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Trisdekan Primer 0.6

For Only War




The Trisdekan Primer IPJ A Record of the Planets, Peoples and Armies of the Synerge Cluster (Subsector Trisdeka), Sector Ixaniad, Segmentum Obscurus APD VERSION 0.6 Table of Contents Subsector Trisdeka...............................1 Bellagia....................................................2 Early Modern World........................30 Regimental Archetypes......................31 New Advanced Specialty Option.....35 The Miracle of Bellagia..................3 Bellagian Society...............................3 The Imperial Creed on Bellagia...4 Signifier...............................................35 New Talents, Orders, Skills and Actions ...................................................................37 The Bellagian Low Rollers................4 Playing a Bellagian Low Roller....5 Dolcatero................................................6 The People of Dolcatero................7 The Imperial Creed on Dolcatero 8 The Brumeran Korpogardistos.........8 Playing a Brumeran Korpogardisto Armoury..................................................48 9 Edelweiss.................................................11 The People of Edelweiss.................12 Faith and Equestrianism on Edelweiss 13 The Edelweiss Kurassiers...................13 Playing an Edelweiss Kurassier......14 Tennanlowe............................................15 The People of Tennanlowe............16 The Imperial Creed on Tennanlowe 17 The Tennanlowe Skyboarders..........17 Playing a Tennanlowe Skyboarder 18 Niva Gustav............................................19 The People of Niva Gustav............19 Auxiliary Maniple 931..........................21 Playing a Maniple Trooper............21 The People of Katyush....................23 Tsiolkovsky.........................................24 Vernadskygrad...................................25 Ogongorod.........................................25 Fyodorovets.......................................25 The Imperial Creed on Katyush...26 The Sputniki Gvardiya Stran'polk...26 New Homeworld Option...................30 Logistics in the Synerge Cluster...48 Weapon Qualities..............................48 Gyrojet Weapons..............................49 Solid-Projectile Weapons...............50 Las Weapons......................................50 Flame Weapons.................................51 Plasma Weapons................................51 Low-Tech Weapons.........................52 Launchers...........................................53 Explosives...........................................53 Melee Weapons.................................54 Ammunition.......................................54 Exotic Ammunition..........................55 Armour................................................57 Wargear, Cybernetics and Weapon Upgrades New Vehicles and Mounts..................64 Katyush...................................................23 Equipment and Tactics....................27 Playing Katyushan Infantry...........28 Playing Katyushan Advance Spotters Katyushan Field Engineer Rules. .29 Playing the Katyushan 1st................30 New Skill.............................................37 Talent List..........................................40 New Orders........................................46 New Combat Actions.......................47 28 Leman Russ Laykhodok.................64 Leman Russ Nivablitzer.................65 Soyuz-Z4............................................66 Soyuz-Z4(M)......................................66 Soyuz-Z4(C).......................................67 Soyuz-Z4(A).......................................67 Soyuz-Z5.............................................68 Igla Sabre............................................68 Camargue Querl................................69 Pinzgauer Querl................................69 Landais Querl....................................69 Author’s Note.......................................70 Changelog..............................................70 57 Subsector Trisdeka “The Trisdekans are, on the whole, a bunch of dangerously unstable yokels, and I thank the Emperor they’re so far away from anything important.” -Calixis Sector Governor Marius Hax The Synerge Cluster of stars lies in the great void between the Ixaniad and Calixis Sectors on the edge of the Segmentum Obscurus, and has remained a sleepy backwater for much of its time under Imperial control. The reasons for this are twofold; firstly, its great distance from other Imperial territories, and second, the cluster’s peculiar gravitational anomalies. Strange spatial mass fluctuations are present in nearly all charted areas of the cluster, often taking the form of unusually strong tidal effects at system Lagrange points, but more dramatic spatial alterations, like the Gold Bank of the Bellagian system, are not unheard of. These two factors combined to make early Imperial exploration of the system come slowly and piecemeal; while the Tennanlowe system had contact with the Imperium as early as M35, most of the cluster had not been explored until more than 2000 years later, in M37. The Cluster is composed of 82 discrete star systems, of which 6 are inhabited by citizens of the Imperium of Man. These six systems, namely Coin, Suno, Astera/Nahp, Victory/Morality, Niva and Voshkhod, comprise the Imperial Subsector Trisdeka, under the control of the Sector Government of Ixaniad. Coin, and its primary planet Bellagia, is designated as subsector capital, but because of the region’s remoteness, and the strong presence of the Adeptus Mechanicus on many of its inhabited planets, it functions as an effectively selfgoverning region in the larger Sector, with minimal oversight except in the case of Sector or Segmentum-wide military concerns. Its history is fairly unremarkable; largely untouched by war save for the occasional pirate raid and Dark Eldar incursion, the citizens of Trisdeka were largely peaceful, at least until the Meritech Wars of M40. As one of the closest Imperial holdings to the Mercate Cluster, Trisdeka became a valuable secondary staging ground; while most Imperial forces were brought in from Calixis, a significant portion of Battlefleet Ixaniad was stationed in the Cluster, braving the gravity disturbances in exchange for a more direct striking path against the Meritech Clans. The economic benefits to the subsector were substantial, and the tradition of militarism established during the Meritech Wars has continued largely into M41 in some form or another. Trisdeka is primarily an industrial subsector, and most of its trade goods are destined for Forge Worlds and commercial interests in Ixaniad. Trisdeka possesses a substantial Promethium reserve from Katyush in the Voshkhod system and the somewhat finicky manufacturing might of the Niva system planet Gustav making it well-supplied in terms of industrial resources and manufactured goods, though gravely lacking in foodstuffs. Under different circumstances both Edelweiss of Astera and Tennanlowe of Victory/Morality would be major food suppliers. Edelweiss especially nearly borders on an Agri-World in terms of production, but circumstances theret have largely caused it to cease major food exports, though its' mining industry is more than respectable. Trade in Trisdeka is nowhere near the level it would be for a larger and more prosperous subsector, but the one great source of cash flow that benefits the entire region is pilgrimages to Coin to visit the church-casinos of Bellagia. Many newly-minted Bellagians remain behind, trapped by circumstance or ill fortune, and their wealth has allowed a slow but respectable trickle into the coffers of the other Trisdekan worlds. The vast majority of Trisdeka’s star systems are uncolonized and lifeless, though they have been charted by various Imperial missions, and active Imperial listening posts are still scattered throughout the cluster, a defence against any further movement by pirates through the subsector in the criminal power vacuum following the Meritech Wars. 1 Bellagia “Gentlemen, here under the watchful eyes of Him on Earth, Blessed be his Grace and Fortune, I implore of thee; place your bets!” -Traditional prayer of the Cult of the Emperor’s Fortune The bright star Coin, so named for its golden-yellow radiance, lies on the coreward side of the Synerge Cluster, and is one of the easiest star system to access from the rest of the Ixaniad Sector. For many centuries the system was little more than a way point and stopover for starships going elsewhere, however, for actually accessing its inner reaches is incredibly difficult. Most of the outer system is littered with a thick and asteroid-filled dust cloud, with the occasional wreck of a badly-battered spacecraft hinting and the unusual spacial disturbances that lie further in. The true oddity of the Coin System is the Gold Bank, a system-wide spherical gravitational anomaly that lies just beyond the orbit of the planet Bellagia. The Bank is so named because of its curious lensing effects on the light of Coin itself; empty space within the bank glitters with a yellow-gold light, like the lustre of newly-minted coinage. Those enticed by its glow, however, quickly find themselves drawn into a series of vicious gravitational instabilities more than capable of ripping a starship apart. Their most common effect on encroaching matter is to rapidly accelerate it into the outer solar system, where collisions with asteroids and ship hulks frequently finishes the job the anomalies themselves started. The Bank’s anomalies shift constantly in a semi-random pattern, and there are numerous gaps between them large enough for a talented, or perhaps lucky, pilot to slip through totally unscathed. The Bank also shares a close orbit with Sloane Station, the orbital settlement established by the Bellagians as a stopping-point for spacecraft damaged by their transit through the Bank. Beyond the Bank are the worlds of the Coin system, the twin planets of Luxx and Bellagia. These two worlds orbit on opposite sides of Coin, with Luxx occupying the L3 Lagrangian point of the Bellagia-Coin system. Luxx is a small and low-density world dominated by volcanoes. Thanks to a peculiar quirk of geology its surface is composed almost entirely of reflective black volcanic glass. The entire world has a distinct lustre from orbit, and its glass is a popular decorative material and trade good in the rest of the Subsector. Bellagia is a large dry world on the inner border of Coin’s habitable zone. A planet of wide deserts and high, rocky mesas, it boasts little surface water, few major local lifeforms, and a thin atmosphere. Temperatures yearround hover between 30 and 50 degrees, and rainfall is functionally nonexistent. Huge underground aquifers provide the only water sources, and accessing them is a difficult task at the best of times. Those few areas where the aquifers break the surface are natural oases, blooming with what little plant life survives in the area. Individual oases are often so separated by burning desert that their local plant species are entirely unique, tiny pocket ecosystems that exist nowhere else. Bellagia has a single small moon, dubbed Nugget by the locals. This small, atmosphere-less lumpy ball of dirt and rock would be wholly unremarkable if it didn’t possess the highest natural deposits of gold in the entire sector. Its surface is scarred by industrial mining on a titanic scale, all of it from the years after the Miracle of the Emperor’s Fortune. 2 The Miracle of Bellagia The Coin system was originally mapped in mid-M36 by Rogue Trader and financier Bellage de Luxx, who lived up to the spirit of his noble profession by naming both planets in the system after himself. After probes sent through the Bank discovered the gold deposits on the moon de Luxx would come to call Nugget, his fleet forced its way through the anomaly, suffering grievous losses in the process, and quickly established a mining operation. Unfortunately, this did not lead to permanent settlement, as the mining base, and indeed de Luxx’s entire dynasty, collapsed as a result of an unfortunate orgy accident several years later. Until M38 Bellagia and Luxx were little more than curiosities, occasionally studied by Imperial research teams or used as minor bases by the more foolhardy or desperate pirates of the region. Everything changed in M38, when con-man, impersonator, heister and all-around criminal mastermind Benemus Seigel fled to Coin with half of the Ixaniad Arbites on his tail. Seigel had risen like a meteor through the ranks of the sector’s crime families, defrauding nobles for millions of Thrones, and controlling a network of illegal gambling-houses, drug-smuggling rings and money-launderers stretching across the Segmentum. The coordinated Imperial campaign to bring him down brought in all three branches of the Inquisition plus thousands of the Adeptus Arbites’ finest. When he finally fled towards the Calixis Sector, apparently seeking to lose his pursuit somewhere in the Expanse, the fleet following him numbered hundreds of ships. Why Seigel stopped at Coin and broke through the Bank is unclear, but he was cornered by the armies of the Inquisition on a high mesa overlooking an arid river valley on Bellagia’s equator. What happened next is literally the stuff of legend, though a legend confirmed by numerous sources, many surprisingly trustworthy. The skies opened above Seigel’s head, and he was bathed in a shaft of golden light. A booming voice proclaimed that while Seigel had profited from his risk-taking and good fortune, all would be forgiven if he repented his sinners’ ways and devoted himself to the worship of the Emperor’s Own Fortune, which guides all Mankind come whatever trials and torments. The aftermath of this miracle is largely unrecorded- the Inquisition especially seems to have gone out of their way to both obfuscate records and simultaneously spread the word of the Miracle of the Emperor’s Fortune. Bellagian Society By the beginning of M39, Bellagia had become a massive pilgrimage site and de facto subsector capital, eclipsing Old Tennanlowe as the most developed and populous civilized world in the region, and Benemus Seigel had transformed himself from criminal mastermind to the Bettor-Cardinal of the Bellagian Diocese. Though he passed on in 033.M39, he left behind a lasting legacy. Every year, millions of pilgrims, rich and poor, flock to Bellagia to embrace the risks and rewards of the Emperor’s Fortune. Many lose their money and their lives in the planet’s vast temple-casinos, but the very few who demonstrate truly blessed luck, or the skills to make their own luck, find themselves wielding power and influence beyond their wildest dreams. Bellagia is well on its way to becoming a hive world, with the massive Emperor’s Fortune Temple-Casino and Pilgrimage Site, built atop the very mesa where Seigel first encountered its miracle, boasting more than 150 million souls alone. Lesser sites all over the planet pay tribute to his good works, and bear collections of holy relics demonstrating the luck of the faithful- Uplifting Primers that have stopped Ork slugga rounds for instance. Bellagia has a nominal Administratum government, appointed from off-world, but in practice the immense wealth of the religious authorities on the planet, for winning in the casinos makes one a religious 3 authority unofficially, and official appointments from the planet’s ruling cabal soon follow, give them huge influence, and the government bows to the Ecclesiarchy in almost all things. The Bellagians form an incredibly disparate population, incorporating hundreds of cultures from human planets spread all over the galaxy, but they are united by their fanatical belief in the power of Chance, and how that chance might be influenced by prayer. Gambling and betting form the basis for almost all financial transactions in Bellagian society, and many children learn simple games of chance before they are taught to read. Despite the emphasis on luck, Bellagia’s is a carefully structured society where the rule of law is paramount, and the planet’s Arbites receive strong support from Ecclesiarchical casino authorities in rooting out cheaters who do not demonstrate legitimate divine inspiration in their craft. It is often said that Bellagia is the only planet in the universe where there is one gambler to every bookie, and it is true that the work of keeping the books is a wellrespected one and often considered a solid foundation for a later career in the temple-casinos. The Imperial Creed on Bellagia The Cult of the Emperor’s Fortune’s core tenets are quite simple; first, Humanity’s most blessed trait is not their form or their intelligence, but their luck. Second, said luck, the Emperor’s Fortune, is received directly from the Emperor by each human being who worships Him on Earth. Third, Humans’ next most blessed trait is the ability to make their own luck- anyone clever enough to cheat the system without getting caught is deserving of whatever they have earned, because they were using whatever the Emperor gave them. Fourth, the Emperor’s Fortune is a double-sided coin; while risk-taking earns rewards, the believer not prepared for the Emperor’s blessing to turn fickle as punishment for their hubris does not deserve the luck they have been given. While this is an unusual creed, and one that is oft-debated for its legitimacy elsewhere in the sector, it cannot be denied that the Cult of the Emperor’s Fortune has been incredibly effective in attracting new devotees. For one, it is a remarkably optimistic form of worship- anyone can, in theory, make their own luck and become a true devotee of their emperor. For another, being a good worshipper also means making ones’ self, and the Ecclesiarchy on Bellagia, filthy stinking rich. Even those who have failed or are down on their luck have the chance to redeem themselves and earn their way back into the Emperor’s good graces. The most famous among these failures are the Bellagian Low Rollers, the planet’s primary tithe to the Imperial Guard. The Bellagian Low Rollers “Two to one odds says that Ork artillery fire’s not gonna hit anywhere near us, praise the E-” -Final recorded transmission, Bellagian 273rd “Straight Flush” When a resident of Bellagia defaults on their gambling debts, or is caught cheating in a way not worthy of the Emperor’s love, they are given two choices. First, immediate lobotomization and conversion into a Servitor on Niva Gustav. Second, if they are in good enough shape and truly believe, they can be immediately enrolled into the ranks of the Low Rollers, the umbrella term for one of the most peculiar Drop Regiments in the entire Imperium. The Low Rollers are issued shabby second or third-hand Flak armour, the deliberately unstable GamblerPattern lasgun, a suite of combat drugs distilled from the adrenal glands of their fallen comrades, and a parachute. Then, with minimal training beyond the basic operation of their weapons and ‘chutes, they are shipped offworld in huge numbers and literally dropped at random over battlefields where reinforcements are needed. Those who survive the trip to the ground are lucky. Those who manage to last on the ground with sub- 4 par equipment and little knowledge of what they are doing are luckier still. Those who manage to regroup with a unit are the rarest of all, and they, picked for their fortune or ability to cheat death, are the true Bellagian Low Rollers, given actual combat training and organized into proper Drop Regiments along the lines laid out in the Tactica Imperialis. While their tactical doctrine is fairly standard, the overall strategic usage of the Low Rollers is unusual, because they are one of the few truly fixed-term armies in the Astra Militarum. If a Bellagian trooper can survive a five-year term of service, they will be collected by the Ecclesiarchy, demobilized, and sent back to Bellagia itself, where their debts are forgiven and they are allowed to rejoin the gambling population with whatever spoils they gained in combat to support themselves. Of course, if they fall into penury again, they may well end up back in the ranks once more, but these “Old Rollers” are generally far better at surviving a full tour than their contemporaries. While the Low Rollers are officially a penal regiment, and treated as such by the Munitorum and other regiments, the title is not entirely apt, for the Bellagians themselves are quite unified, driven by their faith in their own luck and the Emperor’s protection. Their tenacity and willingness to use bribery, underhanded tactics, subterfuge and outright backstabbing to win their battles has made them a favourite of the Militarum’s high command as a tool to be used when a battle absolutely must be won, even if the victory results in massive casualties, heavy collateral damage, or entire regiments enrolling in criminal organizations. The watchful eyes and deep pockets of the Bellagian Ecclesiarchy have kept the Low Rollers supplied through thick and thin, and though their numbers fluctuate wildly as entire regiments of more than 5000 men are destroyed at a time and then reformed, they continue to barter, gamble and sleaze their way through the battlefields of the Spinward Front. Playing a Bellagian Low Roller While each Bellagian regiment varies in size, experience, and overall unit composition, all generally follow the same basic structure, due in large part to their insanely dangerous The rules for Low Rollers use the following recruiting procedures. Only War doctrines. Homeworld: Penal Colony Commanding Officer: Sanguine Regiment Type: Drop Troops Doctrines: Iron Discipline, Combat Drugs Drawbacks: Doomed Characteristics: +6 Agility, +3 Toughness, -3 Fellowship Starting Aptitude: Willpower Starting Skills: Intimidate, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate (Aeronautica) Starting Talents: Peer (Underworld), Die Hard, Catfall Other: +10 to Logistics to acquire contraband -10 to all Logistics rolls -20 on all Random Issue Gear rolls Cannot burn Fate Points to resist death +1 Starting Wounds Favoured Weapons: Lascarbine, Grenade Launcher Starting Kit: Gambler-Pattern Lasgun, 4 x Charge Packs, Suit of Flak Armour, Respirator, Parachute, 3 x Frag Grenade, 2 x Smoke Grenade, Inhaler, 4 x Dose of Frenzon, Uniform, Set of Poor-Weather Gear, Knife, Rucksack, Set of Basic Tools, Mess Kit and Canteen, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, Lamp Pack, Grooming Kit, Set of Cognomen Tags, Combat Primer, 14 x Day's Combat Rations 5 Dolcatero “Please, do not mock the authority of this institution with such scurrilous talk. There is no real scientific evidence of life on other worlds. Now, if we could abandon this nonsense and get back to the far more important subject of winning the war...” -Extract from the minutes of the Brumeran Imperial Science Academy Suno is a blue-white star in the upper ranges of the Main Sequence, isolated in empty space on the spinward side of the Synerge Cluster. Its bright glow illuminates a system composed mainly of scattered asteroids and dust clouds, a constantly-churning mass of gravitational distortions and colliding space rocks. Suno possesses only one major planet- Magna, the largest gas giant in the Subsector. Magna occupies the only area in the solar system swept clear of orbital debris, and there is some evidence that it is the cause of the rest of the system being planetless. Closer examination of the asteroid fields reveals that they were likely collapsed planetoids destroyed in the process of forming by the immense tidal stresses from Magna’s gigantic gravity well. That, combined with the natural gravitational anomalies already present in the Sunnon system have made the presence of any rocky planets at all all the more remarkable. Magna has three significantly-sized moons, three minor ones, and countless hundreds of large asteroid moons, as well as a sparse ring system mostly composed of dust but largely destroyed by the presence of so many larger orbiting bodies. The smaller moons have as yet not been detected by the systems’ natives and thus lack a name, so they are generally referred to by the names originally assigned to them by the Nivans during their first exploration- URM-1, 2 and 3. The two uninhabited major moons, Sferablanka and Sferabluo respectively, are slated for imminent Imperial development, and have long been the subject of a bitter bidding war between Ixaniad Rogue Traders over mineral extraction rights. Sferablanka is the larger of the two, a frozen ball of carbon dioxide ice where surface temperatures average around -70 degrees Celsius. Its crust bears significant deposits of a wide variety of industrial, ornamental and radioactive metals and mineral products, though the extraordinarily cold temperatures would make any extraction efforts difficult at the best of times. Battlefleet Ixaniad is particularly concerned about Sferablanka, and has left a listening post on its surface, because of the remains of massive Orkish constructions of the surface, including the debris trail left by at least one major Rok. Though no living Orks have ever been detected on the planet, and the Dolcaterans have no record of Orkish incursion on their world, fears abound that a sudden climactic shift could cause millions of Orkish spores, left over from whatever killed the last batch of Orks, to