue for 1-2 minute-s. 'Ihen, with cheeks still puffed, head remaining stationary, rove the eyes left and right, up and down for 1 [lOre minute. '!his increases circulation to the eyes and cheeks, and is good for the canplexion because it flushes all the cells in the face, rejuvenating those which typically get very little circulation. (JOY) REJUVENATES FACE l FOR YOOTHFUL FLESH, MUSCLE REGENERA­ TICN r ABSENCE OF GREY HAIR: Manduki. Mudra: In Rock Pose, with eyes open, concentrating on the tip of the nose, roll the tongue up and back towards its root and suck on it. In a short time, a nectar-like flow will go into the body, which you are to patiently drink. Practiced regularly, in conjun­ ction with a good diet and life style, it preserves youthfulness. '1his is a farrous, ancient yogic practice. • - -~- •II II II - --- --- II ~ - ------~- --~---~~~- - ~ 173 KEEPS . em: YCXJ'mFUL: Sitting, legs extended, and lean back resting on hands, elbows slightly bent. Raise both legs 18 inches and alternately push and pull them, bending the knees, m::Ning feet parallel to the ground•. Rapidly. '!he body will get warm•.--~ Should be done by tNanen before they get out of bed in the m:>rning. Adjusts and stimulates hips and keeps you youthful. (JOY) BRAIN, GLANIXJI.AR roNCTICNS AND c::LFARS UP FACIAL BLEMISHES: (This PERFECrS IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ IJ II II II II II - -~~~-- is part of a set to be done to the tape of "Jaap sahib" - a 10 count rhythm). In Triangle Pose (or Adho Mukta Svanasana tog Pose) , wi th weight on balls of the feet and palms, buttucks up, head hanging, arms and legs straight, bend arms and bring forehead to the ground, then return to Triangle Pose. Repeat and continue, down on 1, up on 2, down on 3, up on 4~ down on 5, up on 6, down on 7, up on 8,.9 and 10, one second for each o;:Jlmt, for 15 minutes. '!his exercise is called saram Parnaam. (JOY) REOOCES - FACIAL TENSICN, FIRMS NECK AND FACIAL MUSCLES, RmJCES WRINKLES, C!JRES AND PREVENl'S SORE THROAT, IM­ PROVES a:MPLEXICN: Lion Pose. In Pose, fingers on floor before knees, raise buttocks, arching back and neck, open eyes as wide as ~ssible and extending tongue as far as ~ssible tensing every muscle of the body and hold with breath for as long as ~s­ sible. Relax and repeat twice rrore. Rock (NOl'ES) FOR 'IRE MAGNEl'IC FIELD: Sit on heels arms extended straight out in front, palms up and open. Inhale, exhale and close hands into a fist, squeezing hard while applying Mulbhand. Repeat and continue - time unspecified. wi th (NCJl.'ES ) 174 TAKES NlTAY OLD AGE AND WRINKLES: Stand on the left leg, bend forward grasping knee with hands for balance, and extend and stretch the right leg straight out and back, parallel to the ground making a straight line fran head to right foot,· and hold· for minutes. '!hen changes legs and repeat. '!his is the best thing for the. spine, and takes away old age, wrinkles, all mental, physical and spiritual deter­ ... iotations. (RELAX) 3" YCX.JNG: In Easy or Lotus interlace fingers overhead in . Venus Lock, ~ fingers extended, '. and inhale stretching up, then exhale, stretching to bring forehead down to the left knee, buttocks remaining on the ground. Repeat, to alternate knees ·at a ll'Oderate pace for 3 minutes. '!his releases anger and keeps you young, and wxks al the liver too. {JO'i KEEPS Pose, RES'IORES ~ tJddiyana Bhanda ro '!HE YCXJ BDY: or Diaphragm IDck is applied by lifting the diaphragm up on the exhaled breath, creating a cavi ty in the abdanin, by pulling the upper abdcminal Iriuscles back toward the spine. It is a powerful lock. allawing prana up the central nerve channel into the neck and stimulating the hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the brain. In Laya Yoga, the rhyth­ mic application of this lock is. crucial to attaining the highest effects of chanting. ( SAnA) • 175 --"--", ..-; -: --.iJ.,it.t....... " " IE -;, . . ", "# .~•..;. REnJCE THE WAIST: Side to side swings fran the waist. standing, feet together, swing left ann overhead as right passes behind back and l:x:ldy bends to the right, then swing left, reversing arms. Do not "pike" or bend back or forward - keep the l:x:ldy in a flat plane. Continue 1-2 minutes. ro (MID -variation) ro SLIM WAIST: 'IWistinq back and forth with anns swinging ahead for m:mentum. Keep the hips in place (either bend the knees slightly,: or.lock hips with buttocks muscles). Also· ajusts back, stimulates liver. (MID- variation) e FOR :ElJSTLINE: Balanced <::1:'o'w. In Crow Pose, bend ~ slightly, brace knees against them, and lift feet balancing al hams and feet and hold with nonral breathing as long as p::>s­ sible. (NOl'ES) ",i~ ,.~ ,..... '. .• :~:..~.:: ~.. ~..,.....I~:' ~.. . .' ~ ',' 176 Thyroid &. rTt"1ros t Center 'l'O STIMULATE THYROID: en back, clasp knees to chest and slOW'ly bring your nose to your knees, then lower it back d:::Iwn, taking 4 seconds to raise it and 4 seconds to 10'Ner it. Continue· for 3 minutes. THYROID: Raise legs and lower torso in wide leg shoulderstand,. sup-. ported by the arms, with Breath of Fire for 3 minutes. 'Ihe-n relax on . the back for 3 minute$. (SADA) FOR 'IHYROID~ Lying on back, place left foot on right thigh, holding the big toe with right hand, and arch the buttocks up. Hold with Breath of Fire for 3 minutes, applying pres­ sure to the neck.. (NOl'ES) .FOR NECK AND NECK, THYROID & MEMORY GLAND: With hands in Venus Lock, palms down, 4 inches above head, (Shakti Pose), inhale and move anns back as head IOC>ves fonward, exhale and IOC>ve arms forward as head goes back. (NOI'ES) FOR THYROID: In Rock Pose, lean back 60° angle, supported by hands be..~ind the hips, and arch the neck, looking at the ceiling. (NarES) at a STIMULATES GLANDS: THYROID AND PARATHYROID In Easy Pose, interlock hands in Venus lock behind the neck, and keeping the neck straight, twist -power­ fully frcm left to right, chanting "HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI with the tip· of the tongue hitting upper palate, one repetition every 2-3 seconds, coordinating the rrovement with the mantra for 4 minutes. (JOY) , , I • • • • • • • • •III .. 177 ~ THYROID & PA.'qA'IHYROID: Whistle Breath. Pucker the lips and inhale making a high-pitched whistle, and exhale through the nose. Or, reverse and inhale through the nose, exhaling with a whistle. Activates the 'Ihyroid and Parathyroid (and firms the cheek muscles) • (See page 1 30 - SAnA) " q" . .'), (~, STIMUIATES 'IHYROID AND PARATHYROID SE:C:RE1'ICNS: Jalandhara Bhanda or Neck IJ::x:k is the contraction back of the neck and throat so that the chin rests in the notch between the collar bones without tilting the head, straightening the thoracic vertibrae, allowing prana to· flow freely to the brain. 'Ihi.s prevents problems of blocked energy, and the pressure on the thyroid and parathyroid caUSes them to secrete and activate the higher functions of the pituitary. Neck IDck should be applied' in all meditations unless otherwise specified. ~ ) \~~ . ,, to' T' \, \ \ .' \. \ \. " I ... , \. \. \ . ", FOR NEX:K & THYROID: stand, feet hip width apart, hands in Prayer Mudra at heart. Inhale and extend aJ:rnS up and out to 60 0 , head dropped back, and exhale back into Prayer MudIa for 2-3 minutes. (NOI'ES) & THYROID: seated, stretch anns up into sat Kriya Position, palms together cwerhead, and as you exhale, bring the heatt forward, chin to chest, then, inhaling, arch the neck back, slowly and srooothly for 2 mins. (NOI'ES) NEX::K I STIMULATES WEIGHT PARATHYROID GrAND. LOSS, BAI.ANCES '!HE Sitting in Easy Pose, extend arms straight out in front, make fists of the hands, thumbs tucked inside and alternately raise and lower arms forcefully, corrdinating the rrovement with p:7Werful breathing for 8 minutes. (JOY) 178 He a.d. Cen t:.e-rs PINEAL & PI'IUITARY: In back platform, place one foot on the other thigh (in Lotus Pose position) and hold with Breath of Fire for 3 minutes. FOR FUR· PI'IUITARY, PARATHYROID AND REPROD­ SYSTEM: In celibate Pose, sitting between heels, buttocks on the ground, interlace fingers in Venus IJ::x:k behind the neck, and bow down, touching only the chin to the ground in a 10 count rhythm:r::own on 1, up at 2, down at 3, up on 4, down on 5, up at 6, down on 7, up at 8, 9 & 10. Continue for 15 minutes. 