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Using A Pendulum

Using a Pendulum




Using a Pendulum by Choosing and using a pendulum to contact the spirit world Pendulum 2013 Table of Contents Foreword................................................................................................................... 4 Warning..................................................................................................................... 6 Mental health ......................................................................................................... 6 Misconceptions and their corrections ....................................................................... 8 Ouija board compared to the pendulum ................................................................ 8 Grounding and protection ..................................................................................... 9 To push or not to push ........................................................................................ 10 Clear your mind ...................................................................................................... 11 Synchronising yourself with your pendulum, storing and cleansing your pendulum ............................................................................................................................... 12 Electric appliances and the computer ..................................................................... 13 Choosing your pendulum........................................................................................ 14 Chain ................................................................................................................... 19 Dowsing for Yes, No and Maybe ............................................................................. 20 How does it work? ................................................................................................... 23 Dowsing with the alphabet chart ............................................................................ 25 Beware .................................................................................................................... 27 Fun uses for a pendulum ........................................................................................ 29 2 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Pick a tarot card of the day .................................................................................. 29 Pick a present for a friend (in the store) .............................................................. 29 Lost and found .................................................................................................... 29 What to wear?! ..................................................................................................... 29 Should I buy this? ................................................................................................ 30 Should I eat/drink this?........................................................................................ 30 Printable charts ....................................................................................................... 31 Our Websites........................................................................................................... 33 Give to a friend, reader or a customer .................................................................... 34 Check for an updated version of this ebook at ....................................................... 34 3 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Foreword I have been using the pendulum for a surprisingly short time. Using a pendulum doesn't require "special powers" it is simply practise like everything else. When I dowse, I connect to Anton, who is my unincarnated Mirror Spirit (twin soul). He is my primary link to the spirit world, but I also talk to a number of other spirits, my own soul included. Up until the start of the year 2012 I was completely unaware of anything that goes beyond spiritual theory. I am not psychic, but I could *sense* what was true and what was not, but like most people can if they open their minds to different options. I had a good spiritual instinct, but no special skills whatsoever. This is to say that using a pendulum is a natural thing to do, although not everyone can do it Using a pendulum is quite a simple way of connecting to the spirit world. You do not need psychic skills to do this, but you do need to allow your energy flow freely. at once, but everyone will learn if they want to. About a year before all of this started, I figured out what was the one thing I wanted to do in this life, my life's purpose, was. I wanted to understand everything and particularly, the spiritual world and our role in it. If you understand the law of attraction, this was a key moment in my life. About a year later, this request was answered by giving me the access to all the information I needed in order to understand - the point being that I didn't feel the need to know everything, but I need to understand everything that I know. This information bank is my twin soul 4 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Anton, and when I use the word "we" that would be him and I. He has been given the access to all relevant information that I might need in order to understand. All I need to do is think of a question and it will be answered - and of course how much I'll understand about things is dependent upon my own intellect; whether or not I think of the right questions. On with the show! This eBook was released on the 30.3.2012, and revised on 1.1.2013. Check for an updated version and other downloadable files at 5 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Warning Evil spirits are real (but not much more special than evil people are), and the pendulum doesn't protect