activate and precipitate a major Waaagh. Sferabluo is a rare watery moon, its entire surface submerged between a planetary saltwater ocean. While its atmosphere is oxygen-based and reasonably pure and thick, its surface temperatures are somewhat elevated due to a rather unusual phenomenon, namely the presence of extraordinarily high nuclear materials. Sferabluo’s seabed is dotted with geothermal vents letting off heat from thousands of naturally-occurring nuclear reactors still in an active state- while radiation levels above water are reasonable, beneath the surface any lifeforms larger than the hardy local bacteria would be fatally irradiated in seconds. Even this has not deterred Imperial mining concerns, for whatever curious natural process generated the natural reactors has also left Sferabluo’s crust ripe with an abundance of heavy metals, chief among them platinum and iridium. The only inhabited planet in the Sunnon system is also its smallest major moon, Dolcatero. A roughly Earth- 6 sized rocky world with an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, Dolcatero is slightly colder and has a slightly thicker atmosphere than Terran standard. Dolcatero’s low temperatures are largely brought about by its peculiar orbital situation- the Dolcateran year is only about two months long, as it orbits very close to Magna’s outer atmosphere, but almost half of that year is spent in Magna’s shadow, with little to no light on the surface. While Dolcatero has fairly low incidence of surface water as well it is wholly inhabitable by human beings and has been for at least six thousand years. With its temperate zones covered by thick forests, wide deserts at its equator and several large mountain ranges stretching across its three continents, Dolcatero is an almost textbook example of a classical Imperial world; it lacks the bounteous plant life of an agri-world, the excessive mineral or promethium resources of a mining world and the idyllic surface conditions of a Paradise World, but is more than capable of supporting a much larger human population than it already possesses. The People of Dolcatero The Sunnon system was mapped by the Nivans in M38, and its primitive inhabitants noted as a potential source of Servitor materials, but it was largely left alone until M40, when the needs of the Meritech Wars saw Imperial forces re-map the entire subsector in search of local resources, both economic and otherwise. Though the Dolcaterans were once again passed over by the Imperial forces as being insufficiently developed to be worth the time and effort to civilize, listening posts and probes were left in orbit until such time as its people were ready to be contacted. As of M41, the Dolcaterans have finally been contacted, to a certain degree. Dolcatero is a semi-industrial Feudal world governed by several warring imperial states. The largest of these, the military dictatorship of Brumera, seems likeliest to become the planet’s ruling body, as they have already begun a tentative tithe of manpower to the Imperial Guard. However, the existence of the larger Imperium is generally unknown in the populace, which is in a constant state of war against Langeter, the nation to Brumera’s south. The Brumerans, the planet’s most technologically-advanced nation, have developed simple steam engines, basic scientific theory and are beginning to experiment with electricity, but their philosophical advancement far outstrips any technology they might actually possess. The average Brumeran is slightly better-educated than many Imperial citizens, being capable of reading and writing the Brumeran language, though their learning is limited. The people of Dolcatero are in the midst of a scientific revolution in parallel to their many military struggles; Brumerans have recently begun colonizing other continents, and scientific discovery and learning are in vogue the world over. The Brumerans are simultaneously curious and war-hardened; they seek out new knowledge, but their patriotism drives them to apply that knowledge in service to the State. However, they are still largely ignorant as to their situation in the Imperium, or even that a wider Imperium exists. The Emperor of Brumera, His Highness Mihaelo III el Brumera, and most of his inner court have been made aware that their planet lies within a fief of a much larger stellar realm, and have quite sensibly decided to bend the knee in exchange for the right to rule their own planet as they see fit. Though Brumera does not yet rule all of Dolcatero, they are confident that, within a few decades, and with a little bit of Imperial aid behind the scenes, the planet will soon be united beneath Mihaelo’s, or at the very least his descendants’, enlightened despotism. The few Brumerans who have survived for any length of time offworld have had varying reactions to the mindblowing revelation of how truly gigantic the universe really is. Many simply go mad at the realization, throwing themselves into whatever work they have undertaken or been forced into until they die. A small minority have 7 taken to their new situation with elan and dedication, taking the work ethic of a small imperialist power dedicated to conquering its world and applying it to the larger galaxy. These Brumerans are determined to prove to themselves and the wider universe that they are worthy of being recognized as Imperial citizens, and have risen beyond whatever judgments have been imposed upon them due to their somewhat primitive origins. The Imperial Creed on Dolcatero Dolcatero has no central church body, though the majority of the planetary population follows some version of a monotheistic religion known as Cefism. A few other deviant or debased religions exist in small numbers, but Imperial covert investigations performed with the aid of the Brumeran government have confirmed them to be non-Chaotic in nature. The Cefists are clearly a descendant of the Imperial faith; they believe that long ago, in a far-off land now lost to time, a man named Savo Cef was born who was the human incarnation of a single unnamed deity. Though Cef was betrayed by his closest disciple, he promised that one day he would return and bring about a golden age for all humanity, and that in the meantime humans should prepare for his coming. The Ixaniad Ecclesiarchy anticipates no major difficulty in integrating Cefism back into the fold of the Imperial Cult, but there are some worries that Dolcatero could become a religious battleground in the constant power struggles that always wrack the more distant arms of the Ecclesiarchy. The Bellagian Cult of the Emperor’s Fortune is always interested in attracting new converts and enriching itself, and Dolcatero presents a prize of willing converts ready to hear the Good Word. Already a battle of words has begun between the Ixaniad Ecclesiarchy, who argue that the Dolcaterans fall under their direct jurisdiction, and the Bellagians, who hold that as the closest Shrine World it is only logical that they should have oversight. What this actually means for the Dolcateran people remains to be seen. The Brumeran Korpogardistos “’Impossible’ is not a word in the Brumeran tongue! Charge, men, for His Highness!” -Colonel Napoles Bonesolvo, 1st Brumeran Korpogardistos The Korpogardistos are one of Brumera’s most elite regiments, composed of the finest and longest-serving soldiers from other units. Their musketry is regarded as some of the finest on the planet, and none can doubt their skills with bayonet and shot. Plucked from Brumera as part of its first tithe of men to the Imperium, the Korpogardistos have been forced to improvise to survive in a wider galaxy they cannot hope to understand. Fortunately, they find themselves ably led by Colonel Napoles Bonesolvo, a solid tactician whose true expertise lies in the realm of logistics. By training his men in the maintenance and care of their own weapons, encouraging scavenging when the authorities aren’t looking, and simultaneously encouraging his men to build connections with those same authorities, he has been able to arrange a series of fairly easy postings that, though they have left his men champing at the bit to see ‘real’ combat, have largely succeeded in keeping most of the regiment alive. The Korpogardistos are heavy line infantry in the traditional sense, fighting shoulder-to-shoulder in ranks and making heavy use of continuous volley fire. Their signature tactic, once they have closed to a reasonable distance with the enemy, is to throw a volley of hand grenades and then charge into hand-to-hand combat in the aftermath. Bonesolvo has pioneered the use of hand grenades on his homeworld, and though many of his soldiers still prefer to use their simple and familiar black-powder weapons, he is using every mental and social resource at his disposal to have his men outfitted with more modern gear. Many of the Brumerans, being intensely proud 8 veteran soldiers, object to having to bow and scrape their way across the warzones of the 41st millenium, but they know that Bonesolvo has a plan for them, even if he will never willingly reveal it. Various native subspecies of the common horse are found on Dolcatero, and the Korpogardistos use them as beasts of burden and mounts for officers, though they are not a cavalry-focused regiment. For a common soldier to be awarded a horse as a gift is an uncommon prize, and a symbol of great achievement on the battlefield or a significant favour rendered to a superior officer. Playing a Brumeran Korpogardisto The Korpogardistos make great use of their well-made muskets and The rules for Korpogardistos use the following skill with a sword, but they will seek to scavenge, pillage or borrow any Only War doctrines. Homeworld: Early Modern World newer gear they can, while simultaneously doing their best to uphold Commanding Officer: Fixed their good name. Regiment Type: Line Infantry Doctrines: Iron Discipline, Close-Order Drill Drawbacks: Honour-Bound • • • • Characteristics: +3 to Strength, -3 Intelligence, +3 to any two of Toughness, Weapon Skill and Willpower Starting Aptitude: Willpower Starting Skills: Athletics +10, Common Lore (War), Command, Linguistics (High Gothic) Starting Talents: Rapid Reload, Any two of Duelist, Double Team or Combat Formation Other: Enlightenment: Brumera is nothing if not a traditionalist state, and its local dialect is derived from High, rather than Low, Gothic. Brumeran characters begin play with Linguistics (High Gothic), but are otherwise unable to read or speak Low Gothic, though they may be able to pick out words in the same way a Latin speaker might recognize words in French or English. Age of Reason: Dolcatero is in the midst of a scientific revolution, and the population of larger nations like Brumera pride themselves on their education and learning. That said, compared to the wider Imperium, they are horribly primitive and backwards. Lore, Operate, Tech-Use and Medicae skills used by Brumeran characters only apply to technology or knowledge known in the early to mid 1800s on earth- they can suture a wound, drive a carriage and operate a clock, for instance, but electricity is a scientific novelty, steam engines are still unfamiliar and disinfectants are wholly unknown. Military Science: Dolcateran military strategy and tactics still revolve around the musketeer, the lancer, and muzzle-loading artillery, and they have not yet had the time to fully appreciate what exactly they are tithing their men to do. Dolcateran characters cannot take the Operator Specialty, though they are free to switch in to them at higher ranks. Further, they cannot purchase or recieve any Weapon Training talents other than Solid Projectile and Low-Tech until they have gained at least enough XP to change Specialties for the first time. Additionally, newly-created Dolcateran characters replace the starting gear from their Specialties with the following: Heavy Weapons: 2 x extra Black Powder grenades and one Common-quality Hand Mortar, or one Common-quality Seven-Barrel Gun and 35 extra Paper Cartridges Medic: Surgeon’s Tools Sergeant: Good-Craftsmanship Flintlock Pistol, Horse (See Hammer of the Emperor p. 139) Weapons Specialist: 30 extra Paper Cartridges, 1 x extra Black Powder Grenade Starting Wounds: Early Modern World characters increase their starting Wounds by 1. Pride Over Life: The Korpogardistos are the finest their planet can muster, and they have immense pride in themselves, their country, and their regiment. Members of this regiment must pass a Difficult (–10) Willpower 9 Test to refuse any formal challenge or ignore any other major slight to their honour. If a character from this regiment succeeds on the Test, he sees the bigger picture and ignores the challenge or attempt to goad him into action. If he fails on the Test, however, he must engage the individual in question (usually in a formal duel) or suffer a –10 penalty to Willpower Tests for the remainder of the session. This penalty is cumulative should he refuse multiple challenges to his dignity over the course of a single session. Favored Weapons: Sword, Flintlock Musket Starting Kit: Good-Craftsmanship Musket with Melee Attachment, 50 x Paper Cartridges, 2 x Black Powder Grenades, Good-Craftsmanship Sword, Good-Craftsmanship Padded Uniform, Good-Craftsmanship Reinforced Shako, Woolen Cloak, Good-Craftsmanship Powdered Wig, Good-Craftsmanship Knife, Rucksack, Set of Basic Tools, Mess Kit, Canteen, Oil Lamp, Set of Flint and Tinder, Grooming Kit, Set of Dog Tags, Dolcateran Book of the Imperial Creed, 14 x Day’s Combat Rations (Hard tack and salt beef ), Bottle of Standard-Distribution Infantry Rum Uniform of the Korpogardistos before their deployment offworld. 10 Edelweiss “Warfare begets strength and industry, peace weakness and lethargy.” -Edelweiss expression The Astera/Nahp binary system is one of the largest, and certainly the brightest, in the Synerge cluster. Both Astera and Nahp are gigantic blue-white stars, and their radiance is visible in the night sky through most of the Subsector. Due to their great mass, it is unsurprising that their system is a large one, and in fact has the most major rocky planets of the entire region- five in total. Astera/Nahp has one of the lowest incidences of gravitational distortion in the region, and it is this that has made it a comparatively well-travelled and wellmapped region by Trisdekan standards. The inner end of the habitable zone of Astera/Nahp plays host to a small asteroid belt, likely the remains of a seventh planet torn apart by the gravitational pull of the twin stars, and two mining worlds, Arnica and Erica. Both are punishingly hot, possessing of unpleasantly superheated atmospheres, and rich in a variety of mineral resources, Erica especially. Beyond their small mining settlements, buried deep in the planetary crust to avoid the heat, the only oddity in the area is Erica's lone moon, a dwarf planet barely large enough to avoid asteroid status. This body, Dom, has a curious orbital pattern seen almost nowhere else in the Galaxy- not only is it tidally locked with Erica, which is itself tidally locked with Astera/Nahp, it also orbits in what is essentially a naturallyoccuring geosynchronous orbit. This means that Dom is always directly between Erica's surface and the suns, creating a permanent eclipse on Erica's surface. Edelweiss, the third planet and system capital, would under normal circumstances be an Edenic place: its atmosphere is balmy, its soil fertile, its local lifeforms easily-tamable. Unfortunately, it has several peculiarities that make it stand out from other such Imperial paradise worlds. For one, Edelweiss appears to have been deliberately constructed; the entire planet is composed of a series of identical alpine valleys, each with an identically-shaped lake at its center, each with the exact same area of arable farmland and the exact same forests growing in the exact same locations. Further, its atmosphere appears to have been enhanced at some time in the past, seeded with an as-yet-unidentifiable chemical compound that induces extremely high fertility and multiple birth rates in human beings. On the outer edge of the habitable zone is Astera/Nahp's fourth rocky world, frozen Gentian. It is a planet of rolling, rocky hills, half-buried in thick water ice. In addition to yet more mining colonies, Gentian and its large moon Alphubel are home to several expeditions of local treasure seekers and Magii of the Adeptus Mechanicus, for they are covered with dozens of ruins of cities of xenos origin. No remains of their actual inhabitants have ever been discovered, and what few artefacts have been chipped out of the ice have been apparently nonfunctional, but efforts continue to unlock the mysteries of these cold, ruined worlds. Primulaca, the fifth planet and only gas giant in the system, is remarkably small, barely larger than its single moon Moench. While both have small Edelweiss planetary colonies in orbit and on the ground, their lack of major natural resources make them unlikely to grow any larger. Moench has seen fairly recent military activity, with reliable sightings of Dark Eldar spacecraft operating on and near its airless surface. Why the alien raiders would be drawn to a planet full of so much nothing is unclear, but the Edelweiss System Defence Force has greatly increased the numbers of its garrison there. 11 Far out in the dark edge of Astera/Nayp's Oort Cloud is the final rocky world of the system, the low-density iceball Pulsatilla. So cold that liquid nitrogen often falls to its surface as rain, it is a bleak, forbidding rock, with little of value aside from its strategic position on the edge of the system. Both Pulsatilla and its equally frozen moon Eiger are host to significant port facilities, minor shipyards and fuelling stations, a natural waystation for the constant flow of both inter and intra-system voidships, especially the huge troop ships used to transport the Kurassier regiments from Edelweiss. The People of Edelweiss When first rediscovered by the Imperium in M37, the planet had a medieval technology level, a population in the billions, and was divided into thousands of feudal kingdoms, each squabbling over control of the alpine valleys. The Imperium suppressed the population of the Edelweiss through political manoeuvring, and eventually the planet came under control of a parliament of major nobility which still rules it to this day. However, the parliament is just a front for a far more sinister rulership headed by the Imperial Inquisition: they believe that Edelweiss is the perfect breeding ground for a eugenically-engineered race of supersoldiers. Today, the many sub-kingdoms of Edelweiss are kept in a deliberately-maintained state of warfare with each other, and more than 50% of the planet’s population (which now exceeds 100 billion) is composed of soldiers of some kind or another. The best of these soldiers, those whose bloodlines have proved the most apt, are removed from Edelweiss and enrolled as cavalry regiments, with hundreds of thousands more ready to take their place. The Edelweiss governments have been given free reign over their system, with small military bases from the various nations that have independently developed or purchased spacecraft almost as common as the many, many mining colonies. The Edelweiss people themselves are remarkably warlike, for indeed war has been bred into them, and there is never a time on Edelweiss where a fight isn't going on somewhere, but also remarkably even-tempered and levelheaded. Conflict is such a common idea to them that they actually become uncomfortable when away from the sounds of distant battle. While the stereotype of the average Edelweiss citizen as a twitchy, knife-wielding maniac is far from fair, it is true that the vast majority of the planet's citizens go armed- usually with their signature Apashe folding pistols. Edelweiss society is divided along lines of loyalty to one's individual kingdom, republic, or monarchy first, but things tend to break down from there. Individual mountain valleys have so many different forms of government, societal structure and culture that two citizens from neighbouring regions of the planet can speak almost wholly different dialects, wear vastly different clothing, and violently hate each other as their families and clans have for thousands of years. While roughly half of Edelweiss' population is under arms, it is not strictly correct to call it a planet of soldiers. Almost all of the kingdoms and states of the valleys maintain standing armies and militias, but they are not always in the field. Most citizens recieve some modicum of self-defense training, and street fights among youth are considered a healthy way to vent negative emotions and build a sense of comradeship. Mercenaries are not uncommon as well, and many states (heavily encouraged by the Inquisition's agents) actually sponsor the formation of official mercenary bands as a way to keep citizens in fighting shape and make a bit of extra money on the side during times of peace. 12 Faith and Equestrianism on Edelweiss The only two common points that unite the disparate peoples of Edelweiss are their unified worship of the GodEmperor and the planetary obsession with riding. The former results from a centuries-long program of cultural programming and memetic inoculation by the Inquisition, who have drilled the Imperial Creed so thoroughly into the collective Edelweiss mindset, such that it is, that heresy is almost wholly unthinkable to many citizens. The Edelweiss Creed is extremely orthodox, and is little different from the centralized forms of worship found on many civilized planets on the coreward side of the Segmentum Obscurus. The Edelweiss obsession with equestrianism stems from the planet's most important lifeform, a semi-quadrupedal herbivore known as the Querl. Though there are dozens of different breeds and subspecies, all Querl follow roughly the same body plan- they have two powerful main legs, used for running and jumping, a secondary set of legs that grows from the same joint, used for climbing and gripping, a long tail that aids in balance, and a head covered by a boxy exoskeletal crown that they use to batter down trees and thick plants to eat the pulp and nectar inside. Almost all species of Querl are semi-docile and easily tamable, but they make excellent mounts, have a natural sense for rough terrain, and can carry huge loads- larger breeds outweigh the lighter Leman Russ variants. Most Edelweiss citizens learn to ride Querls in their childhood, and the animals are used as beasts of burden in most places where the steep terrain makes ordinary ground vehicles or skimmers impractical. As an added bonus, Querls breed quickly and reliably, meaning that even the poorest of Edelweiss citizens can afford an animal to ride and make a living from. The Edelweiss Kurassiers “We were not ‘recklessly aggressive’, sir. We were merely doing what all Guardsmen ought-trampling upon the enemy until it dies.” -Trooper Laslov Bercseni following the Charge at Iron Ridge As a cavalry-centric society, it comes as no surprise that the Edelweiss contribute nothing but mounted regiments as their primary Imperial tithe. These Kurassier regiments are selected from the finest soldiers the planet can muster- regiments of local troops nominate their best and brightest, who are then tested by the planet's Inquisitorial presence for their suitability, subjected to low-level brain-washing techniques to smooth over any differences of opinion soldiers from rival countries might have, and sent into battle. The troops born of this selection are a gallant bunch of fighting men and women, full of fighting spirit though prone to tactics that are almost dangerously aggressive. Edelweiss soldiers know they are the cream of the crop- that much is inculcated in them in their training- and they are determined to let the rest of the universe know how superior their fighting skills are, even at the cost of their own lives. Most Kurassiers are classified as Rough Riders by the Munitorum, but this is not strictly speaking true. All Edelweiss regiments are indeed mounted, but more often than not they are dragoons, and not expected to fight from Querlback. The smaller, lighter Querl breeds used by these regiments often trade fortitude for mobility, and not all share the aggressive temperament that would make them suitable for, say, charges against enemy lines. Many are classic lancers, running down enemy troops in thunderous massed charges, but yet more are what the Edelweiss refer to as superheavy cavalry, riding Querls large enough to haul an entire gun emplacement with the necessary crew at considerable speeds. These regiments behave more like conventional tank units, using their high-mobility firepower to break through enemy armies and destroy their supply lines, or harass columns at short ranges. The only commonality between the many Edelweiss regiments is their aggressiveness, and love of closing to knife-fight range to let their melee weapons do the talking. 