'Ibis exercise in this posture is known as Bhuiar Bhujang Asan. It relieves problems of the reprcxiuctiva area and the pitu­ itary gland and when the chin touches the ground, the parathyroid gland is stimulated. 'Ibis is a practice guaranteed to change the total sum of ateself. {JOy) UCI'IVE '\. , " \ \ I tv ENERGY 'ID 'mE BRAIN· GIVES CLARITY OF THOOGHT: Balance on knees and forehead, hands in Venus I£>ck on the back, feet and forelegs raised off the ground and meditate at the Brow Point for 3 minutes. 'Iben extend left leg straight back and up to 60 0 , and with Breath of Fire, kick the buttocks for 2 minutes. Swi tch legs and- . repeat for 2 minutes. nus is Adha Shakti O1alnee Kriya. (MID) RELEASES -. -. • • • • • • • • • •II II II II II II II II • -- 179 PRAYANAMA 'fO AcrIVATE PITUITARY AND PINEAL GLANDS: Close right nostril with right thtmlb and breathe long and deeply through the left nostril for 1-2 minutes. RePeat, closing left nos­ tril with right index finger (and long, deep breathing through through right nostril) for 1-2 minutes. '!hen, using the same thtmlb and index finger, inhale through the right and exhale through the left for 1-2 minutes. Reverse, inhaling through left, exhaling through right nostril, with Breath of Fire for 1-2 minutes. Now, reverse hands and continue Breath of 'Fire, inhaling through left, exhaling through right. Finally, deeply inhale through both nostrils, hold briefly, exhale and relax. Coordinates hemispheres of the brain. (KEEP) STIMULATES PI'IUITARY: Sitting, place left foot on right thigh and bend over outstretched right leg, grasping the big toe with both thumbs and index fingers to press the toenail and pull back the big toe. Keep the chin tucked in and the spine straight with Breath of Fire for 1-2 minutes. Inhale, exhale, change legs and repeat. Bal­ ances the aura and oPenS the lungs. MODIFIED STRETOi POSE ron THYROID AND PITUITARY: Lying on back, raise the head only, 12 inches, stretching arms forward and focussing at the 3rd eye, with Breath of Fire for 1-3 mins. (KEEP) • 100 ~r;:P~3ma1c~~ FCXDS IIDXl-1MENDED BY YOOI l3HAJ'AN (Recipes for these may be obtained fran '!he Golden Temple COOkbcx:::>k, or The Ancient Art of self Nutrition.) Ter, a cucumber-like vegetable, very cleansing, CXlOling and beauti­ ful for the sexual nervous system. (MAN 'ID MAN, XII) ** saffron keeps you young and alive. Gold I.ea.f,{to be taken only with figs, Papaya, apple or carrots) for a long and healthy life. Banyan Milk, regulates the ejacula­ tion, taken in spring or fall. It also regulates the prOOuctivity and thickneSs·· of semen, prevents it fran being disCharged during urination, prevents premature ejacu­ lation-and a lot more. Dianond D.Jst will make a. dead man alive, taken in any season except stmmer. Before age 3S, take it for· 20-40 days, and after, take it daily 'w"ith a tsp. of honey, followed by a glass of miL~. Shala-iit, (the milk of the stone) is good for the lower back, the spine and sexual weakness. •~.. Fruits (all fruits that begin wi th the letter "p") are good for plums, peaches, your creativity pineapple, etc. Banana is also a "p" fruit. Pistach:b Nuts should be eaten each day, unsalted, uncooked and unpeeled - one handful. Trimty Root (can be obtained from the Khalsa Clinic), should be taken 4 times per year, 30 caps a day for 3 days, 10@ at breakfast, lunch and dinner with warm milk. TRINITY RCOl'S '!he Trident of Life Garlic cures all kinds of sickness when eaten freshly peeled norning, noon and night with lots of water. It also increases semen production, purifies the blood and acts as an antibiotic. M::>reover, it neutral izes bacteria in the colon and creates sexual energy •. Ginger nourishes the nerves, cor­ rects spinal difficulties and part­ icularly good for menstrual cramps and fatigue. Onions, the 3rd part of the trinity, has the same properties as garlic. For sexual potency, asafoetida is a costly food fran India (at $100. alb. ) 'nlere is a type available in the u.s. (costing $8. a lb.) which is mixed with rice and other things. It is sauteed in ghee and added to food and though it has a very 'fX'WeI"ful odor, it is very healthy, gcx:xi for mental balance and sexual potency. To build semen, resistance to stress and for weight, use ghee (clarified butter) nore than any other oil, and you will not have a sexual problem • For semen in the urine drink Banyan Tree Milk. (can be obtained from the Khalsa Clinic, 711 E. 37th Ave., Eugene, Oregon 97405) To cure any sexual or nervous disa­ bility, blend 1 cup of homemade yoburt with 10-1 S figs and live on that for 1-2 weeks. "There is no better food on the planet than the fig!" - Y.B. (MAN 2 MAN, XII) Black Beans are good for the repro­ ductive organs and increase female seI"..:3itivity . * 181 For leukorrhea, Betel Nuts, crushed and mixed with other things or chewed raw are good. After intercourse drink a glass of hot milk with a spoonful of sesame oil to. keep you going. LCNGEVITY, REJU'VENATIOO , Gota Kola is good as a tea for longevity and rejuvenation, and it prcmotes meditation. (called "Brahmi" in the Aymvedic tradition) Deer Antler (Lu Rong) is considered relieve roming sickness and relax the cervix during childbirth,. drink Red Rasberry ~f Tea. men and wanen in Olinese medicine. * a woman's sexual energy, eat pers nmons. (SELFNUT) Ginseng is a Olinese root, famous for its sti.mulating and rejuvenating properties. * To To enhance 'l1le sexiest food is eggplant and it is the rost p::iwerful vegetable for wanen. Yogi Tea daily. for recipe) (see Relax & Renew BFAUTY'r REJt.JVmATICN For rej uvenation of the entire system, fill a jar with ~_~~~tal§ that have not been touched by hands, p::lUT .boney over them, and let 'it sit for 1 year. '!hen eat the honey. For red or sore eyes, place grated raw potatoes betweoJl 1:1NO slices of gauze and apply to the eyes while resting. Replace dried out p::ltatoes with fresh ones • Relax. a powerful aphrcx:lisiac for both Dong QJai. is lEN MIUEl' canbine i cup of millet, .; cup chopped, dried orange peel t cup raisons 24 alroonds (that have soaked overnight) 2 tbls. whole sesame seeds 1 tsp. tumeric '1- tsp. salt 1 tsp. anise seeds oil or ghee and cook. in enough water to prevent sticking, adding rrore as necessary , until millet is soft. (Tahini or alm::>nd butter may be substituted for seeds and nuts.) t cup black beans, soaked overnight 1 tsp @cumin dill seeds coriander 2 medium onions, sectioned 2 small or 1 large beet, sectioned 1 large carrot sliced 3-4 Bay Leaves 1 clove minced garlic and cayenne, Black pepper Tamari, soy or Braggs, or salt to taste. Discard soak water, place beans in a pot of fresh water, add onions, spices, beets and carrots and cook .in a pot of fresh water, with onions and spices. Add carrots and beets later and cook until tender. Top wi th cottage cheese, plain yogurt, grated parmesan or crunchy sprouts for additional protein and serve wi th rice. (Clopped beet stems are a delicious, celery-like addit­ ion to be added a few minutes before serving. ) SAUTEED GINGER Saute ginger, onions and garlic until brown, add fresh black pepper and eat with II\U:lg beans and rice for after childbirth or