you from getting messages from them. You may encounter evil spirits that are much like trolls on an online forum; they are after nothing more than attention so the best thing to do is to quit dowsing if any aggressive messages come through. This gets more important once you move to using a dowsing (alphabet) chart, which is further down the track if you're a beginner. There is one thing any spirit can do, whether they are aggressive or not, even by accident - they can take over your body while you are intoxicated - even one glass of wine is enough to lower your defences. Therefore we must encourage you to not use the pendulum while intoxicated or under medication that affect your sense of reality. Take it slow even if you are on prescription drugs, such as anti-depressives or sleeping pills. If you feel 'weird' about anything that happens with the pendulum, stop using it. Mental health Don't get too alarmed here, but speaking to the spirits may have a disorienting effect on your sense of reality even when you are completely sane and in control. While dowsing, always observe yourself vigorously, and observe where the answers come from. Often they do come from your subconscious, "half-thoughts", "unthought thoughts" that you will be able to detect if you pay attention. This is important, because the hostile messages mentioned earlier are often just 6 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 projections of your own sense of self, and thus reinforce your own negative selfimage. Try to identify these messages and think where they are coming from meaning why would you think that about yourself. Even if there are negative, illwilled spirits around, they are likely to feed you with your own insecurities because they are the most effective ones. Clearing out those ideas about yourself will make it impossible for them to attack you. Take anything that comes through with a level of suspicion, but not because it wasn't real, but because not everything that does come through is the truth or even intended to be such. Take them more as clues as to what you should think about and focus on. If you get conflicting answers, the answer you're looking for is probably "we don't know, no way to tell, cannot tell, think it through for yourself" especially with Yes and No answers. Always mull things over in your head before accepting things as they are. What comes through may not be what you expect to hear, but is most likely what you need to hear, but cannot always be described as "the truth" in its strictest terms. What you hear will probably guide you to the truth but isn't that in itself. (Consider some messages similarly to Tarots - you'll need to interpret a little.) 7 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Misconceptions and their corrections Ouija board compared to the pendulum Often the one thing that scares people about the pendulum is the similarities between the pendulum alphabet chart and the Ouija board. Whilst there is a possibility of aggressive spirits getting through a pendulum, there are some major differences between an Ouija board and a pendulum. Firstly, the Ouija board is most often used by several people at the same time. This leads to two things simultaneously. The energies used to communicate with the spirits are multiplied because of the number of people. Secondly, even though you might be attuned to positive spirits, the other people might not be. Whatever, or whoever the other users bring to the session, will come through, and you have little control over it. Often, the Ouija board is used as a party event, while the users are intoxicated and many of them don't take the process seriously at all. While it will still work even if it's not taken seriously, it again attracts the malicious spirits and intoxication leaves you wide open to them. Ironically, often people have drink to feel braver, but what it does is leave them vulnerable to any wandering soul out there. Spirits can also enter any body that is intoxicated - even without trying! It takes an incredibly strong person to fend off spirits who want a piece of the action when even slightly tipsy, and personally, I don't know many such people! (This explains why some people would never cheat on you even if they were blind drunk and others go astray easy 8 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 as wink and don't know what came over them... When they say they weren't themselves, they are not lying.) The Ouija board in itself is not in any way more dangerous than the pendulum is, but it is often used irresponsibly, which is the reason for it's terrible reputation. The pendulum is used by one person at a time and doesn't adapt well into a group session, although some people dowse in groups. The dowsers are usually people who take this seriously though, and don't take kindly to people who misuse the tool, and pendulum dowsing doesn't really make a good party trick which is why pendulum doesn't lead to mishaps as often as the Ouija board. Grounding and protection Grounding and protection practises are good for calming your mind, but other than that, they are not required. If they relax you then do them, and if you feel like there’s a lot of negative energy in you then try to let go of it before using the pendulum, but there’s really no need to make this more mystical than it is. Basic relaxation exercises work fine here. As already mentioned, the best protection you can ask for is to stay as sober as possible. No spells will work as protection. Sorry about that but it's the truth. If a malicious outside entity wants to interfere, they will no matter what you chanted before you started. (Just to keep an open mind, I tried, tested and failed.) Also "dowsing contracts" (written agreements between you and your guides) are a bit naff. They don't hurt but