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Wfrp3 Reference Guide - Court Dimon 6

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 Basic Skills  Athletics  Athletics (St) (St) Climbing, Swimming, Jumping, Rowing, Running Lifting   y   a   l   p   e   l   o   R   y   s   a   t   n   a   F   r   e   m  Fortune   m   a   h   r  Hedge Fortune   a  Ballistic Skill Skill (Ag) Bow, Crossbow, Thrown, Blackpowder  Charm (Fel) Etiquette, Gossip, Diplomacy, Haggling, Seduction  Coordination (Ag) Dodge, Balance, Acrobatics, Juggling, Dance, Knots & Ropes  Discipline  Discipline (WP) (WP) Resist Charm, Resist Guile, Resist Intimidation, Resist Fear, Resist Terror, Resist Torture  First Aid (Int) Combat Surgery, Long Term Care, Tending Critical Wounds, Tending Normal Wounds  Folklore ( Int) Creature Lore, Reikland lore, Geography, Superstitions, Local customs  Guile (Fel) Deception, Blather, Con games, Innuendo, Appear innocent Intimidate (St) Violence, Combat, Interrogation, Politics Spend Start with 3. Refreshes when Party Fortune = the # of PCs - Add { to check - Reduce recharge 1:1 Advanced Skills Intuition (Int)  Animal Handlin g (Fel) Detect lies, Estimate Sums, Evaluation, Gauge opponent  Leadership (Fel)  Education (Int) less than 1/2 AC light mist, gentle slope, cloudy day No affects / Mood only | Easy Less than AC light rain, short drop, thigh-deep water may add } to checks, require a manouevre || Average Equal to the AC heavy rain, 10’ drop, deep water,  rushing water recharge slower,  add multiple },  inflict fatigue ||| Hard Greater than AC torrential rain, high drop, deep rushing water, fire, smoke inhalation inflict wounds,  fatigue or stress,  Daunting 2x AC Lightning, gale-force winds, a severe drop inflict severe wounds, insanity Heroic Greater than 2x AC Wormsign the likes of which even god has never seen May be instantly fatal History, Geography, Reason, Language skills, Philosophy Invocation (Fel) Eavesdropping, Tracking, Keen Vision, Minute Details  Resilience ( To) Per diety, Traditions, Rituals, Tenets Magical Sights (Int) Block, Recover Fatigue, Resist Disease, Resist Poison, Resist Starvation  Ride (Ag) Observe specific specific Wind, Id entify spell, Locate aura, dark magic, gauge strength || || Medicine (Int) Horsemanship, Trick riding, Wagons, Mounted combat, Long distance travel Skullduggery (Ag) Critical wounds, Poison, Disease, Long term care, surgery ||| || Piety (WP) Pick pockets, Pick locks, Set traps, Disable traps, Palm objects Stealth (Ag) + Below capacity, Conservative, Reckless, Urgent need Spellcraft (Int) Silent movement: Rural -or- Urban, Hide, Ambush Weapon Skill (St) Environment Effects Below Capacity, Overchanneling, Conservative, Reckless, others Locate Shelter / Food / Water, Identify animal, identify plant  Observation (Int) Opposed Checks Simple  Channeling (WP)  Nature Lore (I nt) History of Magick, Colleges, Rank 1-5 spells  Tradecraft (Varies) Hand Weapons, Great Weapons, Polearms, Parry, Parry w/ great weapon Smithing, Carpentry, Jewelry making, brewing, Engineering, Performance Universal Effects ## = Gain 1 Stress or Fatigue \\ = Recover 1 Stress or Fatigue @ = # , trigger environmental complication + = <, \, Critical, or trigger a power/ability % = add 2 recharge to any Action Refreshes at next Rank - ignore an environmental quality for 1 scene/act - add a minor detail to a scene ( shoddy lock, minor clue, weapon to hand, etc.) - add {{ or }} to 1 check Difficulty Command, Train, Sense Disposition, Calm Animal Military leadership, Politician, Logistics, Spiritual Leader  Expendd  Expen  Challenges & Environmental Effects or adjust Initiative  Burn Gone until major campaign closure, gift of the gods, etc. - Add 2 expertise or || to any check - Force a reroll up to 3 dice in a check - Add or alter a significant detail in a scene ( major