13 Playing an Edelweiss Kurassier These rules detail the statistics for a standard Kurassier lancer regiment, but could easily be modified to represent a lighter regiment or even a unit of Superheavies. The rules for Kurassiers use the following Only War doctrines. dragoon Homeworld: Fortress World Commanding Officer: Choleric Regiment Type: Rough Rider Regiment Doctrines: Heavy Lancers Drawbacks: Cult of Chivalry Characteristics: +3 to Willpower, Toughness and Agility Starting Aptitude: Weapon Skill Starting Skills: Common Lore (War), Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Survival Starting Talents: Hatred (Dark Eldar), Rapid Reaction, Catfall, Unstoppable Charge, Nerves of Steel or Sprint Other: Hated Enemy: The Edelweiss cavalry units have frequently deployed against the Dark Eldar raiders, in situations where their mobility can counter that of the dread Xenos. Stories of countless battles against the Eldar have made their way back to the homeworld, and many young Edelweiss soldiers dream of blooding themselves against the sinister raiders. Edelweiss characters must attempt an Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test in order to stop themselves from attacking Dark Eldar on sight. Bred for War: The rules and regulations of combat are drilled in to Edelweiss citizens almost from birth, and they have difficulty disobeying authority figures. An Edelweiss character must attempt a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test to go against the rules and regulations of the Imperial Guard. Lancers: Increase distance Mounts move as part of a Crushing Charge by a number of meters equal to twice Mount’s Agility bonus. Starting Wounds: Edelweiss characters generate their Starting Wounds normally. Cult of Chivalry: Such a tiny percentage of Edelweiss’ population actually becomes part of the Guard that those who are in the regiments feel they must hold themselves, and other Guardsmen, to an extremely high standard of behaviour and professionalism. Edelweiss Kurassiers must roll a Difficult (-10) Willpower Test to use the Decieve Skill, and take a -10 on Scrutiny tests to oppose the Deceive skill. Favored Weapons: Hunting Lance or Lasbarde, Lasarque Starting Kit: Good-Quality Mono Great Spear, Hunting Lance, Good-Quality Lasarque, 3 x Charge Pack, Good-Quality Apashe, 4 x Apashe Charge Packs, Flak Jacket, Flak Helmet, Camargue Querl Mount, Saddle, 2 x Saddlebags, Set of Riding Tack, Uniform, Set of Poor-Weather Gear, Sling Bag, Set of Basic Tools, Mess Kit, Canteen, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, Lamp Pack, Grooming Kit, Set of Cognomen Tags, Uplifting Primer, 14 x Day’s Combat Rations 14 Tennanlowe “This is what we must do: go west. Go west or die.” -Message issued by the Tennalowe Provisional Government in the aftermath of the Blight The binary star system of Victory and Morality shines bright with the yellow-white glow of two healthy mainsequence stars, and yet their light has a distinctly sinister pall. The Victory/Morality system is no friendly home for Humanity, though it once was. Often labelled as Tennanlowe (with the title ‘Old’ occasionally appended), this system was the first in the Synerge Cluster to be properly mapped and figures on the oldest charts of the region. In the depths of the system lies the red-hot world of Indaan, baked to a crisp by its close proximity to the two suns. The Tennanlowers have attempted the occasional settlement buried beneath its surface, for it is rich in base metals, but the difficult of navigating the intense solar gravity well, combined with the unbelievable heat, have left it largely uninhabited save for a few scattered mining colonies. Next in the system lies an anomaly, a rare blot on the good name of the Tennanlowers, and a curiosity that has attracted outside attention for centuries; the remains of a second planet, its solar Lagrange points filled with the ancient and picked-over debris of unidentifiable starships. The planet itself, which is never named on Tennanlower star charts but which some refer to as Whithead, has been literally cracked in half by repeated and prolonged orbital bombardment far in excess of what would be necessary to commit Exterminatus on even the most heavily-populated world. The only outsiders the few remaining authorities on Tennanlowe itself permit access are the occasional Inquisitor, who naturally do not divulge what, if anything, they find on the airless and broken planet-remnant. For all others visiting the system, Whithead remains an enigma, conspicuous in its total absence from any official or even unofficial Tennanlower records. The third and fourth planets, Felro and Albri, orbit a common centre of mass, though Albri is technically Felbro’s moon. The former is a cold boreal world, with a thick atmosphere that has locked the planet in a global ice age. Unfortunately for any Tennanlower attempts at settlement, the ‘snow’ that falls on Felro is carbon dioxide, and not water. While the planet has a thriving biosphere composed of large winter-adapted mammalians and robust plants, carbon dioxide appears to have somehow developed as the primary chemical means for life, and almost all organic matter on the planet is generally incompatible with human needs. The Magos Biologis of the Adeptus Mechanicus from Niva Gustav maintain a series of surface research and orbital bases here, mainly studying the unusual ecosystems that have developped on this nearly-hospitable world. Its moon Albri is fairly large and close, but even more inimical to life- it appears to have once been a garden world, but its thick atmosphere for its small size trapped atmosphere and has rendered it a corrosive, overheated world not dissimilar to Venus. Tennanlowe, the outermost and largest planet in the system, is a rarity among Imperial planets: a populated gas giant. Though not particularly big by the standards of gas giants, it possesses an ultradense core that have led many to theorize that it is in fact a brown dwarf that failed in the very early stages of becoming a star, though what happened to its atmosphere is unknown. Several kilometres below its gaseous and roiling red-purple surface is a band of breathable oxygen-nitrogen air currents, at a temperature that, while uncomfortably warm, is still enough to support human habitation. The planet has a half-dozen small rocky moons, a gigantic ring system that has not yet been swept clear by its moons’ gravity, and three major satellites. Pett is the largest of these bodies, devoid of atmosphere but rich in various mineral compounds and hydrogen locked into its dusty regolith. Sho is 15 large and may in fact be a rogue planet swept up in Tennanlowe’s gravity well; though it possesses a semibreathable atmosphere and even the beginnings of early microbial life, its high gravity and surface air pressure make any prospects of colonization meagre ones. Bois is yet another world that is close, but not quite there; its moderate gravity, comfortable atmospheric temperatures and high oxygen content would make it ideal, except that all the local plant life is virulently toxic to human tissues; many Tennanlowers do live on Bois, but theirs is an existence like those of deathworlders; for each step forward they take, the planet’s nightmarishly deadly biosphere seems prepared to push them back. The People of Tennanlowe Tennanlowe’s history stretches back to the earliest days of Human settlement in the Galaxy, possibly even before the Dark Age of Technology. Few can agree on exactly how long there have been Humans living in the gas giant’s clouds, but it is clear that the planet is the longest-settled of the Synerge Cluster. Until M37, Tennanlowe was what passed for the subsector capital, with a population of billions living in hundreds of floating settlements, held aloft by balloons, long wings, or the anti-gravity technology the planets’ peoples are still famous for. They made a lucrative trade of selling a variety of chemical compounds extracted from their atmosphere, especially extremely pure hydrogen useful for starship plasma engine fuel. The billions of Tennanlowers lived in luxury, for their planet, though wracked by storms, was abundant in water vapour, and had a variety of airborne local plant and animal life that bred quickly and made for suitable human food products. The great floating cities were prosperous and well-maintained, with thousands of locals flitting between the shining spires on their traditional skyboards, and great starships docking with huge floating gantries built into the thin upper atmosphere. All that changed when the great Blight radiation storms erupted in 872.M38. What caused the Blight on Tennanlowe is still unclear- it might have been a natural climatological anomaly, or a spatial disturbance, or even the atmosphere miners descending too low into their planet’s dense core and unleashing something long-forgotten. Regardless, the result was a massive plume of extremely radioactive dust bursting forth from a point along the planet’s equator, combined with a huge upwelling of superheated air. The resulting radioactive shockwave, which for unknown reasons was primarily focused on a westerly path along the world’s habitable band, effectively wiped Tennanlowe’s skies clear of major human habitation. Those few floating cities that did survive were battered and irradiated, riding the bow-wave of the planetary shockwave as it continued to circle the globe endlessly. There are still tens of millions of Tennanlowers left, but their position becomes yet more precarious with every year. Un-irradiated food is a luxury, and what little water can still be extracted safely from the atmosphere is a precious resource. The great floating cities are limping wrecks of what they once were, forced on a constant pilgrimage westwards along the planet’s equator, for it is just after the passive of the Blight that the radiation levels are the lowest. Some who eke out a living among the crumbling spires are determined to rebuild their planet to its former greatness, and the democratic governments of each city are generally still intact and trying to maintain order and good government, but too much damage has been done, and many look to offworld for their salvation. 16 The Imperial Creed on Tennanlowe The Tennanlowers have, for as long as Imperial memory records, been faithful servants of the Imperial Cult in the traditional mould, and their worship does not deviate much from what is practised on a thousand other Imperial worlds, with the exception of a deep strain of apocalypticism, understandable after the great calamity their world has endured. Many locals feel that the Emperor has punished their society for growing above its station, but yet more are convinced that the Blight is a sign that it is time for them to seek a new home among the stars. Ferocious conflicts have errupted time and time again between the Abasers, those who believe that Tennanlowe society needs to be reduced to a simpler level, and the Ultrists, who are convinced that the Emperor desires all his servants on Tennanlowe to abandon their home planet and build something better elsewhere. The Ultrists are currently dominant, given their more uplifting message, and have inspired many thousands of the Tennanlowers to join the Imperial Guard in the hopes of earning the right to settle other planets. The Tennanlowe Skyboarders “If we take that hill, this world is ours! Dive my Skyboarders, DIVE!” -Colonel Briareus Vultan, 8th Tennanlowe “Hawkmen” Unsurprisingly for a world of endless skies, the Imperial Guard regiments of Tennanlowe are primarily drop troops, using their distinctive grav-assist Skyboards and long many-coloured lances for swooping attacks on their enemies. Skyboarding began as a hunting method on the homeworld, a fast and skillful way to catch a variety of airborne food animals, but later evolved into a competitive sport and a tool of war between scavenger settlements following the Blight. Painted in bright and clashing colours to distort their silhouettes, the Skyboarders drop from transport aircraft, rapidly penetrating enemy airspace with a great deal more control and precision than would normally be expected from troops with grav-chutes, for instance. Their specialty is pinpoint insertions, concentrating a mass of troops in an unexpected area of the battlefield to draw enemy fire and disrupt supply lines as they go. During their descent, Skyboarders will harass enemy ground units at lowaltitude, causing the maximum amoung of havoc before dismounting their boards and digging in to await reinforcements or hold their objective. The Skyboarders have understandably gained somewhat of a reputation for being mavericks and risk-takers even among other drop troops- if a Skyboarder is knocked off his board, after all, he has no other means to slow his fall- and their attitude towards other regiments in battle has left them with somewhat of an unsavoury mien. The Tennanlowers, Ultrists especially, are desperate to ingratiate themselves with any planet that will take them in, and will go to great efforts to ape the customs of regiments they serve alongside. The greatest goal of any Tennanlower is to earn land to cultivate for their own, and so they throw themselves into combat with almost reckless abandon, unafraid of enemy threats, driven by rage and grief at the memories of what their world once was, passed down from generation to generation. Where they are truly terrifying, however, is against those who reject Imperial authority; all any Tennanlower wants to be is part of a prosperous greater Imperium, and the thought of deliberately rejecting the Emperor’s most holy government fills them with pious anger and bitter jealousy. 17 Playing a Tennanlowe Skyboarder Tennanlower regiments are generally quite homogenous due to the limited industrial and manpower base of their home planet, and despite differing regimental traditions they follow the same overall structure. The rules for Skyboarders use the following Only War doctrines. Homeworld: Post-Cataclysmic World Commanding Officer: Sanguine Regiment Type: Drop Troops Doctrines: Hardened Fighters, Crusaders Drawbacks: Scarred by Loss Characteristics: +7 to Weapon Skill, +3 to Perception and Agility, -3 to Fellowship Starting Skills: Awareness, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Survival, Operate (Aeronautica) Starting Talents: Resistance (Radiation), Catfall, Die Hard, Street Fighting, Frenzy, Hatred (Secessionists) Other: Resourceful: The vast majority of the Tennanlower homeworld is a blasted radioactive sky-waste, and their cities are little better. Tennanlowers grow up fast and knowing how to make the best of limited resources, or they don’t grow up at all. Characters from this regiment gain a +10 to Survival tests to obtain potable food and water, and +10 to Tech-Use tests to jury-rig or repair equipment that is not technologically advanced, Skyboards included. Doomed World: Even a sheltered and protected upbringing on Tennanlowe is hideously dangerous by the standards of other worlds, and their grim attitude towards the future of their home planet leaves a mark. Tennanlower characters begin play with 1d10 + 1d5 Insanity Points. Any time they fail a Willpower test by more than 3 degrees, they are Stunned until the end of their next turn. Favored Weapons: Spear, Lascannon Starting Kit: Lascarbine, 4 x Lascarbine Charge Packs, Suit of Flak Armour, Respirator, Tennanlowe Skyboard, 2 x Frag Grenade, 2 x Smoke Grenade, Best-Quality Mono-Spear, Uniform, Set of Poor-Weather Gear, Survival Suit, Micro-Bead, Sling Bag, Set of Basic Tools, Mess Kit, Canteen, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, Lamp Pack, Grooming Kit, Set of Cognomen Tags, Uplifting Primer, 14 x Day’s Combat Rations 18 Niva Gustav “Here do I strike the Rune of Activation, that the energies might- wait. Oh. No no no run run run ru-!” -Extract from security recordings recovered from the ruins of Gustav Manufactoria 182-B Buried in the heart of the Synerge Cluster, the star Niva is a dim red dwarf near the end of its life cycle, putting out a wan red-brown light and the occasional spike of weak radiation. It has two planets, namely the Forge World Niva Gustav and the sparsely-inhabited “Testing World” known as Niva Karl. The Nivan system has thick outer asteroid rings and shows many of the same gravitational anomalies present in the rest of the Cluster, making stellar navigation into and out of the system difficult at the best of times. Niva Karl is an average-sized world near to its sun. Surface temperatures are comfortably temperate, but the thick carbon-dioxide atmosphere, high gravity and dangerous surface winds make it impractical for anything but the barest human settlement. Today the planet’s surface is coated with tens of thousands of craters, scorch marks, blast patterns, and debris, the remnants of the endlessly dangerous inventive spirit of Niva Gustav’s inhabitants. Niva Karl is generally classified as a forbidden world on Imperial charts, though this is not wholly true; passersby are free to land, but landing on Karl is not dissimilar to landing in the middle of an active firing range and carries with it obvious dangers. Niva Gustav, the system’s second planet, is small, cold and rocky; though it does possess a remarkably pure oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, it does not have any major plant life and temperatures year-round tend to hover just above the freezing point of water. Its surface is dominated by dozens of small continents in a series of shallow salt-water seas where naturally-evolving life has not yet begun to stir. It has few natural mineral resources, with most being mined in the Nivan asteroid belts in the outer system. The planet is surrounded by orbiting clouds of metallic debris, including the hulks of various prototype starships, weapons and engine testbeds, and the detritus of a planet of dangerously inventive minds. The People of Niva Gustav Niva Gustav has never been a particularly succesful Forge World, not in the least because it is a dumping ground for the Mechanicus’ failures. The origin of this practice is unclear, but it is widely acknowledged that Gustav’s population of Techpriests, almost all brought in from offworld, are those too considered too intractable, ingenious or lacking in common sense to succeed on their homeworlds. Over the years, the Nivans have, by dint of overambition, stupidity, recklessness or brilliance managed to produce a wide range of new STC-derived designs, some horribly unsuccesful, others quite clever. The wider Mechanicus deliberately keeps the Nivans at arms’ length; supply shipments are few and far between, and the only major visits to the system by Explorator Fleets and otherwise are generally to slap down any locals whose projects are getting too ambitious, ‘requisition’ any new plans or concepts that seem valuable, and drop off more troublesome Techpriests. Nivans are not actually Hereteks, and indeed tech-heresy is brutally stamped out by the planet’s leadership. On the other hand, almost all of them fall under the categorization of Maleteks, which many in Ixaniad wouldn’t see as much of an improvement. The Magii in charge of Niva Gustav are a loose-knit and poorly-organized bunch, given their disparate background, and many have called the planet a high-functioning anarchy which only survives because of its 19 inhabitants naturally mechanical dispositions. Dozens of different cliques, cadres, semi-secret societies and scientific orders compete for production line space, an unfortunate fact which is largely responsible for the planet’s widely variable industrial output. The one area in which the Nivans generally seem to actually excel is materials science; centuries of forced self-sufficiently have made them remarkably creative with the minerals they can scrounge for, beg or dig up within their own system, and their alloy production and forging methods are second to none, competing even with some of the metal products of the Lathe Worlds. The industrialization of Niva Gustav has left its mark, and almost none of the planet’s original geography remains. The world’s islands are each effectively scrapyards, interspersed with towering industrial stacks and manufactoria. Gigantic recycling servitors wander the cold scrap savanna, breaking down the ruins of abandoned projects for reuse in new forms. Surprisingly, the planet has a biosphere, almost entirely imported from offworld. The scrap savanna deserves its name, for it is a dry grassland, thanks to the presence of a variety of incredibly hardy grass and scrub tree species, the byproduct of years of genetic modification. Semi-feral Grox wander the low bushes, hunted by packs of wild dogs, and around those few chilly lakes that still dot the surface exist small fortified villages of tech-serfs, protected by their walls against the occasional malfunctioning servitor that wanders by. Official Nivan records list two major “Servitor Rampancies”, occasions when meme-virii or out-of-control upgrade programs spread through the planetary data network, causing servitors to go insane and attack everything nearby. Unofficially, this has happened dozens of times and is still to a certain degree happening in the wilderness away from the industrial stacks or at the bottom of the seas, making moving overland on Gustav a risky proposition. The Nivans seems to have accepted this as a fact of life- they have every reason to be blase, for servitors are nothing if not easily replaced. Nivan techpriests are understandably more than a little irritated that they have been put into exile, and tend to be hostile to outsiders almost to a fault. Many simply want to be left alone to work on their own pet projects, while still others strive desperately to earn their way back into the wider Mechanicum. They have earned a chequered reputation with the rest of the Subsector and the Sector in general- some come to the Nivans in search of a more open-minded attitude towards unorthodox technologies, while they have been outright banned from many conservative planets. The political machinations that underly Nivan government are fiendishly complicated, but one thing is generally clear; the few times the Nivans have been united by an outside threat, the results have been utterly terrifying. Though Niva Gustav does not field any Skitarii, its inhabitants have not hesitated to take up their disparate and monstrously unpredictable arms to defend themselves against pirates, raiders and rebellion, whatever the species or origin, and their overzealous and often collateral-damage-heavy “police actions” have earned the ire of the Ixaniad Mechanicus. As a result, offworld Imperial Guard forces have been stationed on their world- ostensibly for their protection, but truthfully to keep the Nivans from straying too far off the beaten path of the Omnissiah. 20 Auxiliary Maniple 931 “They call us peacekeepers, ‘cause if the bloody Techpriests build anything too stupid it’s our job to keep it in pieces.” -Anonymous Maniple 931 Trooper A team of Imperial Guard auxiliaries and low-level Skitarii assembled from various Forgeworlds across the Ixaniad Sector, Maniple 931 is still a relatively new and unproven force, though they bear significant Adeptus Mechanicus weaponry. They play the role of supervisory wardens to the techpriests of Niva Gustav- assigned both to defend the planet from harm, but also keep its many wayward enginseers and magii in line. If necessary, Maniple 931 is equipped with enough heavy firepower to destroy all significant industry on Niva Gustav, and have been issued their own voidships should the planet need to be rapidly evacuated. The 931st have mostly been occupied putting down servitor rampancies on Niva Gustav itself, but their few offworld campaigns have been extremely succesful due to their expertise in combined arms and mechanized warfare. With normal attrition over time, however, they have begun to increasingly rely on equipment procured from the Nivans, with predictably inconsistent results. Many of those in the command ranks of the 931st worry that their troops are falling prey to the dangerously political and unorthodox environment of the planet that is their home for the forseeable future. Still, their distinctive sky-blue helmets and white tanks are a fixture on Niva Gustav. Though officially a wholly armoured regiment, the Maniple’s soldiers act as semi-mounted infantry, often dismounting from their tanks to accompany them on foot. Their troops are lightly armoured but heavily armed, allowing them to bring their heavy firepower to bear on targets with remarkable speed. The almost universal presence of augmetics, and the vast reserve of literal spare body parts they maintain in their regimental headquarters at Gustav Manufactoria 20-A, makes their soldiers much tougher than one expected, and they place a great deal of trust in their regimental chirurgeons and augmeticists.. One signature of their combat, aside from their massed plasma volleys, is their adoption of the Nivablaster plasma coilgun as a marksman’s weapon. The first sign that the Maniple is approaching is often sporadic but highly accurate plasma fire as the unit’s more brave or foolhardy soldiers use these powerful but cantankerous weapons. Playing a Maniple Trooper Characteristics: +3 to any two of Intelligence, Perception and The rules for the Maniple use the following Toughness, +3 Intelligence, -3 Weapon Skill Only War doctrines. Starting Skills: Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), Common Lore Homeworld: Forge World (Tech), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Linguistics (Techna Lingua), Commanding Officer: Bilious Regiment Type: Armoured Regiment Logic, Operate (Surface) Doctrines: Cyber-Enhanced, Augmetics Starting Talents: Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus), Paranoia, Technical Drawbacks: Mistrusted Knock, Weapons Tech Other: Isolated by Machines: -10 to all Interaction Tests made to interact with characters not from Forge Worlds or the Adeptus Mechanicus Bad Reputation: The Nivans are more than a little irritated that a full Maniple has been sent to breathe down the back of their necks, and have made every effort to spread scurrilous rumours about their supposed ‘protectors’ throughout the subsector. Members of Maniple 931 recieve a -10 to all Fellowship-based Skill Tests when dealing with soldiers from other regiments and members of the Munitorum, and take 1d5 extra degrees of failure on failed Commerce and Logistics tests. 