uncomfort­ able menstruation. (SELrntJT) POI'ENCY FCXJD FOR MEN Steam onions with ginger and garlic (ratio of 3:1:2), saffron (1:8), 50 or fewer pistacio nuts with 40 or fewer alnonds. Blend them with a little honey and eat on toast. (The saffron, a1..rronds and pistacchios should have been soaked overnight in milk. Should be eaten no rrore than once a week and it will give you gcxxl nerves, gcxxl semen & endurance. (MAN TO MAN XII) I I I I I I I I I I I I 183 ~'S EX;GPI..ANT DISH (Should be eaten, as a xreal, one week before a wanan starts her period. ) Slice eggplant and set aside. canbine garbanzo flour, caraway seeds, cardarron, cinnanon, turmeric, black pepper with cloves and sane milk. or onion water to make a paste. Add honey and hot water and mix until lumps are gone. Dip eggplant in the batter and deep fry it. For leukorrhea ano. vagi.nal dis­ charges, . canbine equal - parts of garbanzo flour with betel nuts. ** aJRDS & WHEY Bring ~ gallon- of milk to a boil, rerrove fran heat and add the juice of 2 lerrons. . Let the mixture sit until curds and whey forms. (0Jrds are solid, like cottage cheese,· and whey. is the left over liquid.) \Vhey is - very good for digestion and elimination. (MAN· ro MAN, JA1'J.AA JEERM (Cumin Tea) To 10 lbs. water, add 1 lb. cumin seeds, 1 oz. tamarind (fresh or frozen), a little black salt (sane­ times known as Sulphur salt), 5 or 6 lem::>ns, black pepper to taste (optional) , and peppermint leaves. Bring to a boil, then sirrmer for 4­ 5hours, extracting the essence fran the cumin seeds. Strain and serve or store. It can be taken hot or cold, but is normally drunk cold. 2-3 glasses a day will clls­ solve any fatty tissue in the b:dy and prevent rrore fat de~sits. It improves the beauty of the skin and helps retain a youthful appearance. It has also been called the "colon's buddy" because it cleanses all of .the muccous fran the intestines and is a good source of Vitamin c. (NOl'E: Save the cumin seed mixture and add fresh ingredients when you make a new batch. '!he tea can be stored for up to a week in the refrigerator. (MAN ro MAN III) GINGER TEA VOL 3.) NAKASTA PRASAD BALLS Eoil wheat berries in water until soft or, better, .just soak them for 4-5· days. '!hen grind them and strain out the li.quid which is wheat milk. '!his is good for the lower back. Fran wheat milk, eva~rate off the water and what is left is wheat milk. por...Uer. Fry it in ghee, adding pistachio nuts and raisins if desir­ ed, and make it into a ball. When it dries you can add brown sugar to taste. Take one prasad ball early in the rrorning with hot milk for feeldidng sexy when you are feeling older and colder. Nakasta is a very old v;ord. It is very good for those over 54. Never eat rrore than one per day. '!he best thing is to soak. it overnight in milk and eat it early in the rrorning. 'Then go for a long walk or exercise~* Boil 4-5 slices of fresh ginger root in 3 cups of water, with card­ anon for extra flavor and drink with honey to taste. (SEL..~) To milk add 2 large or 3 medium balanas, 2 freshly ground nutmegs, 1 apple, sane honey and blend. (this can be taken as a hot drink.) To make ice cream, ~ered cinnamon must be added before it is frozen. This recipe will keep a normal person young for a long time! (NOI'E Freshly ground nutmeg myst be used - nutmeg with banana is a tonic when used in this way. Almond milk may be substituted· for cow's milk. ** 184 FUNDAMENTALS OF Kundalini yoga is an ancient art and science dealing with" the alteration and expansicn of consciousness, the awakening and raising of KtJNDALINI ENERGY up the spine through energy centers called CHAKRAS, activati."'lg them. 'Ibis is" accx:mplished by the mixing and uni ting of FRANA (Cosmic Energy) with APANA (eliminating energy) which generates pressure to force Kundalini to rise, by means of PRANA­ YAMA (breathing" _exercises) , BHANDAS (body locks) in KRIYAS" (exercise sets) using ASANAS (postures), KJDRAS (ges­ "tures), and MANTRAS (chanted \oIOrds). Kunda.lini yo;a sets and meditations also. use visualization, Proj ection and focussed attention to attain "speci­ fic effects. 'Ibis knowledge has been a ; guarded secret, handed down fran Guru to selected students for centuries but" thanks" to Yogi Bhajan, it is now offered to the public. 'nlrough the practice of Kundalini yoga an individual can unite his cons­ ciousness with Cosmic COnsciousness on a regular basis by carefully per­ forming the exercises and meditations in SPeCific sequence and canbination. A student soon becanes adept at per­ ceiving the ItOVement of energy wi t.nn and outside of his body, and conscious­ KUNDAI... TNI VOCA ly be<;iins- to direct its flow to stimu­ late and awaken the chakras, for heal­ ing himself and others, and clearly beccmes a co-creator with Q:d. '!he science is said to be 70,000 years old. Tradition attributes it to the Hindu G:ld Shiva instructing his wife, the Goddess Parvati. 'lbe teachings were then imparted only· to the initiated in temples and nonas­ teries in India, Nepal and Tibet. Kundalini yoga is closly related to 'riantra, which also raises Kundalini energy (Shakti power) to achieve extra­ ordinary consciousness. '!here are 3 forms of tantra: White Tantra, which is taught by Yogi Bhaj an, uniting male and female energy in non-sexual union, Red Tantra relies on sexual union, and Black Tantra, a form of shamanism. Kundalini Yoga was brought to the west in 1969 by Yogi Bhaj an, the only living Master of White Tantric' Yoga on the planet. His followers have adapted the Sikh relition, and they wear the will.te clothing and tur­ bans with uncut hair that signify purity. All Sikhs do not necessarily practice Kundalini Yoga, and Kundalini yoga devotees are by no means all Sikhs. KtHlM.Im FRANA & APANA An incredibly powerful storehouse of psychic energy symbolized as a coiled, sleeping serpent at the base of the spine ( I Kundal l means I cur1 1 ) • Once awakened it uncoils and ascends through the spinal colurm (in the psychic channel, SUSHMANA) to the SAHASRARA (the masculine Crown. Chakra) at the top of the head, and triggers a transcendent spiritual state. Re­ peated experiences produce enlightment. Frana is the basic life force of cons­ ciousness in the air we breathe and the food we eat, assimilated effort­ lessly, and Kundalini yoga practice enhances its absorption. Apana is the eliminating energy stored in the lower chakras. When it is raised and united with prana (by breath retention & body contractions or locks), psychic heat is generated which raises Kundalini through the chakras. • • • • •~ ~ - 185 A series of cne or rrore exercises or p:lstures in canbination with prana­ yama, locks, chanting, visualization, projection, etc. in specific sequence designed to produce specific effects. sane of Yogi Bhajan' s kriyas are cen­ turies old. '!be total effect of a kriya is greater than the sum of its parts. I Kriya I literally means I work I or I action' • ~ II -II II II II II II • •II ROCK POSE (or Vaj rasana) : Kneel and sit on heels (tops of feet on the ground) so that they press the nerves in the center of the buttocks. (It is named ''Rock Pose" because its effect on the digestive system enables one . to digest rocks.) A .p:>se or posture designed to st:imulate glands, organs or body awareness, and to quiet the mind for meditation. Asanas often apply· pressure on nerves or accupressure p:lints, reflexing. to the brain .and Jxxiy for certain effects. 