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Yemen: Fragile Lives In Hungry Times




152 Oxfam Briefing Paper - Summary 19 September 2011

Yemen: Fragile lives in hungry times

Sana’a market place. © Ashley Jonathan Clements/Oxfam

Widespread hunger and chronic malnutrition have taken hold in
Yemen. A protracted political stalemate over much of the past six
months has left the government in paralysis, prompting a fuel
crisis that has brought the economy to the verge of collapse. A
recent study by Oxfam found many communities to be on the
brink of disaster. In other parts of the country the United Nations
has found that some vulnerable communities are now facing
critical levels of malnutrition.

Donors remain deeply divided over their approaches to the
region’s poorest country, thus delaying responses and hindering
funding. Hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance have been
suspended. As the crisis builds, however, inaction is no longer an
option. Interventions that address both immediate humanitarian
needs and longer-term structural concerns must be urgently
scaled up.
The promise of what came to be known as the Arab Spring, which
dawned in North Africa, sweeping into the Arabian Gulf and up
through the Middle East, has foundered in Yemen. Political turmoil
has taken hold and reform has stalled, sparking renewed insecurity,
devastating an already frail economy, and triggering a national fuel
crisis that has in turn driven rising levels of hunger. Levels of child
malnutrition in some regions are among the worst in the world. 1
While billions of dollars have been donated to Tunisia, Libya, and to a
lesser extent Egypt to rebuild their economies, Yemenis are facing
chronic hunger and have few resources at their disposal. While the
eyes of the world are on other countries experiencing major upheaval,
Yemen must not be forgotten. Leaving the country to simmer and col-
lapse in slow motion will lead to far greater humanitarian and securi-
ty concerns.
A recent Oxfam study in the western coastal governorate of al Hodei-
da found families to be coping – but only just. Many respondents
faced unemployment or reduced working hours and lower pay. Fami-
lies were close to breaking point. Nearly a fifth of those surveyed had
put their children to work after withdrawing them from school, and
nearly two-thirds were skipping meals. Other households were selling
off items of value in order to buy food.
This is not just a short-term emergency. Well before the current crisis,
a third of Yemenis – 7.5 million people – did not have enough to eat.
Rising food prices, declining oil revenues, global financial instability,
conflict, and one of the world’s fastest-growing populations have all
contributed to Yemen’s worsening development indicators. The coun-
try is almost entirely reliant on imports to meet demand for staple
goods and is consequently highly vulnerable to exchange rate fluctua-
tions, food price shocks, and export bans. Compounding this are Ye-
men’s high levels of poverty, mass unemployment, and social and
gender inequalities.
The situation is only set to worsen in the coming years: oil, which ac-
counts for two-thirds of government revenue, is fast running out – as
is water. With no permanent rivers, and groundwater being used up
at an unsustainable rate, Sana’a may become the modern world’s first
completely dry capital.
Funding shortfalls and capacity constraints have hampered aid opera-
tions, leading to underfunded programmes and breaks in the food
pipeline supporting hundreds of thousands of people displaced by
conflict. Over recent months some donors including the US, ECHO
and UK, have commendably scaled up their humanitarian operations
in response to the worsening situation. However, the current UN-
administered emergency appeal for Yemen remains only half-funded.
Increased investment in humanitarian aid is therefore urgently
needed to enable agencies to scale up their life-saving programmes.

There are a myriad of reasons why donors have found it difficult to
provide funds in this complex and fluid environment. Even the
Friends of Yemen – a group of donors concerned for Yemen’s future,
including the US and European and Gulf states – has not met since the
current crisis began. Many donors remain divided over the right ap-
proach, citing insecurity in the country or the lack of a political set-
tlement. A settlement has continued to prove elusive, but this does not
excuse the lack of immediate action.
Undeniably, genuine obstacles hamper the operations of donors and
NGOs alike, among them corruption, limited channels for absorbing
funds, growing insecurity, and serious human rights violations. Such
challenges have already led to a handful of donors, including the
World Bank, withholding support for the country. Yet despite these
frustrations, there are creative and practical ways of tackling Yemen’s
problems. Some approaches may not yet have been adopted in the
country, but have been tried and tested in other fragile and insecure
contexts and could point the way to new and innovative approaches
to the delivery of aid in Yemen.
Additionally, a national food strategy already exists and provides
some of the groundwork for a unified response. However, more work
is needed to adequately reflect the critical role of women in address-
ing hunger in Yemen, and to respond to the urgency of the hunger
crisis facing the country. This strategy, which should form the corner-
stone of Yemen’s food security approaches, has regrettably not been
put into action in the current context of political instability.
New and improved programmes should be adopted in Yemen which
build on traditional food distribution channels, in particular the use of
cash and voucher programmes. Increasing support to small-scale far-
mers – particularly women – and investing in social protection will go
some way towards addressing hunger in the country. Alongside these
programmes, renewed efforts are needed to address Yemen’s chronic
water scarcity. Food price monitoring systems should also be estab-
lished. Given Yemen’s dependence on imported food, concrete com-
mitments should also be made to tackle the causes of global food price
volatility and reform the dysfunctional commodities markets.
Not only are new funds needed but donors should become more pre-
dictable with their funding and should trial new methods for deliver-
ing aid. No longer should politics and security be the drivers of aid
strategies in Yemen. The time for the international community to act is
now. It must tackle Yemen’s growing humanitarian needs and stem
the tide that is sweeping the country towards calamity.