are rather pointless. (And embarrassing. :D) 9 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 To push or not to push Some dowsers give the pendulum a bit of a push to give it momentum, but I would not do that… First, what’s the fun in that and secondly you’ll be influencing it too much. Give it a bit of time to start on it’s own, it shouldn’t take too long – if it takes a long time, you are probably obstructing your energies and should try to relax – and STOP THINKING! Once you learn how to do this, your pendulum should start instantaneously on it's own anyway, making it stop is the hard part! 10 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Clear your mind It is very important to learn to clear your mind and not think while waiting for an answer. Firstly, if you think too much, you can influence the answer but you can also prevent the pendulum from moving at all! If you think the same way I used to think, you can feel your thoughts being tight! That is when the pendulum won't budge, or moves very slowly like in tar! You should not try to control the pendulum with your mind, but allow energies to flow through you. To stop thinking release the tension in your brain and for an exercise, imagine someone you love being able to hear your every thought while they are trying to sleep in a different time zone! You will have to quiet your mind or your loved one will stay up all night! (This was awesome for me as I am a thinker, and previously could not imagine the feeling of not thinking all the time. Now I can!) Thinkers often also take pride in the difficulty of stopping thinking. It is good though, there's a lot of wasted energy in constant thinking... Stresses you out and all that... I recommend an occasional empty head day. 11 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Synchronising yourself with your pendulum, storing and cleansing your pendulum This is probably the most mysterious part of the pendulum: The pendulum does respond to your energies and it may take a while (few hours) for you to fully synchronise to it. Ideally, when you get the pendulum wear it around your neck or store it in your pocket to attune to it, and don't let other people handle it even if they ask. (It won't ruin the pendulum but you'll just have to "tune it" again.) Wearing the pendulum is the best place to store it too, or keeping it in your pocket or somewhere near you as much as possible. How this affects the use is that the spirit finds it easier to move the pendulum that is stored closest to you. Contrary to a popular belief, the pendulum will not pick up "stray energies" that it should be protected from. Therefore, it does not matter where you keep your pendulum if you do not want to keep it on you. A pendulum is not a magic tool but may respond to electronics somewhat. If you notice a difference using the pendulum near an electronic device, move away, otherwise don't worry about it. (Best kept at a distance to start with.) 12 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Electric appliances and the computer Electric appliances seem to have very little effect on the pendulum or its accuracy in answering questions – I have not been able to detect any difference whatsoever and often use it at the computer. However, Anton says this is individual thing, and this is because I use the computer A LOT and am attuned to its frequencies so that it does not make a difference to me. If you do not use the computer a lot it may have an effect on how easily you can connect with the pendulum. It won't change the answers, but if the movement you get from the pendulum is very slight, then you might not be able to detect what the true answer is if there is an interfering source of energy around. Power lines have a little more effect, but even their effect is minimal. For best results, keep your distance but don't worry about it too much. 13 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Choosing your pendulum Choosing a pendulum is the fun part, isn't it! Primarily, look for a pendulum that you like, nothing else matters that much. The first thing you should consider besides liking the pendulum is the shape of it. To use it with an alphabet chart, you do want a pointy ended pendulum just for the practicality of it. The material doesn't matter as much as the shape, but the material is what makes looking for the right one fun! The choice of material is important from the point of view of your person. Some dowsing guides say that you should choose the rock depending on what you're going to ask about, such as rose quartz for questions about love, but that won't really help all that much. What you should do is to choose a rock that corresponds to your most active chakra, (or choose wood or metal pendulum, which are often good for anyone). Energies flow through our chakras, and the more energy is flowing, the easier it is for the spirits to move your pendulum. This is not exact science though (no pun intended sceptics) so if you feel a connection to certain material, do choose it; there is probably a good reason why you want one! To choose a stone that corresponds to your strongest chakra, there are a few options to find out which one it is. The easiest is to guess. Most of us know where our strengths lie, and I'll give you the chakras and their corresponding strengths and stones in a minute. If you need someone to tell you, try a reiki healer or if you have another method of communicating with your spirit guides, they can tell you. 14 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Another more high tech option is to have your chakra photo taken! That is interesting just for the sake of curiosity if nothing more! What you need to know as well is that each of these rocks correspond also to your element; fire, water, air or earth - I am personally