'Ibe roost carm:>n meditation asanas .are: (or Hero Pose): With feet hip width apart, kneel and sit between the feet. nus posture channels sexual energy. CET.EBATE If you si t in a chair, be sure that both feet are flat and evenly placed on the ground, and keep the spine straight. Easy Pose POSE (or SUkasana) : Cross the legs canfortably at the ankles or both feet on the floor, pressing the lower spine forward to keep the back straight. EASY Right heel presses against the perineum, sole against left thigh. Left heel is placed on top of the right heel and presses the body above the genitals with the toes tucked into the groove between the right· calf and thigh. Knees should be on the ground with heels one directly above the other. '!his is the IOOst canfortable asana for many and is believed to prcm::>te psychic power. PERFEX:r POSE (Or Siddhasana) : r.aruS (or Padmasana): Lift left foot onto upper right thigh, then place right foot on left thigh as close to the body as p:lssible. 'Ibis locked .in posture is easier to do than it looks and it enhances deep meditation • 'The right leg is always on top. Celebate Pose ~ .' 186 PRAYAYAMA Breathing to channel and direct the flow of prana arrl alter consciousness & physical state. '!he rrost frequent are 'Ibis is a cleansing and energizing breath, poNered by abdani.nal contractions. Pumping the abdcmen forces air out of the lungs, which then re-inflate effortlessly. Breath of fire is fast, usually 2­ 3 breaths per second .through the nose unless otherwise specified. BRFA'm OF FIRE: and daily practice is a perscription for goc::d health. WHISTLE BREATH: Inhaling and/or exhal­ ing throughthe puckered nouth to pro­ duce a whistle has a profound effect on consciousness. BREATH REI'ENl'ICN: Holding the breath, ei ther in or out is a powerful tool in creating Tapa or psychic heat, and is often used to stimulate Kunda­ lini arousal, alter consciousness, and body chemistry. D~CNS SHOOID BE CAREFULLY FOLI.CMED. '!his .is calming· MmITATICN and produces an autanatic 'high' if done properly. and slowly . enough. '!be stilling of the rational, reason­ Place the tongue on the roof of the ing, dualistic (I am I and everything mouth and inhale as slowly as possible, isn't) egotistical mind to allow the allowing only a thin stream of air neutral mind to focus awareness on to flow. When you can no longer inhale inner reality beyond intellectual begin to exhale at the same slow, concepts, and on outer reality beyond steady pace. Both inhale and exhale physical, earthly objects. Meditation are through the nose. You will fill uses many techniques to achieve this the lower portion of the lungs first, purpose, and produces a calm, sensitive expanding the a.bdanen, then the middle, less enotional, alert, intuitive, expanding the diaphram, and then the effective, efficient and self~ntroll­ top, expandi.rig. the chest. If you can slow the breath down to 6 or fewer ed personai:lty an,f an enhanced-sense breaths per minute (5 seconds of inhale of being and consciousness. Consistent and 5 seconds of exhale), the pitui tary meditation proootes inner peace, happi­ is sti.mulated, autanatically activating ness and life in. higher consciousness. the 3rd Eye. If you can slow down to 4 or fewer breaths a minute (7-l FCX!JS OF ATTENrICN, VIStlALIZATICN second inhale and 7-l second exhale), AND~CN the CrOlNIl O1akra is activated by the Pineal Gland - Instant Cosmic Cons­ Important components in the practice c; ous;ness ~ of Kundalini Yoga are focus, (we may be asked to gaze at the nose, focus ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHING: Breathing on the spine, a chakra, the breath, a mantra, physical functions or on through the left nostril is tranquiliz­ scmething outside of the body), visual­ ing and through the right nostril is energizing. 'nlere are many ccmbin­ zation (of energy movement, magnetic ations of alternate nostril breathing fields, thought forms, astral bcx:lies, for different purposes. see "Breathing ether, light, color, etc.) and project­ to O'lange Nostrils at Will" to assert ions of consciousness out into the control over the nostrils. lIDiverse. 'nlese practices develop awareness of the mobility of conscious­ SITALI PR~YAM: Breathing through ness, the ability to hold several the mouth, through a trough made by things in the mind at once and to the curled tongue cools the air and direct energy movements ernp:::Mering the body. It is used. to lower fevers our sense of daninion and potential (or the tody temperature on hot days) impact on the 'WOrld. LCNG DEEP BRFATHING: I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 187 Neck Icck or Chin Lock is usied during all chanting meditations. '!he chin rests in the notch between the collar lxxles and the head stays level without tilting forward, straightening the cervical vertibrae, and allowing the free flow of prana to the brain. In practice, the chin is t:W.led straight backwards and slightly lowered. Prevents head­ aches and uncanfortable pressure .in eyes, ears and heart during pranayama. JAlANDHARA BHANDA: Body locks or muscular contractions applied for the retention and channel­ ing of Prana. 'lbe principle ooes are: Mul.bhand or Foot Lock is the nost frequently applied. It is the contraction of the anal sphincter , drawing it in and up (as if trying to hold back a J::.awel rrovement), then draw­ ing up the sex organ (so that the urethral tract is CXXltracted). last, the navel point is drawn back towards the spine. '!his is applied with breath retention, either in or out, and unites the t'NO major energy energy flows, prana and apana, generating psychic heat which triggers the release of Kundalini energy, and often ends an exercise. MUIAEHANDA: '!he applicatibn of all 3 locks at once.... When all the locks are applied, the nerves and glands are rejuvenated. MAHABHANDA: UDDIYANA mANOA: Diaphragm r.ock is aplied by lifting the diaphragm high up into the throax and p.1lling the upper a.bJanina1 muscles back towards the spine, creating a cavity,· and giving a gentle massage to the heart IIU.1Scles. stimulates the hypothalmic­ pituitary-adrenal axis in the brain and develops the sense of canpassion. can give neo.N' youthfulness to the entire body. It is applied on the exhale. In Iaya ~, the rhythmic application of this lock achieves the highest effects of chanting. BHANDA EXERCISE fully understand & experience the Sit on heels and spread the knees wide apart, palms on thighs. (A) Apply Root Lock & relax it. (B) Apply Diaph­ ram Lock & relax it. (C) Appl Y Neck I.ock and relax it. Repeat in rhythmic alteration for 3-11 minutes, pulling locks on the exhale (the breath natur­ ally goes. out on the first 2 locks). PRAcrICE CN AN EMPTY S'Ia1AQi. '!his will help to distinguish the locks and perceive energy rrovement along the spine. To 188 CJAKRAS centers of exchange between the psychic and physical dimensions in the psychic or subtle body, like transformers. '!bey change subtle prana into physical energy flowing through a system of •nadis ' (psychic channels similar to the Oriental meridian system). 01akras are energy vortexes perceived as spinn­ ing discs of light (' chakra ' means wheel) situated along the spine. Traditionally there are 7 of them and Yogi Bhajan designated the Electro­ Magnetic Field (Aura) as the 8th. When the chakras are .opened the parti­ cular talents of each are· assimilated and consolidated into the character and behavior of the person. \ ---1// ---­ ELECl'RO-MA~C. FIELD: '!he psychic field of energy surrounding all beings, human or otherwise, through which we proj ect oorselves to others and protect ourselves fran danger. A strong aura insures physical health and success. cne ~ for 'Nearing white is to help expand the aura. (To see auras, close your eYeS and think of a fanDUS guru, or a IrOVie or rock star. Next to him, imagine an ordinary person. Beholding th~ two of them side by side, it is easy to perceive that the "star" has a brilliant, developed aura that clearly outshines that of the other.) SAHASRARA: '!be 'Crown 01akra. is located at the top of the head and is often pictured as a 1000 petaled lotus. 