21 Augmetics: +10 on all Logistics Tests to obtain bionic replacements and implants. -1 Starting Wounds. Favored Weapons: Plasma Gun, Multi-Melta Starting Kit: Good-Craftsmanship Cybernetic, May take Servitors as Comrades, Good-Craftsmanship Plasma Gun, Plasma Flasks, Good-Craftsmanship Laspistol, 2 x Charge Packs, Uniform, Set of Poor Weather Gear, Knife, Flak Vest, Flak Helmet, Rucksack, Anointed Maintenance Kit, Set of Basic Tools, Mess Kit, Canteen, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, Lamp Pack, Grooming Kit, Set of Cognomen Tags, Tanker’s Manual, 14 x Days’ Combat Rations Squad Kit: 1 x Leman Russ Demolisher per Squad 22 Katyush “I’m coming back from space with one vision- the world, set a-blazing! My Emperor, I’m burning up!” -Urika Gagarina The main-sequence star Voshkhod is located on the outer edge of Subsector Trisdeka in the Ixaniad Sector, not far from the coreward border of the Calixis Sector. Its solar system is fairly unremarkable, featuring a thin outer asteroid belt, the two medium-sized gas giants Utromush and Nocmush, and the innermost planet, an Imperial Promethium mining world known to its inhabitants as Katyush. Katyush is small, dark, cold, and extraordinarily rich in biochemical resources. Its upper atmosphere blanketed by a thick dust cloud and dense asteroid field, its surface receives very little sunlight and temperatures remain well below freezing year-round. Astrogators theorize the planet was once a verdant jungle world- hence its immense natural petrochemical resources- which subsequently froze after the collapse of a moon or large satellite. The planet had continents, shallow seas and tropical island chains long ago, but now they are frozen beneath a planet-wide sheet of pack ice. The planet's atmosphere is a fairly dense standard oxygen-nitrogen mix, though oxygen levels are somewhat lower than Imperial standard. Notable quantities of atmospheric pollutants are present in areas of settlement, although the low population density have made climactic effects negligible. Katyush possesses few macroscopic native life forms, and what remains of its biosphere is primarily dominated by hardy, fast-growing lichen and fungus-like plantforms. The People of Katyush Katyush has been a tithed member of the Imperium since late M34, when its mercantile city-states first encountered Mechanicus Explorator vessels during the early days of Katyushan space exploration. Imperial surveys and analysis of local records revealed that the planet was probably settled during the Dark Age of Technology, and appeared to have been some sort of aerospace and propulsion technology research base, though never a large one. As a result, the Mechanicus maintains a small but significant presence on the planet, mounting exploratory expeditions beneath the ice in search of lost cities. Katyushan scenery on a clear day Katyush is governed by a loose planetary association of the ruling bodies of individual cities- as 90% of the planet’s population lives in urban areas, conventional nation-states simply did not form during the planet’s history. The so-called Katyushan Cities Coalition Directorate, or KCCD, provides recommendations and support to the Supreme Director of the Katyushan Peoples, who is elected from amongst senior members of the 23 Directorate. Each individual city-state is run via slightly different means, and while the Supreme Director is the unquestioned decider of planet-wide policy related to defence and tithes, individual city-states are generally left to their own devices. Also prominent on the Directorate is the Primate of the Great Hearth, the local title for the Ecclesiarchal Cardinal of the Voshkhod Diocese. The planet's 9 million inhabitants are a hardy bunch, prosperous thanks to their planetary government's long ties to the Mechanicus and healthy fuel-export economy. While their primary Imperial tithe is promethium-based fuels, they also contribute small numbers of reasonably well-equipped Imperial Guard regiments. Katyushan cities tend to be compact and subterranean and living quarters are frequently cramped. At the same time, however, public gathering-places are an important element of the planet's social culture, and no self-respecting settlement on the planet lacks a central subterranean “square” or “plaza”, normally with a prominent public hearth-shrine. The Katyushan mindest is one that emphasizes a slow but calculated unhurriedness, perhaps a natural reaction to a world where an unplanned stay on the surface can lead to death by freezing in a matter of minutes. This, combined with their gregarious nature and love of debate, leads to the classic stereotype of the “arguing Katyushan”, who spends more time and energy griping about the execution of a task than they do actually executing it. It is seen as the height of folly to embark on any project without having first discussed it to great lengths with one's friends and colleagues, the more the better. Despite their penchant for grumbling, Katyushans are naturally optimistic, veering towards overconfidence- so convinced are they that their way of doing things will turn out best in the end that they can be blind to the consequences of their actions. This confidence also manifests as a cultural superiority complex and milk xenophobia; Katyushans are interested in other planets and their inhabitants, but always maintain the given fact that the Katyushan ways are best. Tsiolkovsky The second-largest city on Katyush proper, Tsiolkovsky boasts a population of a little under a million souls and a bustling mercantile spirit. The equatorial lowlands in which it lies are resource-poor but warm- temperatures have risen above the freezing point multiple times in recorded history- making it one of the few places on the planet where limited surface agriculture is possible. This, combined with the low ice levels on the surrounding The Planetary Fortress in central Tsiolkovsky plain, made it a natural breadbasket, though its food output is meagre by most Imperial standards. While most foodstuffs are now manufactured underground or imported from offworld, Tsiolkovsky is still the economic hub for the rest of the planet, as its comparatively stable weather makes it an ideal spaceport. As planetary capital, the city is the only properly fortified location on the planet- never having been attacked, the Katyushan PDF generally maintains fairly light fixed defenses, preferring to retreat into the 24 frozen wastes if pressed. To the more affluent promethium miners, these fortifications make it a popular tourist attraction; visitors come for the sheer novelty of a city at least partially built aboveground. Tsiolkovskiites are cosmopolitan and often regard themselves as more civilized than other Katyushans, though they share the same love of argument and complaining. Vernadskygrad With a population just shy of 1.1 million, Vernadskygrad is the industrial heart of Katyush, and with good reason. It lies at the heart of the massive Vernadsk promethium fields in the southern hemisphere, the richest single concentration of petrochemical resources in the entire subsector. The city is dotted with the towering spires of cooling stacks and refineries, as well as buildings bearing the markings of the Mechanicum, for it is here that the Adepts of Mars have their strongest presence. It is only natural that Vernadskygrad is a major manufacturing hub, and vehicles from the Soyuz Tractor Works are exported from here to all parts of the globe- and beyond. Vernadskiites are combative and laid-back even by Katyushan standards, with an unfortunate reputation for sleaze and criminality that comes with an industrial city. No one will deny their mechanical talents, however. Ogongorod Buried in the heart of the northern polar mountain chain, Ogongorod was originally an unnamed air station on the circumpolar rocketplane transport route until the harrowing and ill-fated adventure of Urika Gagarina made it a pilgrimage site. Gagarina was a novice transport pilot on her first solo run transporting promethium over the Pole, when an electrical short in her cargo bay literally blew the wreck of her vessel into orbit, making her the first Katyushan since the Dark Age of Technology to reach space. The sturdy aircraft's pressurized hull somehow survived decompression and she orbited the world for a week, relaying her own take on the situation to a stunned populace. As time went on oxygen deprivation took its toll, however, and in an almost suicidally insane escape plan she detonated her emergency fuel reserves to de-orbit, dying after her ship fell from orbit and crashed in the mountains near Ogongorod. Still a popular tragic hero, many Katyushans also revere her as a saint of the Imperial Creed, holding that some of her incoherent radio messages just before the crash were some sort of prophecy of the first contact that occurred not long after. Ogonorodites are dour and pale, with the kind of iron will and fanatical zeal needed to thrive in an unusually cold, dark and desolate mountain town. Fyodorovets Long an unremarkable mining settlement on the edge of the northern hemisphere's Chizhev Highlands, in recent years Fyodorovets has exploded into a veritable hive of Adeptus Mechanicus activity with the discovery of a massive buried city deep beneath the icy hills of the town. With all the semi-lawless aura of a city in the middle of a gold rush, Fyodorovets plays host to as many legitimate agents of the Mechanicum as it does fraudsters, thieves, offworld adventurers and merchants interested in the untold riches of ancient technology frozen away in the depths. Few who venture into the warren of old mineshafts in the hills return, however, and rumors persist about ancient defensive systems or tribes of degenerated mutants living amongst the ruins. Regardless, the city's population is as diverse and unpredictable as one might expect, and its criminal element is often press-ganged into Katyushan military service. 25 The Imperial Creed on Katyush Katyushan religious worship has always centred around the hearth and the open flame, for these are the sources of light and life in the unforgiving darkness of the glacial moraine. Most Katyushans maintain small shrines in the kitchens of their homes, even if few still use an open flame to cook their food. By the time of Imperial contact, the animist religions of Katyush had settled in to two uneasy camps- one that believed divinity came from the spirit of the flame, and the other that believed that divinity emanated from the stars, those faint points of light occasionally visible through the shifting blackness of the night sky. Early spacefaring provoked profound religious controversy, made worse by the arrival of the Adeptus Mechanicus and contact with the larger Imperium. The first two centuries under Imperial rule were fraught with religious civil conflict, never quite breaking out into open civil war. From this fractious period emerged a new religious creed, a reordering of the old ways which sees the light of the Emperor in the glowing of the flames and of the stars. While most contemporary Katyushans are not the most devout of citizens, a deep traditionalism and respect for the old superstitions underpins all of their worship. The Sputniki Gvardiya Stran'polk “Da, we saw an Ork once. Dropped dozen ton of gaseous Promethium on it. Our trench was being warm for next three weeks, blyat.” -Artillery Sergeant, Katyushan 11th Sputniki Gvardiya Stran’polk The somewhat unwieldy Katyushan moniker for their Imperial Guard regiments loosely translates to Companion Guard Wanderer Regiment. With manpower levels too low to reasonably supply line infantry or assault troops, the Katyushans based their armies on the Streltsy warriors of the medieval city-states, nomadic groups of huntermercenaries who fought from afar by bow and would be Propaganda poster in local dialect alphabet; attached to peasant levies to provide fire support. The “Faith and Duty- Our Launching Point” guiding principle behind their military is that Katyushan soldiers should always act in support of larger units better able to deal with the hideous losses of war. To that end, all Katyushan regiments are generally either siege and trench infantry specialists with a focus on artillery and anti-tank weaponry, or dedicated mechanized artillery regiments. The world maintains one permanent tank 26 regiment, the much-vaunted 1st Stran'polk Kozak 'Free Riders'. Due to their small numbers (it is not uncommon for a Stran'polk to have less than 2000 men under arms at full strength, though sizes do vary) and disproportionately heavy armament, Katyushan regiments are designed to be easily divisible, such that each unit can act independently when seconded to another planet's command. As such, their regiments are organized around three divisions of four companies each, with each division commanded by a regimental Triarkh who shares Colonel-level command responsibilities with the other two Triarkhs. All other logistical and support roles are undertaken at the divisional level, ensuring that each Stran'polk is in fact a collection of twelve separate smaller combat units, each with their own quartermasters, command chain, motor pool, engineering and anti-aircraft sections, and all the other needs of battle. Equipment and Tactics Katyushans have a cultural obsession with rocketry and fire- it is the glow of the rocket, after all, that has allowed them to escape their cold and dismal home-world and explore the glory of the stars. It is no surprise, then, that their weapons systems are almost entirely rocket-based, from the ubiquitous bolt-action Strela rocket rifle to their huge number of Manticore MRLS vehicles. Many of their rocket weapons are quite exotic, the descendants of ancient Dark Age propulsion systems recovered in times gone by. In fitting with their doctrine of support at extreme ranges, their armaments tend to emphasize accuracy at distance over rate of fire, though they make heavy use of flame weaponry when the need arises. All Katyushan regiments are motorized to some degree or another, though generally the vehicles themselves are not designed for combat. Katyush has long run into conflict with the Imperial Munitorum over the stubborn insistence of local authorities to equip their forces with as many home-grown weapon designs as possible, though they seem to have earned the tacit approval of the Mechanicus. The two major armoured vehicles fielded on Katyush are the classic Manticore, deployed in both artillery and anti-air roles, and the somewhat unusual Laykhodok assault tank, primary vehicle of the Katyushan 1st. While classified by locals as a homegrown tank design, the Laykhodok is simply a Destroyer tank hunter chassis equipped with a standard Battle Cannon and a locally-made indirect-fire rocket rack mounted on the rear of the hull. Non-local designs deployed on Katyush tend to be modified with significantly scaled-down or outright removed cooling systems, due to the uniformly frigid weather, and all manner of heating gear to keep their crews functional. In battle, Katyushan forces will make heavy use of field engineers to establish lines of trenches and fortified strongpoints, before settling in to slowly wear their enemies down with precision bombardment at long ranges. Standard Katyushan “artillery preparation” can last for months at a time, with millions of heavy rocket rounds and incendiaries expended against enemy strongpoints. While most of the infantry are never expected to leave their defensive emplacements except in the case of a front-wide advance, small units of Advanced Spotters make regular aggressive reconnaissance along the enemy lines, feeding a steady flow of firing solutions back to divisional batteries. Advance Spotter units are considered Katyush's military elite, though their unusually offensive tactics frequently cause them to be regarded as suicidal glory-hogs or daredevils. Military discipline in Katyushan units tends to be fairly relaxed. Soldiers and officers alike plan their attacks painstakingly, which has led to a perhaps somewhat deserved reputation for, if not outright cowardice, a general disinclination to open battle. The classic image of the Katyushan infantryman is one who will obey orders with great personal skill and attention to detail, but only after hours of grumbling, and painfully long prep time. 27 In cases of true desperation, the Katyushan mindset naturally becomes somewhat fatalistic, and nothing embodies this better than their weapon of last resort, the dreaded Chernygaz, or Black Promethium. Produced as an industrial mining byproduct, this incredibly volatile oxidant explodes on contact with very nearly everything, and the resulting chemical reaction produces vast clouds of superheated acid that can easily chew their way through concrete. Regiments only deploy their terrifying Black Promethium weapons in the direst emergencies, often with massive losses to their own forces due to the sheer instability of the chemical. Few Katyushans are natural psykers, and the planet's comparatively small and close-knit population means that rogue or undocumented psykers are almost entirely unheard of. Those few who integrate to a certain degree in Katyushan society are regarded with superstitious awe, seen as somewhat untrustworthy manifestations of the strange and forgotten things that lurk on the dark ice wastes of Katyush. Most Katyushans feel uncomfortable around the supernatural, and even the most jaded or cosmopolitan will turn to half-forgotten ancient myths and superstitions they learned as children when confronted with Warp manifestations or psychic powers. Playing Katyushan Infantry The rules for infantry regiments use the Though originally built for the Katyushan 38th Stran'polk, these rules following Only War doctrines. represent the trench soldiers of any one of the thirty-odd Katyushan Homeworld: Mining Colony infantry regiments. Commanding Officer: Circumspect Regiment Type: Siege Infantry Characteristics: +3 Perception, +6 Toughness, -3 Intelligence Doctrines: Sharpshooters, Scavengers Starting Aptitude: Ballistic Skill Drawbacks: The Few Starting Skills: Awareness, Common Lore (Tech), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Tech-Use (+10) Starting Talents: Heightened Senses (Hearing) or Resistance (Cold), Nerves of Steel, Foresight, Deadeye Shot Other: +10 to Awareness and Navigation (Surface) when underground -10 to Perception and Awareness in bright light, mitigated by goggles +10 to any Logistics test. On doubles rolls, or rolls 95 or above, attract attention from authorities +1 Starting Wounds Favored Weapons: Strela Rocket Rifle or M40 Autostrela Igla-Pattern Missile Launcher or Autostrela Light Machine Rifle or Zhuzh Boost Projector, depending on regiment Starting Kit: Strela Gyrojet Rifle, 45 x Gyrojet Rounds, 15 x Man-Stopper Rounds, 15 x Tracer Rounds, Krug Gyrojet Pistol, Ulu Knife, Suit of Flak Armour, Uniform, Suit of Poor Weather Gear, Good-quality Magnoculars, Chrono, Respirator, 4 x Empty sandbag, Entrenching tool, 2 x Frag grenade, 2 x Photon flash grenade, Rucksack, Set of basic tools, Mess Kit/ Canteen, Blanket/sleeping bag, Rechargeable lamp, Grooming kit, Cognomen tags, Primer, 14 x Rations Playing Katyushan Advance Spotters The rules for Advance Spotters use the On occasions of desperate need, the Advance Spotters of several Support following Only War doctrines. Homeworld: Mining Colony Armies are sometimes rolled into a single unit to provide regiment and Commanding Officer: Circumspect even army-scale spotting and scouting for a much larger Imperial force. Regiment Type: Light Infantry Doctrines: Infiltrators, Forward Observation Drawbacks: The Few 28 These rules represent such an organization. Characteristics: +3 Perception, +6 Agility, -3 Toughness Starting Skills: Awareness, Common Lore (Tech), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Tech-Use, Navigate (Surface), Stealth Starting Talents: Heightened Senses (Hearing) or Resistance (Cold), Foresight, Sprint, Blind Fighting Other: +10 to Awareness and Navigation (Surface) when underground -10 to Perception and Awareness in bright light, mitigated by goggles +1 Starting Wounds Roll a -10 Stealth to allow another character within 10m to roll using your Agility Favored Weapons: M40 Autostrela, Zhuzh Boost Projector Starting Kit: Best-Craftsmanship M40 Autostrela, 120 x M40 Rocket Rounds, Krug Gyrojet Pistol, 10 x Gyrojet Rounds, 2 x Frag Grenades, 2 x Smoke Grenades, Flak Vest, Flak Helmet, Magnoculars, Chameleoline Cloak, Commbead, Survival Suit, Handheld Targeter, Ulu Knife Squad Kit: 2 x Pict Recorder Katyushan Field Engineer Rules The rules for Field Engineers use the Relatively few Support Armies are composed entirely of Field following Only War doctrines. Engineers; while their combat utility is acknowledged, the disproportionately high losses such units tend to suffer are difficult to Homeworld: Mining Colony Commanding Officer: Circumspect support. Regiment Type: Siege Infantry Characteristics: +3 Perception, +6 Toughness, +1 Intelligence Doctrines: Sappers, Demolitions Drawbacks: The Few Starting Skills: Awareness, Common Lore (Tech), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Tech-Use (+30), Security, Trade (Technomat), Operate (Surface) Starting Talents: Heightened Senses (Hearing) or Resistance (Cold),Foresight, Nerves of Steel, Technical Knock Other: +10 to Awareness and Navigation (Surface) when underground -10 to Perception and Awareness in bright light, mitigated by goggles +10 to Tech-Use and Trade (Technomat) to build/disassemble structures +10 to Tech-Use for Demolitions +1 Starting Wounds Favored Weapons: Strela Gyrojet Rifle, M40 Autostrela Starting Kit: Strela Gyrojet Rifle, 40 x Gyrojet Rounds, Krug Gyrojet Pistol, Suit of Flak Armour, Respirator, 4 x Sandbags, Entrenching Tool, 2 x Frag Grenade, 2 x Photon Flash Grenade, Lascutter, Demolition Charge, Ulu Knife Squad Kit: Cyclops 29 Playing the Katyushan 1st The pride of their homeworld, the Kozaks are few in number but very well-equipped. Characteristics: -3 WS, +3 Perception, +6 Toughness, +3 Intelligence Starting Skills: Awareness, Common Lore (Tech) +10, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Tech-Use, Operate (Surface) Starting Talents: Heightened Senses (Hearing) or Resistance (Cold, Fear), The rules for the Katyushan 1st use the following Only War doctrines. Technical Knock, Tank Hunter Homeworld: Mining Colony Other: Commanding Officer: Maverick +10 to Awareness and Navigation (Surface) when underground Regiment Type: Armoured Regiment -10 to Perception and Awareness in bright light, mitigated by goggles Doctrines: Anti-Armour, Well-Provisioned Add additional Penetration equal to degrees of success on attacks against Drawbacks: The Few vehicles +10 to Logistics to obtaining vehicle fuel/spare parts +1 Starting Wounds Favored Weapons: Krug K37 Gyrojet Carbine, Igla-pattern Missile Launcher Starting Kit: Good-Craftsmanship Krug K37 Gyrojet Carbine, 15 x Gyrojet Rounds, Krug Gyrojet Pistol, 2 x Frag Grenade, Uniform, Dress Uniform, Flak Vest, Anointed maintenance kit, Good-quality Magnoculars, Ulu Knife, Poor Weather Gear, Rucksack, Set of basic tools, Mess Kit/ Canteen, Blanket/sleeping bag, Rechargeable lamp, Grooming kit, Cognomen tags, Primer, PCTD, Munitorum Manual, 16 x Rations (1 day) Squad Kit: Leman Russ Laykhodok New Homeworld Option The following homeworld option was designed for use by Dolcaterrans, but can be used as normal in Only War regiment creation. Early Modern World Many worlds in the wider Imperium have moved beyond the feudal stage, but are still developing towards more modern nationhood and the industrialization of the more primitive civilized worlds. These planets are known as Early Modern Worlds, and are often favored over feudal ones for induction into the Emperor's light because their societies tend to be semi-industrialized, centralized, and generally better organized. Some are in a state of cultural renaissance as feudalism gives way to advanced artistic and philosophical achievement, while still others have only just begun to utilize steam power or electricity in their industries. Nonetheless, a dualism common in all Early Modern Worlds is the contrast between culture and conquest- many are dominated by huge continentspanning empires locked in ferocious combat with their rivals, and all see colonization attempts spanning their oceans or great landmasses. The people these planets breed are curious, inquisitive and open to new ideas about the world around them, but just as able with fire and shot