clue, remove major impediment, avoid death, etc.) P   o  t    e  n  t   i    a l    C  o m  p l   i    c   a  t   i    o n  s  +1 per level of TRAINING in opposition’s relevant skill +1 if opposition has relevant SPECIALIZATION +1 per spent AGGRESSION / CUNNING Opposed Checks: Compare the Target’s Characteristic vs Acting Characteristic (AC) Competitive Checks: each participant rolls the check and compares successes. The pool with the most boons is considered +1 success. Stance breaks ties: Aggressive / Conservative  Common Traits Academic  Fortune Superior Terrain Misfortune Outnumbered Bureaucrat Outnumber Opponents Poor footing Combat Tactics & Strategy Inclement weather Menial Sneaking Up Bright, dazzling lights Noble Ambush or Surprise Utter darkness Religion Creating a Distraction Target cov ered, obscured Rogue Prone Inebriated Rural Incapacitated Intimidated or frightened Social Clever use of Scenery Groggy, exhausted Urban Significant Significant movement bef ore action  Action Sequence  Boons, Banes, Comets & Stars @ Chaos Stars Initiative Checks ## - suffer } on 1st action \\ - gain { on 1st action + - gain {{ on 1st action, or counts as 2 successe s + Sigmar’s Comet - Fall prone - Break an item - Suffer severe penalties ( | or worse) to related tests or make them impossible (e.g. break a lock, get thrown from the court) - Suffer environmental complication - Discover a new, unexpected enemy or hazard - Suffer large amount of Stress/Fatigue - Suffer a Wound or convert to a Critical - Make an enemy or attract more - Affect Party Tension  Adjust Stance Each additional step costs 1 Stress Select Action Select Target # Banes - Critical effect - Gain {{{ to related tasks - Gain {{{ Ally’s next check - Receive aid from an unexpected source - Make a new Ally - Open a new avenue of discovery, reveal unsuspected info, advance the story - Recover a large amount of stress/fatigue - Cause a foe to suffer environmental mishap (falling from a bridge, chandelier hitting him, etc.) \  Boons - Suffer } on your next related check - Grant { to your opponent - Lose your free manoeuvre - Drop weapon or item - Draw the attention of an enemy - Decrease the quality of the success - Worsen effects of failure - Gain { on your next attempt at the same task (or related Task) - Grant { to an Ally - Inflict } on an Enemy - Gain a free manoeuvre - Increase the quality of the success - Ameliorate effects of failure  Generat e Pool Wounds & Death Convert Stance Dice    s Add Fortne/Misfortune    r    e Assign Challenge Dice - default Easy (1d)    v  Roll Dice Pool & Evaluate    u    e    o  Determine Effects    n    a Influence Target -or     M Damage equal to { (Damage Value (DV) + Severe effects are only brought into play when the total severity of all criticals equals of  exceeds the Severity Threshold of a Severe Wound. <<< Deadly Strike : add damage = to related skill rank.  Remove 1 Trac king T oken from a ll  Recharging Action Cards & Adjus t Power If Stress is more than 2x WP If Fatigue is more than 2x Toughness  RELATED CONDITIO NS Fatigued: Fatigue tokens are greater than any physical stat Distressed: Stress tokens are greater than any mental stat Strained: Both Fatigued and Stressed Occurs when PC/NPC suffer more Wounds than Wound Threshold. Convert 1 Wound to a Critical triggers a  Henchmen  DEATH Occurs when KO’d & the character suffers more Critical Wounds than Toughness  Creature Traits - Each group is equa l in # to the PCs - Attack as one: +1 { for each standing henchman - Each henchman has Wounds equal to Toughness - Criticals convert to a number of normal Wounds equivalent to the Severity Rating PASS OUT -  KNOCKED OUT (KO) Str/Ag) - (Toughness + Soak)}  HouseRu le: 3 add itional  Fatigue & Stress Suffer 1} for each Stress or Fatigue over the applicable Characteristic SEVERE WOUNDS  FAST requires only 1 manoeuvre to move between medium and long range; 2 manoeuvres to move between long and extreme rang.  