'Ibis is the :indi.vidual's superconscious ness and his link with G:d and Univer­ sal or Cosmic Consciousness & Infinity. It is associated with the Pineal Glann. '!he 3rd Eye or Brow 01akra is associated with the pituitary gland and it is the seat of intuitive aware­ ness. Located between the eyebrows, it is the hone of the "true self", and is pictured as a white light. (CXle 's Guru can seat the:nselves there to provide guidance.) AJNA: / / "" III -­ • • • • • 189 VISHUDDHI: 'ttle 5th or 'ttlroat O1akra is associated \oJith the 'ttlyroid Gland and this is where poisens are purified, respiration is controlled and speech originates. It is pp-rceived as a violet disc, and its proper function ensures truthful speech, a pure and clean body and mind, and some psychic faculties. ANAHATA: 'nle 4th· or Heart O1akra is the seat of compassion, true love, free will and wish-fulfillment. 'Ana­ hata' means 'unbeaten' , (reminding us of 'stout hearts' & 'having heart' ) • It is associated with the '!hymus Gland so its strength insures a strong system and a glittering aura. It is variously described as pink, red, golden, white, and sometimes as dark blue. 'Ib live in the Heart C1akra is to be a well-developed human being. MANIPURA: '!he 3rd or Navel (Nabhi) Olakra is the center of powe-r, energy and well-being. It is sanetimes re­ garded as the ' Solar O1akra', and is known as the 'Delight center', and the 'Jewel in the lDtus' - (Mani­ pura' means 'j eweled lotus' ) • It is associated with the adrenal glands and is variously pictured as a spinning blue, grey or green disc of light. A strong navel chakra bestows character and physical vitality and power. SVADISTHANA: '!he 2nd Chakra, at the sex organs, is the home of Kundalini. It is the seat of creative, sexual energy and is always pictured as a bright red~range. In balance the person can channel powerful reprod.uc­ tive energy to use for other creativity MULADHARA: 'nle 1st or Root C1akra is the anal chakra. It is associated wi th the qualities of stability and security • When it is well functioning, the person is comfortable in physical existence. It is often pictured as a disc of red light. 190 Mant:.:ra A mantra is a syllable, word or phrase in one of the sacred languages ( like Sanscrit & Qumneki) and sometimes in English, which elevates or m:xlifies consciousness through its meaning, the sound itself, rhythm, tone, and even the reflexology of the tongue on the palate. Mantra is lI'!he Yoga of the Mind l l • Scrne of the ITOst fre­ quently used follow: AD GURAY NAMEH, JUGAD GURAY NAMEH, SAT GURAY NAMEH, SIRI ..GURU DFNAY NAMEH is the Mangala . Clam Mantra, and is chanted for protection. It surrounds the magnetic field with protective light, and means "I bow to the primal Guru (guiding consciousness who takes us to Q:xl-Realization), I bow to wisdan through the ages, I 1:x:lW to True Wisdan, I· bow to the great, unseen wisdom." ADI SHAKTI, ADI SHAKTI, ADI SHAKTI, NAMa, NAMe>, SARAB SHAKTI, SARAB SHAKTI, SARAB SHAKTI, NAMa NAMa, PRITHUM BHAGA­ WATI, PRITHUM BHAGAWATI, PRITHUM BHAGA­ WATI, NAMO NAMa, KUNDALINI, MATA SHAKTI MATA SHAKTI, NAMO, NAMa. '!he First Shakti Mantra tunes into the frequency of the Divine M:>ther, and to primal . protective, generating energy. O1ant­ ing it eliminates fears and fulfills desires. Adi Shakti means the,\ Primal Power:' sarab Shakti means"AlI Power;' and Prithum Bhagawati means IIwhich creates through Q:xl. 1I AKAL, MARA KAL means IIUndying, Great death ll is a powerful life-giving chant removing fear and relaxing the mind. AP SAHAEE HOA SACHE DA SACHE DROA, BAR, HAR, HAR means liThe Lord Himseit has beccrne our protector, the Truest of True has taken care of us, Gcx1, God, G::XlI I , or "The Lord HImself is my refuge, true is the support of the True Lord ll • Olanted for prosperity ----------- .---~ ------ - --.------_ .. _--------­ ARDAS BAYE, AMAR DAS GURU, ARDAS BAYE, RAM DAS GURU, RAM DAS GURU, SUCHE SAHE guarantees by the grace of GurU Arnar Das, who is hope for the hopeless, and Guru Ram Das, who is King of the Yogis and Bestower of Blessings, past, present and future, that the prayer will be answered, and that all one I s needs are provided for, signed, sealed and delivered! DHARTI HAl, AI, GURU DEV NAMe is the Adi Mantra that precedes Kundalini Yoga practice, tuning one in to the higher self. eng is "Infinite Creative energy in manifestation and activity" ("an" or AllIn is God absolute and unmani.fested) Namo is "reverent greetings'~ implying humility, Guru means "teacher or wisOan Dev means "Divine or of God" and NaIro reaffirms humility and reverence. In all it means, "I call upon Divine \visdcm" • CNG SO HUNG is "Creator, I am Thou!" a heart-opening and emp::YWering mantra. PRANA, APANA, SUSHUMNA, HARl. HARI HAR, HARI HAR, HARI: HARI HAR Prana is the life force, Apana the eliminating force, and Sushumna is the Central channel for that force. This helps draw energy up the spine for healing. Hari and Har are names of Gcd. PRITVI HAl, AKASH HAl, GURU RAM DAS HAI (see "Dharti Hai") - Pritvi means earth - calling on the name of the venerated Guru Ram Das is very powerful MA DA SA, SA SAY SO HUNG is th.e Siri Gaitri Mantra, and is chanted for healing. Ra is the sun, Ma is the r-t:x>n, Da is the earth, and sa is Infinity. say is the totality of Infinity, and So Hung is "I am Thou" • "Ra Ma Da sa" is the Earth Mantra. and "sa say So Hung" is the Ether Mantra. RA SA TA NA MA is the Panj Shabad express­ ing the five primal sounds of the universe. "s" is Infinity, "T" is life, "N" means death and "M" is re­ birth. ('the 5th sound is "A".) 'Ibis is one of the ITDst frequently used mantras in Kundalini Yoga. SAT NAM is the Seed Mantra or Bij Mantra and it is the most widely used in the practice of Kundalini Yoga. sat is truth, Narn means identity, or to call on the truth, expressing the reality of existence. Olanting this mantra awakens the Soul, and more simply means "really" (Y .B. 1/14/89) SAT NARAYAN, WHA HE GURU, HARl NARAYAN SAT NAM: Narayan is the aspect of Infinity that relates to water, and Hari Narayan is Creative sustenance, which makes the one who chants it in­ tuitively clear or healing. sat Narayan is True SUstainer, Wahe Guru, indes­ cribable Wisdom and sat Nam, True Identity. '!his is the ancient O1otay Pad Mantra. WARE GURU is the Guru Mantra, the mantra of ecstacy. It is not translat­ able, but chanting it elevates the spirit. WAHE GURU, WARE GURU, WAHE GURU, WAHE JEEX): "The ecstacy of consciousness ~s my ooloved." 192 KJmAS A gesture or p:>sition, usually of the hands, that locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers and hands, we can talk to the body and mind as each area of the hand reflexes to a certain part of the mind or body. sane eatm:>n­ ly used mudras are: (In each mudra, exert enough pressure to feel the flO'W of energy through the "nadis" (psychic channels) up the arms but not eno~h to whi ten fingertips. ) GUYAN MUDRA: '!he tip of the thumb touches the tip of the index finger, stimulating knO'Wledge and ability. '!he index finger is symbolized -by Jupiter, and the __ thumb rep~ese,nt~ the ego. Guyan Mudra imparts receptivity & calm. ACl'IVE G:JYAN MUDRA: 'nle firs~ joint of the index finger is bent under the first joing of the thumb, imparting active knowledge~ SHUNI MUDRA: Tip of middle finger (sym­ olized by saturn) touches the tip pf the ~umb, giving patience. SURYA or RAVI MUDRA: Tip of the ring finger (symbolized by uranus or the SUn) touches the tip of the thumb, giving energy, health and intuition. BUDDHI MUDRA: Tip of little finger touches tip of thumb for clear and intiuitive carmmication. (Mercury) VENUS LCCK: Interlace fingers with left little finger on the bottan, with the right index finger on top for men and the left for \oOtleIl. '!he Venus mounds at the base of the thumbs are pressed together channeling sensuality and sex­ uality , and glandular balance, helping to focus and concentrate. PRAYER MUDRA: Palms are pressed togeth­ "er, neutralizing and balancing yin & yang, for centering. BEAR GRIP: Left palm faces out fran body with thumb down, and right palm faces kody, thumb up, and fingers are curled and hooked together to stimulate the heart and intensify concentration. BUDDHA MUDRA: Right hand rests on left for men, left on right for ...anen, palms up, thlmlbs tips touching each other in a receptive gesture. ~ -. -... .