a fire person, so through and through, that although the Blue Lace Agate looks absolutely beautiful to me, I wouldn't want to go anywhere near it! Just looking at the photos make me physically ill, and the reason being that this stone corresponds to the water element, which is obviously not a great friend to fire! Also, as a fire is my basic element, I need air to survive. Therefore an air element amethyst Just to make it clear; choose the stone that corresponds to your most active chakra, not the one that you need to activate. works great for me as a stone, although is not ideal. This is to say that the rock you choose doesn't need to match your element, but fire people should stay away from stones of the water element. Other elements are not as sensitive when mixed, however. It is easy to buy pendulums on eBay or online stores and the selection is massive. The stones that are listed on the table are safe online buys, but then there's a few interesting stones that you might want to check out if you can shop in person. Earth - (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air - (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), Fire - (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Water - (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). (If you do not feel a connection to the stones of your element, go with your gut!) 15 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Chakra Responses to Stones (top of information, Earth and Air: Purpurite 7. Crown the head) Knowledge, understanding, God consciousness, spiritual awareness 6. Third Psychic energy, (above inner vision, eyebrows) comprehension. Eye the intuition, dreams, imagination, Earth: Clear Crystal Quartz, Green Spodumene Air: White Dongling Earth and Water: Dumortiertite Water: Opal Opalite Gemstone Fire: Yellow or orange fluorite, Red Garnet, Diamond, Ruby Earth: Blue Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli Air: Amethyst, Albite Water: Blue Sandstone, Lavender Amethyst Fire (and air): Red Agate stone, Ametrine (needs yellow to work for fire), Fire: Rainbow Obsidian stone, All elements: Kyanite 5. Throat Communication, Earth: Orange Dongling, Green Garnet expression, higher Water: Blue Lace Agate, Turquoise, Apple Howlite, creativity, will, 4. Heart Love centre, feeling, surrender acceptance, compassion, relationships 3. Solar Emotions, personal (Where metabolic energy, plexus the rib cage separates) 16 Air: Green or Blue Dongling Fire: Citrine, Dalmatian Jasper, red Botswana Agate, Mahogany Obsidian, Orange Aventurine All elements: Malachite, Apatite, Mookaite Earth: Dark Green Aventurine, Cherry quartz, Air: Rose quartz crystal, Cherry Red Crystal, Pink Opal Water: Pink New Jade Serpetine, Fire (and air): Red and Black Rhodonite stone (the blacker the better) Fire: Rainbow Obsidian stone Earth: Green Aventurine, Green Spot Jasper, Unakite jasper, Jade power and (green onyx), Green Bronzite, Blue Tigers Eye perseverance, ideas Water: Snow Flake Stone, Blue Onyx, Air: Chohua Jasper, Charoite Fire: Yellow Jasper, Yellow Tigers Eye, Black or Yellow Onyx, Brown Bronzite, Red River Jasper (actually yellowish) All Elements: Peridot More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 2. Sacral Emotions, fertility, below the desires ("I want"). It (inch navel) Earth: Moss Agate, Salmon Moss unakite (a great stone for strongly sexuality and (all) maternal women), controls our Water: Indian agate, Opalite, relationships and social interactions Air: Adularia Fire: Carnelian stone, Dragon blood jasper, Lemon Quartz, Citrine with others. 1. Root Our grounding Earth (with a touch of fire): Gold sand stone the pubic keeping our feet Water: Red Coral (Behind bone) energy centre, firmly on the ground and our mind focused on physical & creative Air: Hawk's Eye/Falcon's Eye Fire and Earth: Rainbow Jasper Fire: Red Jasper (same as Red Stone mentioned below), Black Agate, Volcano Cherry Quartz matters. If you're doing online shopping, do a Google image search on the stones that correspond to your needs and pick the one that you like most. However, there is a danger of getting a rock that has the rock material blended so that it doesn't correspond to your energies as you would expect. There is always a bit of a spectrum there, and IF YOU CAN, shop in person or with a seller that photographs the individual stone (most do not). The safest online buy is the crystal quartz that works for all people as a default stone and there is no variation in the stone matter. A stone that is not good for most people is a Black Druzy Geode Agate, which is a combination of water and fire elements. Water element people tolerate it a bit better than fire elements, but unless you feel totally in love with it, avoid it even as a jewel 17 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 stone. If you do feel drawn to this stone it corresponds to the second chakra which is the Sacral chakra. If you happen to browse a shop in person, keep an eye out for Liesegang Rhyolite stones. The variation is so great that they may or may not work for you but you know when you see one. Whether it works or not, depends on the consistency of different stone materials and the combination of your personal astrological chart, so you really need to see or touch the actual stone that you're going to use. (No online shopping here!) Do not buy: (A cloudy, chalk coloured) Moonstone - it's a water and earth element stone but it depletes your energy rather than adds to it. Hematite and (black) Obsidian are both fire element stones, but are, like the moonstone energy depleting, not giving. NOTE: When the sellers receive stones from the wholesale, the stones arrive unidentified. It is up to the seller to name (identify) the stone and there's no guarantee the seller knows their stones enough to name them without a hitch. Again - shop in person or buy online from sellers who photograph the individual stones. 