and steel. Total Cost: 4 points Characteristic Bonus: +3 to any two of Toughness, Willpower and Weapon Skill Skills: Athletics, Common Lore (War), Linguistics (High Gothic) Talents: Duelist or Double Team Wounds: +1 Starting Wound • Neoclassicism: Many Early Modern Worlds have not yet developed a single unifying planetary language, but certain common dialects used for philosophy or learned discourse are common. often derived from 30 'classical' languages spoken in the planet's long-vanished history. Characters from an Early Modern World begin play with Linguistics (High Gothic), but are otherwise unable to read or speak Low Gothic, though they may be able to pick out words in the same way a Latin speaker might recognize words in French or English. • Age of Reason: Early-moderners often pride themselves on their scientific and philosophical literacy, as well as their willingness to embrace new ideas about the world around them. However, the ideas they do tend to embrace and utilize are often either horribly primitive or just plain wrong. Lore, Operate, Tech-Use and Medicae skills used by Early Modern characters only apply to technology or knowledge known in the 1700s on Earth- they can suture a wound, drive a carriage and operate a clock, for instance, but electricity is a scientific novelty, steam engines are still unfamiliar and disinfectants are wholly unknown. • Military Science: Early modern military strategy and tactics still revolve around the musketeer, the lancer, and breech-loading artillery, and many worlds have not yet had the time to fully appreciate what exactly they are tithing their men to do. Characters from these worlds cannot take the Operator Specialty, though they are free to switch in to them at higher ranks. Further, they cannot purchase or receive any Weapon Training talents other than Solid Projectile and Low-Tech until they have gained at least enough XP to change Specialties for the first time. Regimental Archetypes All regiments in the Imperial guard have their characters, faces who stand out from the crowd. The longsuffering quartermaster’s assistant, the histrionic regimental piper, the jolly sergeant who greets his men with a wink and a lho-stick; all can be expressed through Regimental Archetypes. Regimental Archetypes are an optional addition to Only War’s character creation that functions not dis-similarly to the advanced character creation packages from Rogue Trader. Each Archetype can be purchased on character creation for 300xp, providing a choice of a bonus Aptitude or Skill, as well as various other special abilities to encourage effective RPing. A character may only purchase one Archetype, and the choice of Archetype is permanent. Born Sergeant Bonus Skill: Intimidate or Bonus Aptitude: Leadership This character was born with unusually strong lungs and a brazen voice that cuts through the din of battle. When it comes to being really loud, no one can compare. They gain a +10 bonus to any Command test that involves screaming at the top of their lungs. Unfortunately, they sometimes don’t realize how loud they are- If this character makes a Fellowship-based test while hiding, sneaking, or engaged in combat, all enemy characters within earshot gain a +20 bonus to any tests to locate or detect them. Mascot Bonus Skill: Charm or Bonus Aptitude: Fellowship Whether through luck, pluck or something wholly beyond their control, this character is considered to be a mascot by other members of their regiment, and their presence keeps morale high and soldiers willing to fight on. If they should come to harm, however, that same morale will falter. So long as this character is unhurt, all other allied characters from the same regiment gain a +10 to any Toughness or Willpower-based Tests. If the mascot character suffers damage, these bonuses are removed until such time as they are fully healed. If they are Heavily Damaged or suffer any more damage beyond that, the bonuses instead become -10 penalties until such 31 time as they are fully healed. Joker Bonus Skill: Scrutiny or Bonus Aptitude: Social This character always has a quip at the ready, a natural talent for cutting remarks, and can be counted on to make light of the grimmest situation. However, laughing at danger is not necessarily the safest way to preserve one’s psyche. This character can use the Charm skill to perform the Inspire Special Action in combat as a Half Action. However, any time they would take Insanity as a result of Fear effects, they gain a number of additional Insanity points equal to half their Fellowship Bonus, rounded up. One-Man Army Bonus Skill: Dodge or Parry or Bonus Aptitude: Finesse This character is a more than competent combatant, but their combat prowess tends to alienate their peers. Being at the top of your game inspires overconfidence and vainglory in even the most seasoned veteran. This character gains a +10 bonus to all Fear tests so long as they are more than 10 meters away from the nearest allied character other than their comrade, but a -10 to Fear tests if they are less than 10 meters away. Snitch Bonus Skill: Deceive or Bonus Aptitude: Social This character is a necessary evil, a soldier who reports on their fellows to the political officers of their regiment. While being a snitch may have its perks, and has kept many a weasel, cheat and liar off the firing line, no one likes a backstabbing sell-out. This character receives a +10 bonus to all Fellowship-based tests with Commissars, disciplinarian officers or other stern authority figures, and a -10 penalty to all Fellowship-based tests with any character from their regiment or characters from other regiments who know that they are a Snitch. Black Marketeer Bonus Skill: Commerce or Bonus Aptitude: Fellowship This character knows people who knows people, and other members of the regiment come to them if they need items, weapons or gear above and beyond what can normally be found in Imperial supply depots. This character gains the effects of the Scavengers regimental doctrine: They can choose to take a +10 to Logistics tests, but if they roll doubles they attract unwanted attention from the authorities. If their regiment already possesses the Scavengers doctrine, they gain a further +10 to the logistics test from the ability but also attract attention on Logistics tests of 89-100. Old-timer Bonus Skill: Common Lore (Pick One) or Bonus Aptitude: Toughness This character has seen the fires of battle many times before, and has somehow lasted this long. Whether they are a veteran of their planet’s PDF, or a transferee from a previous regiment, conflict has left them skilled but marked by loss. Once per session, when this character would gain insanity as a result of Fear, they reduce the value gained by 1/2 their Willpower Bonus, rounded up, to a minimum of 0. However, they begin play with 1d10+5 Insanity. Doc Bonus Skill: Medicae or Bonus Aptitude: Intelligence This character has a talent for mending scrapes and wounds, though they may not have any formal medical 32 training. Regardless, they are often called upon to help in medical situations well beyond their knowledge, and their over-enthusiasm can prove fatal. This character adds a further +1 to the amount of wounds they heal with the First Aid special skill use. If this character fails a Medicae test by more than four degrees, the subject of their ministrations must make a Difficult (-10) Toughness Test or die from the complications. Stickler Bonus Skill: Logic or Bonus Aptitude: Knowledge This character has a stick up their bottom, and can generally be counted on to be pedantic when it comes to the rules and regulations of the Imperial Guard. When it comes to minutiae of paperwork, such humorless marionettes are valuable, but they are generally poor at taking the initiative. This character takes a -10 to all Willpower and Fellowship-based tests in any situation where they do not have a direct chain of command to rely on, but recieve a +5 to any tests involving the filling of paperwork or matters of official doctrine. Tinkerer Bonus Skill: Trade (Technomat or Armorer) or Bonus Aptitude: Tech This character has a way with machines, but not to the degree of a Techpriest of the Adeptus Mechanicus. While their abilities can be handy, and they are often in demand for simple field repairs, their tend to attract the enmity of those who maintain and provide their weapons. If making weapon customizations, this character takes no penalty to Trade tests for modifying weapons not part of their regiment’s Kit. This character recieves a -5 penalty to individual Logistics tests, and a -10 penalty to all Fellowship-based tests with members of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Woodsman Bonus Skill: Awareness or Survival or Navigate (Surface) or Bonus Aptitude: Fieldcraft This character feels a connection to the wild places of the galaxy, and has a natural sense of direction. They might feel more at home in deep woods, or the tunnels under a hive, or the abandoned bowels of a voidship. While they make for excellent natural guides, they are uncomfortable with advanced machinery and often feel scornful of those not accustomed to the ways of the wild. Upon character creation, specify a single type of environment such as Tundra, Jungle, Desert, Hive Cities, etc as their home environment. This character increases the number of degrees of Success they get on any passed Survival Test in their home environment by 1, but takes takes a -5 to all Fellowship-based tests with those not raised in a similar environment to them, and a -10 to all Intelligence or Agility-based tests to operate machinery or vehicles. Messenger Bonus Skill: Athletics or Acrobatics or Bonus Aptitude: Agility This character is fast, fast as a running beast, and they know when it comes to any race they’re going to win. Often called on to deliver parcels and orders, they will often spend most of a fight moving at a rapid pace, and they tend to push themselves too far. Once per combat, this character may double their Agility bonus for the purpose of calculating movement speed for 1d5 rounds. The first time they gain Fatigue each session they automatically gain an additional level. Creep Bonus Skill: Intimidate or Bonus Aptitude: Willpower This character makes people around them uncomfortable, plain and simple. They may have a peculiar odour, or an unsavory sexual proclivity, or a tendency to giggle at exactly the wrong time, but regardless people simply 33 don’t like them, and they often turn to darker places for solace. This character gains a +5 to Intimidate tests, even if the skill is not Trained. Every time this character would gain Corruption they gain an extra amount equal to half their Fellowship bonus rounded up. Spook Bonus Skill: Psyniscience or Bonus Aptitude: Psyker This character is a magnet for weirdness, and rumors abound of their supposed supernatural abilities. While this may not be the case, it is true that their souls are different from those of their peers, and they may often find themselves blessed with pretenatural luck or cursed with unnatural evil. This character begins play with 10 Corruption and a single Malignancy. Objector Bonus Skill: Dodge or Bonus Aptitude: Defence This character has moral or philosophical or religious objections to fighting, but have found themselves on the field of battle anyways. While their beliefs can inspire their allies to fight harder for a cause, they are often seen as a liability in combat. Once per combat, this character can encourage an allied character to ignore the negative effects of a single point of Fatigue for the remainder of the fight. However, this character recieves a -20 to any Fellowship tests when dealing with superior officers, unless they share the character’s specific pacifistic beliefs. Glory-Hound Bonus Skill: Athletics or Interrogation or Bonus Aptitude: Offence This character believes wholeheartedly in the glory of combat, and seeks to kill their enemies as spectacularly as possible. They may also direct their passion for battle against their own allies, seeking out those with a less than enthusiastic attitude towards conflict. This character takes a -10 penalty to their Willpower, Perception and Intelligence if they are unable to engage in an ongoing fight or are in a situation where they are being forced to retreat. 34 New Advanced Specialty Option Signifier “During the Ork bombardment, Piper Laidlaw stood on the battlement, and played his company forward. The effect of his splendid example was immediate; the men, taking heart, charged and routed the xenos.” -Praetorian Guard Cross of Valor Citation All regiments make use of Signifiers in some form or another, though few bear the name and many are unofficial positions. Signifiers are simply those soldiers who have as their duty maintaining the morale of and inspiring their allies. They are not official morale officers like Commissars, but they are those regimental musicians, standard-bearers, and icon-holders whose very presence uplifts those suffering soldiers around them. Signifiers often lead from the front, but their role is less combative and more supportive- whether they are guiding troops by holding high some symbolic banner or totem, or causing the enemy to quake in their positions with a blare of menacing music, or even soothing the fevered brow of the wounded with some familiar memory of home, all find their home in combat. Some regiments deploy full bands of Signifiers into combat, while others will assign troops to escort reliquaries or important objects. Their roles are as diverse and varied as the regiments they serve with. New Aptitudes: Leadership, Willpower, Defense, Strength, Fieldcraft, Toughness New Talents: Radiant Presence, either Driving Skirl or Hoist the Colours Specialist Equipment: Good-Quality Accatran Heavy Laspistol or Best-Quality Hand Cannon or Best-Quality Chainsword, Regimental Instrument or Regimental Standard Comrade Advances: Bawdy Marching Song Type: Order (Half Action) Cost: 200 xp Effect: The Signifier can order his Comrade to play a lively, if somewhat obscene, folk song that encourages others nearby to move quickly and watch their footing. Until the end of the Signifier’s next turn, all allies in earshot count their Agility Bonus as being 1 higher for the purposes of determining movement. 35 Rousing Quickstep Type: Order (Full Action) Cost: 400 xp Effect: As long as the Signifier and his Comrade are in cohesion, they can play an ancient and long-remembered tune from their homeworld that inspires even the war-weary and injured to fight on with renewed vigour. The Signifier makes a Hard (-20) Perform Test. If it succeeds, all allies within earshot can ignore the effects of their first point of Fatigue. If it succeeds by more than 2 Degrees of Success, all allies within earshot can reroll one failed Test per round for the remainder of combat. The Standard Musn’t Fall! Type: Passive Cost: 300xp Effect: If the Signifier is engaged in melee, all allies within 20 meters of him and his Comrade, regardless of the Comrade’s location, gain the Hatred talent against whatever type of enemy is currently attacking the Signifier. Hold Fast! Type: Order (Full Action) Cost: 400 xp Effect: While in Cohesion, the Signifier and his Comrade can order his allies to rally around the Standard and defend it against all comers. For the next 1d5 rounds, the Signifier and all allied Signifier Laidlaw, XXIV Praetorian Guard characters within a number of meters equal to his Fellowship bonus gain the Unnatural Toughness (X) Trait, where X is half the Signifier’s Fellowship bonus, rounded down. 36 New Talents, Orders, Skills and Actions The Synerge Cluster fields a bizarre array of troops, all with their own unusual combat tactics, customs, and ideas. New Skill This skill is designed primarily for use by the Signifier Advanced Specialty, but can be purchased by any character with access to a musical instrument or who wishes to sing. Perform (Fellowship) Aptitudes: Social, General Perform is the ability to play musical instruments, or carry enough of a tune for your singing to sound musical. While not always a useful skill on the battlefield, musical instruments find their home in trenches and dugouts across the Galaxy, whether it be for official ceremonies, raising morale, or even lulling comrades to sleep on a quiet night. Musical performances are often useful as a tradable service, with many willing to offer up a tot of service synthol to someone who can distract them from the hell of battle, even for a few minutes. When Perform is used against an opponent (for instance, when trying to drown out someone else’s music), it is an Opposed Test. Perform is Opposed by itself. Skill Use: Full Action for basic music, Extended Tests for longer pieces New Talents The following Talents are purchased as standard, and some come with prerequisites. Several of these talents are homeworld-specific (listed in their Prerequisites), meaning that only a character who is from that planet, or a character who has served alongside characters from that planet for a significant amount of time (several months), for instance, can purchase it provided they meet the other prerequisites. Table 1: Tier 1 Talents Talent Prerequisites Aptitude 1 Aptitude 2 Benefit Chterngek Protector Psyker, Katyushan Psyker Reduce psychic dangers in snow and ice Firebug Weapon Training (Flame) Willpower Offence Illogical Target Tech-Use, Dodge, Defence Maniple 931 Tizherin Stealth, Katyushan Fieldcraft Agility Move stealthily in snow and ice Trench Dweller - Fieldcraft Defence Increase protection of prepared positions Fieldcraft Offence Move freely in trenches Trench Raider Ag 35 Fieldcraft Tech 37 Ignore fatigue when using flame weapons Reduce aim of mechanical enemies Table 2: Tier 2 Talents Talent Prerequisites Aptitude 1 Aptitude 2 Benefit Ante Up Bellagian Willpower General Avoid spending Fate by gambling Arsonist Weapon Training (Flame) Fieldcraft Offence Increase flamer area denial strength Blackpowde BS 35, WS 35, r Weapon Weapon Expertise Training (Low-Tech) Ballistic Skill Weapon Skill Use blackpowder weapons in melee Caracole Survival, BS 45, Edelweiss Ballistic Skill Fieldcraft Diving Charge Ag 40, Offense Operate (Aeronautica), Tennanlower Weapon Skill Make flying charge attacks Launcher Weapon Expertise BS 40, Weapon Training (Launcher) Ballistic Skill Toughness Avoid explosive blast damage Peacekeeper Maniple 931, Fellowship 35 Social Willpower Defuse arguments and conflicts Trench Veteran Fieldcraft Defence Improve morale in prepared positions Trench Dweller Make ranged attacks during Strike and Fade 38 Table 3: Tier 3 Talents Talent Prerequisites Aptitude 1 Aptitude 2 Benefit All In Bellagian Willpower General Burn Fate for a risky power attack Blackpowder Weapon Mastery BS 40, WS 40, Ballistic Blackpowder Skill Weapon Expertise Weapon Skill Increase melee damage of black powder weapons Driving Skirl Perform Offence Terrify enemies with music Fire Bomber Weapon Finesse Training (Flame), Tank Hunter Offence Cripple vehicles with fire Hoist the Colours Command Leadership Strength Rally allies around a planted Standard Launcher Weapon Mastery BS 50, Launcher Weapon Expertise Ballistic Skill Rapidly load launcher ammunition Plunging Fire Int 40, BS 40 Intelligence Perception Frighten enemies with long-range fire Streltsy of Old BS 40, Weapon Training (Low-Tech), Katyushan Ballistic Skill Leadership Inspire allies further with Streltsy weapons Trench Defender Trench Dweller, Trench Veteran Fieldcraft Defence Improve accuracy and slow enemies in prepared positions Unconventional Leadership Air of Leadership General Authority, STR 50 or WP 50 or Int 50 Social Toughness 39 Command using alternate Characteristics Talent List All In Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Bellagian Character Aptitudes: Willpower, General The most predictable aspect of the Low Rollers of Bellagia is their unpredictability. Their obsession with luck and fortune can lead them to take near-suicidal risks, which sometimes even pay off. A character with this Talent who is suffering from at least five points of Critical Damage can burn a Fate Point to add 3d10 extra damage with the Proven (4) Quality to a single melee or ranged weapon attack. If the attack succeeds in hitting an enemy, regardless of whether or not it does damage, the character can then roll 1d10. On a roll 0f 1, the character immediately dies as something terribly unlucky happens to them. On a roll of 10, the character gains 1d10 + 5 Temporary Wounds as the Emperor’s Fortune flows through them. Ante Up Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Bellagian Character Aptitudes: Willpower, General Bellagians are just as famous for winning battles by the skin of their teeth, or by outright cheating, as they are for dying horribly within seconds of being deployed. The key question when fighting alongside them always becomes “do I feel lucky?” When this Character spends a Fate Point, they may choose to roll a d10. On a roll of 1 or 2, the Fate Point is not used. On a roll of 10, the character immediately dies as something unlucky happens to them. Arsonist Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Weapon Training (Flame) Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Offense To truly destroy a fixed structure, it is necessary to saturate it with flammable chemicals, and ensure those chemicals burn for the longest time possible. The flame troopers of the Synerge Cluster know this well, and adjust their weapons accordingly. Characters with this Talent increase the range of any Flame weapons they wield by 20m. When making using the Scorched Earth action, any enemies within the area of effect take a -10 to their Agility Test to not catch fire. Blackpowder Weapon Expertise Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 35, Weapons Skill 35, Weapon Training (Low-Tech) Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill Few Imperial Guard regiments utilize black powder weapons, but anyone experienced with the ways of pike and shot knows they are best at extremely close range. A character with this Talent can use black powder or flintlock Basic weapons in melee. They gain a +20 to hit in melee with Pistol black powder or flintlock weapons. 40 Blackpowder Weapon Mastery Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40, Weapons Skill 40, Blackpowder Weapon Expertise Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill While musket balls are often ineffective against heavy armour, many who use them at close ranges know that the flash of powder and the thunderous discharge of smoke can often stun even the best-prepared of enemies at short enough ranges. A character with this talent who makes a ranged attack with a black powder or flintlock weapon at point-blank range or while in melee treats their weapon as having the Concussive (2) Quality, and increases its Penetration by 2. Caracole Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Survival, Ballistic Skill 45, Edelweiss Character Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Fieldcraft A common Edelweiss cavalry tactic, the Caracole involves approaching a target at high-speed, then turning broadside to it to discharge a pistol or rifle shot at close range. Though it necessitates careful coordination, the effects of a well-executed caracole maneuver from Edelweiss dragoons can be devastating. A character with this Talent can choose to make a single attack with a ranged weapon instead of a melee weapon during a Strike and Fade action. Successfully making this attack requires a Difficult (-10) Ballistic Skill Test. Chterngek Protector Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Psyker, Katyushan Character Aptitudes: Psyker, Fieldcraft The Chterngek are the mysterious entities that deeply traditionalist Katyushans believe lurk in the boundaries between the bright lights of the fire and the inky cold darkness of the ice- they can be helpful or harmful, but the places where they gather are full of arcane power that can be harnessed. A Psyker with this Talent can choose to reduce any rolls on the Psychic Phenomena or Perils of the Warp table by -10 while manifesting in snow or icy terrain. Diving Charge Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Operate (Aeronautica), Agility 40, Tennanlower Character Apritudes: Offense, Weapon Skill The signature tactic of the Tennanlowe Skyboarders is their swooping combat dives- rushing full-tilt at the ground, they level off at the last possible second, transferring their moment into crushing blows against unsuspecting foes. Though incredibly dangerous, the force of an armoured man and the weight of his skyboard can pulverize even well-armoured foes. A character on a Skbyoard or other equivalent Flying mount can spend a Full Action to make a diving charge. They must begin their turn at High Altitude, and make a Hard (-20) Survival or Operate (Aeronautica) Test. If the Test succeeds, they drop to Hovering Altitude and may make a single melee attack at a +20 bonus against an enemy target within half their Flying Movement distance. The attack has the Felling (X) quality, where X is the number of degrees of Success they scored on the original Test. If they fail the Test by more than 2 degrees, they fall off their mount instead. 