The teaching of grammar and vocabulary is a compulsory sector in educational field, especially English. In every teaching approach, a method followed by a theory, objectives determination (general and specific), syllabus designing, curriculum scheduling, checklist assembling, material selecting, and lesson planning are marked as the mandatory steps to be taken. Four types of method i.e. Grammar Translation method, Direct method, Audio-lingual method and Communicative Language Teaching method are used. Further, in case of teaching vocabulary, diverse methods particularly- keyword method, word map, restructuring reading materials, root analysis and so on can also be marked as necessary. While we come across syllabus designing, we find: Grammatical syllabus, Structural syllabus, Situational syllabus and Notionalfunctional syllabus. In case of materials we have textbooks, workbooks, reference books, teacher’s manual, supplementary materials, remedial materials and so on. After selection of materials, the selection of gradation comes including linear and cyclic gradation. The checklist is a kind of manual or work-plan provided by the teacher to the students. As a whole, the checklist includes daily programme of topics selected in specific to be taught in a lecture or several lectures whereas a lesson plan is a detail discussion of the topic with the division of time scheduling for each and every class. All these contribute to a good learning of grammar and vocabulary in English.