FEAR / T ERROR x Discipline (xD)  x= creatures F ear/Terror ra ting - Fear failure results in xStress - Terror failure results in xStress & xFatigue # # gains the  Frightened condition  FLIGHT Does not need to perform a manoeuvre to disengage. INSTINCTIVE  TALENT STRESS May use Willpower instead of Intelligence when attempting Observation checks. Player’s may socket a Talent of a different type (Reputation, Focus, Tactic) for 1 Stress  KEEN SENSE S  Aggres sion - Extra Manoeuver - Add { / } to Combat  Cunning - Temporarily adjust Stance - Add { / } to Social Encounters & Mental Tasks  Expertise - Add Expertise dice to any check - Force } on opposition Manoeuvers 1 Free Manoeuver per turn; extra Manoevers cost Fatigue - Assist: add { to Ally’s check, +{ if assistant has applicable skill - Exchange Talent - Interact w/ Environment - Manage Equipment - Mount / Dismount - Engage / Disengage - Preparation - Use Skill A creature with keen senses adds checks where smell is valuable. Social Encounters & Intrigues  A / C / E - Charm vs Discipline - Guile vs Intuition - Dealt as face down Insanity cards. Existing Insanities count against your threshold - Threshold = WP + Noble Rank - Once shame is equal to or gr eater than your threshold, you must exit the encounter, and gain the Demoralised condition. Social Rank / Tier Nobles gain Guile Up to }} are ignored for actions in darkness or situations with insufficient light. When PCs engage in an Intrigue, all participants must declare a Goal at the outset of their first turn. Difficulty is set by the GMs assessment of the goal, and modified per normal Social rules. Shame & The Duel of Wits  Charm  NIGHT VIS ION Social Intrigues  Common Soc ial Chec ks Intimid ate POISON When a creature with poison inflicts a critical, the target also suffers fatigue equal to the severity of  the wound.  Changing Goals: Significantly changing goals mid-Intrigue results in the opponent recovering half of their starting Social Hit Points.  REGEN ERATI ON Social HP : 3x WP + Discipline Ranks + Noble Ranks Influence Damag e: Characteristic + Skill Rank + Recharge 3 additional <<< triggers a Deadly Strike: add  damage = to related skill rank. Intrigue Resistance (IR) : WP + 2x Discipline Ranks  TERRAIN-WALK Recover 1 normal wound at their End of Turn phase. Does not work with wounds inflicted by fire. Keyed to specific terrain types. The creature may ignore manoeuvre penalties for moving through that type of terrain. May negate up to }} imposed by terrain. | if opponent’s Noble Rank is higher if opponent’s Nobles Rank is lower -| + Leaders hip { on the listed tests vs. the listed character / peer types  Enemy  Disliked  Outsider /   Distrusted Indifferent  Friendly  Favoured  Besotted  Disposition | + }} }} } -- { {{ {{{ Modifier  X 150% 125 % 0%  75%  50% 25 % or Free Price Discount  Engaged Close Medium Additional steps/manoeuvers cost 1 Fatigue to Observation Long Extreme = the number of manoeuvers to cross Social Rank / Tier - { {} } - { }| } { / -  W a  r  h a  m  m  e   r  F a  n  t a  s   y  R  o  l   e   p  l  a  y  Healing & Recovery  END of ENCOUNTE R/ACT Recover Fatigue = Toughness Recover Stress = Will Power   y   a   l   p   e   l   o   R   y   s   a   t   n   a   F   r   e   m   m   a   h   r   a  HEALING YOU RSELF  RESILIENCE C HECK Resilience (xD) x= Level of Injury + Mod ifiers. May be modified by  First Aid  or  Medicine Success = convert 1 Critical with a severity equal or less than the # of  < , and recover Wounds equal to the number of  \ generated.  