41 Driving Skirl Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Perform Aptitudes: Social, General Standing firm in the face of oncoming fire to play a musical instrument might seem counterintuitive on the battlefield, but those truly inspired regimental musicians who do manage the task can terrify their enemies by their seeming untouchability. A character with this Talent who is not in Cover can make a Very Hard (-30) Perform Test as a Half Action. If the test succeeds, they count as having the Fear (X) trait, where X is 0 + 1 for every two Degrees of Success they scored on the Test. All enemies within earshot must make Fear tests as normal. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1d5+ half of their Willpower Bonus, rounded up, but the character must remain out of cover and devote all of their non-movement actions to continue playing for the duration. Fire Bomber Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Weapon Training (Flame), Tank Hunter Aptitudes: Finesse, Offence Hunting armoured vehicles with flame weapons is a difficult art- it requires exact knowledge not only of the target’s weak points, but also of what if any components, especially motive, are air-breathing and thus vulnerable to flame. When a character with this Talent makes an attack with a Flame weapon against a vehicle, their attack is automatically treated as hitting the vehicle’s Rear Facing. If the resulting attack does damage, the target must automatically roll 1d5 on the Motive Systems Critical Hit Table as burning fuel spills into its engines. Firebug Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Weapon Training (Flame) Aptitudes: Willpower, Offense Though the Incinerants of the Ministorum are the most famous flamer-users of the Spinward Front, there are no shortage of flame troopers who are just as devoted to their scorching weapons. These so-called ‘firebugs’ are driven to frenzied activity by the crackling of the flames. A character with this Talent equipped with a Flame weapon ignores the negative effects of their first level of Fatigue and gains a +1 bonus to the damage of their first successful Flamer attack each combat. Hoist the Colours Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Command Aptitudes: Leadership, Strength By finding a suitable spot to plant a banner or symbol of their regiment, soldiers and officers claim a spot of land as their own, and those near the banner often find themselves caught up in the struggle often find themselves giving their all to prove the standard-bearers right. As a Full Action, a character and his Comrade in cohesion can plant their Regimental Standard, defying the enemy to come and take it. All allies within 10 x the character’s Willpower Bonus gain a +10 to any Test of their choice each round, and treat their Toughness Bonus as being 2 steps higher for the purposes of resisting damage. 42 Illogical Target Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Tech-Use, Dodge, Maniple 931 Character Aptitudes: Defense, Tech Though it has not been bloodied against many of the Imperium’s more conventional foes, the troopers of Maniple 931 have a great deal of experience fighting machines and insane servitors. They have come to instinctively recognize the targetting patterns and algorithms that govern these mechanical menaces’ weapons systems, and move in such a way as to provide a difficult target. Enemies with the Machine trait that attempt to attack this character receive a -10 to any Ballistic or Weapon Skill Test used to make the attack. Launcher Weapon Expertise Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40, Weapon Training (Launcher) Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Toughness One of the first things a good explosive weapons trooper learns is how to not kill themselves and their allies with the backblast. When this character attacks with a Launcher or Explosive weapon and would accidentally damages themselves or an ally with it, they gain a +10 bonus to their Dodge rolls to avoid damage. Launcher Weapon Mastery Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 50, Launcher Weapon Expertise Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Toughness The other great vulnerability of the Launcher, whatever the kind, is the difficulty of handling and loading ammunition. Once per combat, a character with this Talent and their Comrade in Cohesion can immediately load a single round into their Launcher weapon as a Reaction. Peacekeeper Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Fellowship 35, Maniple 931 Character Aptitudes: Social, Willpower Even the lowest-ranking soldiers from Maniple 931 are used to confrontations and constant arguments, and many from the regiment have by necessity become excellent at conflict resolution. Characters with this Talent gain a +20 to any Fellowship-based test used to resolve arguments, calm down a crowd, or prevent a fight from breaking out. Plunging Fire Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Intelligence 40, Ballistic Skill 40 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Perception Over a long enough distance, even a near-miss shot can be enough to startle or panic an enemy. If the shot actually hits, well- that’s just icing on the cake. A character with this Talent can fire a near-miss shot with a non-Blast Quality weapon at a target outside 3 x the weapon’s Range but within 4 x the weapon’s Range. That target must now make a Challenging (+0) Fear Test. Additionally, the weapon firer makes a Punishing (-50) Ballistics Test- if it succeeds, the target also takes damage 43 as normal. Performing Plunging Fire requires a Full-Round Action. Streltsy of Old Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40, Weapon Training (Low-Tech), Katyushan Character Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Leadership Those Katyushan soldiers who choose to specialize in symbolic and antique Streltsy weapons are themselves referred to as Streltsy, but those among them who distinguish themselves in battle earn the title Streltsy of Old. These brave warriors are symbol of the military and technological strength of Katyush, and they can turn the tide of many a battle. A Character with this Talent treats all Streltsy weapons as if they were Battle Standards as well, with the resultant stat bonus stacking with the stat bonus from the weapon themselves. Additionally, they add one half their Ballistic Skill Bonus, rounded up, to any Streltsy weapon’s Damage and Penetration. Tizherin Tier: 1 Prerequisties: Stealth, Katyushan Character Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Agility Katyushan parents scare their children straight with stories of the Tizherin, a massive snake that lurks in crevasses in the ice to snatch up children who wander out of the safety of their tunnels alone. In military parlance, the same refers to those Advance Spotters and other reconnaissance troops who have become adept at moving unseen in snow and ice. A character with this Talent gains a +10 to any Stealth test while in snow or icy conditions. Trench Defender Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Trench Dweller, Trench Veteran Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Defence Even the most well-protected trench is inevitably invaded, and the most well-prepared veterans are those who ready themselves for combat within their own defensive lines. By setting booby traps and concealed enfilade firing points, even mighty enemies can be delayed and turned back. Characters with this Talent gain a +10 to any and all Ballistic and Weapons Skill tests within their own trench line. Additionally, all enemies within the trench treat it as Difficult Terrain, even if they would otherwise ignore terrain of that type. Trench Dweller Tier: 1 Prerequisites: None Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Defence Even a modicum of experience and prep-work can turn a poor defensive position into a secure one. The addition of grenade trenches, proper sandbagging and duckboards mean the difference between life and death. With an uninterrupted hour of work, this character can improve a preexisting defensive position; while within the confines of this position, they gain a +10 to Dodge tests against Blast weapons and increase the AP value of all Cover in the area by 1. 44 Trench Raider Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Agility 35 Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Offense When a conflict turns from mobility to the slow, grinding attrition of trench warfare, new tactics are called for. Trench raiders are a sign of such tactics, light and mobile troops who can break into enemy defenses and wreak havoc against defenders unprepared for a close assault. A character with this Talent never treats trenches or fortified positions as Difficult Terrain. Trench Veteran Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Trench Dweller Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Defence Experienced trench fighters know the value of their own prepared positions, and can keep their cool even under blistering fire. Once per day, a character with this Talent can choose to reroll any one failed Willpower or Intelligence-based test while in their prepared trench. Further, all cover in their prepared trench increases by an additional 1 AP. Unconventional Leadership Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Air of Authority, Strength 50 or Willpower 50 or Intelligence 50 (see below) Aptitudes: Leadership, General The Tactica Imperialis says that not all leaders inspire their followers through charisma alone. Some lead from the front, urging their allies on with acts of might. Some treat their troops as pieces on a Regicide board, moving them with careful planning. Yet more lead from among their men, suffering the same privations as their followers but enduring through sheer will. A character with this Talent can choose to use either their Strength, Willpower or Intelligence instead of their Fellowship for the purposes of Command Tests. The decision of which Characteristic can be substituted this way is made upon taking the Talent and is permanent, and the Talent can only be taken once. As an added bonus, characters gain a secondary ability depending on which Characteristic they chose: Strength: Once per combat, upon defeating an enemy in melee combat, this character can use the Command skill to Inspire their allies at a +10 bonus as a Free Action. Willpower: Once per combat, when using the Terrify use of the Command skill, this character can Inspire any allies who succesfully overcame their fear, rolling at a +10 bonus as a Free Action. Intelligence: Once per combat, after a successful Scholastic or Forbidden Lore test, this character can Inspire their allies at a +10 bonus as a Free Action. 45 New Orders The following Orders are not considered Generic Orders as in the core rulebook, and some require the Veteran Comrade talent as a prerequisite. Find their Range! Type: Order (Free Action) Order: Veteran Prerequisites: Deadeye Shot, Sharpshooter Aptitudes: Perception, Ballistic Skill Effects: A well-trained soldier, especially an artilleryman or sniper, learns very quickly how to judge the distance to a target by eye. This allows a coordinated fireteam to lay down accurate fire even at very long ranges. The character making this Order ignores all Ballistic Skill penalties for single shots at long ranges on their next ranged attack this turn. Heave that Gun ‘Round! Type: Order (Half Action) Order: Basic Prerequisites: Strength 35 Aptitudes: Strength, Offense Effects: While many of the Guard’s strongest soldiers are famous for wielding heavy weapons on their own, a heavy weapons trooper can move their gun easily with assistance from an ally and keep it steadied. After this Order has been issued, this character can move a number of meters equal to his Strength bonus and rebrace his weapon as a Half Action. He does not lose the effects of Bracing on his weapon if he uses a Reaction to Dodge before the end of his next turn. Coordinate Toss Type: Order (Half Action) Order: Veteran Prerequisites: Tech-Use, Sleight of Hand Aptitudes: Finesse, Perception Effects: What’s better than one grenade in an enemy trench? Two, of course. The next time this character throws a grenade, their Comrade does so as well, aiming for roughly the same spot. After resolving the first grenade attack, resolve a second attack on a nearby square. Roll on the Scatter diagramthe second grenade lands 1d5-2 meters away in that direction. Grenades thrown are taken from the Character’s stock of grenades, not the Comrades’. Blind Volley Type: Order (Full Action) Order: Basic Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 25 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Defence Effects: While suppressing fire is common in the Guard, firing wildly, even with a weapon not designed for it, can still force enemies to get their heads down. The character who issues this Order has their comrade mag-dump their weapon in the general direction of the enemy. The Comrade empties their weapon’s Clip, and the targets and everything within 1d10 + the character’s 46 Ballistic Skill Bonus meters must make a Challenging (+0) Pinning Test or be Pinned for one round. The Comrade must spend the next round reloading his weapon as normal. Rousing Chant Type: Order (Free Action) Order: Basic Prerequisites: Fellowship 30, Aptitudes: General, Social Effects: Sometimes the memories of home and the simple comradeship of the camp can form the greatest bulwark against the terrors of the enemy. This character and his comrade burst into song, or chanting, or some recital of familiar culture that might inspire their friends to take heart. The character may make an Ordinary(+10) Perform Test. If they succeed, all allies in earshot suffering from Shock may choose to reroll any failed Willpower tests to snap out of Shock for the remainder of the combat. New Combat Actions The following combat actions are intended to supplement those already present in the Only War core rulebook, and can be utilized by any character equipped with the right gear or weaponry. Scorched Earth Type: Full Action Subtype: Attack, Ranged Sometimes, Flamers are used less as assault weapons than as area-denial tools, used to restrict the movement of enemy troops or lock down enemy emplacements so that they can be dealt with at a later date. A character equipped with a Flame weapon can use this Action to set an area of ground equal to their Flame weapon’s normal Spray or Blast radius on fire. The area designated must be within range of their weapon. That area burns for 1d5 rounds and is treated as Difficult Terrain until extinguished. Units moving through the area must make a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or catch fire. Using this Action consumes an amount of fuel equal to half of the weapon’s normal maximum Clip, if the weapon uses ammo. Battle Song Type: Half Action Subtype: Concentration, Miscellaneous Music on the battlefield can both inspire allies and demoralize enemies, often at the same time. A character equipped with a Musical Instrument can choose to either perform an inspiring song or a menacing one to attempt to intimidate their enemy. Either way, they must make a Challenging (+0) Perform Test. If they chose an inspiring song, all allies in earshot who are not Deafened gain a temporary bonus to their Willpower and Toughness of +1 for each Degree of Success on the original test (minimum +1), for as long as the original song is sustained. If they chose a menacing one, all enemies within earshot who are not deafened take a temporary penalty to their Ballistic Skill and Weapons skill of -1 for each Degree of Success on the original test (minimum -1) for as long as the original song is sustained. Sustaining a song for another round requires another Challenging (+0) Perform Test. So long as the test passes, regardless of the Degrees of Success achieved, the song is sustained. If a test to Sustain a song achieves more degrees of success than the original test, the bonus/malus provided by the song increases accordingly. All Battle Song tests with a Regimental Instrument provide double the bonus/malus, namely +/-2 per Degree of Success instead of +/- 1. 47 Armoury Logistics in the Synerge Cluster As a backwater subsector largely out of the way of any major conflict, many of the worlds in Subsector Trisdeka recieve little by way of military material support from the Munitorum. While several, including Bellagia, Katyush and Niva Gustav possess their own manufacturing facilities and STC-derived blueprints and plans, others are forced to improvise and rely on their own scrounged or scavenged arms, often purchased through backroom channels or via less than scrupulous Rogue Traders. The Availability values for all weapons in the following section are those that would apply within a regiment normally using that weapon. For, say, a Tennanlowe regiment scavenging Dolcaterran weapons, the Availability of the weapons would decrease. Weapon Qualities Black Promethium: Black Promethium is an extraordinarily volatile and powerful incendiary by any standard, but its sheer instability makes it a risk to the user. A Black Promethium weapon increases the damage done by the Toxic quality by 1, and the Armour damage done by the Corrosive quality by 1. When the user of a Black Promethium weapon is hit with any kind of Energy damage or is set on fire, roll 1d100: on a roll of 75 or above, all ammunition and weaponry on their person with the Black Promethium quality immediately detonates, dealing damage as it would in a normal attack. Discharge: This weapon occasionally creates high-voltage electrical arcs as it overloads. A weapon with this quality discharges on attack rolls of 91 or higher- the wielder suffers 1d5 Energy damage with the Shocking quality to their Arms, ignoring Armour but not toughness. Additionally, the weapon generates a Haywire (5) field centered on the user (a Haywire field with a radius of 5m). Roll on the Haywire Field Effects Table as normal for all electronic devices within range, excepting the weapon that generated the Haywire field. A Discharge weapon can be fired again on the turn after it has Discharged. Any circumstance that would normally cause this weapon to jam instead causes it to Discharge. Infiltrator: This weapon is designed to fire a specially-loaded subsonic round which creates no sonic boom upon exiting the weapon's action. Further, its barrel is encased in mechanical baffles or other sound-dampening systems that make it almost inaudible when firing, as well as reducing its recoil. Weapons with this quality gain all the advantages of weapons equipped with Silencers; however, they are incapable of hitting targets beyond their maximum listed Range. After resolving damage normally against an Unaware target, an Infiltrator weapon does 1d10 extra damage, ignoring Armour. Streltsy: These weapons are literal antiques, seldom fielded except on ceremonial occasions, and full of historical and legendary inspiration for the Katyushans. Any Katyushan character within line of sight of someone wielding a Streltsy weapon gains a temporary +5 to all Willpower and Ballistics tests (with the obvious exception of the wielder themselves). The bonus from multiple Streltsy weapons stacks, to a maximum of +15. 48 Thrust Jet: This weapon is a modified rocket or pulse-jet engine, firing a long cone of superheated exhaust gasses with devastating results but massive recoil. Thrust Jet weapons function as if they had the Spray quality, but hit all targets in a line with a length equal to the weapon's range. Thrust Jet weapons have +1 Penetration at point-blank range. On a jam the user of one such weapon must make an Ordinary (+10) Strength test or be Stunned for one round from whiplash. Failing this test by more than one Degree extends the duration of the Stun to 2 rounds. Twin-stage: This weapon's projectiles incorporate a small secondary rocket engine to give the round an extra kick at the end of its ballistic arc. A weapon with this Quality gains a +2 to its Penetration at Long ranges. If a Twin-Stage weapon hits any target and does not do damage, the shot ricochets- roll on the Scatter diagram, and the round continues to the end of its range in that direction until it hits another target. If the attack roll on such a ricochet scored more than two Degrees of Success, the firer can choose to modify the Scatter roll by a number up to their Ballistic Skill Bonus. A Twin-stage round can bounce between multiple targets in this way. Weapons with the Twin-stage Quality cannot also have the Blast Quality. Gyrojet Weapons The two pillars of Katyushan military doctrine are range and accuracy, and their native weapon designs are built around this. Their standard ‘gyrojet’ arms use a small solid-tipped rocket instead of a conventional bullet, a design which provides significant stopping power and range compared to a standard autogun round, but carries with it several drawbacks. ◦ Gyrojet weapons cannot be equipped with Silencers ◦ Gyrojet weapons are not compatible with standard solid projectile rounds, but they can fire specialized rounds designed specifically for them on Katyush Though they do not fire conventional solid projectiles, these weapons function similarly to normal slug-throwers or autoguns and thus require the Weapon Training (Solid Projectile) Talent to use. Krug Gyrojet Pistol: A single-shot, break-action pistol that fires a single heavy rocket round. Can also fire most common signal flare types. Strela Gyrojet Rifle: A simple, bolt-action long rifle that fires rocket-powered bullets with a great deal of force. Comes attached with an integrated Telescopic Sight as standard, which can be removed with a -10 Tech-Use or Trade (Armorer) test. Krug M37 Gyrojet Carbine: A lengthened, double-barreled version of the Krug pistol with a folding stock, designed for use by vehicle crew. Can be wielded one-handed at a -10 penalty. Autostrela Automatic Gyrojet Rifle: Uses the same frame as the conventional Strela, but adds a simple gas piston and a box magazine, making it a powerful if slow-firing automatic. Comes standard with an integrated bipod. M40 “Reyder” Autostrela: Combining offworld compressed air gun technology with gyrojet ammunition, these complicated but powerful semiautomatic rifles are only issued in small numbers to the most elite Advance Spotter companies. Though the redesigned sabot rounds they use hit well above their size, their unusual shape makes them incompatible with the range of specialty ammunition used in more traditional weapons. Comes attached 49 with an integrated Telescopic Sight as standard, which can be removed with a Challenging (-10) Tech-Use or Trade (Armorer) test. M40 “Drotik” Gyrojet Rifle: Derived from the prototypes of what would become the Reyder, the Drotik is a heavy anti-materiel rifle used for long-range precision marksmanship in situations where a standard Strela simply wouldn't cut it. It incorporates a compressed-air accelerator system like the Reyder, as well as an extremely lengthened bull barrel and a heavy, oversized action. Drotiks can load Kulak rounds without reducing their Clip Size. Drotiks come equipped with a Bipod and Telescopic Sight as standard, which can be removed with a Challenging (-10) Tech-Use or Trade (Armorer) Test. Solid-Projectile Weapons The most ubiquitous and simple of the Imperium’s modern weaponry, the following equipment requires the Weapon Training (Solid Projectile) Talent to operate. Welreus-Pattern Commando Stub Pistol: Frequently used by the Katyushan Advance Spotters and a variety of Bellagian regiments that focus on infiltration rather than overt action, the bolt-action Welreus is a simple but extremely effective infiltrator's weapon found across the sector. Though not particularly damaging, its concealability and reliablity make it a valuable tool when discretion is needed on the battlefield. Delileus 'Threadcutter' Commando Stubber: Another popular weapon amongst Advanced Spotters, dozens of different Delileus variants exist across Subsector Trisdeka, a testament to the ease of construction of these primitive but surprisingly effective stubguns. Normally bolt-action, they make excellent long-range sentrykillers, allowing highly mobile forces some modicum of firepower with very little noise. Niva-Pattern Combilauncher: A curious combination of autogun and light recoilless rifle, the Combilauncher was intended to give PDF troops light anti-tank firepower in a portable package. Though it achieved this, it is a bulky and uncomfortable weapon to wield. However, the design’s simplicity and easy of manufacture has seen it slowly spread across the Subsector. A Combilauncher requires either Launcher or Solid-Projectile Weapon Training to operate- one of the weapons' integrated systems can be operated without having training in the other. Las Weapons Modified or rare versions of the Imperial Guard’s classic Lasgun, these weapons require the Weapon Training (Las) Talent to operate. Apashe: A native Edelweiss las weapon, the Apashe is a curious and unwieldy folding weapon that combines a trench knife and a compact laspistol into a single package. Though difficult to operate without finesse, these standard-issue Kurassier arms are excellent in close quarters. An Apashe can be used in melee as if it were a Warknife. Apashe Réal: Apashes Réal are only awarded to the finest Edelweiss warriors, for they must be delivered by the acclaim of their regiment. Their general structure is comparable to an oversized standard Apashe, but their 50 laspistol component utilizes a sturdier hotshot design and their trench knife is replaced with a miniaturized chain weapon. An Apashe Réal can be used in melee as if it were a Chain Knife with the Mono quality. Lasarque: The Lasarque is a common Edelweiss variant on the standard Imperial Lascarbine, tuned for maximum firepower at short ranges and when fired from a mounted position. The resultant weapon has a distinct curving stock designed to brace against the forearm, and a barrel assembly so short the focusing lenses are practically exposed. A Lasarque can be fired one-handed at a -5 penalty. Gambler-Pattern Lasgun: Rebuilt from castoff second-hand lasguns of various different models, the Gambler represents the main weapon of Bellagia’s penal troops. The main modification to the Gambler is its unstable power regulator, which makes each shot hit with wildly varying power and focus- every shot is made to test the user’s luck. Lasbarde: Essentially a cut-down lascannon, the Lasbarde is designed to be mounted on the saddle of a large Edelweiss Querl or other military mount, the Lasbarde trades off long-range firepower for portability and ease of use on the move. Lasbardes come with a built-in Saddle Weapon Mounting. Flame Weapons Though the roaring, backblast-generating pulse rocket flamers of Katyush are a highly unconventional design, they can be operated by a character with the Weapon Training (Flame) talent. Gul-model Hand Projector: A small but potent hand flame weapon with a nasty kick, used as a last-ditch weapon by Field Engineers and Advance Spotters. Guls are deadly in close quarters, though their high fuel consumption and small internal tanks are a frequent subject of complaint. Zhuzh-model Boost Projector: A medium-weight pulse rocket weapon fondly nicknamed the “Bonerattler” by its pyromaniac operators for its incredibly loud vibration on firing. Zhuzh are regarded with some suspicion by regular Katyushan troops, as their distinctive noise is often a sign that enemy troops are approaching a fortified trench line. Rev-model Ram Projector: Uncommon due to their great size, these massive pulse rocket weapons can send even the heaviest targets flying. Targets that fail their Agility test to catch fire when hit with this weapon are also knocked Prone. Firing a Ramjet Projector unbraced requires a Very Hard (-30) Strength test in addition to the normal penalties to Ballistics. If the test fails, roll on the Scatter Table- the out-of-control recoil causes the weapon to fire in that direction instead. Plasma Weapons The following weapons require the Weapon Training (Plasma) Talent to operate. Nivablaster Plasma Coilgun: One of the least dramatically unsuccesful designs recovered by the infamously eccentric techpriests of Forgeworld Niva Gustav, the Nivablaster is a distinctively long-barreled and bulky weapon that does away with many of the downsides of conventional plasma guns- but not without compromise. 