­.. -. 193 BENEFITS AND OF KUNDALINI MEDITATION '!he medi tatioos and yoga exercises in this manual present an opportunity to acquire the mental, ~ysical and spiritual capacity to enjoy life to the fullest. Instead of becarming stressed fran the intensifying energy and rapid changes occuring on the planet today, we will be able to "get high" fran the transition to the New Age. Practiced, these tech­ niques will "tune us in". Kundalini Yoga is a powerful scientific tech­ nology, developed over thousands of years, to access higher light energy and produce a conscious rrcde of. living, implementing creativity and productivity fast! We can expect the following results. SOLVING: We can •t always avoid problems, but we can ".be acre effective in handling them. By chang_ ing .perspect.ives, being less E!tOtional arid uninVolVed, W'e can raise our consciousness to attract or provide solutions, thereby rising to a posi­ tion of 'fX)Wer,. able to effect change rather than helplessly stand by play­ ing the victem. PROBLEM YOGA 3. Life is a miracle, a series of synchronistic .events unfolding at the right time and place, in a cons­ tant flOW'. As we raise our vibration­ al frequency, we nove into miraculous living. OPPORUNITIES & VALUE FULFIUl1ENT: '!he ability to manifest our deepest desires reveals itself, and we can perceive and draw opp::>rtunities to us. We no longer have to go out and manipulate or fight for what we want. As we gain more control lives, we have less need to exercise control, because we are in the process of discovering and accepting life as it unfolds, and W'e feel rore secure and trusting. .a:NTROL: over our A'I'lTroDES: As we transcend the mind •s duality, new attitudes aOOut life, ourselves and others appear like acceptance, trust, grati­ tude and non-attachment, and we live with fewer expectations or judgements. DIVINE Greater mental clarity focus is achieved, and it is easier to act consistently, to finish tasks, be truthful, fair and honest. 0iARACI'ER: Yoga and meditation power_ fully cleanses us of ~ysical, mental and em::>tional obstructions, \lolOrn­ out attitudes and beliefs, leaving us space to acquire beneficial and useful new ones, and opening us to access higher knowledge and our own inner selves. C'LFANSING: BEITER WAY OF LIVING: three levels of being ­ A '!here are 1. Life is a series of problems to be solved, .and the best we can hope for is to find solutions, or that the problem will just go away. and HEALING: C>..1r healing powers manifest· and our presence, touch, \lolOrds or smile heals. '!he iIrmune system is streng­ thened and we enjoy vibrant health ~ abundant energy . HEALTH: PRESENCE: With the developnent of the electro-magnetic field (aura), not only . is our health improved, but we beccme more poised. and effect­ ive human beings. 2. Life is a series of OPPOrtunities, and problems can be turned into oppor­ tunities for lessons and growth. PURE KN<»lING: With medi tation comes intuition - knowing and feeling what 194 right and best, and no longer to reason through the pro t s and cons t s of each situation. is having PROl'EX:I'ICN: Intuitive powers alert us to dangers, and lJlle do - not attract negative forces. 5anetimes the univ­ verse changes our plans so that we don t t get on the plane that crashes! PatlER: Clarity , humility and devotion clear the channels for our prayers to be heard and answered. PRAYER I Life· beccinesrelaxed and fun. we feel taken care of, and becane "unrea.s6riably happyii. -­ JOYFUL LIVING: HIGHER AWARENESS: 'lhrough meditation we establish an intimate relationship with ourselves and the God wi thin. This relationship opens us up to higher level relationships with others THE ~AL ~CN: '!he congru­ ent alignment of b:xiy, mind and spirit opens channels to other dimensions of existence and the universe unfolds wi thin our minds. IMPACI'ING - ~ PEACE AND BEO:.f.1MING A FORCE FUR GXD: '!he rore we elevate consciousness and the quality of our internal being, the rore posit­ ively we affect the world and those around us. Inner peace beccmes outer peace. A DRUGLESS HIGH: Recreational drugs are used to fulfill the deep longing for spiritual identity as much as for the euphoria, relaxation, sensual delights, mental and physical energy and the other pleasures they may afford sane drugs enable us to talk with God, transcend time and space, exper­ ience sights and sounds cellularly and perceive the \\lOrld as pure sens­ ation devoid of meaning and rorality, and ourselves as simples I sensers ' without character, purpose, - self­ interest or ego. other durgs, of course, magnify the ego and seem to sharpen the rational achievement­ oriented mind while d:imi.nishing sensory awareness. But the price is always high - loss of health, freedan, self­ respect, dignity, family, friends, merrory, feelings and/or mind! In practicing Kundalini yoga, we can experience the same pleasures without the loss of character, ego or values. FUrthermore, 'Ne are enabled to apply the insights gained to the physical \\IOrld, it allows us to exer­ cise more (rather than less) control over our lives, and 'Ne are enpow'ered to live successfully in, enjoying its demands and challenges without judgements. M::lreover it is eminerit!y healthy, perfectly legal and satisfies the deep craving for spiritual meaning. • •~ 195 I , II I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MEDTTATION FACILITATORS When you want to meditate but don It have time to do a canplete yoga set first, try one or rrore of the following exercises before sitting. End each by inhaling, pulling Mulbhand, holding and exhaling (or inhale, exhale and then pull Mu1bhand and hold ! ~ FRCGS to stimulate the , st chakras and help YOU sit: & 2nd Squat on the toes, heels raised and touch­ ing each other", arms bebleen legs fingertips on floor, and head up. Raise buttocks, allowing head· to drop and look at knees and repeat 26-52 times. Follow with forward bend. mms to stretch legs, stimulate the life nerve and navel energy: Sit with legs stretched out in front, bend over grasping toes and exhale as you pull the head to the knees, inhale as you cane up, and continue. Or, sit with legs spread wide apart, touch­ ing head to aiternate knees for 1-2 minutes. FORWARD CRO'l SCQATS to stimulate and circu­ late energy fran the , st & 2nd chakras. and to make sitting easier: Squat, extending the arms straight ahead (or place hands in Venus Lock on top of head), and stand, repeating for 26 or 52 times. You III be glad to sit cbwn. 196 INVERI'ID CAMEL LIFTS to raise kunda.­ lini energy up the spine: en back bend knees drawing heels to b1ttoc:ks feet flat on the floor. Grasp ankles and arch the pelvis up, lifting the navel towams the sky on the inhale, retmning to first pesi tion on exhale and continue ­ 26 or 52 times. TRIANGLE POSE to stimulate the pituitary and relax the spine and the mind: With feet hip width aprt, bend over and place hands shoulder-width apart about 3 feet in front of the feet. Raise but­ tocks in a triangle, cu:ms and legs perfectly straight, and hold with lcmg deep breathi..nq fran 3-5 minutes End by pulling Mulbhand on the held inhale. Follow with QJrpranam. ~. GORPRANAM to stimulate pituitary and pineal glands and 6th and 7th cha.kras: Sit in Rock Pose and rest the forehead on the floor, stretch­ ing - the aImS out _in front, palms together, and hold with long, deep bre .athing for 2-2 minutes. 