Level of Injury Modifiers No Wounds Lightly Wounded Critically Wounded IMMEDIATE CARE MEDICINE Only First Aid checks permitted during combat (i.e. no Medicine) May apply during Overnight Rest, Long Term Care or specific events. - Support Resilience Check: Successful checks grant the target to Resilience attempt + if the check generates \\  OVERN IGHT R EST Attempts to heal yourself ( First Aid or Medicine) add | to the difficulty. | || Resilience Check (xD)  May be mo dified by Qu ality of Re st /  Location / access to nourishment, etc. - Recover Fatigue = Toughness - Recover Stress = Will Power - Recover Wounds = Toughness  LONG TE RM CAR E If resting in a proper en vironment with easy access to necessary equipment and tonics, the target benefits from: - Reduce difficulty of Resilience check by 1 - Recover an additional 1W/ < -or- recover from a 2nd Critical whose severity is ≤ <  RELATED CONDITI ONS Fatigued: Fatigue tokens are greater than any physical stat Distressed: Stress tokens are greater than any mental stat Strained: Both Fatigued and Distressed BRIEF: apply 3 tokens unless otherwise specified DEPENDENT: noted on condition LINGERING: lasts until the next extended pause or change in scene Cowed Damaged  Lingering  Brief   Lingerin g /   Dependen t  Demoralized  Lingering ‘Ed ‘Urtz  Lingering Energised  Brief  Entangled  Lingering Exposed  Brief  Freezing  Brief  Frenzied Frightened  FIRST AID - difficulty set by patient’s Injury level - Recover Wounds: 1W/ < up to Target’s Toughness - Ignore Critical Effect: Must roll successes = to the Critical’s severity. Target may temporarily ignore critical effect for 1 day. - First Aid Failure: If the check generates ##, the Target gains 1 Stress + 1 Fatigue, and if  treating a Critical, they gain 1 Wound! - Support Resilience Check: Successful checks grant the target { per < generated + { if the check generates \\  Herbs & Medicines: Liber Infectus p.20  Conditions  CONDITION DURATI ONS Blinded Insanity  Brief   Dependant  Sight checks gain | Cannot convert to Ill-Fortuned  Brief  Inspired  Lingering Cancels Demoralized Add { to all checks Intoxicated  Lingering Add }}{ to all checks Invigorated  Lingering During end-of-turn, remove +1 recharge ~ Weapons: DR-2 Armour: -2 Defense All else gain }} Overwhelmed  Brief  | to all Physical checks Perplexed  Brief  | to all Mental checks If you suffer Stress, gain 1 Wound Queasy Rattled  Dependen t   Brief  Scorched  Lingering Shock  Lingering Cancels Sluggish +1 free manoeuvre Physical Actions cost $ $ Recover 1 less Fatigue, Stress, Wound when resting Cannot convert to ~ Cancels Freezing At end of turn, suffer 1 Fatigue If Fatigued, suffer 1 W instead Mental checks gain } Cannot recover Stress Sluggish  Brief  Cancels Energised +1 Fatigue to every manoeuvre Counts as 1 Fatigue Manoeuvers cost +1 Staggered  Brief  Stance 1 towards neutral; +1 recharge to useActive Defense Cancels Cowed All stance dice Thunderstruck Opponents gain { when targeting you Melee gains:  DISTRES SED WILL POWER If the PC already has an Insanity from the Encounter, place 1 tracking token on it. Otherwise, draw 1 Insanity and review the listed traits. If any apply to the situation, the PC gains the Insanity temporarily. STRAINED CHARACTER The character automatically draws Insanity cards until they draw one with traits matching the situation. Place a number of tokens on it equal to the number of Fatigue and/ or Stress which caused the Insanity. ~  Lingering $ = +2 Damage If engaged with cause of Fear/Terror: convert 1 less stance die. Gain 1 Stress at the beginning of your turn. Traumatized  Lingering Under the Weather  Lingering Weakened  Brief  Remove from all checks When dealt damage, take +1 damage | to Initiativechecks Cannot use the first initiative If you would suffer 1 Fatigue, suffer 2 Fatigue instead Add } to Strength checks -2 Damage.  CHECK FOR PER MANENCE At the end of the Act, check Willpower (0D) against each temp Insanity: < must > the tokens on the Insanity or it becomes permanent!  