18 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 As a general rule, you can pretty easily decide on the stone's element by its colour: Fire: Black and red Earth: Green, brown, dark/bright blue Water: Light blue and blue, lilac, violet, lavender Air: White and clear Chain Choosing the chain has a lot more importance than what it’s given attention to. Choose a thin chain if you can – the chains that are usually sold with the pendulum are far too bulky and large, they affect the manner in which the pendulum moves, and can sometimes cause confusion. They jerk too much. Find any chain, the material is almost irrelevant, even a piece of cotton thread is better than the default chains, that make it very difficult for the energies to move the pendulum freely. However, a silver chain works for fire and air people and gold for earth and water people - if you want to optimise it but the effect is minimal. What I also do is I tie a knot to the spot I like to hold on to, it also allows more freedom for the chain to move and gives you a better grip. It's not very pretty but it works. 19 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Dowsing for Yes, No and Maybe First, relax and clear your mind. Then, in your mind, say that you wish to speak to your spirit guides, your guardian angel or your Mirror Spirit (Twin Soul), whoever is present and wants to answer. Dangle the pendulum as freely as you can. Hold the chain between your fingers and wrap the rest out of the way around your other fingers. This is actually the most difficult part of the whole process! It seems the chain is ALWAYS the wrong length! The longer you hold the chain, the slower the pendulum moves, so keep it 2-3 cm (1-1,5 inches) from your fingertips. Imagine the energy of your being flowing through you, through your arm, through your fingers, through the chain into the pendulum. Imagine it flowing freely, without fear or assumptions. Ask the pendulum to “show ‘yes’.” I hope nothing happens the first few times you try, because this shows you how immobile the pendulum actually is without spirit interference. Only once everything is ready to go, the pendulum will move. It shouldn't take too much time to practise or prepare. The pendulum should start swinging on its own (don't move, push or shake it), try to hold as still as you can, you can even support your arm with an arm rest to make sure you’re not swinging it yourself, but do not tense! Relax… Relax… (Remember, you are not trying to control it with your mind.) This may take a few attempts before anything happens, but it should not take too long. Give it a week before even thinking of giving up. If nothing happens in 2-5 minutes, take a break and then return to it after a while. 20 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Once you get a yes, memorise the way the pendulum swings. There are 3 swings to assign. Clockwise, counter clockwise and back and forth. It is a question of preference which way you want them to swing, (and the notion that it is a question of the gender of the user is not true, however if you believe it to be true, that's what you're going to get). I like to have clockwise swing mean ‘yes’, counter-clockwise to Yes/No chart (printable on last page) mean ‘no’ and back and forth mean ‘maybe’. You can use a simple yes/no chart for this purpose if you want, but it’s completely up to you, they add a little bit more flexibility to the answers because it’s easier for everyone to keep track on what each swing means, but without a chart, limit yourself to three possible answers, yes, no and maybe. As far as the chart goes, it may make it easier for you to use the pendulum, or it may make it harder. To me, it makes it easier, it seems to somehow boost the energies, and maybe excite Anton a bit so he knows its talk time, but it also may work the opposite way with other people, putting too much pressure on you to perform. I do suggest not using the chart until you get a swing of some sort, but if it will not budge, try the chart. When you get the basic answers, you can start asking questions. Be specific, and make sure your question isn't phrased so that the answer is the same whatever the pendulum responds. A bad example: "Is my clock in the house or outside the 21 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 house?" To start with, just ask if your name is this or that, or something else you know the answer to. Then move onto something more difficult. Do not get discouraged if the answers do not add up. It does not matter at this stage; you are going to learn later! (Also, do not put too much weight on them at this stage… Like… Don’t quit your job even if the pendulum says you should – not yet!) Although you made the pendulum move, you still have to figure out how YOUR guides work. 22 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 How does it work? Before moving onto the alphabet chart dowsing, I feel we need to talk a bit about how dowsing works. Unfortunately we can't tell you exactly what moves the pendulum or what is the science behind it, but to make a complex thing simple, everything that exists is energy, as we know. Atoms that everything is made of are energy particles, right? We are also surrounded by energies and we radiate different energies around us. (Aura being one of them.) When we think and feel, we release energy around us, and this is what moves the pendulum. How the pendulum reacts to these energies is beyond us - God only knows but he won't tell! In practicality however, there is one thing you need to understand. The messages that are delivered from the spirit world are not always literal. They are emotions and thoughts that your soul or brain or something in that area