51 The Nivablaster uses an explosively-driven piston to compress hydrogen gas into a superdense state, and recycles waste heat from the explosion to power a series of magnetic coils that accelerate the gas down the barrel, superheating it into plasma in the process. The resultant weapon is significantly less prone to injuring its users, as the plasma only becomes dangerously hot as it is already leaving the weapon. However, the sudden power surges through the weapon’s electrical coils can wreak havoc with any kind of uninsulated electronics. The wider Mechanicus was quick to condemn the Nivablaster as a dangerously uncontrollable weapon, but the Nivans still produce them in significant numbers, happy so long as they are never, ever used in proximity to Nivan facilities or Skitarii. Nivablotter Plasma Splatgun: An offshoot of the development of the Nivablaster, the Nivablotter is a pistolsized plasma weapon that, while compact, suffers at long ranges. Its extremely short focusing coils project a semi-coherent blob of plasma instead of a proper bolt. While still hot enough to burn and damage a wide area, the projectile dissipates soon after leaving the barrel. Low-Tech Weapons From the Streltsy weapons of Katyush to the beautifully-made but unstable muskets of Dolcatero, these weapons require the Weapon Training (Low-Tech) Talent to operate. Strelet Rocket Handbow: A light hand crossbow firing a pair of primitive rocket arrows. Unpredictable but dangerous. Strelet Rocket Musket: Little more than a lightweight metal tube packed with rocket arrows, these weapons are as ornate as they are impractical. Dvina Rocket Bow: An ancient but surprisingly effective weapon, firing a single heavy rocket-assisted arrow to devastating effect. If a Dvina should misfire, the user and everyone within a 3m cone behind him takes the weapon's damage as the aged rocket motor explodes. Seven-Barrel Gun: A mighty weapon for only the strongest soldier, this heavy musket fires seven barrels simultaneously in a spread with devastating effect. Flintlock Carbine: A lighter variant of the flintlock musket, the carbine is often found used by cavalrymen or artillery troops on feudal worlds for whom a long weapon would be too unwieldy. A flintlock musket can be wielded one-handed at a -10 penalty. Flintlock Blunderbuss: A more primitive version of the classic shotgun, the blunderbuss' distinctive funnelshaped barrel makes it easy to load in a large quantity of lead shot instead of a single ball. Flintlock Revolver: A slight step up from the primitive flintlock pistol, the flintlock revolver operates off the same mechanism as a standard stub revolver, though it is much less stable and reliable. If a flintlock revolver jams on an unmodified roll of 00, a number of targets within its range equal to the number of rounds left in the cylinder take a normal attack from the weapon as its cylinders overheat and discharge. Superposed Load Pistol: A curious black powder pistol design only accessible to the wealthy or the clever, the 52 superposed pistol uses a complicated clockwork mechanism and a series of internal chambers to rapidly discharge shots at short range. While fast-firing, the complexity of the system means loading it is unfeasible. Superposed pistols cannot be reloaded in combat, as the process takes several minutes at the least. Launchers These heavy rocket or projectile launcher weapons require the Weapon Training (Launcher) Talent to operate. Dymar Rocket Cart: Designed to be broken down into two wheeled components and moved by infantrymen, the Dymar is a mobile rocket launcher that forms the backbone of any Katyushan field artillery force. Though normally loaded with simple solid-rocket high-explosive projectiles for saturation fire, the Dymar can also be loaded with any standard Missile Launcher ammunition, though doing so gives it the Unreliable quality. Dymars come equipped with a built-in Gun Carriage as standard. Igla S-lRS: A long-ranged single-shot rocket launcher that uses compressed air to assist the firing of the round. Enterprising weapons crews have also found that the air system is sufficiently powerful to fire an inactive round like a mortar shell, with devastating if inaccurate results. An Igla launcher firing inactive rounds reduces its range to 100m and gains the Indirect (5) and Unreliable special qualities, as well as increasing the value of any Blast or Concussive qualities it has by 1. Switching the weapon to and from this mode requires a Full Action. Comes with an integrated Telescopic Sight as standard, which can be removed with a -10 Tech-Use or Trade (Armorer) test. Hand Mortar: These compact but weapons use a small powder charge to project hand grenades over longer distances. Explosives Hand grenades in Trisdeka generally conform to the patterns found in other Imperial sectors, but the people of the Mercate cluster have made a few innovations. Black Promethium Canister: Used only in the direst emergencies, these heavy incendiary grenades can do horrific damage do nearly any target, but their incredible volatility makes them just as dangerous to their user. Black Powder Grenade: These simple iron spheres have a wick that can easily be lit by touching it to a smouldering match and are packed full of gunpowder. Though their explosion isn’t particularly potent, the clouds of cloying smoke they leave behind can be useful. Microwave Pot: Cobbled together by the tech-serfs of Niva Gustav for use against rampaging servitors, these simple devices incorporate a salvaged microwave emitter and a powerful capacitor inside a fragile clay shell. They can be used to temporarily disable machinery in a small radius, or emit a nasty shock. On a roll of doubles on the Ballistic Skill test used to activate it, a Microwave pot simply fails to work due to its crude construction. 53 Melee Weapons Ulu Knife: While somewhat ineffective as a combat knife, Ulu are standard among Katyushan soldiers because of their great utility and overall sturdiness. Using an Ulu conveys a +10 to any Test used to cut ice or prepare an animal skin. Ammunition Listed below is common standard ammunition for the specialty weapons of the Synerge Cluster. M30 Gyrojet Round: The standard calibre for almost all mainline Katyushan rocket weapons, the caseless 10x 63mm incorportates a brass-coated lead slug with a long solid-fuelled rocket motor and three small exhaust ports on the aft of the round, surrounding the central primer. Though heavy and somewhat awkward to handle, this round’s significant range and stopping power are the main reasons for its long lifespan in military service. Used With: Krug Gyrojet Pistol, Krug M37, Strela Gyrojet Rifle, Autostrela, Heavy Autostrela Rarity: Abundant M40 Microjet Round: A new experiment in small-calibre weaponry, this caseless 5 x 39mm rocket round uses a solid tellurium slug and a much shorter motor that exhausts itself far quicker than the M30. Though much less effective at long range, this round’s small size, combined with the compressed-air systems of the Reyder Autostrela, make it a lethal midrange load. Used With: M40 “Reyder” Autostrela Rarity: Scarce Black Powder Rocket: The general name for any one of dozens of different types of handcrafted gunpowderbased rocket projectiles used on ancient Streltsy weapons. As archery with Dvina rocket bows is a not unpopular sport on Katyush, larger black powder rockets tend to be much more common. Used With: Rocket Musket, Rocket Handbow (Small), Dvina Rocket Bow (Large) Rarity: Average K-Grade Fuel: As a major local Promethium exporter, Katyush is more than willing to supply high-quality petrochemical products to its neighbours in exchange for lucrative trade kickbacks. As a result, flamer fuel is considerably easier to come by in Trisdeka. Used With: Projector weapons, Flame weapons Rarity: Common Rocket Artillery: Heavy unguided rockets for vehicular and emplacement use are nowhere more common or more varied than they are in Katyushan regiments. Though they come in a variety of sizes and configurations, 54 each is designed specifically for the weapon that fires them. Used With: Dymar Rocket Cart (Small), Vehicle Rocket Weapons (Large) Rarity: Average (Small), Rare (Large) Exotic Ammunition As a subsector of strange worlds and strange weapons, it is no surprise that the people of the Synerge Cluster have also developed equally strange specialty ammunition for their weapons. Grad Round: Designed for saturation fire, these small rounds are in actual fact a bundle of long, needle-shaped flechettes clustered around a central core. A Katyushan gyrojet weapon firing Grad rounds gains the Indirect (3) quality and the Blast (1) quality when fired at ranges greater than Close. Rarity: Scarce Subsonic Stub Round: These heavy rounds incorporate a greatly undersized explosive charge that causes the round to remain below the speed of sound upon firing. Infiltrator weapons treat these rounds as normal ammunition, while non-Infiltrator weapons loading them decrease their Range by half and cause enemies to take -10 to any Awareness tests to locate the firing weapon. Rarity: Average Kulak Rounds: Technically rifle grenades, these high-powered rocket rounds are designed for sniping use against large targets at long range. Though their incredible ballistic characteristics make them hit hard at all ranges, their expanded motor means they can only be loaded one at a time. A Katyushan gyrojet weapon firing Kulak Rounds gains the Twin-stage and Tearing qualities, but decreases its Clip size to 1. Rarity: Rare Otdacha Tank: An alternate fuel mixture for flame Projector weapons, Otdacha increases the explosive force of fuel combustion in the weapon to the point where it can lift a person off the ground for a few seconds, though the dynamics of the shock cone created make it unsuitable for use in combat. Weapons equipped with Otdacha fuel reduce their Penetration to 0 and halve their Range. Using a Free Action, a character can expend a full tank of Otdacha fuel to give themselves a +20 to all Agility checks to jump for the rest of the turn, as well as increasing their Agility Bonus for the purpose of determining movement speed by 1. Rarity: Rare Vizg Rocket: Supplementing their rocket engines with a built-in pulse-jet engine, these bulky rounds hit with tremendous force at long ranges, and make a terrifying roaring noise as they fly. Any missile launcher firing Vizg rockets increases its Range by 50m. Golden Glory Missile: A standard incendiary missile design for the Manticore missile tank, intended for incendiary saturation fire. Dark Glory Missile: A variation of the normal Golden Glory carrying a payload of volatile Katyushan Black Promethium. Nivablinder Glass Fibre Warhead: Possibly the Nivans’ most horrifying invention, the Nivablinder shell 55 incorporates a massive payload of ultra-sharp glass fibres. These fibres worm their way into soft tissue and clothing, initially causing excruciating itching which escalates into horrific skin infections, permanent blindness, severe internal bleeding, and eventually even madness from the sheer intensity of the agony. Nivablinder shells see infrequent use along the Spinward Front as an excellent terror and area-denial weapon. Nivablinder shells airburst, scattering an area with a radius of 20+2d10 meters with glass fibre. The fibres coat all surfaces in the area, including human skin, the exterior of vehicles, and power armour. It is impossible to avoid being coated with glass fibre in an area directly struck by the warhead's blast radius by Dodging or through Cover, though active Force Fields will repel the fibres in the area in which they are active. Glass fibre weaponry has no effect on mechanical enemies, though it can coat them and make them dangerous to the touch. It takes a Difficult(-10) Awareness Test to notice glass fibre coating an area, and a Hard (-20) Agility Test to move through an area coated with glass fibres without suffering injury from them. Glass fibre takes 1d5 hours to take effect, and the effect of glass fibre exposure depends on where on the body they hit, as detailed below. In all cases, for each day that a character is afflicted by fibres, they must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or take 1d5-2 points of Sanity loss as they are constantly irritated by the itching. Taking painkilling medication suppresses this Sanity damage, but not the physical damage inflicted by the fibres. Removing fibres stuck in a single hit location requires several hours with a magnifying glass as well as an Extended Very Hard (-30) Medicae Test totalling at least 3 degrees of success. This test can be attempted multiple times in a row, and failure does not cause any further damage to the sufferer. Nivablinder shells can be fired from Earthshaker artillery or Manticore rockets, and in both cases are treated as having the same range characteristics as a standard round. Arm: Every day, the character must make a Hard (-20) Toughness Test or permanently reduce their Ballistic and Weapon Skills by 1d5-1 as weeping sores open up on their hands. Any limb-based Augmetics they are equipped with function as if they were one degree of Craftmanship lower than normal for the duration of their injury. Poor-Quality Augmetics simply cease to function, clogged by glass fibres. Head: Every day, the character must make a Hard (-20) Toughness Test or permanetly reduce their Ballistic and Weapon Skills by 1d5-1 as their eyes are abraded and pustules cover their face and mouth. If a character fails this test by more than five degrees, they are permanently Blinded as the glass fibres destroy their corneas. Body: The true threat to the body from glass fibre weapons is internal rather than external; every day, the character must make a Hard (-20) Toughness Test or risk inhalation of glass fibre. Characters wearing rebreathers, external air supplies or bearing augmetic lungs decrease the difficulty of this Test to Routine (+20). A character who has inhaled glass fibre immediately takes 1 Wound of damage, ignoring Armour and Toughness. This damage has the Crippling (1) quality, but lasts until the glass fibre is removed from inside their lungs. Clearing glass fibre from a character's lungs requires a Punishing (-50) Medicae test and more than eight hours of surgery, though replacing the lungs with augmetics will cure the injury. Legs: Every day, the character must make a Hard (-20) Toughness Test or permanently reduce their Agility by 1d5-1 as the skin of their feet is repeatedly lacerated. If a character fails this test by more than three degrees treats all terrain as Difficult until such time as the fibres are removed. Rarity: Extremely Rare Nessler Ball: A form of conical ammunition designed specifically for smoothebore muskets, Nessler Ball is shaped to hug the inside of a weapon’s barrel, and is thus much faster and more stable in ballistic flight than hand-molded rifle shot. A blackpowder weapon equipped with Nessler Ball loses the Primitive quality and increases its range by 50 meters. Rarity: Scarce 56 Armour Padded Uniform: Thick layers of padded cotton and wool make up this elegantly tailored blue, white and greengold dress uniform, the standard for all the Korpogardistos. They provide limited protection against enemy attacks, but are designed more to instill esprit de corps than for actual defence. Padded Uniforms provide 1 AP to the Arms, Legs and Body, and a further +1 AP against Rending and Impact damage to the Body. Weight: 6 kg Rarity: Common Reinforced Shako: The high peaked caps of the Korpogardistos are protected with a thick layer of leather padding and occasionally even chain mail, and provide 2 AP against Impact and Rending damage to the head. Weight: 0.5 kg Rarity: Common Powdered Wig: The famous powdered wigs are the signature of Brumera’s finest regiments, and confer status and dignity upon their wearer. A Brumeran wearing such a wig gains a +5 to any Fellowship-based Test with fellow Brumerans. Weight: 0.5 kg Rarity: Plentiful Nivablator Armour Vest: Composed of a series of flexible, interwoven polymer fibres, Nivablator armour promises defensive potential on par with contemporary Flak armour, but at a fraction of the weight and manufacturing cost. Unfortunately, that comes with a severe downside; Nivablator fibres literally fall apart with sustained high-energy impacts. Millions of Nivablator suits and vests have made their way on to the black market, a boon to anyone looking for cheap, comfortable but not necessarily high-quality armour. When a hit location covered by a piece of Nivablator armour is struck by an attack that rolled doubles (eg. 11, 22, 33), its AP value permanently decreases by 1 after the attack is resolved. This AP damage cannot be restored in any way. When the armour's AP value hits 0, it is permanently destroyed. Poor-Quality Nivablator armour reduces its AP to 0 after it is hit by any attack that rolls doubles, and is thus effectively one-use. Good-Quality Nivablator armour only reduces its AP by 1 after being hit by an attack rolling odd doubles (eg 11, 33, 55...). Best-Quality Nivablator Armour only reduces its AP on an attack roll of 11 or 1. A Nivablator Armour Vest provides 3 AP to the Body. Weight: 2 kg Rarity: Average Wargear, Cybernetics and Weapon Upgrades Tennanlowe Skyboard: The Tennanlowe Skyboard is not, strictly speaking, a true anti-gravity device; it incorporates the same weight-reduction technology as in a conventional grav-chute, but is not otherwise powered or motor-driven. Instead, its streamlined winglike shape gives it a significant amount of lift at high speeds, allowing a trained pilot to pull of considerable maneuvers with one. Skyboards are heavily customized to their pilots, and are issued as standard to all Tennanlowers, but the production of new ones is extremely limited 57 due to the harsh conditions on the homeworld and they are treasured as a result. A pilot with the Operate(Aeronautica) skill using a Tennanlowe Skyboard counts as having the Flyer (10) trait and gains +1 AP while on the board due to their constant movement and high speeds. However, any time they would be called to make a Dodge or Acrobatics test, they must instead make an Operate (Aeronautica) test or fall off their board. Weight: 3 kg Rarity: Very Rare Parachute: A simpler alternative to the advanced grav-chutes used by Imperial Guard drop troops and thrillseekers across the galaxy, the simple but reliable parachute still finds its place in modern Astra Militarum forces. Though much heavier than a grav-chute, parachutes are often used by those drop troops whose grav-chutes have broken down or who hail from worlds with lower levels of technology. If the character passes a Difficult (-10) Agility Test or Ordinary (+10) Operate (Aeronautica) Test, a parachute allows for a safe, semi-guided fall from any height, otherwise the character counts as having fallen five metres for each Degree of Failure. Weight: 4 kg Rarity: Average Musical Instrument: From simple reed pipes to complicated banks of synthesizers, musical instruments can be found on thousands of different battlefields in the 41st Millenium. Some are used for issuing signals, some for inspiring troops in battle, and some merely as personal items to pass the time during a monotonous guard shift. The Rarity of a Musical Instrument depends on the Instrument and where and when it is found, wholly subject to the GM’s discretion. A bugle would be more common in a cavalry regiment than a grand piano would be in a regiment of Drop Troops, for instance. Weight: 0.5-5 kg, depending on type Rarity: Varies Regimental Instrument: More than just simple tools to make music, Regimental Instruments are those maintained by a regiment as a traditional tool for battle. Often, they are of ancient make, passed down from generation to generation. And used by countless heroic musicians on dozens of battlefields. Regimental Instruments are always Best Craftsmanship, as they are more military treasures than practical music-makers. Weight: 0.5-5 kg, depending on type Rarity: Extremely Rare Battle Standard: The symbol of a regiment’s past glories, Battle Standards come in many different forms. The troops of Cadia, for instance, carry large and ornate banners in to battle, while the Edelweiss use long multicoloured pennants on the end of their lances and the Katyushans carry antique military relics onto the field. Regardless of their form, the mere presence of a Battle Standard on the field raises the spirits of all those around. Characters in direct line of sight of a Battle Standard held by a friendly character gain a temporary +5 bonus to their Toughness and Willpower Characteristics. However, if the Standard is dropped in the field or destroyed, all allies within line of sight must make a Challenging (-10) Fear Test as their regimental honour is sullied. Weight: 5 kg Rarity: Extremely Rare Surgeon’s Tools: Bulky and unwieldy, a kit of surgeon’s tools can mean the difference between life and death for someone suffering from a sword wound or musket impact. Normally distributed in leather cases, a set of 58 surgeon’s tools includes scalpels, pliers, bonesaws, probes, forceps, and all the tools needed for messy but functional battlefield surgery. Using the tools conveys a +10 to Medicae tests to treat trauma and wounds, but not infections or diseases. Weight: 3 kg Rarity: Scarce Saddle Weapon Mount: Many Edelweiss heavy and superheavy cavalry weapons choose not to carry their heavy infantry weapons, instead mounting them on the tack of their Querls with specially stabilized swivels. A weapon with this upgrade can be attacked to a riding beast’s saddle or harness with a Routine (+20) Tech-Use or Trade (Armourer) Test. A weapon attached in such a way always counts as being Braced, with a 180 degree field of fire facing forward over or past the animal’s head. If a weapon attached in this way misses an attack, roll 1d10: on a roll of 9 or 10 it hits the animal it is attached to in the Head instead. Weight: 0.5 kg Upgrades: Heavy weapons Rarity: Average Fighting Spurs: It is not only the human warriors of the Imperial Guard who arm themselves for battle-quite often their beasts do too. Many Edelweiss regiments, for instance, equip their Querls with heavy steel spurs on their claws, giving their already famously powerful kicks an extra edge, while Dolcateran soldiers have been