TREAT MENT The PC may make 1 Discipline (0D) check/month & must succeed a number of times equal to the severity of the Insanity. Failed checks that generate ## remove 1 success instead. SHORT TERM TREATMENT A PC may invest Fortune Points into the Insanity. Once the # of FPs = the severity, they may ignore the effects of the Insanity for the duration of the Encounter  DESCE ND INT O MADN ESS If the # of permanent Insanities > WP, the character is lost to madness.  Disease  DISEASE CHECKS  RECOVERY Check Resilience (xD)  x = vir ulence or ris k of ex posure (set by the GM). Failed checks result in contracting a Disease (which becomes the “Active Disease” and is socketed to one of their Talent slots.) - Dwarfs & Elves receive {{ to all Disease checks - Checks which generate @ gain a symptom. SYMPTOMS & DEATH Symptoms are placed under the Active Disease. If the Severity of all Disease cards in a stack (Active + Symptoms) exceed the PCs Wound threshold, they die!  TYPES Virulent: mimics all other symptoms (it doubles the effects of all symptoms Infections: eliminates a party sheet Talent slot Lethal: All other diseases & symptoms gain +1 severity A suffering character may attempt a Recovery check each night. - Average (2D) Resilience if suffering 1 Active Disease - Hard (3D) Resilience if suffering 2 or more Diseases. Modifiers to Recovery: + } for each Symptom + { if tended by a someone trained in Medicine + {/} for activity, rest, location of recovery, etc. Results: If the PC generates < = Severity of one of the symptoms, he may recover from that symptom. If the only remaining disease in the stack is the Active Disease, he is cured. If the check fails & generates @ they gain a symptom.  Corruption & Mutation Add } to all checks Cancels Inspired All checks gain }} Mental checks gain: } Manoeuvers cost +1 Whenever you suffer 1+ Wound also suffer 1 Stress Check for Insanity anytime - a character’s Willpower is Distressed and they take 1 Stress -o r- if the character is Strained and they take any Stress or Fatigue.  CORRUPTION CHECKS Check Resilience (xd). Failed checks result in x Corruption. Checks which generate @ gain 1 Corruption regardless of outcome. Corruption may be spent by the GM to add to | any check.  CORRUPTIO N THRESHOLDS If Corruption exceeds a character’s Threshold, they will gain either a Mutation (Humans, Ogres, Halflings), or an Insanity (Elfs & Dwarfs). Human: 5 + Toughness Dwarf: 10 + Toughness High/Wood Elf: 10 + Toughness Hafling: 15 + Toughness Ogre: 10 + Toughness MUTATION & INSANITY When drawing a Mutation, reduce Corruption by the severity of the Mutation until Corruption < Threshold. If the # of Mutations > Toughness, the PC transforms into a Chaos Spawn. When drawing an Insanity, draw until a trait = Supernatural, Chaos or  Race . Reduce Corruption by severity of the Insanity until Corruptions < Threshold.  CORRUPTING IN FLUENCES @ Minor Exposure: Average (2D) - prolonged exposure to Skaven, beastmen, Chaos paraphernalia, or locations - First hand witness to daemonic activity - Contact with a traveler of the Chaos Wastes - Brief exposure to Warpstone Moderate Exposure: Hard (3D) - Prolonged exposure to Chaor Warrior, Daemonic Cult, tainted paraphernalia or locations - Contact with cursed weapons, profane artifacts, or daemonic entity - Exposure to a large amount of Warpstone Major Exposure: Daunting (4D) - Wounded by a cursed weapon, profane artifact or daemonic entity. - Exposure to the Chaos Wastes/environs - Consumption of Warpstone powder - Direct exposure to large amount of Warpstone, using it to fuel spells.  