01AKRASANA (or Wheel Pose) to stimu­ late all the chakras and energize the soine: Q'l the back, place fin­ gertips just under the shoulders, I;Ointing them towards the feet, and bend knees bringing heels to buttocks. Inhale and lift torso into an arch, keeping the arms straight and try to straighten the knees. Arch the neck and look at the hands, and hold with Breath of Fire for 30 seconds-l minute, or as long as I;Ossible. '!he spine tingles with excitement after this. ~ • •~ • .JANUIRASANA for concentration: Sit with the left heel in the peri­ neum and the right leg stretched forward. Inhale, stretching arms overhead, and exhale as you slowly bend forward and touch the head to the right knee, clasping the toes of the right foot with both hands. Breath long and deep for 2 minutes and then reverse legs and repeat. This is a classic meditation facilitator. for rroving energy up and opening the spine: 5it in Lotus Pose or Siddhasana, and lower the YCGA MUDRA head to the ground clasping the hands in Venus I£ck on the back, breathing long and deep for 1-3 minutes AOHA SHAKTI aw.N.EE KRIYA to stimu­ late the 6th & 7th chakras: Kneel and bring head to the ground, lift­ ing feet and shins up off the ground and balance with the hands in Venus Meditate at Lock on the back. the Brow Point for 3 minutes. ro OPEN THE ~ awinting straight up, with Breath of Fire through the right oostril for 3-5 minutes. Inhale deeply, hold and savour the space, exhale, relax and medi­ tate. For a clear, focussed mind. B) . Hands in Venus Lock on top of the head, with Breath of Fire for 3-'5 minutes, focussing eyes on the crown chakra, tongue pressing roof of the ItOuth. \\ \Ir i!/! AFl'ER ANY OF THE FACILITATORS assume or continue in meditation mosture with a perfectly straight spine and slightly tucked chin. Place tongue on the roof of the rrouth and begin long, deep breathing ( 4 or fewer breaths a minute) and presto! Instant higher consciousness BIBLIOGRAPHY Most of the sets and meditations included here are previously unpublished and many come from Yogi Bhajan's earliest classes. Dates are noted whenever they are available. Sources of the previously published sets are indicated in the Table of Contents by the abbreviations noted below. '!he Ancient Art of self-Nutrition, ccmpiled by siri Amir Singh SELFNt1I' Khalsa, D.C. Khalsa Clinic, 711 E. 37th Av., Eugene, Oregon 97405 Beads of Truth, 3HO Foundation, Los Angeles, various issues Healing 'I'hrough Kundalini - Specific Applications, S.S. Vikram Kaur Khalsa and rtlarm Darshan Kaur IKS MAY BE OBTAINED BY WRITING OR TELEPHCNING 'ID: G.T. INTERNATICNAL, 1800 SOuth Robertson Blvd., Suite 182, Los Angeles calif. 90035 (213) 551-0484 MUSIC IN SETS nay be ordered by writing G:>I.DEN TEMPLE REOJRDINGS, Robertson, Los Angeles, calif. 90035 MEN!'IQID) 1605 so. I • Transitions to a Heart Centered World Our First and Still Our Most Popular Book! Guru Rattana, Ph.D. lransiflons To A Heort-eentered WOrtd M '""uti" ':IlL't 1<7,"" 4' c) ~"U;W;j e:tk • • • • • • • • • • • Over 200 information-packed pages Over 100 yoga sets & meditations Open your Heart Chakra Strengthen your Navel Center Bolster your Immune System Attract Abundance, Opportunity & Prosperity Attain Inner Peace & Happiness Large Clear Format, Beautifully Illustrated Spiral-bound with Durable Laminated Covers 11.5 x 8.5 inches, 280 x 215 mm ISBN 1-888029-02-1 Yogi Bhajan introduced a revolutionary concept to spiritual practice. Instead of avoiding the lower chakras, he taught us that in order to open the heart chakra and stay in the heart, we must cultivate a powerful base in our lower chakras. Transitions pulls together the core teachings of the early 1970's in one value packed volume. It contains the best sets for empowering the lower triangle and an awesome collection of sets and meditations to open the heart chakra. "A wonderful book of KY meditations and sets. It is full of information to help us move into the Aquarian Age with open hearts, and includes many quotes from Yogi Bhajan. I highly recommend it. "- Lynn Special Price - $ 24 .95 Available from Yoga Technology - Relax and Renew Offering a permanent and successful treatment for stress! Guru Rattana, Ph.D. • • • • • • Over 100 Yoga Sets & Meditations 200 information-packed pages Relax & Release stress in 2-11 minutes Repair effects of Drug Abuse Get High, legally & healthily Rejuvenate Nerves, Liver, Adrenals, Eyes & Memory • • • • • Energize, Tranquilize Large Clear Format, Beautifully Illustrated Spiral-bound with Durable Laminated Covers 11.5 x 8.5 inches, 280 x 215 mm ISBN 1-888029-04-8 Relax and Renew takes stress reduction to the level of spiritual resolution. The techniques offered in this book, don't just cover up the symptoms, they cure the problem! Regular practice of even one of the hundreds of techniques included in this generous book will change your energy and introduce you to another dimension of being. "1 want you to know how much the book means to me. After practicing the exercises for just a few weeks, I feel like a new person. It amazes me how much better we all could feel. Most people, esp. in this country. don't realize there is the potential to feel better spiritually as well as physically. I just want to thank you all SO much." - Tara Special Price - $ 24 .95 Available from Yoga Technology - http://www.yogatech.coml -- Sexuality and Spirituality Includes details of Yogic and Meditation practices never before made available in the West! Guru Rattana, Ph.D. t•• ~U3IfMt~~1 "~...,.;a.,·~.h~l ~~.\y~·h~{H"'~ ~ t\h~j.~,· !I' lJurur tb~ l!\4ur K~ • Over 100 Yoga Sets & Meditations • 200 information-packed pages • Raise your Kundalini • Increase Sexual Potency & Nerve Strength • Create Partner & Group Synergy • Enhance your Inner & Outer Beauty • Rejuvenate your Body & Spirit • Large Clear Format, Beautifully Illustrated • Spiral-bound with Durable Laminated Covers • 11.5 x 8.5 inches, 280 x 215 mm • ISBN 1-888029-03-X \'!l1\ M.\~}.t:~w~1 Instead of avoiding sexuality, Yogi Bhajan teaches us how to use this powerful force to enhance our spiritual experiences. He has also taught us how to spiritualize sexual energy so that we can enjoy more depth and pleasure in sacred sexual union. This book is an absolute must for anyone wishing to pursue a path of Tantra. It publishes for the first time a wealth of techniques that allow men and women to cultivate a profound relationship with their sexual energy, with each other and with the Divine. "This book should be entitled "Technique not Talk" Amazing. It contains a wealth of powerful meditations and kriyas that totally shift my energy, space, mood and receptivity to higher sexual experiences. I never knew there was so much to sexuality. I love it. So does my partner!" - Steve, CO Special Price - $ 24.95 Available from Yoga Technology - "I!I Introduction to Kundalini Yoga Ideal and economical book for beginners! Guru RaUana, Ph.D. • • • • Introduction to the Basics of KY 17 Sets, 11 Meditations, 11 Breathing Exercises Clear and Rest your Mind Strengthen and Enliven your Body • • • • • • Feel Good Fast Prepare for Deep Meditation Large Clear Format, Beautifully Illustrated Spiral-bound with Durable Laminated Covers 11.5 x 8.5 inches, 280 x 215 mm ISBN 1-888029-05-6 Introduction to KY is an ideal selection for beginners. It answers some of your most basic questions about raising the Kundalini, explains the fundamentals and the benefits of Kundalini yoga and meditation. outlines what to expect when you begin a spiritual practice and helps you get started with your personal practice. A special section explains how you can use Kundalini yoga and meditation to attain personal power and inner peace. This manual contains some of the most popular and basic yoga sets and meditations as taught by Yogi Bhajan, many of which are incorporated in the larger volumes. "I am so pleased to have discovered this book. I didn't know that any such user-friendly scholarly introductory text existed. It is so much more accessible than other books I have tried. My new students love it!" - E.L. Special Price - $19. 