known to weld borrowed steel caltrops on to the outer edges of horseshoes, giving their mounts terrifying stomping power. When Fighting Spurs are attached to a riding beast, they effectively give its melee Natural Weapons the Mono upgrade, removing the Primitive quality from them and increasing their Penetration by 2. If a riding beast whose Natural Weapons are not Primitive is equipped with Fighting Spurs, it increases both their Damage and Penetration by 2. Rarity: Scarce Power Spurs: Regarded by a weapon for the insane even by the famously bloodthirsty soldiers of the Edelweiss, the Power Spur is a weapon concept so bizarre that many are convinced it had to originate on Niva Gustav. Power spurs are simply any weapon designed to apply a power field to an animal’s natural armaments, be they claws, spines or teeth. By adding subdermal insulation and an impact-sensitive trigger, a Querl, for instance, can kick an enemy with a power-field-reinforced claw but still walk normally without activating the weapon. When Power Spurs are attached to a riding beast, their Natural Weapons lose the Primitive quality (if they had them), increase their Damage and Penetration by 5, and gain the Power Field quality. Implanting Power Spurs in a riding beast takes several hours of surgery and a Very Hard (-30) Medicae Test. Rarity: Very Rare Tennanlowe Hawk Mechadendrite: Another piece of ancient Tennanlower antigrave technology, the Hawk Mechadendrite contains a series of deployable fins, airspeed sensors, and small antigrav arrays that are fitted to the wearer’s shoulders, providing them with an instinctual feel for the movement of air currents and a preternatural sense of balance. Only the finest of Tennanlowe Skyboarders are awarded the privilege of wearing Hawks. A character with this cybernetic implant installed gains a +10 bonus to any Agility-based tests for the purposes of operating any open-topped hovering or flying vehicle, as well as to any Acrobatics checks made to jump or safely fall. Additionally, they gain the effects of the Peer (Tennanlower) Talent as long as the mechadendrites are installed. Rarity: Very Rare 59 Bakhgranata: An attachment that fits most standard Munitorum grenades, this device is equipped with small fins and a tiny rocket engine that gives the payload a small kick forward shortly after being lobbed overhand. A Bakhgranata functions identically to the Grenade it is attached to, but its maximum range is equal to the user's SB x 3 + 10 and it increases its Scatter distance on a misfire by 2. Attaching a Bakhgranata to a standard Grenade takes a Routine (+20) Tech-Use or Trade (Armorer) test. Weight: 0.5 kg Rarity: Scarce Double-Barrel: One of the simplest ways to increase the firepower of a flintlock or matchlock weapon is to add a second barrel and firing mechanism, and the intimidation value of a double-barreled weapon cannot be understated. A blackpowder weapon with this upgrade increases its Clip Size to 2 and fire rate to S/2/-, and adds one Half-action to its Reload speed. Weight: 2kg Upgrades: Single-shot blackpowder weapons Rarity: Average Nivan Coil Impeller: A variant of the Maglev Impeller system, this Nivan invention uses magnetic coils to slightly accelerate a weapon out of the barrel of a firearm. The actual acceleration process is quite inefficient, however, and the main advantage of this system is that the projectile is actually encased in a field of highlycharged electrostatic dust. A weapon with this Upgrade increases its Penetration by 1 and gains the Shocking quality at Close range. Weight: 1.5kg Upgrades: Solid-projectile weapons Rarity: Near-Unique 60 61 Table 4: Weapons and Rounds Name Class Range RoF Krug Gyrojet Pistol Pistol 60m Gul-Model Hand Projector Pistol Strelet Rocket Handbow Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt. Availability S/-/- 1d10 + 4 I 3 1 Half Reliable 1kg Common 15m S/-/- 1d10 + 4 E 2 2 2 Full Flame, Thrust Jet 4kg Scarce Pistol 50m S/2/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 2 Full Proven (2), Blast (1), Streltsy 5kg Rare Welreus Commando Pistol Pistol 20m S/-/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 8 Full Infiltrator, Reliable 1kg Rare Apashe Pistol 10m S/-/- 1d10 + 4 E 0 5 Full 0.5kg Scarce Nivablotter Pistol 15m S/2/- 1d10 + 5 E 4 8 2 Full Scatter, Discharge, Maximal 5kg Very Rare Apashe Réal Pistol 20m S/2/- 1d10 + 4 E 6 5 Full 1kg Near Unique Flintlock Revolver Pistol 15m S/-/- 1d10 + 2 I 0 6 5 Full Primitive (8), 3kg Inaccurate, Unreliable Rare Superposed Pistol Pistol 15m S/4/- 1d10 + 2 I 0 4 - Primitive (8), 3.5kg Inaccurate, Unreliable Near Unique Strela Gyrojet Rifle Basic 120m S/-/- 1d10 + 5 I 3 5 2 Full Reliable 7kg Average Krug M37 Gyrojet Carbine Basic 100m S/2/- 1d10 + 4 I 3 2 Full Reliable 3kg Average Zhuzh-Model Boost Projector Basic 25m S/-/- 1d10 + 5 E 2 4 2 Full Flame, Thrust Jet 7kg Scarce Strelet Rocket Musket Basic 100m -/-/3 1d10 + 2 I 1 9 2 Full Proven (2), Inaccurate, 10kg Streltsy Rare M40 “Reyder” Basic 100m S/3/- 1d10 + 4 I 4 30 Full Proven (3), Twin-Stage 5kg Rare Delileus Commando Stubber Basic 200m S/3/- 1d10 + 4 I 2 10 Full Infiltrator, Reliable 4kg Rare Lasarque Basic 50m S/2/- 1d10 + 5 E 2 15 Full Inaccurate 2.5kg Common Gambler-Pattern Lasgun Basic 100m S/3/- 1d10 + 1d5 E 1d5 50 Full Unreliable 4kg Common Nivablaster Basic 120m S/2/- 1d10 + 6 E 6 20 3 Full Maximal, Discharge 20kg Very Rare Flintlock Carbine Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 1 4 Full Primitive (8), 6kg Inaccurate, Unreliable Common Flintlock Blunderbuss Basic 10m S/-/- 1d10 + 3 I 0 1 5 Full 7kg Plentiful Lasbarde Heavy 100m S/-/- 3d10 + 10 E 10 3 2 Full Proven (3), Inaccurate 25kg Very Rare Autostrela Heavy 120m S/3/5 6 15 Full Reliable 9kg Average Dvina Rocket Bow Heavy 80m + S/-/- 2d10 E 10xSB 4 1 Half Indirect (3), Blast (2), Streltsy 2.5kg Very Rare Igla S-lRS Heavy 350m S/-/- Ammo“ dependent 1 Full “ 40kg Average Rev-model Ram Heavy 35m S/-/- 1d10 + 5 E 8 2 Full Flame, Thrust Jet 50kg Scarce 1d10 + 5 I 4 62 Inaccurate, Unreliable, Scatter Projector Combilauncher (Gun) Heavy 100m S/3/10 1d10 + 3 I 0 20 1 Half -- 15kg Very Rare Combilauncher (Launcher) Heavy 150m S/-/- 1d10+8 X 7 1 2 Full Blast (2), Concussive (0) 15kg Very Rare Seven-Barrel Gun Heavy 30m -/-/7 1d10 + 3 I 1 1 3 Full Hand Mortar Heavy 75m S/-/- Ammo“ dependent 1 2 Full Unreliable 5kg Scarce Drotik Heavy 150m S/-/- 1d10 + 8 I 8 3 2 Full Reliable, Accurate 12kg Rare Black Promethium Canister Thrown SB x 3 S/-/- 2d10 + 3 E 8 1 - Blast (4), Flame, Corrosive, Toxic (1), Black Promethium 1kg Rare Black Powder Grenade Thrown SB x 3 S/-/- 1d10 + 1 X 0 - - Blast (3), Smoke (2) 0.5kg Plentiful Microwave Pot Thrown SB x 3 S/-/- 1d5 E 0 - - Haywire (2), Blast (2) 0.5kg Common Vizg Rocket - - - 3d10 + 5 X 10 - - Twin-Stage 3kg Very Rare Golden Glory Missile - - - 4d10 + 5 E 4 - - Blast (15+1d10), Flame 4000kg Rare Black Glory Missile - - - 5d10 + 5 E 4 - - Blast (10), Flame, Corrosive, Toxic (1), Black Promethium 4500 kg Very Rare Dymar Rocket Cart Heavy 300m S/3/- 1d10+8 X 3 6 2 Full Blast (3), Indirect (4), Inaccurate 60kg Average Ulu Knife Melee - - 0 - - 1kg Plentiful 1d5 R 63 Inaccurate, Unreliable 10kg - Scarce New Vehicles and Mounts Subsector Trisdeka does not produce legions of tanks or endless armoured vehicles, but its inhabitants technological quirks and distinct cultures have led to the prominence of several homegrown vehicles. Also common on the area’s battlegrounds are the Querls of Edelweiss, which are, in some areas, well on their way to replacing the Grox or the horse as the most common beast of burden in the region. Leman Russ Laykhodok The only true Katyushan tank, the Laykhodok is truly more of a heavy assault gun, with armament designed to provide heavy forward anti-vehicle and anti-emplacement capabilities. Laykohoks are built from ‘salvaged’ Leman Russ hulls imported from Niva Gustav by the Katyushans, who are more than willing to not ask questions in exchange for a supply of inexpensive hulls. Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 12 m Cruising Speed: 35 kph Manoeuvrability: –10 Structural Integrity: 55 Size: Massive Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 25 Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced Armour, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle Crew: 1 Commander (Hull), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull), 1 Loader/Gunner (Hull/Rocket Rack) Carrying Capacity: None Weapons: Hull-Mounted Battle Cannon 750m | S/–/–| 3d10+10 X| Pen 8 | Clip 12 | Reload 3 Full| Blast [10], Concussive [3], Reliable Fixed Rocket Rack (Pick one): • High-Explosive Rockets ◦ 1000m| S/3/9 | 2d10 + 5 X | Pen 4 | Clip 45 | Reload 4 Full | Blast [10], Indirect [2] • Incendiary Rockets ◦ 1000m| S/3/9 | 2d10 E | Pen 2 | Clip 45 | Reload 4 Full| Blast [12], Indirect [2], Flame • Black Promethium Rockets ◦ 1000m| S/3/9 | 3d10 + 5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 45 | Reload 5 Full | Blast [12], Indirect [2], Flame, Corrosive, Toxic, Black Promethium Vizg High-Velocity Rockets ◦ 1500m| S/3/5 | 3d10 + 5 X | Pen 10 | Clip 15 | Reload 5 Full | Twin-stage Options: A Laykhodok can take one of the following Pintle-mounted weapons atop the hull: ◦ Flamer ◦ 20m | S/–/– | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip 12 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray • Heavy Autostrela ◦ 120m | S/3/5 | 1d10+5 I | Pen 6 | Clip 30 | Reload Full | Reliable • Boost Projector ◦ 25m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 5 E | Pen 2 | Clip 4 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Thrust Jet • 64 Leman Russ Nivablitzer Parallel to the development of the Nivablaster plasma coilgun, the Nivan techpriests also reworked several of their heavy designs into a twin-linked weapon suitable for mounting into the turret gun of a Leman Russ battle tank. They envisioned this new “Nivablitzer” model as a cheaper and more reliable version of the Leman Russ Executioner, and to their credit their creation is significantly less volatile than the original model. Remarkably, they even managed to avoid some of the electrical discharge issues of the plasma coilgun concept by incorporating a network of automatic grounding probes in the tracks and heavily insulating the inner hull against electrical shocks. While this is more than sufficient to protect a Nivablitzer’s crew from its weapons, the same cannot be said of anyone unfortunate enough to be near its treads when one such weapon overloads. The results are often literally electrifying, and tank crews have been known to deliberately overload their vehicle systems in order to prevent enemy forces from approaching. A significant downside of the vehicle’s general modifications is its lack of flexibility; the hydrogen routing and electrical discharge lines that cramp its inner hull leave little room for the weapon variants often found on other Leman Russes. • • • • Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 12 m Cruising Speed: 35 kph Manoeuvrability: –10 Structural Integrity: 55 Size: Massive Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20 Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced Armour, Tracked Vehicle Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Turret), 1 Loader/Gunner (Turret/Hull Weapons), 2 additional Gunners (Sponsons, if taken) Carrying Capacity: None Weapons: Turret Mounted Nivablitzer Twin-Coil Cannon 200m | S/2/–| 2d10+6 E | Pen 8 | Clip 40 | Reload 5 Full| Blast [2], Maximal, Storm Hull Mounted Weapon (Choose one of the following): Nivablaster-H Plasma Coilgun (120m | S/3/-| 1d10 + 8 E | Pen 8 | Clip 60 | Reload 3 Full | Maximal) Nivablotter-H Plasma Splatgun (50m | S/3/-| 1d10 + 8 E | Pen 6 | Clip 16 | Reload 3 Full | Maximal, Scatter) Options: A Nivablitzer may take two Sponson-mounted weapons (choose one of the following): 2 Nivablaster-H Plasma Coilguns (120m | S/3/-| 1d10 + 8 E | Pen 8 | Clip 60 | Reload 3 Full | Maximal) 2 Nivablotter-H Plasma Splatguns (50m | S/3/-| 1d10 + 8 E | Pen 6 | Clip 16 | Reload 3 Full | Maximal, Scatter) A Nivablitzer cannot take pintle-mounted weapons due to the significant risk of electrical damage (see Special Rules) Special Rules: While the Nivablitzer’s plasma weapons do not cause the dangerous Haywire effects of their man-portable cousins, they still produce extremely powerful electromagnetic flux when their firing coils misalign. If any of the weapons on a Nivablitzer suffers a Jam, it cannot be fired until the end of the next round. In addition, all enemies and allies within 5 meters of the vehicle’s exterior must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or take 1d10 + 1 Energy damage with the Shocking quality, ignoring Armour but not Toughness. A Nivablitzer’s crew can deliberately overload one such weapon and dump its power output into the vehicle’s grounding systems for devastating results. Doing so requires a Full-Round Action and a Hard (-20) Tech-Use Test. If the test succeeds, the weapon in question cannot be fired until the end of the next round, and the Energy damage discharged from the vehicle’s hull increases by a further +2 for every Degree of Success the crewman succeeded on their original test. If the test fails, the weapon is disabled for one round but the tank does not 65 ground itself. If the test is failed by more than two degrees, the weapon is disabled for 1d10+1 rounds and the crewman takes 2d10 points of Energy damage with the Shocking quality to the arms, ignoring Armour but not Toughness. Soyuz-Z4 A Katyushan-designed four-wheel-drive truck, the Z4’s bulbous shape, huge tires and large engine let it move in even gale-force snowstorms and carry substantial loads. Though not designed as a combat vehicle, these trucks see a great deal of service as light prime movers and support vehicles in Katyushan trench lines. Civilian versions of the Z4 differ little from their military counterparts, and are popular as personal transports on the homeworld. Small numbers of Z4s are also license-built on Edelweiss for use on the ice worlds of Gentian and Pulsatilla. Type: Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed: 25 m Cruising Speed: 100 kph Manoeuvrability: +10 Structural Integrity: 25 Size: Enormous Armour: Front 15, Side 12, Rear 12 Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, Open-Topped, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Engineer Carrying Capacity: 10 Imperial Guardsmen plus wargear Special Rules: Katyushan vehicles are designed to move smoothly over snow and ice, but suffer from a lack of fully-functional cooling systems. A Soyuz-chassis vehicle takes no penalties to tests in Difficult Terrain that is snowy or icy. However, in very warm or hot-weather conditions, it vehicles loses the Rugged trait as its drivetrain begins to overheat dangerously. Soyuz-Z4(M) The ambulance version of the Z4, the Z4(M) is slightly larger and slower, but is fully equipped to provide considerable in-field medical care. As any major casualties in a Katyushan regiment are cause for alarm, Z4(M)s are almost always on constant standby to minimize potential losses. Type: Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed: 20 m Cruising Speed: 100 kph Manoeuvrability: +10 Structural Integrity: 25 Size: Enormous Armour: Front 15, Side 13, Rear 13 Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, Open-Topped, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Engineer, 1 Medic Carrying Capacity: 15 Imperial Guardsmen on stretchers plus medical equipment Special Rules: Katyushan vehicles are designed to move smoothly over snow and ice, but suffer from a lack of fully-functional cooling systems. A Soyuz-chassis vehicle takes no penalties to tests in Difficult Terrain that is snowy or icy. However, in very warm or hot-weather conditions, it vehicles loses the Rugged trait as its drivetrain begins to overheat dangerously. Due to their large internal medical supply bins and integrated sterilization equipment, the interior of a Z4(M) counts as a fully-stocked medical bay for the purpose of Medicae checks. 66 Soyuz-Z4(C) The scout/command version of the Z4, the Z4(C) mounts a large suite of optical and radar imaging and targetting equipment, as well as a substantial vox array. They find use in Advance Spotter groups and as general mobile command posts. Type: Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed: 25 m Cruising Speed: 80 kph Manoeuvrability: +10 Structural Integrity: 30 Size: Enormous Armour: Front 25, Side 20, Rear 20 Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, Open-Topped, Rugged, Command and Control, Wheeled Vehicle Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Engineer Carrying Capacity: 5 Imperial Guardsmen plus wargear Special Rules: Katyushan vehicles are designed to move smoothly over snow and ice, but suffer from a lack of fully-functional cooling systems. A Soyuz-chassis vehicle takes no penalties to tests in Difficult Terrain that is snowy or icy. However, in very warm or hot-weather conditions, it vehicles loses the Rugged trait as its drivetrain begins to overheat dangerously. Z4(C)s incorporate a variety of stabilized sighting and rangefinding equipment, allowing for easier scouting and fire control. All Ballistic Skill and Navigate (Surface) checks in a stationary Z4(C) gain a +10 bonus. Soyuz-Z4(A) Originally developped as a combat APC, the Z4(A) has gone through numerous survivability upgrades and weapons improvements, substantially reducing its carrying capacity but making it a respectable infantry support vehicle or mobile artillery platform in a pinch. All too frequently, however, crews treat them as frontline tanks, where their modest armour leads to high losses. Type: Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed: 25 m Cruising Speed: 70 kph Manoeuvrability: +5 Structural Integrity: 30 Size: Enormous Armour: Front 25, Side 20, Rear 20 Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, Enclosed, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Engineer, 1 Gunner (Pintle) Carrying Capacity: 6 Imperial Guardsmen plus wargear Weapons: A Z4(A) is always equipped with one of the following Pintle-mounted weapons atop the hull: • Soyuz-Model Flamer ◦ 20m| S/–/– | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip 12 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray • Heavy Autostrela ◦ 120m | S/3/5 | 1d10+5 I | Pen 6 | Clip 30 | Reload Full | Reliable • Boost Projector ◦ 25m | S/-/- | 1d10 + 5 E | Pen 2 | Clip 4 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Thrust Jet Options: A Z4(A) can optionally mount a Rocket Rack in a turret, selecting one of the following types of ammunition. Mounting a Rocket Rack reduces its Carrying Capacity to 4. 67 High-Explosive Rockets ◦ 1000m| S/2/4 | 2d10 + 5 X | Pen 4 | Clip 4 | Reload 2 Full | Blast [10], Indirect [2] • Incendiary Rockets ◦ 1000m| S/2/4 | 2d10 E | Pen 2 | Clip 4 | Reload 2 Full| Blast [12], Indirect [2], Flame • Black Promethium Rockets ◦ 1000m| S/2/4 | 3d10 + 5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 4 | Reload 3 Full | Blast [12], Indirect [2], Flame, Corrosive, Toxic, Black Promethium • Vizg High-Velocity Rockets ◦ 1500m| S/2/- | 3d10 + 5 X | Pen 10 | Clip 2 | Reload 2 Full | Twin-stage Special Rules: Katyushan vehicles are designed to move smoothly over snow and ice, but suffer from a lack of fully-functional cooling systems. A Soyuz-chassis vehicle takes no penalties to tests in Difficult Terrain that is snowy or icy. However, in very warm or hot-weather conditions, it vehicles loses the Rugged trait as its drivetrain begins to overheat dangerously. Soyuz-Z4(A)s are equipped with 6 fireports for the crew. • Soyuz-Z5 The older sibling of the Z4, the Z5 is a full-bed all-terrain transport halftrack and mass hauler, designed to be able to operate in even the most icy or snowed-in terrain. These lumbering vehicles see as much use in civilian roles on Katyush as they do in the field, though they are first and foremost transports and not fighting machines. Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 15 m Cruising Speed: 72 kph Manoeuvrability: +5 Structural Integrity: 25 Size: Enormous Armour: Front 10, Side 5, Rear 5 Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, Open-Topped, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Engineer Carrying Capacity: 25 Imperial Guardsmen plus wargear Special Rules: In very warm or hot-weather conditions, all Soyuz-chassis vehicles lose the Rugged trait due to their poor-tononexistent cooling systems. The cleated tracks and wide front tire or ski on a Z5 are designed primarily for use on snow or ice. In snowy conditions, a Z5 adds 10kph to its Cruising Speed, and 5 to both its Tactical Speed and Manoeuvrability. Igla Sabre Another local variant on a popular Imperial design, the Igla Sabre simply replaces the standard weapons of a Sabre gun platform with a triple-barreled Igla soft-launched rocket launcher. These effective if somewhat fragile weapons platforms form the primary anti-aircraft weapon of Katyushan entrenched forces, and their useful ability to ripple-fire or indirectly fire their launcher is an added bonus. An Igla Sabre functions as a standard Sabre platform but with the following weapon: Triple-Igla Launcher ◦ Heavy | 350m | S/3/- | Damage Ammo-dependent | Pen Ammo-dependent | Clip 3 | Reload 2 Full This weapon also gains the ability to lob inactive rounds, as listed under the Igla S-lRS rules. 68 Camargue Querl The Camargue is one of the more common breeds of mid-size Querl, and its even temperament and tough skin make it an ideal mount for heavy cavalry. Like all Querls, the Camargue is semi-bipedal, using one set of legs for slow-speed movement but switching to two sets when running or jumping. It has an internal skeleton, but its head is covered by an incredibly dense bone shell that it uses to knock down trees. WS BS STR T Ag Int Per WP Fel Characteristic 20 01 40 45 45 20 30 20 15 Bonus 2 0 4 4 4 2 3 2 1 Skills: Awareness, Survival, Athletics Wounds: 18 Talents: Catfall, Iron Jaw, Leap Up, Sprint AP: 3 All Traits: Bestial, Size (5), Natural Weapons, Loyal, Natural Armour (3), Terrain Master, Enduring Pinzgauer Querl The Pinzgauer is among the largest and strongest of the Querl breeds, with vast reserves of stamina that make up for its somewhat short temper and bullish lack of intelligence. Much of a Pinzgauer’s outer skin is pock-marked with bone plates, giving them a distinctive piebald or tiger-spotted look. Many Edelweiss cavalry regiments use Pinzgauers as second-line mounts, as they are ideal carriers of cargo or gun-hauling animals. WS BS STR T Ag Int Per WP Fel Characteristic 20 01 55 50 30 10 30 25 10 Bonus 2 0 5 5 3 1 3 2 1 Skills: Awareness, Survival, Athletics Wounds: 20 Talents: Iron Jaw, Catfall AP: 3 All Traits: Bestial, Size (6), Natural Weapons, Terrain Master, Irritable, Enduring, Unnatural Toughness (2), Natural Armour (3) Landais Querl The Landais is an unusually small breed of omnivorous Querl, one of the few meat-eating Querl breeds large enough to bear a human’s weight. While they are small and quite fragile, lacking much of the natural protection of their herbivorous cousins, their incredible speed overland and particularly nasty kick makes them a favorite of many Edelweiss light cavalry regiments. Landais are recognizable for their thin, bony frames and their tendency to move on all fours at any speed above a trot. WS BS STR T Ag Int Per WP Fel Characteristic 20 01 40 30 55 20 40 20 10 Bonus 2 0 4 3 5 2 4 2 1 Skills: Awareness, Survival, Athletics, Dodge Wounds: 12 Talents: Catfall, Leap Up, Sprint, Frenzy AP: Traits: Bestial, Size (5), Deadly Natural Weapons (Tearing), Terrain Master, Wiry, Quadruped 69 Author’s Note This document has been a labour of love, but like so many labours of love it’s by no means complete, and I hope to keep tweaking it as I go. Special thanks are absolutely in order to the good folks at Roll for Heresy, to the ca/tg/irls and fa/tg/uys, to Messiahcide for his kickass subsector map, and to the good folks of Open Skies and Coffee and Explosions for inspiring the documents that would become this one. I’d be remiss to not mention the writers at Fantasy Flight Games, who’ve created such a wonderful series of TTRPGs. Really sorry y’all lost the license. If you’ve had time to playtest any of the material in this, or simply want to call me out for my shitty document design, please get in touch at [email protected] Changelog 07/02/2017: Version 0.2. Overall spelling and grammar and formatting fixes. Made the tables look prettier. Added new several new Talents and reorganized the Talents section. Added one new Weapon and two new Mounts. 14/02/2017: Version 0.3. Another proofreading/editing pass. Improved formatting and added a sweet map by Messiahcide. Added several new pieces of Wargear and rewrote various Talents and Weapon Qualities. 22/02/2017: Version 0.4. Yet more proofreading, added a bunch of new art, a new Vehicle, and yet more wargear and weapons. 26/02/2017: Version 0.4.1. Big pass for content readability, a little bit more art, one new Talent, one new Weapon, added changelog 16/03/2017: Version 0.5. Formatting overhaul now that I actually know how to use Libreoffice 17/03/2017: Version 0.5.1. Minor formatting fixes, added missing gear weights 10/04/2017: Version 0.6. Tweaked a few Talents, added several new pieces of weaponry and gear, added Regimental Archetypes 70