Rally Step  RALLY ST EP - REQU IRED  Traveling & Map Generation Notes  RALLY STEP - OPTIONAL Select One: - Perform 1 Manoeuver - Attempt First Aid - Easy (1D) Resilience to recover Fatigue or Stress recover 1/ < - Move stance 1 step towards Neutral - Remove 1 recharge token from each recharging card - Recover 1 Stress & 1 Fatigue - Adjust Power & Favour per End of Turn phase - Enemy regains A/C/E - Reroll Initiative for party’s lowest token - Perform an Action with the  Rally trait SETTLEMENT SIZE - Farms Hamlets Villages T ow ns C it ie s  TRAVEL DIST ANCES (Approx )  Type Road 1 − 30 40 − 90 100 − 900 (1d10 −1 x100) 1 k - 9 k (1 d1 0 −1 x 1000) 1 0, 00 0 +  Economics Walk Cart Coach Horse Boat  FOOD COSTS (p/day) Offroad - 3 brass/day to survive - 5 brass/day heavy activity - 10 silver/day for upper class - 1 gold/day for nobles 15-20 10-15 15 8 25-30 40 20-25 upstream: 8-10 / downsteam: 25-30 Iron Rations & Preserved food adds 2x cost 4d6 isolated farms  & hamlets  d6 isolated farms  & hamlets  CAREER / CLASS INCOM ES  Career  Day’s  Earnings Month’s  Earnings  Yearly  Earnings Peasant 12b 12s 1g, 25s  Labourer 1s 24s 3g Innkeeper 4s 1g 12g Skilled Artisan 5s 1g, 25s 15g Mercenary Successful Merchant 10s 2g, 50s 30g 1g 25g 300g  Landed Noble 4g 100g 1200g  CRAFTSMANSHIP MODIFIE RS Cost  Rarity Modifier Effect Superior x10 +1 level 1g, 25s  Average List List 3g 1/2 price -1 Level 12g  Craftsmanship Poor  CUSTOMER DISC OUNT (STANDAR D)  Customer  Rating  Cost  Adjustment  Achieved With  Favoured 50% <<<<  Friendly 75% << - <<<  Normal -  Outsider 125%  Disliked 150% < No successes or Banes Racial / Social / ITEM RARITY 1 1  Rarity Difficulty Exotic Daunting (4D) Rare Hard (3D) Common Average (2D) Plentiful Easy (1D) Abundant Simple (0D) = 100 = 25 = 2500 ## 20 Miles  city { Towns every- 5040chance miles } 30 Miles  Nobility Has It’s Privileges 1 Rank per career ability card with the Noble trait. -1 per career ability card with the Menial trait.  New char acters may beg in as No bles if th eir car eer ha s the  Noble trait & if they start with  Affluent  wealth. Rank 1. Landless nobles, heirs of minor families, cadet branches of more powerful f amilies with little land/power of their own, newly made nobility Rank 2. Heirs of more important families, heads of minor families with small manors or villages to their name.  Advancement Rank 4. Major nobles sworn directly to an Elector, with many vassals of their own, and impressive holdings. Significant nobles with impeccable reputations, good pedigrees, or a distinguished record of service. Significant nobles connected by marriage or blood to a major noble or royal family. Revered Wizard Lords and Arch-Lectors. Rank 5. The electors, the Grand Theogonist, their immediate families, and the highest and most distinguished Rank 4 Nobles who have been exalted for their deeds and nobility. - Suffer 1 additional stress when a social superior causes stress - Suffer 1+ stress if you lose face in front of peers or lower - You received a stipend of 1 gold / month / Noble rank - At the outset of a Social Encounter, you may elect to use your Noble rank in lieu of rolling for Social Initiative - If you ever fail to meet your social and/or political obligations, you temporarily lose one career ability that carries the noble trait (until you have redeemed yourself). Specialists required for repossession job One nights work, legal some danger good money   Military background helpful No timewasters.  Riding & Mounted Combat Specialties require being Trained in the skill. Completing a career: transition costs 1 less Exp/ Advancement STRESSFUL SITUATIONS Increase Characteristic = Advances equal to the new rating  NON-STAND ARD ADVAN CEMENT COS TS Acquire Talent outside of career = 2 advances Acquire Advanced Skill outside of career = 4 advances Train Advanced Skill outside of career = 4 advances Increase Characteristic outside of career = Advances equal to the new rating +1  Common Riding Stunts STUNTS Easy (1D) Jump a low fence or narrow ditch, walk in water up to chest height, ride over gravel. Rank 6. The Emperor  NOBILITY - BENEFIT S & RULES  5 Miles Horses are Swift (2 Manoeuvers/round) & require 1 manoeuver/round to guide (so long as not standing still or riding straight). The average horse has Wind = to Strength. Buying Actions above current rank costs +1 advancement per rank higher than current. Train Basic Skill outside of career = 2 advamces Rank 3. Significant nobles with noteworthy holdings including towns and/or notable castle. Heads of families with great wealth, minor nobles made famous by great achievement or prestigious service.  