95 Available from Yoga Technology - Your Life is in Your Chakras Their states can profoundly influence your human experience! Guru Rattana, Ph.D. Yov,(' UF£ 1$ III YOUR CHAK/lAS . . ~Uflahllinl ~Sl,lt.l.-&M,*dll Ib"'fi.ufYOGI Il-H • Introduction to your Chakras • 13 Categories of Information on each Chakra • 10 Chakra Comparison Charts • Techniques for Activation, Balance & Alignment • Kundalini Yoga Sets & Meditations • Large Clear Format, Beautifully Illustrated • Spiral-bound with Durable Laminated Covers • 11 .5 x 8.5 inches, 280 x 215 mm • ISBN 1-888029-01-3 Your Life is in Your Chakras was written by Gururattan after 2 decades of daily practice of Kundalini yoga and meditation. In this book, she shares with us her research on the topic as well as her direct experience and insights. She assembles information, techniques and teachings by Yogi Bhajan on how to work with your chakras that are uniquely available only in this volume. The book places our human experience in the context of the journey of our soul . It introduces Kundalini yoga and meditation as a technology to help us enhance the experience of our soul. "This book is a treasure chest of information, insights and techniques. Each page contains another delightful surprise. And I absolutely love Gururattan Kaur's poems at the end. Through this book I am discovering the richness of my being."- Greg Special Price - $24.95 Available from Yoga Technology - ". The Destiny of Women is the Destiny of the World Elevating the dialogue between the sexes! Guru Rattana, Ph.D. • Brand New Edition (2006) • Beautiful Full Color Cover • Woman's Power to change the world • Inspiring Messages at a Glance • An Uplifting Bedtime Favorite • A Woman's Gift of Grace • Essay Poems on Woman's Empowerment • Elevates Dialogue between the Sexes • How to Change Your Life • 314 Information-Packed Pages • ISBN 1-888029-00-5 The Destiny of Women Is the Destiny of the World is a book with a mission, a vision and a message: • Its mission is help women experience their inner strength, self-knowledge and grace. • Its vision is to participate in the transformation of the power structure of the world. • Its message is that the empowerment of women is necessary, inevitable and exciting. "The Destiny of Women is really about the destiny of humanity. It shows both men and women how to honor their feminine side. This is the key to fulfilling our highest personal visions. and to creating a sustainable global future. Kenneth Roberts, Palo Alto. /I - Special Price - $19. 95 Available from Yoga Technology - Online resources sponsored by Yoga Technology Kun .ali • oga Leading online resource for Kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. English & Spanish • Free Online Course for Beginners Essentials of Kundalini Yoga • Guide to your Chakras Links to many other sites of interest Kundalini Yoga Mailing List Popular online forum for all who practice or wish to learn more about Kundalini yoga. Co-hosted by Guru RaUana, Ph.D. Over 2000 subscribers - beginners, students, teachers [email protected] Kundalini Yoga Online Training Online courses for beginners, and soon, for more advanced students too! [email protected] New Millennium Being Astrological ezine written by Guru Rattana, Ph.D. A fascinating synthesis of Astrology, Spirituality, Meditation and Kundalini Yoga. Learn how star signs, planetary energy and astrological events can impact on you, and those around you, and influence your life. (also in Spanish) Women of the World Dedicated to the upliftment and empowerment of women everywhere. Elevating the status of women is the pivotal factor in the creation of a peaceful 21 st century, a sustainable world and a heart-centered future. http://www.womenoftheworld .orgl VISIT (http://www.yogatech.comL) ONLINE KUNDALINI YOGA STARTS HERE! Books, DVDs, CDs Large Selection, Great Prices, World-wide Shipping Free weekly Yoga Sets and Meditations Volume and Teacher Discounts Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Books by Guru Rattana Transitions to a Heart Centered World Relax & Renew Sexuality & Spirituality Introduction to Kundalini Yoga Your Life is in Your Chakras The Destiny of Women is the Destiny of the World Books from Many Other Leading Authors Kundalini Yoga DVDs Nirvair Singh, Gurmukh, Gurutej, Yogi Bhajan, Donna Davidge CDs for Relaxation, Healing, Protection, Sadhana Great selection - famous artists - new titles added each month! Snatam Kaur, Singh Kaur, Wah, Gurunam, Sat Kirin, Deva Premal Song of the Sacred Gong by Sat Jiwan Singh Great Range of Yogi Teas, and more ... For all the latest information and products please visit: Call us TOLL FREE: 1-866-YOGATECH (1-866-964-2832) - Overseas: 1-570-988-4680 Yoga Technology, LLC - Box 443. Sunbury, PA 17801 Over 100 Yoga sets 1& Meet Ion reate Partner 1& Group Synergy Raise your KundaUni Enhan~ your Increase your Sexual Potency Rejuvenate your Body 1& Spiri' Inner Be Outer Beauty Instead of avoiding sexuality. Yogi Bhajan teaches us how to. use-this powerful force to enhance our spiritual experiences. He has also taught us how to spiritualize sexual energy so that we can enjoy tnore depth and pleasure in sacred sexual union. An absolute must for anyone wishing to pursue a path of Tantra. this book publishes. for the first time a wealth of techniques that allow men and women to cultivate a profound relationship with their sexual energy. with each other and with the Divine. ·Contslns B wealth of powerful med1ttltJons and kr1yas that totally shift my energy, space, mood and receptJvIty to higher sexual experiences. I never knew there was so much to sexuality. I love It. So does my partnerl- - steve, CO "Dout the Author Guru Rattan&, Ph.D. (Gururattan Kaur Khalsa) is author of five classic Kundalini Yoga and Meditation manuals: Transitions to a Heart-Centsred World (also in Spanish), Relax and Renew, Sexuaflty and Spirituality. Introduction to Kunda/ini Yoga & Your Life is in Your Chakras. Also her epic: The Destiny of Women is the Destiny of the World. She is President of Yoga Technology, UC. and Director of Kundalini Rising Teacher Training. She lives in Coronado (San Diego) California. Guru Rattana received her Doctorate in Po6tica1 Science from the University of Geneva. Switzerland, and her MA from John Hopkins School of Advanced InternatiOnal Studies in Washington; D.C. and Bologna, Italy. She has worked for the United Nations Environment Program. She has taught International Environment and Development Studies at Dartmouth College. MIT. and Ne' Hampshire College, and Philosophies.of Life· and History at U.S. International University (San Di~). She has been a lecturer at the .Institute.of Transpersonal Psychology (Palo Alto CAl and taught. KUndaiini Yoga and Mecfrtation at Stanford University Health Improvement Program. For more Information about Guru Rattans, her books, trainings. astrological newsletter • New Millennium Belng- and KundaDni Yoga It Meditation, goto:.