The Friends of Yemen should:
• Urgently reconvene to co-ordinate support for Yemen.
• Ensure that there is an adequate and timely humanitarian response
that meets the urgent needs of Yemeni women, men, and children.
The Friends of Yemen should address aid funding shortfalls, in
particular in the UN-administered Humanitarian Response Plan and
Emergency Response Fund, and in the World Food Programme
(WFP)’s Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation and its
Emergency Safety Net. New funds must also be rapidly made
available to NGOs and UN agencies in support of longer-term food
security, nutrition, and related interventions. These should be
aligned with the National Food Security Strategy (NFSS), as far as
• Ensure that funding is flexible, predictable, impartial, and in
accordance with humanitarian principles. In keeping with
commitments to Good Humanitarian Donorship, donors should
provide flexible funding and be willing to transfer budgets between
development and humanitarian streams, as conditions dictate. Those
Friends who have already disengaged from Yemen should consider
unfreezing their aid or re-channelling their support into
humanitarian programmes; they should not turn their backs on
Yemen in its time of need. Donors should also ensure that their
strategies and aid programmes are driven by humanitarian concerns
and not motivated or made conditional on regime change or narrow
security goals.
• Scale up technical and financial assistance to enable the
continuation and expansion of existing social protection and
welfare programmes, such as the Social Welfare Fund (SWF) and
the Social Fund for Development (SFD). In particular, donors should
seek ways to strengthen the SWF’s role in reducing hunger among
vulnerable groups, for example by increasing support to the most
vulnerable categories and by putting in place rigorous monitoring

The international community should:
• As an urgent priority, take steps to address the inequalities that
prejudice the global food system against poor, small-scale
producers and vulnerable families in Yemen and elsewhere.
Concrete commitments should be made at the G20 and the
Committee on World Food Security to ensure full transparency and
appropriate regulation of physical and financial markets, including
regulation of the ability of governments to impose export bans when
prices go up. The international community should also support the
establishment of well-managed strategic grain reserves to reduce
Yemen’s susceptibility to shocks.

United Nations agencies and NGOs should:
• Ensure that programmes are better informed, more aligned, and
more integrated between agencies and sectors, in order to both
meet the food gap and address longer-term food security and
nutrition. As is currently planned, a nationwide food security
monitoring system should be established under the leadership of the
WFP to better track hunger in Yemen, enabling better-informed and
more appropriate programmes.
• Adopt innovative approaches and trial methods that have worked
elsewhere to complement or supplement food aid programmes,
through support for small-scale producers – particularly women – to
enhance their productivity and profitability and their ability to cope
with shocks such as food price fluctuations and climate events.
Household and community-level stocks could be established as a
buffer from such shocks, and subsidies and tax incentives could be
used to strengthen production. New structures such as ‘consumer
committees’ could be trialed in order to help monitor prices and
inform food policy. The use of vouchers and cash programmes
should be encouraged, where possible, to strengthen local markets.
The private sector could also be seen as a means of delivering aid.

Yemeni authorities should urgently commit to the
• Immediately put into action the most critical aspects of the
National Food Security Strategy, undertaking further planning and
a costing of the strategy. Prioritising critical sectors through
consultations with civil society, donors, and humanitarian agencies.
In particular, water sector reform, the establishment of strategic food
reserves, and the specific needs of women as both consumers and
producers should be better addressed.
• Facilitate access by aid agencies to women and men in need, and
refrain from military actions which are damaging or disrupting
infrastructure and services that are critical for food transport, health
services, and water and sanitation.
• Strengthen national social protection systems, particularly in
highly food-insecure governorates. Opportunities should be
explored, with the support of donors and civil society, to improve
the impact of the Social Welfare Fund on highly food-insecure
households, for example through the provision of more substantial
handouts during times of hunger or linking benefits to food prices.

IRIN (2011) ‘Violence threatens children's health’, 18 August 2011.

© Oxfam International September 2011

Oxfam acknowledges the assistance of many Oxfam staff in its production,
particularly Fionna Smyth, Richard Stanforth, Shaheen Chughtai, Amel
Alariqi, and Zahra Akkerhuys.

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For further information on the issues raised in this paper please e-mail
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The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to press.

Published by Oxfam GB for Oxfam International under ISBN
978-1-84814-961-8 in September 2011. Oxfam GB, Oxfam House, John
Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK.

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