town  d6 Villages  Farms d6 miles apart 4d6 Villages  Farms 1d6 miles apart  NOBLE RANKS  5 Miles % Average (2D) Ride into a hostile crowd, jump a waist-high (human) fence, walk in water over chest high, fast mount, ride quickly over slippery ground Hard (3D) Jump a chest-high (human) fence, snatch an object from the ground while at full gallop, mount from high above standing horse, ride quickly over uneven ground Daunting (4D) Jump a fence taller than a man, mount by jumping from on high onto a moving horse  Encumberance Limit: 5x Strength, +1 for each Fortune die associated with Strength. Dwarfs add +5 to Limit Effects of Encumbrance: }/point over limit to all Physical checks. If encumbered > to Strength rating, you lose your free manoeuver. When 1st entering a stressful situation, the rider must test to Maintain Control (Ride Average (2D) check). Handle Animal may be more appropriate depending on the situation. One check is sufficient for an entire encounter, until the next Rally step, or next scene. \ - add { to next action # - add } to remainder of encounter > - character may only fight for control, dismount, or allow the horse/mount to flee. No other actions are allowed. \ on a failed check means the horse doesn’t attempt to flee, but refuses to budge @ on a failed check means the rider is thrown!  FIGHT FOR CONTROL check Ride each round. # - add cumulative } to remainder of encounter Fear/Terror checks require controlling the mount, with difficulty equal to fear/terror rating. If failed, the horse/mount loses 1 Wind.  ADVANTA GES Characters trained in Ride gain: + { to all Melee Attacks + } to opponents attacking the rider in melee unless using a halberd, lance, spear or similar weapon. + } to all two handed archery attacks (when not standing still w/stirrups) + } to all spellcasting actions  UNHORSING A FOE Any attempt to unhorse a mounted foe is opposed by their Ride skill, and will suffer } based on size of the horse, quality of the saddle, etc. Typically such checks are Athletics (Str) vs. Ride (Ag) with + | to represent how dangerous it is to approach a rider.  BLOWN HORSE Once a horse reaches 0 Wind, the horse must make a Strength Average (2D) check. Rider may substitute Ride or Handle Animal. Failure results in mount’s death.  W a  r  h a  m  m  e   r  F a  n  t a  s   y  R  o  l   e   p  l  a  y  Arcane General Rules  ARCANE RULES MAGIC WANDS & ATTUNED ITEMS Spellcasters generate power by Channeling (WP) and then spend that power to cast spells. To cast a spell, they must make a Spellcraft (Int) check.   y   a   l   p   e   l   o   R   y   s   a   t   n   a   F   r   e   m   m   a   h   r   a  Arcane Items If  @ is generated during a Spellcraft check, resolve any results from the Spell first, then draw Miscast cards until all @ are spent. Spellcasters using an Attuned item gain item’s  Attuned  rating. { equal to the Wands can store 1 Power per Rank of the Caster. Power is assigned to the wands by taking a Manoeuver after Channeling. The power can be drawn out/assigned using a Manoeuver. SCROLLS To cast from a Scroll, check Education (xD) where x= to the rank of the spell being cast. + } if the spell is from a different colour Proscribed Spells  Divine General Rules  DIVINE MAGIC N OTES  LEARNI NG A PROS CRIBED SPELL Proscribed spells are any spells from a diff erent color, or any  Dark Magic or  Chaos Magic spell (without the  Dark   Magic Talent. Daunting (4D) Spellcraft + } per rank of the spell being researched. Gain 1 Corruption for failed checks, and 1 Corruption per @ generated. Success means the caster has learned the spell in question.  