interprets as words and delivers in a form you can understand. Therefore it may be impossible or very difficult to get names right. Your spirit guide may say "Gertrude" and you're thinking "Hildegard" because the name to you evokes the same emotion as your spirit guide feels for Gertrude. Some people get the names right, but test to see if you are one of them. (Note that names are not limited to people, but also addresses, businesses etc.) Because the messages are not literal, you can use any language with any soul in the universe and understand them without a flaw. However, you need to understand that languages work differently, and idioms and phrases may have some surprising 23 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 interpretations. Consider what the idiom means literally, or consider if what you received might be an idiom or a saying that will make sense like a riddle. The fact that this communication method actually uses no words, makes it certain that your truth goes straight to the spirit guides unedited. The truth also comes back to you, unedited, if you allow it to. (Sometimes we're too afraid of the answer to actually receive it.) This doesn't mean any of you actually know the truth, but it means that you get an answer of what everyone believes to be the truth. In time you'll know where your answers come from and how trustworthy they are. Whatever you are getting is the right thing for you, so don't worry if the answers are not accurate. Sometimes I've heard people say that the pendulum won't answer questions about your love life. If this was true, the attraction of the rock on a string would have worn off a long time ago! That's what everyone wants to know about, primarily, and there's no reason why the pendulum wouldn't answer it (apart from the obvious, that it's not really the pendulum that answers you), but it is true that any prediction of the future is not 100% reliable, so you shouldn't take the answer to "will I marry X next year" too seriously. (Your guides make educated guesses, but it also depends on the guide how good guessers they are - ask for the best available one when you do ask for a future prediction!) You may have some individual blocks in the system - stuff that you really don't want to know or need to know. 24 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Dowsing with the alphabet chart Now that you have your yes and no answers down pat, it’s time to move to the big league! The alphabet chart is so very exciting when it starts to work; getting plain English messages through is an awesome feeling. There’s two types of alphabet charts that you can use, I personally use “flat chart” such as the one on a video I made just to demonstrate what happens. (See the last page for the printable version of the chart.) The idea is that you hold the pendulum in the black “start” line and wait until the pendulum swings along the line. Then ask your question silently in your mind. Then, the pendulum starts to swing in the direction where the first letter you need is on the chart. You start slowly moving the pendulum into that direction (yourself), and once it’s over the correct letter, it runs a circle around it and points towards the next. (I have rearranged the alphabet on the chart so that I wouldn’t be accidentally controlling it myself by using familiar patterns, and also put the letters in the centre of the chart that my language uses the most so that the energy required would be as little as possible. You can download the psd file I used and make your own adjustments to it freely, or use as it is as a jpg here.) 25 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 There is also another version of alphabet chart styles, called a “fan chart”. I don’t like using it myself, it’s just too hard to keep track on what letter the pendulum is pointing at, but if you’re interested in trying it, you can find several printable fan charts online – it’s more common than the flat chart, which I find surprising. There’s something magical about the pendulum, seeing it swing on it’s own and the energies that are sometimes transferred through it, are something else entirely! Although I now use automatic writing or simply 'listen' for answers (because it's faster), but I often take the pendulum again just to feel the energies rather than for the practicality of it. The pendulum gives you a physical confirmation that this is actually happening. You can put almost everything else down to chance or imagining it, but this is very tangible. When you get a ‘wild swing’ you’ll also be very sure that you didn’t move the pendulum yourself – and it would be best if the pendulum didn’t move the first time you try, because it’ll make it so much more real when it eventually starts to move. My jaw dropped when it happened the first time, I couldn’t believe my eyes!! The pendulum may also open your Third Eye chakra and become a gateway to other practises without you even trying. Without being magic, it is magical! :) 26 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Beware You should know that the pendulum CAN BE controlled by your own emotions, completely without the assistance of your spirit guides. If you think you know the correct answer, you can make the pendulum move to give you the answer you’re looking for. It may also respond to your fears and give you the answer you FEAR rather than the answer that is true. It is very important not to have preconceptions about the answer, and to be able to let go of any thoughts in the moment you are asking questions. This can be hard to learn, and it can be hard to tell the difference of when you are answering yourself and when it is your guide that is doing the answering. Just be aware of this possibility and try to learn when it is that you are controlling the pendulum and when