CASTING SPELLS OUTS IDE OF YOUR ORDER Failed casting results in gaining 1 Corruption and 1 Corruption per @ generated in addition to normal results/ Miscasts. Divine casters Invoke (Fel) their blessing and then “Pray” (Curry Favour) to generate Favour as necessary. To generate Favour, the Priest selects Curry Favour and makes an appropriate Piety (WP) check. Once Invoked, a blessing draws in all available Favour up to its requirement. Blessings will automatically dra w in Favour at the beginning of the Priest’s Beginning of  Turn phase. If a Priest aborts a blessing mid-casting, all Favour is lost. If the loss is < WP, he gains 1 Stress. If > W P he gains 1 Stress & 1 Fatigue. If the reader is untrained, increase difficulty of the spell by ||, and any miscasts are treated as +1 @ per rank of  the spell. Power / Favour < WP  ARCANE MODIFIERS - Quickcasting adds to | Casting Check - Channeling & Spellcraft checks gain } per unit of  Soak worn - Unspent @ : draw Miscast cards until all @ are spent - Reckless Casters: any @ results cause 1 Party Tension. - Casting above your Rank adds | per rank above Caster’s Rank + Miscasts are treated as gene rating additional @ per difference in Rank. WARPSTONE / WYRDSTONE EFFECTS Channeling Checks generate as much power as possible. After Channeling is resolved check Daunting (4D) Discipline . Failure gains 1 Corruption. Small shilling sized stone adds Larger than fist adds Each + adds 1 Power End of Turn gain 1 Power/Favour  DIVINE M ODIFIER S - Quick Blessing adds to | Casting Check - Temples may add { to Invocation or Piety checks, the more sacred the more Fortune. - Sacred Sites may add { to Fear or Terror checks. - Minor Relics might add { to specific checks, or provide } in defense. - Major Sacrifices might confer {{{ - Holy Symbols in-hand & focused upon may provide { to Discipline checks.  Equilibrium Start of Encounter  Cantrips Power / Favour > WP  TRIVIAL Lighting a close candle, making a coin-sized object disappear, changing hair color, opening a book to a desired page | Light every candle in a room, making a book-sized object disappear, conjure a small wind, predicting the outcome of a coin immediately before resolution || Lighting/maintaining a fire, conjuring enough wind to move a small boat, pulling a small object to you, predicting the weather Must spend 1 Manoeuver each turn otherwise lose 1 Power/ Favour Power / Favour > 2xWP Must spend 1 Manoeuver & 1 Stress otherwise Vent excess! Magic Sight |: Determine the colour of a magical aura, locating the only aura in a room ||: Determine Aura from blended colours, distinguish between auras, determining the strength of  an effect or aura, identifying a spell being cast that you know |||: Determine the purpose or nature of an enchantment, locating a particular aura from among many, indentifying a spell you don’t know, gauging power level of another mage ||||: Detect presence of magic through a physical obstruction, tracing a spell back to its origin, detecting a dead aura remnant  Venting Power / Favour Gain 1 Fatigue per vented power/favour, and roll point vented: 1 Wound / > & 1 Stress / # } per If the caster is forced to lose power/favour and they do not have enough, they are reduced to 0 power/favour and immediately suffer 1 Stress. If the caster is forced to lose power/favour and they are already at 0, make a Discipline (xD) with | equal to the amount of power/favour lost. Success: take 1 Stress Failure: take 1 Stress and draw 1 Insanity until you draw one with the appropriate traits (below) and add tokens = x: Arcane: Trauma / Chaos Divine: Chaos / Enigma