you’re not. But… Even when it’s you answering it – you’re moving an physical object with your mind… That is still pretty damned awesome! Also, DO NOT assume that your spirit guides will know the answer to every question you can think to ask. In addition, they can’t predict the future with pin point precision, but they can give you probabilities based on the current situation – they can give you educated guesses, in some cases. They also know your life plan and what is ahead if everything goes smoothly as planned. Don’t assume they know anything more than a living person would; they have a very different perspective to things, but they may still hold inaccurate beliefs – even about such things as after life! Some pendulum users warn about connecting directly to other people’s souls, but there isn't any point of warning about this because that's the only thing you can do - your spirit guides are living people who are your Mirror Spirits, your friends in 27 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 both flesh and spirit, but probably ones you don't know in this life time. They are very much human, so let’s say you want to tell your mother that passed on before you had the chance to say goodbye that you love her, then why not tell that to her and wait for an answer – just don’t ask your mother who you should marry. That’s never a good idea, living mother or a dead one! 28 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Fun uses for a pendulum Pick a tarot card of the day Divide deck in two, ask to swing toward the one that "your card" is in. Divide the chosen half in two again and repeat until you're left with one card. (Sloooow, but if you're bored...!) Pick a present for a friend (in the store) First, ask the soul of your friend to be contacted. Out of several options, assign a finger for each present you're thinking. Dangle the pendulum over your palm with your fingers spread out and ask "please point to the finger that corresponds to the present that X would enjoy the most". (Pick a pendulum for a friend with a pendulum - if you're like me you want all your friends to have one!) Lost and found If your guides are game, they can point you to a direction of a lost item with a pendulum swing. To narrow things down you can move from one room to the next and ask "is X in this room?" and once you get a "yes" ask to point to it's direction. Walk slow! What to wear?! Some guides will help you choose the best outfit for your day. Again lay out some alternatives and ask to point or swing yes on top of the best choice. 29 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Should I buy this? If you're indecisive this might come handy, but be careful how to phrase this question. What do you want to achieve by buying this or that? "Should I buy this dress" has potentially a lot of correct answers, so you should tell your guides where you intend to wear it and who you want to impress. Should I eat/drink this? Ask for the soul of a nutrition expert to be present. Similarly to the above question, be careful how you phrase it. "I want to lose weight in a healthy manner; is this the best immediately available thing for me to eat at this time?" 30 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Printable charts The alphabet chart is made to be compact in size so you can keep it with you with fair ease. To make it last longer, you can laminate it or cover it with self-adhesive plastic (book cover). This way, you can even take it to shower or bathtub with you an idea that any mother might appreciate as that might be the only way to get peace and quiet around the house! (For at least 10 minutes... No? 2? Oh well, once they grow up a bit!) The chart also has "short cuts" for phrases that are used often or need to be said quick such as "bad time", which might result into the pendulum moving really slowly and spelling it out would be hard. You can easily make charts of your own when you get an idea what you like. The chart I use here is my own version of something I found online, so this is only to give you an idea what you could do. You could also use scrap booking stickers to make your own alphabet or draw or whatever you want to do - this is your thing so let your creativity flow! Whatever evokes strong (positive) emotion in you is a great help for dowsing - The more you love your tools the better! You can download the psd version of the chart at 31 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 32 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Our Websites You can find more information about spirituality and spiritual relationships on our two websites,, which focuses on the traditional version of Twin Soul theories, or our revised, more advanced theory of Mirror Spirits on, which is based on the Twin Soul theory but accepts that things don't always go according to a script and that we're all different. If, for example, you can't decide which one of your lovers is the Twin Soul, the Unforgettable Soul Mates is your site to choose. It explains why people need to use concepts like Near Twins to make sense out of situations like that. 33 More Spiritual Information at (and Pendulum 2013 Give to a friend, reader or a customer You can freely give this eBook away to your friends or customers, as long as it remains as it is, unchanged. You may also give it away on your blog or website without the need to link back to my blog, although a link would be appreciated. :) This eBook is licensed under creative commons attribution license. Please include a link (clickable if your chosen media allows) to or into any work that you base on this material, or include the link in credits if parts of this eBook contents is used. Redistribution and reselling is allowed. Check for an updated version of this ebook at 34 More Spiritual Information at (and